before a verb with the -ing
ending. The use of to
before an -ing
verb is not always correct. But it is correct in a particular case to express an emotion or action happening in the present referring to a past or future event. If this sounds complicated, have no fear! It is a simple structure once you understand how it works. And if you do our quiz at the end, you will get used to using this concept in no time!
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the lesson your explanation is very useful to all of us.
Is there any difference in these sentences:
“I look forward to hearing …”
“I am looking forward to hearing to …”
Which one is better to use in formal writing I mean IELTS formal letter?
That`s the same thing!
“I look forward to hearing …”
“I am looking forward to hearing to …”
sorry, just copied your text
“I look forward to hearing from you …”
“I am looking forward to hearing from you …” (should be from, not to)
The same meaning
I think
“I look forward to hearing …” should be used in a formal letter, “I am looking forward to hearing …” is kind of informal
Hello Quan, I’m glad to know you’re Vietnamese.
Me too!!!
thanks alot Emma
I got 10 ^_^
I am Anella from Kazakhstan. I would like to practice my English with you, of course, if you’d like to. I think in this way, we’ll improve our language skills, at the same time, learn different cultures. Besides, I know Russian too. This is my facebook . Have a great day!
Look forward to is always better to used in asentence
I hope to eat ice cream.
Here TO not followed with verb+ING
So, why In the question.7
Hi Emma ! Of course you are goot teacher but this fucking lesson is TOO difecolt for me so I only got 5 from 10. (((
We should be more polite to talk with teachers. It’s the first thing we must learn before we learn the others.
Sorry for my previos comment you’re right absolutly !!! Sorry for me teacher and sorry for me everyone (except the Russians).
Dear friend we must be polite in all ours relatioships in the life and in this case is nos different
Why except the Russian ?
what is the story my Friend?
cuz u’are silly
No no, he is not silly at all! He is the very advanced idiot :)
ahaha yea dude, u made a good point
ı agree guys :D he is the best idiot in the world. this sentence is correct? haha :D
yeah! totally agree, that`s a bad thing that a russian hates its own people )
Absolutely right! But why we should bother to ourselves, when this guy, he can’t even type a good sentence about him, for instance: “I me worker” Wow! He needs a couple of good grammar lessons from you KevinKoch. Russian is the second language that I’m going to learn. Simply beautiful. :) By the way, he must stop googling everything he writes.
I am Anella from Kazakhstan. I would like to practice my English with you, of course, if you’d like to. I think in this way, we’ll improve our language skills, at the same time, learn different cultures. Besides, I know Russian too. This is my facebook . Have a great day!
May be you’re right but you look at yourself, Russian padded jacket. ))
Dude u hafta learn more about English and stop use google translate coz your sentences make no sence :D
Buddy, I’ll try to be consice- stop it. I know you speak that way every damn second of your life, but here you should be pretty much polite.
What happened my friend?
Hi, Emma, Thanx for the lesson. I feel like taking the quiz and I hope now I’m able to do it on a high level. Thanks for teaching us. Good luck and keep on doing the thing good as always. Cheers!
Thanks for this lesson, which is quite important. it made me know about the differences between to with ïng”and to with transtitive verb. Therefore, i got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank you kindly for this great lesson .Actually you have added a lot to us.
Thank you for teaching about this grammer. By the way it is useful for us. Thumbs up:) I am addicted to doing quiz. Keep it on.
I got 10 out 10 yay thank u …4 the lesson ?
I´m so proud of myself right now because I got it all right!!! Thanks a lot, teacher Emma. Take care ;)
Thank you for this lesson Emma, it was my doubt. I’m so glad now.
im glad to get the 90 points. I learned from this but because im not perfect speak or writing grammar. and I also had fun too.
thank you,your the best teacher ,I’m learning alot from your lessons
Good job for me and I got 90.
Always a pleasure to listen you and teach us….Thanks.
Good lesson indeed. This site help me a lot .
Thank you very much Emma!!
We look forward to hearing from you again soon ;)
thanks a lot this class it was so helpfull ..Emma you are a great teacher your job here it is wonderful i’m so excited to watching another video yours thank you
i got 4
Oh Lord Jesus, I got 9/10! No. 8 was my mistake!
I made 100% correct from a secound time trial,but not bad.What do you think,Emma?
Hi Emma. Thanks for this great lesson. Bye!
thanks a lot Emma. I have finally understand this concept. A good lesson, as usual :)
understood instead of “understand” sorry for a litlle error. :D
Useful lesson Emma, I just got 9 out of 10. That’s great!
Hello Emma!
Thanks for this lesson!!
thanks, Emma. It’s an interesting lesson
I’m really grateful. This is what I’ve been llooking for a long time.
Thanks for the lesson, Emma. That rules are not so difficult to learn, especially “look forward to -ing”. I just wonder why native English speakers often write “look forward to DO”. Does anyone have the clue to solve this question?
Very good lesson Emma. Now it is clear to undestand ‘to’ + ‘ing’. By the way, I got 9 out of 10. Thank you.
You are a great teacher, Emma. I’m looking forward to watching your new English video lessons.
Hi! :)
Can I say “I resort to steraling”? Thank you, I got 100/100 btw ;)
what a lesson! thanks.
Hi Emma, I love your videos, thanks a lot.
Greetings from Colombia.
Wow, It’s great! Thanks a lot for this helpful lesson, Emma. :)
thank you soo much.
is it true if i say : I`m looking forward to meeet you.
thank you agine
Another great lesson, Emma.
I’m gonna to get the TOEFL and GRE certificates.
I wanna to thank you for your fantastic and great videos.They have been so useful to improve my English.
God bless you.
did you know? before i get 20 but now is 70 points thank you
I got 9 thank you so much
thanks,It is very helpful for english learners
9/10 :D Emma, I want to know how to use the word “in a way” Please HELP!
Hi, Emma thank you for your lesson. I enjoy it :)
It’s fabulous
my skype id is khaqan.qureshi any one can add me to learn English speaking
good lesson emma ty a lot < i have a request , could you please do a lessone about how to know if there " e " letter in the end of the word if it posible by pronunciation ? if not write a comment and ty again :0
Hi Emma! It was something that always get me confused, now you have cleared it up for me. Thanks!!
Wow I got 100%. Thank you Emma for your helpful lesson.
Thank you Emma.
Hey Raymond,
let’s cry together if it helps :)
Hi, guys! Who wants to practice your English with me? Add me to skype willingtonzapata
I got 100 ^^
I really appreciate this great lesson.
I look forward to watching your new lesson.
Thanks a lot Emma for your video. It would be also useful to look at the verbs that can have both : + Ing OR + To infinitive depending on their meaning ( ex Forget, Remember, Like etc)
Thank You a lot for perfect explanation of each lessons!!!
Hi Carolina,
I am Roya from Azerbaijan. I would like to practice my English with you, of course, if you’d like to. I think in this way, we’ll improve our language skills, at the same time, learn different cultures. Besides, I know Russian too. This is my e-mail: . Have a great day!
Kind Regards,
hi how are you
Facebook account
hey me too i would like to improve my english so if you’d like to. add me this my name on facebook ( mos kotb )
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Emma,How many verb before “to” and follow by V. ing
Thank you Emma!!
Moderator note: This impolite comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
Do you have any class in Singapore?
Dear Emma,
What I think that and is more easy to understand that to+ing verb actually works as a noun For example, I will look forward to meeting you. Here meeting will work as a noun. is it right?
Dear Emma,
If I say, for example, I am apposed to live here, what does it mean then? is it wrong?
Emma explained very good this topic , I did 9 correct , it wasnt enough :)
These verbs are about activities, right?
Whenever I have to describe an activity, I’ll use the verb + ing, like running, swimming, etc
Could I say “I hope for ice cream”?
Unbelievable: 70/100!!! I thought worse …
Thank you Emma! And I’m going to listen again the lesson.
Thanks Emma.
Hi Emma!
Nice lesson, but could you do a lesson on collocations?
How do you know what collocations follow certain verbs.
Thank you!
Hi Emma,
Thanks a lot for being a teacher here. It’s always very nice to see you. :) You know, for some reason the chemistry is very important … :) By the way – what kind of pink tattoo you have on your right shoulder? :)
Emma, finally, how far do you live from Toronto? :)
Very important and interesting lesson. Thank you Mam Emma.
Hi Emma,
I’d like to know that whether this sentence is correct: I am looking forward to my husband? Because You said after this phrasal we can use a noun but I am afraid this sentence is not correct yet.
Bonjour Emma, I have a question do we say
I hope to eat ice cream
I hope to eating ice cream
Thank you Emma, you teach very well
I’ve the same question. I’ve got a bit confused with the rule: verb + preposition + verb(ing) because it seems to not apply in “I hope to eat ice cream”.
hi,Jessy Vian!I think you don’t mind me answering.In this case ‘to’ isn’t a preposition but a part of the infinitive.
Thank you very much, Anton :) It makes sense, “hope” is a verb always followed by the infinitive, so “to” in this case is not a preposition. Sometimes is difficult to know if “to” is a preposition or not. Thak you once again :)
My pleasure!
I hope to eat ice cream
I got 100!!! It’s incredible. just a coincidence.
Once again “to” and verb with “ing”
“Technology has contributed to improving our lives.”
“A positive aspect of education is that it contributes to confirming one’s identity.”
My score is 80. The more important is I’m learn so much with you Emma. Thank you so much.
You’ve no idea how this video helps me… Thanks Emma
my score is 80
I knew about to + ing. This is grammar lesson important and it is very interesting. Thanks for your lesson Emma.
Thnaks very much.
Very useful to complete this topic!!
Very good, Emma, as usual.
it was an excellent lesson, I go it
ery important and interesting lesson. Thank you
i got 5/10…
I think i have to read one more time><…
I love your lessons!
100!!! Thanks Emma.
THANKS EMMA, ı got 7 but if there are any problems because of me, because u taught exacly perfect ;)
how to use as in english
Thank you. It’s a great video.
how many verbs are used with “to” as a preposition? are they divided into groups?
I love your classes.You are adorable too.
Thanks Emma for explaining this helpful topic!
I confess to enjoying very much your lessons and style of teaching.
this lesson was very useful ! Thanks
Thank you for the lesson! :)
Thank you for this free video lesson.
I’m glad to watch all english video on this site..
Thank you so much!
I really appreciated your efforts!
thank you..
thank you so much
Well done.
Thanks Emma, I got 9.
Thank you, you ‘re amazing
Big thank you Emma . I got 10 out 10 because of you . very grateful to all teachers are here . I am looking forward to the next lesson from you .
My regards .
Thank you.
Thank you miss Emma.I got 10 correct out of 10.
how can I know about (to),if to is a proposition or is not?
thank you
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the video.
I wonder when you use “ing” after “to”, is that a form of gerund, which change a verb to noun or it acts as a second verb as you call?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Emma,
I really think that your videos are great! And I
watch them all. Im going for the toefl soon and with its helps I hope that I will be good.
Hallo, Sorry I have to ask you.
I do not manage to do the quiz.
After my first answer the test does not move on
to the next question.. What is happening?
Thank you…..
Thank you Emma , that was a great lesson,
Can you give a lesson about “what to say when we visit or see an ill” please, because one a day our teacher said : I’m sick ,but I came for you ,
And I said : god bless you, sir
He just looked at me in a weird look and went out
thank you
thanks a lot Emma, you are a good teacher this is my first time i got in here I heard you, you are good teacher, congratulations
Emma, thank you so much for your wonderful teaching. By the way, Emma how can I make sentence ” in a way “? Please.
thank you for the lesson Emma.
Thanks for your teaching.
Oh yeah! Nice class teacher!
Hi Emma,
I would like to thank you and appreciate your efforts, you are working hard. And your explanation is very clear .
thanks Emma
i need to inquire about that all these verbs that you explain in lesson only ( look forward to , get used to , object to , resort , to confess to & opposed to ) followed by verb + ing or there are other
Hi Emma, congratulations for teaching so good. I hope to learn soon. thank you so much.
Hey Emma
I want videos about rapid speech which belong to you. Do you stuff like that?
Osama , Syria
thank you so much Emma
I’m so happy I got 9/10
I realized that I have to learn a lot of things after watching your video.
Thank you so much.
thank you. very useful:)
I have a specific question about these cases:
1. The path to creating vibrant city centers is clear.
2. The path to create vibrate city centers is clear.
1b. Could the path to creating happy people be simple?
2b. Could the path to create happy people be simple?
Why is it correct in both forms? I know it’s not a gerund. I know it works fine, but how can I explain it to my students?
Please help!
In my opinion in the sentence 1 “to” is a preposition- the path to, just like in “the way to capital”. “Creating” is gerund.
In the sentence 2 “to” is an auxiliary, just like “to run, to be, to go”, and it is a part of the verb.
yah! thank you for your help. I’m looking forward to watching from you
hi i am a student in school. finished gr12. wanted a spokeng lesson
THank your for really interesting lessons, Emma! I’m with pleasure watch it. And everytime I find something new and useful. Thank you!
Ilike the way you teach very nice actually
Thank you Emma. I like to study English with You.
Hi Wendy
Thanks Emma!
I got all corected. Thank you Emma.:D
Thanks Emma for an amazing lesson. So obviously we have to remember those phrasal verbs?
thank you ….
my score 8 from 10 …. very good
Hello Emma, I’ve got 6 correct out of 10, not good,but I have to keep doing it until I get them all correct. Thank you so much for the explanation, I love your teaching very much.
Bellatimor from Australia
I will use your explanation for teaching my pupils. Thanks!
I love your lessons,Emma,thank you.
Oh Emma… thank you very much, I will share this video to the students
In this lesson I I haven’t understood much, maybe I’m
a little distracted?I’ll try again tomorrow if it is so byeeee
Thanks, Emma. The questions from the quiz were quite tricky. I learnt a lot from you today. See you (:
i have a doubt: when i use verb + to. i learnt more grammar..thanks
thanks alot emma.i got 7/10
i got 9 out of 10 guys thanks for a wonderful lesson ennm
I’ve got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much! You’d make a good job!
Thanks Emma i got 8 correct
Great lesson! Thanks, Emma. U’re the best!
Thanks Emma, I think I got it.
The chunk explanation was the best for phrasal verb.
I’ve got 10.
Hello Emma. Thanks for this lesson. I’ve learned a lot. I got 8/10. I guess still it’s okay.
This video is very useful to improve my inglish
Emma, I do not know if understood everything, I am still confuse. May I ask: Does always it will follow an “ING word” after a Phrasal verb? I am asking because “get used to” and “look forward to” are, or is it just for those phrasal verb which the ending is with the preposition “to”?
10 correct out of 10
Thanks a lot
Thanks Emma.
I really like this website.
unbelievable! i got 10 correct out of 10 despite i am not sure in some sentenses. Thanks Emma so much.
i’m going to try more and more. just wait and see
Thank you very much for the explanation, it is very useful.
9 out of 10, but i think i got it.Thanks Emma.
Thank you so much teacher Emma.l hope next time,l’ll make better.
Thanks Emma. The lesso was a little difficult for me, but I could get all the points in the quizz
as I see on the lesson ,you used interested to
like a verb ,but when I looked for it In the dictionary I found it an adjective .so what is the difference ?
i did really great work thank you emma
Thank you!
As I always say: ¡Thank you Emma! Your videos are a very useful tool for my English learn. I hope you continue making videos.
Emma, your classes are perfects. I love to watch you…thanks a lot
nice lesson
Tks Emma! It’s clear to me. You teach english very well. Tks a lot!
thanks teacher!i’ve understood . I got 9 out of 10 ^^
I got 10/10
Thanks for the lesson!! I had some difficalties with it at the beggining of the lesson but then I started to understand;D
Hi Emma,
Do you have a list of phrasal verbal.
If to is a preposition but there are 2 situation that you have preposition that “Verb + Prep +V_ing” and “Verb +to” so how do i know to choose one of them ?
Thanks Dear Emma that’s really was useful for me I appreciated you very much
How can we know if “to” is incorporated in a “phrasal verb or no ?
Thank you Emma.
difficult lesson that need to practice more
practicing *
I got 10 thank you so much
Exelent class! If someone wants to share culture and pranctice english skills i’m from Costa Rica my email: or facebook
Hello, thanks a lot for the video. How can we know when “to” is a preposition to add “ing” and not an infinitive verb? I mean is there a limited list for phrasal verbs ending with “to”?
good class..nice structure but i m bangladeshi so can’t understand
very useful, thanks
Thanks a lot Emma, but this lesson is more difficult.
Wow!! this subject is a little bit difficult!! But is so mach gratifying to see a teacher like you; that teaches so clearly… and giving us the oportinnity to learn better!!
I”m committed to learn English hard.
I’m committed to learning English hard.
7/10 OMG! Never before I got 7/10!
yes! I got 10/10
Dear Emma
Thanks for your lesson. The lesson is very clear to me. as a result, I got 100% correct. I hope i could gain more knowledge from yours.
I love you Emma.
This is just my learning note.
look forward to V-ing or N.
get used to V-ing.
object to V-ing.
resort to V-ing.
confess to V-ing.
be opposed to V-ing.
be committed to V-ing.
be accumstomed to V-ing.
be addicted to V-ing.
I enjoy V-ing.
I started V-ing.
I decide to V.
I want to V.
I hope to V.
thank you emma
It’s a little confusing.
Awesome thanks
Thank you. I like the way you teach.
Thanks teacher Kevin! This lesson is very helpful
Thanks, Emma. I got 9 correct now.
Thanks for your explanation Emma.
In this case:
“I’m refusing to meeting you” is it grammatically right or wrong? I’d appreciate your help with this issue.
Thank you, Emma. I started watching your videos about two days ago and I just can’t get enough to see another videos from you!
This is great!
Thank you, Emma! Before, I didn’t know the difference of to + ing, To + verb. I’m so happy you discussed this.
Thank you Emma ❤️
Thank you my favorite teacher
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the lesson your you are a good teacher
Your lessons are so useful for me, I could improve my knowlegde about English
Hi, i am interested in practicing English through skype.
Thank you Emma for this perfect explanation.
Thanks Emma
Thank you, Ms. Emma. I understand more about V-ing now.
Emma, thank you for the lesson!
9/10, not bad for my intermediate level
Thank you Emma.Your lesson is very easy to understand.
I used to sleeping inside under the desk at my room. The desk in my room was very low so every time when I wake up I bang my head on the desk. Isn’t it funny, right? Thanks Emma. :)
10/10 thank you, I understood!
Thank you Emma for your great explanation. I have just only one doubt. At the beginning of your video (2′ 04″ ) you said that whenever there is a preposition between two verbs, the second verb should be in the ing form. My question is: Isn’t there any exceptions to this rule? For what cases this rule applies to?
Thanks in advance
I want to have more lessons from Emma, could I we? I hope to see more new studies as soon as possble.
Thank you, EMMA for the lesson. I look forward to watching your others lessons too.
I got result 100 %
Good job. This is so helpful. Thank you
I have gotten full mark
Hi Emma,
How I can distinguish phrasal verbs?
Hi,Emma mam I am new here your pronunciation is very clear so I understood your lesson I am glad that I am here thanks for this lesson it’s too useful for me I hope I will learn English very soon with you.
i am confused yet. namely, you mean, i have to memorize these units, right?
Thank you Emma.
I just learn english, it’s hard but I like envid and your are an excellent teacher thank
I committed to watching Emma’s show.
Hi, Emma.
I love your class.
Thanks a lot!!
Good job … 7 that is good for me … it ‘s hard lesson. I cant save all phrasal verb
You got 10 correct out of 10.
well done for everybody
Phrasal verbs are really difficult for me. OTL ㅜ.ㅜ
I have to be committed to learning Egnlish harder.
Thank you. Emma.
thanks emma you are a greet teacher really
l want to watching all of your video
tankes emma
This theme is difficult for me. I had to attend class twice and got only half of the quiz questions. I’ll study more about to + verb + ing this month. I hope I can learn.
Thank you, Emma. Your classes are great.
I blew my hundred on this test! Oh! well.
Thanks Emma you are great teacher, when I have followed your Lesson. I feel much better in speaking English…..great job Emma
Unfortunately I didn’t understand well but I would like to thank you.
Very useful lesson … thank you and I look forward to watching next lecture:)
Thanks a lot, Emma. Your lessons are very useful. I got good results in quizes after listening them.
Really you helped me very much, I will sharing your website ??
Hello Emma,
I always find it difficult to identify Verb in a sentence. I would appreciate if you could guide me to a video where I can learn to identify Verb in a sentence?
Thank you Emma, you are very understandable!
Nice lesson❤
I got 100 :D
Thank you Emma!!
I got 10 out of 10… Thank you for helping… I think this lesson very difficult but I got 100 :D
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Yeah! I got 10 out of 10.
It was very nice lesson and useful and i got 9 correct i thank you for helping me Emma
Thank you for your great lesson. This is exactly what I’m looking for.
I got 8. But, I still have some confusion about to + ving. I am going to watch it again. Thank you Emma.
Emma, how can I know phrasal verb like:get used to or oppose to.
English have so so many phrasal verb.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot Emma.
Thank you very much!!
thank this lesson is great, your accent is so good
Thanks emma i got 80. This lesson is so helpful.
Hi miss Emma, thanks for the engish lesson. I’m looking forward to learning new way to “greet” or start a single conversation as a native english speaker, can you do a lesson? thanks again.
Not really understand about no 7.
Hello man.
I still didn’t get , how we use ing after “to”
Thanks a lot. I got 10 out of 10 ?
Good job Emma. Thank you so much for it.
Hi Emma! Thank you so much for this lesson and all the work of all the team. I have a question. In the dictionary, it’s written: “To be committed to doing [sth] = to be dedicated to doing [sth]; To be committed to do [sth] = to be obliged to do [sth] ”. So in the quiz, in question 3, shouldn’t we have the two options? : “I am committed to ______ hard.” Shouldn’t we have the possibility to answer either “I am committed to work hard” (it’s more an obligation), or “I am committed to working hard” (it’s more a choice, a commitment)? I look forward to receiving an answer, in order to learn more about this lesson.
Teacher thanks your nice teaching
Thanks so much Emma.
Thank you so much, I’m looking forward to leaning your lessons.
Hi Emma, Thank you very much for your helpful explanations. But I have a doubt: how about ‘used to’ for example: I used to lived in Chile. Is ‘used to’ a phrasal verb?, if so, why we do not use ING?. Thank you Emma for your consideration of this question.
Thanks, Emma for teaching,
Sorry about that I say; in the first sentence, [meeting] is the noun, isn’t a verb,
And in the second sentence [living] is an adjective.
Thanks Mrs. Emma!
Fine , I got 7 , well , I wil get a best score !!!
I look fordward to hearing from you of another grammar lesson as useful as this lesson.
I always thanks to Emma.
You are the Greatest!
I got 11 all correct.
Its very clear explanation, ive got score 100.. Thanks emma
Hi Emma! I find this lesson very important. You explain very clear. Thanks a lot.
This lesson was quite difficult than others..
Already tried 3x quiz and always got 90.. hehe
But thank you, Emma :)
Emma,thank you!. Marvellous lesson 8-)).Grazie!<3
I have a special thanks for Teacher Emma. “”,the best way can I improve my skills English. I’m interested in learning English with you. Thank you very much.
thanks Emma.
I got more english knowledge by watching your teaching.Thank you Emma.
Many thanks Emma
Thank you Teacher.
Thanks Emma. I have killed the quiz.
Thank you Emma
thank you Emma.
Thanks,, Mam….I got 100 out of 100…Thanks,,, take care and stay at home..
The lesson is fire! I love it
I got 100
Hi Emma,
I think the main issue is we don’t know the phrasal verb with to. As you know it has a special meaning of the phrasal verb, but we just think that it is a verb and then plus to. Could you have a lesson special for talking in phrasal verb.
Hi Emma.Thank you for explain it clearly !
Hello…I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking to me?
My whatsapp number is +8801812788727
Thank you.
Thank you….
I am enjoy watching your lessons ma’am. Thank you!
Your accent is so easy to understand.
All Right!!!! 10/10 Thaks
Probably I’m the only Bangladeshi who studies here
Thanks so much Emma!
I’m opposed to having sex before marriage.
Hello…I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone else who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis? My whatsapp number is +8801812788727. Thank you. Rasho.
I watched the video twice and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10 on April 4, 2021.
thanks teacher.
Brillant class, I appreciate your teaching us.
Brilliant *
Dear Emma thanks for your lesson.
You are a good teacher!
My quiz was 8/10
And is difficult for me to understand when “to” is a preposition or not and when I must use the verb with ing or not.
For example I dont understand why is wrong to say: “I am apposed to live here”?
Thanhs again Emma
Thanks Teacher Emma. I got 100.
I can’t see the score and the correct answer. How can i do it?
Thank you for this English lesson.
Excellent lesson and rules description
Dear Emma. thank you so much. I always read NewYork times news and I didn’t understand the sentence’s structures.
Thank you Emm for good for a good explanation of the topic, I have 9/10.
Well done
Thanks a lot, Emma. You are amazing. (Azores islands, 25Jul2024);
Thank you so much teacher 😺