engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



I loved the video and learnd more


    Me too Mayra.

    Many thanks Adam for sharing this advanced lesson with us. At fist sight inversions may not seem to be complicated, however should be clear when to use them (by the way, is this sentence correct?.
    As to the quiz, well-designed. It let us put invertion into practice right away.

    Thanks very much.
    Have a great weekend.


      Hi Regino,

      Yes, it is mostly correct (however, it should be clear when to use them).


      Me too.
      It’s extremely beneficial to me
      It makes me confident and i will do better in my admission

      Al Mahamud

    Hi Adam, very interesting lesson, thanks! I’ve just discovered EngVid. Had I know about it before, I would have profited from it a lot more! ;-) It would be great if one day you could give a lesson on the usage of “too”, “as well” and “also”. Thanks! E.
    (Sorry for using the “reply” function to post a comment to this lesson, but the “leave a comment” function does not work!).


      Welcome to EngVid Eireen!!! Well, . . . let me share something with you . . .

      The great thing about this website Eireen is that the bulk of video-lessons and quizes are here to stay: I mean, you can watch the videos and do the quizes at will.

      Apart from that, you can get feedback from EngVid teachers and Internet users from practically every corner of the globe.

      Have a great day!!!



      Welcome Eireen :)

      I’ll see what I can do about your request.


      It will be great if one day you can give a lesson on the usage of “too”, “as well” and “also”.
      It is a real request, not a subjective one.


    HI Adam, thank you for this interesting lesson. you really explain very well. As I understood we can use this inversion when we want to emphasize our thoughts, in other situations it is normal to use the right word order with the same expressions, like not only…but also…,under no circumstances..etc… Am I right?


very interesting!


I got 9/9 , but still have to be familiar with this kind of sentence structure .Anyway , appreciate your teachings.


Wow! It is a very useful lesson :) Thank you!


hi adam thank you for this video and all videos before ,i want to know the difference between
such ..a/an
such that
such as
_by the way it is my third time to ask this question!!!!!!

fathy elmalt

    hi fathy,
    you use ‘such a/an’, when you are describing the nature of a person or an object, using an adjective. for example, “that boy is ‘such an’ idiot!!”

    you use ‘such that’, when you want a particular condition to be met by an action. for example, “set the bottles up, such that they have 2 inches of space between them”. you will find the expression ‘such that”, mostly in mathematics.

    you use ‘such as’, when you are giving an example for something. for example, “there are many websites where you can learn english, such as ‘engVid'”.
    hope it helps.


      Good job Abhishek :)


      thank you deeply for your help:)
      it really helps

      fathy elmalt

    Hi Fathy,

    Abhishek gave an excellent answer. I’ll just add a little bit:

    such a/an is used similarly to ‘so’ when we want to stress the description that follows:
    He is such a nice guy.
    He is so nice.
    The main difference is that such a/an will be followed by a noun, while so will be followed by an adjective only.

    ‘such that’ leads to result. Abhishek’s example is very good. Though it isn’t necessarily used mostly in math.

    such as is used to provide an example, similarly to ‘for example’ though it cannot start a clause.

    Hope that helps.


      it is very clear , thank you adam

      fathy elmalt

      this is such a clear lesson
      i ask you you for more videos such that we can learn easier,such as this video
      (pretty good)… right!!!!!

      fathy elmalt

      thanks Adam and Abhishek :)


thanks for useful video!


I’ve never heard about this.


    if u want to communicate with me for improvement of your speaking so kindly add me on skype:
    email: kingbayya_khan@yahoo.com

    innocent khan

Thanks Teacher, I got 78/100!


100.I’ve learned it at the English School but it was hard to understand at first sight.


I got 7 correct out of 9! Not bad! (:
Thanks Adam!!


Thank you very much. This is very useful for us.

asm towhid

I got 9 correct out of 9.


    thank you


    You r very intelligent.

    Abdul Qayum

I got also 7 out of 9.. Thanks for this lesson!

Keempol Dimaranan

Thanks got only 44%.

Abdul Qayum

Got 100 .Thank you so much Adam for your lesson.


Not only did I get, but most of students got 9 out of 9.
Thanks Adam! ;-P


    I got 9 out of 9, as did most of students.


      Oh my goshh!!! How on earth did you all manage to get such high scores? I just wondered … well, … I’m still wondering…



    Should you want to learn about Filipino culture, don’t hesitate to contact me right away.

    Matilda wants to be exposed in international standards, so does I.

    Korea is a country full of enthusiastic events, as is Philippines.


Hi Adam,
I have a doubt about a question.

“Not only _____________ pass the test, but he got the highest mark in the class!”

Shouldn’t have the word ALSO?
Not only…, but also…

In your video, you cited a similar sentence, but with the same structure.
Would not the word ALSO became between after ‘he’ and ‘got’.

Btw, there is a great video, specially for those who are trying to do the TOEFL exam, like me. :)


    Hi, Annaluh!

    That’s a good question.
    The sentence is ‘Not only A, but also B.’, but ‘Also’ can omit if you want.

    I’ll fingers across for your TOEFL exam. :-)


      Your explanation for “Not only” was just great Matilda.

      I’m crossing my fingers that he does well on the exam too.
      I’m taking the TOEF exam too next month. Please, keep your fingers crossed.


    Hi Annaluh,

    As Matilda mentioned, ‘also’ is optional. If you are not sure, then add the ‘also’. the structure itself makes the ‘also’ clear.


Thank you for the useful lesson! I had always thought I could use “under no circumstances” and “should you need” in dayly conversations. And I have a question concerning “should”:-) Can I say “Should I buy a loaf of bread for you?”without being formal or it’s better to say “Do you want me to buy a loaf of bread for you?”


    Hi Anastasia, to begin with, your statement is a question -it has a question mark- and does not have anything to do with inversions, I think.

    In my book, your question is okay and is not formal.

    Other ways to ask the question would be:

    Should I buy a . . . ?
    Could I buy a loaf . . . ?
    Do you want me to buy a . . . ?

    . . . but it all depends on what you really want to express.

    Hope this may help.

    Have a nice day.


    Hi Anastasia,

    Using should in this case is not really formal. It is more of a suggestion: I am going to the store, you need bread, should I get you some?

    Both ways are ok though.


I got 8 correct out of 9. But I know the correct answer.
Maybe I have never used inversion or forgotten….Thank you for your interesting lesson, Adam :)


Thanks. This lesson is a precious pearl :)


Thank you Adam!
It was a precious lesson, I didn’t know that English speakers could use inversion as well as in questions.


sad, im 44%


great video, very good teacher, very open,thank you


I’ve got 100% but I’m not really confident as I understand indeed.

I like to learn with you Adam, always amazing lesson. Many thanks


Thanks Adam, great lesson,



9/9 Thanks Adam.


Thank You or great resource for my studying!


It’s a nice piece of information, and most of the structures I’ve seen before. I have some issues with “had I known” because it looks very strange to me. The others are just fine. :)

Adam, I also have a question — what about the expression “here it comes”? It’s very similar to the “here comes Jane” example, but in this case there’s no inversion.


    Hi, morfk!
    Answering for your question, we do not use inversion if the subject of the clause is a pronoun.For example,
    Here comes the bus. !BUT! Here it comes.
    I hope it helps you.


      Ты читала кто он такой!!!


        Нет, а кто он такой?


          группа поддержки


      I also had this question. Thanks for answering!


    Hi Morfik,

    ‘Had I known’ is formal language, a little old-fashioned, and mostly used in written English. But, correct. :)

    As MsLuda mentioned, we don’t use the “here comes” structure with proper nouns or identifying nouns. Just pronouns.


100% Thanks Adam.


Hello Mr. Adam,
It`s excellent and useful as usual.
I have seen some advertisements like “got milk?” “got parking?”; what`s the grammatical basis for them? Thanks in advance.


    It’s a nice question.
    I’m not sure, but I think …
    It is connected with ‘Present Perfect (Have + p.p.).
    * ‘(Have you) got milk?’
    * ‘(Have you) got parking?’

    I am so sorry!
    Good Luck!


      Hi Matilda,
      That`s nice of you to offer help.
      I believe also it`s present perfect tense.
      Thanks and regards.


      No need to be sorry Matilda– perfect answer.


    Hi Atef,

    Matilda answered you correctly. Keep in mind that advertisers need to be short and catchy. That means they will play with the language and take it to its limits.


thank you so much


Ops … 100 :D I did the quiz !!! Well done to me and to you too ! Awesome ,as always man!


What a great teacher as usual, but could you make something about the main differences between American and English Accents? Best regards :)


    the way i see it is, there are lots of differences between the american and british accents. but i can tell you two major ones that i have noticed.
    you will find a big difference in the way, an american pronounces ‘r’ and the way, a british pronounces ‘r’. and the same goes with the letter ‘t’.


    Hi Brga,

    I’ll try, but the best way to study this is to listen to both. Check out Jade’s lessons. Her accent is very different from mine and she gives some good tips on the British accent.


i got 7 out of 9 not bad


Hello Adam,
Your videos are wonderful – your teaching style captivates me. Thank you and good luck with your Thesis!

Best regards,


    Thank you Tnguyen :)


Thanks very much, Adam.


Man, is video excellent!
Thanks so much Adam. I’ve learn a lot from your video lesson, and looking forward for your others next video.

Muhammad Ihsan

although was i got 100 scores but it was hard to remember without practice immediately.


yuppe,..I got 8/9.
Sir, your lecture is informative.


thank you sir!


Hi Adam,
I have confusion with the infinitive verb “To BE.” I asked this question your two teachers, but they didn’t explain me.
The following sentences are for example:
1)Please note below mentioned are “TO BE” strictly followed.
2)Please note preamble “TO BE” project specific and services specific.
3)Once the services running completed in the shafts all the services shafts “TO BE” closed.
4)Telephone cabling shall be provided from the MDFs “TO BE” installed in the shaft.
5)DG set “TO BE” installed to serve all the loads stated earlier.
6)All systems observed were found “TO BE” in acceptable running state.
7)Genelia wanted him “TO BE” her husband.
8)Great men are likely “TO BE” surrounded by sycophant who wants favours.
9)Great men are likely “TO BE” surrounded by sycophant who wants favours.
10)We want her “TO BE” her maid of honor.
How to use, when to use it in sentences- SIR LET ME KNOW THE SOME TRICKS OF THAT
I am really anxious about it for three months; now determine to know.
I think you feel students’ mind thinkings and problems perfectly as they feel in learning English language. Therefore I ………….
Thanking you.
Your truly,
Apr. 4,


    Hi Vishal,

    I’ll do my best here, but some of the sentence you provided are not too clear, so I might have misunderstood them. Anyway:

    1)Please note below mentioned are “TO BE” strictly followed.–passive form — Rules are meant to be followed. main verb here is ‘meant’ so the be verb takes the infinitive as only a main verb takes a tense.
    2)Please note preamble “TO BE” project specific and services specific.–not clear sentence
    3)Once the services running completed in the shafts all the services shafts “TO BE” closed.-same as number 1. are to be closed= have to be closed (passive)
    4)Telephone cabling shall be provided from the MDFs “TO BE” installed in the shaft.=the canles are to be installed (same as 1 and 3)
    5)DG set “TO BE” installed to serve all the loads stated earlier.– same as 1,3,4
    6)All systems observed were found “TO BE” in acceptable running state.–same as 1,3…
    7)Genelia wanted him “TO BE” her husband.–wanted what? to be her husband. who? him. ‘to be’ here is an infinitive complement to the direct object him. — I want to be rich. ‘to be rich’= direct object of ‘want’
    8)Great men are likely “TO BE” surrounded by sycophant who wants favours.–subject complement, although in this case you can remove the ‘to be’ and the sentence will be correct 9actually it will be better)
    9)Great men are likely “TO BE” surrounded by sycophant who wants favours.–same as 8, no?
    10)We want her “TO BE” her maid of honor.–same as 7

    hope that helps.


    Here is a take by an Indian for an Indian:

    The Hindi equivalents of the infinitive verb “to be” are several and that may be the reason for your confusion. “honaa,”karnaa,’ ‘rakhnaa’ are all interchangeably used.

    “Mein chaahataa hoon aap samay par hon.”

    I want you to be punctual.

    “Iss valve ko hameshaa bandh rakhnaa hai.”

    This valve is to be always closed.

    “Kaam ke baad desk ko saaf karnaa hai.”

    The desk is to be cleaned after work.

    Hum chaahatey hein ki woh uskee ‘maid of honor’ hon.

    We want her to be her maid of honor.

    We generally use ‘to be’ whenever the situation presents itself in the future. That is why you see them in your instructions/manuals/instruction manuals.
    1) Follow karnaa hai.
    2) Preamble… honaa hai.
    3) Shafts.. karnaa/honaa/rakhnaa hai.
    4)Jo MDFs install honaa hai, usme telephone…
    5)DG set aisey install honaa hai jissey ki…
    6)Here, it is past tense and so, “paaye gaye.”
    7) See above
    8) Great men…aksar hotey hein/huaa karte hein.
    9) Same as 8
    10) See above.

    Let me know if this helps.


I got 9/9. I appreciate your effort.


100, thank you Adam, but I feel some of the structures are used in spoken language, are they?


    Hi Inviknik,

    Yes, they are, but not commonly. It depends a lot on the stature of the speakers. Academics, for example, will speak this way, but everyday people generally don’t. Some expressions though are pretty common.


      Thank you, Adam, for your answer which is really useful for me.


Thank you wery much Adam, wonderful lesson as always.

Greetings from Macchu Picchu – Peru

Dorian Garcia

This is such a brilliant lesson!. It helps me a lot, because I knew others structures with inversion like “No sooner… than…” or “Hardly… when…” but after watching this lesson I’ve spread my knowledge about this topic.
Thank you Adam and keep teaching us all these kind of great things!


Thanks Adam! It’s a very interesting lesson. Realy want to say “Man, is it cool lesson!” :)


Man,love I your lessons! :d


    :) thanks Junayedriy.

    But I’m afraid it only works in this structure with a be verb. Man, is your enthusiasm great!


Thank you very much!


I got 89/100. Thank you so much! I’ll watch more times…


Thanks a lot. I’ve been improving my writing skills, because I should take IELTS and these techniques will be kind of useful to me. I had better practice, but with EngVid I’m saved.


Hi and thank you Adam for this new lesson.
I lerned whit this lesson we can repace “should” by “if”. It ‘s interesting.

ody joly

Very interesting lesson. Thanks a lot Adam!!


This was my first time in engvid. I enjoyed very much the video and made the quiz (9/9 !!!).
Hello to everybody here,


How can you explain the use of should in this song?

Want you to know
That should I go I always loved you
Held you high above, true


    Hi Sebastian,

    Whenever should is inverted, it means ‘if’.
    That if i go, i always loved you.

    Hope that helps


oh! It means “if”


Man, is this lesson great.


Thanks for this incredible lesson. I’ve been reading the book of Game of Thrones and the author uses quite a lot the inversion structure , so I just got used to it. As you go on reading you just realize the grammar structure and the improvement of your vocabulary.
Thanks again!


    Hi Henry,

    That’s why I always say read, read, read. :)


Adam,the lesson is very interesting. I must watch it tomorrow again.//////////////////////////////
I let my friends to speak more than myself.(Adam, is it really a big mistake?)


    Hi Katrin,

    I allow my friends to speak more than I do.
    I let my friends speak more than I do. Technically you can’t use myself here because you are not the reflexive of the agent doing the action.

    Having said that, if you said this sentence to me, I would understand your intention. Also, if you ended it with me instead of I do, everyone would understand in this case.


      Adam,it would be more clear if you gave me some examples of using MYSELF! Thank you.


        Hi Katrin,

        Actually, it would be a good idea for a whole lesson. I’ll get on it. :)


          I’ll be waiting. Thank You!


This is one of the hardest lessons I had so far, despite I got 9 good answers out of 9. Which means 100%.


Thanks Adam. This lesson is very useful.


Thanks Adam.It is a great explanation.However,I got 6 correct out of 9.


Hello! Engvid Administration,
Please consider my request.


    please write to him via e-mail. he may not have seen your big question, above. its very possible.


oops…!!?? whats up dock? 5/9 (56%)
I felt awful.

Jorge Pedroso

    Don’t let it get you down Jorge!!!

    A piece of advice: Watch the video and take the quiz again. Same results? Take a break, then atart all over again. It works, believe me!!!

    Good luck with your English!!!
    Keep on the good work!!!

    Have a nice day!!!


      Thanks for your advice, Regino

      Jorge Pedroso

      …correction “…start all over again”


    Don’t worry doc (doctor). It’s all good. :) keep practicing Jorge


Adam, please make a lesson about children’s slang. I’m looking Hannah Montana now and there are so many words like – outtie,pumpin and etc. Please!!!


    Adam,how is OK? Looking or Watching movie…


      Hi Katrin, when you talk about movies/films/ TV programs you use the verbs “see” or “watch”:

      *I watch TV everyday.
      *I saw an interesting film yesterday.
      *In the evening we went to see a movie.
      *Fifty thousand people saw the soccer match.

      Hope this may help.

      Have a nice day!!!


        when you’re talk about movies…


          sorry///when you’re talking….
          I just wanted to know it from Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Good job Regino :)


      Hi Katrin,

      Firstly, watching a movie. :)

      Secondly, I might have to learn these slang words too lol. I’m no spring chicken myself (not young)

      If you can give me a list of some you’ve heard, I’ll prepare something.


        Thank You Adam!


I got 8 of 9.
Thanks Adam for your interesting lesson.


hi sir
I’m very happy when I see the web sit
I’m now live for 2 year to student Mister degree department (communication and electronic )
I from Iraq
if you could advice me to write well or development skill English writing
thanks for you forever


    Hi Nahedh,

    I’m building a website just for writing. I’ll announce the launch soon :)


      it sounds great, thank you so much Mr. Adam. I’m ticked pink to hear that. I’m looking forward to seeing your upcoming “website for writing”.

      How do I know if you release the website?
      My e-meail
      rituelidaeli@yahoo.com. Thanks :)


Hello Mr. Adam

I have been expecting for that lesson.
I remember when I asked if you could do it

After all, I see that you did it.
Good explanation
Got the 100%.


By the way, I forgot to write


The very best regards for you ;-)


    My pleasure Luis


Thank you so much Adam.
Had i known i would learn so much,I would have joined Engvid earlier.


Hey Mr.Adam , do you have facebook account ? I want to exchange grammar with you in facebook


    Hi Chinhchinh,

    You can ask me questions here, this way others can also benefit. :)


Did I get 9/9 :). Thank you Mr.Adam.


Interesting lesson Adam.

Could you please tell me of any reliable websites where I can get a complete list of expressions that require inversions such as “No sooner than . . .”, “Hardly . . .” I would really appreciate it.

I have also noticed that the indefinite article “a/n” is also used in inversions. Could you please explain briefly how it is used in such patterns?




    Hi Regino,

    Actually there are many sites that will give you examples. Just google ‘inversions english grammar.’

    Not really sure what you mean about the articles. Can you give me an example?


Great lesson Adam!!
Need more practice about this topic!


the best grammar teaching. it’s wonderful.


I got 8 out of 9…Good score but it’s not an easy topic, in my opinion…


    I agree with you Janilza, it’s not that easy;

    especially when you first think in your mother tongue -Portuguese, for instance- and then try to express the same ideas using the causative pattern in English.

    But as far as I can see, you did quite well on the quiz, congratulations!!!

    Have a great weekend!!!



      Thanks for the kind words, Regino!
      See you!


Thank you for your lesson.


Although we don’t use it every day I’ve really appreciated the lesson. Tks teacher.


Hello Adam, It’s really good lesson:) I would to you request a lesson about verb patterns in English. Thank you in advance.


    Hi Pawel,

    Can you give me some examples?


Hi,Adam! Thank you very much again.I’ m really grateful to you for making this lesson.As for me, it clarified situation a little bit. However, I’m still having some questions because there are a lot of exceptions such as no doubt, only( without time expression or prepositional phrase). But anyway, thank you very much!


    Quite right MsLuda. But exceptions are what make this language so interesting, no? :)


You do not have to say anything to the police, nor_______________
1.are you required to sign any documents.
2.you are required to sign any documents.
3.you have to sign anything.
if i say 3 ,is it right ,if not then why pls help me sir .I hope u’ll give answer to me


    hi rajpal,
    firstly, if you want to invert it, then you would have to follow the ‘verb-subject-verb’ format. so, the first option would be correct.
    but if you want to go, with the third option, i suggest you write it like this – “You do not have to say anything to the police, nor do you have to sign anything”.
    hope that helps.


      Hi I have been seeing that you know a lot about english grammar, maybe you can speak with someone to improve our skils, emphasize in speaking. :)


        hi Damean,
        nice to see your reply but i am not that good, exactly :) i only reply to those people’s comments, that i think i can answer.


      Hi I have been seeing that you know a lot about english grammar, maybe you can speak with someone to improve our skills, emphasize in speaking. :)


      Well done :)


    Hi Rajpal,

    Abhishek’s answer is right on.


      thank you, sir :) i tried.


I got 100% :D thx


    W0w!!! You got 100? So . . . this quiz was a piece of cake for you, wasn´t it?

    I send my congratulations to you Jijoue.

    Have a great day!!!


Thank you very much Adam . I got 89 in this test . The sentence is hard for me to understand . 7. Under no circumstances _________ reach your hand out of the bus.
Can you explain the sentence for me ?


    Hi Zhaoyi,

    It means that no matter what happens, you should not reach…

    Does that help?


      Thanks a lot for your kindness Adam . I am truly sorry to tell you that I can’t see the videos . That made me feel sad . I like the programs . I think I can learn a lot from them . What can I do to get them ?


        Our videos are hosted on YouTube, which is unfortunately blocked in China. You will have to use a proxy server.


      I can’t see any videos . So I can’t answer any question . I am sorry to tell you that . You are helpful and kind . Thank you anyway.


Hello Adam. This very good lesson reminds me Rebecca’s on expressing negative ideas. Under no circumstances, never before and on no account. Do really think using inversions can make you appear to talk posh? This would be particularly ridiculous from me because I’m French and doesn’t speak English fluently.


    Hi Patple,

    Not sure if it sounds posh or just pompous :) Most native speakers don’t use these structures regularly.


Hi Adam, I got 8 of 9
Thank you very much.


i got 100%!! man, am i grateful!!!


    Man, am I surprised!!! I just can´t believe it!

    Congratulations Abhishek!!!



      thanks Regino :)


You are wonderful! very understandable.


Thanks! very useful!


Great lesson.Thank you


Could you please prepare a lesson with “DO” that goes before the verb. For example: “I DO know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins”. What does it means and when it used. Thank you.


    That’s a good idea! “Do” here is used for emphasis when you are replying to a negative statement.

    “You don’t even know my name!” “I DO know your name.”

    – “I’m tired all the time and I don’t know why.”
    – “Have you tried exercising?”
    – “I DO exercise, but it’s not helping.”

    engVid Moderator

If I hadn’t failed the first one, I’d had them all right. Not only did I fail but I also thought it was too easy…


    Hi Ecoologic,

    If you failed, how was it too easy?


      thanks Adam, great lesson, I taught it was easy but evidently it was not. that was useful


Oh my god i mad a mistake in the last question, its the only one i got wrong hahahaha, loved the video, thanks a lot.


Hi Adam! Sometimes I’m watching NHK World(Japan) and I think they have not good English accent, especially those who isn’t an announcer…I don’t think you’re watching it, but if you know please answer me!(I wanna have a good one!)Thank you again.


    Hi Katrin,

    Not actually sure what the question is, but I have watched NHK (while I was living in Japan), and you’re right, their accent is not like a native speaker from Canada, for example. But there are so many accents that it isn’t important what the accent is like as long as you can understand what they are saying. English is a global language now, so there is no “right” accent.


      I like North American accent! Thank you very much!


Thanks for the lesson! I didn’t understand 2 nd sentence. Could you explain


100%! Great! More enjoyable than the lesson is the teacher!!! :)

Thank you, Adam!

Sally S

Man, are you the best!!! Great lesson, Adam!!! Big fan of yours already…


I got 100/100. thanks Adam


Extremely helpful! Thanks, Mr. Adam. These expressions are actually commonly observed in significant examinations, used especially in multiple choice, trying to confuse each canditate. But its usefulness is not limited to this; on the contrary, you can use inversion when writing formal exercises, like essays. What I also like to point out is the changes that are made in Americal English:

-If I go => Should I go
-If I went => Were I to go
-If I had gone => Had I gone.


Great job everyone :)


thank you , i’ve got 9/9


Teacher, is it useful! Thank!


You are a incredible teacher. How can i learn english?


thank you my teacher you are as prophet


Will love to have more video like this cause my grammar really need a boost


Hi Adam. Yesterday I had a class and we were talking about this structure. It’s very easy to understand it, but it’s not when we need to apply it writing. Maybe our brain is leaded to the more usual structure. I don’t know. Suddenly, after basic levels listening to we should just using inversions for questions, we have to use it in negative/affirmative sentences. I don’t know if you know what I mean. Thanks a lot for this lesson. Márcio

Marcio de Moraes

wow i got 9 points …yes!


Hi. This is the best lesson of EngVid so far. I needed this subject. I have a question Adam. I read somewhere, “Never would one answer “yes” to this question if he had.. ” and someone said if we use “never” at the beginning of a sentence, you need an inversion. Is that correct? Is that the only reason?


I really learn a lot. Thanks!


But Adam I have a question, I am learning the UK English, so is it any different with US English? Will it become wrong language once I use in my essay?


    Hi liwoon,

    Our apologies for a late reply. Actually, English is a ‘global’ language. So, there are different versions of it. Basic rules are mostly the same, but yes there are differences in the US and UK English. You won’t be considered wrong if you use UK English, or any other version for that matter, as long as your grammar is correct :)

    on behalf of EngVid


thanks a lot.


Thank you so much my dear teacher Adam . But iam very confusing with a grammar now.cos. I don’t know how to improve It? even now I don’t have confident. To write A letter for my clients!!??


thanks adam, you finally make this lesson. :)

Saiful Anwar

Could you explain the Participle clauses? I’m having a lot of problem with the use of these sentences and with the difference between present, past and perfect participle.
Thank you! :)


Adam, you are the best!!!


thank you for this informative lesson Adam.


thanks Adam for the great effort you have made to make this lesson a real success. I actually have a question that’s not related to this lesson at all but i really need to know the answer since I’m preparing for IELTS now.
the 1st one is: what does “work in pairs” mean?
the 2nd one is: what does “I’ve kept my account in credit” mean? what does in credit mean in this case? by the way i got these two phrases in 1 of the IELTS books. I’d appreciate it if you answered me.



How to dowload this video sir


it is very nice video thanks

galip kahya

i’ve got 89
good lesson

Rohi Mpiana

These were the issues which I’ve been minded. Great lesson.


I like using inversions. It sounds more sophisticated. Thanks Adam! I hope you have another video about this. Thanks again





Ahmed M. Abu Nimer

thanks. this video is great and could help me !




It was great.


yeppppiiiiii…..i got 9 correct out of 9…..:)


If I were you – Were I you…


So Thank you very much ,engvid what I need good job for all teachers


I spent the while morning watching your classes. Very good. Had met personally you if possible it were. Is it right?


I do thank you for this usful lesson!


thanks you, teacher


Hi Adams..

Thanks for the interesting lesson.:):)
I would like to ask a question. Is the following sentence correct??
“Not only you watched the lesson, but you did the quiz as well!”


I have a question!
Should I use inversion in this sentence represented below?
Despite did he lose the race he beat the record.

Guilherme Wallace

    Hi Guilherme,

    Inversions are ‘rarely’ used i.e. not in all sentences. A simple sentence would do just fine :)

    you can say, ” ‘Despite’ beating the record, he lost the race”

    ” ‘In spite of’ beating the record, he lost the race”

    “He lost the race, ‘although’ he beat the record”

    “He lost the race ‘even though’ he beat the record”

    hope it helped


I’d like to ask a few questions about the Inversion.

Not only did you watch the lesson, but you did the quiz as well. It means that i watched the lesson as well as did the quitz. Am i right?

Not only did Joe pass the test, but he got the highest mark in the class. It means Joe passex the test as well as got the highest mark in the class. Am i right?

Thanks in advance.


    Hi tzerbas

    Yes, you are right! :) Though i am not sure if it will make a big difference, i’d recommend you put the word ‘also’, between the words ‘he’ and ‘got’, in the second sentence.

    so it will become, “Not only did Joe pass the test, but he also got the highest marks in the class.”

    hope it helped,


Thank you Adam.




ok thanks !!


Ok,I got 89 %. Not bad I think. Thanks Adam.


It’s great as usual


Hi Adam! It’s a very useful lesson, I didn’t know this rule! I have to repeat a lot of time this sentence to memorize them!


is it a unique lesson guys !
thank you Adam


    It sure is Samar7. Inversion is a grammar pattern not that easy to grasp, if you ask me.

    See you round!


Hi. Mr: Adam
really this lesson was good and i like the way of teaching in your students lived all over the world, specially i appreciate the way of prepare lesson plan.
so many thanks when ever you stay

asha a.mohamed

that was useful video i like it


it was an esay test


yessss…! My first test =)


thank you!it’s a great lesson..


Hi, Adam! Although “nor” is old fashioned, is it okay if I use it on my TOEFL essay? Thank you!


I have got 89!!! But it was not easy!!1 Thank you very much


yeah i got it 9 out of 9 for the first time , but there’s a lot to learn from here… thank u adam great job now i am going on for another lesson


wow it’s perfect


Man, am I awesome! I got 8 out of 9 :3


these are going to come in toefl ……


Thanks Adam, this’ll help me to understand better my books


thank u! Adem for this lesson.


sad… I falied


Adam, thanks)your lessons are amazing. Every time I get an opportunity to clear some aspects of English.


:) Thank you, Mr. Adam.

Shada Yasmine

Once again, great lesson.


When will I have my comment approved?

Will it take long?


    Once I get round to it!

    engVid Moderator

Man, is it hepful! Thanks a lot!

Glau Wertz

Hi I am a new student thank you


    nice 2 meet U


Yahooooooo Yahoooooo i get full score .
Thank you Mr.Adam

Hala Hmd

Thanks, Adam! Nice explanation! I got 89!


Dear Adam
Please don’t use the same sentences which you mentioned in the video before, in your quiz, if you really want to improve your student’s writing skill. By memorizing those sentences every one like me can pass your quiz with 10, but they didn’t really understand the context.


Very interesting!


Thank you so much for your very useful lesson.
I’m really appreciated.


woo hoo…got 100%. Man, am I good! Had it been more lengthy, I would not have secured 100%!
Sir, I love your accent. I want to have a native accent. Is it okay to have mixed accent(British and American) or should I go for any one of them? Confused..!


great I got 9/9
تن ترالا لالم تن تن :D


And what about “Here I go”?! Is that a wrong expression?!
Thanks a lot! :)


Have got 100% and it’s very strange while I did not get used to apply such phrasal constructions (except the questions) :) . It is not ever simple to translate them normally to me because they looked unnatural. Thank you for the lesson.


Thank you.


I had searched for this topic so long and finally found very good explanation. Thank you very much Adam teacher.


Dear Adom thank you so much.it is very helpful

Resmi George

Oh My God, Ada, I got 100. Please check my score here http://prntscr.com/67vdve I really like the way you teach. It is easy but powerful! Thanks, dude


can u talk more about the detels blz and ur vidoe awseme thank u


i understood very well Adam, thanks. if you have an advice please let me known i have a difficult exam after two days. by and thanks you are the best one for real.

alba sula

Can you make a lesson about the passive and conditionals. I want these from you not any one else. Thanks!

alba sula

I really like it but I want more practice Adam:)

Manina 017



thank you.

I really like it.


thank you mr. Adam , got 9/9 , man, are you a great teacher


Teacher Adam, another valuable english lesson coming from you…This is a great way to start my day — I still need practice and familiarize myself to use it on my everyday conversation as well as to my writing. I got 8 out of 9.


9/9 haha got it ryt!


Hi Adam! Thanks for teaching in awesome way. My English is not very good because I’m still learning. I’ve been studying English and my last class was about Inversios. You’ve helped a lot because I’ve thought this subject a little bit complicated. I’m from Brazi l and try every day see one video at least to improve my studies. Bye bye.. see you!

Allyne Grell

“Should you need an advice, call me!”
Not only is that an inversion but also it is a present real conditional, isn’t it?


Though it was confusing and tricky question.. i did passed the test whew..
Thanks.. Adam.. :)

abraham richard

what a nice way to teach. I really enjoy


Thank you for lessons! Very helpful :)


Thans for the lesson. Now I understand why I made a mistake in TOEFL grammar practice test when starting with Should and Had, now I don´t forget it. Thaks a lot ;)


Thank you Adam!!!!!!


Thank you Adam! Good lesson, could you make a lesson with the difference between “Be going to”&”will”?


Can you upload more lessons relate to this topic?


I got 9/9. Thank you, Mr. Adam ~^o^~

Kim Yunari

Thanks Adam for teaching us how to speak as the Master Yoda!!! :)


Did I not watched this video,I could not learned about “Inversion”. Thank you so much!


It’s nice to learn having a smart and handsome teacher like ADAM.:)


i made all od them right))how deeply can say a grattitude to our DEAR INSTRUCTOR ADAM)


not only have you made a lesson, but also improved my English comprehension.


Thank you sir, Adam! Your incredible lessons always help me avoid confusions in understanding of some grammar patterns.

JN joniad

Thank yougood lesson.


IS it possible that inversion may appear twice in a sentence, if it is, could you please give an example? BTW your lesson is extremely helpful. Thank you so much!


Good morning James,
I always wonder about the formation of this type of sentences , usually i think its a native speaker style and varies from person to person , now i got a clear picture .
More important your videos are worth valuable.


Hi Adam! I need some help. I’m writing a letter and I would like to know how to connect these 2 clauses with the structure of ‘Not only.. But’
“They don’t listen to me; they don’t respect me”
I tried it, but as the structure starts with NOT, I think I’m too redundant and It sounds odd.
“Not only do they not .., but they don’t.. ” or
” Not only do not they.. , but they don’t”
Any of these is right? Or my last choice that is, “Not do they never listen to me, but they don’t respect me”
I’m more sure of the last one, but I’d like to know If it’s possible with negative form.
I’d be thankful for your answer.


I’ve found this lesson very interesting. Your advices are so useful. Thank you.


Interesting and it is really nice way to increase my understending in English.
any way I’m looking for partners to practice my speaking via skype. so you can find me at luqman_s079@yahoo.com

Wardiyanto Simbala

Man, is it great!
I love the way you teach.
Thank you very much Adam!


I can’t thank you enough for this lesson Adam as I have an grammar exam tomorrow morning :) I wonder can we use them when speaking ? Should we use them while we are speaking does we sound weird ???


Wo! Should I learn more about this lesson?

San M.

Hi Adam, I’ve just dicovered this site and wow, it’s fantastic. I love your lessons, they’re very clear, easy to follow and fun! I’m an English teacher and your lessons help me a lot with some specific things and some aspects that only you native speakers know, so thanks a lot!
I’d really appreciate it if you could do something with the word ” research” and its uses because it’s a bit complicated word for non English-speakers. Thanks in advance.




i got 100 :) thank u mr Adam


Cool! I always like the way you teach; Furthermore, it’s a little warming-up for people who tend to take any TOEFL tests. It’s a little bit tricky, but with a little effort, one can pass it. I made some notes for this video and published your videos under my wordpress page as i like this lesson. Here comes the video https://kidovatov.wordpress.com/2016/01/21/inversion/


This video helped me a lot, Thanks


Great video !! Tnx mst adam

Lovely aya

Really this lesson is very helpful. Thank u.


Thanks for the useful video,
I just have a question about the sentence ( more important than love is money) can we use this type of sentence in a plural form?for example, more important than education are creativity and recognition capabilities


Hi, Adam I am so glad in to be learning with you. Thanks so much. I am new here and I need very much your help. Best regards.

maria madalena tavares da silva

Man! I only got 5 out of 9. These lesson has really confused me, i should practice more about this lesson.. thanks adam i learn something new again.. have a nice day…


MR. ADAM, YOU said nor is old fashion what’s the new word to use in choices for example neither he’s smart nor nice is this sentence old fashion


hi Adam how you are such an amazing teacher that i can not stop watching your videos. as times go i am going to stop going to the school just i wanna follow your teaching ??


8 out of 10 my first attempt,but I made 10/10 my secount tried.Thank you for your teaching, and I look forward to seeing more English from you.


Man are you the best teacher!

mehrad rad

Thanks very much Adam.


Thank you, Adam! You always make your lessons clear and easy.I’m looking forward to listening to more lessons by you!


Thank’s Adam. I’m a new member here. N I found this lessen very useful. I was confused about such sentences before but now I get clear insight n I did well in the exercise :-)
God bless.


thank you very much mr.adam .
it was very useful lesson


OMG I loved this video ! Very clear and simple ! I will use it in my essay tomorrow thank you!! Btw 9/9 at the quizzzz ?


What if I used “As Lucy does” instead of “As does Lucy”???


Thank you so much Adam. This video really nice & clear..
It is very useful..


thank you so much! I got 9 !


I’m very thankful for the quiz and the explication. It helps alot to review the new knowledge.


What a great lesson! Serendipity! I was looking for a lesson about “fronting” and I figured this out. I didn’t know about INVERSION, now I do.
I’d like you to make a lesson about fronting, would that be possible? Thanks in advance :)
Love your lessons.


    Hi Hillgp. I read your comment on this lesson, but I do not quite get your request. A lesson about fronting?

    Hope you do not mind, but could you please explain a little bit more this to us? Thanks in advance.

    Bye for now.


great lesson :)


Thaaaanks I got 9???


I had one mistake, haha. I thing I should watch the lessen one more time at least.
thank you Adam!




Dear teacher,thank you so much!After listening to your lecture,I got 100.I started to watch your video every day since my friend told me about your excellent lecture.Thank you so much again.

Shu Hua Chen



Hello Adam:

I like your class so much.I want to write something like exercise. May I send you for your review?

Thanks a lot.


thank you a lot for this lesson!


inversions are lovely. Were there more of who like it, the world would be a far nicer place


Man, is it easy!

Lorcy Gabriel

which one is correct and why? “On no account should you be absent from your seminar” or “On no account you should be absent from your seminar”. I had applied for a job as an English teacher and I was unable to answer this question in a test today. Can you help me teacher? thanks


Hello, Sir, this is a great lesson. I have been following your video teachings to learn English. Thank you so much. May you healthy and happy every day.


Thanks a lot Adam. I got 9 precises out of 9 by means of your lesson :)


Well,I got 9 correct out of 9. This means a lot to me. Thank you Teacher Adam. You are the best !


I did 9 out of 9. Wow!


omg!well, don’t know I, but it’s realy difficult for my toung to say it that way))))


    anyway, thank’s, Adam, interesting and smth new for me))




Not only did I watch the video but I also did the Quiz. Thank you Mr. Adam

Bismark Soedzede

Great lesson Adam.


AHHHHHH! It’s so hard!!! tnx for the lesson anyway Adam Sensei!


I got 7 correct out of 9. :)


Thank you Sir.Adam. This lesson is very clear so that I got a perfect score.


Thank you Adam


Thanks. I got 9. Not only does Adam teach properly, but also speak as much fast as ordinary people in order to pupils notice his lesson.


Thank u very much ,to my mind , that is very useful lesson !


adam! Your tests are tricky!


Hi Adam! Your lessons are really great! I have a question and I would be really thankful if you could help me out… Are inversions the same thing as formal conditionals? What are the differences between these two topics and if they are different, could you make a lesson about formal conditionals please? It would be amazing, thank you in advance!


When Should we use this form of writing? To emphasize something that we want to tell?
Thank you so much.

Aung Aung Aung

Hello, dear Teacher Adam,

Please, I’d really need a lesson, full of pieces information about the “Interrogatives and tags” including the “sub-aux inversion + / or do-insertion”

Thanks a million for providing us a lesson such as this one…

sincerely, soon!!


Man,i got 9/91!!!
Tank you Adam!


Thank you so much Mr

sefri imanuel

Great lesson ! Not only it
helped me with the inversion but also involve me in advanced grammar in order to be able to take my next exam.
Thank you Adam


Not only did you teach but also you allowed me to perfect it,thanks for the great lesson!


i got 100%




as always …. very good material :)


hi Adam Im so happy to find this site fantastic


Hello Adam,

I really like the way which you teach in. Thank you for inversion; I really appreciate it.


Thanks a lot ??? but I’ve a question can I ask ?


Han I known your videos are such interesting, I’d have start watching them a long time ago!




Adam, thank you for the lesson. quick question:

Can I use the negative forme of the verb in the inversions?
Ex: Not only didn’t he help me but also pretended he did.

If it is correct, could you give more few examples with negative form?

Vechin C Felipe


    Thank you!!

    Vechin C Felipe

Thank you Adam I used to confused after reading such type of sentence and wonder are they correct . but made it easy for me.Thanks once again.


Yessss got 100. Thanks Adam!


Hi Adam, I have a problem with these exercise, and I don´t know how to do it. I´ve to use ( there and bound)
” they are likely to react badly to the news”
” Many experts believe that the Maya cilization was destroyed by a plague”. (Have)


jairo engvid

Thanks Mr. Adam!


hi please i want answere to this question :
what difference between ;
if i dye my hair red, i’ll look crazy
if i dyed my hair red, i’d look crazy
if i had dyed my hair red, i’d have looked crazy

fayda hamdini

Thank you so much Adam for sharing such good lesson.
Keep it up.
People are waiting for more engvid


Not only did I watched the lesson and did the quiz, but I also got 100% in the last one.


This lesson ledson is really what i needed,cuz i had always been taught that subject comes first, but i was confused later reading books, for example Jackal, where such inversion emerged all the time. Thanks Adam for excellent explanation!


Ledson is just a word that was inserted accidentaly!


I love this practice a lot


Thank you Adam. I got 8/9 but I still not familiar with this kind of sentence structure. I will keep trying.


Good practice session, but I still made a mistake as one very simple question appeared a bit tricky!


Hello Adam,
I like the way you clear the confusion in learning something.
By the way, I am still confused at one situation.
Can we use inversion with passive structure?
I.e, Had I not been bestowed upon the blessings of you gurus, i wouldn’t have reached wher i am now.

Kane solo

Thank you Adam…..This site is awesome!

Amjad mak

Thanks sir


Hi Adam tanks I got 8


thank you


Thank you. They are always confusing as I don’t encounter them often. It is my second time watching but I still feel it is new to me. I am sure I will watch it again when fading.


BBC today: Reckitt Benckiser, which owns Lysol and Dettol, said “under no circumstance” should its products be injected or ingested.
It’s interesting to find examples from the lesson.


Thanks Adam for this great lesson.


here’s how it works.
tnx Adam


Hi Adam, I learned inversion how could we apply in our daily works. So I would like to thank you again. But I didn’t get exactly how to use Having + V3 form and Having been + V3. So could you help me to understand what it is and how to use it correctly.


This is helpful. Thank you so much. I’ve got 9/9.

John Mark Tapiador

Awesome video..

Raj Ind

Man, Aren’t you a great teacher?


Good day Adam,
Could you please explain to me what “would” stands for and if I can replace it with “will” in this sentence: Some people, however, argue that the death penalty is pointless as it would not bring back the victim. Thank you very much!


thanx Adam it was very very understandable for me.


Hello Adam!
Is there any rule or pattern so that one can keep in mind when using inversion with no mistakes?


Thank you loads Mr. Adam! As for punctuation, do we have to put a comma before should in the following sentence:
your positivity will remain, should you follow a mindful, spiritual approach to life.


it is very useful and the quizzes are interesting. thank you very much!

shire. keith

Amazing video. Thank you very much.
In the beginning, I didn’t know “should you” mean that, how amazing the inversion class.


you are awesome Adam.
thanks a lot


I need a pdf, please.

Kingsley Kunda

Thanks, Adams!
I enjoyed your lesson. I have been struggled to understand these inversions, but now, not only do I understand them but I also can use them to make any sentence.


Hi Adam. Thanks a lot for all your invaluable video lessons. I like them so much and I always enjoy them enormously.
The last option for the first question in the quiz made me laugh a lot. Very funny!


thank you very much for the lesson and the quiz, it helped me a lot.


Excellent lesson! Thanks a lot. The quiz is olso nice and funny. For #1 question the best unswer woul be: If I hadn’t known who killed the Minister, I would not have fallen asleep near the end of the movie.


Thanks for the Hard work!
Merci pour le dur travail!


Thanks for the video! How do I recognize the subject in the case of sentences with noun clauses (or NP as per new norms) that follows? I know they are inverted sentences, but cannot find a logic to find the subject.

e.g. Whatever I give, my mother eats.
e.g. Whatever you like, you can take.

Also please let me know any source where it says about the comma if the sentence is inverted. I mean we don’t need a comma if the sentence is like “My mother eats whatever I give.”



It’s really an addition to my English grammar 🙂 .


the usage of them was difficult to me, but I got 9 out 9


It was strange lesson for me. Can’t really get the context(( This needs to be rewatched few more times.

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