Learn more about the passive voice, and how to use “have” and “get” when talking about actions that were performed for you or to you, in this advanced grammar lesson.
Thank you very much! I like your method of teaching!
Well-designed quiz Alex!!!
It gave us a chance to put into practice right away the passive causative.
However, in my humble opinion it would’ve been much easier to understand this pattern if you had introduced the active causative first.
Many thanks Alex for this great lesson.
Which is the correct answer of the last question?
Why isn’t the last one? ‘I got my data recovered’
Thank you for your work!
It helps me a lot!
Great job!
yeah,like me!!
I think it is typing mistake.It is correct answer.I chose same too.
Safak Erman
I answered the same as you.
I also want to know which is the correct answer.
Does anyone know?
Yes, I have the same question.
Great lesson!!
Same happened to me.
Leonardo Matos
no answer for question number 10? I’m wrong and I want to see the right answer that’s the last question..
thx a lot Alex
I have made 2 mistakes, no way :(
5 and 10 are wrong.
I had a haircut. <– wrong?
I had my hair cut. <–correct
I got ym data recovered. <– why is it wrong?
‘I had a haircut’ is grammatically correct, but you were supposed to respond with the passive causative.
I hope you will explain me my mistakes.
btw, i just registered on this website.
“I got my data recovered” is correct. I think something is wrong with the quiz. Thank you for this.
Mr Alex, i am a bit confuse on when to use get/got and when to use have/had.iknow get has a meaning which are to receive,to answer,to bring something back for use,to become/cause.Could you please explain the use of get when talking about a cause or when used in place of a cause.
Teacher Alex! You didn’t point out when and why “have” or “get” be used. When do we use “have” or “get”? Can you point it out?
I knew that “have” its mean likes = request and “Get” its mean likes “convince” but i don’t understand when using it correctly. I hope you can teach me. Thank you very much T.Alex!
Alex, thank you for correcting it. I couldn’t figure out why my answer—”I got my data recovered”—was wrong.
I got my test graded by a machine so errors are bound to occur.
thanks Alex
Morteza Esfandiari
thankx for the lesson… it was great
ohh.. So hard to take a quiz without seeing the lesson.. Damn i only got 4…
Alex, you were very helpful, explaning the ee and i sound. thanks for explaining how to position your tongue when saying the i sound smile for the ee sound. Thank so much. Can you explan the R sound u sound
look for to hearing from you.
very good lesson alex but what about the lesson which i told you to make regarding phrasal verbs that can be used with off . its the second time i am reminding you . please make one lesson on it . i am still waiting impatiently.
dear Sir,
thanks a lot for everything in your site. i have made a mistake just in the last one and i have chosen ‘i got my data recovered! could you tell me the reason, please.
It ıs correct one.It is something wrong with quiz as teacher Alex said above:)
Safak Erman
Hi Alex,
What’s the answer for the last question of the quiz? I picked the last one as an answer but it says wrong, why?
I think we all have the same problem!
I took a quiz. Maybe you haven’t marked a correct answer for the last question
I got 2 mistakes. The 4th and the last. But what was the correct answer for the last one? My answer is I got my data recovered. Why is it wrong?
i’ve made 3 mistakes! shame on me((
Dear all teachers,
I really enjoyed in your lessons, and today I decided to log in in order to expand my communications with your website. For my first emailing to you I would like to ask you is there in your site any possibility to talk (chat) to other students or teachers by “Skype”? I find that speaking is the best way for practicing a foreign language. Furthermore, communications could become interesting and useful for another men, in my case I am a graduated economist and international chess players and international chess coach.
Kind regards
Thanks for this lesson profesor Alex, I like the way you talk in english,, is very clear and it helps me a lot when I have to listen anything in english, you really did a great work with this new lesson, I hope to see soon the second part of passive causative!!
very helpful thanks.
hi alex I really like your away of teaching.
what kind of advice can you give me to be quickly fluent in english? I am french native speaker.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Alex! What is the right answer to the last problem? They all seem to be wrong.
By the way, thanks for the lessons!
in the last exercise i have chosen: I got my data recovered. I can’t understand why it is not correct
Hi Alex.Could you be so kind with making more exact for me difference between-when we use “get” and when we use “have”in the passive voice?
Thanks beforehand!!
With Best Regards!!
From Baku.
Emil Ibrahimov
alex is really a nice nd gud teacher..i have learned passive causative but i can not say it is totaly understoos by me.. but it would definately helping me in improving my english, i had this quiz nd made for mistakes out of 10 which i think is not too bad for the very first quiz of mine.. so thamku for teaching nd give me ur blessings so that i can speak english perfectly accurate nd fluent. THANKU SO MUCH
thank you your videos were interesting i hope you help me and tell me how can i memorize vocabulary? because i forget each word i learn .Thank you
Can you please make a lesson on Gerunds Alex?
They are confusing.
Thank you.
Hi alex thank you so much for all the wonderful and helpful lessons that you have provided for us. I was wondering if you could explain the different ways of using word “would” for us as well. I really appreciate it. Thank you
what is the correct answer for last question of the quiz?
i really liked the lesson. But what is the correct answer of the last question. thx very much!
Hi Alex
Thanks alot for your great teaching, would u pls. explain why in last test I got my data recovered is wrong answer.
All the best
gratitude seizes the tongue .
A request
When i was in collage i studied something called a transformational grammar, but i didn’t understand it, so if you please
gratitude seizes the tongue .
A request
When i was in the collage i studied something called a transformational grammar, but i didn’t understand it, so if you please, to arrange a session for explaining.
With regards
Thanks so much sir
You are my favourite Alex. Alwais with great lessons!
thank you Alex, it’s good way for English learning….
Thanks a lot for teaching me.
Congratulations, it help me a lot. You are so clear, you are and excelent teacher.
Thank you very much! may i ask why there ain’t no answer in the last question on the quiz?
this a good way to get educated, i like a lot,
hello could u tell me Which is the correct answer of the last question?
Why isn’t the last one? ‘I got my data recovered’
thank you mr.Alex for the nice lesson.i had taken the quiz and im pretty sure thats the right answer to the last question is ‘I got my data recovered’.
you guys, should be self-confident.yes, the system gives wrong sign when you chose ‘I got my data recovered’, but the system is wrong. didn’t you guys understand the lesson?
it’s just a matter of applying the rule given by Mr.Alex
“I got my data recovered” is correct. I apologize for the error.
i have been studying in english medium for years n thought my english is grammatically correct but now i realised by watching engvid.com tht
there are alot to be imporved
I like your lessons very much dear Alex.
Can you tell, what is the answer for question 10?
Tank you in advance…
Its nice alex.I like your viedeos only in this website
Number 8 and number 10 I answered wrong((( I need to study better.))) At least I know my issues. In quiz it`s so much easier to figure out correct answer, in real (live) conversation it would take me some time to come up with correct structure of the sentence. It would be so great to have more lessons like this one (on the same subject). Thank you, Alex. Best regards.
this lesson gave me more confedance. thnaks teacher
In the quiz,the last question “I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…”
I chose “I got my data recovered.”
although it showed wrong,and also it didn’t show the correct answer. could you please give the solution for that problem ?
“I got my data recovered” is correct. Sorry about the error! I will fix it as soon as I can!
2 wrong. may i know the answer of last question?
number 10… i got my data recovered is the correct answer sir…. please check it out….
You’re right. Thanks for noticing this!
H! good am, may i know the specific uses of was and were? have and had..Thanks..God bless!
Thank u alex
i enjoy watching the videos
i would request u to teach more advanced lessons
hi alex, please correct these sentences
“yesterday i was ill”so what should i do.
you had it checked out by the doctor
r auistin
hi alex what is the major difference between
passive causative plz kindly inform me soon .
I like your way of teaching
Can you explain the way to use the structrures:
S + have/get Somebody + V or to V
Ex: I have Jame do my homework
I get Jame to do my homework
like your way of teaching
Could you please explain the way to use the structrures:
S + have/get Somebody + V or to V
Ex: I have Jame do my homework
I get Jame to do my homework
I have other sentences which I can’t do. Can you help me?
1. The number of students who have been counted is quite high.( Reduce this relative clause by using particples or to infinitive)
2.Ann is the woman who is responsible for preparing the budget.( Reduce this relative clause by using particples or to infinitive)
Thanks a lot
I suspected in my own knowledge, but I’ve realised that you have made mistake. The correct answer is, of course “I got my data recovered”, but never mind, who works, they make mistakes. . .
Thanks a lot
thanks a lot alex
thanks Alex, I’m looking forward to more lessons!!!
You are the best teacher. Thank you.
Now I have a problem with questions. When you use have,had,does,did,is be and when you revese s and v sometimes you don’t? exemple How long have you lived in USA?I don’t remeber who long (I Have) lived in USA. If you have a video Just talk about questions that will be realy preciated.
It’s wonderful lessons!
Reynaldo Q Paquingan
Thanks Alex for your explain. Please, correct my example passive sentence, as bellow:
1.+ my English is bad
+ you should get it studied hard.
2.+ his book was lose.
+ He should get it seek of there.
Thanks a lots!
it is very wonderful….
thanks very much it helped me Alex thanks your speaking is very wonderful thank you so so so much Alex
It’s so confused with all these sentences. thank you so much. I can improve my grammer rule.
thank you, teacher
thank you Alex!
I have a question. I think that following two sentences have same meaning: “I got my car fixed by mechanic yesterday” and “I was fixed my car by mechanic yesterday”, is it right? Could you tell us ?
All I needed is this website! Thank you very much!
thanks for it, i have my final test and it was very helpful
hello teacher
is it possible for causative verbs beside “make” such as “let”,”have”, and “get”
to be constructed in passive form as in
“my teacher makes me read” ->
“i am made to read by my teacher”
thank you,
i really appreciate it if you’re willing to answer this
Alex, I like the way how you teach!
with best wisches!
I had a lot of useful grammar lesson gotten by you now I need only practice to talk. what should I do?Thank you a lot.
what’s the difference between ‘ I had it massage ‘ and ‘ I get it massage’.
I failed in #1and4
massaged is in Past participle.
Excellent quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Alex
it is very hard to understand but now a days i m trying… but i got 6 marks out of 10….
thank u very much
I think ‘yesterday my car was broke down’is the write sentence instead of ‘yesterday my car borke down’ cause its a passive sentence. please correct me if I’m wrong.
swara raje
thank so much man
Hello Alex my name is Ludmila and I’m taking classes to become an English teacher in my country and I want to ask you if there is a chance that you or a somebody else can teach us how to analyse sentences. (Like compound complex sentences). Thank you! I’ll wait for your reply.
thank you very much
It help me clear my mind!!
i get so bad resylt 3/10
sooooooo bad
hello Alex and thank you. is it correct to say: “You have to have it recovered”, or “you have to get it recovered”?
“You learn more quickly under the guidance of experienced teachers and you waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no one to lead you”.
Alex, you are one of the best. Thanks a lot! your
Thanks To engvid and there staff it’s really helpful for me to see where my grammar is week and where I should focused more in my English learning.thanks onece again elex I like ur teaching criteria.
i love u Alex very much beacause u r agood teacher. thank u so much.
Haii Sir Alex !! Thanks for teaching us this lesson.. Finally, I got it =)
I got it taught excellently by SIR ALEX. Thank you.
Shahbaz Khan
Hi Alex,i want you to know that the detail description about causative sentence because i want to understand it deeply.Please help me and resolve this problem of mine,thanks.
sir i watched ur all videos n liked all of them so much, but i have confusion in use of “have had” and “had had” please i insist you to help me about both
hi sire
can i get some lessons a bout rule of going to and would be and when we can use these?
and thanks a lot for every things
1-I had cancer because I’m smoking.
2-I must be quite smoking. (this sentence right or
wrong, 2nd sentence is Passive?)
Does this grammar construction come from the old german?
old English , germanic structure of the language
Thank you so much! I got a test tomorrow about this and now I finally understand!
Thank you so much for this lesson, i gave the quiz and i got 8 out of 10, thank you Alex
i am like about teaching English so much…..
Thank Alex too much.your lesson is great.I hope,my English will be better in next time
Thanks Alex, but i need more lessons about passive voice. Everday i have problem with my boss when he read my reports. kindly help to resolve and fully understand the meaning of passive voice and how we can use them in different situation.
Best Regards
well done it was very useful, thank you.
Great explanations! Love your teaching Alex!!
I[ve just discovered this site. Kind regards from South America
Hey, Alex. I got 10 from 10, your quiz is excellent :-)
Thanks! Great job … This website is interesting.
thanks Alex,I love your teaching.It is very useful for me
Thank you again :D
tnx for the lesson, this is another use of “had,have” to be remembered. You teach very well, keep it up!
Excellent lesson.. now i understand passive causative.. you are great teacher
Hi Alex..
I got it a little bit difficult, here in the UK we have learned passive voice in another way, they told us to keep the current tense in active voice with swapping object and adding be+ p.p. Actually I was confused a little bit about this lesson and I did not understand how you make passive exactly, I am looking forward to explaining more about passive voice, because as you know it is very important in academic writing… thanks so much for your wonderful effort.
Kind regards
Hemn Merany
Hemn Merany
hello Alex,
I am very thankful for your help, Im from Colombia and my teacher taught me this topic and I didn’t understand anything, but when I saw you video I can understand you and I am very happy now, thanks again. God bless you.
thanx alex … i was really confused in causatives …
what is the meaning of washer here ….. and if i want to say
“we have to make our dd” so it looks quite wrong so can we say “we have to get our dd made” ……. please correct me sir ….
Thank you for this good lesson. Could you please explain question and negative forms of this structure?
are these correct?
Did you get/have my car repaired?
Have you got/had my car repaired?
You shouldn’t have your car repaired by that company.
I have had my teeth checked by that doctor recently.
All of them are wrong.
hi alex
i like the way you are teaching do you have esl class ?
Hi Alex thank you it was helpful and i need more lesson about when and while to make a sentence .
thank u so much teacher
Thanks for your helps.
7/ 10 I noticed that my fault hadn’t considered the Past participle. You should regard the verb form has to be P.P. Be carefull P.P is very important while using the Passive Causative sentence.
Thanks Alex and Engvid.
Hi Alex
what is the correct answer below?
I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…
1- I had recovered my data.
2- I got recover my data.
3- I had my data recover.
4- I got my data recovered.
that was a great lesson.
Thank you veryh much
dear teacher
i have been going to english class since long time but i found that you are a good teacher than my class teacher and its really helpful watching your videos.
so thank you for your great work …..
Thank you very much
and very nice a great lesson
this is my result and I can not understand the solution of this question.can you explain please
I didn’t have time to wash my clothes, so…
I had my clothes putted in the washer by my roommate.( I choose this) and you said it is wrong
I had my clothes put in the washer by my roommate.(this is the correct unswer)as you choose.
Hi, Nevier!
Nice to meet you.
Nobody replied for your question.
Absoulutely, the answer was “I had my clothes put in the washer by my roomate.” because the verb ‘Put’ is an irregular, so it becomes ‘put-put-put’.
I hope my answer will be helpful.
Have wonderful days! ;-D
Thanks Engvid for being helpful all the time
thanks alot
I like your lessons thanks for the hard work!
Hi Alex,
The lesson is excellent.
Keep it up!
Could you please share the concept behind using punctuation mark’!’ at the end of every passive causative sentences you discussed in your video.
Best Wishes!
Thank you for your lesson!
thanks for you. It was helpful.
Thank you for the lesson
hi alex! thanks for sharing these stuffs to us. it helps me improving my spoken english.
all the best! take care!
Thanks for your useful lesson.
I’m querying the answer to no 2.
2. I have a headache. What should I do?
You should have it examined by a doctor.
You should get examined by a doctor.
You should take an aspirin.
You should had it examined by a doctor.
Going to a doctor with a headache is not correct, you’d be turned away. You should take an aspirin is what you’d be told by the receptionist.
8 of 10 that’s great!
What’s the correct answer for number 10question.
Cuong ta
Great and simple explanation!
Thank you!
Walter Marques
Thank you so much for the lesson and the quiz!
Thank you for lesson :)
Thank you Mr.Alex,,,,,the one thing i have ambiguous—>the use of got or had–>in some sentence we have answred by got sentence or some by had,,,,,plz explain me with the help of some examples…
Thank you very much!
i’ll make a lecture on this subject, your was really helpful, thank u
amazing!!! this really helped m. thanks a lot!!!
I’m just curious about one of the punctuation marks used in this quiz. “?!”
It’s called an “interrobang” — it’s for when something is kind of a question, kind of an exclamation. “She’s pregnant?!” “The fridge was open all night?!” “Your cat’s missing?!”
engVid Moderator
Are you a Filipino too? Kabayan! ^_^
Great class man! Really helpful! I had many doubts about this kinda thing…thank´s!
Thank U .It was so helpfullll… .
sorry teacher but I took the quiz and think there was a mistake in my score, because i am sure the tenth question was answered correctly
Thank you very much Mrs. Alex. I got two mistakes, question number 9 and 10, but I’m wondering what is the mistake in my choice and then what is the right answer.
Is good the lesson
Hi! my answer to question 2 I have a headache. What should I do? is “You should get examined by a doctor.” why is it incorrect? I think this answer
“You should have it examined by a doctor.” is incorrect since the pronoun “it” refers to headache. and how can you have the headache examined????)))))
You should take an aspirin.
You should had it examined by a doctor.
It’s very helful lessons
que quiz tan malo!
I still don’t get it.. :S w…. is there any specific reason, when we use “had” or “got” ?
It may help you clear about Causative Verb.
structure of causative verb are as follows:
1.S+get/have+O+p.p+(by agent):
i got/had my shoes polished;
i got/had my watch repaired by a watch-maker
in above case by+agent is not necessary.
He got his sister to clean the room.
He had his sister clean to room.
Notice the difference in structure no.2 and no.3
The Alex sir made us work hard in english.
I’ve got 9 correct:) nice quiz…:)
Thanks a lot:)
thanks for realizing mistake Alex :))
thanks >>> plz add my skype sho.sha11
Hi there! Skype sessions help a lot to improve your speaking skills.
Hope you can find someone to practice with soon. I wish I could do it, but my computer got infected, so I will get it fixed this weekend.
Bye for now! Take care Shay.
Hi there! Skype sessions help a lot to improve your speaking skills.
Hope you can find someone to practice with soon. I wish I could do it, but my computer got infected, so I will get it fixed over the weekend.
Bye for now! Take care Shay.
I got my data recovered. 10 out of 10 ;)
Hi Fakhranda, I didn’t quite get what you meant.
Your computer broke down? So you had someone recover your computer data.
Well, the point is that you pass the quiz with flying colors.
Good for you!!! REGARDS
I did not understand it well
i had it fixed by a mechanic.
i had a mechanic fix it.
are both statement correct?
i did not understand anything is it really important for writnig or speaking? and why we use have and had at the same time
structure of causative verb are as follows:
1.S+get/have+O+p.p+(by agent):
i got/had my shoes polished;
i got/had my watch repaired by a watch-maker
in above case by+agent is not necessary.
He got his sister to clean the room.
He had his sister clean to room.
Notice the difference in structure no.2 and no.3
The Alex sir made us work hard in english.
I don’t understand meaning of third sentence. “He had his sister to room” -this is “Sister came to his room”. What clean?
Thanks Alex. You’re cool.
Very nice!
Will there be any explanation for the Active Causative form?
I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and I got my data recovered.
what’s wrong with this answer?
9 out of 10 is correct. thank you
thanks everyone
my answer is same with others
Hi Alex will you tell me when to use have and get plz
narsimha sharma
I had my clothes putted in the washer by my roommate.
can i know why its not correct :(
and thanks for the lesson
you’re so good :)
I think that the word Put is irregular verb so it can’t be used with -ed ending.
only 60 %.
Hi Alex, thanks a lot for posting your videos. I have a question. Could you say me what means this sentence: “you got you pissed off”? Is it the passive causative? Does it mean: “somebody pissed you off”? Thanks in advance! & Keep it up! George
I made a mistake :) Could you say to me..
Alex, I did wrong in the last question but I thought my anwer is correct. Could you check the answer again, please?
However, thank you for you very advanced lesson.
You made it a lot easier to understand.
Yes I think the same!
At first sight I thought that it was easy topic. But after I had done my test I changed my mind :)
Everyday I have my English improved by engvid :)
Hi Alex. Thank u for your useful topic. Could you please change this sentence active sentence to passive causative. “My friends were trying to break down ma phone.
Thanks again.
10. I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…
I had recovered my data.
I got recover my data.
I had my data recover.
Mat shari
Thank Alex I scored 90%, I am satisfied with that.
Imtithal Saeed
I got 8 correct out of 10. Thanks a lot.
Dear Alex,
Can you clarify how “you have it replaced” is wrong and “you should have it replaced” is correct in Q3?
It’s a bit confuse because the statement said “My camera broke, but I still have the warranty” it sounds that the camera have to be replaced if it doesn’t work.
I am a Taiwanese English tutor.
The video is awesome and superbly helpful!!
Big thanks!!!
(What a quality English-learning channel!!)
Big thanks again!!
Ray Hsu
Hi Alex ! Since I’ve learn English it’s the worst subject I’ve ever seen. In this case I understood NOTHING. (
I am a Taiwanese English teacher.
The reason why my English is so good in comparsion with most of my fellow Taiwanese is that I have been constantly learning and practicing English.
Hopefully the average Emglish ability level for Taiwanese can improve a lot in the very near future.
I have finished watching this video completely.
This video is awesome!!!!
It is bloody useful!!
Big thanks to the teacher and all the fellow students around the world.
Ray Hsu
Thanks was good
Alex, you should have the number 10 answer fixed by the webpage administrator. ?
It was a good lesson as always. ?
Take care, Alex. ?
good one sir
Thanks Alex for this lesson.
I have a problem with the causative verb ”get” with these two sentences :
”She got me to mow the lawn” (with ”to”)
”I got it fixed by a mechanic”(without ”to”)
When ”the agent” (”the mechanic” in the 2nd sentence) is placed just after the ”base verb” then do we always write ”get”without” to ?
And at the opposite, if the agent (”me” in the 1st sentence) is placed just after the causative verb ”get” do we always write ”get” followed by ”to” ?
Am I right ?
“GET” as an Active Causative Verb: When the subject asked or persuaded someone to do something, ” GET + TO-verb” must apply.
She got me to mow the lawn.
I got a mechanic to fix the car.
“GET” as a Passive Causative Verb: When the subject had something being done by someone, “GET + object + PP-Verb” must apply.
She got the lawn mowed (by you).
I got the car fixed (by a mechanic).
The only difference between active and passive causative is the way to introduce emphasis in a sentence.
For the question n.2, I think that when someone has a headache and goes to the doctor, he doesn’t examine the head (or very rarely)but he rather asks questions and eventually examines the entire body of the person.
So, for me, the good answer is the second answer:
”You should get examined by a doctor”
And not ”You should have it examined by a doctor.”
Am I right ?
“You should get examined by a doctor” is technically and grammatically correct, but your answer is too general and you were supposed to respond with “a headache” as the specific passive causative.
‘You should have the headache examined by a doctor’ is not wrong in this case.
this test was a bear!
Thanks Alex!
thanks a lot Alex!
What is the right answer for question 10?
CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY THIS SENTENCE IS NOT CORRECT? I got my roommates to put the clothes in the washer.
This is also correct. This is the active form of causative structure. I think something is wrong with this question. Actually, there are two correct answers to this question.
Thanks Alex, this subject is very confunsing, but your explanation was very nice.
hi there i have to say thank you it was very useful
This lesson was great and little hard so I bad it written on my notebook
DrMohd Osama
Which is the correct answer in num. 10???
I got false for the last question.I wrote “I got my data recovered.” you said it is wrong but you did not write the correct answer for the sentence of number 10.
First of all thank you for this great website and much much thanks to those wonderful teachers.
second i hope you fix the mistake in the last question
and last but not least keep the good work , you making a better world
anas english learner
Hi Alex,
Would you mind explaining to me what the correct answer is for question number 10?.I selected:”I got my data recovered”
Marlon Diaz Pino
Hi Alex:
So in the passive voice, when you use get, you don’t need to add TO plus the verb, do you?
Mark Dan Bs As
I watched this video twice on June 15, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
9/10 Thanks a lot for the lesson, Alex ?
Hi Alex and thanks for all your instructive vids here. Regarding the question on “the headache”, I don’t completely agree with you, since before one goes to a doc and has to pay for the visit, the simpliest way to cope with a headache is to take an aspirin, isn’it?
Thanks for your excellent teaching.??
Thank you Alex
Yildiz Okuturlar
Great lesson as always.what us the right answer to the 10th question please.
SK Chauhan
Thank you Teacher Alex.
Amira Abdulaziz
Our teacher says:
“I got my data recovered” is correct. I think something is wrong with the quiz. Thank you for this.
Thank you Alex
Why can’t we say “I got my roommates to put the clothes in the washer” for question number 9?
Hello Alex, I hope you are doing great so far.
Could you please tell me why the answer to the last question 10 is not ‘I got my data recovered’
10. I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…
I had recovered my data.
I got recover my data.
I had my data recover.
I got my data recovered.
who knows which answer is right in the tenth question?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you very much! I like your method of teaching!
Well-designed quiz Alex!!!
It gave us a chance to put into practice right away the passive causative.
However, in my humble opinion it would’ve been much easier to understand this pattern if you had introduced the active causative first.
Many thanks Alex for this great lesson.
Which is the correct answer of the last question?
Why isn’t the last one? ‘I got my data recovered’
Thank you for your work!
It helps me a lot!
Great job!
yeah,like me!!
I think it is typing mistake.It is correct answer.I chose same too.
I answered the same as you.
I also want to know which is the correct answer.
Does anyone know?
Yes, I have the same question.
Great lesson!!
Same happened to me.
no answer for question number 10? I’m wrong and I want to see the right answer that’s the last question..
thx a lot Alex
I have made 2 mistakes, no way :(
5 and 10 are wrong.
I had a haircut. <– wrong?
I had my hair cut. <–correct
I got ym data recovered. <– why is it wrong?
‘I had a haircut’ is grammatically correct, but you were supposed to respond with the passive causative.
I hope you will explain me my mistakes.
btw, i just registered on this website.
“I got my data recovered” is correct. I think something is wrong with the quiz. Thank you for this.
Mr Alex, i am a bit confuse on when to use get/got and when to use have/had.iknow get has a meaning which are to receive,to answer,to bring something back for use,to become/cause.Could you please explain the use of get when talking about a cause or when used in place of a cause.
Teacher Alex! You didn’t point out when and why “have” or “get” be used. When do we use “have” or “get”? Can you point it out?
I knew that “have” its mean likes = request and “Get” its mean likes “convince” but i don’t understand when using it correctly. I hope you can teach me. Thank you very much T.Alex!
Alex, thank you for correcting it. I couldn’t figure out why my answer—”I got my data recovered”—was wrong.
I got my test graded by a machine so errors are bound to occur.
thanks Alex
thankx for the lesson… it was great
ohh.. So hard to take a quiz without seeing the lesson.. Damn i only got 4…
Alex, you were very helpful, explaning the ee and i sound. thanks for explaining how to position your tongue when saying the i sound smile for the ee sound. Thank so much. Can you explan the R sound u sound
look for to hearing from you.
very good lesson alex but what about the lesson which i told you to make regarding phrasal verbs that can be used with off . its the second time i am reminding you . please make one lesson on it . i am still waiting impatiently.
dear Sir,
thanks a lot for everything in your site. i have made a mistake just in the last one and i have chosen ‘i got my data recovered! could you tell me the reason, please.
It ıs correct one.It is something wrong with quiz as teacher Alex said above:)
Hi Alex,
What’s the answer for the last question of the quiz? I picked the last one as an answer but it says wrong, why?
I think we all have the same problem!
I took a quiz. Maybe you haven’t marked a correct answer for the last question
I got 2 mistakes. The 4th and the last. But what was the correct answer for the last one? My answer is I got my data recovered. Why is it wrong?
i’ve made 3 mistakes! shame on me((
Dear all teachers,
I really enjoyed in your lessons, and today I decided to log in in order to expand my communications with your website. For my first emailing to you I would like to ask you is there in your site any possibility to talk (chat) to other students or teachers by “Skype”? I find that speaking is the best way for practicing a foreign language. Furthermore, communications could become interesting and useful for another men, in my case I am a graduated economist and international chess players and international chess coach.
Kind regards
Thanks for this lesson profesor Alex, I like the way you talk in english,, is very clear and it helps me a lot when I have to listen anything in english, you really did a great work with this new lesson, I hope to see soon the second part of passive causative!!
very helpful thanks.
hi alex I really like your away of teaching.
what kind of advice can you give me to be quickly fluent in english? I am french native speaker.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Alex! What is the right answer to the last problem? They all seem to be wrong.
By the way, thanks for the lessons!
in the last exercise i have chosen: I got my data recovered. I can’t understand why it is not correct
Hi Alex.Could you be so kind with making more exact for me difference between-when we use “get” and when we use “have”in the passive voice?
Thanks beforehand!!
With Best Regards!!
From Baku.
alex is really a nice nd gud teacher..i have learned passive causative but i can not say it is totaly understoos by me.. but it would definately helping me in improving my english, i had this quiz nd made for mistakes out of 10 which i think is not too bad for the very first quiz of mine.. so thamku for teaching nd give me ur blessings so that i can speak english perfectly accurate nd fluent. THANKU SO MUCH
thank you your videos were interesting i hope you help me and tell me how can i memorize vocabulary? because i forget each word i learn .Thank you
Can you please make a lesson on Gerunds Alex?
They are confusing.
Thank you.
Hi alex thank you so much for all the wonderful and helpful lessons that you have provided for us. I was wondering if you could explain the different ways of using word “would” for us as well. I really appreciate it. Thank you
what is the correct answer for last question of the quiz?
i really liked the lesson. But what is the correct answer of the last question. thx very much!
Hi Alex
Thanks alot for your great teaching, would u pls. explain why in last test I got my data recovered is wrong answer.
All the best
gratitude seizes the tongue .
A request
When i was in collage i studied something called a transformational grammar, but i didn’t understand it, so if you please
gratitude seizes the tongue .
A request
When i was in the collage i studied something called a transformational grammar, but i didn’t understand it, so if you please, to arrange a session for explaining.
With regards
Thanks so much sir
You are my favourite Alex. Alwais with great lessons!
Sorry. I mean always!
Thanks For all that Lessons of http://www.engvid.com
thank you so much for teaching.
hi Alen
How can I watch your videos?
help me!help me! help me!
thank you Alex, it’s good way for English learning….
Thanks a lot for teaching me.
Congratulations, it help me a lot. You are so clear, you are and excelent teacher.
Thank you very much! may i ask why there ain’t no answer in the last question on the quiz?
this a good way to get educated, i like a lot,
hello could u tell me Which is the correct answer of the last question?
Why isn’t the last one? ‘I got my data recovered’
thank you mr.Alex for the nice lesson.i had taken the quiz and im pretty sure thats the right answer to the last question is ‘I got my data recovered’.
you guys, should be self-confident.yes, the system gives wrong sign when you chose ‘I got my data recovered’, but the system is wrong. didn’t you guys understand the lesson?
it’s just a matter of applying the rule given by Mr.Alex
“I got my data recovered” is correct. I apologize for the error.
i have been studying in english medium for years n thought my english is grammatically correct but now i realised by watching engvid.com tht
there are alot to be imporved
I like your lessons very much dear Alex.
Can you tell, what is the answer for question 10?
Tank you in advance…
Its nice alex.I like your viedeos only in this website
Number 8 and number 10 I answered wrong((( I need to study better.))) At least I know my issues. In quiz it`s so much easier to figure out correct answer, in real (live) conversation it would take me some time to come up with correct structure of the sentence. It would be so great to have more lessons like this one (on the same subject). Thank you, Alex. Best regards.
this lesson gave me more confedance. thnaks teacher
In the quiz,the last question “I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…”
I chose “I got my data recovered.”
although it showed wrong,and also it didn’t show the correct answer. could you please give the solution for that problem ?
“I got my data recovered” is correct. Sorry about the error! I will fix it as soon as I can!
2 wrong. may i know the answer of last question?
number 10… i got my data recovered is the correct answer sir…. please check it out….
You’re right. Thanks for noticing this!
H! good am, may i know the specific uses of was and were? have and had..Thanks..God bless!
Thank u alex
i enjoy watching the videos
i would request u to teach more advanced lessons
hi alex, please correct these sentences
“yesterday i was ill”so what should i do.
you had it checked out by the doctor
hi alex what is the major difference between
passive causative plz kindly inform me soon .
I like your way of teaching
Can you explain the way to use the structrures:
S + have/get Somebody + V or to V
Ex: I have Jame do my homework
I get Jame to do my homework
like your way of teaching
Could you please explain the way to use the structrures:
S + have/get Somebody + V or to V
Ex: I have Jame do my homework
I get Jame to do my homework
I have other sentences which I can’t do. Can you help me?
1. The number of students who have been counted is quite high.( Reduce this relative clause by using particples or to infinitive)
2.Ann is the woman who is responsible for preparing the budget.( Reduce this relative clause by using particples or to infinitive)
Thanks a lot
I suspected in my own knowledge, but I’ve realised that you have made mistake. The correct answer is, of course “I got my data recovered”, but never mind, who works, they make mistakes. . .
Thanks a lot
thanks a lot alex
thanks Alex, I’m looking forward to more lessons!!!
You are the best teacher. Thank you.
Now I have a problem with questions. When you use have,had,does,did,is be and when you revese s and v sometimes you don’t? exemple How long have you lived in USA?I don’t remeber who long (I Have) lived in USA. If you have a video Just talk about questions that will be realy preciated.
It’s wonderful lessons!
Thanks Alex for your explain. Please, correct my example passive sentence, as bellow:
1.+ my English is bad
+ you should get it studied hard.
2.+ his book was lose.
+ He should get it seek of there.
Thanks a lots!
it is very wonderful….
thanks very much it helped me Alex thanks your speaking is very wonderful thank you so so so much Alex
It’s so confused with all these sentences. thank you so much. I can improve my grammer rule.
thank you, teacher
thank you Alex!
I have a question. I think that following two sentences have same meaning: “I got my car fixed by mechanic yesterday” and “I was fixed my car by mechanic yesterday”, is it right? Could you tell us ?
All I needed is this website! Thank you very much!
thanks for it, i have my final test and it was very helpful
hello teacher
is it possible for causative verbs beside “make” such as “let”,”have”, and “get”
to be constructed in passive form as in
“my teacher makes me read” ->
“i am made to read by my teacher”
thank you,
i really appreciate it if you’re willing to answer this
Alex, I like the way how you teach!
with best wisches!
I had a lot of useful grammar lesson gotten by you now I need only practice to talk. what should I do?Thank you a lot.
what’s the difference between ‘ I had it massage ‘ and ‘ I get it massage’.
I failed in #1and4
massaged is in Past participle.
Excellent quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Alex
it is very hard to understand but now a days i m trying… but i got 6 marks out of 10….
thank u very much
I think ‘yesterday my car was broke down’is the write sentence instead of ‘yesterday my car borke down’ cause its a passive sentence. please correct me if I’m wrong.
thank so much man
Hello Alex my name is Ludmila and I’m taking classes to become an English teacher in my country and I want to ask you if there is a chance that you or a somebody else can teach us how to analyse sentences. (Like compound complex sentences). Thank you! I’ll wait for your reply.
thank you very much
It help me clear my mind!!
i get so bad resylt 3/10
sooooooo bad
hello Alex and thank you. is it correct to say: “You have to have it recovered”, or “you have to get it recovered”?
“You learn more quickly under the guidance of experienced teachers and you waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no one to lead you”.
Alex, you are one of the best. Thanks a lot! your
Thanks To engvid and there staff it’s really helpful for me to see where my grammar is week and where I should focused more in my English learning.thanks onece again elex I like ur teaching criteria.
i love u Alex very much beacause u r agood teacher. thank u so much.
Haii Sir Alex !! Thanks for teaching us this lesson.. Finally, I got it =)
I got it taught excellently by SIR ALEX. Thank you.
Hi Alex,i want you to know that the detail description about causative sentence because i want to understand it deeply.Please help me and resolve this problem of mine,thanks.
sir i watched ur all videos n liked all of them so much, but i have confusion in use of “have had” and “had had” please i insist you to help me about both
hi sire
can i get some lessons a bout rule of going to and would be and when we can use these?
and thanks a lot for every things
1-I had cancer because I’m smoking.
2-I must be quite smoking. (this sentence right or
wrong, 2nd sentence is Passive?)
Does this grammar construction come from the old german?
Thank you so much! I got a test tomorrow about this and now I finally understand!
Thank you so much for this lesson, i gave the quiz and i got 8 out of 10, thank you Alex
i am like about teaching English so much…..
Thank Alex too much.your lesson is great.I hope,my English will be better in next time
Thanks Alex, but i need more lessons about passive voice. Everday i have problem with my boss when he read my reports. kindly help to resolve and fully understand the meaning of passive voice and how we can use them in different situation.
Best Regards
well done it was very useful, thank you.
Great explanations! Love your teaching Alex!!
I[ve just discovered this site. Kind regards from South America
Hey, Alex. I got 10 from 10, your quiz is excellent :-)
Thanks! Great job … This website is interesting.
thanks Alex,I love your teaching.It is very useful for me
Thank you again :D
tnx for the lesson, this is another use of “had,have” to be remembered. You teach very well, keep it up!
Excellent lesson.. now i understand passive causative.. you are great teacher
Hi Alex..
I got it a little bit difficult, here in the UK we have learned passive voice in another way, they told us to keep the current tense in active voice with swapping object and adding be+ p.p. Actually I was confused a little bit about this lesson and I did not understand how you make passive exactly, I am looking forward to explaining more about passive voice, because as you know it is very important in academic writing… thanks so much for your wonderful effort.
Kind regards
Hemn Merany
hello Alex,
I am very thankful for your help, Im from Colombia and my teacher taught me this topic and I didn’t understand anything, but when I saw you video I can understand you and I am very happy now, thanks again. God bless you.
thanx alex … i was really confused in causatives …
what is the meaning of washer here ….. and if i want to say
“we have to make our dd” so it looks quite wrong so can we say “we have to get our dd made” ……. please correct me sir ….
Thank you for this good lesson. Could you please explain question and negative forms of this structure?
are these correct?
Did you get/have my car repaired?
Have you got/had my car repaired?
You shouldn’t have your car repaired by that company.
I have had my teeth checked by that doctor recently.
All of them are wrong.
hi alex
i like the way you are teaching do you have esl class ?
Hi Alex thank you it was helpful and i need more lesson about when and while to make a sentence .
thank u so much teacher
Thanks for your helps.
7/ 10 I noticed that my fault hadn’t considered the Past participle. You should regard the verb form has to be P.P. Be carefull P.P is very important while using the Passive Causative sentence.
Thanks Alex and Engvid.
Hi Alex
what is the correct answer below?
I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…
1- I had recovered my data.
2- I got recover my data.
3- I had my data recover.
4- I got my data recovered.
that was a great lesson.
Thank you veryh much
dear teacher
i have been going to english class since long time but i found that you are a good teacher than my class teacher and its really helpful watching your videos.
so thank you for your great work …..
Thank you very much
and very nice a great lesson
this is my result and I can not understand the solution of this question.can you explain please
I didn’t have time to wash my clothes, so…
I had my clothes putted in the washer by my roommate.( I choose this) and you said it is wrong
I had my clothes put in the washer by my roommate.(this is the correct unswer)as you choose.
Hi, Nevier!
Nice to meet you.
Nobody replied for your question.
Absoulutely, the answer was “I had my clothes put in the washer by my roomate.” because the verb ‘Put’ is an irregular, so it becomes ‘put-put-put’.
I hope my answer will be helpful.
Have wonderful days! ;-D
Thanks Engvid for being helpful all the time
thanks alot
I like your lessons thanks for the hard work!
Hi Alex,
The lesson is excellent.
Keep it up!
Could you please share the concept behind using punctuation mark’!’ at the end of every passive causative sentences you discussed in your video.
Best Wishes!
Thank you for your lesson!
thanks for you. It was helpful.
Thank you for the lesson
hi alex! thanks for sharing these stuffs to us. it helps me improving my spoken english.
all the best! take care!
Thanks for your useful lesson.
I’m querying the answer to no 2.
2. I have a headache. What should I do?
You should have it examined by a doctor.
You should get examined by a doctor.
You should take an aspirin.
You should had it examined by a doctor.
Going to a doctor with a headache is not correct, you’d be turned away. You should take an aspirin is what you’d be told by the receptionist.
8 of 10 that’s great!
What’s the correct answer for number 10question.
Great and simple explanation!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the lesson and the quiz!
Thank you for lesson :)
Thank you Mr.Alex,,,,,the one thing i have ambiguous—>the use of got or had–>in some sentence we have answred by got sentence or some by had,,,,,plz explain me with the help of some examples…
Thank you very much!
i’ll make a lecture on this subject, your was really helpful, thank u
amazing!!! this really helped m. thanks a lot!!!
I’m just curious about one of the punctuation marks used in this quiz. “?!”
It’s called an “interrobang” — it’s for when something is kind of a question, kind of an exclamation. “She’s pregnant?!” “The fridge was open all night?!” “Your cat’s missing?!”
Are you a Filipino too? Kabayan! ^_^
Great class man! Really helpful! I had many doubts about this kinda thing…thank´s!
Thank U .It was so helpfullll… .
sorry teacher but I took the quiz and think there was a mistake in my score, because i am sure the tenth question was answered correctly
Thank you very much Mrs. Alex. I got two mistakes, question number 9 and 10, but I’m wondering what is the mistake in my choice and then what is the right answer.
Is good the lesson
Hi! my answer to question 2 I have a headache. What should I do? is “You should get examined by a doctor.” why is it incorrect? I think this answer
“You should have it examined by a doctor.” is incorrect since the pronoun “it” refers to headache. and how can you have the headache examined????)))))
You should take an aspirin.
You should had it examined by a doctor.
It’s very helful lessons
que quiz tan malo!
I still don’t get it.. :S w…. is there any specific reason, when we use “had” or “got” ?
It may help you clear about Causative Verb.
structure of causative verb are as follows:
1.S+get/have+O+p.p+(by agent):
i got/had my shoes polished;
i got/had my watch repaired by a watch-maker
in above case by+agent is not necessary.
He got his sister to clean the room.
He had his sister clean to room.
Notice the difference in structure no.2 and no.3
The Alex sir made us work hard in english.
I’ve got 9 correct:) nice quiz…:)
Thanks a lot:)
thanks for realizing mistake Alex :))
thanks >>> plz add my skype sho.sha11
Hi there! Skype sessions help a lot to improve your speaking skills.
Hope you can find someone to practice with soon. I wish I could do it, but my computer got infected, so I will get it fixed this weekend.
Bye for now! Take care Shay.
Hi there! Skype sessions help a lot to improve your speaking skills.
Hope you can find someone to practice with soon. I wish I could do it, but my computer got infected, so I will get it fixed over the weekend.
Bye for now! Take care Shay.
I got my data recovered. 10 out of 10 ;)
Hi Fakhranda, I didn’t quite get what you meant.
Your computer broke down? So you had someone recover your computer data.
Well, the point is that you pass the quiz with flying colors.
Good for you!!! REGARDS
I did not understand it well
i had it fixed by a mechanic.
i had a mechanic fix it.
are both statement correct?
i did not understand anything is it really important for writnig or speaking? and why we use have and had at the same time
structure of causative verb are as follows:
1.S+get/have+O+p.p+(by agent):
i got/had my shoes polished;
i got/had my watch repaired by a watch-maker
in above case by+agent is not necessary.
He got his sister to clean the room.
He had his sister clean to room.
Notice the difference in structure no.2 and no.3
The Alex sir made us work hard in english.
I don’t understand meaning of third sentence. “He had his sister to room” -this is “Sister came to his room”. What clean?
Thanks Alex. You’re cool.
Very nice!
Will there be any explanation for the Active Causative form?
I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and I got my data recovered.
what’s wrong with this answer?
9 out of 10 is correct. thank you
thanks everyone
my answer is same with others
Hi Alex will you tell me when to use have and get plz
I had my clothes putted in the washer by my roommate.
can i know why its not correct :(
and thanks for the lesson
you’re so good :)
I think that the word Put is irregular verb so it can’t be used with -ed ending.
only 60 %.
Hi Alex, thanks a lot for posting your videos. I have a question. Could you say me what means this sentence: “you got you pissed off”? Is it the passive causative? Does it mean: “somebody pissed you off”? Thanks in advance! & Keep it up! George
I made a mistake :) Could you say to me..
Alex, I did wrong in the last question but I thought my anwer is correct. Could you check the answer again, please?
However, thank you for you very advanced lesson.
You made it a lot easier to understand.
Yes I think the same!
At first sight I thought that it was easy topic. But after I had done my test I changed my mind :)
Everyday I have my English improved by engvid :)
Hi Alex. Thank u for your useful topic. Could you please change this sentence active sentence to passive causative. “My friends were trying to break down ma phone.
Thanks again.
10. I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…
I had recovered my data.
I got recover my data.
I had my data recover.
Thank Alex I scored 90%, I am satisfied with that.
I got 8 correct out of 10. Thanks a lot.
Dear Alex,
Can you clarify how “you have it replaced” is wrong and “you should have it replaced” is correct in Q3?
It’s a bit confuse because the statement said “My camera broke, but I still have the warranty” it sounds that the camera have to be replaced if it doesn’t work.
I am a Taiwanese English tutor.
The video is awesome and superbly helpful!!
Big thanks!!!
(What a quality English-learning channel!!)
Big thanks again!!
Hi Alex ! Since I’ve learn English it’s the worst subject I’ve ever seen. In this case I understood NOTHING. (
I am a Taiwanese English teacher.
The reason why my English is so good in comparsion with most of my fellow Taiwanese is that I have been constantly learning and practicing English.
Hopefully the average Emglish ability level for Taiwanese can improve a lot in the very near future.
I have finished watching this video completely.
This video is awesome!!!!
It is bloody useful!!
Big thanks to the teacher and all the fellow students around the world.
Thanks was good
Alex, you should have the number 10 answer fixed by the webpage administrator. ?
It was a good lesson as always. ?
Take care, Alex. ?
good one sir
Thanks Alex for this lesson.
I have a problem with the causative verb ”get” with these two sentences :
”She got me to mow the lawn” (with ”to”)
”I got it fixed by a mechanic”(without ”to”)
When ”the agent” (”the mechanic” in the 2nd sentence) is placed just after the ”base verb” then do we always write ”get”without” to ?
And at the opposite, if the agent (”me” in the 1st sentence) is placed just after the causative verb ”get” do we always write ”get” followed by ”to” ?
Am I right ?
“GET” as an Active Causative Verb: When the subject asked or persuaded someone to do something, ” GET + TO-verb” must apply.
She got me to mow the lawn.
I got a mechanic to fix the car.
“GET” as a Passive Causative Verb: When the subject had something being done by someone, “GET + object + PP-Verb” must apply.
She got the lawn mowed (by you).
I got the car fixed (by a mechanic).
The only difference between active and passive causative is the way to introduce emphasis in a sentence.
For the question n.2, I think that when someone has a headache and goes to the doctor, he doesn’t examine the head (or very rarely)but he rather asks questions and eventually examines the entire body of the person.
So, for me, the good answer is the second answer:
”You should get examined by a doctor”
And not ”You should have it examined by a doctor.”
Am I right ?
“You should get examined by a doctor” is technically and grammatically correct, but your answer is too general and you were supposed to respond with “a headache” as the specific passive causative.
‘You should have the headache examined by a doctor’ is not wrong in this case.
this test was a bear!
Thanks Alex!
thanks a lot Alex!
What is the right answer for question 10?
CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY THIS SENTENCE IS NOT CORRECT? I got my roommates to put the clothes in the washer.
This is also correct. This is the active form of causative structure. I think something is wrong with this question. Actually, there are two correct answers to this question.
Thanks Alex, this subject is very confunsing, but your explanation was very nice.
hi there i have to say thank you it was very useful
This lesson was great and little hard so I bad it written on my notebook
Which is the correct answer in num. 10???
I got false for the last question.I wrote “I got my data recovered.” you said it is wrong but you did not write the correct answer for the sentence of number 10.
First of all thank you for this great website and much much thanks to those wonderful teachers.
second i hope you fix the mistake in the last question
and last but not least keep the good work , you making a better world
Hi Alex,
Would you mind explaining to me what the correct answer is for question number 10?.I selected:”I got my data recovered”
Hi Alex:
So in the passive voice, when you use get, you don’t need to add TO plus the verb, do you?
I watched this video twice on June 15, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
9/10 Thanks a lot for the lesson, Alex ?
Hi Alex and thanks for all your instructive vids here. Regarding the question on “the headache”, I don’t completely agree with you, since before one goes to a doc and has to pay for the visit, the simpliest way to cope with a headache is to take an aspirin, isn’it?
Thanks for your excellent teaching.??
Thank you Alex
Great lesson as always.what us the right answer to the 10th question please.
Thank you Teacher Alex.
Our teacher says:
“I got my data recovered” is correct. I think something is wrong with the quiz. Thank you for this.
Thank you Alex
Why can’t we say “I got my roommates to put the clothes in the washer” for question number 9?
Hello Alex, I hope you are doing great so far.
Could you please tell me why the answer to the last question 10 is not ‘I got my data recovered’
10. I lost all of my hard drive data! I went to an electronics shop and…
I had recovered my data.
I got recover my data.
I had my data recover.
I got my data recovered.
who knows which answer is right in the tenth question?
Thank you, teacher. It is indispensable.