Do you always know which words are verbs, nouns, adjectives, or adverbs? If not, this grammar lesson on suffixes, or word endings, will help you. I’ll also teach you the 3 most useful word endings that will make learning English much easier.
Thanks James! I’ve been mimicking some of your teaching technique.
I think engVid is an enjoyable website. I’m a Philoengvid. My writing is correct? I don’t have confidence ^^; Thank you James and Mr. E :)
Thx for your help.
Thanks James for the lesson.
I like to create new funny words in Russian using wrong suffixes or word endings (in Russian these are different word parts) and sometimes feel like doing it in English. I think it’s not a good habit as someone may think I’m bad at English grammar:-)
Kak de la , that is how are you in Russian I’m I right?!
Hi alhappy. Yes, you’re right. I’ve just replied to your comment on ‘collective nouns’:-)
Thank you Katya ok should I reply to this sentens ( ka ra shoo)or there is another reply,
I’m sorry to bother you but I’m interesting in learning some russian.
Hi again. It’s not bothering at all. Ka ra sho is pretty the same as ok, you’re right. As in any other language there are various replies. ‘Nor mal no’ or ‘ne plo ho’ for not bad, or ‘tak se be’ for not really cool. And you may also start answering the question telling someone what’s happening in your life.
Here’s my email ( for you to ask more questions if you want:-)
That’s awesome!!! I used to invent new words by speaking upsidedown in spanish it makes you feel great in my opinion…
Thanks I got 33%
Abdul Qayum
Hello,How are you Englsh students?
Thank you Sir.
Good job James
i really have have got benefit of your videos
Thanks so much.
You talk very fast for me so I don’t understand everything you said but it’s a good practice for me, but your speaking is a higher level so I have to do a great effort to understand. However I got 78 in the quiz test.
That was a very good lesson, thanks.
A Line
Great lesson!! But I still don’t understand the difference between reverence and deference can someone explain it for me pleasepleaseplease???
As I’ve understood, “reverence” means a feeling of great respect, of veneration for someone or something(like the national flag or religion).
“Deference” means to accept, to give way to someone’s opinions or wishes because of the great respect you have for him.
Actually the verb “to defer” means what I just said.”Deference” (a noun) is the act of acceptance, of submission to someone’s ideas.
The photo on the left, doesn’t do you justice! :)
i am an engineer & i am 50 years old ,i have three daghter,i am living in Iran/Bander Abbas now,i like to teach english very well .
ahmad hazbeizadeh
Hi James, I love your lessons!! It is very helpful to me!!!
I had studied at YUELI for 6 months, and I think you are definitely at same level with the teachers I met there.
Look forward to listen more teaching topic from you!!
Mister Eee likes this lesson.
I got 78%
Thanks James for this intersting lesson
thank you james . i have got 100% .
rusudan kh
Did I mention that your classes are always enjoyable? Well, they really are, and I’m learning a lot from you. Thank you, James.
Evaldo Mendes
I would like to writte this on facebook page but due to the argument about Jade I can’t.
I really like James. Usually he teachs the more difficults issues ans his methode is amazing. But this class is so long. Even for James. There are two moments that seems that James is losing himself. I prefer short lessons and I like James at all.
Lol i’ve got 100% , but i’m not sure if i’m getting the lesson,
Thank you James
when I started studing with you, three months ago, was very difficult for me understand what you said, I am now able to understand 70 percent, thank so much.
I think in three I will understand to 80 percent, step by step great mountains are reached. Sorry for my grammar. I am novel.
Thanks again.
when I started studing with you, three months ago, was very difficult to me understand you said, I am now able understand 70 percent, thank so much.
I think in three I will understand to 80 percent, step by step great mountains are reached. Sorry for my grammar. I am novel.
Thanks again.
Johnny Tran
Thx James for your engagement !
you help me alot to get my Higher School Certificate ..
I mean effort :D
i love you instructor your way of teaching is really good thank u so much ur lesson was really helpful for me
niveen samuoel
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17’ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
damn i got 100% … james thanks to you and Mr E i wish back soon for new lesson
6/9 thanks James
what a boring class…
Sally S
i got 7/9, thnx for ur lesson, nice day handsome teacher! heeeeeeee
Thao Vo
Mr E is a lovable,enjoyable,respectable character. Thank you James
please , mr. james , i need a lesson about adverb and adjective phrases . i`m an English teacher , but i really misunderstand them .
Mahmoud Mohammed
thank u so much for the lesson but i want know more about sufix like ness= coldness ship = friendship hood= childhood plzzzzzzzz help me Mr James
Thank you, James! It was excellent lesson!) I had 89 in the quiz.
But I didn’t understand about reverence and deference) As for me it has similar meaning..
She covered her head out in deference to (= because of a polite respect for) Muslim custom.
She is probably Catholic but she accept Muslim rules.
She shows great reverence for her parents.
She truly love and appreciate her parents.
She acceptS, she truly loveS and appreciateS her parents, of course :)
Thank you, jAmper!) It became more clear for me!
Thanks James I like very much your lessons because you speak clearly and you’re pleasant
thank you so much I have learned something great
Thank you so much James
I revere yuo
Abubakr Baras
Hi James thank you for your lessons! I was wondering If you could do a class about Hip Hop Slang, and that kind of stuff because I really like to understand more Hip Hop lyrics and movies! I’d really appreciate it!
Thank you for this enjoyable lesson.
Is it correct?
Thank you James on the lesson. I really did get the whole concept on suffix. You teach much better than my teacher.
james hello
I’m watching your lessons from last one week almost everyday
they are very helpful. Thankyou
89 :(
Thanks a lot mr James
I got 9 out of 9! thank you!!
Nice teacher!!!!
Thanx a lot, your lessons are very helpful and enjoyable :)
Hi, thanks for the lesson. I’m really impressed of the technic of leading the lessons. You rock
your lesson is very enjoyable ….you you are he best teacher…regards to Mr E.
James, you are the best!
thanks a lot james love your videos greetings from mexico
Thank you james.
I’ve got 100%.
I will keep studing hard with your lessons.
reiko kenmotsu
Hi , Heiko you have whatsaap?
James,you are really a funny guy.I like your lesson!
Thanks James!!!, your classes are very interesting, and your way of teaching, is the best form to learn english, or in my case for practice english.
I got 100, thank you very much, really useful your lesson James. Kind regards
You are AMAZING James!! Thank You!!!
9/9 in quiz. Thank you, James! I like the way you teach us! I like your loveble Mr. E too :)
okay, what about Inferential and Derivational? Could you please give more dials about it
thanks for your help teacher :)
Johnny Tran
I am addict of James’s lessons!!!))) I learn English with pleasure! I revere teaching talent of James!
Hi James,
thanks a lot for your great lesson.
It’s very useful and you’re an amazing teacher
take care
Thnks James,
I have a doubt on the word DESIRABLE.
i a lot of books i have found that,
how can it be possible?how can ABLE be a bound morpheme even it can stand by itself as a me is it a bound morpheme or free morpheme
James, thank you so much, it was really interesting, good and funny lesson! You’re a best teacher! :)
Thanbk you very much teacher James, prefixes and suffixes are two very valuables lessons from you!
hi Eselita I would like to ask you if you are interested to have a study partner? if you do you can add me at skype so we can help each other to improve our English proficiency. here’s my skype ID joneferranay.
oh my god. 4 out of 9. its really shows that i am poor in grammar. i nned to study more.. :( mr. james teach me more. thank you for the lesson i think i need to watch it again.
anyone there who wants a study partner?
just add me at skype joneferranay. im not going to waste your time. Im sure it would help if we practice our English by practicing it verbally. thanks and see you soon.. thanks also Mr.James for giving us a free English tutorial. more power and god bless.
Great teacher.
thank you sir james^^
Nor Mahanim
Thank you for this helpful lesson !
good, tanks Jams
Thnks :)
brilliant! this video is fun & funny!thanks a lot James!!
I hate grammar but with you seems easy , this is my first lesson and Quiz I got 89 not bad lol
Thank you so much you are great teacher.
hilarious and useful lesson! I hope you will do other lesssons like this one!
I got 9/9. Let me express my deference to lovable Mr E and witty James for this enjoyable lesson. It was worthy to watch. Reverence of your talent has no limits for me and I got a lot of enjoyment from this class.)
So amazing. I love it
defrence and revrence please
i will show you 2 of my examples but if they are wrong pleas correct them for me:
we have to show deference for all the scientific
i rever you becuase of your lesson witch help me a lot
Thank you James this video was really useful
i got 8/9… and i knew the one that i wrote.. :'(
That was great lesson, thank you Sir James
Great! But I have a doubt.
What is the difference between LOVELY AND LOVABLE???? Thank you in advance.
i love u so Much James ..! and thanx you for lesson .. youُre Amazing Man
thank you so much
radouane nacer
Thank you James
Thank you James
Ahmed Beltmer
85!Thank you Teacher!
Jay Lim
Like the way he teaches :) Only once had to use the subtitle…
thanks teacher this is very usable lesson
7 out of nine thats fare enough. My understanding in english language is 70 to 80 percent maybe hehe! thanks sir James and Mr.E your the best…
7 out of nine that’s (fair) enough
89, thanks James
James never answers… why?? So the word you forgot: governerà!
Tablet disagree! I Mean : governement
Hi James, i tried to watch your video for the first time tonight and tried to take the quiz, i really happy that i’ve got 100 scores ! Yey, your speak clearly, i like it :)
I found the engvid website from google and its really help me to learn english more. Thanks engvid
Tabita Saragih
Another good lesson 89%
thank you Mr james,yore corses are verry useful, and yore way of teaching is enjoyebul.
selma 1
Thanks James. Informative lesson that deserve a real reverence.
Thanks a lot.
the flash
thanks Jams for your nice theaching 10/10
Thank for this lesson.
Impeccable, thanks a lot.
thanks :)
You are so interesting james!
Oh sorry by mistakes on this test. You are really good teacher and taught us smartly. I don’t have pay attention enough, therefore I learned after by errors. Thanks a lot
Now I’m more alert, promise
Have a good day Mr. James
Thanks James ! my score was 8/9.
Lucas Avelino
Mr E… of course your are lovable..thanks james..i like your style teaching of something.i hope i wrote right
Thanks you james.
Very good lesson.I think Engvid videos are worthy watching I also think that Engvid teachers deserve
our reverence.( Is this okay?)
You got 8 correct out of 9.
thank yo so much.
M kartal
I got 9 thank you :) and that wasn’t easy
Excellent explanation. You are a great teacher of the English language.
I made a mistake on No.6, I thought they were fighting and arguing.
Jame, your lesson was great. thanks my teacher
thank Mr James for the amazing lesson you are a lovable person
toty mohamed
enjoyable lesson about suffix! great
Thanks you!! nice class.. I was really enjoyable
You’re awesome sir. Thank you .
awesome thanks
my worm mrs. Ğ in love with mr. Eee, it is very lovable
THX, James!
Thank you Mr. James but I fail. I’ll focus more in my grammar.
Flavio Rodriguez
Thanks sır for all your support, through all the tests I have done, through when i just decided to watch some of your videos for fun.
I owe some of my success to you.
If only every teacher was as good and as entertaining like you, then I am sure no-one would hate learning in school or anything.
Learn English for free with 2152 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thnak you!
Thank you James.
Thanks James! I’ve been mimicking some of your teaching technique.
I think engVid is an enjoyable website. I’m a Philoengvid. My writing is correct? I don’t have confidence ^^; Thank you James and Mr. E :)
Thx for your help.
Thanks James for the lesson.
I like to create new funny words in Russian using wrong suffixes or word endings (in Russian these are different word parts) and sometimes feel like doing it in English. I think it’s not a good habit as someone may think I’m bad at English grammar:-)
Kak de la , that is how are you in Russian I’m I right?!
Hi alhappy. Yes, you’re right. I’ve just replied to your comment on ‘collective nouns’:-)
Thank you Katya ok should I reply to this sentens ( ka ra shoo)or there is another reply,
I’m sorry to bother you but I’m interesting in learning some russian.
Hi again. It’s not bothering at all. Ka ra sho is pretty the same as ok, you’re right. As in any other language there are various replies. ‘Nor mal no’ or ‘ne plo ho’ for not bad, or ‘tak se be’ for not really cool. And you may also start answering the question telling someone what’s happening in your life.
Here’s my email ( for you to ask more questions if you want:-)
That’s awesome!!! I used to invent new words by speaking upsidedown in spanish it makes you feel great in my opinion…
Thanks I got 33%
Hello,How are you Englsh students?
Thank you Sir.
Good job James
i really have have got benefit of your videos
Thanks so much.
You talk very fast for me so I don’t understand everything you said but it’s a good practice for me, but your speaking is a higher level so I have to do a great effort to understand. However I got 78 in the quiz test.
That was a very good lesson, thanks.
Great lesson!! But I still don’t understand the difference between reverence and deference can someone explain it for me pleasepleaseplease???
As I’ve understood, “reverence” means a feeling of great respect, of veneration for someone or something(like the national flag or religion).
“Deference” means to accept, to give way to someone’s opinions or wishes because of the great respect you have for him.
Actually the verb “to defer” means what I just said.”Deference” (a noun) is the act of acceptance, of submission to someone’s ideas.
The photo on the left, doesn’t do you justice! :)
i am an engineer & i am 50 years old ,i have three daghter,i am living in Iran/Bander Abbas now,i like to teach english very well .
Hi James, I love your lessons!! It is very helpful to me!!!
I had studied at YUELI for 6 months, and I think you are definitely at same level with the teachers I met there.
Look forward to listen more teaching topic from you!!
Mister Eee likes this lesson.
I got 78%
Thanks James for this intersting lesson
thank you james . i have got 100% .
Did I mention that your classes are always enjoyable? Well, they really are, and I’m learning a lot from you. Thank you, James.
I would like to writte this on facebook page but due to the argument about Jade I can’t.
I really like James. Usually he teachs the more difficults issues ans his methode is amazing. But this class is so long. Even for James. There are two moments that seems that James is losing himself. I prefer short lessons and I like James at all.
Lol i’ve got 100% , but i’m not sure if i’m getting the lesson,
Thank you James
when I started studing with you, three months ago, was very difficult for me understand what you said, I am now able to understand 70 percent, thank so much.
I think in three I will understand to 80 percent, step by step great mountains are reached. Sorry for my grammar. I am novel.
Thanks again.
when I started studing with you, three months ago, was very difficult to me understand you said, I am now able understand 70 percent, thank so much.
I think in three I will understand to 80 percent, step by step great mountains are reached. Sorry for my grammar. I am novel.
Thanks again.
Thx James for your engagement !
you help me alot to get my Higher School Certificate ..
I mean effort :D
i love you instructor your way of teaching is really good thank u so much ur lesson was really helpful for me
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17’ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
damn i got 100% … james thanks to you and Mr E i wish back soon for new lesson
6/9 thanks James
what a boring class…
i got 7/9, thnx for ur lesson, nice day handsome teacher! heeeeeeee
Mr E is a lovable,enjoyable,respectable character. Thank you James
please , mr. james , i need a lesson about adverb and adjective phrases . i`m an English teacher , but i really misunderstand them .
thank u so much for the lesson but i want know more about sufix like ness= coldness ship = friendship hood= childhood plzzzzzzzz help me Mr James
Thank you, James! It was excellent lesson!) I had 89 in the quiz.
But I didn’t understand about reverence and deference) As for me it has similar meaning..
She covered her head out in deference to (= because of a polite respect for) Muslim custom.
She is probably Catholic but she accept Muslim rules.
She shows great reverence for her parents.
She truly love and appreciate her parents.
She acceptS, she truly loveS and appreciateS her parents, of course :)
Thank you, jAmper!) It became more clear for me!
Thanks James I like very much your lessons because you speak clearly and you’re pleasant
thank you so much I have learned something great
Thank you so much James
I revere yuo
Hi James thank you for your lessons! I was wondering If you could do a class about Hip Hop Slang, and that kind of stuff because I really like to understand more Hip Hop lyrics and movies! I’d really appreciate it!
Thank you for this enjoyable lesson.
Is it correct?
Thank you James on the lesson. I really did get the whole concept on suffix. You teach much better than my teacher.
james hello
I’m watching your lessons from last one week almost everyday
they are very helpful. Thankyou
89 :(
Thanks a lot mr James
I got 9 out of 9! thank you!!
Nice teacher!!!!
Thanx a lot, your lessons are very helpful and enjoyable :)
Hi, thanks for the lesson. I’m really impressed of the technic of leading the lessons. You rock
your lesson is very enjoyable ….you you are he best teacher…regards to Mr E.
James, you are the best!
thanks a lot james love your videos greetings from mexico
Thank you james.
I’ve got 100%.
I will keep studing hard with your lessons.
Hi , Heiko you have whatsaap?
James,you are really a funny guy.I like your lesson!
Thanks James!!!, your classes are very interesting, and your way of teaching, is the best form to learn english, or in my case for practice english.
I got 100, thank you very much, really useful your lesson James. Kind regards
You are AMAZING James!! Thank You!!!
9/9 in quiz. Thank you, James! I like the way you teach us! I like your loveble Mr. E too :)
okay, what about Inferential and Derivational? Could you please give more dials about it
thanks for your help teacher :)
I am addict of James’s lessons!!!))) I learn English with pleasure! I revere teaching talent of James!
Hi James,
thanks a lot for your great lesson.
It’s very useful and you’re an amazing teacher
take care
Thnks James,
I have a doubt on the word DESIRABLE.
i a lot of books i have found that,
how can it be possible?how can ABLE be a bound morpheme even it can stand by itself as a me is it a bound morpheme or free morpheme
James, thank you so much, it was really interesting, good and funny lesson! You’re a best teacher! :)
Thanbk you very much teacher James, prefixes and suffixes are two very valuables lessons from you!
hi Eselita I would like to ask you if you are interested to have a study partner? if you do you can add me at skype so we can help each other to improve our English proficiency. here’s my skype ID joneferranay.
oh my god. 4 out of 9. its really shows that i am poor in grammar. i nned to study more.. :( mr. james teach me more. thank you for the lesson i think i need to watch it again.
anyone there who wants a study partner?
just add me at skype joneferranay. im not going to waste your time. Im sure it would help if we practice our English by practicing it verbally. thanks and see you soon.. thanks also Mr.James for giving us a free English tutorial. more power and god bless.
Great teacher.
thank you sir james^^
Thank you for this helpful lesson !
good, tanks Jams
Thnks :)
brilliant! this video is fun & funny!thanks a lot James!!
I hate grammar but with you seems easy , this is my first lesson and Quiz I got 89 not bad lol
Thank you so much you are great teacher.
hilarious and useful lesson! I hope you will do other lesssons like this one!
I got 9/9. Let me express my deference to lovable Mr E and witty James for this enjoyable lesson. It was worthy to watch. Reverence of your talent has no limits for me and I got a lot of enjoyment from this class.)
So amazing. I love it
defrence and revrence please
i will show you 2 of my examples but if they are wrong pleas correct them for me:
we have to show deference for all the scientific
i rever you becuase of your lesson witch help me a lot
Thank you James this video was really useful
i got 8/9… and i knew the one that i wrote.. :'(
That was great lesson, thank you Sir James
Great! But I have a doubt.
What is the difference between LOVELY AND LOVABLE???? Thank you in advance.
i love u so Much James ..! and thanx you for lesson .. youُre Amazing Man
thank you so much
Thank you James
Thank you James
85!Thank you Teacher!
Like the way he teaches :) Only once had to use the subtitle…
thanks teacher this is very usable lesson
7 out of nine thats fare enough. My understanding in english language is 70 to 80 percent maybe hehe! thanks sir James and Mr.E your the best…
7 out of nine that’s (fair) enough
89, thanks James
James never answers… why?? So the word you forgot: governerà!
Tablet disagree! I Mean : governement
Hi James, i tried to watch your video for the first time tonight and tried to take the quiz, i really happy that i’ve got 100 scores ! Yey, your speak clearly, i like it :)
I found the engvid website from google and its really help me to learn english more. Thanks engvid
Another good lesson 89%
thank you Mr james,yore corses are verry useful, and yore way of teaching is enjoyebul.
Thanks James. Informative lesson that deserve a real reverence.
Thanks a lot.
thanks Jams for your nice theaching 10/10
Thank for this lesson.
Impeccable, thanks a lot.
thanks :)
You are so interesting james!
Oh sorry by mistakes on this test. You are really good teacher and taught us smartly. I don’t have pay attention enough, therefore I learned after by errors. Thanks a lot
Now I’m more alert, promise
Have a good day Mr. James
Thanks James ! my score was 8/9.
Mr E… of course your are lovable..thanks james..i like your style teaching of something.i hope i wrote right
Thanks you james.
Very good lesson.I think Engvid videos are worthy watching I also think that Engvid teachers deserve
our reverence.( Is this okay?)
You got 8 correct out of 9.
thank yo so much.
I got 9 thank you :) and that wasn’t easy
Excellent explanation. You are a great teacher of the English language.
I made a mistake on No.6, I thought they were fighting and arguing.
Jame, your lesson was great. thanks my teacher
thank Mr James for the amazing lesson you are a lovable person
enjoyable lesson about suffix! great
Thanks you!! nice class.. I was really enjoyable
You’re awesome sir. Thank you .
awesome thanks
my worm mrs. Ğ in love with mr. Eee, it is very lovable
THX, James!
Thank you Mr. James but I fail. I’ll focus more in my grammar.
Thanks sır for all your support, through all the tests I have done, through when i just decided to watch some of your videos for fun.
I owe some of my success to you.
If only every teacher was as good and as entertaining like you, then I am sure no-one would hate learning in school or anything.
Thank you teacher James and all teachers here ❤