Tag questions can be difficult, can’t they? Learn how to use them properly in this English grammar lesson. You can also watch another lesson on Tag Questions, by AlexESL.
thanks a lot…
it was a very good lesson, was not it?
Yes, It was!
yes, it was…. ehehe
me no comprehende…
yeah!!!….It was!!!
Yes it was a very good lesson!Thank you!
Yes, I think the same, it was a very good lesson. I enjoyed it
Thanks teacher
thankx alot
I need something about phrasal verbs …
see you later
that’s good ;)
Thank You.
I love your videos.
I’m waiting for your following video.
i understand now how to use “tag question”.excellent!!!! thanks for the video.
Hi there ! I’m Howard . I like all the lessons ! It’s easy to understand . what are the differences between ” She hates ” and ” She hate ” . I’m confused with the ‘ s ‘ . Thanks a lot !
Howard Chia
I have the same problem X_x
Abdulaziz Alkuwaykibi
same problem :(
akash kadu
Should use, “she hates” as this was a third person singular.
You are very pedagogical. I like your lessons,very match.
Thank you !
Eva Adolfsson
I am usin firefox. I can’t watch lessons. Why? please help me
u are so funny
i like ur lesson
thanx alot
it’s was good lesson thank you teacher i appreciate that
I really thanks for you video. And i learn some grammer words.
In British English it’s common to use “I’ve got” instead of “I have” with the same meaning, for example “I’ve got a car”. So, ‘have’ is used as an auxiliary verb and in tag questions, we have (we’ve got ;-)):
“They’ve got children, haven’t they?”
BIG THANKS for your time.
i like this videos
mohamed ali
I’d like to thank you so much :)
I’m still learning English because I will study in us
you are helping me!!
tank you :)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much.
After watching your video not it is crystal clear how to use the tag questions.
In 12 minutes you taught me all I have to know and my old teacher tried to teach me more than one week ;-)
Thank for this lesson!
Thanks your videos.
thank you so much
This website is really useful but I don’t know why it is too slow. I can’t load it. Pleas fix it!
Teacher Ronnie u r so funny in the beginning of the lesson.
but it’s really confusing I need to practice more and more .
thanks..you are very good a teacher
I need something about phrasal verbs
good for me
I think i’m very stupid
gradually,I can know grammar
thanks a lot!
I will go back
Teacher bye bye
You are a very good teacher
I regret not seeing your lessons before. I’m a teacher of English and as I’m not a native speaker of English, sometimes I get confused about some sentences. Is it OK to have your e-mail address to consult you?
I’d like to know the correct question tag for this sentence ( I suggest we play football,..?)
Sorry for being talkative
thank you vrey motsh
thank you so match about this lesson
Sorry, no thanks! Please show us very very advanced level tags like “John as well as Don has learnt English, haven’t they?”
Mohammad Sarbin Munshi
thanks for this great job really very usufull to us
Can you help me to complete the gap:
I’m beautiful, ____ ____?
minh thu
I’m not sure but I think it is:
I’m beautiful,arn’t me?
I am beautiful, am’t I?
i welcome your correction at your side.
Naresh Oad
As per my understanding Beautiful is feminine word.
So if really using it for yourself you could say
“I am handsome. Don’t I?
Will appreciate if someone put more light in it.
I am handsome, aren’t I ?
I think
I’m beautiful,do I?
arentI? is it best answer
i thinks it´s I´m beautiful, am I?
….and by the way the answer is Yes you are, why do you think you aren´t?
It is just another grammar rule. I have no idea why… many grammar rules have no logical explanation!
I’m beatiful, arent i ?
That’s correct. im sure :)
amnt i?
sherzad mahmood
aren’t I. is the answer
thanks yuo are vrey good teachar and vrey kind
its too gud
chiruvella krishna
thanks for your great lesson
Thank you very much!
Really good. However, you can explain the uses of the taq questions
S.Rajaram TCE Madurai
I really enjoyed it
thank you very simple .
thank you
thaks teacher
thanks but we expect more exceptions suppose
Many a man was present,—-?
He or I was present,——-?
i prefer to watch ur videos rather than others. i like ur teac
hing style
you smell lovely, smelled’nt you?
just joking! ^^’!
Thank u so much!!!!!!!
that was cool
it is very fabulous, I often ask my students to read this. Thnk u Mr. Guru
We recieved a big gain from this lesson, don’t we?
thank you very much.I hope to help me to the police’s academy
danaila lucian
Hi Rohni,
This is Fazal from Pakistan,
Really, your style for making understand the things is really very fantastic and cute and infact I like it. Quite speaking, I am still having problem in Taq sentences but I am sure it will improve with the passage of time. Is it possible to communicate with you directly either through online chat or by email etc. to rectify the mistakes/problems which I am having presently.
Thanks & best regards
Fazal Anwer
i love it
can you please tell me why do we use ing in the simple sentences
thanks teacher this is verry helpfull.
I like you teaching you are joker teacher i like it.
You are very good, aren,t you?
what if someone only says: we should drink pop.. without any tag question , then how can we be agree with him say : yes or no
sorry i mean if he ask : we shouldnt drink pop…. only this sentence without any tag…
Thanks dear tomorrow is have a test and tag questions is a part of the test thanks a lot for the lesson
lol Is instead of is lol
i think i tired lool i mean I instead of is
thank you so mauch
Hashim Hauoti,eritrea
this question is very good
thank you so much ^_^
thank u for that lesson I understand easliy because you explain very cleary to us
ty alot
sara nasser
wow! i like your discussion. i will use your explanation in my demonstration teaching.
thank you very much!
Michael Gersamio
hi rani , realy you have nice way to learn , i wich more video for speaking,how to talk with confidence also i need your support yo explain me the diffrence between had,has been,and when can i use them >? thnks
hi rohni thanks so much!!!.Now I know how to use it. Besides your videos are awesome and easy to understand,well thanks again XD.
wow AlexESL teacher so nice and beautiful i like u AlexESL…
will you help me to learn on how to speak English in just a short time… because i want to work in call center.. and my interview is just 2 weeks from now…?
Very interesting…
Thank you..
you are very helpfull teacher
After I watch your video for tag question. I can use the tag question for correct way. But I want to ask you that why we need to use the tag question and when we can use the tag question ?
love it
I like how you teach the lesson
thanks a lot
Very Nice, I liked it Thank you.
I like itThank you
You are very good and nice to see the vid.
It was good lesson and Ronni is very good teacher.isn’t she?
Yes, she is!
I don’t really understand, when I think logical.
For example:
When amir ask: It was good lesson and Ronni is very good teacher. Isn’t she?
Ronny answers: Yes, she is!
Why? When amir ask: isn’t she (is she not a good teacher?). The answer has to be: NO, she isn’t a bad(not good) teacher.
When you say: Yes, she is! You agree, that you aren’t a good teacher. So is the logic.
thank you very much for this lesson. It helps me allot. I am really appreciated about it.
thank you so much my teacher you are really so good teacher god bless you
morad rezzoum
i like all your lessons.. with you i feel better then befor but i need more practice. i hope so my teacher
morad rezzoum
thanks maam..
tks :) good lession
Thank u ronnie …good teaching
thank you so so much. It’s a wondreful lesson. Ilove it a lot. I’m fond of your way that you teach.
youre a good teacher
argenis nunez
Thank u ..
Moosa Hassan Baloch
Thank you very much i got a lot from your lessons and i love the way that you teach . im Greatfull
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا it’s arabic by the way
Thank you so much , teacher
I like your teaching very much.before ihave a doubt about it.Now i understood all about qustion tags.
thank you so so much. It’s a wondreful lesson. Ilove it a lot. I’m fond of your way that you teach.
thanks..its really quite good website for me….
Eema Emaan
you are nice one…
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!
thanks Ronnie
Thanks teacher
Fatima- Qatar
thank you so much ronnie
you are great teacher
nou I understand what tag question is
thanks alot
you are excellent teacher thank you
hay its great………………… please explain causative verb
thnxxx alot
i am vey happy to viset this side and to learn english free, i feal this side to be inshallah the best isde all of the world to learng english , and i sea thes teachers is excalanc how to explaning leasons . and i say to you good jobs
I love the way you teach me It was great
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice:):)..
Your score: 100.00 You got 4 correct out of 4
this is my firs class, so, I think that it is very interesting and practiced. greetings.
thank you !
in french we have only one way to express question tag. i though it was the same in English…thanks for this lesson
really you are best teacher I have seen in my life aren’t you?
thank you
i like your lesson 1000 times
Thanks Ronnie. The way of your teaching is simply superb
Hello Ronnie I’ve been following your lessons very useful information for me, I have a medium level of English but my biggest problem is that I don’t feel confident when I need talk in public, sometimes I have confussions about the past. May be when I writing is easy for me but when I need make a complete sentence in English talking in past upsss !! the confusion comes to me. Also I have many problems to mange the articles like to, for, on, in, out so on … thanks in advance for your time and if you could make a lesson about this prepositions and may be tips to speak in public would be great
I can give you the only tip about speaking in public………DON’T BE AFRAID TO MAKE A MISTAKE!
We are only human and make mistakes everyday! Don’t worry if you say a word wrong….. as long as you can communicate what you need to say!! With that in mind, just TRY and speak and I bet you will find that your confidence and English skills will improve!
you’re right teacher. All who want be good at anything. just he has to try out more and more after more trying he will catch his goals and no one can stop him.
Hi teacher, have you taught any lessons about Negative question? If so, can you give the link to watch. I wander if we answer the questions in the same way as in Tag questions. :D
really,really,really good teacher
Ronnie,I got it.Now I am confident using tag questions in conversation.You are a wonderful teacher.Thanks a lot.
ronnie you are amazing
hi ronnie mam, i saw ur video about how to speak the normal food..
can i talk with u via internet?
i want to learn english…
how to contact u mam(ronnie) ?pls help me to speak english
hi ronnie, i saw ur videos abt have and had verbs used in present and past..
but i want to know wat verb we wre going to use in future
hi mam,thanx alot for ur TIP,i also feel hesitation to talk in english infront of public but after endvid i found great change in my talking skill,and its because only due to u teachers,thanx for spending ur prcious time upon us:)
thank u Ronnie
Thanks a lot teacher
hi Roonie:
Your style and method of teaching is different from other teachers and easy to understand, i love you and your styles
Thank you
imran from pakistan
why we put
you are_____________?aren’t you
i know .in question must the verb come before the subject???
Shayma EL.
This is a tag question — not a regular question!
The question mark (?) comes at the end of the sentence… You are _______, aren’t you?
Shayma EL.
I just read something about imperative statements as:
– Leave me alone… will you?
– Give a hand…would you?
Why is it?
And when we use Let’s, That and There tha tag question become different…help me!
I appreciate very much your videos…are really funny!
Leave me alone… will you?
Give a hand… would you?
These are not tag questions! That is why they don’t follow the tag question rules!
you’re very good teacher :) thanks for your class
Hi teacher
I like your teaching methode .it is helpeful for students iam watching this from dubai thank you for your help.god bless you
thanks alot ronnie
Thanks a lot Ronnie
i love the way you teach teacher Ronnie i understand you and in every quiz i did i made it perfect i’m so happy that i can do it!..thanks to you ma’am it enhance my knowledge i learned a lot!
what about “have got to”? haven’t/hasn’t seems pretty weird
teacher ronnie, you are really good teacher, aren’t you? sorry that’s just joke. I’m sure you are brillant teacher.
thank you . I like the way you use to explain lessons. Seriously, I fell my english grow up every timme i finish to watch your videos. Again, thanks for the good job you do.
Hi Ronnie!
Thank you very much for this lesson!!!!!!!!!!!
It was useful, wasn´t it?
yes it was thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie, your lessons are helping me a lot.
Lhundup Gyatso
Very interesting lesson. I love to watch more lessons.
thank you so much
Oh may goodness you are fantastic.
great lesson.
thanks one more time.
hi ronnie ur lectures r to good and i really enjoyed ur lessons thx ronnie
umesh keswani
Ronnie,Thank you teacher you are excellent.
thanks for your class,I love it!
It is very easy system to learn tag question.Thank you Ronny.
I learn very well,don,t I ?
Is it correct?,if it is correct what is it answer?
You are correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This lesson it is important to learn propio English, thank for that.
Blanca Leguizamon
Hi mamm thanks for reply. but i want to what is the answer of below mention question?
I like mango,don’t I?
I am waiting for your good reply.
Thank you !
It should be “you like mango. don’t you”
You can say Yes (I do like mango)
or No, I don’t like mango!
Hi! Ronnie, it was an excellent lesson,wasn’t it?
Hi Ronnie, really your teaching way is very easy and excellent.I like your lessons pecially Grammar and spelling.Please I want to know the ans.-I am a learner,—–? (ain’t I/ amn’t I/—-)Thank u very much.
I am a learner, AREN’T I?
what about “have got to”? haven’t/hasn’t seems pretty weird
When we use have/have got to, we use the aux. verb “do”!
Hello Ronnie you’re the best aren’t you ? so about have got , I think when you use this verb you can use have in the question tag, for example, He has got a beautiful wife, has he ? got is cancelled. I am not sure but I would like have accurate information about that. Many thanks :-)
Sorry for the mistake, I resume my question tag with have got, he has a beautiful wife, hasn’t he ?
He has got a beautiful wife, hasn’t he. Your sentence is correct! Great work!
thanks Ronnie you re amazing
Sos una genia Ronnie! I love your lesson!
Miss Rannie
You are great.. I learnt alot from your lessons…
Thanks mam,Your IS interested
he doesn’t have a car,does he?
please tell is it a correct sentence?
you expalin so well….
hi ms. want ask about last vedio..
you said you have fun, didnt you?
my question is when i use “did”?
Did you can only use in the past.
Eg…You had fun, didn’t you?
Hello Madam, please would like to send me an accurate information about tag questions. You use only have in the tag if you use present perfect but not past perfect yet ! for example: He has gone to Paris, hasn’t he ? Can you use the same sentence in past perfect ? for example: He had gone to Paris, hadn’t he ? or didn’t he ? I’m looking forward to reading from you. Have a nice day . Many thanks
Hasn’t he is correct! Great work!
it,s too easy lesson of day thank you Ronnie you you are smart teacher ever !!!!
Hi teacher Ronnie.
Thank you so much,I had a hard time during college with tag questions.But how you presented the topic is so easy as ABC.
I really like this lesson!!!!!!Thank you very much!!!!!!
Hello, Ronnie.
Thanks for this lesson. You know easier grammar in English I like it. You’re wonderful teacher, aren’t you?
All the grammars pice of cake, but this so different.
A piece of cake
Thank u very easy to understand
Thank you for all your lessons!
Thank you for helping
I teach English too, but I am not a native speaker of this beautiful language, so I find your lessons very helpful, thank you : ) I like how logical they are and the clear way (and funny) in which you can explain things, thank you again : ) Malgosia
thank you :)
Good job Ronnie.
Dear Teacher,
Am I correct to understand that tag questions are used to confirm the expected answers? For eg. I think that you enjoy teaching English with engVID. So, to confirm that what I am thinking is correct I then ask you this Tag question “You enjoy teaching English with engVID, don’t you?” May be it would be better if you could possibly explain the reason(s)to use tag questions.
Thank you very much.
praise God..thank you teacher…:)
well done,
As we know ” I’m a student,aren’t I? ” hOW about the past tense? What’s the Qtag of “I was”??!!!
I was, wasn’t I?
Hello my besst teacher Ronnie! first of all,i hope you’re doing well, i just wanna know when we use perfect tense for example:
“have you been in london,…………..??
i’ll be greatful if you’ll enlighten me please.Thank you !
We use present perfect to speak about an event in the past with no time indicator! eg… I’ve been to London. (I didn’t tell you when I went!)
thank you so much,indeed you are a good teacher and your method teaching is so well.iam english teacher at primary school from kurdistan of iraq,l was so happy when l watched your lessons and velans lesson ,l hope l can teach my students in the same method as you have,however iam not good at english but l will try to improve my english in here.iam so bad at writting but iam good at speaking english,,,can you show me some ways to to be better???
sherzad mahmood
thank you
Hello my best teacher Ronnie,first of all i hope you’re doing well.I have asked you a question concerning the perfect tense,and you have replied me clearly thank you so much for that,but i just want you please to complete for me the following sentence with a question tag:
_”Have you been in london,……? what will be the correct ending for this stce pls?
…..haven’t you?
Thank you so much for the answer, Have nice day !!
Ronnie,could you plz help me with the use of had in English.It is quite confusing as far as following two sentenses are concerned.
first one “I had my dinner”
second one”The train had already left before i reached the station”
second one is correct according to English grammer because HAD is used when there are two actions. but in the first sentance there is only one action so why there is use of HAD in first sentense.
I had my dinner is simple past ( I have dinner)
Had + already + left = past perfect! had + p.p
Thanks Ronnie, Thanks a lot. You are a wonderful teacher.
I am again bothering you. My question is about past perfect sentence eg “She had made some delicious cookies”. is it a complete sentence because past perfect demands two actions. It means the above sentence does not make any sense. it is incomplete sentence.
The sentence is correct. Past perfect does not demand 2 actions.
Hi teacher Ronnie,
Could you plz have a lesson about how to ask a question with verb to do? also about Who, Whom and Whose!! a bit confuse to me.
Thank you :)
she is very clever. isn’t she?
He will pass the test. won’t he?
we like EngVid. don’t we?
I practice a lot to grasp English.don’t I?
Canada is a beautiful country.isn’t she?
thanks for lesson could you please check these sentences,
They are correct. Aren’t they?
Yes! They are ALL correct – excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me, Could you explain, please why Canada is she in the sentence Canada is a beautiful country.isn’t she? Thank you!
thanks regards
hi;you are nice and a very good teacher i have ever met…
i have a big problem with (would)so for example; it would be great(passive voice).but is it :
1- conditional present or
2- or past
3- or future
and thank you very much
This is not passive voice. Passive is to be + past participle.
“It would be great” + if/when = Conditional. “It would be great if I won the lottery.”
Thanks Ronnie for your time .you’re doing very well ,aren’t you?
You ‘are the best teacher and teaching ,God bless you.
miss ronnie u r best teacher and today lesson is very fantastic god bless u
it was very easy, wasn´t it?
it’s easier now thanks so much
Thank you for the lesson
hi ronie it was very interesting lesson thanks alot
You are great Teacher . and good working >it`s was very easy .i am like this video ?////
Niaz ali
You are fucking amazing!! Love all your lessons.
i like u guys
Hi!Great lesson,it has helped me understand TQ much,much better :) Thanks a lot.
Could you also put a lesson about Relative Clauses ? I would be really thankful.
Have a great day!
Hello dear teracher.
i joyned it today.your teaching methad is very well and my english is weak.now i am traying to my leval best. so your teaching is very good for us.
thank you so much.
iqbal khan
Teacher Ronnie,
why people use Tag question in speaking? is it native speaker’s style ? should use formally or informally? i mean should use in business meeting, t
We use tags for giving opinions – It is beautiful, isn’t it?
Checking information – You like hot dogs, don’t you?
When we forget something we have already asked – Your name is Bob, isn’t it?
You can use these at any time! Even at a business meeting – it works well if you forget some important information or you want someone’s opinion without really asking them!!!
A man may learn wit every day…………………..Thanks for your help…
thank you for the lesson!
Thank you for your lesson.
Ronnie, Thank you very much.I thought,that tag question was very difficult things,but now,I change my mind,because of you,good job,thanks.I am very excited,exactly today I came across an assignment,where I needed to use tag questions,so I am sure,I’ll do it well in future. T H A N K S A L O T.
Thanks teacher for this lesson.
In this sentence which one is correct.
1.I’m a student,am i not?
2.I’m a student,am not i?
3.I’m a student,ain’t i?
Thanks a lot, you are a good teacher..i really like you…..love this website, it helps me a lot….specially in grammar..
ravr, kumar how to use tag question?
miss, why can´t use “hasn´t” when we used have? thanks. you´re the best :) Regards from El Salvador
Hasn’t + he\she\it
Have + you/they/we/I
I will be teacher like u, dont i?
is it correct or not?
Mehwisk Khan
Hello, your a great teacher thank you for teaching us tag question.
I have a question with this sentence, what wrong with this?
Nobody ordered stationery supplies, was it?
I cannot find the errors in this sentence.
Thank you in advance.
Answer = did they.
Since the verb is regular, you must use the aux. verb do. Nobody= plural so you must use they!
Hi teacher ,, thanks a lot 4 the lesson
i have a small Q :
which one is correct ?
1 – I am beatiful , aren’t I ?
2 – I am beatiful , am I not ?
Thank you in advance
They are both correct! #2 is more formal/British English!
Hello great Ronnie!! You’re being an amazing helpfully person to my English improvement..
Can you teach us the ADJECTIVES ORDER?
Thank you so much…. I Love You Girl!!!
Brazil is waiting for you!! hehehehe
Hi Ronnie :). I very like watch yours videos. Your lesson are eductional, funny and explained with joke. U R best teacher. Still don´t know, how to use the word “BY” and “OF”. Before which words stand? Can you explain in some lesson please? Thx. Bye:)
I will try to make a video for you!
This is good and helped me lot
One more question to the video: Use of the before geografical names. We usualy the USA, the UK. Why don´t use use the in the sentence You aren’t from USA, aren’t you? Thank you! Sorry for bothering too much with the questions!
I did not understand anything (((, why do I ask a question twice?
you are from india aren’t you …
what does this mean?
why can not I just write : you are from india ?
what for ” aren’t you” ?
Hi teacher! I have a doubt. Can I combine present perfect with a teg question? for exemple: Have you drank a lot this week, don’t you? and can I answer: No, I didn’t have drank or Yes, I have drank.
Bye Bye
You best one Ronnie!
Ronnie you explain very well, i am a student from Albania and your lessons have helpd me a lot, thank you, god bless you.
es muy interesante sobre las taj cuestions pero es muy chebre y interessnte sobre eso brabo XD
carlos andres rojas acevedo
Hi Ronnie,
I’m from Angola, Africa.
I’m so happy with your teaching way, thank you very much indeed.
before i don’t know about Tag Questions but now i already understand about Tag Questions =D Thang you very much my teacher =)
thanks rooni, but in the 2nd EX y we didnt use arent you ? ?
thanks for engVid
I like your style
thanks Ronnie
you’re my hero :)
i just wanna ask you some questions about that lesson if you dont mind of course >>
my Questions are::
1-he has got a lot of friends,…….?
2-Ronnie has her breakfast at 7 o’clock,…..?
3-I’m going to visit my uncle 2morrow,……?
My answer
1-doesn’t he?
2-doesn’t she?
3-won’t I?
so what you think,Ronnie?
Great work but number 3 is wrong. It should be aren’t I. ( you have to use to be verb)!
excuse me , could i ask one question ? :)
why don’t we use “am not I ” ?
i think she let him go out,…………?
what shall i put in the empty place and please explain this point for me
..didn’t she.
can you explain this for me
why (didn’t she) instead of (don’t I) while there is i think at the beginning of the sentence
There isn’t an article before USA, is there?
thanks Ronnie you are the best :)
tanks that sweet
elassad ilham
2. She is from London, __________
isn’t she?
is she?
does she?
doesn’t she
Why the correct answer is doesn’t she and not isn´t she? I don´t understand that question.
Are you sure??
The correct answer must be isn’t she and exactly it is.
thank you so much
first of all, My name’s H-Kim Aka taziboy ,i’m music producer and i have a lot of probs in eng,so Ronnie i like the way how u teach ,u made the lesson eazy, i have a confession, i am a fan :)
DJ H-kim
He is a teacher
He teaches English for 5 years,(i think wrong)
He is a teacher
he has been teaching Englsih for 5 years.( correct)
pls explain
ampanget mo
TY very much ……..LOVE YOU
Dear mam,
could you suggest me a grammar book ,please.
would you send it to my mail id ,please.
I’m looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible.
thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for the good lesson.
But, is it from USA or from the USA?
I’m confused!
I do love your way of teaching.Thank you , Teacher Ronnie.
Commando 27/53
Hi there!
Could you please explain the following: pronouns everybody, somebody, nobody, etc. go with singular verbs(like is, does)though plural in meaning. Why then do we use plural in tag Qs(e.g.: Everybody likes music, don’t they?)?
Thanks a lot.
she is my teacher!!!!
Hi my great teacher Ronnie !
your lessons are so useful.
The customer is always right,……………..?
Hello Ronnie. I’ve heard that I can say “…, aren’t I?” Is it true?
u r great! thank u
Thanks,now it become easy..> :)
yes you make it seem so easy thanks for your help
Hi Madam Ronnie,
I really appreciate and proliferate your teaching style…..:)
In second question of quiz,why the last option is wrong?
As you told in lecture that we can use does with he or she.
Plz explain it…:I
I will be very thankful to you.:)
cool and useful leson thank u too much
It was a piece of cake!
Thank you Ronnie! Nice lesson
It is not a good lesson,is it? Yes it is.
yups it is very clearly expalin,,i hope can get high score for my toefl,,,
I like ur lessons but sometimes they are long, like this :)
thanks …a lot
thanks for teaching maam, but i’m still confused about the answer about positive question such as “you aren’t from usa, are you?” if i’m not, should i answer “no” or “yes” ? please answer me :(
Vivi Vidia
thanks for teaching maam, but i’m still confused about the answer about positive question such as “you aren’t from usa, are you?” if i’m not, should i answer “no” or “yes” ? please answer me :(
Vivi Vidia
wow! this is the best explanation I’ve ever heard about tag question.
Thanks for your lesson
but i would like to ask
to make tag question, i will use only verb to be o to do or Modal Verbs?
hello ma’am.. really liked your videos. but one thing i’m not getting ,instead of using tags question why can’t we ask direct question??
akash kadu
hello ma’am.. really liked your videos. but one thing i’m not getting ,instead of using tags question why can’t we ask direct question??
eq: she is beautiful, isn’t she?
instead , isn’t she beautiful ??
akash kadu
thank xou, Ronnie!
You’re funny Ronnie :D
I like you :)
Your TShirt does very well. Doesn’t it.(:–:)
it’s this lesson, help me a lot!!!!!!!!
Adilson condessa
YOu like cookies, don’t you?
you don’t like cookies, do you?
she loves cakes, doesn’t she?
she doesn’t love cakes, does she?
they are going to north america, aren’t
they are not going to north america, are
You’re not jessi’s friend, are you?
Yes, I am! ( Jessi’s friend)
No, I am not! ( jessi’s friend)
really good test and it is good for general practicing
why don’t we use that you are from India….. are you? and why we used that aren’t you?
Very simple.
Thank u ronnie …good teaching
thank you
i wish learning also and but rule plz
actually, your lesson is amazing,but there aren’t enough information about tag question,are there?
however, i have a sentence i cannot change it to tag question ( You ought to study well, ?
could you tell me how can i write tag question in this case?
finally, i hope u will answer my Q ASAP.
with all my wishes Mrs.Ronnie.
Thanks alot
naif alfaiz
yes,it was ronnie mam
Chaitanya Gudipudi
Gracias :D
Yes.It’s very good Ronnie.
Thank You teacherit is very nice teach with you
mohamed abdulla
Thank you Ronnie! great lesson!
what if the statement goes like this ” We must close the door, ” what should be the question tag for this? thanks :)
Ronnie, please help me I still can’t even know how to answer?
I’m from Egypt ok .. this is information so, someone is asking me…
You are from Syria? Aren’t you? ( what is the correct answer)
and what if he asked me…
You Aren’t from Syria, Are you? ( what is the correct answer)
Thank you sweetest teacher ever :)
Ronnie you explain this lesson easier than the time that I learned this lesson in the school.
Oswaldo Vilela Jr
thank you
it was very easy.
was not it?
Ronnie !!! you are so sweet , aren’t you ??? yes you are .
Haitham Al Saied
Gotcha!! ☺
I am happy, amn’t I ?
Ronnie like to play with me, Doesn’t she?
chakim hamzah
Thanks a lot Ronnie!!! Now I understand better this topic….
I got 4 out 4….. Ronnie <3
Ronnie Hello. Can i ask you a question? Do we need to write “the” before “USA” in 4 sentence?
que bien!
Hello Ronnie thank you very much for the lesson on the tags.But I have a question on your example number 3.The example is as follow:She has car.and your tag question is: “doesn’t she?”But we teach our students that in this case it is: “hasn’t she?” as we can use the verb “have” to directly say it.However this is not the case with the other ordinary verbs such as to like,to tell,to dance etc.where we cannot directly use these verbs for the tags.We have to use(do,does,did)according to the tense of the sentence.Please correct me if I am wrong so that I stop misusing it during my classes.Thanks.
Easy to understand. Thank you very much!
I am liking much, I am learning!! Thanks Ronnie!!
Eu estou gostanto muito, eu estou aprendendo!! Obrigado Ronnie!!
Excellent. Thanks for helping me.
Thank you.
perfect score
ann ann
very good lesson
Thank you so much, teacher! You are great explaining English! See you later.
very useful lesson, thanks
Thank you!!!
Miss Ronnie How about this
It’s not very nice walking around in the rain 「is it 」
Your mum won’t be happy about that 「will she 」
Let,s stay in「?」
Jacky tong
Can anyone help me with this question? “In what situation should we use positive tag question?”
Hi teacher, how are you?
She is your favorite teacher, isn´t she?
yes, she is.
s u r right
ronnie u r a good teacher
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
very good, is’t it?
Mahmoud Basheer
Thank you so much Ronnie!
It was an excellent lesson.
Thank you kindly. The most confusing was about has and have, e.g., He has a son, doesn’t he? or We have the best friends, don’t we? Also I learned the expression “that’s up to you”.
This video was so good for me… so easy to understand.
Thanks teacher <3
i am so glad about my self.thank you very much
It was a excellent lesson about the tag questions. You learn for all of us very well. The subject was very clear. Thanks so much, Ronnie. Well done!!!
cleonir gomes
Thanks Ronnie!!
Hey Ronnie! I loved it your lesson! It was a fantastic class, very easy to understand! Thanks for sharing! God bless you! :D
Poliana Almeida
i got 100%
easy and useful lesson
im from the philippines. im j,c hope you guys will be my friends. kindly email me at ice08box@yahoo.com i really looking forward to talk to you via phone. just for learning talking english
thanks ronnie it was very good …
ob3da 3bashar 1
miss ronnie it was funny lesson with joke you are the best . but I have question what is the either and neither mean ? can you make a lesson about this please .
ob3da 3bashar 1
That was a good lesson madam Ronnie!
well, I am from India..! :D
good for me, for you, for us,
Hi teacher, thanks for this lesson. It was clear and simple. I would like ask you if you have done some video about auxiliar verbs (do, does) to asking questions. I´m very confused with that, and I suposse that, if I understand this topic, will be more easy for me follow with other issues. Thanks for the information
I am a Taiwanese English teacher.
The reason why my English is so good in comparsion with most of my fellow Taiwanese is that I have been constantly learning and practicing English.
Hopefully the average Emglish ability level for Taiwanese can improve a lot in the very near future.
I have finished watching this video completely.
This video is awesome!!!!
It is bloody useful!!
Big thanks to the teacher and all the fellow students around the world.
Ray Hsu
Hi Ronnie, I love your lesson, you are fantastic!
thank you Ronnie, you´re the best ;)
Gerardo Possu
Thanks, Ronnie
Sunny Muffin
Hi Ronnie, Thank you. You are a funny and positive person.
thanks madam! :)
Thank you Ronnie.
Very very easy from.now
You are a great teacher,aren’t you?
Thanks. :)
Thank you Ronnie
We should watch your videos, shouldn’t we?
Yes, we should.
I am not hungry, am I?
No you are not.
I am hungry, aren’t I?
Yes, I am always hungry.
I am not fat, am I?
No, I am not.
I am fasco, aren’t I?
Yes, I am.
We should stop him from going home, shouldn’t we?
Yes, we should.
We must not let him cheat on her, must we?
Yes, we must.
She likes donuts, doesn’t she?
Yes, she does.
She doesn’t like donuts, does she?
No, she doesn’t.
I have got a pen, haven’t I?
Yes I have.
I had a party that night, hadn’t I?
Yes, you had.
We were six people, weren’t we?
Yes, we were.
We were not six people, were we?
No, we weren’t.
You are an amazing person, aren’t you?
No, you’re not.
It is raining, isn’t it?
No, it’s not.
Which is correct: The weather is unpleasant today, is it? or The weather is unpleasant today, isn’t it?
I can say “That was easy, wasn’t it?”.
Gabriel Moura
100You got 4 correct out of 4.
M kartal
thank you
Thank you Ronnie :)
Thank you!
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
thank you ♥
waowwww…i’m happy because i pass test again 100%. i learn alot of things in this lesson,and i enjoy this lesson and your class..thankyou miss roonie.
sidra tanwir
Thank you so much it’s easy now ??
Kareem Douaouia
thank ronnie
al willis
Hard to understand !
Vince TheDuke
4/4! Good! I don’t like Ronnie’s lesson, do I? Yes,I like it!Ronnie’s lesson is funny and helpful.
Jerry Gu
thanks a lot.
You are funny.
Moibon Gemechis
Hello, Ronnie!
I have a very confusing point here.
– Nothing wrong with it, is there?
– Yes. The computer says, “Please check this disk before entering data.”
So, is there anything wrong with the computer or not? I think the computer has something wrong, doesn’t it?
Psyche Mai
Thank you Ronnie, it is always great to have some valuable tricks from you.
It’s a real pleasure to star over a new English class with you dear Ronnie, greeting from Surco my hometown
marc anthony
Is it possible to make a tag question in an Interrogative sentence? Such as – Who cares, don’t hey?
Md. Nazir Hossain Uzzal
Is it possible to make a tag question in an Interrogative sentence? Such as – Who cares, don’t they?
Md. Nazir Hossain Uzzal
thanks for helping me allot :D
can someone help me with this question
We often watch TV in the afternoon,
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks a lot…
it was a very good lesson, was not it?
Yes, It was!
yes, it was…. ehehe
me no comprehende…
yeah!!!….It was!!!
Yes it was a very good lesson!Thank you!
Yes, I think the same, it was a very good lesson. I enjoyed it
Thanks teacher
thankx alot
I need something about phrasal verbs …
see you later
that’s good ;)
Thank You.
I love your videos.
I’m waiting for your following video.
i understand now how to use “tag question”.excellent!!!! thanks for the video.
Hi there ! I’m Howard . I like all the lessons ! It’s easy to understand . what are the differences between ” She hates ” and ” She hate ” . I’m confused with the ‘ s ‘ . Thanks a lot !
I have the same problem X_x
same problem :(
Should use, “she hates” as this was a third person singular.
You are very pedagogical. I like your lessons,very match.
Thank you !
I am usin firefox. I can’t watch lessons. Why? please help me
u are so funny
i like ur lesson
thanx alot
it’s was good lesson thank you teacher i appreciate that
I really thanks for you video. And i learn some grammer words.
In British English it’s common to use “I’ve got” instead of “I have” with the same meaning, for example “I’ve got a car”. So, ‘have’ is used as an auxiliary verb and in tag questions, we have (we’ve got ;-)):
“They’ve got children, haven’t they?”
BIG THANKS for your time.
i like this videos
I’d like to thank you so much :)
I’m still learning English because I will study in us
you are helping me!!
tank you :)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much.
After watching your video not it is crystal clear how to use the tag questions.
In 12 minutes you taught me all I have to know and my old teacher tried to teach me more than one week ;-)
Thank for this lesson!
Thanks your videos.
thank you so much
This website is really useful but I don’t know why it is too slow. I can’t load it. Pleas fix it!
Teacher Ronnie u r so funny in the beginning of the lesson.
but it’s really confusing I need to practice more and more .
thanks..you are very good a teacher
I need something about phrasal verbs
good for me
I think i’m very stupid
gradually,I can know grammar
thanks a lot!
I will go back
Teacher bye bye
You are a very good teacher
I regret not seeing your lessons before. I’m a teacher of English and as I’m not a native speaker of English, sometimes I get confused about some sentences. Is it OK to have your e-mail address to consult you?
I’d like to know the correct question tag for this sentence ( I suggest we play football,..?)
Sorry for being talkative
thank you vrey motsh
thank you so match about this lesson
Sorry, no thanks! Please show us very very advanced level tags like “John as well as Don has learnt English, haven’t they?”
thanks for this great job really very usufull to us
Can you help me to complete the gap:
I’m beautiful, ____ ____?
I’m not sure but I think it is:
I’m beautiful,arn’t me?
I am beautiful, am’t I?
i welcome your correction at your side.
As per my understanding Beautiful is feminine word.
So if really using it for yourself you could say
“I am handsome. Don’t I?
Will appreciate if someone put more light in it.
I am handsome, aren’t I ?
I think
I’m beautiful,do I?
arentI? is it best answer
i thinks it´s I´m beautiful, am I?
….and by the way the answer is Yes you are, why do you think you aren´t?
“I’m beautiful, aren’t I?”
“I’m beautiful, aren’t I?”
Why “are” instead of “am” ?
It is just another grammar rule. I have no idea why… many grammar rules have no logical explanation!
I’m beatiful, arent i ?
That’s correct. im sure :)
amnt i?
aren’t I. is the answer
thanks yuo are vrey good teachar and vrey kind
its too gud
thanks for your great lesson
Thank you very much!
Really good. However, you can explain the uses of the taq questions
I really enjoyed it
thank you very simple .
thank you
thaks teacher
thanks but we expect more exceptions suppose
Many a man was present,—-?
He or I was present,——-?
i prefer to watch ur videos rather than others. i like ur teac
hing style
you smell lovely, smelled’nt you?
just joking! ^^’!
Thank u so much!!!!!!!
that was cool
it is very fabulous, I often ask my students to read this. Thnk u Mr. Guru
We recieved a big gain from this lesson, don’t we?
thank you very much.I hope to help me to the police’s academy
Hi Rohni,
This is Fazal from Pakistan,
Really, your style for making understand the things is really very fantastic and cute and infact I like it. Quite speaking, I am still having problem in Taq sentences but I am sure it will improve with the passage of time. Is it possible to communicate with you directly either through online chat or by email etc. to rectify the mistakes/problems which I am having presently.
Thanks & best regards
i love it
can you please tell me why do we use ing in the simple sentences
thanks teacher this is verry helpfull.
I like you teaching you are joker teacher i like it.
You are very good, aren,t you?
what if someone only says: we should drink pop.. without any tag question , then how can we be agree with him say : yes or no
sorry i mean if he ask : we shouldnt drink pop…. only this sentence without any tag…
Thanks dear tomorrow is have a test and tag questions is a part of the test thanks a lot for the lesson
lol Is instead of is lol
i think i tired lool i mean I instead of is
thank you so mauch
this question is very good
thank you so much ^_^
thank u for that lesson I understand easliy because you explain very cleary to us
ty alot
wow! i like your discussion. i will use your explanation in my demonstration teaching.
thank you very much!
hi rani , realy you have nice way to learn , i wich more video for speaking,how to talk with confidence also i need your support yo explain me the diffrence between had,has been,and when can i use them >? thnks
hi rohni thanks so much!!!.Now I know how to use it. Besides your videos are awesome and easy to understand,well thanks again XD.
wow AlexESL teacher so nice and beautiful i like u AlexESL…
will you help me to learn on how to speak English in just a short time… because i want to work in call center.. and my interview is just 2 weeks from now…?
Very interesting…
Thank you..
you are very helpfull teacher
After I watch your video for tag question. I can use the tag question for correct way. But I want to ask you that why we need to use the tag question and when we can use the tag question ?
love it
I like how you teach the lesson
thanks a lot
Very Nice, I liked it Thank you.
I like itThank you
You are very good and nice to see the vid.
It was good lesson and Ronni is very good teacher.isn’t she?
Yes, she is!
I don’t really understand, when I think logical.
For example:
When amir ask: It was good lesson and Ronni is very good teacher. Isn’t she?
Ronny answers: Yes, she is!
Why? When amir ask: isn’t she (is she not a good teacher?). The answer has to be: NO, she isn’t a bad(not good) teacher.
When you say: Yes, she is! You agree, that you aren’t a good teacher. So is the logic.
thank you very much for this lesson. It helps me allot. I am really appreciated about it.
thank you so much my teacher you are really so good teacher god bless you
i like all your lessons.. with you i feel better then befor but i need more practice. i hope so my teacher
thanks maam..
tks :) good lession
Thank u ronnie …good teaching
thank you so so much. It’s a wondreful lesson. Ilove it a lot. I’m fond of your way that you teach.
youre a good teacher
Thank u ..
Thank you very much i got a lot from your lessons and i love the way that you teach . im Greatfull
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا it’s arabic by the way
Thank you so much , teacher
I like your teaching very much.before ihave a doubt about it.Now i understood all about qustion tags.
thank you so so much. It’s a wondreful lesson. Ilove it a lot. I’m fond of your way that you teach.
thanks..its really quite good website for me….
you are nice one…
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!
thanks Ronnie
Thanks teacher
thank you so much ronnie
you are great teacher
nou I understand what tag question is
thanks alot
you are excellent teacher thank you
hay its great………………… please explain causative verb
thnxxx alot
i am vey happy to viset this side and to learn english free, i feal this side to be inshallah the best isde all of the world to learng english , and i sea thes teachers is excalanc how to explaning leasons . and i say to you good jobs
I love the way you teach me It was great
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice:):)..
Your score: 100.00 You got 4 correct out of 4
this is my firs class, so, I think that it is very interesting and practiced. greetings.
thank you !
in french we have only one way to express question tag. i though it was the same in English…thanks for this lesson
really you are best teacher I have seen in my life aren’t you?
thank you
i like your lesson 1000 times
Thanks Ronnie. The way of your teaching is simply superb
Hello Ronnie I’ve been following your lessons very useful information for me, I have a medium level of English but my biggest problem is that I don’t feel confident when I need talk in public, sometimes I have confussions about the past. May be when I writing is easy for me but when I need make a complete sentence in English talking in past upsss !! the confusion comes to me. Also I have many problems to mange the articles like to, for, on, in, out so on … thanks in advance for your time and if you could make a lesson about this prepositions and may be tips to speak in public would be great
I can give you the only tip about speaking in public………DON’T BE AFRAID TO MAKE A MISTAKE!
We are only human and make mistakes everyday! Don’t worry if you say a word wrong….. as long as you can communicate what you need to say!! With that in mind, just TRY and speak and I bet you will find that your confidence and English skills will improve!
you’re right teacher. All who want be good at anything. just he has to try out more and more after more trying he will catch his goals and no one can stop him.
Hi teacher, have you taught any lessons about Negative question? If so, can you give the link to watch. I wander if we answer the questions in the same way as in Tag questions. :D
really,really,really good teacher
Ronnie,I got it.Now I am confident using tag questions in conversation.You are a wonderful teacher.Thanks a lot.
ronnie you are amazing
hi ronnie mam, i saw ur video about how to speak the normal food..
can i talk with u via internet?
i want to learn english…
how to contact u mam(ronnie) ?pls help me to speak english
hi ronnie, i saw ur videos abt have and had verbs used in present and past..
but i want to know wat verb we wre going to use in future
hi mam,thanx alot for ur TIP,i also feel hesitation to talk in english infront of public but after endvid i found great change in my talking skill,and its because only due to u teachers,thanx for spending ur prcious time upon us:)
thank u Ronnie
Thanks a lot teacher
hi Roonie:
Your style and method of teaching is different from other teachers and easy to understand, i love you and your styles
Thank you
imran from pakistan
why we put
you are_____________?aren’t you
i know .in question must the verb come before the subject???
This is a tag question — not a regular question!
The question mark (?) comes at the end of the sentence… You are _______, aren’t you?
I just read something about imperative statements as:
– Leave me alone… will you?
– Give a hand…would you?
Why is it?
And when we use Let’s, That and There tha tag question become different…help me!
I appreciate very much your videos…are really funny!
Leave me alone… will you?
Give a hand… would you?
These are not tag questions! That is why they don’t follow the tag question rules!
you’re very good teacher :) thanks for your class
Hi teacher
I like your teaching methode .it is helpeful for students iam watching this from dubai thank you for your help.god bless you
thanks alot ronnie
Thanks a lot Ronnie
i love the way you teach teacher Ronnie i understand you and in every quiz i did i made it perfect i’m so happy that i can do it!..thanks to you ma’am it enhance my knowledge i learned a lot!
what about “have got to”? haven’t/hasn’t seems pretty weird
teacher ronnie, you are really good teacher, aren’t you? sorry that’s just joke. I’m sure you are brillant teacher.
thank you . I like the way you use to explain lessons. Seriously, I fell my english grow up every timme i finish to watch your videos. Again, thanks for the good job you do.
Hi Ronnie!
Thank you very much for this lesson!!!!!!!!!!!
It was useful, wasn´t it?
yes it was thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie, your lessons are helping me a lot.
Very interesting lesson. I love to watch more lessons.
thank you so much
Oh may goodness you are fantastic.
great lesson.
thanks one more time.
hi ronnie ur lectures r to good and i really enjoyed ur lessons thx ronnie
Ronnie,Thank you teacher you are excellent.
thanks for your class,I love it!
It is very easy system to learn tag question.Thank you Ronny.
I learn very well,don,t I ?
Is it correct?,if it is correct what is it answer?
You are correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This lesson it is important to learn propio English, thank for that.
Hi mamm thanks for reply. but i want to what is the answer of below mention question?
I like mango,don’t I?
I am waiting for your good reply.
Thank you !
It should be “you like mango. don’t you”
You can say Yes (I do like mango)
or No, I don’t like mango!
Hi! Ronnie, it was an excellent lesson,wasn’t it?
Hi Ronnie, really your teaching way is very easy and excellent.I like your lessons pecially Grammar and spelling.Please I want to know the ans.-I am a learner,—–? (ain’t I/ amn’t I/—-)Thank u very much.
I am a learner, AREN’T I?
what about “have got to”? haven’t/hasn’t seems pretty weird
When we use have/have got to, we use the aux. verb “do”!
Hello Ronnie you’re the best aren’t you ? so about have got , I think when you use this verb you can use have in the question tag, for example, He has got a beautiful wife, has he ? got is cancelled. I am not sure but I would like have accurate information about that. Many thanks :-)
Sorry for the mistake, I resume my question tag with have got, he has a beautiful wife, hasn’t he ?
He has got a beautiful wife, hasn’t he. Your sentence is correct! Great work!
thanks Ronnie you re amazing
Sos una genia Ronnie! I love your lesson!
Miss Rannie
You are great.. I learnt alot from your lessons…
Thanks mam,Your IS interested
he doesn’t have a car,does he?
please tell is it a correct sentence?
you expalin so well….
hi ms. want ask about last vedio..
you said you have fun, didnt you?
my question is when i use “did”?
Did you can only use in the past.
Eg…You had fun, didn’t you?
Hello Madam, please would like to send me an accurate information about tag questions. You use only have in the tag if you use present perfect but not past perfect yet ! for example: He has gone to Paris, hasn’t he ? Can you use the same sentence in past perfect ? for example: He had gone to Paris, hadn’t he ? or didn’t he ? I’m looking forward to reading from you. Have a nice day . Many thanks
Hasn’t he is correct! Great work!
it,s too easy lesson of day thank you Ronnie you you are smart teacher ever !!!!
Hi teacher Ronnie.
Thank you so much,I had a hard time during college with tag questions.But how you presented the topic is so easy as ABC.
I really like this lesson!!!!!!Thank you very much!!!!!!
Hello, Ronnie.
Thanks for this lesson. You know easier grammar in English I like it. You’re wonderful teacher, aren’t you?
All the grammars pice of cake, but this so different.
A piece of cake
Thank u very easy to understand
Thank you for all your lessons!
Thank you for helping
I teach English too, but I am not a native speaker of this beautiful language, so I find your lessons very helpful, thank you : ) I like how logical they are and the clear way (and funny) in which you can explain things, thank you again : ) Malgosia
thank you :)
Good job Ronnie.
Dear Teacher,
Am I correct to understand that tag questions are used to confirm the expected answers? For eg. I think that you enjoy teaching English with engVID. So, to confirm that what I am thinking is correct I then ask you this Tag question “You enjoy teaching English with engVID, don’t you?” May be it would be better if you could possibly explain the reason(s)to use tag questions.
Thank you very much.
praise God..thank you teacher…:)
well done,
As we know ” I’m a student,aren’t I? ” hOW about the past tense? What’s the Qtag of “I was”??!!!
I was, wasn’t I?
Hello my besst teacher Ronnie! first of all,i hope you’re doing well, i just wanna know when we use perfect tense for example:
“have you been in london,…………..??
i’ll be greatful if you’ll enlighten me please.Thank you !
We use present perfect to speak about an event in the past with no time indicator! eg… I’ve been to London. (I didn’t tell you when I went!)
thank you so much,indeed you are a good teacher and your method teaching is so well.iam english teacher at primary school from kurdistan of iraq,l was so happy when l watched your lessons and velans lesson ,l hope l can teach my students in the same method as you have,however iam not good at english but l will try to improve my english in here.iam so bad at writting but iam good at speaking english,,,can you show me some ways to to be better???
thank you
Hello my best teacher Ronnie,first of all i hope you’re doing well.I have asked you a question concerning the perfect tense,and you have replied me clearly thank you so much for that,but i just want you please to complete for me the following sentence with a question tag:
_”Have you been in london,……? what will be the correct ending for this stce pls?
…..haven’t you?
Thank you so much for the answer, Have nice day !!
Ronnie,could you plz help me with the use of had in English.It is quite confusing as far as following two sentenses are concerned.
first one “I had my dinner”
second one”The train had already left before i reached the station”
second one is correct according to English grammer because HAD is used when there are two actions. but in the first sentance there is only one action so why there is use of HAD in first sentense.
I had my dinner is simple past ( I have dinner)
Had + already + left = past perfect! had + p.p
Thanks Ronnie, Thanks a lot. You are a wonderful teacher.
I am again bothering you. My question is about past perfect sentence eg “She had made some delicious cookies”. is it a complete sentence because past perfect demands two actions. It means the above sentence does not make any sense. it is incomplete sentence.
The sentence is correct. Past perfect does not demand 2 actions.
Hi teacher Ronnie,
Could you plz have a lesson about how to ask a question with verb to do? also about Who, Whom and Whose!! a bit confuse to me.
Thank you :)
she is very clever. isn’t she?
He will pass the test. won’t he?
we like EngVid. don’t we?
I practice a lot to grasp English.don’t I?
Canada is a beautiful country.isn’t she?
thanks for lesson could you please check these sentences,
They are correct. Aren’t they?
Yes! They are ALL correct – excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me, Could you explain, please why Canada is she in the sentence Canada is a beautiful country.isn’t she? Thank you!
thanks regards
hi;you are nice and a very good teacher i have ever met…
i have a big problem with (would)so for example; it would be great(passive voice).but is it :
1- conditional present or
2- or past
3- or future
and thank you very much
This is not passive voice. Passive is to be + past participle.
“It would be great” + if/when = Conditional. “It would be great if I won the lottery.”
Thanks Ronnie for your time .you’re doing very well ,aren’t you?
You ‘are the best teacher and teaching ,God bless you.
miss ronnie u r best teacher and today lesson is very fantastic god bless u
it was very easy, wasn´t it?
it’s easier now thanks so much
Thank you for the lesson
hi ronie it was very interesting lesson thanks alot
You are great Teacher . and good working >it`s was very easy .i am like this video ?////
You are fucking amazing!! Love all your lessons.
Hi!Great lesson,it has helped me understand TQ much,much better :) Thanks a lot.
Could you also put a lesson about Relative Clauses ? I would be really thankful.
Have a great day!
Hello dear teracher.
i joyned it today.your teaching methad is very well and my english is weak.now i am traying to my leval best. so your teaching is very good for us.
thank you so much.
Teacher Ronnie,
why people use Tag question in speaking? is it native speaker’s style ? should use formally or informally? i mean should use in business meeting, t
We use tags for giving opinions – It is beautiful, isn’t it?
Checking information – You like hot dogs, don’t you?
When we forget something we have already asked – Your name is Bob, isn’t it?
You can use these at any time! Even at a business meeting – it works well if you forget some important information or you want someone’s opinion without really asking them!!!
A man may learn wit every day…………………..Thanks for your help…
thank you for the lesson!
Thank you for your lesson.
Ronnie, Thank you very much.I thought,that tag question was very difficult things,but now,I change my mind,because of you,good job,thanks.I am very excited,exactly today I came across an assignment,where I needed to use tag questions,so I am sure,I’ll do it well in future. T H A N K S A L O T.
Thanks teacher for this lesson.
In this sentence which one is correct.
1.I’m a student,am i not?
2.I’m a student,am not i?
3.I’m a student,ain’t i?
Thanks a lot, you are a good teacher..i really like you…..love this website, it helps me a lot….specially in grammar..
ravr, kumar how to use tag question?
miss, why can´t use “hasn´t” when we used have? thanks. you´re the best :) Regards from El Salvador
Hasn’t + he\she\it
Have + you/they/we/I
I will be teacher like u, dont i?
is it correct or not?
Hello, your a great teacher thank you for teaching us tag question.
I have a question with this sentence, what wrong with this?
Nobody ordered stationery supplies, was it?
I cannot find the errors in this sentence.
Thank you in advance.
Answer = did they.
Since the verb is regular, you must use the aux. verb do. Nobody= plural so you must use they!
Hi teacher ,, thanks a lot 4 the lesson
i have a small Q :
which one is correct ?
1 – I am beatiful , aren’t I ?
2 – I am beatiful , am I not ?
Thank you in advance
They are both correct! #2 is more formal/British English!
Hello great Ronnie!! You’re being an amazing helpfully person to my English improvement..
Can you teach us the ADJECTIVES ORDER?
Thank you so much…. I Love You Girl!!!
Brazil is waiting for you!! hehehehe
Hi Ronnie :). I very like watch yours videos. Your lesson are eductional, funny and explained with joke. U R best teacher. Still don´t know, how to use the word “BY” and “OF”. Before which words stand? Can you explain in some lesson please? Thx. Bye:)
I will try to make a video for you!
This is good and helped me lot
One more question to the video: Use of the before geografical names. We usualy the USA, the UK. Why don´t use use the in the sentence You aren’t from USA, aren’t you? Thank you! Sorry for bothering too much with the questions!
I did not understand anything (((, why do I ask a question twice?
you are from india aren’t you …
what does this mean?
why can not I just write : you are from india ?
what for ” aren’t you” ?
Hi teacher! I have a doubt. Can I combine present perfect with a teg question? for exemple: Have you drank a lot this week, don’t you? and can I answer: No, I didn’t have drank or Yes, I have drank.
Bye Bye
You best one Ronnie!
Ronnie you explain very well, i am a student from Albania and your lessons have helpd me a lot, thank you, god bless you.
es muy interesante sobre las taj cuestions pero es muy chebre y interessnte sobre eso brabo XD
Hi Ronnie,
I’m from Angola, Africa.
I’m so happy with your teaching way, thank you very much indeed.
before i don’t know about Tag Questions but now i already understand about Tag Questions =D Thang you very much my teacher =)
thanks rooni, but in the 2nd EX y we didnt use arent you ? ?
thanks for engVid
I like your style
thanks Ronnie
you’re my hero :)
i just wanna ask you some questions about that lesson if you dont mind of course >>
my Questions are::
1-he has got a lot of friends,…….?
2-Ronnie has her breakfast at 7 o’clock,…..?
3-I’m going to visit my uncle 2morrow,……?
My answer
1-doesn’t he?
2-doesn’t she?
3-won’t I?
so what you think,Ronnie?
Great work but number 3 is wrong. It should be aren’t I. ( you have to use to be verb)!
excuse me , could i ask one question ? :)
why don’t we use “am not I ” ?
i think she let him go out,…………?
what shall i put in the empty place and please explain this point for me
..didn’t she.
can you explain this for me
why (didn’t she) instead of (don’t I) while there is i think at the beginning of the sentence
There isn’t an article before USA, is there?
thanks Ronnie you are the best :)
tanks that sweet
2. She is from London, __________
isn’t she?
is she?
does she?
doesn’t she
Why the correct answer is doesn’t she and not isn´t she? I don´t understand that question.
Are you sure??
The correct answer must be isn’t she and exactly it is.
thank you so much
first of all, My name’s H-Kim Aka taziboy ,i’m music producer and i have a lot of probs in eng,so Ronnie i like the way how u teach ,u made the lesson eazy, i have a confession, i am a fan :)
He is a teacher
He teaches English for 5 years,(i think wrong)
He is a teacher
he has been teaching Englsih for 5 years.( correct)
pls explain
ampanget mo
TY very much ……..LOVE YOU
Dear mam,
could you suggest me a grammar book ,please.
would you send it to my mail id ,please.
I’m looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible.
thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for the good lesson.
But, is it from USA or from the USA?
I’m confused!
I do love your way of teaching.Thank you , Teacher Ronnie.
Hi there!
Could you please explain the following: pronouns everybody, somebody, nobody, etc. go with singular verbs(like is, does)though plural in meaning. Why then do we use plural in tag Qs(e.g.: Everybody likes music, don’t they?)?
Thanks a lot.
she is my teacher!!!!
Hi my great teacher Ronnie !
your lessons are so useful.
The customer is always right,……………..?
Hello Ronnie. I’ve heard that I can say “…, aren’t I?” Is it true?
u r great! thank u
Thanks,now it become easy..> :)
yes you make it seem so easy thanks for your help
Hi Madam Ronnie,
I really appreciate and proliferate your teaching style…..:)
In second question of quiz,why the last option is wrong?
As you told in lecture that we can use does with he or she.
Plz explain it…:I
I will be very thankful to you.:)
cool and useful leson thank u too much
It was a piece of cake!
Thank you Ronnie! Nice lesson
It is not a good lesson,is it? Yes it is.
yups it is very clearly expalin,,i hope can get high score for my toefl,,,
I like ur lessons but sometimes they are long, like this :)
thanks …a lot
thanks for teaching maam, but i’m still confused about the answer about positive question such as “you aren’t from usa, are you?” if i’m not, should i answer “no” or “yes” ? please answer me :(
thanks for teaching maam, but i’m still confused about the answer about positive question such as “you aren’t from usa, are you?” if i’m not, should i answer “no” or “yes” ? please answer me :(
wow! this is the best explanation I’ve ever heard about tag question.
Thanks for your lesson
but i would like to ask
to make tag question, i will use only verb to be o to do or Modal Verbs?
hello ma’am.. really liked your videos. but one thing i’m not getting ,instead of using tags question why can’t we ask direct question??
hello ma’am.. really liked your videos. but one thing i’m not getting ,instead of using tags question why can’t we ask direct question??
eq: she is beautiful, isn’t she?
instead , isn’t she beautiful ??
thank xou, Ronnie!
You’re funny Ronnie :D
I like you :)
Your TShirt does very well. Doesn’t it.(:–:)
it’s this lesson, help me a lot!!!!!!!!
YOu like cookies, don’t you?
you don’t like cookies, do you?
she loves cakes, doesn’t she?
she doesn’t love cakes, does she?
they are going to north america, aren’t
they are not going to north america, are
You’re not jessi’s friend, are you?
Yes, I am! ( Jessi’s friend)
No, I am not! ( jessi’s friend)
really good test and it is good for general practicing
why don’t we use that you are from India….. are you? and why we used that aren’t you?
Very simple.
Thank u ronnie …good teaching
thank you
i wish learning also and but rule plz
actually, your lesson is amazing,but there aren’t enough information about tag question,are there?
however, i have a sentence i cannot change it to tag question ( You ought to study well, ?
could you tell me how can i write tag question in this case?
finally, i hope u will answer my Q ASAP.
with all my wishes Mrs.Ronnie.
Thanks alot
yes,it was ronnie mam
Gracias :D
Yes.It’s very good Ronnie.
Thank You teacherit is very nice teach with you
Thank you Ronnie! great lesson!
what if the statement goes like this ” We must close the door, ” what should be the question tag for this? thanks :)
Ronnie, please help me I still can’t even know how to answer?
I’m from Egypt ok .. this is information so, someone is asking me…
You are from Syria? Aren’t you? ( what is the correct answer)
and what if he asked me…
You Aren’t from Syria, Are you? ( what is the correct answer)
Thank you sweetest teacher ever :)
Ronnie you explain this lesson easier than the time that I learned this lesson in the school.
thank you
it was very easy.
was not it?
Ronnie !!! you are so sweet , aren’t you ??? yes you are .
Gotcha!! ☺
I am happy, amn’t I ?
Ronnie like to play with me, Doesn’t she?
Thanks a lot Ronnie!!! Now I understand better this topic….
I got 4 out 4….. Ronnie <3
Ronnie Hello. Can i ask you a question? Do we need to write “the” before “USA” in 4 sentence?
que bien!
Hello Ronnie thank you very much for the lesson on the tags.But I have a question on your example number 3.The example is as follow:She has car.and your tag question is: “doesn’t she?”But we teach our students that in this case it is: “hasn’t she?” as we can use the verb “have” to directly say it.However this is not the case with the other ordinary verbs such as to like,to tell,to dance etc.where we cannot directly use these verbs for the tags.We have to use(do,does,did)according to the tense of the sentence.Please correct me if I am wrong so that I stop misusing it during my classes.Thanks.
Easy to understand. Thank you very much!
I am liking much, I am learning!! Thanks Ronnie!!
Eu estou gostanto muito, eu estou aprendendo!! Obrigado Ronnie!!
Excellent. Thanks for helping me.
Thank you.
perfect score
very good lesson
Thank you so much, teacher! You are great explaining English! See you later.
very useful lesson, thanks
Thank you!!!
Miss Ronnie How about this
It’s not very nice walking around in the rain 「is it 」
Your mum won’t be happy about that 「will she 」
Let,s stay in「?」
Can anyone help me with this question? “In what situation should we use positive tag question?”
Hi teacher, how are you?
She is your favorite teacher, isn´t she?
yes, she is.
s u r right
ronnie u r a good teacher
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
very good, is’t it?
Thank you so much Ronnie!
It was an excellent lesson.
Thank you kindly. The most confusing was about has and have, e.g., He has a son, doesn’t he? or We have the best friends, don’t we? Also I learned the expression “that’s up to you”.
This video was so good for me… so easy to understand.
Thanks teacher <3
i am so glad about my self.thank you very much
It was a excellent lesson about the tag questions. You learn for all of us very well. The subject was very clear. Thanks so much, Ronnie. Well done!!!
Thanks Ronnie!!
Hey Ronnie! I loved it your lesson! It was a fantastic class, very easy to understand! Thanks for sharing! God bless you! :D
i got 100%
easy and useful lesson
im from the philippines. im j,c hope you guys will be my friends. kindly email me at ice08box@yahoo.com i really looking forward to talk to you via phone. just for learning talking english
thanks ronnie it was very good …
miss ronnie it was funny lesson with joke you are the best . but I have question what is the either and neither mean ? can you make a lesson about this please .
That was a good lesson madam Ronnie!
well, I am from India..! :D
good for me, for you, for us,
Hi teacher, thanks for this lesson. It was clear and simple. I would like ask you if you have done some video about auxiliar verbs (do, does) to asking questions. I´m very confused with that, and I suposse that, if I understand this topic, will be more easy for me follow with other issues. Thanks for the information
I am a Taiwanese English teacher.
The reason why my English is so good in comparsion with most of my fellow Taiwanese is that I have been constantly learning and practicing English.
Hopefully the average Emglish ability level for Taiwanese can improve a lot in the very near future.
I have finished watching this video completely.
This video is awesome!!!!
It is bloody useful!!
Big thanks to the teacher and all the fellow students around the world.
Hi Ronnie, I love your lesson, you are fantastic!
thank you Ronnie, you´re the best ;)
Thanks, Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, Thank you. You are a funny and positive person.
thanks madam! :)
Thank you Ronnie.
Very very easy from.now
You are a great teacher,aren’t you?
Thanks. :)
Thank you Ronnie
We should watch your videos, shouldn’t we?
Yes, we should.
I am not hungry, am I?
No you are not.
I am hungry, aren’t I?
Yes, I am always hungry.
I am not fat, am I?
No, I am not.
I am fasco, aren’t I?
Yes, I am.
We should stop him from going home, shouldn’t we?
Yes, we should.
We must not let him cheat on her, must we?
Yes, we must.
She likes donuts, doesn’t she?
Yes, she does.
She doesn’t like donuts, does she?
No, she doesn’t.
I have got a pen, haven’t I?
Yes I have.
I had a party that night, hadn’t I?
Yes, you had.
We were six people, weren’t we?
Yes, we were.
We were not six people, were we?
No, we weren’t.
You are an amazing person, aren’t you?
No, you’re not.
It is raining, isn’t it?
No, it’s not.
Which is correct: The weather is unpleasant today, is it? or The weather is unpleasant today, isn’t it?
I can say “That was easy, wasn’t it?”.
100You got 4 correct out of 4.
thank you
Thank you Ronnie :)
Thank you!
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
thank you ♥
waowwww…i’m happy because i pass test again 100%. i learn alot of things in this lesson,and i enjoy this lesson and your class..thankyou miss roonie.
Thank you so much it’s easy now ??
thank ronnie
Hard to understand !
4/4! Good! I don’t like Ronnie’s lesson, do I? Yes,I like it!Ronnie’s lesson is funny and helpful.
thanks a lot.
You are funny.
Hello, Ronnie!
I have a very confusing point here.
– Nothing wrong with it, is there?
– Yes. The computer says, “Please check this disk before entering data.”
So, is there anything wrong with the computer or not? I think the computer has something wrong, doesn’t it?
Thank you Ronnie, it is always great to have some valuable tricks from you.
It’s a real pleasure to star over a new English class with you dear Ronnie, greeting from Surco my hometown
Is it possible to make a tag question in an Interrogative sentence? Such as – Who cares, don’t hey?
Is it possible to make a tag question in an Interrogative sentence? Such as – Who cares, don’t they?
thanks for helping me allot :D
can someone help me with this question
We often watch TV in the afternoon,
VERY thank you… <3
thankyou teacher thankyou ferry much