Practice your English listening skills in this conversation with Rich. Rich moved to Canada from the UK for work, and I speak to him about his interesting life journey and about the differences between life and work in England and in North America. Rich will also talk about his experience of having to take the IELTS! This video is a perfect opportunity to test your ability to listen to two native English speakers having a real conversation.
6 right! I am so happy because I understand very well but as Rich I also need to improve writing.
Nice! 6 out of 6
Pereira Santos
I’d like to say hi!
Thanks for the video!
I’ve got one hundred per cent on the quiz and I very happy for this. Thirty degree under zero is too different where a used to live.
I appreciate the type of class, very interesting. Thank you very much!
Giovani Celeghini
I went to Toronto only once in my life and it was August, so that I certainly didn’t experienced the freezing of 30 degrees below zero. Maybe the next time ah ah ah !
the lesson is truly hard, it’s very long and speak fast and London accent, anyway thank Benjamin and Rich a lot
nguyen van long
Thanks a lot for this video! Amazing to hear about Rich’s life in Toronto ))
I am confused about noun plus noun.
For example:
Which of these sentences is correct:
1.The people of the world people’s people
I ask you dear teachers to help me.
thank you this is a good lesson
Wonderful! Great for our listening and learning as well.
Rodrigo Carlos Dias
Hi Rich, my team Corinthians is in the same way as Hammers.
Rodrigo Carlos Dias
I got 6 correct out of 6. :D
Thanks always for providing superb lessons every time.
Insoo Yeo
6 out of 6…I like it.
without mistake
6 out of 6, I didn’t see that coming although I understand the lesson, but I had some doubts.Thanks Rich and Benjamin I really enjoyed the conversation
I got 6 of 6 I like the video, it is a great oportunity can listen a normal talk betweeen 2 native speakers. I like the personality of Rich, I hope the West Ham stay on the 5th place of premier league to play european league at least ;)
Interesting. Thank you.
6/6 great video thanks ^^
6 out of six.
Nilson Rocha
hello everyone, i m looking for a person who can speak with me on English topics so that i can correct my issues, would you like to join
6/6 ??
6/6. Thanks Bejamin for this lesson. Thanks Rich for your interesting story.
6/6. Thanks both of you.
Gratis 6/6
Vlady Valle
i liked the lesson.It seemed to me that Rich’s speech is too slow. May be its individual manner of speaking.
Good to be part of this lesson. I scored 67
Very good this exercise, I liked so much.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Bejamin, big thank you! :)
I love the accent britrish, however I live near of USA´s border at first I hate accent from Texas that accent it´s so weird.
Well. the good issue it´s I´ve found EngVig.
It was hard to understand the accent, however I got 100 score. Thanks for this opportunity.
How can i improve my listening capability from 6 to 8 ? Who can help me individually , thanks beforehand☺️
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
6 right! I am so happy because I understand very well but as Rich I also need to improve writing.
Nice! 6 out of 6
I’d like to say hi!
Thanks for the video!
I’ve got one hundred per cent on the quiz and I very happy for this. Thirty degree under zero is too different where a used to live.
I appreciate the type of class, very interesting. Thank you very much!
I went to Toronto only once in my life and it was August, so that I certainly didn’t experienced the freezing of 30 degrees below zero. Maybe the next time ah ah ah !
the lesson is truly hard, it’s very long and speak fast and London accent, anyway thank Benjamin and Rich a lot
Thanks a lot for this video! Amazing to hear about Rich’s life in Toronto ))
I am confused about noun plus noun.
For example:
Which of these sentences is correct:
1.The people of the world people’s people
I ask you dear teachers to help me.
thank you this is a good lesson
Wonderful! Great for our listening and learning as well.
Hi Rich, my team Corinthians is in the same way as Hammers.
I got 6 correct out of 6. :D
Thanks always for providing superb lessons every time.
6 out of 6…I like it.
without mistake
6 out of 6, I didn’t see that coming although I understand the lesson, but I had some doubts.Thanks Rich and Benjamin I really enjoyed the conversation
I got 6 of 6 I like the video, it is a great oportunity can listen a normal talk betweeen 2 native speakers. I like the personality of Rich, I hope the West Ham stay on the 5th place of premier league to play european league at least ;)
Interesting. Thank you.
6/6 great video thanks ^^
6 out of six.
hello everyone, i m looking for a person who can speak with me on English topics so that i can correct my issues, would you like to join
6/6 ??
6/6. Thanks Bejamin for this lesson. Thanks Rich for your interesting story.
6/6. Thanks both of you.
Gratis 6/6
i liked the lesson.It seemed to me that Rich’s speech is too slow. May be its individual manner of speaking.
Good to be part of this lesson. I scored 67
Very good this exercise, I liked so much.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Bejamin, big thank you! :)
I love the accent britrish, however I live near of USA´s border at first I hate accent from Texas that accent it´s so weird.
Well. the good issue it´s I´ve found EngVig.
It was hard to understand the accent, however I got 100 score. Thanks for this opportunity.
How can i improve my listening capability from 6 to 8 ? Who can help me individually , thanks beforehand☺️
Than you both very much indeed! :)