Do you get confused using English tenses? In today’s lesson, I teach you how and when to use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses. It’s easy to confuse the two, and many English students make mistakes with these tenses. In this grammar lesson, you will learn how each one is used, how they are different from one another, and how to know which tense is correct for your sentence. English tenses can be difficult to master, but I’ll teach you my quick and easy tips so that you can use these tenses correctly. Once you understand them, practice by taking my quiz.
thank teacher, this lession is so good
i wish i could have your facebook’s name, because if i have problem about english lession, i can ask you!
I think it was a faily good lesson. Using a time line would’ve helped us to understand and contrast much easier both grammar tenses.
Well, it is just a suggestion.
in the video it says about his facebook.
Hi, thanks for the lesson! I tried to do the quiz but when I clicked for the next question available, it did not show the next question, I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, or if it happened to somebody else? Please let me know! Thank you
same problem with the quiz :(
Same problem on my end, tried a question and didn’t get to the next. :(
Hi everyone, I have the same problem. When I click to the next question, didn’t show the next question. Please can help me. Regards!!
i had the same problem too man.something is messed up
this lesson was a great refresh for me, thanks ! about the quiz, i couldn’t keep going.
Neither did I! I mean, This quiz doesn’t work. Please fix it!
I want to improve my english language and insight. My hope further, with this medium of English skills can increase very rapidly. I believe, this is a learning tool that is very interesting and enjoyable.
The quiz does not work properly :-(
This quiz is fixed now, guys. Sorry for the delay!
hello , benjamin
hope you doing well.sir
I have 2 question
1)what’s the diffrency between synonym and activator of a word?
2)if the pulural of tooth is teeth,why isnt the pulral of booth beeth?one goose 2geese So one moose 2meese?
thanks in advance.
by the way.
this is mehdi from Iran:)
10/10… thanks
Nathan Cavalcanti
Parabéns Natan, continue assim.
PS. A Federal é mais legal ahahah
The lesson was great, Benjamin. You explained differences between 2 tense forms very clearly.I’d like to know are there any differences? Many Thanks.
Thanks a lot for your great lesson!We really appreciate your making efforts to help us improve ,but you know what,lots of teachers have done so many videos about present perfect,past simple,past perfect,and the differences between them.Please try to work on the aspects that are new for us and haven’t been repeated for so many times on the Engvid.Com!
All the best with you and your lessons,my good teacher!
connor timple
Hi. I agree with you.
I thing it very useful
hi have got 80 % before listen to the video thanks
10/10 Thank you for this lesson :-)
My score was perfect :D Thank you for your lesson, Benjamin :)
Thanks a lot for your lesson.
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Quiz: sentence 1st. We don’t know when it happened. Why is Present Perfect the right answer?
Yes, if you don’t know when it happened, then you have to use the present perfect tense. Try to imagine it as an experience what you still have got. “I have seen the Loch Ness monster.” – That’s a memory in my mind what still exists. I don’t know (or it’s irrelevant) when was the day I saw that entity but though it happened in the past, that event is still valid, still exists as a memory in your mind. So you have to use the PRESENT perfect tense.
Thanks Ben!
You couldn’t give me best explanation. Now I have understood!
Very kind, thanks again.:)
it is helpful. Thanks teacher very much
That was great, I got it very well. I would like to ask to you, please make a video explaining about past perfect now, if not a nuisance.
Thank you. 10/10 :)
Peter Jeon
Thanks Benjamim, very interesting lesson.
Is indeed difficult for some students the relation between these two verbal tenses.
10/10 thank you for your lesson.But i want to say somethings, i think in quiz of this lesson, you should create more hard questions, maybe 2 or 3. i think so because this quiz is too easy/ :D
Thanks! 100%
Eduardo Calmont
Thanks for the lessen.I got 10out of 10.
Woow , You’re accent is magnificently brilliant, you speak like Klaus, the original hybrid ( vampire + werewolf ) in the TV show “The Vampire Diaries” .
Woow , Your accent is magnificently brilliant, you speak like Klaus, the original hybrid ( vampire + werewolf ) in the TV show “The Vampire Diaries”
Could you make a video about infinitive ,gerund ,participial (verbals).Thanks a lot in advance,Benjamin .
nice lesson
Thanks a lot…
Thank you!!!
Good lesson…
Great ! it is interesting to take quiz.
Ye Htun Kyaw
Very nice this lesson.
Wagner Serafim
for once I understood
I just love your accent very much..
You made this video very interesting to understand with the help of your unique teaching style..thank you for that:)
Thanks Benjamin. Your lesson is very clear. I got 10.
Benjamin you are completely understood!
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you very much for the easy and great lesson :)
Walid Rhe
i cant watch this video , why ?
yosua rizqy
You might have to update your browser. If you can’t see any Youtube videos, Youtube might be blocked by your country or ISP, in which case you could try the Tor browser (and here is how to enable Youtube).
engVid Moderator
you guys are so helpful. thanks so much for all what you do.
Yazeed Alsahafi
Hello, thank you very much for this lesson. .. Really i like it.
Rebecca Amal
Thank you very much for the great lesson
zina salem
An adverbial of time is a clue. We can’t use Present Perfect if the exact past time of action is specified. “We have watched the movie yesterday.” is incorrect, right? It seems to me that “We watched the movie YESTERDAY.” instead is correct.
Yes, you’re fully correct. Yesterday already finished, it’s over so you have to use Simple Past. Everytime we specify the time we did the action we don’t use Present Perfect.
Raphael Souza
Thank you.. the class was very well explained. u have been a good teacha.. cheers..!!
good course…..i love it!
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Only 7/10 ?!?? Hurt in the flesh, but without have listened the lesson. Now let’s listen. Today I begun from bottom to the top.
Jorge Pedroso
10/10 I love Present Perfect Tense. Yes, I know I’m crazy but I love it jajaja. Thanks Ben, I like your way of teaching and your pronunciation a lot. Excellent teacher
tks, was very helpful
Ricky Fiebig
Thanks a lot dear Benjamin.I got 10 out of 10.
I actually like your accent. It’s really perfect. I’ve learned English with American accent. How can I learn British accent to pronounce and speak like you? ;)
Does it take a lot of time??
Thank you so much.
hey elmira what can i do inorther to whatch movies in this site.
Hi Mehdi. You should install Adobe Flash Player software in order to watch videos.
thanks indeed
Hi Elmira, I love British accent too. I pronounce in British although my teachers told me it’s a hard way…
I really enjoy watching Mr. Benjamin’s lessons and listening to his accent <3
I think If you're interested in learning it, it's better to care more and more about phonetic of each word that you've heard. And also please check in a dictionary and exercise as much as you can ;)
Oh gosh! 9/10… how come :(
Thanks teacher for helping me a lot
Michael Fraga
thank you teacher for this lesson it’s very helpful :)
Hajar Mokhlisse
Thanks for this lesson, was nice.
thanks teacher !!!
Luana Santos
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Thanks Benjamin. Although I understood nothing, anyway, all yours lessons are interesting to watch.
In many cases we have some words helping us distinguish between past simple and present perfect. For example if we have ‘yesterday’, we use past siple. If we have ‘ever’ or ‘never’ we use present perfect. But sometimes we do not have such words in a sentence. Usually teachers say: if we are talikng about past, which is related to present (now) we use present perfect… I think it can be confusing. Logically everything what happened in the past somehow influences the present. Should we always use present perfect then? I think this issue should be explained in another way. The usage of right tense should depend on what we want to focus on. If we want to emphasise an activity we use past simple. If we want to emphasise a result – we use present perfect. Cleaning house is a good example. “I cleanded my house”. I want to be focused on the activity. Cleaning in this case. “I have cleaned my house”. In this case the effect (clean house) is important.
Feel free to add comments about my opinion.
Hi hiubhp…great explanation
Hiubhp your comment is also very useful!! u seems like an English teacher. haha. thank you anyway!!
Hey Gloria, are you in Australia still? Which state are you in? I am in Perth. I am also regretted not putting much effort into learning English when I was a Middle school student. Let’s add oil together :)
Thank you for the lesson! I guess you so fun! Congrats!
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Thanks.It was very easy. Test was very interesting)Now i will be with us,I mean engVid)))
Alex Gritsenko
What is the difference between would have and would?
Thank you it was a great lesson , i like it .
thanks alot
Oh my Gosh 80 it is very good, isn’t it?
I did not pay attention in one question :(
But a great lesson, I have no doubts about that.
I have got 9 correct answer out of 10. :))Thanks a lot Benjamin! :)
hi Yourd im Dilshad do you have facebook
dilshad anwar
Thanks Sir, simple lesson but necessary for every one.
thank you so much . you are great,indeed :)
fatima elrayess
You most welcome any time here is my e mail you can write me any time I would like practice my spelling and I believe that is the best way here is my e mail
Please no file no pictures no calling only writing please if you like it I am waiting for your nice words about your country thanks and bye bye
I loooooove this teacher <3
hello Bemjamin . may you teach us Suffixes: -ness / -less / -ful ? thank you so much
Irregular verb is not easy to remember for me…..
What a simple way to teach grammar! Thank you! Your hair is funny. It seems you were sleeping in the cabinet. Bye
Sally S
Not bad at all, you have pushed me in simple grammar, cheers
Awts i got 4 :(
Jhon mark togano
thank you so much
This lesson was really good. Thank you. I like your voice because it’s like Moss’s voice in IT crowd :-)
Firt, thanks for your effort.but, the equiz isn’t enough at all.
hi benjamin,
Could you explain me why is this statement correct?
“Managers’ pay has grown at an extraordinary pace since the mid 1980s.”
(The Economist, 24. march 2007)
I would say
“Managers’ pay has been growing at an extraordinary pace since the mid 1980s”
Dear Benjamin,
You recommended us to take the test. But I kann’t recognize why you don’t answer any question.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you, Benjamin! You are very good teacher and I have some clue where and how to use those two tenses. You are doing great job!
Awesome way to learn English loved it.
Hi Benjamin, will you help me to clarify a question, closely connected with this lesson?
Which of the sentences written below is better grammatically?
Why didn`t you consult me on this matter or
why haven`t you consulted me on this matter?
P.S. there is no reference in the context as to the time when this event happened.
I`d rather prefer to use Past Simple in this context. Thanks in advance.
Hi, thanks for the lesson! I tried to do the quiz but when I clicked for the next question available, it did not show the next question, I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, or if it happened to somebody else? Please let me know! Thank you
lesson was very complicating but questions are very easy,thanks teacher
Hello I really do like your nice dialect I used to listen to it during english classic serials . But I would like to tell you about those words that indicate the time and tenses like for the past yesterday last week last year and so on also for present perfect yet already recently and so one that set thanks and bye bye
hey Mr i relley understand your lesson
can you make a lesson for to show us the difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous and how to use and when
thank you Mr Benjamin
Thank you :)
Ahmad Elsherbiny
For i’m unique in this site. i would like u to help me how to speak like native speaker tutor Benjamin
Joseph Lolika
Thanks Ben :)
I have a question about using the present perfect to talk about the consequences like “he has found the helmet” in your example. can’t we just say “he find it” ???? or the simple present can’t be used for results?
90% at the quiz,,I thought that shine is regular verb.
Hi Rahaf,
Yea, I have the same question as well. Also, I made a mistake in the ‘shine’ question. Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day.
Very good explanation.Thank you so much.
thank teacher
Thanks Benajamin, Woow, 100 points!!
Christian Vela
Sorry, Benjamin, it was trouble of my fingers.
Christian Vela
really helpfull lesson ;) btw. i love your accent ;)
hello every body my English very poor 5 correct out of 5.
bros pok
It’s so helpful to clarify my grammar mistakes.
Thank you teacher
Thank you so much, teacher, I have got 10/10 ^^.
Khiem An
really helpful
thanks teacher a lot
it’s very useful, and great !
I have been looking this kind of teaching a long time ago, which is simple yet clearly explained. Thank you Professor Benjamin. Don’t worry about your bit mistakes. Not a serious one. Besides, “No one is perfect”
hi now I have 7/10 quiz
thank u professor Benjamin
bros pok
Great!!!! That was I needed tahnks
Nice lesson. Thanks Benjamin
Great! I got 10/10. :) How about the other tenses of verb? i wanna know the differences among them because it’s a little bit confusing. I don’t know how and when will i use those verbs in the sentence.
Hi Benjamin, I have a doubt . Can you work it out?
Here it is ….
WHERE’S MY BIKE ? IT HAS BEEN / IT WAS outside the house, but it’s not there now.
Which tenses I should use this?
thank you in advance .
I scored 10/10 :D.
Thank you for the lesson. It was very clear, and you simplified it in an excellent way. I just wish that one day, some miracle happens and then I could speak with an accent as half wonderful as yours!.
That’s great
The lesson was great, thank you so much.
hi gelayol. how can i watch videos?
Thank you
I had do 3 times to learn…but now I have learned
Ricardo de Moura
I’ve got the highest mark. I appreciate your courses!
Thanks for the lesson!
That was good lesson, Thanks :) , but i got only 9/10
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much.
Teacher you are great!! Thanks a bunch!! Crys ;)
Thank you so much I appreciate your effort .. you helped me alot to understand
heydar Ali
got 8\10 :// My bad
it is helpful. Thanks teacher very much
80) irregular verbs just (( Grammar , ok
thanks for the beautiful lesson!!!
Sweet Aysenur
it’s so helpful:)
I am very interested in your teaching.
Tsega Andasha
How can I down load the video, please?
Tsega Andasha
thanks my teacher for this lessons
hi everyone
is here anyone who would like to chat with me in English on Facebook.
actually i have been learning English but i don’t have any kind of source to have conversation in English.
if anyone is interested let me know it will be helpful for me.
thank you.
Davinder Singh
Thank for the lesson. I have gotten 9 mark, so happy!
Thank you Benjamin.
thank you Ben , i have got full mark : )
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I love this language!
Thank you, Benjamim.
Professor Benjamim, could you please give us some
examples using already, yet, since, just and still?
Thanks in advance.
it,s really helpful thanks
nasteha mohamood
thank you. :)
thank u its so good .
About the 9th question I found this. With the verb shine, the form shined is preferred in everyday English, possibly because shone sounds too much like the form shown, which is the past participle of show. However, in Internet searches the form shone occurs quite frequently because of its use in literary English.
DO you live in China now?
thanks :)
hi benjamin thanks a lot
what is other tips will help me to identify the sentences weather it past simple and present perfect?
sorry for spoiling the last question of the quiz but the past form of shine is also shined.
So I think that this video and this text are so interesting. Good job (Y).
Thanks for the video, but I expected the test to be more difficult. Are there any more difficult exercises?
I think the lesson is very interesting but the quiz is a little bit easy.
Could you provide for a more difficult quiz?
thank you very much indeed.
Claudia Russo
The lesson is really interesting :)
Thank you. :*
Emanuela Vocino
I’ve got 10/10. Thank you very much!
Thank you :)
Hadeel aljabri
Hi teacher,now I have noticed the difference between the present perfect and the simpl past thanks of your explanation,your good examples and the list of verbes.Thanks
i have got 8/10. Your lesson helped me alot. Thankyou :)
Muhammad Aqib
Thank you Benjamin for having given me this chance to test my grammar skills.
Wani ladu
I have watched your video, its quite good. Thank you
Hello Benjamin. I did the quiz and got 9 correct answers. Thank you for helping us.
Thank you Benjamin,well explained,clear voice,perfect
accent,what else can you ask for?
I have got 9 out 10
thanks a lot
Hadeel aljabri
really helpful
Hi Benjamin, thanks again for this lesson.
I got 9 out of 10 ! However, I’m a bit confused, because of the last question … I chose “shined” instead of “shone” and, to be honest, I’m not sure I was wrong !
Please, could you clarify ?
Hi Benjamin ,I have a question : Can I say : When have you started this morning ,My teacher said that I can’t use have with When .
Serbets, the structure of the present perfect tense is subject+has/have+past participle verb. If you look up shine on the web, you will find that is an irregular verb and its past participle form is shone. Hopeful is useful. Greetings from Peru
Second lesson with you. 10 out of 10. Thanks
Hi Benjamin ,I have a question : Can I say : When have you started this morning? ,My son’s teacher said that a person can’t use have with When .
thanks teacher
Thank you a lot for your explanation! Moreover, your british accent is so elegant, that I want to learn English in this way! The American accent is more dificult for me, because the pronunciation is faster and not clear enough to me.
Very nice lesson, excellent!
Benjamin has taught some lessons and I have learned a lot. :-)
thankyou very much teacher
Thank you Benjamin.
Thank you so much to all teacher, you’re great in explaining the lessons
Really good ! thank you !
Thanks got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Tell me would it be a big mistake if instead of perfect a present or past simple is used? Would I be understood? I am a teacher and I hate lessons with perfect because it is so confusing for students to use it. Here in Polish we don’t have it and we use past or simple (and other tenses) so students can’t understand why sentences She’s just eaten or I’ve read a book are in perfet since in Polish they’re just the past.
I was enjoyed by this lesson. I’ve got 10/10 .Thanks.
galina spirina
The quiz section is pretty helpful. Thanks.
Thanks Ben, your lessons are great!
( correction )
9. Choose the correct sentence in the PAST SIMPLE tense:
Benjamin teached some lessons.( nobody use Teached in Engilsh)
Benjamin taught some lessons. ( correct answer)
Benjamin has been taughting some lessons.
Benjamin, having been taught some lessons.
Thank you very much
Good test
thanks very much شكرا جزيلا
sheren akram
Thanks!! It was very clear. But, when I,m speaking I make mistakes&%$%&%
Honestly your the best , but still getting confusion when to use .. have ,Has, had . because for me most of the times i use “had” as a past tense and present past tense . how is it sound if i say that ..(1) i had lost my glasses (2) i has lost my glasses . i have had lost my glasses . where is the mistake among these sentences ..thanks
Thank You Benjamin
Hi Benjamin, thank you very much for this lesson. 10 with the quizz. But please what does that mean : “eg” on the blackboard ?
exempli gratia =for example
Thanks JuliaUs
Thanks Benjamin…
hi, your lesson is good, but still i have problems with using these two times(((
Why in the 1 and 2 task we cant use just Past Simple??
Thanks for the lesson :)
10/10 thank you Ben!
:-( I got 5 corrects
10/10 thank you!!!
I think benjamin should make more example. Only two example he made. Not enogh i think to understand this complicated situations
thanks for the lesson. can you also compare present perfect and past perfect please?
Ahmet Abdo
Hi, thanks for the lesson. I’m taking an exam in two months. It’s called YDS(Foreign Language Exam). I’m all okay with daily tenses but these perfect tenses they are all problem for me. Can you make a Lesson about them? I mean not about how the sentences are, about when we use them or what the differences between them.
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
or anybody who reads this, can you guys help me about it?
Thanks to everyone sice now.
Ahmet Abdo
Congratulations! I liked it very much!!
thanks very much for teaching us !!
Mahmoud khairy
Teacher Benjamin thank you for your sharing me your outstanding knowledge.English Grammer is very complicated and difficult to study it,so,please take a time to give me more English Grammer.
its good lesson.
“Shine” is not in your “Irregular Verbs List”
Shine = Shone
Thanks teacher so much !
Nice explanation, thank u sir.
If u dont mind, it will be a great help if could explain the differences among Regarding, related to, with respect to & On behalf of..
1. I am calling you regarding your interview.
2. I am calling you related to your interview.
3. I am calling you with respect to your interview.
4. i am calling you on behalf of your interview,
Which one is true from the above 4 examples and why?
I am getting confused of these….
hello our teacher thank u for your lesson
i have some Comparison
present perfect :
we use have with(pr)p : you -we-I-they
we use has with(pr)s: sh -he it
ex: I have lost my key
ex: she has finished her homework
past simple :
we use with verb to (be)
1/ were (are in present simple) withe : we-they-you
2/ was ( is in present simple ) with : I -she-he -it
and ::: present prefect : * finished time only and this actin not important for me. example :
i have seen that film . why i said that coz i do not want to see it again .
but in the past simple when i saying : I saw it last week
past simple : past action and past time
this is first information
*** second : present prefect : we use just or recently . = finished action
ex: we have recently sold our house
but : past simple : a long time a go
ex: my parents met in London or i lost my key last week
present prefect : usually a situation is the same as the past > what is mean ?
ex: he has gone out
past simple : the time must be finished : it rained yesterday
**** present prefect : we can talk about time not finished : he has rained today
also : sometime : there is a connection with now
past till now
they have gone home
***** past simple : sometime happened in the past and this action not connection to now
ex: i visited Ukraine when i was a child
thank u teacher a lot ….
@yakub 1995
thanks sir you are wonderful
Oh! my God, my score was 9.0 , It item was fun and very interesting.
thank Benjamin.
Thank you
Benjamin, could you please prepare a lesson about Past Perfect Continuous? (I had been doing). Thanks in advance! Carry on with your teaching and acting! They’re inspiring.
Great lesson. Thanks Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
I got 90%. I love this page, there are a lot of teachers, they have the excellent way of teaching. Love you guys, I hope you have a nice day..
thank you benjamin for this lesson.
I got 90%. Thanks for interesting lesson.
Great job! Thanks for your video, it is so good that I understood the subject fast.
Adriano – From Brazil.
Great job! Thanks for your video, it is so good that I’ve understood the subject fast.
Thank you.I have 10/10.
I’ve got 10 points. Thank you for your lesson.
Great ! Thank you
Good lesson. Thank you Benjamin
Hello Benjamin! The lesson, of course, pretty friendly but this idiocy (as “Present Simple” and “Present Perfect”), I have not met in the English language.
In addition to this the irregular verbs … – Nutty just can.
Hi Benjamin! Finale I understand your lesson 9/10! ) It’s the first your lesson that I understand soo .. completely !!! Thank you for your lesson, and sorry me for my last message!?
Great lesson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ben, Nice class. Thanks a bunch! Was a pleasure! See you.
I have problema with the quizz, I need to memorize many words in diferentes tenses.
hey Benja I tried contact with you in your page EE, but it not work
Tanks for help me. It was so clear
Thank you so much, it’s very useful
10/10 Thank you for this lesson! :)
Nice lesson and quiz Benjamin.
Leandro Cleber
I liked the example with the pen:
It has just run out of ink.
Leandro Cleber
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you very much ))))))))))))
thank u for the lesson and your great accent :)
I’m confused. you said that Present Perfect is used to describe something happening now.
In the sentence: “This mountain has never been climbed buy anyone. Several mountaineers have tried to reach the top, but nobody has neer succeeded.” Where this sentence is mentioning something occuring now?
thank you. pleasee make the items of questions more diffic
more difficult.
It’s so goog.
It’s so good.
Thank a lot.
The lesson and the exam both of them was grate.
Thanks a lot.
Meerwais Meerzaey
thank you!!!!!
10/10. thanks.
which is correct 1) i met him yesterday. or 2) i’ve met him yesterday. correct?
10/10 I understent it, thank you
Ben, I have a doubt:
If we use have, in present perfect, to say something that happen currently…
…Why do we must use “just” after present perfect “have”? Example: My pen has just run out of ink
I was wondering why he had his hair like that untill he put his helmet back.
Thanks Benjamin, you’re great!
Thanks Benjamin for the helpfull class
5 out of 10… i need to recall mg english and learn more.
it’s very nice lesson and useful
Thank you for this lesson.
Thanks for your help profesor Benjamin. Now I understain the difference between sp and pp
Maria carbajal
Thanks Benjamin
I like your improvisation as well :-)
Thanks for your lesson Benjamin!
thank you for this lesson althought my score was low
thanks 9/10
thank teacher,
Thank you, dear Benjamin! Watched and repeated!
Lovely teacher! Awesome class. Kisses from Brazil
I try to find your Facebook bag but I couldn’t find it ???
Very good lesson. All was shortly and clearly.
Thank You Benjamin!
10/10. Thanks, Benjamin!
10/10 thanks)
10/10 again !! big thanks from me. love you teacher
thnksss teacher got 9 out of 10 :D
Thanks Sir.
sureka batagoda
good thanks
I am enjoying and learning more and more everyday…. thanks to all the teachers.
Jaydeep Dey
I’ve refresed my mind with the grammar , present perct is one bit complication , but nothing that one more effort ,we get it. thank a lot , I need quite pratice my english , the next year I’ll travel for the Europe and I hope better my english time.
Thanks a lot for your lesson.
Thank you benjamin
Mohsen Tatoo
Thanks a lot Mr. Benjamim..
Thanks a lot Mr. Benjamin
Thanks a lot T/Benjamin
Tasneem alama
I wanna improve my English knowledge
Thanks…. This video helps me a lot.
Eug Saclo
i got 9/10 it’s my mistake i forgot that lost doesn’t change :(
I want to know if this course go for lesson number,or for section, capitulos o what
I wonder to know if these sentence is correct:
“I have whispered into Kate’s ear a secret quietly at home today.”
Is there any mistake that I don’t see?
Thank you very much for response
good lesson!!!thank you!
bonardi rosangela
9/10. Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you Benjamin.
I have just understood that the reason of the present perfect.
Thank you teacher. I will practice a lot of present perfect.
i got 80%
thank you :)
thank you teacher for your explanation.
I got 100. Thank you teacher.
I really love the British accent <3
Thanks teacher!
Hej teacher.Could you explain please to me why this sentence should be like that? “We last saw him a long time ago”. I think, we should use here “We last have seen him a long time ago”. It is actually an extract for the one grammar book.
Thank you Ben, I’ve got 10/10 ?
Mouliza Donna
kirillstan, I think correct is 1-st sentence. We use Past Participle for events which happened recently (as wrote Benjamin at the board). But in your example event took place “a long time ago”. So, in my opinion, we use Past Simple!
Vitalii UA
Hi,I am a newbie on this site,thank u for your videos and lesson Benjamin teacher!
Thank you!IT really helps me a lot:))
Thanks for the helpfull lesson, but i have a question to ask you aboult: How do i know if you are talking aboult the past simple or the to be verb when you use the apostrophe in “he’s” for example? I mean, if it is “he is” or “he has”?
In the video – 3:21 – Benjamin said for present perfect, that the action (finish homework) was 5 Min. ago.
But if something was 5 Minit ago, it is PAST SIMPLE not PRESENT PERFECT.
I think, Benjamin is wrong.
i ve got 100/100
Thank you Benjamin.
sasa sansanee
Thank you, Benjamin, but in some reason I can’t open the quizes. I can see only the first question and it happened with all the lessons.
Do you know why?
thank you I am learning this language and I understood perfectly this video
Benjamin, I got 90 but I don’t understand why.
In the first question I was asked to mark the
sentence in the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE,so I did it.
But the correct one was the sentence in the Past
Tense. How come?
Benjamim, I redid the quiz and this time the first
question came out all right. PRESENT PERFECT.
( I’m kind of a Present Perfect freak because we
don’t have this tense of verb in my language, or rather, we do have, but that is a whole lot of a
differente story.)
Thanks for the lesson!
But could you change the quiz a little?
The difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect is not shown.
Only the rules of grammar.
thank you ben!
Thank you teacher¡¡¡¡
It´s a pretty good lesson but sometimes i do not feel comfortable when deciding to use present perfect or past tenses!!!
Arlindo Ferreira
hello if u are taking about…
present perfect , example… i have done my work.
past simple … i saw him.
use 2 form of verb
thank you, it’s very useful
Vivi Nur Arzy
thanks dear
Thank you so much, you’ve described it so clear and understandable
Mr Hamidi
thank you for the video :)
Sibel Gencay
Thank you! 9/10
Thank you very much!
Thank you , thank you, thank you
I really enjoy this class. It was an awesome lesson about simple past and present perfect.Thanks.
The quiz was too easy 100/100
thanks so much for help and explaned this theme but i need to study more verbs in past participle,how can i practise my speaking? because here in Mexico it’s complicated to practise it
Thank you, Benjamin!
Very good lesson! Thanks.
Thank you Benjamin
I totally, Whipped out on this concept! I don’t know the material! Sorry, benjamin.
Hi,Bejanmin!great leasson. Thanks
Pedro Cardoso
Hi!Benjamin, Great Lesson. Thanks.
Pedro Cardoso
the quiz makes me easier to learn grammar
Ben!good lesson!
Fantastic Lesson
Nice class. Thank you for the explanation. So, “Past Simple” would be more incomplete about the present situation, ins’t it? Thanks in advance!
Thank you!
1 right and 9 wrong .. omg, keep the spirit to keep learning ..
Siti Mashamah
10/10. Thank’s for this lesson.
Thank you for this great and fun video. Learn English is more easy when you have fun ! 9/10 for this quizz. I wonder why my English teacher say “preterit” and not “simple past” ??
Did you get the ‘shine’ question wrong? I got the only mistake in that question :p
Happy night every on I enjoy this video
You absolutely teacher you have good explain
Hi everyone,i want impruve my english, who want speak with me?comunication will halp me.thank u
Mane Ohanyan
I have felt myself more comfortable about english grammar after this lesson, thanks
Good 9/10. The last question was tricky. I didn’t know the past tense of shine which is shone but I thought it was shined.
sikadi franclin
i think the part in the past simple is a little difficult to understand,in the moment to convey the idea of prayer we are talking about so for future explication please give more examples! thanks!!
christy madrid
It doesn’t work for me?
Like, when Im trying to go to the next question, test want me to stay and don’t want me to let go when Im clicking in the button.
Maybe I have coolest user photo and question 1 is just jealous.
I’d be also Jealous if someone as cool as me was trying to go somewhere else.
But I don’t have this problem, lucky me.
So help me???
Wow. How many different people are there from all the world. It’s fantastic. Dear sunsay, thank’s for this lesson)
Teacher. I am a new member. Yesterday I had a exam.We needed to use the correct tense or form of Verb. There was a sentence that I couldn’t understand.’Jack WILL BE ready in a moment. He IS JUST FINISHING his breakfast’ Can you explain why we use the present progressive for that? or is it a wrong answer from my teacher?
thanks for yor teaching and thank you for your pen!!! it has just run out of ink .
Nine out of Ten!!!
thank you
I have understood present perfect.
thanks Benjamin got 8/10, only 2 question i haven’t corrected them is because i got stuck with irregular verbs
Good lesson! Thank you Benjamin! Got 10/10
Bolat Almaty
maybe I need remember my irregular verb
Thank you so much
Very helpful
Great lessons from you
I have done the quiz with only one mistake.
thank you
very informative lesson
thank you
i actually still have some problems with this time period, could you give me some more video advices?
I´ve done the exercise and I just only had a mistake with the verb (lose) jejeje by the way it was very useful. Thanks.
Thank you Benjamin.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Thanks It was a good teach me
Thanks Teacher
thanks a lot you’ve made it so easy right now
thankyou I do the quiz score80/100
I thank you 3000 :)
very nice this lesson
Good morning, Benjamin!
Great class!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks aloy for this lesson. It’s quite useful and the explanation is completely clear!
Great lesson!!! I have a question about the verb shine. Could I use shined instead of shone?
Great lesson. I always had a problem with these tenses. Where can I find the irregular verbs list, please?
I’ve got 8. The Irregular verbs so confused me.
Thanks, Rebecca.
Osman Musse
A lovely lesson on Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses.
Thank you so much, Benjamin
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank teacher, this lession is so good
i wish i could have your facebook’s name, because if i have problem about english lession, i can ask you!
I think it was a faily good lesson. Using a time line would’ve helped us to understand and contrast much easier both grammar tenses.
Well, it is just a suggestion.
in the video it says about his facebook.
Hi, thanks for the lesson! I tried to do the quiz but when I clicked for the next question available, it did not show the next question, I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, or if it happened to somebody else? Please let me know! Thank you
same problem with the quiz :(
Same problem on my end, tried a question and didn’t get to the next. :(
Hi everyone, I have the same problem. When I click to the next question, didn’t show the next question. Please can help me. Regards!!
i had the same problem too man.something is messed up
this lesson was a great refresh for me, thanks ! about the quiz, i couldn’t keep going.
Neither did I! I mean, This quiz doesn’t work. Please fix it!
I want to improve my english language and insight. My hope further, with this medium of English skills can increase very rapidly. I believe, this is a learning tool that is very interesting and enjoyable.
The quiz does not work properly :-(
This quiz is fixed now, guys. Sorry for the delay!
hello , benjamin
hope you doing well.sir
I have 2 question
1)what’s the diffrency between synonym and activator of a word?
2)if the pulural of tooth is teeth,why isnt the pulral of booth beeth?one goose 2geese So one moose 2meese?
thanks in advance.
by the way.
this is mehdi from Iran:)
10/10… thanks
Parabéns Natan, continue assim.
PS. A Federal é mais legal ahahah
The lesson was great, Benjamin. You explained differences between 2 tense forms very clearly.I’d like to know are there any differences? Many Thanks.
Thanks a lot for your great lesson!We really appreciate your making efforts to help us improve ,but you know what,lots of teachers have done so many videos about present perfect,past simple,past perfect,and the differences between them.Please try to work on the aspects that are new for us and haven’t been repeated for so many times on the Engvid.Com!
All the best with you and your lessons,my good teacher!
Hi. I agree with you.
I thing it very useful
hi have got 80 % before listen to the video thanks
10/10 Thank you for this lesson :-)
My score was perfect :D Thank you for your lesson, Benjamin :)
Thanks a lot for your lesson.
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Quiz: sentence 1st. We don’t know when it happened. Why is Present Perfect the right answer?
Yes, if you don’t know when it happened, then you have to use the present perfect tense. Try to imagine it as an experience what you still have got. “I have seen the Loch Ness monster.” – That’s a memory in my mind what still exists. I don’t know (or it’s irrelevant) when was the day I saw that entity but though it happened in the past, that event is still valid, still exists as a memory in your mind. So you have to use the PRESENT perfect tense.
Thanks Ben!
You couldn’t give me best explanation. Now I have understood!
Very kind, thanks again.:)
it is helpful. Thanks teacher very much
That was great, I got it very well. I would like to ask to you, please make a video explaining about past perfect now, if not a nuisance.
Thank you. 10/10 :)
Thanks Benjamim, very interesting lesson.
Is indeed difficult for some students the relation between these two verbal tenses.
10/10 thank you for your lesson.But i want to say somethings, i think in quiz of this lesson, you should create more hard questions, maybe 2 or 3. i think so because this quiz is too easy/ :D
Thanks! 100%
Thanks for the lessen.I got 10out of 10.
Woow , You’re accent is magnificently brilliant, you speak like Klaus, the original hybrid ( vampire + werewolf ) in the TV show “The Vampire Diaries” .
Woow , Your accent is magnificently brilliant, you speak like Klaus, the original hybrid ( vampire + werewolf ) in the TV show “The Vampire Diaries”
Could you make a video about infinitive ,gerund ,participial (verbals).Thanks a lot in advance,Benjamin .
nice lesson
Thanks a lot…
Thank you!!!
Good lesson…
Great ! it is interesting to take quiz.
Very nice this lesson.
for once I understood
I just love your accent very much..
You made this video very interesting to understand with the help of your unique teaching style..thank you for that:)
Thanks Benjamin. Your lesson is very clear. I got 10.
Benjamin you are completely understood!
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you very much for the easy and great lesson :)
i cant watch this video , why ?
You might have to update your browser. If you can’t see any Youtube videos, Youtube might be blocked by your country or ISP, in which case you could try the Tor browser (and here is how to enable Youtube).
you guys are so helpful. thanks so much for all what you do.
Hello, thank you very much for this lesson. .. Really i like it.
Thank you very much for the great lesson
An adverbial of time is a clue. We can’t use Present Perfect if the exact past time of action is specified. “We have watched the movie yesterday.” is incorrect, right? It seems to me that “We watched the movie YESTERDAY.” instead is correct.
Yes, you’re fully correct. Yesterday already finished, it’s over so you have to use Simple Past. Everytime we specify the time we did the action we don’t use Present Perfect.
Thank you.. the class was very well explained. u have been a good teacha.. cheers..!!
good course…..i love it!
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Only 7/10 ?!?? Hurt in the flesh, but without have listened the lesson. Now let’s listen. Today I begun from bottom to the top.
10/10 I love Present Perfect Tense. Yes, I know I’m crazy but I love it jajaja. Thanks Ben, I like your way of teaching and your pronunciation a lot. Excellent teacher
tks, was very helpful
Thanks a lot dear Benjamin.I got 10 out of 10.
I actually like your accent. It’s really perfect. I’ve learned English with American accent. How can I learn British accent to pronounce and speak like you? ;)
Does it take a lot of time??
Thank you so much.
hey elmira what can i do inorther to whatch movies in this site.
Hi Mehdi. You should install Adobe Flash Player software in order to watch videos.
thanks indeed
Hi Elmira, I love British accent too. I pronounce in British although my teachers told me it’s a hard way…
I really enjoy watching Mr. Benjamin’s lessons and listening to his accent <3
I think If you're interested in learning it, it's better to care more and more about phonetic of each word that you've heard. And also please check in a dictionary and exercise as much as you can ;)
Oh gosh! 9/10… how come :(
Thanks teacher for helping me a lot
thank you teacher for this lesson it’s very helpful :)
Thanks for this lesson, was nice.
thanks teacher !!!
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Thanks Benjamin. Although I understood nothing, anyway, all yours lessons are interesting to watch.
In many cases we have some words helping us distinguish between past simple and present perfect. For example if we have ‘yesterday’, we use past siple. If we have ‘ever’ or ‘never’ we use present perfect. But sometimes we do not have such words in a sentence. Usually teachers say: if we are talikng about past, which is related to present (now) we use present perfect… I think it can be confusing. Logically everything what happened in the past somehow influences the present. Should we always use present perfect then? I think this issue should be explained in another way. The usage of right tense should depend on what we want to focus on. If we want to emphasise an activity we use past simple. If we want to emphasise a result – we use present perfect. Cleaning house is a good example. “I cleanded my house”. I want to be focused on the activity. Cleaning in this case. “I have cleaned my house”. In this case the effect (clean house) is important.
Feel free to add comments about my opinion.
Hi hiubhp…great explanation
Hiubhp your comment is also very useful!! u seems like an English teacher. haha. thank you anyway!!
Hey Gloria, are you in Australia still? Which state are you in? I am in Perth. I am also regretted not putting much effort into learning English when I was a Middle school student. Let’s add oil together :)
Thank you for the lesson! I guess you so fun! Congrats!
My name is delwar.I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in english with me. My skype name is sony.hasan5
Thanks.It was very easy. Test was very interesting)Now i will be with us,I mean engVid)))
What is the difference between would have and would?
Thank you it was a great lesson , i like it .
thanks alot
Oh my Gosh 80 it is very good, isn’t it?
I did not pay attention in one question :(
But a great lesson, I have no doubts about that.
I have got 9 correct answer out of 10. :))Thanks a lot Benjamin! :)
hi Yourd im Dilshad do you have facebook
Thanks Sir, simple lesson but necessary for every one.
thank you so much . you are great,indeed :)
You most welcome any time here is my e mail you can write me any time I would like practice my spelling and I believe that is the best way here is my e mail
Please no file no pictures no calling only writing please if you like it I am waiting for your nice words about your country thanks and bye bye
I loooooove this teacher <3
hello Bemjamin . may you teach us Suffixes: -ness / -less / -ful ? thank you so much
Irregular verb is not easy to remember for me…..
What a simple way to teach grammar! Thank you! Your hair is funny. It seems you were sleeping in the cabinet. Bye
Not bad at all, you have pushed me in simple grammar, cheers
Awts i got 4 :(
thank you so much
This lesson was really good. Thank you. I like your voice because it’s like Moss’s voice in IT crowd :-)
Firt, thanks for your effort.but, the equiz isn’t enough at all.
hi benjamin,
Could you explain me why is this statement correct?
“Managers’ pay has grown at an extraordinary pace since the mid 1980s.”
(The Economist, 24. march 2007)
I would say
“Managers’ pay has been growing at an extraordinary pace since the mid 1980s”
Dear Benjamin,
You recommended us to take the test. But I kann’t recognize why you don’t answer any question.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you, Benjamin! You are very good teacher and I have some clue where and how to use those two tenses. You are doing great job!
Awesome way to learn English loved it.
Hi Benjamin, will you help me to clarify a question, closely connected with this lesson?
Which of the sentences written below is better grammatically?
Why didn`t you consult me on this matter or
why haven`t you consulted me on this matter?
P.S. there is no reference in the context as to the time when this event happened.
I`d rather prefer to use Past Simple in this context. Thanks in advance.
Hi, thanks for the lesson! I tried to do the quiz but when I clicked for the next question available, it did not show the next question, I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem, or if it happened to somebody else? Please let me know! Thank you
lesson was very complicating but questions are very easy,thanks teacher
According to the dictionary ( ‘shined’ is also valid.
10 of 10
thx :D
thnx i’ve got 10/10
thank you : )
Hello I really do like your nice dialect I used to listen to it during english classic serials . But I would like to tell you about those words that indicate the time and tenses like for the past yesterday last week last year and so on also for present perfect yet already recently and so one that set thanks and bye bye
hey Mr i relley understand your lesson
can you make a lesson for to show us the difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous and how to use and when
thank you Mr Benjamin
Thank you :)
For i’m unique in this site. i would like u to help me how to speak like native speaker tutor Benjamin
Thanks Ben :)
I have a question about using the present perfect to talk about the consequences like “he has found the helmet” in your example. can’t we just say “he find it” ???? or the simple present can’t be used for results?
90% at the quiz,,I thought that shine is regular verb.
Hi Rahaf,
Yea, I have the same question as well. Also, I made a mistake in the ‘shine’ question. Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day.
Very good explanation.Thank you so much.
thank teacher
Thanks Benajamin, Woow, 100 points!!
Sorry, Benjamin, it was trouble of my fingers.
really helpfull lesson ;) btw. i love your accent ;)
hello every body my English very poor 5 correct out of 5.
It’s so helpful to clarify my grammar mistakes.
Thank you teacher
Thank you so much, teacher, I have got 10/10 ^^.
really helpful
thanks teacher a lot
it’s very useful, and great !
I have been looking this kind of teaching a long time ago, which is simple yet clearly explained. Thank you Professor Benjamin. Don’t worry about your bit mistakes. Not a serious one. Besides, “No one is perfect”
hi now I have 7/10 quiz
thank u professor Benjamin
Great!!!! That was I needed tahnks
Nice lesson. Thanks Benjamin
Great! I got 10/10. :) How about the other tenses of verb? i wanna know the differences among them because it’s a little bit confusing. I don’t know how and when will i use those verbs in the sentence.
Hi Benjamin, I have a doubt . Can you work it out?
Here it is ….
WHERE’S MY BIKE ? IT HAS BEEN / IT WAS outside the house, but it’s not there now.
Which tenses I should use this?
thank you in advance .
I scored 10/10 :D.
Thank you for the lesson. It was very clear, and you simplified it in an excellent way. I just wish that one day, some miracle happens and then I could speak with an accent as half wonderful as yours!.
That’s great
The lesson was great, thank you so much.
hi gelayol. how can i watch videos?
Thank you
I had do 3 times to learn…but now I have learned
I’ve got the highest mark. I appreciate your courses!
Thanks for the lesson!
That was good lesson, Thanks :) , but i got only 9/10
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much.
Teacher you are great!! Thanks a bunch!! Crys ;)
Thank you so much I appreciate your effort .. you helped me alot to understand
got 8\10 :// My bad
it is helpful. Thanks teacher very much
80) irregular verbs just (( Grammar , ok
thanks for the beautiful lesson!!!
it’s so helpful:)
I am very interested in your teaching.
How can I down load the video, please?
thanks my teacher for this lessons
hi everyone
is here anyone who would like to chat with me in English on Facebook.
actually i have been learning English but i don’t have any kind of source to have conversation in English.
if anyone is interested let me know it will be helpful for me.
thank you.
Thank for the lesson. I have gotten 9 mark, so happy!
Thank you Benjamin.
thank you Ben , i have got full mark : )
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I love this language!
Thank you, Benjamim.
Professor Benjamim, could you please give us some
examples using already, yet, since, just and still?
Thanks in advance.
it,s really helpful thanks
thank you. :)
thank u its so good .
About the 9th question I found this. With the verb shine, the form shined is preferred in everyday English, possibly because shone sounds too much like the form shown, which is the past participle of show. However, in Internet searches the form shone occurs quite frequently because of its use in literary English.
DO you live in China now?
thanks :)
hi benjamin thanks a lot
what is other tips will help me to identify the sentences weather it past simple and present perfect?
sorry for spoiling the last question of the quiz but the past form of shine is also shined.
thanks a lot for this lesson
So I think that this video and this text are so interesting. Good job (Y).
Thanks for the video, but I expected the test to be more difficult. Are there any more difficult exercises?
I think the lesson is very interesting but the quiz is a little bit easy.
Could you provide for a more difficult quiz?
thank you very much indeed.
The lesson is really interesting :)
Thank you. :*
I’ve got 10/10. Thank you very much!
Thank you :)
Hi teacher,now I have noticed the difference between the present perfect and the simpl past thanks of your explanation,your good examples and the list of verbes.Thanks
i have got 8/10. Your lesson helped me alot. Thankyou :)
Thank you Benjamin for having given me this chance to test my grammar skills.
I have watched your video, its quite good. Thank you
Hello Benjamin. I did the quiz and got 9 correct answers. Thank you for helping us.
Thank you Benjamin,well explained,clear voice,perfect
accent,what else can you ask for?
I have got 9 out 10
thanks a lot
really helpful
Hi Benjamin, thanks again for this lesson.
I got 9 out of 10 ! However, I’m a bit confused, because of the last question … I chose “shined” instead of “shone” and, to be honest, I’m not sure I was wrong !
Please, could you clarify ?
Hi Benjamin ,I have a question : Can I say : When have you started this morning ,My teacher said that I can’t use have with When .
Serbets, the structure of the present perfect tense is subject+has/have+past participle verb. If you look up shine on the web, you will find that is an irregular verb and its past participle form is shone. Hopeful is useful. Greetings from Peru
Second lesson with you. 10 out of 10. Thanks
Hi Benjamin ,I have a question : Can I say : When have you started this morning? ,My son’s teacher said that a person can’t use have with When .
thanks teacher
Thank you a lot for your explanation! Moreover, your british accent is so elegant, that I want to learn English in this way! The American accent is more dificult for me, because the pronunciation is faster and not clear enough to me.
Very nice lesson, excellent!
Benjamin has taught some lessons and I have learned a lot. :-)
thankyou very much teacher
Thank you Benjamin.
Thank you so much to all teacher, you’re great in explaining the lessons
Really good ! thank you !
Thanks got 100%.
Tell me would it be a big mistake if instead of perfect a present or past simple is used? Would I be understood? I am a teacher and I hate lessons with perfect because it is so confusing for students to use it. Here in Polish we don’t have it and we use past or simple (and other tenses) so students can’t understand why sentences She’s just eaten or I’ve read a book are in perfet since in Polish they’re just the past.
I was enjoyed by this lesson. I’ve got 10/10 .Thanks.
The quiz section is pretty helpful. Thanks.
Thanks Ben, your lessons are great!
( correction )
9. Choose the correct sentence in the PAST SIMPLE tense:
Benjamin teached some lessons.( nobody use Teached in Engilsh)
Benjamin taught some lessons. ( correct answer)
Benjamin has been taughting some lessons.
Benjamin, having been taught some lessons.
Thank you very much
Good test
thanks very much شكرا جزيلا
Thanks!! It was very clear. But, when I,m speaking I make mistakes&%$%&%
Honestly your the best , but still getting confusion when to use .. have ,Has, had . because for me most of the times i use “had” as a past tense and present past tense . how is it sound if i say that ..(1) i had lost my glasses (2) i has lost my glasses . i have had lost my glasses . where is the mistake among these sentences ..thanks
Thank You Benjamin
Hi Benjamin, thank you very much for this lesson. 10 with the quizz. But please what does that mean : “eg” on the blackboard ?
exempli gratia =for example
Thanks JuliaUs
Thanks Benjamin…
hi, your lesson is good, but still i have problems with using these two times(((
Why in the 1 and 2 task we cant use just Past Simple??
Thanks for the lesson :)
10/10 thank you Ben!
:-( I got 5 corrects
10/10 thank you!!!
I think benjamin should make more example. Only two example he made. Not enogh i think to understand this complicated situations
thanks for the lesson. can you also compare present perfect and past perfect please?
Hi, thanks for the lesson. I’m taking an exam in two months. It’s called YDS(Foreign Language Exam). I’m all okay with daily tenses but these perfect tenses they are all problem for me. Can you make a Lesson about them? I mean not about how the sentences are, about when we use them or what the differences between them.
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
or anybody who reads this, can you guys help me about it?
Thanks to everyone sice now.
Congratulations! I liked it very much!!
thanks very much for teaching us !!
Teacher Benjamin thank you for your sharing me your outstanding knowledge.English Grammer is very complicated and difficult to study it,so,please take a time to give me more English Grammer.
its good lesson.
“Shine” is not in your “Irregular Verbs List”
Shine = Shone
Thanks teacher so much !
Nice explanation, thank u sir.
If u dont mind, it will be a great help if could explain the differences among Regarding, related to, with respect to & On behalf of..
1. I am calling you regarding your interview.
2. I am calling you related to your interview.
3. I am calling you with respect to your interview.
4. i am calling you on behalf of your interview,
Which one is true from the above 4 examples and why?
I am getting confused of these….
hello our teacher thank u for your lesson
i have some Comparison
present perfect :
we use have with(pr)p : you -we-I-they
we use has with(pr)s: sh -he it
ex: I have lost my key
ex: she has finished her homework
past simple :
we use with verb to (be)
1/ were (are in present simple) withe : we-they-you
2/ was ( is in present simple ) with : I -she-he -it
and ::: present prefect : * finished time only and this actin not important for me. example :
i have seen that film . why i said that coz i do not want to see it again .
but in the past simple when i saying : I saw it last week
past simple : past action and past time
this is first information
*** second : present prefect : we use just or recently . = finished action
ex: we have recently sold our house
but : past simple : a long time a go
ex: my parents met in London or i lost my key last week
present prefect : usually a situation is the same as the past > what is mean ?
ex: he has gone out
past simple : the time must be finished : it rained yesterday
**** present prefect : we can talk about time not finished : he has rained today
also : sometime : there is a connection with now
past till now
they have gone home
***** past simple : sometime happened in the past and this action not connection to now
ex: i visited Ukraine when i was a child
thank u teacher a lot ….
thanks sir you are wonderful
Oh! my God, my score was 9.0 , It item was fun and very interesting.
thank Benjamin.
Thank you
Benjamin, could you please prepare a lesson about Past Perfect Continuous? (I had been doing). Thanks in advance! Carry on with your teaching and acting! They’re inspiring.
Great lesson. Thanks Benjamin!
I got 90%. I love this page, there are a lot of teachers, they have the excellent way of teaching. Love you guys, I hope you have a nice day..
thank you benjamin for this lesson.
I got 90%. Thanks for interesting lesson.
Great job! Thanks for your video, it is so good that I understood the subject fast.
Adriano – From Brazil.
Great job! Thanks for your video, it is so good that I’ve understood the subject fast.
Thank you.I have 10/10.
I’ve got 10 points. Thank you for your lesson.
Great ! Thank you
Good lesson. Thank you Benjamin
Hello Benjamin! The lesson, of course, pretty friendly but this idiocy (as “Present Simple” and “Present Perfect”), I have not met in the English language.
In addition to this the irregular verbs … – Nutty just can.
Hi Benjamin! Finale I understand your lesson 9/10! ) It’s the first your lesson that I understand soo .. completely !!! Thank you for your lesson, and sorry me for my last message!?
Great lesson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ben, Nice class. Thanks a bunch! Was a pleasure! See you.
I have problema with the quizz, I need to memorize many words in diferentes tenses.
hey Benja I tried contact with you in your page EE, but it not work
Tanks for help me. It was so clear
Thank you so much, it’s very useful
10/10 Thank you for this lesson! :)
Nice lesson and quiz Benjamin.
I liked the example with the pen:
It has just run out of ink.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you very much ))))))))))))
thank u for the lesson and your great accent :)
I’m confused. you said that Present Perfect is used to describe something happening now.
In the sentence: “This mountain has never been climbed buy anyone. Several mountaineers have tried to reach the top, but nobody has neer succeeded.” Where this sentence is mentioning something occuring now?
thank you. pleasee make the items of questions more diffic
more difficult.
It’s so goog.
It’s so good.
Thank a lot.
The lesson and the exam both of them was grate.
Thanks a lot.
thank you!!!!!
10/10. thanks.
which is correct 1) i met him yesterday. or 2) i’ve met him yesterday. correct?
10/10 I understent it, thank you
Ben, I have a doubt:
If we use have, in present perfect, to say something that happen currently…
…Why do we must use “just” after present perfect “have”? Example: My pen has just run out of ink
I was wondering why he had his hair like that untill he put his helmet back.
Thanks Benjamin, you’re great!
Thanks Benjamin for the helpfull class
5 out of 10… i need to recall mg english and learn more.
it’s very nice lesson and useful
Thank you for this lesson.
Thanks for your help profesor Benjamin. Now I understain the difference between sp and pp
Thanks Benjamin
I like your improvisation as well :-)
Thanks for your lesson Benjamin!
thank you for this lesson althought my score was low
thanks 9/10
thank teacher,
Thank you, dear Benjamin! Watched and repeated!
Lovely teacher! Awesome class. Kisses from Brazil
I try to find your Facebook bag but I couldn’t find it ???
Very good lesson. All was shortly and clearly.
Thank You Benjamin!
10/10. Thanks, Benjamin!
10/10 thanks)
10/10 again !! big thanks from me. love you teacher
thnksss teacher got 9 out of 10 :D
Thanks Sir.
good thanks
I am enjoying and learning more and more everyday…. thanks to all the teachers.
I’ve refresed my mind with the grammar , present perct is one bit complication , but nothing that one more effort ,we get it. thank a lot , I need quite pratice my english , the next year I’ll travel for the Europe and I hope better my english time.
Thanks a lot for your lesson.
Thank you benjamin
Thanks a lot Mr. Benjamim..
Thanks a lot Mr. Benjamin
Thanks a lot T/Benjamin
I wanna improve my English knowledge
Thanks…. This video helps me a lot.
i got 9/10 it’s my mistake i forgot that lost doesn’t change :(
I want to know if this course go for lesson number,or for section, capitulos o what
I wonder to know if these sentence is correct:
“I have whispered into Kate’s ear a secret quietly at home today.”
Is there any mistake that I don’t see?
Thank you very much for response
good lesson!!!thank you!
9/10. Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you Benjamin.
I have just understood that the reason of the present perfect.
Thank you teacher. I will practice a lot of present perfect.
i got 80%
thank you :)
thank you teacher for your explanation.
I got 100. Thank you teacher.
I really love the British accent <3
Thanks teacher!
Hej teacher.Could you explain please to me why this sentence should be like that? “We last saw him a long time ago”. I think, we should use here “We last have seen him a long time ago”. It is actually an extract for the one grammar book.
Thank you Ben, I’ve got 10/10 ?
kirillstan, I think correct is 1-st sentence. We use Past Participle for events which happened recently (as wrote Benjamin at the board). But in your example event took place “a long time ago”. So, in my opinion, we use Past Simple!
Hi,I am a newbie on this site,thank u for your videos and lesson Benjamin teacher!
Thank you!IT really helps me a lot:))
Thanks for the helpfull lesson, but i have a question to ask you aboult: How do i know if you are talking aboult the past simple or the to be verb when you use the apostrophe in “he’s” for example? I mean, if it is “he is” or “he has”?
In the video – 3:21 – Benjamin said for present perfect, that the action (finish homework) was 5 Min. ago.
But if something was 5 Minit ago, it is PAST SIMPLE not PRESENT PERFECT.
I think, Benjamin is wrong.
i ve got 100/100
Thank you Benjamin.
Thank you, Benjamin, but in some reason I can’t open the quizes. I can see only the first question and it happened with all the lessons.
Do you know why?
thank you I am learning this language and I understood perfectly this video
Benjamin, I got 90 but I don’t understand why.
In the first question I was asked to mark the
sentence in the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE,so I did it.
But the correct one was the sentence in the Past
Tense. How come?
Benjamim, I redid the quiz and this time the first
question came out all right. PRESENT PERFECT.
( I’m kind of a Present Perfect freak because we
don’t have this tense of verb in my language, or rather, we do have, but that is a whole lot of a
differente story.)
Thanks for the lesson!
But could you change the quiz a little?
The difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect is not shown.
Only the rules of grammar.
thank you ben!
Thank you teacher¡¡¡¡
It´s a pretty good lesson but sometimes i do not feel comfortable when deciding to use present perfect or past tenses!!!
hello if u are taking about…
present perfect , example… i have done my work.
past simple … i saw him.
use 2 form of verb
thank you, it’s very useful
thanks dear
Thank you so much, you’ve described it so clear and understandable
thank you for the video :)
Thank you! 9/10
Thank you very much!
Thank you , thank you, thank you
I really enjoy this class. It was an awesome lesson about simple past and present perfect.Thanks.
The quiz was too easy 100/100
thanks so much for help and explaned this theme but i need to study more verbs in past participle,how can i practise my speaking? because here in Mexico it’s complicated to practise it
Thank you, Benjamin!
Very good lesson! Thanks.
Thank you Benjamin
I totally, Whipped out on this concept! I don’t know the material! Sorry, benjamin.
Hi,Bejanmin!great leasson. Thanks
Hi!Benjamin, Great Lesson. Thanks.
the quiz makes me easier to learn grammar
Ben!good lesson!
Fantastic Lesson
Nice class. Thank you for the explanation. So, “Past Simple” would be more incomplete about the present situation, ins’t it? Thanks in advance!
Thank you!
1 right and 9 wrong .. omg, keep the spirit to keep learning ..
10/10. Thank’s for this lesson.
Thank you for this great and fun video. Learn English is more easy when you have fun ! 9/10 for this quizz. I wonder why my English teacher say “preterit” and not “simple past” ??
Did you get the ‘shine’ question wrong? I got the only mistake in that question :p
Happy night every on I enjoy this video
You absolutely teacher you have good explain
Hi everyone,i want impruve my english, who want speak with me?comunication will halp me.thank u
I have felt myself more comfortable about english grammar after this lesson, thanks
Good 9/10. The last question was tricky. I didn’t know the past tense of shine which is shone but I thought it was shined.
i think the part in the past simple is a little difficult to understand,in the moment to convey the idea of prayer we are talking about so for future explication please give more examples! thanks!!
It doesn’t work for me?
Like, when Im trying to go to the next question, test want me to stay and don’t want me to let go when Im clicking in the button.
Maybe I have coolest user photo and question 1 is just jealous.
I’d be also Jealous if someone as cool as me was trying to go somewhere else.
But I don’t have this problem, lucky me.
So help me???
Wow. How many different people are there from all the world. It’s fantastic. Dear sunsay, thank’s for this lesson)
Teacher. I am a new member. Yesterday I had a exam.We needed to use the correct tense or form of Verb. There was a sentence that I couldn’t understand.’Jack WILL BE ready in a moment. He IS JUST FINISHING his breakfast’ Can you explain why we use the present progressive for that? or is it a wrong answer from my teacher?
thanks for yor teaching and thank you for your pen!!! it has just run out of ink .
Nine out of Ten!!!
thank you
I have understood present perfect.
thanks Benjamin got 8/10, only 2 question i haven’t corrected them is because i got stuck with irregular verbs
Good lesson! Thank you Benjamin! Got 10/10
maybe I need remember my irregular verb
Thank you so much
Very helpful
Great lessons from you
I have done the quiz with only one mistake.
thank you
very informative lesson
thank you
i actually still have some problems with this time period, could you give me some more video advices?
I´ve done the exercise and I just only had a mistake with the verb (lose) jejeje by the way it was very useful. Thanks.
Thank you Benjamin.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Thanks It was a good teach me
Thanks Teacher
thanks a lot you’ve made it so easy right now
thankyou I do the quiz score80/100
I thank you 3000 :)
very nice this lesson
Good morning, Benjamin!
Great class!
Thanks a lot!
Thanks aloy for this lesson. It’s quite useful and the explanation is completely clear!
Great lesson!!! I have a question about the verb shine. Could I use shined instead of shone?
Great lesson. I always had a problem with these tenses. Where can I find the irregular verbs list, please?
I’ve got 8. The Irregular verbs so confused me.
Thanks, Rebecca.
A lovely lesson on Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses.
Thank you so much, Benjamin
Thank you! Great lesson!
Thank you, teacher! A brilliant lesson for us!