‘Actually’ is actually used more often in conversation than you think. It has several uses in English, and is a common shortcut we use to correct someone or to emphasize something. In this lesson, you’ll hear how to pronounce the word correctly, and learn its full use.
Hi, I need find some person from Turkey or from other countries who have time to talk with me. I’m from poland but in next month I’m going to Turkey. Please write me on skype ‘adam_szofer’. Bye
Actually I think question 4 gets all wrong answers.
Students affirmation is true, so the teacher emphize its response then:
to emphasize that the student is wrong
must be:
to emphasize that the student is RIGHT
Hi Oscar.
You’re right. I should have use “clarified for the student” rather than “correct” in this case. Although, the teacher does say “that’s right” first. he is technically correcting incomplete information, but not an error necessarily.
Good point.
Sorry that I react to this comment but have problem to write my own so this is probably the only way how to ask: why have you use WITH WHO? since I studied that if preposition stands in front of the WHO, Who has to change its form to WHOM? Is it really common not to change the form or is it just used in Canada?
Thank you in advance :)
Hi Adam,
Could you please tell me if actually and in fact are interchangeable?,
Look forward your kind reply.
Best regards,
Riaz Noor Afridi
Riaz Noor
Hi Riaz,
Yes, quite often they are. However, ‘in fact’ doesn’t fit in as many situations as ‘actually’, whereby actually even has some slang uses.
Good question.
Adam, this one is brilliant:
She is shocked to find out that you are shocked to find out she’s shocked. :)))))))))))))
10 out of 10 !!! thank you Adam :)
In the question 4, the teacher is not correcting the student said, I think he is adding more information about his student said. What do you think?
Hi Jose
You’re right. I should have use “clarified for the student” rather than “correct” in this case. Although, the teacher does say “that’s right” first. He is technically correcting incomplete information, but not an error necessarily.
Good point.
Thanks Adam fror this excellent lesson
Good one !!!
this is very important topics.
good work
Actually, “I chew a leaf” was really funny:)
Actually, i only got one of the questions wrong, because i did not read it properly. Thank God, but nest time, by the grace of God i will do better. :-)
Sorry, it should be “next time” and not “nest time.”
Thanks a lot for your videos.At last native speakers are really involved in the process of teaching English.Could you deal with essay writing,please?
Actually i loved that!!!
MMmm…bad score at this time, 80% out of score.
Actually i got 4 correct out of 10
it’s so bad i know but it’s so good for me thanks Adam
i will try again and again
Thanks Alex!
Your t-shirt reminded me “Scrubs”. Do you know J.D.? )))
70% of accuracy, I could better actually.
wow,,tnanks :))
Oh!! It has been a nice lesson.
I got 100% !!! Actually, I can’t believe!!! :D
Marcelo Lima
Good teacher and good lesson ! Thank you Adam. Actually I think you’re a very good teacher !
Adam could you please teach us in how many cases after GET the third form of the verb (Past participle)is used.PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE.
Kinds Regards,
Will get on it ;)
that’s very useful for anyone
with who or with whom?
Hi Nathan,
Kind of random, but I’ll go with whom. :)
Adam, I have to tell you : THANK YOU. I’m looking for longtime a similar lessons to correct my language. I talk and write French and Arabic fluently but I feel ridiculous to speak English. Thank you again and see you in your channel at Youtube.
Mohamed Baddaoui
we can use actually to emphasize something
actually we liked you from the first lesson :)
i tried it.Actually,it was good without watching your lecture and next time i will watch first and then will take the test. i scored 6
Thank you Adam
Dear prof,Adam,
Hope everything’s okay with u,
Would u mind answer 2 my ? plz ?????!!!!!!
Let me know the difference btw it n that.
Tx in advance,
Hi Fatima,
That’s a little difficult to answer, because these are very general terms without context. But…
It= subject pronoun (like he, she, I you…) but refers to things, places, etc.
That= demonstrative pronoun that refers to something already known. ‘that’ can also be used as an adjective, whereas ‘it’ cannot.
That dog is cute. It is my friend’s.
That=pointing to a specific dog.
it= the same dog.
Does that (answer) help?
It does really help!
Lot’s of tx.
Kind regards!
Thanks , goos lesson
Thank you teacher.
thank you !
Thanks! This lesson is very helpful.
Hi Adam,
You’ve forgotten to mention, that it’s one of these most overused words in daily converasations. Take care.
Les ;o)
Thank you Adam!
I used the word “Actually ” instead of “Now ” or “At the moment ” and I was wrong!
I understood that this is an Italian “False Friend “.
real, I need to improve my English, please help me
Thanks Adam
Ok Adam . here I learning about correct pronunciation of the word actually..Thanks Adam
I got 60 — strange! I use this word all the time, and I actually don’t know what went wrong. But let’s take a look. xD
1 — I don’t really know how the word “really” sounds. It can be pronounced at least in 3 or 4 different ways depending on what the person wants to express, so this question is a little bit confusing to me. I chose “Tim thinks he is wrong.” because “really”, in this case, in my mind means “It’s unbelievable, I’m pretty sure that you had tried it, maybe you don’t even know about that, there is no way to be otherwise”, and this actually means “Tim assumed he had tried it.” xD
2. — I picked up “I chew a leaf”, and I was consciously wrong here! But this one was funny! xD Why? Take a look for the following letters. English speakers pronounce “y” like Polish “i”, and English “i” like Polish “y” more or less, anyway they are switched. And pronunciation of English “e” or “ee” sounds like Polish “i”. Try to explain, using “ak chu i lee”, etc, how to pronounce “city” to a Polish guy. xD That’s why I started to learn IPA because I can’t just follow that way of pronunciation you gave — there is too much confusion, at least to me. xD So, If I can suggest something — would you try to use IPA? /ˈæk.(t)ʃə.li/ — this sounds always the same, no matter what language you speak. xD
9. “Actually” can often be replaced by the word “really”. — I chose “false”. Can I really say “Actually I was wrong” and “Really I was wrong”?
10 “Actually” can be used to start a new paragraph in an essay because it is about to show a contrasting idea. — I chose “no”. Actually I’m not a big fan of this solution, but good to know that. :)
Hi Morfik,
1-yes, it’s hard to get a sound in written English. I was hoping the other answers were obvious enough to have only one choice.
2- I’ve been trying for years to get students to study the IPA but most of them think it’s a whole other language and don’t want to learn it. It would make life much easier for English teachers if we had more students like you
9- Keep in mind I wrote often, not always :)
10- Not a big fan of it myself, but when you’re stuck in a TOEFL or IELTS exam and that clock is ticking loudly in your ears, it’s not that bad
Having said that (about 9) I think I meant to write “in fact’ instead of ‘really’.
But, basically, people use really to suggest ‘in reality…’ aka, in fact.
My own questions about “actually”.
1. Do we use a comma when we start a sentence with the word “actually”? For example: “Actually, I…”
2. In the vid, you gave a sentence: “Many people think A, but that is actually not true.” — I want to ask about the word order. Can we rewrite the second part of the sentence to:
“but that actually is not true.”
“but actually that is not true.
I would use all of these three. Does it make any difference when I change the word order, or is there a preferred way of using “actually”?
1- Yes, you need a comma if it starts the question because technically you are using it as a transition.
2- All three are correct. the placement adds a subtle difference to why you’re using it, e.g. emphasis, transition, etc.
Good q’s as always
thx a lot
thank you very mush i learned from u
Great lesson Adam. Thanks.
I got only 60.
Dear Adeam,
Would you like to help me about faulty sentence?
I’d love to Mesu :)
I got only 60.
Dear Adam,
Would you like to help me about faulty sentence?
I got 8 out 10 :( I don’t undertand why actually can be replace by really. Adam, Could you please explain to me? Thank you
Hi Carolina,
Actually, I think I meant to write “in fact’ instead of ‘really’.:(
But, basically, people use really to suggest ‘in reality…’ aka, in fact.
Does that help?
Thanks Adam!
actually you are a good teacher Adam
hi teacher adam ..thanks fot the lesson
please I have a simple query
*the boy who went missing in australia *
(who went)
and not
(who was)
thanks Sir :)
Hi Nino,
who went missing= disappeared, which is an action verb. The sentence is used to describe what happened.
who was missing uses a ‘be’ verb to describe a situation. It depends on the context though. If you say he was missing, I understand that he is now found, otherwise you need to say who is missing. who went missing can be used to talk about the past disappearance regardless of the present situation.
Does that help?
Thanks Adam
thank you very much your lesson very usefulCan you Taidon write the contents of the lesson
In the text of a PDF
So I can review the lesson and how to write the words spoken
Thank you
Hello dear adam
actually, i am new in canada, i am too weak in english. i know what is the mean of actually, why it’s use,i got 3 out of 30. How i improve my english? i check my english level its 2.help me pls. tell me what i can do for this?
Hi Kuldip,
Best thing I can tell you is to keep practicing every day. You’re in Canada so you have plenty of opportunities (the language is all around you, pay attention to it, engage it).
Mostly, be patient. It’ll get better.
Quite more difficult as I expected !!
can you please do a programe on word ‘Apparantly”?
will try :)
The quiz was more difficult than I thought, butI got 10 out of 10. :D
Thanks adam very good !
I like this test, It´s very educational, actually my score is 60 percent, I´m going to study more, thanks for the class.
short and sweet
thanks dear Adam.
many thanks
really?! it can be replaced by really?
thank you Adam! that was helpful! :D
In my opinion ‘actually’ is just a filler such as ‘you know’, ‘so’, ‘like’, ‘right’ etc.
It can be. Young people overuse it, but it has its value :)
Yes, Mr. Adam, especially those wild people like us (!) From Russia! ))
Good one!
Thank you very much
you so nice thank u very much…
It,s good lesson
actually I have got 9 out of 10
thank you mr Adam
I thought that “actually” was synonymous with “really”
Thanks for this lesson!!
Can I downlaod all trained video from you?
If I can, I downlaod all video in order from biginer to advanced.
Viphou Meas
Actually got 9 out of 10 on this one.
Number 4 is tricky. I don’t actually think the teacher corrects the student, he merely puts in some additional info.
Hi Pascal,
You’re right. I should have used “clarified for the student” rather than “correct” in this case. Although, the teacher does say “that’s right” first. He is technically correcting incomplete information, but not an error necessarily.
Good point.
it’s harder than I thought, the videos explaination makes us feel so confident, but with the exercises its completely different … ;-)
think simple.you will do it.good luck!!!
Very very useful, thank you dear Adam!
thanks mr adam.useful lession!!!!
PLEASE people! help me improve my speaking skills! Add me in skype: mara.vzla
Thanks in advance
thank you adam
very easy and useful! Thanks Adam!
What does (It all comes down to one day) mean?
It means everything will be decided on that one day and everything that happened before is no longer important.
Does that help?
thank you :)
useful lesson, thank you
I want to know the difference between British and american English, please. and tank you again
Hi Tema
Surprisingly, there are too many to list here ;)
I’ll try to make a lesson about it.
Two more questions. :)
1. On the website (amazon), there is information that the book has 1104 pages. What does actually “page” mean in English? Is there something like “site” or “side” in books? I mean one page = 2 sites/sides? If we turn a page, so basically we are on the same page, but the number is different. I don’t know how to explain it in a better way. xD
2. I want also ask about “negative questions” — I don’t actually know how to name it. xD But basically, it looks like this: “Doesn’t he learn English?” But sometimes I come across questions like: “Did you not want to go?”. I’m not sure if this is connected somehow, but the difference between those two questions is the place where “not” stands. In the first question, “not” is added to the helping verb, whereas in the second question “not” is in front of the main verb. Adam, could you please tell me something about this? Can I move the “not”, and the meaning stays the same?
I see now:
“One surface of a sheet of paper (used instead of “page”, which can mean one or both surfaces.)
— John wrote 15 sides for his essay!
So, if there is information that book has 1104 pages, this means that it actually has a half of it?
1- Ruslan got it right. A sheet has two sides,on which can be written two pages. If you want to get technical, a book has the recto (right-hand side) and a verso (left).
A ten-page essay can have 10 sheets, single-sided, or 5 sheets, double-sided.
2- The negative questions are the same regardless how you write them. If you want to use the contraction, you have to add the ‘not’ to the helping verb. If you want to open it up, the not has to go near the main verb because that is actually what it is negating. The helping verb is there to construct the question and to apply a tense. the not cannot be contracted into the main verb because it can’t change forms-it must keep its form to do its job.
Does that help?
Yes, thanks.
actually this lesson is very good
Hi all,
Who knows the difference btw cloths n clothes?!
cloth- fabric (usually cotton, linen, etc.)
cloths- a few pieces of cloth.
clothes- things you wear.
there is no singular except ‘a piece of clothing’
Way 2 go
Way 2 go
Way 2 go
Actually, Adam is a great teacher! Thank you so much, dear teacher!
8-10 Good starti videong.Thanks for younr video.
keeping going
Great class
I’m actually learning english a lot.
Actually i got 5 correct out of 10
i need more prectice
thanks adam
it really works and good one
Hi sir
this lessons so important and useful
i love that …………
9 correct out of 10… Actually I liked this lesson…
I have a question about pronunciation of this word.
Is it correct to say ac·SHu·al·ly
/ˈakSHo͞oəlē/ (CH change into SH)?
Hi Yan,
I can’t really say there is a correct or incorrect way. The sh will be understood in speech, which is essentially the important thing. It also depends where you’re using the language.
I hope that helps
Thanks Tara :)
Hi Ruslan,
Yes, this words carries a lot of meaning in its intonation. In this case, you should understand not what she is going to say, but that she has some info you don’t.
Thanks everybody :)
hello respected teacher,
your art of teaching is very good.
i understood very easily. thanks a lot. i have a question,”actually is same meaning of exactly?”
Hi Tprabhajiny
No. Exactly means almost like perfect, or very very correct. Actually, means there was a problem and needs correction.
Does that help?
Hey Adam. Could you please make a video explaining the differences between Stand and Stay?
thank you very much sia Adam,ive learned a lot ..
thanks teacher adam.please teach us all about get. when there is a noun after get, when there is adjective after get what does get mean in such situation. and when to use rd form of verb and what sense it gives in this situation. waiting for your response
rd form of verb means 3rd form of verb
Perfect explanation!!! congratulations :D
thanks a lot but in question four why don’t you replace the option to correct the student with to be more accurate?
Thank you Marcello :) I appreciate it very much.
Very good lesson! Thank you!
thank you adam, you are a good teacher.
thank you, Adam!
Thank You Sir
Hhhhh Woooow I get 10 from 10 !!!! I think my self loser in english
thank you so mush adam ^_^
thanks adam…
Hey Adam!!!
Thanks alot for your examples, they’re so helpful ;)
Actually, I’m a lexicophile.
I see that QUIZ has the correct answer:
“ak chu i lee”
But ACTUALLY on the board we can see “ak chu A lee”?
So I guess you have to correct QUIZ.
It is a really a good and useful lesson!
Hello, Adam I appreciate your lessons.
I have a doubt in the first question
[Bruce: “I’ve actually never tried Mexican food.”
Tim: “Really?”
Why does Bruce use ‘actually’?]
The underlined answer was “Tim assumed he had tried it”. Actually i Think that he just emphasized that he had never tried it.
tks ;)
great great great job, Adam! Carry on! I dont even know What I would do without you. Thanks a lot.. You are not like everyone. You are unusual teacher. thanks
thanks, your lesson is very useful, i got 10 correct out of 10,actually i got 8/10 ^^!
amazing ! I in love with yours lessons ! cerry on !
hi Adam,
it is good.. actually i got more meaning for Actually…. thank you…
very very good
English Vocabulary – ACTUALLY
thesedays,I’m into engvid.com!ㅋㅋkk
I’m sure that my english will be improved by you.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam thank u 4 this lesson you are a great teacher ;)
It’s actually a very good lesson.
Thank you so much.
you are a very good teacher. i like Emma’s and your lessons. i always watch them. thanks for your explanations and examples. i usually use actually like really and in fact. after this lesson i knew it had a definition like contrast. have a good day.
Hi Adam. I think as a Canadian you must know that “actually” is a false friend. Actually must be translate into French by “en fait” and no “actuellement”. This is a very common mistake made by French speakers as well as they translate “eventually” into “éventuellement” instead of “finalement”. Those false friends are very tricky.
By the way, don’t forget , please, to make a lesson on the verbs following “to” with the “ing” form. Thanks.
As from May 22nd my wife and me are going to spend three weeks in Rochester NY. “Happy!” But, “actually”, Air Canada changed our return flight schedule without any explanation so we are going on June 13th to loose our time for more than six hours on Toronto Airport. “Not happy”. We could make a stroll to Toronto but I don’t know what to do with luggage. In France there are no lockers anymore for security reason. Best regards.
Thanks a lot. You are a good teacher.
thank you very much adam
It was a really good lesson. Got 8/10 in the quiz. Thanks Adam.
Hi Adam, very clearly explained, thank you. I only failed in question number 9 because I have the “really” assumed more as a question, though I know it can be used in a sentence. Anyway I’ve read above your explanation (in fact). Thank you very much!
:( I think question no.2 was wrong answer. It’s not “ak chu i lee”, but it’s “ak chu a lyy”. Isn’t it????? Or wrong teach. So confuse!!!!
Thank u teacher for the lesson. I love this test ,but I need to practice it again
Thank you.
Hi Adam! Are there other uses of ACTUALLY besides the meaning IN FACT?
Actually it is confusing quiz.
actually this lesson was so usefull
rama essam
Dear Adam, in my native spanish “ACTUALLY” often is a confuse word with “ACTUALMENTE” both has become in a FALSE COGNADO or FALSE FRIEND too, your class is clear and take off of my mind this false idea, FALSOS AMIGOS O FALSOS COGNADOS. Thanks.
Thank you Adam,can you show us Likewise,Thus,as well as in future lessons?Thank you for attention!
excuse me, adam , why didn`t lisa say with whom?
Mahmoud Mohammed
Actually, Adam’s lesson is very useful. I learned a lot from you. Thank you Adam..
Thank you very much Adam. I actually need to work on my English more.
I sometimes use “actually.” But I got 8 correct out of 10…Actually, it means I don’t understand so much about “actually,” don’t I? haha Anyway Thank you Adam. I could confirm if I understand it well :D I hope to try your video and the quiz again someday.
thanks !
Actually, I’m always confused about how to use the word “actually”.
Your explanations are very clear!
Thank you
Marcio R Santos
Thank you Adam.
Actually, I got only 70 point on your test….
Thanks Sir, Actually, I cannot understand the lesson completely but this is first lesson by you in which I got 100%. I cannot believe, it’s amazing.
Abdul Qayum
Vikramaditya Mishra
Hi adam….Its a great opportunity to us that i found engvid.com..like everyone said, your a great teacher.I downloaded some of your videos in my phone.This time i just signed in here in your website.I watch everyday all the videos that i found in you.I learned a lot from here.Thank you so much for this website who created this.Its a blessing from us who wanted to learn and enhance their English skills.
darwin maglines
PS adam…my question is how to use however and then.I always update your new lessons…waiting for your reply.
Darwin Maglines
darwin maglines
Thank you Adam. I am very happy to find engvid.com. You are my first teacher here, and your teaching style is awesome!
Thanks Adam.
Very helpful Mr.ADAM,thanks a lot.
Hi guys! It seemed to me that this lesson would be very easy for me..nevertheless I passed the test only at second attempt!! :) Thanks, Adam! I became a bit more skillful in English ))
i got 90 :v but its okay, thnks adam
l’m confusing some ways to use this word but l’ll watch the video more times :) l got 7/10
edit: confused haha
You can do it!
l used to be like you susu ka!
Thank you for this clarification.
Martine B.
actually you are very good teatcher thanks alot
asmaa yassin 7
thanks .. it makes me feel more confident
Thanks …
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Hello everyone.
At first i have to say Thank you Adam. You are my Teacher.
For this lesson i got 8/10 haha i will try to get better next lesson.
Wish oneday i can speak native english like you. Hahaha ( maybe wakt tooooo long)
thanks Adam
Jasmine Ali
Hey Adam. Could you make a video explaining the differences between Stand and Stay?
thnx alot
Hala Hmd
Actually, it’s a perfect lesson.
I am actually happy by this lesson
All Adam’s tests are little bit tricky, but actually it makes these test more useful. I like them.
It’s a very useful lesson .Thank you so much.
Hi everybody, can You explain me the question number one?, i don’t understMd
Hi Adam. I would like to request English lesson related to Math. Thank you very much. I’m sure your lesson about Math will be interesting. Regards, Demosa
Thank you
Hi Adam! I can not understand- why the correct answer 7 questions 3 and not 4? Answer 4 assumes “underline” -that is to allocate in order of importance!? !! Or I do not understand ????
HI Adam you’re lessons are very helpful always i prefer to learn from them, plz adam can you explain to me the present perfect and when do we use it ,it”s so difficult for me i couldn’t understand it pleaaase help me
wassila louchita
HI Adam your lessons are very helpful always i prefer to learn from them, please adam can you explain to me the present perfect and when do we use it ,it”s so difficult for me i couldn’t understand it please help me
wassila louchita
Hi Adam, thank’s for the videos, but could you give me some advice how to develop my English skills. it seems like I have already study it for many years but I think the way I learned was fault. Hope you reply it. thank’s
Hi.. Adam thanks for your good lesson.
Btw , I would like to know what is the “apparently” means and how can I use it ??
Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi, actually i rally like all your Lessona
Adam, you dis not mention that actuallu could be replace by really. It’s not fair. I only score 7 out of 10,lol. Next time better
Thank you Adam :)
Hi, Adam!Thank you for interesting lesson. I have one question about the quiz. I made a mistake in question 8. Could you explain why the last variant is correct?
Best regards, Natalia.
Hello, Adam!
Thanks for all the help, I wanna ask you about question 9 .. how ACTUALLY uses as REALLY? can you give me examples about it?
Many thanks, :)
Timely ideas ! I learned a lot from the specifics . Does anyone know if my assistant might obtain a sample IRS 1040 – Schedule E version to edit ?
Thanks Adam
Got 8 out of 10. Thanks adam this lesson is very useful for me.
HI, could you please tell me how can I download your vidoes?
Thank you Adam.
So Adam. Many of us were wrong with n. 4 and 9. Me too. Could you change the questions? Is confusing and frustrating. But the lesson is perfect, as usual. Thanks.
Angela M.
Professor Adam,
I am grateful for your lesson. Following your advice, I made your test, which is not trivial.
Although my score is fine since I failed with the answer four, I am entirely aware that I need your further extended lesson on the topic.
Examples with not interchangeable really & accually and transitional usage of the word in essays.
Can you make an extended lesson on this topic? Please. I cannot find resources to study this issue in exercises.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Adam, two questions please:
1. Can I use this word order as well?
Thai is not true actually.
2.Could you please give me some examples about the use of really?
Thank you so much
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
Actually, I’ve learned a lot. Thank you, Adam. Would you please give more lessons?
Thanks for the lesson Adam. Actually, you enlighten me about the use of this word.
thanks Adam,
Nguyen Van Hau
thanks Adam.I want yo teach more lessons to us.
i got 7 out 10, very helpful!
Unfortunately, I’ve got eight out of ten. Actually seems rather simple word to use, but appears quite tricky. Thank you for the lesson
Oh, yes! I think the same. It isn´t so simple!
Marjor 2
nice lesson
Actually is a polite sign to correcrt others isn’t it?
i get 6/10
I got 6/10, too. I have to study much more!!!
Marjor 2
Thank you very much, Adam!
Oh, my God! Actually, it was very difficult for me, but I like challenges . . .
Marjor 2
Thank you. Mr.Adam
SangHoon OH
I think that the first question doesn’t match with the response, because the question is: “Why does Bruce use ‘actually’?” And the response is about the “Really” that Tim said. Then, I think that the correct question should had been: “Why does Tim use ‘Really’?”
Thanks a lot for your lesson. I would like to learn English with you. It is very great to study with you.
Best wishes!
Thank you!
So useful
Hi sir!
In this quiz, my answer for 9th question was wrong. i couldn’t find out the reason. can u please help. Your lessons are helpful. thank you.
Well, Adam, actually you are my favorite teacher in EngVid. Thanks for the lesson.
8 out of 10
ann ann
Thanks Adam!
we can use actually for another purpose (for make clear). like this:
did you enjoy your holiday? Very much, actually.
Actually a great word to learn and its uses. Thanks Adam
7/10! Your lesson is easily, but your quiz is actually hard.
Jerry Gu
9/10 the first question tricked me.
abdelaziz ata
Actually I made some mistakes, because some questions were confusing.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Actually …it’s a very useful lesson
Thank you Adam
Actually, it’s a nice comment
Actually…you have a beautiful name
quite a tricky test..
Hi Adam
Actually this is a good lesson
Hi, I need find some person from Turkey or from other countries who have time to talk with me. I’m from poland but in next month I’m going to Turkey. Please write me on skype ‘adam_szofer’. Bye
adam_szofer hi.i’m from turkey.my name is birol.i can help you .add me on facebook http://www.facebook.com/bozel.style.jkd.eskisehir
Actually I think question 4 gets all wrong answers.
Students affirmation is true, so the teacher emphize its response then:
to emphasize that the student is wrong
must be:
to emphasize that the student is RIGHT
Hi Oscar.
You’re right. I should have use “clarified for the student” rather than “correct” in this case. Although, the teacher does say “that’s right” first. he is technically correcting incomplete information, but not an error necessarily.
Good point.
Sorry that I react to this comment but have problem to write my own so this is probably the only way how to ask: why have you use WITH WHO? since I studied that if preposition stands in front of the WHO, Who has to change its form to WHOM? Is it really common not to change the form or is it just used in Canada?
Thank you in advance :)
Hi Adam,
Could you please tell me if actually and in fact are interchangeable?,
Look forward your kind reply.
Best regards,
Riaz Noor Afridi
Hi Riaz,
Yes, quite often they are. However, ‘in fact’ doesn’t fit in as many situations as ‘actually’, whereby actually even has some slang uses.
Good question.
Adam, this one is brilliant:
She is shocked to find out that you are shocked to find out she’s shocked. :)))))))))))))
10 out of 10 !!! thank you Adam :)
In the question 4, the teacher is not correcting the student said, I think he is adding more information about his student said. What do you think?
Hi Jose
You’re right. I should have use “clarified for the student” rather than “correct” in this case. Although, the teacher does say “that’s right” first. He is technically correcting incomplete information, but not an error necessarily.
Good point.
Thanks Adam fror this excellent lesson
Good one !!!
this is very important topics.
good work
Actually, “I chew a leaf” was really funny:)
Actually, i only got one of the questions wrong, because i did not read it properly. Thank God, but nest time, by the grace of God i will do better. :-)
Sorry, it should be “next time” and not “nest time.”
Thanks a lot for your videos.At last native speakers are really involved in the process of teaching English.Could you deal with essay writing,please?
Actually i loved that!!!
MMmm…bad score at this time, 80% out of score.
Actually i got 4 correct out of 10
it’s so bad i know but it’s so good for me thanks Adam
i will try again and again
Thanks Alex!
Your t-shirt reminded me “Scrubs”. Do you know J.D.? )))
70% of accuracy, I could better actually.
wow,,tnanks :))
Oh!! It has been a nice lesson.
I got 100% !!! Actually, I can’t believe!!! :D
Good teacher and good lesson ! Thank you Adam. Actually I think you’re a very good teacher !
Adam could you please teach us in how many cases after GET the third form of the verb (Past participle)is used.PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE.
Kinds Regards,
Will get on it ;)
that’s very useful for anyone
with who or with whom?
Hi Nathan,
Kind of random, but I’ll go with whom. :)
Adam, I have to tell you : THANK YOU. I’m looking for longtime a similar lessons to correct my language. I talk and write French and Arabic fluently but I feel ridiculous to speak English. Thank you again and see you in your channel at Youtube.
we can use actually to emphasize something
actually we liked you from the first lesson :)
i tried it.Actually,it was good without watching your lecture and next time i will watch first and then will take the test. i scored 6
Thank you Adam
Dear prof,Adam,
Hope everything’s okay with u,
Would u mind answer 2 my ? plz ?????!!!!!!
Let me know the difference btw it n that.
Tx in advance,
Hi Fatima,
That’s a little difficult to answer, because these are very general terms without context. But…
It= subject pronoun (like he, she, I you…) but refers to things, places, etc.
That= demonstrative pronoun that refers to something already known. ‘that’ can also be used as an adjective, whereas ‘it’ cannot.
That dog is cute. It is my friend’s.
That=pointing to a specific dog.
it= the same dog.
Does that (answer) help?
It does really help!
Lot’s of tx.
Kind regards!
Thanks , goos lesson
Thank you teacher.
thank you !
Thanks! This lesson is very helpful.
Hi Adam,
You’ve forgotten to mention, that it’s one of these most overused words in daily converasations. Take care.
Les ;o)
Thank you Adam!
I used the word “Actually ” instead of “Now ” or “At the moment ” and I was wrong!
I understood that this is an Italian “False Friend “.
real, I need to improve my English, please help me
Thanks Adam
Ok Adam . here I learning about correct pronunciation of the word actually..Thanks Adam
I got 60 — strange! I use this word all the time, and I actually don’t know what went wrong. But let’s take a look. xD
1 — I don’t really know how the word “really” sounds. It can be pronounced at least in 3 or 4 different ways depending on what the person wants to express, so this question is a little bit confusing to me. I chose “Tim thinks he is wrong.” because “really”, in this case, in my mind means “It’s unbelievable, I’m pretty sure that you had tried it, maybe you don’t even know about that, there is no way to be otherwise”, and this actually means “Tim assumed he had tried it.” xD
2. — I picked up “I chew a leaf”, and I was consciously wrong here! But this one was funny! xD Why? Take a look for the following letters. English speakers pronounce “y” like Polish “i”, and English “i” like Polish “y” more or less, anyway they are switched. And pronunciation of English “e” or “ee” sounds like Polish “i”. Try to explain, using “ak chu i lee”, etc, how to pronounce “city” to a Polish guy. xD That’s why I started to learn IPA because I can’t just follow that way of pronunciation you gave — there is too much confusion, at least to me. xD So, If I can suggest something — would you try to use IPA? /ˈæk.(t)ʃə.li/ — this sounds always the same, no matter what language you speak. xD
9. “Actually” can often be replaced by the word “really”. — I chose “false”. Can I really say “Actually I was wrong” and “Really I was wrong”?
10 “Actually” can be used to start a new paragraph in an essay because it is about to show a contrasting idea. — I chose “no”. Actually I’m not a big fan of this solution, but good to know that. :)
Hi Morfik,
1-yes, it’s hard to get a sound in written English. I was hoping the other answers were obvious enough to have only one choice.
2- I’ve been trying for years to get students to study the IPA but most of them think it’s a whole other language and don’t want to learn it. It would make life much easier for English teachers if we had more students like you
9- Keep in mind I wrote often, not always :)
10- Not a big fan of it myself, but when you’re stuck in a TOEFL or IELTS exam and that clock is ticking loudly in your ears, it’s not that bad
Having said that (about 9) I think I meant to write “in fact’ instead of ‘really’.
But, basically, people use really to suggest ‘in reality…’ aka, in fact.
My own questions about “actually”.
1. Do we use a comma when we start a sentence with the word “actually”? For example: “Actually, I…”
2. In the vid, you gave a sentence: “Many people think A, but that is actually not true.” — I want to ask about the word order. Can we rewrite the second part of the sentence to:
“but that actually is not true.”
“but actually that is not true.
I would use all of these three. Does it make any difference when I change the word order, or is there a preferred way of using “actually”?
1- Yes, you need a comma if it starts the question because technically you are using it as a transition.
2- All three are correct. the placement adds a subtle difference to why you’re using it, e.g. emphasis, transition, etc.
Good q’s as always
thx a lot
thank you very mush i learned from u
Great lesson Adam. Thanks.
I got only 60.
Dear Adeam,
Would you like to help me about faulty sentence?
I’d love to Mesu :)
I got only 60.
Dear Adam,
Would you like to help me about faulty sentence?
I got 8 out 10 :( I don’t undertand why actually can be replace by really. Adam, Could you please explain to me? Thank you
Hi Carolina,
Actually, I think I meant to write “in fact’ instead of ‘really’.:(
But, basically, people use really to suggest ‘in reality…’ aka, in fact.
Does that help?
Thanks Adam!
actually you are a good teacher Adam
hi teacher adam ..thanks fot the lesson
please I have a simple query
*the boy who went missing in australia *
(who went)
and not
(who was)
thanks Sir :)
Hi Nino,
who went missing= disappeared, which is an action verb. The sentence is used to describe what happened.
who was missing uses a ‘be’ verb to describe a situation. It depends on the context though. If you say he was missing, I understand that he is now found, otherwise you need to say who is missing. who went missing can be used to talk about the past disappearance regardless of the present situation.
Does that help?
Thanks Adam
thank you very much your lesson very usefulCan you Taidon write the contents of the lesson
In the text of a PDF
So I can review the lesson and how to write the words spoken
Thank you
Hello dear adam
actually, i am new in canada, i am too weak in english. i know what is the mean of actually, why it’s use,i got 3 out of 30. How i improve my english? i check my english level its 2.help me pls. tell me what i can do for this?
Hi Kuldip,
Best thing I can tell you is to keep practicing every day. You’re in Canada so you have plenty of opportunities (the language is all around you, pay attention to it, engage it).
Mostly, be patient. It’ll get better.
Quite more difficult as I expected !!
can you please do a programe on word ‘Apparantly”?
will try :)
The quiz was more difficult than I thought, butI got 10 out of 10. :D
Thanks adam very good !
I like this test, It´s very educational, actually my score is 60 percent, I´m going to study more, thanks for the class.
short and sweet
thanks dear Adam.
many thanks
really?! it can be replaced by really?
thank you Adam! that was helpful! :D
In my opinion ‘actually’ is just a filler such as ‘you know’, ‘so’, ‘like’, ‘right’ etc.
It can be. Young people overuse it, but it has its value :)
Yes, Mr. Adam, especially those wild people like us (!) From Russia! ))
Good one!
Thank you very much
you so nice thank u very much…
It,s good lesson
actually I have got 9 out of 10
thank you mr Adam
I thought that “actually” was synonymous with “really”
Thanks for this lesson!!
Can I downlaod all trained video from you?
If I can, I downlaod all video in order from biginer to advanced.
Actually got 9 out of 10 on this one.
Number 4 is tricky. I don’t actually think the teacher corrects the student, he merely puts in some additional info.
Hi Pascal,
You’re right. I should have used “clarified for the student” rather than “correct” in this case. Although, the teacher does say “that’s right” first. He is technically correcting incomplete information, but not an error necessarily.
Good point.
it’s harder than I thought, the videos explaination makes us feel so confident, but with the exercises its completely different … ;-)
think simple.you will do it.good luck!!!
Very very useful, thank you dear Adam!
thanks mr adam.useful lession!!!!
PLEASE people! help me improve my speaking skills! Add me in skype: mara.vzla
Thanks in advance
thank you adam
very easy and useful! Thanks Adam!
What does (It all comes down to one day) mean?
It means everything will be decided on that one day and everything that happened before is no longer important.
Does that help?
thank you :)
useful lesson, thank you
I want to know the difference between British and american English, please. and tank you again
Hi Tema
Surprisingly, there are too many to list here ;)
I’ll try to make a lesson about it.
Two more questions. :)
1. On the website (amazon), there is information that the book has 1104 pages. What does actually “page” mean in English? Is there something like “site” or “side” in books? I mean one page = 2 sites/sides? If we turn a page, so basically we are on the same page, but the number is different. I don’t know how to explain it in a better way. xD
2. I want also ask about “negative questions” — I don’t actually know how to name it. xD But basically, it looks like this: “Doesn’t he learn English?” But sometimes I come across questions like: “Did you not want to go?”. I’m not sure if this is connected somehow, but the difference between those two questions is the place where “not” stands. In the first question, “not” is added to the helping verb, whereas in the second question “not” is in front of the main verb. Adam, could you please tell me something about this? Can I move the “not”, and the meaning stays the same?
I see now:
“One surface of a sheet of paper (used instead of “page”, which can mean one or both surfaces.)
— John wrote 15 sides for his essay!
So, if there is information that book has 1104 pages, this means that it actually has a half of it?
1- Ruslan got it right. A sheet has two sides,on which can be written two pages. If you want to get technical, a book has the recto (right-hand side) and a verso (left).
A ten-page essay can have 10 sheets, single-sided, or 5 sheets, double-sided.
2- The negative questions are the same regardless how you write them. If you want to use the contraction, you have to add the ‘not’ to the helping verb. If you want to open it up, the not has to go near the main verb because that is actually what it is negating. The helping verb is there to construct the question and to apply a tense. the not cannot be contracted into the main verb because it can’t change forms-it must keep its form to do its job.
Does that help?
Yes, thanks.
actually this lesson is very good
Hi all,
Who knows the difference btw cloths n clothes?!
Tx in advance,
Actually, I do :)
cloth- fabric (usually cotton, linen, etc.)
cloths- a few pieces of cloth.
clothes- things you wear.
there is no singular except ‘a piece of clothing’
Way 2 go
Way 2 go
Way 2 go
Actually, Adam is a great teacher! Thank you so much, dear teacher!
8-10 Good starti videong.Thanks for younr video.
keeping going
Great class
I’m actually learning english a lot.
Actually i got 5 correct out of 10
i need more prectice
thanks adam
it really works and good one
Hi sir
this lessons so important and useful
i love that …………
9 correct out of 10… Actually I liked this lesson…
I have a question about pronunciation of this word.
Is it correct to say ac·SHu·al·ly
/ˈakSHo͞oəlē/ (CH change into SH)?
Hi Yan,
I can’t really say there is a correct or incorrect way. The sh will be understood in speech, which is essentially the important thing. It also depends where you’re using the language.
I hope that helps
Thanks Tara :)
Hi Ruslan,
Yes, this words carries a lot of meaning in its intonation. In this case, you should understand not what she is going to say, but that she has some info you don’t.
Thanks everybody :)
hello respected teacher,
your art of teaching is very good.
i understood very easily. thanks a lot. i have a question,”actually is same meaning of exactly?”
Hi Tprabhajiny
No. Exactly means almost like perfect, or very very correct. Actually, means there was a problem and needs correction.
Does that help?
Hey Adam. Could you please make a video explaining the differences between Stand and Stay?
thank you very much sia Adam,ive learned a lot ..
thanks teacher adam.please teach us all about get. when there is a noun after get, when there is adjective after get what does get mean in such situation. and when to use rd form of verb and what sense it gives in this situation. waiting for your response
rd form of verb means 3rd form of verb
Perfect explanation!!! congratulations :D
thanks a lot but in question four why don’t you replace the option to correct the student with to be more accurate?
Thank you Marcello :) I appreciate it very much.
Very good lesson! Thank you!
thank you adam, you are a good teacher.
thank you, Adam!
Thank You Sir
Hhhhh Woooow I get 10 from 10 !!!! I think my self loser in english
thank you so mush adam ^_^
thanks adam…
Hey Adam!!!
Thanks alot for your examples, they’re so helpful ;)
Actually, I’m a lexicophile.
I see that QUIZ has the correct answer:
“ak chu i lee”
But ACTUALLY on the board we can see “ak chu A lee”?
So I guess you have to correct QUIZ.
It is a really a good and useful lesson!
Hello, Adam I appreciate your lessons.
I have a doubt in the first question
[Bruce: “I’ve actually never tried Mexican food.”
Tim: “Really?”
Why does Bruce use ‘actually’?]
The underlined answer was “Tim assumed he had tried it”. Actually i Think that he just emphasized that he had never tried it.
tks ;)
great great great job, Adam! Carry on! I dont even know What I would do without you. Thanks a lot.. You are not like everyone. You are unusual teacher. thanks
thanks, your lesson is very useful, i got 10 correct out of 10,actually i got 8/10 ^^!
amazing ! I in love with yours lessons ! cerry on !
hi Adam,
it is good.. actually i got more meaning for Actually…. thank you…
very very good
English Vocabulary – ACTUALLY
thesedays,I’m into engvid.com!ㅋㅋkk
I’m sure that my english will be improved by you.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam thank u 4 this lesson you are a great teacher ;)
It’s actually a very good lesson.
Thank you so much.
you are a very good teacher. i like Emma’s and your lessons. i always watch them. thanks for your explanations and examples. i usually use actually like really and in fact. after this lesson i knew it had a definition like contrast. have a good day.
Hi Adam. I think as a Canadian you must know that “actually” is a false friend. Actually must be translate into French by “en fait” and no “actuellement”. This is a very common mistake made by French speakers as well as they translate “eventually” into “éventuellement” instead of “finalement”. Those false friends are very tricky.
By the way, don’t forget , please, to make a lesson on the verbs following “to” with the “ing” form. Thanks.
As from May 22nd my wife and me are going to spend three weeks in Rochester NY. “Happy!” But, “actually”, Air Canada changed our return flight schedule without any explanation so we are going on June 13th to loose our time for more than six hours on Toronto Airport. “Not happy”. We could make a stroll to Toronto but I don’t know what to do with luggage. In France there are no lockers anymore for security reason. Best regards.
Thanks a lot. You are a good teacher.
thank you very much adam
It was a really good lesson. Got 8/10 in the quiz. Thanks Adam.
Hi Adam, very clearly explained, thank you. I only failed in question number 9 because I have the “really” assumed more as a question, though I know it can be used in a sentence. Anyway I’ve read above your explanation (in fact). Thank you very much!
:( I think question no.2 was wrong answer. It’s not “ak chu i lee”, but it’s “ak chu a lyy”. Isn’t it????? Or wrong teach. So confuse!!!!
Thank u teacher for the lesson. I love this test ,but I need to practice it again
Thank you.
Hi Adam! Are there other uses of ACTUALLY besides the meaning IN FACT?
Actually it is confusing quiz.
actually this lesson was so usefull
Dear Adam, in my native spanish “ACTUALLY” often is a confuse word with “ACTUALMENTE” both has become in a FALSE COGNADO or FALSE FRIEND too, your class is clear and take off of my mind this false idea, FALSOS AMIGOS O FALSOS COGNADOS. Thanks.
Thank you Adam,can you show us Likewise,Thus,as well as in future lessons?Thank you for attention!
excuse me, adam , why didn`t lisa say with whom?
Actually, Adam’s lesson is very useful. I learned a lot from you. Thank you Adam..
Thank you very much Adam. I actually need to work on my English more.
I sometimes use “actually.” But I got 8 correct out of 10…Actually, it means I don’t understand so much about “actually,” don’t I? haha Anyway Thank you Adam. I could confirm if I understand it well :D I hope to try your video and the quiz again someday.
thanks !
Actually, I’m always confused about how to use the word “actually”.
Your explanations are very clear!
Thank you
Thank you Adam.
Actually, I got only 70 point on your test….
Thanks Sir, Actually, I cannot understand the lesson completely but this is first lesson by you in which I got 100%. I cannot believe, it’s amazing.
Hi adam….Its a great opportunity to us that i found engvid.com..like everyone said, your a great teacher.I downloaded some of your videos in my phone.This time i just signed in here in your website.I watch everyday all the videos that i found in you.I learned a lot from here.Thank you so much for this website who created this.Its a blessing from us who wanted to learn and enhance their English skills.
PS adam…my question is how to use however and then.I always update your new lessons…waiting for your reply.
Darwin Maglines
Thank you Adam. I am very happy to find engvid.com. You are my first teacher here, and your teaching style is awesome!
Thanks Adam.
Very helpful Mr.ADAM,thanks a lot.
Hi guys! It seemed to me that this lesson would be very easy for me..nevertheless I passed the test only at second attempt!! :) Thanks, Adam! I became a bit more skillful in English ))
i got 90 :v but its okay, thnks adam
l’m confusing some ways to use this word but l’ll watch the video more times :) l got 7/10
edit: confused haha
You can do it!
l used to be like you susu ka!
Thank you for this clarification.
actually you are very good teatcher thanks alot
thanks .. it makes me feel more confident
Thanks …
Hello everyone.
At first i have to say Thank you Adam. You are my Teacher.
For this lesson i got 8/10 haha i will try to get better next lesson.
Wish oneday i can speak native english like you. Hahaha ( maybe wakt tooooo long)
thanks Adam
Hey Adam. Could you make a video explaining the differences between Stand and Stay?
thnx alot
Actually, it’s a perfect lesson.
I am actually happy by this lesson
All Adam’s tests are little bit tricky, but actually it makes these test more useful. I like them.
It’s a very useful lesson .Thank you so much.
Hi everybody, can You explain me the question number one?, i don’t understMd
Hi Adam. I would like to request English lesson related to Math. Thank you very much. I’m sure your lesson about Math will be interesting. Regards, Demosa
Thank you
Hi Adam! I can not understand- why the correct answer 7 questions 3 and not 4? Answer 4 assumes “underline” -that is to allocate in order of importance!? !! Or I do not understand ????
HI Adam you’re lessons are very helpful always i prefer to learn from them, plz adam can you explain to me the present perfect and when do we use it ,it”s so difficult for me i couldn’t understand it pleaaase help me
HI Adam your lessons are very helpful always i prefer to learn from them, please adam can you explain to me the present perfect and when do we use it ,it”s so difficult for me i couldn’t understand it please help me
Hi Adam, thank’s for the videos, but could you give me some advice how to develop my English skills. it seems like I have already study it for many years but I think the way I learned was fault. Hope you reply it. thank’s
Hi.. Adam thanks for your good lesson.
Btw , I would like to know what is the “apparently” means and how can I use it ??
Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi, actually i rally like all your Lessona
Adam, you dis not mention that actuallu could be replace by really. It’s not fair. I only score 7 out of 10,lol. Next time better
Thank you Adam :)
Hi, Adam!Thank you for interesting lesson. I have one question about the quiz. I made a mistake in question 8. Could you explain why the last variant is correct?
Best regards, Natalia.
Hello, Adam!
Thanks for all the help, I wanna ask you about question 9 .. how ACTUALLY uses as REALLY? can you give me examples about it?
Many thanks, :)
Timely ideas ! I learned a lot from the specifics . Does anyone know if my assistant might obtain a sample IRS 1040 – Schedule E version to edit ?
Thanks Adam
Got 8 out of 10. Thanks adam this lesson is very useful for me.
HI, could you please tell me how can I download your vidoes?
Thank you Adam.
So Adam. Many of us were wrong with n. 4 and 9. Me too. Could you change the questions? Is confusing and frustrating. But the lesson is perfect, as usual. Thanks.
Professor Adam,
I am grateful for your lesson. Following your advice, I made your test, which is not trivial.
Although my score is fine since I failed with the answer four, I am entirely aware that I need your further extended lesson on the topic.
Examples with not interchangeable really & accually and transitional usage of the word in essays.
Can you make an extended lesson on this topic? Please. I cannot find resources to study this issue in exercises.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Adam, two questions please:
1. Can I use this word order as well?
Thai is not true actually.
2.Could you please give me some examples about the use of really?
Thank you so much
Thanks you so much
Actually, I’ve learned a lot. Thank you, Adam. Would you please give more lessons?
Thanks for the lesson Adam. Actually, you enlighten me about the use of this word.
thanks Adam,
thanks Adam.I want yo teach more lessons to us.
i got 7 out 10, very helpful!
Unfortunately, I’ve got eight out of ten. Actually seems rather simple word to use, but appears quite tricky. Thank you for the lesson
Oh, yes! I think the same. It isn´t so simple!
nice lesson
Actually is a polite sign to correcrt others isn’t it?
i get 6/10
I got 6/10, too. I have to study much more!!!
Thank you very much, Adam!
Oh, my God! Actually, it was very difficult for me, but I like challenges . . .
Thank you. Mr.Adam
I think that the first question doesn’t match with the response, because the question is: “Why does Bruce use ‘actually’?” And the response is about the “Really” that Tim said. Then, I think that the correct question should had been: “Why does Tim use ‘Really’?”
Thanks a lot for your lesson. I would like to learn English with you. It is very great to study with you.
Best wishes!
Thank you!
So useful
Hi sir!
In this quiz, my answer for 9th question was wrong. i couldn’t find out the reason. can u please help. Your lessons are helpful. thank you.
Well, Adam, actually you are my favorite teacher in EngVid. Thanks for the lesson.
8 out of 10
Thanks Adam!
we can use actually for another purpose (for make clear). like this:
did you enjoy your holiday? Very much, actually.
Actually a great word to learn and its uses. Thanks Adam
7/10! Your lesson is easily, but your quiz is actually hard.
9/10 the first question tricked me.
Actually I made some mistakes, because some questions were confusing.
best regards,Adam (Kazakhstan o2 Dec 2o21:)
Great one.
Thanks a lot. Actually, it was an amazing lesson.
Actually. I love this lesson.