Now you can go to the eye doctor and understand! Learn how to talk about different problems you may have with your eyesight. Nearsighted means you cannot see things that are far away. Farsighted is the opposite! Do you wear contacts? Optometrist! That’s a long word! If you pay me $2000, I will give you laser surgery.
Hi Ronnie! I wanna wish you a very happy new year!!!
All the best to you,
Love and kisses
See ya next year!
brian j
Hi. Ronnie, I am happy to watch your video lessons. I wish you a happy new year! and I hope that you visit to Peru…soon…c u later…
Elmer Merino
Thanks. Happy New Year.
Thank you, i got 7 out 10,that is why i do not know some words.
Thanks Mam, I got 90%, I forgot laser spelling.
Abdul Qayum
I like this lesson , thank you.
I’m nearsighted. Maybe I have an astigmatism. I sometimes wear glasses. I take my daughter to see an optometrist once a year because of her contacts. So helpful! Thank you, Ronnie. I wish you a Happy New Year :D
aaaa thank you ronnie !!!
Thank you Ms Ronnie. It is interesting lesson and I learnt new vocabulary.
Happy new year to all teachers,
Thank you! I really like it. Now I know who I am. I’m nearsighted and I wear contacts :)
Merry 2014! :) :) :)
Wish u all Gladness n Prosperity.
Thanks indeed Ronnie it’s incredible and indescribable lesson
Happy new year I wish you all the best :)
Ammar Salih
Thanks you ronnie , I got 80%.
Happy New Year.2014
Thank you, Ronnie!
Happy New Year!
The last thanks of 2013: THANK YOU, RONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Ronnie and Happy new year
khaled eri
Thank you Ronnie. Happy new year to engvid’s teacher. kind regards xxx
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to ask a question which is not related to this video.
What is the difference between ‘I’m finished.’ and ‘I have finished.’? Can we say ‘Are you finished?’
I’m glad if you could reply. :)
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Hi Sophie. Correct usage is “I have finished.”
“I am finished” means “I am done for. I am about to die.”
‘Are you finished’ is incorrect. Correct usage is ‘Did you finish?’. Thank you.
ok Ronnie i will send u a check of 2000 dollar to do that surgery =) happy new year Ronnie thanks for the lesson
Thank you. Happy New Year!!!
I like this lesson Ronnie. Thank you! Happy New Year!
hi..tahnx Ronnie
Daud Scott Kennedy
Excellent lesson Ronnie since it provides useful expression and vocabulary to talk about eye problems.
Very interesting and humorous video-lesson, as usual.
Thanks for everything Ronnie and Happy New Year to all the teaching staff at EngVid.
Thanks Ronnie , you are funny and teach English very well,
Happy New Year!
thanks dear ronnie i got 100% correct answer
thanks alot ronia
Wow, 10/10. :) Happy new year to all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^0^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi Ronnie , thanks for your great lesson !!!!!!!! Wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy and treasured moments.
Thank you, Ronnie
Happy New Year
zohair Elkamil
Happy New Year!
Thanks ^.^
thank you)))
Happy new year, Ronnie !
Thank u very much, I learnt from u a lot, everybody said to me that my English is getting better,,,,
happy new year ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!! More one great class! I desire for you and your family a happy new year!!
See you on 2014!
i’m nearsighted :( but sometimes i’m glad not to see every detail very clear ;)
thanks a lot ronnie and a healthy & wealthy & happy new year!
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie. You are the best :: You are the king
Hi Ronnie!! The class was great!! I got to learn new word. HAPPY NEW YEAR. when you can come visit Brazil. I am from in Belo Horizonte. It is nice city.
Moderator, I am sorry, but what the hell is going on??? As soon as I try to write a comment, nothing is happening! I hope you’ll find the time to discover the issue. Please delete this message after reading.
Thank you for your lesson! Happy new year~!
nice explanation, how exciting! it’s always very good 2 c yours videos!
its really awsome way of teaching
an awsome …
Hi Ronnie!! Happy New Year.
nice explanation, thx Ronnie :)
Thank you for your useful explanation.
Hi Ronnie!! Happy 2014 for you and your familie.
excelent class.
Thanks Ronnie
hi miss Ronnie
Could you help me ? I am a student and I want to know how to use adverbs in a sentence any adverbs i know how to use these adverbs always , never , usually etc. ,but other adverbs i don’t know how to use it
thank you
Mohammed Ali Ali
9/10 it is quite good….
I’m a Chinese boy who learns English by video at home. I hope I can find foreign friends to improve english together. We can talk by Skype. I think this is a good way to improve english. Here is my email address “”. I’m waiting for you, my friends.
Steven Sun
Hi there
My name is Sadulla from Tashkent,Uzbekistan.I have been watching’s videos since 2011.I would say one thing ,they are very useful.All teachers have their own goals or aims but your video lessons are differ from others with reality and naturality because you speak calmly,sometimes funny or seriously.You are the best and wish only good luck in 2014 maybe from 2014 you will think about how to enlarge your video programme.Happy new year and good luck.
that’s somekind of medical informations
I´ve just begun watching this web, but I send you my best wishes for the new year
Thank you very much! Happy New Year!
That was really useful. I wear glasses but I never remember if I am nearsighted or farsighted… 8-D
Ivan David
Cool…I liked the lesson Mrs Ronnie
thank you,,it was very helpfull
well for the moment i dont have that problem. i want to say thanks for have this page.
Denis Hernandez.
thank you very much.
thanks alot
thank you very much. happy new years ronnie
Well… I tell a secret: nobody can’t guarantee the result of lase surgery \
Thank you so much :))
thanks and hope u happy in new years ..ronie :D
Thanks a million
Very useful thank you Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie and happy new year,,,
yesssssssssss Thank you so much Ronnie i got 10 of 10
Thank you so much,Ronnie. It is very useful.
I love you the way to teach us, easy to understand and so much fun ^___^
Hi everyone! I identified myself on this video, I am nearsighted and sometimes I use glasses to help me. It’s so good and useful video, thank you Engvid for sharing this.
Thank you so much Ronnie. This lesson can help me lot!
thnak you.
Hi Ronnie, I’d like to ask u a kinda basic lecture on comparatives, I never thought about it, cuz it came naturally, but I realized there s actually a rule for double syllables that end w –er, -ow, -le, like later n clever, can I also say more clever. thx
thank you Ronnie
Hello! I am very glad to listen classes from such an active teacher. You seem very active throughout the sessions and I wish to be like you that much active. You told you are a eye learner. I think I am too. Thank you very much.
ronnie.. i love the way u teach , so cud u please please please …. help me out .Actually, i don’t understand the sentences with “have had”, “had had” and similar kinds…..pls pls pls reply.
I was nearsighted, and i made laser surgery too, and i think that is one of the best idea of my life. :)
Now i CAN see better
Thank you Ronnie.
You are very funny girl.
Thanks a lot. I have an astigmatism so I must wear glasses. And a few time ago I need progressive lenses.
Hi Ronnie,
I have myopia and this problem make me to wear glasses.
Thanks for the explanation.
Ronnie, How do you pronounce these words ? :
Would – Wood *
Rap – Wrap *
Here – Hear *
Deer – Dear
Will – We’ll
Not – Knot – Nut
and more…
Help me , pls
Mehran Sky
Very well ! :)
Thanks Ronnie got 10 outta 10, happy new year
Amar Amor
thanks a lot teacher Ronnie :)
i’m really like your lessons >>
Thanks Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie!
Thanks a ever such alot Ronnie Tacher. I’m 17 year student and i live now in Netherlands, but we dont havent any english teacher nowadays. so i can join every moment with beautiful lesons Thans ENGVID :)
Hey Ronnie, thanks for the lesson!!
Really useful! Thanks!
Leticia Souza
thank you ronnie :)
From the bottom of my heart..,
I wanna say ” thank you so much “..:)
Adam Vu
thank u ronnie .:)
Vipul Singh
Hi Ronnie! Thank you so much!
love you from Pakistan <3
Thanks Ronnie…
Love u
mad man
I love it thanks a lot
mad man
Thanks Ronnie;) You’re the best english teacher I have ever had;)
Ronnie ! I love you ; )
With your clip video , it made English very fun to learn ; )
Thank you !
Thank you
I’m quite new here. And I found this lessen now. Thnk you for this very good eyplanation of vocbulary. It is easy for learning, and I listen to this lesson more times because it is funy to learn. I enjoy learning with you :-)
Hi i am new here why these videos are running .
it shows that error ”the server defused the connection ” what is the problem please….
Is Youtube still blocked in Pakistan? Check if you can see any other Youtube videos (not just ones from our site).
engVid Moderator
Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie, im Colombian and im starting to see your videos!
Thanks a lot. I am nearsited, I am wearing contacts. Sometimes I am squinting.
my results is no good(((60
Helena Zu
Hi Ronnie,
Please check first two question, answer is wrong,
I have not everything problem about my eyes, thank god for brown eyes and same thank Ronnie for great lesson.
Ronnie teather is funny
William Shockley
The coolest English Teacher i’ve ever seen!!!!!
Adriano P Tanajura
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
It’s helpful and very interesting as usual
take care
thank you Ronnie ….
lanya gul
thank u so much , i like u . u know
Tnx Ronnie! Now I know I have an astigmatism. I´d like don´t wear glasses anymore. Please tell me how was it? your surgery. Greetings
Thank you Ronnie !! you’re the best ^^
Bilal Jones
Thank you, very helpful.
Hi Ronnie, thank you .
10\10 Great!..
9 out of 10=]
tnx a lot teacher :)
Hi ronnie I have learned a lot with your classes. Thanks :)
Love it !
thanks a lot
Thank you, RONNIE! :)
You are a wonderful teacher. Eres genial!!
Hi Ronnie! I appreciate your humor. You make learning english fun :) I just have a question, how do you say or ask the ‘grade’ of your eyes. Like how poor is your eyesight? Or is the term ‘grade’ right to use? Does anyone get what I mean? Please help. Thanks :)
Thanks, Lovely Ronnie your are great
cool :)
Mahmoud Abdelrazik
does it hurt to have a laser surgery Ronnie? i’m planning to have it too but i’m a bit scared of going blind.
ann ann
9/10 Thanks Ronnie :)
10 correct out of 10
chung nguyen
eye doctor i think is a ophthalmologist.
but not a optometrist
your movies I like the most. best wishes from Poland :)
i get 9/10
Hello Ronnie !
Oh ! I think I’m the first french girl !
I’m 12 and I watch your videos for a year and I think I have already made progress…..
Thank you and see you soon !
Cheers, Ronnie
I currently don’t wear glasses.
Thank you, Ronnie
thank u Ronnie. I thank the God for gave me the hyperopia
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
I loved this lesson <3
Thanks a lot Ronnie
you are an angel
Thanks again
I love your lesson, Ronnie
thanks for everything
Thank u Ronnie,
I have a eye doctor opointment very soon , so now I got what I suppose talk him about ?
Thanks a lot Ronnie, i got 10
From the bottom of my heart, I wanna say “Thank you and love you so much, Ronnie!”
Thanks Ronnie for helping me. Have a mice day.
for more information myopia is case of eye when the light that comes in does not directly on focus the ratin
Thank you Ronnie)
I really really Do enjoy of your teaching,
thank you Ronnie I’m very happy with you in lesson the God keeping you
i love you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie…you’re so funny I really enjoy learning with you! :)
thanks a lot it is a wonderful lesson
Thank you, Ronnie!it is a wonderful lesson
Thakn you Ronnie..
Thank you Ronnie teacher. You teach a lot of fun and easy to understand.
Hello I’m a new strident
Hasnae flower
My brother is nearsighted and he wear glasses.I don’t have any problem whith eyes,but I don’t care my husband always tells me that i should not read prays in the dark room,because it brings on eye problems future.and I sometimes appropriate his advice.thank you Ronnie.
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you Ronnie!
Jun Shao
Love Ronnie.
Raynald Miranda
It was interesting a lot to me to know that in english I’m nearsighted and I have an astigmatism. Thanks a lot!
Acaua Galmarine
You got 8 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Thanks Ronnie you are simple the best.
That’s great Ronnie!
Many thanks.
Marta Maria
It is a good lesson.
Thanks a lot Tec.
Naw Ring
Thanks for your great lesson Ronnie..that’s was cool…
10/10! Great! I got this lesson. Thanks for sharing this bad eyesight vocabulary.
Jerry Gu
Vert helpful and informative lesson, FYI i’m nearsighted
I got 10 out of 10
thanks T.Ronnie
Very grateful for your superb lesson Sweet Ronnie from Toronto
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you, Ronnie!
Happy New Year!
Happy new year! Thanks lot
Hi Ronnie! I wanna wish you a very happy new year!!!
All the best to you,
Love and kisses
See ya next year!
Hi. Ronnie, I am happy to watch your video lessons. I wish you a happy new year! and I hope that you visit to Peru…soon…c u later…
Thanks. Happy New Year.
Thank you, i got 7 out 10,that is why i do not know some words.
Thanks Mam, I got 90%, I forgot laser spelling.
I like this lesson , thank you.
I’m nearsighted. Maybe I have an astigmatism. I sometimes wear glasses. I take my daughter to see an optometrist once a year because of her contacts. So helpful! Thank you, Ronnie. I wish you a Happy New Year :D
aaaa thank you ronnie !!!
Thank you Ms Ronnie. It is interesting lesson and I learnt new vocabulary.
Happy new year to all teachers,
Thank you! I really like it. Now I know who I am. I’m nearsighted and I wear contacts :)
Merry 2014! :) :) :)
Wish u all Gladness n Prosperity.
Thanks indeed Ronnie it’s incredible and indescribable lesson
Happy new year I wish you all the best :)
Thanks you ronnie , I got 80%.
Happy New Year.2014
Thank you, Ronnie!
Happy New Year!
The last thanks of 2013: THANK YOU, RONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Ronnie and Happy new year
Thank you Ronnie. Happy new year to engvid’s teacher. kind regards xxx
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to ask a question which is not related to this video.
What is the difference between ‘I’m finished.’ and ‘I have finished.’? Can we say ‘Are you finished?’
I’m glad if you could reply. :)
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Hi Sophie. Correct usage is “I have finished.”
“I am finished” means “I am done for. I am about to die.”
‘Are you finished’ is incorrect. Correct usage is ‘Did you finish?’. Thank you.
ok Ronnie i will send u a check of 2000 dollar to do that surgery =) happy new year Ronnie thanks for the lesson
Thank you. Happy New Year!!!
I like this lesson Ronnie. Thank you! Happy New Year!
hi..tahnx Ronnie
Excellent lesson Ronnie since it provides useful expression and vocabulary to talk about eye problems.
Very interesting and humorous video-lesson, as usual.
Thanks for everything Ronnie and Happy New Year to all the teaching staff at EngVid.
Thanks Ronnie , you are funny and teach English very well,
Happy New Year!
thanks dear ronnie i got 100% correct answer
thanks alot ronia
Wow, 10/10. :) Happy new year to all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^0^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi Ronnie , thanks for your great lesson !!!!!!!! Wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy and treasured moments.
Thank you, Ronnie
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Thanks ^.^
thank you)))
Happy new year, Ronnie !
Thank u very much, I learnt from u a lot, everybody said to me that my English is getting better,,,,
happy new year ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!! More one great class! I desire for you and your family a happy new year!!
See you on 2014!
i’m nearsighted :( but sometimes i’m glad not to see every detail very clear ;)
thanks a lot ronnie and a healthy & wealthy & happy new year!
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie. You are the best :: You are the king
Hi Ronnie!! The class was great!! I got to learn new word. HAPPY NEW YEAR. when you can come visit Brazil. I am from in Belo Horizonte. It is nice city.
Moderator, I am sorry, but what the hell is going on??? As soon as I try to write a comment, nothing is happening! I hope you’ll find the time to discover the issue. Please delete this message after reading.
Thank you for your lesson! Happy new year~!
nice explanation, how exciting! it’s always very good 2 c yours videos!
its really awsome way of teaching
an awsome …
Hi Ronnie!! Happy New Year.
nice explanation, thx Ronnie :)
Thank you for your useful explanation.
Hi Ronnie!! Happy 2014 for you and your familie.
excelent class.
Thanks Ronnie
hi miss Ronnie
Could you help me ? I am a student and I want to know how to use adverbs in a sentence any adverbs i know how to use these adverbs always , never , usually etc. ,but other adverbs i don’t know how to use it
thank you
9/10 it is quite good….
I’m a Chinese boy who learns English by video at home. I hope I can find foreign friends to improve english together. We can talk by Skype. I think this is a good way to improve english. Here is my email address “”. I’m waiting for you, my friends.
Hi there
My name is Sadulla from Tashkent,Uzbekistan.I have been watching’s videos since 2011.I would say one thing ,they are very useful.All teachers have their own goals or aims but your video lessons are differ from others with reality and naturality because you speak calmly,sometimes funny or seriously.You are the best and wish only good luck in 2014 maybe from 2014 you will think about how to enlarge your video programme.Happy new year and good luck.
that’s somekind of medical informations
I´ve just begun watching this web, but I send you my best wishes for the new year
Thank you very much! Happy New Year!
That was really useful. I wear glasses but I never remember if I am nearsighted or farsighted… 8-D
Cool…I liked the lesson Mrs Ronnie
thank you,,it was very helpfull
well for the moment i dont have that problem. i want to say thanks for have this page.
thank you very much.
thanks alot
thank you very much. happy new years ronnie
Well… I tell a secret: nobody can’t guarantee the result of lase surgery \
Thank you so much :))
thanks and hope u happy in new years ..ronie :D
Thanks a million
Very useful thank you Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie and happy new year,,,
yesssssssssss Thank you so much Ronnie i got 10 of 10
Thank you so much,Ronnie. It is very useful.
I love you the way to teach us, easy to understand and so much fun ^___^
Hi everyone! I identified myself on this video, I am nearsighted and sometimes I use glasses to help me. It’s so good and useful video, thank you Engvid for sharing this.
Thank you so much Ronnie. This lesson can help me lot!
thnak you.
Hi Ronnie, I’d like to ask u a kinda basic lecture on comparatives, I never thought about it, cuz it came naturally, but I realized there s actually a rule for double syllables that end w –er, -ow, -le, like later n clever, can I also say more clever. thx
thank you Ronnie
Hello! I am very glad to listen classes from such an active teacher. You seem very active throughout the sessions and I wish to be like you that much active. You told you are a eye learner. I think I am too. Thank you very much.
ronnie.. i love the way u teach , so cud u please please please …. help me out .Actually, i don’t understand the sentences with “have had”, “had had” and similar kinds…..pls pls pls reply.
I was nearsighted, and i made laser surgery too, and i think that is one of the best idea of my life. :)
Now i CAN see better
Thank you Ronnie.
You are very funny girl.
Thanks a lot. I have an astigmatism so I must wear glasses. And a few time ago I need progressive lenses.
Hi Ronnie,
I have myopia and this problem make me to wear glasses.
Thanks for the explanation.
Ronnie, How do you pronounce these words ? :
Would – Wood *
Rap – Wrap *
Here – Hear *
Deer – Dear
Will – We’ll
Not – Knot – Nut
and more…
Help me , pls
Very well ! :)
Thanks Ronnie got 10 outta 10, happy new year
thanks a lot teacher Ronnie :)
i’m really like your lessons >>
Thanks Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie!
Thanks a ever such alot Ronnie Tacher. I’m 17 year student and i live now in Netherlands, but we dont havent any english teacher nowadays. so i can join every moment with beautiful lesons Thans ENGVID :)
Hey Ronnie, thanks for the lesson!!
Really useful! Thanks!
thank you ronnie :)
From the bottom of my heart..,
I wanna say ” thank you so much “..:)
thank u ronnie .:)
Hi Ronnie! Thank you so much!
love you from Pakistan <3
Thanks Ronnie…
Love u
I love it thanks a lot
Thanks Ronnie;) You’re the best english teacher I have ever had;)
Ronnie ! I love you ; )
With your clip video , it made English very fun to learn ; )
Thank you !
Thank you
I’m quite new here. And I found this lessen now. Thnk you for this very good eyplanation of vocbulary. It is easy for learning, and I listen to this lesson more times because it is funy to learn. I enjoy learning with you :-)
Hi i am new here why these videos are running .
it shows that error ”the server defused the connection ” what is the problem please….
Is Youtube still blocked in Pakistan? Check if you can see any other Youtube videos (not just ones from our site).
Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie, im Colombian and im starting to see your videos!
Thanks a lot. I am nearsited, I am wearing contacts. Sometimes I am squinting.
my results is no good(((60
Hi Ronnie,
Please check first two question, answer is wrong,
I have not everything problem about my eyes, thank god for brown eyes and same thank Ronnie for great lesson.
Ronnie teather is funny
The coolest English Teacher i’ve ever seen!!!!!
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
It’s helpful and very interesting as usual
take care
thank you Ronnie ….
thank u so much , i like u . u know
Tnx Ronnie! Now I know I have an astigmatism. I´d like don´t wear glasses anymore. Please tell me how was it? your surgery. Greetings
Thank you Ronnie !! you’re the best ^^
Thank you, very helpful.
Hi Ronnie, thank you .
10\10 Great!..
9 out of 10=]
tnx a lot teacher :)
Hi ronnie I have learned a lot with your classes. Thanks :)
Love it !
thanks a lot
Thank you, RONNIE! :)
You are a wonderful teacher. Eres genial!!
Hi Ronnie! I appreciate your humor. You make learning english fun :) I just have a question, how do you say or ask the ‘grade’ of your eyes. Like how poor is your eyesight? Or is the term ‘grade’ right to use? Does anyone get what I mean? Please help. Thanks :)
Thanks, Lovely Ronnie your are great
cool :)
does it hurt to have a laser surgery Ronnie? i’m planning to have it too but i’m a bit scared of going blind.
9/10 Thanks Ronnie :)
10 correct out of 10
eye doctor i think is a ophthalmologist.
but not a optometrist
your movies I like the most. best wishes from Poland :)
i get 9/10
Hello Ronnie !
Oh ! I think I’m the first french girl !
I’m 12 and I watch your videos for a year and I think I have already made progress…..
Thank you and see you soon !
Cheers, Ronnie
I currently don’t wear glasses.
Thank you, Ronnie
thank u Ronnie. I thank the God for gave me the hyperopia
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
I loved this lesson <3
Thanks a lot Ronnie
you are an angel
Thanks again
I love your lesson, Ronnie
thanks for everything
Thank u Ronnie,
I have a eye doctor opointment very soon , so now I got what I suppose talk him about ?
Thanks a lot Ronnie, i got 10
From the bottom of my heart, I wanna say “Thank you and love you so much, Ronnie!”
Thanks Ronnie for helping me. Have a mice day.
for more information myopia is case of eye when the light that comes in does not directly on focus the ratin
Thank you Ronnie)
I really really Do enjoy of your teaching,
thank you Ronnie I’m very happy with you in lesson the God keeping you
i love you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie…you’re so funny I really enjoy learning with you! :)
thanks a lot it is a wonderful lesson
Thank you, Ronnie!it is a wonderful lesson
Thakn you Ronnie..
Thank you Ronnie teacher. You teach a lot of fun and easy to understand.
Hello I’m a new strident
My brother is nearsighted and he wear glasses.I don’t have any problem whith eyes,but I don’t care my husband always tells me that i should not read prays in the dark room,because it brings on eye problems future.and I sometimes appropriate his advice.thank you Ronnie.
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you Ronnie!
Love Ronnie.
It was interesting a lot to me to know that in english I’m nearsighted and I have an astigmatism. Thanks a lot!
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thanks Ronnie you are simple the best.
That’s great Ronnie!
Many thanks.
It is a good lesson.
Thanks a lot Tec.
Thanks for your great lesson Ronnie..that’s was cool…
10/10! Great! I got this lesson. Thanks for sharing this bad eyesight vocabulary.
Vert helpful and informative lesson, FYI i’m nearsighted
I got 10 out of 10
thanks T.Ronnie
Very grateful for your superb lesson Sweet Ronnie from Toronto