Do you make your bed in the morning? Set the table before dinner? Empty the trash in the evening? Learn to speak fluently about common tasks by watching this simple lesson on everyday actions around the home. I will teach you simple and useful verbs that will help you describe things you do at home, like clean, wash, vacuum, and more. Don’t miss this useful vocabulary lesson, and don’t forget to do the quiz at the end to check your understanding.
I don’t like doing the laundry I usually vacuum the carpet on Sunday.
carpet is better :D
thanks Rebecca
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
of course. my Skype is lehduc153. i am looking foward to talking to everyone in the world. Let’s talk to improve our English. Thanks.
Oh Gosh! Household chores are a real headache for me. They are a never-ending activity.
Superb lesson Rebecca!!!
Thanks, Regino. Don’t work too hard!
you’re my mate and i love you so much
kotoz skype is mrawan.hassan1
Mrawan Hassan
of skype shaaban-23
Hi!.. I´m looking for someone to practice my english.. Do you have facebook? o something like that
I would like practicing with you!
hello, Can you add in the face?
My name in the face is Caio Henrique.
A great lesson. Thanks. :)
everyone in my house makes their bed when they get out of it. but my mom usually does everything related to cleaning the house. she does the dishes, and sometimes my sister helps her by loading the dishwasher. My mom always asks us to come to eat before even she sets the table. In Morocco people should always expect guests to come over, and most of the time guests do not tell they are coming.That’s why mom regularly vacuums the carpet, dusts the furniture, and sweeps the house everyday. Dad sometimes helps by doing the laundry or ironing the clothes. our house like most houses here doesn’t have a lawn, but if there was one, probably my dad who would mow it and take care of it. when it comes to the trash, I am the one who is responsible of taking it out.
Great lesson Rebecca Thank you.
Good writing. I’m from Brazil. I had the opportunity to visit Morocco a couple of months ago. It was one of the best trips I ever took.
Eduardo Mendes
WOW, Nabil. You wrote that very well. You are clearly quite fluent in English. What a wonderful way you used all that vocabulary. Thanks for sharing about the customs in Morocco. Very interesting to hear about it. All the best to you, Nabil. You will go far with your English. Take my word for it.
Good writing
omar elsadek
Your explanations are very interesting and clear.You are a good teacher,keep on your work.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice day
This is a very, very useful lesson.
A huge thank you, Rebecca.
I am so glad you found the lesson so useful. Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Canardo. All the best to you.
Thank you, Rebecca
10/10… Thanks Rebecca…whenever think about within house cleaning i mostly used clean word for any kind of activities but now understood which are the verbs we suppose to use…Many thanks!
So glad you succeeded in expanding your vocabulary through this lesson. Thanks for your feedback. Now as you do each of those things around the house, you can practice your newly-learned vocabulary! My best wishes to you, Shank.
I’m very happy to learn this website
Macky Bah
In Q9, is’sweep’ a good answer, too? I sweep the mud stains, for example.
I guess you could do that! I guess the idea was that mud stains would be removed more easily with water, if we mop the floor. All the best!
it was an excellent presentation
i got 7 correct out of 10
MO Alshibli
Thanks and my best wishes to you.
thanks Rebecca
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
Interesting lesson for actions which are often used.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Really very common and useful vocabulary, thanks Rebecca a lot for this lesson!
So glad you found the lesson helpful. All the best with your English, Jacy.
thanks you really helped me
Thank you Rebecca, your lesson is essential for all people who wants to learn english speaking.
Thanks, Ukrit. Yes, we need all kinds of vocabulary to speak about our everyday lives. All the best!
I love to clean the house!!
Thank you very much Rebecca!!!Nice, easy and useful lesson ;)
But you’ll have to put down the guitar first to do all that cleaning! Keep on rocking, my friend.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! That’s exactly what I need for recycling “around the house” vocab with my students. At Beginner/Elementary level it can be quite challenging to get students to use all these collocations as in the video, as in our L1 we have much fewer of them.
Maria Pysarska
Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Maria. So glad you found the lesson useful for your students. Please let me know if your students have any special questions or areas of difficulty and feel free to recommend lessons for us to record for them. All the best to you and your students from all of us here at engvid.
thanks Rebecca
Very useful lesson!
This is real life English!
Yes, well said, my friend. We do need this vocabulary in our daily lives. All the best to you, Pablo.
As always, another great lesson.
Thank you so much.
thank you very much Rebecca
hi Rebecca thanks for your class and your time your are an excelent teacher your classes make me improve my English
Hi, I agree with you.
Júlio César L Sousa
Thanks for your kind words. So glad to hear you found the lesson helpful. Remember to be careful with the words “your” and “you’re”. You wanted to use the second one in your comment, because “you’re” is short for you are. All the best to you, Ameca.
thanks very important definitions
Thanks for your lesson
Husen 12
Very useful lesson, Rebecca. Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
Nice job Rebecca! Thank you for this lesson!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for this video, it is very useful.
Thank Rebecca for such a useful lesson.
The present is to ask you whether the following phrase is correct.
“Creating managers for tomorrow!”
Personally, I don’t think that the word “creating” is appropriate here since we cannot create someone. Could you please explain me about this.
Well, you have a good point. However, in marketing language, one could use the word “create” in that way. Thanks for taking such an interest in the language and the thinking behind it. All the best to you, Lee.
Briefly and clearly. Thank you for the lesson.
dementor AK
Short and sweet. You’re welcome. My best wishes to you.
Yes, thanks for being excited with us! We are also looking forward to reaching this great milestone. And it’s all because of wonderful people like you and all the others on this forum who are so keen to improve their English. You are all the reason for and the main part of this success. Thank you very very much, Edinho, and all our viewers. My best wishes to you.
Thanks for the video…Could you make a video related to what a person does daily?? like getting up, brush teeth, take shower… something like that with lots of expressions that might be useful…
Thanks for the lesson suggestion, Kevin. Alex had recorded a similar lesson some years ago, which you might find useful:
Your idea is a little different so I will try to do one on that. Thanks again, and all the best to you, my friend.
Thanks for the other lesson and for replying. I hope you could mention me when you record the video. Blessings XD
Super useful lesson! Thanks, Rebecca:)
8/10 nice lesson :-)
Padma Nanjiani
very great lesson ! now I can speak with a speaking English woman !
Seriously I like to look at your courses because you give clear explanations
Thanks very much for your kind feedback and so glad you found the lessons useful. My best wishes to you, Philon.
i score 4 out of 10
Thank you for all your lessons.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! It is a short and easy but very important lesson. I didn’t know some expressions, ‘set the table’, ‘dust the furniture’ and ‘mow the lawn’ were new for me.
So glad you found the lesson useful, Elena. Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
Thank you so much for this useful, daily vocabulary lesson. I love all your lessons, Rebecca. :)
Thanks, Rebecca…It was very useful lesson, cos these expressions will help us to describe on everyday actions around the home …
Thanks for your kind feedback. I wish you all the best Edu777.
thanks Rebecca.
Thank you with all my heart.
Thanks a lot for clarifying basic but yet useful daily routine vocabulary.By for now.
You’re very welcome. I wish you all the best with your English, my friend.
thanks a lot for clarifying
Interesting and awesome
I did wrong 3 quizzes among 10 but now is getting clearly, thank you so much engvid site.
ouk chenda
Good for you that you care enough to want to improve. I am sure you will progress. Please look through our website slowly as you could find many lessons that can help you. Step by step, you will get stronger. I wish you all the best, Ouk Chenda.
Thank you, Rebecca!
thank you mam
thank you, Ms. Rebecca! I got 9/10 ?
Maria Gracia
I found your site very useful and effective. Millions of thanks to you all.
Jim Azizi
Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Jim. So very glad to hear such words, especially from a fellow English specialist. Please let me know if your students face any special problems or issues and feel free to suggest lessons. I wish you and your students all the best from all of us here at engvid.
Thank you for giving me some handy piece of information.
thank you so much my teacher
you updated my vocabulary
I got 10 correct out of 10
Well, now, isn’t that kind of you, haferlin, to share this link with all our students. Thank you very much. I wish you all the best.
Thank you, Rebecca!
thank you for new vocabulary , teacher Rebecca ^.^
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca. It is great!
Lucia Loan
There is also your name Rebecca, I noticed many people write it Rebbeca.
Thank you alot.I’ve learned alot.
I’ve just got 80/100.Hic..hic.
Hi rebecca, I just want to ask you a question please; Is it correct to say wash the dishes?
Tarik rahmouni
Yes, you could say that. However, sometimes washing the dishes is only one part of the job, as after that you have to dry the dishes, put them away in the cabinets, etc. So when we say “do the dishes”, we usually mean the whole job, in all its parts. Thanks for your interest and all the best to you, Tarik.
Hi rebecca, thanks you so much for this interesting lesson, it was really helpful
Tarik rahmouni
This video contains content from LearnVid writing on my screen. What döşe it mean?
This was a good lesson, I usually mow the laow on weekends.
Thank you Rebecca! I have fun cleaning my house but I don’t like cooking. At home things are fair, I do the cleaning and my husband does the cooking, he enjoys it and is good at it.
You have a good deal going there, my friend! Thanks for your feedback. I wish you and your husband all the best.
Thank you Rebecca! :)
Very helpful. Thank You ma’am for the video. :)
Rebecca you cannot imagine how your lesson was useful to me, plz continue some lessons like this, thank you so much.
10\10. Thanks))
It is a great lesson, I will keep practicing my english with all students here on this site.
Arjun P
Thank you Rebecca
Basic but very useful! I still learning.
Guys, what’s going on with the site?! It’s become impossible to watch videos here (at least on mobile). The message is “this video contains content from LearnVid”. I’m desperate;(
Thank you Rebecca!
This webiste worths a lot more than FREE.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and words, Sunhoek. We really appreciate such sentiments. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebecca!
I love to mow the lawn and its one of my hobby.
Anu Gupta
Well, good for you, Anu! A small correction:
You should say, it’s one of my hobbies. I am sure you will improve your English a lot by watching some of our videos. All the best to you.
All the best, my friend.
Manythanks, Rebecca
I think this website is very useful to me. If you have a kakaotalk, let me know your ID. I want to make friends(to have a talking with Eng)
Great video. I am liking so much all the lessons in this website. I hope improve my english with these videos and suggestions. Thanks a lot.
Thanks. So glad to know you enjoy the lessons. I wish you all the best from all of us at engvid.
it is very good help for learn
Many Thank:)
Ananya Lerdtassanee
10/10 thank you teacher
Thanks a lot Rebecca it was a wonderful lesson and you will still a great teacher >>> I wish If you can give us more about these verbs and the common verbs which we should use it in daily conversation
Thanks for your feedback and the lesson idea. I wish you all the best, Rami.
by the way I have got 9 from 10
Thanks for the new vocabulary. I am going to learn all them in the day :D
10 correct out of 10!! Thanks for the lesson teacher those verbs are very usefull and you almost said set the table when you were giving us the examples :)
Peter D.
Simple but very importante lesson Rebecca. Thank you for helping me improve my English.
Leandro Cleber
Let’s me try my best !!!!!!i could understand the most of this lesson !!!anyways i still made the quid @@
because some word i really don’t understand!!
good lesson
thanks a lot … you are good teacher . I am enjoy with your lesson
Thank you very much. Let me help you a little, Monbeh. You should say:
You are a good teacher.
I enjoy your lessons.
I wish you all the best, my friend.
From Guatemala , thanks Rebecca, your great!
Jose Lazzo
Thanks, Jose. You’re great too! My best wishes to you.
thanks Rebecca!
Rodrigo Ribeiro
thanks Rebecca
Nice lecture. Very helpful. Thank you.
I am looking a native English speaker for speaking.
Hello Rebecca
Very Very excellent and useful lecture. Need to have more such kind of topics. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much for your kind feedback, Syed. So glad to know you found the lesson useful. I wish you all the best, my friend.
thumbs up!
Numan Yavuz
Thank you Rebecca for being such a great teacher. Regards from Indonesia.
Peter Peterson
Aww, that’s very kind of you, my friend. Thank you for being such an enthusiastic and dedicated learner. I wish you all the best, Peter.
Thank you Rebecca.
Nice job!
Thank you very much. That is very important.
Glad you found the lesson helpful. I wish you all the best.
Thank you so such for the million times!
You’re welcome for the millionth time! All the best to you, Cindy.
very easy lesson.
hamdy Donia
Thanks Rebecca
kamel elkhateeb
thanks you so much you can help me a lot for these
Thank you for the great and helpful lesson.I like your lesson alot.I’ve got 9/10.I will do better the nextime.
I don’t know how to use that word.Thank you for helping me.
Hi Rebecca, as said in the lesson we sometimes really forget to learn the basics, really useful one in daily life.
Thank you so much..
My english is not good. Help me :(
hello….need friendship to talk ,gossip etc.
spanish and english……
lot of lov frm pak
Thanks Rebecca for this useful lesson!
It haven’t made the house cleaning chores enjoyable, but at least I can repeat and learn in English what I’m doing when I do them.
Fabio Cicerre
Thank you, this lesson was useful for me. Today I need to tidy up my house. Now I know how to say it=)
I got used to make my bed and do the dishes. But since i came here i live in mess. i leave the dished in sink till the next day, and i am always late to do my laundry, however all what i need is just load my the laundry washer and unload once it id done. i should take care of theses stuff. i will go home now and dust the furniture so i can feel relaxed and enjoy being at home
Dina Sallam
thanks for the lessons teacher I’m learning a Lot. :D
many thanks
Great Lesson! Thanks Ms.Rebbeca.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I got 10/10, but one question made me confused-clean the house and clear the house.
I think clean!
thank you
thank you so much!
Nguyen Van Hau
I love to iron the clothes, but I don´t love dust the furnitare! Thank you very much!
the end very soon
Thank you, Rebecca.
I need to clean the hole house everyday! Thank you Rebecca!
Marta Mendes Valadades
You have to say: the whole house, if you don’t mind,
let me correct you. Byeeeeeeeeee
Thanks Rebecca!
Despite we don’t give so much credit at this simple things so often, we do need to care about this. Very useful class!
Its my habit all the time to make the bed when it doesn’t look attractive. Sometimes I do the dishes when there is too much load of guests at home so I help my sister by doing the dishes. I often set the table when guests come to my home. But I never cleared the table. I do not like to clear the table. Frequently I vacuum the carpet of my room. I always iron my clothes I don’t say anyone to iron my clothes. I like to do my own work by ironing the clothes. I fold my dresses on weekly basis. I like to dust my furniture because I need my clothes to be clean. Our mad sweep and mop the floor regularly and she cleans the house everyday.
I am mrawan it will be nice to speak to someone to improve our english this is my skype . mrawan.hassan1
Mrawan Hassan
Thank yo so much, like always very useful.
Marta Lopez
Thank you Rebecca!
I need to clean my house now but I’m in a hurry.
I want to watch this lesson more.
Young Kyung Lee
awesome lesson .thanks Rebbecca!
thanks for this creative site.
iam miserable because i feel i’ve forgotten all lessons (:|
Very usefull lesson – thanks a lot, Rebecca!
I have just one question:
In 3rd question in the quiz, it is written:
“… I dropped some chips there.”
Shouldn’t it be: “I’ve dropped some chips there.”?
thank you so much
I’ve done it without listening the lesson.
Thank you Rebecca :)
Marwa N. Mahdi
this is my first courses i’m very excited to WATCH YOU REBECCA IN THE NEXT VIDIO THANK YOU
thanks fot your help
Thank you Rebecca :)
hi evryone
thanks fot your help
Dear Rebecca,
One thing I do every day: Learn your lessons.
Yours sincerely.
my Skype is pcolascola
thanks for your useful lesson Rebecca. 7/10 I am not expert in homeworks, fortunately my wife is better than me
The lesson was very helpfull, thanks Rebecca!
Thank you so much, Mam
Saquib Angolkar
I don’t like mow the lawn.
Dear my lovely teacher,Rebecca..
i like your teaching method and i need to learn English and speak it fluently, but I cannot do that, because I don’t found any body to speak with him or her, what can I do.please help me. And finally all my thanks for you..
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much for this class. You are an excellent teacher.
marcia de paula
Excellent Teacher very helpful I think your method is the best way to learn english and speak fluently . I love u teacher
Rebbecca you are the best, as ever. Bye and good luck
for your live
for your life, sorry
“Today when I woke up I made the bed. After dinner I did the dishes and took out the trash.” It is correct to use past tense like this?
Very Helpful Lessons I am One who Follow yours Courses Everday I am fan of you Rebbecca.
I’m learning a lot from you teacher Rebecca. Your lessons are very comprehensive. I took the quiz right after every lesson, and i did well. :D thank u so much!
it’s a great lesson. thanks Rebecca
Great lesson
Abdulaziz alaql
Well done , very useful course.
Thanks a lot
A very good lesson! I got 9/10! Thanks Rebecca!
Very helpful video, god bless you dear teacher.
fernando triana
Rebecca, thanks a lot :)
Hi, Rebecca!
I have a question: May I say “I set out the table” and “I take out the table”?
Thank you!
thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for this useful lesson.
Thank You For This Lesson ..
thanks Rebecca
Thank you, Rebecca
I got 10/10. Thanks Rebecca. This is useful for our everyday cleaning
Thank you so much Rebecca. this lesson is really helpful. I’m delighted to learnt the exact verbs for housework.
thanks a lot
Yassine abdallah
thanks Rebecca
many many thanks Rabecca
sarito yoki
words are less how to say thank you Rebecca.
Rajesh Shrestha
Haw are you .sorry .I want someone who is fluent in the language in order to practice it together. thank you This is snap.Azozx_7
Abdul aziz Becher
Thank you, teacher Rebecca
Very useful, thanks.
Mindy H
The lecture is very helpful to me. It was very lively, easy to understand. Thank you very much.
Today, during make the dishes, I will practice practicing the vocabulary in today’s lesson. Thank you again.
Tran Giao
80! Not bad, again thanks Maam Rebecca. ??
Practice ,Practice and Practice,The only way to progress.Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks :)
Thank you so much, Rabecca.
I can not describe you as a rare personality in delivering information in a wonderful way.
Great lesson.
Renu Khurana
Thanks, so helpful your lessons.
Thank you Rebecca, Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 26Sept2021);
7/10 Not bad!
i must to study a lot
I like to do the dishes at the moment when I am making the breakfast, lunch and dinner, because when the food is cook my kitchen is clean.
I watched this video twice on January 23, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
I got 9/10.
Thank you! :)
My husband always forget to set a table 😁 acctualy is my duty 😀
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 25Feb2023);
I just did the laundry my clothes and load the drymachine in the laundry. I am thinking: how people can do it in the past without machines?
Amazing teacher. I understood well
Thank you so much Teacher Rebecca for teaching some vocabulary words. I learned a lot, I got a perfect score.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I don’t like doing the laundry I usually vacuum the carpet on Sunday.
carpet is better :D
thanks Rebecca
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
of course. my Skype is lehduc153. i am looking foward to talking to everyone in the world. Let’s talk to improve our English. Thanks.
Oh Gosh! Household chores are a real headache for me. They are a never-ending activity.
Superb lesson Rebecca!!!
Thanks, Regino. Don’t work too hard!
you’re my mate and i love you so much skype is mrawan.hassan1
of skype shaaban-23
Hi!.. I´m looking for someone to practice my english.. Do you have facebook? o something like that
I would like practicing with you!
hello, Can you add in the face?
My name in the face is Caio Henrique.
A great lesson. Thanks. :)
everyone in my house makes their bed when they get out of it. but my mom usually does everything related to cleaning the house. she does the dishes, and sometimes my sister helps her by loading the dishwasher. My mom always asks us to come to eat before even she sets the table. In Morocco people should always expect guests to come over, and most of the time guests do not tell they are coming.That’s why mom regularly vacuums the carpet, dusts the furniture, and sweeps the house everyday. Dad sometimes helps by doing the laundry or ironing the clothes. our house like most houses here doesn’t have a lawn, but if there was one, probably my dad who would mow it and take care of it. when it comes to the trash, I am the one who is responsible of taking it out.
Great lesson Rebecca Thank you.
Good writing. I’m from Brazil. I had the opportunity to visit Morocco a couple of months ago. It was one of the best trips I ever took.
WOW, Nabil. You wrote that very well. You are clearly quite fluent in English. What a wonderful way you used all that vocabulary. Thanks for sharing about the customs in Morocco. Very interesting to hear about it. All the best to you, Nabil. You will go far with your English. Take my word for it.
Good writing
Your explanations are very interesting and clear.You are a good teacher,keep on your work.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice day
This is a very, very useful lesson.
A huge thank you, Rebecca.
I am so glad you found the lesson so useful. Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Canardo. All the best to you.
Thank you, Rebecca
10/10… Thanks Rebecca…whenever think about within house cleaning i mostly used clean word for any kind of activities but now understood which are the verbs we suppose to use…Many thanks!
So glad you succeeded in expanding your vocabulary through this lesson. Thanks for your feedback. Now as you do each of those things around the house, you can practice your newly-learned vocabulary! My best wishes to you, Shank.
I’m very happy to learn this website
In Q9, is’sweep’ a good answer, too? I sweep the mud stains, for example.
I guess you could do that! I guess the idea was that mud stains would be removed more easily with water, if we mop the floor. All the best!
it was an excellent presentation
i got 7 correct out of 10
Thanks and my best wishes to you.
thanks Rebecca
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
Interesting lesson for actions which are often used.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Really very common and useful vocabulary, thanks Rebecca a lot for this lesson!
So glad you found the lesson helpful. All the best with your English, Jacy.
thanks you really helped me
Thank you Rebecca, your lesson is essential for all people who wants to learn english speaking.
Thanks, Ukrit. Yes, we need all kinds of vocabulary to speak about our everyday lives. All the best!
I love to clean the house!!
Thank you very much Rebecca!!!Nice, easy and useful lesson ;)
But you’ll have to put down the guitar first to do all that cleaning! Keep on rocking, my friend.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! That’s exactly what I need for recycling “around the house” vocab with my students. At Beginner/Elementary level it can be quite challenging to get students to use all these collocations as in the video, as in our L1 we have much fewer of them.
Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Maria. So glad you found the lesson useful for your students. Please let me know if your students have any special questions or areas of difficulty and feel free to recommend lessons for us to record for them. All the best to you and your students from all of us here at engvid.
thanks Rebecca
Very useful lesson!
This is real life English!
Yes, well said, my friend. We do need this vocabulary in our daily lives. All the best to you, Pablo.
As always, another great lesson.
Thank you so much.
thank you very much Rebecca
hi Rebecca thanks for your class and your time your are an excelent teacher your classes make me improve my English
Hi, I agree with you.
Thanks for your kind words. So glad to hear you found the lesson helpful. Remember to be careful with the words “your” and “you’re”. You wanted to use the second one in your comment, because “you’re” is short for you are. All the best to you, Ameca.
thanks very important definitions
Thanks for your lesson
Very useful lesson, Rebecca. Thank you!
Nice job Rebecca! Thank you for this lesson!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for this video, it is very useful.
Thank Rebecca for such a useful lesson.
The present is to ask you whether the following phrase is correct.
“Creating managers for tomorrow!”
Personally, I don’t think that the word “creating” is appropriate here since we cannot create someone. Could you please explain me about this.
Well, you have a good point. However, in marketing language, one could use the word “create” in that way. Thanks for taking such an interest in the language and the thinking behind it. All the best to you, Lee.
Briefly and clearly. Thank you for the lesson.
Short and sweet. You’re welcome. My best wishes to you.
Yes, thanks for being excited with us! We are also looking forward to reaching this great milestone. And it’s all because of wonderful people like you and all the others on this forum who are so keen to improve their English. You are all the reason for and the main part of this success. Thank you very very much, Edinho, and all our viewers. My best wishes to you.
Thanks for the video…Could you make a video related to what a person does daily?? like getting up, brush teeth, take shower… something like that with lots of expressions that might be useful…
Thanks for the lesson suggestion, Kevin. Alex had recorded a similar lesson some years ago, which you might find useful:
Your idea is a little different so I will try to do one on that. Thanks again, and all the best to you, my friend.
Thanks for the other lesson and for replying. I hope you could mention me when you record the video. Blessings XD
Super useful lesson! Thanks, Rebecca:)
8/10 nice lesson :-)
very great lesson ! now I can speak with a speaking English woman !
Seriously I like to look at your courses because you give clear explanations
Thanks very much for your kind feedback and so glad you found the lessons useful. My best wishes to you, Philon.
i score 4 out of 10
Thank you for all your lessons.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! It is a short and easy but very important lesson. I didn’t know some expressions, ‘set the table’, ‘dust the furniture’ and ‘mow the lawn’ were new for me.
So glad you found the lesson useful, Elena. Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
Thank you so much for this useful, daily vocabulary lesson. I love all your lessons, Rebecca. :)
Thanks, Rebecca…It was very useful lesson, cos these expressions will help us to describe on everyday actions around the home …
Thanks for your kind feedback. I wish you all the best Edu777.
thanks Rebecca.
Thank you with all my heart.
Thanks a lot for clarifying basic but yet useful daily routine vocabulary.By for now.
You’re very welcome. I wish you all the best with your English, my friend.
thanks a lot for clarifying
Interesting and awesome
I did wrong 3 quizzes among 10 but now is getting clearly, thank you so much engvid site.
Good for you that you care enough to want to improve. I am sure you will progress. Please look through our website slowly as you could find many lessons that can help you. Step by step, you will get stronger. I wish you all the best, Ouk Chenda.
Thank you, Rebecca!
thank you mam
thank you, Ms. Rebecca! I got 9/10 ?
I found your site very useful and effective. Millions of thanks to you all.
Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Jim. So very glad to hear such words, especially from a fellow English specialist. Please let me know if your students face any special problems or issues and feel free to suggest lessons. I wish you and your students all the best from all of us here at engvid.
Thank you for giving me some handy piece of information.
thank you so much my teacher
you updated my vocabulary
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you so much for the lesson
Don´t forget check out
in order to step up the lesson
Well, now, isn’t that kind of you, haferlin, to share this link with all our students. Thank you very much. I wish you all the best.
Thank you, Rebecca!
thank you for new vocabulary , teacher Rebecca ^.^
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca. It is great!
There is also your name Rebecca, I noticed many people write it Rebbeca.
Thank you alot.I’ve learned alot.
I’ve just got 80/100.Hic..hic.
Hi rebecca, I just want to ask you a question please; Is it correct to say wash the dishes?
Yes, you could say that. However, sometimes washing the dishes is only one part of the job, as after that you have to dry the dishes, put them away in the cabinets, etc. So when we say “do the dishes”, we usually mean the whole job, in all its parts. Thanks for your interest and all the best to you, Tarik.
Hi rebecca, thanks you so much for this interesting lesson, it was really helpful
This video contains content from LearnVid writing on my screen. What döşe it mean?
This was a good lesson, I usually mow the laow on weekends.
Thank you Rebecca! I have fun cleaning my house but I don’t like cooking. At home things are fair, I do the cleaning and my husband does the cooking, he enjoys it and is good at it.
You have a good deal going there, my friend! Thanks for your feedback. I wish you and your husband all the best.
Thank you Rebecca! :)
Very helpful. Thank You ma’am for the video. :)
Rebecca you cannot imagine how your lesson was useful to me, plz continue some lessons like this, thank you so much.
10\10. Thanks))
It is a great lesson, I will keep practicing my english with all students here on this site.
Thank you Rebecca
Basic but very useful! I still learning.
Guys, what’s going on with the site?! It’s become impossible to watch videos here (at least on mobile). The message is “this video contains content from LearnVid”. I’m desperate;(
Thank you Rebecca!
This webiste worths a lot more than FREE.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and words, Sunhoek. We really appreciate such sentiments. My best wishes to you.
thanks a lot
Thank you !
Thanks rebecca, I got 8 out of 10 on the quiz
thank you Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca,
if anyone want to chat in English and develop his or her language please contact and add me in Facebook
THank you :)
Thank you Rebecca!
I love to mow the lawn and its one of my hobby.
Well, good for you, Anu! A small correction:
You should say, it’s one of my hobbies. I am sure you will improve your English a lot by watching some of our videos. All the best to you.
All the best, my friend.
Manythanks, Rebecca
I think this website is very useful to me. If you have a kakaotalk, let me know your ID. I want to make friends(to have a talking with Eng)
Great video. I am liking so much all the lessons in this website. I hope improve my english with these videos and suggestions. Thanks a lot.
Thanks. So glad to know you enjoy the lessons. I wish you all the best from all of us at engvid.
it is very good help for learn
Many Thank:)
10/10 thank you teacher
Thanks a lot Rebecca it was a wonderful lesson and you will still a great teacher >>> I wish If you can give us more about these verbs and the common verbs which we should use it in daily conversation
Thanks for your feedback and the lesson idea. I wish you all the best, Rami.
by the way I have got 9 from 10
Thanks for the new vocabulary. I am going to learn all them in the day :D
10 correct out of 10!! Thanks for the lesson teacher those verbs are very usefull and you almost said set the table when you were giving us the examples :)
Simple but very importante lesson Rebecca. Thank you for helping me improve my English.
Let’s me try my best !!!!!!i could understand the most of this lesson !!!anyways i still made the quid @@
because some word i really don’t understand!!
good lesson
thanks a lot … you are good teacher . I am enjoy with your lesson
Thank you very much. Let me help you a little, Monbeh. You should say:
You are a good teacher.
I enjoy your lessons.
I wish you all the best, my friend.
From Guatemala , thanks Rebecca, your great!
Thanks, Jose. You’re great too! My best wishes to you.
thanks Rebecca!
thanks Rebecca
Nice lecture. Very helpful. Thank you.
I am looking a native English speaker for speaking.
Hello Rebecca
Very Very excellent and useful lecture. Need to have more such kind of topics. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much for your kind feedback, Syed. So glad to know you found the lesson useful. I wish you all the best, my friend.
thumbs up!
Thank you Rebecca for being such a great teacher. Regards from Indonesia.
Aww, that’s very kind of you, my friend. Thank you for being such an enthusiastic and dedicated learner. I wish you all the best, Peter.
Thank you Rebecca.
Nice job!
Thank you very much. That is very important.
Glad you found the lesson helpful. I wish you all the best.
Thank you so such for the million times!
You’re welcome for the millionth time! All the best to you, Cindy.
very easy lesson.
Thanks Rebecca
thanks you so much you can help me a lot for these
Thank you for the great and helpful lesson.I like your lesson alot.I’ve got 9/10.I will do better the nextime.
I don’t know how to use that word.Thank you for helping me.
Hi Rebecca, as said in the lesson we sometimes really forget to learn the basics, really useful one in daily life.
Thank you so much..
My english is not good. Help me :(
hello….need friendship to talk ,gossip etc.
spanish and english……
lot of lov frm pak
Thanks Rebecca for this useful lesson!
It haven’t made the house cleaning chores enjoyable, but at least I can repeat and learn in English what I’m doing when I do them.
Thank you, this lesson was useful for me. Today I need to tidy up my house. Now I know how to say it=)
I got used to make my bed and do the dishes. But since i came here i live in mess. i leave the dished in sink till the next day, and i am always late to do my laundry, however all what i need is just load my the laundry washer and unload once it id done. i should take care of theses stuff. i will go home now and dust the furniture so i can feel relaxed and enjoy being at home
thanks for the lessons teacher I’m learning a Lot. :D
many thanks
Great Lesson! Thanks Ms.Rebbeca.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. I got 10/10, but one question made me confused-clean the house and clear the house.
I think clean!
thank you
thank you so much!
I love to iron the clothes, but I don´t love dust the furnitare! Thank you very much!
the end very soon
Thank you, Rebecca.
I need to clean the hole house everyday! Thank you Rebecca!
You have to say: the whole house, if you don’t mind,
let me correct you. Byeeeeeeeeee
Thanks Rebecca!
Despite we don’t give so much credit at this simple things so often, we do need to care about this. Very useful class!
Wonderful presentation Rebecca.I got 9/10.
Its my habit all the time to make the bed when it doesn’t look attractive. Sometimes I do the dishes when there is too much load of guests at home so I help my sister by doing the dishes. I often set the table when guests come to my home. But I never cleared the table. I do not like to clear the table. Frequently I vacuum the carpet of my room. I always iron my clothes I don’t say anyone to iron my clothes. I like to do my own work by ironing the clothes. I fold my dresses on weekly basis. I like to dust my furniture because I need my clothes to be clean. Our mad sweep and mop the floor regularly and she cleans the house everyday.
I am mrawan it will be nice to speak to someone to improve our english this is my skype . mrawan.hassan1
Thank yo so much, like always very useful.
Thank you Rebecca!
I need to clean my house now but I’m in a hurry.
I want to watch this lesson more.
awesome lesson .thanks Rebbecca!
thanks for this creative site.
iam miserable because i feel i’ve forgotten all lessons (:|
Very usefull lesson – thanks a lot, Rebecca!
I have just one question:
In 3rd question in the quiz, it is written:
“… I dropped some chips there.”
Shouldn’t it be: “I’ve dropped some chips there.”?
thank you so much
I’ve done it without listening the lesson.
Thank you Rebecca :)
this is my first courses i’m very excited to WATCH YOU REBECCA IN THE NEXT VIDIO THANK YOU
thanks fot your help
Thank you Rebecca :)
hi evryone
thanks fot your help
Dear Rebecca,
One thing I do every day: Learn your lessons.
Yours sincerely.
my Skype is pcolascola
thanks for your useful lesson Rebecca. 7/10 I am not expert in homeworks, fortunately my wife is better than me
The lesson was very helpfull, thanks Rebecca!
Thank you so much, Mam
I don’t like mow the lawn.
Dear my lovely teacher,Rebecca..
i like your teaching method and i need to learn English and speak it fluently, but I cannot do that, because I don’t found any body to speak with him or her, what can I do.please help me. And finally all my thanks for you..
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much for this class. You are an excellent teacher.
Excellent Teacher very helpful I think your method is the best way to learn english and speak fluently . I love u teacher
Rebbecca you are the best, as ever. Bye and good luck
for your live
for your life, sorry
“Today when I woke up I made the bed. After dinner I did the dishes and took out the trash.” It is correct to use past tense like this?
Very Helpful Lessons I am One who Follow yours Courses Everday I am fan of you Rebbecca.
I’m learning a lot from you teacher Rebecca. Your lessons are very comprehensive. I took the quiz right after every lesson, and i did well. :D thank u so much!
it’s a great lesson. thanks Rebecca
Great lesson
Well done , very useful course.
Thanks a lot
A very good lesson! I got 9/10! Thanks Rebecca!
Very helpful video, god bless you dear teacher.
Rebecca, thanks a lot :)
Hi, Rebecca!
I have a question: May I say “I set out the table” and “I take out the table”?
Thank you!
thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for this useful lesson.
Thank You For This Lesson ..
thanks Rebecca
Thank you, Rebecca
I got 10/10. Thanks Rebecca. This is useful for our everyday cleaning
Thank you so much Rebecca. this lesson is really helpful. I’m delighted to learnt the exact verbs for housework.
thanks a lot
thanks Rebecca
many many thanks Rabecca
words are less how to say thank you Rebecca.
Haw are you .sorry .I want someone who is fluent in the language in order to practice it together. thank you This is snap.Azozx_7
Thank you, teacher Rebecca
Very useful, thanks.
The lecture is very helpful to me. It was very lively, easy to understand. Thank you very much.
Today, during make the dishes, I will practice practicing the vocabulary in today’s lesson. Thank you again.
80! Not bad, again thanks Maam Rebecca. ??
Practice ,Practice and Practice,The only way to progress.Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks :)
Thank you so much, Rabecca.
I can not describe you as a rare personality in delivering information in a wonderful way.
Great lesson.
Thanks, so helpful your lessons.
Thank you Rebecca, Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 26Sept2021);
7/10 Not bad!
i must to study a lot
I like to do the dishes at the moment when I am making the breakfast, lunch and dinner, because when the food is cook my kitchen is clean.
I watched this video twice on January 23, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
I got 9/10.
Thank you! :)
My husband always forget to set a table 😁 acctualy is my duty 😀
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 25Feb2023);
I just did the laundry my clothes and load the drymachine in the laundry. I am thinking: how people can do it in the past without machines?
Amazing teacher. I understood well
Thank you so much Teacher Rebecca for teaching some vocabulary words. I learned a lot, I got a perfect score.