Do you like studying, learning new things, practicing your English, etc.? Do you stop when you see ‘etc.’ and wonder what it means? This lesson will look at the little things in English, such as how to show a list continues without actually continuing it. You’ll learn how and when to use ‘etc.’, the ellipsis mark (…), as well as ‘and so on’.
i agree with u ,
if my teacher were adam, i will feel comfotable in english classes
thanks a lot dear adam
carry On
Adam, and what about fourth dot? When you started you said that you’d explane the meaning of the expression with fourth dots but never did it. Or I missed something?
Thanks for the lesson. I has wondered about it since the first time I learnt English.
thank you so much dear adam
That is great, I like it.
They were my questions for years.
thank you
Hi, I am very interesting with your lessons.
my question for you is what is the different between (different and difference). I hope you answer me, I do appreciated
Many Thanks
Hi Darin,
different= adjective
difference =noun.
does that help?
Thank u so much!! you´re amazing!
Thank you for the lesson Mr.Adam
This is an amazing posting!
Tks for the good lesson that we couldn’t be able to find in any other pages.
I love you Adam ♥
I didn’t know taht: “There should be no ‘and’ before ‘etc.'”, thanks
i didn’t understand whAT BLAH MEAN.
Hi Hiwot,
BLAH means ‘not so good,’ or ‘boring,’ or ‘plain,’ etc.
hey adam,, what does “so on and so for” mean?
You did your hair cut. Looks good! Like Hasan I also was waiting till the end of the lesson. I don’t think I heard anything about it. Q2 is a bit tricky. I should have been more careful for each word. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Adam. You are as always, marvellous. But you forgot to explain the fourth dot in …(.)
that´s true.
thank Mr. Adam
thank you.
thank you so much
thanks Mr Adam, I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
Very helpful lesson. Besides your teaching skills, you look like a typical english man.
Hello Adam,
Thank you for this lesson.Could you please explain me where we can use the word “over”?.You said that “my friend came over to my house”.i know this question is not related to this lesson.I have heard many people use this word with there(over there),here etc.,but you used different.Thank you in advance.
Hi Marryfa,
Actually, I could have said “My friend came to my house.” ‘Over’ is just an extra word we use. Basically, it means a little like ‘here.’ When we say “over there,” seems to make it a little more specific, like ‘in that place’ as though you are pointing. But if you take it out, it doesn’t affect the meaning.
Does that help?
Thank you for the lesson Adam, it was very useful.
PS: The gnocchi’s recipe was great, and it made me hungry…
You lesson was not ‘blah’ at all. That made me interested, open, happy, and so on…
Good teacher, thank you so much.
Adam, what about the fouth dot […(.)]? And the lesson was really good. The way you explain is really easy to understand :). Thank you.
Thanks a lot Mr Adam. It was really helpful and interesting.
Thank you too much .it was the first time that i’ve checked your site and i should say it’s very good
Thanks a lot Adam, it’s very clear. But I’m little bit frustrated, you wrote three dot and you said, sometimes it’s possible to write four dot but you didn’t say the meaning of four dot… ;-)
this vidoe is good thanks adam!
Hi Everybody,
Sorry about forgetting to mention the 4th dot.
It’s actually pretty simple:
The 4th dot is a period. That is, it ends the sentence.
example: I like all kinds of fruit, such as apples, bananas, strawberries….
The last dot is a regular period for an end of sentence marker. If you list ends at the end of the sentence, you can’t use one of the dots as your period. That’s why you would have the fourth.
If you’re not sure about this, ask me.
Dear teachers,
I’d like to take this chance for telling you
” HAPPY NEW YEAR ” for every things that you did for us .
I wish you all the best and enjoyable time with. * MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL *
Yours faithfully,
Hello dear Adam,
I couldn’t catch ur last sentences completely,
“If u list ends at the…….”
What do u mean exactly plz?!
Tx in advance.
Hi Fatiima,
First, an apology. I meant ‘your’ list.
example: “I like fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, pineapples, plums, and others.”
“I like fruits like apples, bananas,…
The second one is wrong because only three dots means it is missing the period, so the sentence hasn’t ended. It should be:
“I like apples, bananas,….”
Last dot is the period.
“blah” is only used in spoken english?
PD: Happy Holydays engVid Team!
Adam you rock, thank you for the lesson.
In Russian language “blah” sounds like shit.)
I’ll keep that in mind :)
No, it’s not sounds like “shit”, it sounds like “whore” on russian language.Russians like to say this word :\
well thanks for your lesson sir. I just need to know the difference between “it’s been a long time and it has been a long time” pls help me out sir
dinesh kumar
Hi Dinesh,
It’s been… = It has been…
The ‘s is a shortened form.
Does that help?
Thank you very very, Adam! Could you please explain the origin of that mute “h” at the end of such words like “blah”, why not just write “bla” and be happy?!
Hi Kseniia,
Good question. Hard to answer with quiet words on a screen, but basically, the ‘h’ extends the ‘a’ sound, making it longer.
Thank you! One would never think about such things. Such a good lesson Adam! Many thanks.
Dear teacher thank you very much for very useful skills that you have provided us to help us to write proper sentenses and symbols.WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPERIOU NEW YEAR 2013.
thank you Adam, you are very simple to teach English
Adam,I have a request.Could you teach us the active and passive voice of causative verbs and present,past and future conditionals?Please,please,please.
Kinds regards
I’m sure some of these are already on engvid, but I’ll see what i can do for you Farooq
Hello Adam,
I am a publisher living in Toronto. I came across this site while browsing,and I think it provides an excellent learning opportunity for all kinds of people. I was impressed by your teaching methods in particular, and found it educational and engaging.
I would be very interested to speak to you further and possibly discuss some very rewarding business ideas.
I look very forward to hearing from you.
Iraj Zargham
Iraj Zargham
Thank you Iraj,
I appreciate the thought but can’t take on anything at the moment.
Perhaps in the near future.
Dear Adam,
Excellent communication demonstrated by you.I loved watching it.Today is 25th Dec 2012(Tuesday)I want to say merry Chrismis to you and to all of engvid team.Mazhar Jamil (Pakistan)
hi Adam
this is my first time watching your video and i have to confess that the lesson’s topic was my question also.
thanks for your assistance.
here is another question :Don’t we use “etc” solely in writings and so on in speech ?
kazem rahimi
Hi Kazem,
We can actually use both expressions in writing and speaking. In writing, though, etc. is more common; however, keep in mind that it is pretty informal.
thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
I’m a Korean. I hope I am good at English in the near future:-)
me too :) looks good so far
u are perfect man.
thanks adam i learn t which i was totally unawared till date
thanks for the lessons!
I wanna know if you can do a video about common poetic expressions or its rules?
have a great time!
hmmm… You’ll have to give me an example of what you mean.
thanks thanks thanks … :)
What is the difference between “dot” and “period”?
I’m not 100% but I think the “dot” is a dot, :), a circle symbol and used in domain of website not in sentence. The “period” is a dot, used to end a sentence.( period, not dot).
I found this info , `AE` they called it period ,`BE` they called it full-stop .
The dissimilarity between dot and period ?
Is that dot used in computer filed names , internet addresses ,and email addresses such as www.(dot)EngVid.(dot)com,,also , it said that it used in name of IP addresses 145.260.123 , it pronounced dot .
on the other hand, period or full-stop it used in the end of sentence .
but there is something it still questioning me . We know that in BE it`s not used while in AE it`s necessary to used it after abbreviation .
such as = ^AE^ co. ,,S.S.,,St.,,^BE^ co ,, SS,,St what we called it here dot or period and why ? what is the differen !!
Too Right! :)
I’ve found the same.
But,about ur ? ,in my book it is dot after abbreviations like WWW.(dot) & as we know,we use full stop o period at the end of a statement.Right?!!
Have Fun!
yep, you have point here^^ it is dot not period
but I would like to know why BE never used and AE t
yep,,you have point here , it is dot not period. But I would like to know why BE never used the dot after abbreviation while AE it is necessary to used it,,, is it kind of rules in AE or what !!!
It’s a rule.
Ok, but what if we have this situation:
I see something in the distance, a text, and I’m not sure if there is a comma or a dot(period). For example: “… , I …” or “… . I …” So, should I ask my friend: “Is there a comma or a dot” or “Is there a comma or a period”?
right it is somehow confusing . but I think there is nothing to special to distinguished between them ,so you showed came near to see it well
Nice dialogue here :)
Period for ending a sentence. Dot for everything else.
ellipsis always have at least 3 dots. If you use with a comma within a sentence, 3, but to end a sentence, 4.
It’s actually pretty complicated. This is the stuff of editors. But, if you are interested, it’s best to consult a style guide.
Many thanks to you T/Adam ^^
very nice keep on
All these explanations make the difference in my learning…
Thank you guys!
I learned the lesson perfectly and scored 90% in QUIZ. Dot within the bracket (.) not been explained ?. Can you please.. K.Sundar.
thank you so much
Emad Hassan
i want to learn where to use ,:;”‘- while writing a sentence
Thank you adam this is very useful lesson
You are awesome
Extremely intelligent teacher, simple speech, interesting lessons, useful language tips, clear examples. Thank you, Adam, for this!
Happy holidays to everyone!
Hi engvid i want you to make a video about
anybody,everybody,anyone,everyone,someone,somebody. thanks
oh. you are a good teacher. your job is great! i hope you alway have a strong health.and thank you so much. i hope see you soon in next lesson.bye
Thank you Adam for your clear and smart way of teaching
Very nice, thank you…
i love this
your lesson some of those not esially making me sense
I have a question about “spaces” in writing. In my native language we use two rules:
1. Continuation of sentence. We use: word+space+tree dots. Sample: I like chips, coca cola, pizza … (<– notice space between pizza and three dots). Also, there are no four dots at the end of the sentence. If another sentence is written, then: I like, chips, coca cola, pizza … I also like to watch TV. (<– So pizza+space+tree dots+space+word_of_another_sentence).
2. Abbreviation of word: She is real bit… (<– notice no space between bit and tree words, because "bit…" is actually a abbreviation for bitch, so continuation of word is written without a space).
If I understand correctly, there are no additional spaces in English. Right? It is hard to see spaces from hand-writing.
Hi Alex,
You’re right, there aren’t extra spaces after the word. However, if you want to shorten a word, use a long dash, like bi–. It’s clearer.
Very interesting and cute lesson :-)
Thank you
Hey!! I need to understand one thing about the word “ever” in these words. What they really mean:
ever-deceptive, ever-present,….
Hi Henrique,
In these cases, ‘ever-‘ is used like ‘always.’
thanks, Adams thi is important…
This tips were so interesting!
hi again dear adam ..what about this
on and on
thanks once more time<3
I think the meaning is entirely different from `and so on`
“on and on“ means something it happening for long time
e.g. The screaming went on and on . means continued for long time ^_^
thank you dear brother hicham
In fact,it’s an IDM.
On n on : without stopping,without a break.
Off n on : occasionally,from time 2 time.
thank you dear sister fatima
Hi Nino,
‘on and on’ is more like ‘blah, blah, blah,’ than the others.
Good point. Thanks :)
thank you so Much adam
u r really great,,thanks a lot for teaching this lesson,,
Suggestion:at the end of each question you should explain why anwser a,b,c or d is correct.
Cuong ta
Thank you for your lesson it was very useful and interesting.
Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for this useful lesson.
thank you Adam,your lessons are always useful.
I like this lesson very much.Also very useful for my studying.Thank you Adam..
Very interesting lesson.
Thanks a lot! I can learn more English form your excellent teaching videos.
Very useful video thx
Thank you so much teacher, you do great.
Bander AL-Faifi
more harder, i need one best specializing lesson that would help me out alot as handy reference tool.
Thanks for your lesson. I really like the way you explain. I have problem with pronunciation Mr Mrs Miss Ms. Please could you explain how to pronunc and the difference. Thanks again
Hi Sabrina,
Hard with words, but I’ll try.
Mr.– mis ter (like mystery without the ee end)
Mrs. — mis sis
Miss — miss
Ms. — miz
hope that helps
Thank you very much for this so useful lesson. That’s exactly what we need when we want to address people formally.
Catch ya later
Dear MR. Adam,
I ‘am sow your video it is very interested. Thanks a lot about it. But please take care about the ideas you broadcasting “kids are (blah)”. Because there is so many family they have problem with this idea and working hard to make it not(blah). Again thanks….
Sorry, I mean “kids are blah blah blah” not {blah).
Hi Dilzar,
Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll be more careful. :)
Great lesson and great teacher as well. Thanks a lot.
Sir, can you elaborate more on the 4th dot.
Hello sir thank you very much for your advice . It’s really helpful for me to the way I have lifted me up
Moahamed Shifaan
thank you very much. The class was very interesting.
your teaching easy to understand : )
thanks a lot
Adam, and what about fourth dot?
Thank u very well about interesting lesson.
hi tnx for this lesson
i like the last exemple
i hope the lesson wasn’t a blah
it wasn’t
Thank you
Thank you very very much :)
thank you very much ^_^
Thank you Adam-I learn this lesson very well.
your lesson was blah,blah,blah.
sorry, I was just joking your lesson was really good and interesting also I am looking forward to see your other lessons my teacher.
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you. your lesson was great.
thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great lesson! Thank you :D
I just have a question on “and so on” thing. Someone, who is not a native speaker, mentioned about my writing one day. He said that “and so on” is a very unsual expression and native people seldom use it, because they like expressions that are accurate and have only one meaning. Is that true? I’m also wondering if I can use the expression “and so on” in a formal writing as well. I learned that expression when I was about 14 and I thought it was pretty common and formal.
Hi Vicky,
Well, it depends what you are writing. “and so on, is a bit of a cheat. This means it lets you get away with not saying enough. Writing is different from speech in that it needs to be sharp and words shouldn’t be wasted. It’s not an unusual expression, but maybe better used in speech than writing.
Does this help?
Yes, it did help. Then, in writing, should I use ‘etc.’ instead of ‘and so on’? In my language, it’s formal to say those expressions when I have a lot to list. So, I often use them when I translate my language into English. I’d like to know if you have any other suggestions.
Well, if you are writing a lot, for variety you can use both. But etc. is the first choice I’d say.
other expressions are “among others” or “and the like”. If you can combine lists that would save on these as well.
hiAdam, thank you for your teaching I have got 8 out of 10 really it is useful lesson for me thank you again
hi guys
I am Amal> I am arebain girl> I wanna improve my englisg so can any one help me by chatting please add me on my skype Amo0ol707
thank u so much
Thank you Adam!! You’re so a great teacher!!!
You did helped me a lot.
Your lesson is never a “blah, blah, blah”. I enjoy it! Thank you so much!
Sally S
thank you teacher adam for this lesson
thank you so much teacher.
Hi everybody,
Happy new year. Hope it’s a good one for all of you.
For those who missed an earlier comment about the fourth dot, here it is:
The 4th dot is a period. That is, it ends the sentence.
example: I like all kinds of fruit, such as apples, bananas, strawberries….
The last dot is a regular period for an end of sentence marker. If you list ends at the end of the sentence, you can’t use one of the dots as your period. That’s why you would have the fourth.
See you soon
D Best of 2013 4 U!
thank you
it wos a good lesson,thanks teacher
Hello Mr Adam! Before this lesson I couldn’t understand about etc . Now owing to you I get it! Thanks a lot!!! I’m from Kazakhstan!
Hi Mr.Adam
thank you for your lesson .it’s great but i’ve a question about the quiz. WHY THE MISTAKE IN ITEM 9 IS AT THE END ???!!!
your lesson is very intersting ;) thank you
Great lesson, not blah at all :)
Awesome! This is the first time that I visit this site
It looks very useful
thanks y’all teachers
Great lesson, it is very interesting Adam, thank you very much for your teaching.
Thanks Adan,…excellent teaching
This man is awesome…
great, very interesting.. ;)
but since I’m from italy, when you said “ junk food..” I was like: “oh my god, he cannot be serious about it, it’s absolutely not junk food!!!” ahahah
Hi all, and my honorable teacher mr.ADAN.
easily understable and i already sent to my long memory.
Abdirahman jenaqow
That lesson worth it. Excellent explanations . I wasn’t really used to use ’em but now I’d like to level up ’till advanced(C1-lang.certif. is my goal) so these gonna be useful definetely. I’m very pleased !!
Thanks so much Adan. All of you are the best teachers.
Informative, helpful. Thanks!
Hi Adam, you’re the best teacher I finally found!! I love the way you teach. Very Clear and simple :) this is my first time and I got 9 out to 10. THAAAAANKKKKSSS!!!
Very good lasson.
Thanks very much Adam!
OH! Well done, another D. But what ‘ D ‘ means?
I smiled because I can reply ‘ blah’ for the question ‘ How about you today ? ‘
thanks Dear Adam,
really your are using the easiest way of teaching, thanks again.
Super, are you number one there, thank you.
Adam, have you ever been to Russia?
I like the way you teach, explain, giving example etc. Thank you very much teacher.
The lesson wasn’t at all blah :D. It was really useful.
I have a Q.
If I’m writing an academic essay (i mean in a formal way),am I allowed to write etc. in this form or I have to write etcetera ???
Thanks for lesson, Adam. From your lesson, i have to put a comma (,) before “and so on”. How about “etc.” and “…”?
In above examples, you use “…” with or without comma before. Both of them are correct?
And if “, and etc.” is fasle (I was wrong this question in the test). It should be “,etc.”. But, is is correct if I write “and etc.” (not comma before)?
thank you adam, you have a nice way :)
Shi sentences and a wonderful teacher
(blah) is funny!
very good lesson:D. i got 100:)
Thanks Adam,… I got 100 %
thanks teacher Adam =)
I used to write many dots, but now I know there should be three dots and the fourth one for an end marker. Thanks Adam!
I love this page, you´re a great teacher
hi Adam sir! your way of teaching excellent.
can you explain I am done= i did, i am scared, it is cleaned like this…
and to be as a word,
do you eat now? or will you eat now which one is better
to be as a word with sentences
Thanks you so much. I found this page a long time ago, but when my computer was broken,I seemed to forget it. In recent day, I have found this page again, and I think it’s really useful for me to enhance listening & writing skills. Your voice is so clear and attractive ^^
This session wasn’t blha
thank you sooooo much adam you are the best
Could you professor teach about the use of the Word BY?
i love ur teaching style. i have a request to u plz make some vedio on prices writing. I need to improve it. :)
Hi Sir,
Thank you for your interesting lessons
I just would like to get some advices from you about how to beautfy my writing style especially the argumentative essays since I have a teaching exam next month, that is to say I need to add various expressions to my style so that it can not be very simple essay
I’ll wait for your reply,
Thank you Sir in advance.
I think this lesson is not blah~~~
stephen lee
It is interesting lesson,thanks!
Thank you very much
Thank you so much Adam. ” There should be no “and” before etc.”:D
Thank you! You are great teacher!
thanks Adam!
“blah blah blah” sounds fun :) Thank you for your interesting lesson, Adam :D
Thanks a lot!
What a pity not having known before,
but Better late then never.
Yes Joseph 74. I think the same way. This site is very good. I found it in recent days. Adam is a great teacher. Bye the way I visited Italy last year, this is a beautiful country.
thank teacher. your lesson is very helpful as always,
Thak you Adam, regards from Mexico, btw, happy new year ;)
Thanks Adam, you know what?, I like the way you speak, the way you explain, the way you clarify, and so on.
I am not good at using preposition (advanced use) and also my writing is not that good (technical writing). Could you give me please some advices to improve it (giving me some information – books, webpages, etc.- to practice writing. thanks. I writing you from Nicaragua
Thanks sir I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks teacher I got 90%.
Thank you Adam ,I like your way of teaching, really it’s useful to get improving grammar , listning , speaking ect.
I got 60% , promise I will be better next Quiz :)
I like your teaching style. It’s easy to understand. Thank you teacher.
i got 100%
thanks a lot for your explanation Adam :)
fi amrina fadhlina
Thank u teacher
My English so poor anam plz help me..
pravin browne
Hello. It was very interesting lesson! i really like all of Your videos :)
And i would like to clarify one moment: Adam, You said, that ‘Blah, blah, blah’ uses when somebody tells something boring, but also this phrase has the similar meaning that the “etc.” or “…”. Is it right?
Thank you very much, sir Adam! I would like to know whether ‘as well’ can be used as synonym of these words, which you explained?
Thanks teacher I got 100% yeah
I have a question.
Are these formal in essay, term paper, research report, and so on?
Ray Lee
Thanks Adam, you’re lesson was quite understood, clear, interesting, and so on.
Hello! My level is not high, but I understand all that you teach,because you have good pronunciation and explain so intelligible!!!)
Thank you!!!)
Hello! My level is not high, but I understand all that you teach,because you have good pronunciation and explain so intelligible!!!)
Thank you!!!)
thank u for ur lesson . i enjoyed with it . it isnot blah :D
tasneemmohsen hamoda
i got 8 out of 10
tasneemmohsen hamoda
well i enjoyed it so much.10qqqqqqqqqqqqqq
helu rock
This lesson was actually, very interesting. Thanks!
Very good!
Hi Adam!
I like your teaching, because you try to provide in-depth knowledge about the stuff you teach.
Now, I want to draw your attention towards one thing that I think I noticed.
In the start of the video, when you were talking about dot(.), you said “dot dot dot and dot” sometime the four dots, I will explain it.” and then you said “blah blah blah and blah”…I think you didn’t explain the usage of 4 dots or I didn’t get it nicely.
what is true?
Thank You teacher Adam, I like the way you explain every single word :) That’s how I like and it’s so easy for me to understand and get it.
You are the best!
dear sir ! your are my favorite teacher.You always teach me a new thing which is more fruitful for me.And your styles and language are amazing,and likeable. thanks
Gulbahar khan
thanks a lot!!!!!!!
I got 80%, but I realize that “dot dot dot” is often used in spoken language and “etc” shouldn’t be with and
thank you so much teacher Adam :))
khounsavanh khounphon
what about ‘so forth’ as in ‘so on and so forth’? we use it in a formal situation as well.
Thanks alot, i like a way of your teaching sir.goodluck
hello everyone, I think Adam has the touch of teaching he explains very well, gaves us examples with every lesson, and so on. He tries to make easier the topic, and that’s why I think he is a good teaher, you’re one of the my favourites tutors from engvid. Regards.
Fethe Guzman
Thanks Adam, very clear your explanation!
MR:Adam i can’t think in english , i think in arabic cuz arabic its my mother language
i wanna think in english what can i do
Thank you so much Adam!, I really like your lessons; it makes me really understand for using properly. You are a good explainer!
thank you Adam, I like the way that you teach. You are a great teacher.
The correct pronunciation of etc. is et cetera. It does not contain a k or an x.
thanks alot
thank you so much
The best English teacher I have ever witnessed.Thank you so much,Prof.Adam.
Tejas Manolkar
Thanks Adam
Ahmed Gamal
Cool and thank you very much Adam!
3rd question is very tricky.Smart Canadian.
thanks Mr. Adam!
Thank you Adam, You are a great teacher.
Thanks Adam and I love to see your video. I hope you to teach about TOEIC lessons.
great! it’s really helpful
you’re amazing dude thanks a lot
Hi Adam. Very nice lesson, as usual!
I was surprised to hear you list pizza together with fish and chips as well as hamburgers adding that this food is junk … well … I don’t know how you prepare pizza (what ingredients you use) in Toronto but in Italy pizza is considered healthy because it’s basically bread, tomato and mozzarella. Then, accoding to taste, you can add other ingredients, from vegetables and other cheeses to cold cuts (ham, bresaola, and so on) and even shellfish. Healthy and delicious! Enjoy … ;)
Thank you very much for you lessons!!!!
Oh! A lesson I was looking for. Thank you.
Hi Adam.
Thanks for your lesson. I love this lesson very much. Now I have a question. I want to take a competition by using the contents in your lesson. I want to use your ideas but add more ideas from others. Is this OK? If not, I will do nothing.Hope you will give me some suggestions. Thank you.
Thank you teacher
Thank you Adm, your lessons were very interesting, and so on
Exactly the same in portuguese, except for the “blah”.. We don’t use it.
Can you have some tutorials about essay writing?
Hi Adam,
How the spoken English is different from written English?
What are the things that we need to keep in mind When we are on the written part?
Naga Kumar
Hi Adam,
Which is the best English dictionary?
tell me the Author name.
Naga Kumar
Thank you Adam.
thank you Adam.
Hello sir Can we use etc in speaking
Adam plz answer me . Could we consider fourth dot as a full stop? Or is it necessary to put the fourth dot with a little bit distance, as i have noticed in your sentence?
yesleck Sghayer
Thanks Adam. I got 90 for this lesson test.
I’m a new student.
I got 90%
Hi Adam, could you explain about “whatsoever” “soever”, and what is it the differences between those? thanks…
blah blah blah…lol
Thank you Adam !
I am very lucky to have a teacher as good as you.
What is meant by ESL?
Thank you. Mr.Adam.
SangHoon OH
Hello Adam, Thank you for nice lesson. It was not “blah”:))), but I did not understand why before “etc.” can not to write “and”.
Hi Adam, I was wondering if this style will make it in TWE or will someone just get a markdown?
Thank you Adem your lesson was yum yum not (blah)
Mustafa Muslum
Thank you so much Mr. Adam.
Thanks Adam for the lesson
Kingsley Kunda
9/10! I learned with Engvid’s teachers Emma, Adam, an so on. Thanks, Engvid! These teachers improve my English level.
Jerry Gu
It’s clear now. Thanks, Adam. God bless you.
This lesson definitely was not blah. Very informative and easy-going.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
,You are born to teaching …Thank You
all teachers should teach like him;)
i agree with u ,
if my teacher were adam, i will feel comfotable in english classes
thanks a lot dear adam
carry On
Adam, and what about fourth dot? When you started you said that you’d explane the meaning of the expression with fourth dots but never did it. Or I missed something?
Thanks for the lesson. I has wondered about it since the first time I learnt English.
thank you so much dear adam
That is great, I like it.
They were my questions for years.
thank you
Hi, I am very interesting with your lessons.
my question for you is what is the different between (different and difference). I hope you answer me, I do appreciated
Many Thanks
Hi Darin,
different= adjective
difference =noun.
does that help?
Thank u so much!! you´re amazing!
Thank you for the lesson Mr.Adam
This is an amazing posting!
Tks for the good lesson that we couldn’t be able to find in any other pages.
I love you Adam ♥
I didn’t know taht: “There should be no ‘and’ before ‘etc.'”, thanks
i didn’t understand whAT BLAH MEAN.
Hi Hiwot,
BLAH means ‘not so good,’ or ‘boring,’ or ‘plain,’ etc.
hey adam,, what does “so on and so for” mean?
You did your hair cut. Looks good! Like Hasan I also was waiting till the end of the lesson. I don’t think I heard anything about it. Q2 is a bit tricky. I should have been more careful for each word. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Adam. You are as always, marvellous. But you forgot to explain the fourth dot in …(.)
that´s true.
thank Mr. Adam
thank you.
thank you so much
thanks Mr Adam, I wish you a Merry Christmas!!!
Very helpful lesson. Besides your teaching skills, you look like a typical english man.
Hello Adam,
Thank you for this lesson.Could you please explain me where we can use the word “over”?.You said that “my friend came over to my house”.i know this question is not related to this lesson.I have heard many people use this word with there(over there),here etc.,but you used different.Thank you in advance.
Hi Marryfa,
Actually, I could have said “My friend came to my house.” ‘Over’ is just an extra word we use. Basically, it means a little like ‘here.’ When we say “over there,” seems to make it a little more specific, like ‘in that place’ as though you are pointing. But if you take it out, it doesn’t affect the meaning.
Does that help?
Thank you for the lesson Adam, it was very useful.
PS: The gnocchi’s recipe was great, and it made me hungry…
You lesson was not ‘blah’ at all. That made me interested, open, happy, and so on…
Good teacher, thank you so much.
Adam, what about the fouth dot […(.)]? And the lesson was really good. The way you explain is really easy to understand :). Thank you.
Thanks a lot Mr Adam. It was really helpful and interesting.
Thank you too much .it was the first time that i’ve checked your site and i should say it’s very good
Thanks a lot Adam, it’s very clear. But I’m little bit frustrated, you wrote three dot and you said, sometimes it’s possible to write four dot but you didn’t say the meaning of four dot… ;-)
this vidoe is good thanks adam!
Hi Everybody,
Sorry about forgetting to mention the 4th dot.
It’s actually pretty simple:
The 4th dot is a period. That is, it ends the sentence.
example: I like all kinds of fruit, such as apples, bananas, strawberries….
The last dot is a regular period for an end of sentence marker. If you list ends at the end of the sentence, you can’t use one of the dots as your period. That’s why you would have the fourth.
If you’re not sure about this, ask me.
Dear teachers,
I’d like to take this chance for telling you
” HAPPY NEW YEAR ” for every things that you did for us .
I wish you all the best and enjoyable time with. * MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL *
Yours faithfully,
Hello dear Adam,
I couldn’t catch ur last sentences completely,
“If u list ends at the…….”
What do u mean exactly plz?!
Tx in advance.
Hi Fatiima,
First, an apology. I meant ‘your’ list.
example: “I like fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, pineapples, plums, and others.”
“I like fruits like apples, bananas,…
The second one is wrong because only three dots means it is missing the period, so the sentence hasn’t ended. It should be:
“I like apples, bananas,….”
Last dot is the period.
“blah” is only used in spoken english?
PD: Happy Holydays engVid Team!
Adam you rock, thank you for the lesson.
In Russian language “blah” sounds like shit.)
I’ll keep that in mind :)
No, it’s not sounds like “shit”, it sounds like “whore” on russian language.Russians like to say this word :\
well thanks for your lesson sir. I just need to know the difference between “it’s been a long time and it has been a long time” pls help me out sir
Hi Dinesh,
It’s been… = It has been…
The ‘s is a shortened form.
Does that help?
Thank you very very, Adam! Could you please explain the origin of that mute “h” at the end of such words like “blah”, why not just write “bla” and be happy?!
Hi Kseniia,
Good question. Hard to answer with quiet words on a screen, but basically, the ‘h’ extends the ‘a’ sound, making it longer.
Thank you! One would never think about such things. Such a good lesson Adam! Many thanks.
Dear teacher thank you very much for very useful skills that you have provided us to help us to write proper sentenses and symbols.WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPERIOU NEW YEAR 2013.
thank you Adam, you are very simple to teach English
Adam,I have a request.Could you teach us the active and passive voice of causative verbs and present,past and future conditionals?Please,please,please.
Kinds regards
I’m sure some of these are already on engvid, but I’ll see what i can do for you Farooq
Hello Adam,
I am a publisher living in Toronto. I came across this site while browsing,and I think it provides an excellent learning opportunity for all kinds of people. I was impressed by your teaching methods in particular, and found it educational and engaging.
I would be very interested to speak to you further and possibly discuss some very rewarding business ideas.
I look very forward to hearing from you.
Iraj Zargham
Thank you Iraj,
I appreciate the thought but can’t take on anything at the moment.
Perhaps in the near future.
Dear Adam,
Excellent communication demonstrated by you.I loved watching it.Today is 25th Dec 2012(Tuesday)I want to say merry Chrismis to you and to all of engvid team.Mazhar Jamil (Pakistan)
hi Adam
this is my first time watching your video and i have to confess that the lesson’s topic was my question also.
thanks for your assistance.
here is another question :Don’t we use “etc” solely in writings and so on in speech ?
Hi Kazem,
We can actually use both expressions in writing and speaking. In writing, though, etc. is more common; however, keep in mind that it is pretty informal.
thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
I’m a Korean. I hope I am good at English in the near future:-)
me too :) looks good so far
u are perfect man.
thanks adam i learn t which i was totally unawared till date
thanks for the lessons!
I wanna know if you can do a video about common poetic expressions or its rules?
have a great time!
hmmm… You’ll have to give me an example of what you mean.
thanks thanks thanks … :)
What is the difference between “dot” and “period”?
I’m not 100% but I think the “dot” is a dot, :), a circle symbol and used in domain of website not in sentence. The “period” is a dot, used to end a sentence.( period, not dot).
I found this info , `AE` they called it period ,`BE` they called it full-stop .
The dissimilarity between dot and period ?
Is that dot used in computer filed names , internet addresses ,and email addresses such as www.(dot)EngVid.(dot)com,,also , it said that it used in name of IP addresses 145.260.123 , it pronounced dot .
on the other hand, period or full-stop it used in the end of sentence .
but there is something it still questioning me . We know that in BE it`s not used while in AE it`s necessary to used it after abbreviation .
such as = ^AE^ co. ,,S.S.,,St.,,^BE^ co ,, SS,,St what we called it here dot or period and why ? what is the differen !!
Too Right! :)
I’ve found the same.
But,about ur ? ,in my book it is dot after abbreviations like WWW.(dot) & as we know,we use full stop o period at the end of a statement.Right?!!
Have Fun!
yep, you have point here^^ it is dot not period
but I would like to know why BE never used and AE t
yep,,you have point here , it is dot not period. But I would like to know why BE never used the dot after abbreviation while AE it is necessary to used it,,, is it kind of rules in AE or what !!!
It’s a rule.
Ok, but what if we have this situation:
I see something in the distance, a text, and I’m not sure if there is a comma or a dot(period). For example: “… , I …” or “… . I …” So, should I ask my friend: “Is there a comma or a dot” or “Is there a comma or a period”?
right it is somehow confusing . but I think there is nothing to special to distinguished between them ,so you showed came near to see it well
Nice dialogue here :)
Period for ending a sentence. Dot for everything else.
ellipsis always have at least 3 dots. If you use with a comma within a sentence, 3, but to end a sentence, 4.
It’s actually pretty complicated. This is the stuff of editors. But, if you are interested, it’s best to consult a style guide.
Many thanks to you T/Adam ^^
very nice keep on
All these explanations make the difference in my learning…
Thank you guys!
I learned the lesson perfectly and scored 90% in QUIZ. Dot within the bracket (.) not been explained ?. Can you please.. K.Sundar.
thank you so much
i want to learn where to use ,:;”‘- while writing a sentence
Thank you adam this is very useful lesson
You are awesome
Extremely intelligent teacher, simple speech, interesting lessons, useful language tips, clear examples. Thank you, Adam, for this!
Happy holidays to everyone!
Hi engvid i want you to make a video about
anybody,everybody,anyone,everyone,someone,somebody. thanks
oh. you are a good teacher. your job is great! i hope you alway have a strong health.and thank you so much. i hope see you soon in next lesson.bye
Thank you Adam for your clear and smart way of teaching
Very nice, thank you…
i love this
your lesson some of those not esially making me sense
I have a question about “spaces” in writing. In my native language we use two rules:
1. Continuation of sentence. We use: word+space+tree dots. Sample: I like chips, coca cola, pizza … (<– notice space between pizza and three dots). Also, there are no four dots at the end of the sentence. If another sentence is written, then: I like, chips, coca cola, pizza … I also like to watch TV. (<– So pizza+space+tree dots+space+word_of_another_sentence).
2. Abbreviation of word: She is real bit… (<– notice no space between bit and tree words, because "bit…" is actually a abbreviation for bitch, so continuation of word is written without a space).
If I understand correctly, there are no additional spaces in English. Right? It is hard to see spaces from hand-writing.
Hi Alex,
You’re right, there aren’t extra spaces after the word. However, if you want to shorten a word, use a long dash, like bi–. It’s clearer.
Very interesting and cute lesson :-)
Thank you
Hey!! I need to understand one thing about the word “ever” in these words. What they really mean:
ever-deceptive, ever-present,….
Hi Henrique,
In these cases, ‘ever-‘ is used like ‘always.’
thanks, Adams thi is important…
This tips were so interesting!
hi again dear adam ..what about this
on and on
thanks once more time<3
I think the meaning is entirely different from `and so on`
“on and on“ means something it happening for long time
e.g. The screaming went on and on . means continued for long time ^_^
thank you dear brother hicham
In fact,it’s an IDM.
On n on : without stopping,without a break.
Off n on : occasionally,from time 2 time.
thank you dear sister fatima
Hi Nino,
‘on and on’ is more like ‘blah, blah, blah,’ than the others.
Good point. Thanks :)
thank you so Much adam
u r really great,,thanks a lot for teaching this lesson,,
Suggestion:at the end of each question you should explain why anwser a,b,c or d is correct.
Thank you for your lesson it was very useful and interesting.
Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for this useful lesson.
thank you Adam,your lessons are always useful.
I like this lesson very much.Also very useful for my studying.Thank you Adam..
Very interesting lesson.
Thanks a lot! I can learn more English form your excellent teaching videos.
Very useful video thx
Thank you so much teacher, you do great.
more harder, i need one best specializing lesson that would help me out alot as handy reference tool.
Thanks for your lesson. I really like the way you explain. I have problem with pronunciation Mr Mrs Miss Ms. Please could you explain how to pronunc and the difference. Thanks again
Hi Sabrina,
Hard with words, but I’ll try.
Mr.– mis ter (like mystery without the ee end)
Mrs. — mis sis
Miss — miss
Ms. — miz
hope that helps
Thank you very much for this so useful lesson. That’s exactly what we need when we want to address people formally.
Catch ya later
Dear MR. Adam,
I ‘am sow your video it is very interested. Thanks a lot about it. But please take care about the ideas you broadcasting “kids are (blah)”. Because there is so many family they have problem with this idea and working hard to make it not(blah). Again thanks….
Sorry, I mean “kids are blah blah blah” not {blah).
Hi Dilzar,
Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll be more careful. :)
Great lesson and great teacher as well. Thanks a lot.
Sir, can you elaborate more on the 4th dot.
Hello sir thank you very much for your advice . It’s really helpful for me to the way I have lifted me up
thank you very much. The class was very interesting.
your teaching easy to understand : )
thanks a lot
Adam, and what about fourth dot?
Thank u very well about interesting lesson.
hi tnx for this lesson
i like the last exemple
i hope the lesson wasn’t a blah
it wasn’t
Thank you
Thank you very very much :)
thank you very much ^_^
Thank you Adam-I learn this lesson very well.
your lesson was blah,blah,blah.
sorry, I was just joking your lesson was really good and interesting also I am looking forward to see your other lessons my teacher.
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you. your lesson was great.
thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great lesson! Thank you :D
I just have a question on “and so on” thing. Someone, who is not a native speaker, mentioned about my writing one day. He said that “and so on” is a very unsual expression and native people seldom use it, because they like expressions that are accurate and have only one meaning. Is that true? I’m also wondering if I can use the expression “and so on” in a formal writing as well. I learned that expression when I was about 14 and I thought it was pretty common and formal.
Hi Vicky,
Well, it depends what you are writing. “and so on, is a bit of a cheat. This means it lets you get away with not saying enough. Writing is different from speech in that it needs to be sharp and words shouldn’t be wasted. It’s not an unusual expression, but maybe better used in speech than writing.
Does this help?
Yes, it did help. Then, in writing, should I use ‘etc.’ instead of ‘and so on’? In my language, it’s formal to say those expressions when I have a lot to list. So, I often use them when I translate my language into English. I’d like to know if you have any other suggestions.
Well, if you are writing a lot, for variety you can use both. But etc. is the first choice I’d say.
other expressions are “among others” or “and the like”. If you can combine lists that would save on these as well.
hiAdam, thank you for your teaching I have got 8 out of 10 really it is useful lesson for me thank you again
hi guys
I am Amal> I am arebain girl> I wanna improve my englisg so can any one help me by chatting please add me on my skype Amo0ol707
thank u so much
Thank you Adam!! You’re so a great teacher!!!
You did helped me a lot.
Your lesson is never a “blah, blah, blah”. I enjoy it! Thank you so much!
thank you teacher adam for this lesson
thank you so much teacher.
Hi everybody,
Happy new year. Hope it’s a good one for all of you.
For those who missed an earlier comment about the fourth dot, here it is:
The 4th dot is a period. That is, it ends the sentence.
example: I like all kinds of fruit, such as apples, bananas, strawberries….
The last dot is a regular period for an end of sentence marker. If you list ends at the end of the sentence, you can’t use one of the dots as your period. That’s why you would have the fourth.
See you soon
D Best of 2013 4 U!
thank you
it wos a good lesson,thanks teacher
Hello Mr Adam! Before this lesson I couldn’t understand about etc . Now owing to you I get it! Thanks a lot!!! I’m from Kazakhstan!
Hi Mr.Adam
thank you for your lesson .it’s great but i’ve a question about the quiz. WHY THE MISTAKE IN ITEM 9 IS AT THE END ???!!!
your lesson is very intersting ;) thank you
Great lesson, not blah at all :)
Awesome! This is the first time that I visit this site
It looks very useful
thanks y’all teachers
Great lesson, it is very interesting Adam, thank you very much for your teaching.
Thanks Adan,…excellent teaching
This man is awesome…
great, very interesting.. ;)
but since I’m from italy, when you said “ junk food..” I was like: “oh my god, he cannot be serious about it, it’s absolutely not junk food!!!” ahahah
Hi all, and my honorable teacher mr.ADAN.
easily understable and i already sent to my long memory.
That lesson worth it. Excellent explanations . I wasn’t really used to use ’em but now I’d like to level up ’till advanced(C1-lang.certif. is my goal) so these gonna be useful definetely. I’m very pleased !!
Thanks so much Adan. All of you are the best teachers.
Informative, helpful. Thanks!
Hi Adam, you’re the best teacher I finally found!! I love the way you teach. Very Clear and simple :) this is my first time and I got 9 out to 10. THAAAAANKKKKSSS!!!
Very good lasson.
Thanks very much Adam!
OH! Well done, another D. But what ‘ D ‘ means?
I smiled because I can reply ‘ blah’ for the question ‘ How about you today ? ‘
thanks Dear Adam,
really your are using the easiest way of teaching, thanks again.
Super, are you number one there, thank you.
Adam, have you ever been to Russia?
I like the way you teach, explain, giving example etc. Thank you very much teacher.
The lesson wasn’t at all blah :D. It was really useful.
I have a Q.
If I’m writing an academic essay (i mean in a formal way),am I allowed to write etc. in this form or I have to write etcetera ???
Thanks for lesson, Adam. From your lesson, i have to put a comma (,) before “and so on”. How about “etc.” and “…”?
In above examples, you use “…” with or without comma before. Both of them are correct?
And if “, and etc.” is fasle (I was wrong this question in the test). It should be “,etc.”. But, is is correct if I write “and etc.” (not comma before)?
thank you adam, you have a nice way :)
Shi sentences and a wonderful teacher
(blah) is funny!
very good lesson:D. i got 100:)
Thanks Adam,… I got 100 %
thanks teacher Adam =)
I used to write many dots, but now I know there should be three dots and the fourth one for an end marker. Thanks Adam!
I love this page, you´re a great teacher
hi Adam sir! your way of teaching excellent.
can you explain I am done= i did, i am scared, it is cleaned like this…
and to be as a word,
do you eat now? or will you eat now which one is better
to be as a word with sentences
Thanks you so much. I found this page a long time ago, but when my computer was broken,I seemed to forget it. In recent day, I have found this page again, and I think it’s really useful for me to enhance listening & writing skills. Your voice is so clear and attractive ^^
This session wasn’t blha
thank you sooooo much adam you are the best
Could you professor teach about the use of the Word BY?
i love ur teaching style. i have a request to u plz make some vedio on prices writing. I need to improve it. :)
Hi Sir,
Thank you for your interesting lessons
I just would like to get some advices from you about how to beautfy my writing style especially the argumentative essays since I have a teaching exam next month, that is to say I need to add various expressions to my style so that it can not be very simple essay
I’ll wait for your reply,
Thank you Sir in advance.
I think this lesson is not blah~~~
It is interesting lesson,thanks!
Thank you very much
Thank you so much Adam. ” There should be no “and” before etc.”:D
Thank you! You are great teacher!
thanks Adam!
“blah blah blah” sounds fun :) Thank you for your interesting lesson, Adam :D
Thanks a lot!
What a pity not having known before,
but Better late then never.
Yes Joseph 74. I think the same way. This site is very good. I found it in recent days. Adam is a great teacher. Bye the way I visited Italy last year, this is a beautiful country.
thank teacher. your lesson is very helpful as always,
Thak you Adam, regards from Mexico, btw, happy new year ;)
Thanks Adam, you know what?, I like the way you speak, the way you explain, the way you clarify, and so on.
I am not good at using preposition (advanced use) and also my writing is not that good (technical writing). Could you give me please some advices to improve it (giving me some information – books, webpages, etc.- to practice writing. thanks. I writing you from Nicaragua
Thanks sir I got 80%.
Thanks teacher I got 90%.
Thank you Adam ,I like your way of teaching, really it’s useful to get improving grammar , listning , speaking ect.
I got 60% , promise I will be better next Quiz :)
I like your teaching style. It’s easy to understand. Thank you teacher.
i got 100%
thanks a lot for your explanation Adam :)
Thank u teacher
My English so poor anam plz help me..
Hello. It was very interesting lesson! i really like all of Your videos :)
And i would like to clarify one moment: Adam, You said, that ‘Blah, blah, blah’ uses when somebody tells something boring, but also this phrase has the similar meaning that the “etc.” or “…”. Is it right?
Thank you very much, sir Adam! I would like to know whether ‘as well’ can be used as synonym of these words, which you explained?
Thanks teacher I got 100% yeah
I have a question.
Are these formal in essay, term paper, research report, and so on?
Thanks Adam, you’re lesson was quite understood, clear, interesting, and so on.
Hello! My level is not high, but I understand all that you teach,because you have good pronunciation and explain so intelligible!!!)
Thank you!!!)
Hello! My level is not high, but I understand all that you teach,because you have good pronunciation and explain so intelligible!!!)
Thank you!!!)
thank u for ur lesson . i enjoyed with it . it isnot blah :D
i got 8 out of 10
well i enjoyed it so much.10qqqqqqqqqqqqqq
This lesson was actually, very interesting. Thanks!
Very good!
Hi Adam!
I like your teaching, because you try to provide in-depth knowledge about the stuff you teach.
Now, I want to draw your attention towards one thing that I think I noticed.
In the start of the video, when you were talking about dot(.), you said “dot dot dot and dot” sometime the four dots, I will explain it.” and then you said “blah blah blah and blah”…I think you didn’t explain the usage of 4 dots or I didn’t get it nicely.
what is true?
Thank You teacher Adam, I like the way you explain every single word :) That’s how I like and it’s so easy for me to understand and get it.
You are the best!
dear sir ! your are my favorite teacher.You always teach me a new thing which is more fruitful for me.And your styles and language are amazing,and likeable. thanks
thanks a lot!!!!!!!
I got 80%, but I realize that “dot dot dot” is often used in spoken language and “etc” shouldn’t be with and
thank you so much teacher Adam :))
what about ‘so forth’ as in ‘so on and so forth’? we use it in a formal situation as well.
Thanks alot, i like a way of your teaching sir.goodluck
hello everyone, I think Adam has the touch of teaching he explains very well, gaves us examples with every lesson, and so on. He tries to make easier the topic, and that’s why I think he is a good teaher, you’re one of the my favourites tutors from engvid. Regards.
Thanks Adam, very clear your explanation!
MR:Adam i can’t think in english , i think in arabic cuz arabic its my mother language
i wanna think in english what can i do
Thank you so much Adam!, I really like your lessons; it makes me really understand for using properly. You are a good explainer!
thank you Adam, I like the way that you teach. You are a great teacher.
The correct pronunciation of etc. is et cetera. It does not contain a k or an x.
thanks alot
thank you so much
The best English teacher I have ever witnessed.Thank you so much,Prof.Adam.
Thanks Adam
Cool and thank you very much Adam!
3rd question is very tricky.Smart Canadian.
thanks Mr. Adam!
Thank you Adam, You are a great teacher.
Thanks Adam and I love to see your video. I hope you to teach about TOEIC lessons.
great! it’s really helpful
you’re amazing dude thanks a lot
Hi Adam. Very nice lesson, as usual!
I was surprised to hear you list pizza together with fish and chips as well as hamburgers adding that this food is junk … well … I don’t know how you prepare pizza (what ingredients you use) in Toronto but in Italy pizza is considered healthy because it’s basically bread, tomato and mozzarella. Then, accoding to taste, you can add other ingredients, from vegetables and other cheeses to cold cuts (ham, bresaola, and so on) and even shellfish. Healthy and delicious! Enjoy … ;)
Thank you very much for you lessons!!!!
Oh! A lesson I was looking for. Thank you.
Hi Adam.
Thanks for your lesson. I love this lesson very much. Now I have a question. I want to take a competition by using the contents in your lesson. I want to use your ideas but add more ideas from others. Is this OK? If not, I will do nothing.Hope you will give me some suggestions. Thank you.
Thank you teacher
Thank you Adm, your lessons were very interesting, and so on
Exactly the same in portuguese, except for the “blah”.. We don’t use it.
Can you have some tutorials about essay writing?
Hi Adam,
How the spoken English is different from written English?
What are the things that we need to keep in mind When we are on the written part?
Hi Adam,
Which is the best English dictionary?
tell me the Author name.
Thank you Adam.
thank you Adam.
Hello sir Can we use etc in speaking
Adam plz answer me . Could we consider fourth dot as a full stop? Or is it necessary to put the fourth dot with a little bit distance, as i have noticed in your sentence?
Thanks Adam. I got 90 for this lesson test.
I’m a new student.
I got 90%
Hi Adam, could you explain about “whatsoever” “soever”, and what is it the differences between those? thanks…
blah blah blah…lol
Thank you Adam !
I am very lucky to have a teacher as good as you.
What is meant by ESL?
Thank you. Mr.Adam.
Hello Adam, Thank you for nice lesson. It was not “blah”:))), but I did not understand why before “etc.” can not to write “and”.
Hi Adam, I was wondering if this style will make it in TWE or will someone just get a markdown?
Thank you Adem your lesson was yum yum not (blah)
Thank you so much Mr. Adam.
Thanks Adam for the lesson
9/10! I learned with Engvid’s teachers Emma, Adam, an so on. Thanks, Engvid! These teachers improve my English level.
It’s clear now. Thanks, Adam. God bless you.
This lesson definitely was not blah. Very informative and easy-going.