In this advanced grammar lesson, you learn three ways to express a negative idea more powerfully in English. You’ll upgrade your speaking and writing skills seriously by learning these bold expressions.
I hope that I will do better on the next quiz.I am glad that I didn’t miss to many.
I am so glad that I have scored a 90 this time,hope to score a 100.
Thanks mem.
Roman Oinam
I got 10/10. Good day Rebecca I need to ask you a question when does one use the word as and has I often times got those word mix up when I am writing my essays.
Watching these useful lessons by Adam and Alex may help you:
I usually do poor in this grammar section at school was shocked when i got 10/10 that means i really understood everything she said. Thanks Rebecca
Happy to hear it! We can always improve. All the best to you.
YOU are amazing , thank you so much
Interesting topic for this lesson since it teaches us how to place more emphasis on negative statements, but . . . Rebecca . . .
what is the name of this pattern in English grammar?
Do you know of any reliable websites that deal with this grammar point in more detail?
Thanks for this wonderful lesson!
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks Rebcca
moustafa abdelmegeed
Thanks Rebcca
Thanks Rebecca
moustafa abdelmegeed
Thanks Rebcca
Hi Dear Rebecca..Is this expressions useful in regular conversation? or used in official purposes?
In both scenarios. My best to you.
Thanks ,Rebecca.
moustafa abdelmegeed
Thanks very easy and useful lesson but I cannot listen with concentration, though I got 20% very poor marks.
Abdul Qayum
The advantage of online video lessons is you can go back, listen, review, relearn; maybe you also need to make some notes as you write to stay focused. Try it and see if there in any improvement. Many people are visual learners that benefit from writing down information. My best to you, Abdul.
I got 10 correct out of 10! Ya~y :D Honestly, I thought it would be difficult for me when I looked at the title. Because I have never used the powerful negative expressions “Never before,” “Under no circumstances” and “On no account.” So I was surprised because my score was perfect! Perhaps I was just lucky. But I was really glad! Thank you, Rebecca :D
Thank you very much, Rebecca! How a cool lesson!
Thanh Nhu Quynh
You wanted to say,
What a cool lesson!
Thanks and all the best to you.
good lesson.. thanks
Nathan Cavalcanti
Thanks, Rebecca!
Never before have I seen such nice videos!
Now that’s perfect! Congrats and all the best to you.
teacher Rebecca,you are an awesome teacher.I can understand your English
isharaa weeraddana
Hello Rebecca, thank you so much for the lesson. I noticed it’s easy to remember what so say after these expressions when you simply change the second part of the sentence into a question form.
Never before have we made such a mistake.
Have we made such a mistake?
It’s the same! :) Easier to remeber this way. :)
Cool, thanks! My best to you.
Hi Satya, your logic is very nice. Forming the Negative statement from the question. Before I looked into your comment, I felt hard to remember. Thanks for it.
Will we permit alcohol to the party?
=> Under no circumstances will we permit alcohol to the party.
Great job Ms Rebecca.
It was a very useful lesson!
Thank you, Rebecca!
80% :) nice
The quiz is easy but lesson is amazing
Thanks for this lesson. It is so useful.
Great! useful lesson thank you.
What can I say… A big gain of our Revolution, in Romania, in 1989, was the right and power to say NO. I saw your lesson ten hours ago. And I used “NO” in a negotiation 20 minutes ago. I’ll use your TACTICS in speaking with Canadians.
Very happy to hear you were able to implement what you learned. The power of human learning, drive and determination at work. My best wishes to you.
Thank you, thank you once again that you don’t forget about those more advanced students;). At last some riveting lesson;)
A good lesson,I will not stop to watch engvid, on no account will I stop to watch engvid
Freaking awesome, isnt it?
hehehe i just love those great lessons.
under no circumstances can i stop watching them!
Lauro T.
Thank you very much and I got 80%. It’s a very useful lesson.
So interesting, thank you very much!
Abisso Rain
Ne za chto :)
hello. friends
are you practis english with me? plese contact me .
my skype id is “abdullah_rti”
I have learnt sometething new !!! :) Are there a lot of these kind of expressions where the rest of the sentence acts as a question form ??
Never before have I seen these sentences. :)
When the sentence begin with an adverb which has a negative sense. Some examples here:
– Only after have I seen it with my own eyes I believed.
– Only yesterday did she tell me.
– Hardly had he seen me when he ran away.
– Little does he know how hard we tried.
thank you :)
As far as I can see, you are an expert on grammar, aren’t you?
There are not too many examples of this, but it is an interesting way to add variety to your communication. All the best, Pavel.
Thank you, Rebecca. I like very much your lessons and your way of teaching. Congratulations!
Very very useful class.Thanks.
Hey Reb!! Thanks for being so helpful as usual…
under no circumstances will I forget those tips!!!
Lauro T.
I got 10/10 :)
the second time :(
It feels so great to understand an advanced lesson, you are a great teacher Rebecca.
Thank you so much!
Yeahp!! It really does!
Lauro T.
thank you
It’s not an advanced lesson;I apologized,but,this lesson is for beginners.
Hi Maicon55,
…with all due respect I strongly disagree with you. Beginners do not master all verb tenses and this is a must in order to use this pattern correctly.
Maicon55, I am glad you consider this a beginner lesson. Your comment says a lot about your own English level. However, in reality, it is an advanced lesson as most beginners are trying to master more basic and straightforward sentence construction. All the best to you.
Yes, Regino, thanks for your help. My best to you.
TANX Rebecca I like the lesson :)
10/10 thanks teacher Rebecca
amine daroui
I’ve got 10/10 you can add me if you want, My id skype is : medrano.rafael
Thank Rebecca,it’s great, I have a question, “On no account” , “Never before” , “Under no circumstances” phrase , have something else?
Never give up
These are the most common ways of constructing such sentences to express these thoughts. All the best.
Thanks a lot from Argentina!!
Interesting lesson dear Rebecca, Many thanks.
Dear Rebecca, Firstly, I’d like to express my appreciation for all valuable lessons what you’ve given. I like all of your lessons including this one. Your lessons are very useful for me.
Moreover, I want you to make a lesson regarding to usage of SUPPOSE . I still confuse with using this word. Please Rebecca.
Thanks again
than zaw oo
Thanks for your comment and suggestion. Will pass it on to our idea bank. My best to you.
Great lesson! It appears to be easy, thanks Rebeca.
thank you Rebecca
9/410 thanks Rebecca, without your lesson, it would have be more something like 3/10 :)
Thanks a lot Rebecca ! Under no circumstances should you left the staff of EngVid !
Sorry ! Leave, no left.
Interesting topic for this lesson since it teaches us how to place more emphasis on negative statements, but . . . Rebecca . . .
what is the name of this pattern in English grammar?
Do you know of any reliable website that deals with this grammar point in more detail?
Thanks for this wonderful lesson!
Looking forward to your reply.
This is known as inversion. You could look for it online or in more advanced grammar books. Other examples of inversion include using the following expressions:
In no way (am I related to her).
Rarely (has there been)…
Little (did I know)…
My best to you.
Thanks again, Rebecca!
It’s so easy, but not many people know. Thanks so much.
Yeah, you’re right Angiap86. Not many know how to use this pattern appropriately.
Have a great week!!!
Thanks Rebecca.
One coreecto out of 10.
It means i got 90%.
Do you agree with me?
Sounds like you have 100% confidence in yourself and that is a great thing! All the best.
good explanation!
thank uuuuuuuuu =)
Nice video, thnaks Rebecca.
thank you , Rebacca.
Thank you!
Rebecca I would really appreciate it if you could make a video on how to put more emphasis on a sentence using the indefinite article (a/an).
Looking forward to hearing soon from you.
Have a great week!!!
10/10 Thank you Rebecca. Your videos are the best!
Hello Rebecca.Thank you for your lesson. I like your way of teach :)
Thanks Rebecca… Great, as usual…
Thank you Rebecca. Undoubtedly an excellent lesson you made it very clear. Never before have I been told about this grammar particularity and under no circumstances will I forget it. I also wanted to tell you that your pronunciation is great for my non-native English ears.
You may have non-native English ears, but you seem to have an English-speaking mouth! You write very well. One correction: you wanted to say grammar peculiarity. Congratulations and all the best to you.
You was so clear. I got 10. :)
Thanks, Rebbeca. Very useful, as usual.
I got 100 thank you so much
very useful and clear to understand
Wael Rashed
I got it thanks so much Rebbaca
Tarek Radman
thank you
Thank you,Rebecca!
I got 100 thank you so much
very useful and clear to understand
Thanks, Rebbeca
i love your teraching way rebecca
great rebecca thanx :)
hey will it be the same if we use continuous tenses or does this settle for simple tenses only?
You could use it with continuous tenses too, but carefully, as shown below:
Never before was he spending so much time at the club!
Under no circumstances were they moving their headquarters.
All the best to you.
i got 100, thnx teacher!
Thao Vo
Thanks a lot .. Very useful ways .by the way i got 10 out of 10 .
thankyou for the lesson
perfect score :D 100
Thank you! 10/10
I ‘ve got it
Thank you very much Rebecca.your lessons help me a lot.
Thanks to all for your feedback. Your English will certainly advance to a higher level if you start using these expressions correctly. All the best to each of you.
Thank you Rebeca ، keep on your industriousness .
I got full mark .
Thank you very much!
Great lesson, Rebecca. Thanks =D
Thank you very much. What an underful topic!
Kamalakanta Thakur
interesting lesson…..
Very interesting lesson.
I would to say it is really great web sit but if i made mistake in statement’s structure that when i have written or commenting to you I pleased to correct for me or to make a small gesture
thank you ,,I need also a powerful positive expression…so thanks from Egypt
All I can say is thank you for shedding your light. I look forward to watch more new videos from you Rebecca.
Hello Rebecca! It’s me again, I’ve been following your lessons for 5 months now, in which I think I’ve learnt a lot. You’ve got a unique way to teach and by default it’s a 100% effective. Well I don’t really know whether you remember me or not but I’d like to suggest you prepare a lesson about the correct usages of: Whom and Whose. I’ve seen that there’s more than one type of usage and I’d really appreciate if you prepare it for us. Thank you very much. Best Regards from Bolivia!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D thanks rebecca
Great Lesson. (y)
Thanks a lot.
10/10 i am very glad
10/10, thanks.
Thanks, 10/10
First, thank you! Your videos are always good.
I have a question,
Do these 3 expressions have same meaning?
I mean, there is example that you wrote, “On no account will we admit anyone”. But can I change it to “Never before will we admit anyone” or “Under no circumstances will we admit anyone” ?
Can I use any of these expressions whenever I want, or I wonder if each of those have different meanings.
Anyways, I am going to listen&study these videos everyday! I am so happy to found this website. Thank you!
thank you, Rebecca! as always your explanation is clear, understandable and memorable!
thank u Rebeca.i was kindaconfused with some questions like number 8.why have has to b first that this making any sense to u.i really dont know much gramar,i mean i know how to write but if u tell me to write a sentence using the infinitive i wont b able to do it.thats why i dont understand what i asked above.i would appreciate ur response.thank u
10/10 thanks
Rebecca, very good explanations about the negative form. Usually it not used by not native speakers. I will try to use them from now on!
i hsve got 6/10
i want your video lecture mam please send your lecture on my i.d
muhammad wasif
i got 10/10
bishal rana
Great tip. Thanks
10/10 Good lesson as usual!
that was a good topic but your test is very easy, please make it harder!
10/10 Thank.
Thank you, teacher!
Hi Ms.Rebecca,
I am so happy to be part of your student. I’ve learned a lot. Because it was difficult for me to expressed my thoughts. I hope I could be better. Please let me know if I have mistaken in my message.
I’ve got 10/10 after listening for the second time this video, thank you Rebecca, you’re such e great teacher.
Bye for now.
Yeahhh 100 %. You are the best teacher and have experience on it. Thanks Rebecca.
10\10 Very good, Rebecca!
It’s really informative
Thanks Rebecca. Your explanation was brief and concise. I am going to learn a lot from this site.
Jaecee Sponge
Really Helpful!
10/10 never befor have i inderstood that well ;) thanks
Hi Everyone
Thank for explanation this lesson was very helpful for us. Dear teacher Rebecca i appreciate in your lesson presented and i l like the way of teaching i will not stop to watch a videos has exhibit from Egvid Web.
asha a.mohamed
what a great lesson. Thanks Rebecca
Yes I have got 10/10! Thank you Rebeca!
Thank you very much!
Tiago de Souza da Silva
Under no circumstances can I forget to share it :).
Glau Wertz
why in this sentecne “On no account does the casino admit a young person without identification” appears “does” why not just “admits the casino”?
Thanks Rebecca, What a great lesson.
I got 10 out of 10
Is there any difference between these three expressions?
Mohammad Maisam
I want to know about when to use supposed to and supposed to be,going to and will….
Su Latt
8/10 :) I will try to do it best next time
Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
thank you for this lesson
haider j touma
Dear, Rebecca,
Never before had I spent so much time to learn English.
Thanks to you, I study daily, regularly, and seriouly.
Best regards.
Thank you very nice lession.
and I have a doubt.
what is the difference between these two sentences.
1.I want two computers to complete this work.
2.I want two computers in order to complete this work.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Hi Rebecca
This is the first time that i am leaving a message. I really like you lessons, thank you very much.
Lucie AR
Hi Rebecca, first of all thanks for your lessons you’re a very good teacher, now if you can help me ’cause after this lesson i got for the first time all the answers wrong, i’m a bit confused why the right answers all started with will? isn’t it the way to form a question? that’s what made me chose all the wrong questions, please can you explain this to me?Thank you. (I hope my English is quite understandable)
Rosa Casiero
Why i keep leaving comments but nobody ever answer to me, this make me feel so sad. Please teacher Rebecca would you answer to my comment above? Thank you so much.
Rosa Casiero
thank you
Can we use any one of the three in place of the other?
As in your second example
‘we will not admit anyone under 18’
Never before will we admit anyone under 18.
This seems to be wrong.
help me out please.
knowledge seeker
This is great thanks a lot! I checked my grammer book this subject was on last pages. I am feeling a bit desperate how i’ve never seen this kind of structure. I am feeling i have so much to learn in English and it’s kinda frightening me now. Hope i can success in ielts. btw here is a video from Adam also about inversion:
Your lessons are practical and easy to apply. Under no circumstances can I live without them.
Thanks a lot for your help Rebeca
Thank you teacher! I liked this rule: aux verb + subj + main verb. I’ll put it in practice.
Thank you Rebeca!You have a clear speech.I like watching your lessons:)
Hi Rebecca,It is a great lesson, and thanks. Can we use the pharase “under no grounds” in a similar occasions?
A lot of THANKS. Dear teacher.
thank you
10/10 Amazing
Mohammed ammouri
10/10 :D Thank you, Rebecca.
Never before have I seen such an intelligent teacher. You’ve made everything easier in your lessons. Thank you very much and greetings from Indonesia.
Peter Peterson
10/10 thanks!!!
Thanks Rebecca ,
That’s so useful information. It’s pretty helpful in both writing and reading .
I got 80% :(
Thank you very much Rebecca for the lesson. I got 100%.
I have a question,
Shall we use those phrases interchangeably for any contexts?
Thanks Rebecca
Timote Ngungutau
Thanks, Rebecca! I´ve never noticed that the auxiliary comes before the subject.
I’ve scored 100 :)
Never before have i got fall score with you
thank you so much Rebeca for your interesting lesson, I really understand!!!
patricia bedoya
hello rebecca! I have a question. I want omit “so” in this sentence for formal writting and add another word. Which word is better? The sentence is: Never before have we spent so much.
Thank you.
Hello rebecca,
In the course “English Vocabulary Errors: Redundancies” , using the expression ” never before” was considered as redundancy…
Why in this chapter, this redundancy is enabled?
Rebecca, why it is ‘should bother’ and not ‘should bothering’?
Under no circumstances can we miss and ignore Rebbecca’s lessons. Never before has she offered such awesome video.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
M kartal
Thanks Rebecca. A good lesson for all levels.
I got ten!
Never before had I seen those rules, nevertheless, I got it.
Never before have I seen this instructive level!
Thanks so much.
Hi Rebecca
Thanks a million for your lesson. It helps me a lot. Now I have a question.
Is there will be any question (?)mark after using this expression?
e.g:On no account will we admit anyone?
“I’m gonna be like you,”teacher!
Marina de Morais
I got 10 correct out of 10.thank you very much madam.
You’re a glowing star that illuminates our path to success.
Thank you?
Abdullah Katinah
Never before have I had such an excellent lesson. Thanks Rebecca and EngVid.
AKM Mostafa
Hi my name’s Daniel
I watched this video twice on June 30, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lesson are always interesting and useful.
100% achieved, because the questions pattern and answers were all similar, no tricky answer really. Wish to attend harder exercises. Thank you Rebecca
Deba Avik
Hello Ma’am Rebecca I got scored 10😍thank you I just finish watching your video about proverb.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks Rebcca
I hope that I will do better on the next quiz.I am glad that I didn’t miss to many.
I am so glad that I have scored a 90 this time,hope to score a 100.
Thanks mem.
I got 10/10. Good day Rebecca I need to ask you a question when does one use the word as and has I often times got those word mix up when I am writing my essays.
Watching these useful lessons by Adam and Alex may help you:
My best to you.
I usually do poor in this grammar section at school was shocked when i got 10/10 that means i really understood everything she said. Thanks Rebecca
Happy to hear it! We can always improve. All the best to you.
YOU are amazing , thank you so much
Interesting topic for this lesson since it teaches us how to place more emphasis on negative statements, but . . . Rebecca . . .
what is the name of this pattern in English grammar?
Do you know of any reliable websites that deal with this grammar point in more detail?
Thanks for this wonderful lesson!
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks Rebcca
Thanks Rebcca
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks Rebcca
Hi Dear Rebecca..Is this expressions useful in regular conversation? or used in official purposes?
In both scenarios. My best to you.
Thanks ,Rebecca.
Thanks very easy and useful lesson but I cannot listen with concentration, though I got 20% very poor marks.
The advantage of online video lessons is you can go back, listen, review, relearn; maybe you also need to make some notes as you write to stay focused. Try it and see if there in any improvement. Many people are visual learners that benefit from writing down information. My best to you, Abdul.
I got 10 correct out of 10! Ya~y :D Honestly, I thought it would be difficult for me when I looked at the title. Because I have never used the powerful negative expressions “Never before,” “Under no circumstances” and “On no account.” So I was surprised because my score was perfect! Perhaps I was just lucky. But I was really glad! Thank you, Rebecca :D
Thank you very much, Rebecca! How a cool lesson!
You wanted to say,
What a cool lesson!
Thanks and all the best to you.
good lesson.. thanks
Thanks, Rebecca!
Never before have I seen such nice videos!
Now that’s perfect! Congrats and all the best to you.
teacher Rebecca,you are an awesome teacher.I can understand your English
Hello Rebecca, thank you so much for the lesson. I noticed it’s easy to remember what so say after these expressions when you simply change the second part of the sentence into a question form.
Never before have we made such a mistake.
Have we made such a mistake?
It’s the same! :) Easier to remeber this way. :)
Cool, thanks! My best to you.
Hi Satya, your logic is very nice. Forming the Negative statement from the question. Before I looked into your comment, I felt hard to remember. Thanks for it.
Will we permit alcohol to the party?
=> Under no circumstances will we permit alcohol to the party.
Great job Ms Rebecca.
It was a very useful lesson!
Thank you, Rebecca!
80% :) nice
The quiz is easy but lesson is amazing
Thanks for this lesson. It is so useful.
Great! useful lesson thank you.
What can I say… A big gain of our Revolution, in Romania, in 1989, was the right and power to say NO. I saw your lesson ten hours ago. And I used “NO” in a negotiation 20 minutes ago. I’ll use your TACTICS in speaking with Canadians.
Very happy to hear you were able to implement what you learned. The power of human learning, drive and determination at work. My best wishes to you.
Thank you, thank you once again that you don’t forget about those more advanced students;). At last some riveting lesson;)
A good lesson,I will not stop to watch engvid, on no account will I stop to watch engvid
Freaking awesome, isnt it?
hehehe i just love those great lessons.
under no circumstances can i stop watching them!
Thank you very much and I got 80%. It’s a very useful lesson.
So interesting, thank you very much!
Ne za chto :)
hello. friends
are you practis english with me? plese contact me .
my skype id is “abdullah_rti”
I have learnt sometething new !!! :) Are there a lot of these kind of expressions where the rest of the sentence acts as a question form ??
Never before have I seen these sentences. :)
When the sentence begin with an adverb which has a negative sense. Some examples here:
– Only after have I seen it with my own eyes I believed.
– Only yesterday did she tell me.
– Hardly had he seen me when he ran away.
– Little does he know how hard we tried.
thank you :)
As far as I can see, you are an expert on grammar, aren’t you?
There are not too many examples of this, but it is an interesting way to add variety to your communication. All the best, Pavel.
Thank you, Rebecca. I like very much your lessons and your way of teaching. Congratulations!
Very very useful class.Thanks.
Hey Reb!! Thanks for being so helpful as usual…
under no circumstances will I forget those tips!!!
I got 10/10 :)
the second time :(
It feels so great to understand an advanced lesson, you are a great teacher Rebecca.
Thank you so much!
Yeahp!! It really does!
thank you
It’s not an advanced lesson;I apologized,but,this lesson is for beginners.
Hi Maicon55,
…with all due respect I strongly disagree with you. Beginners do not master all verb tenses and this is a must in order to use this pattern correctly.
Maicon55, I am glad you consider this a beginner lesson. Your comment says a lot about your own English level. However, in reality, it is an advanced lesson as most beginners are trying to master more basic and straightforward sentence construction. All the best to you.
Yes, Regino, thanks for your help. My best to you.
TANX Rebecca I like the lesson :)
10/10 thanks teacher Rebecca
I’ve got 10/10 you can add me if you want, My id skype is : medrano.rafael
Thank Rebecca,it’s great, I have a question, “On no account” , “Never before” , “Under no circumstances” phrase , have something else?
These are the most common ways of constructing such sentences to express these thoughts. All the best.
Thanks a lot from Argentina!!
Interesting lesson dear Rebecca, Many thanks.
Dear Rebecca, Firstly, I’d like to express my appreciation for all valuable lessons what you’ve given. I like all of your lessons including this one. Your lessons are very useful for me.
Moreover, I want you to make a lesson regarding to usage of SUPPOSE . I still confuse with using this word. Please Rebecca.
Thanks again
Thanks for your comment and suggestion. Will pass it on to our idea bank. My best to you.
Great lesson! It appears to be easy, thanks Rebeca.
thank you Rebecca
9/410 thanks Rebecca, without your lesson, it would have be more something like 3/10 :)
Thanks a lot Rebecca ! Under no circumstances should you left the staff of EngVid !
Sorry ! Leave, no left.
Interesting topic for this lesson since it teaches us how to place more emphasis on negative statements, but . . . Rebecca . . .
what is the name of this pattern in English grammar?
Do you know of any reliable website that deals with this grammar point in more detail?
Thanks for this wonderful lesson!
Looking forward to your reply.
This is known as inversion. You could look for it online or in more advanced grammar books. Other examples of inversion include using the following expressions:
In no way (am I related to her).
Rarely (has there been)…
Little (did I know)…
My best to you.
Thanks again, Rebecca!
It’s so easy, but not many people know. Thanks so much.
Yeah, you’re right Angiap86. Not many know how to use this pattern appropriately.
Have a great week!!!
Thanks Rebecca.
One coreecto out of 10.
It means i got 90%.
Do you agree with me?
Sounds like you have 100% confidence in yourself and that is a great thing! All the best.
good explanation!
thank uuuuuuuuu =)
Nice video, thnaks Rebecca.
thank you , Rebacca.
Thank you!
Rebecca I would really appreciate it if you could make a video on how to put more emphasis on a sentence using the indefinite article (a/an).
Looking forward to hearing soon from you.
Have a great week!!!
Try these lessons:
All the best!
guestion of all corect ,but why is it 90?
10/10 Thank you Rebecca. Your videos are the best!
Hello Rebecca.Thank you for your lesson. I like your way of teach :)
Thanks Rebecca… Great, as usual…
Thank you Rebecca. Undoubtedly an excellent lesson you made it very clear. Never before have I been told about this grammar particularity and under no circumstances will I forget it. I also wanted to tell you that your pronunciation is great for my non-native English ears.
You may have non-native English ears, but you seem to have an English-speaking mouth! You write very well. One correction: you wanted to say grammar peculiarity. Congratulations and all the best to you.
You was so clear. I got 10. :)
Thanks, Rebbeca. Very useful, as usual.
I got 100 thank you so much
very useful and clear to understand
I got it thanks so much Rebbaca
thank you
Thank you,Rebecca!
I got 100 thank you so much
very useful and clear to understand
Thanks, Rebbeca
i love your teraching way rebecca
great rebecca thanx :)
hey will it be the same if we use continuous tenses or does this settle for simple tenses only?
You could use it with continuous tenses too, but carefully, as shown below:
Never before was he spending so much time at the club!
Under no circumstances were they moving their headquarters.
All the best to you.
i got 100, thnx teacher!
Thanks a lot .. Very useful ways .by the way i got 10 out of 10 .
thankyou for the lesson
perfect score :D 100
Thank you! 10/10
I ‘ve got it
Thank you very much Rebecca.your lessons help me a lot.
Thanks to all for your feedback. Your English will certainly advance to a higher level if you start using these expressions correctly. All the best to each of you.
Thank you Rebeca ، keep on your industriousness .
I got full mark .
Thank you very much!
Great lesson, Rebecca. Thanks =D
Thank you very much. What an underful topic!
interesting lesson…..
Very interesting lesson.
I would to say it is really great web sit but if i made mistake in statement’s structure that when i have written or commenting to you I pleased to correct for me or to make a small gesture
thank you ,,I need also a powerful positive expression…so thanks from Egypt
All I can say is thank you for shedding your light. I look forward to watch more new videos from you Rebecca.
Hello Rebecca! It’s me again, I’ve been following your lessons for 5 months now, in which I think I’ve learnt a lot. You’ve got a unique way to teach and by default it’s a 100% effective. Well I don’t really know whether you remember me or not but I’d like to suggest you prepare a lesson about the correct usages of: Whom and Whose. I’ve seen that there’s more than one type of usage and I’d really appreciate if you prepare it for us. Thank you very much. Best Regards from Bolivia!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
:D thanks rebecca
Great Lesson. (y)
Thanks a lot.
10/10 i am very glad
10/10, thanks.
Thanks, 10/10
First, thank you! Your videos are always good.
I have a question,
Do these 3 expressions have same meaning?
I mean, there is example that you wrote, “On no account will we admit anyone”. But can I change it to “Never before will we admit anyone” or “Under no circumstances will we admit anyone” ?
Can I use any of these expressions whenever I want, or I wonder if each of those have different meanings.
Anyways, I am going to listen&study these videos everyday! I am so happy to found this website. Thank you!
thank you, Rebecca! as always your explanation is clear, understandable and memorable!
thank u Rebeca.i was kindaconfused with some questions like number 8.why have has to b first that this making any sense to u.i really dont know much gramar,i mean i know how to write but if u tell me to write a sentence using the infinitive i wont b able to do it.thats why i dont understand what i asked above.i would appreciate ur response.thank u
10/10 thanks
Rebecca, very good explanations about the negative form. Usually it not used by not native speakers. I will try to use them from now on!
i hsve got 6/10
i want your video lecture mam please send your lecture on my i.d
i got 10/10
Great tip. Thanks
10/10 Good lesson as usual!
that was a good topic but your test is very easy, please make it harder!
10/10 Thank.
Thank you, teacher!
Hi Ms.Rebecca,
I am so happy to be part of your student. I’ve learned a lot. Because it was difficult for me to expressed my thoughts. I hope I could be better. Please let me know if I have mistaken in my message.
I’ve got 10/10 after listening for the second time this video, thank you Rebecca, you’re such e great teacher.
Bye for now.
Yeahhh 100 %. You are the best teacher and have experience on it. Thanks Rebecca.
10\10 Very good, Rebecca!
It’s really informative
Thanks Rebecca. Your explanation was brief and concise. I am going to learn a lot from this site.
Really Helpful!
10/10 never befor have i inderstood that well ;) thanks
Hi Everyone
Thank for explanation this lesson was very helpful for us. Dear teacher Rebecca i appreciate in your lesson presented and i l like the way of teaching i will not stop to watch a videos has exhibit from Egvid Web.
what a great lesson. Thanks Rebecca
Yes I have got 10/10! Thank you Rebeca!
Thank you very much!
Under no circumstances can I forget to share it :).
why in this sentecne “On no account does the casino admit a young person without identification” appears “does” why not just “admits the casino”?
Thanks Rebecca, What a great lesson.
I got 10 out of 10
Is there any difference between these three expressions?
I want to know about when to use supposed to and supposed to be,going to and will….
8/10 :) I will try to do it best next time
Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
thank you for this lesson
Dear, Rebecca,
Never before had I spent so much time to learn English.
Thanks to you, I study daily, regularly, and seriouly.
Best regards.
Thank you very nice lession.
and I have a doubt.
what is the difference between these two sentences.
1.I want two computers to complete this work.
2.I want two computers in order to complete this work.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Rebecca
This is the first time that i am leaving a message. I really like you lessons, thank you very much.
Hi Rebecca, first of all thanks for your lessons you’re a very good teacher, now if you can help me ’cause after this lesson i got for the first time all the answers wrong, i’m a bit confused why the right answers all started with will? isn’t it the way to form a question? that’s what made me chose all the wrong questions, please can you explain this to me?Thank you. (I hope my English is quite understandable)
Why i keep leaving comments but nobody ever answer to me, this make me feel so sad. Please teacher Rebecca would you answer to my comment above? Thank you so much.
thank you
Can we use any one of the three in place of the other?
As in your second example
‘we will not admit anyone under 18’
Never before will we admit anyone under 18.
This seems to be wrong.
help me out please.
This is great thanks a lot! I checked my grammer book this subject was on last pages. I am feeling a bit desperate how i’ve never seen this kind of structure. I am feeling i have so much to learn in English and it’s kinda frightening me now. Hope i can success in ielts. btw here is a video from Adam also about inversion:
Your lessons are practical and easy to apply. Under no circumstances can I live without them.
Thanks a lot for your help Rebeca
Thank you teacher! I liked this rule: aux verb + subj + main verb. I’ll put it in practice.
Thank you Rebeca!You have a clear speech.I like watching your lessons:)
Hi Rebecca,It is a great lesson, and thanks. Can we use the pharase “under no grounds” in a similar occasions?
A lot of THANKS. Dear teacher.
thank you
10/10 Amazing
10/10 :D Thank you, Rebecca.
Never before have I seen such an intelligent teacher. You’ve made everything easier in your lessons. Thank you very much and greetings from Indonesia.
10/10 thanks!!!
Thanks Rebecca ,
That’s so useful information. It’s pretty helpful in both writing and reading .
I got 80% :(
Thank you very much Rebecca for the lesson. I got 100%.
I have a question,
Shall we use those phrases interchangeably for any contexts?
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca! I´ve never noticed that the auxiliary comes before the subject.
I’ve scored 100 :)
Never before have i got fall score with you
thank you so much Rebeca for your interesting lesson, I really understand!!!
hello rebecca! I have a question. I want omit “so” in this sentence for formal writting and add another word. Which word is better? The sentence is: Never before have we spent so much.
Thank you.
Hello rebecca,
In the course “English Vocabulary Errors: Redundancies” , using the expression ” never before” was considered as redundancy…
Why in this chapter, this redundancy is enabled?
Rebecca, why it is ‘should bother’ and not ‘should bothering’?
Under no circumstances can we miss and ignore Rebbecca’s lessons. Never before has she offered such awesome video.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you…
Thanks Rebecca. A good lesson for all levels.
I got ten!
Never before had I seen those rules, nevertheless, I got it.
Never before have I seen this instructive level!
Thanks so much.
Hi Rebecca
Thanks a million for your lesson. It helps me a lot. Now I have a question.
Is there will be any question (?)mark after using this expression?
e.g:On no account will we admit anyone?
“I’m gonna be like you,”teacher!
I got 10 correct out of 10.thank you very much madam.
You’re a glowing star that illuminates our path to success.
Thank you?
Never before have I had such an excellent lesson. Thanks Rebecca and EngVid.
Hi my name’s Daniel
I watched this video twice on June 30, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lesson are always interesting and useful.
100% achieved, because the questions pattern and answers were all similar, no tricky answer really. Wish to attend harder exercises. Thank you Rebecca
Hello Ma’am Rebecca I got scored 10😍thank you I just finish watching your video about proverb.
I got 10/10.
Thank you!
Thanks very much, another very good lesson