Thanks a lot alex! You teach me further this lesson and I got 100% I’m great thank you
thanks Alex
your speech is very easy and understand,that ‘s why i love your lesson ,yhanks a lotttttt
Any time. I’m glad you can understand it easily.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your lesson. I have question.
what does the sentence really mean
” we cannot afford to miss it.”
please help me on this. I’ve googled it, but couldn’t find a satisfied answer.
this lesson is so awesome I get the idea
Can you give me your skype name please,Alex :)
your speech is very easy and understanding ,that’s why I love your lessons, Thanks a lot Alex
thanks Alex, I study English at College and when we learnt the superlatives our teacher didn’t know the difference between both, also she said that “further” isn’t superlative of “far”, thank you a lot for your lesson.
Your teacher was correct. The superlative is “farthest” or “furthest.” :) “Further” and “Farther” are comparatives.
I think I could go a lot further than Messi in his career.
If you’re really Cristiano Ronaldo, you probably could! :P
engVid Moderator
Great, hahahahah.
Great, hahahahah.
messi is the best
marco carrizosa
messi has only one thing than you don`t rRonaldo HUMILDAD 8in spanish)
marco carrizosa
I had never understood this before, but it’s easier that I thought! Thanks a lot :)
thanks mr alex u are vvvvv good teacher i have 100 i am from egypt can y tell us more about nationlaty please
thanks prof Alex for the simple and clear explanations. Im from Italy
your speech is very easy and understanding ,that’s why I love your lessons, Thanks a lot Alex
Thanks……really appreciate it
Mohammad Juma
thank you Alex, for a helpful lesson.
Have a nice day.
Hoa Dang
Oww , thanks Alex …
with this useful lesson..
you gave me a vocabulary word “spouse”.
I hope, you’re very happy with your one.
thanks :)
salman Freshie
thanks alex I was wating for an explanation like that to understand that differece.
thanks alex, I was waiting for an explanation like that, now I understand the difference between those words.
Teacher Alex, cristal clear !
thank you very much.
Great lesson…very clear explanation…it seems like I’m going further with my understanding of english, thanks a lot Alex
That’s correct!
thanks a lot sir ur lesson is very simple to understand i love ur teaching way
mohammed saif ansari
Hi,can you plz do lesson about how to be confident in speaking English with natives speakers ,and if i don’t understand any word how to keep the conversation with them,give us some working methods to improve my English.Tanks lot,and we hope we can go further to speak fluent English.
Hi,can you plz do lesson about how to be confident in speaking English with natives speakers ,and if i don’t understand any word how to keep the conversation with them,give us some working methods to improve my English.Thanks lot,and we hope we can go further to speak fluent English.
Hi,can you plz do lesson about how to be confident in speaking English with native speakers ,and if i don’t understand any word how to keep the conversation with them,give us some working methods to improve my English.Thanks lot,and we hope we can go further to speak fluent English.
Thanks a lot , you help me to understand english easily. I Would like to know how to difference verbs in past . I have problems with the sounds ,ending ed :t,d,id sounds
I’ll leave here my little secret. It’s really hard to know when it’s further- figurative distance whether farther- physical distance.
I think like this:: farther is almost like the word FATHER. You don’t want any “physical contact with your father. You want physical distance kkkkkkkk Brazilian laugh), so if you assimilate farther with father you’ll remember that it means physical distance, then it’s easy to figure that further is the one that means figurative distance.
It may seem stupid, but it was how I got 10 out of 10
If you know meaning of “far”, you shouldn’t have problems with “far+ther” and “further”.
Oh! Really good one, Morfik.
Way less complicated than mine.
Lisa,I’ll never forget after this.It’s stupdy,but at the same time It’was intelligent
I agree with Morfik and it seems more reasonable…. but it was interesting the relation that you did with father.
Great idea Lisa.
I use the same way to memorize difficult sentences and words.
you should just remember. it’s easier way
hhhhh you’r right
Thanks Alex.
what is the difference between talk and walk and between special and private?
Emad Yousef
To talk is to speak.
To walk is to move with your legs.
I’ll let you use a translator for the other words. :)
thanks Alex!
I hope you’ll teach us further!))) am I right? yeah I know I’m right!
thank you very much.teacher
m(_ _)m
Hi Alex
If I learn many things like that I certainly will go further with my English
See you next time
Dear Alex!!! Thank u so much for the lesson. The question i would like to ask u about meaning and proper using the phrases like “here we go” or “there we go” (and sometimes is “here you go”). I think they are very important and useful. I’ll be really appreciated if you have an opportunity to reply
Use “here we go” before you start doing something.
Use “there we go” after you finish something.
Good luck!
Thanks for clarifying that for me too Alex!
Thank you so much, I didn’t know what the difference was!!
Thanks Alex!
Until this moment I never understood what differences there were.
Now I got it!
many thanksssssssss
could you please explain the usages of used to , get used .
Thanks Alex
good one
Thanks alot..this is very useful..
Syrian Safy
Thank you very much teacher. This is exactly what lots of students are confused about. May you do more lessons like this one ? Thanks again.
I got 10 correct out of 10
I got 10 correct out of 10 :D thanks a lot Alex :)
Võ Mai Điền Hải
I got 100! I have learned a lot with you today! Thank you, Alex!
Sally S
Thank you sir, it’s a good lesson
I have got 100 , Thank you Mr.Alex
i have got 90, thanks
can you please explain the uses of in,into and onto, when we are suppose to use what?? thanks
I got 100 , Thank you for you work
Hey Alex! Tanks a lot for your class, because it really helps me learn and improve my English. I absolutely love your class…
Clayton Nogueira
i got 90
thank you
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii how r u
Thank you. :)
I written many essays, without distinct between these two words, I thought they are same. Now its clear thank you teacher.
thank you very muchh very interesting video
Hi, teacher can you make differentiation between (Different and Difference) I do appreciated.
Many Thanks
what’ s wrong with the computer ?
I couldn’t continue to the next question .
anyway, thank for your lesson .
I’m waiting for further lesson.
thank’s teacher i am learnig.
Thanks Mr Alex
it’s good lessons i have 90 corretc
lilik supiati
gracias por tu ayuda de ingles fue mui buena =)
Thank you for that lesson sir but unfortuantly damn i made 3 mistakes.I got to watch one more time :)
Clearer than water
Wow it want great. Only few teachers know some things like that.
It’s great. Thank you so much Alex :)
we will go further in our English knowledge by watching your videos. :)
I have 6 correct of 10 in farther/further so thank you ronnie and all ather teacher see you
by Mohamed Abdi karshe
Thank you very much teacher. This is what exactly I need it so thank you rannie a lot
Thank you teacher that was really useful for me
Hi Alex,
Please give me some chocolate because I’ve gotten 100!!!
Thanks for studying very well.
Good luck
amir reza
Thanks a lot, i got 10 full mark.
thank you
extremely good lesson
i have got 80, thanks teacher :)
Thanks a lot!
“I live in the republic of korea.”
Is this sentence correct?
Very good express teacher.
Thank you teacher.
thanks Alex teacher.i got 10 right out of 10
Thanks for your lesson, it is easy to understand and useful in my future job.
nguyễn hoàn
I got 100 in quiz .. that means I understand well :) thank u
I have an idea for FURTHER lesson: rise & raise ;)
Thank you Alex!. I think I’m going to further my english with your class!! ;0)
good lesson
thank you!
Thank for teaching us English. I have got 9.
Thank Alex very Clear.
Excuseme, Alex. I am wrong. My sentence is “Thanks, you are clear.
great lesson Alex I’d like to get further in my career :)
thank you very much. I liked this lesson
really nice notice, meaning is very delicate )))
why your typewriting is different. ^^
Thanks Alex!
It’s a helpful video.
Thank you very much and I got 10/10.
many thanks teacher Alex
Akram z
that was very useful, thanx teacher :)
I got 9 :(
I got it! Thank´s Alex :-)
Alan Goes
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex, very useful
it’s a fantastic way to learn, i actually loved it!thank you so much Alex.
Thanks, i got 100%
love u all the teachers
Thanks Alex!! great lesson :)
thanks, Alex. one more thing that I learn.
Daniel C Herculano
thanks a lot
thanks a lot Alex
What a great lesson …very easy
thank you sir for your lesson
excuse me for coming to the wrong shop, but can you advice me the best way to learn phrasal verbs or just tell – are there any videos about phrasal verbs on this website? thanks
We’ve got lots of phrasal verb videos! Start with 6 Simple Phrasal Verbs and check out the list of related lessons under the video.
engVid Moderator
Thanks for an awesome lesson Alex! Take care!
it’s a fantastic way to learn, i actually loved it!thank you so much
Ahmed ADAM
Great. Thanks a lot…
yeheee.. got perfect…
joel auza
actually thanks sir
Thank you a lot of !
thanks teacher
Thank you am so happy
Jayanta sen
Thanks Alex.
i got 100. thank a lot Alex :)
Thank you Alex. The way you teach is very helpful. I got 90 just because
I confused with game.
thanks alot engvid teachers.
thanks for this lesson i really wanted to know the difference between them.
thanks teacher alex
i got 10 out of 10.
Thanks Alex for this wonderful lesson.
Your explanation was very clear and easy to understand.
Now i know the difference between both of them and waiting for your further lesson.
my english teacher told me we can use either one in any situacion, thanks alex i go0t it
marco carrizosa
Hi Alex!Great lesson same as usual!
Extremely Thank’s for example about Messi :)Messi will go really further in his carrier than cristi.
I think so too, although my favourite player ever is probably Dennis Bergkamp.
Yeah Alex i remember him.Dennis Berkamp was legendary player who has been in F.C. Ajaxs,Inter and Arsenal.Generally Holland Football was always one of the best in the world.Alex i wanna invite you to our country,and i’m sure that you’ll like it!
Thanks Alex, If I keep watching your lessons I will get further in learning English!
Thanks Alex. it was a nice lesson.
Thanks Alex, you really helped me to see the differences between these two words!!!
Valfrido Sales
Thanks a lot Alex for your valuable lesson!
Thanks Alex,
I enjoy your lesson and really learn a lot !!!
Kevin Chiang
Thanks alot Alex..It was very nice..I Real enjoy it.
Thanks Alex. It was a great lesson!
Thanks Alex. After the lesson, the difference between the meaning of both words is clear for me, but I have problems with the pronunciation. Could you tell me how is the phonetic transcription of both words?
you are the best you help me a lot thank you
rachid bermache
Thank you for your lesson
Thank you for your lesson, Alex
No problem! I’m glad you found it useful!
Very useful. Thanks for the lesson.
thanks Alex Very nice explanation, very nice teacher.
Thank you Alex, I got 9 of 10. Excellent explanation.
Excellent tutorial. Thank you
thank u very much . will u please tell us ? the difference between in and at how can we use them ? plzzzzzzzzzzz ?
i got 90 great
Thankyou, I got nice class to know more of english
Thank you so much, I didn’t know what the difference was!!
Wow, excellent man!!! :)
Alex is great teacher !
I have always known there was a slight difference between these two words but never got the logic. Thanks Alex!!!
I love your accent so much!
It’s easy to understand and I got 10/10 in this lesson! ><
I got 10/10, Thanks for the lecture Alex!
I got 10 / 10 .
I see the difference now. You explained about the difference in an easy way to be understood. Tks Alex for the class. I really enjoy all of your classes.
thank you so much Mr.Alex
all my respect for you sir
Thanks a lot alex!! hi from Dominican Republic.
Grateful Alex,nice lesson.
great thank you Alex.
Thanks teacher ……….from Algeria
OMG, it really helps me to undestand the difference of these two kind of complicate words. A massive thanks to Alex
I got 100
I got 10/10 :)
For cristiano even if you are really cristiano ronaldo you could not
Alex, can I say “further information”. Is it the same as “additional information”?
Thank you so much, I’m doing a SPAG (Spealling, Punctuation &Grammer) test and this may occur!
thank you mr Alex it was too hard to understand or distinguish between them but now it’s so easy .. I really appreciate your help :)
very good lesson,thanks very much Alex
I realized that ıf you got 60 between 80 or 90 teachers just give you :) but ıf you got 100 they :D .That was really cool
Thank you Alex, I got 100 %.
woww i got %90 thanks alex, i really appreciate your help.
I got 100%. But, could you explain the difference between make, have and get ? At school, my teacher said only“this three verbs means pressure, that’s to say someone is restrained to do something.
For examples: – This teacher made us laugh. We were made to wait for hours.
-The management had us sign ten documents.
-If only she could get Mike to dance!
Hello, can you tell me which sentence is correct?
They hadn’t got any further with the work. OR
They hadn’t got any farther with the work.
Thanks you
I understand how these two words are used.
I could guess what a figurative distance means, but I’d appreciate it if you could put ‘figurative’ in another word. Thanks!
I’ve got 100%. you are exciting teacher, Alex.
I wanna to know the difference between comma and semicolon. Also, when could I use them.
Thanks a lot
Thank you so so so much Alex. I really love your lessons because are very helpfull and so nice.
You are the Best Alex. On my first try, I received 10 out of 10.
Alex, thank a lot for this lesson. You explained it very clearly and patently. When I was studying at school, I couldn’t tell the difference between farther and further. But now I can. And I love your trick.
BTW, I got 10 out of 10 right.
Thanks Alex. short but productive…
Hi Alex, very nice explanation. But I’m still in doubt. Does that also work for British English? Because I took a look in Oxford Dictionary, and they present further as a synonym of farther for physical distances. Hope you can help me. Thanks.
at 7th question there is a blank choice… i choosed it. Sometimes saying nothing much more meanfull :D :)
Dear teacher Alex,
I learnt further with your lesson.
Thanks very much!
hello alex, by way thank you and i appreciate all your lessons,you have a nice way to make me understand easier, i hope you provide more lessons about present contious and present perfect, think you
Very interesting, thank you Alex.
“farther” and “further” I’ve always confused. I got 9 correct out of 10. But I understand why I mistook.
Thank you, Alex. Very helpful :)
got 1o. thanks Alex. Become further in my understanding a new language,so i can go farther in my way with confidence.
You are the best!
Thanks a lot Alex, it’s simple but very benefit
90% need more understanding this concept..
9 correct out of 10.:)
i got 9 correct ,really i´m very happy to learning english with a good teacher Alex ,thx
i got 100% Correct many thanks teacher :D
Thanks I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
number 7 is false; How do we know if the game is a race or an electronic game !!
i got 9/10
10 out of ten, thx a lot
Very useful, thanks
Thank you very much teacher Alex! But I am still confused. If my house is 10 km far away from school, and my friend’s house is 5 km far away from school. How do I say? “My house is 5 km farther than yours.” or “My house is 10 km farther than yours.”?
Hey Alex,
I love your videos! I’ve subscribed to your Youtube channel. And I’ve learned a lot from your videos. Thanks a lot :)
thanks Alex!
10/10 :)
honestly, its so confusing!
Thanks Alex
Thx alot for this information between “farther and further”………thx again
rafi ghan
I want further in my life.
is that right?
Thx teacher Alex i like your lessons
Thanks a lot alex
Thanks, that was simple and direct!
Thanks a lot, it’s an excellent lesson. At last I could see the difference between farther and further.
Thank YOu teacher (But i’ve just 90 :/ ) it’s my second Lesson i ve (190/200) thank you very much <3
Aymen Dz
Thanks for this lesson, you’re really a good teacher. I did one mistake in the quiz because I don’t overpower (?) the verb : get. In other words, I don’t really understand : to get there.
I thought it was about an item or something like that.
Besides that, I have a question about this passage (Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, beginning chapter 1) : “The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth.”
My question : “…farther back still…” Why the word : back ? is it really necessary, or it’s just for the “sound” ?
A thousand thanks !
Thanks alex for this.
This lesson was very helpful.Thanks Alex.
Kerri Mohammed
Thanks a lot alex!
Fantastic lesson!!
Thank you Alex. You are a good teacher!!
thank you so much alex…
thanks alex!
Thanks a lot mr Alex..sincerly
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you very much.
A simple rule in English; but could make a big difference in a sentence. Today I learnt this. And I feel happy. Thanks Alex. :)
thanks sir
I love your lessons!! I love the way you talk!
Maria Piloto
the play mentioned in seventh question of quiz that could have had physical distance.
i guess it is a trick question.
very good lesson
i got 90 percent
but Q.7 i do not understand it very well
I understood!!! I have got 10 from 10.
Thanks! Now, I can understand the means of Ford comercial that said:
Dark flame Master
This is my first lesson with you. You speak clearly. Thanks. I think I will go further studying here :)
i got it all correct Alex. Thank you.
ann ann
Thank you so much. Teacher. I got 100% correct.
I got 100/100. Awesome english class.
further = figurative distance
farther = physical distance.
thanks professor, with this englishclass my english will go further
it’s amazing, good job alex
Great work Alex! Thanks a lot!
Jonathas Wilhem
Extremely useful lesson. Thanks!
Hi teacher. Your lessons aremostly about so importants points. Thanks a lot!
Hello Alex!!!) Maybe not this topic…
Could you check the sentences with comparatives? Please mark mistakes or wrong combinations of words?
1. My hairs are longer than my sister’s hairs.
2. Raf sleeps longer in the street than at home (he’s my baby and he likes sleeping in a stroller)
3. At home I drink water more than when I go for a walk.
4. I know english worse than my hasband.
5. I live further from the center than my parents live.
6. My kitchen is bigger than that of my neighbor.
7. Raining is better than snowing.
8. It’s more comfortable to go on a taxi than to go on the bus.
9. This summer is hotter than it was last year.
10. A breakfast in this cafe is more expensive than in the cafe across the road.
thank you alex
Thank you very much . can you please tell me which is correct in this sentence “Italy is a long way from here,but America is (further,farther,furthest,farthest)
everyone. I got 10 out of 10. I think that i got the point.
It’ll be farther.
Thank you Alex
Damene Molla
Thank you Mr. Alex!
I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you
best regards, Alex (Kazakhstan o1 Dec2o21:)_
Good lesson Alex, clear and straight to the point.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
many thanks teacher
Thanks a lot alex! You teach me further this lesson and I got 100% I’m great thank you
thanks Alex
your speech is very easy and understand,that ‘s why i love your lesson ,yhanks a lotttttt
Any time. I’m glad you can understand it easily.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your lesson. I have question.
what does the sentence really mean
” we cannot afford to miss it.”
please help me on this. I’ve googled it, but couldn’t find a satisfied answer.
this lesson is so awesome I get the idea
Can you give me your skype name please,Alex :)
your speech is very easy and understanding ,that’s why I love your lessons, Thanks a lot Alex
thanks Alex, I study English at College and when we learnt the superlatives our teacher didn’t know the difference between both, also she said that “further” isn’t superlative of “far”, thank you a lot for your lesson.
Your teacher was correct. The superlative is “farthest” or “furthest.” :) “Further” and “Farther” are comparatives.
I think I could go a lot further than Messi in his career.
If you’re really Cristiano Ronaldo, you probably could! :P
Great, hahahahah.
Great, hahahahah.
messi is the best
messi has only one thing than you don`t rRonaldo HUMILDAD 8in spanish)
I had never understood this before, but it’s easier that I thought! Thanks a lot :)
thanks mr alex u are vvvvv good teacher i have 100 i am from egypt can y tell us more about nationlaty please
thanks prof Alex for the simple and clear explanations. Im from Italy
your speech is very easy and understanding ,that’s why I love your lessons, Thanks a lot Alex
Thanks……really appreciate it
thank you Alex, for a helpful lesson.
Have a nice day.
Oww , thanks Alex …
with this useful lesson..
you gave me a vocabulary word “spouse”.
I hope, you’re very happy with your one.
thanks :)
thanks alex I was wating for an explanation like that to understand that differece.
thanks alex, I was waiting for an explanation like that, now I understand the difference between those words.
Teacher Alex, cristal clear !
thank you very much.
Great lesson…very clear explanation…it seems like I’m going further with my understanding of english, thanks a lot Alex
That’s correct!
thanks a lot sir ur lesson is very simple to understand i love ur teaching way
Hi,can you plz do lesson about how to be confident in speaking English with natives speakers ,and if i don’t understand any word how to keep the conversation with them,give us some working methods to improve my English.Tanks lot,and we hope we can go further to speak fluent English.
Hi,can you plz do lesson about how to be confident in speaking English with natives speakers ,and if i don’t understand any word how to keep the conversation with them,give us some working methods to improve my English.Thanks lot,and we hope we can go further to speak fluent English.
Hi,can you plz do lesson about how to be confident in speaking English with native speakers ,and if i don’t understand any word how to keep the conversation with them,give us some working methods to improve my English.Thanks lot,and we hope we can go further to speak fluent English.
Thanks a lot , you help me to understand english easily. I Would like to know how to difference verbs in past . I have problems with the sounds ,ending ed :t,d,id sounds
I’ll leave here my little secret. It’s really hard to know when it’s further- figurative distance whether farther- physical distance.
I think like this:: farther is almost like the word FATHER. You don’t want any “physical contact with your father. You want physical distance kkkkkkkk Brazilian laugh), so if you assimilate farther with father you’ll remember that it means physical distance, then it’s easy to figure that further is the one that means figurative distance.
It may seem stupid, but it was how I got 10 out of 10
If you know meaning of “far”, you shouldn’t have problems with “far+ther” and “further”.
Oh! Really good one, Morfik.
Way less complicated than mine.
Lisa,I’ll never forget after this.It’s stupdy,but at the same time It’was intelligent
I agree with Morfik and it seems more reasonable…. but it was interesting the relation that you did with father.
Great idea Lisa.
I use the same way to memorize difficult sentences and words.
you should just remember. it’s easier way
hhhhh you’r right
Thanks Alex.
what is the difference between talk and walk and between special and private?
To talk is to speak.
To walk is to move with your legs.
I’ll let you use a translator for the other words. :)
thanks Alex!
I hope you’ll teach us further!))) am I right? yeah I know I’m right!
thank you very much.teacher
m(_ _)m
Hi Alex
If I learn many things like that I certainly will go further with my English
See you next time
Dear Alex!!! Thank u so much for the lesson. The question i would like to ask u about meaning and proper using the phrases like “here we go” or “there we go” (and sometimes is “here you go”). I think they are very important and useful. I’ll be really appreciated if you have an opportunity to reply
Use “here we go” before you start doing something.
Use “there we go” after you finish something.
Good luck!
Thanks for clarifying that for me too Alex!
Thank you so much, I didn’t know what the difference was!!
Thanks Alex!
Until this moment I never understood what differences there were.
Now I got it!
many thanksssssssss
could you please explain the usages of used to , get used .
Thanks Alex
good one
Thanks alot..this is very useful..
Thank you very much teacher. This is exactly what lots of students are confused about. May you do more lessons like this one ? Thanks again.
I got 10 correct out of 10
I got 10 correct out of 10 :D thanks a lot Alex :)
I got 100! I have learned a lot with you today! Thank you, Alex!
Thank you sir, it’s a good lesson
I have got 100 , Thank you Mr.Alex
i have got 90, thanks
can you please explain the uses of in,into and onto, when we are suppose to use what?? thanks
I got 100 , Thank you for you work
Hey Alex! Tanks a lot for your class, because it really helps me learn and improve my English. I absolutely love your class…
i got 90
thank you
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii how r u
Thank you. :)
I written many essays, without distinct between these two words, I thought they are same. Now its clear thank you teacher.
thank you very muchh very interesting video
Hi, teacher can you make differentiation between (Different and Difference) I do appreciated.
Many Thanks
what’ s wrong with the computer ?
I couldn’t continue to the next question .
anyway, thank for your lesson .
I’m waiting for further lesson.
thank’s teacher i am learnig.
Thanks Mr Alex
it’s good lessons i have 90 corretc
gracias por tu ayuda de ingles fue mui buena =)
Thank you for that lesson sir but unfortuantly damn i made 3 mistakes.I got to watch one more time :)
Clearer than water
Wow it want great. Only few teachers know some things like that.
It’s great. Thank you so much Alex :)
we will go further in our English knowledge by watching your videos. :)
I have 6 correct of 10 in farther/further so thank you ronnie and all ather teacher see you
by Mohamed Abdi karshe
Thank you very much teacher. This is what exactly I need it so thank you rannie a lot
Thank you teacher that was really useful for me
Hi Alex,
Please give me some chocolate because I’ve gotten 100!!!
Thanks for studying very well.
Good luck
Thanks a lot, i got 10 full mark.
thank you
extremely good lesson
i have got 80, thanks teacher :)
Thanks a lot!
“I live in the republic of korea.”
Is this sentence correct?
Very good express teacher.
Thank you teacher.
thanks Alex teacher.i got 10 right out of 10
Thanks for your lesson, it is easy to understand and useful in my future job.
I got 100 in quiz .. that means I understand well :) thank u
I have an idea for FURTHER lesson: rise & raise ;)
Thank you Alex!. I think I’m going to further my english with your class!! ;0)
good lesson
thank you!
Thank for teaching us English. I have got 9.
Thank Alex very Clear.
Excuseme, Alex. I am wrong. My sentence is “Thanks, you are clear.
great lesson Alex I’d like to get further in my career :)
thank you very much. I liked this lesson
really nice notice, meaning is very delicate )))
why your typewriting is different. ^^
Thanks Alex!
It’s a helpful video.
Thank you very much and I got 10/10.
many thanks teacher Alex
that was very useful, thanx teacher :)
I got 9 :(
I got it! Thank´s Alex :-)
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex, very useful
it’s a fantastic way to learn, i actually loved it!thank you so much Alex.
Thanks, i got 100%
love u all the teachers
Thanks Alex!! great lesson :)
thanks, Alex. one more thing that I learn.
thanks a lot
thanks a lot Alex
What a great lesson …very easy
thank you sir for your lesson
excuse me for coming to the wrong shop, but can you advice me the best way to learn phrasal verbs or just tell – are there any videos about phrasal verbs on this website? thanks
We’ve got lots of phrasal verb videos! Start with 6 Simple Phrasal Verbs and check out the list of related lessons under the video.
Thanks for an awesome lesson Alex! Take care!
it’s a fantastic way to learn, i actually loved it!thank you so much
Great. Thanks a lot…
yeheee.. got perfect…
actually thanks sir
Thank you a lot of !
thanks teacher
Thank you am so happy
Thanks Alex.
i got 100. thank a lot Alex :)
Thank you Alex. The way you teach is very helpful. I got 90 just because
I confused with game.
thanks alot engvid teachers.
thanks for this lesson i really wanted to know the difference between them.
thanks teacher alex
i got 10 out of 10.
Thanks Alex for this wonderful lesson.
Your explanation was very clear and easy to understand.
Now i know the difference between both of them and waiting for your further lesson.
my english teacher told me we can use either one in any situacion, thanks alex i go0t it
Hi Alex!Great lesson same as usual!
Extremely Thank’s for example about Messi :)Messi will go really further in his carrier than cristi.
I think so too, although my favourite player ever is probably Dennis Bergkamp.
Yeah Alex i remember him.Dennis Berkamp was legendary player who has been in F.C. Ajaxs,Inter and Arsenal.Generally Holland Football was always one of the best in the world.Alex i wanna invite you to our country,and i’m sure that you’ll like it!
Thanks Alex, If I keep watching your lessons I will get further in learning English!
Thanks Alex. it was a nice lesson.
Thanks Alex, you really helped me to see the differences between these two words!!!
Thanks a lot Alex for your valuable lesson!
Thanks Alex,
I enjoy your lesson and really learn a lot !!!
Thanks alot Alex..It was very nice..I Real enjoy it.
Thanks Alex. It was a great lesson!
Thanks Alex. After the lesson, the difference between the meaning of both words is clear for me, but I have problems with the pronunciation. Could you tell me how is the phonetic transcription of both words?
you are the best you help me a lot thank you
Thank you for your lesson
Thank you for your lesson, Alex
No problem! I’m glad you found it useful!
Very useful. Thanks for the lesson.
thanks Alex Very nice explanation, very nice teacher.
Thank you Alex, I got 9 of 10. Excellent explanation.
Excellent tutorial. Thank you
thank u very much . will u please tell us ? the difference between in and at how can we use them ? plzzzzzzzzzzz ?
i got 90 great
Thankyou, I got nice class to know more of english
Thank you so much, I didn’t know what the difference was!!
Wow, excellent man!!! :)
Alex is great teacher !
I have always known there was a slight difference between these two words but never got the logic. Thanks Alex!!!
I love your accent so much!
It’s easy to understand and I got 10/10 in this lesson! ><
I got 10/10, Thanks for the lecture Alex!
I got 10 / 10 .
I see the difference now. You explained about the difference in an easy way to be understood. Tks Alex for the class. I really enjoy all of your classes.
thank you so much Mr.Alex
all my respect for you sir
Thanks a lot alex!! hi from Dominican Republic.
Grateful Alex,nice lesson.
great thank you Alex.
Thanks teacher ……….from Algeria
OMG, it really helps me to undestand the difference of these two kind of complicate words. A massive thanks to Alex
I got 100
I got 10/10 :)
For cristiano even if you are really cristiano ronaldo you could not
Alex, can I say “further information”. Is it the same as “additional information”?
Thank you so much, I’m doing a SPAG (Spealling, Punctuation &Grammer) test and this may occur!
thank you mr Alex it was too hard to understand or distinguish between them but now it’s so easy .. I really appreciate your help :)
very good lesson,thanks very much Alex
I realized that ıf you got 60 between 80 or 90 teachers just give you :) but ıf you got 100 they :D .That was really cool
Thank you Alex, I got 100 %.
woww i got %90 thanks alex, i really appreciate your help.
I got 100%. But, could you explain the difference between make, have and get ? At school, my teacher said only“this three verbs means pressure, that’s to say someone is restrained to do something.
For examples: – This teacher made us laugh. We were made to wait for hours.
-The management had us sign ten documents.
-If only she could get Mike to dance!
Hello, can you tell me which sentence is correct?
They hadn’t got any further with the work. OR
They hadn’t got any farther with the work.
Thanks you
I understand how these two words are used.
I could guess what a figurative distance means, but I’d appreciate it if you could put ‘figurative’ in another word. Thanks!
I’ve got 100%. you are exciting teacher, Alex.
I wanna to know the difference between comma and semicolon. Also, when could I use them.
Thanks a lot
Thank you so so so much Alex. I really love your lessons because are very helpfull and so nice.
You are the Best Alex. On my first try, I received 10 out of 10.
Alex, thank a lot for this lesson. You explained it very clearly and patently. When I was studying at school, I couldn’t tell the difference between farther and further. But now I can. And I love your trick.
BTW, I got 10 out of 10 right.
Thanks Alex. short but productive…
Hi Alex, very nice explanation. But I’m still in doubt. Does that also work for British English? Because I took a look in Oxford Dictionary, and they present further as a synonym of farther for physical distances. Hope you can help me. Thanks.
at 7th question there is a blank choice… i choosed it. Sometimes saying nothing much more meanfull :D :)
Dear teacher Alex,
I learnt further with your lesson.
Thanks very much!
hello alex, by way thank you and i appreciate all your lessons,you have a nice way to make me understand easier, i hope you provide more lessons about present contious and present perfect, think you
Very interesting, thank you Alex.
“farther” and “further” I’ve always confused. I got 9 correct out of 10. But I understand why I mistook.
Thank you, Alex. Very helpful :)
got 1o. thanks Alex. Become further in my understanding a new language,so i can go farther in my way with confidence.
You are the best!
Thanks a lot Alex, it’s simple but very benefit
90% need more understanding this concept..
9 correct out of 10.:)
i got 9 correct ,really i´m very happy to learning english with a good teacher Alex ,thx
i got 100% Correct many thanks teacher :D
Thanks I got 100%.
number 7 is false; How do we know if the game is a race or an electronic game !!
i got 9/10
10 out of ten, thx a lot
Very useful, thanks
Thank you very much teacher Alex! But I am still confused. If my house is 10 km far away from school, and my friend’s house is 5 km far away from school. How do I say? “My house is 5 km farther than yours.” or “My house is 10 km farther than yours.”?
Hey Alex,
I love your videos! I’ve subscribed to your Youtube channel. And I’ve learned a lot from your videos. Thanks a lot :)
thanks Alex!
10/10 :)
honestly, its so confusing!
Thanks Alex
Thx alot for this information between “farther and further”………thx again
I want further in my life.
is that right?
Thx teacher Alex i like your lessons
Thanks a lot alex
Thanks, that was simple and direct!
Thanks a lot, it’s an excellent lesson. At last I could see the difference between farther and further.
Thank YOu teacher (But i’ve just 90 :/ ) it’s my second Lesson i ve (190/200) thank you very much <3
Thanks for this lesson, you’re really a good teacher. I did one mistake in the quiz because I don’t overpower (?) the verb : get. In other words, I don’t really understand : to get there.
I thought it was about an item or something like that.
Besides that, I have a question about this passage (Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, beginning chapter 1) : “The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the biggest, and the greatest, town on earth.”
My question : “…farther back still…” Why the word : back ? is it really necessary, or it’s just for the “sound” ?
A thousand thanks !
Thanks alex for this.
This lesson was very helpful.Thanks Alex.
Thanks a lot alex!
Fantastic lesson!!
Thank you Alex. You are a good teacher!!
thank you so much alex…
thanks alex!
Thanks a lot mr Alex..sincerly
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you very much.
A simple rule in English; but could make a big difference in a sentence. Today I learnt this. And I feel happy. Thanks Alex. :)
thanks sir
I love your lessons!! I love the way you talk!
the play mentioned in seventh question of quiz that could have had physical distance.
i guess it is a trick question.
very good lesson
i got 90 percent
but Q.7 i do not understand it very well
I understood!!! I have got 10 from 10.
Thanks! Now, I can understand the means of Ford comercial that said:
This is my first lesson with you. You speak clearly. Thanks. I think I will go further studying here :)
i got it all correct Alex. Thank you.
Thank you so much. Teacher. I got 100% correct.
I got 100/100. Awesome english class.
further = figurative distance
farther = physical distance.
thanks professor, with this englishclass my english will go further
it’s amazing, good job alex
Great work Alex! Thanks a lot!
Extremely useful lesson. Thanks!
Hi teacher. Your lessons aremostly about so importants points. Thanks a lot!
Hello Alex!!!) Maybe not this topic…
Could you check the sentences with comparatives? Please mark mistakes or wrong combinations of words?
1. My hairs are longer than my sister’s hairs.
2. Raf sleeps longer in the street than at home (he’s my baby and he likes sleeping in a stroller)
3. At home I drink water more than when I go for a walk.
4. I know english worse than my hasband.
5. I live further from the center than my parents live.
6. My kitchen is bigger than that of my neighbor.
7. Raining is better than snowing.
8. It’s more comfortable to go on a taxi than to go on the bus.
9. This summer is hotter than it was last year.
10. A breakfast in this cafe is more expensive than in the cafe across the road.
thank you alex
Thank you very much . can you please tell me which is correct in this sentence “Italy is a long way from here,but America is (further,farther,furthest,farthest)
everyone. I got 10 out of 10. I think that i got the point.
It’ll be farther.
Thank you Alex
Thank you Mr. Alex!
I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you
best regards, Alex (Kazakhstan o1 Dec2o21:)_
Good lesson Alex, clear and straight to the point.