, Why’d
, Who’d
, When’d
, What’d
and more. Understand the meaning of “Why’dya buy that?” and “Who’dja you go with?” Review conditionals and perfect tenses and learn to figure out when I’d
means “I had” or “I would”. Join me to speak and understand more natural English!
I appreciate the way you are helping us to become a good English speakers.
This is very interesting! I’ll have to get used to it.
For non native speakers, for example Russians, it would be more convenient if you completely omit auxiliary verbs such as ‘had’, because in the Russian language we have no any ones.
Thank you so much Ronnie for the knowledge You share.
I liked this lesson a lot. Thanks!
Thank Ronnie especially for the first part of the lesson. That helps us to understand English speakers we come together with. Everyday English which is not be taught anywhere.
This is very interesting! I’ll have to get used to it.
You are right, Hamidah 1996. Thanks buddy!
Thank you for the video. It was easy +0 understand.
I really appreciate
It is a an effective lesson, thank you very much.
Amazing class! Tks
your teaching way is really cool. ı wil use in in my lessons .it s fun. thank you a lot .
use it
yeeeeah , 10/10 ^_^ thanks♥
thanks for this amazing opportunity.