Need to take IELTS, TOEFL, or TOEIC? Start here! This video is like a free consultation with an experienced exam advisor. I have over 30 years of English training experience and have helped thousands of students pass their exams, so I know what you need to focus on, and what can hold you back. In this video, I’ll ask you questions that will help you decide which English proficiency test is best for you, plan how much time you need to prepare, and budget for the costs of the exams. I’ll also share my secrets to succeeding on these English proficiency tests, and let you know what resources I recommend to start studying. By the end of this video, you’ll know what to expect and be able to create your own plan for success.
OH, YES???
In this time, I’m the first one. The early bird, gets the worm!!
Where are you Nataanna???? As you mentioned, I can be the first one too.
New points:
Nataanna: 2
Nkh.453: 1
Struggle for eng: 0
Hungry for learning: 0
Both of you, struggle for eng and hungry for learning, why you don’t do anything????
Thank you so much Rebecca. It was so useful. I’m going to take TOFEL too.
With this website, I became better in speaking and listening. Thank you engvid, with your great teachers and training videos I’m still improving my skills.
Is there anyone going to take the IELTS exam?
comgratulations nkh453 i hope you will get the second point to be equal.
My congratulations!!!!
But you need to mention KOTOZ, canardo, soei, eichi….
So, you are the great!!!
And I think struggle for eng and hungry for learning will awake when pigs fly….
Thanks for sharing your feedback first nkh.453! I wish you all the best with your English. The same to all those who shared their comments after you!
i am the second one who comments here even i get in this webesite late .
Thank you very much
And I’m the third !
I thought you mean was tired :)
Sometimes it happens. My students mostly make a mistake about tired and tried !
ngratulations. IRAN is Winer
Congratulations. IRAN is Winer ??
yes…snow come at this last Friday …. I love snow because Iran need a lot of Water .
so congratulation ?, i am very lucky of being member of this community, thanks for all TOEFL AND IELTS teachers in engvid academy .
karim atro
whats your problem why you ask
Thank you so much Rebecca!
Although I´m not thinking of taking any exam, I think I´m using the right method, improving the reading and listening parts by myself, and the writing and speaking parts with the help of a teacher. I thing that´s the most sensible way to improve any language too.
Ty kindly Mrs/Rebecca
Hi kotoz. Would you please tell me where you are from ? Isn’t Arabic one of the languages you know?
Iam Algerian and iam alittle bit About arabic
But i know how 2 read quran well praise be 2 Allah
Congratulations. IRAN is Winer ??
Thank you Mrs Rebecca
I am the new one
Done and dusted. Thanks Rebecca.
Mohsen GMO
thank you Rebecca
Turbucz Erik
thanks rebecca
Thank you Rebecca.
You have been of great help for me!
Thanks a lot
Great video, Rebecca. Thanks a lot for you and EngVid
Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson was very useful..:)
marcos alexandre
Yes, I’m an Iranian. We are Winer.????✌
? iran? ?Iran? ?Iran?
Congratulations Iranians.
IRAN is Winer of freestyle world cup??????
Yes i read good news from iran 2day the police has arrested a girl she wore unrespectable garments
well done if those bad people wanna do a mess in the islamic country they oughtta search 4 another bad country to do the bad things what they wanna do
the system is very important in the islamic country well done iran
I respect iran as a strong islamic country ?❤️???
It was an amazing lesson. Thank you for you advice
Thanks, Cart! Hope you’ve been well. My best wishes to you.
It’s an amazing website for English learners.
Wow! This is a really and very important lesson. So many things to learn and to study. Long road ahead… I will watch that again for sure. Thank you Rebecca!
John B
Thanks, John B. So glad you found the lesson helpful. So many things to consider when we have to take an English exam! All the best to you.
thank you Rabecca..
i enjoyed your question..
them make me more good to now about IOLTS or TOEFL
Choosing something sometime can be very difficult.
Thanks a lot for this very very useful lesson.
Riccardo S
Thanks for your feedback, Riccardo S. So glad you found the questions and ideas presented in the lesson helpful. All the best to you.
Dear Rebecca, all the best for you too.
Bye bye.
Riccardo S
Thank you a lot.. Its very informative.
Hi Rebecca! Great lesson. You’re the best. I don’t plan to take any exam but despite that, I find this lesson very very useful. Thank you! until next time.
Thanks for your feedback, Jorge! So glad you found the lesson useful, even as a listening and thinking exercise. I wish you all the best.
hi rebecca , to be honest i like your lesson so much but when you do lessons about those exams i will be not intrested in it so much because i like lessons about expressions, speaking, vocabulary , pronunciation much more but i will stay always like your lessons thank you, see you on next lesson
Hi Skikda, if you don’t mind, this lesson is for free, and I think is very useful for many people, even for you. You can learn many things from it. And if you still don’t interesting just skip it.
thank you for your advice jorge i just mean that i am not going to pass like those tests but i will review them when i will have intention to pass these tests but whatever i will always like rebecca’s lessons .
Thanks to Skikda and Jorge for your discussion and comments. As Jorge said, one can use the lessons in many ways – to practice listening, expand vocabulary, increase general knowledge about improving one’s English, and so on. All the best!
Frankly. i will never thank you enough Rebecca …
You just did, L-AMINE, and I thank you for your kind feedback. All the best to you.
Well, I really enjoyed this lesson and wanna have someone for my speaking practice partner, If someone interested please add me on Skype my ID is asleo321.
very interesting lesson..thanks so much
I’m goint to take FCE on July exam,it’s the easiest of Cambridge Enslish Exams and I ain’t gonna prepare besides affirmation :) It will be a huge succes. Enoumous! Out of the ballpark. Thanks for the lesson.
ChrisOldo, thanks for your feedback and all the best with your exam. Yes, being positive and repeating affirmations will help in all exams and in life! All the best to you. You already sound like a strong and confident person.
Thank you so much rebecca,, i really appreciate your kindness.. to teach about this lesson. these video very usefull for me to prepararing my ielts..
Great,NeenaKaluti. All the best with the IELTS and check out the site for a full guide to succeeding on that exam. All the best to you.
Hello Mrs Rebecca,
im looking for the lesson which is relative to pharmacy or medical. if you have one please let me know.
i am expect to learning your new lesson. All your lesson are easy understand and helpful.
Thank you Mrs Rebecca.
Just search for any lesson topic in the top right-hand corner above the main video. All the best to you, arthurvuho.
thank you Mrs Rebecca///
Sergei Shulga
Hi Rebecca,
Excellent your class.
Your english is very easy to understand.
I hope to practice with you more and more.
So glad you found the lesson, helpful, scmichel.
I wish you all the best.
I think, there should be more questions because we listened 30 minutes lesson and teacher Rebecca just asked 8 questions to evaluate our understanding.
Please any expert could help me to find the errors in letter so that I make it better next time.
Dear Sir,
My name is Nitin and I am a student of BBA second year, I have borrowed a Book from the Library second floor under the Management section of Library.
I am writing the Letter you to inform about the sudden unplanned program due to which I could not be able to resubmit the book on time.
As the book is Limited edition and the book is liked by majority of students, I completely understand that the book should resubmitted on time.
I would like to inform you I would be back to college next week and by Monday I will resubmit the book.
I respect the Library Rules and in case of the penalty I will pay the fine as token of my regret.
There are many ways to improve this letter. One of them is to use the word “return the book”, instead of “resubmit the book”. All the best!
Thank you very much Rebecca :)
Rebeca you’re the best teacher. Thanx for your excellent lessons.
With the best.
It was perfect! Amazing information. Thank you very much!
So glad you found the lesson helpful, aka77. My best wishes to you.
Dear Rebecca,
Congratulations and great thank you for this presentation, which informs us of the means at our disposal to choose and succeed our project of English proficiency test.
Yours sincerely.
Thanks for your kind feedback, Peter. My best wishes to you.
Hello, Rebecca.
You are incredible teacher. Thank you.
I’ve got 8/8.
I really want to take IELTS, but I have no money fou tutor and courses now :(((ю
I’am reading adapted books and watching orininal tv shows. I will improving my writing and speaking skills later.
Please check my website for more tips, sample essays, and speaking samples that will help you prepare for the IELTS – all for free. All the best, joe921.
Thank you very much.
I really hope that will help me.
Hello teacher, I would like to consult you that when an essay asks to contrast that means to mention the differences and when it asks to compare and contrast that means to give the similarities and differences but what if it asked to compare only. In fact, some references suggest writing about similarities in response to compare essay while other references recommend mentioning both similarities and differences what do you recommend a student willing to take the TOEFL test. Finally, I need your advice from academic viewpoint which is better in terms of TOEFL point-to-point essay or block-to-block one.
Good question. A lot depends on how the question is worded. If it says ” Compare the benefits of living in New York over living in London”, then you would only focus on the positive aspects. They might be similar or differnt in nature. If it asks you to compare the pros and cons, then you would need to do that. So understanding the question well is key. All the best to you, manaltalab.
It is a very invaluable lesson. I was very advantaged by some issues raised on your website goodluckexams. Not only are you a talented teacher, but also you are psychologist and dietician.
Glad you found the other sites helpful as well.
hi every one
I’m going to take my IELTS exam on may
my pleasure to contact with all you for practice
bakry slateen = facebook
00249922342053 = watsapp
bary slateen = twitter
thank you so much teacher Rebecca
Please remember to say “in May” and not “on May”.
Here, we already increased your writing score! I wish you all the best, slateeno5.
Thank you teacher.
I`m going to take the TOEFL on April and I`m serious about this.
Yours lessons are so important for me.
Thank you very much.
So glad to hear you found the lesson helpful, Willmor. Looks like it was meant for you, my friend! I wish you all the best IN April.
Please check this resource to catch any other grammar errors:
It’s gives supervision to analysis of an exam.
To be success.
Ty rebbaca!
Thanks for your kind feedback, my friend. All the best to you.
Hi dear. I have to say that you are the best teacher I have ever had! Thanks for everything! I’ve learned a lot from you. You get me the inspiration to do that. Congratulations for this video.
Luciana Ruis
for which exam are you preparing can we study together if you are preparing for IELTS
Thank you for your very kind words, Luciana Ruis. It is a honor to help you and our many other viewers. I am sure you will go far. You have the right attitude in life, and that’s the key to our success and happiness. I wish you all the best, my friend.
Thank you Rebecca. I choose IELTS exam because I want to apply for a teaching position in some English Teaching Center in Vietnam. Can you give me some advice over which material I can use. Many thanks. Trust you only :))))
Nguyen Van Hau
Please check my website at
There you will find the books that I have recommended. Make sure you work through the Cambridge IELTS books with the actual exam samples so you can know how you would perform on the exam. Other useful books depend on your current level and what skills you need to develop to do well on the exam. Don’t get overwhelmed. Just separate each section and give each part the attention it needs. You may find some areas are easier for you than others. I wish you all the best with your exam, and in the future, Nguyen Van Hau.
Rebecca, thank You for the nice lesson!
my first success
i appreciate the effort you made
thanks a lot Rebeca
Amazing lesson! thank you so much Rebecca!
Everton Brais
How to prepare IELTS exam
it was an advisable lesson thank you so much mam.
Thank you very much
Thenk you for so informative lesson
You’re very welcome, ashurik. Since your self-intro tells me you care a lot about your English, I recommend this lesson of mine, which will help you:
As a karate master, you already understand how to achieve success. All the best to you, my friend, now and in the future.
I should do more practice an English everyday.Thank you Rebecca.
Which is correct while transfer the answers on answer sheet in listening section? a)Anna Rea b)Anna rea both are noun.I am confused.It is must that use Capital letter in the beginning of the family name.
Faisal Munir
Hello Rebecca. Question from Cambridge ielts 3-Test 3 listening section 1-Answer keys.If I write London arms instead of London Arms and Park view instead of Park View.Is this correct?Please help me.
Faisal Munir
No sorry, it would be wrong, as both words are part of the name, so both words must be capitalized. The IELTS is very strict about those details. I wish you all the best with your exam.
No,sorry,I meant!
May you please just tell me how to apply for a us univercity i mean i have heard students send universities essays amd other things so how can i send
Can you suggest me the site and process
Hi Rebecca i should to choose between: TOEFL IBT (Inst. Code : 9820), TOEIC, IELTS, CAE Cambridge.
Which one is easier?
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 7 correct out of 8.
Thank you very much Rebecca for your prais, you are very kind, polite and always is going bright light from you soul
You are very kind, polite and always is going bright light from you soul Rebecca
Hi everyone
I am so glad after i watched this video i am just willing how can i make subscrib i want to improve my English skills
Hi, I want to prepare for a Michigan test, how can I improve my grammar, writing, and reading
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! :)
Matheus Maat
Thank you very much!!!
Marina English
Thank you so much Rebecca, this awesome, really appreciate your kindness for all teaching , you teaching style was very easy to understand for us .
best regards ,
dewa bandara
I am amazed by the fabulous effort you’ve implemented in making this video.Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is an inspiring piece of art. I am really lucky to join this family. All the best.
Thank u mam…but i am so afraid of writing TOEFL can u please guide me how to prepare and how much time i need to prepare
Thank you veru veru much for your effort
Mr Ahmed Yahya
Really thank you, Rebecca!
It’s really interesting and useful.
I am preparing for TOEFL test, and I am going to use the materials that you informed. Thank you again.
Thank you Rebecca,
It’s interesting point I ‘ll preparing to learning in master degree i would like to exam IELTS for this my program you can help me to recommend
Thank you very much.
Vannasith Phonlevong
Thanks from your teaching
Abbas naqawate
Thank you, Rebecca!! I love the way you do not just teach us but also motivates and guide us to success!! I have been considering the possibility to go to Toronto for some weeks to study English and prepare myself for the IELTS so I will really, really appreciate if you could give me more information about your School there! I really believe you are the person I need to improve my English and so to open my possibilities to a new and successful life! Thank you so much!! (Looking forward to your reply; my Skype ID is in my profile)
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you, no comment, all is very well done.
Hello Rebecca.
Thank you so much for this piece; it’s highly informative.
However, I wish to state that may consider introducing non-native English speaker(s) who have successfully met your competency requirements to your team of trainers. This, in my opinion, will inspire a non-native speaker in no little way.
Meanwhile, my IELTS General Training exam is July 29th, 2017. I need at least a band score of 8.0 in each of the modules. Wish me luck.
Is it usefull for pte…how can I do that…??any free demo online classes for pte??
Jeslyna kenneth
Amazing class but those hints about the sites GOODLUCK… WERE AWESOME
Víctor Solozabal
I would love to take the IELTS academic module but I have limited time, please what do I do?
Doris Dzifa Hottor
Thanks for such a brilliant video
Doris Dzifa Hottor
Rebecca very good presentation. Can I get your e-mail id ? I want to discuss about english language preparation.
Thank you for your lecture.
I realized that the plannning is very important to learn English efficiently.
I’m thankful that I found your channel on youtube. This is so helpful. Thank you so much Rebecca.
thank you for to give me your knowledge, i’m sure that this will be useful in my student life.
William Neto
Thank you Rebecca
OMG!With this lesson I could see clearly what I’ve been struggling for a long time and now I know exactly what to do in order to achieve the highest marks in the test. Thank you so much Rebecca, you definitely enlighten my mind
Heli J
hello, I am a new subscriber. i am going to pass IELTS exam. one of my friend recomended this site to me. How can i ? thanks
Thank you Rebbecca.. it’s really helpful to put myself together.. i’ve to learn to achieve enhanced ielts all by myself .. what would you suggest about writing where i found myself weakest.. ?
Thank you Rebbecca.
It’s very useful information for me.
Thanks Rebecca. I really like the way you simplify every points in this video. My Listening technique is improving as I watches your videos. I got 10 marks.
thanks Rebecca, thanks a lot for your unconditional support to us.
Amazing thing that you care about each comment/feedback which is so caring.
Can i have your email id please. I need your guidance.
hello guys
Nor castro
please, I would like to know if it’s possible to correct my writing essay
I need help in witing essay, so, I would need someone to correct it and give some advice.
You got 7 correct out of 8.
thank you so much.
This video was excellent.
M kartal
thank you for such valuable lecture rebecca
Wonderful as always,Rebecca. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Please, does anyone know an online general IELTs teacher that can help in writing and speaking sections? Can Rebecca do that?
Another question: usually how much time is needed to prepare for general IELTs?
I honestly believe after taking this lesson that I am confident to succeed the exam. The most difficult part is to establish a correct personalized plan for preparation, action and fulfillment.
Again thank you Rebecca.
It’s nice
I am soon going to give TOEFL ITP so I wanted to ask you do you have nay resources for TOEFL ITP EXAM.
Thank you
Soma Silver
Marina has just started a new course at college and her tutor has asked her to write him a letter telling him something about herself. She has made ten mistakes in verb tenses in her letter. Find and correct them.
Please tell me how do I approach this kind of letter?
Thanks Rebecca for useful information.
Thank you Mam very useful lesson.!
Khizar hayat
8 correct out of 8
Thanks Rebecca, you are the best teacher
Hello everyone! Is there any English teacher here who can check essays for TOEFL?
Hi! I’d like to ask if I could use all capital letters when answering my Listening and reading test in IELTS??
Thank you very much Rebecca. It was a very comprehensive lecture for me.
Saeedullah Shirzoi
Excellent tips, if you are thinking to take some of those Exams! Thanks, Rebecca I like your intonation.
Bye and great job!
I loved all the tips, mainly as far as brain gym and studying style.
Thanks Rebecca!
Great lessons Rebbeca. It help me a lot to prepare for toefl exam. Now I can get a high score.
I am sure that I will score good grade after attending educational videos from this page and I don’t have words to thank you REBECCA
Learn English for free with 2160 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
OH, YES???
In this time, I’m the first one. The early bird, gets the worm!!
Where are you Nataanna???? As you mentioned, I can be the first one too.
New points:
Nataanna: 2
Nkh.453: 1
Struggle for eng: 0
Hungry for learning: 0
Both of you, struggle for eng and hungry for learning, why you don’t do anything????
Thank you so much Rebecca. It was so useful. I’m going to take TOFEL too.
With this website, I became better in speaking and listening. Thank you engvid, with your great teachers and training videos I’m still improving my skills.
Is there anyone going to take the IELTS exam?
comgratulations nkh453 i hope you will get the second point to be equal.
My congratulations!!!!
But you need to mention KOTOZ, canardo, soei, eichi….
So, you are the great!!!
And I think struggle for eng and hungry for learning will awake when pigs fly….
Thanks for sharing your feedback first nkh.453! I wish you all the best with your English. The same to all those who shared their comments after you!
i am the second one who comments here even i get in this webesite late .
Thank you very much
And I’m the third !
I thought you mean was tired :)
Sometimes it happens. My students mostly make a mistake about tired and tried !
ngratulations. IRAN is Winer
Congratulations. IRAN is Winer ??
yes…snow come at this last Friday …. I love snow because Iran need a lot of Water .
so congratulation ?, i am very lucky of being member of this community, thanks for all TOEFL AND IELTS teachers in engvid academy .
whats your problem why you ask
Thank you so much Rebecca!
Although I´m not thinking of taking any exam, I think I´m using the right method, improving the reading and listening parts by myself, and the writing and speaking parts with the help of a teacher. I thing that´s the most sensible way to improve any language too.
Ty kindly Mrs/Rebecca
Hi kotoz. Would you please tell me where you are from ? Isn’t Arabic one of the languages you know?
Iam Algerian and iam alittle bit About arabic
But i know how 2 read quran well praise be 2 Allah
Congratulations. IRAN is Winer ??
Thank you Mrs Rebecca
I am the new one
Done and dusted. Thanks Rebecca.
thank you Rebecca
thanks rebecca
Thank you Rebecca.
You have been of great help for me!
Thanks a lot
Great video, Rebecca. Thanks a lot for you and EngVid
Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson was very useful..:)
Yes, I’m an Iranian. We are Winer.????✌
? iran? ?Iran? ?Iran?
Congratulations Iranians.
IRAN is Winer of freestyle world cup??????
Yes i read good news from iran 2day the police has arrested a girl she wore unrespectable garments
well done if those bad people wanna do a mess in the islamic country they oughtta search 4 another bad country to do the bad things what they wanna do
the system is very important in the islamic country well done iran
I respect iran as a strong islamic country ?❤️???
CONGRATULATION! ?????????????????
. + . * . * .
* . Good + +
. * Night. * .
+ . * + . *
It was an amazing lesson. Thank you for you advice
Thanks, Cart! Hope you’ve been well. My best wishes to you.
It’s an amazing website for English learners.
Wow! This is a really and very important lesson. So many things to learn and to study. Long road ahead… I will watch that again for sure. Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks, John B. So glad you found the lesson helpful. So many things to consider when we have to take an English exam! All the best to you.
thank you Rabecca..
i enjoyed your question..
them make me more good to now about IOLTS or TOEFL
Choosing something sometime can be very difficult.
Thanks a lot for this very very useful lesson.
Thanks for your feedback, Riccardo S. So glad you found the questions and ideas presented in the lesson helpful. All the best to you.
Dear Rebecca, all the best for you too.
Bye bye.
Thank you a lot.. Its very informative.
Hi Rebecca! Great lesson. You’re the best. I don’t plan to take any exam but despite that, I find this lesson very very useful. Thank you! until next time.
Thanks for your feedback, Jorge! So glad you found the lesson useful, even as a listening and thinking exercise. I wish you all the best.
hi rebecca , to be honest i like your lesson so much but when you do lessons about those exams i will be not intrested in it so much because i like lessons about expressions, speaking, vocabulary , pronunciation much more but i will stay always like your lessons thank you, see you on next lesson
Hi Skikda, if you don’t mind, this lesson is for free, and I think is very useful for many people, even for you. You can learn many things from it. And if you still don’t interesting just skip it.
thank you for your advice jorge i just mean that i am not going to pass like those tests but i will review them when i will have intention to pass these tests but whatever i will always like rebecca’s lessons .
Thanks to Skikda and Jorge for your discussion and comments. As Jorge said, one can use the lessons in many ways – to practice listening, expand vocabulary, increase general knowledge about improving one’s English, and so on. All the best!
Frankly. i will never thank you enough Rebecca …
You just did, L-AMINE, and I thank you for your kind feedback. All the best to you.
Well, I really enjoyed this lesson and wanna have someone for my speaking practice partner, If someone interested please add me on Skype my ID is asleo321.
very interesting lesson..thanks so much
I’m goint to take FCE on July exam,it’s the easiest of Cambridge Enslish Exams and I ain’t gonna prepare besides affirmation :) It will be a huge succes. Enoumous! Out of the ballpark. Thanks for the lesson.
ChrisOldo, thanks for your feedback and all the best with your exam. Yes, being positive and repeating affirmations will help in all exams and in life! All the best to you. You already sound like a strong and confident person.
Thank you so much rebecca,, i really appreciate your kindness.. to teach about this lesson. these video very usefull for me to prepararing my ielts..
Great,NeenaKaluti. All the best with the IELTS and check out the site for a full guide to succeeding on that exam. All the best to you.
Hello Mrs Rebecca,
im looking for the lesson which is relative to pharmacy or medical. if you have one please let me know.
i am expect to learning your new lesson. All your lesson are easy understand and helpful.
Thank you Mrs Rebecca.
Please check these lessons:
Just search for any lesson topic in the top right-hand corner above the main video. All the best to you, arthurvuho.
thank you Mrs Rebecca///
Hi Rebecca,
Excellent your class.
Your english is very easy to understand.
I hope to practice with you more and more.
So glad you found the lesson, helpful, scmichel.
I wish you all the best.
I think, there should be more questions because we listened 30 minutes lesson and teacher Rebecca just asked 8 questions to evaluate our understanding.
Please any expert could help me to find the errors in letter so that I make it better next time.
Dear Sir,
My name is Nitin and I am a student of BBA second year, I have borrowed a Book from the Library second floor under the Management section of Library.
I am writing the Letter you to inform about the sudden unplanned program due to which I could not be able to resubmit the book on time.
As the book is Limited edition and the book is liked by majority of students, I completely understand that the book should resubmitted on time.
I would like to inform you I would be back to college next week and by Monday I will resubmit the book.
I respect the Library Rules and in case of the penalty I will pay the fine as token of my regret.
There are many ways to improve this letter. One of them is to use the word “return the book”, instead of “resubmit the book”. All the best!
Thank you very much Rebecca :)
Rebeca you’re the best teacher. Thanx for your excellent lessons.
With the best.
It was perfect! Amazing information. Thank you very much!
So glad you found the lesson helpful, aka77. My best wishes to you.
Dear Rebecca,
Congratulations and great thank you for this presentation, which informs us of the means at our disposal to choose and succeed our project of English proficiency test.
Yours sincerely.
Thanks for your kind feedback, Peter. My best wishes to you.
Hello, Rebecca.
You are incredible teacher. Thank you.
I’ve got 8/8.
I really want to take IELTS, but I have no money fou tutor and courses now :(((ю
I’am reading adapted books and watching orininal tv shows. I will improving my writing and speaking skills later.
Please check my website for more tips, sample essays, and speaking samples that will help you prepare for the IELTS – all for free. All the best, joe921.
Thank you very much.
I really hope that will help me.
Hello teacher, I would like to consult you that when an essay asks to contrast that means to mention the differences and when it asks to compare and contrast that means to give the similarities and differences but what if it asked to compare only. In fact, some references suggest writing about similarities in response to compare essay while other references recommend mentioning both similarities and differences what do you recommend a student willing to take the TOEFL test. Finally, I need your advice from academic viewpoint which is better in terms of TOEFL point-to-point essay or block-to-block one.
Good question. A lot depends on how the question is worded. If it says ” Compare the benefits of living in New York over living in London”, then you would only focus on the positive aspects. They might be similar or differnt in nature. If it asks you to compare the pros and cons, then you would need to do that. So understanding the question well is key. All the best to you, manaltalab.
It is a very invaluable lesson. I was very advantaged by some issues raised on your website goodluckexams. Not only are you a talented teacher, but also you are psychologist and dietician.
Glad you found the other sites helpful as well.
hi every one
I’m going to take my IELTS exam on may
my pleasure to contact with all you for practice
bakry slateen = facebook
00249922342053 = watsapp
bary slateen = twitter
thank you so much teacher Rebecca
Please remember to say “in May” and not “on May”.
Here, we already increased your writing score! I wish you all the best, slateeno5.
Thank you teacher.
I`m going to take the TOEFL on April and I`m serious about this.
Yours lessons are so important for me.
Thank you very much.
So glad to hear you found the lesson helpful, Willmor. Looks like it was meant for you, my friend! I wish you all the best IN April.
Please check this resource to catch any other grammar errors:
All the best to you!
Thank you, I`ll see that.
It’s gives supervision to analysis of an exam.
To be success.
Ty rebbaca!
Thanks for your kind feedback, my friend. All the best to you.
Hi dear. I have to say that you are the best teacher I have ever had! Thanks for everything! I’ve learned a lot from you. You get me the inspiration to do that. Congratulations for this video.
for which exam are you preparing can we study together if you are preparing for IELTS
Thank you for your very kind words, Luciana Ruis. It is a honor to help you and our many other viewers. I am sure you will go far. You have the right attitude in life, and that’s the key to our success and happiness. I wish you all the best, my friend.
Thank you Rebecca. I choose IELTS exam because I want to apply for a teaching position in some English Teaching Center in Vietnam. Can you give me some advice over which material I can use. Many thanks. Trust you only :))))
Please check my website at
There you will find the books that I have recommended. Make sure you work through the Cambridge IELTS books with the actual exam samples so you can know how you would perform on the exam. Other useful books depend on your current level and what skills you need to develop to do well on the exam. Don’t get overwhelmed. Just separate each section and give each part the attention it needs. You may find some areas are easier for you than others. I wish you all the best with your exam, and in the future, Nguyen Van Hau.
Rebecca, thank You for the nice lesson!
my first success
i appreciate the effort you made
thanks a lot Rebeca
Amazing lesson! thank you so much Rebecca!
How to prepare IELTS exam
it was an advisable lesson thank you so much mam.
Thank you very much
Thenk you for so informative lesson
You’re very welcome, ashurik. Since your self-intro tells me you care a lot about your English, I recommend this lesson of mine, which will help you:
As a karate master, you already understand how to achieve success. All the best to you, my friend, now and in the future.
I should do more practice an English everyday.Thank you Rebecca.
Which is correct while transfer the answers on answer sheet in listening section? a)Anna Rea b)Anna rea both are noun.I am confused.It is must that use Capital letter in the beginning of the family name.
Hello Rebecca. Question from Cambridge ielts 3-Test 3 listening section 1-Answer keys.If I write London arms instead of London Arms and Park view instead of Park View.Is this correct?Please help me.
No sorry, it would be wrong, as both words are part of the name, so both words must be capitalized. The IELTS is very strict about those details. I wish you all the best with your exam.
No,sorry,I meant!
May you please just tell me how to apply for a us univercity i mean i have heard students send universities essays amd other things so how can i send
Can you suggest me the site and process
Hi Rebecca i should to choose between: TOEFL IBT (Inst. Code : 9820), TOEIC, IELTS, CAE Cambridge.
Which one is easier?
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 7 correct out of 8.
Thank you very much Rebecca for your prais, you are very kind, polite and always is going bright light from you soul
You are very kind, polite and always is going bright light from you soul Rebecca
Hi everyone
I am so glad after i watched this video i am just willing how can i make subscrib i want to improve my English skills
Hi, I want to prepare for a Michigan test, how can I improve my grammar, writing, and reading
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! :)
Thank you very much!!!
Thank you so much Rebecca, this awesome, really appreciate your kindness for all teaching , you teaching style was very easy to understand for us .
best regards ,
I am amazed by the fabulous effort you’ve implemented in making this video.Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is an inspiring piece of art. I am really lucky to join this family. All the best.
Thank u mam…but i am so afraid of writing TOEFL can u please guide me how to prepare and how much time i need to prepare
Thank you veru veru much for your effort
Really thank you, Rebecca!
It’s really interesting and useful.
I am preparing for TOEFL test, and I am going to use the materials that you informed. Thank you again.
Thank you Rebecca,
It’s interesting point I ‘ll preparing to learning in master degree i would like to exam IELTS for this my program you can help me to recommend
Thank you very much.
Thanks from your teaching
Thank you, Rebecca!! I love the way you do not just teach us but also motivates and guide us to success!! I have been considering the possibility to go to Toronto for some weeks to study English and prepare myself for the IELTS so I will really, really appreciate if you could give me more information about your School there! I really believe you are the person I need to improve my English and so to open my possibilities to a new and successful life! Thank you so much!! (Looking forward to your reply; my Skype ID is in my profile)
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you, no comment, all is very well done.
Hello Rebecca.
Thank you so much for this piece; it’s highly informative.
However, I wish to state that may consider introducing non-native English speaker(s) who have successfully met your competency requirements to your team of trainers. This, in my opinion, will inspire a non-native speaker in no little way.
Meanwhile, my IELTS General Training exam is July 29th, 2017. I need at least a band score of 8.0 in each of the modules. Wish me luck.
Is it usefull for pte…how can I do that…??any free demo online classes for pte??
Amazing class but those hints about the sites GOODLUCK… WERE AWESOME
I would love to take the IELTS academic module but I have limited time, please what do I do?
Thanks for such a brilliant video
Rebecca very good presentation. Can I get your e-mail id ? I want to discuss about english language preparation.
Thank you for your lecture.
I realized that the plannning is very important to learn English efficiently.
I’m thankful that I found your channel on youtube. This is so helpful. Thank you so much Rebecca.
thank you for to give me your knowledge, i’m sure that this will be useful in my student life.
Thank you Rebecca
OMG!With this lesson I could see clearly what I’ve been struggling for a long time and now I know exactly what to do in order to achieve the highest marks in the test. Thank you so much Rebecca, you definitely enlighten my mind
hello, I am a new subscriber. i am going to pass IELTS exam. one of my friend recomended this site to me. How can i ? thanks
Thank you Rebbecca.. it’s really helpful to put myself together.. i’ve to learn to achieve enhanced ielts all by myself .. what would you suggest about writing where i found myself weakest.. ?
Thank you Rebbecca.
It’s very useful information for me.
Thanks Rebecca. I really like the way you simplify every points in this video. My Listening technique is improving as I watches your videos. I got 10 marks.
thanks Rebecca, thanks a lot for your unconditional support to us.
Amazing thing that you care about each comment/feedback which is so caring.
Can i have your email id please. I need your guidance.
hello guys
please, I would like to know if it’s possible to correct my writing essay
I need help in witing essay, so, I would need someone to correct it and give some advice.
You got 7 correct out of 8.
thank you so much.
This video was excellent.
thank you for such valuable lecture rebecca
Wonderful as always,Rebecca. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Please, does anyone know an online general IELTs teacher that can help in writing and speaking sections? Can Rebecca do that?
Another question: usually how much time is needed to prepare for general IELTs?
I honestly believe after taking this lesson that I am confident to succeed the exam. The most difficult part is to establish a correct personalized plan for preparation, action and fulfillment.
Again thank you Rebecca.
It’s nice
I am soon going to give TOEFL ITP so I wanted to ask you do you have nay resources for TOEFL ITP EXAM.
Thank you
Marina has just started a new course at college and her tutor has asked her to write him a letter telling him something about herself. She has made ten mistakes in verb tenses in her letter. Find and correct them.
Please tell me how do I approach this kind of letter?
Thanks Rebecca for useful information.
Thank you Mam very useful lesson.!
8 correct out of 8
Thanks Rebecca, you are the best teacher
Hello everyone! Is there any English teacher here who can check essays for TOEFL?
Hi! I’d like to ask if I could use all capital letters when answering my Listening and reading test in IELTS??
Thank you very much Rebecca. It was a very comprehensive lecture for me.
Excellent tips, if you are thinking to take some of those Exams! Thanks, Rebecca I like your intonation.
Bye and great job!
I loved all the tips, mainly as far as brain gym and studying style.
Thanks Rebecca!
Great lessons Rebbeca. It help me a lot to prepare for toefl exam. Now I can get a high score.
I am sure that I will score good grade after attending educational videos from this page and I don’t have words to thank you REBECCA
Great lesson, keep going. Keep