for the future? What about the PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE
? In this English grammar class, I’ll explain when and how to use these two easy ways to talk about future events, activities, and plans. You will learn all about structure, usage, spelling, pronunciation, questions, short answers, contractions, regular verbs, stative verbs, common errors, and more. We’ll also do lots of practice together, so you feel really confident when speaking and writing. Remember: this video is part of the full engVid course on English verb tenses, covering beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. The next class in the series compares “will” and “going to” for the future.
Rebecca..excellent lesson…thanks a lot.
Perfect lesson, thanks a million.
I’m going to watch this video once again and then I hope I’m taking a quiz with a good result. Thanx, Rebecca. Your lessons are my cup of tea! I like it!
I’m going to share this video with my friends.
Thanks a lot,it was so helpful ?
Thank you for the great lesson! :)
First of all, I should say that I really appreciate your classes. Thanks a lot. But, seeing this video, on the 27:44 minutes, you showed us this example: “7 – What are you doing about the problem”. In this case, wouldn’t we have to put a time marker? Like it, “What are you doing about the problem next week”. My best wishes, Rebecca.
thanks a lot for this video I am going to share it with ma friends ..good wishes
perfect lesson thank you so much for your efforts and your supports to help us to improve our English :)
Great lesson!. I have a question. The following statement, according to the quiz, is correct. “I’m going for a job interview tomorrow.” But, I understand that “going” is used with “to” not “for.” The preposition ” to” is usually used when we transfer, and ” for” used in benefits. Please, could you explain?
Hello, well first of all you should know that “going” comes from the verb “to go” so it is not exclusively used with “to”. Next thing you might do is to look at the sentence structure which in this question, the present continuous is used to form the future tense so they’re using going in the present continuous tense. That is why the sentence is correct
thank you MLChristine
Thanks Rebecca for the excellent lesson
I was a very good class and Rebecca is a very good teacher.
I have always been a stickler about grammar. I was always very good at it in school. In one of your videos, Adam explained when to use compound adjectives which I clearly understand; however, all these years I have thought that you never hyphenate compound adjectives when one ends in “ed.” Have I been wrong all these years?
That way, it was so well explained the use of “going to” “present continuous” and “future simple” they all about future. Thank you.
10 of 10. I am going to study English every day. Thank you Rebecca!
10 of 10. I’m going to study English every day. Thank you Rebecca!
Thak you rebecca. I like the lesson.
Great lesson Rebecca, Thanks.
It’s a really good lesson. Congratulations and Thank you.
I am very much happy to see this.and I hope I Will sure to develop my language under your kind contact.
Thank you miss Rebecca
This is very good and easy to understand lesson. Thanks a lot
This is very good and easy to understand lesson. As a beginner it would help me a lot.
Very good. It will help me a lot
Thank you, Rebecca
I have understood very well about formal and informal sensetences.
How can I find the video you give out?
Thank you!
I got 9 correct out of 10, thank you, Rebecca
Thanky you, Rebecca!
tkanks for lesson :D
Excellent lesson.I will sure to develop my language under your teaching.
I got 8 correct out of 10 thank you for this lesson Rebecca
thank you Rebecca, i’m sharing this Video with my friends tomorrow.
Thanks for this lesson
thank you, Maam Rebecca I’m learning a lot in your lesson.
thank you so much, i am going to watch your video every day.
thank youuu
that’s a very useful lesson
i have got 100 in the test
\i am realy happy
9/10 Excellent lesson! thanks!
excellent i appreciate the possibility to have time to repeat sentences
It is great.I got the points in the way that I could i understand easily,thanks.
May be I do have a question for you.
Is it a must to use contraction,some people may prefer to use full words? I need you comment,thank you.
Thank you :D
thank you, excellen lesson
excellent lessons, thanks REBECCA.
Amazing , thank you
Hi Rebecca
I think I’ve missed something.
In the answer number 6 I said it’s incorrect and you said it was a wrong answer. Would you please explain it, I don’t get it. Thanks.
Because it is present continuous also u can use going as single verb without to
Rebecca is great
Thanky you, Rebecca!(9/10 )Super lesson!
90 over 100 not to bad teacher.
amazing thank you
i got 80%
Thank you
Perfect lesson! I got it !
Iam very glad to get best mark in this lesson
Great lesson
I’m going to make some mistakes in my life.
I’m making some mistakes in life next month.
i learned a lot
Thanks, Rebecca. My method is firt of all I watch the lesson, then I do the quiz. I’ve gotten a wonderful result in this course on English verb tenses.
Thankyou Ma’am Rebecca?
It was a helpful class, thank you Rebecca.
Excellent teaching!! Thank u
Thinks a lot Rebecca for this nice lesson
100% good lesson
thanks ?
I got 10/10, great lesson! Thanks Rebecca.
thanks Rebecca
Thank you mam
thank you so much Rebecca, you’re the best! :D
thank you teacher!I’m reviewing this lesson this evening
Thank you
8/10 without watching the video.thank u Rebecca
Hello teacher , thank you for this lesson i want to give you a note about that example on prediction you wrote : it’s going to rain tomorrow . this is the futur tense my note is we can also wrote : it’s going rain tomorrow . whitout preposition (to) so we use the verb ( to go ) in the present continuous to talk about the futur with added the time marker
sorry i’ve made a mastake at the meaning )))))
thank you
thanks rebecca you are so smart you should be someone famous
Thank you Rebecca.
This is a helpful lesson to learn the future tense in English. I didn’t know “present continuous” can be used for future tense for sure but now I’m confident I can use it for near future.
Thanks for the lesson!
Rebecca is the best teacher EVER!!
thanks dear
good lesson..thanks alot rebecca..
Rebecca, Thanks a lot for a class. I understood very well this lesson. Thanks again.
Thank you so much mam for your excellent lesson!It’s very clear and more informative.i am going to learn a lot from this website.you are explained very well.i love your lessons as always.
Hello rebecca… I want ask you. Why is the answer of 6 correct? Going to/going for?
Ambar932. You have time marker ( tomorrow) so it’s correct to say, “I’m going for a job interview..” it’s present continuous. I hope you get the point.
Thanks dear teacher. Let me ask you,question 4 we have time marker. The time marker is used present continuous as you mentioned.( How can both answers are correct?)
Is time marker used both or one? (I mean, can i use Present continuous and going to).
I hope you’ll respond my question.
thank you!!!
thanks teacher
Great lesson! Thanks for teaching us.
Thank you very much, Rebecca! You’re lessons are great! <3
I have a question. In the lesson you used a sentence: What are you doing about the problem ? This is present continuous, so where is a time marker ? Or maybe shouldn’t be there , but why ? Thank you for help :)
thnks Rebecca i am very exiting for lessons
1 incorrect not bad
Great lesson. But I have a question, why we don’t need to add time maker in sentence “what are you doing about the problem” ?
In the lesson “Future Simple with WILL” You said that for prediction we use WILL.
Example: Expert says market will grow up.
Does it mean that for formal (official) prediction we are using WILL and for informal (my opinion) GOING TO?
Excelent lesson. This topic is very important for alls
Thank you Rebecca.
thank you rebecca i got 10 of 10
I got a lot out of this video Rebecca!
Thanks..it help me a lot
Rebecca! I got 90%! I can’t get 100% all the time!
I’m going to study more tomorrow
I need to be bilingual
Best regards
Thanks a lot Rebecca!
perfet! very good explanation
Excellent! Thank you Rebecca
I am going to fix myself a cup of coffee now. After that I am having a lesson. This is what I do, English tutoring. :) And I am going to go to the grocery store at around 4pm.
Thank you very much Madam for this quiz, I’m improving my English by watching your videos every day.
Excellent lesson, Rebecca. Thanks a lot. (Azores Islands, 12Feb2021)
Thank you Rebecca, excellent lesson!
10/10 Thanks!!
Thanks maam
Thanks Rebecca
It’s really clear. You’re the best, Becca! I’m understanding it tomorrow. ))
Thank you for this lesson )
Rebecca, thanks so much.
Thank you!
Great, I´ll use this tense right now.
Thanks for the lesson, I’ve learned a lot. I’m going to share it with my friends. I’m looking forward to the next lesson. :)
I’ll going to practices more.
thank you for the lesson.
I watched this video twice on August 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
I was watching your lesson now. Thank you, Rebecca. I was wrong about one question “ I am going for a job…” How often do we use this expression?I am going to watch this lesson on Wednesday. Thank a lots
Hi Rebecca !
I’m doing well after watching your videos.
Thanks a lot.
I will go to practice more thanks teacher
I got 100%
Thank you.
You’re Amazing. Thanks
I have a specifique question about the first question in this quiz
is “going to” used to a planned or unplanned actions because according to bbc learning english it is the opposite on wich is written here
i have got 90
thank you Rebecca
my favorite teacher. your teaching skill is amazing. thank you mis rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca for helping me with this lesson
Thank you so much
Thank you so much miss rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebacca.
Rebecca! Thanks! I like your lessons very much!!!
Thank you, Rebecca. I got all 10/10.
Thank you Rebecca, now I understand present countinuous +time marker can express the future simple.
I got 10 0ut of 10
thanks you so much
You are an amazing teacher,iuderstanded with your lessons perfectly
Thanks Rebecca. It was a great lesson. I have a question.
what if something is planned and formal? which tense will we use?
it’s difficult. but I did.
Rebecca, many thanks!
It’s my first time in this lesson I got 9 out of 10 thank you
I got 10/10.
Thank you!
i got 9/10 thank you rebecca
Thank you very much for the lesson!!! It is very helpful!!
These are our plans :) :
I am going to wash the dishes.
My daughter is swimming in the pool tomorrow.
My son is going to sleep.
I Love the step by step selections to choose from, it cause me to think before I choose an answer
I got 9 out of 10 correct
Thanks a lot Rabecca! I got 10/10
Thank you miss Rebecca
Thank you so much!
You are a very good teacher, Rebecca. Thank you so much!
Thanks Rebecca ma’am
You are very good teacher.
Rebecca, thank you so much!
thank you for the lesson.. I have a question in video 28 min.
can we also write : When he is going to contact you?
Lesson completed!
Lesson completed! Thank you so much.
Thanks Rebecca. Wow, it’s amazing. I’m learning a lot for today’s lesson
Thank you so much. You save me!!
Thank you so much, Rebecca. I got 10 correct out of 10.😄
thanks xx
I got 10 out of 10. In first attempt thanks a lot Rebecca.
Thank you Rebeca, I got 10 of 10!
i got 9 of 10