“Could you tell me where he went?” “Could you tell me where did he go?” Which question is right? Find the answer in this important grammar lesson on embedded questions in the present and past tense. You’ll be speaking more politely and correctly by the end of the lesson!
I got 9/10. I think it is so well. And I will try at next lesson.
let me now if any problems
me too
Good Lesson Rebecca, I got 10/10
ok 80 It’s no to bad!
the same for me.
My first time to understand embedded questions
and thank you very much.
a little bit confusing but I got 10 correct out of 10.
me too
le hung
Good Job!
Baby its game of luck. ;)
Congrats to all of you! This is not an easy subject. All the best!
Excellent class. You have a really good way to teaching. Many thanks!!!
A typical grammer rule what is easy to learn but hard to use at live speaking because the bad automatisms. This lesson is good fro practising. Thank you for it.
It’s True, very hard to remember it in direct speaking, you just try to use it as many time as you can to be stick in memory.
I totally agree with you!
María Luisa
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca :D
I wonder whether Rebecca watched her colleague’s video “5 ways to ask questions like a native speaker” (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym5kbI8hHwM)? Rebecca did not mention about if/whether-usage in embedded questions.
Hi Andrey, I can’t open the YouTube link that you shared here. Could you please check the link?
Thank you.
Thanx a lot…:-)
Many thanks
thank you for this lesson it is very good for me.
Rebecca when you teaching could you speak little slow.
I had done many mistakes about this topic before I saw your lesson
Thank you very much. It has been really useful
It’s okay if you MADE mistakes before, because then you are learning and improving. My best wishes to you, Majeed.
10/10, completely understand.
thank you , Maddam.
Have a nice day.
Many thanks Rebecca.
Thanks a lot Rebecca… from 10 questions 8 correct ))… (1 of them technical mistake)..
Thanks Rebecca. my point is 10/10. you are a good teacher. I hope that my english will be much better with your videos.
Thank you
Ahmed Alqaisi
Thank you very much.
I,m very happy to starts with your learn english
but can anyone helpe to improve english
thank you
Great lesson,every time i listen your lessons,i can understand you very well,you are a clever teacher…
And you are a clever listener! My best wishes to you, Miki.
I feel smart after study with engvid
Rara Maura
Wow, what a lovely compliment! I will share that with all our engvid teachers. Students like you make is all worthwhile. So let me help you a little more:
You should say, “I feel smart after studying with engvid.” And on your profile you should say, “I want to be smart.”
Thank you and all the best to you.
Hi Rebecca: Can you correct my sentence?
I feel boring now. or I feel bored now.
I feel sleepy.
I feel bored now. watch engvid lesson difference between boring and bored.
Thank you Ms. Ezekiel. All the best
thank uuuuuuu i got 10/10
Not bad!
Thank you Rebeca.
10/10.Thank you so much.You are very clear Rebecca.
Very nice!Thank you!
thank you Rebecca…this was really helpful
As always engvid helping us with a great lesson!!
WoW I Got Full Marks Thanks Mrs Rebecca
Mohammad Jamali
This is by far the Most clear lesson i have ever seen.
Thank you Rebecca.
I have a question. Why in the sentence: How birds fly? doesn’t add the “s” at the end of fly. Example: How birds flys?
Because the word “Birds” here plural. And we don’t use “S” with plural only with singular. For e.g: If I say “How do bird fly” in this case I can use “S” … Because it’s a singular noun.
I hope you understand my explain.
OK. I think I got it. Thank you so much for your help!
It will help you to review the present simple tense. Check online or in any good grammar book for a full answer to your question. All the best.
I forgat to say when is a embedded question like: Can you tell me how birds flys?
That great lesson.
Ivo Crifar
appriciate Miss!
could you give me your skype name ?
francois davichen
Thank you my teacher. It’s a nice subject. Once before I have heard it, but I didn’t understand.
And know I don’t have any problem with “Embedded questions”.
Thank you again.
Wow!…5/10 i’m progressing! Thanks very much teacher Rebbea
Thanks Rebecca.
Good Lesson.
Great job to me…10/10 :)))
Simone Brasil
I enjoyed this kind of exercise. Thanks a lot.
I took the test questions three times,first time I got 5,second times I got 8 and the last time I got perfect score hehehe. Anyway I like it.thank you so much.
Way to go! Great! I admire your determination. I am sure you are going to achieve a lot in your life with such a positive, persistent attitude. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca.I appreciate the work you doing to me.I have got 100.TOEFL watch out!
Very useful lesson! It was my doubt for many years, but now it’s clear for me. I’ve got 9 out of 10 correct!
Thank you teacher!
Thank heavens all the years of waiting for an answer have come to an end in such a positive way! Congratulations and all the best to you.
I liked it thanks
thanks a lot! i ve got it 100 per)
Thank for all
i dont understand why some of u insisting on showing off their abilities if u got 10 we dont need urs .thnx
very good quiz
It’s extremely good lesson. Otherwise, it would be misuderstandable if I was confused but got 10 points…
Thanks Rebecca. I need English conversation for increasing speaking and listening capacity so please anyone add me skype : nizamjg12
I need review this lesson… Sorry
Now was 100%.
I knew about not using “do” ,”does” in the embedded questions, but I didn’t know about “inversion”. Before watching your lesson I would’ve said “Would you happen to know what time is Jane supposed to arrive”.
Thank you very much!
Glad you understand better now. All the best to you.
I scored 10 of 10. Great lesson, I’d never seem it before – embedded question. Thanks!
10/10 that’s it.
Jorge Pedroso
It was a bit confused…:(
Thank you Rebecca!
You mean to say;
It was a bit confusing.
Yes, I know this is an advanced problem but good for you for watching and trying your best to learn. My best to you.
I understand well.
Thank you Rebecca
Mustafe Abdulkadir
Thanks very much
the lesson was what I need
very useful
could you tell me what is the next lesson ?
thanks rebecca…………………
your too good (Y)
amin ullah
Hi Rebecca, a little confused but at the end I understood. Great ¡
Yes, truly great! You should pay yourself on the back! My best wishes to you.
Sorry, sorry, I meant to say;
You should PAT yourself on the back.
Typing too fast and wanting to answer as many students as possible!
I got 100 % thank you Rebecca.
Exelent class.
Hello I’m Chai
10/10…thank you Rebecca!
Thanks got 0% marks,it’s mean i can get 100% easily to change the rule opposite.
Abdul Qayum
thakns teacher
question word + subject + verb + …
* in a ‘yes/no’ question, the question word is ‘whether’
Who is the man in the hat?
(question word = who; subject = the man in the hat; verb = is)
= Could you tell me who the man in the hat is?
Am I a banana?
(question word = whether; subject = I; verb = am)
= don’t know whether I am a banana.
You are not a banana, you are a smart person! Thanks for your explanations and all the best to you.
I like your lesson.
this a very interes
Thanks so much Rebecca, Now I can precisely use embedded questions.
many thanks
Hello dear teachers. I high appreciate your work, you do your best. Could you prepare lessons on words roots. For instance, “bene” “gible” and so on. This will help us understand words from inside. Thanks a lot.
It’s a very benefit lesson . I thank all the stuff of this great site .
Abdo Nasr
You want to say:
It’s a very beneficial lesson.
Thank you very much for your kind words. All the best.
I love that way to learn english!!!
Rebecca thank u nice work
I got 8/10.
Good start for me.
Panupong Kraikaew
thanks you so much rebecca for the lesson, but how about in present participle and past participle form? please explain :)
I got 10 out of 10 . it’s so easy :)
Many Thanks!
Very usefull thanks!
perfect even me. thanks
thank you
Thnx a lot now I understand this lesson very clearly ^_^ <3
10 out of 10 , thanks engvid
Good Examples.. I got 10 out of 10, Thanhs
thanks engvid
Thanks for this lesson !
10/10 Thank’s a lot.
WOW!!! I’ve got 100 out of 100. Thank you miss (
thanks for teaching this lesson. But i want to know how speak with others.
Check out some of our conversational English lessons. We have material at all levels and for all kinds of purposes. My best to you.
thank you ^_^
Beautiful work come from great teacher.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your great lesson.
take care
Thanks! Teacher. I got 10/10 :)
Hello wenwen.
I’m currently learning Mandarin and I need tandempartner to practice. I can help you with English and maybe you can help me to lead me to the fluency in Mandarin. Would you? You can click on my profile to get my further contact
Very good lesson:) have a nice day!
Thank you, Rebecca, I got 10. Wishing you every thing good luck.
oh nooooooooooooooo; just 2/10 :-/
Step by step, my friend. It is a tough subject – watch the lesson again, try again and you will start to improve. You already are improving as you are now aware of the problem! Always take a positive approach and you can succeed in the end. My best to you.
Can you tell me where she went? Using can instead of could, is it okay?
“Could”is more polite than “can”, though both are correct grammatically. My best to you!
Thank you Rebecca, very clear and nice lesson!
thank you for lesson Rebecca. I always have problem with grammar so today I got 8/10 (
Thank you Rebecca.I got 10/10 .
Maqbul Hussain
useful and easy to understand
Hi, Rebecca. I got 10/10 but it was just a matter of lucky, I think, because I’m still in doubt about the proper use of the embedded questions. Definitely, I need more grammar classes. Thanks anyway. I’ll keep watching.
You might want to follow up this lesson by doing more exercises in a good grammar book or a grammar website which explains the subject. All the best!
Thank you teacher.
Thank you so much Rebecca.I got 10/10 .
Thanks Rebecca. It’s useful lesson!
what is the difference between an experiment and practice??????????
can any one tell plz
Practice is when you are repeating something you have learned or that you know in order to improve. An experiment is when you are trying to prove or learn about something new, which you do not understand fully yet. My best to you with your vocabulary.
yes of course , thanks
Dr mahmoud mohamed
Thanks Rebeca, you are very clever. Your videos are too useful.
You are clever too, to want to watch, learn and improve your English. All the best!
All the best to all the students who worked so hard to understand this somewhat difficult point in English grammar. You are now better off than millions of other students who are not aware of this issue at all. My congratulations and best wishes to each of you.
Thanks for this video. This video will go a long way ,and it will help me to ask questions without thinking of what to ask.
thank you miss Rebecca
i got 10 out of 10
farah alsharif
may I ask how to use “had had”, always got confused. thank you Rebecca.
This information about embedded was important, sometimes I had some doubts about that, but after this class, everything is clear in my mind. Thank you Rebecca, I got 10 of 10.
Louis Charles
This class is useful for me, but we need more about how we can use agrammer in question.
thank you
100! Thank you. My head became clean.
Nobu Goto
Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you for your all your help :)
Thank you Teacher Rebecca
I got confused at the first quiz but I tried it again but I promised I did not cheat and look at the right answers. I just watched Teacher Rebecca one more time and I get it :)
I mean promise
Dear Teacher Rebecca, could you kindly explain what “relatively” means?
Hello dear Rebecca, I’m glad that I’ve a teacher like you and I got 10/10 on the quiz but I don’t think that I am ready to use these questions without mistakes in real life.
Bye for now, lots of regards
All teachers teaching on this Website are very good.
I do not think that this lesson is difficult. However I am very gratful for it.
It would be very usful if the quiz sections were expanded. It referes to this and all other lessons.
All the best.
Dear Rebecca, I think you are a great teacher. This video is too useful, I feel my grammar have improved after watching. That’s a good signal. Thanks you so much, my teacher. ^^
That is be awesome!! and great video who can understand easy and i got 10/10
thank you very much Rabeca
Thaer h
Thank you so much Rebecca.It was such a nice lesson. Yu did a great job.
I’m comfused before about this topic in English when and how to use them. Now, I’m still a little bit confused,but thanks to your lesson I know now how to correct my self.
Would you mine if I would suggest that everytime you make an examples that are not written on the board will show to us as subtittle?
Can you make a lesson for us about “have been doing/ has been doing etc/ I’m confused about it.
God bless….
thank you madam Rebecca.
preety and merciful time for you all out here >
i just wanna remind you and my self that it’s not fair to call an elder or teacher , by his name or her name ,, it’s just a sham ,, this hince only for open minded people,, hope you all an awesome time
preety and merciful time for you all out here > i just wanna remind you and my self that it’s not fair to call an elder or a teacher by his name or her name ,, it’s just a shame ,, this note only for an open minded people,, hope you all an awesome time
It is a pleasure to learn the correct way of speaking English in a time when people don’t care how they speak.
An excellent lesson, as usual.
Yes my best to you
Hello, Rebecca !
The topic you discussed was really important !
You can see it by so many comments – I really tired getting through them !
Thanks a lot !
Enjoy !
Thanks a lot Rebecca … I don’t know how I appreciate your immense efforts :)
it’s really useful~ I got 9/10 k…
Evan Yang
I had to edit your comment because in North America “KKK” is the name of a domestic terrorist organization… :/ If you meant it like “kekeke” (laughing) try “hahaha”?
engVid Moderator
Thanks, learnt something that hadn’t known
I have never noticed about that, thanks.
Although I got 10/10, it makes me to clear and confident to speak with others.
I got ten out of ten. And This is the fist time, I have let a comment.
Let’s make friends to improve English skills, together.
Hello Rebecca.
Thank you for your informative video.
I am confused regarding these cause
Could,would and should.
Can you please tell which use when ?
it really helps
where can i find the quiz?
it was very usefull
Mohammad Maisam
Great lessons! Thank you!
Do you know what we felt after watching your video.
It is great, you are the best.
Thierry Cheng
aha i don’t know
I got 10/10, Thank u Rebecca, All the best.
Daniela Bol
Hi, Rebecca. Thanks for the lesson. I am from Brazil. I liked the examples of sentences and I confess I had learnt exactly the same way and that’s why I answered the quiz easily and got 10. I used to teach english and I found out that I need a lot to learn more than I know. I have to say that I’m not the best, but I’ve made my best to have learnt correctly.
I recently discovered this program and I think is one of the best I’ve ever found in the net.
Thank you very much.
thanks maam,
Thanks :-) super and lucid presentation
I love the way your teaching!!!!!
Dear Rebecca,
Could you tell us when your anniversary date is?
Of course secretly during a lesson on the festive occasions.
I don’t know how many students should express? Why not?
Best Regards.
Rebecca is the best teacher ever. The way that she teachs turns the lessons easier.
I got 10/10. But I still have a doubt. “Where is there the bus?” Is this sentence correct?
My first time to understand embedded questions
and thank you very much
Awesome teacher!!! Thank you very much! I understood this grammar point.
my quiz rebecca
chakim hamzah
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
i dig it now as i never understood before thanks REBECCA
thanks rebbeca
it is really good video thanks rebbeca wish you all the best
its really very good.
Raju Naik
Useful and simple lessons! Thank you Rebecca! Good to hear you!
I think it’s one of the most useful lesson, thanks a lot!
I got 60%
and useful us madam
Second time i got 100% of the Quiz Thanking You
You are very Good teacher for me .thank you very much
I love your lessons so much
you always explain things in simple way
I just wanted to say Thank you
10 of 10:) I understand now. Thank you Rebecca!
hi thank you..
I want to help in getting lessons in the English language complete with science, I conducted a test level my level is(Beginner – Advanced)
Please help
Thank you Rebecca, It was very good lesson and you made it much easier.
8/10 not bad, thanks
Thanks a lot!!!
I got 10! :D
I got 10!! That’s perfect!
Thank you
Really appreciate your lesson has helped me to demystify my areas of doubt. Thank you teacher!
Florence Lim
Thank you Rebecca so much! You are wonderful teacher! One of my most favorite here! And once again thank you for lesson. It was very useful for me because I always was confused when I used 2 question in one sentence! Now I’ve known!
Wow thank you so much
Alexander Pribytok
ann ann
Very good lesson.Thanks
I am very happy ! I am keep going.
Rosivaldo Marques
Thanks a lot, Rebecca, for your exellant lessons))
I ‘ve got 10\10 again?
I got it !!. Thank you
Thanks a lot
mancef 1611
thanks a lot, nice video nd teachers too
ruzel delantar
maam rebecca is reaally good teacher i learn more ,i love it.
ruzel delantar
thank u Rebecca
Thank for usefull video
Good! it´s really good class
i will learn more >> because i’m new in here :\ >>>
thx i understood it
can belive i got 100%!! thanks so much will keep studying
Loved it, I missed one question!
After so many years, I finally understand the embedded questions, thanks
thank you for these useful info :)
Yazan Isayed
I understood this lesson, but I got just 6/10 because it’s a little bit confusing. So I need to practice more, then I’ll be better
Leo Lima
thank you teacher and I need you to be a good at english in the futer
ayoub dh
i am very happy
nice lessen mam Thanks
thank you so much … i get it now
amed assana
thank you so much! She’s an excellent teacher.
Rebecca wass sitting on a bench at the bus stop. She was upset because she had missed the bus. she would be late to the school. She wasn’t know when the next bus would be arrive. She asked the next to man;
Do you know when the next bus will come?
The next to man with curious asked that;
Can you tell me why you upset?
She was only upset for that she would be late for her lecture. when she was thinking of these things, another man;
Would you explain why the cat in your bag:)
Rebecca was more surprised and upset.
And the story ends here.
Thank you Rebecca.
I am a Taiwanese English tutor.
The video is awesome and superbly helpful!!
Big thanks!!!
(What a quality English-learning channel!!)
Big thanks again!!
Ray Hsu
Wow so great!I got 10/10.
Really it is confusing
I don’t how i got 9 of 10 ??
Please, which one is correct: “Hey Mary, What time (does the meeting start? / What time is the meeting starting?”) “At 7:30.”
Luis Rojas
10 out of 10 thank you rebbeca
Who meets him in the airport?
Who does meet him in the airport?
Saule Sunshine
Fantastic lesson
Thank you
Ahmed Merad
nice, very good and interesting
Do you know where my teacher lives? Did you tell the mother where I went? :) Thank you Rebecca. Happy study
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson but I confused by 6 and 8 questions. I got 80.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
Good lesson! 100%
Thank you for an interesting lecture!
Got it Rebecca, thank you
Thanks a lot.
Thanks it’s very easy to learn
thanks i need to made more questions
You got 7 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Hi every body
Please change this sentence to embedded
Who is absent?
Could you tell me who …
…who is absent. Without any change. Because for making such question we haven’t changed the place of words, or we haven’t used any helping verbs like: did, do or does.
thank you
thanks Rebecca
Dr mahmoud mohamed
thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much. It’s helpful
It is very clear. Thanks!!
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca, I get 100% always
Bah Abdurahim
How do I get more practice ?
I got 10/10 but I hope can remember in a conversation
I got 10/10. You’re really a great teacher. I really like to be your student. With you, the lesson is easier to learn.
Thank you Rebecca.
Dewi Damayanti
Which one is right
“Why you don’t” or “why don’t you”
thank you techar i like this lesson iwill start to use the embedded question in my next conversation with people . my best wishes for
It’s a good lesson
that was helpful rebecca !! thank you so much !!
Thank you i got 10/10
I got 9/10, I got confused with the first question. But when I read it again I found out what my mistake was. Next time I’ll read the question twice or even more before I answer. Thanks Rebecca, have a nice day!
merlita quilatan
I watched this video twice on July 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
My bad. I just got 1
Awesome content and very informative as always!
Nice class. All the best.
kannanji sampath
i got D really thank you rebecca
i got 9/10 ,thank you so much rebecca,it was intersting lesson , i like the way you teaching,you are the best teacher, i have never seen in my life.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi…..now I understand….thanks you..!!!
good video
i am surprised to know that i got 10/10
I got 9/10. I think it is so well. And I will try at next lesson.
let me now if any problems
me too
Good Lesson Rebecca, I got 10/10
ok 80 It’s no to bad!
the same for me.
My first time to understand embedded questions
and thank you very much.
a little bit confusing but I got 10 correct out of 10.
me too
Good Job!
Baby its game of luck. ;)
Congrats to all of you! This is not an easy subject. All the best!
Excellent class. You have a really good way to teaching. Many thanks!!!
A typical grammer rule what is easy to learn but hard to use at live speaking because the bad automatisms. This lesson is good fro practising. Thank you for it.
It’s True, very hard to remember it in direct speaking, you just try to use it as many time as you can to be stick in memory.
I totally agree with you!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca :D
I wonder whether Rebecca watched her colleague’s video “5 ways to ask questions like a native speaker” (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym5kbI8hHwM)? Rebecca did not mention about if/whether-usage in embedded questions.
Hi Andrey, I can’t open the YouTube link that you shared here. Could you please check the link?
Thank you.
Thanx a lot…:-)
Many thanks
thank you for this lesson it is very good for me.
Rebecca when you teaching could you speak little slow.
I had done many mistakes about this topic before I saw your lesson
Thank you very much. It has been really useful
It’s okay if you MADE mistakes before, because then you are learning and improving. My best wishes to you, Majeed.
10/10, completely understand.
thank you , Maddam.
Have a nice day.
Many thanks Rebecca.
Thanks a lot Rebecca… from 10 questions 8 correct ))… (1 of them technical mistake)..
Thanks Rebecca. my point is 10/10. you are a good teacher. I hope that my english will be much better with your videos.
Thank you
Thank you very much.
I,m very happy to starts with your learn english
but can anyone helpe to improve english
thank you
Great lesson,every time i listen your lessons,i can understand you very well,you are a clever teacher…
And you are a clever listener! My best wishes to you, Miki.
I feel smart after study with engvid
Wow, what a lovely compliment! I will share that with all our engvid teachers. Students like you make is all worthwhile. So let me help you a little more:
You should say, “I feel smart after studying with engvid.” And on your profile you should say, “I want to be smart.”
Thank you and all the best to you.
Hi Rebecca: Can you correct my sentence?
I feel boring now. or I feel bored now.
I feel sleepy.
I feel bored now. watch engvid lesson difference between boring and bored.
Thank you Ms. Ezekiel. All the best
thank uuuuuuu i got 10/10
Not bad!
Thank you Rebeca.
10/10.Thank you so much.You are very clear Rebecca.
Very nice!Thank you!
thank you Rebecca…this was really helpful
As always engvid helping us with a great lesson!!
WoW I Got Full Marks Thanks Mrs Rebecca
This is by far the Most clear lesson i have ever seen.
Thank you Rebecca.
I have a question. Why in the sentence: How birds fly? doesn’t add the “s” at the end of fly. Example: How birds flys?
Because the word “Birds” here plural. And we don’t use “S” with plural only with singular. For e.g: If I say “How do bird fly” in this case I can use “S” … Because it’s a singular noun.
I hope you understand my explain.
OK. I think I got it. Thank you so much for your help!
It will help you to review the present simple tense. Check online or in any good grammar book for a full answer to your question. All the best.
I forgat to say when is a embedded question like: Can you tell me how birds flys?
That great lesson.
appriciate Miss!
could you give me your skype name ?
Thank you my teacher. It’s a nice subject. Once before I have heard it, but I didn’t understand.
And know I don’t have any problem with “Embedded questions”.
Thank you again.
Wow!…5/10 i’m progressing! Thanks very much teacher Rebbea
Thanks Rebecca.
Good Lesson.
Great job to me…10/10 :)))
I enjoyed this kind of exercise. Thanks a lot.
I took the test questions three times,first time I got 5,second times I got 8 and the last time I got perfect score hehehe. Anyway I like it.thank you so much.
Way to go! Great! I admire your determination. I am sure you are going to achieve a lot in your life with such a positive, persistent attitude. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca.I appreciate the work you doing to me.I have got 100.TOEFL watch out!
Very useful lesson! It was my doubt for many years, but now it’s clear for me. I’ve got 9 out of 10 correct!
Thank you teacher!
Thank heavens all the years of waiting for an answer have come to an end in such a positive way! Congratulations and all the best to you.
I liked it thanks
thanks a lot! i ve got it 100 per)
Thank for all
i dont understand why some of u insisting on showing off their abilities if u got 10 we dont need urs .thnx
very good quiz
It’s extremely good lesson. Otherwise, it would be misuderstandable if I was confused but got 10 points…
Thanks Rebecca. I need English conversation for increasing speaking and listening capacity so please anyone add me skype : nizamjg12
I need review this lesson… Sorry
Now was 100%.
I knew about not using “do” ,”does” in the embedded questions, but I didn’t know about “inversion”. Before watching your lesson I would’ve said “Would you happen to know what time is Jane supposed to arrive”.
Thank you very much!
Glad you understand better now. All the best to you.
I scored 10 of 10. Great lesson, I’d never seem it before – embedded question. Thanks!
10/10 that’s it.
It was a bit confused…:(
Thank you Rebecca!
You mean to say;
It was a bit confusing.
Yes, I know this is an advanced problem but good for you for watching and trying your best to learn. My best to you.
I understand well.
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks very much
the lesson was what I need
very useful
could you tell me what is the next lesson ?
thanks rebecca…………………
your too good (Y)
Hi Rebecca, a little confused but at the end I understood. Great ¡
Yes, truly great! You should pay yourself on the back! My best wishes to you.
Sorry, sorry, I meant to say;
You should PAT yourself on the back.
Typing too fast and wanting to answer as many students as possible!
I got 100 % thank you Rebecca.
Exelent class.
Hello I’m Chai
10/10…thank you Rebecca!
Thanks got 0% marks,it’s mean i can get 100% easily to change the rule opposite.
thakns teacher
question word + subject + verb + …
* in a ‘yes/no’ question, the question word is ‘whether’
Who is the man in the hat?
(question word = who; subject = the man in the hat; verb = is)
= Could you tell me who the man in the hat is?
Am I a banana?
(question word = whether; subject = I; verb = am)
= don’t know whether I am a banana.
You are not a banana, you are a smart person! Thanks for your explanations and all the best to you.
I like your lesson.
this a very interes
Thanks so much Rebecca, Now I can precisely use embedded questions.
many thanks
Hello dear teachers. I high appreciate your work, you do your best. Could you prepare lessons on words roots. For instance, “bene” “gible” and so on. This will help us understand words from inside. Thanks a lot.
It’s a very benefit lesson . I thank all the stuff of this great site .
You want to say:
It’s a very beneficial lesson.
Thank you very much for your kind words. All the best.
I love that way to learn english!!!
Rebecca thank u nice work
I got 8/10.
Good start for me.
thanks you so much rebecca for the lesson, but how about in present participle and past participle form? please explain :)
I got 10 out of 10 . it’s so easy :)
Many Thanks!
Very usefull thanks!
perfect even me. thanks
thank you
Thnx a lot now I understand this lesson very clearly ^_^ <3
10 out of 10 , thanks engvid
Good Examples.. I got 10 out of 10, Thanhs
thanks engvid
Thanks for this lesson !
10/10 Thank’s a lot.
WOW!!! I’ve got 100 out of 100. Thank you miss (
thanks for teaching this lesson. But i want to know how speak with others.
Check out some of our conversational English lessons. We have material at all levels and for all kinds of purposes. My best to you.
thank you ^_^
Beautiful work come from great teacher.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your great lesson.
take care
Thanks! Teacher. I got 10/10 :)
Hello wenwen.
I’m currently learning Mandarin and I need tandempartner to practice. I can help you with English and maybe you can help me to lead me to the fluency in Mandarin. Would you? You can click on my profile to get my further contact
Very good lesson:) have a nice day!
Thank you, Rebecca, I got 10. Wishing you every thing good luck.
oh nooooooooooooooo; just 2/10 :-/
Step by step, my friend. It is a tough subject – watch the lesson again, try again and you will start to improve. You already are improving as you are now aware of the problem! Always take a positive approach and you can succeed in the end. My best to you.
Can you tell me where she went? Using can instead of could, is it okay?
“Could”is more polite than “can”, though both are correct grammatically. My best to you!
Thank you Rebecca, very clear and nice lesson!
thank you for lesson Rebecca. I always have problem with grammar so today I got 8/10 (
Thank you Rebecca.I got 10/10 .
useful and easy to understand
Hi, Rebecca. I got 10/10 but it was just a matter of lucky, I think, because I’m still in doubt about the proper use of the embedded questions. Definitely, I need more grammar classes. Thanks anyway. I’ll keep watching.
You might want to follow up this lesson by doing more exercises in a good grammar book or a grammar website which explains the subject. All the best!
Thank you teacher.
Thank you so much Rebecca.I got 10/10 .
Thanks Rebecca. It’s useful lesson!
what is the difference between an experiment and practice??????????
can any one tell plz
Practice is when you are repeating something you have learned or that you know in order to improve. An experiment is when you are trying to prove or learn about something new, which you do not understand fully yet. My best to you with your vocabulary.
yes of course , thanks
Thanks Rebeca, you are very clever. Your videos are too useful.
You are clever too, to want to watch, learn and improve your English. All the best!
All the best to all the students who worked so hard to understand this somewhat difficult point in English grammar. You are now better off than millions of other students who are not aware of this issue at all. My congratulations and best wishes to each of you.
Thanks for this video. This video will go a long way ,and it will help me to ask questions without thinking of what to ask.
thank you miss Rebecca
i got 10 out of 10
may I ask how to use “had had”, always got confused. thank you Rebecca.
This information about embedded was important, sometimes I had some doubts about that, but after this class, everything is clear in my mind. Thank you Rebecca, I got 10 of 10.
This class is useful for me, but we need more about how we can use agrammer in question.
thank you
100! Thank you. My head became clean.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you for your all your help :)
Thank you Teacher Rebecca
I got confused at the first quiz but I tried it again but I promised I did not cheat and look at the right answers. I just watched Teacher Rebecca one more time and I get it :)
I mean promise
Dear Teacher Rebecca, could you kindly explain what “relatively” means?
Hello dear Rebecca, I’m glad that I’ve a teacher like you and I got 10/10 on the quiz but I don’t think that I am ready to use these questions without mistakes in real life.
Bye for now, lots of regards
All teachers teaching on this Website are very good.
I do not think that this lesson is difficult. However I am very gratful for it.
It would be very usful if the quiz sections were expanded. It referes to this and all other lessons.
All the best.
Dear Rebecca, I think you are a great teacher. This video is too useful, I feel my grammar have improved after watching. That’s a good signal. Thanks you so much, my teacher. ^^
That is be awesome!! and great video who can understand easy and i got 10/10
thank you very much Rabeca
Thank you so much Rebecca.It was such a nice lesson. Yu did a great job.
I’m comfused before about this topic in English when and how to use them. Now, I’m still a little bit confused,but thanks to your lesson I know now how to correct my self.
Would you mine if I would suggest that everytime you make an examples that are not written on the board will show to us as subtittle?
Can you make a lesson for us about “have been doing/ has been doing etc/ I’m confused about it.
God bless….
thank you madam Rebecca.
preety and merciful time for you all out here >
i just wanna remind you and my self that it’s not fair to call an elder or teacher , by his name or her name ,, it’s just a sham ,, this hince only for open minded people,, hope you all an awesome time
preety and merciful time for you all out here > i just wanna remind you and my self that it’s not fair to call an elder or a teacher by his name or her name ,, it’s just a shame ,, this note only for an open minded people,, hope you all an awesome time
It is a pleasure to learn the correct way of speaking English in a time when people don’t care how they speak.
An excellent lesson, as usual.
Yes my best to you
Hello, Rebecca !
The topic you discussed was really important !
You can see it by so many comments – I really tired getting through them !
Thanks a lot !
Enjoy !
Thanks a lot Rebecca … I don’t know how I appreciate your immense efforts :)
it’s really useful~ I got 9/10 k…
I had to edit your comment because in North America “KKK” is the name of a domestic terrorist organization… :/ If you meant it like “kekeke” (laughing) try “hahaha”?
Thanks, learnt something that hadn’t known
I have never noticed about that, thanks.
Although I got 10/10, it makes me to clear and confident to speak with others.
I got ten out of ten. And This is the fist time, I have let a comment.
Let’s make friends to improve English skills, together.
Hello Rebecca.
Thank you for your informative video.
I am confused regarding these cause
Could,would and should.
Can you please tell which use when ?
it really helps
where can i find the quiz?
it was very usefull
Great lessons! Thank you!
Do you know what we felt after watching your video.
It is great, you are the best.
aha i don’t know
I got 10/10, Thank u Rebecca, All the best.
Hi, Rebecca. Thanks for the lesson. I am from Brazil. I liked the examples of sentences and I confess I had learnt exactly the same way and that’s why I answered the quiz easily and got 10. I used to teach english and I found out that I need a lot to learn more than I know. I have to say that I’m not the best, but I’ve made my best to have learnt correctly.
I recently discovered this program and I think is one of the best I’ve ever found in the net.
Thank you very much.
thanks maam,
Thanks :-) super and lucid presentation
I love the way your teaching!!!!!
Dear Rebecca,
Could you tell us when your anniversary date is?
Of course secretly during a lesson on the festive occasions.
I don’t know how many students should express? Why not?
Best Regards.
Rebecca is the best teacher ever. The way that she teachs turns the lessons easier.
I got 10/10. But I still have a doubt. “Where is there the bus?” Is this sentence correct?
My first time to understand embedded questions
and thank you very much
Awesome teacher!!! Thank you very much! I understood this grammar point.
my quiz rebecca
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
i dig it now as i never understood before thanks REBECCA
thanks rebbeca
it is really good video thanks rebbeca wish you all the best
its really very good.
Useful and simple lessons! Thank you Rebecca! Good to hear you!
I think it’s one of the most useful lesson, thanks a lot!
I got 60%
and useful us madam
Second time i got 100% of the Quiz Thanking You
You are very Good teacher for me .thank you very much
I love your lessons so much
you always explain things in simple way
I just wanted to say Thank you
10 of 10:) I understand now. Thank you Rebecca!
hi thank you..
I want to help in getting lessons in the English language complete with science, I conducted a test level my level is(Beginner – Advanced)
Please help
Thank you Rebecca, It was very good lesson and you made it much easier.
8/10 not bad, thanks
Thanks a lot!!!
I got 10! :D
I got 10!! That’s perfect!
Thank you
Really appreciate your lesson has helped me to demystify my areas of doubt. Thank you teacher!
Thank you Rebecca so much! You are wonderful teacher! One of my most favorite here! And once again thank you for lesson. It was very useful for me because I always was confused when I used 2 question in one sentence! Now I’ve known!
Wow thank you so much
Very good lesson.Thanks
I am very happy ! I am keep going.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca, for your exellant lessons))
I ‘ve got 10\10 again?
I got it !!. Thank you
Thanks a lot
thanks a lot, nice video nd teachers too
maam rebecca is reaally good teacher i learn more ,i love it.
thank u Rebecca
Thank for usefull video
Good! it´s really good class
i will learn more >> because i’m new in here :\ >>>
thx i understood it
can belive i got 100%!! thanks so much will keep studying
Loved it, I missed one question!
After so many years, I finally understand the embedded questions, thanks
thank you for these useful info :)
I understood this lesson, but I got just 6/10 because it’s a little bit confusing. So I need to practice more, then I’ll be better
thank you teacher and I need you to be a good at english in the futer
i am very happy
nice lessen mam Thanks
thank you so much … i get it now
thank you so much! She’s an excellent teacher.
Rebecca wass sitting on a bench at the bus stop. She was upset because she had missed the bus. she would be late to the school. She wasn’t know when the next bus would be arrive. She asked the next to man;
Do you know when the next bus will come?
The next to man with curious asked that;
Can you tell me why you upset?
She was only upset for that she would be late for her lecture. when she was thinking of these things, another man;
Would you explain why the cat in your bag:)
Rebecca was more surprised and upset.
And the story ends here.
Thank you Rebecca.
I am a Taiwanese English tutor.
The video is awesome and superbly helpful!!
Big thanks!!!
(What a quality English-learning channel!!)
Big thanks again!!
Wow so great!I got 10/10.
Really it is confusing
I don’t how i got 9 of 10 ??
Please, which one is correct: “Hey Mary, What time (does the meeting start? / What time is the meeting starting?”) “At 7:30.”
10 out of 10 thank you rebbeca
Who meets him in the airport?
Who does meet him in the airport?
Fantastic lesson
Thank you
nice, very good and interesting
Do you know where my teacher lives? Did you tell the mother where I went? :) Thank you Rebecca. Happy study
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson but I confused by 6 and 8 questions. I got 80.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
Good lesson! 100%
Thank you for an interesting lecture!
Got it Rebecca, thank you
Thanks a lot.
Thanks it’s very easy to learn
thanks i need to made more questions
You got 7 correct out of 10.
Hi every body
Please change this sentence to embedded
Who is absent?
Could you tell me who …
…who is absent. Without any change. Because for making such question we haven’t changed the place of words, or we haven’t used any helping verbs like: did, do or does.
thank you
thanks Rebecca
thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much. It’s helpful
It is very clear. Thanks!!
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca, I get 100% always
How do I get more practice ?
I got 10/10 but I hope can remember in a conversation
I got 10/10. You’re really a great teacher. I really like to be your student. With you, the lesson is easier to learn.
Thank you Rebecca.
Which one is right
“Why you don’t” or “why don’t you”
thank you techar i like this lesson iwill start to use the embedded question in my next conversation with people . my best wishes for
It’s a good lesson
that was helpful rebecca !! thank you so much !!
Thank you i got 10/10
I got 9/10, I got confused with the first question. But when I read it again I found out what my mistake was. Next time I’ll read the question twice or even more before I answer. Thanks Rebecca, have a nice day!
I watched this video twice on July 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
My bad. I just got 1
Awesome content and very informative as always!
Nice class. All the best.
i got D really thank you rebecca
i got 9/10 ,thank you so much rebecca,it was intersting lesson , i like the way you teaching,you are the best teacher, i have never seen in my life.
I got 10/10.
Thank you! =)