Billy TOLD ME that you wanted to learn this, so I responded with this grammar video! Learn the proper use of reported speech (also called indirect speech), and start using great verbs such as informed, replied and persuaded. Pay attention, because there are some complex grammar rules here! You’ll also learn how to properly use say and tell.
I don’t believe God created you to become a teacher. you should change your career immediately without thinking,
I don’t believe God created him at all.
I belive God created him to be a teacher. He is one of the best EngVid teachers.
the god is existed in our world and he rules everything , nothing happens without his order and he creates all of us whether you agree or not
I respect what you said ( Salma 1995) about god is exist in our world.
I live in USA and the freedom of religion for every one and society that respects and is open to all beliefs and religions. From childhood, I was indoctrinated that religion is between oneself and God and our home country is for all citizens without discrimination based on religion, color, or nationality. In addition, no one should be compelled to follow any religious doctrine or sect, including those who do not follow my way of life. Self respect is of the greatest values the human could live upon.
but my respond was not for you , it was for engVid
What do you want to say ?? What do you mean by living in USA ?what do you mean by all those big words that you have written such as , Racism,Nationality, Citizens,Freedom of religion,Society and your childhood with human . We are in here to improve our English we are not talking in the United Nations please take it easy MR. Basement 3090 , We must thank all teachers for their good efforts .
LOL! Sorry,mr. Moderator, but I couldn’t help
laughing. That’s the famous English sense
of humour.
What’s the value added of your comment? If you don’t like it here, no-one forces you to watch the videos. :)
I’m so sorry (Salmma 1995) please accept my apologies.
انا احب اهل تونس الخضراء
Firstly, I`m not sure that God exist. Secondly, Ben is a really good teacher. And finally, what`s your problem, man? If U don`t like him, just do not watch his lessons!
So so good
Thank you so much . Your lesson is useful for me. My skye is ukrit_2011
Thank you everyone.
Great explanation! Thanks.
Good explanation… %89… :)
I got 7 correct out of 9. I sometimes write like…
ex. She said to me that she got a stomachache and would like to be absent from school. Is it OK?
Or should I write like ‘She told me that she got a stomachache and would like to be absent from school’?
Thank you, Benjamin :)
Excuse me, I will try to answer: the second sentence is correct.
I remember simple rule: tell–somebody and say–something
Thank you, emo53 :)
to tell + someone +something
to say + something + to someone
a) she told me a bad news
b)he said something funny to me
However, I see a mistake in both of your sentences.
If her original words were:
“I HAVE GOT a stomach ache and I would like to be absent from school.”
Then, we need to shift the sentence into Reported Speech as follows:
She said that HAD a stomach ache and would like to be absent from school. (we never shift “would”; have got/have(to)/must -> all shift to “HAD (to)”)
If the Reported Speech were “…she got a stomach ache…,” then her original words should have been: “…I get a stomach ache…,” which is incorrect (Present Simple would be understood as a repeated/habitual action)
If her original words were: “I HAD a stomach ache (this morning) and I would like to …” Then, the sentence in Reported Speech would be as follows:
“She said (to me) that / She told me that she HAD HAD a stomach ache that morning and would like to…”
Hope this is a bit clear now :)
Cheers, David
it’s helpful!!Thank you David~
Thank you, David :)
No prob guys. I just see that I have a mistake in my previous reply. Sorry about that.
It should be “She said that SHE HAD a stomach ache and would like to be absent from school.”
thanks for website)))
hakim shakuri
7 out of 9 .
Thanks Ben for this interesting lesson.
I don’t understand why is:Lili told me that she liked chocolate… the right answer(n°7) We don’t konw who is she talking to.
I thought it was the second to last.
89% , Thanks Benjamin … You’re great ,hats off for you
Everyone said thanked Engvid dude.
Thanks, got 89%.
Abdul Qayum
I got 7 out 9. Great lesson! شكرًا جزيلاً
Thanks Benjamin! I got 89%
Antonio Marcos
thax for clearin my doubts
palakshi nautiyal
9 out of 9. Thanks Benjamin!!!
thank Benjamin, your lesson is very great! I hope you will have many better lessons than this lesson.
6 Out of 9, I need to improve my listening, But alright, practice makes perfect
Anderson nunes
Thanks a million!
Thanks very much :D
I got 8 out of 9. Thank you for this lesson !!
Great and lively explanation! Thx
Thanks……I got89%
Thanks Benjamin … amazing lesson :) .. I got it easily
It’s absolutely useful lesson ! Thank you Benjamin :)
That was quite easy :) I don’t know why you have chosen “level 3-Advanced” :) ?
Marcin S.
here are the answers I got wrong (first) and the correct one (right below)
Lili told me that she likes chocolate ice cream.
Lili told me that she liked chocolate ice cream.
Will: “I enjoyed been a captain.”
Will: “I enjoy being a captain.”
What I didn’t get is: what if Lili was saying something I know is still currently true? And couldn’t Will be talking to me about a passed experience?
I mean: I got the point of the lesson, but is it true in all situations or it was me thinking too much and giving the correct answer to an option which was not included in this lesson?
The answer with Will is wrong, because of the form “been”.
You have a good question, though. There is debate about this. Some people say that you shouldn’t have to shift the tense back if you know it is still true. And in practice, we often do not shift it back. But if you are being tested on your grammar, it is generally considered correct to shift the tense back, even if you know she still likes chocolate. Why? Because you are talking about what she **told** you (in the past), so technically she only **liked** it in the past also. Maybe now she doesn’t. You are reporting what was, not really what is now.
Damn, that’s right!! “been”… I heared people saying it many times and never thought about grammar. Good to know about the second question: always had problems, never got why… untill now!!
I said to everyone who around me that engvid was excellent to learn English
Thanks for all your lessons
7/8 I can do better ;) but thanks for the class… It’s clear to me now.
I got 9 out 9 :)
Thanks !
Thank Benjamin!
Tuan Phung
Great teacher
Exelent lesson. I’ve got 100. But I have a question. Sometimes I notice that present tense is used in reported speech when in itroduction sentence there is the past. I think that is because the action is still going on but I’m not sure. Could you make a lesson on that too, please. Thank you.
how can i see the lesson videos
Mahwish Imran
Our videos are on YouTube, which is blocked in Pakistan. You will need to use Tor or a proxy server.
HI Admin, I am not a new user if you could kindly tell me that why my comment is wating…
your comment has appeared, sir :D
Excellent lesson!
Benjamin! Could you please make a lesson on “want SOMEONE to”, please?
My students think it is so hard and we would be so glad if you could help us.
thank you so much….
got 6/9 need to develop my listening skills :D
Harish Chunchu
Thank you dear Benjamin.
I have got 7 out of 9 . Please add me anyone skype (nizamjg12) for english conversation.
Don’t forget to leave a message. Thanks
I have got 9 out of 9. The 6- th question must be — Josh said that he was sick of running that website. We change this into that.
This could be the answer, but if the person we are talking to knows what we are talking about already (which website), then we can keep it as “this”.
good lesson Benjamin,
thank you so much
I had learned this lesson in school time but I was forgot it,
but thank you so much, Through your lesson I learned it again and revise it too
I am not sure whatever comment I write above, it’s sentence is correct or not
Hi mahidavp,
I am sorry to say but your comment has some grammatical mistakes. Nevertheless, it’s good to see you making an effort :)
keep it up (y)
Thanks a lot what a great lesson.
Thanks you so much.
Hello everybody, my skype is minhtuanxd. Anyone who wants to practice English, addes my nick to improve skill english together. Tks
I really like study Grammar with native teacher
I got 100%. This website was really marvellous. Thanks EngVid Team ^_^
I like your accent,,,thanks for the lesson.
8/9 thank you Benjamin.
I was persuaded by Benji to do the quiz. And look to what happened. 8/9, disgusting, isn’t it, awful. Oh oh, today I’m feeling so, so cockney…
Jorge Pedroso
Thanks Benji! I got all of them correct although I was a bit sceptical about the last one.
Thanks for a good lesson. It’s very clear and the exercise is interesting.
7 out of 9 :)
Thanks for a good lesson. It’s very clear and the exercise is interesting.
Thanks goodness .. I got 8 out of 9 .. I like the way you explains the lesson
Thank you very much.
great lesson from great teacher.
I got 9 correct out of 9
My Skype is ahmad91abuawwad
i need a partner
this is the mine: lompoabdou please add me
100% easy class though. keep it up dude
not easy dear ..all in English are new even renewed again and again…..thx to u….
rafi ghan
How can we report something like the following sentence.
He says I am a doctor.
when we report it is it correct to report it as
He says He is a doctor?
He said that I am a doctor. Isn’t it?
Hi There! Help me kind people))) My question is “Why people sometimes use “Do” before verbs?” example- I do play snooker.
It’s used for emphasis. Example:”You don’t understand what I am saying!” “Yes I do, I do understand what you are saying.”
9 out of 9. Good lesson. Thank you Benjamin.
Angela M.
9 out of 9. Good explanation! Thank you Sensei Benjamin!
i got 7 of 9
from last question understated
i got 7 out 9.Great explanation! Thanks.
It said “You got 9 correct out of 9.
:D” Thank you!
I got 8 out 9 , great class . Tks Benjamin for this video.
Awesome! Thank you so much ;)
gr8 lesson
I got 8 of 9!
I always was frightened of this part of grammar but know I got it well.
Thanks a lot
Thank you, Benjamin! I got 9 out of 9. Precious lesson :)
Konstantyn Yefimov
There’s no ME in the Lilly’s sentence. Is it right?
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you so much you helped me to understand well
heydar Ali
Thanks to help me understand it
William Flores
great! thank you so much:)
Great lesson, Thanks
Oh my gosh! Who said that Benjamin wasn’t a good teacher!!? He is definitely a good teacher. I think he is an excellent teacher,first I had problem with his lessons because I had problem understanding British English. But now, I have no problem. And the subjects that he selects to teach are interesting and he does his job very well.
This lesson was very good. But I want to ask you make another one about this, please. This lesson needs “part two”. Because changing some other tenses in reported speech is not always easy.
Hi Anahita. I agree with you.
Great! Thanks a lot!!
An usefull lesson benjamin:)
gal arnon
i got it. no bounded 9/9
The british accent sounds so good! :D
Thanks a lot , very useful
Thanks a lot, i scored 9/9.
the explanation was good and understood every thing clearly but unfortunately I got 7 out of 9.
over all it was good :)
Wow wow wow , very good lesson . i do like all your lessons
Fatima Qais
Thaaaaanks , I got 100 , it is really goooooood lesson
Fatima Qais
it was enjoyable lesson. i’m glad to get 9 correct of 9. thanks !
thats great.
Well done Benjamin Thnks :)
Great lesson, you all are terrific teachers :)
Melissa Corzo
You’re a great English teacher.
great lesson…thanks a lot…
thank you
osama osama
Thanx Benjamin! I got 9 out of 9 :)
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
One of my first favourite teachers here. Congrats Ben. I like your style very much
i got 100
hakim shakuri
thank you for these great explanation. By the way… i don’t believe religion, only in the true God (refer to Selma)
9 of 9
thanks alot :)
Thank you for a good and useful explanation of the rules of the theme ‘Reported speech’! I learned the rules before, but it is very good to revise them doing the test.
I think it would be better – I have learned the rules before? Not – I learned the rules before.
I’m trying to improve my English through this website. It help me a lot with grammar because I don’t have much time to study at school so I learn here when I’m free anytime, wherever I am. It’s really important part of my improving. Thank
Yihok Chea
OK I my opinion the correct phrase should be : Josh said that he was sick of running (that) website. Please someone recognised the mistake?? I think that in the reported speech this change to that .
weew!! just got lucky! 10/10
very useful…thx:)
I don’t really understand all this lesson, but I’ll try it later. My score was 66 or 69 ( I don’t remember xD ) But it was 6 out 9… D:
10 on10 good lesson .wish me luck on my bac exam
sarah zahra
Nice, 8 of 9
GREAT! 9 of 9 Good lesson Benjamin!!
Hi Benjamin,first of all I’m greatful for your explanation which is clearly.furthermore,this lesson is very useful for any english student,
Well done! I got 9 out of 9 :).
Thank you very much for your efforts teacher Benjamin..
someone told me that engvid was a fantastic site so i have learned many useful topics in english also it gets better and better and prove how much amazing these teacher are :D
You are a very good teacher. Thanks to you, I got 9 right answers
jeeeeeeeez! You wouldn’t believe this, i can speak more fluent than ever
A good lesson, I have got a 89 percent.
thank you for good lesson
I got 8 out of 9 thank u BENJAMIIN and you have a nice accent
thanks teacher
I really want to say because u have tought this lesson in a easy way. U r ma eye opener….
Mayuran kailash
89% , Thanks Benjamin
Aymen Dz
Engvid told me that I got 9 out of 9. That’s great!
Nikki Jwx
i need a partner to speak ….here my skype id sony.hasan5
Nice teacher, I like the way he speaks and explains. Very appropriate language in my opinion. He also reminds me of the actor from series “IT crew”. The same type of people. Well done, Benjamin! Thanks a lot!
Great! The quiz said that I got 9 correct out of 9
good quiz
a good lesson that gave me something else about reported speech . thank you very much Teacher Benjamin !
Thank you
I GOT 9 out of 9, Thank u very much benjamin)))))
Alex Danilenko
I got 9 out of 9. Thank you very much
Briklend Handersson
thanking for teaching english grammer so i can save my valuable money,time
ishwor khakurel
Great! thanks you so much
baxtiar Haji
Isn’s this the correct sentences Josh said that he was sick of running that website.
evelkeen ali
Great!! Thank you verymuch I got 9.
You did a great job Benjamin.I very like you lesson and I always enjoy it. Thank you for remind me about indirect speech and reported speech. (:
Thanks very much. A great lesson. No Doubts. I enjoy it. God Bless you.
I got 9 correct out of 9.
Maria AJ
Very useful lesson. Thank you Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
I got 8 thanks a lot Benjamine
Thank you Benjamin !
Thanks for your lessons! They are really helpful!
Thanks for your Help!
Gilvan Costa
ann ann
Thanks, Benjamin! You’re the best!
But I have a question: Doesn’t test 6 have any mistakes? There’s ‘this’in sentence in reported speech :c
thank you benjamin
mousa aziz
thanks Benjamin .. nice explanation. hope u should change the questions in quiz.
ch bhavana
Hi . Thanks a lot.
Thank you . Regards
9 out of 9. Excellent lesson! Thank you very much.
got fulllll
Christina Thomas
you are fantastic! you make me laugh a lot
Benjamin, a question for you…..i have this example: ‘Open the door,’ he said. Is the comma inside the quotes like in the example or after like: ‘Open the door’,he said.
I got 9/9. thanks a lot for the difference between said and told.
idir amine
I get 9 out 9 , hohow thank you soooo much
Salman Yahiaoui
thank you very much. Your lesson has been a good review
Thank you! I got 9 out of 9. But shuildn’t “tonight” changs to “that night”? thank you in advance.
thank you,great way to explain this lesson
thank you so much for this lesson ^_^. I’ve got 9 out of 9.
Siti Aminah Hadiyanti
You got 8 correct out of 9.
:) >>>> Thanks you your for helping :D
100% :D
Hi Mr. Benjamin, thank you very much. I’ve got 7 correct out of 9.
Thanks Benjamin. Good lesson. I forgot information about this topic, but with your help i recalled it.
9 correct out of 9! Thank You for this lesson!
i got 8 correct out of 9. it seems for me that i moving forward quite.. thanks Benjamin
I got 7 out of 9
I’ll improve
thanks for this lesson
Thankyou! I understand quiet well now, I just have two more questions;
1. “Billy answered with the correct answer.” Was an example in the video, but I don’t see why this is reported speech? Cause ow do you make this direct speech?
2. Another example: “Billy reported to me that you had been naughty.” When do you add “to”? Only with this specific verb or cold you add it to every indirected speech?
verry good lesson, i got 8/9.???
ravindra singh
I have problem in this sentence.
Lili said “I like chocolate ice cream”.
Lili said that she liked chocolate ice cream.
How is this wrong? please help :-)
thank you for thie lesson!
I’m enjoying this site. Scored 9 out of 9?
9/9 thanx Benjamin
but Q7 I think the answer should be
Lili said that she liked chocolate ice cream.
Am i right ?
Khairi Grera
I’ m happy because I got 8/9, good lesson. My friend told me that I’m a good student and I said, ‘My teacher is a better teacher.’
Adilson Veber Moreira
Thanks Benjamin…. An excellent lesson to me..
Thanks Benjamin,you guy did a good job
Thanks, Mr. Benjamim. I got 9 of 9! I’m very happy. With Teacher Benjamin, reported speech is much easier.
Wouldn’t you use double quotes and not single quotes? Please explain
Ops. I got 8 correct out of 9. but surely this lesson gave me some useful information
thank u alot..
sirene younis
woow,I got 9 out of 9,thank you Benjamin for the lesson:)
I got 5 out 9, thanks for this lesson that was very useful for me =)
The teacher said, “Gandhi ji was born in India.”
please tell me the correct Indirect way to say this sentence.
I got 10/10,so great.thank you very much.
thank you !!! I like your lessons)) If I get 7 from IELTS test, I will do something for your site)))
Nur Azatulloeva
I got 9/9 …. you are an excellent teacher
Great lesson!
Vijay Chawla
hi I have enjoyed wıth this site ıt is good to work wıth u :)
Thanks for your video
Maryam Zaky
can anyone improve his English with me. My level is upper intermediate
Maryam Zaky
i got 8 out of 9.
Thanks lot :)
i got 8 out 0f 9.
thanks sir benjamin.
i got 9 on 9
thank you
it heped
I love Benjamin’s classes!!!
Thank you, Benjamin!
Seeing the comments, I’m not so terrible :D (score:8/9).
Lucas Avelino
My friend told me that Benjamin was a great teacher and he’s right :) Thank you for this nice video Benjamin!
Thank’s, Benjamim!
They told me that you were the best i got 100%
what is mean “verb for reporting speech” is mean for other replace the word like “told and said”, please help me
aldo lata soba
good night i want to know about question word order to report indirect questions
little monster
Great lesson, Ben. I got 10/10. I’d like to point out
that your accent is an “extra class.” Totally love it.
Thanks a mill.
Guys, what about past tense? For example._____Billy said ‘I visited that city’.____ Billy said that he had visited that city. Is my reported speech proper?
Just watching this video again and redoing the
I thank you Engvid for having in your staff excellent
teachers like Benjamim as well as all the others.
I thank you all a lot.
I got 10/10. Thank you,Benjamin.
Thanks teacher, It is a great lesson.
Thanks! A great lesson and a great teacher))
Hellow everyone, new comer is here
Hakim Miladi
Thanks Benjamin.
Great. Thank you
Hi Benjamin.
I listen and make the quiz of Engvid, especially off Gill and yours. At the same time I find your and Gill’s accent very beautiful. I don’t know if I can say that, but I find you also very hansom. I’m sorry.
8 out of 9
Thanks a lot for this wonderful lesson
Sorry. I do not think that teaching English is a good profession for you. Ben look at your eyes, you have a problem with something. Anyway all ths best to you.
Yesss 100. Thanks Benjamin.
Thanks a lot Mr. Benjamin.
I am enjoying your teaching method Mr. Alex that was helpful thanks, I’ve got 9/9 on reported speech lesson
I have a 9 out of 9. Great lesson. Best regards from Poland to everyone :). I hope you guys have a great day.
you are such a good teacher thank you for the great explanation
prema ananthi
Thanks Benjamin I got 9/9:)
Nazanin Zahra .T
thank you Ben.
nastiti titis
Billy said, “You are a jerk.”
Doesn’t it become that Billy said I was a jerk?
Or does it depend on to whom Billy said that sentence?
If Billy said to me, it’d be I was?
That was amazing, I really like this quiz.
Rashmi Kaspal
best regards,Benjamin (Kazakhstan 27 Nov2021:)
many thanks
What about the verb and time who change into indirect
POV: your teacher told you to complete the quiz and now you are scrolling through the comment section just because.
Good introductory lesson to reported speech.
hi sir, thanks for your lesson. I want to know more about question 7, “backshift rule” in this kind of grammar confused me a lot. there’s a kind of sentence does not need to use backshift after transforming, they are sentences basing on something real, at present or hobbies. in this case, Lily likes chocolate ice cream, it is a hobby or something exists at present, right?, so why don’t the answer be like: Lily told me that she likes chocolate ice cream.
hope that you will respond me.
why don’t you release some video to talk about these kind of grammar? I feel it’s so interesting.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I don’t believe God created you to become a teacher. you should change your career immediately without thinking,
I don’t believe God created him at all.
I belive God created him to be a teacher. He is one of the best EngVid teachers.
the god is existed in our world and he rules everything , nothing happens without his order and he creates all of us whether you agree or not
I respect what you said ( Salma 1995) about god is exist in our world.
I live in USA and the freedom of religion for every one and society that respects and is open to all beliefs and religions. From childhood, I was indoctrinated that religion is between oneself and God and our home country is for all citizens without discrimination based on religion, color, or nationality. In addition, no one should be compelled to follow any religious doctrine or sect, including those who do not follow my way of life. Self respect is of the greatest values the human could live upon.
but my respond was not for you , it was for engVid
What do you want to say ?? What do you mean by living in USA ?what do you mean by all those big words that you have written such as , Racism,Nationality, Citizens,Freedom of religion,Society and your childhood with human . We are in here to improve our English we are not talking in the United Nations please take it easy MR. Basement 3090 , We must thank all teachers for their good efforts .
LOL! Sorry,mr. Moderator, but I couldn’t help
laughing. That’s the famous English sense
of humour.
What’s the value added of your comment? If you don’t like it here, no-one forces you to watch the videos. :)
I’m so sorry (Salmma 1995) please accept my apologies.
انا احب اهل تونس الخضراء
Firstly, I`m not sure that God exist. Secondly, Ben is a really good teacher. And finally, what`s your problem, man? If U don`t like him, just do not watch his lessons!
So so good
Thank you so much . Your lesson is useful for me. My skye is ukrit_2011
Thank you everyone.
Great explanation! Thanks.
Good explanation… %89… :)
I got 7 correct out of 9. I sometimes write like…
ex. She said to me that she got a stomachache and would like to be absent from school. Is it OK?
Or should I write like ‘She told me that she got a stomachache and would like to be absent from school’?
Thank you, Benjamin :)
Excuse me, I will try to answer: the second sentence is correct.
I remember simple rule: tell–somebody and say–something
Thank you, emo53 :)
to tell + someone +something
to say + something + to someone
a) she told me a bad news
b)he said something funny to me
see you soon, Mr Emo 56
To start with, both forms (said to me that/told me that) are correct. Check out e.g. this page :
However, I see a mistake in both of your sentences.
If her original words were:
“I HAVE GOT a stomach ache and I would like to be absent from school.”
Then, we need to shift the sentence into Reported Speech as follows:
She said that HAD a stomach ache and would like to be absent from school. (we never shift “would”; have got/have(to)/must -> all shift to “HAD (to)”)
If the Reported Speech were “…she got a stomach ache…,” then her original words should have been: “…I get a stomach ache…,” which is incorrect (Present Simple would be understood as a repeated/habitual action)
If her original words were: “I HAD a stomach ache (this morning) and I would like to …” Then, the sentence in Reported Speech would be as follows:
“She said (to me) that / She told me that she HAD HAD a stomach ache that morning and would like to…”
Hope this is a bit clear now :)
Cheers, David
it’s helpful!!Thank you David~
Thank you, David :)
No prob guys. I just see that I have a mistake in my previous reply. Sorry about that.
It should be “She said that SHE HAD a stomach ache and would like to be absent from school.”
thanks for website)))
7 out of 9 .
Thanks Ben for this interesting lesson.
I don’t understand why is:Lili told me that she liked chocolate… the right answer(n°7) We don’t konw who is she talking to.
I thought it was the second to last.
89% , Thanks Benjamin … You’re great ,hats off for you
Everyone said thanked Engvid dude.
Thanks, got 89%.
I got 7 out 9. Great lesson! شكرًا جزيلاً
Thanks Benjamin! I got 89%
thax for clearin my doubts
9 out of 9. Thanks Benjamin!!!
thank Benjamin, your lesson is very great! I hope you will have many better lessons than this lesson.
6 Out of 9, I need to improve my listening, But alright, practice makes perfect
Thanks a million!
Thanks very much :D
I got 8 out of 9. Thank you for this lesson !!
Great and lively explanation! Thx
Thanks……I got89%
Thanks Benjamin … amazing lesson :) .. I got it easily
It’s absolutely useful lesson ! Thank you Benjamin :)
That was quite easy :) I don’t know why you have chosen “level 3-Advanced” :) ?
here are the answers I got wrong (first) and the correct one (right below)
Lili told me that she likes chocolate ice cream.
Lili told me that she liked chocolate ice cream.
Will: “I enjoyed been a captain.”
Will: “I enjoy being a captain.”
What I didn’t get is: what if Lili was saying something I know is still currently true? And couldn’t Will be talking to me about a passed experience?
I mean: I got the point of the lesson, but is it true in all situations or it was me thinking too much and giving the correct answer to an option which was not included in this lesson?
The answer with Will is wrong, because of the form “been”.
You have a good question, though. There is debate about this. Some people say that you shouldn’t have to shift the tense back if you know it is still true. And in practice, we often do not shift it back. But if you are being tested on your grammar, it is generally considered correct to shift the tense back, even if you know she still likes chocolate. Why? Because you are talking about what she **told** you (in the past), so technically she only **liked** it in the past also. Maybe now she doesn’t. You are reporting what was, not really what is now.
Damn, that’s right!! “been”… I heared people saying it many times and never thought about grammar. Good to know about the second question: always had problems, never got why… untill now!!
I said to everyone who around me that engvid was excellent to learn English
Thanks for all your lessons
7/8 I can do better ;) but thanks for the class… It’s clear to me now.
I got 9 out 9 :)
Thanks !
Thank Benjamin!
Great teacher
Exelent lesson. I’ve got 100. But I have a question. Sometimes I notice that present tense is used in reported speech when in itroduction sentence there is the past. I think that is because the action is still going on but I’m not sure. Could you make a lesson on that too, please. Thank you.
how can i see the lesson videos
Our videos are on YouTube, which is blocked in Pakistan. You will need to use Tor or a proxy server.
HI Admin, I am not a new user if you could kindly tell me that why my comment is wating…
your comment has appeared, sir :D
Excellent lesson!
Benjamin! Could you please make a lesson on “want SOMEONE to”, please?
My students think it is so hard and we would be so glad if you could help us.
thank you so much….
got 6/9 need to develop my listening skills :D
Thank you dear Benjamin.
I have got 7 out of 9 . Please add me anyone skype (nizamjg12) for english conversation.
Don’t forget to leave a message. Thanks
I have got 9 out of 9. The 6- th question must be — Josh said that he was sick of running that website. We change this into that.
This could be the answer, but if the person we are talking to knows what we are talking about already (which website), then we can keep it as “this”.
good lesson Benjamin,
thank you so much
I had learned this lesson in school time but I was forgot it,
but thank you so much, Through your lesson I learned it again and revise it too
I am not sure whatever comment I write above, it’s sentence is correct or not
Hi mahidavp,
I am sorry to say but your comment has some grammatical mistakes. Nevertheless, it’s good to see you making an effort :)
keep it up (y)
Thanks a lot what a great lesson.
Thanks you so much.
Hello everybody, my skype is minhtuanxd. Anyone who wants to practice English, addes my nick to improve skill english together. Tks
I really like study Grammar with native teacher
I got 100%. This website was really marvellous. Thanks EngVid Team ^_^
I like your accent,,,thanks for the lesson.
8/9 thank you Benjamin.
I was persuaded by Benji to do the quiz. And look to what happened. 8/9, disgusting, isn’t it, awful. Oh oh, today I’m feeling so, so cockney…
Thanks Benji! I got all of them correct although I was a bit sceptical about the last one.
Thanks for a good lesson. It’s very clear and the exercise is interesting.
7 out of 9 :)
Thanks for a good lesson. It’s very clear and the exercise is interesting.
Thanks goodness .. I got 8 out of 9 .. I like the way you explains the lesson
Thank you very much.
great lesson from great teacher.
I got 9 correct out of 9
My Skype is ahmad91abuawwad
i need a partner
this is the mine: lompoabdou please add me
100% easy class though. keep it up dude
not easy dear ..all in English are new even renewed again and again…..thx to u….
How can we report something like the following sentence.
He says I am a doctor.
when we report it is it correct to report it as
He says He is a doctor?
He said that I am a doctor. Isn’t it?
Hi There! Help me kind people))) My question is “Why people sometimes use “Do” before verbs?” example- I do play snooker.
It’s used for emphasis. Example:”You don’t understand what I am saying!” “Yes I do, I do understand what you are saying.”
9 out of 9. Good lesson. Thank you Benjamin.
9 out of 9. Good explanation! Thank you Sensei Benjamin!
i got 7 of 9
from last question understated
i got 7 out 9.Great explanation! Thanks.
It said “You got 9 correct out of 9.
:D” Thank you!
I got 8 out 9 , great class . Tks Benjamin for this video.
Awesome! Thank you so much ;)
gr8 lesson
I got 8 of 9!
I always was frightened of this part of grammar but know I got it well.
Thanks a lot
Thank you, Benjamin! I got 9 out of 9. Precious lesson :)
There’s no ME in the Lilly’s sentence. Is it right?
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you so much you helped me to understand well
Thanks to help me understand it
great! thank you so much:)
Great lesson, Thanks
Oh my gosh! Who said that Benjamin wasn’t a good teacher!!? He is definitely a good teacher. I think he is an excellent teacher,first I had problem with his lessons because I had problem understanding British English. But now, I have no problem. And the subjects that he selects to teach are interesting and he does his job very well.
This lesson was very good. But I want to ask you make another one about this, please. This lesson needs “part two”. Because changing some other tenses in reported speech is not always easy.
Hi Anahita. I agree with you.
Great! Thanks a lot!!
An usefull lesson benjamin:)
i got it. no bounded 9/9
The british accent sounds so good! :D
Thanks a lot , very useful
Thanks a lot, i scored 9/9.
the explanation was good and understood every thing clearly but unfortunately I got 7 out of 9.
over all it was good :)
Wow wow wow , very good lesson . i do like all your lessons
Thaaaaanks , I got 100 , it is really goooooood lesson
it was enjoyable lesson. i’m glad to get 9 correct of 9. thanks !
thats great.
Well done Benjamin Thnks :)
Great lesson, you all are terrific teachers :)
You’re a great English teacher.
great lesson…thanks a lot…
thank you
Thanx Benjamin! I got 9 out of 9 :)
Good day everyone!
Maybe you’re looking some ways to improve your speaking skills. Interacting,chatting or even good conversations with others are very effective ways to meet that objective and through voice chat everyone can make that possible.
Here’s my skype: gonn53
You’re welcome!
One of my first favourite teachers here. Congrats Ben. I like your style very much
i got 100
thank you for these great explanation. By the way… i don’t believe religion, only in the true God (refer to Selma)
9 of 9
thanks alot :)
Thank you for a good and useful explanation of the rules of the theme ‘Reported speech’! I learned the rules before, but it is very good to revise them doing the test.
I think it would be better – I have learned the rules before? Not – I learned the rules before.
I’m trying to improve my English through this website. It help me a lot with grammar because I don’t have much time to study at school so I learn here when I’m free anytime, wherever I am. It’s really important part of my improving. Thank
OK I my opinion the correct phrase should be : Josh said that he was sick of running (that) website. Please someone recognised the mistake?? I think that in the reported speech this change to that .
weew!! just got lucky! 10/10
very useful…thx:)
I don’t really understand all this lesson, but I’ll try it later. My score was 66 or 69 ( I don’t remember xD ) But it was 6 out 9… D:
10 on10 good lesson .wish me luck on my bac exam
Nice, 8 of 9
GREAT! 9 of 9 Good lesson Benjamin!!
Hi Benjamin,first of all I’m greatful for your explanation which is clearly.furthermore,this lesson is very useful for any english student,
Well done! I got 9 out of 9 :).
Thank you very much for your efforts teacher Benjamin..
someone told me that engvid was a fantastic site so i have learned many useful topics in english also it gets better and better and prove how much amazing these teacher are :D
You are a very good teacher. Thanks to you, I got 9 right answers
jeeeeeeeez! You wouldn’t believe this, i can speak more fluent than ever
A good lesson, I have got a 89 percent.
thank you for good lesson
I got 8 out of 9 thank u BENJAMIIN and you have a nice accent
thanks teacher
I really want to say because u have tought this lesson in a easy way. U r ma eye opener….
89% , Thanks Benjamin
Engvid told me that I got 9 out of 9. That’s great!
i need a partner to speak ….here my skype id sony.hasan5
Nice teacher, I like the way he speaks and explains. Very appropriate language in my opinion. He also reminds me of the actor from series “IT crew”. The same type of people. Well done, Benjamin! Thanks a lot!
Great! The quiz said that I got 9 correct out of 9
good quiz
a good lesson that gave me something else about reported speech . thank you very much Teacher Benjamin !
Thank you
I GOT 9 out of 9, Thank u very much benjamin)))))
I got 9 out of 9. Thank you very much
thanking for teaching english grammer so i can save my valuable money,time
Great! thanks you so much
Isn’s this the correct sentences Josh said that he was sick of running that website.
Great!! Thank you verymuch I got 9.
You did a great job Benjamin.I very like you lesson and I always enjoy it. Thank you for remind me about indirect speech and reported speech. (:
Thanks very much. A great lesson. No Doubts. I enjoy it. God Bless you.
I got 9 correct out of 9.
Very useful lesson. Thank you Benjamin!
I got 8 thanks a lot Benjamine
Thank you Benjamin !
Thanks for your lessons! They are really helpful!
Thanks for your Help!
Thanks, Benjamin! You’re the best!
But I have a question: Doesn’t test 6 have any mistakes? There’s ‘this’in sentence in reported speech :c
thank you benjamin
thanks Benjamin .. nice explanation. hope u should change the questions in quiz.
Hi . Thanks a lot.
Thank you . Regards
9 out of 9. Excellent lesson! Thank you very much.
got fulllll
you are fantastic! you make me laugh a lot
Benjamin, a question for you…..i have this example: ‘Open the door,’ he said. Is the comma inside the quotes like in the example or after like: ‘Open the door’,he said.
I got 9/9. thanks a lot for the difference between said and told.
I get 9 out 9 , hohow thank you soooo much
thank you very much. Your lesson has been a good review
Thank you! I got 9 out of 9. But shuildn’t “tonight” changs to “that night”? thank you in advance.
thank you,great way to explain this lesson
thank you so much for this lesson ^_^. I’ve got 9 out of 9.
You got 8 correct out of 9.
:) >>>> Thanks you your for helping :D
100% :D
Hi Mr. Benjamin, thank you very much. I’ve got 7 correct out of 9.
Thanks Benjamin. Good lesson. I forgot information about this topic, but with your help i recalled it.
9 correct out of 9! Thank You for this lesson!
i got 8 correct out of 9. it seems for me that i moving forward quite.. thanks Benjamin
I got 7 out of 9
I’ll improve
thanks for this lesson
Thankyou! I understand quiet well now, I just have two more questions;
1. “Billy answered with the correct answer.” Was an example in the video, but I don’t see why this is reported speech? Cause ow do you make this direct speech?
2. Another example: “Billy reported to me that you had been naughty.” When do you add “to”? Only with this specific verb or cold you add it to every indirected speech?
verry good lesson, i got 8/9.???
I have problem in this sentence.
Lili said “I like chocolate ice cream”.
Lili said that she liked chocolate ice cream.
How is this wrong? please help :-)
thank you for thie lesson!
I’m enjoying this site. Scored 9 out of 9?
9/9 thanx Benjamin
but Q7 I think the answer should be
Lili said that she liked chocolate ice cream.
Am i right ?
I’ m happy because I got 8/9, good lesson. My friend told me that I’m a good student and I said, ‘My teacher is a better teacher.’
Thanks Benjamin…. An excellent lesson to me..
Thanks Benjamin,you guy did a good job
Thanks, Mr. Benjamim. I got 9 of 9! I’m very happy. With Teacher Benjamin, reported speech is much easier.
Wouldn’t you use double quotes and not single quotes? Please explain
Ops. I got 8 correct out of 9. but surely this lesson gave me some useful information
thank u alot..
woow,I got 9 out of 9,thank you Benjamin for the lesson:)
I got 5 out 9, thanks for this lesson that was very useful for me =)
The teacher said, “Gandhi ji was born in India.”
please tell me the correct Indirect way to say this sentence.
I got 10/10,so great.thank you very much.
thank you !!! I like your lessons)) If I get 7 from IELTS test, I will do something for your site)))
I got 9/9 …. you are an excellent teacher
Great lesson!
hi I have enjoyed wıth this site ıt is good to work wıth u :)
Thanks for your video
can anyone improve his English with me. My level is upper intermediate
i got 8 out of 9.
Thanks lot :)
i got 8 out 0f 9.
thanks sir benjamin.
i got 9 on 9
thank you
it heped
I love Benjamin’s classes!!!
Thank you, Benjamin!
Seeing the comments, I’m not so terrible :D (score:8/9).
My friend told me that Benjamin was a great teacher and he’s right :) Thank you for this nice video Benjamin!
Thank’s, Benjamim!
They told me that you were the best i got 100%
what is mean “verb for reporting speech” is mean for other replace the word like “told and said”, please help me
good night i want to know about question word order to report indirect questions
Great lesson, Ben. I got 10/10. I’d like to point out
that your accent is an “extra class.” Totally love it.
Thanks a mill.
Guys, what about past tense? For example._____Billy said ‘I visited that city’.____ Billy said that he had visited that city. Is my reported speech proper?
Just watching this video again and redoing the
I thank you Engvid for having in your staff excellent
teachers like Benjamim as well as all the others.
I thank you all a lot.
I got 10/10. Thank you,Benjamin.
Thanks teacher, It is a great lesson.
Thanks! A great lesson and a great teacher))
Hellow everyone, new comer is here
Thanks Benjamin.
Great. Thank you
Hi Benjamin.
I listen and make the quiz of Engvid, especially off Gill and yours. At the same time I find your and Gill’s accent very beautiful. I don’t know if I can say that, but I find you also very hansom. I’m sorry.
8 out of 9
Thanks a lot for this wonderful lesson
Sorry. I do not think that teaching English is a good profession for you. Ben look at your eyes, you have a problem with something. Anyway all ths best to you.
Yesss 100. Thanks Benjamin.
Thanks a lot Mr. Benjamin.
I am enjoying your teaching method Mr. Alex that was helpful thanks, I’ve got 9/9 on reported speech lesson
I have a 9 out of 9. Great lesson. Best regards from Poland to everyone :). I hope you guys have a great day.
I got 10 out of 10. Wonderful.
Thanks to this, I have successfully answered all
thank Benjamin
Thanks Benjamin!
Thank you brother!
cheers mate!
Thank you!
you are such a good teacher thank you for the great explanation
Thanks Benjamin I got 9/9:)
thank you Ben.
Billy said, “You are a jerk.”
Doesn’t it become that Billy said I was a jerk?
Or does it depend on to whom Billy said that sentence?
If Billy said to me, it’d be I was?
That was amazing, I really like this quiz.
best regards,Benjamin (Kazakhstan 27 Nov2021:)
many thanks
What about the verb and time who change into indirect
POV: your teacher told you to complete the quiz and now you are scrolling through the comment section just because.
Good introductory lesson to reported speech.
hi sir, thanks for your lesson. I want to know more about question 7, “backshift rule” in this kind of grammar confused me a lot. there’s a kind of sentence does not need to use backshift after transforming, they are sentences basing on something real, at present or hobbies. in this case, Lily likes chocolate ice cream, it is a hobby or something exists at present, right?, so why don’t the answer be like: Lily told me that she likes chocolate ice cream.
hope that you will respond me.
why don’t you release some video to talk about these kind of grammar? I feel it’s so interesting.
I got 8 out of 9
very good class