and I
” or “I and
Alex”? Is it okay to say “My mom and me
” at the beginning of a sentence? These are the types of common grammar questions that you will learn the answer to in this lesson about English pronoun order. I review subject and object pronouns, and then go into detail about HOW and WHERE to use them in a sentence. You will learn more than just the basics, as I tell you what is correct, but also tell you what many people actually say. Watch, then test your understanding by doing the quiz!
In the Russian language the order of pronouns is not important. I was glad to hear that sometimes in every day speech even English native speakers break these rules. Bot I will try to follow these rules
I’m mad keen on boosting my speaking. However, it isn’t a walk in the park.
I’m fascinated to see a learner who’s into brushing his/her speaking up. Thank you.
My WhatsApp number is: +8801812788727.
Dear Alex, thanks for this grammar lesson. I remember an old summer song of the 70s. Me and you and a dog named Boo. That was kind of an earworm, nice tune.
But I will follow your suggestion according to Collins Dictionary.
Thank you for your class.~~
It is kind of amazing and educational lesson, thank you very much . Mr. Alex.
Thank you Alex for the lesson.
I told my friend. He and I will always support you
I enjoy it the lesson! danke
Hi Alex,
Thanks a lot for this great lesson. What is the correct order if the sentence contains a mix of subject pronouns, proper people’s names, and a pet’s name?
Really nice course thx
In Spanish we have a phrase for that: El burro siempre se cuenta de ultimo hahaha, we always use the first person at the end, it’s good to know that in English it’s the same.
I loved this class thanks a lot.
Thanks for lesson. <3
Thank you, it was wonderful lesson…
Excellent class
I am from Minnesota.
it’s great
10/10 :)
Thank you for your lesson!
Great Teacher !!!
I didn’t know the last three rules. Thanks !!!
Thank you.
Got 70%.
thank you Mr. alex
Thank you so much, Teacher Alex.
i have got 100%
Wow Alex, Thanks :)for the lesson.