To get a higher score on the IELTS Writing test, it’s important to know what the examiners are looking for and how they score your summary, letter, and essay. In this video, we review the 4 scoring criteria and discuss tips on how to get the best results in each. After watching this video, you will be familiar with the scoring criteria of Task Achievement & Task Response, Cohesion & Coherence, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range & Accuracy. You will learn what each of these mean exactly, what examiners care about when they score your work according to the criteria, and where you should focus your study efforts.
thanks a lot,Mr.Adam for this video
due to this lesson where we should focus our study efforts to get the best results in IELTS Writing and
so far so good
Let me see where this information takes me. Why when clicking on the assignments it goes to a search that doesn’t allow me access to what I thought was the assignments on your far left side.I have to look for the assignment?
Hi Roshanda,
I’m not sure what you mean by assignment. There is a quiz below the video on this site.
Is that what you meant?
Thanks for this lesson of how to get a better score.
8/10 Thanks for the lesson
Thanks everyone :)
Special thanks to you Mr Adams for this video. It changed the way I used to look to the IELTS writting test.
Thank you dear teacher 🌹🌹
sir pls can u help me with some pass question papers of ielts exam i really enjoy your class
Thank you 🌹
omaimahussien 28166
The book is out of print. When will you publish it again? Thanks for your attention.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam! Thank you so much for this amazing video which I’m sure will help me ace my IELTS! How can I buy your book? It is not available on Amazon Colombia. Cheers.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks a lot,Mr.Adam for this video
due to this lesson where we should focus our study efforts to get the best results in IELTS Writing and
so far so good
Let me see where this information takes me. Why when clicking on the assignments it goes to a search that doesn’t allow me access to what I thought was the assignments on your far left side.I have to look for the assignment?
Hi Roshanda,
I’m not sure what you mean by assignment. There is a quiz below the video on this site.
Is that what you meant?
Thanks for this lesson of how to get a better score.
8/10 Thanks for the lesson
Thanks everyone :)
Special thanks to you Mr Adams for this video. It changed the way I used to look to the IELTS writting test.
Thank you dear teacher 🌹🌹
sir pls can u help me with some pass question papers of ielts exam i really enjoy your class
Thank you 🌹
The book is out of print. When will you publish it again? Thanks for your attention.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam! Thank you so much for this amazing video which I’m sure will help me ace my IELTS! How can I buy your book? It is not available on Amazon Colombia. Cheers.
6/10 :((((( I will try harder next time
It is a great lesson, keep going.