What if you DON’T want to have a conversation? How can you STOP talking with someone annoying? What can you do to AVOID talking with people? Watch this lesson to learn the WORST social conversation skills! If you want to improve your English conversation skills, don’t follow ANY of the tips in this lesson
Be careful with your comments, Mr. Duarte! You won’t like to be mocked in the future.
Can I be your friend?
can i make friend with you?
i am friend give me skype or facebook
issam aza
Haha :D
hi everyone! please add my facebook account to practise more fb.com/ntbchau. hoping that you’ll contact me soon
I got 100%.
Thanks Ronnie! Your classes are always very nice and funny!
Usually, I don’t like to talk when I wake up.
And I want so much to interact when people of Vancouver talk with me. Because I’ll move to Vancouver in August, but I’m not confident to talk many things. But your classes are helping me!
Thanks Ron!!
tanks ronny
Hey Ronnie! I was really surprised by the name of this lesson) Nevertheless, that’s a good idea! Next time when I might see you walking your dog, I will be more carefull to start talking to you ;)
I got 89 points thanks
Hi Ronnie, if I see you walking your dog (I’ll try and to have a conversation with the dog) and buy you a cup of coffee… only kidding!!. I really enjoyed the lesson… Thanks :-)
Sorry grammatical error! (I’ll try to have a conversation with the dog)
hello, can i make friend with you?i want to improve skill communication english. i’m gonna fun if you agree make friend with me.
My score was perfect! Thank you Ronnie :D
I want to learn about sports in Canada and American
I got 100
Ronnie Mam ! could you teach me about arts in Canada and British.
Ronnie Mam ! could you teach me about arts in Canada and British.<3
it’s my 2nd time i hit 100%. : ] …story to it – i’ll try to keep it short: last friday i was on a meeting and i wanted to get into a conversation with someone who sells cars ( guess his car is white ), but a person did sit next to me. i talked this person away kind of. then took the persons chair – the person did sit down somewhere else anyways. when i have been in the conversation i wanted – i didn’t want other people to join the conversation, i let them speak though, but i used a distinct facial expression to give them a sign to stay out, expect one, a phd’ler. even in that conversation i talked about the last meeting and did let the others know that i have been pissed (sry that word) of by them indirectly, because – i guess – they listened a bit. i have been only 5-10sec. out of this convo, because i thought to have seen someone and was breathless kind of that seconds.
*<( : ]
Beneficial, as always…Thanks Ronnie..
Atif Khan
teacher I love your way!!! :)
Thank you, Ronnie!
u have great sense of humor, love it!
thnk u ronnie
Thank you very much for this wonderful experience.
10/10 great,
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you teacher, you’r awesome :D
hi ronnie, i hate a long conversation and now i now how to avoid it thanks
Abdullah yousuf seman
Many thanks Ronnie,this lesson has been very amusing. You are great!
Good lesson and nice topic. Hi from Greece!
Hi Ronnie! you are an excellent teacher!
Ronnie, I loved your way of teaching!
i got 100 %
I got 100,Thank you Ronnie :)
Vusal Ali
ali mohamed2020
I GET 67
ali mohamed2020
Hahaha!!!The lesson was very funny! Thanks, Ronnie.
Very unusual, but still useful lesson.
10/10 Thanks Ronnie! Very useful
thank you, Ronnie!
Thank you, Ronnie. Very interesting video. 9 from 9 rigth answers :)
Amazing class!!!
Great. I got 10/10.
Sometimes we need just like these ways to avoid someone who blab very much.
Thank you Ronnie. I hope you accept me on Facebook, I’ve already sent you a friend request.
That is for me Ronnie I think you made this lesson to people like me ´cuz I try avoid boring chat with everyone in everywhere in anytime of everyday.Is there some wrong with me?
thanks a lot for this helpful vidoe , it’s easy to understand . I got 100 ^_^
Ronnie congratulations… You are a great teacher
Very nice!!! Ronnie, i enjoy all your videos!!! They’re awesome!!! Thank you so much!!!
You are really great at it!
thanks ronnie.once i tried to pretend some bdy am on ph.the person i was trying to avoid told me your ph is ringing u r getting a call lol…..
Very well 8/9
thanks a lot.
ninh thi ly
Ronnie, I love your lessons! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! Kisses form Brazil! By the way, I always avoid a conversation in the morning. I hate waking up early! So, please, if you meet me in the morning, do not talk to me, or I will have to pick my nose!
thanks a lot. i am exciting with it
ninh thi ly
Oh God Ronnie, you’re funny! Always keep your good mood! (:
Exelent class I hope to watch more video about it, thanks Ronnie.
I got 100%. you are great.
I got 100%. Many thanks for your lesson Ronnie.
I couldn’t keep a straight face when i watched it.:D
Kate Pham
Tnx teacher! 100%!
most of people here talking about getting on 100% , although the quiz top score is 90 % :D
thanks ronnie you have a unique method you’ve made me cheer up this morning :*
warm regards i love u :) byeeeeee
I am waiting for my answer please.
how long it going to take time.thanks
Thanks, excelent Teacher!!
Thanks Ronnie. I didn’t study but I got 8 out of 9 in your quiz.
Thank you Ronnie.
thanks ronnie . i got 100% :D AN I AM SO HAPPY :)
I need to speak with you in English language ,, but how ?
Thanks a lot Ronnie, i hope that with the the phone which drop down everything well. )) Good Luck
9 good answers out of 9, which means 100%
My outer expression is completely different than my inner, lol.
I am passive but i look aggressive!!!!
thank you for this lesson, i find it very helpful.
hello, can i make friend with you?
thanks a lot teacher
many thx Teacher! I really love your teaching that makes me love English too!
thank you very much
thanks ..;)
Ronnie a love you!!!! thanks alot for yours videos.
You are excellent, i was enjoy this lesson
Orange glasses
Another tip : Laugh at things you say that aren’t really jokes at all
thanks ^^
Mohammad Sublaban
Thanhs very much Ronnie.
Ha ha,I am watching your lesson first time,very positive,yo’re wonderful Ronnie! :)
Thanks Ronnie, uou’re a very good teacher.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re a very good teacher.
I use to take out my cell phone starting text someone of just surf the internet in such cases but unfortunately there are some people who never get it (
I got 100!!!! Thank you Ronnie!!
Ben Bob
how can i download this vide?
Excellent lesson!! :-D You always makes me laugh. I would love to have a beer with you, maybe more than one but only if you wanted to speak with me :-D and I promise I will not mumble or look at something else. All the best Ronnie :)
for the funny video, thank you.
Very smart and provocative lesson, Ronnie. Thanks a lot.
Luiz Alberto
I’m new here.Wow this is cool website!
Thanks teacher.
Thanks this lesson!
Keempol Dimaranan
you are awesome …
May I ask a question which is surely out of this
Topic!! But plz help me students
If someone says ” u r pretty aren’t u??” What
Does it mean??? And how we can reply of this question
?? Thnkew
‘You are pretty, aren’t you?’ is the same that I say for you that you’re pretty, and after ask for you if you are or no. You can answer this question saying: ‘Yes, I am’ or ‘I’m pretty’. You can use Question Tags ever that you want to do this, as:
‘You are my soldier. Don’t you?’
‘Mary works in Paris. Doesn’t she?’
‘It is very far. Isn’t it?’
I hope that I help you with the question tags! :)
100 hahaha … you made me smile… I hope I won’t meet you in the morning with your dog… uups
Thanks Ronnie.
You’re The Best!!!
But if you use these tips then could you appear a bit rude?
hi ronnie , my first 100%, thank youuuuuuuuu
Thanks,so much. This page is great!! Thanks Ronnie!
You need to be very careful with this type of behavior and I recommend that we try to be friendly and polite even when we do not want. Some years ago, I attended the course of Sergeant Major in the U.S. Army and one day, while filling my car at a gas station on the way to the Academy, an old man approached me behind my back and called me “boy”. That day I was kinda bored and hear someone calling me “boy” made me even more, and without looking back I spoke in a loud and gruff voice , ” What’s up man ? He said nothing, just stood behind me waiting for me turn, and when I turned it he extended his hand to me and looking me in the eyes thanked me for being there , “defending his country.” I was just a student and was not participating in any military operation, but the old man was a veteran of WW2 and when he saw me wearing the uniform of my country thought I was… Until today I feel very ashamed of having been rude to that man …
Wow. I can guess how you’re ashamed now. My uncle was a U.S. Army Major and he calls me as ‘boy’ or ‘little boy’ every time. This is for question about respect! I guess that you won’t find him again with a good impression.
thanks ronnie
I really love the way you teach, Ronnie. Although you are teaching how to avoid a conversation, I realize myself how to make a conversation with a great manner. Because sometime I have done those kind of behavior such as texting a message when I was talking with someone even though I am pleased to talk with them.
Sorry for many grammatical errors.
I really love the way you teach, Ronnie. Although you are teaching how to avoid a conversation, I realize myself how to make a conversation with good manners. Because sometimes I have done those kind of behaviors such as texting a message while I was talking with someone even though I was pleased to talk with them.
Thanks Ronnie! I wer
we love you~ take care ronnie
Gloria Lee
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
take care
Ronnie you’re very nice teacher.
really i can understand your English i really like it when you speak little slow GoD bless you
lafaw barber
hanks Rannie , it is very good to understand english culture , i think that it’s not diffrent from my own
ahaha i got 100%
thanks Ronnie. you are the most amazing teacher i’ve ever seen
I got 100..Thanks Ronnie
I love you so much :)
Do you have a Facebook?
hi imane where are you from
I am from safi
youssef 01
thank u
thanks i got 69%
Yeh,I got 100,I love you Ronnie,You so funny and you make me understand english more than befor.Thank
I got 100% Thanks ma’am Ronnie! Your classes are always very nice and funny!
Usually, I like to talk when I see the English people cause i like them and i like English language
100 %.
Hey students… please do not listen to this mess.. it is a great lesson on HOW TO BE RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS AND PERHAPS EVEN CRAZY… but it will hardly help you learn how to avoid a conversation. How about teaching useful expressions that directly communicate that you are busy at the moment, or how about “I’m sorry, I am not in the mood to talk right now, nothing personal. Have a nice day…” … this topic was hardly worth a video and could have been dealt with by teaching 2 to 3 POLITE expressions… SMH
Thanks a lot. It is was useful.
Ronnie thanks)
Hi,i’m sorry for my mistakes ,but i want ask you out your lesson . what different between other and another? could answer me for asap? and thank you.
You are great, Ronnie!
I forgot the dog’s name
Thank Ronnie You are great teacher. *_*
Hello dear Ronnie
I hope everything goes well around you. Thank you sooo much because of the great lessons!
May you please guide us to follow a good method for learning english (self study) in one of your videos??
You know whenever I’m going to start studying and learning it , I see I
have a load of books , a lot of lessons , different sources and they make me totally confused!!!
and at last I leave it and at the moment I’m really dissapointed :( please help me!!!
I agree! 100%!
Thank you!
thanks Ronnie !
I’m confused Ronnie. If this lesson was your special way of teaching people how to keep up a conversation (don’t do some stupid primitive mistakes guys) than that was a great lesson.
Oops…I made a mistake. Of course we MAKE MISTAKES sometimes, don’t DO them.
Ja ja ja ja… thank you, Ronnie! an interesting and humorous lesson
well well mam ,you done a really a great job,you not only taught how to avoid conversation if u dont want ,but also how to have conversation if u want that too in effective way .When i watched you’re video i laughed many times you really have great skill of teaching in healthy environment.
I am sorry I can’t see the videos . What can I do ? Please help me .
Thank you Teacher !
Tnks Ronnie!
Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ronnie! I love your techin stile
Thanks)))I didn’t know that lesson could be so funny
Thanks for this fantastic lesson.
i don’t speak English well, i want to practice. my skyp name: tuananh300988. who want to practice with me?
No problem. it was great for me to practice English. I am going to download sky.
thank you so much teacher Ronnie. you are so cool and your lessons interesting. thank you again.
bilguun mgl
thank you so much ronni
Thanks a lot for your good work .
I need you to illustrate the difference between the short (oo) like (wood) and the long (oo) like (moon) and I ask you if there a rule .
100%!! thanks ronnie :)
Thank you Ronnie, your way of teaching is really great I like it.
laughing all the time watching ^^
thanks… your lessons are a good way to learn english. my point is %100 :)
you are hilarious Ronnie
Thanks. You are excellent, as usually
I got 100%. Thanks Ronnie. I think your face expression is fantastic :)
Hakuna Matata
I got 100% :)
Ho Tri Thuc
Thanks. I got 100%
I also laughed a lot with the lesson :D
fun machine, YOU R GREAT
Ha ha, I like the lesson. Thank Ronnie.
I got 89%.
Thanks Ronnie.
Hello Teacher. I’m Ammy from Peru and you help me a lot. But I have one doubt i don’t understand the difference of meet and know
Thanks teacher a lot! You gift me a long distance step to improve English. I’ll follow U. ur action is so meaning.
Shallow Royal
Thanks Ronnie lesson is good for my life. Thanks a lot.
Thanks again
Thanks. Newbie here got only 89. I don’t know if Ronnie has a dog. hahaha
Ronnie you’re the best. I just love & admire the way you explain things for English learners like me. Looking forward to learn more..
Thanks a lot. The best form to avoid a conversation: don´t look the person, don´t you?
Thank ur are my best teacher
I got 100. Thanks Mrs Ronnie, I’m enjoyed to watching every section of yours :)
Ratna Decil
Hey Ronnie your class is very interesting. I love it :*
Stephanie Fernando
she’s so funny :))
yoi prim
Thanks, lesson is very funny !!!
thank you for this lesson
lanya gul
thak , ronnie
thank, ronnie
I got 100%!
tank you ronnie i realy like you lesson and enjoy it!!… i ask myself… you read this?
thank you
nice lesson for me to avoid some conversations that take too much my time…thanks teacher,.
thanks :)
I got 8 of 9
thaaaaaaaanks so much
You look so nice.
thanks a lot for some hints.. another perfect.. :) <3
Hello Ronnie!
Hi everybody!
I want to be thankful for your way to teach us foreign people all over the world. You Ronnie have a lot of power and you have a big gift to make enjoy your English lessons every time.
Thanks again.
And please take care for your self. I really wish meet you in this short life.
Please recommend me some tips to improve my English.
Thanks again.
Best regards from Romania.
I agree with you , all the best
Hi Alina!
I would like talk with by Skype to improve our english. Find out my Skype contact into my profile.
Cool, This is a very fun way to learn to avoid conversations. Thank you!!
Hi!!! Ronnie I love Yours lessons =) Thank You!!
Thanks a lot!
I thank you from my heart and I am grateful to you
I like you,Ronnie,the best teacher for me. I’d like the teacher in my school as you.
This lesson is very interesting, I like the dog’s story, it’s funny.
I can’t use how to this in my country at all but I can use it for a drunk stranger. Thank you very much
When you teach, it makes me happy. You are a great teacher. I like you.
100 :)
walaa hussin
I know a girl in my work, I very want to talk with her everyday, but I do everything to avoid a conversation with her. I do not know what to do
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Wow ronnie you’re my favorite teachear!!! :3
Excelent Ronnie!
your teaching style is too good…..thanks
This is my favourite lesson in the whole engVid.
i’m good in the fisrt lesson,thanks
When I don’t want to have a conversation, I put on my headphones. :)
Taylor Mcknight
Thanks, Ronnie!
8/9 very good to me !!!!!
The way you teach its the best. I would like all my teachers be like you. Thank you Ronnie you are the coolest teacher.
I got 100 ^_^ .. I have suggestion, we need chatting to practice
This video is so much fun!!
Thank you Ronnie!!!!
THANKS A LOT!!! I got 89!!!
Adrienne Mae
You’re a great teacher.Thanks a lot!!
You’re awsome, Ronnie! Just as simple as that. Nothing else to say, except thank you.
Thank you!
Hooray for you ms ronnie it was a great things to know that tips to avoid conversation to someonelse thanks a lot ronnie
Ms. Roonie best teacher ever
thank you Ronnie and I have a dogs :)
I adore your facial expressions :-) thanks Ronnie
btw How old is your dog? :-D
Thank you! You are a great teacher! I love your lessons !
Jonathan Pedrosa
Thank you,Ronnie,you are really a good teacher.
Shaoheng Li
I really don’t understand English… but i will learn more
Thanks a lot 4 ur lesson Ronnie.i usually use one of these techniques when i don’t feel like talking to someone.I tend to avoid eye contact and asking questions to the person talking to me.LOL! CUL8R hhh.i learnt these abreviations from your other lesson hhh.
I so love your facial expressions Ronnie. You are really funny and effective in your teaching. More videos please:)
Arlyn r.abalos
I like it before I see it :)
great ronnie, your teaching style so good.actually your body language is so amazing.
Hi, Ronnie! You’re so expressive while describing all topics!)) I’m pleased to be your virtual student. Thanks for your talent to combine useful information & fun!
Awesome lesson
Daisy Rahman
Nice lessons. Thanks.
Md. Forhad Hazari
I got 100%.
i got 100%
When i have a fight someone for example my girlfriend i don’t want to talk to someone, it seems in that moment everyone wants to talk to you -.- and they don’t catch the signals that i don’t want to talk to them. Thank for your class, you’re a excellent teacher, i got 100% :D, regards.
How to ask different type questions ?
like isn’t it or wasn’t it…
Can you please explain?
Thanks a lot ! It is inspiring
Hhhhh, I don’t make a contact eye at all with people who like to speaking a lot they make me crazy . Thx you’re the best . I saw all your lessons.
Abby dankha
Learn more times.
Finally understand. =D
thank you
I got 100 points
OMG 100%
Thanks a lot
I got 100%
Thank you soo much
she is so funny
Thanks Ronnie! Your classes are always very nice and funny!))))Like you))
Excellente class! thanks Ronnie
Sergio Cobos
Elizaveta Kuznetsova
Ronnie, you’re the best.
I was always running out of those weirdoes who wanted to talk to me, but now I’ll try the technique with mumbling or using slang :D! (not to confident to use specific body language… :D)
Thank you! :)
Ronnie, You did a great job.
Thanks Like your lessons
89 :3
Thanks ^_^ 100 % (Y)
Ronnie! You’re a great teacher, your lessons are funny,you helped me! it’s really the easiest way to learning English, thanks a lot! :)
Thank you so much Ronnie for this lesson I really appreciate it, please keep up the good work, by the way I got 9 correct out of 9 in the test :)
the lesson is very useful. Thanks a lot :)
Ha Trang
There are a lot of moments that I really don’t want to talk to anybody. Great video! My poor english says thank you. :)
100% thank you very much
People often talk about how to have a great conversation but in this video you talked about how to avoid any conversation.
You explained the same very nicely.Thanks a lot for such a great video Ronnie :-)
Thanks Ronnie :)
It’s funny, clear, interesting… Thank’s a lot !
thank’s best teacher eve <3
Ronnie, thanks a lot!
Thank you Ronnie !!!
Ronnie you have a great demonstration skills. Thank you. With you I got in this lesson 100 %.
Ronnie,you are the best English teacher I ever had ))) thanks a lot for your lessons!!! Information is very catchy because of your teaching style! I really like it!
Hi! Ronnie. I’m yoshi
I got 9 correct out of 9 ,the 100 points.
I am so excited to get 100 it for the first time!
Enjoy English journey in EngVid.com~ :D
Haha, Ms.Ronnie’s lesson is always funny and optimistic. I like it!
Ronnie has a dog, doesn’t she? I should have listen to her lesson more carefully. 89%. :D Thanks teacher!
Ronnie has a dog, doesn’t she? I should have listened to her lesson more carefully. 89%. :D Thanks teacher!
thank you.
Thanks, i like your class :) ..and the way of your eduction
hi i want to practice English speaking, who want to speak with me
my skype is dr-stifler
thank you
I’ll try.
thank you very much Ronnie , I really learn from you , you are great can you travel to Kingdom of Bahrain and teach me XD
Fatima Suleiman
Thank you Ronnie. Your class it’s really very fun and learned so much.
i seen 4min so i got 6 .
very helpful quiz, and many lession ilove your class.
my name is Bakhtiyar from AZERBAIJAN.
Ronnie I am sure that you are so active,also have a professional teaching style.LOVE YOU :)
bakhtiyar ali
Thank Ronnieu
you were great
Ronnie, You are THE BEST!!!!!!
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please reply me at your first convince.
I appreciate your help
once in an interview to get a job. I had had a little words to talk in English so when the interviewer asked me the questions I answered him with very very small phrases so he shocked to talk to me again and I’ve rejected :D
Double Light
You are with Emma my favorite teachers
That’s wonderful :D Thank you very much Ronnie :)
That’s useful!
Thank you, Ronnie, for this helpful lesson. I have so many situations when I didn’t want to talk for some reason. But some people usually trying to force their voice or start to repeat the question. That’s really annoying.
I love the teaching of miss Ronnie the way she teaches is Fabulous and great work mam.
Sheikh Yaseen
I guess that you’re right to teach how to avoid a conversation. We must not talk with a person that we don’t want to talk right now. We can be a kinda rude if we don’t know how to avoid, but I think that this is the better way. Thank you, Ronnie! :)
I love engvid! From. Brazil!!
Thanks Ronnie
Nice way to teach English…it is really funny !
I got 100 :-D
Thanks Ronnie,I ♥ you… :-D
Thanks Ronnie.
hi thanks Ronnie
i got 89
Thanks Ronnie, I really learned this lesson! I got 100%!!!! I loved it’s!!!
Ooo my god i really like the way you speak ronnie, thanks a lot, and you have a really nice way to speak, this video was very useful
and on the text i had 99
Thanks Ronnie. .as usual your lesson is exciting and funny.. sometimes I can not keep looking at eyes during the conversation..it is my nature . may be I feel shy when I am doing that.. is that mean that I avoid speaking??
By the way I got 100
when i was in the bar and a drunk started to talk to me, and in the same bar i’ve seen a beatifull girl
Thanks ronnie
I đon’t like to avoid a conversation with anyone because I want to improve my English.
Ronnie, definitely your classes are funny and helpful. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie, my name is Artyom and I am from Israel. I want to tell you about a conversation I wanted to avoid: Three years ago I had a blind date with a girl which smelled really bad. From the first moment I realized that I want to stop this date and never meet her again. In order to do that, during our walk in the national park, I tried to avoid looking at her. I looked at trees, children playing and even the sky- everything but her. In addition, I seldom asked her questions – just for the politness. It was really good method- from this day we never met again. On the contrary, there was a situation- when I met very interesting girl, I really tried to keep the conversation by listening to her and asking questions in the same theme, which interested me, and she saw that I really with her, she was so happy that even hugged me. Now we are engaged :) I really like your lessons!!! You know how attract the listener and be with you during all the lesson!! Thank you very much!!
Ronnie the best teacher <3
You’re awesome
this is very interresting lesson thank u alot Ronnie
Eng daad
You’re awesome. Thanks Ronnie. Love you ♥
Thanks, I got 89< I thing is good for me. And I will try yours Advice's, Because that is very important in my live,
Finally, I enjoyed the lesson. Meanwhile, I learned A new skills.
Qtr Net
Good help to avoid boring persons. Ronnie you are the best
The day I broke up with my boyfriend I really didn’t want to talk to anyone… =T But in Brazil this is harder, even when people see that you don’t want to talk they keep asking questions. But good tips! I need to learn how to avoid them… I am too nice and always talk, even when I don’t want to.
Let me change my phrase. Some people want to talk even when you don’t want, not all of them.
The way Ronnie teaches is very funny. I almost died laughing !!!!!
One of my favourite!!!
I GOT 100, thanks ;)
Hello, i would like to improve speaking english. Please add me on Skype. Here is my id : anand.andy10 . We practice! Thanks in advance.
I dont want aviod a conversation :)
Thank you Ronnie ,you are the best
You got 9 correct out of 9.
:D yAH!!!!!!
Thank you, Ronnie for your great vids! =)
Another hint how to avoid a conversation is to put on your headphones and to pretend that you don’t descry anyone around.
Best regards!
thanks Ronnie for every thing .it,s first time watch your video it,s niece.
and i want to be perfect in English.so i need
sara ss
thanks Ronnie for every thing .it,s first time watch your video it,s niece.
sara ss
Mrs.Ronnie, i have a question.
If i don’t want to talk to someone, but they really, really want to get a conversation, and i don’t want to make them sad, what should I do? Thanks a lot for your answer!
Phuong Thao
I was very intersted to your lesson, above all the manner you show the strange expressions, thank
you are funny teacher i like u if u be near me i will eat u Haha :)
Asadullah saber
Vary thank to all of you…
mohamed Fathy
i got 100. thanks a lot Ronnie
isman ibro
i got 100. thanks ronnie
isman ibro
Thanks it was a good video.
I thought it would be a video about some slang expressions for let people know I don’t want to talk to them.
By the way you’re very funny I like the way you speak when you’re angry. :)
Now I know you don’t want to talk to people when you walk your dog, it would be useful if both you and I would live in the same neighborhood.
Nice Ronnie! Tks!!!
One Day, I’ll drink a beer with you. I’m your follower.
100You got 9 correct out of 9.
thank you Ronine. sometimes i really lack topic, i don’t know what i can say.in the real life i also not very talkative. but I know make the conversation more is very good to improve my oral English.
Lis violent tomota
you are one of the best Ronnie.
Very good lesson!!
That’s a unexpected lesson! Awesome! tks Ronie
thnx>> i got good edea now about a voide
I did it! All is correct! 100%
Ivan Sokolov
the topic is very useful.
i got 89% .
Thanks runnie; I want to talk to other people;but I’m very timid and embarressed because I can’t speak clearly and I make a lot of mistakes in English; so I avoid to make any conversation; I fear from laughing of ather people; I hope to meet some people in my degree to interact with them without scear
well thank
Thank you Ronnie. It`s good job!
Thank you< Ronnie! This lesson is really helpful on how to actually HAVE the conversation:) You are awesome)
thank my teacher Ronnie very much
Once i was in a math class, and this one is very important to me.A friend besides me wanted to talk with me and i cou
thanks Ronnie;I hope that you do not avoid conversation with your students notably when they need your help.
youssef 01
I made it Ronnie, I got 100% thank you very much for this class. You rock. :) Why don’t you teach as espressions with the word ROCK, if u ready did, sorry.
Jean Duarte
Hi guys!
I would like improve my english talking with everyone by Skype. By chance if someone to want it that, then add me (Skype contact: caiofig68).
Thank you I got 9.It is first one
Abu Ruwaida
Hello Ronnie, thanks for this lesson even though it’s a little hurt to me.
My story about that : one day in past, I walked on the street in Paris, and I meet the famous actress Emmanuelle Seigner (Roman Polanski’s wife). I recognize her, and I wanted to share a word with her (because I like very much cinema and she seemed waiting for something outside my familiar shop). But after my simple word hello (she’s french, me too), she looked at me with a strange face, as I was a monster. Then, I go away with a great disappointment.
That’s why I like EngVid, and I enjoy seeing you and the team… because you are always in a good mood, and it’s very pleasant !
Hi Ronnie,
An amazing lesson! Thank you very much!
We have big problems with our neighbor. He is an old aggressive man who makes our live difficult! We are friendly people, we usuallly say hello to everybody. But as soon he notice us he starts to complain and menaces us.
So we try to avoid a confrontation with him.
But till now we had difficulty not to salute……
So after your lesson we know how to behhave…..!!!
We feel strong and we know how to avoid to be insolted.
We just ignor him!!
Maybe…hopefully one day hi will let us in peace…???!!!!
Have a good day Ronnie and have a cheerful time with your dogy!!
Woooow u really giving me passion to follow u and see all ur lessons.. u intersting teacher ronnie
Thanks so much Ronnie! Your classes are always very very nice and funny!
This is one of the correct ways to learn a language in my view.
Thanks again
patricia aguiar novelino
Hi my friends.
I want to make friend with someone.everyone want make friend with me can Email me: mohsensaifzadeh@yahoo.com
Wow!! wonderful lesson!!
You’re a fantastic teacher….
In fact, we usually need to talk to each other . So your conversion in your teaching was very nice!
Have a nice day Teacher.. ^^
thnx my best teacher u r the best1
Ronnie my favorite
Richard Yen
Ronnie :* , If someone wants to learn English and speak here I am , and I want to learn in a way that a lot of talk :) , my e mail :lumidol@net.hr
ronnie!Do you have a real dog?
Many thanks Ronnie.
great lesson.
good :-P
So easy,so perfect…thank you Ronnie.
Very Interesting. Thank you a lot, Ronnie!
it is very cool, thank you Ronny
Thank you so much for your teaching .
Its first time for come to learn.
thank you
ann ann
thanks my teacher
Hy. Thank you very much Ronnie, yours classes are very amazing. Is there anyone who want speaks with me a little of english?
thanks ronnie!
What an amazing teacher!
This is what I do when i just wake up i don’t want to speak to anyone until I drink some coffee
Dina fekry123
Hi Ronnie
I like the way that you teach !
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson, I learned new things, It was a very clearly lesson to me, excelent pronunciation, and congratulations to you for the nice attitude, God bless you!
Thank you the best teacher ronnie :))
thank you for all you doing .
haitham yousef
Hey! what it do Ronnie? Let tell you, I love your lessons spacialy how you act. You’re a funny ass lady hahaha, kisses muah muah..(: bye.
Let me tell you*
Now, I try to answer teacher’s question. When I don’t want to talk with someone, what I did usually. Actually, I used more like the No.2 rule what teacher told me in this video, I’ll just answer his/her questions simply and politely, and no more words, no ask questions absolutely. So, I’m very sure it does work and effective. :-) -Allen
Yeah! I got 9/9 correctly in this quiz!
Thanku so much this is very useful to me :)
i am sorry i can get the lesson i just get the question.so i just answering
thank you!! love you!
Nguyen Van Hau
Funny lesson:)I enjoyed!
thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie.
I’m new here,but i want to say after to look alot finally i’ve found the easier form to learn English.Now i can say English is easy with Ronnie..and you are so funny..thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie, Its a good topic.Its really helpful for me.
Sometimes i do something like this, but people don’t like it and say that it’s indecent.
Tatiana Strakhova
But this lesson is very interesting!)
Tatiana Strakhova
Thank you so much! My conversation skills are improving with your lesson.
Cong Dac Huynh
that was very helpful class to me. thanks a lot.
thank you
what a great lesson Ronnie
I thinks you just use some kind of simple facial expressions or body languge to give indicate to people who you don’t want to talk to.
But sometime they may not understand then you try some other tips.
the situations i want to avoid to talk to someone is some kind of politics theme… or when they’re acting that they know things and keep making joke, it really annoying me.
the other hand i want to talk to people kind of sympathy,who know what i want and do not want and cheer me up when i’m down
Hoai Manucians
LOL dancing like noone’s watching is also a good way to shut the people up
Thank you very! I´m the kind of person who doesn´t like talking much.
i’m a new commer here to this Engvid , i’m looking for everyone who want to have some talks , chats on Facebook with me , we can improve this language together right ? Mine is ” ThuanYoYoer ” – cause i love playing and performing yoyo , i’m from Vietnam , waiting for some talks soon !!! Thanks all
Thank you I wish to go to Canada
Thank you , you are fantastic. :)
Thank you mam..I like ur way of teaching ?
10/10 . Thanks teacher .
Ronnie you are great! so funny… your faces hahaahha
Thanks Ronnie! my favorite teach!
Thanks Ronnie ..for me you are the best teacher.. I love you
hi every one
i am new here
Welcome to engVid, mohammed-elhouni!
engVid Moderator
Thank you and i hope to learning more from all of you
Thanks Ronni for video……i watch you on you tube before here ….anyway you are good teacher
thank you I need this with boys
zaria garrus
It’s beneficial lesson
Abu Afaf
I used to shy, and do not want to talk about someone when I am unhappy.but now I can start a conversation so say “hi”to my new neighbor, who come from Nipel.She is very nice.the more practice ,the more confident I can talk to anyone.thank you Ronni.
Thank you Ronnie I love your lesson.
thanks Ronnie i like your method
anyone wanna practice together ??
iI am grateful for your classes thank you ronnie
Ronnie! You are the best teacher!
These tools are very useful. i will trya to use them.
Thanks for your tricky tips
Thank you teacher.
Good lesson for learners ..well thanks Ronnie
thanks i get 89
karrar subhi
Good topic! Many thanks!
Thank you teacher. This lesson is very funny ^o^
Thanks! i got 100%.
This is more helpful!
According to me, i always want to talk with the people, i’d not like to close the conversations to anyone! i like to make them lough.
You got 9 correct out of 9.
M kartal
Great! good lesson.
Francisco Castillo
Dear Ronnie, Thanks for your useful tips to avoid or to have a conversation.Really helpful. By the way, I love the way you teach. It was fantastic!
Yes!! I got ?!!! Thank you
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie for a really “tricky” Lesson.
After watching this video, i can be easier to evoid the conversation if i won’t.
Taufik Guntur
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks,for information this
Shahez khan
thank you
I love you Ronnie! And this is my favourite video! I love to improve my speaking skills with you!
Alicja Anna
Thank you
Paul Melvin
Normally, at work I try to avoid conversations for the first 8 hours.
i got nearly full mark in most lessons due your teaching. Thank you very much for my score.
Julia Zin
nice questions, 100%
Ranga RB
Thank you for the lesson, You taught me how to avoid people who I do not want to communicate with. It is a good strategy, but I still be nice to people.
Claudia malciu pop
I got 100 out of 100. That’s cheat code teaching is good
9/9! Great! These are some straight ways to avoid conversation with someone.
Jerry Gu
so good
Kap Thang
She is interesting, I love her method of teaching
Thank so much
Cong Alex
i enjoying the video
chedli dhiabi
Your way of explaining is great, thank you
Thank you so much for this useful course
thanks a lot,Ronnie, hugs (Kazakhstan 12 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2152 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks a lot too!!!
How to avoid a conversation? A useful piece of advice would be:
Just use your common sense and body language, that’s it! Nothing more to write home about.
Many thanks Ronnie for this unusual video-lesson.
Have a great day!!!
good morning many thanks I sen message in the face book
Thanks got 89%.
thank you so much, it’s interesting :)
could i make friend with you?
yes! sure
yeh, this my facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/tdphamspkt
I hope that we will have more interesting about sharing english
Women’s stuff!!!
Be careful with your comments, Mr. Duarte! You won’t like to be mocked in the future.
Can I be your friend?
can i make friend with you?
i am friend give me skype or facebook
Haha :D
hi everyone! please add my facebook account to practise more fb.com/ntbchau. hoping that you’ll contact me soon
I got 100%.
Thanks Ronnie! Your classes are always very nice and funny!
Usually, I don’t like to talk when I wake up.
And I want so much to interact when people of Vancouver talk with me. Because I’ll move to Vancouver in August, but I’m not confident to talk many things. But your classes are helping me!
Thanks Ron!!
tanks ronny
Hey Ronnie! I was really surprised by the name of this lesson) Nevertheless, that’s a good idea! Next time when I might see you walking your dog, I will be more carefull to start talking to you ;)
I got 89 points thanks
Hi Ronnie, if I see you walking your dog (I’ll try and to have a conversation with the dog) and buy you a cup of coffee… only kidding!!. I really enjoyed the lesson… Thanks :-)
Sorry grammatical error! (I’ll try to have a conversation with the dog)
hello, can i make friend with you?i want to improve skill communication english. i’m gonna fun if you agree make friend with me.
My score was perfect! Thank you Ronnie :D
I want to learn about sports in Canada and American
I got 100
Ronnie Mam ! could you teach me about arts in Canada and British.
Ronnie Mam ! could you teach me about arts in Canada and British.<3
it’s my 2nd time i hit 100%. : ] …story to it – i’ll try to keep it short: last friday i was on a meeting and i wanted to get into a conversation with someone who sells cars ( guess his car is white ), but a person did sit next to me. i talked this person away kind of. then took the persons chair – the person did sit down somewhere else anyways. when i have been in the conversation i wanted – i didn’t want other people to join the conversation, i let them speak though, but i used a distinct facial expression to give them a sign to stay out, expect one, a phd’ler. even in that conversation i talked about the last meeting and did let the others know that i have been pissed (sry that word) of by them indirectly, because – i guess – they listened a bit. i have been only 5-10sec. out of this convo, because i thought to have seen someone and was breathless kind of that seconds.
Beneficial, as always…Thanks Ronnie..
teacher I love your way!!! :)
Thank you, Ronnie!
u have great sense of humor, love it!
thnk u ronnie
Thank you very much for this wonderful experience.
10/10 great,
Thank you teacher, you’r awesome :D
hi ronnie, i hate a long conversation and now i now how to avoid it thanks
Many thanks Ronnie,this lesson has been very amusing. You are great!
Good lesson and nice topic. Hi from Greece!
Hi Ronnie! you are an excellent teacher!
Ronnie, I loved your way of teaching!
i got 100 %
I got 100,Thank you Ronnie :)
I GET 67
Hahaha!!!The lesson was very funny! Thanks, Ronnie.
Very unusual, but still useful lesson.
10/10 Thanks Ronnie! Very useful
thank you, Ronnie!
Thank you, Ronnie. Very interesting video. 9 from 9 rigth answers :)
Amazing class!!!
Great. I got 10/10.
Sometimes we need just like these ways to avoid someone who blab very much.
Thank you Ronnie. I hope you accept me on Facebook, I’ve already sent you a friend request.
That is for me Ronnie I think you made this lesson to people like me ´cuz I try avoid boring chat with everyone in everywhere in anytime of everyday.Is there some wrong with me?
thanks a lot for this helpful vidoe , it’s easy to understand . I got 100 ^_^
Ronnie congratulations… You are a great teacher
Very nice!!! Ronnie, i enjoy all your videos!!! They’re awesome!!! Thank you so much!!!
You are really great at it!
thanks ronnie.once i tried to pretend some bdy am on ph.the person i was trying to avoid told me your ph is ringing u r getting a call lol…..
Very well 8/9
thanks a lot.
Ronnie, I love your lessons! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! Kisses form Brazil! By the way, I always avoid a conversation in the morning. I hate waking up early! So, please, if you meet me in the morning, do not talk to me, or I will have to pick my nose!
thanks a lot. i am exciting with it
Oh God Ronnie, you’re funny! Always keep your good mood! (:
Exelent class I hope to watch more video about it, thanks Ronnie.
I got 100%. you are great.
I got 100%. Many thanks for your lesson Ronnie.
I couldn’t keep a straight face when i watched it.:D
Tnx teacher! 100%!
most of people here talking about getting on 100% , although the quiz top score is 90 % :D
thanks ronnie you have a unique method you’ve made me cheer up this morning :*
warm regards i love u :) byeeeeee
I am waiting for my answer please.
how long it going to take time.thanks
Thanks, excelent Teacher!!
Thanks Ronnie. I didn’t study but I got 8 out of 9 in your quiz.
Thank you Ronnie.
thanks ronnie . i got 100% :D AN I AM SO HAPPY :)
I need to speak with you in English language ,, but how ?
Thanks a lot Ronnie, i hope that with the the phone which drop down everything well. )) Good Luck
9 good answers out of 9, which means 100%
My outer expression is completely different than my inner, lol.
I am passive but i look aggressive!!!!
thank you for this lesson, i find it very helpful.
hello, can i make friend with you?
thanks a lot teacher
many thx Teacher! I really love your teaching that makes me love English too!
thank you very much
thanks ..;)
Ronnie a love you!!!! thanks alot for yours videos.
You are excellent, i was enjoy this lesson
Another tip : Laugh at things you say that aren’t really jokes at all
thanks ^^
Thanhs very much Ronnie.
Ha ha,I am watching your lesson first time,very positive,yo’re wonderful Ronnie! :)
Thanks Ronnie, uou’re a very good teacher.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re a very good teacher.
I use to take out my cell phone starting text someone of just surf the internet in such cases but unfortunately there are some people who never get it (
I got 100!!!! Thank you Ronnie!!
how can i download this vide?
Excellent lesson!! :-D You always makes me laugh. I would love to have a beer with you, maybe more than one but only if you wanted to speak with me :-D and I promise I will not mumble or look at something else. All the best Ronnie :)
for the funny video, thank you.
Very smart and provocative lesson, Ronnie. Thanks a lot.
I’m new here.Wow this is cool website!
Thanks teacher.
Thanks this lesson!
you are awesome …
May I ask a question which is surely out of this
Topic!! But plz help me students
If someone says ” u r pretty aren’t u??” What
Does it mean??? And how we can reply of this question
?? Thnkew
‘You are pretty, aren’t you?’ is the same that I say for you that you’re pretty, and after ask for you if you are or no. You can answer this question saying: ‘Yes, I am’ or ‘I’m pretty’. You can use Question Tags ever that you want to do this, as:
‘You are my soldier. Don’t you?’
‘Mary works in Paris. Doesn’t she?’
‘It is very far. Isn’t it?’
I hope that I help you with the question tags! :)
100 hahaha … you made me smile… I hope I won’t meet you in the morning with your dog… uups
Thanks Ronnie.
You’re The Best!!!
But if you use these tips then could you appear a bit rude?
hi ronnie , my first 100%, thank youuuuuuuuu
Thanks,so much. This page is great!! Thanks Ronnie!
You need to be very careful with this type of behavior and I recommend that we try to be friendly and polite even when we do not want. Some years ago, I attended the course of Sergeant Major in the U.S. Army and one day, while filling my car at a gas station on the way to the Academy, an old man approached me behind my back and called me “boy”. That day I was kinda bored and hear someone calling me “boy” made me even more, and without looking back I spoke in a loud and gruff voice , ” What’s up man ? He said nothing, just stood behind me waiting for me turn, and when I turned it he extended his hand to me and looking me in the eyes thanked me for being there , “defending his country.” I was just a student and was not participating in any military operation, but the old man was a veteran of WW2 and when he saw me wearing the uniform of my country thought I was… Until today I feel very ashamed of having been rude to that man …
Wow. I can guess how you’re ashamed now. My uncle was a U.S. Army Major and he calls me as ‘boy’ or ‘little boy’ every time. This is for question about respect! I guess that you won’t find him again with a good impression.
thanks ronnie
I really love the way you teach, Ronnie. Although you are teaching how to avoid a conversation, I realize myself how to make a conversation with a great manner. Because sometime I have done those kind of behavior such as texting a message when I was talking with someone even though I am pleased to talk with them.
Sorry for many grammatical errors.
I really love the way you teach, Ronnie. Although you are teaching how to avoid a conversation, I realize myself how to make a conversation with good manners. Because sometimes I have done those kind of behaviors such as texting a message while I was talking with someone even though I was pleased to talk with them.
Thanks Ronnie! I wer
we love you~ take care ronnie
Hi Ronnie,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
take care
Ronnie you’re very nice teacher.
really i can understand your English i really like it when you speak little slow GoD bless you
hanks Rannie , it is very good to understand english culture , i think that it’s not diffrent from my own
ahaha i got 100%
thanks Ronnie. you are the most amazing teacher i’ve ever seen
I got 100..Thanks Ronnie
I love you so much :)
Do you have a Facebook?
hi imane where are you from
I am from safi
thank u
thanks i got 69%
Yeh,I got 100,I love you Ronnie,You so funny and you make me understand english more than befor.Thank
I got 100% Thanks ma’am Ronnie! Your classes are always very nice and funny!
Usually, I like to talk when I see the English people cause i like them and i like English language
100 %.
Hey students… please do not listen to this mess.. it is a great lesson on HOW TO BE RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS AND PERHAPS EVEN CRAZY… but it will hardly help you learn how to avoid a conversation. How about teaching useful expressions that directly communicate that you are busy at the moment, or how about “I’m sorry, I am not in the mood to talk right now, nothing personal. Have a nice day…” … this topic was hardly worth a video and could have been dealt with by teaching 2 to 3 POLITE expressions… SMH
Thanks a lot. It is was useful.
Ronnie thanks)
Hi,i’m sorry for my mistakes ,but i want ask you out your lesson . what different between other and another? could answer me for asap? and thank you.
You are great, Ronnie!
I forgot the dog’s name
Thank Ronnie You are great teacher. *_*
Hello dear Ronnie
I hope everything goes well around you. Thank you sooo much because of the great lessons!
May you please guide us to follow a good method for learning english (self study) in one of your videos??
You know whenever I’m going to start studying and learning it , I see I
have a load of books , a lot of lessons , different sources and they make me totally confused!!!
and at last I leave it and at the moment I’m really dissapointed :( please help me!!!
I agree! 100%!
Thank you!
thanks Ronnie !
I’m confused Ronnie. If this lesson was your special way of teaching people how to keep up a conversation (don’t do some stupid primitive mistakes guys) than that was a great lesson.
Oops…I made a mistake. Of course we MAKE MISTAKES sometimes, don’t DO them.
Ja ja ja ja… thank you, Ronnie! an interesting and humorous lesson
well well mam ,you done a really a great job,you not only taught how to avoid conversation if u dont want ,but also how to have conversation if u want that too in effective way .When i watched you’re video i laughed many times you really have great skill of teaching in healthy environment.
I am sorry I can’t see the videos . What can I do ? Please help me .
Thank you Teacher !
Tnks Ronnie!
Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ronnie! I love your techin stile
Thanks)))I didn’t know that lesson could be so funny
Thanks for this fantastic lesson.
i don’t speak English well, i want to practice. my skyp name: tuananh300988. who want to practice with me?
No problem. it was great for me to practice English. I am going to download sky.
thank you so much teacher Ronnie. you are so cool and your lessons interesting. thank you again.
thank you so much ronni
Thanks a lot for your good work .
I need you to illustrate the difference between the short (oo) like (wood) and the long (oo) like (moon) and I ask you if there a rule .
100%!! thanks ronnie :)
Thank you Ronnie, your way of teaching is really great I like it.
laughing all the time watching ^^
thanks… your lessons are a good way to learn english. my point is %100 :)
you are hilarious Ronnie
Thanks. You are excellent, as usually
I got 100%. Thanks Ronnie. I think your face expression is fantastic :)
I got 100% :)
Thanks. I got 100%
I also laughed a lot with the lesson :D
fun machine, YOU R GREAT
Ha ha, I like the lesson. Thank Ronnie.
I got 89%.
Thanks Ronnie.
Hello Teacher. I’m Ammy from Peru and you help me a lot. But I have one doubt i don’t understand the difference of meet and know
Thanks teacher a lot! You gift me a long distance step to improve English. I’ll follow U. ur action is so meaning.
Thanks Ronnie lesson is good for my life. Thanks a lot.
Thanks again
Thanks. Newbie here got only 89. I don’t know if Ronnie has a dog. hahaha
Ronnie you’re the best. I just love & admire the way you explain things for English learners like me. Looking forward to learn more..
Thanks a lot. The best form to avoid a conversation: don´t look the person, don´t you?
Thank ur are my best teacher
I got 100. Thanks Mrs Ronnie, I’m enjoyed to watching every section of yours :)
Hey Ronnie your class is very interesting. I love it :*
she’s so funny :))
Thanks, lesson is very funny !!!
thank you for this lesson
thak , ronnie
thank, ronnie
I got 100%!
tank you ronnie i realy like you lesson and enjoy it!!… i ask myself… you read this?
thank you
nice lesson for me to avoid some conversations that take too much my time…thanks teacher,.
thanks :)
I got 8 of 9
thaaaaaaaanks so much
You look so nice.
thanks a lot for some hints.. another perfect.. :) <3
Hello Ronnie!
Hi everybody!
I want to be thankful for your way to teach us foreign people all over the world. You Ronnie have a lot of power and you have a big gift to make enjoy your English lessons every time.
Thanks again.
And please take care for your self. I really wish meet you in this short life.
Please recommend me some tips to improve my English.
Thanks again.
Best regards from Romania.
I agree with you , all the best
Hi Alina!
I would like talk with by Skype to improve our english. Find out my Skype contact into my profile.
Cool, This is a very fun way to learn to avoid conversations. Thank you!!
Hi!!! Ronnie I love Yours lessons =) Thank You!!
Thanks a lot!
I thank you from my heart and I am grateful to you
I like you,Ronnie,the best teacher for me. I’d like the teacher in my school as you.
This lesson is very interesting, I like the dog’s story, it’s funny.
I can’t use how to this in my country at all but I can use it for a drunk stranger. Thank you very much
When you teach, it makes me happy. You are a great teacher. I like you.
100 :)
I know a girl in my work, I very want to talk with her everyday, but I do everything to avoid a conversation with her. I do not know what to do
Wow ronnie you’re my favorite teachear!!! :3
Excelent Ronnie!
your teaching style is too good…..thanks
This is my favourite lesson in the whole engVid.
i’m good in the fisrt lesson,thanks
When I don’t want to have a conversation, I put on my headphones. :)
Thanks, Ronnie!
8/9 very good to me !!!!!
The way you teach its the best. I would like all my teachers be like you. Thank you Ronnie you are the coolest teacher.
I got 100 ^_^ .. I have suggestion, we need chatting to practice
This video is so much fun!!
Thank you Ronnie!!!!
THANKS A LOT!!! I got 89!!!
You’re a great teacher.Thanks a lot!!
You’re awsome, Ronnie! Just as simple as that. Nothing else to say, except thank you.
Thank you!
Hooray for you ms ronnie it was a great things to know that tips to avoid conversation to someonelse thanks a lot ronnie
Ms. Roonie best teacher ever
thank you Ronnie and I have a dogs :)
I adore your facial expressions :-) thanks Ronnie
btw How old is your dog? :-D
Thank you! You are a great teacher! I love your lessons !
Thank you,Ronnie,you are really a good teacher.
I really don’t understand English… but i will learn more
Thanks a lot 4 ur lesson Ronnie.i usually use one of these techniques when i don’t feel like talking to someone.I tend to avoid eye contact and asking questions to the person talking to me.LOL! CUL8R hhh.i learnt these abreviations from your other lesson hhh.
I so love your facial expressions Ronnie. You are really funny and effective in your teaching. More videos please:)
I like it before I see it :)
great ronnie, your teaching style so good.actually your body language is so amazing.
Hi, Ronnie! You’re so expressive while describing all topics!)) I’m pleased to be your virtual student. Thanks for your talent to combine useful information & fun!
Awesome lesson
Nice lessons. Thanks.
I got 100%.
i got 100%
When i have a fight someone for example my girlfriend i don’t want to talk to someone, it seems in that moment everyone wants to talk to you -.- and they don’t catch the signals that i don’t want to talk to them. Thank for your class, you’re a excellent teacher, i got 100% :D, regards.
How to ask different type questions ?
like isn’t it or wasn’t it…
Can you please explain?
Thanks a lot ! It is inspiring
Hhhhh, I don’t make a contact eye at all with people who like to speaking a lot they make me crazy . Thx you’re the best . I saw all your lessons.
Learn more times.
Finally understand. =D
thank you
I got 100 points
OMG 100%
Thanks a lot
I got 100%
Thank you soo much
she is so funny
Thanks Ronnie! Your classes are always very nice and funny!))))Like you))
Excellente class! thanks Ronnie
Ronnie, you’re the best.
I was always running out of those weirdoes who wanted to talk to me, but now I’ll try the technique with mumbling or using slang :D! (not to confident to use specific body language… :D)
Thank you! :)
Ronnie, You did a great job.
Thanks Like your lessons
89 :3
Thanks ^_^ 100 % (Y)
Ronnie! You’re a great teacher, your lessons are funny,you helped me! it’s really the easiest way to learning English, thanks a lot! :)
Thank you so much Ronnie for this lesson I really appreciate it, please keep up the good work, by the way I got 9 correct out of 9 in the test :)
the lesson is very useful. Thanks a lot :)
There are a lot of moments that I really don’t want to talk to anybody. Great video! My poor english says thank you. :)
100% thank you very much
People often talk about how to have a great conversation but in this video you talked about how to avoid any conversation.
You explained the same very nicely.Thanks a lot for such a great video Ronnie :-)
Thanks Ronnie :)
It’s funny, clear, interesting… Thank’s a lot !
thank’s best teacher eve <3
Ronnie, thanks a lot!
Thank you Ronnie !!!
Ronnie you have a great demonstration skills. Thank you. With you I got in this lesson 100 %.
Ronnie,you are the best English teacher I ever had ))) thanks a lot for your lessons!!! Information is very catchy because of your teaching style! I really like it!
Hi! Ronnie. I’m yoshi
I got 9 correct out of 9 ,the 100 points.
I am so excited to get 100 it for the first time!
Enjoy English journey in EngVid.com~ :D
Haha, Ms.Ronnie’s lesson is always funny and optimistic. I like it!
Ronnie has a dog, doesn’t she? I should have listen to her lesson more carefully. 89%. :D Thanks teacher!
Ronnie has a dog, doesn’t she? I should have listened to her lesson more carefully. 89%. :D Thanks teacher!
thank you.
Thanks, i like your class :) ..and the way of your eduction
hi i want to practice English speaking, who want to speak with me
my skype is dr-stifler
thank you
I’ll try.
thank you very much Ronnie , I really learn from you , you are great can you travel to Kingdom of Bahrain and teach me XD
Thank you Ronnie. Your class it’s really very fun and learned so much.
i seen 4min so i got 6 .
very helpful quiz, and many lession ilove your class.
my name is Bakhtiyar from AZERBAIJAN.
Ronnie I am sure that you are so active,also have a professional teaching style.LOVE YOU :)
Thank Ronnieu
you were great
Ronnie, You are THE BEST!!!!!!
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please reply me at your first convince.
I appreciate your help
once in an interview to get a job. I had had a little words to talk in English so when the interviewer asked me the questions I answered him with very very small phrases so he shocked to talk to me again and I’ve rejected :D
You are with Emma my favorite teachers
That’s wonderful :D Thank you very much Ronnie :)
That’s useful!
Thank you, Ronnie, for this helpful lesson. I have so many situations when I didn’t want to talk for some reason. But some people usually trying to force their voice or start to repeat the question. That’s really annoying.
I love the teaching of miss Ronnie the way she teaches is Fabulous and great work mam.
I guess that you’re right to teach how to avoid a conversation. We must not talk with a person that we don’t want to talk right now. We can be a kinda rude if we don’t know how to avoid, but I think that this is the better way. Thank you, Ronnie! :)
I love engvid! From. Brazil!!
Thanks Ronnie
Nice way to teach English…it is really funny !
I got 100 :-D
Thanks Ronnie,I ♥ you… :-D
Thanks Ronnie.
hi thanks Ronnie
i got 89
Thanks Ronnie, I really learned this lesson! I got 100%!!!! I loved it’s!!!
Ooo my god i really like the way you speak ronnie, thanks a lot, and you have a really nice way to speak, this video was very useful
and on the text i had 99
Thanks Ronnie. .as usual your lesson is exciting and funny.. sometimes I can not keep looking at eyes during the conversation..it is my nature . may be I feel shy when I am doing that.. is that mean that I avoid speaking??
By the way I got 100
when i was in the bar and a drunk started to talk to me, and in the same bar i’ve seen a beatifull girl
Thanks ronnie
I đon’t like to avoid a conversation with anyone because I want to improve my English.
Ronnie, definitely your classes are funny and helpful. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie, my name is Artyom and I am from Israel. I want to tell you about a conversation I wanted to avoid: Three years ago I had a blind date with a girl which smelled really bad. From the first moment I realized that I want to stop this date and never meet her again. In order to do that, during our walk in the national park, I tried to avoid looking at her. I looked at trees, children playing and even the sky- everything but her. In addition, I seldom asked her questions – just for the politness. It was really good method- from this day we never met again. On the contrary, there was a situation- when I met very interesting girl, I really tried to keep the conversation by listening to her and asking questions in the same theme, which interested me, and she saw that I really with her, she was so happy that even hugged me. Now we are engaged :) I really like your lessons!!! You know how attract the listener and be with you during all the lesson!! Thank you very much!!
Ronnie the best teacher <3
You’re awesome
this is very interresting lesson thank u alot Ronnie
You’re awesome. Thanks Ronnie. Love you ♥
Thanks, I got 89< I thing is good for me. And I will try yours Advice's, Because that is very important in my live,
Finally, I enjoyed the lesson. Meanwhile, I learned A new skills.
Good help to avoid boring persons. Ronnie you are the best
The day I broke up with my boyfriend I really didn’t want to talk to anyone… =T But in Brazil this is harder, even when people see that you don’t want to talk they keep asking questions. But good tips! I need to learn how to avoid them… I am too nice and always talk, even when I don’t want to.
Let me change my phrase. Some people want to talk even when you don’t want, not all of them.
The way Ronnie teaches is very funny. I almost died laughing !!!!!
One of my favourite!!!
I GOT 100, thanks ;)
Hello, i would like to improve speaking english. Please add me on Skype. Here is my id : anand.andy10 . We practice! Thanks in advance.
I dont want aviod a conversation :)
Thank you Ronnie ,you are the best
You got 9 correct out of 9.
:D yAH!!!!!!
Thank you, Ronnie for your great vids! =)
Another hint how to avoid a conversation is to put on your headphones and to pretend that you don’t descry anyone around.
Best regards!
thanks Ronnie for every thing .it,s first time watch your video it,s niece.
and i want to be perfect in English.so i need
thanks Ronnie for every thing .it,s first time watch your video it,s niece.
Mrs.Ronnie, i have a question.
If i don’t want to talk to someone, but they really, really want to get a conversation, and i don’t want to make them sad, what should I do? Thanks a lot for your answer!
I was very intersted to your lesson, above all the manner you show the strange expressions, thank
please add me on facebook victorefipan11@hotmail.com
The lesson was fun! A sort of entertainment show!
it is very useful,
thank Runnie !
8 out of 9 :)
100% great
Thanks Ronnie
I did not know you have a dog :))
Thanks Ronnie
you are funny teacher i like u if u be near me i will eat u Haha :)
Vary thank to all of you…
i got 100. thanks a lot Ronnie
i got 100. thanks ronnie
Thanks it was a good video.
I thought it would be a video about some slang expressions for let people know I don’t want to talk to them.
By the way you’re very funny I like the way you speak when you’re angry. :)
Now I know you don’t want to talk to people when you walk your dog, it would be useful if both you and I would live in the same neighborhood.
Nice Ronnie! Tks!!!
One Day, I’ll drink a beer with you. I’m your follower.
100You got 9 correct out of 9.
thank you Ronine. sometimes i really lack topic, i don’t know what i can say.in the real life i also not very talkative. but I know make the conversation more is very good to improve my oral English.
you are one of the best Ronnie.
Very good lesson!!
That’s a unexpected lesson! Awesome! tks Ronie
thnx>> i got good edea now about a voide
I did it! All is correct! 100%
the topic is very useful.
i got 89% .
Thanks runnie; I want to talk to other people;but I’m very timid and embarressed because I can’t speak clearly and I make a lot of mistakes in English; so I avoid to make any conversation; I fear from laughing of ather people; I hope to meet some people in my degree to interact with them without scear
Thank you Ronnie. It`s good job!
Thank you< Ronnie! This lesson is really helpful on how to actually HAVE the conversation:) You are awesome)
thank my teacher Ronnie very much
Once i was in a math class, and this one is very important to me.A friend besides me wanted to talk with me and i cou
thanks Ronnie;I hope that you do not avoid conversation with your students notably when they need your help.
I made it Ronnie, I got 100% thank you very much for this class. You rock. :) Why don’t you teach as espressions with the word ROCK, if u ready did, sorry.
Hi guys!
I would like improve my english talking with everyone by Skype. By chance if someone to want it that, then add me (Skype contact: caiofig68).
Thank you I got 9.It is first one
Hello Ronnie, thanks for this lesson even though it’s a little hurt to me.
My story about that : one day in past, I walked on the street in Paris, and I meet the famous actress Emmanuelle Seigner (Roman Polanski’s wife). I recognize her, and I wanted to share a word with her (because I like very much cinema and she seemed waiting for something outside my familiar shop). But after my simple word hello (she’s french, me too), she looked at me with a strange face, as I was a monster. Then, I go away with a great disappointment.
That’s why I like EngVid, and I enjoy seeing you and the team… because you are always in a good mood, and it’s very pleasant !
Hi Ronnie,
An amazing lesson! Thank you very much!
We have big problems with our neighbor. He is an old aggressive man who makes our live difficult! We are friendly people, we usuallly say hello to everybody. But as soon he notice us he starts to complain and menaces us.
So we try to avoid a confrontation with him.
But till now we had difficulty not to salute……
So after your lesson we know how to behhave…..!!!
We feel strong and we know how to avoid to be insolted.
We just ignor him!!
Maybe…hopefully one day hi will let us in peace…???!!!!
Have a good day Ronnie and have a cheerful time with your dogy!!
Woooow u really giving me passion to follow u and see all ur lessons.. u intersting teacher ronnie
Thanks so much Ronnie! Your classes are always very very nice and funny!
This is one of the correct ways to learn a language in my view.
Thanks again
Hi my friends.
I want to make friend with someone.everyone want make friend with me can Email me: mohsensaifzadeh@yahoo.com
Wow!! wonderful lesson!!
You’re a fantastic teacher….
In fact, we usually need to talk to each other . So your conversion in your teaching was very nice!
Have a nice day Teacher.. ^^
thnx my best teacher u r the best1
Ronnie my favorite
Ronnie :* , If someone wants to learn English and speak here I am , and I want to learn in a way that a lot of talk :) , my e mail :lumidol@net.hr
ronnie!Do you have a real dog?
Many thanks Ronnie.
great lesson.
good :-P
So easy,so perfect…thank you Ronnie.
Very Interesting. Thank you a lot, Ronnie!
it is very cool, thank you Ronny
Thank you so much for your teaching .
Its first time for come to learn.
thank you
thanks my teacher
Hy. Thank you very much Ronnie, yours classes are very amazing. Is there anyone who want speaks with me a little of english?
thanks ronnie!
What an amazing teacher!
This is what I do when i just wake up i don’t want to speak to anyone until I drink some coffee
Hi Ronnie
I like the way that you teach !
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson, I learned new things, It was a very clearly lesson to me, excelent pronunciation, and congratulations to you for the nice attitude, God bless you!
Thank you the best teacher ronnie :))
thank you for all you doing .
Hey! what it do Ronnie? Let tell you, I love your lessons spacialy how you act. You’re a funny ass lady hahaha, kisses muah muah..(: bye.
Let me tell you*
Now, I try to answer teacher’s question. When I don’t want to talk with someone, what I did usually. Actually, I used more like the No.2 rule what teacher told me in this video, I’ll just answer his/her questions simply and politely, and no more words, no ask questions absolutely. So, I’m very sure it does work and effective. :-) -Allen
Yeah! I got 9/9 correctly in this quiz!
Thanku so much this is very useful to me :)
i am sorry i can get the lesson i just get the question.so i just answering
thank you!! love you!
Funny lesson:)I enjoyed!
thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie.
I’m new here,but i want to say after to look alot finally i’ve found the easier form to learn English.Now i can say English is easy with Ronnie..and you are so funny..thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie, Its a good topic.Its really helpful for me.
Sometimes i do something like this, but people don’t like it and say that it’s indecent.
But this lesson is very interesting!)
Thank you so much! My conversation skills are improving with your lesson.
that was very helpful class to me. thanks a lot.
thank you
what a great lesson Ronnie
I thinks you just use some kind of simple facial expressions or body languge to give indicate to people who you don’t want to talk to.
But sometime they may not understand then you try some other tips.
the situations i want to avoid to talk to someone is some kind of politics theme… or when they’re acting that they know things and keep making joke, it really annoying me.
the other hand i want to talk to people kind of sympathy,who know what i want and do not want and cheer me up when i’m down
LOL dancing like noone’s watching is also a good way to shut the people up
Thank you very! I´m the kind of person who doesn´t like talking much.
i’m a new commer here to this Engvid , i’m looking for everyone who want to have some talks , chats on Facebook with me , we can improve this language together right ? Mine is ” ThuanYoYoer ” – cause i love playing and performing yoyo , i’m from Vietnam , waiting for some talks soon !!! Thanks all
Thank you I wish to go to Canada
Thank you , you are fantastic. :)
Thank you mam..I like ur way of teaching ?
10/10 . Thanks teacher .
Ronnie you are great! so funny… your faces hahaahha
Thanks Ronnie! my favorite teach!
Thanks Ronnie ..for me you are the best teacher.. I love you
hi every one
i am new here
Welcome to engVid, mohammed-elhouni!
Thank you and i hope to learning more from all of you
Thanks Ronni for video……i watch you on you tube before here ….anyway you are good teacher
thank you I need this with boys
It’s beneficial lesson
I used to shy, and do not want to talk about someone when I am unhappy.but now I can start a conversation so say “hi”to my new neighbor, who come from Nipel.She is very nice.the more practice ,the more confident I can talk to anyone.thank you Ronni.
Thank you Ronnie I love your lesson.
thanks Ronnie i like your method
anyone wanna practice together ??
iI am grateful for your classes thank you ronnie
Ronnie! You are the best teacher!
These tools are very useful. i will trya to use them.
Thanks for your tricky tips
Thank you teacher.
Good lesson for learners ..well thanks Ronnie
thanks i get 89
Good topic! Many thanks!
Thank you teacher. This lesson is very funny ^o^
Thanks! i got 100%.
This is more helpful!
According to me, i always want to talk with the people, i’d not like to close the conversations to anyone! i like to make them lough.
You got 9 correct out of 9.
Great! good lesson.
Dear Ronnie, Thanks for your useful tips to avoid or to have a conversation.Really helpful. By the way, I love the way you teach. It was fantastic!
Yes!! I got ?!!! Thank you
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie for a really “tricky” Lesson.
After watching this video, i can be easier to evoid the conversation if i won’t.
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks,for information this
thank you
I love you Ronnie! And this is my favourite video! I love to improve my speaking skills with you!
Thank you
Normally, at work I try to avoid conversations for the first 8 hours.
i got nearly full mark in most lessons due your teaching. Thank you very much for my score.
nice questions, 100%
Thank you for the lesson, You taught me how to avoid people who I do not want to communicate with. It is a good strategy, but I still be nice to people.
I got 100 out of 100. That’s cheat code teaching is good
9/9! Great! These are some straight ways to avoid conversation with someone.
so good
She is interesting, I love her method of teaching
Thank so much
i enjoying the video
Your way of explaining is great, thank you
Thank you so much for this useful course
thanks a lot,Ronnie, hugs (Kazakhstan 12 Dec2o21:)
thank u
Thanks a lot.
I got 100. yeeeeeeyyyy
🤣🤣🤣 the funniest class of engvid.com