Want to be more confident? Confidence can make you more successful in business, social, and educational environments. It’s also VERY important to help you practice your English. If you know me, you know that I am a confident person—I’m going to give you my top tips to help you feel comfortable and confident. Whether you are speaking English at a meeting, party, or just your daily life, you’ll learn about the bad things you MUST stop doing, and about the best things you can start doing today to start feeling more confident.
Love you Ronnie! Thanks & regards from Venezuela :)
I remember you two were not the first?
maybe a miracle or sth else
hi nice too know you
Great lesson, thank you Ronnie!
Rafael Costa
I like your teaching style. It was very good lessons thanks Ronnie
i like it, to be succesful in life we have to be confident
Light comes after darkness
Ohh kotoz this time u missed.
I hope you get this position on next lesson.
Ty kindly o’sayed
I hope u will be the first next time
Good luck
Best wishes
thanks ronnie!! you are great
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you so much!!! I love your lessons :)))
same here
Sumeet sam Singh
thank you, I love your class.
Nobody teach like you.
Hello everyone! The most impressive tip for my future confidence was showing the copybook! Every time I watch the videos I thought: “They are so gorgeous while teaching. I’ll never be like them! NEVER!” I know every lesson aren’t the improvised, but prepared. But now we were shown how much prepared! So, Nata, study more! Thank you, Ronnie
Thankyou ronnie.Now i feel more confident?
Maryam feili
could you please tell me how your language is Persian ? whereas you are from Canada???
yasser Daoud
me too …this lesson was perfect .
This is not an English course, but a real surviving course!
I think I’m going to show it to my adolescent daughter, this video is a real treasure of keen tips.
Thanks Rooney! I learn a lot from you
Omar Alkhlifi
Roonie not Rooney !
Rooney is a football player ;)
Great,Thank you,ronnie
Thanks, Ronnie
Thanks, Ronnie ^_^
restie hiteroza
yes 90% quiz! thanks Mam :D
restie hiteroza
Thanks Ronnie , you are good teacher !
This Vedio is very nice and easy to understand..
Great! Thanks! I want to ask you to make a lesson about american people’s names and their short forms like William is Bill for short. And one more favor about the lesson with using the word “fancy” as a verb. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
thankyou bonnie … i can understand what you would like t tell us .. be confident.
9 out of 10 , thanks Ronnie . as u mentioned u r weird
yasser Daoud
Your tips are so simple and so awesome at the same time! You are someone that I would like to be close! Thank you for the motivation video!!!
Ronnie, you are beloved – thank you so much! I am a little shy but now, I am more confident. Thanks for your tips – now them have to put into practice ;) My regards! – and I wish you smile and joy of life :) P.S. I have got 10/10
Thanks, precious tips
knowledge is power
the more you practice the better you become
Hello bro, I am from Iraq
Hi, good for you!
You’re great!
Ronnie, you are so funny, I really like your style.. See U darling!
I am lucky, because you are my teacher.I hope i can come to Canada to meet you and say thank you very much teacher Ronnie, you make more confident.
Yasmin saad
Hi Ronnie! I really like this lesson! It help me to realize the reasons for my lack of confidence when I need to talk with other people in English. Thanks!!
Ronnie, I love you! Thank you for your lessons :)
Madam Ronnie I’am sorry! I wanted to be the first one to give the comment but I had attended my English examination today and so I couldn’t reply or comment the first!
but your teaching was very cool as you do every time!
thank you ssssoooo much for such a cool lesson, and I ‘am talking in English with my friends confidently! only due to the lessons I learn’t, am learning, in engvid and I would learn English in future …..
this is all because of engvid crew or faculties…..
I heartly thank engvid!
That’s a pretty good reason to not be commenting! I hope you did well on your exam :)
engVid Moderator
MasterStoke by Ronnie,.
I am fun of your teaching style, I never saw before teacher like you.
Ronnie Bonnie;)
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson, it was great..
marcos alexandre
Thank you very much, Ronnie!
You’re awesome. Speaking easy about not easy things. I love your lessons.
Confident in life. Confident in english speaking. How wonderful the lesson is. Thanks Ronnie. Thanks Engvid.
Hi Ronnie,
I watch engvid videos daily but i cant retain all i get shy and nervous when it comes to speaking even in my native language.
Fariya hamid
Thanks to my English teacher.
Hi Ronnie.
Your tips are very important. Thanks.
I love your lessons Ronnie!!! Thank you!!!!
amazing video , thank you so much teacher
“Grab life by the balls” Ronnie you cool !!! :)
Thank you ronnie you are amazing… and I am unique!
greetings from Poland
thank you ronnie
Ronnie, thank u soo much for your lesson :)
Greeting Russia ;)
bakhtiyar ali
Greeting Azerbaijan))
Thank you so much, you look so kind :) If it is not a problem for you, I would like to keep in touch with you :)
bakhtiyar ali
Good advices not only for English
thank you for lesson teacher
Good night, Ronnie!
I would like to know if you have a school in Engvid where I can study there in Canada I want to do an exchange and I would like to do in a school that you teaching.
thank you
André Coelho
10/10 I’m very happy , thank you Ronnie you’re the best teacher☺
It such a fun lesson. Thank you Ronnie. I feel more confident now.
Lack of confidence makes things worse. The tips you taught is simple and supposed to be easier than I think. One of my bad habits is to take things negative. I need to be less shy, not afraid of doing something new and making mistakes.
Fear doesn’t produce anything.
Thanks to you, I’ve become more confident and known it’s important thing for not only learning English but also surviving this life!
thanks ronny this will help me a lot i liked how you finished the video let’s rock it lml
Frank Hernandez
Thanks Ronny this lesson help me a lot.
Hi everyone,
I hope you know how great you are, Ronnie.
Thank you very much. I’m gonna reply this movie from time to time to be more confident when I have a presentation or want to speak in English.
Thank you Ronnie for this very inspiring video.
ann ann
Ronnie, you’re a very good teacher, thank you to teaching me this
You are great teacher, Ronnie! Thanks a lot
Rudeness is the first sign of weakness and insecurity.
We, as women, are very lucky because we are sweet by nature:)What do you think, Ronny?
She’s amazing! And i’m a catperson))
Why I never saw engVid before?
This site is amazing!
Thank Ronnie
Raquel Baez
this lesson is brilliant!!! i was laughing out loud ))))
Hi Ronnie, great lesson! I try to tell EFL learners about all you said, it’s quite meaningful.
Talkin about the story you mentioned on eye contact let me tell you, I’m from Colombia. What you said is real with those men who are obsessed and like controling their wifes, but that’s not general in the Colombian society. On the contrary, here men an girls like to flirt through eye contactm with respect of course. I cannot say it for Venezuela, but I believe is pretty similar to here.
Thanks for the lesson and more than welcome to come to Colombia, you’ll enjoy it. !! Hugs!
Amazing, thank you for this vid Ronnie.
Great lesson, thanks Ronnie
you are awesome..think you
thank you ..i’m very grateful
Thanks Ronnie
Rodrigo Bekan
thanks Ronnie teacher for your nice teaching
Akram Zaland
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie the video really good.
I am super-confident now, and now i can say i love you Ronnie!
ronnie you are man :):)which means you are good
Thanks for the good lesson
thank you so much
can you give us lessons about most 3000 common words in english
thanks for the lecture, it is very helpful.
Very good job!
Valery teacher
Ronnie, you are perfect! Thank you.
Fotini Antonoglou
10 out of 10. Thank you so much Ronnie! You`re the best!
Ronnie…I’m from Brazil and I’m going’ (or I´m gonna lol) to Toronto in the final of June and I´m stay’ until final of July. How could I meet you, my teacher?
thank you very much
Great lesson, thank you Ronnie!
Awesome. Thanks
I have seen a couple of words in the questionary that I didn’t know their meanings, they are “slouch” and “origami”, they are new to my learning of English. Good advice to implement your knowledge and feedback, be positive and don’t worry about the future, you have to be prepared to afford whatever you want, avoiding negative situations with people and things. Speaking slowly and confident with yourself, I will try to follow this rules. Thank a lot teacher Ronnie, it has been a very interesting lesson.
Good lesson;
Good Teacher;
Great job…
I´m very proud and happy for everyone who teach us
God bless you
Very useful information, Ronnie. Thanks a lot.
Júlio César L Sousa
Thank you Ronnie
I can not download the vidio klip, plesae guide me.
Sorry, our videos are only available on YouTube, not for download. Our teachers make money from YouTube ads, which lets us offer all these lessons for free. We hope you understand.
engVid Moderator
I think in IRAN the government had stopped to use Youtube channel.That is why you should choose another way to get these videos.
bakhtiyar ali
That was really awesome
Thank you $very much
is great your teach way
God be with You Alwa€ys!
thank you so much Ronnie <3
Thanks for very useful lesson!
Thank you Ronnie
Ahmed Talaat
sadam abdulahi
Thank you Ronnie! :)
thank you. I got 100 marks.
It was love at first sight!! =) wonderful lesson, thanks Ronnie =)
Thank you so much.
I watched to the end and got 10/10 questions.
Your lesson is very easy to understand and I think I’ve learnt a lot of things after watching it.
Thank you!
Chau Huynh
thanks Ronny, you make that english study is fun
Wow, I have 100% correct answers. Thank you for this lesson, Ronnie!
Noelle Astarte
thank you, i want to try it
Thanks for this leason ronnie!
Ronnie, thank you!
You’re amazing and very funny!
I like you! So much!!
thanks, and i need practise much more to be confident
THx, Ronnie! The lesson was great as always. I really like a way how you teach :)
Thanks a lot, Ronnie! I like your lessons!
This is more than English lesson, thank you very much!
hello ronnie my name is minh hang and i come from viet nam
i write these question about my mother
she afraid that she will say wrong and peopele laugh at her so can you give me some strong direction to make her better
i told her that she must to be cofident by herself but you know she doesn’t want . so can you help me thanks very much
minh hang
I from colombia and I never hear about that ronie
This Video is very nice and easy to understand
Thanks Ronnie video
shashi sharma
Ronnie thanks for such a motivating lesson.You are really unique and you made us unique too :)Keep rocking!
tanks!….Bob suck it!……nice!!! : )
Ricky Sato
Thank you for great explanation. Sometimes me and my friend make a joke and We just remember your some words,tenses and face mimicry :) Greeting from Azerbaijan
bakhtiyar ali
Whao, I never imagine I could get 80
Really happy for this.
oh im good 10 correct out of 10
thank you very much ron! c:
Ronnie you are an amazing teacher and person . I can’t stop laughing when you make a comment . thank you
Thanks!!! An excellent class :)
It’s good and Thanks
Thanks Ronnie!
Wagner Cordeiro da Silva
Ronnie you are great….
Sajjad khan Marwat
10 correct
I really loved this class! congrulations!
thank you for teaching how to be confident. I learned a lot of things from it.
You speak so clearly that I can understand everything you says, definitely you are a little nut but that’s amazing, you are awesome. you´re more than teacher English, you sound like a good friend helping other, your videos are really funny and helpful, I appreciate it, thanks!
10 correct.. Thanks Ronnie that was a great lesson?
Thank you Ronnie.You are a funny teacher. I like this lesdon and try to use these ideas in my life. Hope I can be more confident in speaking Emglish!:)
Yongshan Lin
Hello Ronnie. Thank you for videos! I am not able to finish to watch your videos. I love them. All of them. ?
Hai Ronnie, I have a doubt in pronunciation of RESUME . I heard two type pronunciation, pardon me for my english
Thanks, Ronnie! That was really inspiring and encouraging! And you are awesome, as usually:)
Hi Ronnie,
I like your teaching style; it’s practical and fun.
Ronnie and EngVid Team, with this, I finished all the Ronnies Videos, quiz included, preparing me for study in Ireland until the end of this year. I’d like to thank you all of you for the excellent job. I learned and laughed a lot with you! Thank you very much!
This is amazing! Love Ronnie! I´m learning, finally!
Perfect lesson!
Good tips. Thank you!
Very good thank You.
Wonderfull lesson, this video is a real source of motivation.
Thanks you for the wonderful lesson
I agree with you about how to become confident. I really like the way you explain this topic. Thank you.
Joel Paz
thank you Ronnie
Perfect Ronnie, you are the best
I loved this lesson.
Thank you!!
Help me very much!
You are so comfortable to me ❤❤ thanks
Dear Ronnie, I love the way you teach and your personality is awesome. I have to tell you that about the eye contact issue is not true for Colombia. Or Maybe 100 years ago. Thank you.☺️
Hi Ronnie, I love your lessons! And your just too funny, can’t stop laughing watching your lessons. I’m thinking about becoming an English teacher myself and want to ask you to make a lesson about the ten things you should do as a beginning teacher and ten things you absolutely shouldn’t do.
Ronnie is real amazing teacher. I like her lessons very much.
Mila Kameneva
Hi Ronnie , way you teach is Excellent but I wish you speake slowlay To distinguish each word
Hi Ronnie , thank you
Hi Ronnie ,I wish you speake slowlay To distinguish each word
Excellent! Thanks
Irani Silva
Thanks Ronnie. You make me more confident.
oh my god.my score is 10 out of 10.how is it possible?
Thanks Ronnie
Hussein Awad
Hussein Awad
Wow!I have got 9/10.Thank you so much Ronnie.I just love you.
shahida suraiya
Thanks Ronnie
Thank your for your lesson.I liked very much. It was my first lesson on engvid.com
I’ve got 100/100, Always easy to understand.
Hi Ronnie, I think that you are such a great teacher! You really make us understand fully the topic. The story somebody told you about colombian and venezuelan ladys, is false, at least in my country Colombia. It sounds like something that might happened really long time ago, when women didn´t have rights and even slavery was O.K. Anyway thank you for your lessons!
I love your lessons Ronnie, and yes sometimes it happens to me that I feel that I have a terrible pronunciation but I have to try this, is the only way and thanks for the advice about recording myself while I’m speak so I can notice my mistakes and learn from them.
Yeiy i got it perfect..i think i can be more confident now..KUDOS for you Ronnie ???
Haha okay! I’ve got 9 out of 10 since i watched this last week and tried to remember. Not bad?
I love the way she teach! She made me laugh by her expression of her face and also i learned it too.:)))
Great, actually Ronnie, you are a quite positive person and I enjoy all your talks. You make it easier, thank you
Many thanks,Ronnie.
You are my lovely teacher to make me confident .
Great lesson Ronnie.Thank you
Luiz Antonio Matias Rodrigues
Thanks Ronnie, you are a confident person…
Your teaching style is stimulating, enthusiastic and exciting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You are an angel.
Thanks you, Ronnie!
Le Trung
Thanks, Ms. Ronnie. you’re sooo cool.
Thank you Roonie. You are the best!
Tarek Mostafa
Thums up Ronnie………… How about being interactive with the listeners (attendees of meeting etc.)? What is your opinion about this?
Thanks for your teaching and I want to be perfect in english.
Ronnie is my favorite.
Great) So inspirely, thank’s for video.
thank Roni
Ameer Abaas
thanks Ronnie ,i’ve got a lot form this lesson. i’ll be more confident. millions thanks
i get 100 ^^ thank’s ronnie love you
you are great, Ronnie!!
good, thanks Ronnie
ronnie you are amazing !!!!tks
Great Ronnie!!! ;-)
Hello Ronnie, thank you for this lesson. It was so great that I instantly registered to leave a comment under your video. I wish I had such teacher as you are at my school but anyway I am glad I found you on youtube and this site.
Roonnie you are amazing!!!
thank you ronnie mam … it was interesting to lesion your teaching style ..and without boring .. how is it possible mam tell me the truth behind that now i want to become like u .. i’m madhan m.sc microbiology student tamilnadu
Great job! Thank you Ronnie!
Your amazing girl. I love your lesson thanks so much for bing yourself and an inspiration for us.??????
Nice Ronnie man, really i got confidence.
10 out of 10! I pretty like your style of teaching :-) Thank you, Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie! You are my favourite teacher!
You´re great Ronnie, I like the way you teach us and the way you see the life. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
Love you Ronnie so much
I am learning alot from you x
Abdo Malek
I like the lesson you thought Ronnie.
Naveenkumar C
thanks Ronnie, my score is 100
thank you Ronnie . i love your way to teach us ^^
Riyad yousef
Thank you so much Ronnie!!!
I love your video.can help me a lot!
Excellent lesson!!!! thank you so much Ronnie!!!!
thank you :)
Hi Ronnie!! I really loved your lesson. Your an amazing teacher!!! I have to say you something. I´m from Colombia and the story that you told about Colombia or Venezuela is not true. Off course in my country you can see the men in the eyes, also when you are married, that´s something absolutely normal. And I think that the teachers of lenguages don´t teach only the lenguage, but also a culture, because of it, it´s very important don´t promote steriotypes like that. =)
Tks Ronnie. Thats was amazing vídeo!
But how can I ignore my parents or my siblings? they are always trying to put me down. :(
Great video! Great lesson! Great teacher! Thanks Ronnie.
Cindy Correa Chaves
Lesson for lives… you are amazing Ronnie!!!??????
Sonia Lisa
i love the way you are useing in talk
this is first i see for you and you are greet person
carry on ♥
hello do you want to improve your English
i just read your message and i find a mistake in
using – great
thank you
It´s absolutely great this lesson, love you, please come to Colombia, women we are so proud, gorgeous, smart and confident, thanks, thanks, thanks.
how can i overcome those criticism and gettin’ learn from it?
Gabriel T
now i feel more confident !
yes confident the number one instrument to represent own self like an interview or other someone intelligence can be able deliberating.
Thank you
Nice to start learning English
very important for me this lesson!
Hi everyone! :-)
Balaji Natarajan
Thank you so much :)
You will seem more confident if you speak slowly
You’re my teatcher?
I feel more confident that I´m submitting a comment! T
This was such a wondeful thing that I have never thought such an issue of personal development could be clarified. Thank you Ronnie! :)
Best teacher in the world!!! ;)))
Hi Ronnie,
The story that you mentioned is absolutely false. I never heard that before.
Talking in a general way, Venezuelans and Colombians are people educated, qualified, and civilized our women are wonderful and really confident.
I admire you because I believe in you, your method really helps with my English.
Please… Do not repeat that again, it’s false and people won’t believe in you anymore.
Take care.
very helpful. thank you teacher ronnie
Ronnie, thank you! That lecture was very interesting and useful for me. Tell me, please, are you a psychologist? Sorry for my question, but this lecture was on a psychological topic.
Thank you Ronnie
thank you very much
nice video! I love this teaching way! thanks a lot!
Totally crazy and amazing person, love you Ronnie!
That’s very good! i will do it all!! .
Kantaka S.
I get 10 out of 10. Thanks Ronnnie!! You’re the best!!!!!!!!! I feel more confident now. I was always scared, negative about myself!!!! Thanks so much!!!:)
Jenifer Tran
out of 10 i get 8… thanks to Mrss.Ronnie.
thank you..nice
Thank you. :)
Kamonwan Kaewwiset
Thank you :)
i don’t understand some words while you speak :). but i got 10 / 10 :)thanks
Wow your teaching are simple and cute, I will following you thank you :-D
shimaa khater
Hi Ronie I saw you in youtube and I’m here to learn more about English
You’re very nice i liked it alot
Sara horiney
you are very great teacher and this lesson is very great. thanks ronnie :)
thank you for your knowledge and your way in teaching
This good…. Thank you
Mohammad Asadi
thank you :) :) :) :)
thank you for your knowledge and your way in teaching
M.Sharif Sheikh
Thank you so much
thank you
yahya khalaf
thank easy teaching and a nice teacher
I feel better when I’m watching your videos, thanks a lot, I love you Ronnie
melika sjd
90 in the scoore im making progresee yes i can do it
moroccan boy
Ronnie !!… U are awesome.
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks for your lessons!
You’re an amazing teacher, so cool!!!
Thanks a lot.
it is gorgeous
Thanks a lot. Lesson is very cool! like
amazing lesson!
Thank you I feel more confident after this lesson .
thanks a lot
Thanks u are very nice
Martina Gad11
Thank you for this lesson Ronnie!
Julio Coleti
you are pretty great teacher
Thank you
I’m impressed
Thank you Ronnie :-)
Thank you so much Ronnie, i learned a lot of things in this lesson.
Ernesto Muanassala
thanks Ronnie
thanks a lot Ronnie
hi every body.
I like your teaching style. I wish I had a chance to be your friend or your student. Because you are a really nice person. When I watch your videos I am laughing, I am learning and I am smiling… Thank you.
thank’s Ronnie
10 correct out of 10 this is why I’m amazing :)))))))))
Thank alot
Nyi lay
thanks a lot Ronnie you inspire me and i really like the confidence that you have
Extremely important and useful tips.Great teacher.
Thanks a lot.
It was great. I like your teaching style:)
Hallo Ronnie I have to attend a digital interview Do you have any tips for me? th you Eduardo
It was good
kiaku garcia
it’s helpful!
very nice lesson easy to understand…thank you teacher
Vianey Mendoza
Very good. its will be helpful for me
Ataul Bari
Thanks Ronnie great teacher you can make a what’s up group?
Mohammad jaber
Thanks 10/10?
Thank you, Roonie!
I like how the way you teach.
It was clear and fun. ?
Ai Nuraeni
Thanks. Nice lesson.
Love it Ronnie !
Thank you
first i like you Ronnie and the lecture is wonderfull
First I like you Ronnie and I like you
Hi Ronnie,
That’s not true about the Colombian girls not making an eye contact. On the contrary, they are very beautiful and look at your eyes when they talk to you.
You are good teaching Ronnie
camilo 664
Hi Ronnie, you’re simple THE BEST!!!
Always I take the quizes, you make me laughing a lot!!
I like you’re really straight in whatever you said, I love that. I agree when you said “smile at all time”, I think that is the main gate when someone fells some nervous, believe it or not, that action lets you get relaxation, but also take a deep breathe before you take the floor is important too.
I had take too much advantage on your English lessons, so I just want say THANK YOU SO MUCH (with a big smile in my face)
thank you very much
asmaa yahia
It’s good for me.
I love your lessons.you are confident and give me a confidence from your lessons.
the lecture is wonderfull THANK YOU
This is what I need , thank you Ronnie <3
Thank you for the video. It is very helpful. I started making the positive list. But, I answered one of the quiz questions as practice makes “perfect”, but it turned out the right answer is “percent”, I am a little bit confused, I always thought the right phrase is “practice makes perfect”
thank you so much teacher this vide is amazing inşallah i will go to interview i expect this video will be useful for us
Thank you a lot Ronnie, You’re amazing, I want to be a Teacher like you?. I’ll be fluent in English becouse of your lasson
Adbullaeva Nasiba
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you so much and I learnt a lot from your lesson.
Thank you ronnie
Nice lesson…
Thanks you, Very nice lesson
Krenar Kepuska
Thank you Ronnie, great lesson
thank you very much
thanks Ronnie! The lesson is so good!
Great video. Thanks. But what “Grab life by the balls” mean?
LOL,Brazilian being Br.
cool video, thx!!!
Dora Hou
I loved this video! great =)
very good. thank you
Great lesson, thank you.
thank u
maha mansour
thans Ronnie really I just feel confident
mahad mar gaabow
greatas always, thank you
Ronnie, you made a very positive and vital leson. It is like gulp of fresh air. Thank you))
Thanks Ronnie
Hossam El azaz
thank u ronni i like u
abdallah abass
Thanks Roonie I am soo happy and I am very confident of myself
abdallah abass
thank you..i am more confident now
that was awesome. thank you engvid. i learned a lot.
thank you
You are the best. Thanks alot for lesson.
Hey Ronnie…you are great!
i want someone to practice with
talking about anything
ahmed babe barry
good job thanks alot
ahmed babe barry
Wannapa Fuangfoo
It really helps me. Now I know what I need to do. Thank you. May God bless you everyone.)
Thank you very much.
Thanks Ronni.
I will try to make me more confident from now on.
thank you v much all of u
i am honour to learn with all of u
really ronni you are amazing
thank you 90%
You are the best. Thanks for your lesson. I’m waiting for more :)
i am a laky. beacse i found this wibsaet
Thank you so so mach
Suad elmasri
Thank you Ronni you are realy make me feel more confident :) <3
insaf belhaj
I feel happy for the quizz result of this video. Thanks Ronnie.
ronnie u r just osm . nobody can teach like you do . ur way of teaching is unique and i think thats way most of students like that . please keep teaching us the important lessons . thank you very much …..
I got perfect score ! Yehey !, thank you madam Ronnie for sharing your knowledge. It’s my pleasure to listen your videos. I’ve learn many about English. And one thing madam I would like to say that, I like the way you teach us.
Khian nasalin
Thanks Ronnie~
ronnie the best for ever ##good lesson
oooohoooo. I have 100% hoooooo awesome lesson Runni thank you
Thank you So much,
I scored 10 out of 10.
Your Always great thank you so much
thank you :) ;)
Mo tarek
This is an amazing video I ever saw.
You are a good English teacher. This lesson you prepare is easy to learn and understand. I really appreciate it.
Sean Siao
very good
Mahmoud Bely
I like this type of teaching. Thanks Ronnie, you are great.
it is an amazing lesson thank you so much, Ronne, <3
Thank you so much, Ronnie!
Ronnie you are awesome. I like the way how you teach & explain.
fasi ahmed
Thanks Ronnie, you’re very good teacher.
Thanks dear Ronnie, your lesson really helped me….
it’s good Ronnie
Great tips Ronnie.
Thanks a lot
Antonio Saldivar Moreno
Panda Ron
Very interesting topic. It is really helpful
Mazen 2016
thank you
first star
thanks ronnie!! you are awesome
baby rose
Thanks for everything :)
You got 10 correct out of 10.
M kartal
You are awesome
Ehab Mekhael
Thanks so much for the lesson Ronnie. I’m a bit more confident now
parnid nps
I like you sooo much Ronnie??
I am very confident, and and I talk pretty inglish like my teacher Ronnie. lol lol lol lol.
Thank you so much
hi ronnie! thanks for the lesson it’s makes me more confident :)
Ronnie! You are the best teacher for me
Tnx Ronnie.
yara nameh
Thanks for alot of
M Nasir Atayee
thanks for your lesson
Great Lesson Ronnie!!!, thanks a lot
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie!
hanks m.ronnie,
I love you, Ronnie! You are amazing, you are not online teaching English, your are far beyond what a teacher Is suposed to do!! Thank you for your tips !!
Thank you.
Thank you
Prakash s bhasagi
Sorry but your anecdote about women in Colombia or Venezuela is totally false. I don’t know who told you that but it is NOT TRUE AT ALL!!
Love your lesson, Ronnie. I got so much fun in your lesson and I learn a lot of English, I learn English around 20 years but I still can’t good to use English, your lesson make me don’t worry about that, I will always watch your video to learn more, thank you so much!
Thanks Ronnie. I never be hesitate and I’ll trying to make eye contact with other people.
Ishwar ishu
I like your way of teaching ronnie❤️
Keeb it ub??
Mohamed Raafat aly abdel karim
it is amazing, thank you
Hey dude, which province are you from in China?
Thanks to you Ronnie, you’re a good teacher
Adnan Alami
its amazing
esraa refaai
Thanks a lot Ronnie for the lesson. However,sorry , I didn’t understand the very last sentence in this lesson.Can you please rephrase it?
thanks a lot
al willis
I like it, it’s very helpful ♥️
Hend Mohey
You are a very inspiring,great teacher Ronnie!Thank you
I really enjoyed the class, I lack a lot of vocabulary, but I understood a lot. Thank you !!!!
I will practice daily
Flavio Delgado
Thank you I am Brazilian and now I want to learn English you are very fun I liked
I’m very happy with exercises!
eduardo calado
That is nice <3
shaimaa othman
WOU, You are cool and fun, What would I like to say is you making an entertaining Teaching, and That’s quite easy to memories as a student. oh and, you might be a comedies right ? :D.
Dear teacher, Ronnie! Thank you so much for the information. It’s amazing!
Very interesting
big likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Menna El Maghraby
Thank you Ronnie, I Will haverás English presentation in a non-english speaker country. So, I Will teu to follow all your reccomendations.
After this, I hope improve my confidence for the future presentations.
please can i find a native speaker to practice with him?
mohamed rashad1223
Yes. Now I am confident.
Great lesson and good tips to be more confident.thanks
Is there someone want to practice English?I’m a undergraduate from China, I’d like to find a friend to help each other with English.If so do you, please contact with me.Here is my email:lrzmyc9808@outlook.com
Very helpful lesson! Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you
Laourine Mohamed farhat
Excellent lesson. Thanks Ms Roonie :)
Thanks teacher.
Thank you so much it’s really a great lesson.
;I hope the best for you in your life;
Best wishes.
Mustafs subhi
tks alot ronnie
Very interesting and understandable lesson! Thank you!
Thank you for making such amazing video.
Priti Verma
Thank you Teacher Roni, excellent lesson.
It is always difficult to give a presentation in another language, but preparing yourself well indeed helps you (from your own experience).
Useful lesson, also for learning English.
Thank you for that.
abdulrahman alkharfan
thank you a lot
Hey Ronnie ma’am,
I always had a fear but now that I have learned I don’t fear!!
Plus, whenever I come in front of so many people I have a smile on my face like this—-> :D
I also love your vids and how u teach us
I am also scared of COVID-19
so I stay home stay safe
THNX Ronnie ma’am
Thanks for this lesson!
thank you very much, I wish I learn English?❤️
in the question ten the answer was smile but you give me wrong……?
im wrong. i dont read well im sorry.
I loved this lesson!!! I got 10!!! Congratulations to me!!!
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ohh that was awesome ! Thanks you !
thank you Ronnie.I wil do better next time.
…from Vietnam, thank you Ronnie.
I fell better, i going try of follow you recomendation. Thanks
What a good ending!. I like the way you teach
Pedrop Guijarrog
Ronnie, thank you. You’re the best.
I become more confident in speaking english after learning this lesson. Thanks for the valuable vlog.
Naw Ring
Very good lesson thanks alot ronie
Abbas Mohammed Ahmed ali
that s good ronie
i c that u shoud maka sammary
Loay Al-said
it,s one thing, immerse your body in English pool’s
Thanks RONI
It’s good lesson
HI you are very good teacher but pls make a video on how to write fables
Gurnoor luthra
Renzo Matos
This is first time I learn Ronnie’s lessons. I hope to be more confident in my daily life. Maybe this is not perfect sentence, but this is what I can do after watching your video. Thank you :D
Ana Fajriani
thanks teacher
Anwar Alhawari
Thank you, Ronnie for these lessons
10/10! So good! Be confident! Research it, learn it, practice it, repeat it, until you feel confident! I like these tips for us. Thanks, Ronnie!
Jerry Gu
Thats cool
Raiyani Indah Kasih
thank so much ..it’s an amazing lesson
nehal atef
thank you
gogo @elgali 4
Thank u so much for the lesson Ronnie:)
Thanks Ronnie💖
I love it! You are wonderful! Thank you! :) ❤️
thank u teacher i got 9
OMG!!! I just loved this video! You are FANTASTIC! thank you so much!
Thank you! Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie! Amazing!
I like the way you teaching mam,.learn a lot,,more power.
Tessie May
thank you my teacher you are amazing.
Actually I feel more confident after this lesson
Tank you so much Ronnie .
Let’s go ahead.
thank you. it was great
Thank you Ronnie . I enjoy your video and learn lots of thing. Now I’ll follow your instructions for being confident when I speak or doing presentation.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
very good
how is it possible?
It`s always possible.
U just have to learn it.
Thank you
Love you Ronnie! Thanks & regards from Venezuela :)
I remember you two were not the first?
maybe a miracle or sth else
hi nice too know you
Great lesson, thank you Ronnie!
I like your teaching style. It was very good lessons thanks Ronnie
i like it, to be succesful in life we have to be confident
Light comes after darkness
Ohh kotoz this time u missed.
I hope you get this position on next lesson.
Ty kindly o’sayed
I hope u will be the first next time
Good luck
Best wishes
thanks ronnie!! you are great
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you so much!!! I love your lessons :)))
same here
thank you, I love your class.
Nobody teach like you.
Hello everyone! The most impressive tip for my future confidence was showing the copybook! Every time I watch the videos I thought: “They are so gorgeous while teaching. I’ll never be like them! NEVER!” I know every lesson aren’t the improvised, but prepared. But now we were shown how much prepared! So, Nata, study more! Thank you, Ronnie
Thankyou ronnie.Now i feel more confident?
could you please tell me how your language is Persian ? whereas you are from Canada???
me too …this lesson was perfect .
This is not an English course, but a real surviving course!
I think I’m going to show it to my adolescent daughter, this video is a real treasure of keen tips.
Thanks Rooney! I learn a lot from you
Roonie not Rooney !
Rooney is a football player ;)
Great,Thank you,ronnie
Thanks, Ronnie
Thanks, Ronnie ^_^
yes 90% quiz! thanks Mam :D
Thanks Ronnie , you are good teacher !
This Vedio is very nice and easy to understand..
Great! Thanks! I want to ask you to make a lesson about american people’s names and their short forms like William is Bill for short. And one more favor about the lesson with using the word “fancy” as a verb. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
thankyou bonnie … i can understand what you would like t tell us .. be confident.
9 out of 10 , thanks Ronnie . as u mentioned u r weird
Your tips are so simple and so awesome at the same time! You are someone that I would like to be close! Thank you for the motivation video!!!
Ronnie, you are beloved – thank you so much! I am a little shy but now, I am more confident. Thanks for your tips – now them have to put into practice ;) My regards! – and I wish you smile and joy of life :) P.S. I have got 10/10
Thanks, precious tips
knowledge is power
the more you practice the better you become
Hello bro, I am from Iraq
Hi, good for you!
You’re great!
Ronnie, you are so funny, I really like your style.. See U darling!
I am lucky, because you are my teacher.I hope i can come to Canada to meet you and say thank you very much teacher Ronnie, you make more confident.
Hi Ronnie! I really like this lesson! It help me to realize the reasons for my lack of confidence when I need to talk with other people in English. Thanks!!
Ronnie, I love you! Thank you for your lessons :)
Madam Ronnie I’am sorry! I wanted to be the first one to give the comment but I had attended my English examination today and so I couldn’t reply or comment the first!
but your teaching was very cool as you do every time!
thank you ssssoooo much for such a cool lesson, and I ‘am talking in English with my friends confidently! only due to the lessons I learn’t, am learning, in engvid and I would learn English in future …..
this is all because of engvid crew or faculties…..
I heartly thank engvid!
That’s a pretty good reason to not be commenting! I hope you did well on your exam :)
MasterStoke by Ronnie,.
I am fun of your teaching style, I never saw before teacher like you.
Ronnie Bonnie;)
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson, it was great..
Thank you very much, Ronnie!
You’re awesome. Speaking easy about not easy things. I love your lessons.
Confident in life. Confident in english speaking. How wonderful the lesson is. Thanks Ronnie. Thanks Engvid.
Hi Ronnie,
I watch engvid videos daily but i cant retain all i get shy and nervous when it comes to speaking even in my native language.
Thanks to my English teacher.
Hi Ronnie.
Your tips are very important. Thanks.
I love your lessons Ronnie!!! Thank you!!!!
amazing video , thank you so much teacher
“Grab life by the balls” Ronnie you cool !!! :)
Thank you ronnie you are amazing… and I am unique!
greetings from Poland
thank you ronnie
Ronnie, thank u soo much for your lesson :)
Greeting Russia ;)
Greeting Azerbaijan))
Thank you so much, you look so kind :) If it is not a problem for you, I would like to keep in touch with you :)
Good advices not only for English
thank you for lesson teacher
Good night, Ronnie!
I would like to know if you have a school in Engvid where I can study there in Canada I want to do an exchange and I would like to do in a school that you teaching.
thank you
10/10 I’m very happy , thank you Ronnie you’re the best teacher☺
It such a fun lesson. Thank you Ronnie. I feel more confident now.
Lack of confidence makes things worse. The tips you taught is simple and supposed to be easier than I think. One of my bad habits is to take things negative. I need to be less shy, not afraid of doing something new and making mistakes.
Fear doesn’t produce anything.
Thanks to you, I’ve become more confident and known it’s important thing for not only learning English but also surviving this life!
thanks ronny this will help me a lot i liked how you finished the video let’s rock it lml
Thanks Ronny this lesson help me a lot.
Hi everyone,
I hope you know how great you are, Ronnie.
Thank you very much. I’m gonna reply this movie from time to time to be more confident when I have a presentation or want to speak in English.
Thank you Ronnie for this very inspiring video.
Ronnie, you’re a very good teacher, thank you to teaching me this
You are great teacher, Ronnie! Thanks a lot
Rudeness is the first sign of weakness and insecurity.
We, as women, are very lucky because we are sweet by nature:)What do you think, Ronny?
She’s amazing! And i’m a catperson))
Why I never saw engVid before?
This site is amazing!
Thank Ronnie
this lesson is brilliant!!! i was laughing out loud ))))
Hi Ronnie, great lesson! I try to tell EFL learners about all you said, it’s quite meaningful.
Talkin about the story you mentioned on eye contact let me tell you, I’m from Colombia. What you said is real with those men who are obsessed and like controling their wifes, but that’s not general in the Colombian society. On the contrary, here men an girls like to flirt through eye contactm with respect of course. I cannot say it for Venezuela, but I believe is pretty similar to here.
Thanks for the lesson and more than welcome to come to Colombia, you’ll enjoy it. !! Hugs!
Amazing, thank you for this vid Ronnie.
Great lesson, thanks Ronnie
you are awesome..think you
thank you ..i’m very grateful
Thanks Ronnie
thanks Ronnie teacher for your nice teaching
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie the video really good.
I am super-confident now, and now i can say i love you Ronnie!
ronnie you are man :):)which means you are good
Thanks for the good lesson
thank you so much
can you give us lessons about most 3000 common words in english
thanks for the lecture, it is very helpful.
Very good job!
Ronnie, you are perfect! Thank you.
10 out of 10. Thank you so much Ronnie! You`re the best!
Ronnie…I’m from Brazil and I’m going’ (or I´m gonna lol) to Toronto in the final of June and I´m stay’ until final of July. How could I meet you, my teacher?
thank you very much
Great lesson, thank you Ronnie!
Awesome. Thanks
I have seen a couple of words in the questionary that I didn’t know their meanings, they are “slouch” and “origami”, they are new to my learning of English. Good advice to implement your knowledge and feedback, be positive and don’t worry about the future, you have to be prepared to afford whatever you want, avoiding negative situations with people and things. Speaking slowly and confident with yourself, I will try to follow this rules. Thank a lot teacher Ronnie, it has been a very interesting lesson.
Good lesson;
Good Teacher;
Great job…
I´m very proud and happy for everyone who teach us
God bless you
Very useful information, Ronnie. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Ronnie
I can not download the vidio klip, plesae guide me.
Sorry, our videos are only available on YouTube, not for download. Our teachers make money from YouTube ads, which lets us offer all these lessons for free. We hope you understand.
I think in IRAN the government had stopped to use Youtube channel.That is why you should choose another way to get these videos.
That was really awesome
Thank you $very much
is great your teach way
God be with You Alwa€ys!
thank you so much Ronnie <3
Thanks for very useful lesson!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie! :)
thank you. I got 100 marks.
It was love at first sight!! =) wonderful lesson, thanks Ronnie =)
Thank you so much.
I watched to the end and got 10/10 questions.
Your lesson is very easy to understand and I think I’ve learnt a lot of things after watching it.
Thank you!
thanks Ronny, you make that english study is fun
Wow, I have 100% correct answers. Thank you for this lesson, Ronnie!
thank you, i want to try it
Thanks for this leason ronnie!
Ronnie, thank you!
You’re amazing and very funny!
I like you! So much!!
thanks, and i need practise much more to be confident
THx, Ronnie! The lesson was great as always. I really like a way how you teach :)
Thanks a lot, Ronnie! I like your lessons!
This is more than English lesson, thank you very much!
hello ronnie my name is minh hang and i come from viet nam
i write these question about my mother
she afraid that she will say wrong and peopele laugh at her so can you give me some strong direction to make her better
i told her that she must to be cofident by herself but you know she doesn’t want . so can you help me thanks very much
minh hang
I from colombia and I never hear about that ronie
This Video is very nice and easy to understand
Thanks Ronnie video
Ronnie thanks for such a motivating lesson.You are really unique and you made us unique too :)Keep rocking!
tanks!….Bob suck it!……nice!!! : )
Thank you for great explanation. Sometimes me and my friend make a joke and We just remember your some words,tenses and face mimicry :) Greeting from Azerbaijan
Whao, I never imagine I could get 80
Really happy for this.
oh im good 10 correct out of 10
thank you very much ron! c:
Ronnie you are an amazing teacher and person . I can’t stop laughing when you make a comment . thank you
Thanks!!! An excellent class :)
It’s good and Thanks
Thanks Ronnie!
Ronnie you are great….
10 correct
I really loved this class! congrulations!
thank you for teaching how to be confident. I learned a lot of things from it.
You speak so clearly that I can understand everything you says, definitely you are a little nut but that’s amazing, you are awesome. you´re more than teacher English, you sound like a good friend helping other, your videos are really funny and helpful, I appreciate it, thanks!
10 correct.. Thanks Ronnie that was a great lesson?
Thank you Ronnie.You are a funny teacher. I like this lesdon and try to use these ideas in my life. Hope I can be more confident in speaking Emglish!:)
Hello Ronnie. Thank you for videos! I am not able to finish to watch your videos. I love them. All of them. ?
Hai Ronnie, I have a doubt in pronunciation of RESUME . I heard two type pronunciation, pardon me for my english
Thanks, Ronnie! That was really inspiring and encouraging! And you are awesome, as usually:)
Hi Ronnie,
I like your teaching style; it’s practical and fun.
Ronnie and EngVid Team, with this, I finished all the Ronnies Videos, quiz included, preparing me for study in Ireland until the end of this year. I’d like to thank you all of you for the excellent job. I learned and laughed a lot with you! Thank you very much!
This is amazing! Love Ronnie! I´m learning, finally!
Perfect lesson!
Good tips. Thank you!
Very good thank You.
Wonderfull lesson, this video is a real source of motivation.
Thanks you for the wonderful lesson
I agree with you about how to become confident. I really like the way you explain this topic. Thank you.
thank you Ronnie
Perfect Ronnie, you are the best
I loved this lesson.
Thank you!!
Help me very much!
You are so comfortable to me ❤❤ thanks
Dear Ronnie, I love the way you teach and your personality is awesome. I have to tell you that about the eye contact issue is not true for Colombia. Or Maybe 100 years ago. Thank you.☺️
Hi Ronnie, I love your lessons! And your just too funny, can’t stop laughing watching your lessons. I’m thinking about becoming an English teacher myself and want to ask you to make a lesson about the ten things you should do as a beginning teacher and ten things you absolutely shouldn’t do.
Ronnie is real amazing teacher. I like her lessons very much.
Hi Ronnie , way you teach is Excellent but I wish you speake slowlay To distinguish each word
Hi Ronnie , thank you
Hi Ronnie ,I wish you speake slowlay To distinguish each word
Excellent! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie. You make me more confident.
oh my god.my score is 10 out of 10.how is it possible?
Thanks Ronnie
Wow!I have got 9/10.Thank you so much Ronnie.I just love you.
Thanks Ronnie
Thank your for your lesson.I liked very much. It was my first lesson on engvid.com
I’ve got 100/100, Always easy to understand.
Hi Ronnie, I think that you are such a great teacher! You really make us understand fully the topic. The story somebody told you about colombian and venezuelan ladys, is false, at least in my country Colombia. It sounds like something that might happened really long time ago, when women didn´t have rights and even slavery was O.K. Anyway thank you for your lessons!
I love your lessons Ronnie, and yes sometimes it happens to me that I feel that I have a terrible pronunciation but I have to try this, is the only way and thanks for the advice about recording myself while I’m speak so I can notice my mistakes and learn from them.
Yeiy i got it perfect..i think i can be more confident now..KUDOS for you Ronnie ???
Haha okay! I’ve got 9 out of 10 since i watched this last week and tried to remember. Not bad?
I love the way she teach! She made me laugh by her expression of her face and also i learned it too.:)))
Great, actually Ronnie, you are a quite positive person and I enjoy all your talks. You make it easier, thank you
Many thanks,Ronnie.
You are my lovely teacher to make me confident .
Great lesson Ronnie.Thank you
Thanks Ronnie, you are a confident person…
Your teaching style is stimulating, enthusiastic and exciting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You are an angel.
Thanks you, Ronnie!
Thanks, Ms. Ronnie. you’re sooo cool.
Thank you Roonie. You are the best!
Thums up Ronnie………… How about being interactive with the listeners (attendees of meeting etc.)? What is your opinion about this?
Thanks for your teaching and I want to be perfect in english.
Ronnie is my favorite.
Great) So inspirely, thank’s for video.
thank Roni
thanks Ronnie ,i’ve got a lot form this lesson. i’ll be more confident. millions thanks
i get 100 ^^ thank’s ronnie love you
you are great, Ronnie!!
good, thanks Ronnie
ronnie you are amazing !!!!tks
Great Ronnie!!! ;-)
Hello Ronnie, thank you for this lesson. It was so great that I instantly registered to leave a comment under your video. I wish I had such teacher as you are at my school but anyway I am glad I found you on youtube and this site.
Roonnie you are amazing!!!
thank you ronnie mam … it was interesting to lesion your teaching style ..and without boring .. how is it possible mam tell me the truth behind that now i want to become like u .. i’m madhan m.sc microbiology student tamilnadu
Great job! Thank you Ronnie!
Your amazing girl. I love your lesson thanks so much for bing yourself and an inspiration for us.??????
Nice Ronnie man, really i got confidence.
10 out of 10! I pretty like your style of teaching :-) Thank you, Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie! You are my favourite teacher!
You´re great Ronnie, I like the way you teach us and the way you see the life. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
Love you Ronnie so much
I am learning alot from you x
I like the lesson you thought Ronnie.
thanks Ronnie, my score is 100
thank you Ronnie . i love your way to teach us ^^
Thank you so much Ronnie!!!
I love your video.can help me a lot!
Excellent lesson!!!! thank you so much Ronnie!!!!
thank you :)
Hi Ronnie!! I really loved your lesson. Your an amazing teacher!!! I have to say you something. I´m from Colombia and the story that you told about Colombia or Venezuela is not true. Off course in my country you can see the men in the eyes, also when you are married, that´s something absolutely normal. And I think that the teachers of lenguages don´t teach only the lenguage, but also a culture, because of it, it´s very important don´t promote steriotypes like that. =)
Tks Ronnie. Thats was amazing vídeo!
But how can I ignore my parents or my siblings? they are always trying to put me down. :(
Great video! Great lesson! Great teacher! Thanks Ronnie.
Lesson for lives… you are amazing Ronnie!!!??????
i love the way you are useing in talk
this is first i see for you and you are greet person
carry on ♥
hello do you want to improve your English
i just read your message and i find a mistake in
using – great
thank you
It´s absolutely great this lesson, love you, please come to Colombia, women we are so proud, gorgeous, smart and confident, thanks, thanks, thanks.
how can i overcome those criticism and gettin’ learn from it?
now i feel more confident !
yes confident the number one instrument to represent own self like an interview or other someone intelligence can be able deliberating.
Thank you
Nice to start learning English
very important for me this lesson!
Hi everyone! :-)
Thank you so much :)
You will seem more confident if you speak slowly
You’re my teatcher?
I feel more confident that I´m submitting a comment! T
This was such a wondeful thing that I have never thought such an issue of personal development could be clarified. Thank you Ronnie! :)
Best teacher in the world!!! ;)))
Hi Ronnie,
The story that you mentioned is absolutely false. I never heard that before.
Talking in a general way, Venezuelans and Colombians are people educated, qualified, and civilized our women are wonderful and really confident.
I admire you because I believe in you, your method really helps with my English.
Please… Do not repeat that again, it’s false and people won’t believe in you anymore.
Take care.
very helpful. thank you teacher ronnie
Ronnie, thank you! That lecture was very interesting and useful for me. Tell me, please, are you a psychologist? Sorry for my question, but this lecture was on a psychological topic.
Thank you Ronnie
thank you very much
nice video! I love this teaching way! thanks a lot!
Totally crazy and amazing person, love you Ronnie!
That’s very good! i will do it all!! .
I get 10 out of 10. Thanks Ronnnie!! You’re the best!!!!!!!!! I feel more confident now. I was always scared, negative about myself!!!! Thanks so much!!!:)
out of 10 i get 8… thanks to Mrss.Ronnie.
thank you..nice
Thank you. :)
Thank you :)
i don’t understand some words while you speak :). but i got 10 / 10 :)thanks
Wow your teaching are simple and cute, I will following you thank you :-D
Hi Ronie I saw you in youtube and I’m here to learn more about English
You’re very nice i liked it alot
you are very great teacher and this lesson is very great. thanks ronnie :)
thank you for your knowledge and your way in teaching
This good…. Thank you
thank you :) :) :) :)
thank you for your knowledge and your way in teaching
Thank you so much
thank you
thank easy teaching and a nice teacher
I feel better when I’m watching your videos, thanks a lot, I love you Ronnie
90 in the scoore im making progresee yes i can do it
Ronnie !!… U are awesome.
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks for your lessons!
You’re an amazing teacher, so cool!!!
Thanks a lot.
it is gorgeous
Thanks a lot. Lesson is very cool! like
amazing lesson!
Thank you I feel more confident after this lesson .
thanks a lot
Thanks u are very nice
Thank you for this lesson Ronnie!
you are pretty great teacher
Thank you
I’m impressed
Thank you Ronnie :-)
Thank you so much Ronnie, i learned a lot of things in this lesson.
thanks Ronnie
thanks a lot Ronnie
hi every body.
I like your teaching style. I wish I had a chance to be your friend or your student. Because you are a really nice person. When I watch your videos I am laughing, I am learning and I am smiling… Thank you.
thank’s Ronnie
10 correct out of 10 this is why I’m amazing :)))))))))
Thank alot
thanks a lot Ronnie you inspire me and i really like the confidence that you have
Extremely important and useful tips.Great teacher.
Thanks a lot.
It was great. I like your teaching style:)
Hallo Ronnie I have to attend a digital interview Do you have any tips for me? th you Eduardo
It was good
it’s helpful!
very nice lesson easy to understand…thank you teacher
Very good. its will be helpful for me
Thanks Ronnie great teacher you can make a what’s up group?
Thanks 10/10?
Thank you, Roonie!
I like how the way you teach.
It was clear and fun. ?
Thanks. Nice lesson.
Love it Ronnie !
Thank you
first i like you Ronnie and the lecture is wonderfull
First I like you Ronnie and I like you
Hi Ronnie,
That’s not true about the Colombian girls not making an eye contact. On the contrary, they are very beautiful and look at your eyes when they talk to you.
You are good teaching Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, you’re simple THE BEST!!!
Always I take the quizes, you make me laughing a lot!!
I like you’re really straight in whatever you said, I love that. I agree when you said “smile at all time”, I think that is the main gate when someone fells some nervous, believe it or not, that action lets you get relaxation, but also take a deep breathe before you take the floor is important too.
I had take too much advantage on your English lessons, so I just want say THANK YOU SO MUCH (with a big smile in my face)
thank you very much
It’s good for me.
I love your lessons.you are confident and give me a confidence from your lessons.
the lecture is wonderfull THANK YOU
This is what I need , thank you Ronnie <3
Thank you for the video. It is very helpful. I started making the positive list. But, I answered one of the quiz questions as practice makes “perfect”, but it turned out the right answer is “percent”, I am a little bit confused, I always thought the right phrase is “practice makes perfect”
thank you so much teacher this vide is amazing inşallah i will go to interview i expect this video will be useful for us
Thank you a lot Ronnie, You’re amazing, I want to be a Teacher like you?. I’ll be fluent in English becouse of your lasson
Dear Ronnie,
Thank you so much and I learnt a lot from your lesson.
Thank you ronnie
Nice lesson…
Thanks you, Very nice lesson
Thank you Ronnie, great lesson
thank you very much
thanks Ronnie! The lesson is so good!
Great video. Thanks. But what “Grab life by the balls” mean?
LOL,Brazilian being Br.
cool video, thx!!!
I loved this video! great =)
very good. thank you
Great lesson, thank you.
thank u
thans Ronnie really I just feel confident
greatas always, thank you
Ronnie, you made a very positive and vital leson. It is like gulp of fresh air. Thank you))
Thanks Ronnie
thank u ronni i like u
Thanks Roonie I am soo happy and I am very confident of myself
thank you..i am more confident now
that was awesome. thank you engvid. i learned a lot.
thank you
You are the best. Thanks alot for lesson.
Hey Ronnie…you are great!
i want someone to practice with
talking about anything
good job thanks alot
It really helps me. Now I know what I need to do. Thank you. May God bless you everyone.)
Thank you very much.
Thanks Ronni.
I will try to make me more confident from now on.
thank you v much all of u
i am honour to learn with all of u
really ronni you are amazing
thank you 90%
You are the best. Thanks for your lesson. I’m waiting for more :)
i am a laky. beacse i found this wibsaet
Thank you so so mach
Thank you Ronni you are realy make me feel more confident :) <3
I feel happy for the quizz result of this video. Thanks Ronnie.
ronnie u r just osm . nobody can teach like you do . ur way of teaching is unique and i think thats way most of students like that . please keep teaching us the important lessons . thank you very much …..
I got perfect score ! Yehey !, thank you madam Ronnie for sharing your knowledge. It’s my pleasure to listen your videos. I’ve learn many about English. And one thing madam I would like to say that, I like the way you teach us.
Thanks Ronnie~
ronnie the best for ever ##good lesson
oooohoooo. I have 100% hoooooo awesome lesson Runni thank you
Thank you So much,
I scored 10 out of 10.
Your Always great thank you so much
thank you :) ;)
This is an amazing video I ever saw.
You are a good English teacher. This lesson you prepare is easy to learn and understand. I really appreciate it.
very good
I like this type of teaching. Thanks Ronnie, you are great.
it is an amazing lesson thank you so much, Ronne, <3
Thank you so much, Ronnie!
Ronnie you are awesome. I like the way how you teach & explain.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re very good teacher.
Thanks dear Ronnie, your lesson really helped me….
it’s good Ronnie
Great tips Ronnie.
Thanks a lot
Very interesting topic. It is really helpful
thank you
thanks ronnie!! you are awesome
Thanks for everything :)
You got 10 correct out of 10.
You are awesome
Thanks so much for the lesson Ronnie. I’m a bit more confident now
I like you sooo much Ronnie??
I am very confident, and and I talk pretty inglish like my teacher Ronnie. lol lol lol lol.
Thank you so much
hi ronnie! thanks for the lesson it’s makes me more confident :)
Ronnie! You are the best teacher for me
Tnx Ronnie.
Thanks for alot of
thanks for your lesson
Great Lesson Ronnie!!!, thanks a lot
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie!
hanks m.ronnie,
I love you, Ronnie! You are amazing, you are not online teaching English, your are far beyond what a teacher Is suposed to do!! Thank you for your tips !!
Thank you.
Thank you
Sorry but your anecdote about women in Colombia or Venezuela is totally false. I don’t know who told you that but it is NOT TRUE AT ALL!!
Love your lesson, Ronnie. I got so much fun in your lesson and I learn a lot of English, I learn English around 20 years but I still can’t good to use English, your lesson make me don’t worry about that, I will always watch your video to learn more, thank you so much!
Thanks Ronnie. I never be hesitate and I’ll trying to make eye contact with other people.
I like your way of teaching ronnie❤️
Keeb it ub??
it is amazing, thank you
Hey dude, which province are you from in China?
Thanks to you Ronnie, you’re a good teacher
its amazing
Thanks a lot Ronnie for the lesson. However,sorry , I didn’t understand the very last sentence in this lesson.Can you please rephrase it?
thanks a lot
I like it, it’s very helpful ♥️
You are a very inspiring,great teacher Ronnie!Thank you
I really enjoyed the class, I lack a lot of vocabulary, but I understood a lot. Thank you !!!!
I will practice daily
Thank you I am Brazilian and now I want to learn English you are very fun I liked
I’m very happy with exercises!
That is nice <3
WOU, You are cool and fun, What would I like to say is you making an entertaining Teaching, and That’s quite easy to memories as a student. oh and, you might be a comedies right ? :D.
Dear teacher, Ronnie! Thank you so much for the information. It’s amazing!
Very interesting
big likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thank you Ronnie, I Will haverás English presentation in a non-english speaker country. So, I Will teu to follow all your reccomendations.
After this, I hope improve my confidence for the future presentations.
please can i find a native speaker to practice with him?
Yes. Now I am confident.
Great lesson and good tips to be more confident.thanks
Is there someone want to practice English?I’m a undergraduate from China, I’d like to find a friend to help each other with English.If so do you, please contact with me.Here is my email:lrzmyc9808@outlook.com
Very helpful lesson! Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you
Excellent lesson. Thanks Ms Roonie :)
Thanks teacher.
Thank you so much it’s really a great lesson.
;I hope the best for you in your life;
Best wishes.
tks alot ronnie
Very interesting and understandable lesson! Thank you!
Thank you for making such amazing video.
Thank you Teacher Roni, excellent lesson.
It is always difficult to give a presentation in another language, but preparing yourself well indeed helps you (from your own experience).
Useful lesson, also for learning English.
Thank you for that.
thank you a lot
Hey Ronnie ma’am,
I always had a fear but now that I have learned I don’t fear!!
Plus, whenever I come in front of so many people I have a smile on my face like this—-> :D
I also love your vids and how u teach us
I am also scared of COVID-19
so I stay home stay safe
THNX Ronnie ma’am
Thanks for this lesson!
thank you very much, I wish I learn English?❤️
in the question ten the answer was smile but you give me wrong……?
im wrong. i dont read well im sorry.
I loved this lesson!!! I got 10!!! Congratulations to me!!!
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Ohh that was awesome ! Thanks you !
thank you Ronnie.I wil do better next time.
…from Vietnam, thank you Ronnie.
I fell better, i going try of follow you recomendation. Thanks
What a good ending!. I like the way you teach
Ronnie, thank you. You’re the best.
I become more confident in speaking english after learning this lesson. Thanks for the valuable vlog.
Very good lesson thanks alot ronie
that s good ronie
i c that u shoud maka sammary
it,s one thing, immerse your body in English pool’s
Thanks RONI
It’s good lesson
HI you are very good teacher but pls make a video on how to write fables
This is first time I learn Ronnie’s lessons. I hope to be more confident in my daily life. Maybe this is not perfect sentence, but this is what I can do after watching your video. Thank you :D
thanks teacher
Thank you, Ronnie for these lessons
10/10! So good! Be confident! Research it, learn it, practice it, repeat it, until you feel confident! I like these tips for us. Thanks, Ronnie!
Thats cool
thank so much ..it’s an amazing lesson
thank you
Thank u so much for the lesson Ronnie:)
Thanks Ronnie💖
I love it! You are wonderful! Thank you! :) ❤️
thank u teacher i got 9
OMG!!! I just loved this video! You are FANTASTIC! thank you so much!
Thank you! Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie! Amazing!
I like the way you teaching mam,.learn a lot,,more power.
thank you my teacher you are amazing.
Actually I feel more confident after this lesson
Tank you so much Ronnie .
Let’s go ahead.
thank you. it was great
Thank you Ronnie . I enjoy your video and learn lots of thing. Now I’ll follow your instructions for being confident when I speak or doing presentation.
Thank you
thank you Ronnie
Thank you teacher for the class