You don’t have to be nice all the time! Improve your vocabulary and learn how to insult someone creatively in this video. I’ll teach you expressions to talk about how smart someone is too, so it isn’t all negative. English is very creative when it comes to insults and praise. In this lesson we’ll look at some interesting ways to say someone is dumb as well as ways to say someone is smart or just plain crazy. Hopefully, you’re not out to lunch on this lesson, but are rather on the ball.
Thanks, Adam. it very an important lesson to understand native-speaker.
Thanks, Adam!
I’m not sure I understood correctly the phrase “he’s not considered the best for nothing”.
He’s not considered the best, but he is really the best?
Hi Inquizy,
He is considered the best, and he has this reputation for a reason. In other words, it is not for nothing (for no reason) that he is considered the best.
Does this help?
Hi Adam!
Yes, now I see.
It is not for nothing that he is considered the best – that’s clear.
Thanks a lot, your lessons are great!
This is a very good video for the person who wants to have the deeper knowledge of English.
Thanks for a quiz! I’m going to watching a video again for acieve more positive result.
Hii Adam …can you please prepare a lesson on how to write different types of composition like…descriptive,narrative,argumentative and picture composition..
I’ll see what I can do Taylor.
Don’t give up my day job. lol
He seems to be out of lunch or He seems out of lunch?
Hi Vadimrus,
Out to lunch.
We also say this when a person is out of the office (to have lunch).
GREAT lesson as usual! Thank you!!
But is it “a SMART cookie” and not sharp ?
Hi Ronen,
Actually, both work. Sharp means smart. Smart can also be used to mean having an attitude :)
Hi Adam, thanks a lot. Some new expressions, but in Australia I’ve also heard saying “a smart cookie” instead of “sharp cookie”.
Actually, both work, Vicbuk. Sharp means smart. Smart can also be used to mean having an attitude :)
Thanks, teacher. It was good lesson))
Natig Panahli
Thank you Adam.
Good lesson, teacher….!!!
Jakub Alvarez
Dear Adam,
First of all, Thank you for your videos and posts on the facebook page.
As I am a postgraduate student, I want to apply for my Ph.D. However, I faced with these “motivation letter”, “Cover letter”, and “Personal Statement” phrases. By searching on the internet, I could find lots of samples and websites but I can not distinguish which one of the websites are reliable and valid. Thus, If you the reliable webpage about them, could you please introduce me? And also could you tell me how the standard template of them are?
Hi Hossein,
I’ll look at some pages and let you know.
A cover letter accompanies a resume and is usually used when applying for a job or to introduce oneself.
A motivation letter (also called statement of purpose) describes what you want to study, why, and toward what goal. A personal statement gives a portrait of you to the reader as a way to show why you would be a good candidate.
Hello Adam!
First of all, I MUST (as an obligation) thank you! Your lessons are amazingly good and I have been improving a lot since I started to follow you here and in your, Write to Top, youtube channel.
Secondly, I would like to tell you that you’re my favorite Grammar-Savvy, I know you are a Grammar purist just like me, so if I make any mistake, please let me know.
And finally, I would like to ask you to give me information above these letters, which my virtual colleague is asking for.
Great hugs from Spain,
Please !!!
The emotion made me lose my education!
Hi Jane :)
I am currently working on a site dedicated to these statements and letters. I will notify you when it’s ready, but it might take a bit of time as I will be making videos for these as well.
I really don’t understand where to use these kind of words like cookie deck etc .etc
Hi Manand,
the more you read and watch English TV and movies, the more you will see and hear these words. hey are part of everyday conversation among native speakers. You will rarely see them in textbooks.
Thank you Adam for this good lesson.
A real “key” lesson to the everyday English language. Thank you Adam. Only a question… These expressions are used as much in American English as in British English?
Hi Lazaros,
These are more North American, I’d say. Every country has it’s own slang, but mostly these will be understood by British and Australians in context.
Great lesson as usual Adam.
Thanks a lot!!!
The worst score ever! 60! I am not the brightest star in the sky ! That is for sure. Thanks Asam. ;) lol
Best class… Litterly This was a new class.
Hemant Rawat
I have 7/10. Thanks Adam, By the way I’d like ask you the number 9 question because I don’t see you used option: don’t give up your day job I meant you don’t explain this option in your lesson
nguyen van long
Hi Nguyen,
don’t give up your day job means you should keep your job because you are not good enough at something (in this case singing) and should not rely on it to succeed.
Does this help?
Dear Adam,
Thank you so much for your lectures i truly appreciate. you are real Guru!!
Very good lesson.Thanks.
I have been thinking that there are 56 cards until today. Thank you Adam for this information and lesson.
Very good Lesson! As a techer you are the cream of the crop Mr. Adam. Yes, la crème de la crème:)
Hi Adam ,
Thank you for this lesson .
Mr Jespers doesn’t miss a trick or a tick . Wich one is correct ?
See you
Hi Tsamp,
It’s trick
Sorry, I didn’t realize I missed that word. It’s actually trick. That was a typo.
Hello Adam!
I know a famous president who isn’t playing with a full deck… Will you guess who I’m talking about?
hmmm…. ;)
so sad got only 5 :(
Vanessa Tan
No worries, Vanessa. It’ll be higher next time :) Keep trying.
The president is a nut job.
Hi. Great class, very useful. I have a question: “He doesn´t miss a tRick” or “a tick”? In the quiz appears “trick” but in the video you said and wrote “tick”.
Hi Salvador,
Sorry, I didn’t realize I missed that word. It’s actually trick. That was a typo.
Adam is the cream of the crop of Engvid teachers.
Thank you very much Adam for your quick videos
This lessons help me a lot
Hi…Adam can you prepare a lesson on poetry writing..
Hi Taylor,
I’m not sure many people would like that, but I will see what I can come up with.
Ok your wish, teacher. It’s not a compulsion.
Hello Adam … thanks for your class, very interesting
A bit difficult to learn all the phrases, but very important..
Thanks for the lesson is excellent
Thanks for these new idioms now Í can realize what really means instead of just translate from the dictionary
Hi, Adam
I’d be appreciate if you explain us complex subject and complex object and what is the differences between them
Nurbol Shabetov
Hi Nurbot,
These are subjects and objects that have modifiers. Simple subjects would be just the nouns, gerunds, etc. Complex ones include adjectives, clauses, phrases, etc.
Does this help?
dear teacher thanks a lot for ur nice job.really i like ur lessons verymuch…..the way of teaching awesome…..
Thank you Mister Adam. You were in the ball during this lesson.
Well…I have to practice a little more :(
El Mono Loco
Ilike to your leson and very good teaching
I am inperss
thank you adam
Thank You for the lessons and help!!!
Jokes from me!
1 The boss of a bus depot Ivan Ivanovich kisses all
his bus drivers after work on their lips. He wants
to know who of those fu.ks steals gas…
2 It’s nothing that this cockroach got into
salad. It’s strange that he died in this
3 Wife to a girlfriend: “I had been molding
dumplings all day long! He came in evening and
said: ” Don’t buy those anymore!””…
4 A man complains to his friend:
– Those fu….g bedbugs so annoy me!
– Have you tried to get the bed out into frost?
– Yea! I have. But they take it back!
Thanks for attention!
About the first one: there’s an old method of bus gasoline discharge by using hose and mouth suction.
3 I had been making dumplings …
Not sure I get #3
In Russia it is believed that homemade food is much better :)
To you as well Katrin, and happy New Year (belated) :)
Hello Adam,
I am trying to learn the British accent.You are really good in explaining the correct pronunciations.
So, I was wondering if you could do a video on “How to sound British”.
Or maybe just some tips. Btw I love your attitude and I think you are a great teacher.
Javid H. Shah
Thanks Javid, but to be honest, you should listen to the British teachers here. Even if I pretended to speak with a British accent, it would still be fake and not good for you.
Yes, you are probably right. But i was thinking like a short video that would just bring into light the differences between the two accents.
I m sure many people would love to see that coming from you, i know i would.
Also, since you are a very capable teacher, have you ever thought of making videos illustrating teaching tips and techniques?
Javid H. Shah
:) I’ll keep that in mind. :)
Thanks :)
Javid H. Shah
Benjamin. He’s British.
A. N. Woof
Hi Adam, can I keep in touch with you directly. If you use messenger, viber etc…please let me know about it.
Hi Neda,
You’re welcome to ask me any questions you have here :)
why don,t you write what teacher said ???
I’m not sure what you mean Jeej.
Hello Adam! I’m new. May I join to your lessons? Thank you at any rate for this lesson.
Muslim Ru
Welcome Muslim Ru :)
Thank you Adam. Sorry, by the way Happy New Year!
Muslim Ru
To you as well :)
Hello Adam,
I am not quite sure about the eighth question. Could you expand on the explanation of the answer?. Thanks.
Albeiro Ruiz
Hi Albeiro,
To fool someone means to trick them or cheat them somehow. You shouldn’t waste your time trying to do that to Mr. Jespers because he is too smart and will catch you.
Does this help?
Hello Adam
I need any one to practice English with me
for increase our English skills
Thanks everyone.
Sorry, but i made a typo on the board: the expression is don’t miss a tRick.
Also, don’t quit your day job means you’re not good enough to do something, so don’t try to make money from it.
Hi Adam. My name is Anna. I’m looking for a teacher to brush up on my English. I couldn’t be more happier if you can be my teacher. Could you please contact me? Just an FYI. I live not far from Toronto
Hi Anna,
I’m afraid I don’t do private lessons. Also I now live in South Korea :) I hope you can find someone to help. Good luck.
Thanks for the response. May I ask for any recommendations? I am here totally alone and don’t have anyone to ask on this. Thanks a lot))
Have you tried You can find some good teachers there, but just be careful and use common sense when arranging to meet anyone. I’m afraid I don’t know any teachers there anymore.
Hi,Adam. I’d be very thanks full to your goodself if you please explain to me the difference between “infinitive and bare infinitive” with examples.
Hi Usman,
They are the same, except that a bare infinitive is just the verb without “to”.
infinitive – to play
bare infinitive – play
Hi Adam, “don’t miss a tick” or “don’t miss a trick”, what is the correct expression? I’m confused.
Never mind. I already saw your answer above. Thank you!
Hi Igor,
It’s trick. That was a typo.
adam ,
“posh” means smart. right? it’s a slang?
Hi Dariowerbowy,
It’s British slang, meaning high-class, stylish, etc.
i jush read on a book it means smart/ clever.
posh boy = clever boy!!
Hi Adam
Got a question:
In the quiz, in the number four if the guy numnber A says Neil Johnson is a sharp cookie, the guy B says is not the best for nothing. I guess the guy B should say “a bit slow”. Thanks for your comment in advance.
I think the most common variation of “not the sharpest/brightest ____ in the ____” is “not the sharpest tool in the shed”, maybe because of the song “All Star” (by Smash Mouth). Also, I’ve heard negative versions of “sharp cookie”, which are “smarty pants” and “smart ass”.
Hi Pedro,
Smarty pants and smart ass is when being smart gets you in trouble. ;)
Thanks for the reply :) I guess we should aim to stay one the sharp cookie side, but sometimes we end up being smarty pants instead =*
You are the cream of the crop, Adam.
Love your videos.
Keep up the good work.
Just a small question—
–>He has book smarts
–>He is book smart
Which one is correct?
I don’t really understand no. 4
Somebody asked this question already. See above.
Not miss a tick. What is the meaning of a tick? Is this a clock sound or something else???
Sorry, I am not 100%. Look at my profile picture:((
Hi Adam! I have learned a lot from your videos Thanks and keep up the good work. I have a question.
“Mary has gobe out for lunch” or “Mary s out to lunch
Rain Chan
Sorry, I accidentally clicked “Submit Comment”
Further to the above comment.
“Mary has gone out for lunch.”
‘Mary has gone out to lunch.”
Which is correct? I should use “for” or “to”?
Rain Chan
Thnx !
Hello Adam .
I am new student
Hi I couldnt watch this leson. There is problem.
Hi Adam!!!! it was fun to learn English expression. I hope by practicing daily, i can be sharp as a tack. Is that right ?
nguon soksambath
Hi Adam,
I’m confused about last two expressions “quick/slow”. Does it always mean stupid if I say “You are so slow” ?
nice to know but careful to apply, mistakes cost a lot
thanks a lot Adam
Very clear and useful, thanks
wow. you are grrreat! Thanks a lot!
Why the right answer is “don’t give up your job???
Maybe because since his singing isn’t good, then he shouldn’t give up his job, so that he doesn’t need to sing.
A. N. Woof
Thank you!
In French, to be the cream of the crop is “être la crème de la crème”. I find it pretty funny aha!
Clara C
Very awesome video. But I am a bit out to lunch. I got a 40, 50, and a 70. :(
A. N. Woof
Never mind, I got a 100.
A. N. Woof
Dear Adam,
This is one of your best lessons! Oh my, I laughed a lot :))) Thank you for your hard work!
Im starting to catch the slang meaning. I laughed a lot with this lesson. Thanks
Wonderful!10/10! I got full marks again. The idioms make me confuse and let me like.
Jerry Gu
This lesson quite hard but not bad adam
6/10 ,it turns that I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer ??
I found this lesson a little bit difficult, I think I need to take it one more time.
Thanks Adam.
Marwa F. Adam
“to know the score” – actually, before you explained it, my guess was that it related to music and musical scores. Which also makes sense to me – as it is comparable to knowing a book or a script by heart: you know your part, you know where you are with it, you know what is going to happen next, you know how it is going to last, you realize who plays what.
By the way, music or musical score? – graphic or graphical project?
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Who likes play poker thumb up! ;-)
Dear teacher you’r really book smart has i know.
He is a book smarts
Thanks, Rohu23, but I HAVE book smarts ;)
Got 08/10 ☺ awesome! Thanks adam.
Thanks, Adam. it very an important lesson to understand native-speaker.
Thanks, Adam!
I’m not sure I understood correctly the phrase “he’s not considered the best for nothing”.
He’s not considered the best, but he is really the best?
Hi Inquizy,
He is considered the best, and he has this reputation for a reason. In other words, it is not for nothing (for no reason) that he is considered the best.
Does this help?
Hi Adam!
Yes, now I see.
It is not for nothing that he is considered the best – that’s clear.
Thanks a lot, your lessons are great!
This is a very good video for the person who wants to have the deeper knowledge of English.
Thanks for a quiz! I’m going to watching a video again for acieve more positive result.
Hii Adam …can you please prepare a lesson on how to write different types of composition like…descriptive,narrative,argumentative and picture composition..
I’ll see what I can do Taylor.
Don’t give up my day job. lol
He seems to be out of lunch or He seems out of lunch?
Hi Vadimrus,
Out to lunch.
We also say this when a person is out of the office (to have lunch).
GREAT lesson as usual! Thank you!!
But is it “a SMART cookie” and not sharp ?
Hi Ronen,
Actually, both work. Sharp means smart. Smart can also be used to mean having an attitude :)
Hi Adam, thanks a lot. Some new expressions, but in Australia I’ve also heard saying “a smart cookie” instead of “sharp cookie”.
Actually, both work, Vicbuk. Sharp means smart. Smart can also be used to mean having an attitude :)
Thanks, teacher. It was good lesson))
Thank you Adam.
Good lesson, teacher….!!!
Dear Adam,
First of all, Thank you for your videos and posts on the facebook page.
As I am a postgraduate student, I want to apply for my Ph.D. However, I faced with these “motivation letter”, “Cover letter”, and “Personal Statement” phrases. By searching on the internet, I could find lots of samples and websites but I can not distinguish which one of the websites are reliable and valid. Thus, If you the reliable webpage about them, could you please introduce me? And also could you tell me how the standard template of them are?
Hi Hossein,
I’ll look at some pages and let you know.
A cover letter accompanies a resume and is usually used when applying for a job or to introduce oneself.
A motivation letter (also called statement of purpose) describes what you want to study, why, and toward what goal. A personal statement gives a portrait of you to the reader as a way to show why you would be a good candidate.
Hello Adam!
First of all, I MUST (as an obligation) thank you! Your lessons are amazingly good and I have been improving a lot since I started to follow you here and in your, Write to Top, youtube channel.
Secondly, I would like to tell you that you’re my favorite Grammar-Savvy, I know you are a Grammar purist just like me, so if I make any mistake, please let me know.
And finally, I would like to ask you to give me information above these letters, which my virtual colleague is asking for.
Great hugs from Spain,
Please !!!
The emotion made me lose my education!
Hi Jane :)
I am currently working on a site dedicated to these statements and letters. I will notify you when it’s ready, but it might take a bit of time as I will be making videos for these as well.
I really don’t understand where to use these kind of words like cookie deck etc .etc
Hi Manand,
the more you read and watch English TV and movies, the more you will see and hear these words. hey are part of everyday conversation among native speakers. You will rarely see them in textbooks.
Thank you Adam for this good lesson.
A real “key” lesson to the everyday English language. Thank you Adam. Only a question… These expressions are used as much in American English as in British English?
Hi Lazaros,
These are more North American, I’d say. Every country has it’s own slang, but mostly these will be understood by British and Australians in context.
Great lesson as usual Adam.
Thanks a lot!!!
The worst score ever! 60! I am not the brightest star in the sky ! That is for sure. Thanks Asam. ;) lol
Best class… Litterly This was a new class.
I have 7/10. Thanks Adam, By the way I’d like ask you the number 9 question because I don’t see you used option: don’t give up your day job I meant you don’t explain this option in your lesson
Hi Nguyen,
don’t give up your day job means you should keep your job because you are not good enough at something (in this case singing) and should not rely on it to succeed.
Does this help?
Dear Adam,
Thank you so much for your lectures i truly appreciate. you are real Guru!!
Very good lesson.Thanks.
I have been thinking that there are 56 cards until today. Thank you Adam for this information and lesson.
Very good Lesson! As a techer you are the cream of the crop Mr. Adam. Yes, la crème de la crème:)
Hi Adam ,
Thank you for this lesson .
Mr Jespers doesn’t miss a trick or a tick . Wich one is correct ?
See you
Hi Tsamp,
It’s trick
Sorry, I didn’t realize I missed that word. It’s actually trick. That was a typo.
Hello Adam!
I know a famous president who isn’t playing with a full deck… Will you guess who I’m talking about?
hmmm…. ;)
so sad got only 5 :(
No worries, Vanessa. It’ll be higher next time :) Keep trying.
The president is a nut job.
Hi. Great class, very useful. I have a question: “He doesn´t miss a tRick” or “a tick”? In the quiz appears “trick” but in the video you said and wrote “tick”.
Hi Salvador,
Sorry, I didn’t realize I missed that word. It’s actually trick. That was a typo.
Adam is the cream of the crop of Engvid teachers.
Thank you very much Adam for your quick videos
This lessons help me a lot
Hi…Adam can you prepare a lesson on poetry writing..
Hi Taylor,
I’m not sure many people would like that, but I will see what I can come up with.
Ok your wish, teacher. It’s not a compulsion.
Hello Adam … thanks for your class, very interesting
A bit difficult to learn all the phrases, but very important..
Thanks for the lesson is excellent
Thanks for these new idioms now Í can realize what really means instead of just translate from the dictionary
Hi, Adam
I’d be appreciate if you explain us complex subject and complex object and what is the differences between them
Hi Nurbot,
These are subjects and objects that have modifiers. Simple subjects would be just the nouns, gerunds, etc. Complex ones include adjectives, clauses, phrases, etc.
Does this help?
dear teacher thanks a lot for ur nice job.really i like ur lessons verymuch…..the way of teaching awesome…..
Thank you Mister Adam. You were in the ball during this lesson.
Well…I have to practice a little more :(
Ilike to your leson and very good teaching
I am inperss
thank you adam
Thank You for the lessons and help!!!
Jokes from me!
1 The boss of a bus depot Ivan Ivanovich kisses all
his bus drivers after work on their lips. He wants
to know who of those fu.ks steals gas…
2 It’s nothing that this cockroach got into
salad. It’s strange that he died in this
3 Wife to a girlfriend: “I had been molding
dumplings all day long! He came in evening and
said: ” Don’t buy those anymore!””…
4 A man complains to his friend:
– Those fu….g bedbugs so annoy me!
– Have you tried to get the bed out into frost?
– Yea! I have. But they take it back!
Thanks for attention!
About the first one: there’s an old method of bus gasoline discharge by using hose and mouth suction.
3 I had been making dumplings …
Not sure I get #3
In Russia it is believed that homemade food is much better :)
To you as well Katrin, and happy New Year (belated) :)
Hello Adam,
I am trying to learn the British accent.You are really good in explaining the correct pronunciations.
So, I was wondering if you could do a video on “How to sound British”.
Or maybe just some tips. Btw I love your attitude and I think you are a great teacher.
Thanks Javid, but to be honest, you should listen to the British teachers here. Even if I pretended to speak with a British accent, it would still be fake and not good for you.
Yes, you are probably right. But i was thinking like a short video that would just bring into light the differences between the two accents.
I m sure many people would love to see that coming from you, i know i would.
Also, since you are a very capable teacher, have you ever thought of making videos illustrating teaching tips and techniques?
:) I’ll keep that in mind. :)
Thanks :)
Benjamin. He’s British.
Hi Adam, can I keep in touch with you directly. If you use messenger, viber etc…please let me know about it.
Hi Neda,
You’re welcome to ask me any questions you have here :)
why don,t you write what teacher said ???
I’m not sure what you mean Jeej.
Hello Adam! I’m new. May I join to your lessons? Thank you at any rate for this lesson.
Welcome Muslim Ru :)
Thank you Adam. Sorry, by the way Happy New Year!
To you as well :)
Hello Adam,
I am not quite sure about the eighth question. Could you expand on the explanation of the answer?. Thanks.
Hi Albeiro,
To fool someone means to trick them or cheat them somehow. You shouldn’t waste your time trying to do that to Mr. Jespers because he is too smart and will catch you.
Does this help?
Hello Adam
I need any one to practice English with me
for increase our English skills
Thanks everyone.
Sorry, but i made a typo on the board: the expression is don’t miss a tRick.
Also, don’t quit your day job means you’re not good enough to do something, so don’t try to make money from it.
Hi Adam. My name is Anna. I’m looking for a teacher to brush up on my English. I couldn’t be more happier if you can be my teacher. Could you please contact me? Just an FYI. I live not far from Toronto
Hi Anna,
I’m afraid I don’t do private lessons. Also I now live in South Korea :) I hope you can find someone to help. Good luck.
Thanks for the response. May I ask for any recommendations? I am here totally alone and don’t have anyone to ask on this. Thanks a lot))
Have you tried You can find some good teachers there, but just be careful and use common sense when arranging to meet anyone. I’m afraid I don’t know any teachers there anymore.
Hi,Adam. I’d be very thanks full to your goodself if you please explain to me the difference between “infinitive and bare infinitive” with examples.
Hi Usman,
They are the same, except that a bare infinitive is just the verb without “to”.
infinitive – to play
bare infinitive – play
Here is a good explanation:
Hope this helps.
Thank you Adam
Hi Adam, “don’t miss a tick” or “don’t miss a trick”, what is the correct expression? I’m confused.
Never mind. I already saw your answer above. Thank you!
Hi Igor,
It’s trick. That was a typo.
adam ,
“posh” means smart. right? it’s a slang?
Hi Dariowerbowy,
It’s British slang, meaning high-class, stylish, etc.
i jush read on a book it means smart/ clever.
posh boy = clever boy!!
Hi Adam
Got a question:
In the quiz, in the number four if the guy numnber A says Neil Johnson is a sharp cookie, the guy B says is not the best for nothing. I guess the guy B should say “a bit slow”. Thanks for your comment in advance.
I think the most common variation of “not the sharpest/brightest ____ in the ____” is “not the sharpest tool in the shed”, maybe because of the song “All Star” (by Smash Mouth). Also, I’ve heard negative versions of “sharp cookie”, which are “smarty pants” and “smart ass”.
Hi Pedro,
Smarty pants and smart ass is when being smart gets you in trouble. ;)
Thanks for the reply :) I guess we should aim to stay one the sharp cookie side, but sometimes we end up being smarty pants instead =*
You are the cream of the crop, Adam.
Love your videos.
Keep up the good work.
Just a small question—
–>He has book smarts
–>He is book smart
Which one is correct?
I don’t really understand no. 4
Somebody asked this question already. See above.
Not miss a tick. What is the meaning of a tick? Is this a clock sound or something else???
Sorry, I am not 100%. Look at my profile picture:((
Hi Adam! I have learned a lot from your videos Thanks and keep up the good work. I have a question.
“Mary has gobe out for lunch” or “Mary s out to lunch
Sorry, I accidentally clicked “Submit Comment”
Further to the above comment.
“Mary has gone out for lunch.”
‘Mary has gone out to lunch.”
Which is correct? I should use “for” or “to”?
Thnx !
Hello Adam .
I am new student
Hi I couldnt watch this leson. There is problem.
Hi Adam!!!! it was fun to learn English expression. I hope by practicing daily, i can be sharp as a tack. Is that right ?
Hi Adam,
I’m confused about last two expressions “quick/slow”. Does it always mean stupid if I say “You are so slow” ?
nice to know but careful to apply, mistakes cost a lot
thanks a lot Adam
Very clear and useful, thanks
wow. you are grrreat! Thanks a lot!
Why the right answer is “don’t give up your job???
Maybe because since his singing isn’t good, then he shouldn’t give up his job, so that he doesn’t need to sing.
Thank you!
In French, to be the cream of the crop is “être la crème de la crème”. I find it pretty funny aha!
Very awesome video. But I am a bit out to lunch. I got a 40, 50, and a 70. :(
Never mind, I got a 100.
Dear Adam,
This is one of your best lessons! Oh my, I laughed a lot :))) Thank you for your hard work!
Im starting to catch the slang meaning. I laughed a lot with this lesson. Thanks
Wonderful!10/10! I got full marks again. The idioms make me confuse and let me like.
This lesson quite hard but not bad adam
6/10 ,it turns that I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer ??
I found this lesson a little bit difficult, I think I need to take it one more time.
Thanks Adam.
“to know the score” – actually, before you explained it, my guess was that it related to music and musical scores. Which also makes sense to me – as it is comparable to knowing a book or a script by heart: you know your part, you know where you are with it, you know what is going to happen next, you know how it is going to last, you realize who plays what.
By the way, music or musical score? – graphic or graphical project?
9/10 Thank you very much teacher