Want to get that job? Improve your image? Sound more professional? Learn how to transform simple English words to business English vocabulary and watch your career take off! I’ll show you how to change get to receive, make sure to ensure, give more information to elaborate, and more. These small vocabulary changes will make a huge difference in your English level.
thanks rebecca, it`s been really helpful cuz’ lessons like that improve our fluency.
Here’s another great lesson from a great teacher.
Thank you Rebecca, God bless you.
What a kind compliment from a fellow English teacher. Thank you very much, indeed, and I wish you and your lucky students all the best.
Thank you Mrs Rebecca. I hope to be a good student…
Thanks Rebecca could anyone pls refer me to a YouTube channel like engvid but for physics, chemistry ,biology and maths.
Thank you Rebecca ,you are so good in English,teaching a lot of interesting things.
Thanks a lot Rebecca! and yet I just don’t get it quiz#10. What did I miss is between “Could you explain why we dindn’t get the contract? and ~why we were not awawrded the contract?..It seems only passive and active voice to me that I haven’t found difference between them.
Hi moonlit70,
“~get the contract?” is informal compare to “~why we were not awarded the contract?” which is more professional.
Hellow Helanr! I really appreciate what you explain to me. It was short and sweet~ Thank you ^^
so did I. I was wrong on those questions too.
I got 8 correct out of 10. It’s very helpful for me in term of practicing
English. Thanks a lot.
Thank you..^^
Thanks,Rebecca :)
Thank you! Very useful phrases ))
Thank you very much Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for this lesson. It is very interesting and so helpful.
Hey i have got 9 correct out of 10. Thanks Rebacca :)I am a sale manager and can you explain some more example for sales call get the client stay on call for a longer time
Dear My brother
I received instructions from organization to visit USA , these instructions contain of 13 points
Each point start with Preposition “to” plus “base verb” such as :
– To behave ………….
– Not to use ……..
– To respect ……..
– To keep ……
My questions are
1. Why they have used this kind of formulas ?” are they can say “ you must be … “ or anything else .
2. I have always tried to use “present perfect” in my sentences . are these sentences that I have used in 1 and 2 correct or no ?
3. How can I use the Caudal questions with Present perfect ? for example
“He has married for three months. hasn’t he “
Is this correct or no ?
Thanks a lot
4. Please let me know if I have made mistakes ?
Dear My sister Rebbeca
I received instructions from organization to visit USA , these instructions contain of 13 points
Each point start with Preposition “to” plus “base verb” such as :
– To behave ………….
– Not to use ……..
– To respect ……..
– To keep ……
My questions are
1. Why they have used this kind of formulas ?” aren’t they can say “ you must be … “ or anything else .
2. I have always tried to use “present perfect” in my sentences . are these sentences that I have used in 1 and 2 correct or no ?
3. How can I use the Caudal questions with Present perfect ? for example
“He has married for three months. hasn’t he “
Is this correct or no ?
4. Please let me know if I have made mistakes ?
many thanks Rebbeca
1) It is a simple way to organize information, so they don’t have to repeat the whole sentence.
2)You should say, Why have they used these kinds…
and Can’t they say…
3) He has been married for 3 months, hasn’t he?
All the best to you.
Thank you teacher, great job, i’ve got 100% i’m a very good student.
I’m really sorry ” Dear my sister Rebbeca
thank you, teacher
I have access to this page, but not to the video! What can I do?
Thanks for your reply.
I will try the Tor browser. Hope it works.
Thank you so much .
It is useful .
this type of lessons very important and dangerous especially in my country . Rebbecca , there are many thousands of people will subscribe on your Chanel . I ‘m going to ask of my God to give you anything you wish to get(receive)
Rebbecca I can’t describe my thanks and appreciate to you
you really deserve to name you (the highness princess)
kind regard …..
Wow, thank you so much for your very kind words. I enjoy helping people improve themselves and believe that all of us can do so, no matter how long we may have struggled with a difficult question. My best wishes to you, Yousif.
Thank you so much! :)
It’s extremely useful for me, some of these have already known before.However, thank you so much .
Got 9 out of 10.Very useful lesson..could you please provide a lesson on “difference between would,will,could,can”.Thank you
Aditya ch
Thank you very much! It is helpful!
Thanks for this great class…
Thx Rebbeca. It was really helpful.
Thank you for this useful lesson Rebecca!!!
Wish you the best!
thank u :-)
thanks a lot
it is really helpful….
Thank You so much Rebecca, I love your way in teaching, have a great Life :)
You too! Thank you!
thanks miss. v expect/anticipate dis lesson continuously..
love u so much miss..
Thank you
it is the first time to get lesson in english business =) it was really amazing experience )) thank uuuuuuuuuu
Thank you so much for the lesson
Thank a lot.
Excellent lesson! Thanks Rebecca!
Very useful lesson!
Thanks Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca!!!
I’ve been reading the book percy jackson and there was a phrase that I couldn’t understand, could explain it to me?
“Oh,where’d they dance off to?” the contraction is would or had? and what dance off to means?
is the verb remains in present tense the contraction will always be ” would “
Here they mean:
Where did they dance off to?
which is a cute way of saying where did they go now.
All the best to you and wonderful that you are reading in English. Keep it up!
Thank you! I think the real lesson is: in business we need to use different language as well we must dress formally.
dance off means “bailar hasta mas no poder ” by the way, great lesson rebecca!!!
It is a kind of fun to learn English following your courses. Thank you for your contribution.
Glad you’re enjoying the lessons. We try our best to make learning English more fun, and are always happy to hear from our viewers. My best wishes to you, Arthur.
Thnx a lot… you made my life easier… :D
i’ve got 100 ! The difference became very clear now for me between general & bussiness english.
Very happy to hear that! All the best to you.
in the last question, can I replace get instead of award? Would you mind elaborating on it?
You can replace it, but then it would sound like basic English instead of business English. Basic English is not wrong, it is also correct, just not as formal. That’s why it;s important to learn some higher-level expressions for use in professional or formal situations. My best wishes to you.
thanks Rebecca the lesson is helpful .
Thanks Rebecca!! (9/10)
thank you for the helpful lesson. By the way, Rebecca, would you mind explaining something about “sentence structure”, “Noun clause” and ” Inversion”. I’m having a lot of trouble in those grammar…T_T
I have just realized that I made a mistake when typing “sentence structure”. Sorry for that. I only need help in Noun clause and inversion.
It’s difficult to explain here. Please consult a good grammar book or check online. All the best!
Thank you, Rebecca. I am able to understand your lessons because of clear pronounciation and simple explaination.
Glad to hear it, thanks, and all the best to you.
thanks teacher, i received 90 out of 100 ….i have a request to reply my questions .This is for all engvid teachers.
Thanks for watching, Shameer. We try our best to answer, but cannot answer all comments or questions within this format. All the best to you.
You’re a great teacher thank you
thanks very much
many thanks
Thanks Rebecca. 10 out 10. Awesome video as usual
10 out of 10*****
Thank you a lot. It very helpful. Now I know how to contact and discuss with my client. Thank
Thanks a lot!
Hi rebbica. how are you? I hope you are doing well. Your teaching is very good. i like it. Can i have your personal E-mail address or phone number?
Wow, starting again.
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for the topic. it was very helpful. Could you provide any website that have tips about business english words?
There are many such sites, and you can also read the business section of any media website. You could also check Business English books, and guides that prepare students for the TOEIC exam, which is basically a test of business English. All the best to you!
Thx very much Rebecca your leason helded a lot
Sorry (helped)
Thank a a lot. I’ll tray to changen the The way i write!
Thank you so much ^^
many thanx !
Thank you very much!!
so Im thankful Mis.
10/10 Thanks!
was helpful..tnx
Hi Rebecca.I like your teaching.
could you please share lesson on the usage of ‘Let’ in different situation.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your suggestion, Suman. I will pass it on to the other teachers as well. All the best to you.
Thank you Rebecca
Which type of accersize I want to focus my spelling mistake plz help me.
THanks a lot .
its good .
Thanks. It is really excellent
Thank you so much..
Thank you for the hint of how to use business english. Even if I already knew this business words I have now opened the “file” inside my brain. A very helpful video Rebecca!
Great! All the best to you.
thanks Rebeccathat is very great lesson
I would appreciate your perfect explaining on how to shift regular words to Business. I haven’t ever known that elaborate word could be used in Business and it does mean giving more information about something. I’m really thankful to you Robecca ……
Check for more Business English vocabulary in Business English books, on the news, and in TOEIC guides. All the best to you.
Rebecca, could you explain more a bout “on the dot” in the end of the sentences, please!
Thank you !
The expression “on the dot” means exactly or precisely.
In other words, please be at the reception at 5pm on the dot, means don’t be late, be there exactly on time.
All the best to you.
thank you …..Rebecca very useful
It’s great lesson!i want to improve my English with everyone )my Skype name is managerusue2007.
very good explanation for the topic. Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks to all for your feedback on this important lesson, which can make the difference between losing a job and getting one, or staying in the same position and getting a promotion. Always work on enriching your professional vocabulary. All the best to all of you.
i got 10 i’m surprise . tnx. i learned a lot in your lesson..
thanks Rebecca , I really want to master the formal vocabularies.
Dear Rebecca,
thanks, its really helpful much indeed..
I like the way how to teach I also love your style
Dear Rebecca,
thanks, Your English is very simple and every body can understand that what are you saying. I am watching your videos and it is very useful for me.now I can speak in English. But I have some hesitation.I can’t speak fluently.so please give me some suggestion that how can I speak fluently in English.Please tell me mam…..
great lesson from a great
god bless u
great lesson..very helpful :) Thanks
Muhammad Tajammul
Very useful. Thank you so much, Rebecca <3
Nguyen Minh Hien Lily
very useful and lucidly, thanks.
thanks mam, i learned a lot..
Thank you Rebecca! I can get 9!
I could belive myself. I try another quiz.
thanks “i received your inform”
but ” ..require more than…”
Thanks a lot Rebecca, Great lesson!
thank you so much.. really its very interesting.. you made so many changes in my english.. thanks a lot.. you have a very clear voice it helps me a lot.. thank you.. :)
thank you… :)
Thank, Rebecca!
Thank you to teach me about simple business english vocabulary
Thank you
Great, thanks so much
Thank you so much Rebecca. It’s really helpful. :)
Thank you Rebecca, for taking the time to share your knowledge with everyone around the WORLD . The site is very helpful ..I glanced on youtube for few days, and decided to come aboard .I would like to continue improving my English ,giving the fact – that I work in the professional environment .I hope it make sense what I wrote.otherwise feel free to correct my grammar . I appreciate for your time.
Hi Rebecca, When you have a chance could you please elaborate ….
1. Take care.
2. Thank you for everything take care.
In conversations could be on the phone , via e- mail or text. Let’s say we have been Talking for couple weeks…..and my friend always end with the grammar above.In other hand I’m always polite so, mine ends with… Let’s talk again next Fri or talk with you soon .I feel like she don’t want to be plague. What do you suggest .Thank you in advance.
Thank you very much
Thanks Ms Rebbeca
got 90%
Abdul Qayum
I don’t know what if I ask my friend like:”Would you please elaborate on that again?” How are they gonna to response. Haha. :)
Thank you very much!
pretty good teaching)))
Thank you.
I am so happy for being understanding your explanation, thank you Ms Rebecca.
thank you very much.
mogtaba eljily
Thank you Mrs Rebecca. I hope to be a good student
thsnk u so much. i very like yr lessons
Hey Rebecca!
thsnk u vẻy much. i very like yr lessons
how’s fanstatic! my vocab is increasing very fast. thanks you for all of your help!
talk more = elaborate , get = recieve; get in touch = contact; talk about = discuss; tell why = explain; give a plan = provide
i have 9!it’s exsellent! Thanks a lot!
Great teaching!Very clear to understand!I loved the lesson!May God bless you!
Narendiran Dhanapalan
Many thanks
mahmoud elsawy
I realy like this wepsite its amazing
Hi Rebecca, I am new in this site. I would like to ask if which of the two is correct “at the training room” or “in the training room”?.
Looking forward for your answer. Thank you.
is this correct “were you going to eco today’? Thanks.
it’s been 4days and i haven’t been answered since then. :(
thank you so much rebbeca i want to pass atoefl test and iam not good enough in english, i really require your assistance
thank you so much rebbeca i want to pass toefl test and iam not good enough in english, i really require your assistance
Thank you very much
Excellent lesson !!!
Hi Rebecca, Can you recommened a book about business english? e.g. email, report, presentation,……
Venus Yeung
Hi Rebecca! Thanks
Thank you very much Rebecca! It’s really very helpful lesson! I’m appreciate it!
Thank you, it’s very helpful.
Louis Charles
Great job miss rebecca, Thank you so much i got 90. God bless…
Hi Rebecca.
Many thanks for this lesson. it’s is very important for me. 9/10.
I have got 10. Thank you. Your clear pronounciation help me to understand entire lesson
Hi,Rebecca. I am a new viewer on engVid. I really like your short but very useful lessons.
Great is your teaching way. You are a very kind person. I am looking forward to dealing with your following lectures. Thank you.
Hi everybody! Is there someone who wants practice in English with me? My skype name is
shelter9991. Thank you.
100% Thanks <3
Taiba Na
Hi, Rebecca. Your pronunciation is so perfect that I can understand every word that you say. I wish to have such pronunciation. Thank you very much.
I couln’t agree more: another great lesson…
Hi Rebecca,
The teacher is very special and very helpful,
I would like to ask, please:
You learned that the word NEED can replace the word REQUIRE
It’s not different words?
When I ask for help I use NEED it more polite word,
REQUIRE is more requires, demanding, is not it?
very useful
Saber Alam
Thanx Rebecca
thanks a lot it was very useful for me …
Zakaria Tanha
thanks a lot for this,but please give more example.
my big porblem is in tense, help me.
tuba sagar
tks Rebecca. Merry Christmas.
Dear Mr. Rebecca,
Thanks for such a excellent class. I learned many thing form your classes and other Engivid Staffs, thats really helping in my every day life.
Really helpful. Thanks, Rebecca.
That’s very useful topic. Thank you, Rebecca!
Thanks, I was confused earlier. Now I understand the difference of basic and business English.
You’re awesome! Thank you!
Excellent! Thanks lot for this opportunity to learn english.
this lesson has been helped me a lot at work, mainly when I have to communicate with my colleagues.
Thanks and more understanding formal business English. Very useful.
Dear Rebecca,
I have informed my friends that on your site engVid, we learn some higher-level expressions for use in professional or formal situations. Thank to you to expand our knowledge of English language.
Best regards.
thankyou Rebecca
The last one is weird, I mean “being awarded” instead “receive”. It’s a tricky one). So 9/10
Thank you Rebecca your diction is brilliant.
Konstantin L.
Excellent topic…Good tips to talk and let a good impression for the Boss.Hahaha!!
carlos leitao
Hi Rebecca.
I am writing comments all the time, but till the moment I didn’t receive any answers from you. and its really interesting to know your opinion. so, I would like to know what do you think if I got 5 answers correct out of 10 in the ( d,ed, id) ending words exercise ,while without watching the video above, I got all the answers correct.so, how would you evaluate my English??
Best wishes.
Dear Rebecca,
It’s very useful for me. So great!
Thanks a lot.
Rachelle Thaint
thanks! Now I can be aware of these expressions and use the more business like words
Thanks, every time. This class is very useful!!
Kazuya Kinoshita
wrong number 10
my quiz rebecca:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Hello teacher Rebecca,
thanks for your useful video,
i have a question would it be possible to say “could you clarify on your proposal ?”
cause I’d heard that clarify is the formal way in talk more. could you explain what’s the different between clarify and elaborate?
thank you very much teacher Rebecca i now started to understand English language through your proper method, while i got 10/10 in my quiz
so i have to say: thank you again
Thank You
I got 90%, it’s very helpful to me. Thanks, Rebecca.
tony wang
thank you very much teacher
this is amazing, thank you very much Rebecca!
I really got surprised seeing my score now I’m getting used to know new new words Since I never and ever got this much mark in English Subject but here it’s happening and didn’t know new words now I do feel Much more happy learning new new words than something i was before…
by God grace I’ve got Rebecca…And I feel Good!
a lot thanks¡¡
Thanks so much my dear and admired professor by so useful lesson, i got 10 out 10, it’s always a pleasure to watch your class, i learn even more than your goal, i say it because you handle value vocabulary and phrases that are useful in our personal, academic and professional life and for that i may appreciate them in the best way.
Thanks again!
Gracias Teacher¡¡..sorry..thanks teacher¡¡
Thank u,. very impressive
ann ann
Great lesson. Thank you!
thanks rebeca
gabriel alogo
I got 9 corrects. Many thanks, Rebeca-san.
Just one thing : Fantastic
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Rebecca, for your dedication.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your lesson.
Tony Uchida
10/10. Very useful topic. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca. I learned a lot from your lesson.
I made a mistake in the last question.
Paulo Henrique Sa vale
Hyunggab Kim
Deer Rebacca
for frst time ican listen to native speaker and understand every thing you say
thank you very much
All your lessons are amazing .. my best teacher
it so kind of you to be on help
thank you very much
Hassan Alsmmak
I think I might require your assistance on this lesson.
How can I contact you? I would like to discuss my lesson options with you.
Hello Rebecca, Can you please explain the answer why can’t be “Could you please explain why we did not get the contract?” on the question 10th of the quiz? Thank you very much.
Stacey Chou
Thank, Rebecca!
I appreciate for your lesson!, THanks!
thanx so much
I got 100%, thank you dear Rebecca for your clear explanation.
Very useful lesson a good way to learn synonyms of the words this is a good mean to enhance our knowledge in the journey to fluency “thank you Rebecca”.
fernando triana
at 10 o’clock sharp, is the same as “at 10 on the dot”?
fernando triana
Thanks God i find you ??
Thanks Rebeca.
You are a fantastic teacher.
Its Very Useful for Beginner
I Want to Speak english Like you Sister.I love English,But i can’t speak.I believe sister you can change my life.
thanks rebecca for this video to make my cleared of my confusion i always watching your your video and please correct me if i do mistake on your comment box.
Mohd Areeb
Thank you so much for being an instructor, I learn a so much from you and I look forward towards your next Video. Your a superstar in my book.
thanks , it was test.
Abdulsalam Alshami
You got 9 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Thanks rebeca.
these lesson might emplememt my way of speaking fluently
question #10 is a little bit tricky, I was thinking about the contract “phisically”
10/10 Thank you, Rebecca!
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca!
I got 9 out of 10.
I got wrong answer on my 10 questions.
Chan M.
Thank you Rebecca this is too helpful
I got 9 out of 10 my mistake was for the last question.
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10 out of 10. :D
just missed the last one without reading all answers, but it’s great!
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks a lot, Teacher.
Thank you so much madam Rebecca,the fact that i got 10 out of 10 is a good indicator that your teaching method is very professional and i look froward to learning more from you.
Luzango Chisenga
9/10 very good!
thanks rebecca…..Igot 100
kema wathsala
90% score . Thank you Rebecca ??
Thanks Ms. Rebecca.
Hello guys. I need a but of advice from you. In the quiz there is a question: Which of the following options expresses the same idea more formally? Is this question same way correct as with an auxiliary verb do – Which of the following options does express the same idea…?
Angela Nikoyan
Thanks Rebecca!!
edi wilson
I’m new member here.I really liked the web that’s so helpful.suddenly i saw a video on youtube and i really like.I’m so interested .And got 10/10 the first quize wish i will continue same.
Thanks all.
Excellent lesson. Love your teaching method. Keep up the great work. Thanks a ton.
Arieh Dorjee
I got 70, thank you
Thanks rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca for amazing lesson
Ahmed Dahab1981
Thank you so much, Mrs Rebecca.
I would like to inform you that I have got 100%.
No need to say that your course was very elaborate
I’m Grateful to you Mrs.Rebeca
thank you
This is very academic lesson that how to use the fancy word in English.
Thank you Rebeca. Very clear
I did the quiz 80 out 100
Thank you Me Rabecca
Emma Katuka
Thank you so much Rebecca (y)
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thank you, my teacher, Rebecca. I need to study more and repeat this lesson, congratulations.
Thank You
Maria Ribeiro
hi rebecca
thank you for your lesson. it was so helpful. I’m confused about last question of the test.
could you explain this sentences.
Could you explain why we were not awarded the contract?
didem aysu
As a teacher,I Can Say that this women has a very good method of teaching,she explain with a simplified way,as everyone could understand the lesson without making more effort.
Go on ……
youssef 01
As a teacher,I Can Say that this women has a very good method of teaching,she explain with a simplified way,as everyone could understand the lesson without making more effort.
Go on ……
youssef 01
Thank you so much, i correct 9 out of 10
you are the best teacher for me REBECCA .Every your videos are helping for me to self study any time.
khine naing
dear teacher i lrean alot
and am using it at my work when am writibg emails . thank again
Thanks, Rebecca, your lessons are still very interesting, and it’s easy for me to understand all that you explain.
Delfina Gladis
I got 7/10. Thank you!
100/100 Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you so much!
Thank you,
Ketut Kastika
This is very helpful. Thank you so much
Thank you Rebecca! This really improve my English skill.
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank, Rebecca!
thanks rebecca, it`s been really helpful cuz’ lessons like that improve our fluency.
Here’s another great lesson from a great teacher.
Thank you Rebecca, God bless you.
What a kind compliment from a fellow English teacher. Thank you very much, indeed, and I wish you and your lucky students all the best.
Thank you Mrs Rebecca. I hope to be a good student…
Thanks Rebecca could anyone pls refer me to a YouTube channel like engvid but for physics, chemistry ,biology and maths.
Thank you Rebecca ,you are so good in English,teaching a lot of interesting things.
Thanks a lot Rebecca! and yet I just don’t get it quiz#10. What did I miss is between “Could you explain why we dindn’t get the contract? and ~why we were not awawrded the contract?..It seems only passive and active voice to me that I haven’t found difference between them.
Hi moonlit70,
“~get the contract?” is informal compare to “~why we were not awarded the contract?” which is more professional.
Hellow Helanr! I really appreciate what you explain to me. It was short and sweet~ Thank you ^^
so did I. I was wrong on those questions too.
I got 8 correct out of 10. It’s very helpful for me in term of practicing
English. Thanks a lot.
Thank you..^^
Thanks,Rebecca :)
Thank you! Very useful phrases ))
Thank you very much Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for this lesson. It is very interesting and so helpful.
Hey i have got 9 correct out of 10. Thanks Rebacca :)I am a sale manager and can you explain some more example for sales call get the client stay on call for a longer time
Dear My brother
I received instructions from organization to visit USA , these instructions contain of 13 points
Each point start with Preposition “to” plus “base verb” such as :
– To behave ………….
– Not to use ……..
– To respect ……..
– To keep ……
My questions are
1. Why they have used this kind of formulas ?” are they can say “ you must be … “ or anything else .
2. I have always tried to use “present perfect” in my sentences . are these sentences that I have used in 1 and 2 correct or no ?
3. How can I use the Caudal questions with Present perfect ? for example
“He has married for three months. hasn’t he “
Is this correct or no ?
Thanks a lot
4. Please let me know if I have made mistakes ?
Dear My sister Rebbeca
I received instructions from organization to visit USA , these instructions contain of 13 points
Each point start with Preposition “to” plus “base verb” such as :
– To behave ………….
– Not to use ……..
– To respect ……..
– To keep ……
My questions are
1. Why they have used this kind of formulas ?” aren’t they can say “ you must be … “ or anything else .
2. I have always tried to use “present perfect” in my sentences . are these sentences that I have used in 1 and 2 correct or no ?
3. How can I use the Caudal questions with Present perfect ? for example
“He has married for three months. hasn’t he “
Is this correct or no ?
4. Please let me know if I have made mistakes ?
many thanks Rebbeca
1) It is a simple way to organize information, so they don’t have to repeat the whole sentence.
2)You should say, Why have they used these kinds…
and Can’t they say…
3) He has been married for 3 months, hasn’t he?
All the best to you.
Thank you teacher, great job, i’ve got 100% i’m a very good student.
I’m really sorry ” Dear my sister Rebbeca
thank you, teacher
I have access to this page, but not to the video! What can I do?
Thanks for your reply.
I will try the Tor browser. Hope it works.
Thank you so much .
It is useful .
this type of lessons very important and dangerous especially in my country . Rebbecca , there are many thousands of people will subscribe on your Chanel . I ‘m going to ask of my God to give you anything you wish to get(receive)
Rebbecca I can’t describe my thanks and appreciate to you
you really deserve to name you (the highness princess)
kind regard …..
Wow, thank you so much for your very kind words. I enjoy helping people improve themselves and believe that all of us can do so, no matter how long we may have struggled with a difficult question. My best wishes to you, Yousif.
Thank you so much! :)
It’s extremely useful for me, some of these have already known before.However, thank you so much .
Got 9 out of 10.Very useful lesson..could you please provide a lesson on “difference between would,will,could,can”.Thank you
Thank you very much! It is helpful!
Thanks for this great class…
Thx Rebbeca. It was really helpful.
Thank you for this useful lesson Rebecca!!!
Wish you the best!
thank u :-)
thanks a lot
it is really helpful….
Thank You so much Rebecca, I love your way in teaching, have a great Life :)
You too! Thank you!
thanks miss. v expect/anticipate dis lesson continuously..
love u so much miss..
Thank you
it is the first time to get lesson in english business =) it was really amazing experience )) thank uuuuuuuuuu
Thank you so much for the lesson
Thank a lot.
Excellent lesson! Thanks Rebecca!
Very useful lesson!
Thanks Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca!!!
I’ve been reading the book percy jackson and there was a phrase that I couldn’t understand, could explain it to me?
“Oh,where’d they dance off to?” the contraction is would or had? and what dance off to means?
is the verb remains in present tense the contraction will always be ” would “
Here they mean:
Where did they dance off to?
which is a cute way of saying where did they go now.
All the best to you and wonderful that you are reading in English. Keep it up!
Thank you! I think the real lesson is: in business we need to use different language as well we must dress formally.
dance off means “bailar hasta mas no poder ” by the way, great lesson rebecca!!!
It is a kind of fun to learn English following your courses. Thank you for your contribution.
Glad you’re enjoying the lessons. We try our best to make learning English more fun, and are always happy to hear from our viewers. My best wishes to you, Arthur.
Thnx a lot… you made my life easier… :D
i’ve got 100 ! The difference became very clear now for me between general & bussiness english.
Very happy to hear that! All the best to you.
in the last question, can I replace get instead of award? Would you mind elaborating on it?
You can replace it, but then it would sound like basic English instead of business English. Basic English is not wrong, it is also correct, just not as formal. That’s why it;s important to learn some higher-level expressions for use in professional or formal situations. My best wishes to you.
thanks Rebecca the lesson is helpful .
Thanks Rebecca!! (9/10)
thank you for the helpful lesson. By the way, Rebecca, would you mind explaining something about “sentence structure”, “Noun clause” and ” Inversion”. I’m having a lot of trouble in those grammar…T_T
I have just realized that I made a mistake when typing “sentence structure”. Sorry for that. I only need help in Noun clause and inversion.
It’s difficult to explain here. Please consult a good grammar book or check online. All the best!
Thank you, Rebecca. I am able to understand your lessons because of clear pronounciation and simple explaination.
Glad to hear it, thanks, and all the best to you.
thanks teacher, i received 90 out of 100 ….i have a request to reply my questions .This is for all engvid teachers.
Thanks for watching, Shameer. We try our best to answer, but cannot answer all comments or questions within this format. All the best to you.
You’re a great teacher thank you
thanks very much
many thanks
Thanks Rebecca. 10 out 10. Awesome video as usual
10 out of 10*****
Thank you a lot. It very helpful. Now I know how to contact and discuss with my client. Thank
Thanks a lot!
Hi rebbica. how are you? I hope you are doing well. Your teaching is very good. i like it. Can i have your personal E-mail address or phone number?
Wow, starting again.
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for the topic. it was very helpful. Could you provide any website that have tips about business english words?
There are many such sites, and you can also read the business section of any media website. You could also check Business English books, and guides that prepare students for the TOEIC exam, which is basically a test of business English. All the best to you!
Thx very much Rebecca your leason helded a lot
Sorry (helped)
Thank a a lot. I’ll tray to changen the The way i write!
Thank you so much ^^
many thanx !
Thank you very much!!
so Im thankful Mis.
10/10 Thanks!
was helpful..tnx
Hi Rebecca.I like your teaching.
could you please share lesson on the usage of ‘Let’ in different situation.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your suggestion, Suman. I will pass it on to the other teachers as well. All the best to you.
Thank you Rebecca
Which type of accersize I want to focus my spelling mistake plz help me.
THanks a lot .
its good .
Thanks. It is really excellent
Thank you so much..
Thank you for the hint of how to use business english. Even if I already knew this business words I have now opened the “file” inside my brain. A very helpful video Rebecca!
Great! All the best to you.
thanks Rebeccathat is very great lesson
I would appreciate your perfect explaining on how to shift regular words to Business. I haven’t ever known that elaborate word could be used in Business and it does mean giving more information about something. I’m really thankful to you Robecca ……
Check for more Business English vocabulary in Business English books, on the news, and in TOEIC guides. All the best to you.
Rebecca, could you explain more a bout “on the dot” in the end of the sentences, please!
Thank you !
The expression “on the dot” means exactly or precisely.
In other words, please be at the reception at 5pm on the dot, means don’t be late, be there exactly on time.
All the best to you.
thank you …..Rebecca very useful
It’s great lesson!i want to improve my English with everyone )my Skype name is managerusue2007.
very good explanation for the topic. Thanks Rebecca.
Thanks to all for your feedback on this important lesson, which can make the difference between losing a job and getting one, or staying in the same position and getting a promotion. Always work on enriching your professional vocabulary. All the best to all of you.
i got 10 i’m surprise . tnx. i learned a lot in your lesson..
thanks Rebecca , I really want to master the formal vocabularies.
Dear Rebecca,
thanks, its really helpful much indeed..
I like the way how to teach I also love your style
Dear Rebecca,
thanks, Your English is very simple and every body can understand that what are you saying. I am watching your videos and it is very useful for me.now I can speak in English. But I have some hesitation.I can’t speak fluently.so please give me some suggestion that how can I speak fluently in English.Please tell me mam…..
great lesson from a great
god bless u
great lesson..very helpful :) Thanks
Very useful. Thank you so much, Rebecca <3
very useful and lucidly, thanks.
thanks mam, i learned a lot..
Thank you Rebecca! I can get 9!
I could belive myself. I try another quiz.
thanks “i received your inform”
but ” ..require more than…”
Thanks a lot Rebecca, Great lesson!
thank you so much.. really its very interesting.. you made so many changes in my english.. thanks a lot.. you have a very clear voice it helps me a lot.. thank you.. :)
thank you… :)
Thank, Rebecca!
Thank you to teach me about simple business english vocabulary
Thank you
Great, thanks so much
Thank you so much Rebecca. It’s really helpful. :)
Thank you Rebecca, for taking the time to share your knowledge with everyone around the WORLD . The site is very helpful ..I glanced on youtube for few days, and decided to come aboard .I would like to continue improving my English ,giving the fact – that I work in the professional environment .I hope it make sense what I wrote.otherwise feel free to correct my grammar . I appreciate for your time.
Hi Rebecca, When you have a chance could you please elaborate ….
1. Take care.
2. Thank you for everything take care.
In conversations could be on the phone , via e- mail or text. Let’s say we have been Talking for couple weeks…..and my friend always end with the grammar above.In other hand I’m always polite so, mine ends with… Let’s talk again next Fri or talk with you soon .I feel like she don’t want to be plague. What do you suggest .Thank you in advance.
Thank you very much
Thanks Ms Rebbeca
got 90%
I don’t know what if I ask my friend like:”Would you please elaborate on that again?” How are they gonna to response. Haha. :)
Thank you very much!
pretty good teaching)))
Thank you.
I am so happy for being understanding your explanation, thank you Ms Rebecca.
thank you very much.
Thank you Mrs Rebecca. I hope to be a good student
thsnk u so much. i very like yr lessons
Hey Rebecca!
thsnk u vẻy much. i very like yr lessons
how’s fanstatic! my vocab is increasing very fast. thanks you for all of your help!
talk more = elaborate , get = recieve; get in touch = contact; talk about = discuss; tell why = explain; give a plan = provide
i have 9!it’s exsellent! Thanks a lot!
Great teaching!Very clear to understand!I loved the lesson!May God bless you!
Many thanks
I realy like this wepsite its amazing
Hi Rebecca, I am new in this site. I would like to ask if which of the two is correct “at the training room” or “in the training room”?.
Looking forward for your answer. Thank you.
is this correct “were you going to eco today’? Thanks.
it’s been 4days and i haven’t been answered since then. :(
thank you so much rebbeca i want to pass atoefl test and iam not good enough in english, i really require your assistance
thank you so much rebbeca i want to pass toefl test and iam not good enough in english, i really require your assistance
Thank you very much
Excellent lesson !!!
Hi Rebecca, Can you recommened a book about business english? e.g. email, report, presentation,……
Hi Rebecca! Thanks
Thank you very much Rebecca! It’s really very helpful lesson! I’m appreciate it!
Thank you, it’s very helpful.
Great job miss rebecca, Thank you so much i got 90. God bless…
Hi Rebecca.
Many thanks for this lesson. it’s is very important for me. 9/10.
I have got 10. Thank you. Your clear pronounciation help me to understand entire lesson
Hi,Rebecca. I am a new viewer on engVid. I really like your short but very useful lessons.
Great is your teaching way. You are a very kind person. I am looking forward to dealing with your following lectures. Thank you.
Hi everybody! Is there someone who wants practice in English with me? My skype name is
shelter9991. Thank you.
100% Thanks <3
Hi, Rebecca. Your pronunciation is so perfect that I can understand every word that you say. I wish to have such pronunciation. Thank you very much.
I couln’t agree more: another great lesson…
Hi Rebecca,
The teacher is very special and very helpful,
I would like to ask, please:
You learned that the word NEED can replace the word REQUIRE
It’s not different words?
When I ask for help I use NEED it more polite word,
REQUIRE is more requires, demanding, is not it?
very useful
Thanx Rebecca
thanks a lot it was very useful for me …
thanks a lot for this,but please give more example.
my big porblem is in tense, help me.
tks Rebecca. Merry Christmas.
Dear Mr. Rebecca,
Thanks for such a excellent class. I learned many thing form your classes and other Engivid Staffs, thats really helping in my every day life.
Really helpful. Thanks, Rebecca.
That’s very useful topic. Thank you, Rebecca!
Thanks, I was confused earlier. Now I understand the difference of basic and business English.
You’re awesome! Thank you!
Excellent! Thanks lot for this opportunity to learn english.
this lesson has been helped me a lot at work, mainly when I have to communicate with my colleagues.
Thanks and more understanding formal business English. Very useful.
Dear Rebecca,
I have informed my friends that on your site engVid, we learn some higher-level expressions for use in professional or formal situations. Thank to you to expand our knowledge of English language.
Best regards.
thankyou Rebecca
The last one is weird, I mean “being awarded” instead “receive”. It’s a tricky one). So 9/10
Thank you Rebecca your diction is brilliant.
Excellent topic…Good tips to talk and let a good impression for the Boss.Hahaha!!
Hi Rebecca.
I am writing comments all the time, but till the moment I didn’t receive any answers from you. and its really interesting to know your opinion. so, I would like to know what do you think if I got 5 answers correct out of 10 in the ( d,ed, id) ending words exercise ,while without watching the video above, I got all the answers correct.so, how would you evaluate my English??
Best wishes.
Dear Rebecca,
It’s very useful for me. So great!
Thanks a lot.
thanks! Now I can be aware of these expressions and use the more business like words
Thanks, every time. This class is very useful!!
wrong number 10
my quiz rebecca:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Hello teacher Rebecca,
thanks for your useful video,
i have a question would it be possible to say “could you clarify on your proposal ?”
cause I’d heard that clarify is the formal way in talk more. could you explain what’s the different between clarify and elaborate?
thank you very much teacher Rebecca i now started to understand English language through your proper method, while i got 10/10 in my quiz
so i have to say: thank you again
Thank You
I got 90%, it’s very helpful to me. Thanks, Rebecca.
thank you very much teacher
this is amazing, thank you very much Rebecca!
I really got surprised seeing my score now I’m getting used to know new new words Since I never and ever got this much mark in English Subject but here it’s happening and didn’t know new words now I do feel Much more happy learning new new words than something i was before…
by God grace I’ve got Rebecca…And I feel Good!
a lot thanks¡¡
Thanks so much my dear and admired professor by so useful lesson, i got 10 out 10, it’s always a pleasure to watch your class, i learn even more than your goal, i say it because you handle value vocabulary and phrases that are useful in our personal, academic and professional life and for that i may appreciate them in the best way.
Thanks again!
Gracias Teacher¡¡..sorry..thanks teacher¡¡
Thank u,. very impressive
Great lesson. Thank you!
thanks rebeca
I got 9 corrects. Many thanks, Rebeca-san.
Just one thing : Fantastic
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Rebecca, for your dedication.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your lesson.
10/10. Very useful topic. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca. I learned a lot from your lesson.
I made a mistake in the last question.
Deer Rebacca
for frst time ican listen to native speaker and understand every thing you say
thank you very much
All your lessons are amazing .. my best teacher
it so kind of you to be on help
thank you very much
I think I might require your assistance on this lesson.
How can I contact you? I would like to discuss my lesson options with you.
Hello Rebecca, Can you please explain the answer why can’t be “Could you please explain why we did not get the contract?” on the question 10th of the quiz? Thank you very much.
Thank, Rebecca!
I appreciate for your lesson!, THanks!
thanx so much
I got 100%, thank you dear Rebecca for your clear explanation.
Very useful lesson a good way to learn synonyms of the words this is a good mean to enhance our knowledge in the journey to fluency “thank you Rebecca”.
at 10 o’clock sharp, is the same as “at 10 on the dot”?
Thanks God i find you ??
Thanks Rebeca.
You are a fantastic teacher.
Its Very Useful for Beginner
I Want to Speak english Like you Sister.I love English,But i can’t speak.I believe sister you can change my life.
thanks rebecca for this video to make my cleared of my confusion i always watching your your video and please correct me if i do mistake on your comment box.
Thank you so much for being an instructor, I learn a so much from you and I look forward towards your next Video. Your a superstar in my book.
thanks , it was test.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks rebeca.
these lesson might emplememt my way of speaking fluently
question #10 is a little bit tricky, I was thinking about the contract “phisically”
10/10 Thank you, Rebecca!
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca!
I got 9 out of 10.
I got wrong answer on my 10 questions.
Thank you Rebecca this is too helpful
I got 9 out of 10 my mistake was for the last question.
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10 out of 10. :D
just missed the last one without reading all answers, but it’s great!
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks a lot, Teacher.
Thank you so much madam Rebecca,the fact that i got 10 out of 10 is a good indicator that your teaching method is very professional and i look froward to learning more from you.
9/10 very good!
thanks rebecca…..Igot 100
90% score . Thank you Rebecca ??
Thanks Ms. Rebecca.
Hello guys. I need a but of advice from you. In the quiz there is a question: Which of the following options expresses the same idea more formally? Is this question same way correct as with an auxiliary verb do – Which of the following options does express the same idea…?
Thanks Rebecca!!
I’m new member here.I really liked the web that’s so helpful.suddenly i saw a video on youtube and i really like.I’m so interested .And got 10/10 the first quize wish i will continue same.
Thanks all.
Excellent lesson. Love your teaching method. Keep up the great work. Thanks a ton.
I got 70, thank you
Thanks rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca for amazing lesson
Thank you so much, Mrs Rebecca.
I would like to inform you that I have got 100%.
No need to say that your course was very elaborate
I’m Grateful to you Mrs.Rebeca
thank you
This is very academic lesson that how to use the fancy word in English.
Thank you Rebeca. Very clear
I did the quiz 80 out 100
Thank you Me Rabecca
Thank you so much Rebecca (y)
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thank you, my teacher, Rebecca. I need to study more and repeat this lesson, congratulations.
Thank You
hi rebecca
thank you for your lesson. it was so helpful. I’m confused about last question of the test.
could you explain this sentences.
Could you explain why we were not awarded the contract?
As a teacher,I Can Say that this women has a very good method of teaching,she explain with a simplified way,as everyone could understand the lesson without making more effort.
Go on ……
As a teacher,I Can Say that this women has a very good method of teaching,she explain with a simplified way,as everyone could understand the lesson without making more effort.
Go on ……
Thank you so much, i correct 9 out of 10
you are the best teacher for me REBECCA .Every your videos are helping for me to self study any time.
dear teacher i lrean alot
and am using it at my work when am writibg emails . thank again
Thanks, Rebecca, your lessons are still very interesting, and it’s easy for me to understand all that you explain.
I got 7/10. Thank you!
100/100 Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you so much!
Thank you,
This is very helpful. Thank you so much
Thank you Rebecca! This really improve my English skill.