Five English teachers come together to show you how to discuss a topic in a group. You’ll learn how to give your opinion, interrupt, contradict, and more. We’ll teach you how to use expressions like "in a nutshell", "please let me finish", and "don't get me wrong". You can use these expressions confidently in personal, social, and professional situations.
you guys are doing great job especially ronnie i saw your all lesson which you uploaded in Youtube it was fantastic and i really likes to all
Thanks everyone for this lesson!! Great job!!
I want to know email of all the teachers here
Thanks everyone for wonderful lesson
Dewan Asparan Nabi
Haha that’s great.
Before i wathed it i have never seen all you guys
But i aslo wanna know where the other teachers are ? Valen Emma John?
Your thinking’s the same of mine.
hi i am ali alhddad can u take with u i I’m a new student… thanks
Hi rebecca, Thank you very much! It was a helpful lesson. Will be nice if you make more videos with conversation!!
They can try to play some dialogs at the street, cinema, mall, at work and etc.
But where is Emma????
Почему твой язык русский?
You make a good point ! but i would also like to add !videos To Improve Our Communication !
Thanks very much for this lesson, I like your method of teaching, rebcca.
Wonderful lesson, good ways of teaching I really like it.Thanks !
Cool, thanks.
I think, dialogues are one of the best ways to learn and improve English. Can we count on new dialogues lessons?
greeting for all teachers,
Thank you Rebecca, Ronnie, Alex, James and Alan, and thanks to the hidden cameraman :). This lesson is a very good one, very useful, and absolutly well done !!
Thanks a lot! It was a lot of fun!
Alex, you are a great teacher. Usually I find your lessons more difficult than the others. Not because you are not good in teaching! But because you choose critical topics and you really make them smoothly understood to us.
Although I meant what I have said, however, I also want your feedback about my English in this comment. I would really appreciate it Alex.
It’s a very useful and well structured lesson. Thank you all!
This topic was very interesting and I was happy to see some of you together. I love you all.
nice lessen , I hope to meet you same days
may you study with me?
i would like to practice English with some one and this is my Skype name ” waeladam “
And also, i agree with Ronnie and Alan, I appreciate the fact that I can learn english for free (thanks to engvid and all the teachers), whenever et wherever I want. I am not offending my teacher if i’m late in class and I prefer to work at my rythm. In class, some students learn faster than others and vice versa and sometimes you get borred or you get lost ^^
I agree that in front of my screen I can’t interact with anyone but I just speak aloud when you guys ask a question (am I weird ? ^^) and I repeat almost evrythong after you. I also run videos when I’m doing something else, just to hear English constantly in the background, and I am sure it helps to remember things without much effort.
Thank you again !
may you study with me?
i would like to practice English with some one and this is my Skype name ” waeladam “
I agree with you, and I also like to add that in Engvid we can choose from an range of topics what we are most interested in… :)
Sally S
lol..u r not weird…I do the same thing when learning English..for me it works and it’s the best way to improve my English level. :) Greetings¡
Thanks guys for that nice video
i would like to practice English with some one and this is my Skype name ” waeladam “
I’m going to add you, ok? I also need someone to talk to. See you!
Sometimes I just don´t understando. For example: YOU MADE A GOOD POINT. Shoudn´t be YOU´VE MADE A GOOD POINT?
I heard only: “You made a very good point…”
“to made a very good point” means that Adam agree with James. Or better, it means that James said something all right.
ok, but, why SIMPLE PAST (You made) instead PRESENT PERFECT: YOU´VE MADE? Simple past is used to talk about something that happened in time in the past. ex: You made a good point at the meeting yesterday.
Well, I’m just a student, but I guess that this case we must use to Simple Past because Adam agreed with something James already said.
Adam could have said: “James MADE a very good point WHEN he SAID that…” Same in portuguese.
In conclusion, Adam took about something James DID.
I hope I have helped you.
All the best!
May I say something? This lesson is very useful! Thanks you to all teachers =)
Thanks all.
I agree with Ronnie! Engvid has the best teachers! You guys are fantastic. Very professionals. I’m 36 years old and in all my life I never can learn english. I did so many courses and I´ve gone to many phisical schools and neither them can teach me english.
However, I don’t know if I can say I learned english by internet. I need, or better, I´ve got learn so much to I can do: “I know english!”… But, even so I finally started learning english, specially with the videos of
Thank you guys, teachers!
All my Teachers was a
Ignore the last “All my teachers was a….it’s a leftover and my mistake!
I was correcting the grammar and I forgot to delete it.
See you!
Guys you are terrific teachers, I think you know that and without me.))
* I meant, you know it better than I do
I got 90 %. OK , thank you Rebecca.
Thank you so much! Rebecca.
Hi, I’m an English Language student from Argentina. At college we get to discuss several subject with our classmates and teachers so we get to practice our pronunciation and learn how to speak more fluently. I was wondering if you could tell me if there are other expressions considered more polite or related to an academic enviroment.
Nice vid!
Thank so much!!! Great job teachers!!!
It was wonderful that I can see favorite teachers in this lesson. Thanks a lot
wowww… it’s really interesting!!! ^_^
You are the most amazing teachers in the world wide web!!!!… Thanks for all!!
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca. It is a very useful lesson. I graduated from the University of English at Vietnam but what I learned from is more helpful for my English listening and speaking. I would like to say a big thank to all teachers of !
Many thanks by the way where is Emma
What an amazing class, Rebecca!
You did a great job, just keep on amazing many people as you’ve always been doing!
Thumbs up for engvid!
I agree with you.I thumb up this lesson.
This lesson was wonderful! EngVid is truly an excellent resource!!!
I would like make some lesson plan outside classroom next time.I’ve never been Canada and wanna see your country.
I didn’t expect to see all teachers in the lesson absolutely.. I was glad to listen to all of us.
thanks so much
that’s perfect when all of you be together
yes I agree with you.
thank you very much all teachers on Now in my English class my teachers always give us many topics to argue. This would help me to speak correctly in a group when another argument.
Thank you guys for the lesson!
PS: Where was Emma?
Nice lesson!
the clairest voices for me belong to Alex, Adam and Rebecca.
Thanks a lot! Awesome and cool lesson :)
Engvid is the best
Very lively lesson :-)
Could one of you make a lesson about the expression “out of ” and “out to “.
“out of africa”, “i made a lamp out of wood”, “out to get me” etc … though i can guess the meaning i don’t master those correctly.
What a great lesson! It was so nice to see the EngVid teachers together! :) I need to say that I just love to be here, watching your videos, taking the quizzes, reading the comments, meeting students from all the world… To find out this website was really an amazing thing that happened to me… Thank you dear teachers for giving us the oportunity to learn English in such excellent way! All my best wishes to all of you!
Hey, sweetie, a few rectifications on it, hope you don’t mind!
* finding out this website’s really been an amazing…
** in a such excellent way…
See you around!
Oh, I don’t mind at all, Thalinho! Thanks for the rectifications, because it really helps me to improve my English.
See you around! ;)
Thank you guys ! Very hopefull lesson ! I think online lesson is very useful and, in the future,or actually now, it will be the most important way to teach languages.Thanks again and all the crew !
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
nice lesson thank you :)
Obviously, EngVid is best for ever, and they have transferred lots of knowledge about different kind of categories, so I appreciate your job.
Thanks a lot!
It was great to see all of you together in one lesson.
Thanks, nice lesson.
Got 100:)..thank you so much …..
Awesome! hope to see you guys together in another lesson again!
It was very nice to see you guys together. I would like to say that my English is getting very better with Engvid. I can’t afford a regular English Course now, but I know I am learning a lot here. You are terrific teachers! I miss Emma and Jhonn in this video… I have downloaded it and I’ll keep it for the rest of my life, as a Engvid memory. :)
Sally S
Hi, May I ask, if you guys keep record of the studies that each student does? can they or me get a Certificate for the classes? thanks again for putting up this great videos on the web, so Students like me can have access to them. best regards
It is next fantastic lesson! I love it!!!!
You are the best in the WORLD WEB!
Hello Rebecca,its a great lesson.And i have a doubt that when i want to interrupt someone while he is in the discussion,”can i interrupt you” is it a right and polite way to ask?
Aditya ch
hello Rebeca: this blog is fantastic and I have learned a lot, I would like to do a lesson on the imperative form in English, I mean by using let and may and all what has to do with the imperative form PLEASE…I am sure it will be 100 per cent usuful…
Hi all!
Amazing lesson…
I would choose both, to study on-line and in a classroom. Each one has its pros and cons. When I attended English classes, no one advised us to use on-line resources. Why? Because after I’d found out it could be more effective, I quited the class, but I am still learning English.
From the other hand, if I were in Canada (someday I will come there), I would attend advanced English classes because 1) IELTS certification for job, 2) speaking skills to live and communicate with people. It would not be interesting for me to study English on-line because I can do it in Belarus. I’d rather make some friends and talk with them as much as possible.
Best regards
Thank you to all, this is a great page
I’ve got 100, this is awesome. thank you so much and i hope i can use these phrases whenever i need it.
Just a warm Hi 2 dear n friendly Rebecca.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) …
Dear Rebecca,
There’s a ? by me here:Is there any difference btw “Do u like 2 cook” n “Do u like cooking” ?! in meaning actually?!!!
TX in advance,
:) fatiima!
Hello robbeca Thanks for this amazing lesson you are amazing ! I always tell my friends go to the to improve your English..!
great great leson! much thanks
wow ,thank you so much very useful site and great team i love you all :)
Why is ‘centre’ on the window instead of ‘center’?
I thought you were in North America.
How nice to see all teacher put together!
I’ve got 100 points now, surely I will
Elmer Merino
Great lesson with useful expressions!10 out of 10! :0) thanks
Great video as always! Thank you. :)
excellent lesson..thanks
it was pretty useful lesson, also it was fun to see you all guys in the same room interacting! I think is a really good idea this kind of lesson, ’cause, as is right said in the discution, we, the students, need to learn preform our skills into a conversation, wich is at last, the main purpose of learning a second language. Tnx all of you guys!!!
Teacher Rebecca, I’m brazilian. Thank you for this lesson. I like very much to listen the lessons of the Engvid. Was Interesting and very nice. I saw for first time some teachers talking together. Congratulations for initiative.
learn to* sorry abut that hehehe, I got a question… there is any way to practice online conversation skills?
Waaw, what a great way of teaching !!!
Thanks a lot. Everyday I learn more and more from you guys =)
I really loved this video and to be honest, this page is the best of all. I love english and I’m improving it little by little every day here, with my books, friends on skype etc. Congratulations I love you guys!!!
it was nice to see you all together guys please do it more often
wow i got 10/10 it was nice!!!!!!
hi, Rebicca it’s really wonderful lesson and it’s a smart idea to presnt this lesson with our lovely teachers
Brilliant video! Thank you so much for this really useful materials. That’s great that you find new forms and ways to help us studying English ;)
this website is my favourite one.i like it so much.thanks everyone.
Thanks!!! It was really useful lesson ) I’m gonna take FCE and we will have Speaking Part, so, I hope it will help me a lot! :)
That was really amazing , magnificent and helpful.
In a nutshell i can you are the best :D
Not you Rebicca i mean Engvid :D
i can say *
it is good
Thanks a lot guys!!!! Really good lesson!!!
I got 90% I thing my test score is good? thanks you teacher
Awesome. What a great way of teaching !
This lesson is really helpful to me.I hope you can make more videos like that.I learn a lot of useful sentence from conversation, situations…. and they are really interesting
Thank you five teachers ^^1
5/30/2013.. Nice video, I like Ronnie, she is a brat..
Thanks Rebecca! Is wonderful to see my mentors together in this lesson! Ronnie I appreciated your presentation a lot!
Thanks for all
I just want to thank all of the participants of this lesson- you’re doing a great job!
good lesson! thank you too much, Rebecca!
It was a really nice lesson.
I really appreciate the time dedicated by all of you in teach us.
Teachers you are the best
Teachers you are the best
hi everyone !!!!!!! it was a so nice to see you working all together !!!
If some one want to add me at Skype and practice our english you will be very welcome !!!! javier_mx26
I study English for fun, so that I don’t need to go in a classroom. I have textbooks, dictionaries (on paper and online).I translate american movies to improve my vocabulary in a funny way.And now I have your website,which makes my very happy! Thank you all for it!
This lesson was very help and I got 10
Is that ? yeah yeah it is.
Don’t worry always with you ,
engivd is like a sky and the teachers are like shining stars . I really love
Thank you so much for this discussion
Thank for your lesson, in one day present study in Congress Fessh 2013 at Antalia Turquia and at the finish there is a Discussion.
I hope with your class do it much better.
All of you are so incridible!!! I am from Brasil and I have been studing english on EngVid since 2010 I think. I remember when I was there in Toronto in business and I though in contact all of you but I didn’t do it for some reasons. These lessons always help me a lot. In my opinion this is the best website for learning english I tried in my whole single life.
Ops!! Correcting: ” on business” I meant! Ha… Ha…
Hi engvid thanks a lot for this lesson, it’s helpful, but i want to ask you, i can talk a little english without knowing the most of the rules, is that good? or it must know them? pleas answer me. and thank you
Congratulations all Fellas. This unusual idea was quite delightful. May I make a suggestion ? can you do it more times, In my student view, This interaction helps as well. Thanks
Hi! thank you very much for your kindness, that was the most useful classroom I’ve ever had until now. Thanks a lot.
Thanks Rebecca!! I love your lessons!!! See you later!!
Yeah!!! I got 10 point. Thank you so much Rebecca. Your lessons can help me a lot and I would like to study with you because you are a good teacher I had never had before.
waao i got a 100% its seems that i´m really leaning English lol
You – teachers from Canada make a very good job, I know everyone of you (from these podcasts, of course). In this one Ronnie and James were talking a little bit too fast for me, but (Ronnie! I love you! you’re the most fun of all of you,James – you’re a great teacher too, however I don’t understand you as perfect as a very clearly speaking Rebeca, Alex, Adam, Jon. Anyway I don’t know how to thank you. You all are great!!!!!!Marek
Ps. Forgive me my mistakes.
it is really useful way to learn how to discuss i hope if u make many videos about how to discus to make a speech to introduce my self to ……………………….. i really hope that )
GREAT GREAT I’d like to have many discussion videos in the future ..I ♥ engvid
thank you !!
That lesson is very usefull .
i like this lesson thank you
good efforts, but i have some comments:
1- you camera is not fixed so the dialogue is a little bit annoying.
2- the sound of the teachers is also not clear we barely hear them at the beginning.
3- it is a good occasion to see our teachers together, thank you all.
i hope in sent massage because i want learn how use grammar to take English please can help me …
thank you “)
You guys are awesome! I love each of your videos but in this you are almost all together! What would be more interesting?! And of course Rebecca’s tips are very useful. Thank you and keep going!
thank you so much for this amazing lesson
it was very useful
In a nutshell, I understood your lesson, thank you teacher!!
Hi…i liked so much….tks…
Hello, it was very useful.
Please talk abut how we can speak automatically, without thinking and without too much effort.
Thanks a lot.
It’s really useful video for me.
I’ll practice all expressions from the video.
Thank you!
Hi Rebecca,
I must tell you that this was the best lesson posted on engvid.
I liked to see all our nice faculty members on engvid and the way they tought us the key points used in a discussion.
it’s true that most of the expressions wich was mentioned in the lesson are common for me, but i hadn’t get them in acadimic way that’s why the lesson was interesting for me.
thx alot
give me your skype name
Thanks from all engvid team.
Thanks a lot teachers. It was nice see you together.
Some of you teachers, teach online class by skype?
eliezervictor are using clearly words.
Great!!! great!!! great!!! My favorite tutors together…. the best English lesson ever…!!! All of you….. I loved this lesson. Excellent job. I love you all!!!
Thank you. I got 100 correct!
that was a good lesson and show! it was very interesting seeing you guys together in one lesson! MORE POWER! :)
You guys are awesome!!!
The quality of the resources!!!! It was the first step in my studying… I remember when I had 3 weeks to understand tourist’s questions and answer to them…
I had no money to get a class but I had internet and I dedicated the first, the second and the third day to search for good resources…
I tried with movies, youtube videos …and then I found you!
EngVid, you are great!!!!!
thanks for all, it’s very instruvtive lesson!
the last quiz don’t contains an error please?
I’d like EngVid has a programm for App Story.
It would be very nice and the same time very usefull for people who still havent known you. I hope that we shall have this programm soon in our phons, iPads and MacBooks :)
Another great lesson.. Thank you so much guys
I got 10 correct :))
Thanks a lot for the great lesson
thanks teachers, I wish you would have more video in future and certainly I alway follow this website
Thanks a lot!
Why don’t you make an exemple of IELTS interview or a job interview in the next video? It would be great =)
Thanks for the useful lesson. its really great :)
that was very thoughtful of you, this give us a change to show our Ss how expressions can be used in real context
Thanks alot
It is very good Lesson
thats good, but little confussion about lesson,
fine thanks
i glad to hear student saying that they r klike more
Thanks very nice and useful lesson
it’s really really amazing and significant lesson , and I appreciate all teachers for this useful video .
Its really great, Thanks for the useful lesson.
9/10 Thanks!
I would like to say thanks five teacher! Rebecca: You have a good voice :D !
I got 10 correct out 10..:D
i got 10/10 :D THANK YOU
It was fun but also was so interesting to see you all together, thanks a lot for this lesson!!
I got 10/10… in others words..I´ve learned everything….
Thanx Rebecca…
thank you very much i love your teaching style!!
Thanks for Your efforts :)
Thanks for all your help & support. I’m a new user and for me is really a very nice tool to practice english in a very comfortable way. Thanks a lot Rebecca and Team. Now I feel better participating in meetings talking about several topics.
Dennys Espinoza (Vzla)
thanks again.
9/10 very well
“in a nutshell”, the first time i’ve heard,& how could we use the shortcut of “summary” to be like “sum up”… Is that common to use like these words by natives?? or it’s just common in Canada?
i got 10/10
Hi Rebecca, “As I was saying” and “As I said” is it the same thing? Is there any difference between them? THANKS!
Dear Rebecca, This lesson really very useful. Thanks a lot madam.
antoher intresting lesson which was much needed for me to know some importatn things.rebbeca its a request that like this video u also upload some other videos which includes the converstaion of all the engvid teachers.thankx
It is a good discussion. I’ve got 8/10.
8/10 very well.
100! thanks. I’m a engvid addict now. :D
correction I’m an engVid addict
I am very grateful with your classes, are you the best teachers in the world. You know what are the weak points of your students. I obtained 100 points but you have a beautiful way for teach us that the achievement is of yours too. Greetings from Mexico City.
Grate lesson Rebecca, You and your team are wonderful!!! Thanks a lot.
thank indeed.
May I use these in formal writing english?
thank you in advance.
i think to go to school hmmm and at or in class. yea that is it thanks goodby.
thank you.
thanks Rebeca! you are helping me my English by leaps and bounds! you have a nice day :)
..hard to find these days, people with a sense of humor I like THAT:-)
thank Becca again 10/10 perfect nice lesson great !
Great job guys!!! It will help a lot for my upcoming presentations!
Is almost impossible to understand James, heheheeh, he talks very fast.
We have the similar discuss in our English lessons, so some terms of this lesson will be useful. Especially I like “in a nutshell”, in our country we use (translated) “in cube” but I think this term doesn’t exist in English. Could I use “in a nutshell” also for formal communication,e.g. for e-mails at work ? I have used “Conclusion from the discuss from my opinion is…” so far.
Thanks for the lesson.
Arshad Khan
Thank you so much. This is very good lesson.
it’s my first 100! wow i’m so proud thanks
Since I found this marvelous site, I started to learn faster and faster. I used to be a shy person when I am writing or speaking English, but now I’m not any more.
Great! Lovely teachers !
excellent lesson.. i have learned a lot from this lesson
khursheda akter
oh,that fun!!!10like
stephen lee
I got 10 out of 10.Thanks a lot for your useful lesson Rebecca.
I got 90%
julia chol
Yeah, that’s exactly how my conversations are goes while talking with friends, we’re literally always interrupt each other and often we use not a such polite form to have a word :D
haha and I was actually laughing while taking a quiz,
There was a question regarding your way to enter the discussion and you must have been choose between the
– May I say something? and another funny expression
– Do I get a chance to speak? xD
Oh sorry if I bore you! Thank you for represention of such a good instructional videos!
thank you alot
It is very practical lesson. In addition, it is appropriate for advanced learners. It is amazing that 5 English teachers come together on this. In conclusion, it very useful one.
It was really useful, thanks.
It’s very helpful. Thanks so much, Rebecca
I am late with my comment but i was not looking for something new but rather looking for some of Rebecca’s topics.And this one caught my eyes.Thanks Rebeeca
Waligaa wax baro
It’s good than you .
Danial fallatah
thank you so much
it was a successfull lesson for me. Ican’t stop watching your lesson. Thanks a lot
You´re great Rebecca!!! Thanks!
Thank you!
Jr gomez
thank you very much
Refaat 11
Very interesting lesson!
Thank you so much for the lesson I took and got escort 90 out of 100, this is nice goal , that is through the classes I atend at engvid web site have much for learnerrs
really nice,
thank you very much
very very very nice topic!!
thank you so much!
you are the best!!!
Thanks a lot for the lesson
Cool. Happy to see you all together. Thank you very much Rebecca for your creative and great lesson.
WE’ll discuss so much for this point! So now focus,please!^^
Takeshi Nguyen
sara sharif
thank you for this video. this site is helping me to improve my English. keep going.
Hi, what a fantastic lesson ;) thanks guys.
I just want to add that you say ‘don’t get me wrong’ or ‘ don’t get the wrong end of the stick’ ;)it’s basically the same ;)
I got 10/10
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you so much to the engvid team.
It was really nice.
Thank you. Very good dynamic lesson.
This video is very helpful to me. Because I’m major in English Language and Literature, I have an English communication class. In taking the class, I should discuss or debate with my groups about one topic. But it’s not easy as I thought, because I don’t know how to speak politely, express my opinions and interrupt one member. So this video is really useful, especially to me. Actually, discussing one topic in a group was my mid-term exam. If I knew this before, I think, I could take my exam better than that time. :( Anyway, thanks for your effort, Rebecca. I learned a lot from you. From now, I can discuss in a group by using what you taught.
Kim Ha Sun
yea i got 90 thanks all
soha lotfy
Thank you so much
No doubts, That’s what I call a great teacher’s team!
Thanks everyone!
Very useful lesson, thanks :)
Thanks Mam, got 100%
Abdul Qayum
Thanks ; good lesson ; 9/10
awesome ,thank you very much ,i appreciated you effort
galal elassal
I like this way to learn as well~
hey i got 10/10…. Thank you rebecca
Thank you.
I got 100%,and thanks to all of you :)
Arif Haneef Choudhry
helo are you? i am from azerbaijan.. and can you explain what is the difference between a few and few?
Hi Rebecca.I’m from Tunisia. Your lessons are very interesting and useful. Thank you very much for your effort.
om hanin
Love these guys..thnks so much! I’m learning a lot :)
thanks to all of you
ye made a really effective lesson :)
It’s great to see all of you teachers together, excellent lesson =)
Rebecca,y’all are gret teachers.thank you God for this opportunity.thank engvid for everything!!!
Ciao everyone!
Whoa this is the first video teacher group to a team! Actually very exited as I like teamwork very much
Really help me to ‘ARGUE’ with my friends in meeting.
Fellis Seth
its useful..
hi rebecca, i would like to watch more group exercises and practice. especially for an airline interview.
Ronnie! :)
Yazeed Alsahafi
thanks everyone, its realy helpfull lessonto me and i d also like to add your office empity but soo beautiful :D
Thaks a lot Rebeca, excellent lesson!!!
hello everyone
Lessons on engvid are great, but this lesson is fantastic.
Thank you.
thank you rebeca that’s very good topic that everyone want’s to get clear.thank’s a lot
Dr.K.Akash Krishnan
Thank’s a lot Rebecca for your wonderful lesson.It’s very useful and vital.In this video I learnt more words,phrases than at school.In a nutshell everything is perfect. =D
I got 90 =D
Very nice lesson :) I like engvid very much!
So useful, thanks a lot
I like this lesson!! EngVid is good English school for me.
I like this lesson!
Thank you
pradeep reddy
s i got 80 marks thanks for ur lesson
peruri ranjith
1 out of 10 no one would text that. thats funny isn’t it?
Thank you very much for all usefull shares you are realy good a teacher I like you.
OMG!! a wonderful lesson!! I just have 1 week watching all the different teachers and I already love you guys, Thank you very much, you dont really know how Big is the help that you bring us with your great work.
big hug from Colombia, I love you all!!
Thank you for a wonderful lesson.
Thank you very much for the lesson. It’s very useful. I got 80% from 100%, but it is not bad.
Best Regards,
Yusuf from Tajikistan!
…o.O?Thank you very much!
I saw you ,Ronnie, I am very excited
Sallon yu
i’d like to add something, you guys are making a very big effort in helping us to learn english
all my respects for you teachers, and might god bless you all.
obviously it’s amazing lesson thanks you miss
Mohammed ammouri
FOLKS …. !!! i NEED A PERSON TO TALK IN ENGLISH. PLEASE HELP ME my skype name – zaur.sabiroglu
Ooh! Great , thanks for all.
Mohamed Ahmed Abdelmagied
I always wondered how it would be in the “backstage” of EngVid… I thought it was in their homes. :)
How is it correct to say?
I always wondered…
I had always wondered…
I have always wondered…
Jesse Piologo
Thanks for the good lesson.
I got 100! :D
i had never fond such kind of resources like,
Simply Wonderful…
9/10 …
im satisfied with engvid
D sandeep rao
I’m Vijay and want to say thank you!
I like this lesson, thanks you very mush!
Very useful lesson.
Thank you for the lesson (Y)
Secondly guys I’s like to have a friend who can share opinions with me, and help me to improve my ENglish skills. but I do need a girl with British accent. I am from Azerbaijan, and want to be fluent in speaking real English. Who could be my online friend? :)
Nice lesson … and it is very exciting when five great engvid teachers in one lesson :D
Really like this lesson. Thanks to all the teachers. I got 10/10
Thank you.
There were all of my favourite teachers from engvid! I wish I could be there…
Thanks a lot for this useful and interesting lesson. It was very cognitively to hear an opinion of all of you.
thank you ! , it’s a helpful lesson .. Also I got 100
thank you ! , it’s a helpful lesson .. Also I got 100
I must say that it is very helpful
Raju Nagavelli
Very useful, thank you all of you
How do you native speakers respond to “thanks for helping me …”? in this video, you guys said “no problem”.
I was taught that “You’re welcome” is the answer in that case, which I think is too formal and a little bit boring because of lacking variety. So can you give me more ways for that. Thank you.
thank you great Rebecca!
ı think all have been told at teacher meeting,thats true,however,not enough for internet student just learning by watching and by listening,but ıf we would be in classroom as regular,We would dıscuss and make practice,in conclusıon it would be more useful for students. thanks
yurrec ader
Dear Rebecca,
“don’t get me wrong” I like the sound of this expression.
It’s a very nice way to show a different opinion.
Best regards.
Hello, Rebecca my good teacher. It was a pleasure to meet you. I sing up to after I have studied with you in many lessons. You are my good teacher. You can explain hard lesson become to easy lesson. I prefer to study with you. My notebook has a lot of your lesson from Engvid.
>> I would like to say that “I want you add your lesson about TOEIC more than ESPECIALLY LISTENING PART because I want to improve my score. TOEIC is very very important for me. I believe, all teaches of Engvid can help me to get high score of TOEIC.
Thank you for teaching. I wish you happy in your life. Hug from Thailand. L
Thanks Rebecca! I loved this lesson! Was so cool watched all teachers together!! Fantastic idea, but I miss Benjamim…
carlos 2138
Hello, good lesson, if someone wants to practice English with me, contact me via Skype, my Skype name is skydra-81
Sasha J.
Good lesson ! Thanks
haha I got 90!Its confusing what’s sup up means which literally summary or end up discussions, I thought to make calculations
elvie88 same here. that was confusing me too. any way it is very useful topic. thanks Rebecca.
prakash banjara
hi. my skype name is ravanowski. add me, i think we can improve our level by talking via skype
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
oooh yeah there is Ronnie in this video.she is very cool! my greeting to her rabecca!
chakim hamzah
I love you all guys. I’m really too happy because I’m learning english studying online with you.
Di Glauser
Good job. Your very nice teacher.
it’s an amazing way in teaching and i think it’s very helpful , we can go ahead to promote our english skills asap, thanks engvid teachers
the best English lesson website ever
Another helpful lesson! Tks.
thanks you i got 80/100
GOOD lesson! thank you very much!
I Really loved with Rebecca the way of giving teach and speech and everything awesome and she’s lessons really make me watch more videos and whenever i get bore keep watching her’s videos only and last but not least It’s not enough to say thanks to her!!!.. .
I can’t believe this I got 100 to 100.. .
i accomplished something differently God!!!…..
100/100 thaaaaaaaanks
I just love it… Very good lessons and great teachers. Thanks
Adam,Alex,Ronnie,James,you are all my favorite English teachers.Thanks for making this video which is useful and important to me. I hope your website will have more and more English learners around the world who are eager to learn English language and have fun with it every day.
suong mai
All the teachers in ENGVID are the best, thank you very much for this.
100% :D I got what you taught! Thanks!
Ho Tri Thuc
Thank you for this video. It’s really useful lesson where we can listen real conversation between native speakers! I, and I suppose other learners, will be very grateful to you if you make more lessons like this one.
But may be I just don’t see another videos like this.
100 yolo :)
It’s so cool to see you all in one video! *o*
I loved it!
Jess M
my respects to everyone of you, you all are very good english teachers !!!
What a great lesson!
Thank you very much!
THANK YOU very much! it was really interesting and useful lesson!
Sasha Sever
hi rebeeca thank you for this video really i enjoyed for lestening in you lessons and also you give me a more point for used thenm in my conversation
yhank you again
GHILANI Muhammed
Perfect! Thanks,Rebecca-san.
Wow! I got 100 I´m getting! Thank You all.
Marta Mendes Valadades
It’s really nice to see all of my favorite teachers in one video, i just wish Emma is there too…. Thank you teachers for all the helpful lessons, correct me please if there is wrong with my grammar… :-)
This is a very interesting video for learning English,I’ve never seen it like this before.I wish if we would watch more like this,That will make me excited.
By the way,I can’t catch the teachers ideas at first time,It’s a little more fast and the opinion was changing over and over,So I watched it again and again,Finally I caught up teacher’s step and get their idea.I enjoyed learning English like this.
Thank you,every teacher!
Perfect! Thank you Rebecca!
how strongly and professional discussion !
Through this video i have leared so much, of course firstly is phrases used commonly in a discussion but beyond i kept in mind how to enter in dicussion politely and conversational skills as well.
I love this topic and just personally speaking, i actually think that study online on is the best with me coz i kind of introverted person and feel shy when communicate with other people.
Thanks you guy.
All best to you.
Hoai Manucians
I got 100 out of 100 marks ! this is really a good website. thanks all of you. :)
Sanjida Anwar
Very good lesson, I loved the phrases, however, I have gone through almost every phrase before but never thought to use them in a discussion.
you guys are amazing,and we can’t thank you enough for all the informative helpful and also free videos.we love you.
i got 90%
I got 100 percent.
Paulo Henrique Sa vale
I got 100
Thanks a lot Mrs. Rebecca. I got 100. is really good and usefull resource for me.
Ivan Gubanov
Thank you ( Rebecca, thanks to engvid and all the teachers )
i got 100. Yeah thank you so much ! :)
zaty abdullah
You guys are awesome in particular and even better when you’re all together! I loved it.
Milena Camargo
In conclusion my english become better after this lesson
It’s very interesting, so I scored 100 pointes
the prettiest girl
Thank you….
This lesson was of the charts.
Thanks rebecca
Mouhcine tene
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
Nice lesson Rebecca, it,s a pleasure to be your student.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
well done…
M kartal
great lesson! thanks
In short it is a good lesson to watch it
I’m sorry but may I say something? Is need!
Something about what’s truly important to me. I’m believe how much we need interaction and speak with other people to acquire knowledge, because this make us happy. I would like very much can speak fluently, of express my fellings, to know people, nice people.
Things good , great informations can be access on a website or chat with someone, get knowledge, to know people and the world, make part of something!
I’m confess how much I would like study at a school and to learn a lot of things.
However one step at a time. This website have been of big importance to me. This team of teachers what have has helped me a lot. Is very nice see you together!
Thank you all of you !
Good, observatio. I happy to see you all together. Hugs to Jade.
that’s really nice
Thank you. I have got a good skills
Thank you very much. You are the best teachers in the world.
I love this video, awesome crossover
Thanks Ms. Rebecca thanks ladies and gentlemen!
Thank you, Rebecca.I Will use some of these expressions at work
Jayson Au Yeung
I got 100%, Thanks for the lesson dear.
Thank you Rebecca madam for your valuable lessons and the other members from the engVid too.I am really getting help from your lessons as because in IELTS test in speaking part-3 mostly we need to give opinion and we need to “hold the floor” as you have said in the video.So,I think this video is a boon for the IELTS aspirants from all over the world.
Thanks a lot
Rakesh Kumar Sarmah
Well, I will also like to add that “hold the floor” as I have mentioned earlier to mean that “TO SUPPORT SOMETHING” with the help of examples in speaking part-3 of IELTS test.
Rakesh Kumar Sarmah
I got 9 out of 10 rabecca feeling good
Smiley 24
That’s a nice lesson! I love it. Thanks so much
Congratulations Rebecca! This class today was amazing, different! I liked very much. It will help a lot for my business area.
edi wilson
This class It will help a lot for my business area.
edi wilson
thanks for all teachers … good lesson good idea in teaching.
please make more videos like it
I got 10 out of 10
It’s amazing , lesson with the best teacher ! I can’t believe it
Sant San
The lesson was interesting, i learned so much specially the expressions such “in a nutshell” or verb such ” to sum up”.
I got 9 out of ten. Very useful lesson. I want to improve my fluency in English to talk to someone and help me .Those who are interested pl message me. My mail is harmeet .
Really ! This is a very good lesson for me I learned many expressions on how to discuss a topic.
I watched this video twice on December 28, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
This is awesome! Thank you very much.
Thank you all for the great conversation and review of each scenarios.
I understand this topic is to brainstorm online versus in person classes.
Do we have any in person class going on?
Very nice speaking course, I like your teaching method also your prononciation dear Rebecca
Will be sitting for a group discussion test soon! Thanks for the video. Really helped me to practice for it.
That’s easy to understand. Thank you.
I got 9/10.
Thank you! :)
The lesson is very good, but needed more discussion questions
Mohd sh
Obviously it was a very nice group discussion. From this lesson, I learned that how to discuss a topic in a group. Thanks Rebecca, I love your teaching methods.
Great class thanks!
to see the other teachers felt like a crossover kkk
just like the Avengers haha xoxo guys
Really good lesson because I need this I have a discussion this week
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
really nice lession :) thanx everyone
Yes, so thank you very much!
i got 80 marks thanks to all of you
you guys are doing great job especially ronnie i saw your all lesson which you uploaded in Youtube it was fantastic and i really likes to all
Thanks everyone for this lesson!! Great job!!
I want to know email of all the teachers here
Thanks everyone for wonderful lesson
Haha that’s great.
Before i wathed it i have never seen all you guys
But i aslo wanna know where the other teachers are ? Valen Emma John?
Your thinking’s the same of mine.
hi i am ali alhddad can u take with u i I’m a new student… thanks
Hi rebecca, Thank you very much! It was a helpful lesson. Will be nice if you make more videos with conversation!!
They can try to play some dialogs at the street, cinema, mall, at work and etc.
But where is Emma????
Почему твой язык русский?
You make a good point ! but i would also like to add !videos To Improve Our Communication !
Thanks very much for this lesson, I like your method of teaching, rebcca.
Wonderful lesson, good ways of teaching I really like it.Thanks !
Cool, thanks.
I think, dialogues are one of the best ways to learn and improve English. Can we count on new dialogues lessons?
greeting for all teachers,
Thank you Rebecca, Ronnie, Alex, James and Alan, and thanks to the hidden cameraman :). This lesson is a very good one, very useful, and absolutly well done !!
Thanks a lot! It was a lot of fun!
Alex, you are a great teacher. Usually I find your lessons more difficult than the others. Not because you are not good in teaching! But because you choose critical topics and you really make them smoothly understood to us.
Although I meant what I have said, however, I also want your feedback about my English in this comment. I would really appreciate it Alex.
Yeah, thanks for the video. Alex, did you come from Montreal to Toronto? (On your page you say you’re working in Montreal.
By the way, Is Jon still with Engvid or he left?
It’s a very useful and well structured lesson. Thank you all!
This topic was very interesting and I was happy to see some of you together. I love you all.
nice lessen , I hope to meet you same days
may you study with me?
i would like to practice English with some one and this is my Skype name ” waeladam “
And also, i agree with Ronnie and Alan, I appreciate the fact that I can learn english for free (thanks to engvid and all the teachers), whenever et wherever I want. I am not offending my teacher if i’m late in class and I prefer to work at my rythm. In class, some students learn faster than others and vice versa and sometimes you get borred or you get lost ^^
I agree that in front of my screen I can’t interact with anyone but I just speak aloud when you guys ask a question (am I weird ? ^^) and I repeat almost evrythong after you. I also run videos when I’m doing something else, just to hear English constantly in the background, and I am sure it helps to remember things without much effort.
Thank you again !
may you study with me?
i would like to practice English with some one and this is my Skype name ” waeladam “
I agree with you, and I also like to add that in Engvid we can choose from an range of topics what we are most interested in… :)
lol..u r not weird…I do the same thing when learning English..for me it works and it’s the best way to improve my English level. :) Greetings¡
Thanks guys for that nice video
i would like to practice English with some one and this is my Skype name ” waeladam “
I’m going to add you, ok? I also need someone to talk to. See you!
Sometimes I just don´t understando. For example: YOU MADE A GOOD POINT. Shoudn´t be YOU´VE MADE A GOOD POINT?
I heard only: “You made a very good point…”
“to made a very good point” means that Adam agree with James. Or better, it means that James said something all right.
ok, but, why SIMPLE PAST (You made) instead PRESENT PERFECT: YOU´VE MADE? Simple past is used to talk about something that happened in time in the past. ex: You made a good point at the meeting yesterday.
Well, I’m just a student, but I guess that this case we must use to Simple Past because Adam agreed with something James already said.
Adam could have said: “James MADE a very good point WHEN he SAID that…” Same in portuguese.
In conclusion, Adam took about something James DID.
I hope I have helped you.
All the best!
May I say something? This lesson is very useful! Thanks you to all teachers =)
Thanks all.
I agree with Ronnie! Engvid has the best teachers! You guys are fantastic. Very professionals. I’m 36 years old and in all my life I never can learn english. I did so many courses and I´ve gone to many phisical schools and neither them can teach me english.
However, I don’t know if I can say I learned english by internet. I need, or better, I´ve got learn so much to I can do: “I know english!”… But, even so I finally started learning english, specially with the videos of
Thank you guys, teachers!
All my Teachers was a
Ignore the last “All my teachers was a….it’s a leftover and my mistake!
I was correcting the grammar and I forgot to delete it.
See you!
Guys you are terrific teachers, I think you know that and without me.))
* I meant, you know it better than I do
I got 90 %. OK , thank you Rebecca.
Thank you so much! Rebecca.
Hi, I’m an English Language student from Argentina. At college we get to discuss several subject with our classmates and teachers so we get to practice our pronunciation and learn how to speak more fluently. I was wondering if you could tell me if there are other expressions considered more polite or related to an academic enviroment.
Nice vid!
Thank so much!!! Great job teachers!!!
It was wonderful that I can see favorite teachers in this lesson. Thanks a lot
wowww… it’s really interesting!!! ^_^
You are the most amazing teachers in the world wide web!!!!… Thanks for all!!
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca. It is a very useful lesson. I graduated from the University of English at Vietnam but what I learned from is more helpful for my English listening and speaking. I would like to say a big thank to all teachers of !
Many thanks by the way where is Emma
What an amazing class, Rebecca!
You did a great job, just keep on amazing many people as you’ve always been doing!
Thumbs up for engvid!
I agree with you.I thumb up this lesson.
This lesson was wonderful! EngVid is truly an excellent resource!!!
I would like make some lesson plan outside classroom next time.I’ve never been Canada and wanna see your country.
I didn’t expect to see all teachers in the lesson absolutely.. I was glad to listen to all of us.
thanks so much
that’s perfect when all of you be together
yes I agree with you.
thank you very much all teachers on Now in my English class my teachers always give us many topics to argue. This would help me to speak correctly in a group when another argument.
Thank you guys for the lesson!
PS: Where was Emma?
Nice lesson!
the clairest voices for me belong to Alex, Adam and Rebecca.
Thanks a lot! Awesome and cool lesson :)
Engvid is the best
Very lively lesson :-)
Could one of you make a lesson about the expression “out of ” and “out to “.
“out of africa”, “i made a lamp out of wood”, “out to get me” etc … though i can guess the meaning i don’t master those correctly.
What a great lesson! It was so nice to see the EngVid teachers together! :) I need to say that I just love to be here, watching your videos, taking the quizzes, reading the comments, meeting students from all the world… To find out this website was really an amazing thing that happened to me… Thank you dear teachers for giving us the oportunity to learn English in such excellent way! All my best wishes to all of you!
Hey, sweetie, a few rectifications on it, hope you don’t mind!
* finding out this website’s really been an amazing…
** in a such excellent way…
See you around!
Oh, I don’t mind at all, Thalinho! Thanks for the rectifications, because it really helps me to improve my English.
See you around! ;)
Thank you guys ! Very hopefull lesson ! I think online lesson is very useful and, in the future,or actually now, it will be the most important way to teach languages.Thanks again and all the crew !
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
nice lesson thank you :)
Obviously, EngVid is best for ever, and they have transferred lots of knowledge about different kind of categories, so I appreciate your job.
Thanks a lot!
It was great to see all of you together in one lesson.
Thanks, nice lesson.
Got 100:)..thank you so much …..
Awesome! hope to see you guys together in another lesson again!
It was very nice to see you guys together. I would like to say that my English is getting very better with Engvid. I can’t afford a regular English Course now, but I know I am learning a lot here. You are terrific teachers! I miss Emma and Jhonn in this video… I have downloaded it and I’ll keep it for the rest of my life, as a Engvid memory. :)
Hi, May I ask, if you guys keep record of the studies that each student does? can they or me get a Certificate for the classes? thanks again for putting up this great videos on the web, so Students like me can have access to them. best regards
It is next fantastic lesson! I love it!!!!
You are the best in the WORLD WEB!
Hello Rebecca,its a great lesson.And i have a doubt that when i want to interrupt someone while he is in the discussion,”can i interrupt you” is it a right and polite way to ask?
hello Rebeca: this blog is fantastic and I have learned a lot, I would like to do a lesson on the imperative form in English, I mean by using let and may and all what has to do with the imperative form PLEASE…I am sure it will be 100 per cent usuful…
Hi all!
Amazing lesson…
I would choose both, to study on-line and in a classroom. Each one has its pros and cons. When I attended English classes, no one advised us to use on-line resources. Why? Because after I’d found out it could be more effective, I quited the class, but I am still learning English.
From the other hand, if I were in Canada (someday I will come there), I would attend advanced English classes because 1) IELTS certification for job, 2) speaking skills to live and communicate with people. It would not be interesting for me to study English on-line because I can do it in Belarus. I’d rather make some friends and talk with them as much as possible.
Best regards
Thank you to all, this is a great page
I’ve got 100, this is awesome. thank you so much and i hope i can use these phrases whenever i need it.
Just a warm Hi 2 dear n friendly Rebecca.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) …
Dear Rebecca,
There’s a ? by me here:Is there any difference btw “Do u like 2 cook” n “Do u like cooking” ?! in meaning actually?!!!
TX in advance,
:) fatiima!
Hello robbeca Thanks for this amazing lesson you are amazing ! I always tell my friends go to the to improve your English..!
great great leson! much thanks
wow ,thank you so much very useful site and great team i love you all :)
Why is ‘centre’ on the window instead of ‘center’?
I thought you were in North America.
How nice to see all teacher put together!
I’ve got 100 points now, surely I will
Great lesson with useful expressions!10 out of 10! :0) thanks
Great video as always! Thank you. :)
excellent lesson..thanks
it was pretty useful lesson, also it was fun to see you all guys in the same room interacting! I think is a really good idea this kind of lesson, ’cause, as is right said in the discution, we, the students, need to learn preform our skills into a conversation, wich is at last, the main purpose of learning a second language. Tnx all of you guys!!!
Teacher Rebecca, I’m brazilian. Thank you for this lesson. I like very much to listen the lessons of the Engvid. Was Interesting and very nice. I saw for first time some teachers talking together. Congratulations for initiative.
learn to* sorry abut that hehehe, I got a question… there is any way to practice online conversation skills?
Waaw, what a great way of teaching !!!
Thanks a lot. Everyday I learn more and more from you guys =)
I really loved this video and to be honest, this page is the best of all. I love english and I’m improving it little by little every day here, with my books, friends on skype etc. Congratulations I love you guys!!!
it was nice to see you all together guys please do it more often
wow i got 10/10 it was nice!!!!!!
hi, Rebicca it’s really wonderful lesson and it’s a smart idea to presnt this lesson with our lovely teachers
Brilliant video! Thank you so much for this really useful materials. That’s great that you find new forms and ways to help us studying English ;)
this website is my favourite one.i like it so much.thanks everyone.
Thanks!!! It was really useful lesson ) I’m gonna take FCE and we will have Speaking Part, so, I hope it will help me a lot! :)
That was really amazing , magnificent and helpful.
In a nutshell i can you are the best :D
Not you Rebicca i mean Engvid :D
i can say *
it is good
Thanks a lot guys!!!! Really good lesson!!!
I got 90% I thing my test score is good? thanks you teacher
Awesome. What a great way of teaching !
This lesson is really helpful to me.I hope you can make more videos like that.I learn a lot of useful sentence from conversation, situations…. and they are really interesting
Thank you five teachers ^^1
5/30/2013.. Nice video, I like Ronnie, she is a brat..
Thanks Rebecca! Is wonderful to see my mentors together in this lesson! Ronnie I appreciated your presentation a lot!
Thanks for all
I just want to thank all of the participants of this lesson- you’re doing a great job!
good lesson! thank you too much, Rebecca!
It was a really nice lesson.
I really appreciate the time dedicated by all of you in teach us.
Teachers you are the best
Teachers you are the best
hi everyone !!!!!!! it was a so nice to see you working all together !!!
If some one want to add me at Skype and practice our english you will be very welcome !!!! javier_mx26
I study English for fun, so that I don’t need to go in a classroom. I have textbooks, dictionaries (on paper and online).I translate american movies to improve my vocabulary in a funny way.And now I have your website,which makes my very happy! Thank you all for it!
This lesson was very help and I got 10
Is that ? yeah yeah it is.
Don’t worry always with you ,
engivd is like a sky and the teachers are like shining stars . I really love
Thank you so much for this discussion
Thank for your lesson, in one day present study in Congress Fessh 2013 at Antalia Turquia and at the finish there is a Discussion.
I hope with your class do it much better.
All of you are so incridible!!! I am from Brasil and I have been studing english on EngVid since 2010 I think. I remember when I was there in Toronto in business and I though in contact all of you but I didn’t do it for some reasons. These lessons always help me a lot. In my opinion this is the best website for learning english I tried in my whole single life.
Ops!! Correcting: ” on business” I meant! Ha… Ha…
Hi engvid thanks a lot for this lesson, it’s helpful, but i want to ask you, i can talk a little english without knowing the most of the rules, is that good? or it must know them? pleas answer me. and thank you
Congratulations all Fellas. This unusual idea was quite delightful. May I make a suggestion ? can you do it more times, In my student view, This interaction helps as well. Thanks
Hi! thank you very much for your kindness, that was the most useful classroom I’ve ever had until now. Thanks a lot.
Thanks Rebecca!! I love your lessons!!! See you later!!
Yeah!!! I got 10 point. Thank you so much Rebecca. Your lessons can help me a lot and I would like to study with you because you are a good teacher I had never had before.
waao i got a 100% its seems that i´m really leaning English lol
You – teachers from Canada make a very good job, I know everyone of you (from these podcasts, of course). In this one Ronnie and James were talking a little bit too fast for me, but (Ronnie! I love you! you’re the most fun of all of you,James – you’re a great teacher too, however I don’t understand you as perfect as a very clearly speaking Rebeca, Alex, Adam, Jon. Anyway I don’t know how to thank you. You all are great!!!!!!Marek
Ps. Forgive me my mistakes.
it is really useful way to learn how to discuss i hope if u make many videos about how to discus to make a speech to introduce my self to ……………………….. i really hope that )
GREAT GREAT I’d like to have many discussion videos in the future ..I ♥ engvid
thank you !!
That lesson is very usefull .
i like this lesson thank you
good efforts, but i have some comments:
1- you camera is not fixed so the dialogue is a little bit annoying.
2- the sound of the teachers is also not clear we barely hear them at the beginning.
3- it is a good occasion to see our teachers together, thank you all.
i hope in sent massage because i want learn how use grammar to take English please can help me …
thank you “)
You guys are awesome! I love each of your videos but in this you are almost all together! What would be more interesting?! And of course Rebecca’s tips are very useful. Thank you and keep going!
thank you so much for this amazing lesson
it was very useful
In a nutshell, I understood your lesson, thank you teacher!!
Hi…i liked so much….tks…
Hello, it was very useful.
Please talk abut how we can speak automatically, without thinking and without too much effort.
Thanks a lot.
It’s really useful video for me.
I’ll practice all expressions from the video.
Thank you!
Hi Rebecca,
I must tell you that this was the best lesson posted on engvid.
I liked to see all our nice faculty members on engvid and the way they tought us the key points used in a discussion.
it’s true that most of the expressions wich was mentioned in the lesson are common for me, but i hadn’t get them in acadimic way that’s why the lesson was interesting for me.
thx alot
give me your skype name
Thanks from all engvid team.
Thanks a lot teachers. It was nice see you together.
Some of you teachers, teach online class by skype? are using clearly words.
Great!!! great!!! great!!! My favorite tutors together…. the best English lesson ever…!!! All of you….. I loved this lesson. Excellent job. I love you all!!!
Thank you. I got 100 correct!
that was a good lesson and show! it was very interesting seeing you guys together in one lesson! MORE POWER! :)
You guys are awesome!!!
The quality of the resources!!!! It was the first step in my studying… I remember when I had 3 weeks to understand tourist’s questions and answer to them…
I had no money to get a class but I had internet and I dedicated the first, the second and the third day to search for good resources…
I tried with movies, youtube videos …and then I found you!
EngVid, you are great!!!!!
thanks for all, it’s very instruvtive lesson!
the last quiz don’t contains an error please?
I’d like EngVid has a programm for App Story.
It would be very nice and the same time very usefull for people who still havent known you. I hope that we shall have this programm soon in our phons, iPads and MacBooks :)
Another great lesson.. Thank you so much guys
I got 10 correct :))
Thanks a lot for the great lesson
thanks teachers, I wish you would have more video in future and certainly I alway follow this website
Thanks a lot!
Why don’t you make an exemple of IELTS interview or a job interview in the next video? It would be great =)
Thanks for the useful lesson. its really great :)
that was very thoughtful of you, this give us a change to show our Ss how expressions can be used in real context
Thanks alot
It is very good Lesson
thats good, but little confussion about lesson,
fine thanks
i glad to hear student saying that they r klike more
Thanks very nice and useful lesson
it’s really really amazing and significant lesson , and I appreciate all teachers for this useful video .
Its really great, Thanks for the useful lesson.
9/10 Thanks!
I would like to say thanks five teacher! Rebecca: You have a good voice :D !
I got 10 correct out 10..:D
i got 10/10 :D THANK YOU
It was fun but also was so interesting to see you all together, thanks a lot for this lesson!!
I got 10/10… in others words..I´ve learned everything….
Thanx Rebecca…
thank you very much i love your teaching style!!
Thanks for Your efforts :)
Thanks for all your help & support. I’m a new user and for me is really a very nice tool to practice english in a very comfortable way. Thanks a lot Rebecca and Team. Now I feel better participating in meetings talking about several topics.
thanks again.
9/10 very well
“in a nutshell”, the first time i’ve heard,& how could we use the shortcut of “summary” to be like “sum up”… Is that common to use like these words by natives?? or it’s just common in Canada?
i got 10/10
Hi Rebecca, “As I was saying” and “As I said” is it the same thing? Is there any difference between them? THANKS!
Dear Rebecca, This lesson really very useful. Thanks a lot madam.
antoher intresting lesson which was much needed for me to know some importatn things.rebbeca its a request that like this video u also upload some other videos which includes the converstaion of all the engvid teachers.thankx
It is a good discussion. I’ve got 8/10.
8/10 very well.
100! thanks. I’m a engvid addict now. :D
correction I’m an engVid addict
I am very grateful with your classes, are you the best teachers in the world. You know what are the weak points of your students. I obtained 100 points but you have a beautiful way for teach us that the achievement is of yours too. Greetings from Mexico City.
Grate lesson Rebecca, You and your team are wonderful!!! Thanks a lot.
thank indeed.
May I use these in formal writing english?
thank you in advance.
i think to go to school hmmm and at or in class. yea that is it thanks goodby.
thank you.
thanks Rebeca! you are helping me my English by leaps and bounds! you have a nice day :)
..hard to find these days, people with a sense of humor I like THAT:-)
thank Becca again 10/10 perfect nice lesson great !
Great job guys!!! It will help a lot for my upcoming presentations!
Is almost impossible to understand James, heheheeh, he talks very fast.
We have the similar discuss in our English lessons, so some terms of this lesson will be useful. Especially I like “in a nutshell”, in our country we use (translated) “in cube” but I think this term doesn’t exist in English. Could I use “in a nutshell” also for formal communication,e.g. for e-mails at work ? I have used “Conclusion from the discuss from my opinion is…” so far.
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you so much. This is very good lesson.
it’s my first 100! wow i’m so proud thanks
Since I found this marvelous site, I started to learn faster and faster. I used to be a shy person when I am writing or speaking English, but now I’m not any more.
Great! Lovely teachers !
excellent lesson.. i have learned a lot from this lesson
oh,that fun!!!10like
I got 10 out of 10.Thanks a lot for your useful lesson Rebecca.
I got 90%
Yeah, that’s exactly how my conversations are goes while talking with friends, we’re literally always interrupt each other and often we use not a such polite form to have a word :D
haha and I was actually laughing while taking a quiz,
There was a question regarding your way to enter the discussion and you must have been choose between the
– May I say something? and another funny expression
– Do I get a chance to speak? xD
Oh sorry if I bore you! Thank you for represention of such a good instructional videos!
thank you alot
It is very practical lesson. In addition, it is appropriate for advanced learners. It is amazing that 5 English teachers come together on this. In conclusion, it very useful one.
It was really useful, thanks.
It’s very helpful. Thanks so much, Rebecca
I am late with my comment but i was not looking for something new but rather looking for some of Rebecca’s topics.And this one caught my eyes.Thanks Rebeeca
It’s good than you .
thank you so much
it was a successfull lesson for me. Ican’t stop watching your lesson. Thanks a lot
You´re great Rebecca!!! Thanks!
Thank you!
thank you very much
Very interesting lesson!
Thank you so much for the lesson I took and got escort 90 out of 100, this is nice goal , that is through the classes I atend at engvid web site have much for learnerrs
really nice,
thank you very much
very very very nice topic!!
thank you so much!
you are the best!!!
Thanks a lot for the lesson
Cool. Happy to see you all together. Thank you very much Rebecca for your creative and great lesson.
WE’ll discuss so much for this point! So now focus,please!^^
thank you for this video. this site is helping me to improve my English. keep going.
Hi, what a fantastic lesson ;) thanks guys.
I just want to add that you say ‘don’t get me wrong’ or ‘ don’t get the wrong end of the stick’ ;)it’s basically the same ;)
I got 10/10
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you so much to the engvid team.
It was really nice.
Thank you. Very good dynamic lesson.
This video is very helpful to me. Because I’m major in English Language and Literature, I have an English communication class. In taking the class, I should discuss or debate with my groups about one topic. But it’s not easy as I thought, because I don’t know how to speak politely, express my opinions and interrupt one member. So this video is really useful, especially to me. Actually, discussing one topic in a group was my mid-term exam. If I knew this before, I think, I could take my exam better than that time. :( Anyway, thanks for your effort, Rebecca. I learned a lot from you. From now, I can discuss in a group by using what you taught.
yea i got 90 thanks all
Thank you so much
No doubts, That’s what I call a great teacher’s team!
Thanks everyone!
Very useful lesson, thanks :)
Thanks Mam, got 100%
Thanks ; good lesson ; 9/10
awesome ,thank you very much ,i appreciated you effort
I like this way to learn as well~
hey i got 10/10…. Thank you rebecca
Thank you.
I got 100%,and thanks to all of you :)
helo are you? i am from azerbaijan.. and can you explain what is the difference between a few and few?
Hi Rebecca.I’m from Tunisia. Your lessons are very interesting and useful. Thank you very much for your effort.
Love these guys..thnks so much! I’m learning a lot :)
thanks to all of you
ye made a really effective lesson :)
It’s great to see all of you teachers together, excellent lesson =)
Rebecca,y’all are gret teachers.thank you God for this opportunity.thank engvid for everything!!!
Great job! Thank You!
thank you
thanks rebeeca another 100 out of 100
You should probably watch our lesson on Internet safety!
Ciao everyone!
Whoa this is the first video teacher group to a team! Actually very exited as I like teamwork very much
Really help me to ‘ARGUE’ with my friends in meeting.
its useful..
hi rebecca, i would like to watch more group exercises and practice. especially for an airline interview.
Ronnie! :)
thanks everyone, its realy helpfull lessonto me and i d also like to add your office empity but soo beautiful :D
Thaks a lot Rebeca, excellent lesson!!!
hello everyone
Lessons on engvid are great, but this lesson is fantastic.
Thank you.
thank you rebeca that’s very good topic that everyone want’s to get clear.thank’s a lot
Thank’s a lot Rebecca for your wonderful lesson.It’s very useful and vital.In this video I learnt more words,phrases than at school.In a nutshell everything is perfect. =D
I got 90 =D
Very nice lesson :) I like engvid very much!
So useful, thanks a lot
I like this lesson!! EngVid is good English school for me.
I like this lesson!
Thank you
s i got 80 marks thanks for ur lesson
1 out of 10 no one would text that. thats funny isn’t it?
Thank you very much for all usefull shares you are realy good a teacher I like you.
OMG!! a wonderful lesson!! I just have 1 week watching all the different teachers and I already love you guys, Thank you very much, you dont really know how Big is the help that you bring us with your great work.
big hug from Colombia, I love you all!!
Thank you for a wonderful lesson.
Thank you very much for the lesson. It’s very useful. I got 80% from 100%, but it is not bad.
Best Regards,
Yusuf from Tajikistan!
…o.O?Thank you very much!
I saw you ,Ronnie, I am very excited
i’d like to add something, you guys are making a very big effort in helping us to learn english
all my respects for you teachers, and might god bless you all.
obviously it’s amazing lesson thanks you miss
FOLKS …. !!! i NEED A PERSON TO TALK IN ENGLISH. PLEASE HELP ME my skype name – zaur.sabiroglu
Ooh! Great , thanks for all.
I always wondered how it would be in the “backstage” of EngVid… I thought it was in their homes. :)
How is it correct to say?
I always wondered…
I had always wondered…
I have always wondered…
Thanks for the good lesson.
I got 100! :D
i had never fond such kind of resources like,
Simply Wonderful…
9/10 …
im satisfied with engvid
I’m Vijay and want to say thank you!
I like this lesson, thanks you very mush!
Very useful lesson.
Thank you for the lesson (Y)
Secondly guys I’s like to have a friend who can share opinions with me, and help me to improve my ENglish skills. but I do need a girl with British accent. I am from Azerbaijan, and want to be fluent in speaking real English. Who could be my online friend? :)
Nice lesson … and it is very exciting when five great engvid teachers in one lesson :D
Really like this lesson. Thanks to all the teachers. I got 10/10
Thank you.
There were all of my favourite teachers from engvid! I wish I could be there…
Thanks a lot for this useful and interesting lesson. It was very cognitively to hear an opinion of all of you.
thank you ! , it’s a helpful lesson .. Also I got 100
thank you ! , it’s a helpful lesson .. Also I got 100
I must say that it is very helpful
Very useful, thank you all of you
How do you native speakers respond to “thanks for helping me …”? in this video, you guys said “no problem”.
I was taught that “You’re welcome” is the answer in that case, which I think is too formal and a little bit boring because of lacking variety. So can you give me more ways for that. Thank you.
thank you great Rebecca!
ı think all have been told at teacher meeting,thats true,however,not enough for internet student just learning by watching and by listening,but ıf we would be in classroom as regular,We would dıscuss and make practice,in conclusıon it would be more useful for students. thanks
Dear Rebecca,
“don’t get me wrong” I like the sound of this expression.
It’s a very nice way to show a different opinion.
Best regards.
Hello, Rebecca my good teacher. It was a pleasure to meet you. I sing up to after I have studied with you in many lessons. You are my good teacher. You can explain hard lesson become to easy lesson. I prefer to study with you. My notebook has a lot of your lesson from Engvid.
>> I would like to say that “I want you add your lesson about TOEIC more than ESPECIALLY LISTENING PART because I want to improve my score. TOEIC is very very important for me. I believe, all teaches of Engvid can help me to get high score of TOEIC.
Thank you for teaching. I wish you happy in your life. Hug from Thailand. L
Thanks Rebecca! I loved this lesson! Was so cool watched all teachers together!! Fantastic idea, but I miss Benjamim…
Hello, good lesson, if someone wants to practice English with me, contact me via Skype, my Skype name is skydra-81
Good lesson ! Thanks
haha I got 90!Its confusing what’s sup up means which literally summary or end up discussions, I thought to make calculations
elvie88 same here. that was confusing me too. any way it is very useful topic. thanks Rebecca.
hi. my skype name is ravanowski. add me, i think we can improve our level by talking via skype
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
oooh yeah there is Ronnie in this video.she is very cool! my greeting to her rabecca!
I love you all guys. I’m really too happy because I’m learning english studying online with you.
Good job. Your very nice teacher.
it’s an amazing way in teaching and i think it’s very helpful , we can go ahead to promote our english skills asap, thanks engvid teachers
the best English lesson website ever
Another helpful lesson! Tks.
thanks you i got 80/100
GOOD lesson! thank you very much!
I Really loved with Rebecca the way of giving teach and speech and everything awesome and she’s lessons really make me watch more videos and whenever i get bore keep watching her’s videos only and last but not least It’s not enough to say thanks to her!!!.. .
I can’t believe this I got 100 to 100.. .
i accomplished something differently God!!!…..
100/100 thaaaaaaaanks
I just love it… Very good lessons and great teachers. Thanks
Adam,Alex,Ronnie,James,you are all my favorite English teachers.Thanks for making this video which is useful and important to me. I hope your website will have more and more English learners around the world who are eager to learn English language and have fun with it every day.
All the teachers in ENGVID are the best, thank you very much for this.
100% :D I got what you taught! Thanks!
Thank you for this video. It’s really useful lesson where we can listen real conversation between native speakers! I, and I suppose other learners, will be very grateful to you if you make more lessons like this one.
But may be I just don’t see another videos like this.
100 yolo :)
It’s so cool to see you all in one video! *o*
I loved it!
my respects to everyone of you, you all are very good english teachers !!!
What a great lesson!
Thank you very much!
THANK YOU very much! it was really interesting and useful lesson!
hi rebeeca thank you for this video really i enjoyed for lestening in you lessons and also you give me a more point for used thenm in my conversation
yhank you again
Perfect! Thanks,Rebecca-san.
Wow! I got 100 I´m getting! Thank You all.
It’s really nice to see all of my favorite teachers in one video, i just wish Emma is there too…. Thank you teachers for all the helpful lessons, correct me please if there is wrong with my grammar… :-)
This is a very interesting video for learning English,I’ve never seen it like this before.I wish if we would watch more like this,That will make me excited.
By the way,I can’t catch the teachers ideas at first time,It’s a little more fast and the opinion was changing over and over,So I watched it again and again,Finally I caught up teacher’s step and get their idea.I enjoyed learning English like this.
Thank you,every teacher!
Perfect! Thank you Rebecca!
how strongly and professional discussion !
Through this video i have leared so much, of course firstly is phrases used commonly in a discussion but beyond i kept in mind how to enter in dicussion politely and conversational skills as well.
I love this topic and just personally speaking, i actually think that study online on is the best with me coz i kind of introverted person and feel shy when communicate with other people.
Thanks you guy.
All best to you.
I got 100 out of 100 marks ! this is really a good website. thanks all of you. :)
Very good lesson, I loved the phrases, however, I have gone through almost every phrase before but never thought to use them in a discussion.
you guys are amazing,and we can’t thank you enough for all the informative helpful and also free videos.we love you.
i got 90%
I got 100 percent.
I got 100
Thanks a lot Mrs. Rebecca. I got 100. is really good and usefull resource for me.
Thank you ( Rebecca, thanks to engvid and all the teachers )
i got 100. Yeah thank you so much ! :)
You guys are awesome in particular and even better when you’re all together! I loved it.
In conclusion my english become better after this lesson
It’s very interesting, so I scored 100 pointes
Thank you….
This lesson was of the charts.
Thanks rebecca
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
Nice lesson Rebecca, it,s a pleasure to be your student.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
well done…
great lesson! thanks
In short it is a good lesson to watch it
I’m sorry but may I say something? Is need!
Something about what’s truly important to me. I’m believe how much we need interaction and speak with other people to acquire knowledge, because this make us happy. I would like very much can speak fluently, of express my fellings, to know people, nice people.
Things good , great informations can be access on a website or chat with someone, get knowledge, to know people and the world, make part of something!
I’m confess how much I would like study at a school and to learn a lot of things.
However one step at a time. This website have been of big importance to me. This team of teachers what have has helped me a lot. Is very nice see you together!
Thank you all of you !
Good, observatio. I happy to see you all together. Hugs to Jade.
that’s really nice
Thank you. I have got a good skills
Thank you very much. You are the best teachers in the world.
I love this video, awesome crossover
Thanks Ms. Rebecca thanks ladies and gentlemen!
Thank you, Rebecca.I Will use some of these expressions at work
I got 100%, Thanks for the lesson dear.
Thank you Rebecca madam for your valuable lessons and the other members from the engVid too.I am really getting help from your lessons as because in IELTS test in speaking part-3 mostly we need to give opinion and we need to “hold the floor” as you have said in the video.So,I think this video is a boon for the IELTS aspirants from all over the world.
Thanks a lot
Well, I will also like to add that “hold the floor” as I have mentioned earlier to mean that “TO SUPPORT SOMETHING” with the help of examples in speaking part-3 of IELTS test.
I got 9 out of 10 rabecca feeling good
That’s a nice lesson! I love it. Thanks so much
Congratulations Rebecca! This class today was amazing, different! I liked very much. It will help a lot for my business area.
This class It will help a lot for my business area.
thanks for all teachers … good lesson good idea in teaching.
please make more videos like it
I got 10 out of 10
It’s amazing , lesson with the best teacher ! I can’t believe it
The lesson was interesting, i learned so much specially the expressions such “in a nutshell” or verb such ” to sum up”.
I got 9 out of ten. Very useful lesson. I want to improve my fluency in English to talk to someone and help me .Those who are interested pl message me. My mail is harmeet .
Really ! This is a very good lesson for me I learned many expressions on how to discuss a topic.
I watched this video twice on December 28, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
This is awesome! Thank you very much.
Thank you all for the great conversation and review of each scenarios.
I understand this topic is to brainstorm online versus in person classes.
Do we have any in person class going on?
Very nice speaking course, I like your teaching method also your prononciation dear Rebecca
Will be sitting for a group discussion test soon! Thanks for the video. Really helped me to practice for it.
That’s easy to understand. Thank you.
I got 9/10.
Thank you! :)
The lesson is very good, but needed more discussion questions
Obviously it was a very nice group discussion. From this lesson, I learned that how to discuss a topic in a group. Thanks Rebecca, I love your teaching methods.
Great class thanks!
to see the other teachers felt like a crossover kkk
just like the Avengers haha xoxo guys
Really good lesson because I need this I have a discussion this week
Thank you, it was a very enjoyable lesson.