I’ve got some advice for you! This lesson is all about giving advice using correct sentence structures. Watch this English lesson to learn how to give advice using the verbs: suggest, recommend, propose, and urge. I also teach you about a very common mistake that ESL students make, and how to correct it. If you want to learn how to give formal advice in English, I highly recommend that you click on this video!
Thank you for reminding me of verb patterns. I can’t resist to ask you something. Is it possible to say: I recommend/suggest YOU UPDATING YOUR resume. I am quite puzzled :-D and this way seems to be the most natural way. Thank you for your answer and take care :)
Pavel, I think, English-spoken people use this pattern in the way Adam explained: “(Subject) recommend/ suppose/ suggest (an action) (an object for the action)”. Addressee or recipient is hidden in the “action” or “object” parts (HER updating/ YOU update) or (MY resume/ YOUR resume). In our languages we mark out an addressee (YOU, HIM, HER, …) separately.
I recommend/suggest (that) YOU UPDATE YOUR resume
I recommend/suggest UPDATING YOUR resume
I recommend/suggest YOUR UPDATING YOUR resume
hi im a new joiner and i feel motivated to learn something new :)
Hi Celiysf, is this your first lesson at EngVid?
You made an excellent choice, I’m quite sure you are going to learn a lot.
Welcome to EngVid and all the best to you!!!
See ya around!
Hi Alex, how’ve you been?
Alex, the more grammar videos I watch, the more I’m convinced that you are a gifted teacher; you make difficult grammar topics easy to understand.
Just one question about giving advice:
Does the possessive gerund express EXACTLY the same idea as . . .
I suggest updating your resumé =
I suggest your updating your resumé ?
Many thanks for this wonderful lesson Alex.
Hi Alex, thanks for the lesson, but I have one question look please and answer (They advised _______________. a)taking lessons, b)me take lessons) you tald that if you advise something you should tell him/her without …ing structure. I got 80% from 10 question, I had two mistakes and they are connected with …ing
Hi, it’s a little bit confused even i got 8 out of 10! it’s was a productive lesson
Thank very much!
Hi Alex, thanks a lot for your lesson.
It’s very useful as always.
take care
Hi Alex thank you for this lesson however I am not sure why for example I advise you to do … Is correct? Is not just correct form I advise doing …. ?
Hi Alex
Very nice explanation!!!
Thank you a lot
Thanks for everything .I do well & get 100 score in this ’exam.
Thanks Alex. Greetings from rainy Serbia.
thankos alex, tu es mon meilleur pro
for my first time,after all these lessons i only got 4 out of 10.this was a little confusing to me Alex.i have a question.it could be a stupid question but im curious.is this american english or canadian english,because i live with american people and i even asked one of my roomates about the quiz and he told me i was right
‘thankos’ my fault sorry
I thought a little confusing… But I got 9/10. Maybe I should review it tomorrow. Anyway, thank you, Alex!
Sally S
Hi Alex! Thanks for your lesson. I got 9/10 because I used my common sense for the question “What do you suggest me to do?”. I’ve never heard “What do you suggest doing?” Maybe I was wrong the whole life. But if “What do you suggest doing?” is grammatically correct, who would be the object of such question?
Greeting from Thailand!
Hi everyone, Cambridge Dictionary online tells us that it is a typical error.
• We don’t use suggest + indirect object + to-infinitive when we suggest an action to someone:
He suggested that I should apply for a job in a bank or insurance company.
Not: He suggested me to apply …
• We don’t use suggest + to-infinitive:
Henry wanted to tell everyone, but Dora suggested waiting until the news had been announced officially.
Not: Dora suggested to wait …
2. The doctor recommended (that) I take more exercises. (Subjunctive form; looks as a wish of the speaker.) I’ve learned also that the doctor advised me to take more exercises.
Haha, so I had a new trick, verbs begun with vowel will followed by the to + infinitive.
That is a nice tip my fiend.
This will help me improve my communication skills, thank you Teachers..
hi Margie,
if you want to improve your speaking skills then add me on skype.
skype: attaurrehmankhan57
innocent khan
Hi teacher.really thank’s alot for your lesson..
40% got.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Abdul, how’s it going?
I advice you to stay cool and keep trying.
All the best to you!!!
Im liking this website very much and thanks a lot engvid for these great lessons.
Hi Alex thank u for yr wonderful lesson :)
i got 10 correct out of 10, thaaaanks to you, Alex ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you, Alex. I often share this website page and suggest that someone study or learn English ;)
Alex, I got 90 score in the test. Thank you!
Alex, I got 90 score in the test. Thank you!
Alex, I got 90 score in the test. Thank you!
need to learn more
may help me to understand more what is the difference between request and ask , and where i use each one from them
great!!! I’m satisfied!
Thanks Alex,the writing on the white board not clear because a focus camera so please, tell a team of engvid adjust it,
thanks again and go ahead.
I got 100 score!!! Thank you!
Great lesson Alex!
It will be very useful for the IELTS! ^___*
Hy! I’m italian like you! I would like to improve my english. engVid it’s a usefull and amazing way to learn!
Great lesson Alex thank you!
Nice lesson. Thanks.
Hi, Alex, you have a great job, I got 100 score, thanks !
A very good lesson, thank you Alex.
Hi, Thanks for the lesson.It’s always useful
fried ice
I enjoyed the lesson, I’ve got 9 out of 10 I’m happy with it.
God Bless Teacher Alex.
Bel Linwood
Hey Alex! The test is very easy due to your explanations! Thanks!
Thank you Alex.
I got 9/10! I’m happy with it!
Thank you Teacher Alex!
Many thanks.
Wow…. I have gotta 10 correct.
Tks so much, Alex.
Please give us more quiz
Thank you ! It’s a very good lesson !
Alex, I got 6/10. I guess I need more quiz, but I’ll never give up. Thank you.
Hey I’d like to know when we should use, for example:
The door’s key
The door key
The key of the door
(In general, not only explaning this phrase)
Thank you =)
I got 100. but the question : “what do you suggest doing? made me a bit confused. Its the first time i’ve ever seen such structure. Thanks for this lesson so much.
hmm..quite interesting stuff…
Alex! I watched all your videos and I think my knowledge is better now. I am so excited and can’t wait to watch the next video. thank you so so so so much :)
Alex,could you please help me distinguish the words “somehow,anyhow,someway,anyway”.By the way , how to use each of them?
Hi Alex! I would like to know when I have to use DUE. Thanks
Hey . interested in some skype or voice calling for better pronunciation?
Big thanks
10/10. It’s easy:). Thanks.
so easy to learn and remember,thank alex so much.i’m watting for next your video…
10/10! YES!!! Thank you )))
9/10…,not bad
great lesson. I really didn’t knew this subject.
Thanks Alex
Hi~Alex.I am a new joiner and i feel motivated to learn your lesson. thanks a lot.
ok kyung Choi
thanks teachers, 9/10
advise/urge/encourage are need a object in this formula: ” I advise,urge,encourage you(object) to do sth”.
just wanna know when do i chose to use ” you to updat ” or ” to update ” in advice , urge , encourage?
Good lesson! 70%
Everton Andrade
It’s a very clean lesson. Learned a lot with it.
Kerri Mohammed
Hi Alex, I think you should make it clear that verbs like Advice and Urge usually are followed by a gerund but in case are followed by noun or pronoun they require TO+inf. It took me a while to find out that. The contradiction comes from that they are in the list of Verbs followed by a gerund. Correct me if i’m mistaken?!
many thanks for teacher, and this invitation to all friends to communication together.
Hi Alex, it is very interesting lesson
Wow, thanks Alex. This topic was one of the most confusing grammars of English for me. Your crystal clear explanation about how to advice in English helps me a lot.
i got 8 out 10 its not bad at all…thanks for that verb pattern alex.i learn a lot of english coming from u…
Hi Alex,
I appreciate the work you guys are doing. I am really energized whenever, I watch these videos. Very simple and straight-forward approach.
A lot of THANKS.
Thank u so much dear Alex you are perfect . would you please upload a video about Present perfect continuous
Top teacher:)))very helpful….
I could living with a wrong English structure forever if I don’t watch this video!
It was a little bit confusing but I got 9 correct out of 10 :)Thank you Alex.
hi there!i’m a new learner, nice to meet you all!by the way, this lesson is so helpful,though its hard to remember.
thank you very much for this lesson, very helpful but this one sounds weird for me, “”What do you suggest doing?” is more understandable say, What do you suggest me to do, i mean “suggest doing” sounds weird..
“What do you suggest doing? is like an incomplete phrase..
In advance, thanks for your opinion
noo, it is a littler bit confusing
i got 90, thanks alot Alex.
innocent khan
hi Alex can you help me in this..
when we use “but” as a prepostion what form of verb it takes after it ..infinitive or bare infinitive means which one is correct in the following sentences
He did nothing but cry
He has no choice but to obey …
Hi, thank’s a lot. I like your method for teaching
jawhara 4
Good day! First of all I would like to thank you for this nice lesson! Engvid is the best website for learning Englsih! I’ve passed the quiz below the video and I can’t understand why I can’t say in the last question “She has advised ME QUIT” if I can say “I advise YOU UPDATE”. Explain me, please! Thank you.
thanks for this lesson………….
Thank you very much.
I watched this lesson twice.
I got 100, and i totally understood this lesson.
It’s really useful.
I think I should use this patterns more in real life.
Thanks for great lesson, Alex.
Heather K.
mind sharing skype or some voice callin for better english pronunciation?
Great lesson alex, thank you :)
Great lesson! Many thanks.
as always good lesson from Alex sir.
but still little confuse about question 6. can you elaborate that answer of sixth question?
I’ve just got 9/10. This is a little confusing for all of us, because I’m pretty sure we have heard some native speakers saying those mistakes. Oh, God, why English is the lingua franca, why??? It’s supposed to be the Spanish, haha.
Or Latin
This is awesome.
I got 100 score!!! Thank you!
Thanks for all
smart 2014
many thanks for all stuff of engvid, it is very helpful web site,thanks alex for your nice teaching
wael taher
Thanks alex .. I urge you to do more useful lessons .
No mistakes anymore=)
Your explanation was crystal clear, Alex.
No more mistakes from now on.
9. What do you suggest ___________?
me to do
i think the second option is correct….but after the check the 1st one was correct…
sorry Alex after watching the video…i understand..
Thank you.
I want to encourage you to donate
Imtithal Saeed
got 50%.
Abdul Qayum
It’s so useful:)
Shahi lee
hi this lesson of advice verbs was great. Alex can u suggest one of the best Grammer and Vocabulary book to improve my english
I got 4 out of 10 but have not watched this video so to learn correct uses of these I am going to watch it.
10/10 tanks Alex, it is really very useful
thanks Alex!
I guess you’re a good teacher, ’cause I scored 10 out of 10)
8/10. Thanks Alex. This is a good lesson.
Got 6 out of 10. Man! This lesson is very confusing. Thanks alex…
Great lesson! Thank you very much!
Dear Alex
Thank you for the great explanation video
I just want to ask you one question
I was reading a book and found this: “I recommended she return in morning”
Q: Why the writer uses return instead of returns? (The subject is she)
Thanks in advance
Malgré cette excellente leçon, je crains de faire encore des fautes.
Merci Alex.
The first time i saw the lesson i had only 6/10, but i have watched it again and now have 9/10, thank you, Alex!
Hi Alex! Alex, explain the last answer in the quiz, please! I think, we can use both answers?
Hi Tatiana. I think you are right acording to Alex, his explanations, “She has advised me quit.” must be correct. Isn’t this right? Alex?
Hi, Alex
I little bit confused.
You said “I advise + you update +…” is right.
So why this one isn’t right: “They advised me take lessons”?
However I think that “They advised taking lessons” is right too because “I advise + updating +…” is right too.
Hi catefelix. I agree with you. I’m cofused
i got 3 out of 10 :(
i should study very hard
good lessons
i got just 80 percent
Thank you Alex. These all lessons are very useful for me.
I’m going to watch all. As I watched, My mind has been expanding.
Hi Alex. Thank you for the great lessons. But I’m wondering No.6 answer isn’t” my calling”. Isn’t that” me calling”?
Isn’t that typo?
Hi Alex. I made a mistake. I asked you a wrong question. No.6 answer is correct. I found it just now.
Hallo, Alex!
Thanks a lot for the useful lesson!
We have a question. What is a difference between ADVICE and ADVISE?
ADVICE is a noun and ADVISE is a verb, are we right?
Andrew and Julia
Thank you, Alex, for making this topic clear and understandable. I really appreciate it.
Best regards,
I truly appreciate your effort in explaining and I strongly recommend your channel to my friends.
so glad i got 10.thanks!
linlin zhou
Thanks again!
Jonathas Wilhem
incredible lesson
This is a bit more complicated than I thought. I scored 8 out 10. Thank you.
Sally Brazilian Student
Thank you Alix 9 got not bad
Ahmed shabbaj
Thank you Mr. Alex for a very useful lesson.
I watched this video twice on May 29, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Alex,greetings from Kazakhstan 11 Dec2o21:)
thank you Mr.Alex
Aml Mounier
No.3. I confused about using the word (taking ) with advise.could you plz clarify? Thank you so much
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you for reminding me of verb patterns. I can’t resist to ask you something. Is it possible to say: I recommend/suggest YOU UPDATING YOUR resume. I am quite puzzled :-D and this way seems to be the most natural way. Thank you for your answer and take care :)
Pavel, I think, English-spoken people use this pattern in the way Adam explained: “(Subject) recommend/ suppose/ suggest (an action) (an object for the action)”. Addressee or recipient is hidden in the “action” or “object” parts (HER updating/ YOU update) or (MY resume/ YOUR resume). In our languages we mark out an addressee (YOU, HIM, HER, …) separately.
I recommend/suggest (that) YOU UPDATE YOUR resume
I recommend/suggest UPDATING YOUR resume
I recommend/suggest YOUR UPDATING YOUR resume
hi im a new joiner and i feel motivated to learn something new :)
Hi Celiysf, is this your first lesson at EngVid?
You made an excellent choice, I’m quite sure you are going to learn a lot.
Welcome to EngVid and all the best to you!!!
See ya around!
Hi Alex, how’ve you been?
Alex, the more grammar videos I watch, the more I’m convinced that you are a gifted teacher; you make difficult grammar topics easy to understand.
Just one question about giving advice:
Does the possessive gerund express EXACTLY the same idea as . . .
I suggest updating your resumé =
I suggest your updating your resumé ?
Many thanks for this wonderful lesson Alex.
Hi Alex, thanks for the lesson, but I have one question look please and answer (They advised _______________. a)taking lessons, b)me take lessons) you tald that if you advise something you should tell him/her without …ing structure. I got 80% from 10 question, I had two mistakes and they are connected with …ing
Hi, it’s a little bit confused even i got 8 out of 10! it’s was a productive lesson
Thank very much!
Hi Alex, thanks a lot for your lesson.
It’s very useful as always.
take care
Hi Alex thank you for this lesson however I am not sure why for example I advise you to do … Is correct? Is not just correct form I advise doing …. ?
Hi Alex
Very nice explanation!!!
Thank you a lot
Thanks for everything .I do well & get 100 score in this ’exam.
Thanks Alex. Greetings from rainy Serbia.
thankos alex, tu es mon meilleur pro
for my first time,after all these lessons i only got 4 out of 10.this was a little confusing to me Alex.i have a question.it could be a stupid question but im curious.is this american english or canadian english,because i live with american people and i even asked one of my roomates about the quiz and he told me i was right
‘thankos’ my fault sorry
I thought a little confusing… But I got 9/10. Maybe I should review it tomorrow. Anyway, thank you, Alex!
Hi Alex! Thanks for your lesson. I got 9/10 because I used my common sense for the question “What do you suggest me to do?”. I’ve never heard “What do you suggest doing?” Maybe I was wrong the whole life. But if “What do you suggest doing?” is grammatically correct, who would be the object of such question?
Greeting from Thailand!
Hi everyone, Cambridge Dictionary online tells us that it is a typical error.
• We don’t use suggest + indirect object + to-infinitive when we suggest an action to someone:
He suggested that I should apply for a job in a bank or insurance company.
Not: He suggested me to apply …
• We don’t use suggest + to-infinitive:
Henry wanted to tell everyone, but Dora suggested waiting until the news had been announced officially.
Not: Dora suggested to wait …
2. The doctor recommended (that) I take more exercises. (Subjunctive form; looks as a wish of the speaker.) I’ve learned also that the doctor advised me to take more exercises.
Haha, so I had a new trick, verbs begun with vowel will followed by the to + infinitive.
That is a nice tip my fiend.
This will help me improve my communication skills, thank you Teachers..
hi Margie,
if you want to improve your speaking skills then add me on skype.
skype: attaurrehmankhan57
Hi teacher.really thank’s alot for your lesson..
40% got.
Hi Abdul, how’s it going?
I advice you to stay cool and keep trying.
All the best to you!!!
Im liking this website very much and thanks a lot engvid for these great lessons.
Hi Alex thank u for yr wonderful lesson :)
i got 10 correct out of 10, thaaaanks to you, Alex ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you, Alex. I often share this website page and suggest that someone study or learn English ;)
Alex, I got 90 score in the test. Thank you!
Alex, I got 90 score in the test. Thank you!
Alex, I got 90 score in the test. Thank you!
need to learn more
may help me to understand more what is the difference between request and ask , and where i use each one from them
great!!! I’m satisfied!
Thanks Alex,the writing on the white board not clear because a focus camera so please, tell a team of engvid adjust it,
thanks again and go ahead.
I got 100 score!!! Thank you!
Great lesson Alex!
It will be very useful for the IELTS! ^___*
Hy! I’m italian like you! I would like to improve my english. engVid it’s a usefull and amazing way to learn!
Great lesson Alex thank you!
Nice lesson. Thanks.
Hi, Alex, you have a great job, I got 100 score, thanks !
A very good lesson, thank you Alex.
Hi, Thanks for the lesson.It’s always useful
I enjoyed the lesson, I’ve got 9 out of 10 I’m happy with it.
God Bless Teacher Alex.
Hey Alex! The test is very easy due to your explanations! Thanks!
Thank you Alex.
I got 9/10! I’m happy with it!
Thank you Teacher Alex!
Many thanks.
Wow…. I have gotta 10 correct.
Tks so much, Alex.
Please give us more quiz
Thank you ! It’s a very good lesson !
Alex, I got 6/10. I guess I need more quiz, but I’ll never give up. Thank you.
Hey I’d like to know when we should use, for example:
The door’s key
The door key
The key of the door
(In general, not only explaning this phrase)
Thank you =)
I got 100. but the question : “what do you suggest doing? made me a bit confused. Its the first time i’ve ever seen such structure. Thanks for this lesson so much.
hmm..quite interesting stuff…
Alex! I watched all your videos and I think my knowledge is better now. I am so excited and can’t wait to watch the next video. thank you so so so so much :)
Alex,could you please help me distinguish the words “somehow,anyhow,someway,anyway”.By the way , how to use each of them?
Hi Alex! I would like to know when I have to use DUE. Thanks
Hey . interested in some skype or voice calling for better pronunciation?
Big thanks
10/10. It’s easy:). Thanks.
so easy to learn and remember,thank alex so much.i’m watting for next your video…
10/10! YES!!! Thank you )))
9/10…,not bad
great lesson. I really didn’t knew this subject.
Thanks Alex
Hi~Alex.I am a new joiner and i feel motivated to learn your lesson. thanks a lot.
thanks teachers, 9/10
advise/urge/encourage are need a object in this formula: ” I advise,urge,encourage you(object) to do sth”.
just wanna know when do i chose to use ” you to updat ” or ” to update ” in advice , urge , encourage?
Good lesson! 70%
It’s a very clean lesson. Learned a lot with it.
Hi Alex, I think you should make it clear that verbs like Advice and Urge usually are followed by a gerund but in case are followed by noun or pronoun they require TO+inf. It took me a while to find out that. The contradiction comes from that they are in the list of Verbs followed by a gerund. Correct me if i’m mistaken?!
many thanks for teacher, and this invitation to all friends to communication together.
Hi Alex, it is very interesting lesson
Wow, thanks Alex. This topic was one of the most confusing grammars of English for me. Your crystal clear explanation about how to advice in English helps me a lot.
i got 8 out 10 its not bad at all…thanks for that verb pattern alex.i learn a lot of english coming from u…
Hi Alex,
I appreciate the work you guys are doing. I am really energized whenever, I watch these videos. Very simple and straight-forward approach.
A lot of THANKS.
Thank u so much dear Alex you are perfect . would you please upload a video about Present perfect continuous
Top teacher:)))very helpful….
I could living with a wrong English structure forever if I don’t watch this video!
It was a little bit confusing but I got 9 correct out of 10 :)Thank you Alex.
hi there!i’m a new learner, nice to meet you all!by the way, this lesson is so helpful,though its hard to remember.
thank you very much for this lesson, very helpful but this one sounds weird for me, “”What do you suggest doing?” is more understandable say, What do you suggest me to do, i mean “suggest doing” sounds weird..
“What do you suggest doing? is like an incomplete phrase..
In advance, thanks for your opinion
noo, it is a littler bit confusing
i got 90, thanks alot Alex.
hi Alex can you help me in this..
when we use “but” as a prepostion what form of verb it takes after it ..infinitive or bare infinitive means which one is correct in the following sentences
He did nothing but cry
He has no choice but to obey …
Hi, thank’s a lot. I like your method for teaching
Good day! First of all I would like to thank you for this nice lesson! Engvid is the best website for learning Englsih! I’ve passed the quiz below the video and I can’t understand why I can’t say in the last question “She has advised ME QUIT” if I can say “I advise YOU UPDATE”. Explain me, please! Thank you.
thanks for this lesson………….
Thank you very much.
I watched this lesson twice.
I got 100, and i totally understood this lesson.
It’s really useful.
I think I should use this patterns more in real life.
Thanks for great lesson, Alex.
mind sharing skype or some voice callin for better english pronunciation?
Great lesson alex, thank you :)
Great lesson! Many thanks.
as always good lesson from Alex sir.
but still little confuse about question 6. can you elaborate that answer of sixth question?
I’ve just got 9/10. This is a little confusing for all of us, because I’m pretty sure we have heard some native speakers saying those mistakes. Oh, God, why English is the lingua franca, why??? It’s supposed to be the Spanish, haha.
Or Latin
This is awesome.
I got 100 score!!! Thank you!
Thanks for all
many thanks for all stuff of engvid, it is very helpful web site,thanks alex for your nice teaching
Thanks alex .. I urge you to do more useful lessons .
No mistakes anymore=)
Your explanation was crystal clear, Alex.
No more mistakes from now on.
9. What do you suggest ___________?
me to do
i think the second option is correct….but after the check the 1st one was correct…
sorry Alex after watching the video…i understand..
Thank you.
I want to encourage you to donate
got 50%.
It’s so useful:)
hi this lesson of advice verbs was great. Alex can u suggest one of the best Grammer and Vocabulary book to improve my english
I got 4 out of 10 but have not watched this video so to learn correct uses of these I am going to watch it.
10/10 tanks Alex, it is really very useful
thanks Alex!
I guess you’re a good teacher, ’cause I scored 10 out of 10)
8/10. Thanks Alex. This is a good lesson.
Got 6 out of 10. Man! This lesson is very confusing. Thanks alex…
Great lesson! Thank you very much!
Dear Alex
Thank you for the great explanation video
I just want to ask you one question
I was reading a book and found this: “I recommended she return in morning”
Q: Why the writer uses return instead of returns? (The subject is she)
Thanks in advance
Malgré cette excellente leçon, je crains de faire encore des fautes.
Merci Alex.
The first time i saw the lesson i had only 6/10, but i have watched it again and now have 9/10, thank you, Alex!
Hi Alex! Alex, explain the last answer in the quiz, please! I think, we can use both answers?
Hi Tatiana. I think you are right acording to Alex, his explanations, “She has advised me quit.” must be correct. Isn’t this right? Alex?
Hi, Alex
I little bit confused.
You said “I advise + you update +…” is right.
So why this one isn’t right: “They advised me take lessons”?
However I think that “They advised taking lessons” is right too because “I advise + updating +…” is right too.
Hi catefelix. I agree with you. I’m cofused
i got 3 out of 10 :(
i should study very hard
good lessons
i got just 80 percent
Thank you Alex. These all lessons are very useful for me.
I’m going to watch all. As I watched, My mind has been expanding.
Hi Alex. Thank you for the great lessons. But I’m wondering No.6 answer isn’t” my calling”. Isn’t that” me calling”?
Isn’t that typo?
Hi Alex. I made a mistake. I asked you a wrong question. No.6 answer is correct. I found it just now.
Hallo, Alex!
Thanks a lot for the useful lesson!
We have a question. What is a difference between ADVICE and ADVISE?
ADVICE is a noun and ADVISE is a verb, are we right?
Thank you, Alex, for making this topic clear and understandable. I really appreciate it.
Best regards,
I truly appreciate your effort in explaining and I strongly recommend your channel to my friends.
so glad i got 10.thanks!
Thanks again!
incredible lesson
This is a bit more complicated than I thought. I scored 8 out 10. Thank you.
Thank you Alix 9 got not bad
Thank you Mr. Alex for a very useful lesson.
I watched this video twice on May 29, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Alex,greetings from Kazakhstan 11 Dec2o21:)
thank you Mr.Alex
No.3. I confused about using the word (taking ) with advise.could you plz clarify? Thank you so much