Do you work in customer service? What do you do when your customer has a problem? In this video, I will teach you how to give great customer service. You will learn many polite expressions you can use with your customers. I will explain the Listen, Apologize, Solve, and Thank (L.A.S.T) method, which will help your performance at any customer service job. I’ll also give you my customer service tips for dealing with an angry customer. After this video, watch Rebecca’s video about phone customer service.
May I connect with on Skype if you use to develops English skills? If yes, comment me back.
Taqveem Ul Haq
Excellent advice Emma for those having a customer service job.
As far as I know, people who provide this type of service get involved in short, but intensive training programs -before being hired- to learn how to deal with all type of customer problems.
Seperb Video! Great weekend!
Hi, I want please!
Hello Taqveem, I’m looking for a language exchange partner. So it would be great if you’d like to help me develop my English skills. My Skype user is carlosdanielmoran30
I look forward to hearing from you :)
Same, Emma is my favorite too.
It’s very important lesson. plz upload more videos about customer service it’s helps us a lot. thanks
Emma, how is it possible that a client can be rude to you? I will for my part very pleased to have a customer service as charming and efficient. Thanks a lot.
I will have a job interview all in English shortly…and I’m sure your advice will help me a lot…thank you so much…
Thank you
Thanks Emma so much for very useful lesson and professional advice.
hey dude!
Thank you very much for lesson.
It is so important session.
Dear respected teacher; I am considerably grateful for your great fruitful efforts which added a lot to me. I am hopefully seeking your help and I have many questions,namely:
1-I need your help to have a clear insight about confusing words such as company ,corporation, business, firm, establishment,authority, organization,assembly and association. please help to know when and where to use them effectively;
2-How many spaces should I leave to start a paragraph?
3-May I know when we say important to and important for? Is there any criterion or there is no difference?
4-Is there any rule that governs the pronunciation of the character ((A)),as sometimes it is pronounced as AA while other times it is pronounced as ey Million thanks in advance.
Excuse me! About company: generally is a big firm, business partnership, for instance, Google, Microsoft, Esso, Texaco, etc. A company belongs to more than one person, a group or association of people, even other firms. Firm is also a company. A corporation may be an association of people with business purpose or not (for instance, there are municipal corporation created by law, and it doesn’t belong to one person), in its turn, a company has business goals. Business is a generic word that indicates buying, selling or customer service, almost always is an activity targeting to make money, but there is a informal expression ” It’s not your business” that means “you don’t have to care about it”. Establishment indicates a building with a business purpose that respect the local law.
About ‘ important to and important for’, you may employ ‘important for’ before the pronoun, for instance, “It’s important for me to do that…”. Before verb, you use “important to”, for instance, It’s important to do…”
Organization takes the idea of big structure, group of firms working together or having a special relationship. Organization may be used for business purposes or not, for instance, it is very employed to indicate the nongovernmental organizations as PETA and Greenpeace. Assembly is a meeting of people to deliberate about a matter (financial or not). Even States, cities, firms, churches and organizations may carry out a meeting to solve problems or to plane actions together.
Association can be formal or informal, it’s a generic term to indicate a group of people or firms, even organization, corporation, colleges, etc. Exchange Chamber is an example of association. Despite the dictionary says “an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure”, the term is used informally, too.
About the paragraph,”using your paragraph format menu, set the first line indent to 1/2 inch for one paragraph”.
About ‘A’pronounciation: both ways are correct, but when you want to emphasize just use ‘ey’.
Just a tip, you have to know a little bit about the firm, business, organization, corporation, association, etc. that you want to contact, then you will be able to employ the term they prefere.
it is a really awesome answer, thank you for the amount of info given
I’m new here, glad to know you. hope you’re still learning English by
Leon Zhang
I got 8 correct out of 10 great video, in my opinion if we follow word “LAST” we success every field in life as well as getting rich in ethic and becoming a good human. This is right way of our creation.
Muhammad Abbas
Very good lesson
Thank you emma
Mouhcine tene
Thanks Emma, it was a great lesson
marcos alexandre
thanks emma it was a great lesson
you help us to learning english ,,
Great job, Emma. I got 10/10. Thank you and I will see you next time!
Júlio César L Sousa
Great , thank you :)
i got 10/10 :D
Hekmat Mawasso
Thank you Emma! You are the best!! I will try this method with the dificult patients too hahaha!! ?
Serving customers is an interesting topic. I worked with customers when I was a bank cashier,a tax officer and a customs collaborator. Any man has its own “cockroaches in the head” and sometimes those “cocroaches” “rise in applause” when the man does some things. There is a very useful rule: “A client is always right”, and there are situation when people lose their job just because they tried to protect their honour and dignity,the right on that is recognized in legislation. So I think the rule shoul be :” A client is always right in case he/she is right”, They mustn’t forget, that people who serving them, are humans too…
Sorry Emma you are my favorite teacher but I don’t understand this lesson I think it’s not important sorry
thanks very much …
I got 10/10. Emma, thanks for explain about this subject ❤ :*
I you want to practice me you are most welcome
Muhammad Abbas
Very nice and useful lesson, thank you Emma!
Thank you so much. It is an awesome help to everybody
Jc Santos
thank you . Emma this lesson is a very interesting lesson and we need it a lot . thanx again ^^
interesting lesson 9/10 :) thanks Emma
A very useful lesson Emma. Thanks!
John B
I’m new in this site and I was very pleased of this lesson. I got 8/10. Thanks a lot! it was very useful and important lesson.
Got 100%..important lesson for learning English
Thank you very much Emma!!Really interesting and useful lesson.
Just one question: is there any difference between saying “solve a problem” and “resolve a problem”??Which do you use most??
I usually to obtain the customer complaint on my job.
It’s very useful step.
Thank you very much!!
Kei Takada
It seems that we are in the same situation. Have to deal with customer complaints all the year round. I wish I could have run into this lesson earlier.
Leon Zhang
thank you
Thank You Emma for the interesting and useful lesson.
Thank you Emma , you are great!!!!
I’m little confused, maybe for nothing, but, both are correct?
I’m sorry you had a bad experience.
I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience.
(lesson 40/?)
Thank you so much Emma.
Hi Emma I’ve seen most of your videos and they have been a lot of help for me. I’m looking forward for many new videos. The way you explain all topics is so clear. Thanks a lot for your work.
you are the best….thank you
very good, thanks
Thank you Mis. I really enjoy this lesson. I work in a hotel and this particular lesson has been very interesting and helpful.
Good job, teacher
I got 9
Very good lesson Emma
Is important to know some tips to give the best costumer service for any job
yoselin mendez
I liked this lesson!! Thank you Emma!!
I got 10/10 thank you,Emma,for your lesson
Mohsen Tatoo
100% Thanks)
Thanks a lot!
Great Lesson Emma! I is so useful for me, working like flight attendant we’re dealing with customers everyday.
9/10 sentence. Thanks Emma!
Interesting topic.I got 9/10
Some “incorrect” answers are so great to use anyway lol!
Dear teacher Where are you from
I like this video. Thank you
Victory Zhang
Thank you EMma, I really aprreciated the lesson… I got 10, that means I understood the lesson… But realy, that is important for develop my language skills.
Fernando Moreira
Hi Emma! Thanks for this lesson, this is really important to learn, because sometimes people tend to be rude and it is hard to speak with them. Thanks for your tips as well.
Thanx for lesson it very important in my job
I got 9/10??
Thanks a lot teacher Emma
excellent video.
Sergio A. Giron
nice 100 points, that was my score in 3 quizes in total haha XD.
There is a small mistake in the last question of the quiz. This question should be:
Which sentence shows you are solving the problem?
I got 9/10 :)
i cached this customer service lesson i got 10 over 10
Nice lesson
Wow it was simply amazing,I liked the way you explained the topic.Thank you Emma.
Thanks a million.Words can’t express how thankful I am!
thanks a lot… I really learn sth.!!!
I can’t see these nice teaching videos on the Internet!!!!HELP!!What should I do ?
BO baby
I come from Chna,how to see these videos
BO baby
Our videos are all hosted on YouTube, which is why you can’t see them. You will have to find another way around.
engVid Moderator
I have got a great experience by this lesson
it was so a good lesson
hi Emma, thanks for your lesson!
see you next time!
This lesson is very useful.
perfect grade thanks emma.
Thank you was a useful lesson ,many thanks.
Ibraheem Atef
It was great Emma.I think you are one of the best teachers in this website .I can’t wait for your next educational video.
Sometimes, dealing with people is so difficult! And someone has to use his wits and patience…
Thank you
Hi all friendly! I am watched video very very many twice, but i don’t know way to understand and use them in communication each day.
i can make with somebody to improve my english.
Thank you all friend, thank you taecher Emma very very many.
wow I got 10 out of 10, I am learning English with your help
Thanks a lot
I’d like to thank you very much
One of total quality management principle’s based on customer satisfaction.
Thank you very much mam. i achieved 100%. Really interested to learn with you. If you are able to help please make a reply please.
Thanks a lot
thank you
Very good ideas! LAST!
Iam from Indonesia, and iam a Manager in the service company,this is very helping me for face my customer when complain, thank you so much Emma
Anggun Saputra
Hello Anggun Saputra.
If you free. We can learn togther.
with a pleasure that Kimde
Anggun Saputra
Thanks Emma!
I know some customer services that use only the L.A. approach: Listen and Apologize.
Fabio Cicerre
are you there emma
hello teacher i want to study English
Very good tips! Thank you so much!
I got 10/10.Thank you so much Emma, It is useful people for who really has been on customer service job. And I also have seen your other videos are really clear to listen and understanding and I am looking forward for more lessons.Thanks
Thank you so much!
Emma u’re Awosome&I like your way that u talk
Opp! I got a mistake at question number 9
Bui Chung
Thank you for great lesson. Emma may I ask for a lesson about has/ have yet to? It sounds confusing tome!
That’s a good idea! I have added it to the list of requests.
engVid Moderator
Thank you
Thank you Emma , BTW I’ve been a customer service agent for communication firm earlier and i can say ” it’s literally the worst job you can ever get on this planet ” -_-
Very good! This is my first lesson with you
Thank you Emma
Thanks a lot Emma
Islam Massoud
thanks Emma. this lesson is very usefull
aseel aljundi
thanks emma
Thank’s Emma for this lesson, i’m got
8/10. ?
WOW! really fantastic test for me to be top 10. Thanks dear Emma for your fantastic lessen with your good teaching. I will be your follower soon. See you!
polly poohly
Hi Emma, thanks for the lesson, I have a question to the students, how can we put in contanc for practice our english? I am new here, I´d love to Practice my English with someone.
Thank you very much Emma, You are an excellent teacher and I’m sure that I’m going to improve my english watching your videos (y)
Thank you, Emma. It’s really helpful for me. I got the points. Please more videos ahead. Thanks a lot.
Good Engvid! ;)
Cho Cho Thet Lwin
This lesson is very useful for job,thanks Emma~^^
Fantastic lesson. This may be very helpful to improve my skills on my Customer Service job.
Thank you, Emma. You’re awesome!
Thank so much, EMMA !!??
Thanks Emma
I made a mistake on 2. Thank you for your video. It’s really useful.
thank u very much for the lesson who can give me.
thank u very much for the lesson who can give me.
it’s may be very useful and wonderful to improve my skills on my Customer service jobs.
Thanks so much Emma.
Rodrigo Ribeiro
very useful for young students who are going to approach their first job, thanks a lot
thank you Emma
I am responsible for the customer complaint handling, BMW Daimler and VW. especially car qulaity
liang leo
Thank you so much. I’ll use LAST with my customers
Hi, teacher. I appreciate you advises but I think this is one of the most important and difficult jobs you can have because some times you have to deal with rude people and nobody says “thanks for you helping”. I admire to whom carry out this kind of job.
I think that third answer has a mistake. Check it out!.
many thanks Emma actually I like to listen to you.
Thank you Emma! Its a nice experience to me.
Ekral patwary
Thanks very much Emma,I got 100, the wrong answers were very amazing :)
Thanks alot Emma. It is really good lesson
Iam anew studint here
Thank you for letting me know about Customer Service.
i got 10/ thanks
It was a wonderful session for me at my study time since I had experienced many training clips but this is awesome.
Ahmad Jan
The way that Ms. Emma teaches its excellent and her character and way of communication body language is perfect, I can say shes is one of the sweetest manner the way how she thoughts,
Ahmad Jan
love you Emma, you are a wonderful teacher : )))
I like you & your lesson.
Thank you so much Emma I love your lessons.
Thanhs a lot Emma,your lessons are very understandable.
This lesson is a very good idea!
Thank you Emma
I like your voice :))
I got 9/10
kobe xiang
Thanks Emma, you are a terrific teacher. Interesting subject, clear pronunciation and charming voice.
Dmitri Portnov
Than you for well teach english
Hi Emma could you please explain what is means “i’ sorry you’ve had a bad experience “i think it’s complaining to him/her .thank you
I ve got 10/10 I will use that method when dealing with customers. Thank you :) some answers are really funny, I ve been laughing to my computer (“You are a miserable human being”)
Thank you Emma i have 9/10!!!
Thanks for your presentation
jamal el
Hi Emma
It was great I’ve got 10/10
I got 10/10
Realy i like the way you explain things
U keep it simple & easy
abdelrahman atia
Thanks, Emma! You’re my favourite teacher!
thank you Emma,
I ‘ve got 9 to 10
you’re great taecher
Thank Emma,
Yesterday, i found out this website when i saw “Learing English” application in Apple store. I feel very happy when i learned your lecture. Your voice is easy to hear and i have understood your lecture about 80% and i am able to reach over 7 sentences in Quiz although i have not read texts before. I’m going to learn your lecture everyday to improve Listening skills. One more times, thank you so much.
thank you Emma
mustafa hamdan
I got 100 score. thanks Emma.
I thank you to Emma that I had a good experience from her. :)
Hello, it’s was an intersting lesson.
I likded the quizz :)
Emma is a good teacher
Thank you Emma, great lesson
Jose Maria
Edmar Marinho
Thank you teacher.
Thank you very much,Emma! I have Learned alot.
Thanks a lot Emma. Very useful lesson!!
Your expressions are par exellence.Thanks Emma for nice lecture @customer SERVICE.
Thanks Emma, a good class for me.
Micky Mi
I get 7 of 10 ??
Amjad naif
Hi my names Ibrahim im from Turkey .
I wont to learn english fluently
My current level is intermediate
Who can help me to learn english fluently
Please make a contact me from this whats pp nomber
100 teacher Emma i’m very happy and you are the best teacher
I’ve got 9/10…your courses is very amazing I like you as teacher !!!! Thank you so much
i got 90%
Great lesson!
I think it’s very useful tips! Thanks Emma!
I DO LOVE this lecture! This is helpful for studying English and for understanding the culture.
Thanks Emma, one more time, it was very useful!
Sonia B
Another great lesson, thank you. Last answer for first question was funny :-).
Excelent teacher! Excelent lesson!
Hi Emma
40% on the quiz
90% uhuuuu.Yeah
Thank you,Teacher Emma. (^3^)
how do I get the next lesson about the customer service lecture? I really appreciate the studies too. It is very very efficient and reliable, its quite helpful and will commend you greatly on that. thanks.
Awesome lesson!!! Thanks Emma!!! Help a lot with my customer service interaction.
i got 10/10
Good luck brother
Thank u so much …. It’s very useful..
Md anwar
i liked how to speak
I love this lesson, it’s really helpful for my job. Thank you so much ??
Cream bear
Heartfelt thanks Dear Teacher Emma.
Great lesson! I like it. i got 10/10. thanks dear a good teacher, Emma..
Wow. very funny options, the got me laughing throughout.
Wow. Very funny options they got me laughing throughout.
I think I’ll love it more if I’m able to edit my comments. Thank you so much for your lectures. it made sense to me.
Thank you Emma. You’re always clear and objective in your lessons.
10/10 :) Thank you Emma. Much appreciated.
Nizam Khan
Thank you Emma, you are an excellent teacher! this was my first quiz… I´ll do my best next one!
Ruth G
Thanks Emma!Let us learn about Customer Service !
So useful!
Thanks Emma I’m sure this lesson will help me so much.
I learnt LAST approach yesterday on YOUTUBE, the first thing when i got to work was share the concept with a colleague. Felt so learnt …LOL
Sir Lee
The only issue i had though was, by telling the customer to calm down seem to further aggravate the customer
Sir Lee
thank y you make adferans to me
Ali Mdsr
thank u so much u are the best teacher
great job
amrouche sid ahmed
To solve a problem for a customer, you should say:
Go away and don’t come back here.
That would work…but you might lose that customer :P
engVid Moderator
10/10 Thank you, Emma, very very much
You are a wonderfull teacher!
Thank you so much :)
as usual nice lesson from nice teacher. I liked your LAST approach. greetings from Egyptian pharaoh
Egyptian Pharaoh
Tks Emma! It is very easy studying “with you” …
I laught very much reading the wrong options :-DDDD
thanks Emma!
so simple and amazing, thank you emma, see you soon.
I got a 10, i work at a hotel and this lesson has helped me a lot, im on days, afternoons and nights at my work and always deal with this kind of situations but now after seeing the class i feel more confident for sure thanks a lot emma and keep it up the good work congratulation.
Easy but so useful topic, thanks Emma!
I think those great advices for a entire life not only for customer services. Thank you.
You got 10 correct out of 10
thanks for your efforts
Very good lesson,teacher. I’ve been working in a
call center for over three years now and I must
say that’s not easy,even if we have those standard
or “cliche” questions and answers.
Sometimes people get too rude and don’t listen to
us. I’ve been through very difficult situatinns
and many times I have to improvise to calm down
the customers.One thing is for sure: Sorry,Thanks
and Please are the words I use the most.
first time I get 10/10. I should think about work in customer service
Emma Thank you it was great! for me…
thank you for making us great opportunities to learn beneficial things
Thanks Emma
Thank you Emma
Thank you
Thanks team engivd
Thank you emma
Thank you :-)
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma :)
Thanks Emma it is a good experience to listen to your lesson.
Thank you for your excellent presentation.
I got 10/10 :) Thank you Emma for this exercise, I won’t forget this one, it would help me as CSR.
Thank you for your attention to detail here on how to address customers in sometimes tricky situations :)
Thank you, Emma!
Iliescu Cornel
Thank you, Emma. LAST
Jesan Chuang
Thank you, Emma excelent class
the best
I appreciate your lesson, thanks so much.
Jacqueline Grant
thanks, Emma.
you helped me to pay attention to something.
thanks a lot Emma..
Thanks Mrs. Emma!
Thank you so much!!
Emma, your video help me a lot.
Marcos Auresco
merci pour cette lecon efficace
mohamed sofiane si hamda
Thanks! This help me a lot, I am not an English native and I have almost 4 years working as customer service but every day you can learn something new!
thank a lot
Thank you Emma ..
I collect 6/10 but my answere was fast.
But I understand this lesson very well.
Yousef zhraldeen
It doesn’t care whatever we’re going to work, customer service will be needed, when we are working we always use to have somebody who we offer our service. Great video Emma.
Jhon De Los Santos
Great!10/10! I’m comeback!Solved customer‘s problems will make customer comfortable, and then customer also will make your happy!
Jerry Gu
Thanks so much Emma for this lesson!
Henrique Alves
Thanks a lot Emma, I got full mark.
Hasan Soledad
Good Lesson!
thank you Emma for helping us getting better and better
Great! I got 100! Im happy Im still good at it.!
Angelina Nava
Great!! 10/10, this is the first video that i saw of a recommended list by my company to improve our skills. Thanks you Emma Amazing job bringing this to our attention. :)
Great video, thanks…
Thank you Emma. Very good!
very important topic thank you
shaban abdrabbo
Thanks Emma, you are amazing! (Azores Islands, 02Jan2024);
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got 10/10. Emma, you are my favourite ?❤
May I connect with on Skype if you use to develops English skills? If yes, comment me back.
Excellent advice Emma for those having a customer service job.
As far as I know, people who provide this type of service get involved in short, but intensive training programs -before being hired- to learn how to deal with all type of customer problems.
Seperb Video! Great weekend!
Hi, I want please!
Hello Taqveem, I’m looking for a language exchange partner. So it would be great if you’d like to help me develop my English skills. My Skype user is carlosdanielmoran30
I look forward to hearing from you :)
Same, Emma is my favorite too.
It’s very important lesson. plz upload more videos about customer service it’s helps us a lot. thanks
Emma, how is it possible that a client can be rude to you? I will for my part very pleased to have a customer service as charming and efficient. Thanks a lot.
I will have a job interview all in English shortly…and I’m sure your advice will help me a lot…thank you so much…
Thank you
Thanks Emma so much for very useful lesson and professional advice.
hey dude!
Thank you very much for lesson.
It is so important session.
Dear respected teacher; I am considerably grateful for your great fruitful efforts which added a lot to me. I am hopefully seeking your help and I have many questions,namely:
1-I need your help to have a clear insight about confusing words such as company ,corporation, business, firm, establishment,authority, organization,assembly and association. please help to know when and where to use them effectively;
2-How many spaces should I leave to start a paragraph?
3-May I know when we say important to and important for? Is there any criterion or there is no difference?
4-Is there any rule that governs the pronunciation of the character ((A)),as sometimes it is pronounced as AA while other times it is pronounced as ey Million thanks in advance.
Excuse me! About company: generally is a big firm, business partnership, for instance, Google, Microsoft, Esso, Texaco, etc. A company belongs to more than one person, a group or association of people, even other firms. Firm is also a company. A corporation may be an association of people with business purpose or not (for instance, there are municipal corporation created by law, and it doesn’t belong to one person), in its turn, a company has business goals. Business is a generic word that indicates buying, selling or customer service, almost always is an activity targeting to make money, but there is a informal expression ” It’s not your business” that means “you don’t have to care about it”. Establishment indicates a building with a business purpose that respect the local law.
About ‘ important to and important for’, you may employ ‘important for’ before the pronoun, for instance, “It’s important for me to do that…”. Before verb, you use “important to”, for instance, It’s important to do…”
Organization takes the idea of big structure, group of firms working together or having a special relationship. Organization may be used for business purposes or not, for instance, it is very employed to indicate the nongovernmental organizations as PETA and Greenpeace. Assembly is a meeting of people to deliberate about a matter (financial or not). Even States, cities, firms, churches and organizations may carry out a meeting to solve problems or to plane actions together.
Association can be formal or informal, it’s a generic term to indicate a group of people or firms, even organization, corporation, colleges, etc. Exchange Chamber is an example of association. Despite the dictionary says “an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure”, the term is used informally, too.
About the paragraph,”using your paragraph format menu, set the first line indent to 1/2 inch for one paragraph”.
About ‘A’pronounciation: both ways are correct, but when you want to emphasize just use ‘ey’.
Just a tip, you have to know a little bit about the firm, business, organization, corporation, association, etc. that you want to contact, then you will be able to employ the term they prefere.
it is a really awesome answer, thank you for the amount of info given
I’m new here, glad to know you. hope you’re still learning English by
I got 8 correct out of 10 great video, in my opinion if we follow word “LAST” we success every field in life as well as getting rich in ethic and becoming a good human. This is right way of our creation.
Very good lesson
Thank you emma
Thanks Emma, it was a great lesson
thanks emma it was a great lesson
you help us to learning english ,,
Great job, Emma. I got 10/10. Thank you and I will see you next time!
Great , thank you :)
i got 10/10 :D
Thank you Emma! You are the best!! I will try this method with the dificult patients too hahaha!! ?
Serving customers is an interesting topic. I worked with customers when I was a bank cashier,a tax officer and a customs collaborator. Any man has its own “cockroaches in the head” and sometimes those “cocroaches” “rise in applause” when the man does some things. There is a very useful rule: “A client is always right”, and there are situation when people lose their job just because they tried to protect their honour and dignity,the right on that is recognized in legislation. So I think the rule shoul be :” A client is always right in case he/she is right”, They mustn’t forget, that people who serving them, are humans too…
Sorry Emma you are my favorite teacher but I don’t understand this lesson I think it’s not important sorry
thanks very much …
I got 10/10. Emma, thanks for explain about this subject ❤ :*
I you want to practice me you are most welcome
Very nice and useful lesson, thank you Emma!
Thank you so much. It is an awesome help to everybody
thank you . Emma this lesson is a very interesting lesson and we need it a lot . thanx again ^^
interesting lesson 9/10 :) thanks Emma
A very useful lesson Emma. Thanks!
I’m new in this site and I was very pleased of this lesson. I got 8/10. Thanks a lot! it was very useful and important lesson.
Got 100%..important lesson for learning English
Thank you very much Emma!!Really interesting and useful lesson.
Just one question: is there any difference between saying “solve a problem” and “resolve a problem”??Which do you use most??
I usually to obtain the customer complaint on my job.
It’s very useful step.
Thank you very much!!
It seems that we are in the same situation. Have to deal with customer complaints all the year round. I wish I could have run into this lesson earlier.
thank you
Thank You Emma for the interesting and useful lesson.
Thank you Emma , you are great!!!!
I’m little confused, maybe for nothing, but, both are correct?
I’m sorry you had a bad experience.
I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience.
(lesson 40/?)
Thank you so much Emma.
Hi Emma I’ve seen most of your videos and they have been a lot of help for me. I’m looking forward for many new videos. The way you explain all topics is so clear. Thanks a lot for your work.
you are the best….thank you
very good, thanks
Thank you Mis. I really enjoy this lesson. I work in a hotel and this particular lesson has been very interesting and helpful.
Good job, teacher
I got 9
Very good lesson Emma
Is important to know some tips to give the best costumer service for any job
I liked this lesson!! Thank you Emma!!
I got 10/10 thank you,Emma,for your lesson
100% Thanks)
Thanks a lot!
Great Lesson Emma! I is so useful for me, working like flight attendant we’re dealing with customers everyday.
9/10 sentence. Thanks Emma!
Interesting topic.I got 9/10
Some “incorrect” answers are so great to use anyway lol!
Dear teacher Where are you from
I like this video. Thank you
Thank you EMma, I really aprreciated the lesson… I got 10, that means I understood the lesson… But realy, that is important for develop my language skills.
Hi Emma! Thanks for this lesson, this is really important to learn, because sometimes people tend to be rude and it is hard to speak with them. Thanks for your tips as well.
Thanx for lesson it very important in my job
I got 9/10??
Thanks a lot teacher Emma
excellent video.
nice 100 points, that was my score in 3 quizes in total haha XD.
There is a small mistake in the last question of the quiz. This question should be:
Which sentence shows you are solving the problem?
I got 9/10 :)
i cached this customer service lesson i got 10 over 10
Nice lesson
Wow it was simply amazing,I liked the way you explained the topic.Thank you Emma.
Thanks a million.Words can’t express how thankful I am!
thanks a lot… I really learn sth.!!!
I can’t see these nice teaching videos on the Internet!!!!HELP!!What should I do ?
I come from Chna,how to see these videos
Our videos are all hosted on YouTube, which is why you can’t see them. You will have to find another way around.
I have got a great experience by this lesson
it was so a good lesson
hi Emma, thanks for your lesson!
see you next time!
This lesson is very useful.
perfect grade thanks emma.
Thank you was a useful lesson ,many thanks.
It was great Emma.I think you are one of the best teachers in this website .I can’t wait for your next educational video.
Sometimes, dealing with people is so difficult! And someone has to use his wits and patience…
Thank you
Hi all friendly! I am watched video very very many twice, but i don’t know way to understand and use them in communication each day.
i can make with somebody to improve my english.
Thank you all friend, thank you taecher Emma very very many.
wow I got 10 out of 10, I am learning English with your help
Thanks a lot
I’d like to thank you very much
One of total quality management principle’s based on customer satisfaction.
Thank you very much mam. i achieved 100%. Really interested to learn with you. If you are able to help please make a reply please.
Thanks a lot
thank you
Very good ideas! LAST!
Iam from Indonesia, and iam a Manager in the service company,this is very helping me for face my customer when complain, thank you so much Emma
Hello Anggun Saputra.
If you free. We can learn togther.
with a pleasure that Kimde
Thanks Emma!
I know some customer services that use only the L.A. approach: Listen and Apologize.
are you there emma
hello teacher i want to study English
Very good tips! Thank you so much!
I got 10/10.Thank you so much Emma, It is useful people for who really has been on customer service job. And I also have seen your other videos are really clear to listen and understanding and I am looking forward for more lessons.Thanks
Thank you so much!
Emma u’re Awosome&I like your way that u talk
Opp! I got a mistake at question number 9
Thank you for great lesson. Emma may I ask for a lesson about has/ have yet to? It sounds confusing tome!
That’s a good idea! I have added it to the list of requests.
Thank you
Thank you Emma , BTW I’ve been a customer service agent for communication firm earlier and i can say ” it’s literally the worst job you can ever get on this planet ” -_-
Very good! This is my first lesson with you
Thank you Emma
Thanks a lot Emma
thanks Emma. this lesson is very usefull
thanks emma
Thank’s Emma for this lesson, i’m got
8/10. ?
WOW! really fantastic test for me to be top 10. Thanks dear Emma for your fantastic lessen with your good teaching. I will be your follower soon. See you!
Hi Emma, thanks for the lesson, I have a question to the students, how can we put in contanc for practice our english? I am new here, I´d love to Practice my English with someone.
Thank you very much Emma, You are an excellent teacher and I’m sure that I’m going to improve my english watching your videos (y)
Thank you, Emma. It’s really helpful for me. I got the points. Please more videos ahead. Thanks a lot.
Good Engvid! ;)
This lesson is very useful for job,thanks Emma~^^
Fantastic lesson. This may be very helpful to improve my skills on my Customer Service job.
Thank you, Emma. You’re awesome!
Thank so much, EMMA !!??
Thanks Emma
I made a mistake on 2. Thank you for your video. It’s really useful.
thank u very much for the lesson who can give me.
thank u very much for the lesson who can give me.
it’s may be very useful and wonderful to improve my skills on my Customer service jobs.
Thanks so much Emma.
very useful for young students who are going to approach their first job, thanks a lot
thank you Emma
I am responsible for the customer complaint handling, BMW Daimler and VW. especially car qulaity
Thank you so much. I’ll use LAST with my customers
Hi, teacher. I appreciate you advises but I think this is one of the most important and difficult jobs you can have because some times you have to deal with rude people and nobody says “thanks for you helping”. I admire to whom carry out this kind of job.
I think that third answer has a mistake. Check it out!.
many thanks Emma actually I like to listen to you.
Thank you Emma! Its a nice experience to me.
Thanks very much Emma,I got 100, the wrong answers were very amazing :)
Thanks alot Emma. It is really good lesson
Iam anew studint here
Thank you for letting me know about Customer Service.
i got 10/ thanks
It was a wonderful session for me at my study time since I had experienced many training clips but this is awesome.
The way that Ms. Emma teaches its excellent and her character and way of communication body language is perfect, I can say shes is one of the sweetest manner the way how she thoughts,
love you Emma, you are a wonderful teacher : )))
I like you & your lesson.
Thank you so much Emma I love your lessons.
Thanhs a lot Emma,your lessons are very understandable.
This lesson is a very good idea!
Thank you Emma
I like your voice :))
I got 9/10
Thanks Emma, you are a terrific teacher. Interesting subject, clear pronunciation and charming voice.
Than you for well teach english
Hi Emma could you please explain what is means “i’ sorry you’ve had a bad experience “i think it’s complaining to him/her .thank you
I ve got 10/10 I will use that method when dealing with customers. Thank you :) some answers are really funny, I ve been laughing to my computer (“You are a miserable human being”)
Thank you Emma i have 9/10!!!
Thanks for your presentation
Hi Emma
It was great I’ve got 10/10
I got 10/10
Realy i like the way you explain things
U keep it simple & easy
Thanks, Emma! You’re my favourite teacher!
thank you Emma,
I ‘ve got 9 to 10
you’re great taecher
Thank Emma,
Yesterday, i found out this website when i saw “Learing English” application in Apple store. I feel very happy when i learned your lecture. Your voice is easy to hear and i have understood your lecture about 80% and i am able to reach over 7 sentences in Quiz although i have not read texts before. I’m going to learn your lecture everyday to improve Listening skills. One more times, thank you so much.
thank you Emma
I got 100 score. thanks Emma.
I thank you to Emma that I had a good experience from her. :)
Hello, it’s was an intersting lesson.
I likded the quizz :)
Emma is a good teacher
Thank you Emma, great lesson
Thank you teacher.
Thank you very much,Emma! I have Learned alot.
Thanks a lot Emma. Very useful lesson!!
Your expressions are par exellence.Thanks Emma for nice lecture @customer SERVICE.
Thanks Emma, a good class for me.
I get 7 of 10 ??
Hi my names Ibrahim im from Turkey .
I wont to learn english fluently
My current level is intermediate
Who can help me to learn english fluently
Please make a contact me from this whats pp nomber
100 teacher Emma i’m very happy and you are the best teacher
I’ve got 9/10…your courses is very amazing I like you as teacher !!!! Thank you so much
i got 90%
Great lesson!
I think it’s very useful tips! Thanks Emma!
I DO LOVE this lecture! This is helpful for studying English and for understanding the culture.
Thanks Emma, one more time, it was very useful!
Another great lesson, thank you. Last answer for first question was funny :-).
Excelent teacher! Excelent lesson!
Hi Emma
40% on the quiz
90% uhuuuu.Yeah
Thank you,Teacher Emma. (^3^)
how do I get the next lesson about the customer service lecture? I really appreciate the studies too. It is very very efficient and reliable, its quite helpful and will commend you greatly on that. thanks.
Awesome lesson!!! Thanks Emma!!! Help a lot with my customer service interaction.
i got 10/10
Good luck brother
Thank u so much …. It’s very useful..
i liked how to speak
I love this lesson, it’s really helpful for my job. Thank you so much ??
Heartfelt thanks Dear Teacher Emma.
Great lesson! I like it. i got 10/10. thanks dear a good teacher, Emma..
Wow. very funny options, the got me laughing throughout.
Wow. Very funny options they got me laughing throughout.
I think I’ll love it more if I’m able to edit my comments. Thank you so much for your lectures. it made sense to me.
Thank you Emma. You’re always clear and objective in your lessons.
10/10 :) Thank you Emma. Much appreciated.
Thank you Emma, you are an excellent teacher! this was my first quiz… I´ll do my best next one!
Thanks Emma!Let us learn about Customer Service !
So useful!
Thanks Emma I’m sure this lesson will help me so much.
I learnt LAST approach yesterday on YOUTUBE, the first thing when i got to work was share the concept with a colleague. Felt so learnt …LOL
The only issue i had though was, by telling the customer to calm down seem to further aggravate the customer
thank y you make adferans to me
thank u so much u are the best teacher
great job
To solve a problem for a customer, you should say:
Go away and don’t come back here.
That would work…but you might lose that customer :P
10/10 Thank you, Emma, very very much
You are a wonderfull teacher!
Thank you so much :)
as usual nice lesson from nice teacher. I liked your LAST approach. greetings from Egyptian pharaoh
Tks Emma! It is very easy studying “with you” …
I laught very much reading the wrong options :-DDDD
thanks Emma!
so simple and amazing, thank you emma, see you soon.
I got a 10, i work at a hotel and this lesson has helped me a lot, im on days, afternoons and nights at my work and always deal with this kind of situations but now after seeing the class i feel more confident for sure thanks a lot emma and keep it up the good work congratulation.
Easy but so useful topic, thanks Emma!
I think those great advices for a entire life not only for customer services. Thank you.
You got 10 correct out of 10
thanks for your efforts
Very good lesson,teacher. I’ve been working in a
call center for over three years now and I must
say that’s not easy,even if we have those standard
or “cliche” questions and answers.
Sometimes people get too rude and don’t listen to
us. I’ve been through very difficult situatinns
and many times I have to improvise to calm down
the customers.One thing is for sure: Sorry,Thanks
and Please are the words I use the most.
first time I get 10/10. I should think about work in customer service
Emma Thank you it was great! for me…
thank you for making us great opportunities to learn beneficial things
Thanks Emma
Thank you Emma
Thank you
Thanks team engivd
Thank you emma
Thank you :-)
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma :)
Thanks Emma it is a good experience to listen to your lesson.
Thank you for your excellent presentation.
I got 10/10 :) Thank you Emma for this exercise, I won’t forget this one, it would help me as CSR.
Thank you for your attention to detail here on how to address customers in sometimes tricky situations :)
Thank you, Emma!
Thank you, Emma. LAST
Thank you, Emma excelent class
the best
I appreciate your lesson, thanks so much.
thanks, Emma.
you helped me to pay attention to something.
thanks a lot Emma..
Thanks Mrs. Emma!
Thank you so much!!
Emma, your video help me a lot.
merci pour cette lecon efficace
Thanks! This help me a lot, I am not an English native and I have almost 4 years working as customer service but every day you can learn something new!
thank a lot
Thank you Emma ..
I collect 6/10 but my answere was fast.
But I understand this lesson very well.
It doesn’t care whatever we’re going to work, customer service will be needed, when we are working we always use to have somebody who we offer our service. Great video Emma.
Great!10/10! I’m comeback!Solved customer‘s problems will make customer comfortable, and then customer also will make your happy!
Thanks so much Emma for this lesson!
Thanks a lot Emma, I got full mark.
Good Lesson!
thank you Emma for helping us getting better and better
Great! I got 100! Im happy Im still good at it.!
Great!! 10/10, this is the first video that i saw of a recommended list by my company to improve our skills. Thanks you Emma Amazing job bringing this to our attention. :)
Great video, thanks…
Thank you Emma. Very good!
very important topic thank you
Thanks Emma, you are amazing! (Azores Islands, 02Jan2024);
10/10 Thank you Emma. You are a nice teacher.
Thank you!!!