Giving presentations and speeches for work or class can be terrifying. When you are nervous, you might lose control and forget something. Maybe you are worried that your speech will be boring. In this lesson, you will learn some great tips to help you with writing and delivering your speech or presentation so you will never be afraid to talk in front of people again. Ronnie will teach you how to choose a topic, speak at the right speed, remember important facts, and more. Don’t miss this important and effective lesson!
Informative indeed..!! Thank you very much Ronnie..!!
Interesting lesson. Thank you, Ronnie :)
how do i know on which level i was?
fajar princess
nice! I alyas get anxious at presentations. This gonna help me a lot! (a hope so)
i totally agree with you
Amir Abid
Excuse me you have a mistake u write alyas it is wrong . (always) is correct .
@yakub 1995
hello rafunca,how are you?i hope you very well,add me in your facebook,if you had it,if you wants it,cuz i likely practice my english someone.
it is really, really perfect tips to do speeches^^ Thanks a lot!!
Thanks Teacher for Lesson.
Thanks you are great teacher.
yurrec ader
Very useful lesson, thanks Ronnie!!
i’m interested to improve my speaker ability, my english is basic and poor, and i need to practice english in order to be ready for my first abroad’s experience in April. (Who wants..can add me on Skipe, my Skipe’s name is frartoloni)
i need that too ,tell me when will you be online ?
ahmed zakaria 11
Thank you teacher Ronnie your leasson is useful.
This lesson is very important for your improve professional
hey Ronnie that’s very helpful . thanks alot .
Thanks Ronnie. I learn a lot today.
christyan barualam
i need help on how to start learning english
belal korayem
Ronnie I’v followed all your lesson but I just find this lesson today.when you upload this lesson? this is the new one?
chakim hamzah
Thank you madam,it is not only a useful but an informative and interesting lesso.n
Excuse me. But can anybody help me. I don’t see the subtitles in lesson. Where can i torn it on?
I meant turn on :)
Thank you. I learn a lot
thanks so much ronnie it was a very important class for me!! btw i like your hair :)
it is really useful
What a great lesson ?
Thank you Ronnie
Very nice lesson
great lesson!!! thank you
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank’s ronnie for this lesson
Great lesson…
thanks.It was a good lesson.
Thanks Ronnie, Like always, great lesson *-*
Thank you so much
Noe Jung Ho
you’re the best teacher!
carlos 2138
Thank you very much Teacher!
Excelent presentation!!!!!!!. You are the best teacher and fun person.
Paola Torres
Hi,how I make for speak english direct with teacher,for to practice,talk only in english?!
Thank you!
Hi every body , nice to meet you .
Ali Jafari
Interesting theme, good points of view. But, You know Ronnie, the truth about you is you are great, conducting presentations and speeches, it’s your strength, in all lessons you can galvanize the pupils attention, you normally are happy, and we feel that. I don’t know what’s happen today, but it is precisely when the theme was about presentation and speech your presentation was boring. Cheers up, Ronnie.
Jorge Pedroso
thanks Ronnie,
i got 100 marks, very interesting topic to talk on, good technique to teach.
really really interesting. thank you
This lesson is super interesting for me! The methods to prevent nervous are definitely helpful!
thanks… than more I know than less I know … but hopefully my no knowledge does lessen still and I am not still… :)
thank you , i got 100, i was searching for this video , since i m interested in giving presentations, project work, awareness program..i hope it will helps me a lot. thank you roonie.
naveen javari
sorry i did not spelled your name correctly , ronnie.
naveen javari
Good quiz
09 out 10 Perfect!
Thanks Ronnie! You are great!
thank u for this lesson
Assalam U Alaikum Ayesha How are you.?
Abdur RAB Khan
you’re te best teacher of the world and I can learn a lot with you , I like you so much
Thank you for your suggestion on how to make our presentations more efficient;Best ronnie
Very useful this lesson!!!!! Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks a lot roony .really It’s very useful vedio .nice to know u ronny .my language improved with ur vedioes on youtub ur speeches very simple to understand and olso ur voice was very clear to hear the prnounce of letters in right way thaaanks dear Roony
miro mohamed
Thanks Ronnie for great subject. Do you have your personal facebook account I would appreciate if you send me that. We could be friend! :)
Thank you, Ronnie!
as all your teaching, very interesting!
Ronnie,honestly your video lessons are always interesting and fun for me. Even if topic isn’t important for me. Because your manners, mimic and personal way to give a new making me watch your video till the end. Thank you.
cann’t agree more
Hi Huang .You are right.
I have small request from U if U can give me a short paragraph with hypothetical instance
Or if any one here know how to make one because I should give my tutor a presentation about that.
I will be grateful ^_^
Thanks teacher!!
Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie
Great job teacher
Thank you :)
the best!
Thank you Ronnie, very interesting!
thanks my teacher
Aadams mx
I need your Urgent help but am not sure I am at the right place.I am doing my Celta and have to write an assignment about a learner who learned eng through subtitled Movies. Telli me something about Dısadvantages of learning eng that way.Becouse he makes lot of grammatical mistakes when he”s writing.I need to find some good reasons for this heeelp.
We can’t do your homework for you! If you have a question about English, we can help, but you have to think of the topics for your essay yourself.
engVid Moderator
Hi Ronnie!
what if you have to present for the native speakers and the topic is that hard that you even do not understand?
please I need the answer, I will have my first presentation in English on March 16,2015.thanks.
I understand you very well, Bakhtyary. I just had my presentation today to the native speakers, the topic was extremely hard, it is about advocating the policy change. Basically I never have enough time for preparation, because the program I’m doing is very intense. And preparing a presentation with a group of other students it’s even more challenging, because they might change the order of presentation in a last minute. Well, for them it’s easy, because they are native speakers.
When I think, that I practicing on them to polish my speaking skills, it helps me a little bit to overcome my nervousness. Also, I try to double check every word for spelling that I’m not sure about. And i try to memorize not just single words but phrases with specific terms. The hardest thing about presentation is to answer questions, because you don’t have so much time to recall suitable words for what you are trying to say. In terms of the topic, I tried to do drawings while I was doing research to get a better understanding about the topic.
I hope your presentation was ok.
I have the same problem we can practice together if you like
thanks i learned a lot !
fadi abed
thank you. got 8
it’s a great lesson, thanks
It was a very interesting topic! Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Jared Gibson
Ronnie, it always pleasure to watch you teach and learn.
thank you Ronnie .very important lesson
Thanks …
hi Ronnie;Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Wishing you a day filled with goodness and warmth.
don’t forget to make a lesson about International women’s day March 8.have fun and thanks a lot
Thank you Ronnie.It’s useful lesson.
Thank you.
now iam a brave to do presentations,thanks alot
thank u Ronnie it’s very useful to Us this lesson
thank you (shokran in arabe)
Ronnie, You are the best!! Excellent lesson!! I really enjoyed it!!
I am going to do next week .I really need this ,Thanks Ronnie.
Hi Persiaboy . What a nice map of Iran ! Thanks.
tnx alot i like all ur lessons.tanmirt
nasser eddine
thank you Ronnie
Ronnie! I am happy that I found your lessons! You are a really cools peson and a teacher!
Thank you for your lesson. I have been studying English with you and other teachers from #engvid for many days ago. I love your accent and your teaching style. I want to be achiever in TOEIC. I tried to get a high score. I hope all of lessons from Engvid will help my English improve.
Thank you for teaching.
all your lessons are very interested!!!
Thanks so much!
thank you all
its very interesting>
Good tips about presentation
Hi Ronnie, My name is John. I want to know if You can provide some tips to understand a question in the first attempt. Sometimes I have some troubles to get the idea when people ask me something. Probably, I am a shy person and It could affect my understanding. Thanks in advance.
thanks Ronnie,it’s a great lesson
Crazy teacher, I love her!
thanks for these explanations you’re a good teacher GOD blesses you.
youssef 01
It’s very useful, thank so much!
Chau Le
Thank you, Ronnie a lot. I have really enjoyed your lesson!
Thank you Ronnie i love you so much
thanks for such a good prepared lesson
M. Zulkifal
Good lesson and important too…
thanks a lot
have a good day guys. Frolic
thks a lot teacher
Thanks Teacher Ronnie. I really like the way you teach, specially the small actions that you take. I am going to learn a lot from you. I consider myself a lucky person after finding you on youtube and then I”had” to sign up for your lessons. Thanks once again.
Thank you very much! I am very grateful for your lecture
Tin Tran
ty for u r teaching
Thanks a lot!
flavio lopes de brito
Thanks Ronnie !!
Daniel Messerschmitt
Great, thanks!!
Hi Ronnie ! Can you do a video about punctuation ? Thank you :)
what can not play dont know why please solve the problem
vedio can not play dont know why please solve the problem
Thanks Ronnie… Great lesson
Dear Users , Deear Teachers
I have a huge problem…I have been studying English for a while and in general I would say my English is good but there is one thing I am struggling with…when someone is spelling a word for me (name,surename,address) I become so nervous I always make a mistake and it is very hard for me to difference A, E and I.Could you please tell me maybe I can find a source in the internet where I can work on it and master it?I appreciate any type of comment.Have a nice weekend x
I truly believe that is gonna be easy for you understand spelling if you just pratice it more. I have the same problem, but before your comment I’ve never realized that.
We’re used to learning a lot on the internet, talking with friends, wharever, butt the point is we may leave important basic topcis out of our studies when we achive higher speech level (not so higher for me LOL).
Best regards.
Hi . I think Mamroder is right. You can even spell different words when you are writing or ask someone spell letter by letter in different accents ( but correct! )and speed for you.
Best regards Maria
…..ask someone TO spell….
Please ronnie i want
a lesson about vocabulary at air port
very nice lesson thankyou
Ronnie you are one of the best teachers in the world i love the way you teach, you are my favourite teacher i have learnt many things from you keep it up .
giving me lots of help, thanks!
A million thanks to you. I learn a lot.
Dr. Jojo Escolano
Jojo Escolano
Ronnie, your presentation was perfect! ;) thanks!!!
spike valentine
A very great and funny presentation!! Thanks!!
Thank you!
Your lesson is useful!
thank you Ronnie, I had listened the best presentation now :D
Emad hafez
My first ten!!! yay!!!
Emma RGO
Thank you! I get a job interview that want me to deliver a speech in front of many people. Those tips are really helpful!
Thank you a lot
Can you help me Ronnie ? Normally,I do speak and interact with my friends in the class in English better than they do however when it comes to presentation I am always getting cold feet.I cannot present my presentation easily.How can I overcome this annoying thing ?
Hi’ ma’am ronnie..! :-)
I’m a beginner of english language could you me?
Adios, adeus, and bye bye
Luiz Moreira
i got perfect score in a 2nd times.
With you everything sounds easy, drat!!!!!
Thanks for your lesson Ronnie !!!
I Believe that’s will be quiet helpful .
Very nice lesson
Very helpful to me. Thanks a lot and let me tell you that I enjoy your short classes. :) Regards.
You are the best! Your lessons are very interesting and clear! Thank you very much!
Ronnie you are amazing. I enjoy every your vedeo.
hey everyone…. its my 1st day this website…. please help me to develop my English speaking….
sagar dhakal
hey dude .. watch all basic videos for beginner and keep on practicing yourself. dude
That’s right. Our teacher told us
زبان زمان می خواد
It means English takes time.
hi guys..if you looking for someone who want to here to talk..i can help you out as i can :)) im also student of english..we can help each other..
Thank You, Ronnie!
tayseer hassan
hi ronnie u r very attractive in this lesson keep it up
there was the phrase in the video ”to blob the information off Wikipedia”. I understand the meaning but cannot find the translation of the verb ”to blob” in vocabulary. Is it slang?
i love your manner
ali amer
Ronnie understands the problems of everyone first public audition and gives the correct advices, especially with her own kind of teaching. Very well and thanks.
it’s helpfull for me and for everyone who want to improve skills in English, thank you so much
Hello Ronnie,i know this question has nothing to do with the topic but explain me please!
How manners are there for write the date formate?
south student
Thanks to you,her classes are very fun and clear.
It is great to lesson.
Thanks Ronnie it was very great lesson and so useful
tayseer hassan
thanks Ronnie
Heng Rithy
I must admit, I am not the best person when it comes to giving a presentation to the audience. I feel nervous and anxious, however, I have to conquer my fear — practice and believing myself.
Hi Ronnie…I’m start today with lessons…I’m very happy because i’m understanding without translate….Thank you!
Hi Ms. Ronnie, nice to leave a comment againt. You’re teaching style is always makes us feeling hilarious :D
Can you give me several advices for my speaking test(Cambridge IGCSE ESL). Are there many tips to be more confident?
Thank’s before :)
These tips are so important when you are speaking to audience independently of content
Hi Ms. Ronnie, Am big fan of you. I love your classes. I would like to talk to you, this is my skype addrees (sandeepkandakatla) and email id is
Thank you
sandeep kandakatla
thanks teacher so much it was very useful for me because i always really upset and i can,t sleep when i have presentation in the university that is make me so depressed :( thanks for your advice :) love U :)
nouf abdullah
It’s a great lesson, I’m glad because I learned the difference between speech and presentation.
Thank you, Ronnie
oh! 100%. thanks !
Great one! in fact you are the best!
jose mido
Thank you Ronnie.This lesson is very useful. I’m always nervous when present in English for my work in the office because I’m afraid that the audience will not understand my accent. I will follow your instruction and hard practice . Thank you once again :)
like me thanks a lot
mohamed zaghloul
thanks alot
thanks ronnie
mohamed zaghloul
Thank you very much.
Thanks for those useful tips.
Is there anyone who wants to improve his/her speaking skill ? If you are interested my skype is karimps324
Thank you This website is very useful for everyone want to improve English. One again i say to thank you so much
Ke Hop
Thank you so much my favourite teacher.
love it ,love’s really helpful to me
Thank you for this lesson.
I intend to improve my English, this lessons are many important for this .
Vanderlei Splieter
I love this teacher!
aparecida melo
I would like to talk English With a professional in order to check my mistakes.
Thanks al ot for everyone here…
I love Ronny :) hahahah
Good Video Roonie, when we make a presentation or speech is also important know the place where you are going to make the presentation.
Please, if I wrote something wrong, you can tell me.
So, hugs from Brazil.
Ronnie :) Thanks for sharing videos. I watched most of videos related with English grammar and I enjoyed a lot. Thanks and keep updating the world.
mihir zala
Wow, thank you, that was really very useful and engrossing!
I liked very muchu this class. Thank you teacher Ronnie.
I liked very much this class. Thank you teacher Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie, I always enjoed your videos. Gracias Ronnie, siempre disfruto tus videos.
Raquel Frias
thank you Ronnie for your lesson, but personally I wrote about myself. is a good way to learn how to face audiences.
Abdullah Elrukby
Ronnie number one!!! Thanks a lot for your speeches ;)
hey because of your lesson i got 10/10…. I am feeling confident now thanks :) Ronnie madam
I have a presentation once a month at ICPNA, and I’m going to take notes about this video..thanks a lot!
it’s helpful, thank you Ronnie
Thank u Ronnie
zahraa 00
I got 10/10..
zahraa 00
Eng ahmed
Thank you Ronnie for your excelent presentation. You are the best!!. I got 10.
Ronnie I love your lesson very interensting thank you.
Thanks ronnie!, you are amazing :)
yes, I need more practice for presention or speech.
very good! thanks!
Thankus Ronnie!Is very interesting this lesson! I found you on youtube the last Sunday and now I studing with your videos every day. :)
good ! thx~ helpful
cindy ye
thank u ronnie..i learned a lot today
sudheer kumar vasala
This lesson is very interesting…
Ronnie, you are an excellent teacher…
Thank you…
Thank you a lot for suggestion. hopefully, everyone can make a good speech by following your step.
you are must a great actress thanks a lot
marvelous lesson
Thank you
Thank you teacher Ronny, I got 80 out of 100. I might have to repeat the lesson hehe. You know what I am improving to the language and thank you for that really.
It’s really Nice topic and ronny, i got 100. Thanks Ronny.
hope it will good for me,,,,
Thank you so much ^^
Guys i need someone fluent in English to practice with on skype (atik.ahmed5)
it’s very useful for us,, thanks
riady three
i’m gonna love you Ronnie! :*
These are fantastic topics for a presentation!
i love you Ronnie !!!! you are the best teacher ever
Thanks for Ronnnie’s useful , it’s very helpful for me~
It’s my the first lesson and I like it!
I like your approach when you present. Very useful, thanks so much!
Ha Nguyen
Thank you Ronnie!
tony wang
very helpful
Ronnie seemed that was talking slow, but i think somebody made the video slower.
Anyway, good lesson!!
Very good very interesting
Good keys, thanks
Rossy Serrato
from Mexico
Great lesson
Very nice
Yane Amorim
i got 8 correct out of 10
Thank you Ronnie!
Dear Ronnie please please help me Englishy
my adress
I want to learn english
Ren Oi
u’re so funny Ronnie, thanks for you knowledge!
ann ann
u are perfect teacher i love ur style
fady 99
Hello Ronnie , I very like your lessons explanin me please one issue witch I heard at your lesson.
Before I lessened your lesson about to much , to more and a alot of and you told “a lot of” we use when we talk about some good/positiv , in this lesson you told “before the presentation don’t drink a lot of caffe becasuse you will be nervus ” i think about this and I have a questions that you could’t told ” before the presentation don’t drink to much coffe” ? If you can explanin me this , please. Sorry for my English but I’m beginer still :)
I want to learn english
hi .. thx so much for ur lectures
what does engVid mean as a full word
“Eng” stands for “English”, “vid” stands for “video”.
engVid Moderator
i want to learn this language
Thank you, you help me whit it.
i loved this lesson. Thanks
The lesson is very useful, especially for me, because I work in a global company that demands presentations, speeches and interaction with many countries.
Thanks for your lesson.. Making my speech clearly.
Thanks you very much
It’s nice to meet you.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
It’s a great honor to meet.
I’m very glad to meet you.
I went to download videos.
…thanks for your lesson as I was in a position to listen and answer correctly all quiz QNS!
very good lesson!!
Thanks Ronnie, these tips will help me in my future presentations in my english classes.
thanks Ronnie, you’re so funny! :D
Kenny Hau
Thanks Ronnie, I like the way you teach, you are so cool!!
Thanks a lot Ronn
Thanks a lot Mam Ronnie! Praise God, You’re amazing teacher.
GREAT – 9/10 !!!!! Thenk You Ronie very mach !!!!!!!!!!!! You are the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
thanks it help a lot,..
hi rounni . help me please i cant spell well the words :)
Good, fun and active teacher
Excellent lesson. Ronnie is great teacher.
Oscar Valero
Thanks my great teacher
Mohamed Elsherbiny
Thank you much Ronnie, interesting and usefull topic jajajaja
Cool Presentaion …
Ashok Gadu
i got 100 jajaj thank you so much Ronnie you are a good teacher i like the way you explain niceee
Ronnie the great
I’m not very confident at giving a speech or making a presentation. My problem is that I get nervous no matter how many times I’ve been practiced. I don’t know why. I talk too fast and I can’t keep eye contact. Last year, I gave a speech and the whole time I was staring at my Professor. After the presentation my colleagues said to me ” why don’t you look at us at all? “. I was really embarrassed. :(
Nihal Sharaf El-Din
very useful lesson. Thanks Ronnie ))
Thank you so much, Ronnie! As always great video :)
very helpful.. thanks
cristhian schmidt
Thank you so much Ronnie .I am your big fan.I want to learn more English from you .please help me .ma what’s app number 00919886388698
Hi Ronnie
how can i download that text file for lessons ?
Thank you
its perfect video we need like this thanks Ronnie
Hi Ronnie!
You grabbed my attention. Great!
You are witch no teacher. I receive the information with ease . thank your effort.
Thank you!
Danilo Andre
I love to listen to the course. Ronnie is the best :))) thanks ronnie all the love xx
sena genc
it was perfect.
thanks for your usefull topic
It was very helpful. Cue-cards were real eye-opener for me. Gratitude from my side ♫♫♫
Oksana Pakholok
nice lesson :)
asmaa hm
Thanks My Teacher
I should do a presentation soon and until now didn’t decide an interesting topic would you propose for me any please ?
Very useful tips! Thanks Roonie, you´re awesome.
Thanks a lot.
Sincerely thanks Ronnie for such useful tips about how to make a speach or do a presentation.
Hi Ronnie! You are the best.
very interesting and practical thanks
Miguel Frontado
Very interesting and great. Thanks
Hi. Very interesting and useful . Thank you very much.
thank you,well done
10/10. Thanks again.
I like it very much, Thank you
Joseph Eliahou
thanks a lot ,this help me to much
Thanks teacher!It was really helpful for me:)
Masoomah Hasan
i love you ronnie.:) really meaningful as i started my lunar new year with your lesson, love you so much, aaaaaaaaaaa. sweatheart from Vietnam
Nguyen Van Hau
very nice..i like your teaching style
Thankyou madam for your lovely presentation about presentation…hatss off..
Ronnie you are the best ! I can improve my level with your funny explication!! Thanks
Adriana Bognar
Thank you Ronnie for your amaizing and interesting lesson.
it is nice lesson
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
it a nice lesson, thanks
Rocio J
it’s very good my understanding
The way of your presentation is very funny and actractive. it is really good for a student and person who is doing business. Thanks alot.
i’m interested in practicing so in case you ‘re interested text me
taj ali
Thanks Teacher Ronnie
abdelaziz kamal
hhhhhh you are the best teacher i like your personality hhhh thank you for all of that
Thank you for this lesson. This’s really heplful :)
Thanks Teacher.
really thank you
Tamer Favas
Thanks Master
thanks teacher ronnie
You’re so nice, Ronnie! Thanks for this useful and funny lesson
THANK U ،you teaching very good
Great!! Thank you very much Ronni, all your topics are always excellent and well explained. I will give a speech next week, I will follow your tips and I will try to do the best!
Thank you Ronni, Ilove your lessons,because I´m learning and improving my english, but I have problem.. My fluency is low, please are you send me a wepage with I can practice on foro or something?
Thank you!Actually,it was a long video for me,but(hooray) it’s not seemed to me in this point,I didn’t feel myself bored or tired.So that’s works,finally.
Good lesson!
Asking questions or probing is very important in any presentation I guess.
Wasim Shaikh
Good lesson! Bua I have a doubt!
Can I use The verbs DO or MAKE When I am talking about Speech or presentation?
It was a great lesson! Thank you so much, Ronnie!
it is a very helpful thank u :)
Athar hussain
thank you for lesson,, it is helpful ,,
This lesson is very interesting…
Ronnie, you are an excellent teacher…
Thank you…
tabish khan
Thank You Ronnie, i´m your fan and I´m learning alot with you! This, surely gonna help me a lot!
Paulo Santos
Hello dear Ronnie!! I’ve discover you few days ago I am loving your lessosn, loving you way to teach!…Thank you a lot for beeing a very great teacher…
Wow the lesson is so nice,very interesting I liked it.Thanks for your time.
Greeting you all the way from KENYA,particularly in Mombasa.
Thanks boss
Ashraf sharaf
Oh Ronnie, you’re incredible funny in this video and your advices are so important. Thanks for your presentation and the website you talked to.
Thank you Ronnie!
I learned and I had fun with you.
thank you teacher you are amazing!
Douglas David
good choice
Thaaaaaanks Ronnie
Mohammad Mansour
Thanks teacher.
I will make the best in next lessons
Nice topic. I always enjoy attending and making good presentations. Thanks Ronnie, I only have a question here: why shouldn’t I memorise my speech? Isn’t it better to memorise it since it’s likely to be forgotten anyway :D ?
Very helpifull tips
Thanks a lot.. You are really funny
Yes, It is very important that we must practice a lot before we do our presentation. I remember when I was in univeristy,I had to present my seminar topic. I felt nervousness and anxiety in the beggining ,but I stood there boldly and pulled my style to present .I believe that it was not too bad.I used to be very shy to speak in the group discussions . But once we started speaking with others ,it will be lessen. Just avoid shyness and start talk ,doesn
thank you, it is very important lesson
kader abdo
I love you Roonie!!! you are great!!! thank you so much!! I´ve learned a lot!
You are a good teacher, thanks a lot for all your funny and helpful vedios
Sara horiney
Thank you sweetie !!!
Thank you, Ronnie!!
Oh my goodness!!!! You teach it better than my on line instructor. Thank you so very much
Hello Friend
i want create a whatsapp group for learning english.
are you want join this’s?
Thank you, you are always awesome :)
Thank you Ronnie, It helped me so much..
It’s a good topic. Thank you Ronnie.
Oh man, is she funny!!:)
the topic is good.thank you Ronnie.
Fcemma king
good thank you
Thank you very much for your coaching :)
This lesson is very helpful for everyone.
that is so helpful , thank you .
Adham El-Shafie
Thanks for your useful lesson. The last word you said was “adios”, a Spanish word.
Thanks Ronnie, good presentation. :)
You are brilliant! Thanks a lot amazing teacher!111
You got 9 correct out of 10.
M kartal
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot…
M kartal
Thank you, Ronnie
Jesan Chuang
Thanks for everythings. You take your great time and spell with us. This is very good humanity. Thanks for your humanity
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie!
It’s really important for me. Thank you Mrs. Ronnie!
Really it’s amazing topic but I had 5 out of 10 its so bad
Mai yehia@91
thank you very much!
thank you
nadya mrad
Thank you, Ronnie
taha gsimi
Thank you, Ronnie
taha gsimi
First of all i have to thank you very much for this helpful lesson about presentations and speeches.
i remember the first time i have made my first mathematics’s presentation in English, it was in London for a conference called ASMDA, i felt really nervous and very anxious because i didn’t practice it enough before the day’s presentation, but after that i start to be calm and i felt confident.
thank yo very much!
Thank you
HI teacher Ronnie and all. This class was very useful for me. I did a homework about a speech of myself applying your skills taught here. Regards and blessings from Panama.
I like your teaching style as well. Very funny!
Ronnie, thank you very much for your empathy for foreigners and their difficulties in mastering the English language. Respect you!
Natalya Martinyukas
Thank you ronnie
It was a good lesson.Thank you.
oh my god i have get 70% for first time
thank you Ronni
Mohammed alsadig
interesting topic! thank you
Thank you !
9/10! Great! I need these tips for the presentation. I will do these things to prepare my next presentation. Thanks, Ronnie!
Jerry Gu
That’s very helpful , i want more , in 2023 i will professional in english speaking .,thanks
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It is a good lesson for every body.
most probably yes
Informative indeed..!! Thank you very much Ronnie..!!
Interesting lesson. Thank you, Ronnie :)
how do i know on which level i was?
nice! I alyas get anxious at presentations. This gonna help me a lot! (a hope so)
i totally agree with you
Excuse me you have a mistake u write alyas it is wrong . (always) is correct .
hello rafunca,how are you?i hope you very well,add me in your facebook,if you had it,if you wants it,cuz i likely practice my english someone.
it is really, really perfect tips to do speeches^^ Thanks a lot!!
Thanks Teacher for Lesson.
Thanks you are great teacher.
Very useful lesson, thanks Ronnie!!
i’m interested to improve my speaker ability, my english is basic and poor, and i need to practice english in order to be ready for my first abroad’s experience in April. (Who wants..can add me on Skipe, my Skipe’s name is frartoloni)
i need that too ,tell me when will you be online ?
Thank you teacher Ronnie your leasson is useful.
This lesson is very important for your improve professional
hey Ronnie that’s very helpful . thanks alot .
Thanks Ronnie. I learn a lot today.
i need help on how to start learning english
Ronnie I’v followed all your lesson but I just find this lesson today.when you upload this lesson? this is the new one?
Thank you madam,it is not only a useful but an informative and interesting lesso.n
Excuse me. But can anybody help me. I don’t see the subtitles in lesson. Where can i torn it on?
I meant turn on :)
Thank you. I learn a lot
thanks so much ronnie it was a very important class for me!! btw i like your hair :)
it is really useful
What a great lesson ?
Thank you Ronnie
Very nice lesson
great lesson!!! thank you
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank’s ronnie for this lesson
Great lesson…
thanks.It was a good lesson.
Thanks Ronnie, Like always, great lesson *-*
Thank you so much
you’re the best teacher!
Thank you very much Teacher!
Excelent presentation!!!!!!!. You are the best teacher and fun person.
Hi,how I make for speak english direct with teacher,for to practice,talk only in english?!
Thank you!
Hi every body , nice to meet you .
Interesting theme, good points of view. But, You know Ronnie, the truth about you is you are great, conducting presentations and speeches, it’s your strength, in all lessons you can galvanize the pupils attention, you normally are happy, and we feel that. I don’t know what’s happen today, but it is precisely when the theme was about presentation and speech your presentation was boring. Cheers up, Ronnie.
thanks Ronnie,
i got 100 marks, very interesting topic to talk on, good technique to teach.
really really interesting. thank you
This lesson is super interesting for me! The methods to prevent nervous are definitely helpful!
thanks… than more I know than less I know … but hopefully my no knowledge does lessen still and I am not still… :)
thank you , i got 100, i was searching for this video , since i m interested in giving presentations, project work, awareness program..i hope it will helps me a lot. thank you roonie.
sorry i did not spelled your name correctly , ronnie.
Good quiz
09 out 10 Perfect!
Thanks Ronnie! You are great!
thank u for this lesson
Assalam U Alaikum Ayesha How are you.?
you’re te best teacher of the world and I can learn a lot with you , I like you so much
Thank you for your suggestion on how to make our presentations more efficient;Best ronnie
Very useful this lesson!!!!! Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks a lot roony .really It’s very useful vedio .nice to know u ronny .my language improved with ur vedioes on youtub ur speeches very simple to understand and olso ur voice was very clear to hear the prnounce of letters in right way thaaanks dear Roony
Thanks Ronnie for great subject. Do you have your personal facebook account I would appreciate if you send me that. We could be friend! :)
Thank you, Ronnie!
as all your teaching, very interesting!
Ronnie,honestly your video lessons are always interesting and fun for me. Even if topic isn’t important for me. Because your manners, mimic and personal way to give a new making me watch your video till the end. Thank you.
cann’t agree more
Hi Huang .You are right.
I have small request from U if U can give me a short paragraph with hypothetical instance
Or if any one here know how to make one because I should give my tutor a presentation about that.
I will be grateful ^_^
Thanks teacher!!
Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie
Great job teacher
Thank you :)
the best!
Thank you Ronnie, very interesting!
thanks my teacher
I need your Urgent help but am not sure I am at the right place.I am doing my Celta and have to write an assignment about a learner who learned eng through subtitled Movies. Telli me something about Dısadvantages of learning eng that way.Becouse he makes lot of grammatical mistakes when he”s writing.I need to find some good reasons for this heeelp.
We can’t do your homework for you! If you have a question about English, we can help, but you have to think of the topics for your essay yourself.
Hi Ronnie!
what if you have to present for the native speakers and the topic is that hard that you even do not understand?
please I need the answer, I will have my first presentation in English on March 16,2015.thanks.
I understand you very well, Bakhtyary. I just had my presentation today to the native speakers, the topic was extremely hard, it is about advocating the policy change. Basically I never have enough time for preparation, because the program I’m doing is very intense. And preparing a presentation with a group of other students it’s even more challenging, because they might change the order of presentation in a last minute. Well, for them it’s easy, because they are native speakers.
When I think, that I practicing on them to polish my speaking skills, it helps me a little bit to overcome my nervousness. Also, I try to double check every word for spelling that I’m not sure about. And i try to memorize not just single words but phrases with specific terms. The hardest thing about presentation is to answer questions, because you don’t have so much time to recall suitable words for what you are trying to say. In terms of the topic, I tried to do drawings while I was doing research to get a better understanding about the topic.
I hope your presentation was ok.
I have the same problem we can practice together if you like
thanks i learned a lot !
thank you. got 8
it’s a great lesson, thanks
It was a very interesting topic! Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Ronnie, it always pleasure to watch you teach and learn.
thank you Ronnie .very important lesson
Thanks …
hi Ronnie;Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Wishing you a day filled with goodness and warmth.
don’t forget to make a lesson about International women’s day March 8.have fun and thanks a lot
Thank you Ronnie.It’s useful lesson.
Thank you.
now iam a brave to do presentations,thanks alot
thank u Ronnie it’s very useful to Us this lesson
thank you (shokran in arabe)
Ronnie, You are the best!! Excellent lesson!! I really enjoyed it!!
I am going to do next week .I really need this ,Thanks Ronnie.
Hi Persiaboy . What a nice map of Iran ! Thanks.
tnx alot i like all ur lessons.tanmirt
thank you Ronnie
Ronnie! I am happy that I found your lessons! You are a really cools peson and a teacher!
Thank you for your lesson. I have been studying English with you and other teachers from #engvid for many days ago. I love your accent and your teaching style. I want to be achiever in TOEIC. I tried to get a high score. I hope all of lessons from Engvid will help my English improve.
Thank you for teaching.
all your lessons are very interested!!!
Thanks so much!
thank you all
its very interesting>
Good tips about presentation
Hi Ronnie, My name is John. I want to know if You can provide some tips to understand a question in the first attempt. Sometimes I have some troubles to get the idea when people ask me something. Probably, I am a shy person and It could affect my understanding. Thanks in advance.
thanks Ronnie,it’s a great lesson
Crazy teacher, I love her!
thanks for these explanations you’re a good teacher GOD blesses you.
It’s very useful, thank so much!
Thank you, Ronnie a lot. I have really enjoyed your lesson!
Thank you Ronnie i love you so much
thanks for such a good prepared lesson
Good lesson and important too…
thanks a lot
have a good day guys. Frolic
thks a lot teacher
Thanks Teacher Ronnie. I really like the way you teach, specially the small actions that you take. I am going to learn a lot from you. I consider myself a lucky person after finding you on youtube and then I”had” to sign up for your lessons. Thanks once again.
Thank you very much! I am very grateful for your lecture
ty for u r teaching
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Ronnie !!
Great, thanks!!
Hi Ronnie ! Can you do a video about punctuation ? Thank you :)
what can not play dont know why please solve the problem
vedio can not play dont know why please solve the problem
Thanks Ronnie… Great lesson
Dear Users , Deear Teachers
I have a huge problem…I have been studying English for a while and in general I would say my English is good but there is one thing I am struggling with…when someone is spelling a word for me (name,surename,address) I become so nervous I always make a mistake and it is very hard for me to difference A, E and I.Could you please tell me maybe I can find a source in the internet where I can work on it and master it?I appreciate any type of comment.Have a nice weekend x
I truly believe that is gonna be easy for you understand spelling if you just pratice it more. I have the same problem, but before your comment I’ve never realized that.
We’re used to learning a lot on the internet, talking with friends, wharever, butt the point is we may leave important basic topcis out of our studies when we achive higher speech level (not so higher for me LOL).
Best regards.
Hi . I think Mamroder is right. You can even spell different words when you are writing or ask someone spell letter by letter in different accents ( but correct! )and speed for you.
Best regards Maria
…..ask someone TO spell….
Please ronnie i want
a lesson about vocabulary at air port
very nice lesson thankyou
Ronnie you are one of the best teachers in the world i love the way you teach, you are my favourite teacher i have learnt many things from you keep it up .
giving me lots of help, thanks!
A million thanks to you. I learn a lot.
Dr. Jojo Escolano
Ronnie, your presentation was perfect! ;) thanks!!!
A very great and funny presentation!! Thanks!!
Thank you!
Your lesson is useful!
thank you Ronnie, I had listened the best presentation now :D
My first ten!!! yay!!!
Thank you! I get a job interview that want me to deliver a speech in front of many people. Those tips are really helpful!
Thank you a lot
Can you help me Ronnie ? Normally,I do speak and interact with my friends in the class in English better than they do however when it comes to presentation I am always getting cold feet.I cannot present my presentation easily.How can I overcome this annoying thing ?
Hi’ ma’am ronnie..! :-)
I’m a beginner of english language could you me?
Adios, adeus, and bye bye
i got perfect score in a 2nd times.
With you everything sounds easy, drat!!!!!
Thanks for your lesson Ronnie !!!
I Believe that’s will be quiet helpful .
Very nice lesson
Very helpful to me. Thanks a lot and let me tell you that I enjoy your short classes. :) Regards.
You are the best! Your lessons are very interesting and clear! Thank you very much!
Ronnie you are amazing. I enjoy every your vedeo.
hey everyone…. its my 1st day this website…. please help me to develop my English speaking….
hey dude .. watch all basic videos for beginner and keep on practicing yourself. dude
That’s right. Our teacher told us
زبان زمان می خواد
It means English takes time.
hi guys..if you looking for someone who want to here to talk..i can help you out as i can :)) im also student of english..we can help each other..
Thank You, Ronnie!
hi ronnie u r very attractive in this lesson keep it up
there was the phrase in the video ”to blob the information off Wikipedia”. I understand the meaning but cannot find the translation of the verb ”to blob” in vocabulary. Is it slang?
i love your manner
Ronnie understands the problems of everyone first public audition and gives the correct advices, especially with her own kind of teaching. Very well and thanks.
it’s helpfull for me and for everyone who want to improve skills in English, thank you so much
Hello Ronnie,i know this question has nothing to do with the topic but explain me please!
How manners are there for write the date formate?
Thanks to you,her classes are very fun and clear.
It is great to lesson.
Thanks Ronnie it was very great lesson and so useful
thanks Ronnie
I must admit, I am not the best person when it comes to giving a presentation to the audience. I feel nervous and anxious, however, I have to conquer my fear — practice and believing myself.
Hi Ronnie…I’m start today with lessons…I’m very happy because i’m understanding without translate….Thank you!
Hi Ms. Ronnie, nice to leave a comment againt. You’re teaching style is always makes us feeling hilarious :D
Can you give me several advices for my speaking test(Cambridge IGCSE ESL). Are there many tips to be more confident?
Thank’s before :)
These tips are so important when you are speaking to audience independently of content
Hi Ms. Ronnie, Am big fan of you. I love your classes. I would like to talk to you, this is my skype addrees (sandeepkandakatla) and email id is
Thank you
thanks teacher so much it was very useful for me because i always really upset and i can,t sleep when i have presentation in the university that is make me so depressed :( thanks for your advice :) love U :)
It’s a great lesson, I’m glad because I learned the difference between speech and presentation.
Thank you, Ronnie
oh! 100%. thanks !
Great one! in fact you are the best!
Thank you Ronnie.This lesson is very useful. I’m always nervous when present in English for my work in the office because I’m afraid that the audience will not understand my accent. I will follow your instruction and hard practice . Thank you once again :)
like me thanks a lot
thanks alot
thanks ronnie
Thank you very much.
Thanks for those useful tips.
Is there anyone who wants to improve his/her speaking skill ? If you are interested my skype is karimps324
Thank you This website is very useful for everyone want to improve English. One again i say to thank you so much
Thank you so much my favourite teacher.
love it ,love’s really helpful to me
Thank you for this lesson.
I intend to improve my English, this lessons are many important for this .
I love this teacher!
I would like to talk English With a professional in order to check my mistakes.
Thanks al ot for everyone here…
I love Ronny :) hahahah
Good Video Roonie, when we make a presentation or speech is also important know the place where you are going to make the presentation.
Please, if I wrote something wrong, you can tell me.
So, hugs from Brazil.
Ronnie :) Thanks for sharing videos. I watched most of videos related with English grammar and I enjoyed a lot. Thanks and keep updating the world.
Wow, thank you, that was really very useful and engrossing!
I liked very muchu this class. Thank you teacher Ronnie.
I liked very much this class. Thank you teacher Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie, I always enjoed your videos. Gracias Ronnie, siempre disfruto tus videos.
thank you Ronnie for your lesson, but personally I wrote about myself. is a good way to learn how to face audiences.
Ronnie number one!!! Thanks a lot for your speeches ;)
hey because of your lesson i got 10/10…. I am feeling confident now thanks :) Ronnie madam
I have a presentation once a month at ICPNA, and I’m going to take notes about this video..thanks a lot!
it’s helpful, thank you Ronnie
Thank u Ronnie
I got 10/10..
Thank you Ronnie for your excelent presentation. You are the best!!. I got 10.
Ronnie I love your lesson very interensting thank you.
Thanks ronnie!, you are amazing :)
yes, I need more practice for presention or speech.
very good! thanks!
Thankus Ronnie!Is very interesting this lesson! I found you on youtube the last Sunday and now I studing with your videos every day. :)
good ! thx~ helpful
thank u ronnie..i learned a lot today
This lesson is very interesting…
Ronnie, you are an excellent teacher…
Thank you…
Thank you a lot for suggestion. hopefully, everyone can make a good speech by following your step.
you are must a great actress thanks a lot
marvelous lesson
Thank you
Thank you teacher Ronny, I got 80 out of 100. I might have to repeat the lesson hehe. You know what I am improving to the language and thank you for that really.
It’s really Nice topic and ronny, i got 100. Thanks Ronny.
hope it will good for me,,,,
Thank you so much ^^
Guys i need someone fluent in English to practice with on skype (atik.ahmed5)
it’s very useful for us,, thanks
i’m gonna love you Ronnie! :*
These are fantastic topics for a presentation!
i love you Ronnie !!!! you are the best teacher ever
Thanks for Ronnnie’s useful , it’s very helpful for me~
It’s my the first lesson and I like it!
I like your approach when you present. Very useful, thanks so much!
Thank you Ronnie!
very helpful
Ronnie seemed that was talking slow, but i think somebody made the video slower.
Anyway, good lesson!!
Very good very interesting
Good keys, thanks
from Mexico
Great lesson
Very nice
i got 8 correct out of 10
Thank you Ronnie!
Dear Ronnie please please help me Englishy
my adress
I want to learn english
u’re so funny Ronnie, thanks for you knowledge!
u are perfect teacher i love ur style
Hello Ronnie , I very like your lessons explanin me please one issue witch I heard at your lesson.
Before I lessened your lesson about to much , to more and a alot of and you told “a lot of” we use when we talk about some good/positiv , in this lesson you told “before the presentation don’t drink a lot of caffe becasuse you will be nervus ” i think about this and I have a questions that you could’t told ” before the presentation don’t drink to much coffe” ? If you can explanin me this , please. Sorry for my English but I’m beginer still :)
I want to learn english
hi .. thx so much for ur lectures
what does engVid mean as a full word
“Eng” stands for “English”, “vid” stands for “video”.
i want to learn this language
Thank you, you help me whit it.
i loved this lesson. Thanks
The lesson is very useful, especially for me, because I work in a global company that demands presentations, speeches and interaction with many countries.
Thanks for your lesson.. Making my speech clearly.
Thanks you very much
It’s nice to meet you.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
It’s a great honor to meet.
I’m very glad to meet you.
I went to download videos.
…thanks for your lesson as I was in a position to listen and answer correctly all quiz QNS!
very good lesson!!
Thanks Ronnie, these tips will help me in my future presentations in my english classes.
thanks Ronnie, you’re so funny! :D
Thanks Ronnie, I like the way you teach, you are so cool!!
Thanks a lot Ronn
Thanks a lot Mam Ronnie! Praise God, You’re amazing teacher.
GREAT – 9/10 !!!!! Thenk You Ronie very mach !!!!!!!!!!!! You are the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
thanks it help a lot,..
hi rounni . help me please i cant spell well the words :)
Good, fun and active teacher
Excellent lesson. Ronnie is great teacher.
Thanks my great teacher
Thank you much Ronnie, interesting and usefull topic jajajaja
Cool Presentaion …
i got 100 jajaj thank you so much Ronnie you are a good teacher i like the way you explain niceee
Ronnie the great
I’m not very confident at giving a speech or making a presentation. My problem is that I get nervous no matter how many times I’ve been practiced. I don’t know why. I talk too fast and I can’t keep eye contact. Last year, I gave a speech and the whole time I was staring at my Professor. After the presentation my colleagues said to me ” why don’t you look at us at all? “. I was really embarrassed. :(
very useful lesson. Thanks Ronnie ))
Thank you so much, Ronnie! As always great video :)
very helpful.. thanks
Thank you so much Ronnie .I am your big fan.I want to learn more English from you .please help me .ma what’s app number 00919886388698
Hi Ronnie
how can i download that text file for lessons ?
Thank you
its perfect video we need like this thanks Ronnie
Hi Ronnie!
You grabbed my attention. Great!
You are witch no teacher. I receive the information with ease . thank your effort.
Thank you!
I love to listen to the course. Ronnie is the best :))) thanks ronnie all the love xx
it was perfect.
thanks for your usefull topic
It was very helpful. Cue-cards were real eye-opener for me. Gratitude from my side ♫♫♫
nice lesson :)
Thanks My Teacher
I should do a presentation soon and until now didn’t decide an interesting topic would you propose for me any please ?
Very useful tips! Thanks Roonie, you´re awesome.
Thanks a lot.
Sincerely thanks Ronnie for such useful tips about how to make a speach or do a presentation.
Hi Ronnie! You are the best.
very interesting and practical thanks
Very interesting and great. Thanks
Hi. Very interesting and useful . Thank you very much.
thank you,well done
10/10. Thanks again.
I like it very much, Thank you
thanks a lot ,this help me to much
Thanks teacher!It was really helpful for me:)
i love you ronnie.:) really meaningful as i started my lunar new year with your lesson, love you so much, aaaaaaaaaaa. sweatheart from Vietnam
very nice..i like your teaching style
Thankyou madam for your lovely presentation about presentation…hatss off..
Ronnie you are the best ! I can improve my level with your funny explication!! Thanks
Thank you Ronnie for your amaizing and interesting lesson.
it is nice lesson
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
it a nice lesson, thanks
it’s very good my understanding
The way of your presentation is very funny and actractive. it is really good for a student and person who is doing business. Thanks alot.
i’m interested in practicing so in case you ‘re interested text me
Thanks Teacher Ronnie
hhhhhh you are the best teacher i like your personality hhhh thank you for all of that
Thank you for this lesson. This’s really heplful :)
Thanks Teacher.
really thank you
Thanks Master
thanks teacher ronnie
You’re so nice, Ronnie! Thanks for this useful and funny lesson
THANK U ،you teaching very good
Great!! Thank you very much Ronni, all your topics are always excellent and well explained. I will give a speech next week, I will follow your tips and I will try to do the best!
Thank you Ronni, Ilove your lessons,because I´m learning and improving my english, but I have problem.. My fluency is low, please are you send me a wepage with I can practice on foro or something?
Thank you!Actually,it was a long video for me,but(hooray) it’s not seemed to me in this point,I didn’t feel myself bored or tired.So that’s works,finally.
Good lesson!
Asking questions or probing is very important in any presentation I guess.
Good lesson! Bua I have a doubt!
Can I use The verbs DO or MAKE When I am talking about Speech or presentation?
It was a great lesson! Thank you so much, Ronnie!
it is a very helpful thank u :)
thank you for lesson,, it is helpful ,,
This lesson is very interesting…
Ronnie, you are an excellent teacher…
Thank you…
Thank You Ronnie, i´m your fan and I´m learning alot with you! This, surely gonna help me a lot!
Hello dear Ronnie!! I’ve discover you few days ago I am loving your lessosn, loving you way to teach!…Thank you a lot for beeing a very great teacher…
Wow the lesson is so nice,very interesting I liked it.Thanks for your time.
Greeting you all the way from KENYA,particularly in Mombasa.
Thanks boss
Oh Ronnie, you’re incredible funny in this video and your advices are so important. Thanks for your presentation and the website you talked to.
Thank you Ronnie!
I learned and I had fun with you.
thank you teacher you are amazing!
good choice
Thaaaaaanks Ronnie
Thanks teacher.
I will make the best in next lessons
Nice topic. I always enjoy attending and making good presentations. Thanks Ronnie, I only have a question here: why shouldn’t I memorise my speech? Isn’t it better to memorise it since it’s likely to be forgotten anyway :D ?
Very helpifull tips
Thanks a lot.. You are really funny
Yes, It is very important that we must practice a lot before we do our presentation. I remember when I was in univeristy,I had to present my seminar topic. I felt nervousness and anxiety in the beggining ,but I stood there boldly and pulled my style to present .I believe that it was not too bad.I used to be very shy to speak in the group discussions . But once we started speaking with others ,it will be lessen. Just avoid shyness and start talk ,doesn
thank you, it is very important lesson
I love you Roonie!!! you are great!!! thank you so much!! I´ve learned a lot!
You are a good teacher, thanks a lot for all your funny and helpful vedios
Thank you sweetie !!!
Thank you, Ronnie!!
Oh my goodness!!!! You teach it better than my on line instructor. Thank you so very much
Hello Friend
i want create a whatsapp group for learning english.
are you want join this’s?
Thank you, you are always awesome :)
Thank you Ronnie, It helped me so much..
It’s a good topic. Thank you Ronnie.
Oh man, is she funny!!:)
the topic is good.thank you Ronnie.
good thank you
Thank you very much for your coaching :)
This lesson is very helpful for everyone.
that is so helpful , thank you .
Thanks for your useful lesson. The last word you said was “adios”, a Spanish word.
Thanks Ronnie, good presentation. :)
You are brilliant! Thanks a lot amazing teacher!111
You got 9 correct out of 10.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot…
Thank you, Ronnie
Thanks for everythings. You take your great time and spell with us. This is very good humanity. Thanks for your humanity
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie!
It’s really important for me. Thank you Mrs. Ronnie!
Really it’s amazing topic but I had 5 out of 10 its so bad
thank you very much!
thank you
Thank you, Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie
First of all i have to thank you very much for this helpful lesson about presentations and speeches.
i remember the first time i have made my first mathematics’s presentation in English, it was in London for a conference called ASMDA, i felt really nervous and very anxious because i didn’t practice it enough before the day’s presentation, but after that i start to be calm and i felt confident.
thank yo very much!
Thank you
HI teacher Ronnie and all. This class was very useful for me. I did a homework about a speech of myself applying your skills taught here. Regards and blessings from Panama.
I like your teaching style as well. Very funny!
Ronnie, thank you very much for your empathy for foreigners and their difficulties in mastering the English language. Respect you!
Thank you ronnie
It was a good lesson.Thank you.
oh my god i have get 70% for first time
thank you Ronni
interesting topic! thank you
Thank you !
9/10! Great! I need these tips for the presentation. I will do these things to prepare my next presentation. Thanks, Ronnie!
That’s very helpful , i want more , in 2023 i will professional in english speaking .,thanks
Thanks, I’ll try to use this lesson for my job.
I love your lessons so much
Thank you teacher