Here are some great tips for remembering your vocabulary and learning new words. This lesson will show you how to learn more than one new word at a time and how to practice learning and remembering words that will improve all areas of your English quickly.
Very useful! I’m also trying to learn 5 words per day at least (taking note of them in a little notebook); and every weekend I make a general review… it’s working very well and I’m increasing my vocabulary this way!
Thanks very much for the tips Adam. I always enjoy your videos! ;)
Very Good!
Thank you so much Adam…
I’m like you, I’m not a big fan of the “root” thing.
So I’m comfortable with the “Function” and “Theme” groups.
Thank you so much for your efforts.
It is a very goog lesson,plebse teach more lessons .
Thank you !
Hi Adam ! As usual, you teach very well. And your lesson, is really useful! Despite you’re a terrific teacher !
I couldn’t agree more with you!
thank you
Thanks a lot! You have helped me too much with your videos! :)
Thank you.
Very useful topic. Thanks Adam.
I’m kind of struggling with English to improve my English skills. It seems to be a long way to go, but I’m sure it is worth trying. I’m studying all by myself. I find your lesson very helpful and encouraging. Thanks!
thank you i am so interest to listen all your lessons , your way of teaching attractive me .
Thanks for you suggestions.
PS: I don’t like Win8 too…. -___-‘
Thank you too much Adam
your great
One thing I do every day is write down the full text from the white board in every lesson I watch from this page, with their respective comments from the teacher. Then, I make a fair copy, in order to reread everything, and this way the vocabulary comes to me easier. I have written about 60 lessons in just a month, and my teacher has noticed a significant improvement. So, I share the Adam’s method: Read and write a lot, as much as you can, that works ;).
Adam, I know exactly what you mean. :) I prefer to memorize sentences instead of single words because I need context. I can’t learn word by word because it is just a word or just a word on piece of paper — of course, I can stick that card to a thing and this is better than just trying to memorize words from it. But when you have a sentence, you have also a strong meaning, and you can recall the desirable word by thinking about the other words in the sentence.
The writing exercise is also awesome :) Take a look at this: That was a pretty hard work, almost 3 months of my free time. I once played a game, and I thought that I could translate it. I think no one has ever been playing one game for almost 3 months. :)
Whoaaaa! That must have taken you ages. What’s your next project?
engVid Moderator
I don’t do this anymore, this takes lots of time but is awesome if you want to start learning a foreign language. I did this a year ago, more or less, and in that time I didn’t even know what I was writing. :) I didn’t know any grammar rules, and I understood only single words — the rest I had to translate. Besides, this is a better way than just translating words because you have to think about every single letter in any word you write. Ultimately you’re starting to see the structure of sentences, some patterns, and if you know grammar, you can easily figure out why a sentence is written in this or that way. And of course, you play a game, so you can see and hear many things, and if someone say to you “go there and kill that dragon”, and you don’t know what “dragon” is, you will find out soon. :)
Now I’m trying to read a lot and write with people, especially in fields that I’m good at. And maybe I’m not perfect (yet), but people understand what I’m writing, and this is really awesome. :)
Wow. That’s pretty serious. But then, your English is pretty serious too. ;)
You’ve got the right idea– the most important thing to do is learn English while you’re doing something you enjoy.
Good stuff Morfik.
thanks :)
if u’ll scan and share this sheets with us it will be great will be usefull for us.
It’s a great job, u r my hero.
thank you
Thanx a lot Mr. Adam for a good tip
I have a question I’m getting confused with it
What does I wouldn’t wanna be ya ?
I heard this many times from british people
Hi Ahmed,
I wouldn’t want to be you (wouldn’t wanna be ya) basically means they don;t want to be in your situation because it’s difficult or bad. It’s just an expression to show they understand your difficulty.
I ask you if there is an website about taking English with lyrics??
I have recently learned English ,and I want to develop my abilities to listen and speak English
Thanks Mr.Adam in advance.
Aya Omara
Thank you.
Beautiful! Thanks
Thank you sir !
Very helpful lesson! Thanks Adam! A question: where could I find the list of words required by IELTS and/or TOEFL?
Hi Sgmmm,
There are some books you can buy (or download online if you know where) that will give you good lists. There isn’t an official word list though.
If you know torrents, just look for IELTS or TOEFL in the search box.
Hope that helps
Hi Adam. thank you very much. Your lesson is very usefull for me, because just begin my adventure with English.
this lesson is really useful.
thank u it is amazing method =) thank u so much Mrs Adam
Hi everybody. Thanks Adam for these good advices. I think speaking English we must LISTEN a lot. Have a good job)
It’s very usefull idea to use dictionary like But when I use this, I see too much unknown words in explanation of the checking word. If I try checking these words, I see other unknown words. And so on… It can be continued infinitely. Finally I have too much words for remembering for one time.
Because of it I use everyday dictionary. But I hope It’s not forever. =)
Hi Droneva,
That’s why I recommend it.– why learn only one new word? learn a few each time ;)
Adam, I just got 6/10 in that quizz, but I undertood mi mistakes and further more I learned many words, therefore, that lesson was very useful.
All the best to you, Adam. Thanks!
Adam, I just got 6/10 at the quizz, but I understood my mistakes and, furthermore, I learned many words, therefore, that class was very useful.
All the best to you, Adam. Thanks!
Adam, I just got 6/10 at the quizz, but I understood my mistakes and, furthermore, I learned many words, therefore, that class was very useful.
All the best to you, Adam. Thanks!
Please, can you explain me about of website dicted or similar site. Because I can´t found it and is very important to me listen and listen english.
Thanks for you class is very exciting everything
Adam, you’re a really good teacher! Thanks for the helpful lesson. I appreciated it mainly the cards’ tip.
Thank you Adam for this lesson , it’s very helpful to maintain our vocabulary and improve it ,by the way I’ve got 70 percent in your test,I hope I do better next time.
I suggest one app to improve your vocabulary by flash-cards. It’s a good and funny way. It’s avalaible for PC or smartphone.
Thanks Adam for the tips.
Cool. Thanks Xevi :)
I tried to use textbooks to improve my English vocabulary, but every time I attempted it I got bored soon. Then I bought an American crime drama TV series, with no translation in my language, and I have started to translate every new word.And, yes, it was much more fun.
As you said, I have written the new words (and the entire sentence, to recall the context).I’ve made a lot of lists. I’ve ordered the nouns and verbs by theme, I’ve made lists with phrasal verbs – different verbs with the same particle, or the same verb with different particles. I’ve made lists with idioms…It’s a lot of work, but I enjoy it.
I still use textbooks for grammar.And your site, of course, and thank you very much for it!
good stuff :)
Thanks for your best tips,Adam.Would you want make your next video about vocabulary verity in IELTS exam,specially in writing tasks? It seems everyone needs this tutorial.
arinamg,I appreciate it if you share what you have prepared with me.thanks
9 out of 10! It’s a good score… Thanks Adam, for the tips!
brazilians are good footballers, would you please teach me football??? Janilza..
I’m afraid I can’t help you…I don’t play football.
Thanks very much Sir to enrich my knowledge.
Would you please teach us how to get the main idea in a paragraph and other skills relating to reading and listening in the TOEFL
Hi Mansour,
I’ll get on that.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Adam,
I can say it’s worth it!
Very good explanation, Adam :)
Could you give us
some ideas how to learn phrasal verbs?
Hi Renata,
I’m afraid there’s no trick to them. they are basically vocab you need to study. But with thee as well, better to study them as chunks. For example learn
turn on
and turnover
It might be a little easier to retain the info that way
Excellent, I understood perfectly, thank you
Thanks a lot Adam
Cool, thank you!
Thank you very much for your lesson, I can learned a lot
Adam i got question is there any website when i can put vocabulary on it and show it to us in 4 forms noun verb adv etc and thak u alot Adam
You are my best teacher :)
thank you adam. i like your lessons…
What a pleasure to listen to your lessons.
I would like to make a suggestion:
Could you, or any one else, make a lesson on how to choose the right etiquette at the end of a message or a letter?
For examples I never know if I can use “Best wishes” or “Fondest regards” or “Cheers” and so on.
Bye for now.
I’ll see what I can do about that. For now, “Best regards,” is probably good for all situations.
Good job Adam. It’s a great idea to use cards but it would be excellent if you can make app for mobile phones because it’s easier. even for your site and lessons.
Hi Masoud,
Xevi mentioned ANKI WORD. I haven’t tied it yet, but you can look at that. I’ll look around and see if there are others as well.
Let me know
Thanks Adam.
very useful lesson.
Dear Teacher Adam,
Please help me make a lesson about 02 words ACT and ACTION. Cause each word itself has 02 form (Verb & Noun). Im not really sure how to use them correctly
Thank You Very Much!
Hi Chocon,
Not only two forms for each, but several meanings for each as well.
Ideally, I would need to know the context you’d like to use them in. Otherwise there are too many meaning to get into here. Check the dictionary and if you have any particular troubles, let me know. I’ll be happy to help.
I love Shawshank Redemption too. Also, I have a friend who made an upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows XP. Unbelievable.
ok.. Adam .. i use .. but i really fed up with looking for the meanings of the words.. it takes a lot of time, and at the end you are tired.. it takes really a lot of time, sometimes hours to understand the meaning any little story.. it is boring for mee.. i use google.translate but it doesnt give the excat translate to Azerbaijanian language.. when i use oxford dictionary , there are a lot of words on the explanation which i dont know the meanings of these words again.. this is the boring part of learning english for me..i really need to expand my vocabulary..which book can u advice me ? for grammer i use murphy.. but for vocabulary with exercises ? i think it should be much better.. i am intermadiate level.. i am studying this language for 10 years from my school time..of course not every day :) so far i cant increase this language to advanced level.. but when i started to learn Russian 6 months was enough for me to understand and speak in Russian.. but i think every one has to know the excat translate of any word for beginnig, after this you can explain the meanings of explain it hundred times, whitout knowing the excat transalte students will forget it in a brief time, but if they know the translate of any word they will be able to explain it in english.. so advice me some book to improve my vocabulary in an easy way, please :((
I have these problems when learning vocabulary too. If you get concerned to improve vocabulary fast it becomes frustranting really. I watched a lesson by Ronnie which say you must learn about 10 new words a day then doing it every day you will get around 70 new words a week and it’s not bad. When you use google translate, try put just one word to see the meaning so you can find synonyms and gramatical classes of the word. I knew a book called Dictionary Cambridge English Grammar that seems useful. There is the link to download from 4shared Good luck!
Hi Fakhranda,
I know what you mean. Unfortunately, that is the biggest problem with learning vocab– it’s boring and repetitive.But that’s what you have to do- you have to practice and work everyday.
As for reading, as I said in the video, read what you like to read. Whatever you read in your language, find it in English and read that.
Murphy also has a vocab book if you can find it. Otherwise search torrents or other share sites for vocab books. If you find any, you can ask me about them and can look to see if they are good.
keep trying. It’ll come. :)
Is there a lesson in EngVid about conjunctions? I always get in trouble when I have to use “that” or “which” for example. Thanks
Hi Sgmmm,
There are a few. Use the search box for it.
For now–in adjective clauses:
‘that’ is used as an identifying conjunction, without commas.
‘which’ is used to provide extra information, with commas.
Hope that helps.
I’ll try to make a lesson about these two.
it is clear but not 100%
so I hope to make english subtitles for your
explanation on video .
thank u very much
very god vid!
very good vid*!
Thank you Adam. It’s very useful! ))
thank u :) i hope it would be effektiv way
What does “So much for something” mean?
Example: So much for talking
The car’s broken down again. So much for our trip to the seaside.
It is an expression of disappointing, when something is over in an unexpected, negative way.In yours examples it means – 1.The talk is over,it is no use to say more. – 2.The trip failed.
nice answer
Hi Henrique,
Arinamg gave a good answer. I’ll just add that it’s an expression of resignation, when you have to admit (in disappointment) that there is no more use in continuing something. It’s useless/hopeless.
Another usage is when you had an expectation and it is suddenly no longer relevant.
Me and my wife were supposed to talk about buying a house. She came home and told she gave the agent a down-payment. So much for talking.
Does that help?
Hi Adam. Since several months I’m reading in English almost all the time at the point I am no more translating into French (most of the time) and I follow the story in my mind directly. However (transition, remember?) sometimes it happens that the sentences construction seem rather abstruse to me and, if I understand all the words in themselves, I can’t understand the whole meaning. Also, again, I love your pronunciation. By the way, do you slow your speaking down for the students or is it natural? Thanks.
hi adam.thank you so much for this wondurful lesson and for all other teachers of engvid.please adam make a lesson about past perft continious and present perfect continious and future perfect continious and when we use them?.thanks.
Hi Patple,
When you come across such a sentence, cut it into its essential pieces — independent clause, subordinate clause(s), phrases, etc, then analyze each separately. That might help.
To tell the truth, I do slow down a bit. For the higher end lessons like TOEFL or IELTS I’ll speak more naturally because it helps those students prepare.
Thanks :)
Thanks Adam for the nice lesson.
Thank you Mr.Adam it is really very useful videos for me .
I like the way you teach, it’s just make the lesson seems much easier!
Thank you!
Thankz Adam..!!
I want learn english
Many thanks Adam, for the great video. Really helps building good vocab.
one of the best videos to learn english I´ve seen ever .. thanks
Thank you
This lesson was awesome, but the best part is the gorgeous teacher…
I’m agree :)
Thank you Adam for the great tips.
Thank you everybody.
Some other good tips here.
The Best Of Luck,Dear ADAM! :)
Thanks Adam…
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Adam
Thanks Adam,
Thank you Adam, greetings from Mexico City ;)
Thanks a lot Adam. I like learning english with you.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks Adam yuo are a good english instructor/teacher.
thanks a lot
Thank you Adam. You’re my best teacher anymore :)
thank u so muchr Mr. Adam! The best teacher!
thank you Adam for this lesson and realu is very useful and enjoyable but unfortunately I did not do the quiz very well .
I like your method and style
thanks a lot
congratulation !
There’s a great way to learn vocabulary, in a sort-of-word-card way. I’ve found a free app called AnyMemo (I think there’s an Android and a Mac version). You can create your list of vocabulary through the app or you can prepare a css or excell sheet and import it; or even import from the website… Then, while using the app, you can check each card with a number, depending on if you know it (3 points), it’s only familar for you 1 or 2 points) or if it’s unknown (0 points). In this way, the app will show you the unknown cards more often than all those that you already known. There are more features rather interesting, as you can also use a text-to-voice machine, so you can not only read but also listen to the words. Or you can change the order and read first the answer instead of its question, change the size and colour of the font, the colour in the background…The app is pretty easy to use. It’s quite useful for me, and I thought anyone of you could be intereste d on it. Oh, I forgot it! Because it can be installed in your mobile, you can practice it wherever you are, as Adam said in his video.
Good way of learning
thank you a lot Adam for your interested with that lesson was really important topic and i start to make english now …….good luck
very useful! thx !
Maybe we can learn this together?
Thank you so much Adam.i have been using Google translate till i watched your lesson.This lesson is very are all amazing tutors.i love this site.i am so thankfull.:)
This leson Was Vero hard yo me…..
thank you ,i want to know a lot of vocabulary because i will go to TOEFL after two months what should i do ?
this lesson is amazing and useful thankyou very much
Haya Rashid
Thank you! Adam.
it’s a very useful video! But i have confused how can i find the other form of vocabularies? i mean if i learned the word “beauty”, how can i know the word like “beautiful”,”beautify”and “beautifully”? i’ve tried to find the other form words in And there is no answer.
Hi Adam , i need ur help sir im studying English in Tunisia and next year i ll be ENCHALLAH a teacher of english language , but im facing some problems in terms of vocabulary , im trying hard to improve my english vocabulary and i ll work hard just tell me how ? thanks
I love enchiladas too!
Thanks…i just in love for this website…:)
thanks Adam, Now I’m writting the words that I started learning, to remember! Great class!
Thanks Adam, Now I’m writing all the new words to remember after.
As far as I watched and listened your lectures, you are great….
But I want to say different things …One of my people wants to build great and unique Educational community so we will be in need of native people like you and your staff in my town in Iraqi Kurdistan in Suleimani Province…What I want is that you think carefully and decide whether you can help us there or not….
For sending anything you can use this email address.
thanks for your advise teacher!
Thank you so much sir .
Nadia Alkola
I will try to follow that rule :)
thanks Adam, the lesson is very good but unfortunately I have just done the quizs 50%.
thnks teacher.
thank u teacher . god give u wellness
Thank you a lot Adam, It’s a helpful video.
amal anas
Read, Write. Cards, Group, roots and Listen.
I think Read & Write is most importent.
Thanks Adam.
I’d like to get toefl
but I find difficult in listening and speaking section
can you help me to increase my ability in them?
Many Thanks
thank you sir …..
Thank you Adam
Really helpful, thanks a lot!
thnks teacher im very happy for this lecons and i love this site it is very helpful
Hi Adam, great video,thank you!
I personally like to learn words through the synonyms. However I found that I stucked with bunch of them in my head and don’t know how to use most of them. For example, sulky and sullen. Do you know any web site or dictionary that explains how to use the word correctly? I would really appreciate any advice. Viktoria
gr8. Dear adam pls introduce some valid books for IELTS students in each skill.
Thank you :)
Khomsah Noor Septiana
your void is easy and clear for me to listen and understand the content of the video, thank you so much !
Hi Adam. Too bad for me, i got 4/10. I am really sad. I am so bad in vocabulary. :(
thank very much
Hi Adam, I got 6 correct out of 10 :( in this quiz.
But it was also good study for me. BTW I didn’t know about the verb “beautify.” I found some new vocabularies today. Thank you for your interesting lesson :D I hope to try the quiz again someday :)
Thank you,Adam!!!!
It’s a great video.
Thank you so much.
Thank you
what should I do? I got 4 out of 10. give me advice Mr. Adam please.
Thank you so much
that is fantastic video . I do all of them .
hello students again , teacher Adam thank you .i haven’t been here for a few weeks ago so now i back i wish to be good it’s helpful lesson for today thank you alot and all people here good luck………
Good tips. I liked. Thanks :)
Thanks I think is a very dood way to remember
Hi,Adam there is a one question I have to ask. There are synonyms for most wordS in English.So when we write an essay or a research paper how do we select the most suitable word?Because for me it is kind of a hard job.I always use to place the same word repeatedly therefor I get low grades for my essays.can u please help?
andreia Arantes
7/10. My worst score until now. Your lesson is excellent, as usual. Thank you, Adam
You´re great….thank you very much!!
Hello good teacher
Tanks for best lesson ,it,s useful for me ,I downloaded your video when i was in russia ,but in iran we have low internet and alotof site are filter and i can,t see any video ,how i give next lesson ?plz help me ?
best regard
You’ll have to use a VPN or a browser like Tor to get around the filters. Google should be able to help with the rest ;)
engVid Moderator
Thank you very much.
life changing!!
Lydia Thomas
Thank you
nice lesson adam thanks
It’a a pleasure to learn English with U ;)
Thank you Adam I got 9 .
Thanks a lot Adam
Thanks Adam :)
Thanks Adam, 50%
Abdul Qayum
Hi Mr. Adam I really want to thank you ur lessons are very help full and clear God bless you .I have seen some of your videos I recently moved in this country and I’m having so many problems just because of English I kindly request you please if you can give me couple lessons on English sentences
Thanks a lot. very interesting and helpful :)
Good~!! Thanks, Adam.
Have you ever tried to learn other language ? I am just curious.
Thank teacher Adam. It was nice video.
nice video…
you are really turn on me Adam thank you
8/10 yay… love it
Thanks Adam! It was very useful lesson!
Thank you so much
Thank you so much Adam!!!
thanks so much
You are so smart and i really love the way you teach i wish i could be your student !
I greatly appreciate your videos. They are very well explained. Also, the dictionary you gave us is awesome. Thanks again. ( ・∇・)
You are the best teacher I’ve ever seen.
Good lesson
Thank you
Excellent advices. Very very good teacher.
Thanks a lot.
hey Adam…
I need your help in improving students in word selection.
for example “I understood very (many) things”.
Shagun Gupta
Morning Adam,Great to learn from you.I have got 6 out of 10.
Thank you Adam. You are a wonderful teacher.I could learn a lot.
thank a lot this quiz is very useful for me.
Abuomar Sabbagh
thnx Adam for this useful advices ;)
I m trying to be a small writter but I still have this problem in learning new vocabulary words :'( it’s really hard for me to translate it in arabic and french -_- any way thnx for this lesson it’s really helped me ;) <3
Thanks! Adam!
I’m new here , and I will come to learn English everyday!I like teachers here!The comments is useful too.
I tried with card before, it is a pity i didn’t insist finnaly, i wanna have a try again.
And one my friend share me a good way to remember the vocabulary:
*Do dictation with the new words that you learnt, repeat it!
*Do some other DictationOnline is a very good way to practice vocabulary ,improved many other English skills as well!Currently,I’m practice this dictation:
Could you kindly write down the name of two novels which you introduced in this vedio?
Hope it is clear.Oh man, I know the vocabulary, but hard to organize it to be a sentence~
Especially when you highlighted that it’s not enough if you write down words, but you should make sentences with them, you were right. In fact, the more sentences you try to make, the more efficiently can you learn English. What I mean is that there are some cases that a person that studies only one hour per day may be better that another person who works around the clock. This is for one reason: because the former works more efficiently, whether the latter not.
Many people think that you can learn a new language very fast. Gaining fluency in a language is a long-range process. And it can take even years. Of course, by following this steps everyone can succeed, but is not so easy as it may seem, if we see it from a more realistic point of view.
thank you adam for those advice
THX Adam. It’s useful for my English understanding steps. Greatest work!
this medhod is very helpfull , thanks for your smart tips :)
Thank you so much.Your lessons are brilliant!!!You are teach great.
Rahima Shakirova
Adam can you help me?I know words but often I forget them. I know how in english but I cannot remmember translate.
Rahima Shakirova
I got 40% :-( ..But Thank you so much.. I love it ;-)
hello, how are you all , so i’d liked that lessons , so i still follow that programmes yet but actually i need to practise them on the ground so if someone have would like to share with me on english conversation on skype that’s be okay
thank you a lot , wish all that be fine ( balonga22) my skype ID welcome with everyone .
thank you so much!!
i don’t know how and when i can use “However” and “rather than” ,so could you please Mr ADAM give us a special lesson on that???????
thank you so much for your advice.
I’m making great strides since I learned these useful tips.
Now studying is more fun!
Youtube is not working here what should i do???
I think it’s still blocked in Pakistan. Try using the Tor browser (or, if you are on a smartphone, Orbot). It may also help to enable HTML5 video on Youtube, so you don’t have to download any plugins.
engVid Moderator
Adam, your enthusiasm helps me a lot. Thanks!!!!!! : )
Thanks you, It is a useful method to remember vocabulary
Ty Adam!
Very useful for me. Thanks Adam! <3
Cosy Sunshine
its been very nice to learn this type of tricks from you adam.
i will be working on it from today…. :)
thank you for your valuable section…. :)
thank you so much
it’s really informative lesson.thanks!”
Thanks! very good video!!
Alex Seyoum
Thanks a million, it’s a useful lesson.
Thank you so’s a perfect technique. ♥ Adam teacher ♡
Thank you.
Very useful stuff, and i’m gonna follow this to improve my vocabulary… Thanks Adam.
nice video i got 7/10..
Thank so much Adam. Very useful for me.
Thank you,Adam!Although I got 70,it is a great video to help me improve vocabulary.It need lots of patient.I will do my best.
thank you
Thanx a lot Mr. Adam
Thank you for your advise
thank ypu
Anupong Sukee
Thank you Sr. Adam for your very important lecture
ziyad hazim
Thank you Adam sir….
This class would helpful for me to learn English effectively.
very useful!
Joyce Haung
thank you Adam, It’s very help me..
This Video is awesome. Hi Adam, I need to prepare for IELTS exam. From where I can start building my vocabulary. Please guide me.
Thank you
Thank you for you suggestions!
Ruslan Zinovyev
Enjoyed a lot the tip!!!
your great
thank you Adam for these valuable advises
haider j touma
I liked so much and i have presentation about vocabulary in my university so i will explain to them what i heard of you :) thanks so much adam i like your style
very helpful,,,,:)
Hi Adam! I am international student and I just came to the USA 1 month ago. In school, I feel confusing with subject: Arab world, Astronomy because it has many vocabularies. Watch your video I see many method that I need to use. Which method do you think that I need to focus the most of my time here? Please help me, I’m very disappointed when study a subject that I don’t know what is it about !!! :(((
Maryana Keleman
thank! very helpfull
Maryana Keleman
Thank you Mr.Adam. It was an interesting class.
I get 5-10 :(
thanx adam
Thank you adam you are great
ghufran najm
thanks Adam really great video and so useful
heydar Ali
Hi teacher, you advised to listen to BBC radio, but i found it hard to understand … My question is should i continue even if i don’t understand many words ?
Hii sir i realy like this video and also main is method to understand ,.and one more think i reqest you that like in this lacture ,you suggest some websites (eg: TED ,., oxford) please again suggest more best websites,. becose i like his very much,,.,.
dj rocks
thanks for nice class…………
thank you, but if you kindly give me an idea to make a group name
Meherab Shahrin
Adam, you’re a good teacher. Thank you very much.
thank u so much Adam. I will try your tips.
Thanks Adam,do you have any idea how long will I review .i got 5.5 band score for ielts-academic.i need 7 band score to pass.please help me.
Thanks, Adam, for hints. I’ll do just like you said to increase my English Language Skills.
Thank you adam.
Reyad Lutfe
Hi Mr Adam thanks for the lesson. It is a very good video i have ever seen. But, in my opinion, everyone has their own way to remember a new vocabulary. As you said in the video that we could try CARD (or some people know it as ANKI CARD) CARD and did repetition of it. For me it is rather boring. I prefer to acquire new words by reading novels i like. Cheers!
I would like to pass the TOEFL exam in the future, so I have a question connected with it. The most popular exams in Poland are the Cambridge exams, so there are a lot of different books preparing for FCA, Advanced (CAE) or Proficiency Exam(CPE). If I learn vocabulary from this kind of books (e.g. ), it will be enough to prepare for TOEFL?
Agni Pl
Awesome lesson Mr. Adam, In my opinion your vídeos are best because your pronunciation is easy to understand. I pratice english in the most part playing RPG in vídeo games. It’s good because you need to read a lot what the people are saying to understand what you have to do, online and offline. Online games like world of warcraft, dota, starcraft are awesome cause you can Interact with people of another countries you just need to play in other server. Thanks for the tips.
Edward Graboschii
Hello teacher !! You said that object means refuse !! but what i know that refuse means to reject ! Am i right or both of the words have the same meaning ?
Kim soo wan
Hello teacher! Thanks so much for your useful videos. I find them really exciting . Teacher, can you help me to distinguish these words: hurtful, painful and aching.
Thank you in advance!
Nguyen Anh
Hurtful is used to describe emotions—if something hurts your feelings. “I apologize for my hurtful comments.” Painful describes, well, anything that causes pain, physical or emotional. Aching describes a dull, prolonged kind of pain. Lift heavy things all day and you may find your back is aching. If you’re really sad about something for a long time, you could say you have an “aching heart”.
engVid Moderator
I got 8 of 10.Thanks for your lessons.
Lei Yee Thet
Thank you. Teacher I have a question. I don’t know how to play a role perfectly in English.
I’m really inspired!!
Thanks, Adam!
Sheila Fernandes
ks Adm for the lesson , I practice in another style
always , I learn 10 words and put them in a sentance
what your opinion for the technique ?
I appreciate for this lesson Adam :) Would you mind writing here the phrase that you have used in this video was it throw two cents ? I know that expression that’s just my two cents in American English.The one you used relate to this ?
Thanks dear Adam your lessons are very usefull.
thanks, Adam! Good lesson!
thank u adam, it was useful
Thank you So much, dear Teacher
Hi Adam, you’re genius on explaining it. Your explanation was suit to me. Thanks a lot
Sarah Handayani
Thank you :)
thank you Adam . IS there to remember the words more easier
maria alwadi
Thank you Adam . Is there to remember the words more easier ??
maria alwadi
Is there a ( way ) I forget it .
maria alwadi
You can actually downgrade to windows 7 if you’d like to :D … thanks for the tips
Thank you Mr adam for this video but.could you please show me how to increase or how to memorize the vocabulary from reading books.
Can I write them down on some paper and memorize them or some stracture else.
thank you for everything…
khalid et-taoudi
very very very very…………much thank u Adam sir for your valuable teaching style ……i am a big big fan of you. thank u again ang please make a video class for interview to get a job
Thank you so much Adam
thanks a lot Adam
Rani Elewi
Dear Adam
It’s not a comment!
thanks to the videos i’ve watched here on EngVid i’m feeling more relaxed. But in my case, there’s a problem i’m facing for next 14 days. I’m taking my first IELTS exam and unfortunately it’s the last time that the test scores can work for me to get my visa for Australia.
I wanna ask a question. So let me be brief and to-the-point:
I have a limited lexical power. My rough estimate is 1500 activated words that can be used in Speaking module. Is it possible to score 6 out of 9 using only 1500 basic activated words + 10 useful words for most frequent cue cards? (provided fairly nice grammar and very good accent)
it’s big kind to give me guidance
thanks in advance
i forgot to mention that my average score for listening and reading, based on 9 tests, are 7.0 and 7.5 (General Training)
thanks again…
Hello teacher Adams!!! i have a question for u, recently i watch this video and started to make the cards using the words groups, but one in special, wich is JAG, i havent found a sentence related to the meaning ive been studied, like tore, rip, scrape… so can u help me with this???
Thank you so much Adam
I like this site very much it is helping me to be excellent in english cuz I want to take ilets
Thank you Adam, I have learn much to day even my test less score but I satisfy with my knowledge. I will try another time.
I really like this site, it’s improve my english in everyday. Thankyou Adam.
thank you
Excellent lesson..
Hi Adam,thank’s a lot for the lesson ‘i am not too good in english ‘ need your help everyday to improve myself in english
thank you Adams. Your explanation is so easy to understand
thank you very much Adam you are a good teacher
Ahmed E.
thank you so much
Thank you so much for nice tips! I’ll try to do it!
Thanks and so nice
Really interesting. Mr Adam, you are born to be a teacher.
Thank you
sabah t
Thank you. I’ve learned alot from you, adam.
thank you !
thanks Adam
Good, helping me to learn English.
Thanks Mr.Adam
awful…its really productive lesson…
shubneet gill
thank you
heungcho kim
Excellent class Teacher. Thank you.
Thank you, Adam! It`s a really useful lesson for me.
thanks mr Adam. however i dont understand the 2nd method yet. you mean on the same side of one paper we devide 3 piles then put the new word on it, right? btw, one card is used for 1 word or more
thank you :)
thank you, it’s useful.
Thanks Adam
very cool
Thank you!
Thank you! Good advice.
Excellent advice!
thanks I am really feel I learn a new things about English
Adam, I was watching and thinking: I understand at least 98% of what you speak in your videos. What does it mean about my English? Is that possible to know if I am in a advanced level?
Thank you so much for your videos!
Thanks alot .good learnign system
ngu k khine latt
Thank you .good learning system.i will keep going and study again and again.
ngu k khine latt
Thankyou, Mr. Adam !
This is very helpful :)
Nabila Azis Adelina
I get 50 point :( Study hard
Thanks you so much, This is a very useful lesson.
Marta Lopez
thank you Adam.
Thanks a lot Adam.
It is helpful for me. I am sure that I try it.
Hello Mr Adam
I took Ielts 2 times my writing was 5.0 and nowadays I prepare ielts again I everyday read various topics and try to memorize some useful parts and vocabulary.However when it comes write topic I don’t know what should I write my mind stucks.Please give me piece of your advice.
Thank you for beforehand and sorry my mistakes
Hello Sir,
It was fruitful experience for me by gaining the theory for Vocab.
Thank you.
Jayesh Patoliya
I like your lessons, it’s useful
smart ESL
Thanks a lot. I need to buy a pile of papers to carry them with me all the time.
Thank you very much Adam. I use your videos in my English class and my students like you very much. You speak clearly and they like listening to you without getting bored.Also, they want a video about present perfect tense if you can :)
Thank you.
Thanks :)
I like your lessons thank you so much
afnan saghar
Alex, I’ve never seen a video on EngVid with a lot of comments like this. i think it’s because some people want to improve their English skills and, consequently, their vocabulary. Then, this video class can help us how we can do that.
Congrats and thanks a lot.
Thank you for you wonderful lessons. Adam! Every time i learn so much. Good idea to use cards with words in one side and sentences on the other, but i wonder if there exist such ready-to-use cards somewhere in pdf format? it would be very good to download, print and study…rather than creating them yourself…
Adam! I truly believe that using an English to English dictionary help a lot! I was looking some days ago details about the word “feature” and I found some others very interested. Add to that tip, because I’m preparing myself to take the TOEFL,I write everyday new words I could use for the writing and speaking section, hopefully it will help me to get a better score.
Thank you adam
try to sets of your own words. very helpful
Thank you for ur excellent teaching
I would like to try ur tips
It’s very usefull. Thank you very much Adam. :)
Halifia Hendri
Adan, you do a great job! Thanks
Hi adam I hope you are good, I have just watch this lesson and at the same time I learned new words, once again thanks for your time, greetings for you from Venezuela
Good job Adam
Asmaa Naciri
Thank you very much Adam. :)
Hi Adam, nice video.I want to do Ielts test in next 3 months.
I m confused .how to start it now. should I start with the vocabulary learning, or from IELTS Practice videos. nd how much time I shoud practice it in a day.
Thanx and Regards
Hi Adam, thank u for the video. Could u offer a website which includes noun, verb, adv, adj forms of the words at the same time?
thanks for the quiz,it’s really help us.
Thanks Adam
Thank you, teacher. I’ll try it!
intersting lesson,thank you so much
rafal redha
very good
thanks a lot
hi Adam
thanks a lot
although some people love the card way , I prefer reading novels to improve my vocabullary.
thanks alot it was an informative lecture.
Thanks a lot :)
I really like this lesson, Thanksso much! But I don’t understand one thing:
Why the question 8 the answer is “heavy”? I have put “sure” and I was looking for the meaning this word and “sure” doesn’t have a verb form. Sorry, but I am confused, I know, probably, It’s a foolish question, so sorry.
heavy is a verb in its self
Thanks a lot Adam
I want to ask u .. how can i know the other forms of words?
from where?
Thank you,very useful.
Thank you Adam! :)
Thank you, Adam! I got 6 correct out of 10.
Thank you sir
thanks a lot ??
reem eissa
I ????????????????????????❤❤❤❤❤❤❤???? Adam a lot.
Adwait Shiva
I get 8/10
Hello. Mr.Adam.
I have a question about vocabulary.
When I search it, I use Google
For example, I typed `dog meaning` in it.
It show me the meanings and synonyms quickly.
The result is accurate? Can I continue to use it for studying English?
Thank Teacher, it’s very interesting video.
thanks adam sir i find you the most effective tutor here
this video was fantabulous … i learnt a lot from this . but i was looking up for non-finite verbs have made a video on it?
shreya sachdev
Awesome! Thank you very much. :)
Hi Adam congratulations for this excelent video. It helps us to understand differents ways to expand our vocabulary and learn every time more so is a hard work. Thanks for your time
david nava
Thank you for videos. They are helpful.
Thank you, to all envid teachers. You are great.
The lessons are really helpful for me and I could developed my English skills.
Mohammad Shah
Is there anybody who can help with my speaking?
My biggest problem is with speaking and using what I learnt in a fluency degree in real life.
This is my Skype Address: Mohammad Shah
Mohammad Shah
Thank you a lot Adam
The best way to increase and maintain vocabulary is by reading and writing.
I was thinking that the correct answer for this sentence is :
The best way to increase and maintain vocabulary (are) by reading and writing.
please i need more explanation , thank you.
Nashwan Nash
The pronoun refers to (way) and it’s singular
Omar raie
I’ve passed the quiz and found the right answer to question #5 is a little bit strange. You tried to explain “explain” verb. I can imagine different processes that can help me understand things better. For example, I show/demonstrate something very well so you understand it. On my opinion “to say how it works” option is better.
Thanks . Really I’m suffering with this problem .
Thank you !
Thank you
Thanks Adam
Remon Ramzy
I got 100 :) thanks Adam.
your video are very good,thank you
Thank you, Adam. It is really helpful.
Thaank you! it is very useful.
Thank you Adam.
thank you so much sire…..
zkhan yousafzai
I always have studied english listin to you and I really the way you explain it, so tha’s why I very often choose your lessons. I am brazilian and I confess that it’s been very hard for me to practice english, once we hardly ever meet americans in the town where I live, but I keep on this task. It’s been 43 years of utter dedication to improve english skills.
I’d like to thank you for the best way you teach english. It’s been a pleasure to follow you.
Best regards,
Edilson Sozinho (from Macapá- Amapá- Brazil)
Thank u
Khashafa fadi
Thank you Adam
Thank you Adam
Thankyou Adam now i really got flowers for learning new words.
Thank you. Mr.Adam!
SangHoon OH
Mr Adam, I think I am in love with your all videos =) Thank you so much for being our teacher!
Mr.Adam thank you for your advice to increase my vocavolary.
thank you adam
This project is awesome! Thank you for advice.
thankQ <3
soran mohammad
Thanks for useful advices!
hell yeah !!
Tx again, Adam!!
I need to study more, but sincerely I like cards with words.
Thanks Adam.
Hi sorry but I cannot find the vide here and it’s disappear what should I do?
Nargesbano65 @
Our videos are on YouTube, which may be blocked by your government or internet provider. You could try a VPN.
engVid Moderator
Thank you Adam, you are a professional teacher :)
Emad Helal
Thank you very much! I hope to talk with you
Khoa Linh
thanks Adam.
Sarah Ah.
Thank you for your helpful lesson =)
Thank u adam
pradeepan Sundaram
This lesson helped me a lot, Thanks buddy!!
Very useful,very helpful,thanks Adam.
Mindy H
OMG, I only got 4 correct. unhappy :(
Mindy H
Love to learn vocabulary.However, when it comes to speak, I found very hard to use t and pronounce it!
Thank you Adam..
Ghulam Amar
I highly appreciate you Adam!
Looking forward for more of your video’s.
Cool man :)
Thank you for this great lesson!
Thank you Adam .
Thanks for the useful tips to improve vocab, Adam.
Thank you Adam ❤
how can i prepare ielts in 15 days.can you suggest me sir please.
Thankyou for the lesson!May be i should improve my vocab by your advice as soon as possible!
love it! thanks
joseane Pizzatto
I am soon going to give TOEFL ITP exam, so I wanted to ask you if you have any free resources for TOEFL ITP exam.
Thank you.
Soma Silver
many thanks
Thank you sir.☀️?
Thank you so much
Thanks alot Mr Adam
but I want to know where can I get many new words and the other roots
7/10 thank you for your great lesson teacher Adam it is really useful advice for young learners to enhance their vocabulary
Ye Yint Aung
Thanks Adam.
It was very useful.
Thank you Teacher :)
I like your idea; making three types of word card.
I will do it.
It was good lesson
and also it was hepful
thanks adam
Thank you Adams
your lesson is helpful
Mohammad Samara
4 .. that is great…????
Oom nOoOr anwaar
Number eight, a verb form, what about which one of the adjectives refers to a verb form?
A bit complex but okay
thanks Aden
Thank you ever so much Mr. Adam.
I passed the quiz and got 9 correct out of 10. For question “Which of the following sentences best illustrates the meaning of the word explain?”, I answered “To explain is to say how something works.” But test-system said me it was wrong answer. I really don’t understand why answer “The teacher explained the process so well that everyone understood it”, fits more than the previous answer?
hello everyone,I want to find some teaching English websites.Can anybody show me some websites that are very helpful and free like Engvid? Thank for helping
Good lesson, thank you adam.
i benefit a lot…..thanks
It is a helpful video and I want to watch more helpful videos on engvid. Can you recommend for me please?
Thank you Adam..
Thank you Adam,
I really like the way you teach and explain.
Thank you, Mr.Adam is a very useful idea, could you please tell me where i can find a list of words for TOEFL.
I’m learning a lot, I love this teacher (he looks like my ex boyfriend from Colombia, he would be Colombian lol) I don’t know, but every time I fall in love with the classes.
Sir Adam,
Can you Please eloborate me, In the video you say take the words from TOEFL, IELTS and SAT.i Don’t understand so why say read a lot and use dictionary English to English???? hope you consider my problem.
Muhammad ashfaq
Thanks a lot Teacher Adam.
Thanks, Adam. It was a good lecture
Wonderful lecture on vocabulary. Suggestions are great and so useful. I am going to work on my vocabulary with your given tips. I already have a diary in which I note down words ,their definitions and synonyms but now I would make cards . Thanks .
thank you very much. I really enjoy the way you teach
6 of 10 btw im still learning so i keep moving forward to learn more and to improve my vocabulary. Thanks sir Adam you help me a lot. Keep it up
Thank you
Thank a lot
6/10! Bad marks again! Adam, your quiz is difficult for me. I need to learn hardly!
Jerry Gu
Hi, Thank’s Adam. Best ideas to learn.
Adam! Wow! awesome lesson. Thank U!
Thank you so much, I have a gigantic problem with memorizing well, now surely I have lots of new ideas that native teacher gave me.
azin kmi
Thank U Adam !
Mahmoued Nabil
thanks adam
I got 80 out of 100….
..but I really have not understood the last question
Such a helpful video; thanks Adam!
thanks Adam!
thank you Adam. I got 9
Hi Adam,I`m very very happy to see your videos, you are a gentleman! But I have a question; In this video you said that we can find list of words in, if i`m right,why can`t I find them?
Thanks Adam!
Thanks Adam for the learning tips which can apply to learn any thing. Very useful. You are good teacher.
thank you, Mr. Adam, for your sincer and encouraging teacher
You’re doing good job mate, but my question for you if some people who does watching this video in fact they don’t understand English well?! What they can do?
Nice lesson Mr. Adam.
Many thanks for the great ideas on how to learn new vocabulary, I´ll definitely start using them when I´m studying English.
I get 9?
How can I go to the next lesson?!
Hey Adam I appreciate your work
I just don’t know in root way how can I find words which have similar meaning?
It’s important for me plz answer
thank you . i got 50 .. i should practice on my vocabulary
frenilyn atam
I loved this teacher. He is very confident. Calm.
thanks for teacher
thank you teacher
Thank you so much Adam
Your lessons are very helpful
Learning quite a lot from your videos.
Thanks Adam, it was so helpful for me.
btw I got 90 and answered 9 questions correctly which i can’t believe it myself lol!
Thank you teacher. As an adult, I can’t memorize words well. But, I will work hard. thank you
Lee jin woo
Hi adam
What is the meaning of this sentence.
I made it up?
much obliged
Biruk Shiferaw
Thanks alot
I love your teaching.
Khaing Mar Kyi
Using the word ‘calm’ to mean ‘to make less’ doesn’t make sense
Adam thanks a lot for this lesson, it`s really useful. You showed me a very nice way to increase my vocabulary.
Thank a bunch Adem
good lesson
Thank you for this lesson.
I am proud of me I got 70
thank you very much I appreciate the effort that have been done
Thank you so much Adam…
Thank you a lot. Mr. Adam for your valuable lesson.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Adam.
What is your score?
I got 4/10, so sad, the quiz is difficult for me
Thank you!. Good advices.
Very good video!
Maria! i waana friendship with you?
Very useful! I’m also trying to learn 5 words per day at least (taking note of them in a little notebook); and every weekend I make a general review… it’s working very well and I’m increasing my vocabulary this way!
Thanks very much for the tips Adam. I always enjoy your videos! ;)
Very Good!
Thank you so much Adam…
I’m like you, I’m not a big fan of the “root” thing.
So I’m comfortable with the “Function” and “Theme” groups.
Thank you so much for your efforts.
It is a very goog lesson,plebse teach more lessons .
Thank you !
Hi Adam ! As usual, you teach very well. And your lesson, is really useful! Despite you’re a terrific teacher !
I couldn’t agree more with you!
thank you
Thanks a lot! You have helped me too much with your videos! :)
Thank you.
Very useful topic. Thanks Adam.
I’m kind of struggling with English to improve my English skills. It seems to be a long way to go, but I’m sure it is worth trying. I’m studying all by myself. I find your lesson very helpful and encouraging. Thanks!
thank you i am so interest to listen all your lessons , your way of teaching attractive me .
Thanks for you suggestions.
PS: I don’t like Win8 too…. -___-‘
Thank you too much Adam
your great
One thing I do every day is write down the full text from the white board in every lesson I watch from this page, with their respective comments from the teacher. Then, I make a fair copy, in order to reread everything, and this way the vocabulary comes to me easier. I have written about 60 lessons in just a month, and my teacher has noticed a significant improvement. So, I share the Adam’s method: Read and write a lot, as much as you can, that works ;).
Adam, I know exactly what you mean. :) I prefer to memorize sentences instead of single words because I need context. I can’t learn word by word because it is just a word or just a word on piece of paper — of course, I can stick that card to a thing and this is better than just trying to memorize words from it. But when you have a sentence, you have also a strong meaning, and you can recall the desirable word by thinking about the other words in the sentence.
The writing exercise is also awesome :) Take a look at this: That was a pretty hard work, almost 3 months of my free time. I once played a game, and I thought that I could translate it. I think no one has ever been playing one game for almost 3 months. :)
Whoaaaa! That must have taken you ages. What’s your next project?
I don’t do this anymore, this takes lots of time but is awesome if you want to start learning a foreign language. I did this a year ago, more or less, and in that time I didn’t even know what I was writing. :) I didn’t know any grammar rules, and I understood only single words — the rest I had to translate. Besides, this is a better way than just translating words because you have to think about every single letter in any word you write. Ultimately you’re starting to see the structure of sentences, some patterns, and if you know grammar, you can easily figure out why a sentence is written in this or that way. And of course, you play a game, so you can see and hear many things, and if someone say to you “go there and kill that dragon”, and you don’t know what “dragon” is, you will find out soon. :)
Now I’m trying to read a lot and write with people, especially in fields that I’m good at. And maybe I’m not perfect (yet), but people understand what I’m writing, and this is really awesome. :)
Wow. That’s pretty serious. But then, your English is pretty serious too. ;)
You’ve got the right idea– the most important thing to do is learn English while you’re doing something you enjoy.
Good stuff Morfik.
thanks :)
if u’ll scan and share this sheets with us it will be great will be usefull for us.
It’s a great job, u r my hero.
thank you
Thanx a lot Mr. Adam for a good tip
I have a question I’m getting confused with it
What does I wouldn’t wanna be ya ?
I heard this many times from british people
Hi Ahmed,
I wouldn’t want to be you (wouldn’t wanna be ya) basically means they don;t want to be in your situation because it’s difficult or bad. It’s just an expression to show they understand your difficulty.
I ask you if there is an website about taking English with lyrics??
I have recently learned English ,and I want to develop my abilities to listen and speak English
Thanks Mr.Adam in advance.
Thank you.
Beautiful! Thanks
Thank you sir !
Very helpful lesson! Thanks Adam! A question: where could I find the list of words required by IELTS and/or TOEFL?
Hi Sgmmm,
There are some books you can buy (or download online if you know where) that will give you good lists. There isn’t an official word list though.
If you know torrents, just look for IELTS or TOEFL in the search box.
Hope that helps
Hi Adam. thank you very much. Your lesson is very usefull for me, because just begin my adventure with English.
this lesson is really useful.
thank u it is amazing method =) thank u so much Mrs Adam
Hi everybody. Thanks Adam for these good advices. I think speaking English we must LISTEN a lot. Have a good job)
It’s very usefull idea to use dictionary like But when I use this, I see too much unknown words in explanation of the checking word. If I try checking these words, I see other unknown words. And so on… It can be continued infinitely. Finally I have too much words for remembering for one time.
Because of it I use everyday dictionary. But I hope It’s not forever. =)
Hi Droneva,
That’s why I recommend it.– why learn only one new word? learn a few each time ;)
Adam, I just got 6/10 in that quizz, but I undertood mi mistakes and further more I learned many words, therefore, that lesson was very useful.
All the best to you, Adam. Thanks!
Adam, I just got 6/10 at the quizz, but I understood my mistakes and, furthermore, I learned many words, therefore, that class was very useful.
All the best to you, Adam. Thanks!
Adam, I just got 6/10 at the quizz, but I understood my mistakes and, furthermore, I learned many words, therefore, that class was very useful.
All the best to you, Adam. Thanks!
Please, can you explain me about of website dicted or similar site. Because I can´t found it and is very important to me listen and listen english.
Thanks for you class is very exciting everything
Hi Lposada,
Here is one:
for higher levels, check out
thanks very much , it is very useful site
Adam, you’re a really good teacher! Thanks for the helpful lesson. I appreciated it mainly the cards’ tip.
Thank you Adam for this lesson , it’s very helpful to maintain our vocabulary and improve it ,by the way I’ve got 70 percent in your test,I hope I do better next time.
I suggest one app to improve your vocabulary by flash-cards. It’s a good and funny way. It’s avalaible for PC or smartphone.
Thanks Adam for the tips.
Cool. Thanks Xevi :)
I tried to use textbooks to improve my English vocabulary, but every time I attempted it I got bored soon. Then I bought an American crime drama TV series, with no translation in my language, and I have started to translate every new word.And, yes, it was much more fun.
As you said, I have written the new words (and the entire sentence, to recall the context).I’ve made a lot of lists. I’ve ordered the nouns and verbs by theme, I’ve made lists with phrasal verbs – different verbs with the same particle, or the same verb with different particles. I’ve made lists with idioms…It’s a lot of work, but I enjoy it.
I still use textbooks for grammar.And your site, of course, and thank you very much for it!
good stuff :)
Thanks for your best tips,Adam.Would you want make your next video about vocabulary verity in IELTS exam,specially in writing tasks? It seems everyone needs this tutorial.
arinamg,I appreciate it if you share what you have prepared with me.thanks
9 out of 10! It’s a good score… Thanks Adam, for the tips!
brazilians are good footballers, would you please teach me football??? Janilza..
I’m afraid I can’t help you…I don’t play football.
Thanks very much Sir to enrich my knowledge.
Would you please teach us how to get the main idea in a paragraph and other skills relating to reading and listening in the TOEFL
Hi Mansour,
I’ll get on that.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Adam,
I can say it’s worth it!
Very good explanation, Adam :)
Could you give us
some ideas how to learn phrasal verbs?
Hi Renata,
I’m afraid there’s no trick to them. they are basically vocab you need to study. But with thee as well, better to study them as chunks. For example learn
turn on
and turnover
It might be a little easier to retain the info that way
Excellent, I understood perfectly, thank you
Thanks a lot Adam
Cool, thank you!
Thank you very much for your lesson, I can learned a lot
Adam i got question is there any website when i can put vocabulary on it and show it to us in 4 forms noun verb adv etc and thak u alot Adam
You are my best teacher :)
thank you adam. i like your lessons…
What a pleasure to listen to your lessons.
I would like to make a suggestion:
Could you, or any one else, make a lesson on how to choose the right etiquette at the end of a message or a letter?
For examples I never know if I can use “Best wishes” or “Fondest regards” or “Cheers” and so on.
Bye for now.
I’ll see what I can do about that. For now, “Best regards,” is probably good for all situations.
Good job Adam. It’s a great idea to use cards but it would be excellent if you can make app for mobile phones because it’s easier. even for your site and lessons.
Hi Masoud,
Xevi mentioned ANKI WORD. I haven’t tied it yet, but you can look at that. I’ll look around and see if there are others as well.
Let me know
Thanks Adam.
very useful lesson.
Dear Teacher Adam,
Please help me make a lesson about 02 words ACT and ACTION. Cause each word itself has 02 form (Verb & Noun). Im not really sure how to use them correctly
Thank You Very Much!
Hi Chocon,
Not only two forms for each, but several meanings for each as well.
Ideally, I would need to know the context you’d like to use them in. Otherwise there are too many meaning to get into here. Check the dictionary and if you have any particular troubles, let me know. I’ll be happy to help.
I love Shawshank Redemption too. Also, I have a friend who made an upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows XP. Unbelievable.
ok.. Adam .. i use .. but i really fed up with looking for the meanings of the words.. it takes a lot of time, and at the end you are tired.. it takes really a lot of time, sometimes hours to understand the meaning any little story.. it is boring for mee.. i use google.translate but it doesnt give the excat translate to Azerbaijanian language.. when i use oxford dictionary , there are a lot of words on the explanation which i dont know the meanings of these words again.. this is the boring part of learning english for me..i really need to expand my vocabulary..which book can u advice me ? for grammer i use murphy.. but for vocabulary with exercises ? i think it should be much better.. i am intermadiate level.. i am studying this language for 10 years from my school time..of course not every day :) so far i cant increase this language to advanced level.. but when i started to learn Russian 6 months was enough for me to understand and speak in Russian.. but i think every one has to know the excat translate of any word for beginnig, after this you can explain the meanings of explain it hundred times, whitout knowing the excat transalte students will forget it in a brief time, but if they know the translate of any word they will be able to explain it in english.. so advice me some book to improve my vocabulary in an easy way, please :((
I have these problems when learning vocabulary too. If you get concerned to improve vocabulary fast it becomes frustranting really. I watched a lesson by Ronnie which say you must learn about 10 new words a day then doing it every day you will get around 70 new words a week and it’s not bad. When you use google translate, try put just one word to see the meaning so you can find synonyms and gramatical classes of the word. I knew a book called Dictionary Cambridge English Grammar that seems useful. There is the link to download from 4shared Good luck!
Hi Fakhranda,
I know what you mean. Unfortunately, that is the biggest problem with learning vocab– it’s boring and repetitive.But that’s what you have to do- you have to practice and work everyday.
As for reading, as I said in the video, read what you like to read. Whatever you read in your language, find it in English and read that.
Murphy also has a vocab book if you can find it. Otherwise search torrents or other share sites for vocab books. If you find any, you can ask me about them and can look to see if they are good.
keep trying. It’ll come. :)
Is there a lesson in EngVid about conjunctions? I always get in trouble when I have to use “that” or “which” for example. Thanks
Hi Sgmmm,
There are a few. Use the search box for it.
For now–in adjective clauses:
‘that’ is used as an identifying conjunction, without commas.
‘which’ is used to provide extra information, with commas.
Hope that helps.
I’ll try to make a lesson about these two.
it is clear but not 100%
so I hope to make english subtitles for your
explanation on video .
thank u very much
very god vid!
very good vid*!
Thank you Adam. It’s very useful! ))
thank u :) i hope it would be effektiv way
What does “So much for something” mean?
Example: So much for talking
The car’s broken down again. So much for our trip to the seaside.
It is an expression of disappointing, when something is over in an unexpected, negative way.In yours examples it means – 1.The talk is over,it is no use to say more. – 2.The trip failed.
nice answer
Hi Henrique,
Arinamg gave a good answer. I’ll just add that it’s an expression of resignation, when you have to admit (in disappointment) that there is no more use in continuing something. It’s useless/hopeless.
Another usage is when you had an expectation and it is suddenly no longer relevant.
Me and my wife were supposed to talk about buying a house. She came home and told she gave the agent a down-payment. So much for talking.
Does that help?
Hi Adam. Since several months I’m reading in English almost all the time at the point I am no more translating into French (most of the time) and I follow the story in my mind directly. However (transition, remember?) sometimes it happens that the sentences construction seem rather abstruse to me and, if I understand all the words in themselves, I can’t understand the whole meaning. Also, again, I love your pronunciation. By the way, do you slow your speaking down for the students or is it natural? Thanks.
hi adam.thank you so much for this wondurful lesson and for all other teachers of engvid.please adam make a lesson about past perft continious and present perfect continious and future perfect continious and when we use them?.thanks.
Hi Patple,
When you come across such a sentence, cut it into its essential pieces — independent clause, subordinate clause(s), phrases, etc, then analyze each separately. That might help.
To tell the truth, I do slow down a bit. For the higher end lessons like TOEFL or IELTS I’ll speak more naturally because it helps those students prepare.
Thanks :)
Thanks Adam for the nice lesson.
Thank you Mr.Adam it is really very useful videos for me .
I like the way you teach, it’s just make the lesson seems much easier!
Thank you!
Thankz Adam..!!
I want learn english
Many thanks Adam, for the great video. Really helps building good vocab.
one of the best videos to learn english I´ve seen ever .. thanks
Thank you
This lesson was awesome, but the best part is the gorgeous teacher…
I’m agree :)
Thank you Adam for the great tips.
Thank you everybody.
Some other good tips here.
The Best Of Luck,Dear ADAM! :)
Thanks Adam…
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Adam
Thanks Adam,
Thank you Adam, greetings from Mexico City ;)
Thanks a lot Adam. I like learning english with you.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks Adam yuo are a good english instructor/teacher.
thanks a lot
Thank you Adam. You’re my best teacher anymore :)
thank u so muchr Mr. Adam! The best teacher!
thank you Adam for this lesson and realu is very useful and enjoyable but unfortunately I did not do the quiz very well .
I like your method and style
thanks a lot
congratulation !
There’s a great way to learn vocabulary, in a sort-of-word-card way. I’ve found a free app called AnyMemo (I think there’s an Android and a Mac version). You can create your list of vocabulary through the app or you can prepare a css or excell sheet and import it; or even import from the website… Then, while using the app, you can check each card with a number, depending on if you know it (3 points), it’s only familar for you 1 or 2 points) or if it’s unknown (0 points). In this way, the app will show you the unknown cards more often than all those that you already known. There are more features rather interesting, as you can also use a text-to-voice machine, so you can not only read but also listen to the words. Or you can change the order and read first the answer instead of its question, change the size and colour of the font, the colour in the background…The app is pretty easy to use. It’s quite useful for me, and I thought anyone of you could be intereste d on it. Oh, I forgot it! Because it can be installed in your mobile, you can practice it wherever you are, as Adam said in his video.
Good way of learning
thank you a lot Adam for your interested with that lesson was really important topic and i start to make english now …….good luck
very useful! thx !
Maybe we can learn this together?
Thank you so much Adam.i have been using Google translate till i watched your lesson.This lesson is very are all amazing tutors.i love this site.i am so thankfull.:)
This leson Was Vero hard yo me…..
thank you ,i want to know a lot of vocabulary because i will go to TOEFL after two months what should i do ?
this lesson is amazing and useful thankyou very much
Thank you! Adam.
it’s a very useful video! But i have confused how can i find the other form of vocabularies? i mean if i learned the word “beauty”, how can i know the word like “beautiful”,”beautify”and “beautifully”? i’ve tried to find the other form words in And there is no answer.
Hi Adam , i need ur help sir im studying English in Tunisia and next year i ll be ENCHALLAH a teacher of english language , but im facing some problems in terms of vocabulary , im trying hard to improve my english vocabulary and i ll work hard just tell me how ? thanks
I love enchiladas too!
Thanks…i just in love for this website…:)
thanks Adam, Now I’m writting the words that I started learning, to remember! Great class!
Thanks Adam, Now I’m writing all the new words to remember after.
As far as I watched and listened your lectures, you are great….
But I want to say different things …One of my people wants to build great and unique Educational community so we will be in need of native people like you and your staff in my town in Iraqi Kurdistan in Suleimani Province…What I want is that you think carefully and decide whether you can help us there or not….
For sending anything you can use this email address.
thanks for your advise teacher!
Thank you so much sir .
I will try to follow that rule :)
thanks Adam, the lesson is very good but unfortunately I have just done the quizs 50%.
thnks teacher.
thank u teacher . god give u wellness
Thank you a lot Adam, It’s a helpful video.
Read, Write. Cards, Group, roots and Listen.
I think Read & Write is most importent.
Thanks Adam.
I’d like to get toefl
but I find difficult in listening and speaking section
can you help me to increase my ability in them?
Many Thanks
thank you sir …..
Thank you Adam
Really helpful, thanks a lot!
thnks teacher im very happy for this lecons and i love this site it is very helpful
Hi Adam, great video,thank you!
I personally like to learn words through the synonyms. However I found that I stucked with bunch of them in my head and don’t know how to use most of them. For example, sulky and sullen. Do you know any web site or dictionary that explains how to use the word correctly? I would really appreciate any advice. Viktoria
gr8. Dear adam pls introduce some valid books for IELTS students in each skill.
Thank you :)
your void is easy and clear for me to listen and understand the content of the video, thank you so much !
Hi Adam. Too bad for me, i got 4/10. I am really sad. I am so bad in vocabulary. :(
thank very much
Hi Adam, I got 6 correct out of 10 :( in this quiz.
But it was also good study for me. BTW I didn’t know about the verb “beautify.” I found some new vocabularies today. Thank you for your interesting lesson :D I hope to try the quiz again someday :)
Thank you,Adam!!!!
It’s a great video.
Thank you so much.
Thank you
what should I do? I got 4 out of 10. give me advice Mr. Adam please.
Thank you so much
that is fantastic video . I do all of them .
hello students again , teacher Adam thank you .i haven’t been here for a few weeks ago so now i back i wish to be good it’s helpful lesson for today thank you alot and all people here good luck………
Good tips. I liked. Thanks :)
Thanks I think is a very dood way to remember
Hi,Adam there is a one question I have to ask. There are synonyms for most wordS in English.So when we write an essay or a research paper how do we select the most suitable word?Because for me it is kind of a hard job.I always use to place the same word repeatedly therefor I get low grades for my essays.can u please help?
7/10. My worst score until now. Your lesson is excellent, as usual. Thank you, Adam
You´re great….thank you very much!!
Hello good teacher
Tanks for best lesson ,it,s useful for me ,I downloaded your video when i was in russia ,but in iran we have low internet and alotof site are filter and i can,t see any video ,how i give next lesson ?plz help me ?
best regard
You’ll have to use a VPN or a browser like Tor to get around the filters. Google should be able to help with the rest ;)
Thank you very much.
life changing!!
Thank you
nice lesson adam thanks
It’a a pleasure to learn English with U ;)
Thank you Adam I got 9 .
Thanks a lot Adam
Thanks Adam :)
Thanks Adam, 50%
Hi Mr. Adam I really want to thank you ur lessons are very help full and clear God bless you .I have seen some of your videos I recently moved in this country and I’m having so many problems just because of English I kindly request you please if you can give me couple lessons on English sentences
Thanks a lot. very interesting and helpful :)
Good~!! Thanks, Adam.
Have you ever tried to learn other language ? I am just curious.
Thank teacher Adam. It was nice video.
nice video…
you are really turn on me Adam thank you
8/10 yay… love it
Thanks Adam! It was very useful lesson!
Thank you so much
Thank you so much Adam!!!
thanks so much
You are so smart and i really love the way you teach i wish i could be your student !
I greatly appreciate your videos. They are very well explained. Also, the dictionary you gave us is awesome. Thanks again. ( ・∇・)
You are the best teacher I’ve ever seen.
Good lesson
Thank you
Excellent advices. Very very good teacher.
Thanks a lot.
hey Adam…
I need your help in improving students in word selection.
for example “I understood very (many) things”.
Morning Adam,Great to learn from you.I have got 6 out of 10.
Thank you Adam. You are a wonderful teacher.I could learn a lot.
thank a lot this quiz is very useful for me.
thnx Adam for this useful advices ;)
I m trying to be a small writter but I still have this problem in learning new vocabulary words :'( it’s really hard for me to translate it in arabic and french -_- any way thnx for this lesson it’s really helped me ;) <3
Thanks! Adam!
I’m new here , and I will come to learn English everyday!I like teachers here!The comments is useful too.
I tried with card before, it is a pity i didn’t insist finnaly, i wanna have a try again.
And one my friend share me a good way to remember the vocabulary:
*Do dictation with the new words that you learnt, repeat it!
*Do some other DictationOnline is a very good way to practice vocabulary ,improved many other English skills as well!Currently,I’m practice this dictation:
Could you kindly write down the name of two novels which you introduced in this vedio?
Hope it is clear.Oh man, I know the vocabulary, but hard to organize it to be a sentence~
Especially when you highlighted that it’s not enough if you write down words, but you should make sentences with them, you were right. In fact, the more sentences you try to make, the more efficiently can you learn English. What I mean is that there are some cases that a person that studies only one hour per day may be better that another person who works around the clock. This is for one reason: because the former works more efficiently, whether the latter not.
Many people think that you can learn a new language very fast. Gaining fluency in a language is a long-range process. And it can take even years. Of course, by following this steps everyone can succeed, but is not so easy as it may seem, if we see it from a more realistic point of view.
thank you adam for those advice
THX Adam. It’s useful for my English understanding steps. Greatest work!
this medhod is very helpfull , thanks for your smart tips :)
Thank you so much.Your lessons are brilliant!!!You are teach great.
Adam can you help me?I know words but often I forget them. I know how in english but I cannot remmember translate.
I got 40% :-( ..But Thank you so much.. I love it ;-)
hello, how are you all , so i’d liked that lessons , so i still follow that programmes yet but actually i need to practise them on the ground so if someone have would like to share with me on english conversation on skype that’s be okay
thank you a lot , wish all that be fine ( balonga22) my skype ID welcome with everyone .
thank you so much!!
i don’t know how and when i can use “However” and “rather than” ,so could you please Mr ADAM give us a special lesson on that???????
thank you so much for your advice.
I’m making great strides since I learned these useful tips.
Now studying is more fun!
Youtube is not working here what should i do???
I think it’s still blocked in Pakistan. Try using the Tor browser (or, if you are on a smartphone, Orbot). It may also help to enable HTML5 video on Youtube, so you don’t have to download any plugins.
Adam, your enthusiasm helps me a lot. Thanks!!!!!! : )
Thanks you, It is a useful method to remember vocabulary
Ty Adam!
Very useful for me. Thanks Adam! <3
its been very nice to learn this type of tricks from you adam.
i will be working on it from today…. :)
thank you for your valuable section…. :)
thank you so much
it’s really informative lesson.thanks!”
Thanks! very good video!!
Thanks a million, it’s a useful lesson.
Thank you so’s a perfect technique. ♥ Adam teacher ♡
Thank you.
Very useful stuff, and i’m gonna follow this to improve my vocabulary… Thanks Adam.
nice video i got 7/10..
Thank so much Adam. Very useful for me.
Thank you,Adam!Although I got 70,it is a great video to help me improve vocabulary.It need lots of patient.I will do my best.
thank you
Thanx a lot Mr. Adam
Thank you for your advise
thank ypu
Thank you Sr. Adam for your very important lecture
Thank you Adam sir….
This class would helpful for me to learn English effectively.
very useful!
thank you Adam, It’s very help me..
This Video is awesome. Hi Adam, I need to prepare for IELTS exam. From where I can start building my vocabulary. Please guide me.
Thank you
Thank you for you suggestions!
Enjoyed a lot the tip!!!
your great
thank you Adam for these valuable advises
I liked so much and i have presentation about vocabulary in my university so i will explain to them what i heard of you :) thanks so much adam i like your style
very helpful,,,,:)
Hi Adam! I am international student and I just came to the USA 1 month ago. In school, I feel confusing with subject: Arab world, Astronomy because it has many vocabularies. Watch your video I see many method that I need to use. Which method do you think that I need to focus the most of my time here? Please help me, I’m very disappointed when study a subject that I don’t know what is it about !!! :(((
thank! very helpfull
Thank you Mr.Adam. It was an interesting class.
I get 5-10 :(
thanx adam
Thank you adam you are great
thanks Adam really great video and so useful
Hi teacher, you advised to listen to BBC radio, but i found it hard to understand … My question is should i continue even if i don’t understand many words ?
Hii sir i realy like this video and also main is method to understand ,.and one more think i reqest you that like in this lacture ,you suggest some websites (eg: TED ,., oxford) please again suggest more best websites,. becose i like his very much,,.,.
thanks for nice class…………
thank you, but if you kindly give me an idea to make a group name
Adam, you’re a good teacher. Thank you very much.
thank u so much Adam. I will try your tips.
Thanks Adam,do you have any idea how long will I review .i got 5.5 band score for ielts-academic.i need 7 band score to pass.please help me.
Thanks, Adam, for hints. I’ll do just like you said to increase my English Language Skills.
Thank you adam.
Hi Mr Adam thanks for the lesson. It is a very good video i have ever seen. But, in my opinion, everyone has their own way to remember a new vocabulary. As you said in the video that we could try CARD (or some people know it as ANKI CARD) CARD and did repetition of it. For me it is rather boring. I prefer to acquire new words by reading novels i like. Cheers!
I would like to pass the TOEFL exam in the future, so I have a question connected with it. The most popular exams in Poland are the Cambridge exams, so there are a lot of different books preparing for FCA, Advanced (CAE) or Proficiency Exam(CPE). If I learn vocabulary from this kind of books (e.g. ), it will be enough to prepare for TOEFL?
Awesome lesson Mr. Adam, In my opinion your vídeos are best because your pronunciation is easy to understand. I pratice english in the most part playing RPG in vídeo games. It’s good because you need to read a lot what the people are saying to understand what you have to do, online and offline. Online games like world of warcraft, dota, starcraft are awesome cause you can Interact with people of another countries you just need to play in other server. Thanks for the tips.
Hello teacher !! You said that object means refuse !! but what i know that refuse means to reject ! Am i right or both of the words have the same meaning ?
Hello teacher! Thanks so much for your useful videos. I find them really exciting . Teacher, can you help me to distinguish these words: hurtful, painful and aching.
Thank you in advance!
Hurtful is used to describe emotions—if something hurts your feelings. “I apologize for my hurtful comments.” Painful describes, well, anything that causes pain, physical or emotional. Aching describes a dull, prolonged kind of pain. Lift heavy things all day and you may find your back is aching. If you’re really sad about something for a long time, you could say you have an “aching heart”.
I got 8 of 10.Thanks for your lessons.
Thank you. Teacher I have a question. I don’t know how to play a role perfectly in English.
I’m really inspired!!
Thanks, Adam!
ks Adm for the lesson , I practice in another style
always , I learn 10 words and put them in a sentance
what your opinion for the technique ?
I appreciate for this lesson Adam :) Would you mind writing here the phrase that you have used in this video was it throw two cents ? I know that expression that’s just my two cents in American English.The one you used relate to this ?
Thanks dear Adam your lessons are very usefull.
thanks, Adam! Good lesson!
thank u adam, it was useful
Thank you So much, dear Teacher
Hi Adam, you’re genius on explaining it. Your explanation was suit to me. Thanks a lot
Thank you :)
thank you Adam . IS there to remember the words more easier
Thank you Adam . Is there to remember the words more easier ??
Is there a ( way ) I forget it .
You can actually downgrade to windows 7 if you’d like to :D … thanks for the tips
Thank you Mr adam for this video but.could you please show me how to increase or how to memorize the vocabulary from reading books.
Can I write them down on some paper and memorize them or some stracture else.
thank you for everything…
very very very very…………much thank u Adam sir for your valuable teaching style ……i am a big big fan of you. thank u again ang please make a video class for interview to get a job
Thank you so much Adam
thanks a lot Adam
Dear Adam
It’s not a comment!
thanks to the videos i’ve watched here on EngVid i’m feeling more relaxed. But in my case, there’s a problem i’m facing for next 14 days. I’m taking my first IELTS exam and unfortunately it’s the last time that the test scores can work for me to get my visa for Australia.
I wanna ask a question. So let me be brief and to-the-point:
I have a limited lexical power. My rough estimate is 1500 activated words that can be used in Speaking module. Is it possible to score 6 out of 9 using only 1500 basic activated words + 10 useful words for most frequent cue cards? (provided fairly nice grammar and very good accent)
it’s big kind to give me guidance
thanks in advance
i forgot to mention that my average score for listening and reading, based on 9 tests, are 7.0 and 7.5 (General Training)
thanks again…
Hello teacher Adams!!! i have a question for u, recently i watch this video and started to make the cards using the words groups, but one in special, wich is JAG, i havent found a sentence related to the meaning ive been studied, like tore, rip, scrape… so can u help me with this???
Thank you so much Adam
I like this site very much it is helping me to be excellent in english cuz I want to take ilets
Thank you Adam, I have learn much to day even my test less score but I satisfy with my knowledge. I will try another time.
I really like this site, it’s improve my english in everyday. Thankyou Adam.
thank you
Excellent lesson..
Hi Adam,thank’s a lot for the lesson ‘i am not too good in english ‘ need your help everyday to improve myself in english
thank you Adams. Your explanation is so easy to understand
thank you very much Adam you are a good teacher
thank you so much
Thank you so much for nice tips! I’ll try to do it!
Thanks and so nice
Really interesting. Mr Adam, you are born to be a teacher.
Thank you
Thank you. I’ve learned alot from you, adam.
thank you !
thanks Adam
Good, helping me to learn English.
Thanks Mr.Adam
awful…its really productive lesson…
thank you
Excellent class Teacher. Thank you.
Thank you, Adam! It`s a really useful lesson for me.
thanks mr Adam. however i dont understand the 2nd method yet. you mean on the same side of one paper we devide 3 piles then put the new word on it, right? btw, one card is used for 1 word or more
thank you :)
thank you, it’s useful.
Thanks Adam
very cool
Thank you!
Thank you! Good advice.
Excellent advice!
thanks I am really feel I learn a new things about English
Adam, I was watching and thinking: I understand at least 98% of what you speak in your videos. What does it mean about my English? Is that possible to know if I am in a advanced level?
Thank you so much for your videos!
Thanks alot .good learnign system
Thank you .good learning system.i will keep going and study again and again.
Thankyou, Mr. Adam !
This is very helpful :)
I get 50 point :( Study hard
Thanks you so much, This is a very useful lesson.
thank you Adam.
Thanks a lot Adam.
It is helpful for me. I am sure that I try it.
Hello Mr Adam
I took Ielts 2 times my writing was 5.0 and nowadays I prepare ielts again I everyday read various topics and try to memorize some useful parts and vocabulary.However when it comes write topic I don’t know what should I write my mind stucks.Please give me piece of your advice.
Thank you for beforehand and sorry my mistakes
Hello Sir,
It was fruitful experience for me by gaining the theory for Vocab.
Thank you.
I like your lessons, it’s useful
Thanks a lot. I need to buy a pile of papers to carry them with me all the time.
Thank you very much Adam. I use your videos in my English class and my students like you very much. You speak clearly and they like listening to you without getting bored.Also, they want a video about present perfect tense if you can :)
Thank you.
Thanks :)
I like your lessons thank you so much
Alex, I’ve never seen a video on EngVid with a lot of comments like this. i think it’s because some people want to improve their English skills and, consequently, their vocabulary. Then, this video class can help us how we can do that.
Congrats and thanks a lot.
Thank you for you wonderful lessons. Adam! Every time i learn so much. Good idea to use cards with words in one side and sentences on the other, but i wonder if there exist such ready-to-use cards somewhere in pdf format? it would be very good to download, print and study…rather than creating them yourself…
Adam! I truly believe that using an English to English dictionary help a lot! I was looking some days ago details about the word “feature” and I found some others very interested. Add to that tip, because I’m preparing myself to take the TOEFL,I write everyday new words I could use for the writing and speaking section, hopefully it will help me to get a better score.
Thank you adam
try to sets of your own words. very helpful
Thank you for ur excellent teaching
I would like to try ur tips
It’s very usefull. Thank you very much Adam. :)
Adan, you do a great job! Thanks
Hi adam I hope you are good, I have just watch this lesson and at the same time I learned new words, once again thanks for your time, greetings for you from Venezuela
Good job Adam
Thank you very much Adam. :)
Hi Adam, nice video.I want to do Ielts test in next 3 months.
I m confused .how to start it now. should I start with the vocabulary learning, or from IELTS Practice videos. nd how much time I shoud practice it in a day.
Thanx and Regards
Hi Adam, thank u for the video. Could u offer a website which includes noun, verb, adv, adj forms of the words at the same time?
thanks for the quiz,it’s really help us.
Thanks Adam
Thank you, teacher. I’ll try it!
intersting lesson,thank you so much
very good
thanks a lot
hi Adam
thanks a lot
although some people love the card way , I prefer reading novels to improve my vocabullary.
thanks alot it was an informative lecture.
Thanks a lot :)
I really like this lesson, Thanksso much! But I don’t understand one thing:
Why the question 8 the answer is “heavy”? I have put “sure” and I was looking for the meaning this word and “sure” doesn’t have a verb form. Sorry, but I am confused, I know, probably, It’s a foolish question, so sorry.
heavy is a verb in its self
Thanks a lot Adam
I want to ask u .. how can i know the other forms of words?
from where?
Thank you,very useful.
Thank you Adam! :)
Thank you, Adam! I got 6 correct out of 10.
Thank you sir
thanks a lot ??
I ????????????????????????❤❤❤❤❤❤❤???? Adam a lot.
I get 8/10
Hello. Mr.Adam.
I have a question about vocabulary.
When I search it, I use Google
For example, I typed `dog meaning` in it.
It show me the meanings and synonyms quickly.
The result is accurate? Can I continue to use it for studying English?
Thank Teacher, it’s very interesting video.
thanks adam sir i find you the most effective tutor here
this video was fantabulous … i learnt a lot from this . but i was looking up for non-finite verbs have made a video on it?
Awesome! Thank you very much. :)
Hi Adam congratulations for this excelent video. It helps us to understand differents ways to expand our vocabulary and learn every time more so is a hard work. Thanks for your time
Thank you for videos. They are helpful.
Thank you, to all envid teachers. You are great.
The lessons are really helpful for me and I could developed my English skills.
Is there anybody who can help with my speaking?
My biggest problem is with speaking and using what I learnt in a fluency degree in real life.
This is my Skype Address: Mohammad Shah
Thank you a lot Adam
The best way to increase and maintain vocabulary is by reading and writing.
I was thinking that the correct answer for this sentence is :
The best way to increase and maintain vocabulary (are) by reading and writing.
please i need more explanation , thank you.
The pronoun refers to (way) and it’s singular
I’ve passed the quiz and found the right answer to question #5 is a little bit strange. You tried to explain “explain” verb. I can imagine different processes that can help me understand things better. For example, I show/demonstrate something very well so you understand it. On my opinion “to say how it works” option is better.
Thanks . Really I’m suffering with this problem .
Thank you !
Thank you
Thanks Adam
I got 100 :) thanks Adam.
your video are very good,thank you
Thank you, Adam. It is really helpful.
Thaank you! it is very useful.
Thank you Adam.
thank you so much sire…..
I always have studied english listin to you and I really the way you explain it, so tha’s why I very often choose your lessons. I am brazilian and I confess that it’s been very hard for me to practice english, once we hardly ever meet americans in the town where I live, but I keep on this task. It’s been 43 years of utter dedication to improve english skills.
I’d like to thank you for the best way you teach english. It’s been a pleasure to follow you.
Best regards,
Edilson Sozinho (from Macapá- Amapá- Brazil)
Thank u
Thank you Adam
Thank you Adam
Thankyou Adam now i really got flowers for learning new words.
Thank you. Mr.Adam!
Mr Adam, I think I am in love with your all videos =) Thank you so much for being our teacher!
Mr.Adam thank you for your advice to increase my vocavolary.
thank you adam
This project is awesome! Thank you for advice.
thankQ <3
Thanks for useful advices!
hell yeah !!
Tx again, Adam!!
I need to study more, but sincerely I like cards with words.
Thanks Adam.
Hi sorry but I cannot find the vide here and it’s disappear what should I do?
Our videos are on YouTube, which may be blocked by your government or internet provider. You could try a VPN.
Thank you Adam, you are a professional teacher :)
Thank you very much! I hope to talk with you
thanks Adam.
Thank you for your helpful lesson =)
Thank u adam
This lesson helped me a lot, Thanks buddy!!
Very useful,very helpful,thanks Adam.
OMG, I only got 4 correct. unhappy :(
Love to learn vocabulary.However, when it comes to speak, I found very hard to use t and pronounce it!
Thank you Adam..
I highly appreciate you Adam!
Looking forward for more of your video’s.
Cool man :)
Thank you for this great lesson!
Thank you Adam .
Thanks for the useful tips to improve vocab, Adam.
Thank you Adam ❤
how can i prepare ielts in 15 days.can you suggest me sir please.
Thankyou for the lesson!May be i should improve my vocab by your advice as soon as possible!
love it! thanks
I am soon going to give TOEFL ITP exam, so I wanted to ask you if you have any free resources for TOEFL ITP exam.
Thank you.
many thanks
Thank you sir.☀️?
Thank you so much
Thanks alot Mr Adam
but I want to know where can I get many new words and the other roots
7/10 thank you for your great lesson teacher Adam it is really useful advice for young learners to enhance their vocabulary
Thanks Adam.
It was very useful.
Thank you Teacher :)
I like your idea; making three types of word card.
I will do it.
It was good lesson
and also it was hepful
thanks adam
Thank you Adams
your lesson is helpful
4 .. that is great…????
Number eight, a verb form, what about which one of the adjectives refers to a verb form?
A bit complex but okay
thanks Aden
Thank you ever so much Mr. Adam.
I passed the quiz and got 9 correct out of 10. For question “Which of the following sentences best illustrates the meaning of the word explain?”, I answered “To explain is to say how something works.” But test-system said me it was wrong answer. I really don’t understand why answer “The teacher explained the process so well that everyone understood it”, fits more than the previous answer?
hello everyone,I want to find some teaching English websites.Can anybody show me some websites that are very helpful and free like Engvid? Thank for helping
Good lesson, thank you adam.
i benefit a lot…..thanks
It is a helpful video and I want to watch more helpful videos on engvid. Can you recommend for me please?
Thank you Adam..
Thank you Adam,
I really like the way you teach and explain.
Thank you, Mr.Adam is a very useful idea, could you please tell me where i can find a list of words for TOEFL.
I’m learning a lot, I love this teacher (he looks like my ex boyfriend from Colombia, he would be Colombian lol) I don’t know, but every time I fall in love with the classes.
Sir Adam,
Can you Please eloborate me, In the video you say take the words from TOEFL, IELTS and SAT.i Don’t understand so why say read a lot and use dictionary English to English???? hope you consider my problem.
Thanks a lot Teacher Adam.
Thanks, Adam. It was a good lecture
Wonderful lecture on vocabulary. Suggestions are great and so useful. I am going to work on my vocabulary with your given tips. I already have a diary in which I note down words ,their definitions and synonyms but now I would make cards . Thanks .
thank you very much. I really enjoy the way you teach
6 of 10 btw im still learning so i keep moving forward to learn more and to improve my vocabulary. Thanks sir Adam you help me a lot. Keep it up
Thank you
Thank a lot
6/10! Bad marks again! Adam, your quiz is difficult for me. I need to learn hardly!
Hi, Thank’s Adam. Best ideas to learn.
Adam! Wow! awesome lesson. Thank U!
Thank you so much, I have a gigantic problem with memorizing well, now surely I have lots of new ideas that native teacher gave me.
Thank U Adam !
thanks adam
I got 80 out of 100….
..but I really have not understood the last question
Such a helpful video; thanks Adam!
thanks Adam!
thank you Adam. I got 9
Hi Adam,I`m very very happy to see your videos, you are a gentleman! But I have a question; In this video you said that we can find list of words in, if i`m right,why can`t I find them?
Thanks Adam!
Thanks Adam for the learning tips which can apply to learn any thing. Very useful. You are good teacher.
thank you, Mr. Adam, for your sincer and encouraging teacher
You’re doing good job mate, but my question for you if some people who does watching this video in fact they don’t understand English well?! What they can do?
Nice lesson Mr. Adam.
Many thanks for the great ideas on how to learn new vocabulary, I´ll definitely start using them when I´m studying English.
I get 9?
How can I go to the next lesson?!
Hey Adam I appreciate your work
I just don’t know in root way how can I find words which have similar meaning?
It’s important for me plz answer
thank you . i got 50 .. i should practice on my vocabulary
I loved this teacher. He is very confident. Calm.
thanks for teacher
thank you teacher
Thank you so much Adam
Your lessons are very helpful
Learning quite a lot from your videos.
Thanks Adam, it was so helpful for me.
btw I got 90 and answered 9 questions correctly which i can’t believe it myself lol!
Thank you teacher. As an adult, I can’t memorize words well. But, I will work hard. thank you
Hi adam
What is the meaning of this sentence.
I made it up?
much obliged
Thanks alot
I love your teaching.
Using the word ‘calm’ to mean ‘to make less’ doesn’t make sense
Adam thanks a lot for this lesson, it`s really useful. You showed me a very nice way to increase my vocabulary.
Thank a bunch Adem
good lesson
Thank you for this lesson.
I am proud of me I got 70
thank you very much I appreciate the effort that have been done
Thank you so much Adam…
Thank you a lot. Mr. Adam for your valuable lesson.
thank you teacher