Are you shy? Do you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when speaking English? Are you envious when your classmates, coworkers, or friends seem so comfortable speaking English to each other or in front of groups? In this video, I will give you advice to overcome your shyness. If you are shy, don’t be discouraged, because you can learn English just as well as talkative, social people, but you need to use different strategies. Today, I will share my tips and tricks with you to help you break out of your shell!
ıf someone needs to improve its speaking english skill you can find me on skype as ”ellezam”
If you can’t find just comment here i will find you.
thanks !
Kyaw Min Thant
She is a very teacher!
qi wei wang
It is really helpful, tons of thanks!
Dina Awad
really it’s a very useful lesson thanks
Thank You Emma. :)
Hossain Abhi
I got 10/10 ☺ .That was a great great lesson. Many important points you have discussed on it. Worth it. Thank you so much. Love you ?
I got 10/10. That was a great great lesson. Many imporatant points you have discussed in it. Worth watching. Thank you so much, emma!
Thank you so much Emma
Thanks Emma , there”s a great tips in this video,btw i caught you when you said at 15:31 minutes :”I wish i WAS confident…” instead of “I wish I were confident”. I know a lot of native speakers make this mistake especially when they speak and it”s acceptable.
that’s right kolv, good observation, there are also videos in engVid about this teach us to follow ‘i wish’ by ‘i were’ great thanks.
Emma, you’re one of the best teachers, the others are …. sorry , I have to go.bye
Thank you So Much Emma, it was amazing topic … god blase you
Hi Zaid
just say : god bless you (blase means something else )
bye … god bless you :)
In addition, he should say “God” instead of “god”, because god may be any thing worshiped except God, god may be stick stone tree, and so on.
But God refers to the one that has no gender and cannot be plural, Who created everything, and who is called Dieu in French, Allah in Arabic, and Dios in Espagnol, god in arabic means alliha or illah but not Allah.
Thanks for your complete explanation. You’re right, he should write God.
Good tips indeed, even for learners who aren’t particularly shy.
Thanks Emma.
Thanks, this lesson is very suitable to me, that what i have been looking for, i will recommend this video to peoples i know, Take care Emma.
Thanks Emma!!Nice lesson ;)
Thanks a lot ??
Hello Marulist, Could we talk each other to practice English?
connect me with the mail, if it’s ok
my goal in learning english is ‘ know and speak english like you emma’ is a great goal but like they said ‘ a juorney of a thousand miles begin with a single step’ and i am wondering’ how long it will take emma ?’ thank you emma for your lesson you are really psychologist teacher.
10/10 Thanks Emma. A great lesson. I am a shy person, but your tips and (common) goals make me more self-confident :) Now I don’t afraid make mistakes, I am calm and I want to talk ;) You are a teacher and a psychologist :) Take care and have a nice day
Hello. Emma I used your tips not only for learning english but I also used for studying other subjects better. While I’m not a shy person, I really believe one of your tips. You mentioned, it’ll be better if you make small or smaller goals, which you are sure about them and you are assured you can achieve them. You are right. This technique works for both learning English and learning other disciplines. Nice teaching and take care.
There’s a mistake: Emma did I used your tips not only for learning english…
According to the related grammar, I wrote wrong.
Oh no!!! That was wrong too?.
But this time I’m sure about this one: Emma not only did I used your tips for learning english…?
Hi Emma! I’m shy and introvert so this lesson is for me. After watching the EngVid videos for over a year you guys, at EngVid, have become my friends, so I speak to you, this could be another tip.
Stressful situations- the situations, where a man have to speak English, really helped me to improve my speaking skills.
Emma, your lesson nice for me, and I like your voice very much, hope can heard your new lesson asap next time
Ben Chung
Thanks teacher Emma! Your tips are very interesting.
I would also like to congratulate you for the clarity of your pronunciation. You are the teacher that I can most easily understand.
Thanks Emma for this was great and easy to understand…:)
marcos alexandre
Thank you teacher.
Thanks for the tips Emma, it’s been a great help for me had heard you because i’m a shy person n’ sometimes is difficult to communicate with other people. You are the best ;)
thank Emma very good lesson
Hi Emma! Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks with us about becoming more confident when speaking with others.
Dear Emma, I loved this class today. It was a great gift for us. Thank you very much for all advices. Have a nice week.
I love this lesson and Thanks for Emma.
thank you Emma
you are No 1 to me
Thanks Emma! The topic is very interesting!
Thank you very much teacher Emma
I quite agree with all greatful comments to Emma. Such a wonderful lesson!
I liked the most the smiling technique and power poses reference. I will definitely use them. My daughter is taking her examinations these days. She needs these tips a lot. I sent the link to her. I hope that will help to overcome excess of stress.
As for me, I’m not a shy person, but I’m too strict to myself. And I’ve never rewarded myself. So, I will. I know my strong sides. I will love them. I will do something pleasant tomorrow morning.
My studying goal for tomorrow – speak English not less than hour, no matter who with. If I don’t find my sacrifice it’ll be my cat.
Thank you Emma once more.
Why do my comment need to be approved?! So often! Are there any limits in the content or frecquency?
don’t worry , it’s the same for me . Maybe it’s to avoid politic comments as last week.
No, there weren`t any improper expressions. I just commented the lesson in grateful manner and set plans for today. But it was not short. That`s why it`s pity it wasn`t published. After some days it wont`t be up to date…
Sorry about that! Sometimes when comments are very close together they are marked as possible spam or double-posts.
engVid Moderator
Frequency, sorry
I appreciate your tips, they are very useful and interesting, especially when you don’t use the English language daily and you have to look for people like tourists, receptionists, classmates, and whoever that can understand you speaking English and explaining your ideas about different topics. It’s a great aid to listen to all of you, teaching us how to improve our skills, I like it but we must inquiry how to minimise the waste of time because we have limits in our brains, maybe this is the cause of our shy. Thanks a lot, teacher Emma from Engvid, a very nice lesson.
I don`t think we can exceed our brain ability. But we all face with lack of time. And as time goes by our memory fails us. I need more time to memorise things now in comparison with past. That`s why it`s harder to study when you`re adult. (I`m about fourty). How old are you?
It’s very true that you have written, I think by myself but there are many other people around the world and sometimes I can guess their experiences, but not always. I’m in my middle forties nowadays but I’m living like in a second youth. Thanks for your comments.
Yes, I feel myself free now, much free than two year before. My daughter finished her school, entered the Uni and moved to Moscow. I unexpectedly found myself free! I have never had so much spare time…. Even in the youth. I can afford myself doing what I really want – studying English .
I loved the lesson! I got 10.. Thanks Emma!
Thank you for your tips.
I’m a shy person. I’m afraid of making mistakes. Your lesson really changes my mind. I shouldn’t worry much about making mistakes, because I would learn a lot from them.
Take care and have a great day!
Good lesson!
Dorian Miron
Dear Emma
Great lesson, I feel that you made this lesson for me, because I am really a shy person. You gave me lot of confidence accordingly my weekness.
Muhammad Abbas
This problem is widely commun, i am also shy but i try always to put my self into oral conversation with people through Internet
Hi Guys!
Who is interested to do some practice via skype?
Add me luca.medici88 – Advanced Level only
Me, by the way i am not very good, so dont expect a lot from me, my Skype name is: Houssyene Nadour, Facebook: Housseyne Nadour, and Whatsapp +213669272426
Thanks Emma for this wonderful lesson! I really appreciate all of these suggestions
That was a great lesson for all of us that we considere ourselves a shy person. Cheers!
Very good, Emma. Thank you.
Júlio César L Sousa
hello ma’am
I really beg you to help me find out those video which you introduced us in this lesson. could you put the links here please?
Or dear moderator if you read this comments, lead me to the videos please.
I have got a question: why there is not “to” before improve and feel after help?
“Speaking in front of a mirror can really help you improve your spoken English. It can help you feel more comfortable speaking.”
Hi . After help both are correct : She helped me to improve my English or She helped me improve my English.
Thank you Emma for this lesson. I have just a question: why did you say ‘ afraid to make mistakes ‘ instead ‘ afraid of making mistakes. I heard it while your speaking. thank you very much.
Thank you Emma for this lesson.I feel nervous when I speak to another person so it may help to speak on skype nour.nour2624
I got 7 out of 10.. I’m happy with it..
You are right Emma. I am very shy when trying to speak with a native or advanced level student. Thank you for these tips.
John B
I got 9/10 =]
This site is really cool.
I think that when I gonna to London in Oct 2017, my english will be better than now :D
thank you so much
I’d really like to congratulate you on your great work, you certainly encourage us all to become better and better at English.
As for today’s topic, I totally agree, I tend to be deeply shy when it comes to talking to people and I try to do my best to push those boundaries further no matter how hard it is.
Thank you very much.
Hi Emma,
I have finished all your lessons within a month. I like your teaching style and will keep stay follow you. I really like this kind of lesson cause it is encourage to people. We need this to forward. Sure it will continue.
I want to contribute about power poses with link below. I hope it can help for better understand. You mentioned about her in your power poses lesson.
and until next time take care :)
Thank you so much for your lessons, Emma!!
Thank you, it is very helpful because personally, i’m afraid to make mistake but i’ll try to be comfortable and just to enjoy what i do. You’re right, I need to make mistake to improve myself
thanks a lot ,I gained much from this video and I got 100% in the quize
i am very happy teacher Emma ……100……yessssss
Owo, you’re amazing Emma, love u
Bryan Higor
It is very good lesson. I got 9/10 point. Thank you Emma :)
Thanks Amma it is very good lesson …I got full of 10 marks …..thank you so much?
i passed the quiz before watching the video, i got 9/10 :D
Said El
Thank you for your great lesson. This helped me a lot. I’m so shy.
thank you madam great topic
ibrahin caynte
thank you Emma
Thanks Emma~ Thease tips are helpful~
I have a problem with speaking. You advice is very good!!!!
Thanks teacher!!!!
Thanks a lot! It was very interesting and useful. I try to follow you recommendations:)
Hi? Luchik. I suppose that Dania would mind our conversation. Nevertheless I dare to request it. In brief, may i write you? ( nothing personal, just for learning)
thank you so much Emma. You are a quite perfect teacher in every detail you teach
Thank you so much teacher
suhel ahmed
thank you teacher emma :)
just gerry
What a nice photo just jerry ! It reminds me my childhood . Take care.
very useful…
thanks ! very useful!
Emma , you are a very good teacher.
Thank you.
Marco Leite
I liked, very good teacher!
Thanks a lot!
Emma, thanks! I indeed very pleased to see and to hear you.
Great job Emma!!!!
If I realize that I will have 5-10 minutes, I know that I would spend my time with the use of by listening EMMA’s LESSONS
It’s exactly that I needed. Thank you so much.
Very useful topics
Thank you
Thanks a lot.Emma
Robson da Silva Maciel
I am Proud Of You My Dear Teacher (Emma)
I adore Emma.
Alex Seleznev
that is very good
thank؛s alot
Ahmed Eliaan
Thanks you Emma!
Gustavo Q
awesome tricks
ima abidi
Thanks you Enma! you are excellent teacher! I love the lesson!
very help full for any one he want to learn english
mubarak ali
Love you
Sajeda Ali
Thanks Emma! This lesson was very special for me because I’m a shy english student, so I needed it!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thanks Emma.
Thank you Emma. Interesting lesson.
Leandro Cleber
Very wel
Thank you
Thank you so much for this lesson .I’ve learned a lot
I love your way emma , you are very smart and very quiet .
Thanks Emma! I got a100
Thank you so much Emma. It was a very useful lesson!
Tx Emma!
Great tips! Thanks a lot Emma =)
Thank you, Emma. I will use the tips you were given.I’m the type of introvert person which afraid to make mistake while talk with other people. Thanks again and I really enjoyed this video.
Hi Emma, thank you for the useful lesson!
You’re just a great teacher!
Thanks Emma. I liked the sentence “There’s nothing wrong making mistakes in English”. =)
Cool i love your lesson
thanks a lot ,for this topic
10/10. Great lesson. Tks
Useful tips
thank so much Emma
Hanna Le
Only 70%.I’ve confused everything and have to go to the mirror to continue training.
Thanks Emma. it very helpfull.i am going to buy mirror to practice .just for fun don’t make it serious.
i am very curious to watch power pose video.
I find all Emma’s tips are extremely useful and enjoyable. And the most impressive thing is that you needn’t spend too much strengths to follow these tips and get a some progress every day. Here is one of my favourite English proverb – Little by little make a mikle.
Tymchenko Andrii
Great lesson. Thanks Emma!
thanks you for your teach, i like the way you teach, it’s make me understand..
Thank you Emma for your lesson! It was very useful for me, because you are inspiring me to speak in English more confidently, not afraid do more mistake. Thank you again
tks a lot!!!!
Frances Su
thank you so much.
This topics is very useful for me.Thanks teacher.I try your suggestions.
Mann Thwe Mann
How i can start English. ..
Simranjit Sidhu
Thank you Emma :)
Preciany Lordecia
Thank you so much Emma :)
Thanks a lot Emma really I like it
You can guess by my avatar, I’m so shy person and theese tips really helpful and useful for me. Thank you, Emma! Right now I fill more comfortable in speech
Thanks a lot for your clear explanations.
Naw Ei Mya Thandar
Thanks a lot, Emma! Great lesson
thankx alot T. Emma
zakarya al-dhafri
I’m grateful for the tips. I think they’ll work for me because I’m shy.
Thank you Emma. This lesson was very important to me, because I am a shy person
Irani Silva
thank you Emma
i think she is very better teachers and she knows every problem which is faced by i could say that she is perfect in her occupation
hamdardjeet singh
Thank you Emma
Thanks alote
Thank you very much
You are perfect teacher!.
iidle aadan
You wonderfull teacher!
thank you so much for your lesson, Emma
fathonah illia
thank you so much for your lesson, Emma
very useful lesson, thank u!)
thank you emma i had watching very carefully . After ı had pass the quiz 8/10
emma you are a good teacher, tahnks you
She is a very teacher!
I got 10/10!!! Great lesson! Thanks teacher Emma!
you’re the best Emma.
I’m too shy to write comments. OMG, what am I doing? Other people will see it. My face is slowly getting red colour. Mu-ummy!!!
Thanks, Emma.
This is my first lesson, it’s useful!! Thanks a lot, Emma.
Julia Lin
Welcome to engVid, Julia! ?
engVid Moderator
oh that a good suggestion for me.. from now i fell more comfortable
Thanks Emma and engVid
Thanks! I love this page!
Making mistakes is an important part of learning.
I think so, too.
I’m shy, but I will remember that sentence when I have been in these situations.
Thank you Emma.
thank uuuuuuuuuu
yey! I got perfect score! Thanks for this lesson Emma I learned so much from you. God bless you.
this program ENGVID it’s very useful and effective to my life.Thank a lot for whose this making program ENGVID
10 out of 10
Perfect Job …. Keep it UP EMMA!
thanks, i get 90
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
I am learning English now. Thank you so much Emma teacher.
Thanks a lot Emma … I think you should work as psychotherapist physician you are very good in that field ;)
I am newbie…Thank you for all your tips.
Regards Dejan from Serbia
hopefully will be useful for me
jupriaman Naibaho
Thank you Emma for your advices.
thank you so much teacher
Thanks for the useful tips.
Thank you for those tips, they really help me out.
ernest blanco
very good teacher
It’s great….
Thanks a lot Emma, you are really so nice.
I need a partner for practicing English, is there any one interested?
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma for your tips. You are a great teacher and your voice is beautiful indeed. I know my english is not very good but i am not shy
thank you, it was good tips I feel more confident ‘ i’ll never shy again if i make mistakes , even the native speakers make mistakes, thanks a lot
Thanks Emma for your tips
Thanks Emma for your tips, you are very nice.
Thanks a lot Emma!
Superb mam
K krishnamraju
thanks for your tips
thanks for your tips
iam new student iwant learn English one months please my teacher emma give me anew class start now
Thank you So Much Emma,Your video-classes are amazing
thanks dear amme your are really greate teacher
Abdullahi muse saney
Thanks Emma
Thank you very much Mrs. Emma.
thanks Emma
al willis
Ty for your tips emma.. I got 100…
Thank you Emma.
I like speak English with people.
I social butterfly.
Byeong jin Jo
I hit 100% Thank you Emma
Thanks so much Emma
I loved this tips!!
Now I feel more comfortable, 10/10 one more time. I was a shy person, has less talking skills for English before. Thanks Emma, you give me more power for learning English.
Jerry Gu
Very nice lesson. Thanks so much Emma!
Henrique Alves
Thanks a lot Emma.
Hasan Soledad
i am curious about FORD .
Am okay thanks.
Della Opong
Hi everyone I’m new here nice to see you all comments I hope everyone is good
Wagdey Mohamed
mines date 23/10/21 from Kzakhstan
thank a lot, Emma
Thank you, Emma. You cover all aspects of language learning in a very nice way. I learn a lot with you.
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for the tips!!!
ıf someone needs to improve its speaking english skill you can find me on skype as ”ellezam”
If you can’t find just comment here i will find you.
thanks !
She is a very teacher!
It is really helpful, tons of thanks!
really it’s a very useful lesson thanks
Thank You Emma. :)
I got 10/10 ☺ .That was a great great lesson. Many important points you have discussed on it. Worth it. Thank you so much. Love you ?
I got 10/10. That was a great great lesson. Many imporatant points you have discussed in it. Worth watching. Thank you so much, emma!
Thank you so much Emma
Thanks Emma , there”s a great tips in this video,btw i caught you when you said at 15:31 minutes :”I wish i WAS confident…” instead of “I wish I were confident”. I know a lot of native speakers make this mistake especially when they speak and it”s acceptable.
that’s right kolv, good observation, there are also videos in engVid about this teach us to follow ‘i wish’ by ‘i were’ great thanks.
Emma, you’re one of the best teachers, the others are …. sorry , I have to go.bye
Thank you So Much Emma, it was amazing topic … god blase you
Hi Zaid
just say : god bless you (blase means something else )
bye … god bless you :)
In addition, he should say “God” instead of “god”, because god may be any thing worshiped except God, god may be stick stone tree, and so on.
But God refers to the one that has no gender and cannot be plural, Who created everything, and who is called Dieu in French, Allah in Arabic, and Dios in Espagnol, god in arabic means alliha or illah but not Allah.
Thanks for your complete explanation. You’re right, he should write God.
Good tips indeed, even for learners who aren’t particularly shy.
Thanks Emma.
Thanks, this lesson is very suitable to me, that what i have been looking for, i will recommend this video to peoples i know, Take care Emma.
Thanks Emma!!Nice lesson ;)
Thanks a lot ??
Hello Marulist, Could we talk each other to practice English?
connect me with the mail, if it’s ok
my goal in learning english is ‘ know and speak english like you emma’ is a great goal but like they said ‘ a juorney of a thousand miles begin with a single step’ and i am wondering’ how long it will take emma ?’ thank you emma for your lesson you are really psychologist teacher.
10/10 Thanks Emma. A great lesson. I am a shy person, but your tips and (common) goals make me more self-confident :) Now I don’t afraid make mistakes, I am calm and I want to talk ;) You are a teacher and a psychologist :) Take care and have a nice day
Hello. Emma I used your tips not only for learning english but I also used for studying other subjects better. While I’m not a shy person, I really believe one of your tips. You mentioned, it’ll be better if you make small or smaller goals, which you are sure about them and you are assured you can achieve them. You are right. This technique works for both learning English and learning other disciplines. Nice teaching and take care.
There’s a mistake: Emma did I used your tips not only for learning english…
According to the related grammar, I wrote wrong.
Oh no!!! That was wrong too?.
But this time I’m sure about this one: Emma not only did I used your tips for learning english…?
Hi Emma! I’m shy and introvert so this lesson is for me. After watching the EngVid videos for over a year you guys, at EngVid, have become my friends, so I speak to you, this could be another tip.
Stressful situations- the situations, where a man have to speak English, really helped me to improve my speaking skills.
Emma, your lesson nice for me, and I like your voice very much, hope can heard your new lesson asap next time
Thanks teacher Emma! Your tips are very interesting.
I would also like to congratulate you for the clarity of your pronunciation. You are the teacher that I can most easily understand.
Thanks Emma for this was great and easy to understand…:)
Thank you teacher.
Thanks for the tips Emma, it’s been a great help for me had heard you because i’m a shy person n’ sometimes is difficult to communicate with other people. You are the best ;)
thank Emma very good lesson
Hi Emma! Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks with us about becoming more confident when speaking with others.
Dear Emma, I loved this class today. It was a great gift for us. Thank you very much for all advices. Have a nice week.
I love this lesson and Thanks for Emma.
thank you Emma
you are No 1 to me
Thanks Emma! The topic is very interesting!
Thank you very much teacher Emma
I quite agree with all greatful comments to Emma. Such a wonderful lesson!
I liked the most the smiling technique and power poses reference. I will definitely use them. My daughter is taking her examinations these days. She needs these tips a lot. I sent the link to her. I hope that will help to overcome excess of stress.
As for me, I’m not a shy person, but I’m too strict to myself. And I’ve never rewarded myself. So, I will. I know my strong sides. I will love them. I will do something pleasant tomorrow morning.
My studying goal for tomorrow – speak English not less than hour, no matter who with. If I don’t find my sacrifice it’ll be my cat.
Thank you Emma once more.
Why do my comment need to be approved?! So often! Are there any limits in the content or frecquency?
don’t worry , it’s the same for me . Maybe it’s to avoid politic comments as last week.
No, there weren`t any improper expressions. I just commented the lesson in grateful manner and set plans for today. But it was not short. That`s why it`s pity it wasn`t published. After some days it wont`t be up to date…
Sorry about that! Sometimes when comments are very close together they are marked as possible spam or double-posts.
Frequency, sorry
I appreciate your tips, they are very useful and interesting, especially when you don’t use the English language daily and you have to look for people like tourists, receptionists, classmates, and whoever that can understand you speaking English and explaining your ideas about different topics. It’s a great aid to listen to all of you, teaching us how to improve our skills, I like it but we must inquiry how to minimise the waste of time because we have limits in our brains, maybe this is the cause of our shy. Thanks a lot, teacher Emma from Engvid, a very nice lesson.
I don`t think we can exceed our brain ability. But we all face with lack of time. And as time goes by our memory fails us. I need more time to memorise things now in comparison with past. That`s why it`s harder to study when you`re adult. (I`m about fourty). How old are you?
It’s very true that you have written, I think by myself but there are many other people around the world and sometimes I can guess their experiences, but not always. I’m in my middle forties nowadays but I’m living like in a second youth. Thanks for your comments.
Yes, I feel myself free now, much free than two year before. My daughter finished her school, entered the Uni and moved to Moscow. I unexpectedly found myself free! I have never had so much spare time…. Even in the youth. I can afford myself doing what I really want – studying English .
I loved the lesson! I got 10.. Thanks Emma!
Thank you for your tips.
I’m a shy person. I’m afraid of making mistakes. Your lesson really changes my mind. I shouldn’t worry much about making mistakes, because I would learn a lot from them.
Take care and have a great day!
Good lesson!
Dear Emma
Great lesson, I feel that you made this lesson for me, because I am really a shy person. You gave me lot of confidence accordingly my weekness.
This problem is widely commun, i am also shy but i try always to put my self into oral conversation with people through Internet
Hi Guys!
Who is interested to do some practice via skype?
Add me luca.medici88 – Advanced Level only
Me, by the way i am not very good, so dont expect a lot from me, my Skype name is: Houssyene Nadour, Facebook: Housseyne Nadour, and Whatsapp +213669272426
Thanks Emma for this wonderful lesson! I really appreciate all of these suggestions
That was a great lesson for all of us that we considere ourselves a shy person. Cheers!
Very good, Emma. Thank you.
hello ma’am
I really beg you to help me find out those video which you introduced us in this lesson. could you put the links here please?
Or dear moderator if you read this comments, lead me to the videos please.
I have got a question: why there is not “to” before improve and feel after help?
“Speaking in front of a mirror can really help you improve your spoken English. It can help you feel more comfortable speaking.”
Hi . After help both are correct : She helped me to improve my English or She helped me improve my English.
Thank you Emma for this lesson. I have just a question: why did you say ‘ afraid to make mistakes ‘ instead ‘ afraid of making mistakes. I heard it while your speaking. thank you very much.
Thank you Emma for this lesson.I feel nervous when I speak to another person so it may help to speak on skype nour.nour2624
I got 7 out of 10.. I’m happy with it..
You are right Emma. I am very shy when trying to speak with a native or advanced level student. Thank you for these tips.
I got 9/10 =]
This site is really cool.
I think that when I gonna to London in Oct 2017, my english will be better than now :D
thank you so much
I’d really like to congratulate you on your great work, you certainly encourage us all to become better and better at English.
As for today’s topic, I totally agree, I tend to be deeply shy when it comes to talking to people and I try to do my best to push those boundaries further no matter how hard it is.
Thank you very much.
Hi Emma,
I have finished all your lessons within a month. I like your teaching style and will keep stay follow you. I really like this kind of lesson cause it is encourage to people. We need this to forward. Sure it will continue.
I want to contribute about power poses with link below. I hope it can help for better understand. You mentioned about her in your power poses lesson.
and until next time take care :)
Thank you so much for your lessons, Emma!!
Thank you, it is very helpful because personally, i’m afraid to make mistake but i’ll try to be comfortable and just to enjoy what i do. You’re right, I need to make mistake to improve myself
thanks a lot ,I gained much from this video and I got 100% in the quize
i am very happy teacher Emma ……100……yessssss
Owo, you’re amazing Emma, love u
It is very good lesson. I got 9/10 point. Thank you Emma :)
Thanks Amma it is very good lesson …I got full of 10 marks …..thank you so much?
i passed the quiz before watching the video, i got 9/10 :D
Thank you for your great lesson. This helped me a lot. I’m so shy.
thank you madam great topic
thank you Emma
Thanks Emma~ Thease tips are helpful~
I have a problem with speaking. You advice is very good!!!!
Thanks teacher!!!!
Thanks a lot! It was very interesting and useful. I try to follow you recommendations:)
Hi? Luchik. I suppose that Dania would mind our conversation. Nevertheless I dare to request it. In brief, may i write you? ( nothing personal, just for learning)
thank you so much Emma. You are a quite perfect teacher in every detail you teach
Thank you so much teacher
thank you teacher emma :)
What a nice photo just jerry ! It reminds me my childhood . Take care.
very useful…
thanks ! very useful!
Emma , you are a very good teacher.
Thank you.
I liked, very good teacher!
Thanks a lot!
Emma, thanks! I indeed very pleased to see and to hear you.
Great job Emma!!!!
If I realize that I will have 5-10 minutes, I know that I would spend my time with the use of by listening EMMA’s LESSONS
It’s exactly that I needed. Thank you so much.
Very useful topics
Thank you
Thanks a lot.Emma
I am Proud Of You My Dear Teacher (Emma)
I adore Emma.
that is very good
thank؛s alot
Thanks you Emma!
awesome tricks
Thanks you Enma! you are excellent teacher! I love the lesson!
very help full for any one he want to learn english
Love you
Thanks Emma! This lesson was very special for me because I’m a shy english student, so I needed it!
Thanks Emma.
Thank you Emma. Interesting lesson.
Very wel
Thank you
Thank you so much for this lesson .I’ve learned a lot
I love your way emma , you are very smart and very quiet .
Thanks Emma! I got a100
Thank you so much Emma. It was a very useful lesson!
Tx Emma!
Great tips! Thanks a lot Emma =)
Thank you, Emma. I will use the tips you were given.I’m the type of introvert person which afraid to make mistake while talk with other people. Thanks again and I really enjoyed this video.
Hi Emma, thank you for the useful lesson!
You’re just a great teacher!
Thanks Emma. I liked the sentence “There’s nothing wrong making mistakes in English”. =)
Cool i love your lesson
thanks a lot ,for this topic
10/10. Great lesson. Tks
Useful tips
thank so much Emma
Only 70%.I’ve confused everything and have to go to the mirror to continue training.
Thanks Emma. it very helpfull.i am going to buy mirror to practice .just for fun don’t make it serious.
i am very curious to watch power pose video.
I find all Emma’s tips are extremely useful and enjoyable. And the most impressive thing is that you needn’t spend too much strengths to follow these tips and get a some progress every day. Here is one of my favourite English proverb – Little by little make a mikle.
Great lesson. Thanks Emma!
thanks you for your teach, i like the way you teach, it’s make me understand..
Thank you Emma for your lesson! It was very useful for me, because you are inspiring me to speak in English more confidently, not afraid do more mistake. Thank you again
tks a lot!!!!
thank you so much.
This topics is very useful for me.Thanks teacher.I try your suggestions.
How i can start English. ..
Thank you Emma :)
Thank you so much Emma :)
Thanks a lot Emma really I like it
You can guess by my avatar, I’m so shy person and theese tips really helpful and useful for me. Thank you, Emma! Right now I fill more comfortable in speech
Thanks a lot for your clear explanations.
Thanks a lot, Emma! Great lesson
thankx alot T. Emma
I’m grateful for the tips. I think they’ll work for me because I’m shy.
Thank you Emma. This lesson was very important to me, because I am a shy person
thank you Emma
i think she is very better teachers and she knows every problem which is faced by i could say that she is perfect in her occupation
Thank you Emma
Thanks alote
Thank you very much
You are perfect teacher!.
You wonderfull teacher!
thank you so much for your lesson, Emma
thank you so much for your lesson, Emma
very useful lesson, thank u!)
thank you emma i had watching very carefully . After ı had pass the quiz 8/10
emma you are a good teacher, tahnks you
She is a very teacher!
I got 10/10!!! Great lesson! Thanks teacher Emma!
you’re the best Emma.
I’m too shy to write comments. OMG, what am I doing? Other people will see it. My face is slowly getting red colour. Mu-ummy!!!
Thanks, Emma.
This is my first lesson, it’s useful!! Thanks a lot, Emma.
Welcome to engVid, Julia! ?
oh that a good suggestion for me.. from now i fell more comfortable
Thanks Emma and engVid
Thanks! I love this page!
Making mistakes is an important part of learning.
I think so, too.
I’m shy, but I will remember that sentence when I have been in these situations.
Thank you Emma.
thank uuuuuuuuuu
yey! I got perfect score! Thanks for this lesson Emma I learned so much from you. God bless you.
this program ENGVID it’s very useful and effective to my life.Thank a lot for whose this making program ENGVID
10 out of 10
Perfect Job …. Keep it UP EMMA!
thanks, i get 90
Thank you Emma :)
I am learning English now. Thank you so much Emma teacher.
Thanks a lot Emma … I think you should work as psychotherapist physician you are very good in that field ;)
I am newbie…Thank you for all your tips.
Regards Dejan from Serbia
hopefully will be useful for me
Thank you Emma for your advices.
thank you so much teacher
Thanks for the useful tips.
Thank you for those tips, they really help me out.
very good teacher
It’s great….
Thanks a lot Emma, you are really so nice.
I need a partner for practicing English, is there any one interested?
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma for your tips. You are a great teacher and your voice is beautiful indeed. I know my english is not very good but i am not shy
thank you, it was good tips I feel more confident ‘ i’ll never shy again if i make mistakes , even the native speakers make mistakes, thanks a lot
Thanks Emma for your tips
Thanks Emma for your tips, you are very nice.
Thanks a lot Emma!
Superb mam
thanks for your tips
thanks for your tips
iam new student iwant learn English one months please my teacher emma give me anew class start now
Thank you So Much Emma,Your video-classes are amazing
thanks dear amme your are really greate teacher
Thanks Emma
Thank you very much Mrs. Emma.
thanks Emma
Ty for your tips emma.. I got 100…
Thank you Emma.
I like speak English with people.
I social butterfly.
I hit 100% Thank you Emma
Thanks so much Emma
I loved this tips!!
Now I feel more comfortable, 10/10 one more time. I was a shy person, has less talking skills for English before. Thanks Emma, you give me more power for learning English.
Very nice lesson. Thanks so much Emma!
Thanks a lot Emma.
i am curious about FORD .
Am okay thanks.
Hi everyone I’m new here nice to see you all comments I hope everyone is good
mines date 23/10/21 from Kzakhstan
thank a lot, Emma
Thank you, Emma. You cover all aspects of language learning in a very nice way. I learn a lot with you.
Tks Emma, I got 10/10