This is a grammar lesson about the best ways to make suggestions in English. I explain different ways to make a suggestion and give you some useful phrases to use. I’m sure you will be surprised by how many different ways we can make suggestions! We have a lot of different ways to make suggestions in English because it depends on how polite we need to be in the situation and how attached we are to the outcome. If we really want our suggestion to happen, we will be more direct with our language.
I’d love to take classes with a british professor, is the accent I want to use when I finished my studies
Hi there! So you want to speak English with British accent? Why?
Hope you do not mind answering this question.
Knowing how to make suggestions help us not only to talk about the places we have been to or things we can do in our spare time, but also to talk about many other situations at the workplace, at home or school.
Thanks Jade for these set of useful and casual expression to talk about making suggestions.
All the best.
In my first time when a I whatched jane, I couldn’t understand things but now I’m bright.. thanks a lot…. your accent is excellent… thanks again.
See how quickly you get used to a new accent? It doesn’t take long. Just you have to listen for a little bit and then it becomes easy. :)
i got an a on a test because of this
thanks Jade for this useful lesson! I wish if you could make a lesson about British accent and pronunciation , cos I find it alittle tough!
That’s a great idea for a lesson. Stay tuned!
So interesting lesson , thank you so much! I appreciate you this, you have such an amazing way to teach and i love your accent.
allam taib
I have a question =) the last example, is it ” what do you feel like doing” ?!! is there a ” you ” ?!!
Hi Saliho, I think you are right. Whan Jade repeat this question i can hearing “What do YOU feel like doing”. It’s maybe a mistake.
Of course, there is. It was a planned humour.
I don’t understand the question. You can say, ‘What do you feel like doing?’
I have this question too! Because you wrote “What do feel like doing?” in your video. So, should it amend the sentence for “What do YOU feel like doing?” the latter is correct? bu the way, thanks for your lesson!
Yes, there is!
Gui Duarte
Thanks Jade for your iteresting lesson. You have a nice accent, I love it :)
I agree to that. Her accent is nice.
Jade be confident about your abilities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abdel Said
I wholeheartedly agree with you. But we have take into consideration the fact that it’s Jade’s second lesson. So I recon she needs more time ;). We believe in you Jade ;)
Love your accent!! I was supposed to be born in UK but unfortunately, I don’t know what happend butI was born in the Czech Republic. One question … (Would you mind, if we stay at home?)… Isn’t it the second conditional??? Why don’t you say … (Would you mind, if we STAYED at home?) … thank you very much for the answer :)
You can say it either way.
Thanks, great video and tips.
thanks jade 10/10
vamp 23
Nice lesson. Thank you for your special London accent what sounds a bit more emphasized here than like in your own youtube videos.
I’m confused about question 9. in the quiz. I think to say “What are your plans today” is quite a direct way of talking about plans, isn’t it?
Yeah Bencebacsi, I agree with your comment! An indirect way to ask this question would be:
I was wondering what your plans are today?
Have a nice day!
Hope we can get some feedback on this, although I doubt it!!!
Once more, Regards.
The sentence is not a passive structure, of course. It’s a passive form to ask somebody about a future plan. It is a way to make more vivid the suggestion, I think. Jade speaks about it in the video when she explains the sentence “What should we do tonight?”. I hope I’ve helped. :)
Sorry. I told “passive”. I could say “indirect”. The sentence is not an indirect structure (gramatically) is an indirect way to say somtehing. You want to do something but you say “What are your plans Today?” to suggest thay you want to do sommething today. The direct way could be: Shall we go to the cinema
tonight? ( You suggest a particular thing).
Hi Nuria, yeah I’m sure you’re right.
The question “Shall . . .?” makes a suggestion.
Thanks for your feedback on my comments.
Have a nice weekend!!!
P.S. By the way Nuria, where are you from?
Thanks Regino for your comments¡¡¡ I´m from Spain. I see you’re Italian, aren’t you?
Noo. Regino. You’re Mexican. Sorry.. I´m terribly sorry about it¡¡¡
Yeah, you’re right,I’m Mexican. Don’t worry Nuria, we all make mistakes; even IronMan does.
Have a great week!!!
I agree with you,Regino(Iron Man).I also doubt it!
Thanks Panda too¡¡¡ lol
You can only say it with someone you are familiar with and you know well. Otherwise it will sound pushy!
thank you Jade for this lesson :)
Thanks Jade, very useful lesson.
I love doing this. Would you mind to make more videos on polite forms of making suggestions?
I just made a video on this subject. How many suggestions do you need to make? :p
Thank you for your lesson.
Nice accent, very useful lesson,thanks Jade.
LOVELY accent! :) Thanks for this useful lesson, Jade!
ha ha, the end is just hilarious!^^
I love Jade’s voice. Her accent is so nice.
thank you jade
kareem eldeeb
I like your class, thank you!!!
I love this British teacher.
Nice lesson.Thanks!!!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Wow Perfect! Ya~y :D Perhaps I was just lucky… because I was confused a little. Thank you, Jade :)
Clever-clogs! Good job. :)
Oh…I don’t think so. But thank you, Jade :D
Got 10 out of 10.
May I ask a doubt?
I am confused after listening to people with different accents. Do you pronounce ‘t’ sound in ‘suggestion’?
I find kind of difficulg your accent, but I like it. I REALLY KNOW HOW YOU! BECAUSE I’m also a teacher, but try to relax more and have fun. yourself working. You are welcome and we love you!
Sandra Campos
Thanks Jade I love yr lesson and yr accent
Teacher , what about ‘shall’
Shall we go for a lunch/dinner?
Is shall is used for making a suggestion?
Please answer
About “shall”. It’s special verb that means “CAN”.
Pen Rasin
Hi Pen Rasin, are you sure “shall” means “can”?
I doubt it!!!
As far as I know, it is used in questions with “I” and “we” for making offers or suggestions or asking advice:
What shall we do this weekend?
Have a great day!
Hi..shall can be used with the pronoun’I’for suggestions Eg:
What shall i bring you tea or coffee?
You need to study.Shall i switch off the TV?
shall can also be used with the pronoun’WE’for suggestions
Shall we go for a walk?
Where shall we go for our next vacation?
Hi Pintuk,
As far as I know, SHALL is used in questions with “I” and “we” for making offers or suggestions or asking advice:
What shall we do this weekend?
Hope, it may be of some help.
Have a great day!
Hi.. thanks Regino.
Hi, pintuk. A teacher once told me to only use “will”. He said that “shall” is kinda old, and that in modern English people use just “will”. But now I know better than that. Thank you, Regino.
Evaldo Mendes
Just use ‘shall’ for making suggestions in question form.
I disagree with you IronMan (Not only cuz your 2nd movie was awful) but… I just watched a movie (that is way better) in which someone said “YOU shall see my wonders”… So that it’s valid to use other kind of pronouns with it. Not only I and we.
Unless you are Shakespear or King James, don’t use “Shall” please.
P.S: Thanks for the lesson Jade.
It is old fashioned to use ‘shall’ in statement form, yes. But for suggestions in question form it is fine.
Good point. Thanks for clear it up.
For clearING that up… x.x
It is also the word for legal forms, like contracts of renting.
When I spend a summer in the University of Norwich ( Nerch- NNarch -Nech.. nobody called it Norwich), or University of East Anglia I should say, I tried to rent a flat. The whole contract form was full of ‘shall’: “Articles 5, 6, 7, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 9 and 10 shall survive any expiry or earlier termination of this Contract.”
Just bettwen us, the typical ‘can I help you’ in stores and shops were the only polite words I heard.
Sorry, I didn’t type correctly:
spent (not spend)
between (not bettwen, wich doesn’t exist)
Good question pintuk. I’d like to have Jade’s opinion
I agree with you Sancandi, but I have serious reservations about Jade’s respond to our queries.
P.S. Sorry we all make mistakes from time to time.
My accent is called an ‘Estuary English’ accent and we often don’t say /t/ sound.
We use shall a lot in British English.
Thanks your suggestion that you have taught me about that.
Pen Rasin
Many thanks
I found this video helpful. Thanks a lot
Thanks Mam Jade, I got 100% and students on engvid are liking you more. again thanks
Abdul Qayum
Hi Londoner. nice to see you again it’s really
a nice topic and presentation go ahead
My God! My English is British. I love British accent. I prefer the british accent because is very soft and beautiful. Bye, bye Teacher!
Demetrio Yaakov
thanks alot about the lesson
Ali Abobakr
thanks for the excellent lesson
madam jade the video isn’t well clear……sometime it shows clear during playing.
Thanks Jade! I’m a little bit unwonted to your accent, but your lessons are useful and interesting!
thanks Jade the lesson was loud and clear and also interesting.. why don’t you make the quiz harder?…and its nice from you to explain some strange words.
It is a brilliant lesson and teacher as well .
I suggested to carry on such as the above lesson you know ,I lovely the British accent. I really thankful teacher Jade .
Great lesson Jade!
I didn’t know most of them before watching this video.
Thank you coach!
100%. thanks teacher
Lovely accent. I’m planning go to London this year and stay for a month: to study and to enjoy the city as well!
9/10 :)
Thank you, good native English accent and I am planning to come in London. During to stay in London, interested to learn English. could you help at that time
I only do Skype classes.
really? what is your skype account? would u mind if i ask ur account?
thank you
thank uuuuuuuuuuuu)))
Hahaha your exit was very funny! Good actor:D
I did not understand the difference between suggestion and council.
These are very different words. Suggestion is when you give an idea to someone.
Thank you very much, I noticed the subject was not found in last sentence but you finally corrected it .
Amer 2
Try to open your eyes
Mejor abrí los tuyos, y me importa un comino lo que pienses, no fue para vos y nunca pediría una opinión menos la tuya, mi estimado zoquete
Friend… You’re fighting with a computer not with me so take it easy. I didn’t mean to piss you off.
– Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure and Relieves Stress.
Should try it.
Al least an English teacher. Good lesson and good teacher¡¡ I’m looking forward to the next lesson¡¡¡¡
thanks Jade. very good lesson. I enjoy all your videos. :)
Hello, Thank you Jade for this lesson. For me you speak too speed, and I am not all understand.
The end questions on the quiz were hard.I do three milstaks.
I ‘m going to see again .
ody joly
Use the subtitles when you listen. It will help you.
please tell me how to turn this sentence with if clause to the unless clause?
If he does some serious research online, he will write interesting articles.
Thanks :)
hello Mrs jade, thank you for your great lessons
i just want you to explain to me the 1st quetion:why you made “if i were you…..” and you don’t make “if i was you …….”.have a nice day and thank you again your student Rida from Morocco,with best wishes
‘If I were you’ is the form that the second conditional takes. It is an exception in grammar.
good way to learning
Edin hasard
I registered especially to say you are the best teacher in all aspects. Now Im shure wil learn english.
That’s very kind of you. :)
Do you guys know where we can ask specific questions to any teacher on this website?
Hello, teacher Jade. Do you have cockney? The reason why I ask about this is because I never know how a Londoner speaking English.
No I don’t have a cockney accent. Not many people speak that way anymore. My accent is an Estuary English accent and you can find out more about that on my Jade Joddle Channel on YouTube.
wooow, I loved your accent, the lesson is really great and beneficial, as well.
Tulin Qadri
10/10 thank you so much
i got 90 out of 100 in this test
Thank you Jade for your interesting lesson. You have a nice accent, I love it, keep on.
thank you jade for your useful lessons.
rohullah asmati
i will with for your new lessons thank alot.
rohullah asmati
Love it, thanks jade for taking this wonderful lesson.
steven ji
Thanks a lot Jade ;)
Thanks a lot Jade.
Thank u Jade.
Amer Toto
thinks everybody
It is great lessen from nice teacher,thank you very much , We look forward to your next lessen.
i love u jade, i need a lot of video with u.
Thanks :)
Great to give us the opportunity of hearing different accents (british with thise lesson, canadian almost every time, why not an american one soon), so it will be easier than now to understand the real English world. Thanks to Engvid and Jade.
Yes you need to listen to all kinds of English accents to really master the language.
I am new on this page and I enjoy a lot. thank you
Hei Fenix555555. She is an english teacher. Her accent is british.And her voice is clear. May be your hearing is not clear enough !! :)Don’t worry, is just a joke ! I like Jade !
Hehe when someone says the way I speak is not clear, that’s what I always think: their hearing is not clear!!!
Un…bloody…believable! Jade, you,re here…on Engvid. I’m all …all…ALL…
that’s that
We live in a small internet world! It’s me. Hello. Hello.
Hello Jade,
You are fast as Rabbit Bugs. Please, speak slowly! Thank you very much.
I’m faster than a cheetah!
its just 100th
Thanks many times very good lesson. EngVid is good place for you. Nice to practice different London accent.
Thank you.It’s a great lesson :)
Thank you very much Ms Jade,
I got 100.
I find some difficult to follow your accent but I understand :)
Nice accent, very useful lesson,thanks Jade.
I wish that you teach a new lesson.
all the time I will waite for your new lesson.
8/10 is not bad for me. Thank you Jade!
90% not to bad thx ;)
Thank you so much for your lesson!
what a lovely accent…thx a lot for this lesson
Many thanks for this video!
hi Jade, could i ask a question, if you don’t mind? when offering a suggestion you just said, for example, “how about going to watch movies?”. can i say, “how about go to watch movie?” so, i didn’t use a word “going” but just use “go”. can i?
This is incorrect. You have to say, ‘How about going to watch a movie.’
I was out of Engvid for a while because I had some technical problems with my internet, and when I came back you were here, Jade! It was very nice to learn from you! It is quite difficult to me understanding your British accent, especially when you talk fast, but I will watch all your videos and get used to it! Thank you for the class! – Celia from Brazil
Sally S
Thanks Ceila. You can watch with the subtitles on. And after a couple of videos you will understand me, no problem.
Actually I don’t really like British accent but this is arguably the first time when I must say you rock ;) I love the way you speak and give info. Thank you!
100% thank u a lot !!
thankyou (^_^)
Million thanks jade :)
Im so thankful for your greate lesson jade!i love your accent british
And you are so cute!rsrs
walison mendes
I like your pronounce,course I want like that.Thank you Jade.
The last option of final question in the quiz is funny. Thanks Jade! this is very good lesson.
thank you
Wael Rashed
thanks you
I got 70 points! pupupu
Why it is incorrect, I think this is not suggestion “When you want to share an idea about something you like.” It is just share!!!
And I think that “When you know nothing about the situation.” It is one of the suggestion.
Because it is not that time of the decision, we could say.
Hi Jade
I have been studying in Manchester , As a matter of fact i still have some difficulties with the british accent .
Anyhow, I enjoyed your videos .
Thanks Alot
There are many British accents. That makes it really tough to understand the real English that people speak.
English, British, Irish, etc. Southern USA, Australian, Indian, Canadian (?)…
It’s not about the accent. It’s about words you use. The spelling is irrelevant. Think about ‘mother tongue’. That is useful. Accent is useless.
I do not change my
Point of view
woo hoo i got 10 out of 10 :D
Thanks that we have got British accent at Ingvid. I have also watch some of your videos on youtube. You are a good teacher. Hope to see many videos here at Ingvid. I have big problem with the grammar when I try to talk. Hopefully you make some “beginner” grammar videos.
Knut N
First of all I would like to say thank you – Jade – for your video. I like all the teachers of this site including you and I am learning a lots from their videos. But today, when was watching your video, I think, I was just starring at you because I was unable to catch your tone. So I realize how tough the British English really.But I believe I will catch your tone when I will watch again and again.I would love to see your new video with your beautiful smiley face in future and I wish you could upload some new topics which are not covered by other teachers. Thank you once again and love to see you in next video. And sorry if, I have done any grammatical mistake in my comments. I am still in learning stage.
Kishore Dmachinist
If you don’t mind,Jade, could you upload a video on topic “shall”? Specially from Indian point of views. I live in India and so I have noticed “shall” is very often use inappropriately. So, I like to request you to give a lecture on this with grammar rules and examples.
Kishore Dmachinist
Pretty cool your videos teacher! the last part was very funny I laughed a while you’re so cute and your videos are really great! thanks
Thank you jade for this lesson, was really good.
good teacher.thank you.if I were you,i would be happy.
I’m new in this site and my new comment.
I am poor in english but i can say, THANK YOU JADE for this lesson. my teacher of university inform me about this site.excuse me for my spelling.
Thank you Jade
I really appreciated your accent, I want like you when speaking to other people
Thank you! Jade.
Thanks alot
amer al kashto
Thank you very much , just I’d like to say I’ve got a lot of vocabulary but I can’t use them how to improve my speaking
I got 10 out of 10
WoW. Thanks Jade alot.Jade’slesson is so helpful
hi jade
it’s my first time to watch your vedio and i found it so helpful so i admire you
thank you and keep on
abo abdou
Thank you Jade this is has been a good help for me.And what is the other website you were talking about?
Hello Jade. You are a great teacher. I love your accent.
If you don’t understand what she explains or if you think she speaks fast, you really need to improve your listening skills
I like your classes very much. Lovely British pronunciation!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much and your accent is gorgeous ^^.
Thanks Jade, Would you tell me please how to empower my English speaking because I am not good at speaking, in here that I live, is not English speaker.
Thank you so much for a good lesson Jade, I wonder if you teach on skype too Jade,
Thank you so musch :)
You a great teacher !!!
funny Andrew
I thank you Ms. Jade not only with this lesson itself but also for you
*your willingness to help each one of us in order to clear our doubts. And it’s really obvious as I scrolled down seeing all the respond from your good self. I can’t imagine how you were able to reply those questions that enthusiastically. Not all teachers can do that. Thanks for the effort once again.
I like your face and your smile. Thank you!
very good teaching
I get 80 Point. Thank You Jade!!!
very useful tnx, more because of you (Jade) you exactly knows what to do, rally like your style
Ehsan Azizi
Ehsan Azizi
I’m going to participate a lifelong learning proggramme in Germany two months later. I have to improve my communication skills and I think this video is usefull for my speech. Thank you very much :)
Thanks a lot Jade
Amin mor
what about this question:
complete the suggestion and request below:
…… opening the window please?
Thanks .it is really helpful .you could have mentioned which one is more formal that was ice on the cake.
Thanks again
Tx for your video but I remember an old old song from “Eight wonder” were Patsy sang “If I WAS you”…not were…
Thank you, teacher! I love your voices.
I love your accent! I got 90, hee hee!
Your accent is easy for me to understand what you’re saying/teaching.
Hi Jade,
thanks a lot for your class.
You’re a great teacher.
take care
Thanks a lot for your class, will help me for sure
james christy
Great teaching!
Thanks a lot.
Hi. I’ve got 9 of 10. Very interesting lesson. Nice quiz. But I can’t understand what’s it wrong with phrase “If I were you, I would think carefully about my behaviour.” ?
Thank you.
Thanks Miss Jade, you are a lovely teacher, I enjoyed your class.
10/10.. Thanks.
Hi Jade, could you make a video about ‘ already’ , because it is commonly misused. Thank you
So good lesson exactly it was the first time for me to do such excersise i was not sure to get a complete response but let’s be optimistic i just like to focus more on conditional and relative phrases like : although, until, unless, depite the fact… please help me
Victorious malik
100% think you Jade!
I got 7 correct out of 10.
Mohammed Shkur
i got 7correct out of 10
thank you jade for your work and your time
charaf imzouren
Hehehehe lovely video keep it up
Alaa Elmallah
Great Lesson. Thanks
Hi Jade
why are we supposed to say: “give me advice”
and not “give me an advice” ?
thanks in advance
hi jade
well done , but you wrote
would you mind if we stay at home”
i think the right is :
would you mind if we stayed at home ” isn’t it ?
Great Lesson. Thanks Dear Jade
Munawar Khan
I like your typical British accent, Jade. Even though I must admit that British English sounds a little bit odd to me, paradoxically. Maybe because I am used to watching videos or hearing North American accents.
I had some difficulties the first times I had phone conversations with recruiters in the UK, since I am looking for job there. I still remember a Welsh lady speaking so fast before starting an interview. I hadn’t understood anything, but I made out lately thanks also to engVid :-)
I’ve got 8/10. Thank you.
I got 8 out of 10
Tahmid Chowdhury
I love your lessons!!!
Im watching your video every day!
I watch Jade’s video every day too.
VERY GOOD class , would want to be my classmate :)
I expect 10 of 10 but it is not.
hi Jade! I really like your accent coz it make me get the max concentration to understand you, i can to understand a little better now, thanks, good lessons! and sorry for my written english.
Jose Wen
anyone tell me some example?(Q) would have got or gotten
JADE helps me.Because I want to learn speak English :)
So “about” is a preposition and after a preposition the verb must be in the gerund form.
How about visiting your friend,Tracy?
Am I right?
thanks jame I scored a 8.5 overall by learning from your videos
Madam jade can you please clarify my doubt?? Is the sentence (we would like staying in home) correct?? Thank you for the answer.
Madam jade can you please clarify my doubt? I would not like to have tea. Is it correct??
such a nice girl and it’s very pleasure to hear your lessons!
@jade I am doubt what did you say!
did you say Londonese as javanese?
but Saw in subtitle Londoner. which one?
in my long term memory I have forms like javanese,japanese but I listened londoner so I tried to activate the subtitle londoner too.I am confused jade!
chakim hamzah
here my quiz jade! I got wrong at number 9
You got 9 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
10/10 Great, Jade!
Jade you are the best, forever and ever! :-) :-) :-)
It’s been a beautiful lesson, thanks a lot!!! :)
hey jade hello i want to meet you , maybe one day my dream comes true!!!! make it possible please!!!
That’s great to watch your video by accident!!!And it is greater to learn from you after that!!! I love your accent~~
Great lesson! It is very easy to understand everything you say. Your quiz in general is more difficult then your colleagues quiz and this makes me more interested in you courses.
I get to 1 from 10 !
I didn’t understanding !
I fail
thanks for all!
Thank you Jade!
Wow.I got higher score ,right,on this lesson.
Very good lesson. Thank’s Jade!
9/10 :)
Thanks Jane for this useful and clearly lesson on Making suggestions!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Hi dear Jade.
Thanks for your efforts and your videos.
You’re so funny and pretty.
Are you married?
Do you want to marry a persian guy? :)
Mohsen Barati
dear Jade
Thanks for you :)
Very nice(:,I enjoyed it.
Thank you Jade, very interesting lesson.
Very useful lesson. Thank you so much
Thank you Jade from Italy, go on like this.
Thank you Jade!
Finals of your lessons are amazing! :)
No, no, not only finals, but every final is like the cherry on the cake. :)
Thank you Jade,the more I watch your very interresting lessons the more I get used to the British accent .
Thanks. Jade, Great Video.
If i were you, i would be happy.
If i were you, i would buy the blue dress. It looks great on you.
Miles Shepherd
thank you my best teacher jada . I’m get 90 .
am new here thanx for the lessons i got 10 correct so happy for that
how useful video
learning how to make suggestions to someone to do something is kind of important conversation skills.I think not just in spare time when you want to hang out with people, but even in real working life especially working enviroment like office at workplace where people working together as a team or social group, i think it help everyone getting to know each other more better and creating funnier air-working, just my stupid thingking.
Thanks you Jade
All best to you
Hoai Manucians
GBU .. Thank you for your lesson.. I’m very fortunetely find this website and meet up with you on video :D . you’re beatifull miss.. #from Indonesia
Riza Prasetyo
Thank you for your lesson
Let’s go on. you are great.
Thanks a lot for this Good lesson You are wonderful jade .
Thanks a lot for this Good lesson You are wonderful jade .
Thank you Jade.
Hi jade
This is Karam I’m new here
thanks, jade
would you mind made lessons more about speaking fast in work
thanks again
onda ali
Thanks Jade for this useful video.
Great, i like your way of teaching ^_^
Ahmed agus
Hi, Jade! Very nice lesson! I learned cool ways to make suggestions with your lesson today. It’s to really nice to think about how the language can be direct or indirect… If I listened well, you said that you prefer the direct way, right? So… Let’s learn more English! Thank you so much, Jade! And I really like your kind of humour! Hahahahaha! See ya!
Marcos Paulo Ventura
Thank you
I got 90 lol Thanks so much
thank you so much Mrs Jade. .
do you know ?
I did not watch video ,i answered that directly .
can you send my scores to this email
Abdulrashed Hasan
my score bad:(((
Thank you Jade?
Why don’t you make a video on how to answer suggestions? :))
Hi Jade
thanks alot
Jade is a very fine teacher.
Thaks a lot , i have 7/10 in this lesson, if i were you , i would thank myself for all the support ❤
Thank you jade. I love your accent and all your expressions. I wish I could do the same some day.
I love them videos and your sweet presentation thank you jade
Hi Jade, It is always lovely to watch your lesson. I want to ask two things 1. the difference between giving Suggestions and Giving Advice. because they are grammatically similar 2, what is the difference between Why don’t you? and Why don’t we? Thank you very much Jade.
Teguh Satio Wargo
Thanks for your lesson. I’ve never been to London. Iwould like to go there someday.
I’ve noticed that sentence has missed the subject {you} and I understood that you missed for the reason , because you love to do that jade .
I really enjoy your lessons and your accent specially in ending the lesson.
Learn English for free with 2152 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I’d love to take classes with a british professor, is the accent I want to use when I finished my studies
Hi there! So you want to speak English with British accent? Why?
Hope you do not mind answering this question.
Knowing how to make suggestions help us not only to talk about the places we have been to or things we can do in our spare time, but also to talk about many other situations at the workplace, at home or school.
Thanks Jade for these set of useful and casual expression to talk about making suggestions.
All the best.
In my first time when a I whatched jane, I couldn’t understand things but now I’m bright.. thanks a lot…. your accent is excellent… thanks again.
See how quickly you get used to a new accent? It doesn’t take long. Just you have to listen for a little bit and then it becomes easy. :)
i got an a on a test because of this
thanks Jade for this useful lesson! I wish if you could make a lesson about British accent and pronunciation , cos I find it alittle tough!
That’s a great idea for a lesson. Stay tuned!
So interesting lesson , thank you so much! I appreciate you this, you have such an amazing way to teach and i love your accent.
I have a question =) the last example, is it ” what do you feel like doing” ?!! is there a ” you ” ?!!
Hi Saliho, I think you are right. Whan Jade repeat this question i can hearing “What do YOU feel like doing”. It’s maybe a mistake.
Of course, there is. It was a planned humour.
I don’t understand the question. You can say, ‘What do you feel like doing?’
I have this question too! Because you wrote “What do feel like doing?” in your video. So, should it amend the sentence for “What do YOU feel like doing?” the latter is correct? bu the way, thanks for your lesson!
Yes, there is!
Thanks Jade for your iteresting lesson. You have a nice accent, I love it :)
I agree to that. Her accent is nice.
Jade be confident about your abilities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wholeheartedly agree with you. But we have take into consideration the fact that it’s Jade’s second lesson. So I recon she needs more time ;). We believe in you Jade ;)
Love your accent!! I was supposed to be born in UK but unfortunately, I don’t know what happend butI was born in the Czech Republic. One question … (Would you mind, if we stay at home?)… Isn’t it the second conditional??? Why don’t you say … (Would you mind, if we STAYED at home?) … thank you very much for the answer :)
You can say it either way.
Thanks, great video and tips.
thanks jade 10/10
Nice lesson. Thank you for your special London accent what sounds a bit more emphasized here than like in your own youtube videos.
I’m confused about question 9. in the quiz. I think to say “What are your plans today” is quite a direct way of talking about plans, isn’t it?
Yeah Bencebacsi, I agree with your comment! An indirect way to ask this question would be:
I was wondering what your plans are today?
Have a nice day!
Hope we can get some feedback on this, although I doubt it!!!
Once more, Regards.
The sentence is not a passive structure, of course. It’s a passive form to ask somebody about a future plan. It is a way to make more vivid the suggestion, I think. Jade speaks about it in the video when she explains the sentence “What should we do tonight?”. I hope I’ve helped. :)
Sorry. I told “passive”. I could say “indirect”. The sentence is not an indirect structure (gramatically) is an indirect way to say somtehing. You want to do something but you say “What are your plans Today?” to suggest thay you want to do sommething today. The direct way could be: Shall we go to the cinema
tonight? ( You suggest a particular thing).
Hi Nuria, yeah I’m sure you’re right.
The question “Shall . . .?” makes a suggestion.
Thanks for your feedback on my comments.
Have a nice weekend!!!
P.S. By the way Nuria, where are you from?
Thanks Regino for your comments¡¡¡ I´m from Spain. I see you’re Italian, aren’t you?
Noo. Regino. You’re Mexican. Sorry.. I´m terribly sorry about it¡¡¡
Yeah, you’re right,I’m Mexican. Don’t worry Nuria, we all make mistakes; even IronMan does.
Have a great week!!!
I agree with you,Regino(Iron Man).I also doubt it!
Thanks Panda too¡¡¡ lol
You can only say it with someone you are familiar with and you know well. Otherwise it will sound pushy!
thank you Jade for this lesson :)
Thanks Jade, very useful lesson.
I love doing this. Would you mind to make more videos on polite forms of making suggestions?
I just made a video on this subject. How many suggestions do you need to make? :p
Thank you for your lesson.
Nice accent, very useful lesson,thanks Jade.
LOVELY accent! :) Thanks for this useful lesson, Jade!
ha ha, the end is just hilarious!^^
I love Jade’s voice. Her accent is so nice.
thank you jade
I like your class, thank you!!!
I love this British teacher.
Nice lesson.Thanks!!!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Wow Perfect! Ya~y :D Perhaps I was just lucky… because I was confused a little. Thank you, Jade :)
Clever-clogs! Good job. :)
Oh…I don’t think so. But thank you, Jade :D
Got 10 out of 10.
May I ask a doubt?
I am confused after listening to people with different accents. Do you pronounce ‘t’ sound in ‘suggestion’?
I find kind of difficulg your accent, but I like it. I REALLY KNOW HOW YOU! BECAUSE I’m also a teacher, but try to relax more and have fun. yourself working. You are welcome and we love you!
Thanks Jade I love yr lesson and yr accent
Teacher , what about ‘shall’
Shall we go for a lunch/dinner?
Is shall is used for making a suggestion?
Please answer
About “shall”. It’s special verb that means “CAN”.
Hi Pen Rasin, are you sure “shall” means “can”?
I doubt it!!!
As far as I know, it is used in questions with “I” and “we” for making offers or suggestions or asking advice:
What shall we do this weekend?
Have a great day!
Hi..shall can be used with the pronoun’I’for suggestions Eg:
What shall i bring you tea or coffee?
You need to study.Shall i switch off the TV?
shall can also be used with the pronoun’WE’for suggestions
Shall we go for a walk?
Where shall we go for our next vacation?
Hi Pintuk,
As far as I know, SHALL is used in questions with “I” and “we” for making offers or suggestions or asking advice:
What shall we do this weekend?
Hope, it may be of some help.
Have a great day!
Hi.. thanks Regino.
Hi, pintuk. A teacher once told me to only use “will”. He said that “shall” is kinda old, and that in modern English people use just “will”. But now I know better than that. Thank you, Regino.
Just use ‘shall’ for making suggestions in question form.
I disagree with you IronMan (Not only cuz your 2nd movie was awful) but… I just watched a movie (that is way better) in which someone said “YOU shall see my wonders”… So that it’s valid to use other kind of pronouns with it. Not only I and we.
Unless you are Shakespear or King James, don’t use “Shall” please.
P.S: Thanks for the lesson Jade.
It is old fashioned to use ‘shall’ in statement form, yes. But for suggestions in question form it is fine.
Good point. Thanks for clear it up.
For clearING that up… x.x
It is also the word for legal forms, like contracts of renting.
When I spend a summer in the University of Norwich ( Nerch- NNarch -Nech.. nobody called it Norwich), or University of East Anglia I should say, I tried to rent a flat. The whole contract form was full of ‘shall’: “Articles 5, 6, 7, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 9 and 10 shall survive any expiry or earlier termination of this Contract.”
Just bettwen us, the typical ‘can I help you’ in stores and shops were the only polite words I heard.
Sorry, I didn’t type correctly:
spent (not spend)
between (not bettwen, wich doesn’t exist)
Good question pintuk. I’d like to have Jade’s opinion
I agree with you Sancandi, but I have serious reservations about Jade’s respond to our queries.
… correction . . . “Jade’s RESPONSE to our queries (doubts)” . . .
P.S. Sorry we all make mistakes from time to time.
My accent is called an ‘Estuary English’ accent and we often don’t say /t/ sound.
We use shall a lot in British English.
Thanks your suggestion that you have taught me about that.
Many thanks
I found this video helpful. Thanks a lot
Thanks Mam Jade, I got 100% and students on engvid are liking you more. again thanks
Hi Londoner. nice to see you again it’s really
a nice topic and presentation go ahead
My God! My English is British. I love British accent. I prefer the british accent because is very soft and beautiful. Bye, bye Teacher!
thanks alot about the lesson
thanks for the excellent lesson
madam jade the video isn’t well clear……sometime it shows clear during playing.
Thanks Jade! I’m a little bit unwonted to your accent, but your lessons are useful and interesting!
thanks Jade the lesson was loud and clear and also interesting.. why don’t you make the quiz harder?…and its nice from you to explain some strange words.
It is a brilliant lesson and teacher as well .
I suggested to carry on such as the above lesson you know ,I lovely the British accent. I really thankful teacher Jade .
Great lesson Jade!
I didn’t know most of them before watching this video.
Thank you coach!
100%. thanks teacher
Lovely accent. I’m planning go to London this year and stay for a month: to study and to enjoy the city as well!
9/10 :)
Thank you, good native English accent and I am planning to come in London. During to stay in London, interested to learn English. could you help at that time
I only do Skype classes.
really? what is your skype account? would u mind if i ask ur account?
thank you
thank uuuuuuuuuuuu)))
Hahaha your exit was very funny! Good actor:D
I did not understand the difference between suggestion and council.
These are very different words. Suggestion is when you give an idea to someone.
Thank you very much, I noticed the subject was not found in last sentence but you finally corrected it .
Try to open your eyes
Mejor abrí los tuyos, y me importa un comino lo que pienses, no fue para vos y nunca pediría una opinión menos la tuya, mi estimado zoquete
Friend… You’re fighting with a computer not with me so take it easy. I didn’t mean to piss you off.
– Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure and Relieves Stress.
Should try it.
Al least an English teacher. Good lesson and good teacher¡¡ I’m looking forward to the next lesson¡¡¡¡
thanks Jade. very good lesson. I enjoy all your videos. :)
Hello, Thank you Jade for this lesson. For me you speak too speed, and I am not all understand.
The end questions on the quiz were hard.I do three milstaks.
I ‘m going to see again .
Use the subtitles when you listen. It will help you.
please tell me how to turn this sentence with if clause to the unless clause?
If he does some serious research online, he will write interesting articles.
Thanks :)
hello Mrs jade, thank you for your great lessons
i just want you to explain to me the 1st quetion:why you made “if i were you…..” and you don’t make “if i was you …….”.have a nice day and thank you again your student Rida from Morocco,with best wishes
‘If I were you’ is the form that the second conditional takes. It is an exception in grammar.
good way to learning
I registered especially to say you are the best teacher in all aspects. Now Im shure wil learn english.
That’s very kind of you. :)
Do you guys know where we can ask specific questions to any teacher on this website?
Hello, teacher Jade. Do you have cockney? The reason why I ask about this is because I never know how a Londoner speaking English.
No I don’t have a cockney accent. Not many people speak that way anymore. My accent is an Estuary English accent and you can find out more about that on my Jade Joddle Channel on YouTube.
wooow, I loved your accent, the lesson is really great and beneficial, as well.
10/10 thank you so much
i got 90 out of 100 in this test
Thank you Jade for your interesting lesson. You have a nice accent, I love it, keep on.
thank you jade for your useful lessons.
i will with for your new lessons thank alot.
Love it, thanks jade for taking this wonderful lesson.
Thanks a lot Jade ;)
Thanks a lot Jade.
Thank u Jade.
thinks everybody
It is great lessen from nice teacher,thank you very much , We look forward to your next lessen.
i love u jade, i need a lot of video with u.
Thanks :)
Great to give us the opportunity of hearing different accents (british with thise lesson, canadian almost every time, why not an american one soon), so it will be easier than now to understand the real English world. Thanks to Engvid and Jade.
Yes you need to listen to all kinds of English accents to really master the language.
I am new on this page and I enjoy a lot. thank you
Hei Fenix555555. She is an english teacher. Her accent is british.And her voice is clear. May be your hearing is not clear enough !! :)Don’t worry, is just a joke ! I like Jade !
Hehe when someone says the way I speak is not clear, that’s what I always think: their hearing is not clear!!!
Un…bloody…believable! Jade, you,re here…on Engvid. I’m all …all…ALL…
that’s that
We live in a small internet world! It’s me. Hello. Hello.
Hello Jade,
You are fast as Rabbit Bugs. Please, speak slowly! Thank you very much.
I’m faster than a cheetah!
its just 100th
Thanks many times very good lesson. EngVid is good place for you. Nice to practice different London accent.
Thank you.It’s a great lesson :)
Thank you very much Ms Jade,
I got 100.
I find some difficult to follow your accent but I understand :)
Nice accent, very useful lesson,thanks Jade.
I wish that you teach a new lesson.
all the time I will waite for your new lesson.
8/10 is not bad for me. Thank you Jade!
90% not to bad thx ;)
Thank you so much for your lesson!
what a lovely accent…thx a lot for this lesson
Many thanks for this video!
hi Jade, could i ask a question, if you don’t mind? when offering a suggestion you just said, for example, “how about going to watch movies?”. can i say, “how about go to watch movie?” so, i didn’t use a word “going” but just use “go”. can i?
This is incorrect. You have to say, ‘How about going to watch a movie.’
I was out of Engvid for a while because I had some technical problems with my internet, and when I came back you were here, Jade! It was very nice to learn from you! It is quite difficult to me understanding your British accent, especially when you talk fast, but I will watch all your videos and get used to it! Thank you for the class! – Celia from Brazil
Thanks Ceila. You can watch with the subtitles on. And after a couple of videos you will understand me, no problem.
Actually I don’t really like British accent but this is arguably the first time when I must say you rock ;) I love the way you speak and give info. Thank you!
100% thank u a lot !!
thankyou (^_^)
Million thanks jade :)
Im so thankful for your greate lesson jade!i love your accent british
And you are so cute!rsrs
I like your pronounce,course I want like that.Thank you Jade.
The last option of final question in the quiz is funny. Thanks Jade! this is very good lesson.
thank you
thanks you
I got 70 points! pupupu
Why it is incorrect, I think this is not suggestion “When you want to share an idea about something you like.” It is just share!!!
And I think that “When you know nothing about the situation.” It is one of the suggestion.
Because it is not that time of the decision, we could say.
Hi Jade
I have been studying in Manchester , As a matter of fact i still have some difficulties with the british accent .
Anyhow, I enjoyed your videos .
Thanks Alot
There are many British accents. That makes it really tough to understand the real English that people speak.
English, British, Irish, etc. Southern USA, Australian, Indian, Canadian (?)…
It’s not about the accent. It’s about words you use. The spelling is irrelevant. Think about ‘mother tongue’. That is useful. Accent is useless.
I do not change my
Point of view
woo hoo i got 10 out of 10 :D
Thanks that we have got British accent at Ingvid. I have also watch some of your videos on youtube. You are a good teacher. Hope to see many videos here at Ingvid. I have big problem with the grammar when I try to talk. Hopefully you make some “beginner” grammar videos.
First of all I would like to say thank you – Jade – for your video. I like all the teachers of this site including you and I am learning a lots from their videos. But today, when was watching your video, I think, I was just starring at you because I was unable to catch your tone. So I realize how tough the British English really.But I believe I will catch your tone when I will watch again and again.I would love to see your new video with your beautiful smiley face in future and I wish you could upload some new topics which are not covered by other teachers. Thank you once again and love to see you in next video. And sorry if, I have done any grammatical mistake in my comments. I am still in learning stage.
If you don’t mind,Jade, could you upload a video on topic “shall”? Specially from Indian point of views. I live in India and so I have noticed “shall” is very often use inappropriately. So, I like to request you to give a lecture on this with grammar rules and examples.
Pretty cool your videos teacher! the last part was very funny I laughed a while you’re so cute and your videos are really great! thanks
Thank you jade for this lesson, was really good.
good teacher.thank you.if I were you,i would be happy.
I’m new in this site and my new comment.
I am poor in english but i can say, THANK YOU JADE for this lesson. my teacher of university inform me about this site.excuse me for my spelling.
Thank you Jade
I really appreciated your accent, I want like you when speaking to other people
Thank you! Jade.
Thanks alot
Thank you very much , just I’d like to say I’ve got a lot of vocabulary but I can’t use them how to improve my speaking
I got 10 out of 10
WoW. Thanks Jade alot.Jade’slesson is so helpful
hi jade
it’s my first time to watch your vedio and i found it so helpful so i admire you
thank you and keep on
Thank you Jade this is has been a good help for me.And what is the other website you were talking about?
Hello Jade. You are a great teacher. I love your accent.
If you don’t understand what she explains or if you think she speaks fast, you really need to improve your listening skills
I like your classes very much. Lovely British pronunciation!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much and your accent is gorgeous ^^.
Thanks Jade, Would you tell me please how to empower my English speaking because I am not good at speaking, in here that I live, is not English speaker.
Thank you so much for a good lesson Jade, I wonder if you teach on skype too Jade,
Thank you so musch :)
You a great teacher !!!
I thank you Ms. Jade not only with this lesson itself but also for you
*your willingness to help each one of us in order to clear our doubts. And it’s really obvious as I scrolled down seeing all the respond from your good self. I can’t imagine how you were able to reply those questions that enthusiastically. Not all teachers can do that. Thanks for the effort once again.
I like your face and your smile. Thank you!
very good teaching
I get 80 Point. Thank You Jade!!!
very useful tnx, more because of you (Jade) you exactly knows what to do, rally like your style
I’m going to participate a lifelong learning proggramme in Germany two months later. I have to improve my communication skills and I think this video is usefull for my speech. Thank you very much :)
Thanks a lot Jade
what about this question:
complete the suggestion and request below:
…… opening the window please?
The anser is here thank you very much:
Thank you teacher Rebecca
Thanks a lot!
Thanks .it is really helpful .you could have mentioned which one is more formal that was ice on the cake.
Thanks again
Tx for your video but I remember an old old song from “Eight wonder” were Patsy sang “If I WAS you”…not were…
Thank you, teacher! I love your voices.
I love your accent! I got 90, hee hee!
Your accent is easy for me to understand what you’re saying/teaching.
Hi Jade,
thanks a lot for your class.
You’re a great teacher.
take care
Thanks a lot for your class, will help me for sure
Great teaching!
Thanks a lot.
Hi. I’ve got 9 of 10. Very interesting lesson. Nice quiz. But I can’t understand what’s it wrong with phrase “If I were you, I would think carefully about my behaviour.” ?
Thank you.
Thanks Miss Jade, you are a lovely teacher, I enjoyed your class.
10/10.. Thanks.
Hi Jade, could you make a video about ‘ already’ , because it is commonly misused. Thank you
So good lesson exactly it was the first time for me to do such excersise i was not sure to get a complete response but let’s be optimistic i just like to focus more on conditional and relative phrases like : although, until, unless, depite the fact… please help me
100% think you Jade!
I got 7 correct out of 10.
i got 7correct out of 10
thank you jade for your work and your time
Hehehehe lovely video keep it up
Great Lesson. Thanks
Hi Jade
why are we supposed to say: “give me advice”
and not “give me an advice” ?
thanks in advance
hi jade
well done , but you wrote
would you mind if we stay at home”
i think the right is :
would you mind if we stayed at home ” isn’t it ?
Great Lesson. Thanks Dear Jade
I like your typical British accent, Jade. Even though I must admit that British English sounds a little bit odd to me, paradoxically. Maybe because I am used to watching videos or hearing North American accents.
I had some difficulties the first times I had phone conversations with recruiters in the UK, since I am looking for job there. I still remember a Welsh lady speaking so fast before starting an interview. I hadn’t understood anything, but I made out lately thanks also to engVid :-)
I’ve got 8/10. Thank you.
I got 8 out of 10
I love your lessons!!!
Im watching your video every day!
I watch Jade’s video every day too.
VERY GOOD class , would want to be my classmate :)
I expect 10 of 10 but it is not.
hi Jade! I really like your accent coz it make me get the max concentration to understand you, i can to understand a little better now, thanks, good lessons! and sorry for my written english.
anyone tell me some example?(Q) would have got or gotten
JADE helps me.Because I want to learn speak English :)
So “about” is a preposition and after a preposition the verb must be in the gerund form.
How about visiting your friend,Tracy?
Am I right?
thanks jame I scored a 8.5 overall by learning from your videos
Madam jade can you please clarify my doubt?? Is the sentence (we would like staying in home) correct?? Thank you for the answer.
Madam jade can you please clarify my doubt? I would not like to have tea. Is it correct??
such a nice girl and it’s very pleasure to hear your lessons!
@jade I am doubt what did you say!
did you say Londonese as javanese?
but Saw in subtitle Londoner. which one?
in my long term memory I have forms like javanese,japanese but I listened londoner so I tried to activate the subtitle londoner too.I am confused jade!
here my quiz jade! I got wrong at number 9
You got 9 correct out of 10.
10/10 Great, Jade!
Jade you are the best, forever and ever! :-) :-) :-)
It’s been a beautiful lesson, thanks a lot!!! :)
hey jade hello i want to meet you , maybe one day my dream comes true!!!! make it possible please!!!
That’s great to watch your video by accident!!!And it is greater to learn from you after that!!! I love your accent~~
Great lesson! It is very easy to understand everything you say. Your quiz in general is more difficult then your colleagues quiz and this makes me more interested in you courses.
I get to 1 from 10 !
I didn’t understanding !
I fail
thanks for all!
Thank you Jade!
Wow.I got higher score ,right,on this lesson.
Very good lesson. Thank’s Jade!
9/10 :)
Thanks Jane for this useful and clearly lesson on Making suggestions!
Hi dear Jade.
Thanks for your efforts and your videos.
You’re so funny and pretty.
Are you married?
Do you want to marry a persian guy? :)
dear Jade
Thanks for you :)
Very nice(:,I enjoyed it.
Thank you Jade, very interesting lesson.
Very useful lesson. Thank you so much
Thank you Jade from Italy, go on like this.
Thank you Jade!
Finals of your lessons are amazing! :)
No, no, not only finals, but every final is like the cherry on the cake. :)
Thank you Jade,the more I watch your very interresting lessons the more I get used to the British accent .
Thanks. Jade, Great Video.
If i were you, i would be happy.
If i were you, i would buy the blue dress. It looks great on you.
thank you my best teacher jada . I’m get 90 .
am new here thanx for the lessons i got 10 correct so happy for that
how useful video
learning how to make suggestions to someone to do something is kind of important conversation skills.I think not just in spare time when you want to hang out with people, but even in real working life especially working enviroment like office at workplace where people working together as a team or social group, i think it help everyone getting to know each other more better and creating funnier air-working, just my stupid thingking.
Thanks you Jade
All best to you
GBU .. Thank you for your lesson.. I’m very fortunetely find this website and meet up with you on video :D . you’re beatifull miss.. #from Indonesia
Thank you for your lesson
Let’s go on. you are great.
Thanks a lot for this Good lesson You are wonderful jade .
Thanks a lot for this Good lesson You are wonderful jade .
Thank you Jade.
Hi jade
This is Karam I’m new here
thanks, jade
would you mind made lessons more about speaking fast in work
thanks again
Thanks Jade for this useful video.
Great, i like your way of teaching ^_^
Hi, Jade! Very nice lesson! I learned cool ways to make suggestions with your lesson today. It’s to really nice to think about how the language can be direct or indirect… If I listened well, you said that you prefer the direct way, right? So… Let’s learn more English! Thank you so much, Jade! And I really like your kind of humour! Hahahahaha! See ya!
Thank you
I got 90 lol Thanks so much
thank you so much Mrs Jade. .
do you know ?
I did not watch video ,i answered that directly .
can you send my scores to this email
my score bad:(((
Thank you Jade?
Why don’t you make a video on how to answer suggestions? :))
Hi Jade
thanks alot
Jade is a very fine teacher.
Thaks a lot , i have 7/10 in this lesson, if i were you , i would thank myself for all the support ❤
Thank you jade. I love your accent and all your expressions. I wish I could do the same some day.
I love them videos and your sweet presentation thank you jade
Hi Jade, It is always lovely to watch your lesson. I want to ask two things 1. the difference between giving Suggestions and Giving Advice. because they are grammatically similar 2, what is the difference between Why don’t you? and Why don’t we? Thank you very much Jade.
Thanks for your lesson. I’ve never been to London. Iwould like to go there someday.
I’ve noticed that sentence has missed the subject {you} and I understood that you missed for the reason , because you love to do that jade .
I really enjoy your lessons and your accent specially in ending the lesson.