Stop talking like a robot! Some words don’t always sound the same, and this is especially true when native English speakers speak quickly. In this short and simple video, I will teach you about the different ways we pronounce the preposition of. For example, did you know we pronounce “a lot of” like “alotta” in conversations? Understanding the pronunciation of words can also help you develop better listening skills.
Hey Emma !I liked this…’s too interesting…thanks a lot for this lesson….
it’s too interestin. thanks a lot
paata maisuradze
thanks emma mam,and alison
If you find a person for improving your english skill you can contact me on skype as ”ellezam”
Thank you so much :)
I love this lesson …I love my life ….I love everything …I just love “OF” ….love is love ….and I should love this word
;-; You love the word “OF” maybe in the future… YOU WILL MARRY THIS WORD!!! XD
Sorry, it just a joke don’t care about it! :3
10/10 in quiz….
I got 10 correct out of 10.
OF=pronounce every where = a
this is important
40/10 ? What should I do if my ears heard “ov” instead of “a” ☺ Nice lesson. Needs more and more such lessons. Emma , you are a wonderful teacher. Thank you million . <3 You.
Clean your up ears ?
thank you Emma
Thank you, Emma.
thank you Emma 10/10
Your appearance and teaching are simple I like that ;)
10/10 This lesson it was important, to someone like mine who as difficulties hearing
quesney Jacqueline
Hi Emma! Simple but really hard. Mostly because I’ve been mispronouncing of many many years. Actually I’ve not been pronouncing of like ov but like off.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
M kartal
10|10 Thank you Emma
thank you Emma!
Thank you Emma! I’ve never thought of this tricky pronunciation!
Thanks Emma!!
Interesting and amazing thanks all the best for you
Thank you very much, Emma….!!
Jakub Alvarez
Thanks Emma, this lesson was easy…
marcos alexandre
Thanks Emma, I like the way you teach.
Talking about Of.
I brushed off the dust ‘from’ my shoes.
Cout it be:
I brushed off the dust ‘of’ my shoes. ¿?
Ivan David
Hi Emma, thank you for this video.9/10
Thanks very much! I am Bulgarian and already learn with your lessons. They are useful and easy then others lessons. You are grate teachers!
Tanks Emma.
João Mario
Great lesson.Thanks.
Thank You Emma
This quiz was a piece of cake
10/10. Thank you Emma.
ann ann
i have learnt englaish recentlly .think you .your wonderfull.
Thank you Emma :)
10/10 Thank you Emma
khaled Abd elnasser
This is my first time here. I liked it! Thank you very much!
Alex Lopes
I like
Thank you
What a catch!
thank you i got 10
Wow! Great!!
Jeorge Antonio Adrien
Thanks Emma. 10/10
I like this lesson and my score 10/10,Thank you Emma!
Hi, Emma.
First of all, please forgive me for the long text, but I’ll try to make my point as briefly as I can.
In the lesson, I agree with everything you’d explained, even thinking that the situation with vowel sounds was not explored.
But, in the Quiz, the question:
How would you say the following sentence?
“Snap out of it.”
I used the advice:
“After you choose the correct answer, say the sentence out loud to practice pronunciation”
and I thought the correct answer was:
“Snap out ov it.”
Then I see that the expect answer was:
“Snap outta it.”
So I must add that I think this answer doesn’t consider the linking I think it’s correct to assume, in cases like this. In other words, I think the lesson and quiz should consider (even not mentioning it), the differences when the next sound is a vowel or a consonant sound, when we pronounce the “ov”.
And I ask you: could you please, comment this?
Thank you very much for all the good lessons in EngVid.
Best regards.
On no, I have failed ??
I have to study harder ?
Well, I got ? % on my second chance ?
I have to confess, It’s hard to ´´unlearn the learned´´ I am so used to say a lot of, However your lesson is so usefull, I just have to practicing.
Thanks, wonderfull class!
Hi From Mexico.
would you like to practice English with me?
Thank you Emma
Supriya darshini
Thaks a lot…..simple and comprehensive lesson
Hi Emma, thanks a lot. I am new here and I like it
10/10 thanks alot
mahmoud thabet
Thanks Emma
Akeel Ekram
Thank you ,we are together
thank you, my dear teacher.
Djamal Belhadj Larbi
10/10 thanks dear!
Nice video, excellent content.
I agree with you and you’re right when you say “the prime minister of Canada is handsome” thank you, Emma.
Latef Amer
Thanks. 10
Wannapa Fuangfoo
Thanks. 10/10
thank you Emmma
U U Thet
Thank you Emma. You are good at teaching.
thank you very much Emma
I got 10/10, excellent lessons..Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma. Your explanation was amazing. I really love your lessons, because they are always simple and useful. Thank you so much!
Hy everybody! I love to learn English but I haven’t anyone to talk to in English. If there is someone who wants to talk to me on WhatsApp my phone is 0040772164194.
I’m from Romania.
Thanks Emma. You are an excellent teacher.
Thank you Emma
Hello how can I write and read English through you, teacher
I have got 10/10 so thank you teacher i love u
Hello,Emma,I found your class so interesting,But I’m a Chinese student who can’t open the Video on Youtobe,Could you please give a download link for us to take it,such as “baiduyun”,I would appreciate it if you could do it for me,you devoted fan.
Thank you. 10/10
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma
Thanks, Emma
Thanks emma :)
I’ve always spoken “ov”. Thanks for the tip, Emma.
Thank you for the video. But It seems difficult to practice as a non native speaker.I prefer to pronounce OV
Thanks, I love your pronunciation. It’s so clear that I can easily follow.
thanks emma
wow for these secrets a(=of) English conversation. It is equivalent to have conversation practicing for years to get know that
Anwer Adam
Very nice tip!!! =]
Emma, I like your class 100%.
Thanks Emma!!! 10|10
Thank you so mush Emma.
ahmed abdelhy
thanks so much…I got it 100
Thank you Emma.”it was piece of cake”
Felipe peralta
Thank you Emma. I like your class
Thank you, Emma! You are the best teacher of pronunciation for me! It was easy, 100% :)
Thank you,Emma
Deepak maheriya
Thanks Emma
Lina munoz
thank you Emma
Much thanks Emma
I’ve made 11/10. Thank you, Emma. Great lesson.
Thanks emma
Thanks emma
Dear Beloved Professor Emma,
This lesson is great lesson and very practical.
1. It seems to be easy to change the Pronunciation from ( of, eV,) to ( a) but it is not so. That is why your lesson requires quite a lot of practice. DEAR PROFESSOR EMMA PLS PREPARR LESSON TWO ABOUT THIS ISSUE. Kindly let us ( the students) follow your smooth pronunciation. There are two difficulties ( a) is not the same sound in English and in my mother tune. Then as you said OF pronunced ( a) has to be unstressed and pronunced in lower pitch.
2. You did not say how to say properly special cases.
” I have an apple of Albanian origin ”
(… A P l a A L banan)
How to say it correctly?
I know that my teacher Emma do no like to write in comment. Perhaps the team of platform transfer my request to my admired Professor Emma ( another lesson) and on behalf of Professor Emma answer how to proceed pronunciation when ending ( a) meets ( a) in the next word.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I cannot understand why my comment is waiting so long for engvid approval. Strange!
My questions are in line with the content of the Professors’ Emma lesson. If my English is not correct it is not a big trouble to moderate it.
i like teacher thanks
Thanks Emma!
10/10 Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma
Gamal Elish
Thank you million
Marli Estrela
Thanks very much teacher
Very usefull
lesson! Great teacher! Simple and efficient!
thanks a lot emma!
Thanks you, dear emma
Maritza Saldana
New to this website. I love English
I got 10/10
it’s an interesting lesson seems to be simple, but it isn’t so..
That is the first time of know that , Thank u ?
Layan .
That a great explainations!!
Phone Myint Myat Zaw
thank you Emma!.
5/10 I didn’t understand when read “of” is “a” or “ov” :(
It OF sounds A, just replace it!
Thank you Emma
Tika Riskika
This’s very interesting, i enjoy it
Thank u Emma. I really enjoy it..
Thanks a lot!
It,s very good
thanks so much
The section is simple,but is easy to learn. Ths Amma
thank u teache me English learn
I got 10 points~~~
It’s importanta pronounce from native speaker
Thank you so much Emma…
I got 10 outta 10, thank you so much for your lesson. It’s very useful for me.
I got D!
That’s very nice-a you!!!
Alain Bledou
Awesome, I got 10 out of 10. Thank you
thank you so much for your lessons
yes, i did it
sohyla awad
Thank you!
Straight lesson
fabio jose de assis ramalho
I really enjoyed the lesson, it helped me a lot.Thank you Emma.
Wagner Damiao
thanks Emma 10/10 but I need someone to correct me when pronouncing
Thankd Emma.
Thank you Emma. You teach me a lot off pronunciation.
Useful lesson, Thanks for sharing.
It’s a very helpful class. Thanks Emma.
Thanks! Nice a tip
Excellent test, I like, I need more practic thank teacher
Thanks, Emma
of = a
al willis
confused this lesson.
got 20% first chance.
but got 90% second try.
Thanks Emma.
Byeong jin Jo
I got a third try 100%.
I perpect undetstand this lesson!
Byeong jin Jo
Hi, i always thing how a native people pronounces some word very quickly, it is so confuse for me. But, tks for this.
How to say “Son of a bitch?”
Thanks you very mach
Thank you Ms. Emma.
Thank you Emma
M ataei
I got 100 marks.
Malik Hassan Raza
thanks, teacher Emma.
Wow that’s great i got 100% 10 correct outta 10 question
Thank you very much Emma. Even the little sentences over the quizz are very USEFUL.?
well done,Emma hugs(Kazakhstan, 21 Nov2021
Thanks, Amma
Thet is too hard! why ‘The last of us’listen like f, no ‘a’
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hey Emma !I liked this…’s too interesting…thanks a lot for this lesson….
it’s too interestin. thanks a lot
thanks emma mam,and alison
If you find a person for improving your english skill you can contact me on skype as ”ellezam”
Thank you so much :)
I love this lesson …I love my life ….I love everything …I just love “OF” ….love is love ….and I should love this word
;-; You love the word “OF” maybe in the future… YOU WILL MARRY THIS WORD!!! XD
Sorry, it just a joke don’t care about it! :3
10/10 in quiz….
I got 10 correct out of 10.
OF=pronounce every where = a
this is important
40/10 ? What should I do if my ears heard “ov” instead of “a” ☺ Nice lesson. Needs more and more such lessons. Emma , you are a wonderful teacher. Thank you million . <3 You.
Clean your up ears ?
thank you Emma
Thank you, Emma.
thank you Emma 10/10
Your appearance and teaching are simple I like that ;)
10/10 This lesson it was important, to someone like mine who as difficulties hearing
Hi Emma! Simple but really hard. Mostly because I’ve been mispronouncing of many many years. Actually I’ve not been pronouncing of like ov but like off.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
10|10 Thank you Emma
thank you Emma!
Thank you Emma! I’ve never thought of this tricky pronunciation!
Thanks Emma!!
Interesting and amazing thanks all the best for you
Thank you very much, Emma….!!
Thanks Emma, this lesson was easy…
Thanks Emma, I like the way you teach.
Talking about Of.
I brushed off the dust ‘from’ my shoes.
Cout it be:
I brushed off the dust ‘of’ my shoes. ¿?
Hi Emma, thank you for this video.9/10
Thanks very much! I am Bulgarian and already learn with your lessons. They are useful and easy then others lessons. You are grate teachers!
Tanks Emma.
Great lesson.Thanks.
Thank You Emma
This quiz was a piece of cake
10/10. Thank you Emma.
i have learnt englaish recentlly .think you .your wonderfull.
Thank you Emma :)
10/10 Thank you Emma
This is my first time here. I liked it! Thank you very much!
I like
Thank you
What a catch!
thank you i got 10
Wow! Great!!
Thanks Emma. 10/10
I like this lesson and my score 10/10,Thank you Emma!
Hi, Emma.
First of all, please forgive me for the long text, but I’ll try to make my point as briefly as I can.
In the lesson, I agree with everything you’d explained, even thinking that the situation with vowel sounds was not explored.
But, in the Quiz, the question:
How would you say the following sentence?
“Snap out of it.”
I used the advice:
“After you choose the correct answer, say the sentence out loud to practice pronunciation”
and I thought the correct answer was:
“Snap out ov it.”
Then I see that the expect answer was:
“Snap outta it.”
So I must add that I think this answer doesn’t consider the linking I think it’s correct to assume, in cases like this. In other words, I think the lesson and quiz should consider (even not mentioning it), the differences when the next sound is a vowel or a consonant sound, when we pronounce the “ov”.
And I ask you: could you please, comment this?
Thank you very much for all the good lessons in EngVid.
Best regards.
On no, I have failed ??
I have to study harder ?
Well, I got ? % on my second chance ?
I have to confess, It’s hard to ´´unlearn the learned´´ I am so used to say a lot of, However your lesson is so usefull, I just have to practicing.
Thanks, wonderfull class!
Hi From Mexico.
would you like to practice English with me?
Thank you Emma
Thaks a lot…..simple and comprehensive lesson
Hi Emma, thanks a lot. I am new here and I like it
10/10 thanks alot
Thanks Emma
Thank you ,we are together
thank you, my dear teacher.
10/10 thanks dear!
Nice video, excellent content.
I agree with you and you’re right when you say “the prime minister of Canada is handsome” thank you, Emma.
Thanks. 10
Thanks. 10/10
thank you Emmma
Thank you Emma. You are good at teaching.
thank you very much Emma
I got 10/10, excellent lessons..Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma. Your explanation was amazing. I really love your lessons, because they are always simple and useful. Thank you so much!
Hy everybody! I love to learn English but I haven’t anyone to talk to in English. If there is someone who wants to talk to me on WhatsApp my phone is 0040772164194.
I’m from Romania.
Thanks Emma. You are an excellent teacher.
Thank you Emma
Hello how can I write and read English through you, teacher
I have got 10/10 so thank you teacher i love u
Hello,Emma,I found your class so interesting,But I’m a Chinese student who can’t open the Video on Youtobe,Could you please give a download link for us to take it,such as “baiduyun”,I would appreciate it if you could do it for me,you devoted fan.
Thank you. 10/10
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma
Thanks, Emma
Thanks emma :)
I’ve always spoken “ov”. Thanks for the tip, Emma.
Thank you for the video. But It seems difficult to practice as a non native speaker.I prefer to pronounce OV
Thanks, I love your pronunciation. It’s so clear that I can easily follow.
thanks emma
wow for these secrets a(=of) English conversation. It is equivalent to have conversation practicing for years to get know that
Very nice tip!!! =]
Emma, I like your class 100%.
Thanks Emma!!! 10|10
Thank you so mush Emma.
thanks so much…I got it 100
Thank you Emma.”it was piece of cake”
Thank you Emma. I like your class
Thank you, Emma! You are the best teacher of pronunciation for me! It was easy, 100% :)
Thank you,Emma
Thanks Emma
thank you Emma
Much thanks Emma
I’ve made 11/10. Thank you, Emma. Great lesson.
Thanks emma
Thanks emma
Dear Beloved Professor Emma,
This lesson is great lesson and very practical.
1. It seems to be easy to change the Pronunciation from ( of, eV,) to ( a) but it is not so. That is why your lesson requires quite a lot of practice. DEAR PROFESSOR EMMA PLS PREPARR LESSON TWO ABOUT THIS ISSUE. Kindly let us ( the students) follow your smooth pronunciation. There are two difficulties ( a) is not the same sound in English and in my mother tune. Then as you said OF pronunced ( a) has to be unstressed and pronunced in lower pitch.
2. You did not say how to say properly special cases.
” I have an apple of Albanian origin ”
(… A P l a A L banan)
How to say it correctly?
I know that my teacher Emma do no like to write in comment. Perhaps the team of platform transfer my request to my admired Professor Emma ( another lesson) and on behalf of Professor Emma answer how to proceed pronunciation when ending ( a) meets ( a) in the next word.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I cannot understand why my comment is waiting so long for engvid approval. Strange!
My questions are in line with the content of the Professors’ Emma lesson. If my English is not correct it is not a big trouble to moderate it.
i like teacher thanks
Thanks Emma!
10/10 Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma
Thank you million
Thanks very much teacher
Very usefull
lesson! Great teacher! Simple and efficient!
thanks a lot emma!
Thanks you, dear emma
New to this website. I love English
I got 10/10
it’s an interesting lesson seems to be simple, but it isn’t so..
That is the first time of know that , Thank u ?
That a great explainations!!
thank you Emma!.
5/10 I didn’t understand when read “of” is “a” or “ov” :(
It OF sounds A, just replace it!
Thank you Emma
This’s very interesting, i enjoy it
Thank u Emma. I really enjoy it..
Thanks a lot!
It,s very good
thanks so much
The section is simple,but is easy to learn. Ths Amma
thank u teache me English learn
I got 10 points~~~
It’s importanta pronounce from native speaker
Thank you so much Emma…
I got 10 outta 10, thank you so much for your lesson. It’s very useful for me.
I got D!
That’s very nice-a you!!!
Awesome, I got 10 out of 10. Thank you
thank you so much for your lessons
yes, i did it
Thank you!
Straight lesson
I really enjoyed the lesson, it helped me a lot.Thank you Emma.
thanks Emma 10/10 but I need someone to correct me when pronouncing
Thankd Emma.
Thank you Emma. You teach me a lot off pronunciation.
Useful lesson, Thanks for sharing.
It’s a very helpful class. Thanks Emma.
Thanks! Nice a tip
Excellent test, I like, I need more practic thank teacher
Thanks, Emma
of = a
confused this lesson.
got 20% first chance.
but got 90% second try.
Thanks Emma.
I got a third try 100%.
I perpect undetstand this lesson!
Hi, i always thing how a native people pronounces some word very quickly, it is so confuse for me. But, tks for this.
How to say “Son of a bitch?”
Thanks you very mach
Thank you Ms. Emma.
Thank you Emma
I got 100 marks.
thanks, teacher Emma.
Wow that’s great i got 100% 10 correct outta 10 question
Thank you very much Emma. Even the little sentences over the quizz are very USEFUL.?
well done,Emma hugs(Kazakhstan, 21 Nov2021
Thanks, Amma
Thet is too hard! why ‘The last of us’listen like f, no ‘a’
Thanks a lot, Emma!
Thank you Emma.