Past or passed? These two words sound the same! In this quick lesson, you will hear how words ending in -ed sound. This will help get rid of pronunciation confusion with similar sounding words.
thanks soo much mr. adam,but am wondering how we pronounce two litter in one word for example
jugged the gg sound in this word we should pronounce it gg or long g ? i hope you understand my question
thanks again and take care ^_^
Hi Bob,
Generally speaking, when you see a double consonant like gg, pronounce it as you would a hard form of that consonant. For gg,pronounce it like a hard g, as in gun. jogged- the j and g are soft and hard respectively.
In lesson, lessen, and listen, the s sounds the same.
Does that help?
hi teacher Adam, how sound words ending in “sts”, like:
It is very helpful, thanks dear teacher.
Bah Hady Bodie
that’s very good enough
Yahya Hasan
These words are very frequently we are using,but need to pronounce on right way
Hello Dear Adam,
You are good. One problem i can not see your writing properly.
Sheper Ahmed
Sheper Ahmed
I want to learn english. Also i want to do IELTS but i am very weak in Englsih. Could help me.
Sheper Ahmed
Sheper Ahmed
Hi Sheper,
Have you tried watching on full screen? that usually makes it easier to see.
As for IELTS, build your vocab- read, read, read. Once you have a good vocab, all the other elements will become easier.
Let me know if you have specific issues though. Maybe I can help.
Sir can you tell me posted how to pronounce superstition?
I have a question: which one is the correct sentence: God bless you or God blesses you. and why. thanks for your help.
Hi John.
It’s God bless you. The idea is that I wish blessings for you, so (may) God bless you.
Does that help?
God Bless you.
Very important lesson, Mr. Adam. A lot of people that learn English don’t know those different sounds of |ed| here in Brazil.
I agree with you. This lesson is very helpful.
Thanks Mr. Adam.
yes,I’m agree too.
In reality, people usually speak fluenly and pronounce ‘ed’ very fast. It’s difficult to hear it. The lesson is very good. Thanks Mr. Adams very much. :)
Interesting lesson, thank you teacher….
It is difficult for me How do I know t d id
Hi Ukrit,
It’s a matter of practice- the more you listen to native English, the more you’ll be able to hear the different sounds.
Say out loud: I want to.
I wanted to.
The extra syllable in the second sentence might make all the difference in the context of a speech.
Watch the video a few times until you can hear the differences clearly.
I sorry I cann’t understand all what you said
My suggestion is to have a translate software or dictionary and use it every time. Expand your vocabulary day by day then you will be good. Good luck!
It’s great and very helpful! Thank you very much Adam
now it’s everything so easy!!!!I should know it before..thanks
I was confused a little. But your lesson was helpful and interesting. Thank you Adam :)
Could u make a video on how to pronounce “u” and “u:”? and is there a rule when they are pronounced ? for example, “boot” is “bu:t” but “book” is “buk”
Hi Icedtroid,
There isn’t a rule to apply to all words, I’m afraid. However, a good dictionary will include a phonetic spelling of words. You can check individual words to know which way to pronounce these two letters.
Hope that helps a little.
Thanks got only 50%.
Abdul Qayum
Don´t worry Abdul!!! Pronunciation is difficult to master. Practice makes the difference.
Indeed :)
Good job, Man!
7/10. I founded that I haven’t ended has I began. The last three were wronged.
Jorge Pedroso
Thanks a lot Mr.Adam…this lesson was very helpful for me.
God bless
thank you mr.adam
this lesson was benefit to me
I liked this rule of thumb. No doubt that it will help my pronunciation of words ending in -ed. Thanks Adam.
Luiz Alberto
The past form of (find) is (found) not (founded) … what do you mean when you say (founded)
Salma, the word founded – it’s past participle of the word “found”, the synonym of the word “establish”
Yes, completely true, an awful mistake I made. I only thought about that immediately after I post it. Anyway I am still learning, so I make many mistakes.
Jorge Pedroso
I want to ask the same question , but about why fined ?
Hi Salma,
Alex is correct. To found means to establish something. We use it especially with institutions (like schools, NGOs, etc.). It can also mean started, in the same contexts.
Thought that it was easy, not much. Must more training. Thanks Adam
Very cool. This is my first day
It is a little bit confused to me .
thanks Adam
not as easy as I thought ,I gonna do it again , thanks Adam
When I was study english , my teacher said ” when the verb end in ‘ed ‘ in the past tense , it pronounce always like ‘ t ‘ ” . Now I know there is different depend on the last letter in the word .
Thank you adam .
wow 10/10 :D that mean I understood the lesson ;)
Thank’s for you advice Adam I really appreciate it! I’ll be on touch so you can see the progress ;).
Thank you for lesson!
Excelent explanation.
I got a %100
thank you so much .
mohamed Al alwany
I’ve scored 9/10…. not too bad.
Sometimes I’ve been in serious trouble when I’m speaking someone because a bunch of words getting out my mouth pronounced badly. So, that’s a great lesson I’ll practice a lot to catch it in my mind.
Best regards Adam!
Very useful lesson…thanks
I got 60 but I thought it was all done.
Very difficult for my tongue, but very helpful
Thanks Adam
I don’t understand one thing. Could you explaine me please why we use “founded” with “ed”
I think it is regular verb found…
Sorry!!!!!!! It is my mistake…..I should be very considerate
Hi Vseiden,
Just to make sure, to found means to establish, or start, especially with things such as institutions and such.
Hey,guys! Iam first time here. I have a question. At this sentence: “I let my frends speak more than I” what must I use- I or ME at second part it. Thanks…
Hi vovchick. I think you should use “…more than I do.” as “…more than I speak.” But actually I’m not sure if you can shorten it for just “…I.” This I or ME thing is quite confusing for me too.
Oh,Thank You!!! I think I got it)
I let my friends to speak more than myself.
Hi Vovchick,
Katya is right. You are comparing verbs so need a verb in the second clause. …more that I do. And yes, you can shorten it to I, but that seems uncomfortable for most people, which is why you’ll often hear the incorrect ‘me’ ending.
Hi Adam,Thank you for this was easy. I got 10/10. How will we pronounce the ‘ed’ when the word ends with a vowel sound?
Hi Hilasou,
Good question. Because nothing impedes (slows down, is an obstacle to) the tongue, we end the word with a ‘d’ sound. That being said, there are not many words that end with -ed that have a vowel before them, but:
shoed (shod) the horse
shooed away the birds
freed the prisoner
dyed the shirt
Thank you for the lesson! :) I was wrong just the answer 9th. I replied, ‘d’ instead of ‘t’.
It’S SO EASY.. Do u have something more difficult than those words?
our government have blocked youtube and I cant see Your videos… so may be goodbye Adam!!!
It was my provider but. So I can see You now! Excuse me for the trouble!
I’m glad you’re back Katrin :)
I’ve expected the joke from you Adam. But for me it was not really funny at the time.
thanks adam! i apreciate you class :)
How can I learn the lesson ? Tell me please .
Hi Zhaoyi,
You can watch the videos again a few times. You can also ask questions here.
Great lesson thank you Adam :)
Letter w and h i don’t know. I’m very lovely with this page.
Yes, you are lovely Kongkea :)
thank you very much teacher Adam.
Would you think that video was hard?
I got 90 though, I have a important question for you
And I need you to answer that.
I’ve heard the pronunciation of WANTED sometimes is like
Why happens that Mr. Adam?
I do hope you help me by writing about this.
Thanks and good luck.
Hi Luis,
Think about Spanish ( I assume that’s your mother tongue. I apologize if I’m mistaken). If you speak Spanish very fast, some of the syllables in your words will mix into other syllables or disappear completely. The same thing happens in English (and every language for that matter). It’s a little bit laziness, and a little bit of a taking for granted that the listener will understand you even when you take shortcuts. Wanid is wanted without the trouble of an extra clicking of the tongue for the ‘t’. That’s all.
think also of ‘want to’; many native speakers will say ‘wanna’ instead. Same idea.
It’s a wonderful lesson. More to be done.
Always more to be done Ibaddo. :)
Very good video. Thanks Adam for all these useful videos.They realy help me.
I want to suggest you to do a video for LOOK LIKE and LOOK AS IF. That’s something I’ve been wondering lately.However, I haven’t found anything related to that topic on the web.
I’ll see what I can do Boy17 :)
It was great for me!!
Also the verbs end in ( ch – sh – gh ) the (ed) ending pronounced as (t) in them
You’re right Salma. Good point. I forgot to mention these :)
Thank you so much Adam for this lesson , Yes Salma you are right that’s why I wondered why I get 90 points in quiz I made a mistake in ‘Laughed’ , anyway Thank you all !
I appreciate your efforts Mr.Adem
Nice. I want moreee Thanks for your help
I’d like to ask what does “Jump off the page ” mean. I was watching a movie and there was this guy that wanted to be accepted at Harvard but he had to do something that the principal was requesting.
And what does “pop” in slang mean. Sometimes in Rap music they say “I like the way you pop…”
To “jump off the page” is to stand out, to be extraordinary or vivid. A really well-written story might have people in it that “jump off the page” — you can see them as real live humans, not just words on paper. But it is used more metaphorically as well.
The principal wanted the kid to be amazing. He wanted a story that wasn’t bland and boring. he wanted the story to be special and make the reader feel like he was there. (that Vegas story was really good ;) )
Hi, Mr.Adam. It’s been a long time no see! (I was busy for my semester study.)
Have a question about the word “jog”, which way is correct to say “I’m going to jogging?”, “I’m going to jog?”, “I went there for jogging?”, “I went there for jogged?”
Best regards!
Hi Bianlei,
I hope you did well in your studies ;)
Jog — jogged — jogging.
I jog three times a week.
I love to jog.
I love jogging.
I went jogging with my friend.
I went there to jog.
I went there for a jog.
Does this help?
Good lesson, adam. I need pay attention in the next.
Ivo Crifar
Thank you Adam for the lesson. It was a nice review for me.
Interesting lesson on pronunciation Adam. What I like most about it was the useful tips on how to pronounce the past tense marker. However,as you know, there is much more to it that meets the eye.
What would help a lot to pronounce correctly the past tense marker “-ed” – I think – is knowing the distinction between voiced and voiceless sounds. But that’s a topic for another pronunciation Video-lesson.
Thanks again Adam. Have a great weekend!!!
. . . talking about correctness Adam . . . did I use the expression “there is much more to it that meets the eye” correctly?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Hi Regino,
Firstly, yes you did use the expression correctly. Except this is about hearing more than seeing, so it’s not as simple as all that. :)
You’re right about the voiced and unvoiced, though this is a huge topic that extends far beyond -ed endings. I’ll see if I can come up with a lesson on it though.
100/100 again :)
jessie mccarthy
Hi jessie, i would like practicing eng with you, if you feel interested, pls add skype : buitiennhat
hope to see you soon
good weekend.
thanks so much Mr Adam
sabrina amam
Hi Adam! Please tell Me when I must use DO. For instance: I (DO) let my friends to speak. So when You must use DO before verb? Thank You very much!
It is used to put more enphasis on something:
Teacher: You do not pay attention to me Alice.
Alice: But Mr. I DO pay attention to you.
Hope this may help Katrin.
Thank You Regino, I know about that, but I wanted to know more!!! Adam one more question: which word to use – “I must be very CAUTIOUS(CAREFUL) in using that word!”( in the case where I can insult a person and it might be dangerous for me ).
Hi Katrin,
Regino pointed out one answer correctly, so I’ll leave that alone. Another reason to use ‘do’ in a sentence is to emphasize an affirmative (as opposed to a negative):
A: You don’t love me any more.
B: I do love you, it’s just that … ;)
As for the next question, both cautiuos and careful are correct, though careful is more commonly used. Cautious might sound a little bookish.
That is clear now! Thank you Adam.
great lesson.
such a difficult lesson :(
bytheway, thx adam
Thanks very much Adam! :)
thank for the lesson
thanks so much it’s so helpful
thank for the lesson
francisco Ortiz
Good lesson
thanks adam
thanks adam cool Quiz !!!
Thanks for your class
Thank you,adam!
I’m come from China.
I’ve saw many of your video that was copied from a friend,now I want to see online in this website of “”,but I can’t see any video,can you tell me why?
Thank you one more time.
Our videos are all on Youtube, which is blocked in China…so I suggest asking your friend for their secrets!
engVid Moderator
Wish I could help Szasia.
Not sure what the rules are in China. Hope you find a solution soon.
the lessons was very helpfull,
thanks a lot teacher..
Jefferson Quintero
i want to say thank to all of the teachers in . i am very happy when i can do these test correct out of ten .
savith sahara
Every glimpse of the Moon – is it romantic or is it nonsense? Thank You Adam!!!
Excuse me Adam,one more question! Is that sentence OK? — Now, after staying alone, without you, I understand that I loved you so much!
I need more Katrin. It might be very romantic, or it might be total nonsense. I prefer to think the former.
The sentence in the next box is correct :)
That is nice. Thank You.
Hi Mr. Adam,
I am really happy to find your website and I’d like to thank you for your lessons and your explanation in easy way
Thank you.
Not easy! Thanks!
Thank you teacher, really it’s a useful 3 minutes
very useful lesson … thank a lot Adam !!!!
it is not so easy.I need to practice! thank you very much teacher adam.
Thanks Mr Adam
Zubia Khan
Thanks Adam :D
Thanks for this lesson. Pronunciation is very important in English.
i just got 80 . it’s not good . but i dont understand that laughed is/ t/
I got 100
NIck 24
Thank you.
Hi I’m new.the lesson is very helpful…thanks a lot
We missed you Adam! Being taught by other teachers isn’t enough ,there are forever the missing part … your passion of teaching :)
I am willingly waiting your new lesson as always ! (p.s Am I writing good ? With my own words yes :))
Yes Emanuela, you are writing very well. :)
…and, thank you. I appreciate it.
Thanks to you very much!!! ( tell me something when you feel so much the language and you want to write so much but you stopped and you even don’t know from where to start – what do you call this ? what happen to me ? what should I do ? )
Thanks everyone. Good questions and points made here. :)
thank you mr adam
I got 9/10.Not bad.isn’t it? :)
I am 15. I got 10/10 :D
Ayla Cavad
hi adam thanhs very much for you lessons and efforts you make to help us learning english ,
may i ask you what is the difference between
such …a/an
such as
and such that
fathy elmalt
Thanks ,Adam
Hi in ma book ur a good teacher
You got 8 correct out of 10.
:)I didn’t even know the most verbs:). Thank you for the lesson! I’m very happy that I found engVid !
Thank’s mister Adam.
Thank a million for this lesson Adam.
Best Regards
It is useful. Thanks Adam.
thank u Adam I was confused about it but now it’s clear to me, also I have got 10\10 .again thank u & as I always say keep on.
hi Adam :) may I ask 1 question? What about the words ending with s, sh, ch ?
I got a 90%
mohammed alshamsi
I got 100. Yeahhhhhh
Thanks, Adam, I got 10/10. You helped me to understand some things :D
The most wonderful thing about your lessons, is that I’m learning how to teach my own students…sometimes as teachers, we know all these things, but it’s hard to teach them to others in a better way.
Many Thx, Adam!!
Hi Adam, are there a kind of list or a page on internet which include all the regular verbs making the difference between “d” “id” “”t? Maybe it could be a good way to practice, at least for me. Thank you, I love your lessons :D
I got 100 :)
You’re an awesome teacher, you are.
Thank you so much, Adam.
Adill M
Hello Mr Adam ! Thank you very much !!! Now I know to speak ED . In test I got 10 correct out of 10 ! THANKS
Very useful to me ,Thanks ,Adam !
Thank you!
I want to know what the soft g and the hard g means?
thanx! very useful!!! i’ve cleared my mind!!!
It’s easy but I sill don’t correct in quiz. I may have to practise more than. Thank you teacher ^^
Very useful lesson.
thank you Mr adam.
my phonetics teacher thought us that:
after voiceless sound “ed” pronounced /t/ except the “t” sound
and after voiced sound we pronounce “ed” as /d/ except the “d” sound
and the two exceptions “t”&”d” the “ed” pronounced after them /id/ i think that what you explained in the video but in simple,easy way so thaaaaaank very much
good video lessons
8 of 10 humm not bad
I’m new and I’m 7 out of 10. Need to practice, practice, practice….
Thanks Adam for the tips.
thank you so much!!!!!
These 3 past sounds are important and then the only other pronunciation problems that are good to be aware of are the sounds of long and short vowels. That’s it. The rest of English pronunciation is too complicated!
WOW your video is always useful when speaking English!
Hi teacher, this is the first that I write you, well it’s very hard to me to see the difference when I am listening them or when I want to pronounce them, I learned for example if they fihish in vocal like e in deleted, I could say id,but the rest not really, it’s hard to make the difference when a person is talking in past, maybe to listen the context, that’s I think about this topic.
yes this topic is very interesting!!!
thank you Mr adam.
frai tarek
thanks Adam it’s very usefull to learnt.
I got 8/10.I need more practice.It’s really useful and learning for me in speaking English.I’m not fluent in English but I really want to learn so I can be a good English speaker someday..Thank you Mr.Adam! God bless you!
I got 8 out of 10. I will try to do it better. Thank you Adam.
Hello, so.. If the word ends in “sh” like refurbish… the “ed” sound will be “t”? Am I right?
Carlos Quesada L
Thank you very much,it really helps.
Shaoheng Li
Thank you very much for your wonderful lesson.
Could you please answer my confusing question: For example in the phrase ” laughed out loud”.
My teacher teaches me about liason but is it awkward to link the ending /t/ of laughed to the word out. Thank you for your thought on this.
I am new here in this lesson but realy aprechietable to your lesson
Daisy Rahman
Thank you, Adam! I GET enjoy listening your lessons!
Are the same rules applied when you use speak in British English ??
Thank you very much Adam. I finally understand how to pronounce past endings. All your lessons are wonderful. Greatings from Argentina!!
hi Adam, this video really helpful for me but i have a problem could u pls tell me in which category words ‘pleaed’, ‘ vivaed’ come.
thank u !
neha m
Thanks you so much. I’m clear. Good explanation.
sana na
thanks adam for your great lesson i think i can spill the d sound very well now
keep going your are great
amroo 046
Thanks a lot
please I learned that if the last sound before -ed is voiceless like \t-s\ i will say the ed as t like missed it becomes \mIst\
why i say here wanted as d not t.
wef Islam
Hi teacher Adam. Thanks for sharing your thoughts to us. More power.
Thanks you very much sir.
Manoj Mote
Hi Adm I am sorry but i thing the word find is regular verb so we can’t say founded because found is the past form of the verb find as you mentioned in the sound of ed as / id / .
thank you
samo sam
hey Samo, I think you are mixing up two words. Adam used the word found which is not the past of find. To found means to establish. So therefor we can say founded as the past of found, too :)
Hi,teacher I got 9 correct out of 10.I would like to tell you that your presentation made me improved and enjoyed in English. Thank you so much.
chutima anest.
Dear Alex, Thanks you so much.
Dear Alex, I have a habit of using
” Really” more often . Can you please take some class on alternative words can be used in place of Really . Thanks a lot
thank you.
hi Adam , u didn tak abot verbs such as searched , washed or breathed . what are the pronunciations of these verbs ? /t/ or /d/ at the end ????
Hi. /t/ .
hi , I didn receive any answers .
Thanks, Adam for your advice.
Thanks Adam so much :)
Thank you Adam. It was very helpful
thanku so much adam sir i was very hlpful for me once again thanku..can u teach whenever we using AS in english sentence.. it has been too confusing
Hi Adam. Thanks a lot for your lessons. I really appreciate it. This part has been one of the harder part of English for me but with your explanation I think I got it.
Hi Adam, i didn’t understand all what you said, how to know when the if the sound is T or d ??
this rule is for all words???
please what about
Thank’s Mr. Adam
I have a question, how can i know that this word (Packed), the d in it should be like (t)
It’s hard a little
Ahmad Maswadeh
Thanks Teacher Adam.
Poon Poon
Hi Adam
please tell me how to pronounce words ending in k and having ed in last.e.g.crooked.Also specifically I find it difficult whenever I pronounce the past form of ask i.e. asked .like in this sentence “I asked him yesterday”
Hi. Very clear and easy lesson . What about the blends of voiceless sounds e.g. : pr, pl, gr ….etc.
Very good it was easy quiz! !!!!! Thanks adam
ghufran najm
A nice lesson. It’s so clear.Thank you a lot Adam
Great lesson, as usual. Thanks
very good lesson
thanks Adam that was helpful , i like this lesson .. u make it easy for me .. thanks dear
I got 8/10 and its my first quiz not to bad. :)
Mary Acel
Just join the class.
Really helpful, I got 9/10. Need more practices.
Thank you Mr.Adam
Good tips. Thanks.
Luiz Alberto
This from lesson on quiz i had very mistake:(
Adam you are a good teacher.Thanks.
It’s difficult to me to speak “managed”, ‘fired”, “halved” and “jogged”. I think there is trouble in my tounge.
What is the pronunciation of New and Knew in american english.
Akanksha solanki
They’re pronounced the same way: /njuː/
engVid Moderator
Yes! Now I understood. Thanks Adam
Interesting lesson, thank you Adam
bad very bad % 60 :-(
Thank You.
It was quite useful for me. thank you so much:)
Very good lesson but not so easy for me
Thank You very much sir .please developped we fount it adjectif also or it’s no more than verb?!
Aymen Dz
Good lesson.
Thanks Mr.Adam.
yes yes I got 10 correct out of 10, Thank you adam
why lauhed is t sound not d sound
lobna ahmed
I think it is because laugh is pronounced “laf”. I failed at that question too.
merci beaucouo it is thank you in French
Adam, when i read, i can understand the english, watching the videos here on engvid, i understand too, but when i gonna talk with my wife, for example, my mind goes blank. I know, i need to read more, and watching more videos, but i want to know, How am i start the study? have any order of this videos?
i passed with flying colours !!!
Mohsen Barati
thanks for good lesson!
I do understand how to use, but I still need time to hold it in my head, as I see.
It’s not very easy to remember or feel where I should use -d ot -t ending.
Thank you, Adam.
Hi Adam,
I have been going through your videos and they are very helpful.
I would like to know-
While introducing myself , can i say, This is Alex. I heard that i should introduce myself as I am Alex or My name is Alex. Can you please clarify?
Thanks DUDE!
Thank you a lot.
hi teacher ..
I am wondering about the other letters .
what I mean is you spoke about the ed ending of the word for g,r,s,v,l,m and n will be (D) sound .the x,k,p and f (t) sound and the t and d (id) sound . what about the others letters ?
hope you understand me
thank you
Almost 10 points. 9 to be more accurate.
Thiago Rodrigues
Difficult! Very difficult! Have to learn and hear a lot! Anyway thank you.
Ivanes Stephano
Practice makes perfect, go on.
Bah Hady Bodie
the quiz was quiet easy
Bah Hady Bodie
Adam thank you so much, you are the best.
Marta Lopez
i really like how you explain all…next time will be better for me—im sorry
I really like how you explain all. By the way it is useful lesson. Thumbs up!
thank you very much mr. Adam.. this is my firs time learn english lesson by internet.. this is very helpful. i want to ask, in ypur lesson about vocabulary, you teach that don’t translate english to another language… i don’t understand… because if i don’t know the meaning in indonesian language how can i get the sentence?
Thanks San!
I couldn’t understand Why this is ” |t| ”
9. Say the sentence out loud: The comic was so funny, we all laughed out loud.
What does the –ed ending in laughed sound like?
Yahya Hasan
what about the ending “sh, ch, th”
I couldnt believe that I got 100 scores. Thanks Adam it makes me better to pronounce them.
Ade Kusnaendar
Thank you very much Mr. Adam.It’s a useful lesson.
Can I Know Why we say (laughed)|t|sound?
Abeer Yassin
Hi Adam.Is word “wicked” an exception ( it doesn’t sound “wickt”)?
P.S. Did I write this sentence correctly( Is correct “Is word” or ” Is the word” ?
I got 10 in the test and the question is what does mean “flipped burgers” , could you describe this using different words.(Many of the managers at McDonald’s flipped burgers when they started working there)the sentence was in the test.
P.S. Did I write this sentence correctly?
When you cook hamburgers, you flip them – i. e., turn them over (here’s a video). “Flipping burgers” can mean working at a fast food place in general. It can even be a noun: “burger flipper”.
engVid Moderator
Engvid Moderator or Adam, could you answer my first question about word “wicked” ( Is this an exception”)( it doesn’t sound “wickt”)
it was good exam
it worked with me because in Arabic language we learn how the letter voices come out.
its depending on breathing and ….etc.
it was good :)
Hello, Teacher Adam
Can I ask a question,please?
Why does the -ed ending of LAUGHED sound like |t|??
Thank you, Teacher^_^
I got 8/10 . thank you so much my dear Adam for this important lesson
I am happy with my 8/10, but i am frustrated with me too, because, even this it be an easy topic, i make mistakes always. But thank you very much for your support Teacher Adam
Not so bad and not so good lesson . It might be better if words would had some situations, because i needed some translate in my language, but it was truly useful Mr Adam. Thanks.
very good
not good ….ed/t .sh .ss else…where ??????
saad ali
thanks for the lesson!
chinh trong
Thank you, teacher very much.
but how could i pronounce if the verb ending with ed ending other letter than those ones you told.
thanks adam!
Also another tip to identify it is using the pattern of voice and voiceless. If one word ends with a voiceless sound, we use T, if ends with voice sound is D and the termination on T or D to the ID.
Is that correct Adamn?
Thank you for the lesson!
I want to ask about synonym of ‘bits of knowledge’.
There are 4 the choice namely :
a. portions of material
b. bits of evidence
c. pieces of data
d. facts of news
Actually, which one may be best rephrased as?
I’m sorry for asking this question, because I got confused with this question.
thank you .i have got 100 marks .thank you so much
I’ve got 9/10 thank you very much, it’s my first lesson I enjoy a lot
high, I got 9 but I didn`t know that gh ending before ed make it also also pronounce like t
I thought only t or d ending does
thanks a lot mr Adam
Hi Alex, Please make a video on words ending with -ed that have nothing with the past tense, like “high-heeled” or “open-toed”, “cold-blooded”, etc.
Oops, Adam. I wrote your name wrongly.
Hard to go through all the comments, so excuse me if I am doubling an already answered one.
Correct me if I am wrong, but there seems to be a fourth group where the -ed syllable actually gets very clear pronunciation. Even though the words would belong to the |t| group (along with ‘fixed’), I noticed they lean more towards the |id| (‘wanted’) group. The two words that come to mind are: naked and wicked. Do you agree?
[It would be great if you could introduce weekly/fortnightly AMA sessions on youtube, guys]
+ crooked
How it is pronounced when before -ed are the letters “a, b, c, h, í, j, o, q, s, u, w, z”?. thanks.
Raez Rozz
abdelaziz ata
Are these rules always observed by native English speakers? I once saw on a show people speaking the word “crooked” and actually pronouncing the “e” sound. Is it an exception? or people don’t follow the rules sometimes?
That is a really great observation! Usually, in words where the last sound is unvoiced (like /k/, /s/, /f/, etc., except /t/), the -ed ending is pronounced “-t” and not “-ed”. But sometimes, when the word is being used as an adjective, it is pronounced “-ed”. “Crooked” is one of those words. Some other examples are “naked”, “beloved”, “wicked”, and “blessed”.
So if you are talking about a crooked (corrupt) politician or a crooked (not straight) nose, it is pronounced “crook-ed”. The verb “crook” is very rare. But you could say “he crooked (bent) his finger”, and it would be pronounced “crookt”.
For “bless”:
“Have a blessed day”: “bless-ed”.
“The priest blessed the bread”: “blesst”.
I hope this helps!
engVid Moderator
best regards, Adam (Kazakhstan 27 Nov2021:)
This lesson is so helpful, my score on the quiz was 10/10.
Thank you a lot, Mr.Adam
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
easy quiz
thanks soo much mr. adam,but am wondering how we pronounce two litter in one word for example
jugged the gg sound in this word we should pronounce it gg or long g ? i hope you understand my question
thanks again and take care ^_^
Hi Bob,
Generally speaking, when you see a double consonant like gg, pronounce it as you would a hard form of that consonant. For gg,pronounce it like a hard g, as in gun. jogged- the j and g are soft and hard respectively.
In lesson, lessen, and listen, the s sounds the same.
Does that help?
hi teacher Adam, how sound words ending in “sts”, like:
It is very helpful, thanks dear teacher.
that’s very good enough
These words are very frequently we are using,but need to pronounce on right way
Hello Dear Adam,
You are good. One problem i can not see your writing properly.
Sheper Ahmed
I want to learn english. Also i want to do IELTS but i am very weak in Englsih. Could help me.
Sheper Ahmed
Hi Sheper,
Have you tried watching on full screen? that usually makes it easier to see.
As for IELTS, build your vocab- read, read, read. Once you have a good vocab, all the other elements will become easier.
Let me know if you have specific issues though. Maybe I can help.
Sir can you tell me posted how to pronounce superstition?
I have a question: which one is the correct sentence: God bless you or God blesses you. and why. thanks for your help.
Hi John.
It’s God bless you. The idea is that I wish blessings for you, so (may) God bless you.
Does that help?
God Bless you.
Very important lesson, Mr. Adam. A lot of people that learn English don’t know those different sounds of |ed| here in Brazil.
I agree with you. This lesson is very helpful.
Thanks Mr. Adam.
yes,I’m agree too.
In reality, people usually speak fluenly and pronounce ‘ed’ very fast. It’s difficult to hear it. The lesson is very good. Thanks Mr. Adams very much. :)
Interesting lesson, thank you teacher….
It is difficult for me How do I know t d id
Hi Ukrit,
It’s a matter of practice- the more you listen to native English, the more you’ll be able to hear the different sounds.
Say out loud: I want to.
I wanted to.
The extra syllable in the second sentence might make all the difference in the context of a speech.
Watch the video a few times until you can hear the differences clearly.
I sorry I cann’t understand all what you said
My suggestion is to have a translate software or dictionary and use it every time. Expand your vocabulary day by day then you will be good. Good luck!
It’s great and very helpful! Thank you very much Adam
now it’s everything so easy!!!!I should know it before..thanks
I was confused a little. But your lesson was helpful and interesting. Thank you Adam :)
Could u make a video on how to pronounce “u” and “u:”? and is there a rule when they are pronounced ? for example, “boot” is “bu:t” but “book” is “buk”
Hi Icedtroid,
There isn’t a rule to apply to all words, I’m afraid. However, a good dictionary will include a phonetic spelling of words. You can check individual words to know which way to pronounce these two letters.
Hope that helps a little.
Thanks got only 50%.
Don´t worry Abdul!!! Pronunciation is difficult to master. Practice makes the difference.
Indeed :)
Good job, Man!
7/10. I founded that I haven’t ended has I began. The last three were wronged.
Thanks a lot Mr.Adam…this lesson was very helpful for me.
God bless
thank you mr.adam
this lesson was benefit to me
I liked this rule of thumb. No doubt that it will help my pronunciation of words ending in -ed. Thanks Adam.
The past form of (find) is (found) not (founded) … what do you mean when you say (founded)
Salma, the word founded – it’s past participle of the word “found”, the synonym of the word “establish”
Yes, completely true, an awful mistake I made. I only thought about that immediately after I post it. Anyway I am still learning, so I make many mistakes.
I want to ask the same question , but about why fined ?
Hi Salma,
Alex is correct. To found means to establish something. We use it especially with institutions (like schools, NGOs, etc.). It can also mean started, in the same contexts.
Thought that it was easy, not much. Must more training. Thanks Adam
Very cool. This is my first day
It is a little bit confused to me .
thanks Adam
not as easy as I thought ,I gonna do it again , thanks Adam
When I was study english , my teacher said ” when the verb end in ‘ed ‘ in the past tense , it pronounce always like ‘ t ‘ ” . Now I know there is different depend on the last letter in the word .
Thank you adam .
wow 10/10 :D that mean I understood the lesson ;)
Thank’s for you advice Adam I really appreciate it! I’ll be on touch so you can see the progress ;).
Thank you for lesson!
Excelent explanation.
I got a %100
thank you so much .
I’ve scored 9/10…. not too bad.
Sometimes I’ve been in serious trouble when I’m speaking someone because a bunch of words getting out my mouth pronounced badly. So, that’s a great lesson I’ll practice a lot to catch it in my mind.
Best regards Adam!
Very useful lesson…thanks
I got 60 but I thought it was all done.
Very difficult for my tongue, but very helpful
Thanks Adam
I don’t understand one thing. Could you explaine me please why we use “founded” with “ed”
I think it is regular verb found…
Sorry!!!!!!! It is my mistake…..I should be very considerate
Hi Vseiden,
Just to make sure, to found means to establish, or start, especially with things such as institutions and such.
Hey,guys! Iam first time here. I have a question. At this sentence: “I let my frends speak more than I” what must I use- I or ME at second part it. Thanks…
Hi vovchick. I think you should use “…more than I do.” as “…more than I speak.” But actually I’m not sure if you can shorten it for just “…I.” This I or ME thing is quite confusing for me too.
Oh,Thank You!!! I think I got it)
I let my friends to speak more than myself.
Hi Vovchick,
Katya is right. You are comparing verbs so need a verb in the second clause. …more that I do. And yes, you can shorten it to I, but that seems uncomfortable for most people, which is why you’ll often hear the incorrect ‘me’ ending.
Hi Adam,Thank you for this was easy. I got 10/10. How will we pronounce the ‘ed’ when the word ends with a vowel sound?
Hi Hilasou,
Good question. Because nothing impedes (slows down, is an obstacle to) the tongue, we end the word with a ‘d’ sound. That being said, there are not many words that end with -ed that have a vowel before them, but:
shoed (shod) the horse
shooed away the birds
freed the prisoner
dyed the shirt
Thank you for the lesson! :) I was wrong just the answer 9th. I replied, ‘d’ instead of ‘t’.
It’S SO EASY.. Do u have something more difficult than those words?
our government have blocked youtube and I cant see Your videos… so may be goodbye Adam!!!
It was my provider but. So I can see You now! Excuse me for the trouble!
I’m glad you’re back Katrin :)
I’ve expected the joke from you Adam. But for me it was not really funny at the time.
thanks adam! i apreciate you class :)
How can I learn the lesson ? Tell me please .
Hi Zhaoyi,
You can watch the videos again a few times. You can also ask questions here.
Great lesson thank you Adam :)
Letter w and h i don’t know. I’m very lovely with this page.
Yes, you are lovely Kongkea :)
thank you very much teacher Adam.
Would you think that video was hard?
I got 90 though, I have a important question for you
And I need you to answer that.
I’ve heard the pronunciation of WANTED sometimes is like
Why happens that Mr. Adam?
I do hope you help me by writing about this.
Thanks and good luck.
Hi Luis,
Think about Spanish ( I assume that’s your mother tongue. I apologize if I’m mistaken). If you speak Spanish very fast, some of the syllables in your words will mix into other syllables or disappear completely. The same thing happens in English (and every language for that matter). It’s a little bit laziness, and a little bit of a taking for granted that the listener will understand you even when you take shortcuts. Wanid is wanted without the trouble of an extra clicking of the tongue for the ‘t’. That’s all.
think also of ‘want to’; many native speakers will say ‘wanna’ instead. Same idea.
It’s a wonderful lesson. More to be done.
Always more to be done Ibaddo. :)
Very good video. Thanks Adam for all these useful videos.They realy help me.
I want to suggest you to do a video for LOOK LIKE and LOOK AS IF. That’s something I’ve been wondering lately.However, I haven’t found anything related to that topic on the web.
I’ll see what I can do Boy17 :)
It was great for me!!
Also the verbs end in ( ch – sh – gh ) the (ed) ending pronounced as (t) in them
You’re right Salma. Good point. I forgot to mention these :)
Thank you so much Adam for this lesson , Yes Salma you are right that’s why I wondered why I get 90 points in quiz I made a mistake in ‘Laughed’ , anyway Thank you all !
I appreciate your efforts Mr.Adem
Nice. I want moreee Thanks for your help
I’d like to ask what does “Jump off the page ” mean. I was watching a movie and there was this guy that wanted to be accepted at Harvard but he had to do something that the principal was requesting.
And what does “pop” in slang mean. Sometimes in Rap music they say “I like the way you pop…”
To “jump off the page” is to stand out, to be extraordinary or vivid. A really well-written story might have people in it that “jump off the page” — you can see them as real live humans, not just words on paper. But it is used more metaphorically as well.
“Pop” is probably the dance style.
Hi Henry,
The principal wanted the kid to be amazing. He wanted a story that wasn’t bland and boring. he wanted the story to be special and make the reader feel like he was there. (that Vegas story was really good ;) )
Hi, Mr.Adam. It’s been a long time no see! (I was busy for my semester study.)
Have a question about the word “jog”, which way is correct to say “I’m going to jogging?”, “I’m going to jog?”, “I went there for jogging?”, “I went there for jogged?”
Best regards!
Hi Bianlei,
I hope you did well in your studies ;)
Jog — jogged — jogging.
I jog three times a week.
I love to jog.
I love jogging.
I went jogging with my friend.
I went there to jog.
I went there for a jog.
Does this help?
Good lesson, adam. I need pay attention in the next.
Thank you Adam for the lesson. It was a nice review for me.
Interesting lesson on pronunciation Adam. What I like most about it was the useful tips on how to pronounce the past tense marker. However,as you know, there is much more to it that meets the eye.
What would help a lot to pronounce correctly the past tense marker “-ed” – I think – is knowing the distinction between voiced and voiceless sounds. But that’s a topic for another pronunciation Video-lesson.
Thanks again Adam. Have a great weekend!!!
. . . talking about correctness Adam . . . did I use the expression “there is much more to it that meets the eye” correctly?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Hi Regino,
Firstly, yes you did use the expression correctly. Except this is about hearing more than seeing, so it’s not as simple as all that. :)
You’re right about the voiced and unvoiced, though this is a huge topic that extends far beyond -ed endings. I’ll see if I can come up with a lesson on it though.
100/100 again :)
Hi jessie, i would like practicing eng with you, if you feel interested, pls add skype : buitiennhat
hope to see you soon
good weekend.
thanks so much Mr Adam
Hi Adam! Please tell Me when I must use DO. For instance: I (DO) let my friends to speak. So when You must use DO before verb? Thank You very much!
It is used to put more enphasis on something:
Teacher: You do not pay attention to me Alice.
Alice: But Mr. I DO pay attention to you.
Hope this may help Katrin.
Thank You Regino, I know about that, but I wanted to know more!!! Adam one more question: which word to use – “I must be very CAUTIOUS(CAREFUL) in using that word!”( in the case where I can insult a person and it might be dangerous for me ).
Hi Katrin,
Regino pointed out one answer correctly, so I’ll leave that alone. Another reason to use ‘do’ in a sentence is to emphasize an affirmative (as opposed to a negative):
A: You don’t love me any more.
B: I do love you, it’s just that … ;)
As for the next question, both cautiuos and careful are correct, though careful is more commonly used. Cautious might sound a little bookish.
That is clear now! Thank you Adam.
great lesson.
such a difficult lesson :(
bytheway, thx adam
Thanks very much Adam! :)
thank for the lesson
thanks so much it’s so helpful
thank for the lesson
Good lesson
thanks adam
thanks adam cool Quiz !!!
Thanks for your class
Thank you,adam!
I’m come from China.
I’ve saw many of your video that was copied from a friend,now I want to see online in this website of “”,but I can’t see any video,can you tell me why?
Thank you one more time.
Our videos are all on Youtube, which is blocked in China…so I suggest asking your friend for their secrets!
Wish I could help Szasia.
Not sure what the rules are in China. Hope you find a solution soon.
the lessons was very helpfull,
thanks a lot teacher..
i want to say thank to all of the teachers in . i am very happy when i can do these test correct out of ten .
Every glimpse of the Moon – is it romantic or is it nonsense? Thank You Adam!!!
Excuse me Adam,one more question! Is that sentence OK? — Now, after staying alone, without you, I understand that I loved you so much!
I need more Katrin. It might be very romantic, or it might be total nonsense. I prefer to think the former.
The sentence in the next box is correct :)
That is nice. Thank You.
Hi Mr. Adam,
I am really happy to find your website and I’d like to thank you for your lessons and your explanation in easy way
Thank you.
Not easy! Thanks!
Thank you teacher, really it’s a useful 3 minutes
very useful lesson … thank a lot Adam !!!!
it is not so easy.I need to practice! thank you very much teacher adam.
Thanks Mr Adam
Thanks Adam :D
Thanks for this lesson. Pronunciation is very important in English.
i just got 80 . it’s not good . but i dont understand that laughed is/ t/
I got 100
Thank you.
Hi I’m new.the lesson is very helpful…thanks a lot
We missed you Adam! Being taught by other teachers isn’t enough ,there are forever the missing part … your passion of teaching :)
I am willingly waiting your new lesson as always ! (p.s Am I writing good ? With my own words yes :))
Yes Emanuela, you are writing very well. :)
…and, thank you. I appreciate it.
Thanks to you very much!!! ( tell me something when you feel so much the language and you want to write so much but you stopped and you even don’t know from where to start – what do you call this ? what happen to me ? what should I do ? )
Thanks everyone. Good questions and points made here. :)
thank you mr adam
I got 9/10.Not bad.isn’t it? :)
I am 15. I got 10/10 :D
hi adam thanhs very much for you lessons and efforts you make to help us learning english ,
may i ask you what is the difference between
such …a/an
such as
and such that
Thanks ,Adam
Hi in ma book ur a good teacher
You got 8 correct out of 10.
:)I didn’t even know the most verbs:). Thank you for the lesson! I’m very happy that I found engVid !
Thank’s mister Adam.
Thank a million for this lesson Adam.
Best Regards
It is useful. Thanks Adam.
thank u Adam I was confused about it but now it’s clear to me, also I have got 10\10 .again thank u & as I always say keep on.
hi Adam :) may I ask 1 question? What about the words ending with s, sh, ch ?
I got a 90%
I got 100. Yeahhhhhh
Thanks, Adam, I got 10/10. You helped me to understand some things :D
The most wonderful thing about your lessons, is that I’m learning how to teach my own students…sometimes as teachers, we know all these things, but it’s hard to teach them to others in a better way.
Many Thx, Adam!!
Hi Adam, are there a kind of list or a page on internet which include all the regular verbs making the difference between “d” “id” “”t? Maybe it could be a good way to practice, at least for me. Thank you, I love your lessons :D
I got 100 :)
You’re an awesome teacher, you are.
Thank you so much, Adam.
Hello Mr Adam ! Thank you very much !!! Now I know to speak ED . In test I got 10 correct out of 10 ! THANKS
Very useful to me ,Thanks ,Adam !
Thank you!
I want to know what the soft g and the hard g means?
thanx! very useful!!! i’ve cleared my mind!!!
It’s easy but I sill don’t correct in quiz. I may have to practise more than. Thank you teacher ^^
Very useful lesson.
thank you Mr adam.
my phonetics teacher thought us that:
after voiceless sound “ed” pronounced /t/ except the “t” sound
and after voiced sound we pronounce “ed” as /d/ except the “d” sound
and the two exceptions “t”&”d” the “ed” pronounced after them /id/ i think that what you explained in the video but in simple,easy way so thaaaaaank very much
good video lessons
8 of 10 humm not bad
I’m new and I’m 7 out of 10. Need to practice, practice, practice….
Thanks Adam for the tips.
thank you so much!!!!!
These 3 past sounds are important and then the only other pronunciation problems that are good to be aware of are the sounds of long and short vowels. That’s it. The rest of English pronunciation is too complicated!
WOW your video is always useful when speaking English!
Hi teacher, this is the first that I write you, well it’s very hard to me to see the difference when I am listening them or when I want to pronounce them, I learned for example if they fihish in vocal like e in deleted, I could say id,but the rest not really, it’s hard to make the difference when a person is talking in past, maybe to listen the context, that’s I think about this topic.
yes this topic is very interesting!!!
thank you Mr adam.
thanks Adam it’s very usefull to learnt.
I got 8/10.I need more practice.It’s really useful and learning for me in speaking English.I’m not fluent in English but I really want to learn so I can be a good English speaker someday..Thank you Mr.Adam! God bless you!
I got 8 out of 10. I will try to do it better. Thank you Adam.
Hello, so.. If the word ends in “sh” like refurbish… the “ed” sound will be “t”? Am I right?
Thank you very much,it really helps.
Thank you very much for your wonderful lesson.
Could you please answer my confusing question: For example in the phrase ” laughed out loud”.
My teacher teaches me about liason but is it awkward to link the ending /t/ of laughed to the word out. Thank you for your thought on this.
I am new here in this lesson but realy aprechietable to your lesson
Thank you, Adam! I GET enjoy listening your lessons!
Are the same rules applied when you use speak in British English ??
Thank you very much Adam. I finally understand how to pronounce past endings. All your lessons are wonderful. Greatings from Argentina!!
hi Adam, this video really helpful for me but i have a problem could u pls tell me in which category words ‘pleaed’, ‘ vivaed’ come.
thank u !
Thanks you so much. I’m clear. Good explanation.
thanks adam for your great lesson i think i can spill the d sound very well now
keep going your are great
Thanks a lot
please I learned that if the last sound before -ed is voiceless like \t-s\ i will say the ed as t like missed it becomes \mIst\
why i say here wanted as d not t.
Hi teacher Adam. Thanks for sharing your thoughts to us. More power.
Thanks you very much sir.
Hi Adm I am sorry but i thing the word find is regular verb so we can’t say founded because found is the past form of the verb find as you mentioned in the sound of ed as / id / .
thank you
hey Samo, I think you are mixing up two words. Adam used the word found which is not the past of find. To found means to establish. So therefor we can say founded as the past of found, too :)
Hi,teacher I got 9 correct out of 10.I would like to tell you that your presentation made me improved and enjoyed in English. Thank you so much.
Dear Alex, Thanks you so much.
Dear Alex, I have a habit of using
” Really” more often . Can you please take some class on alternative words can be used in place of Really . Thanks a lot
thank you.
hi Adam , u didn tak abot verbs such as searched , washed or breathed . what are the pronunciations of these verbs ? /t/ or /d/ at the end ????
Hi. /t/ .
hi , I didn receive any answers .
Thanks, Adam for your advice.
Thanks Adam so much :)
Thank you Adam. It was very helpful
thanku so much adam sir i was very hlpful for me once again thanku..can u teach whenever we using AS in english sentence.. it has been too confusing
Hi Adam. Thanks a lot for your lessons. I really appreciate it. This part has been one of the harder part of English for me but with your explanation I think I got it.
Hi Adam, i didn’t understand all what you said, how to know when the if the sound is T or d ??
this rule is for all words???
please what about
Thank’s Mr. Adam
I have a question, how can i know that this word (Packed), the d in it should be like (t)
It’s hard a little
Thanks Teacher Adam.
Hi Adam
please tell me how to pronounce words ending in k and having ed in last.e.g.crooked.Also specifically I find it difficult whenever I pronounce the past form of ask i.e. asked .like in this sentence “I asked him yesterday”
Hi. Very clear and easy lesson . What about the blends of voiceless sounds e.g. : pr, pl, gr ….etc.
Very good it was easy quiz! !!!!! Thanks adam
A nice lesson. It’s so clear.Thank you a lot Adam
Great lesson, as usual. Thanks
very good lesson
thanks Adam that was helpful , i like this lesson .. u make it easy for me .. thanks dear
I got 8/10 and its my first quiz not to bad. :)
Just join the class.
Really helpful, I got 9/10. Need more practices.
Thank you Mr.Adam
Good tips. Thanks.
This from lesson on quiz i had very mistake:(
Adam you are a good teacher.Thanks.
It’s difficult to me to speak “managed”, ‘fired”, “halved” and “jogged”. I think there is trouble in my tounge.
What is the pronunciation of New and Knew in american english.
They’re pronounced the same way: /njuː/
Yes! Now I understood. Thanks Adam
Interesting lesson, thank you Adam
bad very bad % 60 :-(
Thank You.
It was quite useful for me. thank you so much:)
Very good lesson but not so easy for me
Thank You very much sir .please developped we fount it adjectif also or it’s no more than verb?!
Good lesson.
Thanks Mr.Adam.
yes yes I got 10 correct out of 10, Thank you adam
why lauhed is t sound not d sound
I think it is because laugh is pronounced “laf”. I failed at that question too.
merci beaucouo it is thank you in French
Adam, when i read, i can understand the english, watching the videos here on engvid, i understand too, but when i gonna talk with my wife, for example, my mind goes blank. I know, i need to read more, and watching more videos, but i want to know, How am i start the study? have any order of this videos?
i passed with flying colours !!!
thanks for good lesson!
I do understand how to use, but I still need time to hold it in my head, as I see.
It’s not very easy to remember or feel where I should use -d ot -t ending.
Thank you, Adam.
Hi Adam,
I have been going through your videos and they are very helpful.
I would like to know-
While introducing myself , can i say, This is Alex. I heard that i should introduce myself as I am Alex or My name is Alex. Can you please clarify?
Thanks DUDE!
Thank you a lot.
hi teacher ..
I am wondering about the other letters .
what I mean is you spoke about the ed ending of the word for g,r,s,v,l,m and n will be (D) sound .the x,k,p and f (t) sound and the t and d (id) sound . what about the others letters ?
hope you understand me
thank you
Almost 10 points. 9 to be more accurate.
Difficult! Very difficult! Have to learn and hear a lot! Anyway thank you.
Practice makes perfect, go on.
the quiz was quiet easy
Adam thank you so much, you are the best.
i really like how you explain all…next time will be better for me—im sorry
I really like how you explain all. By the way it is useful lesson. Thumbs up!
thank you very much mr. Adam.. this is my firs time learn english lesson by internet.. this is very helpful. i want to ask, in ypur lesson about vocabulary, you teach that don’t translate english to another language… i don’t understand… because if i don’t know the meaning in indonesian language how can i get the sentence?
Thanks San!
I couldn’t understand Why this is ” |t| ”
9. Say the sentence out loud: The comic was so funny, we all laughed out loud.
What does the –ed ending in laughed sound like?
what about the ending “sh, ch, th”
I couldnt believe that I got 100 scores. Thanks Adam it makes me better to pronounce them.
Thank you very much Mr. Adam.It’s a useful lesson.
Can I Know Why we say (laughed)|t|sound?
Hi Adam.Is word “wicked” an exception ( it doesn’t sound “wickt”)?
P.S. Did I write this sentence correctly( Is correct “Is word” or ” Is the word” ?
I got 10 in the test and the question is what does mean “flipped burgers” , could you describe this using different words.(Many of the managers at McDonald’s flipped burgers when they started working there)the sentence was in the test.
P.S. Did I write this sentence correctly?
When you cook hamburgers, you flip them – i. e., turn them over (here’s a video). “Flipping burgers” can mean working at a fast food place in general. It can even be a noun: “burger flipper”.
Engvid Moderator or Adam, could you answer my first question about word “wicked” ( Is this an exception”)( it doesn’t sound “wickt”)
it was good exam
it worked with me because in Arabic language we learn how the letter voices come out.
its depending on breathing and ….etc.
it was good :)
Hello, Teacher Adam
Can I ask a question,please?
Why does the -ed ending of LAUGHED sound like |t|??
Thank you, Teacher^_^
I got 8/10 . thank you so much my dear Adam for this important lesson
I am happy with my 8/10, but i am frustrated with me too, because, even this it be an easy topic, i make mistakes always. But thank you very much for your support Teacher Adam
Not so bad and not so good lesson . It might be better if words would had some situations, because i needed some translate in my language, but it was truly useful Mr Adam. Thanks.
very good
not good ….ed/t .sh .ss else…where ??????
thanks for the lesson!
Thank you, teacher very much.
but how could i pronounce if the verb ending with ed ending other letter than those ones you told.
thanks adam!
Also another tip to identify it is using the pattern of voice and voiceless. If one word ends with a voiceless sound, we use T, if ends with voice sound is D and the termination on T or D to the ID.
Is that correct Adamn?
Thank you for the lesson!
I want to ask about synonym of ‘bits of knowledge’.
There are 4 the choice namely :
a. portions of material
b. bits of evidence
c. pieces of data
d. facts of news
Actually, which one may be best rephrased as?
I’m sorry for asking this question, because I got confused with this question.
thank you .i have got 100 marks .thank you so much
I’ve got 9/10 thank you very much, it’s my first lesson I enjoy a lot
high, I got 9 but I didn`t know that gh ending before ed make it also also pronounce like t
I thought only t or d ending does
thanks a lot mr Adam
Hi Alex, Please make a video on words ending with -ed that have nothing with the past tense, like “high-heeled” or “open-toed”, “cold-blooded”, etc.
Oops, Adam. I wrote your name wrongly.
Hard to go through all the comments, so excuse me if I am doubling an already answered one.
Correct me if I am wrong, but there seems to be a fourth group where the -ed syllable actually gets very clear pronunciation. Even though the words would belong to the |t| group (along with ‘fixed’), I noticed they lean more towards the |id| (‘wanted’) group. The two words that come to mind are: naked and wicked. Do you agree?
[It would be great if you could introduce weekly/fortnightly AMA sessions on youtube, guys]
+ crooked
How it is pronounced when before -ed are the letters “a, b, c, h, í, j, o, q, s, u, w, z”?. thanks.
Are these rules always observed by native English speakers? I once saw on a show people speaking the word “crooked” and actually pronouncing the “e” sound. Is it an exception? or people don’t follow the rules sometimes?
That is a really great observation! Usually, in words where the last sound is unvoiced (like
, etc., except/t/
), the -ed ending is pronounced “-t” and not “-ed”. But sometimes, when the word is being used as an adjective, it is pronounced “-ed”. “Crooked” is one of those words. Some other examples are “naked”, “beloved”, “wicked”, and “blessed”.So if you are talking about a crooked (corrupt) politician or a crooked (not straight) nose, it is pronounced “crook-ed”. The verb “crook” is very rare. But you could say “he crooked (bent) his finger”, and it would be pronounced “crookt”.
For “bless”:
“Have a blessed day”: “bless-ed”.
“The priest blessed the bread”: “blesst”.
I hope this helps!
best regards, Adam (Kazakhstan 27 Nov2021:)
This lesson is so helpful, my score on the quiz was 10/10.
Thank you a lot, Mr.Adam
Alhamdulilah I got 10 correct out of 10.
:D = 100