Most people don’t like saying no — in any language. But to be strong and confident, sometimes you have to say no. Watch this lesson to learn how to say no“, show confidence, and have the respect of your coworkers, family, and friends.
Thanks for this great Lesson,James.You´re one of the best EngVid Teachers!
Gabriel Vieira EngVid
Saying NO without actually saying NO?
Excellent approach to reject offers/proposals politely without deteriorating your social relationships or finding yourself in conflict with your friends or coworkers.
Well-designed quiz, however there is an unpardonable mistake in the explanation for item 3:
“You shouldn’t TO do it, because it’s not worth being told . . .”
Hope someone can fix it up soon.
Excellent lesson James
I would say that all of them are doing an outstanding job.
Ciao. Mi chiamo Lilly. Come Ti Chiami?
Lilly Gleek
I learn a lot from yesterdays course. (Thanks to you Ms. Jane) please allow me to share my own take. Should it be? You shouldn’t DO it, even if you can because you’re tolerating her laziness. But if I find out there is a valid “excuse” (e.g. health matters, priorities & so on) and in a decent approach, then I will do it for the sake of maintaining positive workplace.
To tell you the truth,You,Adam and Rebecca are the best ones!
Gabriel Vieira EngVid
I would say that all of them are doing an outstanding job.
I really enjoyed the lesson, and gained new vocabulary
Five out of five, sweet! Thank you, James.
Say “no” can be more difficult than it seems, even in our own language. This lesson will come in handy.
Evaldo Mendes
For us, brazilian people, it’s more difficult, Evaldo!
That was nice from you ! Thank you Engvid ^^
to my companions , if anybody wants to practice his English with me ! he’s welcome , Please feel free to be in touch with me :
Hello, I really intersting to practice in English.Do you use skype?
Thank you so much
Yes i Do . and this is mine “Anwar.aimedieu”
Your are welcome anytime :)
Excuse me Katerina
The correct account is “Anwar.aimefrance”
Thank you , and Please feel free to be in touch anytime :)
we can make practice if you like
I am free all the time
Excellent Lesson!….
Thank you James. We often get some situations that saying no. But it’s not easy to not give people bad feeling. When we say “no” whether we speak our mother language or English, it’s important to show respect and honor to friends, boss, or family. You showed us a good example what should we do. Great.
By the way the jacket you wearing is really cool. It so suits you!
Hello, Juneriver…you are right. James gave us great lession that taught us how to say “No” in a nice way…Thank you Jamies. You are always my fav teacher.
By the way,Juneriver I just wondering do you have a Skpye,can I practice english with you…I am from HK…if you have please add me “lfook_hqgloriagan”
I really really want to improve my english skills. please contact if you can help me . We can practice in your free time
Good lesson. Is there any discussion sort of forum where we can practise the lesson.
Excellent Thank you James YES… heuuu NO ;)
Hi James, your lesson was quite cool :) Thanks !!
I got 4 correct out of 5. Thank you for your lesson, James :)
James your a great teacher.and i clearly understand what you mean i got perfect score thanks you :)
I got 5 correct out of 5. Have nice day:)
Carol 1
Thank you Mr. James, often I cannot understand your lessons and now the situation is same. I answered the quiz by common sense and got 80%. I am glad. Thanks again.
Abdul Qayum
So am I
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Thanks for sharing
Abdul Qayum
I was very happy while you Mr james were explaining the lesson coz you’re fanny boy
Clarc Gorbatchev
what you wanna say about snack puctur ?
Clarc Gorbatchev
I got 2 correct out of 5.
Thanks alot James for your great job.
It was a good lesson as always :D
and I got 100 in the quiz .
You have a nice way to teach but sometimes you speak fast so I don’t got what r u saying :) … hope you all the best teacher
My regards
I don’t get* .. sorry about that
Nice lesson James! And i just wanna ask you-did you ever thought regarding actor career ? I think you could be best in it ! All the best!
I told him that before.I bet he’ll doing well at agree,don’t you??
Hi James, thanks for letting me and others to get into English in a fun way. Sometimes you speak fast but I like it because it is important to make an effort and try to understand English in a normal pace- Thank you again and good luck…
More than an english teacher, a human relation teacher ! You’ve done a good job and you often make me laugh. Thank you so much
I love James when he teaches us the art of diplomacy:)
Thank you James for your lession. I got 5/5, and it means your teaching way is the best one. You know how to make the others concentrate on all of what you want to say. Have a good day!
Hey James! You’re not only an English teacher but also a psychology teacher! :)
james i love that shoving in the quiz.keep up great job
I’d a little difficult with the understanding of some words, because James talks in his classes like he talks with your friends. I mean he speaks fast and like in a conversation… Other teachers speak slower, what it’s good, but it doesn’t seems a real conversation.
Тhank you. A very good and not easy lesson.
You are bsolutely right Yelena!!!
Not that easy, even for advanced students of English. But we must meet the challenge of it.
Good luck with your English.
Have a great day.
Yelenalena we can practice together if you like
Thanks, 5/5.
Excellent…i got 5 out of 5
hallo everyone..^_^
These are lessons for life and should never be forgotten, thank you very much!
Tiago de Souza da Silva
Thank you so much For your explanation James .
For my companions ! i wish is there who wants to practice his English , If you’d like to do so ! please be in touch with me ! this is my account name in face book “Anwar Aime Dieu “
Thanks, James! Great lesson and actual topic!
its all sounds great dude)) (may i call ya as DUDE?)
You are so calm today!! but still the best ♥
I get 100% at the quiz, but to be honest I repeated it twice to make sure I get your idea, not because it’s difficult or hard to understand ,no, I heard about this subject many times before.However I was kind of absent-minded ,thinking about lots of things else :( :(
yeah thnx four in five
HI, Everybody, i got 5 out 5. i’m really happpy. this is great. I enjoyed it. it make me more bold and it encourages me. thanks for giving 5 out of five.
I really enjoy this new way to learn english, I did´nt. Know any about this lesson. Uuppss, always replied with a simple NO thanks ¡¡
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees I got 5 of 5 Iam perfect
Asmaa. H.
5/5. In Portuguese as you said ” nada” means nothing, if you say NO, the correct word is “NÃO”. Cheers
Jorge Pedroso
My first great lesson, thanks
How can you talk so fast … I admire you!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the lesson :)
Hi, Katerina. Would you like to practice with me? I’ll send you a message on Skype. :)
Yes I would like.
Hi, Katerina. Would you like to practice with me? I’ll send you a message on Skype. :)
Hi… can talk fast if you read too much and watch English movies to know about idioms and accent…(i can speak a little fast because of can taste it)
i would like to do practice
here ia my skype id
Thanks alot…….really great and useful ….. i will say it to my students
Hi VahidReza,
I want to practice to someone english. Do you want to practice with me? Let me know if you are interested!
Best regards
Hi..Thank you my know i dont have much time ..but i can practice with you in my free times…give me your skype ID
i reall like to practice English with an English Teacher….
My Skype Id is chanekapinzon69. Keep in touche
i would like to do practice
here is my skype id
I’ve added you atique
Hi caro,
Do you want practice with me?
Hi caro,
Do you want practice with me?
Excellent ;-)
Hi, Mr jeams I learnt a lot of vocab in this lesson, thank you so much, see hello to Me E
Bboy samoud
Hi all, thanks for the lesson. I want to improve my English . If there is anybody who thinks we can help each other here is my Skype ID avetik.nersisyan1
Thank you a lot,that’s not just about language ,but a culture!
thanks so much James. i think this is the best chance for me. thanks again.
Why did you say “shall we”, I once learned on this site itself that “shall” is never used in normal conversation but only for warning(on public sites) and in Laws. Plz do reply.
Thank so much James
thanks!!sometimes I couldn’t say because I didn’t know the best way!!thanks
Than you teacher, your way at teaching is very interesting.
I was not able to watch the video due to the internet problem but I just participated to the quiz to test myself, fortunately I got 4 out 5 correct which granted me 80 marks. that is good… heheheh. Thanks for offering such a wonderful & public educational site… May Allah Blessed all.
i got 5 thx james 100%
Thank you James!! Very useful videos to improve communication skill.
But i wonder if I get all videos in sequentially.
I tried hard to find the sequence of all videos but i don’t.
Please help me for this.
Hmm, excuse me, i’m not good at listening. Can you tell me the way to improve it? Thanks a lot :)
thanks alot :)
Hi i have a communication problem can i improve my language skills help me
Thanks Sir.
Hi James,
i am really very interested by your courses , i have a question here and i am sure that you will help me to succeed: i’m gonna writing my dissertation this year and i am very optimistic because i know that i am able to get a good mark on it, i want you to help me to find a good and strong TOPIC to be written ( this topic should be related with economic world ,business world and why not by some political overviews) please write me back on my Email :
takwa wanderlust
Thanks teacher james it is a very good lesson.
thank you James ^_^
if anybody would love to practive english with me add skype : eng.tiger3
thank u teacher james
Abdisalam Daad
Nej! That’s how Norwegians and Danish people say no.
Ayoko! That’s how Philippine citizens say no.
Njet! Njet! Njet! That’s how my Russian friend says no.
It is very hard for me to say no in a needy and demanding individual in front of me. I learned my lesson and still learning.
Your video is really helpful. I need more strength to say no right away without losing the face for both parties.
Cheers! You are an excellent teacher. I really appreciate your knowledge and sharing it to us all. Thanks,Joy
Tks Jammes … good lesson !!!
Marcio Fagundes
i really like the accent you speak. clear and easy eng.
I expecting from this lesson to be improve my english communication skill. Guy help me. :-)
Thx for video:) Will try to watch all your vids:) Cheers:)
Thanks a lot teacher James , you are my favorite teacher here.
that was a very helpful lesson
really thank you Mr. james
Thanks Mr.James for this video, it’s very helpful for me. Especially in my job :)
5/5 ..! Next !
James, you are a good and funny teacher. I enjoy every lesson.
Carlos Presa
thanks it’s very useful even in my home language
ozza adel
Great lesson! It’s really helpfull for work relationships :)
thanks it was an amazing lesson
I think I had some bias that native English speakers generally feel easier to say “no” than us Asians. I do not know… But this lesson taught me how to decline without losing faces and I want to use this phrase if I have a chance.
Thank you, the lesson was very interesting for me.
i got 60 marks it’s bad ):
James pond
jemms you are my hero
Thank you james i really like the lesson
Thank you James
Thank you for your lesson, James
even though this lesson is for beginners, I didn’t get more then half :( you’re too fast speaking for me.
james i´m goint leasson englesh
thank you verry much ,but ifound many diffecult words in the quize
Truely useful for conversation.
good way to say no, thank you
Edson Valenzuela
This is awesome, thank you James. Btw can somebody talk to me so i could practise my English ;(
Hi thuwanh. Nice to meet u. Let’s get practise our E. what’s your skype or fb?
Thanks for you effort.
Pls. I wish you to talk about calligraphy,just basic rules.
Abuomar Sabbagh
i dont know why the same video came with subtitle in my iphone but in my computer without
Kirollos 1987
Hi, I got one question. What “shove it” means? You used that in quiz and the transalation I found for this expression dosn’t match at all.
that was awsome lesson sir o like it :)
Hi. I’d like to improve my english conversation skills. If anyone can help me pls contact me or add me on skype. My skype ID: luminianis or you can find me as Zsolt Daragus
5/5 my first time :)
thank you very much
thanks alot , james
you’re the best teacher ever ..
Keep going on :)
Abdo Hazem
to “come out of the closet” — to tell people that you are gay hahahahahahaha
Thank you for your approach Dr.James. I really needed this.
Samrat Rudra
if you don’t mind i would ask you a question ( not kestion ) that why were you so upset . you looked disappointed and tired sort of . And that was the great lesson about Saying NO
Syed Imad Shah
Syed Imad Shah
Thanks, i really enjoyed this lecon. I learned a lot of word and good attitude.
This is the second video that I’ve watched and it really helps me. Glad that I signed up and continue to learn more of this.
Thanks teacher!!! I’m very happy!!! This lesson is coll!
Thank you James, I like your lession about how to say no. I got 5/5, I will continue. Very helpful. Thanks EngVid
wow i like getting 100 into the quiz , thanks again
Aminata nana camara
Yeah, I’m waiting for new videos. Great job, sir!
James, you are really the best one, I ever met!!!!
Alena perova
thanks james for this lesson, I am a big fan of you. I like you humor sense and the way of teach as.
The lesson which improves English skills and psychological one’s at the same time. It was really useful, thanks!
Thanks you are the best ,have a good one
James thank you so much, this is more than learn English, thanks
Marta Lopez
thank you very much mr.james.
i am always thanking engvid espesially you.
today i learned to use the various expression instead of “no”.
thank you.
Thank you for your interesting, enjoyable and easy understanding class !
Alina Erkis
oh Yeah! I got all 5 correct answers!
Actually, this lesson is the most difficult i’ve learnt here. (in Beginner level)
Some of situation and sentences I may still have confused.
I think I need to repeat this video for several times after.
i think that it is all matter of character the way to tell someone ‘no’
James dude
thumb up man
you the best
I think this isn’t a lessons for beginners, but thank a lot for this lesson :)
you are the best teacher!!
Thank you, Mr James this lesson is a really helpful to me
Thank You for useful lesson!
100% – yabba dabba doo
Love it, I’m got perfect score.
Miss church
Nice lesson.I agree with sir James. Our excuse and no should be diplomatically
thanks Mr James awesome lesson I got 100% in the quiz , but to say no even in my mother language difficult, your method fantastic to escape in difficult time.
James, this quiz was very interesting. Maybe these ways of rejecting situation are too much soft or polite.
Anyway many thanks for the hints.
Edmilson Medeiros
feeling happy , you have safe my relationship with my family member , my friends , and specially with my team . last one was just kidding , i am sorry to all my team. and after all again i want to say thanks to great teacher and his team who contribute to make easy others life .
You got 5 correct out of 5.
thanks a lot.
M kartal
Your lesson is good James! Thank you very much.
thanks a lots sir, now I can use this approach without losing our social relationship.
Thank you James, this lesson is very important to knowledge yourself and for limit in yours relationships personal and professional.
Emerson Alves dos Santos
How can l watch the video of this lesson? I mean here
Samira iran boj
thanks James
Yan Ivanov
thank you ,I really enjoyed the lesson
Thank you very much James, I’m learning a lot with you
Thanks, James, I’m learning a lot with you.See you tomorrow.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for this great Lesson,James.You´re one of the best EngVid Teachers!
Saying NO without actually saying NO?
Excellent approach to reject offers/proposals politely without deteriorating your social relationships or finding yourself in conflict with your friends or coworkers.
Well-designed quiz, however there is an unpardonable mistake in the explanation for item 3:
“You shouldn’t TO do it, because it’s not worth being told . . .”
Hope someone can fix it up soon.
Excellent lesson James
I would say that all of them are doing an outstanding job.
Ciao. Mi chiamo Lilly. Come Ti Chiami?
I learn a lot from yesterdays course. (Thanks to you Ms. Jane) please allow me to share my own take. Should it be? You shouldn’t DO it, even if you can because you’re tolerating her laziness. But if I find out there is a valid “excuse” (e.g. health matters, priorities & so on) and in a decent approach, then I will do it for the sake of maintaining positive workplace.
To tell you the truth,You,Adam and Rebecca are the best ones!
I would say that all of them are doing an outstanding job.
I really enjoyed the lesson, and gained new vocabulary
Five out of five, sweet! Thank you, James.
Say “no” can be more difficult than it seems, even in our own language. This lesson will come in handy.
For us, brazilian people, it’s more difficult, Evaldo!
That was nice from you ! Thank you Engvid ^^
to my companions , if anybody wants to practice his English with me ! he’s welcome , Please feel free to be in touch with me :
Hello, I really intersting to practice in English.Do you use skype?
Thank you so much
Yes i Do . and this is mine “Anwar.aimedieu”
Your are welcome anytime :)
Excuse me Katerina
The correct account is “Anwar.aimefrance”
Thank you , and Please feel free to be in touch anytime :)
we can make practice if you like
I am free all the time
Excellent Lesson!….
Thank you James. We often get some situations that saying no. But it’s not easy to not give people bad feeling. When we say “no” whether we speak our mother language or English, it’s important to show respect and honor to friends, boss, or family. You showed us a good example what should we do. Great.
By the way the jacket you wearing is really cool. It so suits you!
Hello, Juneriver…you are right. James gave us great lession that taught us how to say “No” in a nice way…Thank you Jamies. You are always my fav teacher.
By the way,Juneriver I just wondering do you have a Skpye,can I practice english with you…I am from HK…if you have please add me “lfook_hqgloriagan”
I really really want to improve my english skills. please contact if you can help me . We can practice in your free time
me too, if do not have any people you can contact me via my facebook ( phimmavong
it really helps a lot!!thanks to James
Good lesson. Is there any discussion sort of forum where we can practise the lesson.
Excellent Thank you James YES… heuuu NO ;)
Hi James, your lesson was quite cool :) Thanks !!
I got 4 correct out of 5. Thank you for your lesson, James :)
James your a great teacher.and i clearly understand what you mean i got perfect score thanks you :)
I got 5 correct out of 5. Have nice day:)
Thank you Mr. James, often I cannot understand your lessons and now the situation is same. I answered the quiz by common sense and got 80%. I am glad. Thanks again.
So am I
Thanks for sharing
I was very happy while you Mr james were explaining the lesson coz you’re fanny boy
what you wanna say about snack puctur ?
I got 2 correct out of 5.
Thanks alot James for your great job.
It was a good lesson as always :D
and I got 100 in the quiz .
You have a nice way to teach but sometimes you speak fast so I don’t got what r u saying :) … hope you all the best teacher
My regards
I don’t get* .. sorry about that
Nice lesson James! And i just wanna ask you-did you ever thought regarding actor career ? I think you could be best in it ! All the best!
I told him that before.I bet he’ll doing well at agree,don’t you??
Hi James, thanks for letting me and others to get into English in a fun way. Sometimes you speak fast but I like it because it is important to make an effort and try to understand English in a normal pace- Thank you again and good luck…
More than an english teacher, a human relation teacher ! You’ve done a good job and you often make me laugh. Thank you so much
I love James when he teaches us the art of diplomacy:)
Thank you James for your lession. I got 5/5, and it means your teaching way is the best one. You know how to make the others concentrate on all of what you want to say. Have a good day!
Hey James! You’re not only an English teacher but also a psychology teacher! :)
james i love that shoving in the quiz.keep up great job
I’d a little difficult with the understanding of some words, because James talks in his classes like he talks with your friends. I mean he speaks fast and like in a conversation… Other teachers speak slower, what it’s good, but it doesn’t seems a real conversation.
Тhank you. A very good and not easy lesson.
You are bsolutely right Yelena!!!
Not that easy, even for advanced students of English. But we must meet the challenge of it.
Good luck with your English.
Have a great day.
Yelenalena we can practice together if you like
Thanks, 5/5.
Excellent…i got 5 out of 5
hallo everyone..^_^
These are lessons for life and should never be forgotten, thank you very much!
Thank you so much For your explanation James .
For my companions ! i wish is there who wants to practice his English , If you’d like to do so ! please be in touch with me ! this is my account name in face book “Anwar Aime Dieu “
Thanks, James! Great lesson and actual topic!
its all sounds great dude)) (may i call ya as DUDE?)
You are so calm today!! but still the best ♥
I get 100% at the quiz, but to be honest I repeated it twice to make sure I get your idea, not because it’s difficult or hard to understand ,no, I heard about this subject many times before.However I was kind of absent-minded ,thinking about lots of things else :( :(
yeah thnx four in five
HI, Everybody, i got 5 out 5. i’m really happpy. this is great. I enjoyed it. it make me more bold and it encourages me. thanks for giving 5 out of five.
I really enjoy this new way to learn english, I did´nt. Know any about this lesson. Uuppss, always replied with a simple NO thanks ¡¡
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees I got 5 of 5 Iam perfect
5/5. In Portuguese as you said ” nada” means nothing, if you say NO, the correct word is “NÃO”. Cheers
My first great lesson, thanks
How can you talk so fast … I admire you!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the lesson :)
Hi, Katerina. Would you like to practice with me? I’ll send you a message on Skype. :)
Yes I would like.
Hi, Katerina. Would you like to practice with me? I’ll send you a message on Skype. :)
Hi… can talk fast if you read too much and watch English movies to know about idioms and accent…(i can speak a little fast because of can taste it)
i would like to do practice
here ia my skype id
Thanks alot…….really great and useful ….. i will say it to my students
Hi VahidReza,
I want to practice to someone english. Do you want to practice with me? Let me know if you are interested!
Best regards
Hi..Thank you my know i dont have much time ..but i can practice with you in my free times…give me your skype ID
i reall like to practice English with an English Teacher….
My Skype Id is chanekapinzon69. Keep in touche
i would like to do practice
here is my skype id
I’ve added you atique
Hi caro,
Do you want practice with me?
Hi caro,
Do you want practice with me?
Excellent ;-)
Hi, Mr jeams I learnt a lot of vocab in this lesson, thank you so much, see hello to Me E
Hi all, thanks for the lesson. I want to improve my English . If there is anybody who thinks we can help each other here is my Skype ID avetik.nersisyan1
and FB
Very useful for life! Thank you :D
Thank you so much James! A very useful lesson!
Hi natashunia…would you like to practice English with me some times??
if you want add me facebook by:
Thank you a lot,that’s not just about language ,but a culture!
thanks so much James. i think this is the best chance for me. thanks again.
Why did you say “shall we”, I once learned on this site itself that “shall” is never used in normal conversation but only for warning(on public sites) and in Laws. Plz do reply.
Thank so much James
thanks!!sometimes I couldn’t say because I didn’t know the best way!!thanks
Than you teacher, your way at teaching is very interesting.
I was not able to watch the video due to the internet problem but I just participated to the quiz to test myself, fortunately I got 4 out 5 correct which granted me 80 marks. that is good… heheheh. Thanks for offering such a wonderful & public educational site… May Allah Blessed all.
i got 5 thx james 100%
Thank you James!! Very useful videos to improve communication skill.
But i wonder if I get all videos in sequentially.
I tried hard to find the sequence of all videos but i don’t.
Please help me for this.
Hmm, excuse me, i’m not good at listening. Can you tell me the way to improve it? Thanks a lot :)
thanks alot :)
Hi i have a communication problem can i improve my language skills help me
Thanks Sir.
Hi James,
i am really very interested by your courses , i have a question here and i am sure that you will help me to succeed: i’m gonna writing my dissertation this year and i am very optimistic because i know that i am able to get a good mark on it, i want you to help me to find a good and strong TOPIC to be written ( this topic should be related with economic world ,business world and why not by some political overviews) please write me back on my Email :
Thanks teacher james it is a very good lesson.
thank you James ^_^
if anybody would love to practive english with me add skype : eng.tiger3
thank u teacher james
Nej! That’s how Norwegians and Danish people say no.
Ayoko! That’s how Philippine citizens say no.
Njet! Njet! Njet! That’s how my Russian friend says no.
It is very hard for me to say no in a needy and demanding individual in front of me. I learned my lesson and still learning.
Your video is really helpful. I need more strength to say no right away without losing the face for both parties.
Cheers! You are an excellent teacher. I really appreciate your knowledge and sharing it to us all. Thanks,Joy
Tks Jammes … good lesson !!!
i really like the accent you speak. clear and easy eng.
I expecting from this lesson to be improve my english communication skill. Guy help me. :-)
Thx for video:) Will try to watch all your vids:) Cheers:)
Thanks a lot teacher James , you are my favorite teacher here.
that was a very helpful lesson
really thank you Mr. james
Thanks Mr.James for this video, it’s very helpful for me. Especially in my job :)
5/5 ..! Next !
James, you are a good and funny teacher. I enjoy every lesson.
thanks it’s very useful even in my home language
Great lesson! It’s really helpfull for work relationships :)
thanks it was an amazing lesson
I think I had some bias that native English speakers generally feel easier to say “no” than us Asians. I do not know… But this lesson taught me how to decline without losing faces and I want to use this phrase if I have a chance.
Thank you, the lesson was very interesting for me.
i got 60 marks it’s bad ):
jemms you are my hero
Thank you james i really like the lesson
Thank you James
Thank you for your lesson, James
even though this lesson is for beginners, I didn’t get more then half :( you’re too fast speaking for me.
james i´m goint leasson englesh
thank you verry much ,but ifound many diffecult words in the quize
Truely useful for conversation.
good way to say no, thank you
This is awesome, thank you James. Btw can somebody talk to me so i could practise my English ;(
Hi thuwanh. Nice to meet u. Let’s get practise our E. what’s your skype or fb?
Thanks for you effort.
Pls. I wish you to talk about calligraphy,just basic rules.
i dont know why the same video came with subtitle in my iphone but in my computer without
Hi, I got one question. What “shove it” means? You used that in quiz and the transalation I found for this expression dosn’t match at all.
that was awsome lesson sir o like it :)
Hi. I’d like to improve my english conversation skills. If anyone can help me pls contact me or add me on skype. My skype ID: luminianis or you can find me as Zsolt Daragus
5/5 my first time :)
thank you very much
thanks alot , james
you’re the best teacher ever ..
Keep going on :)
to “come out of the closet” — to tell people that you are gay hahahahahahaha
Great !!!
Hi , im new member here, i want to practice english .My FB is
Thank you james very interesting
Good choice. thank you❤
Hi sir james this is my first time here and i love how you teach us..
Not correctly placed this exercise is not a “beginer”, because it is very difficult.
cool video :)
Thanks for that nice lesson! It was really useful! I love your lessons, James, the way you explain with your great sence of humor! ;-)
You’re a wonderful teacher, I like your lessons because they’re always very funny and useful.
Thank you!
Hi, Asphodelio!
I am from Brazil and I am learning english too.
If you want someone to improve, Here I am ! :)
This lesson was good for me, thanks James !
cheers !
Thank you James! It was very useful.
If somebody want speak, here is my fb:
Is there anyone want to learn English together?
Thank you for your approach Dr.James. I really needed this.
if you don’t mind i would ask you a question ( not kestion ) that why were you so upset . you looked disappointed and tired sort of . And that was the great lesson about Saying NO
Thanks, i really enjoyed this lecon. I learned a lot of word and good attitude.
This is the second video that I’ve watched and it really helps me. Glad that I signed up and continue to learn more of this.
Thanks teacher!!! I’m very happy!!! This lesson is coll!
Thank you James, I like your lession about how to say no. I got 5/5, I will continue. Very helpful. Thanks EngVid
wow i like getting 100 into the quiz , thanks again
Yeah, I’m waiting for new videos. Great job, sir!
James, you are really the best one, I ever met!!!!
thanks james for this lesson, I am a big fan of you. I like you humor sense and the way of teach as.
The lesson which improves English skills and psychological one’s at the same time. It was really useful, thanks!
Thanks you are the best ,have a good one
James thank you so much, this is more than learn English, thanks
thank you very much mr.james.
i am always thanking engvid espesially you.
today i learned to use the various expression instead of “no”.
thank you.
Thank you for your interesting, enjoyable and easy understanding class !
oh Yeah! I got all 5 correct answers!
Actually, this lesson is the most difficult i’ve learnt here. (in Beginner level)
Some of situation and sentences I may still have confused.
I think I need to repeat this video for several times after.
i think that it is all matter of character the way to tell someone ‘no’
James dude
thumb up man
you the best
I think this isn’t a lessons for beginners, but thank a lot for this lesson :)
you are the best teacher!!
Thank you, Mr James this lesson is a really helpful to me
Thank You for useful lesson!
100% – yabba dabba doo
Love it, I’m got perfect score.
Nice lesson.I agree with sir James. Our excuse and no should be diplomatically
thanks Mr James awesome lesson I got 100% in the quiz , but to say no even in my mother language difficult, your method fantastic to escape in difficult time.
James, this quiz was very interesting. Maybe these ways of rejecting situation are too much soft or polite.
Anyway many thanks for the hints.
feeling happy , you have safe my relationship with my family member , my friends , and specially with my team . last one was just kidding , i am sorry to all my team. and after all again i want to say thanks to great teacher and his team who contribute to make easy others life .
You got 5 correct out of 5.
thanks a lot.
Your lesson is good James! Thank you very much.
thanks a lots sir, now I can use this approach without losing our social relationship.
Thank you James, this lesson is very important to knowledge yourself and for limit in yours relationships personal and professional.
How can l watch the video of this lesson? I mean here
thanks James
thank you ,I really enjoyed the lesson
Thank you very much James, I’m learning a lot with you
Thanks, James, I’m learning a lot with you.See you tomorrow.
Thank you James, always helping me a lot.