Don’t know what to say? Don’t worry! In this video, you’ll learn easy ways to start a good, useful conversation. You’ll learn how to choose topics for conversation, and I’ll teach you the questions you should ask to start enjoyable and meaningful conversations! You’re going to have fun, improve your English, and make friends! What could be better?
Well…. Mr. E!!!!! James, sorry, l DO need your beautiful tasty fat worm.
SKIKDA, nkh453, nataanna – 0/0/1!
I’m the first one more time.
Congratulations Natanna. For two days I don’t feel very well. I have a bad stomachache. That’s why I couldn’t compete. Good luck guys
But I’m still a member of your group. I try again
Of course! I waited for your comment.
I hope you get well and soon.
It seems to me you are determined and hardworking, so your efforts will bear fruit!
i hope you will heal quickly, take care.
Thanks for your kindness guys
You three seem to be stubborn to get the firsts places, let me think, I guess I should be a member of your team!
Welcome struggle for eng.
you’re welcome struggleForEng it will be more fun
Thanks SKIKDA, you’re all making this website amusing :)
Hi, struggleForEng!!! You are highly welcome!
Your participating will make the competition even more exciting. The more the merrier!!
Thanks, I hope I meet your expectations, does the competition really need to eat worms! In reality I am so gourmand and I dont remember that I cannot eat whatever in my country, but when it comes to worms, then I dont think so :P, what do you think about spaghetti or noodles, It is another sort of worm :P it is very fit for as I am so gourmand
Hi StruggleForEng! You’ve made my day!
But bargain is a bargain! There’s nothing to eat on EngVid except worms, that the early bird gets…. Please, read comments to the previous lesson by Rebecca (the verb “to have” in the past) And you’ll get the idea of eating.
Take care!
So do I
well I’m new here but I want to compete you .. because I think it will help us to get better faster..
what do you think ?
Welcome Mohammed Nadi
you are welcom, MohammedNadi! Sorry, I didn`t answered you earlier, I was abroad.. See you
Thanks,nkh.453, I hope a near healing, I was also having a cold, but now I am in good health
Congratulations! ? <-- This is the best I can do on short notice, sorry
engVid Moderator
Hi! I’ve read your profile. We are colleague, you know! Welcome to our team!
l am new here tell me more abaut this group
Welcome Hungry for learning.
Natanna, what a cool group you made. I think our group will make this webpage a better place for all it’s members to learn English and have a little fun. What do you think???
Hello nkh453! It seems to me that WE made this group! Thanks to EngVid!! And I hope we’ll be joined by many others.
I will say after Rebecca and some wise men:
Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I remember,
Involve me and I learn!!! Aren’t they great?!
We need more emotions while studying and the best one is laughter! So, let’s make more fun!!!
Thank you, James! Your lesson is just for me! I’m not very good in small talks, mainly because of lack of good start and sometimes poor vocabulary. The vocabulary should be extended by your own efforts and you may be taught speaking skills, on the contrary.
You made me laugh on the questions. You’ve got some point on men’s bellies! You must have been tried hard on it at gym! Thank you one more time!
Guys!!!!! Are you still sleeping? Why are you keeping mum?
the same scenario repeated i will try again.
Don`t upset, SKIKDA! I must confess, I`ve got an advantage these days – I`m on vacation now, so, I`ve got more free time. But I`m leaving for Greece in a week and I don`t know if there is free Wi-Fi. You might get revenge. I am glad to see you here today.
You know, worms are slippery and can escape easily. Stay tuned!
i consider this kind of you,i would to say that i’ve found that competition something useful to make fun in this site, and it will be a pity what you’ve said, and i would to say also i only’ want to get revenge of english and i want to overcome it’ if this is correct literaly. good luck in your life and have a good journey.
Thank you! But I leave in a week, it means, that I go abroad on NEXT Friday. We have the whole week to compete! See you
i’ll be ready so.
i will correct my mistake ” the same scenario IS repeated i will try again” my the most common mistake , i always forget the verb of the sentense.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
It was very easy for me ….I only wrong is this :
6. After complimenting someone on his/her strong arms, what could you ask?
and I write :Do you take steroids?
and correct was :What exercises do you do?
thnks a lot for me …I buy a gift for myself :)
Congratulations amirrezaee. Believe it or not I’m really happy for you. Go on and don’t give up.
thank you …I never give up…but like to learn English but I need to learn easy word at first …I have most movie to Watch if I have enough time …thanks for Nkh.453 .
I love your T-shirt, James :D Cool! Where did you buy?
Thank you for your lesson. I got 9 correct out of 10 :)
Hello James. Thanks. It was cool. And I could understand your words completely in this time.
is it bad/wrong to talk about someone’s eye color?
some people have different eye color and i found that fascinating.
another thing is ‘its been snowing all week, i might get bored of it! so if i say “i hate snow” wouldn’t it be more obvious?
8.10 How can I start a conversation in the internet even I can’t see the the face of person who is talking to me, so what should I say when I wanna making a conversation with someone
Hello james you are a good teacher and your teaching method is increadble.
Thanks James for this lesson it was great, I got 10/10.. and was easy to understand..:)
marcos alexandre
hi marcos, let me say something if you don’t mind: i just was wondering and i’ve asked myself ‘why the most brazilians learn english’ because they are overwhelming here, could you tell me the reasons which they push them if anything prevent you .take care.
We are surrounded by english stuff so we are used to seeing movies, goods and several things in english, i think it’s common because english became an influential language.
Brazilian have a schedule at school some of them learn English or Spanish and we have more interest in other cultures too. I mean people that learn languages. :)
Thanks for lesson! I’ve got one question – what’s the differents between “to be very best” and “to be big on something”?
Pat Hollman
Hi James. Talking to people is not easy to me. I can’t talk well with people even in mother language, Japanese lol. So It goes without saying, talking in English is hard as well. I often have hard time to keep conversations in both Japanese and English. I have to get rid of my shyness.
me too It’s so frustrating. But I need to overcome it and force myself :)
Hi James! Nice video, that was really interesting, thanks for teaching us how to start a conversation. I am sure those questions will help us to have a nice conversation.
Hi James, beautiful lesson.
May I suggest you to write a little up on the whiteboard for your next lesson please, because I sometimes use subtitles and it doesn’t allow to follow you in the last part of the whiteboard. Share it with your collegues, too.
I love all of you.
Best regards
(Ps: Excuse my English, I only started learning it recently)
Hey guys! Don’t you think James is better than Will Smith in “Hitch…”?
Your lessons are very good to improve our listening. Thanks James:)
It is my first comment here but I saw many lessons and all of them are great. Thank you for your job
Saw is wrong, watched is right
Great lesson! Didn’t think twice before sharing it. I learned a lot! Thanks so much, you’re a great teacher!Hope you keep helping learners with their skills. Byeee!
hellen martinelli
Thanks James.
I am glad to watch your new lesson, James! Good tips to speak with nativspeakers, there are many topics which can help to do that: a sport, a weather, a music, books, a history, etc. We only need to find interests of person before starting conversation. Many thanks!
Vitalii UA
Good hints and good lesson James! But I don’t think that I will start a conversation with a man talking about his arms. What about sports? Anyway, thanks for the lesson!
Leo Lima
Cool ! Not considering some things , it was good ! Thanks
Hello teacher Soei, could you please explain about this sentence: not considering sth. What do you mean from this expression??
Hello . I mean without paying attention to some things that maybe I don’t like! Best wishes
Nice lesson James!!Waiting for your next one!!
Thanks ;)
Great video, as always. I really enjoyed it. In the place I live it’s quite hard to get someone to practice with. Thera are not many people who speak english, but I try my best.
Whoah, what amazing leson. Thanks for your share.
hahaha i liked that moment when you said ” these things you have not to say them to women”
weel, thank you sir again, very useful
Antar from Algeria
A large lesson to learn how to improve our conversation skills and how to speak and listen while we get and meet friends, but I have doubted in the question about the hair and strong arms, because I thought that if you change the topic of the question, maybe you will build a more interesting and great conversation than only speaking about the same thing always, anyway, it depends on the temper of your friend. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, as always a good performance.
Hello angardiobel. I read your profile. It seemed interesting to me. And you write perfect. So I think if such texts you can write, undoubtedly you are good at speaking too. I just can tell you;good luck with your difficult and expensive test and your Great GOALS.
Thanks nkh.453, I am learning step by step to write though I always have some doubts to translate from Spanish to English, but when I speak then I have to memorise and remember forms and expressions which are differents and difficult in every case. Good luck is necessary for us because nowadays everything tends to be more complicated than before, and you have to encourage or cheer up yourself to continue with our goals, it’s a good thing to make comments about our learning. Thanks again and keeping on to improve our English level.
Ty Kindly
Do not trust flatterers.
it was amazing lesson .
Thanks!!! Jams you are amazing… keep on hacking
thanks James it was a great Lesson…
Fahriza Fauziansyah
Hi James! your arms and breasts are very impressive! what exercise do you do?
nguyen van long
Cilfton Colling JR
i really like this courses.
I liked very much this lesson. I got 9/10. Thanks.
Nilza Regina Martins
thank you very much!!!
You’re a good teacher James, thanks for the video, greetings from Morocco ..
Great lesson. Maybe I’ll try and start making conversation with people on Engvid! :)
Thank you so much James,it was Amazing lesson.
Muad Abdiaziz
Interesting all this ways to starts conversation with unknown?
Very good, James. Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
Great tips, thank you James! :)
Nice arms! do you exercise? they look so strong! it makes even strong women imagine how safe it can be? being protected by those arms.
what a flattering words you’ve said, you really need a man like this.
I like him a lot.
how can i get this living lesson,my teacher.
Lanvin Cheung
I got 10/10. Nice video, thank you James!
I was like the website. It is very well. Thanks for you.
What a beautiful hair!, What king of shampoo do you use?….What am I, an hairstylist?. I’m joking. Good lesson teacher.
Can I use your video to my book for free? I wont forget to give credit title from you. My book is intended to Indonesia students. So, the book is for educational and commercial purposes. Hope to see your reply soon.
I got 8 out of 10! (I’m sleepy, it’s almost 11 pm in São Paulo).
It’s really curious the fact that English course books just present THIS “standard” structure: Hi, my name’s Flávia. I’m 27 and I’m from São Paulo, Brazil. :D
Nobody does that, and, like always, James makes a fun role play talking like this…
I would describe this lesson as interesting and useful.
Thank u one more time, dear teacher James.
Hey,u look good wearing orange, haha. \o/
See ya! ;)
hi im andres from Bogota Colombia
Hello there James. It’s a great lesson. You gave me plenty of ideas how to make an interesting conversation. Honestly, I am not good at making small talk. Most of the time, I feel like I’m running out of words to say. Thank you so much! Learning English is fun because of you, Teacher James! Have a good day!
Hello James! Thank you! This is a great and very useful lesson, as all of your lessons!
Hi, hope you all doing good. I just Join your website. So I hope you guys help me with my English to learn. Because I have only one problem, that I can’t speak very well! I know the meaning of most words, but I can’t speak like fluent speak at that time! When I have done from the conversation, then I remember the word! That’s too late. So please, help to how speak like fluent English!
Thank you all,
Great lesson!! I got 10/10 ^^
Thank you James.
Hi James! I am a big fan…your classes are awesome. When I first started watching them you sounded so fast but the more I listen you the more I understand what you are talking about. Thanks a lot.
Carol Prado
Hy James, Tanks for the lesson.
I’m learning a lot with your lessons. I know that you speak fast to help us to training understand native speakers and I used to listem how many times that I need to understand. See yo soon.
Omg James im just five minute in this page and im absolutely in love, thank you for share your talent and charisma to us!!
it was really very nice but what to do if other person in keep on ignoring after using all of it……
Great lesson!!…Many thanks James!
I like this lessons. I think it’s wonderful site. But need English speaking chat. Do someone know any site?
I do like engVid. Many thanks to share English knowledge. I’m from Cambodia, Asian.
Rithy Than
James, your lessons is the best of ever I watched before. Thank you! Are waiting a new one.
Thank You,James! The firs joke,the guy of Japan killed to me!xaaxaxaxa
Hi everyone, This is my first test and first comment here! i like the their way of teaching English :)
Hi, wael! I`ve read your profile. It impresses me a lot. You like so much things to do…. But I didn`t find a single word about work, unfortunately.
Can you comment this?
See you.
Sorry, if I offend you.
Wow, what a long introduction you had. And how many things you like to do!!!!! ????
Hi Natanna, Sorry for late respond and Thanks for your feelings, That’s right I didn’t say anything about my job, You’re very good with finding sensitive things, in fact, I had quite bad times in my life, but fortunately from a few week I got my first job from years ago!
Life is sometimes down and sometimes up!
I promise you to edit my profile soon and I’ll make it more positive!
Sorry for being not that active here, but I have a plan to keep up with you guys :)
We wait for you. Join us as soon as you can.
Hi nkh.453, Thank you , i’m just back and i’m very enthusiastic to learn more!
Haha James.
You said “If you don’t do it to your mother or sister, don’t do it to another woman.” In Turkey we use it this way: “Would you be pleasant if it was done to your mother or sister.”
I just want to say this. Good bye.
Haha ,
Here in India also we use it in a similar manner.
Good teacher thanks… i´m new and i´m learnbig a lot
Simon Anthony
Hi Simon!
Be welcome to the Engvid group! I know I am replying a little bit late, but “better late than never”. Ha-ha!
Moreover, I have read in your profile that you speak Portuguese too. How interesting! I didn’t know that Portuguese speakers were common in Uganda.
Good luck in your English learning and until next time!
Eduardo França
i want your phone numper to To communicate
This doesn’t work will all the cultures
Somewhere might sounds a bit gay
Hello everybody.
I’m new here. I love this teacher.
I’m Brazilian but now I’m living in USA, so I need to improve me english.
hi everyone. i am new here. i heart this vedio . i learnt a lot for starting a conversation. thanks sir.
Thank you,you made me know more about conversation!
TFW can’t even start a conversation in my own language.
Matthew Estevez
thank you very much
abdullahi yusuf
OK 8 TO 10
Hi, I’m a bigginer. Can you help me to learn English, please.))))
Has Has
Thank you James!
I’m beginner can you help me to learn how to speak very good English and how to write a writing too please??????
Imane alifdal
Yaaaaa~ I will share this topic with my friends because I answer all of these questions are correct.
thanks James for this helpful video !!!
I really like this lesson. Thank you so much
John nguyen
thanks a lot,Jame
This is a interesting lesson to open the conversation after hello.
Thanks, Mr. James. That’s totally cool.
Hey James, Im from Brazil, lets have a coffee later?
mariana dias
Hi James!
I have been practising English on Skype since last June and the most difficult part in communicating with foreigners, besides problems with grammar and pronunciation, is to find topics to keep on talking to a person you had never seen before.
We usually chat for the first time, it’s nice, we introduce ourselves, and don’t talk anymore…
Therefore, we can use your tips to make our conversations longer. I agree with you. Compliments, friendly questions, and politeness are some good ways to create a pleasant dialogue.
Thanks a lot and see you soon!
Eduardo França
I got 10 of 10. Very interesting lesson. James I like to learn English with you lesson, it’s not boring, fun enough.
Hello people, how are you?
I like a lot this channel and it’s many useful. Anyway nice to meet you and I’m Sandro, I writing from Italy.
how I can do for to see the video consecuti
wooow so good teacher
Evan Hersson
Hi James,
will you please to let me know, what could i listen and imitate.Im in a country where i have no body to talk to in English at least 5 times a week 2 hours daily.
Thank you.
I would like to learn how to talk not much in writing. how could i do it?
That was really useful!
Anita Apartian
Hi thank you for the lesson.
good job
Hi James,
pretty cool lesson. Thanks!
By the way, you have a nice T-shirt)). Where did you get it? ))
I met someone last week and I said: wow such a cool jacket!.The conversation went really well and after that I said: My name is james I’m from Japan, she said ok and we exchanged phone numbers. 2 minutes after I just realized I was not james. I had said my name wrong and I’m not from Japan either haha.
Albeiro Ruiz
I will put in practice. Thanks.
Jahir Vasquez
Hi James !
Good lessons thank you ?
Rokrofi lah
Love watching ur lessons..u so funny nd this way u make the course goes so well,,,,keep up ??
Ghizlane Elaouni
Thank you james
It was a good lesson.
My english isn’t good to much i try to improve it so i will watch all the videos and practice with th people here but i have a problem i can make a good sentinse in my mind and i have confus when i start to talk so i’m shy to talk ?
Hello, teacher James and everyone. I am a new student. Please help me I want to learn English. thank you
Very good class and you are a very funny teacher.
I like your lessons very much.Thanks.
This lesson is very important to me because i don’t know how to open with person and how to continue conversation ?but it’s very helpful !thank you Teacher !i am glad i got such lesson like this!
wow it is interesting lectures
don’t giveup
This lesson is very useful. Thank you James :)
hello i come from Indonesia. your videos are really great :)
yann ed
i cant stop laughing with games teacher when whatching ,thank you from algeria
ur way of teaching is awesome
Abdul Rafae
thanks this helps me a lot because i have problem to start a conversation with other
Emy gad
thanks James..! You are the best..!
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Hello. Iam mohamad from Iraq /Kurdistan teacher jeams thank you so mach for this lessons. Iam really getting benefits with it. And my problem is I don’t have anybody to speak with them guys I want to make a new friends if you would like to be my friend I will appreciate it so mach
Mohamad sardar
Thanks a lot James!
Hi! How are you today?
Thanks James….interreseting
that was cool
eman younes moaffa
That will help me a lot,thanks James.
Habiba Hatem
Hello! =)
Thank you so much James . Your lessons really help us
Narek Mkrtchyan
it’s a humorous quiz, haha
Thanks, James!^^
I have got 8 out of 10
Please someone join me for talking more and more on social media if someone interested rplay on my comment
That’s cool! People are like a paradox. People can be brave and shy or they can have a lot of imagination and be realistic at the same time. That’s why I’ve been enjoying so much this lesson. Indeed.
Savannah Wins
Thank you James.l’m really loved you way to explain the lessons!
Thanks for helping us
Thanks. Mr.James. These days we have to be careful to say compliment. For example don’t say ‘ your hair is beautiful to some people. Buy the way, do you really from Japan?
Thanks. Mr. James for this lesson.
I have to say, that this quiz was kind of funny. Thanks for your lessons master.
Thank you James, God bless you!??
Flavio Rodriguez
Thanks a lot James, u r superb :)
I have been studying English at EngVid since March, 2022 and now we are in Jun, 2022. I have planned on watching almost each video here in beginner level at first in order to evolve my listening skills as I focused on just reading and spelling in the past.
I’d start focusing on speaking skills at the end of 2022.
I’m writing this as a way to find a fruitful language partnership to enhance my speaking skills in the future as it’s possible that someone would like to read this in the coming months from now.
My priority is an academic and formal English as I need English to develop myself scientifically and in career aspect at first.
Kindly feel free to talk to me whenever you read this and whatever a reason might be, I’m excitedly interested in exchanging knowledge and experience.
You’ll know how to reach me once you click on my picture here besides this comment.
I have started to number videos I watch here, and this is the twelfth one. Hopefully I can reach more than 1000 as soon as possible.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Well…. Mr. E!!!!! James, sorry, l DO need your beautiful tasty fat worm.
SKIKDA, nkh453, nataanna – 0/0/1!
I’m the first one more time.
Congratulations Natanna. For two days I don’t feel very well. I have a bad stomachache. That’s why I couldn’t compete. Good luck guys
But I’m still a member of your group. I try again
Of course! I waited for your comment.
I hope you get well and soon.
It seems to me you are determined and hardworking, so your efforts will bear fruit!
i hope you will heal quickly, take care.
Thanks for your kindness guys
You three seem to be stubborn to get the firsts places, let me think, I guess I should be a member of your team!
Welcome struggle for eng.
you’re welcome struggleForEng it will be more fun
Thanks SKIKDA, you’re all making this website amusing :)
Hi, struggleForEng!!! You are highly welcome!
Your participating will make the competition even more exciting. The more the merrier!!
Thanks, I hope I meet your expectations, does the competition really need to eat worms! In reality I am so gourmand and I dont remember that I cannot eat whatever in my country, but when it comes to worms, then I dont think so :P, what do you think about spaghetti or noodles, It is another sort of worm :P it is very fit for as I am so gourmand
Hi StruggleForEng! You’ve made my day!
But bargain is a bargain! There’s nothing to eat on EngVid except worms, that the early bird gets…. Please, read comments to the previous lesson by Rebecca (the verb “to have” in the past) And you’ll get the idea of eating.
Take care!
So do I
well I’m new here but I want to compete you .. because I think it will help us to get better faster..
what do you think ?
Welcome Mohammed Nadi
you are welcom, MohammedNadi! Sorry, I didn`t answered you earlier, I was abroad.. See you
Thanks,nkh.453, I hope a near healing, I was also having a cold, but now I am in good health
Congratulations! ? <-- This is the best I can do on short notice, sorry
Hi! I’ve read your profile. We are colleague, you know! Welcome to our team!
l am new here tell me more abaut this group
Welcome Hungry for learning.
Natanna, what a cool group you made. I think our group will make this webpage a better place for all it’s members to learn English and have a little fun. What do you think???
Hello nkh453! It seems to me that WE made this group! Thanks to EngVid!! And I hope we’ll be joined by many others.
I will say after Rebecca and some wise men:
Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I remember,
Involve me and I learn!!! Aren’t they great?!
We need more emotions while studying and the best one is laughter! So, let’s make more fun!!!
Thank you, James! Your lesson is just for me! I’m not very good in small talks, mainly because of lack of good start and sometimes poor vocabulary. The vocabulary should be extended by your own efforts and you may be taught speaking skills, on the contrary.
You made me laugh on the questions. You’ve got some point on men’s bellies! You must have been tried hard on it at gym! Thank you one more time!
Guys!!!!! Are you still sleeping? Why are you keeping mum?
the same scenario repeated i will try again.
Don`t upset, SKIKDA! I must confess, I`ve got an advantage these days – I`m on vacation now, so, I`ve got more free time. But I`m leaving for Greece in a week and I don`t know if there is free Wi-Fi. You might get revenge. I am glad to see you here today.
You know, worms are slippery and can escape easily. Stay tuned!
i consider this kind of you,i would to say that i’ve found that competition something useful to make fun in this site, and it will be a pity what you’ve said, and i would to say also i only’ want to get revenge of english and i want to overcome it’ if this is correct literaly. good luck in your life and have a good journey.
Thank you! But I leave in a week, it means, that I go abroad on NEXT Friday. We have the whole week to compete! See you
i’ll be ready so.
i will correct my mistake ” the same scenario IS repeated i will try again” my the most common mistake , i always forget the verb of the sentense.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
It was very easy for me ….I only wrong is this :
6. After complimenting someone on his/her strong arms, what could you ask?
and I write :Do you take steroids?
and correct was :What exercises do you do?
thnks a lot for me …I buy a gift for myself :)
Congratulations amirrezaee. Believe it or not I’m really happy for you. Go on and don’t give up.
thank you …I never give up…but like to learn English but I need to learn easy word at first …I have most movie to Watch if I have enough time …thanks for Nkh.453 .
I love your T-shirt, James :D Cool! Where did you buy?
Thank you for your lesson. I got 9 correct out of 10 :)
Hello James. Thanks. It was cool. And I could understand your words completely in this time.
is it bad/wrong to talk about someone’s eye color?
some people have different eye color and i found that fascinating.
another thing is ‘its been snowing all week, i might get bored of it! so if i say “i hate snow” wouldn’t it be more obvious?
8.10 How can I start a conversation in the internet even I can’t see the the face of person who is talking to me, so what should I say when I wanna making a conversation with someone
Hello james you are a good teacher and your teaching method is increadble.
Thanks James for this lesson it was great, I got 10/10.. and was easy to understand..:)
hi marcos, let me say something if you don’t mind: i just was wondering and i’ve asked myself ‘why the most brazilians learn english’ because they are overwhelming here, could you tell me the reasons which they push them if anything prevent you .take care.
We are surrounded by english stuff so we are used to seeing movies, goods and several things in english, i think it’s common because english became an influential language.
Brazilian have a schedule at school some of them learn English or Spanish and we have more interest in other cultures too. I mean people that learn languages. :)
Thanks for lesson! I’ve got one question – what’s the differents between “to be very best” and “to be big on something”?
Hi James. Talking to people is not easy to me. I can’t talk well with people even in mother language, Japanese lol. So It goes without saying, talking in English is hard as well. I often have hard time to keep conversations in both Japanese and English. I have to get rid of my shyness.
me too It’s so frustrating. But I need to overcome it and force myself :)
Hi James! Nice video, that was really interesting, thanks for teaching us how to start a conversation. I am sure those questions will help us to have a nice conversation.
Hi James, beautiful lesson.
May I suggest you to write a little up on the whiteboard for your next lesson please, because I sometimes use subtitles and it doesn’t allow to follow you in the last part of the whiteboard. Share it with your collegues, too.
I love all of you.
Best regards
(Ps: Excuse my English, I only started learning it recently)
Hey guys! Don’t you think James is better than Will Smith in “Hitch…”?
Your lessons are very good to improve our listening. Thanks James:)
It is my first comment here but I saw many lessons and all of them are great. Thank you for your job
Saw is wrong, watched is right
Great lesson! Didn’t think twice before sharing it. I learned a lot! Thanks so much, you’re a great teacher!Hope you keep helping learners with their skills. Byeee!
Thanks James.
I am glad to watch your new lesson, James! Good tips to speak with nativspeakers, there are many topics which can help to do that: a sport, a weather, a music, books, a history, etc. We only need to find interests of person before starting conversation. Many thanks!
Good hints and good lesson James! But I don’t think that I will start a conversation with a man talking about his arms. What about sports? Anyway, thanks for the lesson!
Cool ! Not considering some things , it was good ! Thanks
Hello teacher Soei, could you please explain about this sentence: not considering sth. What do you mean from this expression??
Hello . I mean without paying attention to some things that maybe I don’t like! Best wishes
Nice lesson James!!Waiting for your next one!!
Thanks ;)
Great video, as always. I really enjoyed it. In the place I live it’s quite hard to get someone to practice with. Thera are not many people who speak english, but I try my best.
Whoah, what amazing leson. Thanks for your share.
hahaha i liked that moment when you said ” these things you have not to say them to women”
weel, thank you sir again, very useful
Antar from Algeria
A large lesson to learn how to improve our conversation skills and how to speak and listen while we get and meet friends, but I have doubted in the question about the hair and strong arms, because I thought that if you change the topic of the question, maybe you will build a more interesting and great conversation than only speaking about the same thing always, anyway, it depends on the temper of your friend. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, as always a good performance.
Hello angardiobel. I read your profile. It seemed interesting to me. And you write perfect. So I think if such texts you can write, undoubtedly you are good at speaking too. I just can tell you;good luck with your difficult and expensive test and your Great GOALS.
Thanks nkh.453, I am learning step by step to write though I always have some doubts to translate from Spanish to English, but when I speak then I have to memorise and remember forms and expressions which are differents and difficult in every case. Good luck is necessary for us because nowadays everything tends to be more complicated than before, and you have to encourage or cheer up yourself to continue with our goals, it’s a good thing to make comments about our learning. Thanks again and keeping on to improve our English level.
Ty Kindly
Do not trust flatterers.
it was amazing lesson .
Thanks!!! Jams you are amazing… keep on hacking
thanks James it was a great Lesson…
Hi James! your arms and breasts are very impressive! what exercise do you do?
i really like this courses.
I liked very much this lesson. I got 9/10. Thanks.
thank you very much!!!
You’re a good teacher James, thanks for the video, greetings from Morocco ..
Great lesson. Maybe I’ll try and start making conversation with people on Engvid! :)
Thank you so much James,it was Amazing lesson.
Interesting all this ways to starts conversation with unknown?
Very good, James. Thank you!
Great tips, thank you James! :)
Nice arms! do you exercise? they look so strong! it makes even strong women imagine how safe it can be? being protected by those arms.
what a flattering words you’ve said, you really need a man like this.
I like him a lot.
how can i get this living lesson,my teacher.
I got 10/10. Nice video, thank you James!
I was like the website. It is very well. Thanks for you.
What a beautiful hair!, What king of shampoo do you use?….What am I, an hairstylist?. I’m joking. Good lesson teacher.
Can I use your video to my book for free? I wont forget to give credit title from you. My book is intended to Indonesia students. So, the book is for educational and commercial purposes. Hope to see your reply soon.
I got 8 out of 10! (I’m sleepy, it’s almost 11 pm in São Paulo).
It’s really curious the fact that English course books just present THIS “standard” structure: Hi, my name’s Flávia. I’m 27 and I’m from São Paulo, Brazil. :D
Nobody does that, and, like always, James makes a fun role play talking like this…
I would describe this lesson as interesting and useful.
Thank u one more time, dear teacher James.
Hey,u look good wearing orange, haha. \o/
See ya! ;)
hi im andres from Bogota Colombia
Hello there James. It’s a great lesson. You gave me plenty of ideas how to make an interesting conversation. Honestly, I am not good at making small talk. Most of the time, I feel like I’m running out of words to say. Thank you so much! Learning English is fun because of you, Teacher James! Have a good day!
Hello James! Thank you! This is a great and very useful lesson, as all of your lessons!
Hi, hope you all doing good. I just Join your website. So I hope you guys help me with my English to learn. Because I have only one problem, that I can’t speak very well! I know the meaning of most words, but I can’t speak like fluent speak at that time! When I have done from the conversation, then I remember the word! That’s too late. So please, help to how speak like fluent English!
Thank you all,
Great lesson!! I got 10/10 ^^
Thank you James.
Hi James! I am a big fan…your classes are awesome. When I first started watching them you sounded so fast but the more I listen you the more I understand what you are talking about. Thanks a lot.
Hy James, Tanks for the lesson.
I’m learning a lot with your lessons. I know that you speak fast to help us to training understand native speakers and I used to listem how many times that I need to understand. See yo soon.
Omg James im just five minute in this page and im absolutely in love, thank you for share your talent and charisma to us!!
it was really very nice but what to do if other person in keep on ignoring after using all of it……
Great lesson!!…Many thanks James!
I like this lessons. I think it’s wonderful site. But need English speaking chat. Do someone know any site?
I know this one
But I didn’t try it.
I do like engVid. Many thanks to share English knowledge. I’m from Cambodia, Asian.
James, your lessons is the best of ever I watched before. Thank you! Are waiting a new one.
Thank You,James! The firs joke,the guy of Japan killed to me!xaaxaxaxa
Hi everyone, This is my first test and first comment here! i like the their way of teaching English :)
Hi, wael! I`ve read your profile. It impresses me a lot. You like so much things to do…. But I didn`t find a single word about work, unfortunately.
Can you comment this?
See you.
Sorry, if I offend you.
Wow, what a long introduction you had. And how many things you like to do!!!!! ????
Hi Natanna, Sorry for late respond and Thanks for your feelings, That’s right I didn’t say anything about my job, You’re very good with finding sensitive things, in fact, I had quite bad times in my life, but fortunately from a few week I got my first job from years ago!
Life is sometimes down and sometimes up!
I promise you to edit my profile soon and I’ll make it more positive!
Sorry for being not that active here, but I have a plan to keep up with you guys :)
We wait for you. Join us as soon as you can.
Hi nkh.453, Thank you , i’m just back and i’m very enthusiastic to learn more!
Haha James.
You said “If you don’t do it to your mother or sister, don’t do it to another woman.” In Turkey we use it this way: “Would you be pleasant if it was done to your mother or sister.”
I just want to say this. Good bye.
Haha ,
Here in India also we use it in a similar manner.
Good teacher thanks… i´m new and i´m learnbig a lot
Hi Simon!
Be welcome to the Engvid group! I know I am replying a little bit late, but “better late than never”. Ha-ha!
Moreover, I have read in your profile that you speak Portuguese too. How interesting! I didn’t know that Portuguese speakers were common in Uganda.
Good luck in your English learning and until next time!
i want your phone numper to To communicate
This doesn’t work will all the cultures
Somewhere might sounds a bit gay
Hello everybody.
I’m new here. I love this teacher.
I’m Brazilian but now I’m living in USA, so I need to improve me english.
hi everyone. i am new here. i heart this vedio . i learnt a lot for starting a conversation. thanks sir.
Thank you,you made me know more about conversation!
TFW can’t even start a conversation in my own language.
thank you very much
OK 8 TO 10
Hi, I’m a bigginer. Can you help me to learn English, please.))))
Thank you James!
I’m beginner can you help me to learn how to speak very good English and how to write a writing too please??????
Yaaaaa~ I will share this topic with my friends because I answer all of these questions are correct.
thanks James for this helpful video !!!
I really like this lesson. Thank you so much
thanks a lot,Jame
This is a interesting lesson to open the conversation after hello.
Thanks, Mr. James. That’s totally cool.
Hey James, Im from Brazil, lets have a coffee later?
Hi James!
I have been practising English on Skype since last June and the most difficult part in communicating with foreigners, besides problems with grammar and pronunciation, is to find topics to keep on talking to a person you had never seen before.
We usually chat for the first time, it’s nice, we introduce ourselves, and don’t talk anymore…
Therefore, we can use your tips to make our conversations longer. I agree with you. Compliments, friendly questions, and politeness are some good ways to create a pleasant dialogue.
Thanks a lot and see you soon!
I got 10 of 10. Very interesting lesson. James I like to learn English with you lesson, it’s not boring, fun enough.
Hello people, how are you?
I like a lot this channel and it’s many useful. Anyway nice to meet you and I’m Sandro, I writing from Italy.
how I can do for to see the video consecuti
wooow so good teacher
Hi James,
will you please to let me know, what could i listen and imitate.Im in a country where i have no body to talk to in English at least 5 times a week 2 hours daily.
Thank you.
I would like to learn how to talk not much in writing. how could i do it?
That was really useful!
Hi thank you for the lesson.
good job
Hi James,
pretty cool lesson. Thanks!
By the way, you have a nice T-shirt)). Where did you get it? ))
I met someone last week and I said: wow such a cool jacket!.The conversation went really well and after that I said: My name is james I’m from Japan, she said ok and we exchanged phone numbers. 2 minutes after I just realized I was not james. I had said my name wrong and I’m not from Japan either haha.
I will put in practice. Thanks.
Hi James !
Good lessons thank you ?
Love watching ur lessons..u so funny nd this way u make the course goes so well,,,,keep up ??
Thank you james
It was a good lesson.
My english isn’t good to much i try to improve it so i will watch all the videos and practice with th people here but i have a problem i can make a good sentinse in my mind and i have confus when i start to talk so i’m shy to talk ?
Hello, teacher James and everyone. I am a new student. Please help me I want to learn English. thank you
Very good class and you are a very funny teacher.
I like your lessons very much.Thanks.
This lesson is very important to me because i don’t know how to open with person and how to continue conversation ?but it’s very helpful !thank you Teacher !i am glad i got such lesson like this!
wow it is interesting lectures
don’t giveup
This lesson is very useful. Thank you James :)
hello i come from Indonesia. your videos are really great :)
i cant stop laughing with games teacher when whatching ,thank you from algeria
ur way of teaching is awesome
thanks this helps me a lot because i have problem to start a conversation with other
thanks James..! You are the best..!
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Hello. Iam mohamad from Iraq /Kurdistan teacher jeams thank you so mach for this lessons. Iam really getting benefits with it. And my problem is I don’t have anybody to speak with them guys I want to make a new friends if you would like to be my friend I will appreciate it so mach
Thanks a lot James!
Hi! How are you today?
Thanks James….interreseting
that was cool
That will help me a lot,thanks James.
Hello! =)
Thank you so much James . Your lessons really help us
it’s a humorous quiz, haha
Thanks, James!^^
I have got 8 out of 10
Please someone join me for talking more and more on social media if someone interested rplay on my comment
I interested this is my Facebook account
Thanks James
Very interesting videos !
That’s cool! People are like a paradox. People can be brave and shy or they can have a lot of imagination and be realistic at the same time. That’s why I’ve been enjoying so much this lesson. Indeed.
Thank you James.l’m really loved you way to explain the lessons!
Thanks for helping us
Thanks. Mr.James. These days we have to be careful to say compliment. For example don’t say ‘ your hair is beautiful to some people. Buy the way, do you really from Japan?
Thanks. Mr. James for this lesson.
I have to say, that this quiz was kind of funny. Thanks for your lessons master.
Thank you James, God bless you!??
Thanks a lot James, u r superb :)
I have been studying English at EngVid since March, 2022 and now we are in Jun, 2022. I have planned on watching almost each video here in beginner level at first in order to evolve my listening skills as I focused on just reading and spelling in the past.
I’d start focusing on speaking skills at the end of 2022.
I’m writing this as a way to find a fruitful language partnership to enhance my speaking skills in the future as it’s possible that someone would like to read this in the coming months from now.
My priority is an academic and formal English as I need English to develop myself scientifically and in career aspect at first.
Kindly feel free to talk to me whenever you read this and whatever a reason might be, I’m excitedly interested in exchanging knowledge and experience.
You’ll know how to reach me once you click on my picture here besides this comment.
I have started to number videos I watch here, and this is the twelfth one. Hopefully I can reach more than 1000 as soon as possible.
The lesson was unforgettable keep up James
Thanks, James. you are very cool
done 10 out of 10
Thank you teacher!
Great job I love you so much
I loved this class.