Taking the IELTS? Get a better score by watching this simple lesson on the IELTS reading section. I’ll give you my best advice on how to succeed on your reading test, based on years of helping students to pass the IELTS exam. Whether you are just starting to study or you have an exam scheduled tomorrow, these tips will help you to get a higher mark! Take the quiz to continue preparing. For more IELTS tips, check out EngVid’s many other IELTS lessons, and for more tips on the IELTS, go to Good Luck IELTS. Good luck!
thanks alot for your excellent work sweet dear amma,but i have still problem in reading passage,i can, gain the summary and main idea of reading passage so plz help me about this regard
imran geo
and if u kindly quide me on skype hope i will learn more and more ,thnks dear emma
,my skype id,imran.khan30110
imran geo
hi i am from Pakistan
You are awesome Emma :)
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
I will add you skype.
Thank you.
Hello Alina , I would like talking to you onskype for improve our English please . my skype is sma3li or tuix2006; just add me . see your answer soon good bye
great job
Being familiar with the reading section of the IELST helps a great deal, but above all with the type of test items that you will encounter on the test.
Thanks for sharing your experience and these great tips with us Emma.
All the best.
thank Emma very much. your lesson very helpful for me to take the Ielts
thx alot emma i got 7 its not bad
i hope u guys add me on skype to practice moooony12@hotmail.com
Hi Adam finally I got the privilege to send you a message.I want to be like you.I got my ESL diploma and I will use some of your way of teaching the day I get a job abroad.I watch you almost every night.I got some of the quiz done the last one I got 5 of nine,but I am getting better thanks hope to hear from you.Keep up the good work I’ve had mention you to some of my students.Good compliment.I need some help with dangling participle;still struggle with it chao.have a great day.
Good for you!
But she is not Adam;)
Her name is Emma.
I Passed the IELTS more than 4 times, but really i am certain that this kind of exam is abnormal and commercial, Not only the language skills could help to make high score
they made it in complected form that Let the candidate feel himself under pressure and of course ensure the repetition of passing the exam for every participant
IELTS is big source of money here in the middle east, well done for the beneficiaries
I appreciate all teachers of this web site ,i hope the best of luck , many thank to you Emma
It’s not always the case. I have seen people who have passed the test in first attempt. If you have prior knowledge of English, you can then go for the IELTS after thorough preparation. Imagine what would you do in the English Taught program without understanding instructors’ accents, ability to read faster and understanding the context (in the course books, there are big books), not asking questions to your instructor about the topics you are confused just because you don’t speak well and are hesitant to ask in front of all, or explaining in the examination about what you already know because you don’t have relevant vocabulary. Just imagine that, you have got the answer! To make sure that all students are at same levels, these things are put in the process of admission.
Hello, everyone!
I am here to practice English. My skype : ashraf_warsi. Anyone interested to practice…please let me know. Thank you.
thank you Emma.I wish you a lot of luck in your life.All Egyptians loves you. you have a lot of fans over there.
Where can I leave a question? Anyway I would like to know which sentence is correct . (She got all your pose. or she got all your poses). I was kinda confused when I heard these two sentences used by two different people. Can you please tell me which is correct. Thank you. I’m sorry if my english is not that good.
thanks emma, very helpful
Thanks much, Emma! It’s very helpfull lesson. God bless you all!
Konstantyn Yefimov
Thank you Emma.
ooooh thank youuuu emma .i love your lessons <3
i want to talk with u the purpose develop english fluency
great lession! thanks Emma
cuong nee
Thanks Emma
Thank you Emma this websites helped me a lot
Emma I think it’s better to make a group I’m Skype in order to improve our speaking . Guyz who wants speak with via Skype my id : salman.english
Yousef Awad
Oh,Emma!Where have you been)
Thinks it’s just interesting
abdessamad gh
thanks a lot Emma
Thanks Emma I got 6 correct out of 8. This lesson is useful for Whom want to prepare to study in oversea.
I got 5 correct out of 8. I like scanning best. Thank you Emma :)
Thank you very much…………
Very good tips for IELTS, that’s for sure. Thank you all.
Jorge Pedroso
Thank You Emma
Thank you, Emma for that incredible lesson…It was really helpful and useful advices for me…Thanks a lot…I think I’ll succeed!
Thank you a lot Emma
Thanks Emma ,i eay enjoy your lecturs ,you have some thing els
i can’t see subtitles. there was before
mustafa sen
i am sorry. i found it
mustafa sen
Thank you very much
Thank you Emma
Emma, this is excellent content! I’m a native speaker and I flunked the test! My fault, I guess I forgot these terms–“topic sentence”. Your advice on taking tests is good for _any_ kind of test in any subject.
This is a great module, keep up the good work.
Rugby Prop
You’re so great and beautiful. Thanks for the video
Thank you Emma
nice to meet you !
hello everybody . i want to improve my English please add me on your skype to practice it with voice ,,, i graduated from college of lnguages ,,
i can speak 3 languages
this is my skype : abraham.jjj999
speciall thanks to whome manage this awsome site
Abraham moses
Hi! dear emma
Thank you so much, you are my favorite on engvid this lesson is very useful. may god bless you and your family
your faithfullly
I love your lectures Emma
Emma; a lesson after lesson prove you are the best
hamy alferjany
really thank u :)
which grammar on line should I read in order to increase my knowledge???
Hi …me again……I think it was very helpfull Emma!! skipe >> mario-sp40
Like it
Thanks Emma, this is always helpful !
Thank you got 88% without w.
Abdul Qayum
Hello every one iam so glad to join you and iam new here I hope to you the best and thanks
Ahmed@157 Abdallah.
Perfect lucture thanks alot emma
Ahmed@157 Abdallah.
thank you very much even though i am not doing the IELTS test , i could get i good idea about the main points in this test , thanks again it’s very usefull to impouve ourselfs, you are doing a good job thank’s again wish you the best
63% in the test means I must improve my English
Thank you Emma for teach me
Jesús R.
it was an informative lesson , thanks
thank you
Fareed Ahmad Salehi
Thans. :-)
I didn’t somehow got the quiz but its still a good one for me learning with this.
thank you so much Emma! your lessons help me a lot!
hello there, i need a English speaker for practicing English please help me . my ielts exam is right in a corner ..please help me guys………..mr.jj@yahoo.com my mail id
shabahat ali
i should some tips fore ielts
shabahat ali
emma tell me
shabahat ali
Thanks Emma
thanks a lot, is esaier to learn whit this kind of tips
thanks alot miss emma,
i watched your video in my ielts class, our teacher often play your videos and its very helpfull for us.
i would like say a great thanks to you, you are such a fabulous teacher…..
Hi Emma,that’s very informative lesson,thank you.
I’m looking for an ielts tutor.can you be my tutor Emma?
How can I contact you? Hope to hear from you.
Thanks Emma!!!
Thank You a lot for Your lessons. Im going to pass IELTS next year, i think with Your lessons i will pass on excellent :)
Thanks for your help. I learned your lesson, although I am a beginer of English.
young min lee
U R Awesome. Please do it about writing 2. thx
Thanks…very nice tips
i got 4 correct
Suman Dhaliwal
thanks emma!!!
I got 8 correct
Thanks my dog… kkk
Many thanks
ahmed bashndy
hi all, i’m from indonesia. I’m glad find engVid.com as my online course to studying english. So glad if i could find a friend who want to learn english together. Maybe via skype. I hope i can listening and speaking more fluent by practice. Please add my skype: kohtanno. Thanks all.
Thanks Emma !!! got 7 out of eight. Also in one of my
Pronunciation test got 9 out of 9. I want to achieve level 8. Kindly suggest me how to achieve this. Your way of teaching is fantastic and up to the point !!!!
Sunil Pandita
I don’t prepare to IELTS exam but Iit was very helpful for me. I scored 100% and i’m so proud. Thank Emma. You’re a great teacher.
yah..!!correct 8 out of 8,enjoying this game :p
noman abdulla
Thank you Emma, This is really helpful
Jubaer Hossain Zubo
Thanks Emma
Thanks. Amazing.
thanks alot Ms. Emma.
Hassan hamoud
Thank you Ms. Emma
Amjad Al najlat
Thank you ma’am it was very useful. I need you email. please send me through:maisamsultani33@gmail.com
Mohammad Maisam
Hi Emma I just read objectives and can not find videos how I get them
hassan abbas
Thank Emma. Useful
Hi! Where can I see the sample reading test here so I can practice? Thanks a lot!
It’s a very useful website, specially Emma is a perfect tutor! Thanks Emma for your wonderful teaching…
thank u so much
feras saleh
I was sleepy, but I could enjoy the lesson.Thanks Emma!
Thank you, Emma.
Thank you pretty teacher
Good lessons to practice.Thank you Emma.
Thank you !!!
Thanks EMMA
i am happy to be member
Hi. I am Caglar from Turkey. I want to improve my English by speaking please add me skype : sixfingers13
Today’s lesson was considerably difficult. I could not understand some meanings. I got six out of eight.
I will try to study this lesson again.
Thank you Emma!
Yutaka Endo
thanks my teacher
bassam sherif
my Quis Emma!
You got 8 correct out of 8.
chakim hamzah
i have got 100 thanks Emma :D
Thank you Emma! I have got all correct and it’s just because of your tricks.
Thanks alot.
Thank you Emma:) I love u
my true and false always go wrong.i ever try to do it attentively.plz can u suggest me how can i correct them.
hello there, i need a English speaker for practicing English please help me . my ielts exam is right in a corner ..please help me
thank you Emma
Thanks for this.It is so nice and it help me in learning in English.
Thanks Amma
thank you.
if someone would like to practice speaking can add me on Skype
thank you.
how can i develop my reading speed and thanks for the video…
Thank you Emma :)
Xin-Pin Lin
I got 8 correct out of 8. Thanks for your useful lesson Mrs Emma
dear friends can u tell me how can I download the lessons
Thank you
Your help means a lot to ,e
I have got 100%.It is very helpful lesson for the IELTS student.Thank you Emma.
Thanks a lot
I like your teaching in this lesson. Thank you…
It’s really cool stuff… Thankyou
I really enjou your lessons,Emma! Thank you very much!
Got 8/8…Thanks Teacher Emma :)
thank you so much
zarioh ghizlane
I got 7correct out of 8
thank you very mach Emma
Reading is pain in the ass……
Very good information!
Got 10 :)
I got 7 correct out of 10 thanks very muich emma
Thanks a lot.
I made an example of IELTS on Internet, yesterday, and I got scared, it’s so difficult! but with your tips, I feel I’ll pass it (doing before a lot of practice, of course). Thank you, Emma.
Thank you Emma.Good tips.
hi guys, please add me too on your skype jenrirg_ela .let’s learn together with Ms.Emma
Thank teacher. I got 7 sentences.
Thanks a lot for your assistance and beautiful ideas. I am a passionate of your training Videos :)
Thamks a lot
I did my Ielts test and I never knew about this page before, if I had found out about this page before definitely I had succeed and got a higher score
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us. I hope you will make a video about CELBAN because resources are very limited. It will really help us. Especially in speaking and writing. Thanks
thanks for teaching
thanks a lot
jomol joseph
thank you
omar alshebly
Hi Emma, first of all thanks for your helpful tips. I’ve got a question in regarding to the answers in the reading test. If the answer in the text is written with a capital letter (e. g. it’s a name or at the start of the sentence) would that be a mistake on the answer sheet when I also write it with capital letter? It’s a quite simple question but still important isn’t it?
Thanks a lot!
Excellent Emma. Thanks for the tips. Got 8 out of 8. ;)
Thank you very much Emma.
Dilini Sashikala
Thank you very much
Dilini Sashikala
Thanks Emma . You are the best :)
I got 100
lu amel
i got 100
Qusay Hussein
Thanks a million Emma , greatand helpfull hints
Thanks for strategies .I will follow it
brilliant practice
much appriciated
I want an english partner to practice with her /him so we both can make our english better.
just great \o/
habiba@mohamed 12
Thank you,they seems useful.
Thank You Ms.Emma mam.
It is really helpful because you have explained the basic things where we do mistakes.For me reading is difficult i take much time to read.Your teaching is really going to help me.Thanks a lot…
thank you Miss Emma.
thanks a lot
dear teacher
Thank you so much Emma it’s so good
Samer Alwahabi
Thanks a lot. :)
Thank for teaching these tips.
thnks EMMA
Hello teacher AMMA thank’s for this nice lesson and your explaining about diffrent things concerning skills and ways to be succeed in IETLS.
you are one of my the best teacher
Jonathan magar
it is good but I think it is not enough
thank you so much!
Speedy, exact. That is the most important things.
Thanks a lot.
thank you for helping us
Thank you very much
thank a lot
shanker shiva
Thank you so much. It is good to me.
susam jin
Thank you EMMA
Thank you Emma, Very useful tips!
Again when I appeared for the quiz I was pretty sceptical but yes this time I pay keen attention to all your tips and scored 8 out of 8 thanks a ton
thanks a lot!
Dear Emma
Thanks for this very good comments
Ramiz Shubbar
Hi Emma , It is possible some Study resources like books for IELTS reading Thanks
Hi Emma,
Hope you are doing well!
Thank you once again for your tips…
hi Fabio wish u doing well we can practice together if u don’t mind please contact me 009670420070
Many thanks Emma !
hi Emma I got 100% I hope I will do well this time thank u for ur tips
Hi Emma
Love all your class. I have been studying it for some weeks and it has been helping a lot :) tks
Backward scanning method was new to me. I’m gonna employ it.
love you Emma
thank you for your instructions
Hi Emma,I would like to wish you good luck and much success in your future endeavors
Hesham ElBasel
good luck
Good lecture, thanks
Hi Emma,
Thanks.I am preparing for my IELTS GT paper.
Best EMMA needs to practice on skype add me abdureheman2
You got 6 correct out of 8.
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much i have got 100 in quiz test.
7/8 I have been sure,that the last quiz answer was the second one))Thanks a lot, Emma)
Mir Murad
hello how are you
Hi Emma, you always clear explaining your topic and bullet point.
Thanks it help me heaps
sam rizal
hello, how can i find actual practice tests for the IELTS?
Thanks Emma looking forward to great scores in my ielts soon.
I’m watching this video for a second time after two years. It refreshed me. You’ll always be my fav teacher Emma.
Azad 56
thank you Emma!
great job
maisa ali
hi emma thanks i have learnt alot with ypur help
thanks heaps ?
Thanks Emma, you gave very useful tips
Thanks a lot mam.
thanks a lot
faizyab ameen
Thanks too much for teaching us yeah you’re teaching method is very simple and i learn allot of thing
Dr ahmad hassan
Very valuable information, it will help me a lot, Thanks Emma.
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
10/10! Nice! Now, learning English is my favorite thing. Every day I use APP for learning vocabulary, reading English news by kindle, the important thing is watching Emma’s video.
Jerry Gu
Thanks a lot
Thank you
thank you Emma and all the Engvid resource personal. God bless you all
thank you Emma..
I’ve got 75 score, thanks Emma for helping us
Grate! I made it this time
Thanks alot, lam an English teacher, l always watch your video, l found it very helpful
thank you
88% is not bad, but unfortunately I can’t answer correctly the most important question which is the last one. By the way, thank you Emma.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot too.
thanks alot for your excellent work sweet dear amma,but i have still problem in reading passage,i can, gain the summary and main idea of reading passage so plz help me about this regard
and if u kindly quide me on skype hope i will learn more and more ,thnks dear emma
,my skype id,imran.khan30110
hi i am from Pakistan
You are awesome Emma :)
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
I will add you skype.
Thank you.
Hello Alina , I would like talking to you onskype for improve our English please . my skype is sma3li or tuix2006; just add me . see your answer soon good bye
great job
Being familiar with the reading section of the IELST helps a great deal, but above all with the type of test items that you will encounter on the test.
Thanks for sharing your experience and these great tips with us Emma.
All the best.
thank Emma very much. your lesson very helpful for me to take the Ielts
thx alot emma i got 7 its not bad
i hope u guys add me on skype to practice
Hi Adam finally I got the privilege to send you a message.I want to be like you.I got my ESL diploma and I will use some of your way of teaching the day I get a job abroad.I watch you almost every night.I got some of the quiz done the last one I got 5 of nine,but I am getting better thanks hope to hear from you.Keep up the good work I’ve had mention you to some of my students.Good compliment.I need some help with dangling participle;still struggle with it chao.have a great day.
Good for you!
But she is not Adam;)
Her name is Emma.
I Passed the IELTS more than 4 times, but really i am certain that this kind of exam is abnormal and commercial, Not only the language skills could help to make high score
they made it in complected form that Let the candidate feel himself under pressure and of course ensure the repetition of passing the exam for every participant
IELTS is big source of money here in the middle east, well done for the beneficiaries
I appreciate all teachers of this web site ,i hope the best of luck , many thank to you Emma
It’s not always the case. I have seen people who have passed the test in first attempt. If you have prior knowledge of English, you can then go for the IELTS after thorough preparation. Imagine what would you do in the English Taught program without understanding instructors’ accents, ability to read faster and understanding the context (in the course books, there are big books), not asking questions to your instructor about the topics you are confused just because you don’t speak well and are hesitant to ask in front of all, or explaining in the examination about what you already know because you don’t have relevant vocabulary. Just imagine that, you have got the answer! To make sure that all students are at same levels, these things are put in the process of admission.
Hello, everyone!
I am here to practice English. My skype : ashraf_warsi. Anyone interested to practice…please let me know. Thank you.
thank you Emma.I wish you a lot of luck in your life.All Egyptians loves you. you have a lot of fans over there.
Where can I leave a question? Anyway I would like to know which sentence is correct . (She got all your pose. or she got all your poses). I was kinda confused when I heard these two sentences used by two different people. Can you please tell me which is correct. Thank you. I’m sorry if my english is not that good.
thanks emma, very helpful
Thanks much, Emma! It’s very helpfull lesson. God bless you all!
Thank you Emma.
ooooh thank youuuu emma .i love your lessons <3
i want to talk with u the purpose develop english fluency
great lession! thanks Emma
Thanks Emma
Thank you Emma this websites helped me a lot
Emma I think it’s better to make a group I’m Skype in order to improve our speaking . Guyz who wants speak with via Skype my id : salman.english
Oh,Emma!Where have you been)
Thinks it’s just interesting
thanks a lot Emma
Thanks Emma I got 6 correct out of 8. This lesson is useful for Whom want to prepare to study in oversea.
I got 5 correct out of 8. I like scanning best. Thank you Emma :)
Thank you very much…………
Very good tips for IELTS, that’s for sure. Thank you all.
Thank You Emma
Thank you, Emma for that incredible lesson…It was really helpful and useful advices for me…Thanks a lot…I think I’ll succeed!
Thank you a lot Emma
Thanks Emma ,i eay enjoy your lecturs ,you have some thing els
i can’t see subtitles. there was before
i am sorry. i found it
Thank you very much
Thank you Emma
Emma, this is excellent content! I’m a native speaker and I flunked the test! My fault, I guess I forgot these terms–“topic sentence”. Your advice on taking tests is good for _any_ kind of test in any subject.
This is a great module, keep up the good work.
You’re so great and beautiful. Thanks for the video
Thank you Emma
nice to meet you !
hello everybody . i want to improve my English please add me on your skype to practice it with voice ,,, i graduated from college of lnguages ,,
i can speak 3 languages
this is my skype : abraham.jjj999
speciall thanks to whome manage this awsome site
Hi! dear emma
Thank you so much, you are my favorite on engvid this lesson is very useful. may god bless you and your family
your faithfullly
I love your lectures Emma
Emma; a lesson after lesson prove you are the best
really thank u :)
which grammar on line should I read in order to increase my knowledge???
Hi …me again……I think it was very helpfull Emma!! skipe >> mario-sp40
Like it
Thanks Emma, this is always helpful !
Thank you got 88% without w.
Hello every one iam so glad to join you and iam new here I hope to you the best and thanks
Perfect lucture thanks alot emma
thank you very much even though i am not doing the IELTS test , i could get i good idea about the main points in this test , thanks again it’s very usefull to impouve ourselfs, you are doing a good job thank’s again wish you the best
63% in the test means I must improve my English
Thank you Emma for teach me
it was an informative lesson , thanks
thank you
Thans. :-)
I didn’t somehow got the quiz but its still a good one for me learning with this.
thank you so much Emma! your lessons help me a lot!
hello there, i need a English speaker for practicing English please help me . my ielts exam is right in a corner ..please help me guys………..mr.jj@yahoo.com my mail id
i should some tips fore ielts
emma tell me
Thanks Emma
thanks a lot, is esaier to learn whit this kind of tips
thanks alot miss emma,
i watched your video in my ielts class, our teacher often play your videos and its very helpfull for us.
i would like say a great thanks to you, you are such a fabulous teacher…..
Hi Emma,that’s very informative lesson,thank you.
I’m looking for an ielts tutor.can you be my tutor Emma?
How can I contact you? Hope to hear from you.
Thanks Emma!!!
Thank You a lot for Your lessons. Im going to pass IELTS next year, i think with Your lessons i will pass on excellent :)
Thank you very much dear Emma.
You proved that am doing it right, so thank you.
thanks dear teatcher.for more practice in skype: hassane31000@hotmail.fr
Thanks for your help. I learned your lesson, although I am a beginer of English.
U R Awesome. Please do it about writing 2. thx
Thanks…very nice tips
i got 4 correct
thanks emma!!!
I got 8 correct
Thanks my dog… kkk
Many thanks
hi all, i’m from indonesia. I’m glad find engVid.com as my online course to studying english. So glad if i could find a friend who want to learn english together. Maybe via skype. I hope i can listening and speaking more fluent by practice. Please add my skype: kohtanno. Thanks all.
Thanks Emma !!! got 7 out of eight. Also in one of my
Pronunciation test got 9 out of 9. I want to achieve level 8. Kindly suggest me how to achieve this. Your way of teaching is fantastic and up to the point !!!!
I don’t prepare to IELTS exam but Iit was very helpful for me. I scored 100% and i’m so proud. Thank Emma. You’re a great teacher.
yah..!!correct 8 out of 8,enjoying this game :p
Thank you Emma, This is really helpful
Thanks Emma
Thanks. Amazing.
thanks alot Ms. Emma.
Thank you Ms. Emma
Thank you ma’am it was very useful. I need you email. please send me through:maisamsultani33@gmail.com
Hi Emma I just read objectives and can not find videos how I get them
Thank Emma. Useful
Hi! Where can I see the sample reading test here so I can practice? Thanks a lot!
It’s a very useful website, specially Emma is a perfect tutor! Thanks Emma for your wonderful teaching…
thank u so much
I was sleepy, but I could enjoy the lesson.Thanks Emma!
Thank you, Emma.
Thank you pretty teacher
Good lessons to practice.Thank you Emma.
Thank you !!!
Thanks EMMA
i am happy to be member
Hi. I am Caglar from Turkey. I want to improve my English by speaking please add me skype : sixfingers13
Today’s lesson was considerably difficult. I could not understand some meanings. I got six out of eight.
I will try to study this lesson again.
Thank you Emma!
thanks my teacher
my Quis Emma!
You got 8 correct out of 8.
i have got 100 thanks Emma :D
Thank you Emma! I have got all correct and it’s just because of your tricks.
Thanks alot.
Thank you Emma:) I love u
my true and false always go wrong.i ever try to do it attentively.plz can u suggest me how can i correct them.
hello there, i need a English speaker for practicing English please help me . my ielts exam is right in a corner ..please help me
thank you Emma
Thanks for this.It is so nice and it help me in learning in English.
Thanks Amma
thank you.
if someone would like to practice speaking can add me on Skype
thank you.
how can i develop my reading speed and thanks for the video…
Thank you Emma :)
I got 8 correct out of 8. Thanks for your useful lesson Mrs Emma
dear friends can u tell me how can I download the lessons
Thank you
Your help means a lot to ,e
I have got 100%.It is very helpful lesson for the IELTS student.Thank you Emma.
Thanks a lot
I like your teaching in this lesson. Thank you…
It’s really cool stuff… Thankyou
I really enjou your lessons,Emma! Thank you very much!
Got 8/8…Thanks Teacher Emma :)
thank you so much
I got 7correct out of 8
thank you very mach Emma
Reading is pain in the ass……
Very good information!
Got 10 :)
I got 7 correct out of 10 thanks very muich emma
Thanks a lot.
I made an example of IELTS on Internet, yesterday, and I got scared, it’s so difficult! but with your tips, I feel I’ll pass it (doing before a lot of practice, of course). Thank you, Emma.
Thank you Emma.Good tips.
hi guys, please add me too on your skype jenrirg_ela .let’s learn together with Ms.Emma
Thank teacher. I got 7 sentences.
Thanks a lot for your assistance and beautiful ideas. I am a passionate of your training Videos :)
Thamks a lot
I did my Ielts test and I never knew about this page before, if I had found out about this page before definitely I had succeed and got a higher score
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us. I hope you will make a video about CELBAN because resources are very limited. It will really help us. Especially in speaking and writing. Thanks
thanks for teaching
thanks a lot
thank you
Hi Emma, first of all thanks for your helpful tips. I’ve got a question in regarding to the answers in the reading test. If the answer in the text is written with a capital letter (e. g. it’s a name or at the start of the sentence) would that be a mistake on the answer sheet when I also write it with capital letter? It’s a quite simple question but still important isn’t it?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much ma’am.
tnxs emma
plz contact with me,
Thanks a lot…….
Excellent Emma. Thanks for the tips. Got 8 out of 8. ;)
Thank you very much Emma.
Thank you very much
Thanks Emma . You are the best :)
I got 100
i got 100
Thanks a million Emma , greatand helpfull hints
Thanks for strategies .I will follow it
brilliant practice
much appriciated
I want an english partner to practice with her /him so we both can make our english better.
just great \o/
Thank you,they seems useful.
Thank You Ms.Emma mam.
It is really helpful because you have explained the basic things where we do mistakes.For me reading is difficult i take much time to read.Your teaching is really going to help me.Thanks a lot…
thank you Miss Emma.
thanks a lot
dear teacher
Thank you so much Emma it’s so good
Thanks a lot. :)
Thank for teaching these tips.
thnks EMMA
Hello teacher AMMA thank’s for this nice lesson and your explaining about diffrent things concerning skills and ways to be succeed in IETLS.
you are one of my the best teacher
it is good but I think it is not enough
thank you so much!
Speedy, exact. That is the most important things.
Thanks a lot.
thank you for helping us
Thank you very much
thank a lot
Thank you so much. It is good to me.
Thank you EMMA
Thank you Emma, Very useful tips!
Again when I appeared for the quiz I was pretty sceptical but yes this time I pay keen attention to all your tips and scored 8 out of 8 thanks a ton
thanks a lot!
Dear Emma
Thanks for this very good comments
Hi Emma , It is possible some Study resources like books for IELTS reading Thanks
Hi Emma,
Hope you are doing well!
Thank you once again for your tips…
hi Fabio wish u doing well we can practice together if u don’t mind please contact me 009670420070
Many thanks Emma !
hi Emma I got 100% I hope I will do well this time thank u for ur tips
Hi Emma
Love all your class. I have been studying it for some weeks and it has been helping a lot :) tks
Backward scanning method was new to me. I’m gonna employ it.
love you Emma
thank you for your instructions
Hi Emma,I would like to wish you good luck and much success in your future endeavors
good luck
Good lecture, thanks
Hi Emma,
Thanks.I am preparing for my IELTS GT paper.
Best EMMA needs to practice on skype add me abdureheman2
You got 6 correct out of 8.
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much i have got 100 in quiz test.
7/8 I have been sure,that the last quiz answer was the second one))Thanks a lot, Emma)
hello how are you
Hi Emma, you always clear explaining your topic and bullet point.
Thanks it help me heaps
hello, how can i find actual practice tests for the IELTS?
Thanks Emma looking forward to great scores in my ielts soon.
I’m watching this video for a second time after two years. It refreshed me. You’ll always be my fav teacher Emma.
thank you Emma!
great job
hi emma thanks i have learnt alot with ypur help
thanks heaps ?
Thanks Emma, you gave very useful tips
Thanks a lot mam.
thanks a lot
Thanks too much for teaching us yeah you’re teaching method is very simple and i learn allot of thing
Very valuable information, it will help me a lot, Thanks Emma.
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
10/10! Nice! Now, learning English is my favorite thing. Every day I use APP for learning vocabulary, reading English news by kindle, the important thing is watching Emma’s video.
Thanks a lot
Thank you
thank you Emma and all the Engvid resource personal. God bless you all
thank you Emma..
I’ve got 75 score, thanks Emma for helping us
Grate! I made it this time
Thanks alot, lam an English teacher, l always watch your video, l found it very helpful
thank you
88% is not bad, but unfortunately I can’t answer correctly the most important question which is the last one. By the way, thank you Emma.
Good lesson, Emma.