Do you remember your dreams? Do you want to control your dreams? We all dream, but each of us dreams differently. In this lesson, I’ll teach you the vocabulary we use to talk about our dreams in English. You’ll learn about the different types of dreams that you can have. I’ll also tell you what your dreams could mean, and give you tips to have more interesting dreams. You may forget your dreams, but you won’t forget this lesson!
Hylarious lesson, isn’t it? I’m sure you liked it Carlos. This lesson made my day ! ! !
I haven’t thought much about the two questions you posed at the beginning of the video Ronnie.
But one thing I’m sure of is that . . .
I suffer from recurrent wet dreams, any advice on this (LOL)? Once I had a dream . . .
Engaging lesson Ronnie! May all your dreams and resolutions come true this new year!
Happy New Year to all EngVid viewers ! ! !
very nice
I usually dream in color. I sometimes have nightmares and sometimes funny dreams :) Thank you, Ronnie. Interesting!
A very interesting class
Sometimes I have lucid dreams but I can’t wake up =|
Thank you Ronnie I sometimes have nightmare and nice dream in lately night some day.
I usually dream a lot. Sometimes, they are good and sometimes they are nightmare. Sometimes, my dreams are so complicated and so long just like an action movies. Sometimes, I think if I write them down, they will be an exciting story. But, I really don’t like to dream because it makes me exhausted so that after waking up, I don’t feel just like I am rested. I just feel I have been in some where else. :(
Anyway, thank you very much because your wonderful lesson.
Well I had this problem before, seeing maybe more than 100 different dreams during the night and in the morning time after walking up I felt very exhausted. anyway I went to see a Neurologist and he gave me some advices. problem solved!
you are my dream.grettings from Seville!!
thank you so much, ronnie!
I really appreciate your effort, and I loved this lesson, I love to talk about the dreams.
I’ve got really fun and funny lesson from you
Dear Ms Ronnie..
I quite understood this lesson from you that is what I expect from you all Engvid teachers..
Just I want to familiar of all your speech while you teaching.. That’s help me to do watch more lesson..
Thanks Ronnie.. I love your speech!!!………..
Hi, Emma.
I used to dream that there was someone chased me and I couldn’t run as fast as I wanted. I felt so tried. Have you dreamed that?
I am sure my dream has colors, not black and white because once night I have dreamed I saw a GREEN snake flying after me. It’s so scary!! And I’ve never dreamed I saw myself at all.
Hi Pakpao :)
Maybe you confused the name of the teacher :(
Her name is Ronnie :)
-And yes I have dream like yours
hi Emma. I’d like to practise my english skills with you. Can we do it?) Im Alyona and im from Russia. Add my skype (alyonasweet1) if you are interested, please.
it depends on the situations, I dream in both black and white also colour.One time I had died in my dream-it was the worst dream ever seen.But sometimes My dreams come true about me,my job,my private life and ect :)
Thank you guys for sharing your interesting dreams-experience )
And Big thanks to you Ronnie
bakhtiyar ali
Thank you
Thank you Ms.Ronnie
I’m usually recurring dream. Sometime white and black sometime color by the way I’m not control my dream.
Jasmine Brown
Hi. It´s very interesting. Thank you for your class.
my dreams usually come in color , i sometimes have nightmares and fantasy dreams
Hi Ronnie! I can’t remember the most of my dreams. But I don’t worry about this! You are a great teacher. Congratulations! Thanks for your lessons!
Hi, i’ve heard when you dream yourself speaking another lenguage, that’s when you master the lenguage, what do you think about this?
I listened this too.
I used to have a ton of lucid dreams when I was a teenager, but I’ve since lost the ability. I wonder if it just has something to do with age and what we value as we get older.
Easy, Search that in Saint Google!!!
Hi teacher alex
I have only colour dreams and can’t even imagine black and white dream. Sometimes I can control my dreams and they all foretell the future. It’s very interesting lesson, thank you Ronnie!
As far as i know, i never dream in black and white, Sometimes i get lucid dream and sometimes i have recurring ones. Fortunately i rarely have nightmares. By the way, it’s been a fanny lesson as always :)
I’ve never seen blak&white dreams. But my grandpa sad, that he’s seen it.
Well, I am usually myself. But sometimes, very rarely, I can be the other person.
I don’t know the colour of my dream. but I have of prophetic dreams and nightmares.
Thanks Ronnie
I don’t know why but when I have a dream I see a huge place where I’m in like a matrix film when that guy
go through the computer programmer. Never happen there because I sleep in my dreams.
Thank you Ronnie
i usually have a dreams in color. Actually i didn’t see my self in dreams it like watching a movie and i part of it
If I ate some stinky cheese ( the typical Italian ” gorgonzola ” for example ) in all likelihood I’d throw up all night long……anyway, lucidly…. :)
Well, I mostly don’t remenber my dreams content and if I try it, they look like they were without colours even not black or white, however i remenber having a very vivid, explendid dream with a frend who recently was died, he was playing a wanderful piece of music on the keyboard and when i approached and started to
to shake his hand congratulating him i realized that he was died, inmediately after my happiness tuned into fear evenso i could manage to say . But you are died! and just after this
his figure gradually dissolved away. The next day I went in town and by coincidence i met his father who told me that he the last night had dreamed with his deceased son, who in the dream cried out Dad I’m free! I’m free Dad!That’s been one of the most strange and exciting dreams I’ve ever had and stil at the present being able to recall it.
Jorge Alvaro
Hoy recibi mi primera leccion y mi calificacion fue de 90 de 100!! Falle solo en 1! Stoy contenta.
Yenny Fernandez
Great lesson Ronnie! I always enjoy your funny, interesting videos.
My dreams always are in color. When I was a kid I usually had recurring dreams about planes falling down until the crash. I have no idea why, but I had a friend who also dreams that! It was amazing share our ‘crashing’ stories haha.
I will try your tip with the cheese tonight! :D
Thank you Ronnie.I always dream in color.
Ronnie, I like so much your explains!
Mr. Oliveira
You got 10 correct out of 10.
And I have prophetic dreams, foretell the future, I have the control and really cool have that kind of dreams…. jee, greetings from Mexico, Ronnie is the best teacher that I ever had in my life =D
Cristian Gutiérrez
My dreams are always colorful to me but I have never had prophetic dreams or lucid dreams before (How sad!). I remember having a terrible nightmare with hundreds of zombies chasing me. Spooky :D
Please, what is the meaning of “feathers and fudgesicles”
I love~~~ your video. Thanks Ms Ronnie ^^
Hi Ronnie. You are fantastic. It’s a pleasure for me learning by your videos. Ciao! ;)
Ivan C.
Hi Ms. Ronnie, congratulations for your teaching.
This was my first classe and quiz for here, enjoyed very much, thank you!
I saw a lucid dream once. But when I realized that I was sleeping, i woke up in a few seconds.
Hi Ronnie, it’s funny but I don’t know if my dreams are in black and white or in color.
Its fantastic, What mistakes I did to select correct answer, Now I understood. Thanks for thinking different about people mentality.
Its fantastic, What mistakes I did to select correct answer, Now I understood. Thanks for thinking different about people mentality. Can you please reply if you could attend this quiz competition how much you scored.
Usually, I dream Nightmares.what does that mean ?
Thank you very much Ronnie!!
Have you ever dreamt that you speak very very fluently a foreign language???It happened to me once, and it was really amazing ;)
I usually dream with floods.
Sandra Campos
I Like it!!
Hi ;) give your whatsapp or fb, please! We’ll improve our english together and will be friends :)
Excellent lesson :)
Hi Ronnie from Colombia and hello everybody..I use to dream in black ad white when I was younger, but today well I am not so old, I am dreaming in full color sometimes, a couple times i could feel like my soul, or my mental energy go outside, and it´s frequently too to feel “sleep paralysis” that is very uncomfortable, in any case it´s fantastic can dream every night thanks Ronnie you are unique..¡¡
ahh of course I had a lucid dream only one time and a lot nightmares..¡¡
Thanks, Ronnie! I got 100!
Júlio César L Sousa
I sometimes have a lucid dream and I wake up …I control my dream….
Last night a had a dream…I was picking peaches, and they were very red. My interpretation was that is time for harvest in my life. Thanks for your support. and like you said “have a sweet dreams”
I had a nightdream. I was falling down very fast and i couldn’t control it. Then I wake up and sweat a lot and I felt very afraid of it. But Now I am doing yoga everyday, so I sleep very well and don’t have dream any more. Yoga make to change my health being better. That’s amazing
Thank you for your lesson, Ronnie!
I dream in color.
Sometimes I have lucid dreams, but I can’t always control them.
I loved video
I dream in black and white but i know, when i want , the color of things and the people.
I do love this class! Thank you Ronnie!
It was an interesting and funny lesson, thank you Ronnie.
i have colour dreams) and i`m myself in it)
interesting lesson! thank You, Ronnie!
i have color dreams,sometimes nightmare! great class! thanks Ronnie!
This lesson was awesome!
There’s no ways or word’s to say about how you’re are a nice teacher. Congratulations ????
Thanks My Teacher 2
I think that i often have a colour dreams, It was so interesting lesson, but i can’t make quiz, It was difficult for me…
Trust me, you don’t want to know what I dream.
Weel, i dream in colours. I didn’t know anyone could dream in black and white. hehehe
And i am going to try about the cheese some day.
I am going to bad now, hopping to have sweet dreams.
thanks my humorous teacher
I sometime have dreams but I can’t remember them now to tell you here.
Thanks Ronnie. It was very interesting to think about dreams. :)
thank you ronnıe. I’m related to this subject and my dreams are prophetic.
Hi ronnie thankyou for the lessone it was very usefule I want to speak english with you online if it Possible.
I can not see it. Why?
Thanks for lesson.It was funny and interesting.
Although I dream in colour, my dreams happen more often in black and white. I’ve already had nightmares, vivid dreams, and recurring dreams. But my dreams have been more normal lately.
Mostly I don’t remember my dreams, but I feel that I have lots of dreams. Maybe I should write after I wake up.
when I wake up in the morning and fall sleep again, I dreams a lot…
Funny teacher; I like her.
I have never listened this means before … haha I liked it
Heric Begiato de Freitas
Thank you,I like your lesson very much.
Really interesting. Thank you Ronnie!
I think I’ve had all kinds of dreams you mentioned!
this lesson was just what the doctor ordered. i really needed those explanations. thank you ronny so much.
this teacher is best the best thank you .
hi ronnie i am so excited about your lesson today and firstly i am dreaming both of kinds but mostly in color dreams .
in other side i am watching my self in dreams as a movie show and may be i am not the same face or character but i know in dream that was me .
Also i have a recurring dream that i got married without any preparation before marriage and i suddenly be with my husband.
the explanation of when you falling in dreams and you waked up that because all your devices stopped working and your brain had a signal from body to wake up so you survived .
Eman Elshora
interesting. masryeen(:
Wow , i’m not alone here ^^
very cool
Hello Ronnie , hello everyone ,
Interesting lesson . Talking about dreams I almost fell asleep and I would have dreamed. When we get older it seems that we have less lucid dreams so , knowing if uncounsious dreams are in colour or not becomes more difficult. I confess that I can’t remember what the colour of my youth’s dreams was like . I was never chased in my dreams but my main nightmare when I was child was a kinda big wheel rolling continously with nothing to motion it , and it made me scared awfully. I never dreamed about death , neither mine or someone else but I had a dream seeing myself in a coffin and oddly it was a good feeling : bad untrue situations can be good dreams , strange aint they ?!!! strangely
talking about dream is a topic that makes everyone tell there own story. It works even on me . A last thing, when it happens that you live a situation that you feel it alreday happened , is it related to dreams and how can we name this ?
I hope you bring an explaination .
Bye Ronnie , I am waiting your next lesson .
Nice :)
Ryan BMT
Hi engvid Website management staff .
I use a tablet (IPad) , I can leave a comment as you can guess but I can’t replie to the comment of others. Do you have any idea to fix the problem?
Thanks for you answer
Awesome Ronnie! You are looks like good dream expert!
Kairat Tabynov my dream i dream about some animal are eating a city!
Aaaaahhhhh!!! Run!!!!!
engVid Moderator
thank you teacher of this class ! i love it ! i dream in colour 1
Thanks your class was fun and I learned a lot!.
Hi Ronnie!
Its surprsing that in fact some people dream in black and white , I just thought that everyone has colorful dreams just like me lol ( Thanks,I found that I took many things in life for granted. )
Usually in dream I do actions, at times I am also an observor.
I have recurring dreams, and I ever have the same dream with my twin brother.
If the clock rings when I am dreaming, I just feel sooooo tired the entire day, I feel like that my brain doesn’t rest all night long, so I don’t really like dreams to a certain extent.
I have color dreams and always myself doing the action
i dream in colours and sometimes i see myself in the dream… you are so cool i love you videos… im new in here by the way
Welcome to EngVid! Being here is like making a dream come true. Interacting with people from practically all over the globe, makes a huge difference when learning a foreign language.
I dream in colors and sometimes I see myself in the dream and sometimes Ididn’t
and thanks Ronnie you are so funny
Welcome to EngVid!
Even I’m so elated to being here. ??
Lakshman P
i do’nt remember my dreams
thank you Ronnie
Eegii roxy
Hi,Ronnie you’re the best teacher ever,congrets!
I meant congrats!
Thanks Ronnie.. I`m a beginner and i`ve got 100 for my first lesson. I have a pleasure to learning English with you.
About my dream,i have a lot of wonderfull dreams. I always dream in color. I ever had dreaming like i`m a main actrist in Matrix movie, and i shooting out the Robotic Virus, lol. In other dream like you said, i dream about i`m arounding many zombies, i scared, but amazingly i can fly.. what its mean?
I’m laughing becouse the last question in the quiz, more exact becouse the variant to eat human flesh :) I accidentally pressed this variant)
Thanks for your lessons, Ronnie. You’re my lovely teacher!
I see different dreams. Sometimes they are so exciting, vivid,nice, kind, but seldom they are nightmares,then I can wake up from crying , screaming…Oh,It’s awful.
But I love dreams, it’s similar to a little fairy-tale in my life. And I believe in people, who can see Prophetic Dreams.
Frecuently when I wake up I dont remember what I just dreamed
it is so frustating .
This lesson was cool, sometimes, at the past I had dreams that I was falling.
thanks for your class Ronnie, I usually remember my dreams and I sometimes think that all my dreas is true and I need take a moment for comeback to reality, and I have had long dreams ad sometimes I think that I have two lives.
I will never forget this lesson ????
Thanks for interesting explanation.I enjoyed learning it :)
Well,I had those kind of dreams now I know what they mean.Thanks!
Bertha Alvidrez
I also have lucid dreams(of courese in the morning i forget them, but during the day i can practically remember every piece of it)
Thanks for interesting dreams. :)
Hi Ronnie you are fantastic teacher, I had a recurring dream many years ago, it was awful. I had same nightmare which is very scary..
your lessons really fun.
thank you :)
My dream is Colorful . I had recurring dream like nightmare when i was child now i don’t have any recurring one . No my dreams are quite different and i forget most of them .
My dream usually in black and white color, i’m not usually remember that my dreams is when I wake up :), Sometime I dreamed about Sex hehe, sometime death, sometime I fall out, be chased by the ghost, my dream is LUCID type, I can recognized that I just dream, when I going to die I’ll wake myself up, !!Thanks Ronnie and have a nightmare :D
Ryan BMT
Ronnie, u´re amazing!!! Thx thx thx…
Jeff Assandre
thank you,I really enjoyed the lesson
Maria Dzi
amazing lesson .
sometimes dreaming analysis does not true , but some dreams become true . thanks
I enjoyed this lesson.
I usually dream in color, like in a film I see myself in anction, like a film
the last question XD
I liked so much this lesson.
Actually it changes on me sometimes black&white sometimes colourful.Sometimes I am spy , sometimes I am player its weird.
Thanks Ronnie! You’re the best teacher that I’d ever had.
Hi, it was very very informative lesson, thanks a bunch. we can mention about different kinds of dreams like “wet dreams”, “signal dreams”or “False Awakenings dreams”.
something else I’d like to mention is that subtitle of video is very clear but just one word was written wrong, because of typo probably: “reoccurring dream” instead of “recurring dream”.
I used to have a recurring dream about having a dark skin(black) baby girl. She was standing in a mall and always after saw her, I tried to take a look to find her mother (my wife/partner/etc) but never could find her mother.
I saw this recurring dream several times. Who knows maybe someday I will adopt a girl like her and I would be her mother and father!
Thank you very much that was very interesting lesson you are the best teacher in the world
Veeery cooool! :-)
I’ve found a misprint in the quiz: mattress.
You are amazing. Thank you . EGYPT.
HI guys! I’m from brazil. Thanks for all the things!
i am going to tell you about my dream. you want to know?
thanks you for your interesting informations.
Yay. Thank you, so interesting class!!!
thank you Ronnie 80%.
good topic
I don’t remember my dreams. but I remember my channel because I have a lot of channels in my dreams ( channel Lucid , channel Nightmares, channel Prophetic, channel Cheating ) depends of my situation.
By the way, I got a bad result 70/100
Interesting lesson, I’ve also answered all questions correctly.
i liked you
thanks you! my pretty teacher!! today i have watched you so i think i am going to have a night mare ;) thanks alot!
Nguyen Van Hau
I liked this video. Thank`s Ronnie!
Thanks for lesson, it was very fun! When I dream it’s always normal dreams and in colour by the way. I wish I could experience that lucid dream I have to admit. A friend of mine is had lucid dream and she said: I’ve enjoyed it. :)
Very interesting lesson. I have a dreams about my future.
thanks alot :D , that was very interesting ,i really enjoyed listening to you and whatching the whole video , keep doing this good stuff ! :)
Yahya sama
Some people never remember what they dreamed, they only know that it happend, I always remember my dreams, always in color, reccurring dreams often, fallen to the darkness or going to a dark room and when I am there, I start to punch and kicking the air, jajja I know this means uncertainty.. sometimes I dream of flying, without wings, wherever I want, this is my favorite dream..
Cesar Nieva
interested class…..actually I don’t remember my dream color
woyni tadesse
excellent topic Ronnie, really interesting. I got 90 in the quiz.
Eating stinky cheese before going to bed? You must be joking!
Zé Geraldo
I really enjoy your classes, Ronnie. Thanks in advace for all your advices during them.
What a great lessons for beginners.
Massive lesson!
I dream in colour and I can see myself in my dreams :)
A lots of new vocabulary for me in your speaking and in your writting. Thank you Ronnie, dreams it is very thrilling topic.
I often have colorful dreams that I swim in the beautiful coral reefs. Sometimes I only watch my swimming. I’m afraid of water…
Thank Ronnie, this lesson has been very interesting. Thank
Marta Lopez
Very interesting lesson, I liked it so much.
Nicolas Haubold
Thank you for teaching me to english.
It is very good for me.
Dong Joo Kim
My Dreams always in color and I am doing all the action in the dream.
It was a lot cool disocovering more about the dreams’s meanings. That’s a very interesting issue to be considered!
Andrey Rosa
very nice explanation… Ronni is an excellente teacher …I love her.
follow your dreams, just make sure to have fun too! ;)
Semo logistics
Thanks for this lesson Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie, U are the best.
Jose Lazzo
Daydreaming is my favorite thing to do each and everyday. ?
Kisha Gabor
love it
I’m crazy about your lessons so much!!!gyus I’m desperate for practice,please add my contact in whats app and send me letter +996700334886
Kale Jumabekov
Thanks Ronnie
How do we call a dream,that is the one that we are not having for the first time,but the events have slightly changed(it can start with the point it ended last lime)? Do we still call it a recurring dream?
Thnk you, Ronnie. I loved that lisson. Have a nice day!
Rafael Cortez
thank you
Heba Allah samy
thank you Ronni for the interesting subject, i like your style in teaching, for my dreams i have colored dreams yet i don’t’ remember most of them.
Thank you so much for teaching me and doing that in a such attractive way!
Frequently i got recurring dreams as I was fear about speaking in front others in English. This might happen because I thought I have less confidence while speaking. That was the reason I always in dreams of recurring.
thank you
I haven’t deams, it means I don’t remember my dreams. It’s very pity . Thank you Ronnie for very interesting class.
Hey Ronnie,
the answer to your question is in both color or black and white, in both the person doing the action or watching myself do the action.
Thank you for a great explanation about dreams!!
Thank you.
I like your classes, teacher. Is very easy for me, I understand you. Thank you so much.
There are grammar mistakes on the next short text. Can you find them?
Ronnie has started the video explain what is a dream, and tell us that there are peoples that have dreams only in black and white. Furthermore, there are people that dream in the first person and others dream in the third person. Immediately, she explains the some kind of them: lucid, nightmare, recurring and prophetic, and the difference between daydreams and nightdreams. Finally, she talks about some characteristics related, and a possible explanation of each one. I will try to apply the final recommendation of her to increase the lucid dreams, if this doesn’t work it doesn’t matter, I will have eaten cheese.
I like you Ronnie
Gunena Imen
hey, how will we talk about our dreams next day ? with past tense?
I dreams in coulor and I never thought about this question it’s a good quastion I never see anyone ask about it
Thanks for the lesson, but why the writing in the screen is not too clear?is there any thing i should do to make it too clear.
How i love you my Funny namesake :) I always have a lucid dream and it makes me feel excited
Roni Geo
hi miss RONNIE my mother say that if i have a nightmare i go to the bathroom and spit three times in my left
thank you
thank you ronnie
youcefi english
I love your classes, Ronnie. You rock,girl!
Hello !!! You may asking about dream, i always watched color dreams and of cause i saw the thing happening the other side in my own eyes in my dream ………I just say you that i like you very much and the main thing i like most about is the ” Your personality of taking the class as a friendly teacher ” I wana just to say about that ” Keep it Up !!! I am with you ” Do your Best….Thank you…
Hey, I love this subject and you! Can’t wait to see lucid dreams! ^^
I only had a lucid dream once. I hope to have it again. It would be great.
Hi Roonie!
I have watched your lesson about Gerund and Infinitive. It’s great!:D But I don’t know what to do whith difficult shcool’s rules? Don’t I have to learn a long list of verbs? I thought there are some verbs, that can be used ONLY in Gerund or ONLY in Infinitive form… You said, it doesn’t matter what verb we use, it’s important just not to mix gerund and Infinitive. We use Gerund or Infinitive with ALL verbs?or not?
Thanks for your lessons.Please answer my question.
Good luck!!;)
Fatty Catty
good topic nice lessen MAM
Do not think about your dreams, please) you can make something real!
Thanks Rommy
thanks Ronnie ^_^
I always see on my dreams what gona happen on future but i keep it for my self and dont share it ., and i have very bad nightmarre when u are wake up buy ur body still paralised and u cant get up its like horor movie
Ronnie! ❤
I have a dream: I want to learn english, enough to talk to you ^^
I watch all your lessons!
Great Video! I will try to eat cheese before go to bed! :) .Thanks for all!
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for your lessons, the first video I watch in the Internet (Youtube), was your video and then I started watch Engvid.
I have interest in your plan Visit Toronto with Ronnie, When I can I will do. Have a nice day
Hi Ronnie
my dreams are black and white. I like your lessons a lot , you’re a great and funny teacher
Hi. Ronni
You are the best teacher I ever have seen.
Thanks for your videos.
I am from Iran and Since I have become familiar with Engvid video, my Speaking have got better.
I’m crazy about your gesture and actions in teaching lessons.
thanks alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
when i was child a bad dreams came true.
vane Osorio
I had the triple dream Oneday, I found dreaming myself in dream and I asked the dream to other.
Hi there! I’m new here I love this site I liked your lesson, Ronnie ^-^
Razoon Zanzoon
eat human flesh , LOL
My dreams are always colour,when I was younger I have many nightmares, but nowadays I have prophetic dreams, sometimes they scared me a lot! Anyway I like very much to dream …
Nice Vid and very interesting
eat stinky cheese ? I would like to try it. I would never have thought something like that. I always learn something funny with you Ronnie.
Watch your videos always will be a fun experience.
I always have nightmares.thank you Ronnie
I loved the lesson!
In Mexico, we have an expression “se me subió el muerto”, it is like worse than nightmares. You feel that some ghost is on your body, you can barely breathe or move in your bed, but you think you are awake, you try to scream or running away until you wake up…you realize it was a really bad dream (“se me subió el muerto”). There is an expression in English for describing this situation?
Yes, it’s called sleep paralysis. This was the original meaning of “nightmare”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks Ronnie. It’s very interesting.
Yours all lessons are perfect. Thanks for everything!
when i was 10 , i has a creapy dream . In my dearm ,i wake up , go into tollet then i come back my bed. Guess what , i see myself was sleeping in bed . I look around ,nobody is here .Too afraid , i sit on my bed and lay down. Then i wake up in the real world
I’m happy to join Engvid and being Ronny’s student.
i hope, i will/shall gain so much more with you.
I would like to ask, when do we use will and shall?
You got 9 correct out of 10.
M kartal
I had a terrible dream that I really want to go to the toilet, but I just can’t find it. It was terrible!
Nice lesson!
Naw Ring
9/10! Good! Let’s have a nice dream tonight! Stinky cheese?! I will never try it.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hylarious lesson, isn’t it? I’m sure you liked it Carlos. This lesson made my day ! ! !
I haven’t thought much about the two questions you posed at the beginning of the video Ronnie.
But one thing I’m sure of is that . . .
I suffer from recurrent wet dreams, any advice on this (LOL)? Once I had a dream . . .
Engaging lesson Ronnie! May all your dreams and resolutions come true this new year!
Happy New Year to all EngVid viewers ! ! !
very nice
I usually dream in color. I sometimes have nightmares and sometimes funny dreams :) Thank you, Ronnie. Interesting!
A very interesting class
Sometimes I have lucid dreams but I can’t wake up =|
Thank you Ronnie I sometimes have nightmare and nice dream in lately night some day.
I usually dream a lot. Sometimes, they are good and sometimes they are nightmare. Sometimes, my dreams are so complicated and so long just like an action movies. Sometimes, I think if I write them down, they will be an exciting story. But, I really don’t like to dream because it makes me exhausted so that after waking up, I don’t feel just like I am rested. I just feel I have been in some where else. :(
Anyway, thank you very much because your wonderful lesson.
Well I had this problem before, seeing maybe more than 100 different dreams during the night and in the morning time after walking up I felt very exhausted. anyway I went to see a Neurologist and he gave me some advices. problem solved!
you are my dream.grettings from Seville!!
thank you so much, ronnie!
I really appreciate your effort, and I loved this lesson, I love to talk about the dreams.
I’ve got really fun and funny lesson from you
Dear Ms Ronnie..
I quite understood this lesson from you that is what I expect from you all Engvid teachers..
Just I want to familiar of all your speech while you teaching.. That’s help me to do watch more lesson..
Thanks Ronnie.. I love your speech!!!………..
Hi, Emma.
I used to dream that there was someone chased me and I couldn’t run as fast as I wanted. I felt so tried. Have you dreamed that?
I am sure my dream has colors, not black and white because once night I have dreamed I saw a GREEN snake flying after me. It’s so scary!! And I’ve never dreamed I saw myself at all.
Hi Pakpao :)
Maybe you confused the name of the teacher :(
Her name is Ronnie :)
-And yes I have dream like yours
I’ve got some bad news…
hi Emma. I’d like to practise my english skills with you. Can we do it?) Im Alyona and im from Russia. Add my skype (alyonasweet1) if you are interested, please.
it depends on the situations, I dream in both black and white also colour.One time I had died in my dream-it was the worst dream ever seen.But sometimes My dreams come true about me,my job,my private life and ect :)
Thank you guys for sharing your interesting dreams-experience )
And Big thanks to you Ronnie
Thank you
Thank you Ms.Ronnie
I’m usually recurring dream. Sometime white and black sometime color by the way I’m not control my dream.
Hi. It´s very interesting. Thank you for your class.
my dreams usually come in color , i sometimes have nightmares and fantasy dreams
Hi Ronnie! I can’t remember the most of my dreams. But I don’t worry about this! You are a great teacher. Congratulations! Thanks for your lessons!
Hi, i’ve heard when you dream yourself speaking another lenguage, that’s when you master the lenguage, what do you think about this?
I listened this too.
I used to have a ton of lucid dreams when I was a teenager, but I’ve since lost the ability. I wonder if it just has something to do with age and what we value as we get older.
Easy, Search that in Saint Google!!!
Hi teacher alex
I have only colour dreams and can’t even imagine black and white dream. Sometimes I can control my dreams and they all foretell the future. It’s very interesting lesson, thank you Ronnie!
As far as i know, i never dream in black and white, Sometimes i get lucid dream and sometimes i have recurring ones. Fortunately i rarely have nightmares. By the way, it’s been a fanny lesson as always :)
I’ve never seen blak&white dreams. But my grandpa sad, that he’s seen it.
Well, I am usually myself. But sometimes, very rarely, I can be the other person.
I don’t know the colour of my dream. but I have of prophetic dreams and nightmares.
Thanks Ronnie
I don’t know why but when I have a dream I see a huge place where I’m in like a matrix film when that guy
go through the computer programmer. Never happen there because I sleep in my dreams.
Thank you Ronnie
i usually have a dreams in color. Actually i didn’t see my self in dreams it like watching a movie and i part of it
If I ate some stinky cheese ( the typical Italian ” gorgonzola ” for example ) in all likelihood I’d throw up all night long……anyway, lucidly…. :)
Well, I mostly don’t remenber my dreams content and if I try it, they look like they were without colours even not black or white, however i remenber having a very vivid, explendid dream with a frend who recently was died, he was playing a wanderful piece of music on the keyboard and when i approached and started to
to shake his hand congratulating him i realized that he was died, inmediately after my happiness tuned into fear evenso i could manage to say . But you are died! and just after this
his figure gradually dissolved away. The next day I went in town and by coincidence i met his father who told me that he the last night had dreamed with his deceased son, who in the dream cried out Dad I’m free! I’m free Dad!That’s been one of the most strange and exciting dreams I’ve ever had and stil at the present being able to recall it.
Hoy recibi mi primera leccion y mi calificacion fue de 90 de 100!! Falle solo en 1! Stoy contenta.
Great lesson Ronnie! I always enjoy your funny, interesting videos.
My dreams always are in color. When I was a kid I usually had recurring dreams about planes falling down until the crash. I have no idea why, but I had a friend who also dreams that! It was amazing share our ‘crashing’ stories haha.
I will try your tip with the cheese tonight! :D
Thank you Ronnie.I always dream in color.
Ronnie, I like so much your explains!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
And I have prophetic dreams, foretell the future, I have the control and really cool have that kind of dreams…. jee, greetings from Mexico, Ronnie is the best teacher that I ever had in my life =D
My dreams are always colorful to me but I have never had prophetic dreams or lucid dreams before (How sad!). I remember having a terrible nightmare with hundreds of zombies chasing me. Spooky :D
Please, what is the meaning of “feathers and fudgesicles”
I love~~~ your video. Thanks Ms Ronnie ^^
Hi Ronnie. You are fantastic. It’s a pleasure for me learning by your videos. Ciao! ;)
Hi Ms. Ronnie, congratulations for your teaching.
This was my first classe and quiz for here, enjoyed very much, thank you!
I saw a lucid dream once. But when I realized that I was sleeping, i woke up in a few seconds.
Hi Ronnie, it’s funny but I don’t know if my dreams are in black and white or in color.
Its fantastic, What mistakes I did to select correct answer, Now I understood. Thanks for thinking different about people mentality.
Its fantastic, What mistakes I did to select correct answer, Now I understood. Thanks for thinking different about people mentality. Can you please reply if you could attend this quiz competition how much you scored.
Usually, I dream Nightmares.what does that mean ?
Thank you very much Ronnie!!
Have you ever dreamt that you speak very very fluently a foreign language???It happened to me once, and it was really amazing ;)
I usually dream with floods.
I Like it!!
Hi ;) give your whatsapp or fb, please! We’ll improve our english together and will be friends :)
Excellent lesson :)
Hi Ronnie from Colombia and hello everybody..I use to dream in black ad white when I was younger, but today well I am not so old, I am dreaming in full color sometimes, a couple times i could feel like my soul, or my mental energy go outside, and it´s frequently too to feel “sleep paralysis” that is very uncomfortable, in any case it´s fantastic can dream every night thanks Ronnie you are unique..¡¡
ahh of course I had a lucid dream only one time and a lot nightmares..¡¡
Thanks, Ronnie! I got 100!
I sometimes have a lucid dream and I wake up …I control my dream….
Last night a had a dream…I was picking peaches, and they were very red. My interpretation was that is time for harvest in my life. Thanks for your support. and like you said “have a sweet dreams”
I had a nightdream. I was falling down very fast and i couldn’t control it. Then I wake up and sweat a lot and I felt very afraid of it. But Now I am doing yoga everyday, so I sleep very well and don’t have dream any more. Yoga make to change my health being better. That’s amazing
Thank you for your lesson, Ronnie!
I dream in color.
Sometimes I have lucid dreams, but I can’t always control them.
I loved video
I dream in black and white but i know, when i want , the color of things and the people.
I do love this class! Thank you Ronnie!
It was an interesting and funny lesson, thank you Ronnie.
i have colour dreams) and i`m myself in it)
interesting lesson! thank You, Ronnie!
i have color dreams,sometimes nightmare! great class! thanks Ronnie!
This lesson was awesome!
There’s no ways or word’s to say about how you’re are a nice teacher. Congratulations ????
Thanks My Teacher 2
I think that i often have a colour dreams, It was so interesting lesson, but i can’t make quiz, It was difficult for me…
Trust me, you don’t want to know what I dream.
Weel, i dream in colours. I didn’t know anyone could dream in black and white. hehehe
And i am going to try about the cheese some day.
I am going to bad now, hopping to have sweet dreams.
thanks my humorous teacher
I sometime have dreams but I can’t remember them now to tell you here.
Thanks Ronnie. It was very interesting to think about dreams. :)
thank you ronnıe. I’m related to this subject and my dreams are prophetic.
Hi ronnie thankyou for the lessone it was very usefule I want to speak english with you online if it Possible.
I can not see it. Why?
Thanks for lesson.It was funny and interesting.
Although I dream in colour, my dreams happen more often in black and white. I’ve already had nightmares, vivid dreams, and recurring dreams. But my dreams have been more normal lately.
Mostly I don’t remember my dreams, but I feel that I have lots of dreams. Maybe I should write after I wake up.
when I wake up in the morning and fall sleep again, I dreams a lot…
Funny teacher; I like her.
I have never listened this means before … haha I liked it
Thank you,I like your lesson very much.
Really interesting. Thank you Ronnie!
I think I’ve had all kinds of dreams you mentioned!
this lesson was just what the doctor ordered. i really needed those explanations. thank you ronny so much.
this teacher is best the best thank you .
hi ronnie i am so excited about your lesson today and firstly i am dreaming both of kinds but mostly in color dreams .
in other side i am watching my self in dreams as a movie show and may be i am not the same face or character but i know in dream that was me .
Also i have a recurring dream that i got married without any preparation before marriage and i suddenly be with my husband.
the explanation of when you falling in dreams and you waked up that because all your devices stopped working and your brain had a signal from body to wake up so you survived .
interesting. masryeen(:
Wow , i’m not alone here ^^
very cool
Hello Ronnie , hello everyone ,
Interesting lesson . Talking about dreams I almost fell asleep and I would have dreamed. When we get older it seems that we have less lucid dreams so , knowing if uncounsious dreams are in colour or not becomes more difficult. I confess that I can’t remember what the colour of my youth’s dreams was like . I was never chased in my dreams but my main nightmare when I was child was a kinda big wheel rolling continously with nothing to motion it , and it made me scared awfully. I never dreamed about death , neither mine or someone else but I had a dream seeing myself in a coffin and oddly it was a good feeling : bad untrue situations can be good dreams , strange aint they ?!!! strangely
talking about dream is a topic that makes everyone tell there own story. It works even on me . A last thing, when it happens that you live a situation that you feel it alreday happened , is it related to dreams and how can we name this ?
I hope you bring an explaination .
Bye Ronnie , I am waiting your next lesson .
Nice :)
Hi engvid Website management staff .
I use a tablet (IPad) , I can leave a comment as you can guess but I can’t replie to the comment of others. Do you have any idea to fix the problem?
Thanks for you answer
Awesome Ronnie! You are looks like good dream expert! my dream i dream about some animal are eating a city!
Aaaaahhhhh!!! Run!!!!!
thank you teacher of this class ! i love it ! i dream in colour 1
Thanks your class was fun and I learned a lot!.
Hi Ronnie!
Its surprsing that in fact some people dream in black and white , I just thought that everyone has colorful dreams just like me lol ( Thanks,I found that I took many things in life for granted. )
Usually in dream I do actions, at times I am also an observor.
I have recurring dreams, and I ever have the same dream with my twin brother.
If the clock rings when I am dreaming, I just feel sooooo tired the entire day, I feel like that my brain doesn’t rest all night long, so I don’t really like dreams to a certain extent.
I have color dreams and always myself doing the action
i dream in colours and sometimes i see myself in the dream… you are so cool i love you videos… im new in here by the way
Welcome to EngVid! Being here is like making a dream come true. Interacting with people from practically all over the globe, makes a huge difference when learning a foreign language.
I dream in colors and sometimes I see myself in the dream and sometimes Ididn’t
and thanks Ronnie you are so funny
Welcome to EngVid!
Even I’m so elated to being here. ??
i do’nt remember my dreams
thank you Ronnie
Hi,Ronnie you’re the best teacher ever,congrets!
I meant congrats!
Thanks Ronnie.. I`m a beginner and i`ve got 100 for my first lesson. I have a pleasure to learning English with you.
About my dream,i have a lot of wonderfull dreams. I always dream in color. I ever had dreaming like i`m a main actrist in Matrix movie, and i shooting out the Robotic Virus, lol. In other dream like you said, i dream about i`m arounding many zombies, i scared, but amazingly i can fly.. what its mean?
I’m laughing becouse the last question in the quiz, more exact becouse the variant to eat human flesh :) I accidentally pressed this variant)
Thanks for your lessons, Ronnie. You’re my lovely teacher!
I see different dreams. Sometimes they are so exciting, vivid,nice, kind, but seldom they are nightmares,then I can wake up from crying , screaming…Oh,It’s awful.
But I love dreams, it’s similar to a little fairy-tale in my life. And I believe in people, who can see Prophetic Dreams.
Frecuently when I wake up I dont remember what I just dreamed
it is so frustating .
This lesson was cool, sometimes, at the past I had dreams that I was falling.
thanks for your class Ronnie, I usually remember my dreams and I sometimes think that all my dreas is true and I need take a moment for comeback to reality, and I have had long dreams ad sometimes I think that I have two lives.
I will never forget this lesson ????
Thanks for interesting explanation.I enjoyed learning it :)
Well,I had those kind of dreams now I know what they mean.Thanks!
I also have lucid dreams(of courese in the morning i forget them, but during the day i can practically remember every piece of it)
Thanks for interesting dreams. :)
Hi Ronnie you are fantastic teacher, I had a recurring dream many years ago, it was awful. I had same nightmare which is very scary..
your lessons really fun.
thank you :)
My dream is Colorful . I had recurring dream like nightmare when i was child now i don’t have any recurring one . No my dreams are quite different and i forget most of them .
My dream usually in black and white color, i’m not usually remember that my dreams is when I wake up :), Sometime I dreamed about Sex hehe, sometime death, sometime I fall out, be chased by the ghost, my dream is LUCID type, I can recognized that I just dream, when I going to die I’ll wake myself up, !!Thanks Ronnie and have a nightmare :D
Ronnie, u´re amazing!!! Thx thx thx…
thank you,I really enjoyed the lesson
amazing lesson .
sometimes dreaming analysis does not true , but some dreams become true . thanks
I enjoyed this lesson.
I usually dream in color, like in a film I see myself in anction, like a film
the last question XD
I liked so much this lesson.
Actually it changes on me sometimes black&white sometimes colourful.Sometimes I am spy , sometimes I am player its weird.
Thanks Ronnie! You’re the best teacher that I’d ever had.
Hi, it was very very informative lesson, thanks a bunch. we can mention about different kinds of dreams like “wet dreams”, “signal dreams”or “False Awakenings dreams”.
something else I’d like to mention is that subtitle of video is very clear but just one word was written wrong, because of typo probably: “reoccurring dream” instead of “recurring dream”.
I used to have a recurring dream about having a dark skin(black) baby girl. She was standing in a mall and always after saw her, I tried to take a look to find her mother (my wife/partner/etc) but never could find her mother.
I saw this recurring dream several times. Who knows maybe someday I will adopt a girl like her and I would be her mother and father!
Thank you very much that was very interesting lesson you are the best teacher in the world
Veeery cooool! :-)
I’ve found a misprint in the quiz: mattress.
You are amazing. Thank you . EGYPT.
HI guys! I’m from brazil. Thanks for all the things!
i am going to tell you about my dream. you want to know?
thanks you for your interesting informations.
Yay. Thank you, so interesting class!!!
thank you Ronnie 80%.
good topic
I don’t remember my dreams. but I remember my channel because I have a lot of channels in my dreams ( channel Lucid , channel Nightmares, channel Prophetic, channel Cheating ) depends of my situation.
By the way, I got a bad result 70/100
Interesting lesson, I’ve also answered all questions correctly.
i liked you
thanks you! my pretty teacher!! today i have watched you so i think i am going to have a night mare ;) thanks alot!
I liked this video. Thank`s Ronnie!
Thanks for lesson, it was very fun! When I dream it’s always normal dreams and in colour by the way. I wish I could experience that lucid dream I have to admit. A friend of mine is had lucid dream and she said: I’ve enjoyed it. :)
Very interesting lesson. I have a dreams about my future.
thanks alot :D , that was very interesting ,i really enjoyed listening to you and whatching the whole video , keep doing this good stuff ! :)
Some people never remember what they dreamed, they only know that it happend, I always remember my dreams, always in color, reccurring dreams often, fallen to the darkness or going to a dark room and when I am there, I start to punch and kicking the air, jajja I know this means uncertainty.. sometimes I dream of flying, without wings, wherever I want, this is my favorite dream..
interested class…..actually I don’t remember my dream color
excellent topic Ronnie, really interesting. I got 90 in the quiz.
Eating stinky cheese before going to bed? You must be joking!
I really enjoy your classes, Ronnie. Thanks in advace for all your advices during them.
What a great lessons for beginners.
Massive lesson!
I dream in colour and I can see myself in my dreams :)
A lots of new vocabulary for me in your speaking and in your writting. Thank you Ronnie, dreams it is very thrilling topic.
I often have colorful dreams that I swim in the beautiful coral reefs. Sometimes I only watch my swimming. I’m afraid of water…
Thank Ronnie, this lesson has been very interesting. Thank
Very interesting lesson, I liked it so much.
Thank you for teaching me to english.
It is very good for me.
My Dreams always in color and I am doing all the action in the dream.
It was a lot cool disocovering more about the dreams’s meanings. That’s a very interesting issue to be considered!
very nice explanation… Ronni is an excellente teacher …I love her.
follow your dreams, just make sure to have fun too! ;)
Thanks for this lesson Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie, U are the best.
Daydreaming is my favorite thing to do each and everyday. ?
love it
I’m crazy about your lessons so much!!!gyus I’m desperate for practice,please add my contact in whats app and send me letter +996700334886
Thanks Ronnie
How do we call a dream,that is the one that we are not having for the first time,but the events have slightly changed(it can start with the point it ended last lime)? Do we still call it a recurring dream?
Thnk you, Ronnie. I loved that lisson. Have a nice day!
thank you
thank you Ronni for the interesting subject, i like your style in teaching, for my dreams i have colored dreams yet i don’t’ remember most of them.
Thank you so much for teaching me and doing that in a such attractive way!
Frequently i got recurring dreams as I was fear about speaking in front others in English. This might happen because I thought I have less confidence while speaking. That was the reason I always in dreams of recurring.
thank you
I haven’t deams, it means I don’t remember my dreams. It’s very pity . Thank you Ronnie for very interesting class.
Hey Ronnie,
the answer to your question is in both color or black and white, in both the person doing the action or watching myself do the action.
Thank you for a great explanation about dreams!!
Thank you.
I like your classes, teacher. Is very easy for me, I understand you. Thank you so much.
There are grammar mistakes on the next short text. Can you find them?
Ronnie has started the video explain what is a dream, and tell us that there are peoples that have dreams only in black and white. Furthermore, there are people that dream in the first person and others dream in the third person. Immediately, she explains the some kind of them: lucid, nightmare, recurring and prophetic, and the difference between daydreams and nightdreams. Finally, she talks about some characteristics related, and a possible explanation of each one. I will try to apply the final recommendation of her to increase the lucid dreams, if this doesn’t work it doesn’t matter, I will have eaten cheese.
I like you Ronnie
hey, how will we talk about our dreams next day ? with past tense?
I dreams in coulor and I never thought about this question it’s a good quastion I never see anyone ask about it
Thanks for the lesson, but why the writing in the screen is not too clear?is there any thing i should do to make it too clear.
How i love you my Funny namesake :) I always have a lucid dream and it makes me feel excited
hi miss RONNIE my mother say that if i have a nightmare i go to the bathroom and spit three times in my left
thank you
thank you ronnie
I love your classes, Ronnie. You rock,girl!
Hello !!! You may asking about dream, i always watched color dreams and of cause i saw the thing happening the other side in my own eyes in my dream ………I just say you that i like you very much and the main thing i like most about is the ” Your personality of taking the class as a friendly teacher ” I wana just to say about that ” Keep it Up !!! I am with you ” Do your Best….Thank you…
Hey, I love this subject and you! Can’t wait to see lucid dreams! ^^
I only had a lucid dream once. I hope to have it again. It would be great.
Hi Roonie!
I have watched your lesson about Gerund and Infinitive. It’s great!:D But I don’t know what to do whith difficult shcool’s rules? Don’t I have to learn a long list of verbs? I thought there are some verbs, that can be used ONLY in Gerund or ONLY in Infinitive form… You said, it doesn’t matter what verb we use, it’s important just not to mix gerund and Infinitive. We use Gerund or Infinitive with ALL verbs?or not?
Thanks for your lessons.Please answer my question.
Good luck!!;)
good topic nice lessen MAM
Do not think about your dreams, please) you can make something real!
Thanks Rommy
thanks Ronnie ^_^
I always see on my dreams what gona happen on future but i keep it for my self and dont share it ., and i have very bad nightmarre when u are wake up buy ur body still paralised and u cant get up its like horor movie
Ronnie! ❤
I have a dream: I want to learn english, enough to talk to you ^^
I watch all your lessons!
Great Video! I will try to eat cheese before go to bed! :) .Thanks for all!
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for your lessons, the first video I watch in the Internet (Youtube), was your video and then I started watch Engvid.
I have interest in your plan Visit Toronto with Ronnie, When I can I will do. Have a nice day
Hi Ronnie
my dreams are black and white. I like your lessons a lot , you’re a great and funny teacher
Hi. Ronni
You are the best teacher I ever have seen.
Thanks for your videos.
I am from Iran and Since I have become familiar with Engvid video, my Speaking have got better.
I’m crazy about your gesture and actions in teaching lessons.
thanks alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
when i was child a bad dreams came true.
I had the triple dream Oneday, I found dreaming myself in dream and I asked the dream to other.
Hi there! I’m new here I love this site I liked your lesson, Ronnie ^-^
eat human flesh , LOL
My dreams are always colour,when I was younger I have many nightmares, but nowadays I have prophetic dreams, sometimes they scared me a lot! Anyway I like very much to dream …
Nice Vid and very interesting
eat stinky cheese ? I would like to try it. I would never have thought something like that. I always learn something funny with you Ronnie.
Watch your videos always will be a fun experience.
I always have nightmares.thank you Ronnie
I loved the lesson!
In Mexico, we have an expression “se me subió el muerto”, it is like worse than nightmares. You feel that some ghost is on your body, you can barely breathe or move in your bed, but you think you are awake, you try to scream or running away until you wake up…you realize it was a really bad dream (“se me subió el muerto”). There is an expression in English for describing this situation?
Yes, it’s called sleep paralysis. This was the original meaning of “nightmare”.
Thanks Ronnie. It’s very interesting.
Yours all lessons are perfect. Thanks for everything!
when i was 10 , i has a creapy dream . In my dearm ,i wake up , go into tollet then i come back my bed. Guess what , i see myself was sleeping in bed . I look around ,nobody is here .Too afraid , i sit on my bed and lay down. Then i wake up in the real world
I’m happy to join Engvid and being Ronny’s student.
i hope, i will/shall gain so much more with you.
I would like to ask, when do we use will and shall?
You got 9 correct out of 10.
I had a terrible dream that I really want to go to the toilet, but I just can’t find it. It was terrible!
Nice lesson!
9/10! Good! Let’s have a nice dream tonight! Stinky cheese?! I will never try it.
Thank you very much.