Are you a manager? Do you want to be a manager? This English lesson will teach you how to sound like one! When you’re the boss, you need to communicate effectively with your colleagues, clients, and other office workers. In this lesson, I teach you several expressions to use in a professional English-speaking environment, so that you can sound like the boss. Can I 'count on you' to learn this? I know you can 'fit it into' your schedule. If you can 'pull it off', you should 'follow up' by taking the quiz!
It is great to have new teachers on board at EngVid.
Welcome on board Benjamin.
Even though you may not be interested in being a manager, it is important to be familiar with these formal expressions so that you can get into a conversation with your boss/the manager in formal working environments.
Excellent lesson Benjamin!!!
All the best.
you are right Regino,there are times that we are talking to people and they come out with expressions that confuses far as im concerned people dont think about if we understand what they are saying.for them its obvious that if a person is speaking the language,he or she must be understanding the conversation.with this kind of expressions im sure we can fit in into any working enviroment
I also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same as your idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gee!!! Making mistakes as usual . . .
Welcome aboard Benjamin!
I also welcome on broad benjamin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Benjamin
welcome to engvid, thanks for a great lesson.
Hi Benjamin,
Welcome to Engvid. You have very good pronunciation. Keep going to good work.
great lesson, where are u from Benjamin?
He’s from London, his accent is pretty obvious :D
Bel Linwood
I’m from Devon in the South West of England although I’ve lived in London now for about 8 years.
Hello Sir,I love your British accent very much^^(little secret:I don’t like American accent),and I only following you to learn English。I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by your English humour AND your accent。so,thank you Sir^^
Felix Schneider
And one more question,Sir:Do you have any account,like Facebook or Twitter,was followed by your students or fans?If you have that,please tell us.(I have followed your Youtube account^^)
Felix Schneider
Many thanks, We were all waiting for a teacher like you.
Very good Job. I did the quiz. Thanks Benjamin.
Nice to meet you, Benjamin! Thank you for your lesson :)
o ha yo gou za yi mas ! Happy04,are you a japanese ?i am really interested in learning Japanese too,can i add you on skype or Email ? my thank you.
Eric Chan
Great lesson, thanks.
It was a very good lesson, very usefull in work enviroment
so useful lesson ..thanks
Welcome Teacher Benjamin, what a great lesson. Just like other teachers here in Engvid, you are very lively. I’m looking forward to watch your next lessons.
Bel Linwood
Hi Benjamin, thank you so much and welcome aboard!
Hi Benjamin. Thanks for you. I’m glad to hear another teacher with Britain accent. As always, all EngVid staff is doing it well, and you got to help us.
Good lesson teacher Benjamim. Tahanks a lot
Celso Rialli
Celso Rialli
Great lesson,
I got 10,
thanks and welcome
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Benjamin.
By the way, your pronunciation sounds great.
Eddie Tseng
that helps me alot ^___^ thanks :D
welcome by my new cooL Teacher ^__^ :) :D :D
100% ^__^ :D
I’ve aleardy liked him, what an accent Benjamin rather than his way of teaching. . Wish you the best!
Welcome…. I love your accent !!! :-)
Interesting quiz Benjamin; the focus was -in part, I think- on prepositions, words that give real headaches to English students.
Thanks again!
Bye for now Benjamin.
I love you and and your inflection!
This is”the”English I heard in England!!!
Thanks Benjamin!
Great accent Benjamin :) Very usefull lesson :)
Welcome to EngVid, Benjamin.
Like your accent and lesson, thank you
Fellis Seth
And BTW you’re very beautiful, Fellis Seth…:*
Thiago Silva
Welcome to EngVid,Benjamim.I’m looking forward to your next lessons.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin
Welcome as my new teacher
I m very happy to getting 90% marks.
Abdul Qayum
hello Benjamin I like you English could I ask you quest where are u from
berah oussama
he’s from London, England :) anyway, its written in his bio data above although you can easily judge by his accent.
Congrats, Benjamin, you are very welcome!!!
One more British teacher, that’s why is the best way forward!!!
And be sure I’m going to follow you up, ’cause you definitely pull things off!!!
See you
Thiago Silva
Hello Benjamin,
that is an amazing video.I am looking forward to see new ones.You are now one of the reasons why I like British accent :)
hello Benjamin,thank u for the lesson. im sure you will be a very good teacher we can rely on.
Welcome Benjamin, you are a great teacher!
JESUS loves you!
bye bye>> :D
hi sir!! welcome to engVid :) i have a little doubt regarding the pronunciation of the word ‘pronunciation’. at 1:19, you say ‘pronoUnciation’ it okay to say it like that?
Welcome, Benjamin! Thanks a lot and good luck!
Thx, Ben.
I’ll follow up your lessons. I count on them. I am sure to fit them into my schedule . We likely to pull it off
proverbial horse
What a good lesson!!!!!!
stephen lee
Absolutely great teaching!
Welcome Benjamin! You are such a good teacher, we are very lucky students.
Keep teaching that way, it’s great!
it’s great
Thanks teacher,
Your are the best mister I have ever seen
100 Benjamin!
but is only lucky i think
Welcome Benjamin. The lesson is very good. I got 10 :-)
I learned a lot.
Thank you for this lesson, it was very helpful.I have learned a lot !!!
thank you very much
Wow.. You are incredible. I loved your lesson. I want you to be welcomed. Hug there. All the best.
Santiago Perera
I’ve gotten one hundred percent. huhu…
Santiago Perera
Good evening!
I enjoy your lesson. It was great. I have got only 90%.
The best site to learn real english.!
Junior Rodriguez
Welcome =)
Hey I’d like to know when we should use, for example:
The door’s key
The door key
The key of the door
(In general, not only explaning this phrase)
Thank you =)
Thanks, this is a good lesson before be a boss. I got 90 points
Jst love your british accent and lesson! You’re so great teaching, explaining! Looking forward to you next lesson :)Thank you!
Good lesson, Benjamin
OMG, i didn’t expect’re really a great teacher..
Benjamin, I love your accent. Thanks.
Can you explain to me the different between
Did you ask ?
Have you asked ?
hussam awama
Many thanks, man! :)
bundle of thanks
Thank’s a lot and welcome to EngVid, Mr Benjamin..
Good Presentation and lesson
good one..sir..its was an informative
Thanks so much Mr.Benjamin
Another Top Class Teacher. This keeps getting better and Better, way to go guys.
Great! A new teacher!!!! Welcome to the Engvid team, Benjamin! An essential information!Many thanks!
Thanks again. Now I know that Wind can be pronounced in two different ways. It is a heteronyms!
Very interesting lesson. Pr Benjamin you’re welcome. this is ENGVID the space of exchange.
cheikh sneibe
I’ll try to exchange ideas when I can!
Nice vedeo.Nice teacher.Thank you and good lack with engvid.
you are also nice
Another excellent teacher to join EngVid team, with such a beautiful accent! Good luck Benjamin and very welcome!
hello benjamin i’m so excited to learn something new as u do in that lesson it was realy great thanks so much u have a great accent by the way i like british accent (:
10 out of 10. Thanks Benjamin
I’d love your voice Benjamin :D You have funny hair :))
thank you, sir. i got 10 on 10.
Hi Benjamin! I love your British accent!! Keep going:-)
Hello Benjamin,
Welcome to the Engvid team.
And many thanks for this great lesson.
I love your accent <3
Welcome Benjamin
Nice, Interesting and Funny Class!
I’ll look forward to your next videos.
Well done, thx!
i am really sorry i want to ask how to download videos here?
thanks,I like your accent
Quiz was very easy :(
thank you for this lesson
80% on quiz. Benjamin, good lesson, very eloquent, good explanation, congratulations and welcome to EngVid.
Jorge Pedroso
it was very easy lesson. thanks benjamin. i got 10 correct out of 10.
why would you say wind up which rhymes with kind when you normally pronounce wind as it is written? that just confused me :/
The “wind” that rhymes with “kind” isn’t related to the short-i “wind”. Think of them as two different words… with the same spelling.
engVid Moderator
more and more please
you are a new teacher on ENGVID welcome to you bring lessons fast ok benjamin
Abdullah yousuf seman
Hello Benjamin. I’m so delighted to welcome you to EngVid society and i’m really looking forward to watching your videos. My problem with English is that i can understand every single word, statement, and sentence of the speech. I can even understand native speakers who usually speak very fast so easily. The problem is when I’m up to speak out, i find it a bit harder, i mean, i can’t express my thoughts and feelings in English as perfect and fluent as native speakers do. i’m waiting your advice.
Yazeed Alsahafi
Practise speaking with an experienced speaker of English.
Hi friend! I’m really interested in meeting new people who love learning ebglish and I’ve just read your comment I found that it matches with the way I think about english! I think we both could be friends and share knoweldge about this!
Gustave E.
Thank you for your lesson
I love your accent
nice. i’ve got 10 out of 10
The accent remind me IT Crowd. Next time you can say the London famous – BRILLIANT. It sounds really great. Thanks for lesson, sir.
helpful and enjoyable test
thanks from Jordan its great lesson :))
Saad al nablsy
Thanks you Binjamen, good lesson.
Tnanks a lot, Benjamin! It was excellent! And also actor’s skills are appreciated!:)
ihad finished it up with 100% success!
hello teacher your lesson so difficult > why not give us easy word and easy sentence > that i was talking about it thank you so much
hassan salem
it was a piece of cake!!
the teacher is handsome.i have a 10.hahahaha
the teacher is handsome.i have a 10.hahahaha
thanks a million
thank you
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Teacher for you excellent lesson
Great lesson. Thanks
This web site is AWESOMEE! if you wanna learn english this site helps you a lot of
You can separate that taught me English?
Very Good Lesson
Thank you so much Benjamin!!
I love british accent. I think we are going to enjoy your lessons very much. I will follow you on Facebook too, thank you!
Hi Benjamin,
I got 100%.
Thanks for your videos.
nice presentation.
saiduzzaman munna
Good classes, I could understand the majority of communication
Mr. Benjamin is good teacher, the lesson was so clear
Thanks for your help! Interesting lesson!
great! I got 100 !!
?how ican use (draw to close)in sentence
Thanks benjamin.. I like the way you teach us.. I got 90
Thank you Benjamin!10/10 More advanced lessons please! Viacheslav from Russia with love!Peace for Ukraine!
It’s a very advanced lessons. I really don’t know if it’ll be useful for me in the future, I hope so :D
Great teacher,lessons is very good it was very helpful. I got 100%… Thanks a lot Benjamin, ;) ;) ;)
It is a interesting lesson. Thanks.
Ngo Cao Minh
thanks! (:
Edgar Mile
Hi, Benjamin :)
I like the way you teaching very much! Can you provide a lesson about tips of chit-chats? :)
i got 10 correct out 10 ))
10/10!~~I’ve put this off.
i didn’t understand the last idiom “draw to a close” but u r great of curse
I am very glad that you teach English lesson, because you are a good speaker.
And I will use these way that I have learned form this lesson in daily work.
please submit new video as well
i’m new here.and great hello from Georgia..i like Benjamin the nice teacher :)
Ok, 90 %, thanks Benjamin.
many thanks Benjamin,
we need a lesson about titles and hierarchy in organization. thank u :)
Thank you,90%!!!
may you please explain again the meaning of draw to close finally thank you very much for all the thing
best regards
Thank you,90%
Hello everybody, i am a colombian lawyer trying get ready for the ielts exam, and thanks to this web site i know i am goin to pull it off. thanks.
Thank you Benjamin. All the best for you!
Your lesson is great and usual. tks so much.
Thais Nara
Thanks, it has really help. :)
Thanks, it has really help. :)
new teacher
I’d missed British accent. Thanks Benjamin ^^,
Nur Banu
8/10 Thanks!!!
I got 10 out of 10 feeling good
Thanks for the great class
thanks a lot i got 10/10 wow…
it,s great
amr elbalky
I did like your explanation! I love the way you teach, you make things to be stored easily! Best teacher ever!
Gustave E.
Thank you Benjamin. Stay this way please
good words Ben, thanks Teacher..
Mustafit Anwar
I have just registred on this site. And after i saw this video, i want to express my huge respect for teacher!
Its really great…… :)
Well, all lessons in this amazing website are very interesting. I’m glad to be here :D
70You got 7 correct out of 10.
my propblem in english,I remember vocabulary very bad so I don’t have enough vocabulary to speak.
can you show me the best way to learn vocabulary
I like the way you teach the lesson, so vivaciously, I enjoyed your lesson very much!
Anny Hu
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
i got 10 correct out of 10, new great lesson.Thanks indeed
I’ll follow up your next videos Benjamin. You’re so good.
benjamin looks like that “GOLLUM” character from Lord of the Rings..
Thank you very much Benjamin
thanks Benjamin .. your accent is interesting.
I think you have never been out of England.
Ghalib Bin Talib
very intetsting thk u
Thank you
I find it very interesting, thank you
It was very much of interesting
I’m so exited ..god bless you
thank you,ı have done 8/10, ı just dınt undertstand aim to…who give to me one sample about that.
yurrec ader
aim to peefect.thanks
teacher Benjamin,
Thank you for your lesson
Thank you Brnjamim,your classes are very interesting
Very interesting lesson Benjamin! TOP
U r very good at what u do … thx
i’ve got 100 again like always.
Mohsen Barati
10 correct out of 10 again! I don’t know if I am a good listener of your videos or just good at english from the day I was born. But if I know something that would be to know that you are a good teacher.
great teacher
This was a interesting lesson about an applicant theme. Thanks Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Poor Bob! hahahaha. I loved the class. I´ve got 10 out of 10.
hi Benjamin its very interesting and since video
Thank you Benjamin!
thanks man
hussien fahmy
thanks Benjamin, it was a very useful lesson.
Waiting for more!
Thank you ! I like very much your accent!
awesome this lesson, many thnaks
Excellent, i like it
Yeeeeeeyyy!!! 8 de 10 !!! Well done Alex!!
Thank all you for build up this great site!
Muchas gracias :D
It was great lesson! Thank you! It will be useful in my daily work.
Oh that is good
nader gamar
good explanation
Thanks Benjamin! The lesson was really useful. I try all ways to improve my business English :)
Thank you so much Benjamin for teaching me about this. BTW I like your accent.I wish I can speak like you (:
Excellent and useful lesson Mr. Benjamin
thanks a lot :)
i got 100% thanks sir go a heard
Thanks Benjamin.
I feell so good with my 10/10.
Great lesson! I have one short question. Could you help me to solve my problem? What is a difference between saying “at completing” and “to completing” in a sentence with aim?
Alexa Lemony
A good quiz. I’d like to mention that you are a very good teacher. I do insist on this because I can be critical at times. But this shouldn’t detract from the fact I appreciate your work and find it helpful and enjoyable. All the best.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Welcome aboard Benjamin :)
It is great to have new teachers on board at EngVid.
Welcome on board Benjamin.
Even though you may not be interested in being a manager, it is important to be familiar with these formal expressions so that you can get into a conversation with your boss/the manager in formal working environments.
Excellent lesson Benjamin!!!
All the best.
you are right Regino,there are times that we are talking to people and they come out with expressions that confuses far as im concerned people dont think about if we understand what they are saying.for them its obvious that if a person is speaking the language,he or she must be understanding the conversation.with this kind of expressions im sure we can fit in into any working enviroment
I also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same as your idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gee!!! Making mistakes as usual . . .
Welcome aboard Benjamin!
I also welcome on broad benjamin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Benjamin
welcome to engvid, thanks for a great lesson.
Hi Benjamin,
Welcome to Engvid. You have very good pronunciation. Keep going to good work.
great lesson, where are u from Benjamin?
He’s from London, his accent is pretty obvious :D
I’m from Devon in the South West of England although I’ve lived in London now for about 8 years.
Hello Sir,I love your British accent very much^^(little secret:I don’t like American accent),and I only following you to learn English。I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by your English humour AND your accent。so,thank you Sir^^
And one more question,Sir:Do you have any account,like Facebook or Twitter,was followed by your students or fans?If you have that,please tell us.(I have followed your Youtube account^^)
Many thanks, We were all waiting for a teacher like you.
Very good Job. I did the quiz. Thanks Benjamin.
Nice to meet you, Benjamin! Thank you for your lesson :)
o ha yo gou za yi mas ! Happy04,are you a japanese ?i am really interested in learning Japanese too,can i add you on skype or Email ? my thank you.
Great lesson, thanks.
It was a very good lesson, very usefull in work enviroment
so useful lesson ..thanks
Welcome Teacher Benjamin, what a great lesson. Just like other teachers here in Engvid, you are very lively. I’m looking forward to watch your next lessons.
Hi Benjamin, thank you so much and welcome aboard!
Hi Benjamin. Thanks for you. I’m glad to hear another teacher with Britain accent. As always, all EngVid staff is doing it well, and you got to help us.
Good lesson teacher Benjamim. Tahanks a lot
Great lesson,
I got 10,
thanks and welcome
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Benjamin.
By the way, your pronunciation sounds great.
that helps me alot ^___^ thanks :D
welcome by my new cooL Teacher ^__^ :) :D :D
100% ^__^ :D
I’ve aleardy liked him, what an accent Benjamin rather than his way of teaching. . Wish you the best!
Welcome…. I love your accent !!! :-)
Interesting quiz Benjamin; the focus was -in part, I think- on prepositions, words that give real headaches to English students.
Thanks again!
Bye for now Benjamin.
I love you and and your inflection!
This is”the”English I heard in England!!!
Thanks Benjamin!
Great accent Benjamin :) Very usefull lesson :)
Welcome to EngVid, Benjamin.
Like your accent and lesson, thank you
And BTW you’re very beautiful, Fellis Seth…:*
Welcome to EngVid,Benjamim.I’m looking forward to your next lessons.
Thank you Mr. Benjamin
Welcome as my new teacher
I m very happy to getting 90% marks.
hello Benjamin I like you English could I ask you quest where are u from
he’s from London, England :) anyway, its written in his bio data above although you can easily judge by his accent.
Congrats, Benjamin, you are very welcome!!!
One more British teacher, that’s why is the best way forward!!!
And be sure I’m going to follow you up, ’cause you definitely pull things off!!!
See you
Hello Benjamin,
that is an amazing video.I am looking forward to see new ones.You are now one of the reasons why I like British accent :)
hello Benjamin,thank u for the lesson. im sure you will be a very good teacher we can rely on.
Welcome Benjamin, you are a great teacher!
JESUS loves you!
bye bye>> :D
hi sir!! welcome to engVid :) i have a little doubt regarding the pronunciation of the word ‘pronunciation’. at 1:19, you say ‘pronoUnciation’ it okay to say it like that?
Welcome, Benjamin! Thanks a lot and good luck!
Thx, Ben.
I’ll follow up your lessons. I count on them. I am sure to fit them into my schedule . We likely to pull it off
What a good lesson!!!!!!
Absolutely great teaching!
Welcome Benjamin! You are such a good teacher, we are very lucky students.
Keep teaching that way, it’s great!
it’s great
Thanks teacher,
Your are the best mister I have ever seen
100 Benjamin!
but is only lucky i think
Welcome Benjamin. The lesson is very good. I got 10 :-)
I learned a lot.
Thank you for this lesson, it was very helpful.I have learned a lot !!!
thank you very much
Wow.. You are incredible. I loved your lesson. I want you to be welcomed. Hug there. All the best.
I’ve gotten one hundred percent. huhu…
Good evening!
I enjoy your lesson. It was great. I have got only 90%.
The best site to learn real english.!
Welcome =)
Hey I’d like to know when we should use, for example:
The door’s key
The door key
The key of the door
(In general, not only explaning this phrase)
Thank you =)
Thanks, this is a good lesson before be a boss. I got 90 points
Jst love your british accent and lesson! You’re so great teaching, explaining! Looking forward to you next lesson :)Thank you!
Good lesson, Benjamin
OMG, i didn’t expect’re really a great teacher..
Benjamin, I love your accent. Thanks.
Can you explain to me the different between
Did you ask ?
Have you asked ?
Many thanks, man! :)
bundle of thanks
Thank’s a lot and welcome to EngVid, Mr Benjamin..
Good Presentation and lesson
good one..sir..its was an informative
Thanks so much Mr.Benjamin
Another Top Class Teacher. This keeps getting better and Better, way to go guys.
Great! A new teacher!!!! Welcome to the Engvid team, Benjamin! An essential information!Many thanks!
Thanks again. Now I know that Wind can be pronounced in two different ways. It is a heteronyms!
Very interesting lesson. Pr Benjamin you’re welcome. this is ENGVID the space of exchange.
I’ll try to exchange ideas when I can!
Nice vedeo.Nice teacher.Thank you and good lack with engvid.
you are also nice
Another excellent teacher to join EngVid team, with such a beautiful accent! Good luck Benjamin and very welcome!
hello benjamin i’m so excited to learn something new as u do in that lesson it was realy great thanks so much u have a great accent by the way i like british accent (:
10 out of 10. Thanks Benjamin
I’d love your voice Benjamin :D You have funny hair :))
thank you, sir. i got 10 on 10.
Hi Benjamin! I love your British accent!! Keep going:-)
Hello Benjamin,
Welcome to the Engvid team.
And many thanks for this great lesson.
I love your accent <3
Welcome Benjamin
Nice, Interesting and Funny Class!
I’ll look forward to your next videos.
Well done, thx!
i am really sorry i want to ask how to download videos here?
thanks,I like your accent
Quiz was very easy :(
thank you for this lesson
80% on quiz. Benjamin, good lesson, very eloquent, good explanation, congratulations and welcome to EngVid.
it was very easy lesson. thanks benjamin. i got 10 correct out of 10.
why would you say wind up which rhymes with kind when you normally pronounce wind as it is written? that just confused me :/
The “wind” that rhymes with “kind” isn’t related to the short-i “wind”. Think of them as two different words… with the same spelling.
more and more please
you are a new teacher on ENGVID welcome to you bring lessons fast ok benjamin
Hello Benjamin. I’m so delighted to welcome you to EngVid society and i’m really looking forward to watching your videos. My problem with English is that i can understand every single word, statement, and sentence of the speech. I can even understand native speakers who usually speak very fast so easily. The problem is when I’m up to speak out, i find it a bit harder, i mean, i can’t express my thoughts and feelings in English as perfect and fluent as native speakers do. i’m waiting your advice.
Practise speaking with an experienced speaker of English.
Hi friend! I’m really interested in meeting new people who love learning ebglish and I’ve just read your comment I found that it matches with the way I think about english! I think we both could be friends and share knoweldge about this!
Thank you for your lesson
I love your accent
nice. i’ve got 10 out of 10
The accent remind me IT Crowd. Next time you can say the London famous – BRILLIANT. It sounds really great. Thanks for lesson, sir.
helpful and enjoyable test
thanks from Jordan its great lesson :))
Thanks you Binjamen, good lesson.
Tnanks a lot, Benjamin! It was excellent! And also actor’s skills are appreciated!:)
ihad finished it up with 100% success!
hello teacher your lesson so difficult > why not give us easy word and easy sentence > that i was talking about it thank you so much
it was a piece of cake!!
the teacher is handsome.i have a 10.hahahaha
the teacher is handsome.i have a 10.hahahaha
thanks a million
thank you
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Teacher for you excellent lesson
Great lesson. Thanks
This web site is AWESOMEE! if you wanna learn english this site helps you a lot of
You can separate that taught me English?
Very Good Lesson
Thank you so much Benjamin!!
I love british accent. I think we are going to enjoy your lessons very much. I will follow you on Facebook too, thank you!
Hi Benjamin,
I got 100%.
Thanks for your videos.
nice presentation.
Good classes, I could understand the majority of communication
Mr. Benjamin is good teacher, the lesson was so clear
Thanks for your help! Interesting lesson!
great! I got 100 !!
?how ican use (draw to close)in sentence
Thanks benjamin.. I like the way you teach us.. I got 90
Thank you Benjamin!10/10 More advanced lessons please! Viacheslav from Russia with love!Peace for Ukraine!
It’s a very advanced lessons. I really don’t know if it’ll be useful for me in the future, I hope so :D
Great teacher,lessons is very good it was very helpful. I got 100%… Thanks a lot Benjamin, ;) ;) ;)
It is a interesting lesson. Thanks.
thanks! (:
Hi, Benjamin :)
I like the way you teaching very much! Can you provide a lesson about tips of chit-chats? :)
i got 10 correct out 10 ))
10/10!~~I’ve put this off.
i didn’t understand the last idiom “draw to a close” but u r great of curse
I am very glad that you teach English lesson, because you are a good speaker.
And I will use these way that I have learned form this lesson in daily work.
please submit new video as well
i’m new here.and great hello from Georgia..i like Benjamin the nice teacher :)
Ok, 90 %, thanks Benjamin.
many thanks Benjamin,
we need a lesson about titles and hierarchy in organization. thank u :)
Thank you,90%!!!
may you please explain again the meaning of draw to close finally thank you very much for all the thing
best regards
Thank you,90%
Hello everybody, i am a colombian lawyer trying get ready for the ielts exam, and thanks to this web site i know i am goin to pull it off. thanks.
Thank you Benjamin. All the best for you!
Your lesson is great and usual. tks so much.
Thanks, it has really help. :)
Thanks, it has really help. :)
new teacher
I’d missed British accent. Thanks Benjamin ^^,
8/10 Thanks!!!
I got 10 out of 10 feeling good
Thanks for the great class
thanks a lot i got 10/10 wow…
it,s great
I did like your explanation! I love the way you teach, you make things to be stored easily! Best teacher ever!
Thank you Benjamin. Stay this way please
good words Ben, thanks Teacher..
I have just registred on this site. And after i saw this video, i want to express my huge respect for teacher!
Its really great…… :)
Well, all lessons in this amazing website are very interesting. I’m glad to be here :D
70You got 7 correct out of 10.
my propblem in english,I remember vocabulary very bad so I don’t have enough vocabulary to speak.
can you show me the best way to learn vocabulary
I like the way you teach the lesson, so vivaciously, I enjoyed your lesson very much!
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
i got 10 correct out of 10, new great lesson.Thanks indeed
I’ll follow up your next videos Benjamin. You’re so good.
benjamin looks like that “GOLLUM” character from Lord of the Rings..
Thank you very much Benjamin
thanks Benjamin .. your accent is interesting.
I think you have never been out of England.
very intetsting thk u
Thank you
I find it very interesting, thank you
It was very much of interesting
I’m so exited ..god bless you
thank you,ı have done 8/10, ı just dınt undertstand aim to…who give to me one sample about that.
aim to peefect.thanks
teacher Benjamin,
Thank you for your lesson
Thank you Brnjamim,your classes are very interesting
Very interesting lesson Benjamin! TOP
U r very good at what u do … thx
i’ve got 100 again like always.
10 correct out of 10 again! I don’t know if I am a good listener of your videos or just good at english from the day I was born. But if I know something that would be to know that you are a good teacher.
great teacher
This was a interesting lesson about an applicant theme. Thanks Benjamin!
Poor Bob! hahahaha. I loved the class. I´ve got 10 out of 10.
hi Benjamin its very interesting and since video
Thank you Benjamin!
thanks man
thanks Benjamin, it was a very useful lesson.
Waiting for more!
Thank you ! I like very much your accent!
awesome this lesson, many thnaks
Excellent, i like it
Yeeeeeeyyy!!! 8 de 10 !!! Well done Alex!!
Thank all you for build up this great site!
Muchas gracias :D
It was great lesson! Thank you! It will be useful in my daily work.
Oh that is good
good explanation
Thanks Benjamin! The lesson was really useful. I try all ways to improve my business English :)
Thank you so much Benjamin for teaching me about this. BTW I like your accent.I wish I can speak like you (:
Excellent and useful lesson Mr. Benjamin
thanks a lot :)
i got 100% thanks sir go a heard
Thanks Benjamin.
I feell so good with my 10/10.
Great lesson! I have one short question. Could you help me to solve my problem? What is a difference between saying “at completing” and “to completing” in a sentence with aim?
A good quiz. I’d like to mention that you are a very good teacher. I do insist on this because I can be critical at times. But this shouldn’t detract from the fact I appreciate your work and find it helpful and enjoyable. All the best.
You’re doing an amazing job
Thank you, Benjamin.
I got 8/10 without watching the video xD
Thank you Benjamin.
thank you Benjamin.
great class!
thanks Benjamin