Do you want to tell interesting stories? Telling an engaging story is a social skill that anyone can learn. I’ll give you some phrases you can memorise and use to tell better stories in English.
Stories are important to help us understand ourselves and the world around us. One way to view our identities is as a collection of stories. In this video, I break the art of storytelling down into different topics that people tell stories about most often. I’ll share some of my personal stories from my own life to give you examples of how to tell a good story in English.
Most people have a set of stories that they like to tell. For me personally, there are some stories that I have told people hundreds of times! I suggest you practice your most common stories in English because you will definitely use them in a social situations with English speakers. Having your story prepared in English will mean that you can tell it much better, and that your audience will enjoy it more by laughing in the right place, or by feeling the emotion you want them to feel, such as surprise or sadness.
Jade! I really love the way you teach! I’ve learned a lot from YOU. thank you soo much! big hug!
Hello blueapplee how are you? can we make practice together in english? if you see this coment reply you answer :)
thank you
Hello MS Evisa, how are you? I’m also interested to learn English thorough conversation, if you want you can send my your Skype name or add me in your Skype’s contact list, my Skype name is hasib.nasir2
Hasib Nasir
Yep! The only way to have a good command of a foreign language is to take every opportunity you have to use it; storytelling is not the exception that proves the rule.Practice makes perfect.
Enlighten us. We pronounce and spell ‘chao’ according to the English dictionaries which don’t mention ‘ciao’ at all.
You don’t get it, do you?
‘Practice makes perfect’ What do you mean? Is that English? Nop…
Thank you very much, Ms. Jade. I like this video much. I’ve got 10 out of 10 in the quiz. You wrote storytelling verb (British English). So I would like to know if there are different colloquial storytelling verbs between British, American, Canadian and Australian English? Thanks a lot. :)
So interesting lesson Jade.
Very useful.
Thank you.
Leandro Cleber
A very Good Lesson JAde.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Ms.Jade. Finally I find out how to learn English everyday without boring feeling.( Actually I’m not sure whether this sentences correct or not). I’m waiting for your lesson every day. Wish you have a great day my teacher. From your new student with love lol :v
Thanks, Jade. It was pretty interesting lesson…
10/10 thanks Jade… You’re amazing…
Some new expressions! Thank you Jade.
hello katerina
how are you? if you don’t mind I’m interested to speak and to do practise with you?
my email is if you are ok please write me in email :)
hi evisa hi all
this is my skype id : ovixmu1
my facebook : taufik.m.ibrahim
i wait for you to practise english in conversation
thanks… very good
hello Evisa
how are you? if you don’t mind I’m interested to speak and to do practise with you?
hello salomelo have you facebook?
can you tell me your name?
I wish you all the best :)
hello evisa, i really want to improve my english speaking skill…if you dont mind, this is my facebook: we can practice speak english :D
Hi Evisa,you can skype me at any time.
Hi Katerina, I would like to do conversation with you because i am willing to improve my english speaking.
Here is my skype: gauravbadyal
Hope you will reply. Thank you in advance :)
please Katerina send me your skype in email?
thank you
I will call you tomorow
Hi Evisa,
Are you still interested in practicing english with someone?
Hi Katerina would you like talk to me? donatello133 this is my nikname for Skype. bye see you soon
Evisa if you read about me ,you will see my skype too.
Hello, Katerina. Would you please add me as your friend on Skype? My account is Mookmai.
I’d like to practice to speak English with you and friends.
I am a Greek American that wants to kep lerning
thank you.
Awesome tips, thank you!
Hello, Jade, thanks for the lesson! I can’t believe, my physics teacher’s second name is Kotik (in Russian), in English it’s like Kitty! :)
Hello Arina how are you?
the best way to improve your english is to do practice do you want to make practice with me?
thank you :)
Hi, Evisa!Could you write me when you can?
Hallo, How are you? Since I notice that you want practice english with other people, if you don’t mind I would like to with you my Sype nickname is: donatello133, see you soon
Very good!) Thank you Jade!
i’m watching engvid since one week,i wanna say something,You’re really kind and helpful people.This website is useful and practical, Ty for everything, and you’re also my best teacher Ms.Jade ,
still little bit confused. may be because i’m not habit in listening procces. i have to learn again ;)
thank’s for lesson :)
Another expression for a funny story is “I was doubled over in laughter.” Basically, you bent your body forward and were holding your stomach because you were laughing so hard.
Awesome lesson, Jade. Good energy!
Hi Mr. Alex, I’m looking forward to your new lesson
about something special, bye for now
Bushra hg
Thanks, bushra. A new lesson is coming today or tomorrow.
I also have a special one scheduled for December 18th.
Hello. Alex you are great! Good luck in the preparation of new lessons. Sincerely, your student.
julia spinchevska
Thank you for the lesson!
Jade, can you write some more examples/sentences about “I was like…” ? It’s not so clear for me…
Thank you!
Great lesson.. thanks Jade.
Hello Milam how are you?
My name is Evisa and if you don’t mind I want to do practise with someone that know and speak English very well. I will appreciate if you give me opportunities to speak with you?
Regards :)
hello evisa my name is eli and I am an albanian to,would u like to practice english? Tell me ur facebook account name,greetings
Hey,I am an Indian .My facebook id is mohit96a.Can we talk so that we can practice Thanks mam
I am going to search about English partner for practicing. If you interesting to practicing English with me this is my Skype: Mohamed.wahab64
Moh Wahab
You got 8 correct out of 10.
that’s really useful!!!
Very good lesson. Thank you very much. I’m curious, why Alex always comments on videos even it’s not his? Waiting for answers.
Very useful and interesting lesson, Jade! Thank you very much.
Júlio César L Sousa
Thanks Ms.Jade, God bless you!
Bushra hg
THX Jade, I like your lesson, your teaching so good!
Hi there can I ask a question what’s the meaning of gotta
Michael Scofield
it means you have got to :D
so nice thanks
asfar toronto
Thank you Jade
That accent the way,enjoyable lesson.
Alberto Venceslau
I got a 10 :D thanks Jade,
I made the same you said last video,( you went in the last video?) I took some notes and made myself more active…..
First time I´ve got it with you
( I got to say ilike to ear your british accent)
see you later
Hi Jade, thanks for your tips; now I just need a little practice. Have a nice day!
Thank you, Jade! You’re absolutely amazing teacher :)
I got 10 out 10.
Yunna Geydor
Congratulations Yunna you got full mark while I got 8 out 10 only
yunna hi how are you?
would you like to make practice together in english?
Evisa : can i join to you to make practice in english ??
can i join to you to make practice in english ?
TaeHyun No
Hey,I am an Indian .My facebook id is mohit96a.Can we talk so that we can practice
hı yunna would you like to make practice with me skype:mcubur-md
Got 9 out of 10 cuz of the “crocodile tears” by the way dose it mean any thing drama if I use it in a story :)
Thanks dear Jade
Good Phrases Mrs Jade..
This is what I was expecting from you guys all
Anyway Nice and Fun was there
I can’t give you Thanks enough Mrs Jade..
Big Thanks to you but you don’t know How much that Big Thanks is! Even I don’t know How much Big thanks is that But I give you Big thumb for this lesson!..
You are going to be speechless!..
just great. I’ve picked up some new phrases. Thanks a lot.
I got 10 correct out of 10. That’s great :D
Thanks so much for your leassons,Mrs Jade!
Hi Nguy, can I talk to to improve my English please?
9/10, thank you so much, teacher.
Tran Duc
Hey guys i would like to do conversation so by this we can improve our english speaking.
Here is my skype: gauravbadyal
hello is me busquets
I got 9 correct out of 10.I think it’s OK for the first lesson. I would like to communicate with you guys and If you don’t mind please reply this message then send me your adress links(facebook,instagram,skype etc…)
can i join to you to make practice in english ?? my skpe id :
TaeHyun No
Good story.. tks for the tips..
Salam, hi guys i want to improve my english, Here is my skype mitrayuliawati
You are not getting understand. Is this sentence right?
Thank you Jade.
Metin egrioglu
i got 7 of 100 ,,, not bad, btw thanks jade, i love u
good lesson for the begginers…thanks for the efforts
really appreciate your work
Please.give the answer
I need a help on a topic???can anybody help me on that ???plz reply
Fouzia Hussain
what problem?
little town
I like the positive energy floating here:-)
Hi, Thanks Ms. Jade, I correct myself little bit from this
very useful,and jade is a very nice teacher.
little town
A complete lesson.
The phrases from quiz helps us very much.
Oana Dorina
I love British accent, if anyone is interested to practice speaking, let me know, I also want to improve it… let’s help each other
Amazing lesson !! Thanks a lot Jade :)
I got 7 out of 10 but its okay..need to study and understand the situation..
But anyway I love this video very much..thankyou so much!!
I got 90 of 100, Thanks for the lesson Jade! i’ve learned a lot from ur videoes. :) <3
Great job!!.Thanks Jade?.X
Hi, are You a real English speaker? You look friendly! Let’s study it together, shall we!
Thanks for this lesson!
Thank you Jade. Now my stories will be more authentic :)
A huge thanks for this lesson! Much needed!
Sadly we’re not taught this in the university.
No doubt about it. Ms. JADE lectured a very special lesson.
If, Dear Teacher, you will continue this topic by providing sample paragraphs of each type of story it would be great. Courage please!
There is such a calmness in your voice and face that I love it.
good job!. Thank you Jade. I going to listen it tomorrow
Thanks you, Jade. I’m a newcomer here, so I was pretty satisfied the way you were teaching in this video lesson. I got 10 of 10 points. Sorry, but could u speak it up next time please?:-)
I found some interesting expression in this lesson.thanks.
thank you
Star nice
thanks mam i need partner from native countries i m doing IELTS n i want to improve my speaking.I need partner for dpeaking my skype is
my whats app
i will be very happy if anyone add me in his or her friend list
or in groups
Hello everyone
I am new
mg htoo
hi any one interested to practice English on Skype.
i have got 100 of 100 it was great lesson Jade thank you .
tayseer hassan
Excellent! Great teaching skills!
I can believe it! I get 10. Now, i have a great spirit to write a story in English
I want to learn English in a real conversation, if here is someone who wants to practice English with me, please send me you Skype name or add me, this is my Skype name hasib.nasir2
Hasib Nasir
hi this is my first lesson i had. it seems very good method to teach english. l will do my best to have a maximum benefits from this site ..thanks for all your efforts
I’ve found out smth new and interesting for me. Thanks a lot!
julia spinchevska
engvid…i kindly request you to do a lesson on PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES…including ”in favour of” …it would be a relief for all the students if you do this…Please Please Please teacher’s and sir’s….i cant understand when to use in favour of’ and it’s uses…your attention in this regard is highly appreciated….
Amanda De Silva
Thank you for the lesson! I love your quiz, too. All the answers are amazing!
Great video! Thanks a lot.
Hi, I’m from Morocco, i’m looking forward for your next lessons
Thank you a loooooo, i ver appreciat your way of teaching
this is my Skype accunt if anyone wants to speak up
Hi amoula I hope you are doing well :)
Do you have a facebook account?
I am going to search about English partner for practicing. If you interesting to practicing English with me
Moh Wahab
Nice lesson!
Thanks jade
Thank you so much Jade!
hello teacher Jade, i hope you are fine,i really enjoy your videos which are not only useful but also important because it allows me to hear a native speaker as you(i really like your british accent it would be a dream for me,if i could speak it one day the way you are doing it). unfortunately, i never had the chance to speak to a native speaker which is quite important for an english learner like me,but it will be very stressful for to speak with a native speaker for the first time ever.Briefly i am writing to you also because i am facing a grammatical problem which is the following question : how to make the differance between adjectives and past participles which are used as adjectives e.g1 my car has been stolen, E.g2 my notebook is torn.Are stolen and torn considered as adjs or a past participles?.These are jsut examples , if you could answer my question and solve my problem,it would be great,but it would be greater,if you could show it by displaying a video on ENGVID webcite which would be more explicit and everyone would benifit.I really enjoyed writing to you teacher Jade,sorry for my poor are great.Thank you for your attention in advance.
Hello, Jade. I’m from Thailand. I’ve just watched your video in the first time. This is the best English Lesson I’ve ever watched. Thank you for the great job. You are very awesome.
All these phrases will make my conversation more vivid. p.s. I already took notes^ ^
Ariel Yen
Hello Jade,
Many thanks for this amazing lesson about story telling expressions.
Best regards,
interesting lesson. Thank you.
Hi. Thanks teacher. 10/10.
Thanks for your lesson.
Thank you. It was helpful. Can we say: he went to me blabla? or they go to me….?
Countdown I think yes you can say that,but that’s a colloquial storytelling not
Real English like they came to me or he came to me. I hope I can learn you like
Jade. So if you understand that tell me please :)
Mathew Martin
Thank you for your reply. I got it. I’m excited that I hear these kinds of storytelling words after I get familiar through this lesson. You’re right Mathew, they are used mostly in colloquial English. Thx
Thanks Mrs. Countdown.
Mathew Martin
thank you MsJade for this amazing lesson
thank you
tamer abdelattey
Hi Jade thank you very much for your teaching us. This is the first time I came here and I’m pleaseantly surprised ‘cos I couldn’t find any other best way to continue learning english. I am very interested in getting a very good command of english because it is very important first of all for my job and besides to a personal interest. I send you regards from Mexico and thanks again.
Alu Espinosa
This is the first Jade’s video I’ve watched and I have to say: Her accent it’s pretty difficult to understand by me.. Is this a british accent?
hi jade you’re simple beautiful and Bright!
Nice lesson. For advanced students. Yeah we dont learn that kind of stuff in regular books in regular courses.
Anyone interested in practising advanced English on skype or whatsapp?
Hi, Jade. I like your lessons. The way you teach is a very good way for me to remember without needing to repeat so much.
Very good lesson. Not easy to explain, but so clear! You are great, Jade!
Angela M.
Hello I am new here, how do I practice the lessons.
Hello and Hey to every one. I’m new how should i be one of the lessons participates?
Please i need your respond…
Mustapha Bin Adam
Excuse me Dear Jade. Your talk is very fluently. It is very hard to understand.You omit men in elementary degree…Dont forget it.
Atash Muhammadi
Hello, Dear Jade,
Thanks for your lovely lessons.
I like you and your lessons very much.
And could I have a request for a lesson.
I have some confusion when I want to express something like:
The book is thick, and the stick is thick.
which, you know, one means thickness, while another means diameter.
Could you please have a lesson to talk about this and some similar adjectives?
Best wishes!
Zhi Han
very thank you for your lesson Jade.It is really helpful to me.
Qiu T
Hi, Jade.
I wrote a novel. Would you proofread it for me? Do you have enough time for it? If so I would send you my email address.
Wow. You’re fantastic! Thank you for your job.
Hi Jade. thank you.
Nyamdorj Serod
Jade, thank you for everything…….I’m trng to undesrstand more the British english, you’re helping me a lot
Simona Santostasi
Thanks miss/Jade
10/10 Your lessons are very helpful!
Thank you Jade. Very interesting. I got 9 of 10. I’ll try to watch all your video lessons.
thanks jade it was very helpful for me .I got 9/10
is there anyone to practice for me .I am ready on Skype .My Skype is rıdvan aktitiz.I am a doctor in turkey .I am a radiologist an I am worikng from internet .so I am generolly online
it was a amazing lesson jade keep on doing that!!!
thanks a lot!!!
Guilherme Henrique Neves Gordo
hi everyone I would like to speak english so add me on facebook if you want .my fb is: abdel hak
abdel 88
Thanks jade , i got a 9 out of 10
thanks Jade
Thank Jade , I got 10 out of 10
it was a great lesson TNX
khaled mohammad
I ve looked up you JADE love all especially PRONUNCIATION! But I have a question for this lesson I don’t not entirely understand meaning of ‘accident story’. please explain me little bit more detail! warm regards
It’s really helpful form me because I was not good at telling stories.
Taqveem Ul Haq
thanks a lot
that is very nice , i will watch this video again
I didn’t watch the video due to network failure and I’ll be really grateful and indebt to anyone who explains explicitly about this topic of discussion..
Moshood Taofeek
love it jade
thank’s jade your video give me motivate to learnd english. but i don’t have patner to practice conversation. I hope that i can meet with someone in these sit to join practice with me.
Just loved the “What the F..!” part! =]]
Thank you, Jade
Mohsen Tatoo
This is great, I just found this helpful website after watching the video. Very helpful, motivating and interesting.
Awesome, good new vocab though
Just love your accent! Jade.
I’m going to appear in IELTS exam this December, Would anyone like to practice speaking with me?
my skype is ameer.usman10
Hi Jade. you are a very nice teacher! Thank you!
Thank you.
thank you .want someone to practice
I’m interected in learning English. If you want improve your spoken English too, please find me in Skype: say_step_by_step
Thank you so much Ms. Jade. Very useful. And I love your accent.
thank you so much for this lesson, I found it really useful.
Furthermore, your accent is very challenging, it helps me to improve my listening
please could please Work on the video qauality;because sometimes it goes a bit unclear;thanks
Bab Edjdid
hi. Quite usefull words, expressions, etc. thank you so much.
10/10 twice!
Really I knew almost all of your proposals but it helped anyway. Thank you :D
i like how u teach,ur expression and accent <3
I like this one. Thank you!
Jade! I really love the way you teach! I’ve learned a lot from YOU. thank you so much! big hug!
Thank you Jade!
Thank you Jade
Nice lesson..Thanks jade
Jade, thank you for this useful class. Kickass.
thanks Jade
The lesson was more systematic, collected. Everything was in order.keep going on that way/Thanks
Mir Murad
Love your lesson! I got 9/10. Thank you for your video :)
It’s an exciting Webside :)
thank you so much and appreciate ms jade,it’s so hard lesson, but was excellent Quiz,
so thanks,
mohamed ibrahim fanah
good story thank you so much because of this story tolling.
Abtin Suroosh
is there any one here to interact with me in English only for acadamic purpose ,i think only through a constant usage our language skill will devoloped,if anyone here please sent your email or any other communication method.
sajith k
as long as I have you I would never baffled. I appreciate it
Fuad jibril
thanks a lot,Ms.Jade
Christmas greetings and best wishes from
Kazakhstan 22 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2160 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Jade! I really love the way you teach! I’ve learned a lot from YOU. thank you soo much! big hug!
Hello blueapplee how are you? can we make practice together in english? if you see this coment reply you answer :)
thank you
Hello MS Evisa, how are you? I’m also interested to learn English thorough conversation, if you want you can send my your Skype name or add me in your Skype’s contact list, my Skype name is hasib.nasir2
Yep! The only way to have a good command of a foreign language is to take every opportunity you have to use it; storytelling is not the exception that proves the rule.Practice makes perfect.
Enlighten us. We pronounce and spell ‘chao’ according to the English dictionaries which don’t mention ‘ciao’ at all.
You don’t get it, do you?
‘Practice makes perfect’ What do you mean? Is that English? Nop…
Evisa, pleasure, send me an email:
Hey Evisa! I have send you an email.
Thank you very much, Ms. Jade. I like this video much. I’ve got 10 out of 10 in the quiz. You wrote storytelling verb (British English). So I would like to know if there are different colloquial storytelling verbs between British, American, Canadian and Australian English? Thanks a lot. :)
So interesting lesson Jade.
Very useful.
Thank you.
A very Good Lesson JAde.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Ms.Jade. Finally I find out how to learn English everyday without boring feeling.( Actually I’m not sure whether this sentences correct or not). I’m waiting for your lesson every day. Wish you have a great day my teacher. From your new student with love lol :v
Thanks, Jade. It was pretty interesting lesson…
10/10 thanks Jade… You’re amazing…
Some new expressions! Thank you Jade.
hello katerina
how are you? if you don’t mind I’m interested to speak and to do practise with you?
my email is if you are ok please write me in email :)
hi evisa hi all
this is my skype id : ovixmu1
my facebook : taufik.m.ibrahim
i wait for you to practise english in conversation
thanks… very good
hello Evisa
how are you? if you don’t mind I’m interested to speak and to do practise with you?
hello salomelo have you facebook?
can you tell me your name?
I wish you all the best :)
hello evisa, i really want to improve my english speaking skill…if you dont mind, this is my facebook: we can practice speak english :D
Hi Evisa,you can skype me at any time.
Hi Katerina, I would like to do conversation with you because i am willing to improve my english speaking.
Here is my skype: gauravbadyal
Hope you will reply. Thank you in advance :)
please Katerina send me your skype in email?
thank you
I will call you tomorow
Hi Evisa,
Are you still interested in practicing english with someone?
Hi Katerina would you like talk to me? donatello133 this is my nikname for Skype. bye see you soon
Evisa if you read about me ,you will see my skype too.
Hello, Katerina. Would you please add me as your friend on Skype? My account is Mookmai.
I’d like to practice to speak English with you and friends.
I am a Greek American that wants to kep lerning
thank you.
Awesome tips, thank you!
Hello, Jade, thanks for the lesson! I can’t believe, my physics teacher’s second name is Kotik (in Russian), in English it’s like Kitty! :)
Hello Arina how are you?
the best way to improve your english is to do practice do you want to make practice with me?
thank you :)
Hi, Evisa!Could you write me when you can?
Hallo, How are you? Since I notice that you want practice english with other people, if you don’t mind I would like to with you my Sype nickname is: donatello133, see you soon
Very good!) Thank you Jade!
i’m watching engvid since one week,i wanna say something,You’re really kind and helpful people.This website is useful and practical, Ty for everything, and you’re also my best teacher Ms.Jade ,
still little bit confused. may be because i’m not habit in listening procces. i have to learn again ;)
thank’s for lesson :)
Another expression for a funny story is “I was doubled over in laughter.” Basically, you bent your body forward and were holding your stomach because you were laughing so hard.
Awesome lesson, Jade. Good energy!
Hi Mr. Alex, I’m looking forward to your new lesson
about something special, bye for now
Thanks, bushra. A new lesson is coming today or tomorrow.
I also have a special one scheduled for December 18th.
Hello. Alex you are great! Good luck in the preparation of new lessons. Sincerely, your student.
Thank you for the lesson!
Jade, can you write some more examples/sentences about “I was like…” ? It’s not so clear for me…
Thank you!
Great lesson.. thanks Jade.
Hello Milam how are you?
My name is Evisa and if you don’t mind I want to do practise with someone that know and speak English very well. I will appreciate if you give me opportunities to speak with you?
Regards :)
hello evisa my name is eli and I am an albanian to,would u like to practice english? Tell me ur facebook account name,greetings
Hey,I am an Indian .My facebook id is mohit96a.Can we talk so that we can practice Thanks mam
I am going to search about English partner for practicing. If you interesting to practicing English with me this is my Skype: Mohamed.wahab64
You got 8 correct out of 10.
that’s really useful!!!
Very good lesson. Thank you very much. I’m curious, why Alex always comments on videos even it’s not his? Waiting for answers.
Very useful and interesting lesson, Jade! Thank you very much.
Thanks Ms.Jade, God bless you!
THX Jade, I like your lesson, your teaching so good!
Hi there can I ask a question what’s the meaning of gotta
it means you have got to :D
so nice thanks
Thank you Jade
That accent the way,enjoyable lesson.
I got a 10 :D thanks Jade,
I made the same you said last video,( you went in the last video?) I took some notes and made myself more active…..
First time I´ve got it with you
( I got to say ilike to ear your british accent)
see you later
Hi Jade, thanks for your tips; now I just need a little practice. Have a nice day!
Thank you, Jade! You’re absolutely amazing teacher :)
I got 10 out 10.
Congratulations Yunna you got full mark while I got 8 out 10 only
yunna hi how are you?
would you like to make practice together in english?
Evisa : can i join to you to make practice in english ??
can i join to you to make practice in english ?
Hey,I am an Indian .My facebook id is mohit96a.Can we talk so that we can practice
hı yunna would you like to make practice with me skype:mcubur-md
Got 9 out of 10 cuz of the “crocodile tears” by the way dose it mean any thing drama if I use it in a story :)
Thanks dear Jade
Good Phrases Mrs Jade..
This is what I was expecting from you guys all
Anyway Nice and Fun was there
I can’t give you Thanks enough Mrs Jade..
Big Thanks to you but you don’t know How much that Big Thanks is! Even I don’t know How much Big thanks is that But I give you Big thumb for this lesson!..
You are going to be speechless!..
just great. I’ve picked up some new phrases. Thanks a lot.
I got 10 correct out of 10. That’s great :D
Thanks so much for your leassons,Mrs Jade!
Hi Nguy, can I talk to to improve my English please?
9/10, thank you so much, teacher.
Hey guys i would like to do conversation so by this we can improve our english speaking.
Here is my skype: gauravbadyal
hello is me busquets
I got 9 correct out of 10.I think it’s OK for the first lesson. I would like to communicate with you guys and If you don’t mind please reply this message then send me your adress links(facebook,instagram,skype etc…)
can i join to you to make practice in english ?? my skpe id :
Good story.. tks for the tips..
Salam, hi guys i want to improve my english, Here is my skype mitrayuliawati
You are not getting understand. Is this sentence right?
Thank you Jade.
i got 7 of 100 ,,, not bad, btw thanks jade, i love u
good lesson for the begginers…thanks for the efforts
really appreciate your work
Please.give the answer
I need a help on a topic???can anybody help me on that ???plz reply
what problem?
I like the positive energy floating here:-)
Hi, Thanks Ms. Jade, I correct myself little bit from this
very useful,and jade is a very nice teacher.
A complete lesson.
The phrases from quiz helps us very much.
I love British accent, if anyone is interested to practice speaking, let me know, I also want to improve it… let’s help each other
Amazing lesson !! Thanks a lot Jade :)
I got 7 out of 10 but its okay..need to study and understand the situation..
But anyway I love this video very much..thankyou so much!!
I got 90 of 100, Thanks for the lesson Jade! i’ve learned a lot from ur videoes. :) <3
Great job!!.Thanks Jade?.X
Hi, are You a real English speaker? You look friendly! Let’s study it together, shall we!
Thanks for this lesson!
Thank you Jade. Now my stories will be more authentic :)
A huge thanks for this lesson! Much needed!
Sadly we’re not taught this in the university.
No doubt about it. Ms. JADE lectured a very special lesson.
If, Dear Teacher, you will continue this topic by providing sample paragraphs of each type of story it would be great. Courage please!
There is such a calmness in your voice and face that I love it.
good job!. Thank you Jade. I going to listen it tomorrow
Thanks you, Jade. I’m a newcomer here, so I was pretty satisfied the way you were teaching in this video lesson. I got 10 of 10 points. Sorry, but could u speak it up next time please?:-)
I found some interesting expression in this lesson.thanks.
thank you
thanks mam i need partner from native countries i m doing IELTS n i want to improve my speaking.I need partner for dpeaking my skype is
my whats app
i will be very happy if anyone add me in his or her friend list
or in groups
Hello everyone
I am new
hi any one interested to practice English on Skype.
i have got 100 of 100 it was great lesson Jade thank you .
Excellent! Great teaching skills!
I can believe it! I get 10. Now, i have a great spirit to write a story in English
I want to learn English in a real conversation, if here is someone who wants to practice English with me, please send me you Skype name or add me, this is my Skype name hasib.nasir2
hi this is my first lesson i had. it seems very good method to teach english. l will do my best to have a maximum benefits from this site ..thanks for all your efforts
I’ve found out smth new and interesting for me. Thanks a lot!
engvid…i kindly request you to do a lesson on PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES…including ”in favour of” …it would be a relief for all the students if you do this…Please Please Please teacher’s and sir’s….i cant understand when to use in favour of’ and it’s uses…your attention in this regard is highly appreciated….
Thank you for the lesson! I love your quiz, too. All the answers are amazing!
Great video! Thanks a lot.
Hi, I’m from Morocco, i’m looking forward for your next lessons
Thank you a loooooo, i ver appreciat your way of teaching
this is my Skype accunt if anyone wants to speak up
Hi amoula I hope you are doing well :)
Do you have a facebook account?
I am going to search about English partner for practicing. If you interesting to practicing English with me
Nice lesson!
Thanks jade
Thank you so much Jade!
hello teacher Jade, i hope you are fine,i really enjoy your videos which are not only useful but also important because it allows me to hear a native speaker as you(i really like your british accent it would be a dream for me,if i could speak it one day the way you are doing it). unfortunately, i never had the chance to speak to a native speaker which is quite important for an english learner like me,but it will be very stressful for to speak with a native speaker for the first time ever.Briefly i am writing to you also because i am facing a grammatical problem which is the following question : how to make the differance between adjectives and past participles which are used as adjectives e.g1 my car has been stolen, E.g2 my notebook is torn.Are stolen and torn considered as adjs or a past participles?.These are jsut examples , if you could answer my question and solve my problem,it would be great,but it would be greater,if you could show it by displaying a video on ENGVID webcite which would be more explicit and everyone would benifit.I really enjoyed writing to you teacher Jade,sorry for my poor are great.Thank you for your attention in advance.
Hello, Jade. I’m from Thailand. I’ve just watched your video in the first time. This is the best English Lesson I’ve ever watched. Thank you for the great job. You are very awesome.
All these phrases will make my conversation more vivid. p.s. I already took notes^ ^
Hello Jade,
Many thanks for this amazing lesson about story telling expressions.
Best regards,
interesting lesson. Thank you.
Hi. Thanks teacher. 10/10.
Thanks for your lesson.
Thank you. It was helpful. Can we say: he went to me blabla? or they go to me….?
Countdown I think yes you can say that,but that’s a colloquial storytelling not
Real English like they came to me or he came to me. I hope I can learn you like
Jade. So if you understand that tell me please :)
Thank you for your reply. I got it. I’m excited that I hear these kinds of storytelling words after I get familiar through this lesson. You’re right Mathew, they are used mostly in colloquial English. Thx
Thanks Mrs. Countdown.
thank you MsJade for this amazing lesson
thank you
Hi Jade thank you very much for your teaching us. This is the first time I came here and I’m pleaseantly surprised ‘cos I couldn’t find any other best way to continue learning english. I am very interested in getting a very good command of english because it is very important first of all for my job and besides to a personal interest. I send you regards from Mexico and thanks again.
This is the first Jade’s video I’ve watched and I have to say: Her accent it’s pretty difficult to understand by me.. Is this a british accent?
hi jade you’re simple beautiful and Bright!
Nice lesson. For advanced students. Yeah we dont learn that kind of stuff in regular books in regular courses.
Anyone interested in practising advanced English on skype or whatsapp?
Hi, Jade. I like your lessons. The way you teach is a very good way for me to remember without needing to repeat so much.
Very good lesson. Not easy to explain, but so clear! You are great, Jade!
Hello I am new here, how do I practice the lessons.
Hello and Hey to every one. I’m new how should i be one of the lessons participates?
Please i need your respond…
Excuse me Dear Jade. Your talk is very fluently. It is very hard to understand.You omit men in elementary degree…Dont forget it.
Hello, Dear Jade,
Thanks for your lovely lessons.
I like you and your lessons very much.
And could I have a request for a lesson.
I have some confusion when I want to express something like:
The book is thick, and the stick is thick.
which, you know, one means thickness, while another means diameter.
Could you please have a lesson to talk about this and some similar adjectives?
Best wishes!
Zhi Han
very thank you for your lesson Jade.It is really helpful to me.
Hi, Jade.
I wrote a novel. Would you proofread it for me? Do you have enough time for it? If so I would send you my email address.
Wow. You’re fantastic! Thank you for your job.
Hi Jade. thank you.
Jade, thank you for everything…….I’m trng to undesrstand more the British english, you’re helping me a lot
Thanks miss/Jade
10/10 Your lessons are very helpful!
Thank you Jade. Very interesting. I got 9 of 10. I’ll try to watch all your video lessons.
thanks jade it was very helpful for me .I got 9/10
is there anyone to practice for me .I am ready on Skype .My Skype is rıdvan aktitiz.I am a doctor in turkey .I am a radiologist an I am worikng from internet .so I am generolly online
it was a amazing lesson jade keep on doing that!!!
thanks a lot!!!
hi everyone I would like to speak english so add me on facebook if you want .my fb is: abdel hak
Thanks jade , i got a 9 out of 10
thanks Jade
Thank Jade , I got 10 out of 10
it was a great lesson TNX
I ve looked up you JADE love all especially PRONUNCIATION! But I have a question for this lesson I don’t not entirely understand meaning of ‘accident story’. please explain me little bit more detail! warm regards
It’s really helpful form me because I was not good at telling stories.
thanks a lot
that is very nice , i will watch this video again
I didn’t watch the video due to network failure and I’ll be really grateful and indebt to anyone who explains explicitly about this topic of discussion..
love it jade
thank’s jade your video give me motivate to learnd english. but i don’t have patner to practice conversation. I hope that i can meet with someone in these sit to join practice with me.
Just loved the “What the F..!” part! =]]
Thank you, Jade
This is great, I just found this helpful website after watching the video. Very helpful, motivating and interesting.
Awesome, good new vocab though
Just love your accent! Jade.
I’m going to appear in IELTS exam this December, Would anyone like to practice speaking with me?
my skype is ameer.usman10
Hi Jade. you are a very nice teacher! Thank you!
Thank you.
thank you .want someone to practice
I’m interected in learning English. If you want improve your spoken English too, please find me in Skype: say_step_by_step
Thank you so much Ms. Jade. Very useful. And I love your accent.
thank you so much for this lesson, I found it really useful.
Furthermore, your accent is very challenging, it helps me to improve my listening
please could please Work on the video qauality;because sometimes it goes a bit unclear;thanks
hi. Quite usefull words, expressions, etc. thank you so much.
10/10 twice!
Really I knew almost all of your proposals but it helped anyway. Thank you :D
i like how u teach,ur expression and accent <3
I like this one. Thank you!
Jade! I really love the way you teach! I’ve learned a lot from YOU. thank you so much! big hug!
Thank you Jade!
Thank you Jade
Nice lesson..Thanks jade
Jade, thank you for this useful class. Kickass.
thanks Jade
The lesson was more systematic, collected. Everything was in order.keep going on that way/Thanks
Love your lesson! I got 9/10. Thank you for your video :)
It’s an exciting Webside :)
thank you so much and appreciate ms jade,it’s so hard lesson, but was excellent Quiz,
so thanks,
good story thank you so much because of this story tolling.
is there any one here to interact with me in English only for acadamic purpose ,i think only through a constant usage our language skill will devoloped,if anyone here please sent your email or any other communication method.
as long as I have you I would never baffled. I appreciate it
thanks a lot,Ms.Jade
Christmas greetings and best wishes from
Kazakhstan 22 Dec2o21:)