, although
, while
, before
, after
, unless
, and since
. These new words and structures can transform simple ideas into complex, meaningful sentences. Add extra information to your sentences, clarify relationships, and give your speech depth. Join me and learn to speak and write in a more advanced way, for greater academic and professional success.
Perfect teacher! Thank
Wow, such an important and helpful educational lesson presented from great and easy explanation for Grammar improvements. Thanks, Mr. James.
Thank you, Mr.James! I’ve learned a lot.
7/8 thx
that is great
I realized one year ago, that my sentences were too short when communicating with people.
I saw myself at the beginning of this video; it was funny. :)
Thanks, James; you confirmed my doubt!
I’m starting my English journey today with intermediate and advanced levels because I can say I’m no longer at a beginner level. My goal is to do 8 months of learning all Engvid topics with the top 5 teachers of my choice, starting today till the end. For today’s first quiz, I got 8 correct out of 8.