This is an English lesson for those who want to improve their email skills… Hey, how’s it going? Haven’t heard from you in awhile. What have you been up to? I’ve been meaning to write you an email about writing informals for a long time. Finally, the day has arrived! Whether you’re writing to a colleague in the office, or you’re just sending a message to a friend, learn some of the most common greetings, questions, and phrases to use to sound as natural and informal as possible. After watching this video, watch my other lesson on how to write a professional email.
How’ve you been. Thought I’d drop you a line.
Things have been up and down recently on my end but I’ve got a new job and things are taking a turn for the better.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Have a good one
Hi,Alex I hope you are doing well. Thanks for the lesson. I want to learn how to write official letter and invitation letter. There is a way you may help me maybe other students whom like me?
Hey Alex, wonderful , I can get the whole board.
A lot of thanks Alex.
Have a good one!
Enrique Otero
‘Sup Alex, how’s it going?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a
long time.
I dropped you a line another day and
if you check it out,
you will know that I laughed a lot watching
your last class, it was very fun
and helpful.
The things are good on my end.
I recognize you have a talent
and I am thankful for your help.
Have a good one!
Hey Alex.
Thank you for wonderful lessons! I have a commitment/suggestion for you and for other Engvid”s teachers.. first,I have learn English a lot on and other sources! I would like you to make “Especial lesson(s)” for people/students who have ESL. The reason I have mentioned that because some guys got confused to use he instead she ,has instead have..vice versa..etc Evert time when I meet someone who has that confusing I try hard to teach him,her the correct English! I hope you understand my point. By the way..I still learning English and will never stop learning English as it’s ALWAYS updated !
Keep up what you’re doing!!
Haider Alshahee
Best regards
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Haven’t heard from you in a bit.
I’m from Russia. I would recommend you a trip to Russia in spring or summer. In my opinion, it is worth seeing such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. I would like to visit Canada, I think it is very interesting there. Which places would you recommend me to visit there?
Talk soon.
Bye for now.
thanks a lot… I have a QUESTION. I wanna know how many words we need to know in order to do routine and daily work and other things such as writting and speaking?
Hi, Alex.
J’espère que tu vas bien et que l’année 2020 t’apportera beaucoup de satisfaction.
Merci pour tes leçons efficaces, sympathiques et intéressantes.
Bonne année.
Hey Alex
How are you doing, hope you are well.
Im from Russia and I would like to recommend you a few lovely places to visit in my country. First place is Saint Petersburg, a beautiful city of drawbridges. It is wonderful here, rivers and old buildings complete each other. I am not from here and i was there twice but I hope I will visit it as soon as possible. The second place is surely gonna be Moscow. Moscow is a city of contrasts, old houses mixed with modern buildings, churches and parks. There are a lot of galleries that you could visit. Third place could be Kaliningrad. It will remain you more like Europe, not Russia. Kaliningrad is not really big but it is sure worth visiting. Actually Russia is big and worth visiting not only big cities but countrysides and mountains. And which places could you recommend me to visit in Canada? I would really like to know! Hoping for your answer soon.
hi Alex,
Thank you so much for the video. it’s very helpful.
Best Regards,
Hey Alex,
How are you? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time to thank you and Engvid staff to continue keeping the website update with excellent lessons like this one.
It’s not always easy to find the time to do everything I have in mind or I need to do but anyway I try to follow Engvid lessons when update. It’s a pleasure and also a lot of help.
About this lesson I appreciate a lot also your stepping off in order to get the whole board. You are right, screen capture of the board is really helpful. Hope the other teachers will follow your example.
I see you are a fun of Stranger Things. Why not base a lesson about that topic?
Hope you’re doing well.
Take care
what’s up teacher. just want to say this lesson is very meaningful..
Hello my name is mahad Tahlil from Somalia East Africa
Mahad Tahlil
‘sup Alex
how goes?
i’ve been meaning to write you for congratulate you for your insane classes, they help all the demonic raze to improve our english.
things have been pretty difficult for me lately since the resurrection of the ten commandments and my brother Zeldris.
I’ve been very busy caring of Elizabeth from those terrible beings.
So Anyway…
Hope you’re doing ok caring your dear beings
Stay out of trouble.
PD: Hey Alex i strongly recommend you watch my serie, is called “Nanatzu no taizai” as i’m realizing you like too much the movies and those kind of things, so if you want to see my anime with english subtitles, go and search me.
Hi Alex
How you doing !!
Hope you are well.
I really like your videos and all of then are very helpfull to improve my english. I’ve studing english for a long time and after I start to watch your videos, my english skills are growng so fast.
Have a good one !!
Hi Alex How’s it going ? It’s been awhile I’ve had the pleasure to intend one of your course It’s excellent as usual but it’s not so easy to use correctly all these meanings but take it easy I endeavour again and again. Thanks a lot.
Yo, Alex
how you doin? I haven’t taken lesson from you in awhile. Thought I’d drop you a line.
Things have been super busy on this end. I’ve just been learning English.
let me know what’s been going on with you?
Hope you’re doing well
Take care and stay out of trouble.
See ya later.
Hi Alex,
How’s it going? Thought I’d drop you a line. Things are on my end as I have been learning English through EngVid.
I got a new job since I’m learning better English! I start tomorrow!
How’re things on your end?
Have a good one!
*pretty exciting
Sup Alex
How are you?
i´ve been meaning to write to you since i start to study in engVid…
Thing´s have been ok but really need to improve my english.
thanks for all!!
I apreciated a lot your classes
Hey, Alex
How’ve you been? I’ve been meaning to write to you since you taught me about how to write an e-mail, and now, I’m writing an e-mail for you. Things have been really fun. I just sign up for EngVid a few hours ago. Anyway, hope you’re doing well, too. Talk to you soon. Bye!
Hey Alex, good to see your lessons again
Thought I’d drop you a line, to thank you for this english classes.
I’ve been preparing myself for the TOEFL exam, so things have been pretty bussy on my end. I hope I will do well.
Have a good day!
Hey Nighome,
How’ve you been doing?
Just checking in to hear what’s new. Though I’d drop you a line.
Things have been boring and excited on my end.
I got a call from my mom! Our village gonna celebrate festival of pagoda, rewarding ceremony and anniversary of monk. Just hit three birds with one stone.
I got a new class; EngVid.con online.It’s been great lessons to each of their videos. I’ve been keeping myself busy with PUBG all night but my days with work loads and English class.
Anyway…!Let me know what’s been going on with you. Hope you doing well.
Talk to you later. Take Care!
Mg Min Yan Tain or Mr Ron Dain
Hi Alex.
How are you doing? It’s been awhile since I last visited this website. Things have been pretty busy on my end.But I am glad that I finally has managed to allocate some time to learn English after so long. Hope that I can visit this website more frequently.
Look forward to your next English video.
Be good.
harry ong
Great !!
Hi Alex,
How’s it going? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Things have been pretty excited on my end. I was looking for a good website that helps me to improve my English and guess what? I found it! It’s called Engvid. Have you heard of it? It’s amazing! Anyway, how are things on your end? I hope everything is going well with you. Well, stay out of trouble! Bye!
Hey Alex,
How’s it going? It’s been awhile. Things have been super busy on my end. I started to learn programming and I am busy with it.
Anyway, let me know what’s going on with you.I hope
everything is going well with you.Have a good one.See you soon.Bye!
Sub Ales, how’s things going on? I can’t stop watching your videos, Thanks for the class, it’s very useful. love it.
Have a good one.
ops!!! some type mistakes, starting again
*Sup Alex….
Hey Alex,
how’ve you been ? i’ve been meaning to write to you since my birthday ! just checking in to hear what’s new ;)
how are things on your end ?
talk soon
Hey Alex,
What have you been up to?
Thought I would drop you a line.
Things have been pretty exciting on my end.
I have got a super cool platform to improve my English skills.
Let me know what’s new being going on with you.
Take care!!
Warm Regards,
Sup Alex,
How’s it going?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Currently, my English learning is good, although there are new changes and it is also great. Things have been up and down on my end.
Work has been crazy lately.
Anyway, thank you so much . I hope you’re doing well.
Gods blessing you,
Sup Alex,
what’s going on?
it’s been a while, things have been very good on my end, I study English every day to get the IELTS, how are things on your end? I hope you are doing well.
Take care.
Othman Ali Alrawni
Hi Alex how are you doing.Things are pretty on my end.I ‘d like to say thank you teaching people to improve their writing.Have a nice day
Awesome Alex, you made my day!!!Take it easy
Maria Del Toro
Hi Alex, what´s going on ? Did you still teaching english on the internet? Believe or not, I´ve been meaning to write since that day I saw you on the traffic. Things have been up and down on my end. Miss our conversations at the pub in front of university.I get through my pos graduation search next week. So, I plan to travel to Brazil to visit some friends. Hope you´re doing well. Tell me about you. Be good
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
It’s been awhite
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Currently, my English learning is good, although there are new changes and it is also great. Things have been up and down on my end.
Work has been crazy lately.
Anyway, thank you so much . I hope you’re doing well.
Gods blessing you,
Talk soon.
hey Alex , how’s it doing ?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for along time.
Thing have been pretty busy on my end.
I’ve finished my 5th year in university with high grades , I am very excited about the up coming year which is actually my last year .
How are things on your end ?
be good
Hi Alex.
How’s it going? I’ve been meaning to write to you for along time.Thing have been pretty busy on my end.I finished doing my monograph and you don’t know how happy I am. However, also a little concerned about the grade I get.
Anyway, Let me know what’s been going on with you.
Talk to you later and Take Care¡¡¡¡
Yordy Castro
Hi Alex
How are you today?
I haven´t seen you for a long time, I wanted to invite you to a virtual party with some friends for Alejandro´s birthday. The pandemic will not prevent us from having this party. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 5th December at 19:30 PM. I send the link to the meeting. Don´t miss it. See you.
Good Bye :)
Estefany Vivanco
Hi Alex,
How are you? I intend to write to thank you for such a wonderful lesson.
The truth is that I am always trying to learn much more and expand my knowledge. It is a pleasure and also very helpful to have their advice.
About this lesson I can say that it was a bit difficult for me at the beginning, however with practice I will improve a lot. I had a lot of fun watching your video, it is very interesting, continue like this.
Take care and blessings
Yo, Alex!
How´s it going?
i’ve been meaning to write you to tell you that I understood very well it lesson. I need to practice a lot how to write this text type obviously because it´s new for me. However, I already have many ideas of phrases to each email part.
Essencially, writting an email doesn´t have to be stressfull because it´s like interact with trusted people, right?. Any way it´s important to know how to write the text depending on the person.
Things have been okay on my end. I´ve learned many things in this page. I have a notion this topic now because you explanation.
Any way, hope you´re doing well.
Talk soon…
Dayana Belén
Hey Alex.
What’s going on?
I’ve meaning to write to you since your mom’s birthday. Things have been pretty stressful on my end.I’ve been hardworking these weeks in order to get my IB diploma. I want to get a scholarship, you know. Also my sister’s birthday was yesterday. I was hoping to see you there.
Let me know what’s been going on with you. See you, stay our of trouble.
Edugriel Acevedo
Hey Alex,
How are you? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time.
Things have been pretty stressful on my end.
It’s not always easy to find the time to do everything I have in mind or I need to do but anyway.
High school has been crazy lately.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Hope you’re doing well.
Take care
Hi Alex
How goes?
I’ve been meaning to write to you since your video in my opinion it seemed interesting and explanatory. Things are okay, I am in my last year of high school and in the English subject I am learning to write paragraphs and different texts. I have read a lot in the last few days and have searched for information to learn.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Be good.
Jeniffer Intriago
Hey Alex
How are you? I’ve been meaning to write you for along time, thing have been pretty busy on my end, in this moment I stay with my family planning a surprise for my mom’s birthday and at the moment everything is going well.
Anyway, thanks for your information, it served me a lot and let me know what happened to him.
Take care and stay out of problems.
Paul Viteri
Sup Alex
What’s going on? I’ ve been meaning to write to you since this morning. Thanks to your video I understood this new topic, which my teacher is teaching us. Things been up and down, but it depends of my actions, so I continue with my job. Work has been crazy so I had to forget of some activitiest which I did. Let me know, which will be the topic of your next video?
Talk to you soon.
Bryan Guachi
Hey, Alex. What’s going on? I’ve been meaning to write to you for 3 hours. Things have been pretty busy on my end. I had a lot of homework and projects. Anyways, let me know what’s been going on with you?
Have a good one, take care. I loved your video :)
Gabriela Chicaiza
Hey Alex!
How’ve you been. Thought I’d drop you a line.
Things have been super busy on my end but I am happy I finished my homework. I have not finished my projects yet but I am doing very well and that reassures me.
Anyway. Hope you’re doing well. In addition I wanted to thank you for this video, you explain very well and you help me learn, keep it up!
Take care and strong hugs! <3
Keith 07
Hi Alex,
How’s it going? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time and I loved your lesson. Things have been pretty excited on my end.I finished moving, now I live in a small house but it is beautiful also I play with my best friend Marco Lara I love him very much. Anyway, how are things on your end? I hope everything is going well with you. Well, stay out of trouble! Bye!
Hi Alex, What’s going on?
I´ve been meaning to write to you for a long time to tell you that this lesson is very helpful for me, thanks!
Well, things have been pretty stressful on my end, because I need to do a lot of projects. Actually, I am happy do it but this is a bit tired.
Guess what! I´ve been in a pre-college course for two months and I really enjoy it, classes are very interesting. Anyway, Hope you´re doing well.
Stay out of trouble, bye!
Estefania Ochoa
Hey Alex, :0
How’s it going?
I’ve been meaning to write for two months but something was happening that prevented me from doing it. Things have been pretty stressful on my end. I got my abilities in a game that i didn’t play for a long time.
Anyway, how are things on your end?
Take care :3
Hello Andres.
How are you?
I like your videos very much and they are all very useful to continue advancing my English. Because I have studied English during the school years and after I started watching your videos, my English skills are growing.
Thank you for everything.
Hi Alex, how have you been?
I’ve been very worried on my part. I am still doing my monograph and I am afraid that I will not do it the right way. I’m very sad because one of my cousins had to go to another city and I haven’t heard from you for a long time. I have been practicing the language and I think I have improved a lot compared to the previous two years.
I wanted to thank you for your help with the information on how to write an email correctly.
I hope to hear from you soon. Take care!
Ailin Arana
Yo Alex,
What’s going on? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Things have been pretty stressful on my end.
I had to do a lot of homework. Today I had a group call with some of my classmates in order to do the advance for the recording of “Theory of knowledge” (TOK). I was very stressed because we thought that we needed more information but we remembered that we interviewed an activist against climate change. We also did some polls to different people and with the respective results we are going to do our conclusions.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Don’t forget to keep me informed about your new projects.
Talk to you soon, hugs.
Hi Alex,
How are you? It’s been a while since I last talked to you. Things have been pretty busy on my end, but I’m glad I finally managed to take some time to learn English.
We look forward to your next video in English.
daniela simbaña
Hey Alex!
What´s going on?, just checking in to hear what´s new. Things are pretty stressful on my end, I´ve been keeping myself busy with homework that I had to turn in at high school ,but I’m finishing it little by little, I want to tell you that you do an excellent job with your videos, it really helped me a lot with my homework today, I learned new things that I didn’t know, and you know how to express yourself very well. I hope you´re doing well.
Take care.
Domenica Lopez
Hi Alex!
How’s it going?
Things have been super busy on my end.
I’ve done many activities like listening to music, practice sports, learn a lot things, etc. I’ve been keeping myself busy with these activities. Also, I thank to you by your lesson ’cause I learned a lot.
How about you? Do you keep healthy?
Hope you’re doing well.
Have a good one, Take care, Be good.
Churuchumbi Jennyfer
Hey Alex!
How’ve you been?I hope that very good.
I’ve been meaning to write to thank you for your video information. It is very interesting. I tell you that I am preparing to take the external IB tests, and writing an email is very important. With your video I was able to learn more about how to write an informal email. You are a great teacher. Keep it up. I like your videos, they help me better every day.
Talk to you soon,take care.
Estefany Gualacata
Hi Alex
How have you been?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time, just checking in to know what’s new. Things have been pretty exciting on my end, I have been keeping myself busy with football. Anyway, how are things on your end? Let me know what’s going on with you,take care.
Hi Alex . I hope you’re doing well. I am interesting this lesson.
Thank you Alex!
Hi Alex, How’s it going? I’d drop a line, I’ve been busy watching your videos and improving my writting skills . I’m studying english since 3 years ago it is amazing because i can exchange comments with people of different parts of the world. You’re an excellente teaCHER. Greatings from Campeche Mexico, land of the maya.
Hi Alex,
How are you? It has been a while. I have been meaning to write to you since last year. Things have been very busy on my end. I got a new job! I am starting this coming Monday. Anyway, Let me know what has been going on with you? Talk to you soon.
I watched this video twice on May 5, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex,
How goes ?it` has been long time to hear from you, I have been busy with to write business proposal any way let me know what`s been going on with you
talk you later
mohamed cade111
Hi Alex, thank you for sharing to us this topic. I got 10/10.
Hey Alex,
how’ve you been?
Tought I’d drop you a line.Things are up and down on my end. I’ve been keeping myself busy with leaning new things.Anaway, Hope you’re doing well.
Have a good one.
Hey Alex!
How’s going?
I haven’t heard from you for a while.
Things are been pretty stressful on my end, ’cause you know I have to do a lot of tasks for school.
But I have some good news for you, I’ve started an English course and it’s been awesome, also last week I visited Maria and she was doing an advanced math course, she’s so smart. If I were smart as she is, I’d definitely go to Harvard.
Anyway, let me know how’s been going with you.
Have a good one <3
Sup Alex,
how’s going on , I haven’t heard from you in a bit
things have been pretty exciting on my end.
Hi Alex, how’s it going?
it’s been a while, my friend. things are very bussy on this end. my father has been retired for his job and my mom’s been an accident in her car. but, she’s better now. How are things on your side? I hope you are doing well!
Take care. Nicolas
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hey Alex,
How’ve you been. Thought I’d drop you a line.
Things have been up and down recently on my end but I’ve got a new job and things are taking a turn for the better.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Have a good one
Hi,Alex I hope you are doing well. Thanks for the lesson. I want to learn how to write official letter and invitation letter. There is a way you may help me maybe other students whom like me?
Hey Alex, wonderful , I can get the whole board.
A lot of thanks Alex.
Have a good one!
‘Sup Alex, how’s it going?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a
long time.
I dropped you a line another day and
if you check it out,
you will know that I laughed a lot watching
your last class, it was very fun
and helpful.
The things are good on my end.
I recognize you have a talent
and I am thankful for your help.
Have a good one!
Hey Alex.
Thank you for wonderful lessons! I have a commitment/suggestion for you and for other Engvid”s teachers.. first,I have learn English a lot on and other sources! I would like you to make “Especial lesson(s)” for people/students who have ESL. The reason I have mentioned that because some guys got confused to use he instead she ,has instead have..vice versa..etc Evert time when I meet someone who has that confusing I try hard to teach him,her the correct English! I hope you understand my point. By the way..I still learning English and will never stop learning English as it’s ALWAYS updated !
Keep up what you’re doing!!
Haider Alshahee
Best regards
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Haven’t heard from you in a bit.
I’m from Russia. I would recommend you a trip to Russia in spring or summer. In my opinion, it is worth seeing such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. I would like to visit Canada, I think it is very interesting there. Which places would you recommend me to visit there?
Talk soon.
Bye for now.
thanks a lot… I have a QUESTION. I wanna know how many words we need to know in order to do routine and daily work and other things such as writting and speaking?
Hi, Alex.
J’espère que tu vas bien et que l’année 2020 t’apportera beaucoup de satisfaction.
Merci pour tes leçons efficaces, sympathiques et intéressantes.
Bonne année.
Hey Alex
How are you doing, hope you are well.
Im from Russia and I would like to recommend you a few lovely places to visit in my country. First place is Saint Petersburg, a beautiful city of drawbridges. It is wonderful here, rivers and old buildings complete each other. I am not from here and i was there twice but I hope I will visit it as soon as possible. The second place is surely gonna be Moscow. Moscow is a city of contrasts, old houses mixed with modern buildings, churches and parks. There are a lot of galleries that you could visit. Third place could be Kaliningrad. It will remain you more like Europe, not Russia. Kaliningrad is not really big but it is sure worth visiting. Actually Russia is big and worth visiting not only big cities but countrysides and mountains. And which places could you recommend me to visit in Canada? I would really like to know! Hoping for your answer soon.
hi Alex,
Thank you so much for the video. it’s very helpful.
Best Regards,
Hey Alex,
How are you? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time to thank you and Engvid staff to continue keeping the website update with excellent lessons like this one.
It’s not always easy to find the time to do everything I have in mind or I need to do but anyway I try to follow Engvid lessons when update. It’s a pleasure and also a lot of help.
About this lesson I appreciate a lot also your stepping off in order to get the whole board. You are right, screen capture of the board is really helpful. Hope the other teachers will follow your example.
I see you are a fun of Stranger Things. Why not base a lesson about that topic?
Hope you’re doing well.
Take care
what’s up teacher. just want to say this lesson is very meaningful..
Hello my name is mahad Tahlil from Somalia East Africa
‘sup Alex
how goes?
i’ve been meaning to write you for congratulate you for your insane classes, they help all the demonic raze to improve our english.
things have been pretty difficult for me lately since the resurrection of the ten commandments and my brother Zeldris.
I’ve been very busy caring of Elizabeth from those terrible beings.
So Anyway…
Hope you’re doing ok caring your dear beings
Stay out of trouble.
PD: Hey Alex i strongly recommend you watch my serie, is called “Nanatzu no taizai” as i’m realizing you like too much the movies and those kind of things, so if you want to see my anime with english subtitles, go and search me.
Hi Alex
How you doing !!
Hope you are well.
I really like your videos and all of then are very helpfull to improve my english. I’ve studing english for a long time and after I start to watch your videos, my english skills are growng so fast.
Have a good one !!
Hi Alex How’s it going ? It’s been awhile I’ve had the pleasure to intend one of your course It’s excellent as usual but it’s not so easy to use correctly all these meanings but take it easy I endeavour again and again. Thanks a lot.
Yo, Alex
how you doin? I haven’t taken lesson from you in awhile. Thought I’d drop you a line.
Things have been super busy on this end. I’ve just been learning English.
let me know what’s been going on with you?
Hope you’re doing well
Take care and stay out of trouble.
See ya later.
Hi Alex,
How’s it going? Thought I’d drop you a line. Things are on my end as I have been learning English through EngVid.
I got a new job since I’m learning better English! I start tomorrow!
How’re things on your end?
Have a good one!
*pretty exciting
Sup Alex
How are you?
i´ve been meaning to write to you since i start to study in engVid…
Thing´s have been ok but really need to improve my english.
thanks for all!!
I apreciated a lot your classes
Hey, Alex
How’ve you been? I’ve been meaning to write to you since you taught me about how to write an e-mail, and now, I’m writing an e-mail for you. Things have been really fun. I just sign up for EngVid a few hours ago. Anyway, hope you’re doing well, too. Talk to you soon. Bye!
Hey Alex, good to see your lessons again
Thought I’d drop you a line, to thank you for this english classes.
I’ve been preparing myself for the TOEFL exam, so things have been pretty bussy on my end. I hope I will do well.
Have a good day!
Hey Nighome,
How’ve you been doing?
Just checking in to hear what’s new. Though I’d drop you a line.
Things have been boring and excited on my end.
I got a call from my mom! Our village gonna celebrate festival of pagoda, rewarding ceremony and anniversary of monk. Just hit three birds with one stone.
I got a new class; EngVid.con online.It’s been great lessons to each of their videos. I’ve been keeping myself busy with PUBG all night but my days with work loads and English class.
Anyway…!Let me know what’s been going on with you. Hope you doing well.
Talk to you later. Take Care!
Hi Alex.
How are you doing? It’s been awhile since I last visited this website. Things have been pretty busy on my end.But I am glad that I finally has managed to allocate some time to learn English after so long. Hope that I can visit this website more frequently.
Look forward to your next English video.
Be good.
Great !!
Hi Alex,
How’s it going? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Things have been pretty excited on my end. I was looking for a good website that helps me to improve my English and guess what? I found it! It’s called Engvid. Have you heard of it? It’s amazing! Anyway, how are things on your end? I hope everything is going well with you. Well, stay out of trouble! Bye!
Hey Alex,
How’s it going? It’s been awhile. Things have been super busy on my end. I started to learn programming and I am busy with it.
Anyway, let me know what’s going on with you.I hope
everything is going well with you.Have a good one.See you soon.Bye!
Sub Ales, how’s things going on? I can’t stop watching your videos, Thanks for the class, it’s very useful. love it.
Have a good one.
ops!!! some type mistakes, starting again
*Sup Alex….
Hey Alex,
how’ve you been ? i’ve been meaning to write to you since my birthday ! just checking in to hear what’s new ;)
how are things on your end ?
talk soon
Hey Alex,
What have you been up to?
Thought I would drop you a line.
Things have been pretty exciting on my end.
I have got a super cool platform to improve my English skills.
Let me know what’s new being going on with you.
Take care!!
Warm Regards,
Sup Alex,
How’s it going?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Currently, my English learning is good, although there are new changes and it is also great. Things have been up and down on my end.
Work has been crazy lately.
Anyway, thank you so much . I hope you’re doing well.
Gods blessing you,
Sup Alex,
what’s going on?
it’s been a while, things have been very good on my end, I study English every day to get the IELTS, how are things on your end? I hope you are doing well.
Take care.
Hi Alex how are you doing.Things are pretty on my end.I ‘d like to say thank you teaching people to improve their writing.Have a nice day
Awesome Alex, you made my day!!!Take it easy
Hi Alex, what´s going on ? Did you still teaching english on the internet? Believe or not, I´ve been meaning to write since that day I saw you on the traffic. Things have been up and down on my end. Miss our conversations at the pub in front of university.I get through my pos graduation search next week. So, I plan to travel to Brazil to visit some friends. Hope you´re doing well. Tell me about you. Be good
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
It’s been awhite
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Currently, my English learning is good, although there are new changes and it is also great. Things have been up and down on my end.
Work has been crazy lately.
Anyway, thank you so much . I hope you’re doing well.
Gods blessing you,
Talk soon.
hey Alex , how’s it doing ?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for along time.
Thing have been pretty busy on my end.
I’ve finished my 5th year in university with high grades , I am very excited about the up coming year which is actually my last year .
How are things on your end ?
be good
Hi Alex.
How’s it going? I’ve been meaning to write to you for along time.Thing have been pretty busy on my end.I finished doing my monograph and you don’t know how happy I am. However, also a little concerned about the grade I get.
Anyway, Let me know what’s been going on with you.
Talk to you later and Take Care¡¡¡¡
Hi Alex
How are you today?
I haven´t seen you for a long time, I wanted to invite you to a virtual party with some friends for Alejandro´s birthday. The pandemic will not prevent us from having this party. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 5th December at 19:30 PM. I send the link to the meeting. Don´t miss it. See you.
Good Bye :)
Hi Alex,
How are you? I intend to write to thank you for such a wonderful lesson.
The truth is that I am always trying to learn much more and expand my knowledge. It is a pleasure and also very helpful to have their advice.
About this lesson I can say that it was a bit difficult for me at the beginning, however with practice I will improve a lot. I had a lot of fun watching your video, it is very interesting, continue like this.
Take care and blessings
Yo, Alex!
How´s it going?
i’ve been meaning to write you to tell you that I understood very well it lesson. I need to practice a lot how to write this text type obviously because it´s new for me. However, I already have many ideas of phrases to each email part.
Essencially, writting an email doesn´t have to be stressfull because it´s like interact with trusted people, right?. Any way it´s important to know how to write the text depending on the person.
Things have been okay on my end. I´ve learned many things in this page. I have a notion this topic now because you explanation.
Any way, hope you´re doing well.
Talk soon…
Hey Alex.
What’s going on?
I’ve meaning to write to you since your mom’s birthday. Things have been pretty stressful on my end.I’ve been hardworking these weeks in order to get my IB diploma. I want to get a scholarship, you know. Also my sister’s birthday was yesterday. I was hoping to see you there.
Let me know what’s been going on with you. See you, stay our of trouble.
Hey Alex,
How are you? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time.
Things have been pretty stressful on my end.
It’s not always easy to find the time to do everything I have in mind or I need to do but anyway.
High school has been crazy lately.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Hope you’re doing well.
Take care
Hi Alex
How goes?
I’ve been meaning to write to you since your video in my opinion it seemed interesting and explanatory. Things are okay, I am in my last year of high school and in the English subject I am learning to write paragraphs and different texts. I have read a lot in the last few days and have searched for information to learn.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Be good.
Hey Alex
How are you? I’ve been meaning to write you for along time, thing have been pretty busy on my end, in this moment I stay with my family planning a surprise for my mom’s birthday and at the moment everything is going well.
Anyway, thanks for your information, it served me a lot and let me know what happened to him.
Take care and stay out of problems.
Sup Alex
What’s going on? I’ ve been meaning to write to you since this morning. Thanks to your video I understood this new topic, which my teacher is teaching us. Things been up and down, but it depends of my actions, so I continue with my job. Work has been crazy so I had to forget of some activitiest which I did. Let me know, which will be the topic of your next video?
Talk to you soon.
Hey, Alex. What’s going on? I’ve been meaning to write to you for 3 hours. Things have been pretty busy on my end. I had a lot of homework and projects. Anyways, let me know what’s been going on with you?
Have a good one, take care. I loved your video :)
Hey Alex!
How’ve you been. Thought I’d drop you a line.
Things have been super busy on my end but I am happy I finished my homework. I have not finished my projects yet but I am doing very well and that reassures me.
Anyway. Hope you’re doing well. In addition I wanted to thank you for this video, you explain very well and you help me learn, keep it up!
Take care and strong hugs! <3
Hi Alex,
How’s it going? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time and I loved your lesson. Things have been pretty excited on my end.I finished moving, now I live in a small house but it is beautiful also I play with my best friend Marco Lara I love him very much. Anyway, how are things on your end? I hope everything is going well with you. Well, stay out of trouble! Bye!
Hi Alex, What’s going on?
I´ve been meaning to write to you for a long time to tell you that this lesson is very helpful for me, thanks!
Well, things have been pretty stressful on my end, because I need to do a lot of projects. Actually, I am happy do it but this is a bit tired.
Guess what! I´ve been in a pre-college course for two months and I really enjoy it, classes are very interesting. Anyway, Hope you´re doing well.
Stay out of trouble, bye!
Hey Alex, :0
How’s it going?
I’ve been meaning to write for two months but something was happening that prevented me from doing it. Things have been pretty stressful on my end. I got my abilities in a game that i didn’t play for a long time.
Anyway, how are things on your end?
Take care :3
Hello Andres.
How are you?
I like your videos very much and they are all very useful to continue advancing my English. Because I have studied English during the school years and after I started watching your videos, my English skills are growing.
Thank you for everything.
Hi Alex, how have you been?
I’ve been very worried on my part. I am still doing my monograph and I am afraid that I will not do it the right way. I’m very sad because one of my cousins had to go to another city and I haven’t heard from you for a long time. I have been practicing the language and I think I have improved a lot compared to the previous two years.
I wanted to thank you for your help with the information on how to write an email correctly.
I hope to hear from you soon. Take care!
Yo Alex,
What’s going on? I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. Things have been pretty stressful on my end.
I had to do a lot of homework. Today I had a group call with some of my classmates in order to do the advance for the recording of “Theory of knowledge” (TOK). I was very stressed because we thought that we needed more information but we remembered that we interviewed an activist against climate change. We also did some polls to different people and with the respective results we are going to do our conclusions.
Anyway, let me know what’s been going on with you.
Don’t forget to keep me informed about your new projects.
Talk to you soon, hugs.
Hi Alex,
How are you? It’s been a while since I last talked to you. Things have been pretty busy on my end, but I’m glad I finally managed to take some time to learn English.
We look forward to your next video in English.
Hey Alex!
What´s going on?, just checking in to hear what´s new. Things are pretty stressful on my end, I´ve been keeping myself busy with homework that I had to turn in at high school ,but I’m finishing it little by little, I want to tell you that you do an excellent job with your videos, it really helped me a lot with my homework today, I learned new things that I didn’t know, and you know how to express yourself very well. I hope you´re doing well.
Take care.
Hi Alex!
How’s it going?
Things have been super busy on my end.
I’ve done many activities like listening to music, practice sports, learn a lot things, etc. I’ve been keeping myself busy with these activities. Also, I thank to you by your lesson ’cause I learned a lot.
How about you? Do you keep healthy?
Hope you’re doing well.
Have a good one, Take care, Be good.
Hey Alex!
How’ve you been?I hope that very good.
I’ve been meaning to write to thank you for your video information. It is very interesting. I tell you that I am preparing to take the external IB tests, and writing an email is very important. With your video I was able to learn more about how to write an informal email. You are a great teacher. Keep it up. I like your videos, they help me better every day.
Talk to you soon,take care.
Hi Alex
How have you been?
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time, just checking in to know what’s new. Things have been pretty exciting on my end, I have been keeping myself busy with football. Anyway, how are things on your end? Let me know what’s going on with you,take care.
Hi Alex . I hope you’re doing well. I am interesting this lesson.
Thank you Alex!
Hi Alex, How’s it going? I’d drop a line, I’ve been busy watching your videos and improving my writting skills . I’m studying english since 3 years ago it is amazing because i can exchange comments with people of different parts of the world. You’re an excellente teaCHER. Greatings from Campeche Mexico, land of the maya.
Hi Alex,
How are you? It has been a while. I have been meaning to write to you since last year. Things have been very busy on my end. I got a new job! I am starting this coming Monday. Anyway, Let me know what has been going on with you? Talk to you soon.
I watched this video twice on May 5, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex,
How goes ?it` has been long time to hear from you, I have been busy with to write business proposal any way let me know what`s been going on with you
talk you later
Hi Alex, thank you for sharing to us this topic. I got 10/10.
Hey Alex,
how’ve you been?
Tought I’d drop you a line.Things are up and down on my end. I’ve been keeping myself busy with leaning new things.Anaway, Hope you’re doing well.
Have a good one.
Hey Alex!
How’s going?
I haven’t heard from you for a while.
Things are been pretty stressful on my end, ’cause you know I have to do a lot of tasks for school.
But I have some good news for you, I’ve started an English course and it’s been awesome, also last week I visited Maria and she was doing an advanced math course, she’s so smart. If I were smart as she is, I’d definitely go to Harvard.
Anyway, let me know how’s been going with you.
Have a good one <3
Sup Alex,
how’s going on , I haven’t heard from you in a bit
things have been pretty exciting on my end.
Hi Alex, how’s it going?
it’s been a while, my friend. things are very bussy on this end. my father has been retired for his job and my mom’s been an accident in her car. but, she’s better now. How are things on your side? I hope you are doing well!
Take care. Nicolas