Taking the IELTS soon? Watch this simple lesson to learn what happens in the listening section of the IELTS. I will explain what you need to know about the test, so that you will be prepared and confident on your test day.
there’s no word will express how i grateful for what you have done to us miss EMMA , it was useful,i wondering if there is group in skype to training how to speak, if anyone wanna practice speaking go and add me on skype : bobfaisl1
my sincerely
Thank you, Emma :)
Good morning. Many thanks
Good job Emma , thanks a million .
Thanks got 70%.
Abdul Qayum
9/10. Again on the first question I thought that the correct answer include the 30m plus the 10m transfer. So I said 40m.
Jorge Pedroso
Very interesting lesson.Thank you.
thank you so much Emma
Very Helpful. thanks a lot.
Mamun Billah
Thank you E
Soon I’ll make an IELTS.
We need more lessons about IELTS, so it will be better for anybody who plan to do this test.
Your tips were very useful to me, thanks a lot.
Thank you. I think that will be good, if you will start to make videos about listening tips. I have noticed many differences between English in the classroom, and English used by English native speakers.
Amazing emma we want more & more plz
Being familiar with the IELTS test format helps you to feel more confident when taking the actual test.
Thanks for this useful video-lesson Emma
Have a nice week!!!
Thank you emma, Information communicated in your video was concise and precise.
Video was blurred after few minutes of play, I guess the camera was out of focus anyway this is a trivial issue. :)
Hello: I take beginner english test
Anibal Espino
thank you emma. I really undurstand your speaking.
Thank you for english lesson…ı want to english practic
I just make a plan to collect every lecture and I believe EMMA is an ideal and good teacher as well as speaker.But I need your all lecture on specific(e. g. speaking, listening, writing and reading) issue.
Could you please upload all of your lecture in speaking, listening, writing and reading of IELTS program.
Hi~ Emma~ very thanks. God bless you!
Gloria Lee
thanks a lot
Botir R
very informative, thanks Emma
thanks very much emma, it is so useful
learner english
Thanks for the lesson, Emma! It’s helpful for us.
Hello Emma Mam,
I am preparing for IELTS and I am feeling difficult in writing as well as in speaking so please upload some easy techniques…
Thanks Emma,yo’re very good teacher
How can I see the vedios of the programmes ?
I hope someone can help me .
Hello friend! if you want to see all the videos of the program, you can search on this website with some key words such as :Ielts speaking, Ielts reading, listening, writing. In addition, you can watch this video on youtube, when the the video is merely end, it offers you some more videos which relate to Ielts program. Of course, they are made by our good teacher Emma and some other teacher from Engvid.
Enjoy your video and best of luck
Jean Nguyen
Hello Emma
could you please tell me when the past tense of ‘must’ is ‘had to’ and when it is ‘must have done’ ?
thank you
“had to” is similar to force.I had to do my project.It means I was forced to do that.”must have done” is expectation.I must have done my project by now,but I am late.The bus must have arrived by now.I hope it helps.
Hello Emma,
Could you help please, the matter is when I send my CV (resumé) to a teaching school I do not always get recruited even though my application is well-prepared, I would be grateful to you if you examine my resumé for any section requiring an editing, thank you in advance.
Thanks a lot and hope to do better with your help.
thank you for your great lesson.
I remember You posted a video about some phrases related to heaven.I appreciate it if you post a similar video about heart like my heart breaks,lurches,falls,flutters,and so on.
Thank you
9/10 ^^ Thanks Emma very much
thanks so much.
please,can you tell me how to download these videos? I can’t
That are very gr8 nd m also got 100 marks in that listening test
Hey Emma, I tried IELTS.I got 7 out of 10, though I`ll sit for TOEFL.
Thank you Emma!
thank you, Emma
got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you for sharing the lessons.
I would like to thank you Emma for your lecture and for your guides.
thank you
ernesto m
Oh, today will be my IELTS exam (listening part + reading and writing parts).
I believe I will pass it well.
Thank you so much!!! And thank you for supporting us! It really makes me hopeful and positive about this test.
Madam Emma I am very gladfull to you, you are very best teacher ever I seen. I am getting each day enthusiasm by your fabulous English videos. Thanks a ton!!
This is my first lesson. I enjoyed it.Thank You Emma.
how can l download these video?
Sorry, you can only watch them on Youtube!
engVid Moderator
you are my favourite teacher thank you so much engvid all I love u Emma
Muhammed ozdogan
thank you emma you motivate me thank you a thousand time
install internet downloader to your computer and you can download all video here in engvid,,I’ve just did it!and all my video collection are awesome!thank you so much engvid!all of your lesson are very useful! :)
keep it up!
Steph Lou
Hi Emma,
thank you very much. Your lesson are great and helpful. take care
this is great. you are the best teacher
thank you very much Emma i really enjoyed with you , i think that am lucky to get lessons
got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you very much
I love u Emma .. you r really a good teacher
Wonderful ,
Many thanks Emma
Thanks emma……jsk.
you are my favorite teacher here. I enjoyed your every video also I learn from it. help me lots.
NB: I want to talk with somebody who very good in english and help me. my skype: c.m.tanvir.engr
My problem is specking :( :(
Dude you also need to be careful about your spelling. You do make spelling mistake a lot.
Thank you Emma good feedback!
Thanks Emma
hi emma this is my first comment. i really like u lessons,they r very useful. i will pass my ielts in jaune the 5th and 7th in algeria. i would like to ask u for u contact , skype or ur phone number to talk with u … my regards
lol, sure
great EMMA many many thanks
thank you Emma , I really appreciate your effort to make everything clear and easier :)
Many thanks! 9 out of 10
Thanks a lot Emma but it would be nice if you give us some audio tapes to know more about that module
Emma the cannot play why?
Probably because our videos are on Youtube which is blocked in Pakistan…
engVid Moderator
Because youtube is blocked in pakistan
add me on skype i tell u how to play
8/10. Thanks Emma. It is very useful for me.
Ho Thanh Tuan
i got 100
I got 100%..Thanks
Horaaay.. I got 100.. thank you Emma for the lesson..
Thank you and it helps me a lot to practise my IELTS.
I try to do better
got 10 :) thanks..
its helpfull
Thank you.
thank you miss Emma for the explanation
Your style in video learning is fantastic. THX
Thank you so much Miss Emma…
hey guys if anyone wants to conversate in English on skype please do add me
thanks for your efforts
Thank you!
I can really get the motivation from your lessons to get more and more confidence .
And i can do this :D
10/10 thanks for this topic.
Thanks Emma
Hello Emma
I was wondering if in the listening, it is a penalty to don’t use the right calligraphy. I meant, for example in a name should I used capital letter or also if it is correct writing down the whole name in capital. I hope you understand my question
Thank for your time. Have a wonderful day!!!!
thank you…
Thank you very much Emma.
I got 9/10.
Very good information about IELTS, Thank you, Emma! It helps us to do our best
thank Emma for expanation
Thank you.
thanks a lot dear Emma
emma thnks
very informative
Wow Got 7 Band in Ielts thanks for your support Emma
thanks emma. this will be a big help for my preparation for the exam.
Thank you very much Emma!!! I hope I will get score 7.
Thnx Emma :) you are the best
thanks emma :)
thanks you helped me alot.
Thank you very much T. Emma I’m from Sudan.
Really very interesting !!!! Thank you so much Miss Emma.
thank you Emma very much
if you have some examples about the listening test of IELTS,can you please put on engvid website or tell me where i can find some date to practice it ?
osama osama
my result is 90% :)
Its really helpful and thanks Emma…
got 100% correct..
Great, it’s easy to hear. I got 100. So 10 were correct. I’m lucky. I hope that in real exam.
it is explained in a good way,thanks.
you are the best
Thank you very much emma, its really veryful helpful for students,
my exam is on 17 jan or speaking test is on 15th please help me out emma… i cant find the practice papers for listening and reading…
erum azam
hi emma
I am planning to give ielts in april 2015.Help me out with specially in writing section.
Also note that earlier only in writing i got less than 6 band. i.e.5.5. Now i want to improve my score. I need 6 in each module. please help me. specially in writing.
Thank you !!!
thank you ma’am
thank you ma’m Emma
Thanks !!!
thank you :)
I’ve got 100 point!
Thank you
Thanks Emma. I got 8 out of 10
Great! I Acquired 10/10. Thanks Emma
Lam Thi Hang
nice to meet you I’m also was born Thai Binh province
You give me lots of power!!!
Xin-Pin Lin
Hello Ms Emma,
I am preparing for a general IELTS exam which I have in a week, and I am taking a lot of advantage of your videos and those of other teachers here. I am very grateful and I will be translating that to actions soon :)
First of all, I would really like to thank you and all other teachers for giving time and effort to help us all.
Second of all, I have a few questions that are kinda bugging me regarding the IELTS, especially the listening part:
1- How important are spaces and hyphens in the answers? Let us say if I hear a word like “clubhouse” for instance, and I write it as “club house”, would it be considered wrong? (Note that word limits are 2-3 words). Similarly, if I hear a world like “North-west” and I write it “Northwest” or “North West” would it be considered a mistake?
2-When writing dates what is the best format? Sometimes they say “22nd of October”, I would write that (it is within word limits) and then I see the answer is “22 October” or “October 22” or “October 22nd”. Would my answer and any of the latter be accepted?
3- How to write timings? Should I write “8:30 AM” or “8.30 AM” ?
4- If I am supposed to choose two letters of write two words for a single question, how would I separate them ? Should i separate them using a space or commar or hyphen ? “A B” or “A,B” or what ?
Thanks and I appreciate if you can answer any time soon.
Kind Regards,
A huge fan ;)
How are you?
I’m Yan. How did you pass the IELTS? Was it difficult for you? I’m gonna take it soon.
I have got 100.Thank you very much Emma.You are awesome!!!!
the lecture was informative! thank you
thank you teacher for this information
God bless you Emma.you are amazing!
Thank you so much
Now I am learning IELTS with books but there isn’t CD to practice how do I need to find practice test 1 to 4.Please suggest to me
Thanks a lot Emma.
I am learning many things.
Asst Prof Reza.
Thanks for that it is really useful.
Dear Emma,
Would like to thanks you for your Great Job.
Your videos are precursor for our IELTS exam.
Thanks a lot for your great job.
Hi Emma,
Excellent video presentation.
Thank You very much Emma!
very helpful for me.
Thanks Emma. I got 7.5 in IELTS Listening and overall 6.5 bands.
Arsalan Tariq
Emma you’re THE BEST! I adore you! :)
Thank You, Emma.
thanks for teaching
Thank you so much Emma for all your helpful lessons!
The English spoken in Canada is American or British???
Neither; it’s just Canadian English, which has things in common with both American and British English.
engVid Moderator
OK.. But the Canadian accent is more similar to the American or the British accent?
American, but the north of the country. (People in the Southern and Western US have very different accents)
engVid Moderator
thank you very much Emma
best regards
haider j touma
mam im a big listener of u mam and u r my rolemodel when i thought to write the ielts examination
sai chaitanya
Thanks from Egypt
Thank you very much teacher
Thank you very much Emma
Thank so much, Emma for your handy instructions.
Thank you m.s. Emma. I suppose,the best explanation… :)
good explaination Emma
Heng Kry Try
awesome Emma!!!! you are the best and I really like the way you explain everything….
I have known what happen in IELTS Liestening test since i saw your videos
Easy to understand :))) Nice videos
Emma, thanks for IELTS videos. I’m gonna take it soon, so wish me best luck!
Just wanted to ask if academic IELTS is acceptable for immigration. I have read it was more challenging compare to GT.
thanks emma
Hussam Alsaleh
I got 10/10
Thank you forever and God bless you
Munahi Alsubaie
i got 100. hurray!!
thank you very much.
Adha Godek
thanks alot emma
I got 9/10
many thanx
It was very helpful for me Emma thank you so much.
Thanks so much Emma!
Thanks Emma!
Mohamed Khamis
I am very interest with you, you have a great present thanks alot
thank you Emma
9/10 like the past test
what is the difference betwwen “when did they come?” and “when they came?”. thank you in advance :-)
You’re top Emma.
Thanks teacher .
Thank you very much
I consider passing IELTS,listening part seems to be most difficult
Thank you Emma
I feel now more confident
I will do the IELTS test after 10 days
Ramiz Shubbar
thank you Emma
Thanks! Teacher :) @emma
Hi Emma,
It is always a pleasure to see your video lectures in the youtube or engvid.com.
you are my favorite instructor.
Nice one..:)
Thank you, Emma :)
Thank you, Emma !
Thanks Emma, u are amazing
Thanks got 90%.
Mikio Akemasa
Wowww, Thanks Emma, but the true I think is difficult at least for me… cause I understand but needs to be faster for answer. Yesterday, I saw a lot of Examples IELTS, tests, but they usually say for read all the answer before listening, and I’m not use to do that and not in all my courses nobody say that … They first read and then they ask you answer, understand me???
One more very good class Emma. Thank you!
emma it was great help if we could get a practise or study materials for IELTS
Altaf Somani
Amazing,you are a professional teacher
most appreciation for your efforts
Thanks..started preparing for IELTS exam…
Thank you Emma
You got 9 correct out of 10
thanks alot
good lecture
Ali H. Wheeb
basic but good quiz
Ali H. Wheeb
you are amazing , really helpful , thanks Emma
samih kamal
i am such a pussy in english
hi Emma,its a very thoughtful of you, thanks for your class, may I know where I can get a practice test?
thank you Emma,
Thank you Emma, I got 9/10
Thank you Emma.
Mubo farah
Thank you Emma for all your efforts.
Ali S.Alsaymari
Thank you so much Emma. Your lectures are very useful for me.
Thanx Emma
I want to learn some important tips to improve my IELTS skills and get good module in IELTS test..
Naeem Abbas
thanks sis
Mohammed Qudaih
Thank you so much Emma
thank you Emma ,you’re awesome .
Hello Emma, I sincerely appreciate your time & energy to deliver this listening section. I got 9/10 but i disagreed with you that section 4 is more difficult among the sections, instead section 3. The conversations that involve more than 2persons are more difficult, because it has different conversations. Thanks
Thank you Ms. Emma.
9/10! Listening test was the difficult section when I studied at university. If I have Emma’s lesson at that time, I’d learn better than before.
Jerry Gu
Thank you Emma for your lesson!
thanks Emma a lot for your lessons
Very informative and easy to understand
thanks alot Emma
well understood
Hi,i have done my fsc in 2018 and SAT in 2022 and I got 1500 score could I get admission in becholar with gap years
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you very much Emma.
there’s no word will express how i grateful for what you have done to us miss EMMA , it was useful,i wondering if there is group in skype to training how to speak, if anyone wanna practice speaking go and add me on skype : bobfaisl1
my sincerely
Thank you, Emma :)
Good morning. Many thanks
Good job Emma , thanks a million .
Thanks got 70%.
9/10. Again on the first question I thought that the correct answer include the 30m plus the 10m transfer. So I said 40m.
Very interesting lesson.Thank you.
thank you so much Emma
Very Helpful. thanks a lot.
Thank you E
Soon I’ll make an IELTS.
We need more lessons about IELTS, so it will be better for anybody who plan to do this test.
Your tips were very useful to me, thanks a lot.
Thank you. I think that will be good, if you will start to make videos about listening tips. I have noticed many differences between English in the classroom, and English used by English native speakers.
Amazing emma we want more & more plz
Being familiar with the IELTS test format helps you to feel more confident when taking the actual test.
Thanks for this useful video-lesson Emma
Have a nice week!!!
Thank you emma, Information communicated in your video was concise and precise.
Video was blurred after few minutes of play, I guess the camera was out of focus anyway this is a trivial issue. :)
Hello: I take beginner english test
thank you emma. I really undurstand your speaking.
Thank you for english lesson…ı want to english practic
I just make a plan to collect every lecture and I believe EMMA is an ideal and good teacher as well as speaker.But I need your all lecture on specific(e. g. speaking, listening, writing and reading) issue.
Could you please upload all of your lecture in speaking, listening, writing and reading of IELTS program.
Hi~ Emma~ very thanks. God bless you!
thanks a lot
very informative, thanks Emma
thanks very much emma, it is so useful
Thanks for the lesson, Emma! It’s helpful for us.
Hello Emma Mam,
I am preparing for IELTS and I am feeling difficult in writing as well as in speaking so please upload some easy techniques…
Thanks Emma,yo’re very good teacher
How can I see the vedios of the programmes ?
I hope someone can help me .
Hello friend! if you want to see all the videos of the program, you can search on this website with some key words such as :Ielts speaking, Ielts reading, listening, writing. In addition, you can watch this video on youtube, when the the video is merely end, it offers you some more videos which relate to Ielts program. Of course, they are made by our good teacher Emma and some other teacher from Engvid.
Enjoy your video and best of luck
Hello Emma
could you please tell me when the past tense of ‘must’ is ‘had to’ and when it is ‘must have done’ ?
thank you
“had to” is similar to force.I had to do my project.It means I was forced to do that.”must have done” is expectation.I must have done my project by now,but I am late.The bus must have arrived by now.I hope it helps.
Hello Emma,
Could you help please, the matter is when I send my CV (resumé) to a teaching school I do not always get recruited even though my application is well-prepared, I would be grateful to you if you examine my resumé for any section requiring an editing, thank you in advance.
Thanks a lot and hope to do better with your help.
thank you for your great lesson.
I remember You posted a video about some phrases related to heaven.I appreciate it if you post a similar video about heart like my heart breaks,lurches,falls,flutters,and so on.
Thank you
9/10 ^^ Thanks Emma very much
thanks so much.
please,can you tell me how to download these videos? I can’t
That are very gr8 nd m also got 100 marks in that listening test
Hey Emma, I tried IELTS.I got 7 out of 10, though I`ll sit for TOEFL.
Thank you Emma!
thank you, Emma
got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you for sharing the lessons.
I would like to thank you Emma for your lecture and for your guides.
thank you
Oh, today will be my IELTS exam (listening part + reading and writing parts).
I believe I will pass it well.
Thank you so much!!! And thank you for supporting us! It really makes me hopeful and positive about this test.
Madam Emma I am very gladfull to you, you are very best teacher ever I seen. I am getting each day enthusiasm by your fabulous English videos. Thanks a ton!!
TNX for information about IELTS listening.
there is more information at http://www.ieltsjuice.com/ielts
I love your class
Thanx EMMA I’ve got 8 out of 10.
This is my first lesson. I enjoyed it.Thank You Emma.
how can l download these video?
Sorry, you can only watch them on Youtube!
you are my favourite teacher thank you so much engvid all I love u Emma
thank you emma you motivate me thank you a thousand time
install internet downloader to your computer and you can download all video here in engvid,,I’ve just did it!and all my video collection are awesome!thank you so much engvid!all of your lesson are very useful! :)
keep it up!
Hi Emma,
thank you very much. Your lesson are great and helpful. take care
this is great. you are the best teacher
thank you very much Emma i really enjoyed with you , i think that am lucky to get lessons
got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you very much
I love u Emma .. you r really a good teacher
Wonderful ,
Many thanks Emma
Thanks emma……jsk.
you are my favorite teacher here. I enjoyed your every video also I learn from it. help me lots.
NB: I want to talk with somebody who very good in english and help me. my skype: c.m.tanvir.engr
My problem is specking :( :(
Dude you also need to be careful about your spelling. You do make spelling mistake a lot.
Thank you Emma good feedback!
Thanks Emma
hi emma this is my first comment. i really like u lessons,they r very useful. i will pass my ielts in jaune the 5th and 7th in algeria. i would like to ask u for u contact , skype or ur phone number to talk with u … my regards
lol, sure
great EMMA many many thanks
thank you Emma , I really appreciate your effort to make everything clear and easier :)
Many thanks! 9 out of 10
Thanks a lot Emma but it would be nice if you give us some audio tapes to know more about that module
Emma the cannot play why?
Probably because our videos are on Youtube which is blocked in Pakistan…
Because youtube is blocked in pakistan
add me on skype i tell u how to play
8/10. Thanks Emma. It is very useful for me.
i got 100
I got 100%..Thanks
Horaaay.. I got 100.. thank you Emma for the lesson..
Thank you and it helps me a lot to practise my IELTS.
I try to do better
got 10 :) thanks..
its helpfull
Thank you.
thank you miss Emma for the explanation
Your style in video learning is fantastic. THX
Thank you so much Miss Emma…
hey guys if anyone wants to conversate in English on skype please do add me
thanks for your efforts
Thank you!
I can really get the motivation from your lessons to get more and more confidence .
And i can do this :D
10/10 thanks for this topic.
Thanks Emma
Hello Emma
I was wondering if in the listening, it is a penalty to don’t use the right calligraphy. I meant, for example in a name should I used capital letter or also if it is correct writing down the whole name in capital. I hope you understand my question
Thank for your time. Have a wonderful day!!!!
thank you…
Thank you very much Emma.
I got 9/10.
Very good information about IELTS, Thank you, Emma! It helps us to do our best
thank Emma for expanation
Thank you.
thanks a lot dear Emma
emma thnks
very informative
Wow Got 7 Band in Ielts thanks for your support Emma
thanks emma. this will be a big help for my preparation for the exam.
Thank you very much Emma!!! I hope I will get score 7.
Thnx Emma :) you are the best
thanks emma :)
thanks you helped me alot.
Thank you very much T. Emma I’m from Sudan.
Really very interesting !!!! Thank you so much Miss Emma.
thank you Emma very much
if you have some examples about the listening test of IELTS,can you please put on engvid website or tell me where i can find some date to practice it ?
my result is 90% :)
Its really helpful and thanks Emma…
got 100% correct..
Great, it’s easy to hear. I got 100. So 10 were correct. I’m lucky. I hope that in real exam.
it is explained in a good way,thanks.
you are the best
Thank you very much emma, its really veryful helpful for students,
my exam is on 17 jan or speaking test is on 15th please help me out emma… i cant find the practice papers for listening and reading…
hi emma
I am planning to give ielts in april 2015.Help me out with specially in writing section.
Also note that earlier only in writing i got less than 6 band. i.e.5.5. Now i want to improve my score. I need 6 in each module. please help me. specially in writing.
Thank you !!!
thank you ma’am
thank you ma’m Emma
Thanks !!!
thank you :)
I’ve got 100 point!
Thank you
Thanks Emma. I got 8 out of 10
Great! I Acquired 10/10. Thanks Emma
nice to meet you I’m also was born Thai Binh province
You give me lots of power!!!
Hello Ms Emma,
I am preparing for a general IELTS exam which I have in a week, and I am taking a lot of advantage of your videos and those of other teachers here. I am very grateful and I will be translating that to actions soon :)
First of all, I would really like to thank you and all other teachers for giving time and effort to help us all.
Second of all, I have a few questions that are kinda bugging me regarding the IELTS, especially the listening part:
1- How important are spaces and hyphens in the answers? Let us say if I hear a word like “clubhouse” for instance, and I write it as “club house”, would it be considered wrong? (Note that word limits are 2-3 words). Similarly, if I hear a world like “North-west” and I write it “Northwest” or “North West” would it be considered a mistake?
2-When writing dates what is the best format? Sometimes they say “22nd of October”, I would write that (it is within word limits) and then I see the answer is “22 October” or “October 22” or “October 22nd”. Would my answer and any of the latter be accepted?
3- How to write timings? Should I write “8:30 AM” or “8.30 AM” ?
4- If I am supposed to choose two letters of write two words for a single question, how would I separate them ? Should i separate them using a space or commar or hyphen ? “A B” or “A,B” or what ?
Thanks and I appreciate if you can answer any time soon.
Kind Regards,
A huge fan ;)
How are you?
I’m Yan. How did you pass the IELTS? Was it difficult for you? I’m gonna take it soon.
I have got 100.Thank you very much Emma.You are awesome!!!!
the lecture was informative! thank you
thank you teacher for this information
God bless you Emma.you are amazing!
Thank you so much
Now I am learning IELTS with books but there isn’t CD to practice how do I need to find practice test 1 to 4.Please suggest to me
Thanks a lot Emma.
I am learning many things.
Asst Prof Reza.
Thanks for that it is really useful.
Dear Emma,
Would like to thanks you for your Great Job.
Your videos are precursor for our IELTS exam.
Thanks a lot for your great job.
Hi Emma,
Excellent video presentation.
Thank You very much Emma!
very helpful for me.
Thanks Emma. I got 7.5 in IELTS Listening and overall 6.5 bands.
Emma you’re THE BEST! I adore you! :)
Thank You, Emma.
thanks for teaching
Thank you so much Emma for all your helpful lessons!
The English spoken in Canada is American or British???
Neither; it’s just Canadian English, which has things in common with both American and British English.
OK.. But the Canadian accent is more similar to the American or the British accent?
American, but the north of the country. (People in the Southern and Western US have very different accents)
thank you very much Emma
best regards
mam im a big listener of u mam and u r my rolemodel when i thought to write the ielts examination
Thanks from Egypt
Thank you very much teacher
Thank you very much Emma
Thank so much, Emma for your handy instructions.
Thank you m.s. Emma. I suppose,the best explanation… :)
good explaination Emma
awesome Emma!!!! you are the best and I really like the way you explain everything….
I have known what happen in IELTS Liestening test since i saw your videos
Easy to understand :))) Nice videos
Emma, thanks for IELTS videos. I’m gonna take it soon, so wish me best luck!
Just wanted to ask if academic IELTS is acceptable for immigration. I have read it was more challenging compare to GT.
thanks emma
I got 10/10
Thank you forever and God bless you
i got 100. hurray!!
thank you very much.
thanks alot emma
I got 9/10
many thanx
It was very helpful for me Emma thank you so much.
Thanks so much Emma!
Thanks Emma!
I am very interest with you, you have a great present thanks alot
thank you Emma
9/10 like the past test
what is the difference betwwen “when did they come?” and “when they came?”. thank you in advance :-)
You’re top Emma.
Thanks teacher .
Thank you very much
I consider passing IELTS,listening part seems to be most difficult
Thank you Emma
I feel now more confident
I will do the IELTS test after 10 days
thank you Emma
Thanks! Teacher :) @emma
Hi Emma,
It is always a pleasure to see your video lectures in the youtube or engvid.com.
you are my favorite instructor.
Nice one..:)
Thank you, Emma :)
Thank you, Emma !
Thanks Emma, u are amazing
Thanks got 90%.
Wowww, Thanks Emma, but the true I think is difficult at least for me… cause I understand but needs to be faster for answer. Yesterday, I saw a lot of Examples IELTS, tests, but they usually say for read all the answer before listening, and I’m not use to do that and not in all my courses nobody say that … They first read and then they ask you answer, understand me???
One more very good class Emma. Thank you!
emma it was great help if we could get a practise or study materials for IELTS
Amazing,you are a professional teacher
most appreciation for your efforts
Thanks..started preparing for IELTS exam…
Thank you Emma
You got 9 correct out of 10
thanks alot
good lecture
basic but good quiz
you are amazing , really helpful , thanks Emma
i am such a pussy in english
hi Emma,its a very thoughtful of you, thanks for your class, may I know where I can get a practice test?
thank you Emma,
Thank you Emma, I got 9/10
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma for all your efforts.
Thank you so much Emma. Your lectures are very useful for me.
Thanx Emma
I want to learn some important tips to improve my IELTS skills and get good module in IELTS test..
thanks sis
Thank you so much Emma
thank you Emma ,you’re awesome .
Hello Emma, I sincerely appreciate your time & energy to deliver this listening section. I got 9/10 but i disagreed with you that section 4 is more difficult among the sections, instead section 3. The conversations that involve more than 2persons are more difficult, because it has different conversations. Thanks
Thank you Ms. Emma.
9/10! Listening test was the difficult section when I studied at university. If I have Emma’s lesson at that time, I’d learn better than before.
Thank you Emma for your lesson!
thanks Emma a lot for your lessons
Very informative and easy to understand
thanks alot Emma
well understood
Hi,i have done my fsc in 2018 and SAT in 2022 and I got 1500 score could I get admission in becholar with gap years
Great lesson.
Thanks Emma