OH NO! YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE IELTS! Well, I can help. Watch this video to learn exactly what to expect in part two of the IELTS Speaking exam. I’ll give you sample questions and answers, as well as tips and strategies for success.
I want to improve my English with you…:) my skype account is ana.ana2079
Ana Ana
improve with me if u want corradogenoa
please need you contact number, your lessons are wonderful
justin okpalaobi
Thanks Emma, i like that tutorial so much
i want to practice my Speaking and my Skype is
can you tell me how I get my handwriting improved, dear mam ?
Hi Emma. Thanks! Great lesson!
I got 9 of 10.
Is this question 6 correct? “Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
I think they are transitions, but the answer of quiz is wrong. But I’m not sure about it. I got 9/10 too.
Hey there.
Hi Simara. I also have the same question as you had. It was not given in her lecture about slang words. So i picked transitional words instead. I really think it is correct. Thanks for listening. God bless.
same here!
“Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then ” are all considered slangs?
Simara, I think there is an mistake about that question, these words are not slangs. These are transitions words. I kiss from Argentina. I hope see you in the soccer world cup 2014. Bye
Definitely not. All this words are transitions for sure. The answer is wrong.
I am also very confuse? Need clarification, why are they slang?
I´m going to Brazil 2014!, to the 2014 FIFA World Cup!. I´m exciting!, A huge Siamara.
you are ok
Calm down, people.
Don’t argue with the teacher!
Just try using these words like slang:))))
am very very poor in this test i got 4/10.
Hi Thiru, just try to watch the video again. I’m sure if you watch it again and pay attention, you will get better. Cheers!
Thanks a lot! and yet quiz#6 ..still don’t get it. Slang? such as slang like I’ve never heard before :)
Looks like the answer of quiz 6 should be “Transitions” according to this video!
great lesson. Thanks
According the question six, secondly is not a transition word, it isn’t?, thanks.
Thank you so much ma’am emma ! i learn a lot ..
Thanks for your tutorial
thanks. great time with this perfect teacher .
Thanks Emma
Question: You’ve pronounced “Cohesion” as “ko-ki-gin” but in google translation it is “ko-he-gin.”
What is the difference? Please explain.
Thanks again
BrE / kəʊhiʒn /
AmE / koʊhiʒn /
ما فهمت شو كتبت؟
Rilmo you have to understand
youtube is filtered in my country. can you please provide download links from other server for the lessons?
I’m sorry, you’ll have to use a proxy or VPN to get around the filter!
engVid Moderator
hi Emma. Thanks for this great lesson. but i didn’t understand why secondly, then, such as are slang? explain please.
to improve my speaking skill i have to practice more and don’t worry about mistakes that make me better. Anybody, who is interested to talk with me through skype, special who knows english and wants to learn russian and vietnamese. may i help you)
Russian, are you kidding me?))
P.S. I do not want to offend. just noticed it.
sorry i made spam on this page) i have lived in russia for 6 years) this is no short)
find me “daogiauvang” on skype
i have lived in Russia 6 years)
hi i would like to contact “emma” teacher and if any one can help me it would be very nice
Dear Ema, here is my question after watching your video… i often hear this phrase.
try to call him may be he pick up …so here it is advice or what ? correct me if i am wrong
some more confused sentences …
please try to read it tomorrow ……here advice
i tried reading the book but it was so boring.??
correct me if i am wrong
Hi Emma,
Thanks heaps for this lesson.
Could anyone explain how to tell route or direction to some place in native English?
thank u but i want an example on real videos about that like acting some thing about it
wow! this is really helped me thanks ……
Hi Anabey, I’m Jack and nice too meet you.
Thank you.
Thanks Emma
this lesson is one of the best lessons!
can we became friends Fayrouz
Thank you
i wanna improve my English by talking on skybe — any one here can help ??
i got 8
please, could you tell me the difference between comma and semicolon
Emma you explain so much ok, I have to practice so much but I learned a lot of things with you
:) I got 9 but I’m sure n. 6 is wrong. Very interesting lesson. thanks.
You’re right
i need practice in speaking. If anyone like to talk on skype. Address is gurwinderboparai02
thank u ……..for this lesson
yes, there’s something wrong with question 6. Interesting lesson though.
Hello Mam,
thank you so much for lesson.
Dear Mam could you explain ordering of sentence …
thanks Emma
Hello Emma!
I ve go a question for you:)
What’s the difference between these sentences:
“You will help me”
“You will be helping me”
Is the first one less strong?
I’m looking forward to getting your answer.
Awesome ….. I need a episode about some important English roots.
Dear Emma.
I really love your lessons.
I wonder if you have any plans for teaching
” countries and cities pronounciation”
something like Munich , Berlin, Moscow…
It would be great if you could do this. Thanks. Have a great day.
hey Emma.how are u?i hope u wil be fine.i really like ur teaching style.i m satisfied from ur english lecturer…so my request for u is dat plz give a lecture about passive voice and ative voice..i need to learnt it plz…i wil be more thankful to u for this kind of act.thnks EMMA..bye tc.
Thank you this is a great help.
It was very helpful. In the question two appears two times the should word. You can fix it if you want, thanks for your help.
What is the meaning of “slang”? thanks
Very informal words and expresions commons in spoken language, especially used by a particular group of people, for example; criminals, teenagers, etc.
It was a very good topic. Thanks Emma.
thanks, this will be a great help for ielts preparation.
Hi! I would like to point out that the answer 6 is wrong. I strongly think that they are transitions instead of slang.
thank you very much for all advice
I am not convinced about the answer of the sixth question of the quiz, is it really slang and not transitions?
Thanks so much!I find your lesson very useful! I I get 9 out of 10. The answer for question 6 cannot be slangs. It must be transitions.
Hi emma, im planning to take the ielts exam on aug.29,2013….i need your help on my speaking practice…i need a tutorial….hopefilly we can skype very soon.tnx
ana may
Thank you very much Mr’s Emma for these amazing tips
Thank you. I got 9, the question No.6 is wrong. But i think the words:Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then.
Are not slang.Please explain?
I got an 8 out of 10. But I a still confused about the question no. 6.
thanx emma ,,, i got 6 out of 10
i got 8
If answer to Question#:6 wasn’t wrong, I could get 10. Whereas I got 9.
Thank you Emma
it was wonderful lesson
Great ;) Emma, I like the way how you teach us..i guess i need to improve my english,,, i can read and understand a little bit….
When i read a book i understan like 75% but when i try to speak it s hard ,because i never use my english words…:(
Another good one, thanks Emma, just check the quiz, i guess theres something wrong in there., my english teacher Emma is exceptionally talented… :)
Hi Emma,
I confuse about the answer of this Quiz. I think it should be the transitions. How about you ?
6. These words: Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
are examples of __________.
thesis statements
key words
Thank you so much
thanks a lot!
Hey there , I always wanted to get informed about the recent videos added on Eng(as English)Vid(as Video).com ;) How is that possible Moderator ?
Thank you so much for these tips .. it is very useful .
thanx 7/10
That was great lesson, thank you.
6. “Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then ” are all considered as Slangs ???
But its Transitions correct?. Please advice Emma..!!! Thanks – Ganesh
Thank you Emma for all the advices. Very useful video.
HI Teacher EMMA, i want to know if, during the IELTS speaking part, we are allowed to speak colloquial English like “wanna” “gonna” ? or no ?
Thanks EMMA in advance.
Wow im very happy i got 7/10 :D
Anybody wants to do speaking sessions via skype?
yes. i want i have very low skills in speaking. I have speaking test on may 06. will you please suggest me
Thanks ..
Murad Refizade
Hi Emma, thanks a lot , you are amazing!!!Another question, is there any way to type my writing anywhere in order to be correct???
Hi emma, thank you very much,i want to learn how to write a good paragraph.
thanks again ☺
Hello there! i have just encountered the mistake in the quiz – Q6. These words: Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
are examples of __________.
these words are not examples of slang,but they are transitions.or am i wrong?
You’re right. Transitions should be correct answer ;)
It was surprising for me too.I need some body explain it.
me too.
Thank you Emma for your useful instructions
falah tawfeeq
What does the result of your quiz indicate?
falah tawfeeq
Thank you Emma. Your lesson is quite useful to me.
so how to get Emma lesson ? please tell me
Anees Ahmad
i have speaking exam on may 06.How should i prepare.still now i did not prepared for speaking module.Will you please help me in this test.Please suggest me how to success in this module.
s Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
are examples of ______????
you are very cleaver teacher Emma i really want to talk god save you
rashad yehya
GOD Bless You, Dear Emma!!
Rohan Raj
I think , “transitions” is the correct answer to question number 6 :) ,it has nothing to do with “Slang”
9 out of 10, there is a problem in question no 6.
I do not know why i always get 9 out of ten in all of exams on this website
maybe 9 number wants to contract with me?
I wish it comes on my paper exam in academic ielts :D
Secondly, most importantly,
above all, for example, such as, therefore, then alot aren’t transitions?
I got 9 out of 10. In the other test i got 8 out of 10 so i have been improving :) … i will study harder……
Thank you indeed, it is very useful
wow.!!got 9 also 10 probably here is some programming mistake,what ever I enjoyed it and it’s help me to increase my Knack :)
noman abdulla
emma the answer question number 6 should transition the computer doing mistake
chakim hamzah
thanks Emma
mina mohammadi
The lecture was so interesting and informative as well. Thanks a lot Emma!!
one more emma the computer machine has wrong input for correct answer number 6.it should be transitions.
chakim hamzah
..Dear Emma,
I’m just curious about question 6. I believe those words are what we call Transition words. Is that right? Or is it really considered as a slang words?
can i get EMMA’s cell NO?
engVid Moderator
Hi Ms. Emma, I have a doubt with regards to the answer about question no. 6, I thought those were transitions
Anyway, thanks for the video…
no 6’s answer is slang??? Like seriously???
How question 6 is slang?
Thanks Emma
Nice class !!!!
edwin oviedo
useful class
Emma, is answer for # 6 correct?
Hi mirabella, I suppose there is a wrong answer for this question. I got 9 out 10 because of this kkkk. Definitely the correct answer is “transitions”
Humberto Dantas de Matos
would you like to practice speaking?
Rezwan ali
Hi dear Emma
First of all I want to say tank you for your attempt to make your students’s English improvement,
Second I think there is a lack of a lesson which be contain the procedur of describing event that they happen in the time. I mean describing event in whole times for example p&pp&now&fututre&…
Hi Emma, could you team develop a mobile app which covers all these videos?
You might get money from that :))
Hey Guys, I believe there’s something wrong with the answer of question 6. I answered transitions, And the correct answer were marked as “slang”.
Humberto Dantas de Matos
What if I speak longer than 2 minutes, will I get lower score?
Turbold Ts
Great lesson,thanks
Hi dear Emma.
The answer of the question 6 is wrong.
Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore and then are transitions not slangs !
I think you know that ! :) :) just kidding.
Of course you know that.
Mohsen Barati
8/10. Thank you teacher. I could watch easily ! very useful.
Hi Emma. I really love your lessons. You´re one of my favourite teacher ;)
i got 9/10,if the 6th answer is transitions……
definitely i will get 10/10
manoj manthri
Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
these are the examples of transitions, aren’t they?
I found the correct answer is slang in the quiz, why?
I got 7 out of 10 … :(
thanks Emma and the Engvid team members. it’s very useful and helpful for me
incredible lesson,you went through from point to point in very detail so that i understood them all.you always like that,introduct useful lesson, well-structured lecture and instill ideas very very clearly.you are the best definitely Emma.
Thanks a million.
All best to you in life.
Hoai Manucians
i have to need more improvement in the this test i got 6/10 score that is average
no emma , answer to no.6 is ” transitions” not slang !!!
Thanks, Emma.Good lesson.I got 90, but I found it difficult to define slang.
Thank’s Emma. Very informative questions.But I got 90. Could you please clarify no. 6 answer. Is it really belongs to slang words?
Thank u Emma u are great teacher I like ur way u make it very simple and easiest .
Many thanks
Thank you Emma :)
Hi Emma, Please do you have Australian english teacher? Please, if you have Australian teacher, can you give me their contact?
bless emma
Great lesson. Keep it up
I think there is a problem in the question number 6. Can you please check this?
Thank you for pointing that out! It should be fixed now.
engVid Moderator
i had 100 %
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much dear Emma, I think this parts is similar to part 1 with a slight differences
Thank you so much Emma :) and wish me luck, tomorrow is my IELTS Exams …
Thank you so much my dear Emma
Yeaaahhh….. thank you so much… emma
Thank you Emma.
Yeah….Thank you miss Emma teacher I support your intelligence speaking test.
Mubo farah
thank you Emma
menatallah mohammed
thank you Emma
Thanks Emma!!
edi wilson
May be!!!… joint all vocabulary possible of our past experiences as: places, persons, objects. And trying to speak in improvising way, no by memory… Emma, nice video, thanks!!!
10/10! This is my first time to get full marks on IELTS lesson. Thanks, Emma! If I watched Emma’s video when studied at university, My English would be very well. But it isn’t late now!
Jerry Gu
thank you.
thank a lot,Emma,hugs (Kazakhstan 28Nov2021:)
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Could you make a app for mobile phones?
thanks Emma and the Engvid team members. it’s very useful and helpful for me. by the way, how can I add you in facebook and twitters.
Our Twitter handle is @engvid and here’s our Facebook page!
I want to improve my English with you…:) my skype account is ana.ana2079
improve with me if u want corradogenoa
please need you contact number, your lessons are wonderful
Thanks Emma, i like that tutorial so much
i want to practice my Speaking and my Skype is
can you tell me how I get my handwriting improved, dear mam ?
Hi Emma. Thanks! Great lesson!
I got 9 of 10.
Is this question 6 correct? “Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
I think they are transitions, but the answer of quiz is wrong. But I’m not sure about it. I got 9/10 too.
Hey there.
Hi Simara. I also have the same question as you had. It was not given in her lecture about slang words. So i picked transitional words instead. I really think it is correct. Thanks for listening. God bless.
same here!
“Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then ” are all considered slangs?
Simara, I think there is an mistake about that question, these words are not slangs. These are transitions words. I kiss from Argentina. I hope see you in the soccer world cup 2014. Bye
Definitely not. All this words are transitions for sure. The answer is wrong.
I am also very confuse? Need clarification, why are they slang?
I´m going to Brazil 2014!, to the 2014 FIFA World Cup!. I´m exciting!, A huge Siamara.
you are ok
Calm down, people.
Don’t argue with the teacher!
Just try using these words like slang:))))
am very very poor in this test i got 4/10.
Hi Thiru, just try to watch the video again. I’m sure if you watch it again and pay attention, you will get better. Cheers!
Thanks a lot! and yet quiz#6 ..still don’t get it. Slang? such as slang like I’ve never heard before :)
Looks like the answer of quiz 6 should be “Transitions” according to this video!
great lesson. Thanks
According the question six, secondly is not a transition word, it isn’t?, thanks.
Thank you so much ma’am emma ! i learn a lot ..
Thanks for your tutorial
thanks. great time with this perfect teacher .
Thanks Emma
Question: You’ve pronounced “Cohesion” as “ko-ki-gin” but in google translation it is “ko-he-gin.”
What is the difference? Please explain.
Thanks again
BrE / kəʊhiʒn /
AmE / koʊhiʒn /
ما فهمت شو كتبت؟
Rilmo you have to understand
youtube is filtered in my country. can you please provide download links from other server for the lessons?
I’m sorry, you’ll have to use a proxy or VPN to get around the filter!
hi Emma. Thanks for this great lesson. but i didn’t understand why secondly, then, such as are slang? explain please.
to improve my speaking skill i have to practice more and don’t worry about mistakes that make me better. Anybody, who is interested to talk with me through skype, special who knows english and wants to learn russian and vietnamese. may i help you)
Russian, are you kidding me?))
P.S. I do not want to offend. just noticed it.
sorry i made spam on this page) i have lived in russia for 6 years) this is no short)
find me “daogiauvang” on skype
i have lived in Russia 6 years)
hi i would like to contact “emma” teacher and if any one can help me it would be very nice
Sure! Email her secretary.
Dear Ema, here is my question after watching your video… i often hear this phrase.
try to call him may be he pick up …so here it is advice or what ? correct me if i am wrong
some more confused sentences …
please try to read it tomorrow ……here advice
i tried reading the book but it was so boring.??
correct me if i am wrong
Hi Emma,
Thanks heaps for this lesson.
Could anyone explain how to tell route or direction to some place in native English?
thank u but i want an example on real videos about that like acting some thing about it
wow! this is really helped me thanks ……
Hi Anabey, I’m Jack and nice too meet you.
Thank you.
Thanks Emma
this lesson is one of the best lessons!
can we became friends Fayrouz
Thank you
i wanna improve my English by talking on skybe — any one here can help ??
i got 8
please, could you tell me the difference between comma and semicolon
Emma you explain so much ok, I have to practice so much but I learned a lot of things with you
:) I got 9 but I’m sure n. 6 is wrong. Very interesting lesson. thanks.
You’re right
i need practice in speaking. If anyone like to talk on skype. Address is gurwinderboparai02
thank u ……..for this lesson
yes, there’s something wrong with question 6. Interesting lesson though.
Hello Mam,
thank you so much for lesson.
Dear Mam could you explain ordering of sentence …
thanks Emma
Hello Emma!
I ve go a question for you:)
What’s the difference between these sentences:
“You will help me”
“You will be helping me”
Is the first one less strong?
I’m looking forward to getting your answer.
Awesome ….. I need a episode about some important English roots.
Dear Emma.
I really love your lessons.
I wonder if you have any plans for teaching
” countries and cities pronounciation”
something like Munich , Berlin, Moscow…
It would be great if you could do this. Thanks. Have a great day.
hey Emma.how are u?i hope u wil be fine.i really like ur teaching style.i m satisfied from ur english lecturer…so my request for u is dat plz give a lecture about passive voice and ative voice..i need to learnt it plz…i wil be more thankful to u for this kind of act.thnks EMMA..bye tc.
Thank you this is a great help.
It was very helpful. In the question two appears two times the should word. You can fix it if you want, thanks for your help.
What is the meaning of “slang”? thanks
Very informal words and expresions commons in spoken language, especially used by a particular group of people, for example; criminals, teenagers, etc.
It was a very good topic. Thanks Emma.
thanks, this will be a great help for ielts preparation.
Hi! I would like to point out that the answer 6 is wrong. I strongly think that they are transitions instead of slang.
thank you very much for all advice
I am not convinced about the answer of the sixth question of the quiz, is it really slang and not transitions?
Thanks so much!I find your lesson very useful! I I get 9 out of 10. The answer for question 6 cannot be slangs. It must be transitions.
Hi emma, im planning to take the ielts exam on aug.29,2013….i need your help on my speaking practice…i need a tutorial….hopefilly we can skype very soon.tnx
Thank you very much Mr’s Emma for these amazing tips
Thank you. I got 9, the question No.6 is wrong. But i think the words:Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then.
Are not slang.Please explain?
I got an 8 out of 10. But I a still confused about the question no. 6.
thanx emma ,,, i got 6 out of 10
i got 8
If answer to Question#:6 wasn’t wrong, I could get 10. Whereas I got 9.
Thank you Emma
it was wonderful lesson
Great ;) Emma, I like the way how you teach us..i guess i need to improve my english,,, i can read and understand a little bit….
When i read a book i understan like 75% but when i try to speak it s hard ,because i never use my english words…:(
Another good one, thanks Emma, just check the quiz, i guess theres something wrong in there., my english teacher Emma is exceptionally talented… :)
Hi Emma,
I confuse about the answer of this Quiz. I think it should be the transitions. How about you ?
6. These words: Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
are examples of __________.
thesis statements
key words
Thank you so much
thanks a lot!
Hey there , I always wanted to get informed about the recent videos added on Eng(as English)Vid(as Video).com ;) How is that possible Moderator ?
You could like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter — I post links to the lessons as soon as they’re up!
thanks alot . I`m history !
Thanks Ms Emma
I am very happy to watch this lesson,got 90%
Thank you so much for these tips .. it is very useful .
thanx 7/10
That was great lesson, thank you.
6. “Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then ” are all considered as Slangs ???
But its Transitions correct?. Please advice Emma..!!! Thanks – Ganesh
Thank you Emma for all the advices. Very useful video.
HI Teacher EMMA, i want to know if, during the IELTS speaking part, we are allowed to speak colloquial English like “wanna” “gonna” ? or no ?
Thanks EMMA in advance.
Wow im very happy i got 7/10 :D
Anybody wants to do speaking sessions via skype?
yes. i want i have very low skills in speaking. I have speaking test on may 06. will you please suggest me
Thanks ..
Hi Emma, thanks a lot , you are amazing!!!Another question, is there any way to type my writing anywhere in order to be correct???
Hi emma, thank you very much,i want to learn how to write a good paragraph.
thanks again ☺
Hello there! i have just encountered the mistake in the quiz – Q6. These words: Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
are examples of __________.
these words are not examples of slang,but they are transitions.or am i wrong?
You’re right. Transitions should be correct answer ;)
It was surprising for me too.I need some body explain it.
me too.
Thank you Emma for your useful instructions
What does the result of your quiz indicate?
Thank you Emma. Your lesson is quite useful to me.
so how to get Emma lesson ? please tell me
i have speaking exam on may 06.How should i prepare.still now i did not prepared for speaking module.Will you please help me in this test.Please suggest me how to success in this module.
s Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
are examples of ______????
you are very cleaver teacher Emma i really want to talk god save you
GOD Bless You, Dear Emma!!
I think , “transitions” is the correct answer to question number 6 :) ,it has nothing to do with “Slang”
9 out of 10, there is a problem in question no 6.
I do not know why i always get 9 out of ten in all of exams on this website
maybe 9 number wants to contract with me?
I wish it comes on my paper exam in academic ielts :D
Secondly, most importantly,
above all, for example, such as, therefore, then alot aren’t transitions?
How could question #6 be a slang? I tried to search it, and I found this. https://www.msu.edu/~jdowell/135/transw.html
Amandhiman27 add me skype for speaking practice
Thank you
I got 9 out of 10. In the other test i got 8 out of 10 so i have been improving :) … i will study harder……
Thank you indeed, it is very useful
wow.!!got 9 also 10 probably here is some programming mistake,what ever I enjoyed it and it’s help me to increase my Knack :)
emma the answer question number 6 should transition the computer doing mistake
thanks Emma
The lecture was so interesting and informative as well. Thanks a lot Emma!!
one more emma the computer machine has wrong input for correct answer number 6.it should be transitions.
..Dear Emma,
I’m just curious about question 6. I believe those words are what we call Transition words. Is that right? Or is it really considered as a slang words?
can i get EMMA’s cell NO?
Hi Ms. Emma, I have a doubt with regards to the answer about question no. 6, I thought those were transitions
Anyway, thanks for the video…
no 6’s answer is slang??? Like seriously???
How question 6 is slang?
Thanks Emma
Nice class !!!!
useful class
Emma, is answer for # 6 correct?
Hi mirabella, I suppose there is a wrong answer for this question. I got 9 out 10 because of this kkkk. Definitely the correct answer is “transitions”
would you like to practice speaking?
Hi dear Emma
First of all I want to say tank you for your attempt to make your students’s English improvement,
Second I think there is a lack of a lesson which be contain the procedur of describing event that they happen in the time. I mean describing event in whole times for example p&pp&now&fututre&…
Hi Emma, could you team develop a mobile app which covers all these videos?
You might get money from that :))
Hey Guys, I believe there’s something wrong with the answer of question 6. I answered transitions, And the correct answer were marked as “slang”.
What if I speak longer than 2 minutes, will I get lower score?
Great lesson,thanks
Hi dear Emma.
The answer of the question 6 is wrong.
Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore and then are transitions not slangs !
I think you know that ! :) :) just kidding.
Of course you know that.
8/10. Thank you teacher. I could watch easily ! very useful.
Hi Emma. I really love your lessons. You´re one of my favourite teacher ;)
i got 9/10,if the 6th answer is transitions……
definitely i will get 10/10
Secondly, most importantly, above all, for example, such as, therefore, then
these are the examples of transitions, aren’t they?
I found the correct answer is slang in the quiz, why?
I got 7 out of 10 … :(
thanks Emma and the Engvid team members. it’s very useful and helpful for me
incredible lesson,you went through from point to point in very detail so that i understood them all.you always like that,introduct useful lesson, well-structured lecture and instill ideas very very clearly.you are the best definitely Emma.
Thanks a million.
All best to you in life.
i have to need more improvement in the this test i got 6/10 score that is average
no emma , answer to no.6 is ” transitions” not slang !!!
Thanks, Emma.Good lesson.I got 90, but I found it difficult to define slang.
Thank’s Emma. Very informative questions.But I got 90. Could you please clarify no. 6 answer. Is it really belongs to slang words?
Thank u Emma u are great teacher I like ur way u make it very simple and easiest .
Many thanks
Thank you Emma :)
Hi Emma, Please do you have Australian english teacher? Please, if you have Australian teacher, can you give me their contact?
Great lesson. Keep it up
I think there is a problem in the question number 6. Can you please check this?
Thank you for pointing that out! It should be fixed now.
i had 100 %
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much dear Emma, I think this parts is similar to part 1 with a slight differences
Thank you so much Emma :) and wish me luck, tomorrow is my IELTS Exams …
Thank you so much my dear Emma
Yeaaahhh….. thank you so much… emma
Thank you Emma.
Yeah….Thank you miss Emma teacher I support your intelligence speaking test.
thank you Emma
thank you Emma
Thanks Emma!!
May be!!!… joint all vocabulary possible of our past experiences as: places, persons, objects. And trying to speak in improvising way, no by memory… Emma, nice video, thanks!!!
10/10! This is my first time to get full marks on IELTS lesson. Thanks, Emma! If I watched Emma’s video when studied at university, My English would be very well. But it isn’t late now!
thank you.
thank a lot,Emma,hugs (Kazakhstan 28Nov2021:)
Thanks a lot teacher Emma.
thanks a lot Igot 9