To get a good level in your IELTS Speaking, you need to speak MORE! That means you need to extend your answers. In this quick lesson, I’ll give you an easy way to make simple sentences into more complex, impressive ones by using relative clauses. If you’re not taking the IELTS, you can still use this method to take your spoken English to a higher level.
There is no quiz! By the way, I’m going to apply for IELTS in some years and I would like to know if I can use U.S accent and words in it. Do I have my points decreased by doing that?
Hi Cleomir,
You are not at all required to change your accent in IELTS exams. You are expected to speak clearly, at a natural pace. Do listen to native speakers for a better grip on pronunciation. It will help you to pronounce difficult words clearly. Otherwise if you speak clearly, you can do just fine with your own accent. All the best :)
I bet you are an English teacher Abhishek or a linguist? Aren’t you?
Your grammar explanations both make perfect sense especially the one concerning the use of “which” and “that”.
Incidentally, Benjamin’s comments on this point coincide entirely with your.
Hi Regino,
It feels great to see your comment :) But i am not a teacher. And to be honest, i didn’t even know what ‘linguist’ meant. I had to Google it :) Actually i am a student and i am not even twenty. I just try my best to help the fellow English learners who have doubts that i feel i can clarify :) Thanks for the comment though :)
hi abhi.. we can catch up..9741765259 is my wats app.. text me there. im gonnna appear for ielts. thanks
siva chaitanya
hi..i am going to appear in IElTS exam soon,but i feel hard in speaking,so i require someone to whom i speak.can u help me in this regard?
Hi! Did you find command which help you to practice your speaking skills? I’m going to pass IELTS too… and I’ll be very happy if you recommend someone who can help me to speak in English.
Do you still search someone who can practise with you in English?
can we talk over whatsApp calls?
No- +8801712-902687
Md.Shadak Hossain Nijum
need a speaker to talk over whatsapp calls
No- +8801712-902687
Md.Shadak Hossain Nijum
I’m sometimes confused when I use “which” or “that.” But I might be able to understand the difference. No defining(which) or need defining(that), right? Thank you, Benjamin :)
I’m still do not know how to use these two words properly, too.
Hi BianLei,
There is a subtle difference between the words, ‘which’ and ‘that’. Most people (even native speakers)are unaware of that difference and use ‘which’ and ‘that’ interchangeably. This doesn’t cause any confusion and the message is effectively conveyed.
But i have seen that Americans usually avoid using ‘which’.
Um… Thanks for reply, I will remember that. It’s a great experience you’were shared with us!
Hi BianLei,
Thanks a lot. I am glad i could help :)
Hi abhishek1995. Thank you for your explanation. I will remember that, too :)
Hello happy04,
I am glad i could help :)
that is never used for an unnecessary adjective clause which has a comma before and after it.
correct: Chicago, which is the largest state of Illions, is the third largest city in the United State.
Incorect: Chicago, that is the largest state of Illions, is the third largest city in the United State.
The teacher whose expertise helped me pass my exam. Don’t we have to use “helped me TO pass”? Or using without TO is also acceptable?
P.S. And yes. There is no quiz here…
Grammatically, TO pass would be more correct but in converstaional English, shortcuts are often taken.
Sorry, I meant conversational…
Thanks for your explanation)
thx :D
Hi folks, thanks for your continued support. The basic difference between ‘that’ and ‘which’ is how important the information is to the sentence. For example: I could say ‘I know you are waiting for the quiz, which will reinforce your learning’ – the second part of this sentence is not essential to the sentence, it adds a little more detail – therefore, I use ‘which’. ‘That’ is used to introduce a clause that is very important to the meaning of the sentence. For example: I know that you are waiting for the bus that will take you home.
But as Abhishek commented, most native speakers are not aware of the difference between these two words.
Apologies for the delay in the quiz, I promise it will be up soon.
Thanks so much, Mr. Benjamin. Have a good day!
Nice British accent ^-^ I love British accent
hamy alferjany
I’m sorry to say that this lesson is rather confusing:
1) Speak more! – True, but relative clauses need more study than a few minutes video. For example, what about the use of pauses (commas in writing) in dependent, independent, noun, adjectival and adverbial clauses?
2) Does the verb ‘preprepare’ exist? – I know only of the adjective ‘pre-prepared’.
3) At 0:42 you say “… they answer a question” instead of “… they ask you a question”.
4) At 2:20 you say “I went to Bath on Saturday. That was a fantastic place to visit.” – Notice that these are two independent clauses.
5) At 3:36 you say “… the place that something happens” instead of “… the place where something happens”.
6) At 3:53 what you say about ‘why’ is completely misleading. Better examples of the use of ‘why’ are: ‘This is the reason why I came’ or ‘No one understands why you need experience’.
7) At 4:19 the examples mix defining and non-defining clauses and the respective use of commas.
8) At 5:50 you say “The place that I went today…” instead of “The place where I went today…”.
QUIZ #3) ‘I’ve decided to sell the cricket bat _________ I was given for Christmas.’ – The answer ‘which’ implies that I was given other cricket bats and, not knowing about the implied context, it can be used just as well as the answer ‘that’
QUIZ #7) The grammar note was not explained in the video: ‘that’ cannot be used in non-defining relative clauses.
Hey, maybe you are right but this is a free lesson and the deliverables are still good. Not perfect but Fine. Where is your lesson ‘teacher’?
Funny, I start my comment with ‘Benjamin’ and I get a sarcastic reply, maybe Benjamin is too busy.
Benjamin is an excellent TEACHER. He stresses the main point. If you want details read/google.
Plz be kind, NOT criticize
Funny, I thought I was kinda helping with making a few comments… I wonder how one can critici(s/z)e a Benjamin lesson (giving the addressee the opportunity to reply) and be kind at the same time.
HI Benjamin I watched all your lesson and they are amazing thnak you
please can you make lesson about UK and about england’s history
berah oussama
i think you need to make an engvid app. It would be awesome!!
Thak you very much , Mr benjamine . it’s very helpful :)
I haven’t understood ‘whose’
willypuzzle: Whose pencil is this? —–> Who is the owner of this pencil. Is it clear now?
Once again one more great video from you Benjamin.
I took out the quiz THAT was uploaded by Benjamin WHO is a great teacher and WHOSE accent is very nice.
I was taking the quiz WHEN i found some other resources WHERE i can learn English.
I tried to put some of these relative pronounses and relative adverbs in my above two examples.
Benjamin i request you to let me know if there is any mistake in these two examples.
THANKS A LOT for this video.
I find it an AWESOME comment!! Very creative! And its clear that you have understood the lesson.
Hi abhishek1995,
THANKS A LOT for your compliment.
I am glad that you found it awesome as well as creative :)
Could you explain the different use between “which”and”that”?Thanks a lot
Tks for the lesson and the quick quiz, Benjamin! ;)
Hi teacher Benjamin, nice to meet you! Thank you for the lesson! :)
I don’t understand the difference. The questions 6 and 7 are similar, so why the right answer to the #6 is “that” and to the #7 is “which”?
I got 70/100, I have to study too much yet
Thank you for this useful video. I’ve got 9/10.
Benjamin, thank you very much for the video is very clear and help me a lot to build long sentences. Cheers!
thank you for this video to help us
i am really got a proper treatment from this lessen because before today i was wrong about the use of Which and That.thank you very much.
nice pronounciation!
I’ve got 10/10
Give me a 5 Benjamin ….. It is very nice to see you ….
What Is IELTS?
I got 10 out of 10 and I haven’t even watched the video, just to try. Intuition rules haha
I love doing this quiz.. this quiz is awesome!
It’s so hot
I absolutely love your videos Mr. Benjamin <3
I watch them times and times to exactly pronounce your sweet accent :)
I follow British accent and it's adorable <3
Warmest Thanks to this useful video.
It was a good lesson, I will take IELTS exams next week and I am really anxious
Good, 90 %. Thanks Banjamin.
i got 9 out of 10 :)
Great explanation and interesting site.
thank you
Thank you sir… your lecture is very nice ….
ziyad hazim
I got 9 out of 10.
ziyad hazim
100. Thanx
6of ten :(
mohamed costa
Thank you ! Let me know the deference between that and which, though I got 100.
I’ve got 9 out of 10. Thanks for the vid. This makes us be more aware of using ‘which and that’.
hi I love your accent it is so British and original.
Thank you.
didn’t really understand the difference between who ,whose and that ,which !
it was waste of time
Hi Benjamin
The following are the examples I have been facing since I started to learn English, there are no “MAIN VERB” (like is, was, have been, had been, shall be, etc.) between subject & verb when some introductions and perusal are written.
1. Following bills raised by us are still unpaid.
3. Many cars parked at basement floor to reduce the congestion.
4. Smoking prohibited for healthy health.
I am glad to receive response from your end if you can.
9 0f 10 :) ^_^
Amir Ageez
Hi Benjamin,
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please ask me ASAP.I appreciate your help
Itś dificult for me, but I get 80 :)
Thank you.
9 out of 10 , need more reading lesson.
Thanky you teacher,i have enjoyed your lesson but i need friends to communicate with so that i can improve my english. my emails are and
I made 3 silly mistakes. I have to pay more attention before answering
Thanks allot .
You are a great teacher.
Thank you.
Atif Chowdhury
hurrrrraaaah. i got nine marks. thanhks so much for your useful lessons.
Thanks :)
Very good lesson! Thanks a lot ! I’ve got 9/10.
Martin Po
Thanks. I would like to say that your example on “that” was not proper, in my opinion. And perhaps you did not clarify the difference between “which” and “that”. I tried to make out it from your quiz. I will be grateful for your further explanation.I appreciate your work.
its bit confusing but need attention
I want to pass IELTS but it is very difficult for me :(
Thank you Benjamin,it helps me a lot,and I really like ur British accent
Thanks so much ! I got 8 correct out of 10 !
Hi Benjamin
I wonder what is wrong with I’ve decided to sell the cricket bat which I was given for Christmas.
and why you consider which is wrong and you prefer that instead of which ( as in quiz answer ) …. have a good night
Thank teacher
Any body need to practice please contact me via Skype “”
thank you , I got 8/10
thank you,your lessons are really helpful,but i have to work hard.
I am still a bit confused about the usage of “that” and “which” …. had #3 and 7 wrong
thank you benjamin, i got 8 out of 10.
thank you. it really helps me in taking IELTS.
thank you very much.
haider j touma
It’s a miracle! I got 80 in the Quiz.. It’s a wonderful thing and shows that the videos are helping me a lot. Thanks EngVid. Let’s go be approved in IELTS.
Got 100% thanks for the lessons
thank you 9/10
Hi! I am Silva.I am preparing for the ECCE exam, and I would like to do some speaking practise with you, have you any oppurtunity to help me, I would be very thankful to you.
Hi every body.I am looking some to speak english with him/her.I am preparing my self for ielts exam.I will be delighted to contact me.My kik ID is mehraz.a.Thanks a lot.
many grammatical error when i was answer all about quiz. so i must to study hard again..
thank a lot of
Unfortunately, I got 7/10.
But not bad . I will Go a head…to be better.
that was a good lesson. thank you sir.
Many thanks to you Benjamin and the whole team of Engvid for this great job, those videos you made helped me a lot but i still need to improve my english by speaking, so any fluents here, it will be very kind if we can communicate on Skype, this is my ID: fz-paradise.
Thank you
Hi, Benjamim! I’d be glad if you could explain a little bit more about the difference between “which” and “that”…
HI Benjamim
Thank you !!!
Thanks for the lesson! Was a little bit confused about using ‘which’ and ‘that’, but explanation that follows in comments made it clear. At 7:05 Benjamin has funny horns:)
I am glad to have found this site.
Hi, Benji (you’re don’t mean, i hope).
Correct me,please, if i’m mistaken: if in your exemple “selling THE car” wouldn’t be “the” it’s might been replased “that” on “which”?
I really excused for my grammar(((
Hello Benjamin, you are doing awesome. In the above video you describe how to use “that” and “which” and difference between them. As far as I understood that “the word that” is to describe the definite thing and “the word which” is to describe indefinite. How this sentence “I’m selling this dress, which I bought in London.” is correct
Aahil manzar
tnk for u r class dude..
100% my result . Thank you so much my teacher
got 10/10…..not bad i guess…eh?…:P
Thank you teacher.My result is 10/10.
so i got 7/10 in this quiz :/.. i thought all would be correct. :/ atleast it showed on which level i’m currently in speaking..i need improve little bit more i guess :D
Neil Singh
got 10 out of 10 without listening any lesson :P
Fantastic lesrning, thanks
Excellent explanation. Thanks <3
Thank you teacher. Great lesson
Dear, Teacher
Thanks alot
there’s someone interested in skype-speaking session?
sorry, could you help me with these sentences ? which is correct:
An advisor to both Harry and Bob, Mrs.Smith was the founder of A university.
An advisor to both Harry and Bob, Mrs.Smith, who was the founder of A university.
Thanks very much.
tsubasa hanako
Awesome, I’ve learned something new, that will be hopefully helpful in IELTS. (Is that right? ) Thank you.
First of all, thank you for the lesson.
I made a mistake in 3rd question. In some cases it is not easy to distinguish which and that.
Thanks for the lesson.
teacher I like your phrase so my best teacher you ALSO I want to improve my speech very much and you help me . thanks for everything. GO ON you are very good teacher
sorry not phrase it would be phraseology
100..I’m happy)))
Thanks a lot . I like relative clauses !
Hi. Thank you !
The example “The place that I went today” is given; I don’t understand why it is not something like “The place that I went to today.” Go is intransitive.
Is it conversational ?
Thanks for this amazing lecture. I now quite understand on how to use these pronouns correctly. I got a 9/10. Not bad. :)
An exceptional lecture, well explained positively perceived.thank you sir
Im preparing for my IELTS and I need a bit of help, finding someone to help me practive my speaking via Skype please. Regards/
Thank you for your lesson. I got 80 it seems my understanding about the use of “which” vs “that” still confused me?? but then I listened once again properly and I realize I wasn’t aware enough about the defining and non defining clause
got that now ?
Thanks Benjamin.
I’m selling this dress, WHICH I bought in London.
I’m selling the car THAT I bought in Los Angeles.
Soon i am going to pass IELTS so i need a person to practise My English. so who can help to me?
There is tendency nowadays to use THAT to introduce a noun complement (whether the antecedent is (BE is more “correct” !!!)animate or inanimate), or to discard the “link” (who, whom, that) altogether : the man (that) I saw, the car (that) I bought… Especially in American “English”…
I got 9 from 10 quiz, please can anybody explain me; what the difference from “which” and “that”. In the 3-rd question i have chosen the variant “which”, but the correct option was “that”. How to get difference in this?
Mir Murad
the short cut to know when to use ‘which’ or ‘that’ in a sentence is the use of comma in one and no comma in another.
restrictive clause do not have comma (you use ‘that’). example:i’m selling the car that i bought in Los Angeles.
non-restrictive clause have commas (you use ‘which’). example: i’m selling this dress, which i bought in London.
i hope this help.
Thank you for your lesson, very clear to understand.
Jensy S.
I’m going to apply ielts … do i blame my teacher for studying only grammer ? i need to speak english fluently , i know grammer very well but i don’t know how to speak fluently .. wish me luck and thank you teacher for your secret method of speaking
Thanks a lot for knowledge i want to learn more
albin basnet
Dear Benjamin
Thank you for your lesson
Very useful, especially when you describe the difference between that and which
Have a good day
10/10 , Thanks
Thank you very much, nice class.
Carlos Eduardo Vasconez
I think It was a good lesson.Thank you teacher Benjamin. Today I finishe all your lessons about speaking. Maybe tomorrow I will starte with grammar
thanks Benjamin ?
To be honest, I found this video interesting and easy to understand. I discovered something new for myself and will take it as a note. Thanks for the video.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
There is no quiz! By the way, I’m going to apply for IELTS in some years and I would like to know if I can use U.S accent and words in it. Do I have my points decreased by doing that?
Hi Cleomir,
You are not at all required to change your accent in IELTS exams. You are expected to speak clearly, at a natural pace. Do listen to native speakers for a better grip on pronunciation. It will help you to pronounce difficult words clearly. Otherwise if you speak clearly, you can do just fine with your own accent. All the best :)
I bet you are an English teacher Abhishek or a linguist? Aren’t you?
Your grammar explanations both make perfect sense especially the one concerning the use of “which” and “that”.
Incidentally, Benjamin’s comments on this point coincide entirely with your.
Hi Regino,
It feels great to see your comment :) But i am not a teacher. And to be honest, i didn’t even know what ‘linguist’ meant. I had to Google it :) Actually i am a student and i am not even twenty. I just try my best to help the fellow English learners who have doubts that i feel i can clarify :) Thanks for the comment though :)
hi abhi.. we can catch up..9741765259 is my wats app.. text me there. im gonnna appear for ielts. thanks
hi..i am going to appear in IElTS exam soon,but i feel hard in speaking,so i require someone to whom i speak.can u help me in this regard?
Hi! Did you find command which help you to practice your speaking skills? I’m going to pass IELTS too… and I’ll be very happy if you recommend someone who can help me to speak in English.
Do you still search someone who can practise with you in English?
can we talk over whatsApp calls?
No- +8801712-902687
need a speaker to talk over whatsapp calls
No- +8801712-902687
I’m sometimes confused when I use “which” or “that.” But I might be able to understand the difference. No defining(which) or need defining(that), right? Thank you, Benjamin :)
I’m still do not know how to use these two words properly, too.
Hi BianLei,
There is a subtle difference between the words, ‘which’ and ‘that’. Most people (even native speakers)are unaware of that difference and use ‘which’ and ‘that’ interchangeably. This doesn’t cause any confusion and the message is effectively conveyed.
But i have seen that Americans usually avoid using ‘which’.
Um… Thanks for reply, I will remember that. It’s a great experience you’were shared with us!
Hi BianLei,
Thanks a lot. I am glad i could help :)
Hi abhishek1995. Thank you for your explanation. I will remember that, too :)
Hello happy04,
I am glad i could help :)
that is never used for an unnecessary adjective clause which has a comma before and after it.
correct: Chicago, which is the largest state of Illions, is the third largest city in the United State.
Incorect: Chicago, that is the largest state of Illions, is the third largest city in the United State.
The teacher whose expertise helped me pass my exam. Don’t we have to use “helped me TO pass”? Or using without TO is also acceptable?
P.S. And yes. There is no quiz here…
Grammatically, TO pass would be more correct but in converstaional English, shortcuts are often taken.
Sorry, I meant conversational…
Thanks for your explanation)
thx :D
Hi folks, thanks for your continued support. The basic difference between ‘that’ and ‘which’ is how important the information is to the sentence. For example: I could say ‘I know you are waiting for the quiz, which will reinforce your learning’ – the second part of this sentence is not essential to the sentence, it adds a little more detail – therefore, I use ‘which’. ‘That’ is used to introduce a clause that is very important to the meaning of the sentence. For example: I know that you are waiting for the bus that will take you home.
But as Abhishek commented, most native speakers are not aware of the difference between these two words.
Apologies for the delay in the quiz, I promise it will be up soon.
Thanks so much, Mr. Benjamin. Have a good day!
Nice British accent ^-^ I love British accent
I’m sorry to say that this lesson is rather confusing:
1) Speak more! – True, but relative clauses need more study than a few minutes video. For example, what about the use of pauses (commas in writing) in dependent, independent, noun, adjectival and adverbial clauses?
2) Does the verb ‘preprepare’ exist? – I know only of the adjective ‘pre-prepared’.
3) At 0:42 you say “… they answer a question” instead of “… they ask you a question”.
4) At 2:20 you say “I went to Bath on Saturday. That was a fantastic place to visit.” – Notice that these are two independent clauses.
5) At 3:36 you say “… the place that something happens” instead of “… the place where something happens”.
6) At 3:53 what you say about ‘why’ is completely misleading. Better examples of the use of ‘why’ are: ‘This is the reason why I came’ or ‘No one understands why you need experience’.
7) At 4:19 the examples mix defining and non-defining clauses and the respective use of commas.
8) At 5:50 you say “The place that I went today…” instead of “The place where I went today…”.
QUIZ #3) ‘I’ve decided to sell the cricket bat _________ I was given for Christmas.’ – The answer ‘which’ implies that I was given other cricket bats and, not knowing about the implied context, it can be used just as well as the answer ‘that’
QUIZ #7) The grammar note was not explained in the video: ‘that’ cannot be used in non-defining relative clauses.
Hey, maybe you are right but this is a free lesson and the deliverables are still good. Not perfect but Fine. Where is your lesson ‘teacher’?
Funny, I start my comment with ‘Benjamin’ and I get a sarcastic reply, maybe Benjamin is too busy.
Benjamin is an excellent TEACHER. He stresses the main point. If you want details read/google.
Plz be kind, NOT criticize
Funny, I thought I was kinda helping with making a few comments… I wonder how one can critici(s/z)e a Benjamin lesson (giving the addressee the opportunity to reply) and be kind at the same time.
HI Benjamin I watched all your lesson and they are amazing thnak you
please can you make lesson about UK and about england’s history
i think you need to make an engvid app. It would be awesome!!
Thak you very much , Mr benjamine . it’s very helpful :)
I haven’t understood ‘whose’
willypuzzle: Whose pencil is this? —–> Who is the owner of this pencil. Is it clear now?
Once again one more great video from you Benjamin.
I took out the quiz THAT was uploaded by Benjamin WHO is a great teacher and WHOSE accent is very nice.
I was taking the quiz WHEN i found some other resources WHERE i can learn English.
I tried to put some of these relative pronounses and relative adverbs in my above two examples.
Benjamin i request you to let me know if there is any mistake in these two examples.
THANKS A LOT for this video.
I find it an AWESOME comment!! Very creative! And its clear that you have understood the lesson.
Hi abhishek1995,
THANKS A LOT for your compliment.
I am glad that you found it awesome as well as creative :)
Could you explain the different use between “which”and”that”?Thanks a lot
Tks for the lesson and the quick quiz, Benjamin! ;)
Hi teacher Benjamin, nice to meet you! Thank you for the lesson! :)
I don’t understand the difference. The questions 6 and 7 are similar, so why the right answer to the #6 is “that” and to the #7 is “which”?
I got 70/100, I have to study too much yet
Thank you for this useful video. I’ve got 9/10.
Benjamin, thank you very much for the video is very clear and help me a lot to build long sentences. Cheers!
thank you for this video to help us
i am really got a proper treatment from this lessen because before today i was wrong about the use of Which and That.thank you very much.
nice pronounciation!
I’ve got 10/10
Give me a 5 Benjamin ….. It is very nice to see you ….
What Is IELTS?
how to check idp ielts results online?
helpful tips for IELTS reading test
I got 10 out of 10 and I haven’t even watched the video, just to try. Intuition rules haha
I love doing this quiz.. this quiz is awesome!
It’s so hot
I absolutely love your videos Mr. Benjamin <3
I watch them times and times to exactly pronounce your sweet accent :)
I follow British accent and it's adorable <3
Warmest Thanks to this useful video.
It was a good lesson, I will take IELTS exams next week and I am really anxious
Good, 90 %. Thanks Banjamin.
i got 9 out of 10 :)
Great explanation and interesting site.
thank you
Thank you sir… your lecture is very nice ….
I got 9 out of 10.
100. Thanx
6of ten :(
Thank you ! Let me know the deference between that and which, though I got 100.
I’ve got 9 out of 10. Thanks for the vid. This makes us be more aware of using ‘which and that’.
hi I love your accent it is so British and original.
Thank you.
didn’t really understand the difference between who ,whose and that ,which !
it was waste of time
Hi Benjamin
The following are the examples I have been facing since I started to learn English, there are no “MAIN VERB” (like is, was, have been, had been, shall be, etc.) between subject & verb when some introductions and perusal are written.
1. Following bills raised by us are still unpaid.
3. Many cars parked at basement floor to reduce the congestion.
4. Smoking prohibited for healthy health.
I am glad to receive response from your end if you can.
9 0f 10 :) ^_^
Hi Benjamin,
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please ask me ASAP.I appreciate your help
Itś dificult for me, but I get 80 :)
Thank you.
9 out of 10 , need more reading lesson.
Thanky you teacher,i have enjoyed your lesson but i need friends to communicate with so that i can improve my english. my emails are and
I made 3 silly mistakes. I have to pay more attention before answering
Thanks allot .
You are a great teacher.
Thank you.
hurrrrraaaah. i got nine marks. thanhks so much for your useful lessons.
Thanks :)
Very good lesson! Thanks a lot ! I’ve got 9/10.
Thanks. I would like to say that your example on “that” was not proper, in my opinion. And perhaps you did not clarify the difference between “which” and “that”. I tried to make out it from your quiz. I will be grateful for your further explanation.I appreciate your work.
its bit confusing but need attention
I want to pass IELTS but it is very difficult for me :(
Thank you Benjamin,it helps me a lot,and I really like ur British accent
Thanks so much ! I got 8 correct out of 10 !
Hi Benjamin
I wonder what is wrong with I’ve decided to sell the cricket bat which I was given for Christmas.
and why you consider which is wrong and you prefer that instead of which ( as in quiz answer ) …. have a good night
Thank teacher
Any body need to practice please contact me via Skype “”
thank you , I got 8/10
thank you,your lessons are really helpful,but i have to work hard.
I am still a bit confused about the usage of “that” and “which” …. had #3 and 7 wrong
thank you benjamin, i got 8 out of 10.
thank you. it really helps me in taking IELTS.
thank you very much.
It’s a miracle! I got 80 in the Quiz.. It’s a wonderful thing and shows that the videos are helping me a lot. Thanks EngVid. Let’s go be approved in IELTS.
Got 100% thanks for the lessons
thank you 9/10
Hi! I am Silva.I am preparing for the ECCE exam, and I would like to do some speaking practise with you, have you any oppurtunity to help me, I would be very thankful to you.
Hi every body.I am looking some to speak english with him/her.I am preparing my self for ielts exam.I will be delighted to contact me.My kik ID is mehraz.a.Thanks a lot.
many grammatical error when i was answer all about quiz. so i must to study hard again..
thank a lot of
Unfortunately, I got 7/10.
But not bad . I will Go a head…to be better.
that was a good lesson. thank you sir.
Many thanks to you Benjamin and the whole team of Engvid for this great job, those videos you made helped me a lot but i still need to improve my english by speaking, so any fluents here, it will be very kind if we can communicate on Skype, this is my ID: fz-paradise.
Thank you
Hi, Benjamim! I’d be glad if you could explain a little bit more about the difference between “which” and “that”…
HI Benjamim
Thank you !!!
Thanks for the lesson! Was a little bit confused about using ‘which’ and ‘that’, but explanation that follows in comments made it clear. At 7:05 Benjamin has funny horns:)
I am glad to have found this site.
Hi, Benji (you’re don’t mean, i hope).
Correct me,please, if i’m mistaken: if in your exemple “selling THE car” wouldn’t be “the” it’s might been replased “that” on “which”?
I really excused for my grammar(((
Hello Benjamin, you are doing awesome. In the above video you describe how to use “that” and “which” and difference between them. As far as I understood that “the word that” is to describe the definite thing and “the word which” is to describe indefinite. How this sentence “I’m selling this dress, which I bought in London.” is correct
tnk for u r class dude..
100% my result . Thank you so much my teacher
got 10/10…..not bad i guess…eh?…:P
Thank you teacher.My result is 10/10.
so i got 7/10 in this quiz :/.. i thought all would be correct. :/ atleast it showed on which level i’m currently in speaking..i need improve little bit more i guess :D
got 10 out of 10 without listening any lesson :P
Fantastic lesrning, thanks
Excellent explanation. Thanks <3
Thank you teacher. Great lesson
Dear, Teacher
Thanks alot
there’s someone interested in skype-speaking session?
sorry, could you help me with these sentences ? which is correct:
An advisor to both Harry and Bob, Mrs.Smith was the founder of A university.
An advisor to both Harry and Bob, Mrs.Smith, who was the founder of A university.
Thanks very much.
Awesome, I’ve learned something new, that will be hopefully helpful in IELTS. (Is that right? ) Thank you.
First of all, thank you for the lesson.
I made a mistake in 3rd question. In some cases it is not easy to distinguish which and that.
Thanks for the lesson.
teacher I like your phrase so my best teacher you ALSO I want to improve my speech very much and you help me . thanks for everything. GO ON you are very good teacher
sorry not phrase it would be phraseology
100..I’m happy)))
Thanks a lot . I like relative clauses !
Hi. Thank you !
The example “The place that I went today” is given; I don’t understand why it is not something like “The place that I went to today.” Go is intransitive.
Is it conversational ?
Thanks for this amazing lecture. I now quite understand on how to use these pronouns correctly. I got a 9/10. Not bad. :)
An exceptional lecture, well explained positively perceived.thank you sir
Im preparing for my IELTS and I need a bit of help, finding someone to help me practive my speaking via Skype please. Regards/
Thank you for your lesson. I got 80 it seems my understanding about the use of “which” vs “that” still confused me?? but then I listened once again properly and I realize I wasn’t aware enough about the defining and non defining clause
got that now ?
Thanks Benjamin.
I’m selling this dress, WHICH I bought in London.
I’m selling the car THAT I bought in Los Angeles.
Soon i am going to pass IELTS so i need a person to practise My English. so who can help to me?
There is tendency nowadays to use THAT to introduce a noun complement (whether the antecedent is (BE is more “correct” !!!)animate or inanimate), or to discard the “link” (who, whom, that) altogether : the man (that) I saw, the car (that) I bought… Especially in American “English”…
I got 9 from 10 quiz, please can anybody explain me; what the difference from “which” and “that”. In the 3-rd question i have chosen the variant “which”, but the correct option was “that”. How to get difference in this?
the short cut to know when to use ‘which’ or ‘that’ in a sentence is the use of comma in one and no comma in another.
restrictive clause do not have comma (you use ‘that’). example:i’m selling the car that i bought in Los Angeles.
non-restrictive clause have commas (you use ‘which’). example: i’m selling this dress, which i bought in London.
i hope this help.
Thank you for your lesson, very clear to understand.
I’m going to apply ielts … do i blame my teacher for studying only grammer ? i need to speak english fluently , i know grammer very well but i don’t know how to speak fluently .. wish me luck and thank you teacher for your secret method of speaking
Thanks a lot for knowledge i want to learn more
Dear Benjamin
Thank you for your lesson
Very useful, especially when you describe the difference between that and which
Have a good day
10/10 , Thanks
Thank you very much, nice class.
I think It was a good lesson.Thank you teacher Benjamin. Today I finishe all your lessons about speaking. Maybe tomorrow I will starte with grammar
thanks Benjamin ?
To be honest, I found this video interesting and easy to understand. I discovered something new for myself and will take it as a note. Thanks for the video.