Is your English limited to “good” and “bad”? Learn how to improve your vocabulary FAST by using more advanced, descriptive adjectives. Having marked thousands of student essays, I know this one simple change can help you get a higher score on any English exam, especially the TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC. You can move from lazy English to powerful English in minutes!
I usually use “bad” and “good.” I thought they were easy but not energy indeed. I agree with you. Thank you so much for your informative lesson and advice, Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca It was an informative lecture …..:D
Thank you teacher.
Eugenio Manowar
Very useful tips. Thank you, Rececca.
I meant, “Rebecca”. Sorry =P
Your exactly right! Rebecca is a good teacher. How are you Fernando?
enriching! lol
Yes very enriching
Hello dear will you Participate in learning english?
nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Rebbeca. This is a very good lesson for TOEFL test takers.
Maybe, “It was an informative and helpful lesson” is more proper. =)
You’re quite right, Zero. That’s a valid point. ;)
may i know ur skype account? thanks
Warren Tj Kanou
Congratulations Rebeca, it was a good class¡¡¡
One of very productive video-lessons of our dear ma’am Rebecca.
Would you please answer my few quires, ma’am?
my questions are blew:
1- Why do some native speaker says ‘babe’ or
‘baby’ to their female friends or may be male
2- How can we over come from difficulty of
And please do tell me the way to improve my pronunciation because sometimes i get little bit problems when i listen any Canadian,American or British or Australasian.
To be honest i sometimes completely don’t understand anything when i listen to native speakers.
Hope you’re gonna answer me!
so i’m extremely thankful to you.
Well, could you tell me what do you mean by “Jerk”?
By the way i believe it’s ‘Below’ NOT ‘Blown’.
Have a good one, Omaxios !
1. Baby or babe is a romantic or flirtatious term; sometimes it is used in a joking way. It should not be used in formal situations.
2. Pronunciation lessons with a teacher trained in accent reduction or accent modification may help. There are also several accent improvement
programs on the market. It is difficult to do this alone as it’s hard to identify the issues on your own.
In terms of improving your listening skills, you could listen to English shows / movies with captions. You could also get hold of TOEFL / IELTS training materials with transcripts. First, just listen and see what you understand. Then, follow the transcript and listen again to see if what you thought you heard was right.
Thanks, and hope this helps. My best to you, Sonu.
Thanks Ms Rebecca I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
thanks Rebecca i got 100% , this lesson was productive .
Thank you Rebecca for such a valuable information that you give us.
Hello Kate , how are you ? it’ll be pleasure to talk you on skype soon , my skype is sma3li, I’m waitting you …
.:tanks you alot:.
add my skype : kanou2706
Warren Tj Kanou
The test is an informative test. thanks
I’ve been putting together to replace vague words with more powerful words ( correct me if I’m wrong in the double usage of the word WORD )and here I find a real functional lesson on it. Thanks Ma’am. You are precious.
Dear Prof.Rebecca, thank you so much
God bless engvid team <3
I usually use “bad”
It’s not wrong to use the words “good” and “bad”. We do use them often in casual speech. In writing, they come across as weak words and you should try and find more specific, descriptive words to replace them. All the best.
I’d never think for this before . Thanks A lot
Rebecca, thank you! It was a new and informative lesson for me.
Thanks a lot
Hasan Edriss
Hello Mrs. Rebecca, I passed the quiz with 80pts, the first question was missed, I would like to know why ‘practical’ is inconvenient to describing the athlete and thank you.
“Practical” is not as appropriate as describing the athlete with words like experienced and talented. We would not normally use “practical” to describe an athlete. Best wishes to you.
Dear Prof.Rebecca, thank u so much spending time for us.But i have feel i should learn more and more can u find my mistakes where I am stuck with and how to improve the communication skills.I have tested myself in quiz without listening your class can u tell me how to develop the same.
I suggest you work on strengthening your grammar and sentence structure by referring to grammar textbooks and watching the grammar lessons on engvid. All the best.
thank you Ms Rebecca.and hi everybody.
How are you katya
Hi magd. I’m ok, thanks. And you?:-)
Hi Katya how you doing,If you want to practice English just let me know
Thanks for great advice and lesson Rebecca. Here we must know a lot of words for playing with them.
Yes, if you go to the resource section, you will find a list of 142 adjectives that I have listed to help improve your vocabulary and think beyond “good” and “bad”. My best to you, Arshad.
Thank You!!!
I got 90 :)
Thanks for your interesting lesson.
Hi rebecca, I am new here and your classes are very informatives
thanks for this lesson teacher Rebecca can u make a second part of this helpful topic !! u make me realized that we overuse words…
Thank you for your advice Rebecca ; )
it was a good lesson . oh sorry it was an informative lesson.
Great! You got the idea! All the best to you.
Thanks Rebecca. You help me to improve new word .I fell to love English
thank you rebecca it was very masterfull lesson . well i got 70 in quizz bcs i did not grasp as well some question :) anyways i hope see you as soon as possible with more informations..bye
Thanks Rebeca, useful lesson – 50/10
thanks a lot
the white bird
thank you
thanks for this lessons
i recommand this artocle “TOEFL IBT Reading Score Improvement”
words what I never heart in the quiz! Is it perfect to know them. Thanks
70/100. thanks
really informative lesson …thank you so much
It’s a so very useful lesson..
Thanks Rebecca! :)
Angeli Hiloma
I GOT 100 ..TNQ :)
thanks rebecca.I got 100 thanks to you.İt was a enlightening lesson for us.
:( got a poor result ,but I’ll will try until i got better result.
Tola San
Hi Rebecca. Very instructive lesson indeed. What I have noticed is the words you are using to emphasizing the vocabulary sound often (not always) like having Latin roots. I must say that helps me as a French native speaker. The trick you gave us to improve our language level is quite easy and definitely useful. However, I noticed that while speaking to some native English speakers and trying to employ some little more sophisticated words, I have often been said it was a little far fetching. More, when I speak on Skype with an Australian friend, he sometimes doesn’t even understand some words. As an example, I was recently talking about immaculate snow and I used the word “pristine“. He told me that word was not used ever. Another example, once we were discussing about movies; I said I had found a film “ mundane“. I was very pride of me but I had to lower my sights since he did not even known the word. So what to do? Sorry for that (too) long comment.
You should be proud of yourself for knowing advanced vocabulary. Your Australian friend sounds like he needs to improve his! Remember that in all languages, not everyone uses the language well. Your Skype friend may be an example. Also, keep in mind that in English writing we use a lot more advanced vocabulary than in speaking. So, people are not as accustomed to hearing sophisticated vocabulary in speech. It depends who you talk to, their level of education, their background, their interests, etc. I’m sure this holds true in French as well. So you just continue to be the articulate person that you are, no matter who you meet! A rich vocabulary goes hand in hand with academic and career success. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebecca for your pleasant (instead of nice) comment and I reiterate what I told you namely your lessons are always very instructive so may I suggest you teach us about inversions like: “Should he have been here, events would have turned out very differently“. Loving English language, I read English books most of the time and I frequently came across such sentence structures. Thank you very much. Bien amicalement.
Than u so much Rebecca for this lesson I would like to know how we can understand the words level ? should be guess ?
Well, first, anything beyond “good” and “bad” is already an improvement. Next, you may consult vocabulary improvement books to give you an idea. They are often divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced level books. You can also consult my latest resource:
All the best to you, Emily.
It was brilliant advice.
A Line
Thank you for an exquisite lesson and a challenging quiz!
Hey, now that’s powerful vocabulary! Imagine how far you can go speaking and writing like that. My best to you!
hi every body.. Im fardin ..Im a new member
I hope learn english as soon as with your help and teachers
It’s very interesting learning better English in each lesson, 10Q Rebecca!!!
Thank you very much, Rebecca! It was a really useful lesson!
Hello Rebecca, what word I can use to describe a very hot weather instead the boring “It´s a BAD weather coze it´s too hot?”
You could say any of the following:
It’s boiling, it’s broiling, it’s stifling…
Also, the sweltering heat, the heatwave, the hot spell….
Keep a notebook to collect expressions and vocabulary along with sample sentences. You are much more likely to actually use them after writing them down and reading over them from time to time. All the best to you.
Hi, where do I find the categories for words, whether it is basic intermediate, advanced?
Thanks for advice
I agree it is not easy to determine that but vocabulary books often come in basic, intermediate and advanced versions and that may help you to know. When I was learning another language, everything seemed advanced because it was new for me one way or the other! My best wishes to you.
hello. you can help me learn english?
i so stubid english.
Thank you so much for your lesson, I know what I have to do now
I recommend making friends with a thesaurus or thesaurus site and you will always find lots of vocabulary options. My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all for your feedback and I’m sure implementing this one suggestion will make your English speech and writing more colorful and dynamic. You will certainly earn higher marks on any English exam in this way.
hai thank you for informative lesson .can you explain me other examples how do i implement that words.
Thnak you.
Thanks. I’ve got 90%.
Hi Miss Rebecca, I would like to know the word of “pair of sunglasses” mean just one sunglass or two or is it wrong to write like that.or if I want to write only “one sunglass” in a sentence how do I write?
We say a pair of sunglasses because there are two lenses, just like me say a pair of pants or jeans or a pair of glasses. In these cases we cannot separate the two parts. In expressions like a pair of gloves, or a pair of socks or a pair of shoes, where we can separate them, we can use the singular. So then it would be ok to say, “I’ve lost my green sock.” or “I can’t find my other shoe.” Hope this helps. My best wishes to you.
Thanks alot teacher it really helped me to improve my English
Tawab Khan
good teacher…
Alfauzan Amin
Thanks for practical lecture.
I was always thinking that why I can get high score though I did not make any mistakes.But now, it was solved.I have to improve advanced words more.
Thank you.
Thank you very much ,
very helpful, thank you Rebecca
it was a nice instruction… no no no it was such a useful, informative one! thank you
You got the idea, my friend! We can always find more energetic, expressive words if we try. All the best to you.
I got 90 points!
Thanks Rebecca!!!
María Luisa
Thanks a lot. But I do think you’d better correct the word “delightfil” on the list. Excuse my faux pas
Thanks a lot , I got 90
Adham Mohamed
It’s really informative video.
We usually use bad & good because they are the first,simple and the easy adj we find.
Hello Mrs.Rebecca, I would like to know how we could learn all adj,by listening,speaking,or writing?it seems impossible for me,thank you.
My respects.
Hi Rebecca, I thank for your work.I got 8 out of 10.
I got 9 scores. isn’t bad? Thanks rebecca. This is Wil by the way, a Filipino citizen.
That’s an excellent score. All the best to you, my friend.
thanx mam for theachig
chander shekhar
Thank you, Rebecca! It was a productive lesson ))
Thank you, it was an informative lesson.
It’s really helpful information. Thank you very much.
i like it it s interesting
Thanks I got 70
thank you
ernesto m
thankyou informative lecture
Hi Rebecca and hello everybody!
Thank you for this lesson, finally know why i can’t get higher achievement in essay writing, lack of bombastic vocab is my weakness
Fellis Seth
10/10! Thank you for the lecture)
Thanks for your lessons…Really appreciate your efforts.
Informative and very useful lesson..Thanks Rebecca.
Oops! I’ve just got 80 pts :(
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
very useful information thanks
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your helpful lesson.
You’re an amazing teacher
take care
it was an advantageous lesson :)
Another informative lesson. Thanks a lot Rebecca!
first and foremost i would like to say thank you so much ma’am rebeca, for sharing your knowledge to us…i got 100 points for quiz.Very helpful lesson indeed for those who wants to speak English fluently and automatically…god bless!
It is a very useful lecture. Thank you.
I am glad to say this is an informative lecture.
thanks rebeca i was an interesting lesson
I have so much fun studying with you :) Thanks so much! You are my motivator :) My IELTS exam is on june 7th. You are with me.
Yes, I wish you all the best on your IELTS. Please watch one of my earliest lessons on how to write an effective essay. It could help you a lot, even on the IELTS essay:
think you teacher i’m really happy and i hope i’ll get a great match at next
think you teacher i’m really happy and i hope i’ll get a great score at next
Thank you Rebecca:)
It’s really useful!
that was a productive lesson Rebbeca,i appreciate you take your time to help us thats very generous. i was reading a some of the comments above and as she said. there are words that people dont understand such as solitude
thank u
Thank You Rebecca!
Gabriella Pfrimer
Enjoyable lecture.
hi guys i am so glad to be here. i wanna improve my english plz help me
tanks Rebecca. my quiz was not bad. i try to study eng more
It was a useful lesson!
salem farhmand
Thank you, Rebecca!Your lesson is very helpful.
Hi Rebecca,thanks a lot.I like your teaching method very much.I would like you to explain have had with some examples.I have had my lunch I have had it to all myself.I often get confused in which condition we use have had.and i don’t understand meanings properly.
That is the present perfect tense. We have several lessons on our website which can help you with that issue. Just write “present perfect” in the search section at the top right, under the engvid logo. All the best!
Thanks, I’m willing to start with the lessons.
i got 100% but quiz was easy,i want the reason
Thank you Rebecca, your class was quite informative and productive.
Louis Charles
Thanks you my teacher, It’s a useful lesson
Thank Miss Rebecca for this video that was really beneficial, but i would like to ask u about something that how could i download the list of the adjective which you mentioned in the video?
Afro Jack
awesome your lesson Rebecca thanks!
aman hansi
Thanks for clozing a quest set. I got 90
Thanks Rebecca~! It is an informative lecture to me ~!
Thank for this lesson!! and also for your other adjectives!! it is really a PRODUCTIVE lesson :)) you are the best Rebecca!!
Thank you teacher, It was beneficial.
Thank you you teacher.It was a useful lesson.
iam really enjyo with quize
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks very much for your very useful & fantastic lesson.
I really feel enjoyable with your lesson & your quizzes.
Hi,rebecca..your informative lecture give me more scientific idea to get a good score in ielts exam
Thanks , it is an informative and helpful lecture :)
abdelrahman refaie
Thank you Rebeca,It is a very informative and helpful lesson because I have a student who wants to sound smarter!
Mariane de Sousa Barbosa
thank you I got 80 percent
70 point. I have little vocabulary. I should effort it.
Nobu Goto
Thank you Rebbeca,
It was another marvelous lesson. I got the question about flashy shirt wrong. I thought attractive is usually used for human.
Thank you teacher Rebecca :) I got 9 correct answer out of 10 not bad.
It is such a informative lesson! Thank you, teacher
Thank you! Where can I find the list of words?
Hello hows you?
thanks . it was really hard . i got 8
Thank you.
Great lesson Rebecca! This kind of lesson contributes a lot to improve our English skills! thank you so much!
Definately it was a productive lesson
A productive lesson !!
DucLoc Duong
That was great lesson.
Many thanks Rebeca
Dear Rebbecca,
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please reply me at your first convince.
I appreciate your help
Thanks Miss Rebbecca. I get 90 in the quiz. And the list of 142 adjectives is very very effective.
Anas K
Thank you Teacher
thinks for Rebecca,good lesson.
Thanks :) i got 8 per 10 :(
Thanks Rebecca.
This was an extraordinary lesson, thank you.
Mr Lorenz
I love your classes . . they are always very useful
I got 5 per 10 :(
very informative information teacher rebecca :)
great lesson, thanks
ahmed mustafa mahmoud
It was a really informative and positive way of examining our knowledge in english.
thank you Rebecca :D
Hello Rebecca, thank you for your lecture.
Your voice is so relaxing and makes me focus on it. And it is so informative.
Cine Ahn
thank Rebecca for this lesson, as a beginner I generally the bad habit to use lazy word and make short sentence, I will do my best to not use lazy word …
in my country we can’t access youtube :( plz set a different way to watch or download videos,tnk you
Thanks, I’ve never thought about it. It was excellent and informative.
i really like this season…i just know that every word has its position. i used to speak and write good or bad as my choice in speaking.
thank you rebecca!
atabik faza
This is, for me, the first time experience of vising your website and I really have found it extraordinarily effective for my English progress!
Md Zohir Biswas
Thanks a lot, it was useful.
Thanks teacher most of the time I use lazy words now I goanna star to use another words
Dora Mirtha
Thank you very much Rebecca
best regards
haider j touma
thank you very much
Thank you.It’s useful.
Thanks Rebecca. this is such a useful lesson.
Thank you, It was really powerful lecture
Oh, Thanks a lot…
it was helpful thnxx mam
Yazavinder Singh
It is a useful video ,,thank you
Dina Sallam
Thank you for this wonderful lesson ! :D
Amogh B
I also think so. but My vocabulary is not very good.
now, I am trying to gather my vocabulary in studing so hard, but I have not seen any effective, but I don’t give up.:). because No pain, no gain.
thanks a lot for this amazing video.I couldn’t take the test.How can I do it ?
thank you rebeca
thanks it was an informative lesson..
I choose answer on question 9 and I got 90%. Thanks Dear Rebecca :)
Thank you very much! :)
i like it
How should I say thanks instead of using the word THANKS? Should I say I appreciate it? Is there any other word to say that? As I don’t know it yet, let me just say “Thanks a lot”, Rebecca. :D
Sapphire Moon
A very helpful lesson.
Useful and thaaaaaaaaaaanks a lot
Thank you teacher for your useful, interesting and wonderful lesson. All best wishes to you.
It’s an informative lesson. thanks!
thank you rebecca !.. great video
thank so much
i hope to flaunt in English what is best way to do that
really i like your lesson so much
The hint about describing our environment with different words is very useful. Thanks a lot! I’ll try to practice it every day.
Please find me we want to start practice making in this language that we can learn faster.
Mohammeddeck Ali Dabajoog
Thank you, it was very productive lesson
9 From 10. Not bad! Thanks Mrs Rebecca for the lesson. I find this very useful. I hope you can make another informative lesson
It was a very useful lecture! Thanks for informative explanation!
Alex Cross
thank you so much.
Thank you teacher It was useful lesson for me. Also it was interesting video
Thank you Ms Rebecca;very brilliant work you did
Thank you !!!
That was amazingly different!
Every time I watch Teacher Rebecca’s lesson, I learn several things.
I hope you’ll add more topics, so I could supplement my ESL teaching at the same time.
Thank you so much!
Hi, Rebecca! You are inspiring teacher) I can’t find list of words for this lesson, that you told (ist of words that you could use instead of saying: “good” or “bad”).
Thank you
Abdullah kateb
Thank you.
Very informative. Thanks Rebecca!
Good lesson)))
Thank you very much ))
Thank you
thanks Rebbeca for enjoyable lesson :)
Hello guys how are you doing am muhajir you could call me samba am from sudan right now I liveing in India am doing boss pharm so I am here to improve my English language could you help me to do that by the way these is my Skype
And Thanks alot guys
Thanks alot guys
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lectures are always actual and helpful!
Sergei Ter-Tumasov
Very informative & beneficial. Thank you.
That is kinda great new vocabulary that I use to say “good” and “bad”
Thank you, Rebecca! Your teaching is always informative and and helpful.
Very helpful lesson, thinks you, Rebecca.
Thank you.
All the vocabulary are useful in my essays.
very helpful this topic.
i got 90
thank you miss Rebecca
Rico Januar
Dear Rebecca,
Who is lazy with you? Nobody! Your lessons are so enjoyable, but also so informative and descriptive, we improve our vocabulary quickly.
Best regards.
it was very simple and informative
Mohammad AbdulSalam
Thanks miss Rebecca
Mohammad AbdulSalam
Oh, my God! so depressed
Lam Thi Hang
I love this lesson…Thank you Teacher from Jordan
Hany Rahahleh
It is a useful and productive lesson. Thank you :D
How or Where can i get words like energetic.
Great, experiences, and informative lessons thanks.
l’m listening ,so,improve my listening,l follow you. thanks for help my english..
maviael bezerra de souza junior
:), I got a 100. Thanks Rebeca, you helped me a lot!!
Great class,very helpful tips!.
Thanks a lot!
thank you
very informative
cyril j padiyathu
A good score 9/10 thank a lot
Fils Cesar
I got 100 points :P
its very helpful for me thank you so much
gagan waraich
Nice presentation.
I am learning.
Thanks and Good luck!
my verdict on the quiz is You got 9 correct out of 10.
It was educational session !! Thanks a ton.
Hi,teacher,Athough I am new here,I’ve watched most of your lessons and they’re so informative,I am not English,so there are not people who know English around me,so I can’t improve my speaking skills,my other difficulty is a sentence structure and of course,using prepositions properly.What is your advice?
Thanks Rebecca so much!
Thanks for your lesson! It’s very useful.
I hear you say “according to me”, but my English teacher said that “Never say according to me. It’s wrong!”. Can you help me?
Thank you.
thank you very much for useful lesson.
nice Rebecca goo job
kenny theosmy
that was awesome one :),thank you very much :)
that’s very good lesson but you know there are verbs also don’t want to be lazy when using it ” I want to improve my verbs also not just adjectives ”
or i want a source to improve my business English and my writing generally
thanks in advance
ahmed nomeir
Thank you Rebecca.
nice lesson,,, tnx a lot…
hi Rebecca it’s my first time here in engvid and i came across with your video it’s really productive thank you so much, well if you don’t mind i want to share with you the problem that i usually find in English wish is speaking because when i try to speak with somebody i loose my vocabulary and my if you can give me any advice to overcome this problem i would be very thankfull.
hester prynne
dear rebecca i have started to learn english tips for ielts test through your lecture. your teaching style and expressions are quite good.
thank you!it really help me a lot. :)
Hi I am new user can you please advice where to start :) I plan to pass the TOEFL :) Thanks in advance :)
Hey I’m about to take the IETLS. What do you Say Guys. Thank a bunch in advance. My Fb url.
My whatsapp no is
Mohammed navigation
A very informative and enjoyable lesson. Thank you.
Hi everyone, i’m a beginner. I hope you can help me to improve my skill in English. Thank you :)
your lecture is very helpful and useful.
A very productive lesson, in the first section of the video the sentence “It was a interesting lecture” sounds more attractive to me, perhaps all depends of the meaning what we try to show.
Thank you Rebecca
Oscar SK
Thank you for your lecture in replace of “good” and “bad” words, this may change my approch to the people
aruna yesaswini
This lesson was very informative. Thank you Rebecca
i am energized :)
so precious
Ehsan azr
Thank you very much! I haven’t ever watched any excellent website like yours. But I don’t know how many words I need to be able to talk to native speakers and understand almost the English magazine. Do you have any video which teaches vocabulary by topics? All the topics I think. Thanks.
It was really useful .thank you
thank you so much
khaled alabd
very good Ms Rebecca…
Thank Rebecca, i love this class
Thank Ms.Rebecca, I got 100%
It was informative lecture Ms.Rebecca.
Alhamdulillah, I got 10 correct out of 10
I’m happy
Thanks a bunch
thanks Rebecca it has been one of the most useless lesson that i’ve seen thank you.
It’s really good. Thank you so much. You are the best of the best teacher.
Thank you so much.
Many thanks . It informative lesson.
Many thanks . It is a informative lesson.
Thanks. It is an instructive lesson. Actually I have never thought about this situation.
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Kirtisinh Jadeja
Thx alot Rebeca .. It’s joyful lesson.
Saba hassan
I’m glad to meet you.I like your lessons
i got 10 correct out of 10
Rohit Das
It’s really good. Thank you so much. You are the best of the best teacher.
An enlightening lecture indeed. Thank you Mam Rebbica
Tahir Chohan
thanks #teacher. lecture was enjoyable n formative .
Talha Saeed
well…i was ignoring it my whole life… thanks a lot
good lecture ^)))
Well, you are right this lazy English show that we have lack of vocabulary…
i love this lesson
i got 90% of 100%. This site is wonderfull, i need to improve a lot things in my english.
Great site thank you!
Thank you, Rebeca! I try to use this expretions!
Otto Sanolog
thanks a lot rebecca
Hello Rebecca.
Your are absolutely right because it feel me like i m still using childish words as you say “GOOD and BAD” are common words they are used commonly and we use new words instead of these words…
Hello! Thanks a lot for the lesson! Can you tell me why i can not see the QUIZ questions?
Thank you Rebecca!
It was really informative to me as I constantly using good/bad :)
Time to change!
Thank you Rebecca.
It was encouraged me.
I’ll try not to use lazy English. Thanks Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca, I was wondering how the examiner counting the 250 words in the exam? how is this possible?
It is an informative lecture.
Thank you Rebecca
I need to practice my English. Who’s like to join me?
If I take care about this, I will get a feel for!!!
Thank you so
Thank you for delightful lesson.
Metin egrioglu
The avarness of detail about writing proficiency. it was wonderful
Thanks Rebecca
It was a informative lesson..!!
Thanks, Emma, it was an informative lecture!
Thank you so much Rebeca for ypur help :)
Thank you so much Rebeca for your help :)
I want to improve my speaking skill, if you are willing to assist me, please contact me @ my Instagram haridan.jhondum and DM me.
great lesson! thank you rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca.
What a wonderful lecture it was! Please forgive me since I couldn’t find the words expressing my gratitude for such sophisticated skilled sense of presentation you introduced.
Itwas a great point for teaching English. I wish I had a chance to teach to foreigners.
Thanks. This video is an informative video
Maryam Zaky
Interesting topic and really usefull
thanks Rebecca it was interesting wonderful lesson many thanks again
Dr.Faten Magdy
Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
The best lesson, 100% !!!
Rebeca, your lessons are always very interesting and informative. You explain in a veryunderstandable way.
thank you Rebecca you are a magic , i am very interested to follow you guide .
this is my first time to start writing , thank you for this chance
Mohamed Adam7781
Thank you Mss., it was an informative lecture.
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca today I have learn a lot. For a month I am taking yr classes and improving in a good way. God bless you ???
What an informative lecture
Hi Rebecca it was really interesting lesson keep up your awesome
thank you so much I did awesome test..
Abdiqani Hamud Awale
its useful.. I got knowledge from here.. thank you so much…
Thanks it was very useful lecture!
thank you
You are awesome. Thanks a lot, it was an useful lecture ???✌
Mena Agaiby
Thank you
Thanx Teacher .. It Was Very Didactic Lecture ..I Really Enjoyed
It’s interesting lesson. Thanks Rebecca
You got 9 correct out of 10.thanks…
M kartal
Thanks Rebecca it was a cognitive lesson (is it right?)
Thank you so much Rebecca,
This is a very practical tip!
Thank you teacher that was a informative lecture
thank you very much! I have been waiting a such lesson for a long time. Really, it was something unusual
Farzona Tukhtaeva
your lectures are productive.thank you so much
Than you Rebecca. I enjoyed to answer the question. It was productive and informative lecture.
It is very informative Video. thanks for the lecture.
Sibghat Ullah Dotani
How can I be perfect writer of ielts eassy. I can not make it complex anymore .
Lekhnath Kharel
Hello Rebecca,
Thanks for the tips, that was an informative tips.. well done.
By the way i scored 100% on the quiz.
thanks a lot.
Fawzia Ezzeldin
the lesson very useful for me, thank you^^
Thank you so much , this is so useful ..
sara dwaydar
This is one area were I needs to improve in writing and speaking English. Thanks a lot for such an informative lesson.
Thank you for teaching effective English.
thanks Becky it was an informative lesson, I learnt a lot.
Rebecca, I love your classes!! where can I find the your list about words to use besides good and bad?
10/10, thanks a lot!
In the 8th questionI felt it was like a sarcastic answer. Isn´it?
It was an informative lecture ?
am thankful
Brian oscar
Very beneficial lesson.
I want to ask a question to the teacher.
How can we have online practice across all the students around the World.
Mohammeddeck Ali Dabajoog
hi miss Rebecca could you please tell me where can I find the list of the energetic vocab you mentioned in the lecture.
9/10 yeahhhh
Yay! Not bad! ??
Hello Rebecca
My name is Nathalie
I live in france
I follow your videos regularly on YouTube, it is with great pleasure that I progress step by step in my learning in English. A huge thank you for you.
Nathalie 28@
Useful! Ty :)
thank you rebecca it was an informative video
Very useful, tks Rebecca!
wow Amazing! thank you ma’am Rebecca!
Thank you for leading us in the wonderful way to learn an excellent english.
It is a such informative lesson thank u so much, Rebbeca.
I want to know if there is a pdf file for those new words or not
Rawda samir
Hi Rebeca, Thanks for your great teaching.
could you please tell me how can I find the list of worlds that you mentioned in the video?
Of course as a manager you hire only humbles with qualification ,otherwise your position will be in risk . Your lessons like always very informative .
Thank you Rebeca
i would like to thank u Rebecca for courses that pushed to be one of user for learning English online
Nathanael Muara
It is a great lesson, thankful for your valuable lesson.
Learn English for free with 2159 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I usually use “bad” and “good.” I thought they were easy but not energy indeed. I agree with you. Thank you so much for your informative lesson and advice, Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca It was an informative lecture …..:D
Thank you teacher.
Very useful tips. Thank you, Rececca.
I meant, “Rebecca”. Sorry =P
Your exactly right! Rebecca is a good teacher. How are you Fernando?
enriching! lol
Yes very enriching
Hello dear will you Participate in learning english?
nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Rebbeca. This is a very good lesson for TOEFL test takers.
Maybe, “It was an informative and helpful lesson” is more proper. =)
You’re quite right, Zero. That’s a valid point. ;)
may i know ur skype account? thanks
Congratulations Rebeca, it was a good class¡¡¡
One of very productive video-lessons of our dear ma’am Rebecca.
Would you please answer my few quires, ma’am?
my questions are blew:
1- Why do some native speaker says ‘babe’ or
‘baby’ to their female friends or may be male
2- How can we over come from difficulty of
And please do tell me the way to improve my pronunciation because sometimes i get little bit problems when i listen any Canadian,American or British or Australasian.
To be honest i sometimes completely don’t understand anything when i listen to native speakers.
Hope you’re gonna answer me!
so i’m extremely thankful to you.
Well, could you tell me what do you mean by “Jerk”?
By the way i believe it’s ‘Below’ NOT ‘Blown’.
Have a good one, Omaxios !
1. Baby or babe is a romantic or flirtatious term; sometimes it is used in a joking way. It should not be used in formal situations.
2. Pronunciation lessons with a teacher trained in accent reduction or accent modification may help. There are also several accent improvement
programs on the market. It is difficult to do this alone as it’s hard to identify the issues on your own.
In terms of improving your listening skills, you could listen to English shows / movies with captions. You could also get hold of TOEFL / IELTS training materials with transcripts. First, just listen and see what you understand. Then, follow the transcript and listen again to see if what you thought you heard was right.
Thanks, and hope this helps. My best to you, Sonu.
Thanks Ms Rebecca I got 100%.
thanks Rebecca i got 100% , this lesson was productive .
Thank you Rebecca for such a valuable information that you give us.
Hello Kate , how are you ? it’ll be pleasure to talk you on skype soon , my skype is sma3li, I’m waitting you …
.:tanks you alot:.
add my skype : kanou2706
The test is an informative test. thanks
I’ve been putting together to replace vague words with more powerful words ( correct me if I’m wrong in the double usage of the word WORD )and here I find a real functional lesson on it. Thanks Ma’am. You are precious.
Dear Prof.Rebecca, thank you so much
God bless engvid team <3
I usually use “bad”
It’s not wrong to use the words “good” and “bad”. We do use them often in casual speech. In writing, they come across as weak words and you should try and find more specific, descriptive words to replace them. All the best.
I’d never think for this before . Thanks A lot
Rebecca, thank you! It was a new and informative lesson for me.
Thanks a lot
Hello Mrs. Rebecca, I passed the quiz with 80pts, the first question was missed, I would like to know why ‘practical’ is inconvenient to describing the athlete and thank you.
“Practical” is not as appropriate as describing the athlete with words like experienced and talented. We would not normally use “practical” to describe an athlete. Best wishes to you.
Dear Prof.Rebecca, thank u so much spending time for us.But i have feel i should learn more and more can u find my mistakes where I am stuck with and how to improve the communication skills.I have tested myself in quiz without listening your class can u tell me how to develop the same.
I suggest you work on strengthening your grammar and sentence structure by referring to grammar textbooks and watching the grammar lessons on engvid. All the best.
thank you Ms Rebecca.and hi everybody.
How are you katya
Hi magd. I’m ok, thanks. And you?:-)
Hi Katya how you doing,If you want to practice English just let me know
Thanks for great advice and lesson Rebecca. Here we must know a lot of words for playing with them.
Yes, if you go to the resource section, you will find a list of 142 adjectives that I have listed to help improve your vocabulary and think beyond “good” and “bad”. My best to you, Arshad.
Thank You!!!
I got 90 :)
Thanks for your interesting lesson.
Hi rebecca, I am new here and your classes are very informatives
thanks for this lesson teacher Rebecca can u make a second part of this helpful topic !! u make me realized that we overuse words…
Thank you for your advice Rebecca ; )
it was a good lesson . oh sorry it was an informative lesson.
Great! You got the idea! All the best to you.
Thanks Rebecca. You help me to improve new word .I fell to love English
thank you rebecca it was very masterfull lesson . well i got 70 in quizz bcs i did not grasp as well some question :) anyways i hope see you as soon as possible with more informations..bye
Thanks Rebeca, useful lesson – 50/10
thanks a lot
thank you
thanks for this lessons
i recommand this artocle “TOEFL IBT Reading Score Improvement”
words what I never heart in the quiz! Is it perfect to know them. Thanks
70/100. thanks
really informative lesson …thank you so much
It’s a so very useful lesson..
Thanks Rebecca! :)
I GOT 100 ..TNQ :)
thanks rebecca.I got 100 thanks to you.İt was a enlightening lesson for us.
:( got a poor result ,but I’ll will try until i got better result.
Hi Rebecca. Very instructive lesson indeed. What I have noticed is the words you are using to emphasizing the vocabulary sound often (not always) like having Latin roots. I must say that helps me as a French native speaker. The trick you gave us to improve our language level is quite easy and definitely useful. However, I noticed that while speaking to some native English speakers and trying to employ some little more sophisticated words, I have often been said it was a little far fetching. More, when I speak on Skype with an Australian friend, he sometimes doesn’t even understand some words. As an example, I was recently talking about immaculate snow and I used the word “pristine“. He told me that word was not used ever. Another example, once we were discussing about movies; I said I had found a film “ mundane“. I was very pride of me but I had to lower my sights since he did not even known the word. So what to do? Sorry for that (too) long comment.
You should be proud of yourself for knowing advanced vocabulary. Your Australian friend sounds like he needs to improve his! Remember that in all languages, not everyone uses the language well. Your Skype friend may be an example. Also, keep in mind that in English writing we use a lot more advanced vocabulary than in speaking. So, people are not as accustomed to hearing sophisticated vocabulary in speech. It depends who you talk to, their level of education, their background, their interests, etc. I’m sure this holds true in French as well. So you just continue to be the articulate person that you are, no matter who you meet! A rich vocabulary goes hand in hand with academic and career success. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebecca for your pleasant (instead of nice) comment and I reiterate what I told you namely your lessons are always very instructive so may I suggest you teach us about inversions like: “Should he have been here, events would have turned out very differently“. Loving English language, I read English books most of the time and I frequently came across such sentence structures. Thank you very much. Bien amicalement.
Than u so much Rebecca for this lesson I would like to know how we can understand the words level ? should be guess ?
Well, first, anything beyond “good” and “bad” is already an improvement. Next, you may consult vocabulary improvement books to give you an idea. They are often divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced level books. You can also consult my latest resource:
All the best to you, Emily.
It was brilliant advice.
Thank you for an exquisite lesson and a challenging quiz!
Hey, now that’s powerful vocabulary! Imagine how far you can go speaking and writing like that. My best to you!
hi every body.. Im fardin ..Im a new member
I hope learn english as soon as with your help and teachers
It’s very interesting learning better English in each lesson, 10Q Rebecca!!!
Thank you very much, Rebecca! It was a really useful lesson!
Hello Rebecca, what word I can use to describe a very hot weather instead the boring “It´s a BAD weather coze it´s too hot?”
You could say any of the following:
It’s boiling, it’s broiling, it’s stifling…
Also, the sweltering heat, the heatwave, the hot spell….
Keep a notebook to collect expressions and vocabulary along with sample sentences. You are much more likely to actually use them after writing them down and reading over them from time to time. All the best to you.
Hi, where do I find the categories for words, whether it is basic intermediate, advanced?
Thanks for advice
I agree it is not easy to determine that but vocabulary books often come in basic, intermediate and advanced versions and that may help you to know. When I was learning another language, everything seemed advanced because it was new for me one way or the other! My best wishes to you.
hello. you can help me learn english?
i so stubid english.
Thank you so much for your lesson, I know what I have to do now
You could use:
humid, sweltering, boiling, scorching, tropical, sizzling, oppressive, sultry, stifling, muggy, sticky….
I recommend making friends with a thesaurus or thesaurus site and you will always find lots of vocabulary options. My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all for your feedback and I’m sure implementing this one suggestion will make your English speech and writing more colorful and dynamic. You will certainly earn higher marks on any English exam in this way.
hai thank you for informative lesson .can you explain me other examples how do i implement that words.
Thnak you.
Thanks. I’ve got 90%.
Hi Miss Rebecca, I would like to know the word of “pair of sunglasses” mean just one sunglass or two or is it wrong to write like that.or if I want to write only “one sunglass” in a sentence how do I write?
We say a pair of sunglasses because there are two lenses, just like me say a pair of pants or jeans or a pair of glasses. In these cases we cannot separate the two parts. In expressions like a pair of gloves, or a pair of socks or a pair of shoes, where we can separate them, we can use the singular. So then it would be ok to say, “I’ve lost my green sock.” or “I can’t find my other shoe.” Hope this helps. My best wishes to you.
Thanks alot teacher it really helped me to improve my English
good teacher…
Thanks for practical lecture.
I was always thinking that why I can get high score though I did not make any mistakes.But now, it was solved.I have to improve advanced words more.
Thank you.
Thank you very much ,
very helpful, thank you Rebecca
it was a nice instruction… no no no it was such a useful, informative one! thank you
You got the idea, my friend! We can always find more energetic, expressive words if we try. All the best to you.
I got 90 points!
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Thanks a lot. But I do think you’d better correct the word “delightfil” on the list. Excuse my faux pas
Thanks a lot , I got 90
It’s really informative video.
We usually use bad & good because they are the first,simple and the easy adj we find.
Hello Mrs.Rebecca, I would like to know how we could learn all adj,by listening,speaking,or writing?it seems impossible for me,thank you.
My respects.
Hi Rebecca, I thank for your work.I got 8 out of 10.
I got 9 scores. isn’t bad? Thanks rebecca. This is Wil by the way, a Filipino citizen.
That’s an excellent score. All the best to you, my friend.
thanx mam for theachig
Thank you, Rebecca! It was a productive lesson ))
Thank you, it was an informative lesson.
It’s really helpful information. Thank you very much.
i like it it s interesting
Thanks I got 70
thank you
thankyou informative lecture
Hi Rebecca and hello everybody!
Thank you for this lesson, finally know why i can’t get higher achievement in essay writing, lack of bombastic vocab is my weakness
10/10! Thank you for the lecture)
Thanks for your lessons…Really appreciate your efforts.
Informative and very useful lesson..Thanks Rebecca.
Oops! I’ve just got 80 pts :(
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
very useful information thanks
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your helpful lesson.
You’re an amazing teacher
take care
it was an advantageous lesson :)
Another informative lesson. Thanks a lot Rebecca!
first and foremost i would like to say thank you so much ma’am rebeca, for sharing your knowledge to us…i got 100 points for quiz.Very helpful lesson indeed for those who wants to speak English fluently and automatically…god bless!
It is a very useful lecture. Thank you.
I am glad to say this is an informative lecture.
thanks rebeca i was an interesting lesson
I have so much fun studying with you :) Thanks so much! You are my motivator :) My IELTS exam is on june 7th. You are with me.
Yes, I wish you all the best on your IELTS. Please watch one of my earliest lessons on how to write an effective essay. It could help you a lot, even on the IELTS essay:
All the best!
think you teacher i’m really happy and i hope i’ll get a great match at next
think you teacher i’m really happy and i hope i’ll get a great score at next
Thank you Rebecca:)
It’s really useful!
that was a productive lesson Rebbeca,i appreciate you take your time to help us thats very generous. i was reading a some of the comments above and as she said. there are words that people dont understand such as solitude
thank u
Thank You Rebecca!
Enjoyable lecture.
hi guys i am so glad to be here. i wanna improve my english plz help me
tanks Rebecca. my quiz was not bad. i try to study eng more
It was a useful lesson!
Thank you, Rebecca!Your lesson is very helpful.
Hi Rebecca,thanks a lot.I like your teaching method very much.I would like you to explain have had with some examples.I have had my lunch I have had it to all myself.I often get confused in which condition we use have had.and i don’t understand meanings properly.
That is the present perfect tense. We have several lessons on our website which can help you with that issue. Just write “present perfect” in the search section at the top right, under the engvid logo. All the best!
Thanks, I’m willing to start with the lessons.
i got 100% but quiz was easy,i want the reason
Thank you Rebecca, your class was quite informative and productive.
Thanks you my teacher, It’s a useful lesson
Thank Miss Rebecca for this video that was really beneficial, but i would like to ask u about something that how could i download the list of the adjective which you mentioned in the video?
awesome your lesson Rebecca thanks!
Thanks for clozing a quest set. I got 90
Thanks Rebecca~! It is an informative lecture to me ~!
Thank for this lesson!! and also for your other adjectives!! it is really a PRODUCTIVE lesson :)) you are the best Rebecca!!
Thank you teacher, It was beneficial.
Thank you you teacher.It was a useful lesson.
iam really enjyo with quize
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks very much for your very useful & fantastic lesson.
I really feel enjoyable with your lesson & your quizzes.
Hi,rebecca..your informative lecture give me more scientific idea to get a good score in ielts exam
Thanks , it is an informative and helpful lecture :)
Thank you Rebeca,It is a very informative and helpful lesson because I have a student who wants to sound smarter!
thank you I got 80 percent
70 point. I have little vocabulary. I should effort it.
Thank you Rebbeca,
It was another marvelous lesson. I got the question about flashy shirt wrong. I thought attractive is usually used for human.
Thank you teacher Rebecca :) I got 9 correct answer out of 10 not bad.
Thank u rebecca. 10 out of 10 yayyyyy :D
Thank’ya, Mrs. Rebeca.. Really brilliant letcture.. ^_^
thanks a lot
that’s so useful,thanks a lot
It is such a informative lesson! Thank you, teacher
Thank you! Where can I find the list of words?
Hello hows you?
thanks . it was really hard . i got 8
Thank you.
Great lesson Rebecca! This kind of lesson contributes a lot to improve our English skills! thank you so much!
Definately it was a productive lesson
A productive lesson !!
That was great lesson.
Many thanks Rebeca
Dear Rebbecca,
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please reply me at your first convince.
I appreciate your help
Thanks Miss Rebbecca. I get 90 in the quiz. And the list of 142 adjectives is very very effective.
Thank you Teacher
thinks for Rebecca,good lesson.
Thanks :) i got 8 per 10 :(
Thanks Rebecca.
This was an extraordinary lesson, thank you.
I love your classes . . they are always very useful
I got 5 per 10 :(
very informative information teacher rebecca :)
great lesson, thanks
It was a really informative and positive way of examining our knowledge in english.
thank you Rebecca :D
Hello Rebecca, thank you for your lecture.
Your voice is so relaxing and makes me focus on it. And it is so informative.
thank Rebecca for this lesson, as a beginner I generally the bad habit to use lazy word and make short sentence, I will do my best to not use lazy word …
in my country we can’t access youtube :( plz set a different way to watch or download videos,tnk you
Thanks, I’ve never thought about it. It was excellent and informative.
i really like this season…i just know that every word has its position. i used to speak and write good or bad as my choice in speaking.
thank you rebecca!
This is, for me, the first time experience of vising your website and I really have found it extraordinarily effective for my English progress!
Thanks a lot, it was useful.
Thanks teacher most of the time I use lazy words now I goanna star to use another words
Thank you very much Rebecca
best regards
thank you very much
Thank you.It’s useful.
Thanks Rebecca. this is such a useful lesson.
Thank you, It was really powerful lecture
Oh, Thanks a lot…
it was helpful thnxx mam
It is a useful video ,,thank you
Thank you for this wonderful lesson ! :D
I also think so. but My vocabulary is not very good.
now, I am trying to gather my vocabulary in studing so hard, but I have not seen any effective, but I don’t give up.:). because No pain, no gain.
thanks a lot for this amazing video.I couldn’t take the test.How can I do it ?
thank you rebeca
thanks it was an informative lesson..
I choose answer on question 9 and I got 90%. Thanks Dear Rebecca :)
Thank you very much! :)
i like it
How should I say thanks instead of using the word THANKS? Should I say I appreciate it? Is there any other word to say that? As I don’t know it yet, let me just say “Thanks a lot”, Rebecca. :D
A very helpful lesson.
Useful and thaaaaaaaaaaanks a lot
Thank you teacher for your useful, interesting and wonderful lesson. All best wishes to you.
It’s an informative lesson. thanks!
thank you rebecca !.. great video
thank so much
i hope to flaunt in English what is best way to do that
really i like your lesson so much
The hint about describing our environment with different words is very useful. Thanks a lot! I’ll try to practice it every day.
Please find me we want to start practice making in this language that we can learn faster.
Thank you, it was very productive lesson
9 From 10. Not bad! Thanks Mrs Rebecca for the lesson. I find this very useful. I hope you can make another informative lesson
It was a very useful lecture! Thanks for informative explanation!
thank you so much.
Thank you teacher It was useful lesson for me. Also it was interesting video
Thank you Ms Rebecca;very brilliant work you did
Thank you !!!
That was amazingly different!
Every time I watch Teacher Rebecca’s lesson, I learn several things.
I hope you’ll add more topics, so I could supplement my ESL teaching at the same time.
Thank you so much!
Hi, Rebecca! You are inspiring teacher) I can’t find list of words for this lesson, that you told (ist of words that you could use instead of saying: “good” or “bad”).
Thank you
Thank you.
Very informative. Thanks Rebecca!
Good lesson)))
Thank you very much ))
Thank you
thanks Rebbeca for enjoyable lesson :)
Hello guys how are you doing am muhajir you could call me samba am from sudan right now I liveing in India am doing boss pharm so I am here to improve my English language could you help me to do that by the way these is my Skype
And Thanks alot guys
Thanks alot guys
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lectures are always actual and helpful!
Very informative & beneficial. Thank you.
That is kinda great new vocabulary that I use to say “good” and “bad”
Thank you, Rebecca! Your teaching is always informative and and helpful.
Very helpful lesson, thinks you, Rebecca.
Thank you.
All the vocabulary are useful in my essays.
very helpful this topic.
i got 90
thank you miss Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
Who is lazy with you? Nobody! Your lessons are so enjoyable, but also so informative and descriptive, we improve our vocabulary quickly.
Best regards.
it was very simple and informative
Thanks miss Rebecca
Oh, my God! so depressed
I love this lesson…Thank you Teacher from Jordan
It is a useful and productive lesson. Thank you :D
How or Where can i get words like energetic.
Great, experiences, and informative lessons thanks.
l’m listening ,so,improve my listening,l follow you. thanks for help my english..
:), I got a 100. Thanks Rebeca, you helped me a lot!!
Great class,very helpful tips!.
Thanks a lot!
thank you
very informative
A good score 9/10 thank a lot
I got 100 points :P
its very helpful for me thank you so much
Nice presentation.
I am learning.
Thanks and Good luck!
my verdict on the quiz is You got 9 correct out of 10.
It was educational session !! Thanks a ton.
Hi,teacher,Athough I am new here,I’ve watched most of your lessons and they’re so informative,I am not English,so there are not people who know English around me,so I can’t improve my speaking skills,my other difficulty is a sentence structure and of course,using prepositions properly.What is your advice?
Thanks Rebecca so much!
Thanks for your lesson! It’s very useful.
I hear you say “according to me”, but my English teacher said that “Never say according to me. It’s wrong!”. Can you help me?
Thank you.
thank you very much for useful lesson.
nice Rebecca goo job
that was awesome one :),thank you very much :)
that’s very good lesson but you know there are verbs also don’t want to be lazy when using it ” I want to improve my verbs also not just adjectives ”
or i want a source to improve my business English and my writing generally
thanks in advance
Thank you Rebecca.
nice lesson,,, tnx a lot…
hi Rebecca it’s my first time here in engvid and i came across with your video it’s really productive thank you so much, well if you don’t mind i want to share with you the problem that i usually find in English wish is speaking because when i try to speak with somebody i loose my vocabulary and my if you can give me any advice to overcome this problem i would be very thankfull.
dear rebecca i have started to learn english tips for ielts test through your lecture. your teaching style and expressions are quite good.
thank you!it really help me a lot. :)
Hi I am new user can you please advice where to start :) I plan to pass the TOEFL :) Thanks in advance :)
Hey I’m about to take the IETLS. What do you Say Guys. Thank a bunch in advance. My Fb url.
My whatsapp no is
A very informative and enjoyable lesson. Thank you.
Hi everyone, i’m a beginner. I hope you can help me to improve my skill in English. Thank you :)
your lecture is very helpful and useful.
A very productive lesson, in the first section of the video the sentence “It was a interesting lecture” sounds more attractive to me, perhaps all depends of the meaning what we try to show.
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you for your lecture in replace of “good” and “bad” words, this may change my approch to the people
This lesson was very informative. Thank you Rebecca
i am energized :)
so precious
Thank you very much! I haven’t ever watched any excellent website like yours. But I don’t know how many words I need to be able to talk to native speakers and understand almost the English magazine. Do you have any video which teaches vocabulary by topics? All the topics I think. Thanks.
It was really useful .thank you
thank you so much
very good Ms Rebecca…
Thank Rebecca, i love this class
Thank Ms.Rebecca, I got 100%
It was informative lecture Ms.Rebecca.
Alhamdulillah, I got 10 correct out of 10
I’m happy
Thanks a bunch
thanks Rebecca it has been one of the most useless lesson that i’ve seen thank you.
It’s really good. Thank you so much. You are the best of the best teacher.
Thank you so much.
Many thanks . It informative lesson.
Many thanks . It is a informative lesson.
Thanks. It is an instructive lesson. Actually I have never thought about this situation.
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Thx alot Rebeca .. It’s joyful lesson.
I’m glad to meet you.I like your lessons
i got 10 correct out of 10
It’s really good. Thank you so much. You are the best of the best teacher.
An enlightening lecture indeed. Thank you Mam Rebbica
thanks #teacher. lecture was enjoyable n formative .
well…i was ignoring it my whole life… thanks a lot
good lecture ^)))
Well, you are right this lazy English show that we have lack of vocabulary…
i love this lesson
i got 90% of 100%. This site is wonderfull, i need to improve a lot things in my english.
Great site thank you!
Thank you, Rebeca! I try to use this expretions!
thanks a lot rebecca
Hello Rebecca.
Your are absolutely right because it feel me like i m still using childish words as you say “GOOD and BAD” are common words they are used commonly and we use new words instead of these words…
Hello! Thanks a lot for the lesson! Can you tell me why i can not see the QUIZ questions?
Thank you Rebecca!
It was really informative to me as I constantly using good/bad :)
Time to change!
Thank you Rebecca.
It was encouraged me.
I’ll try not to use lazy English. Thanks Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca, I was wondering how the examiner counting the 250 words in the exam? how is this possible?
It is an informative lecture.
Thank you Rebecca
I need to practice my English. Who’s like to join me?
If I take care about this, I will get a feel for!!!
Thank you so
Thank you for delightful lesson.
The avarness of detail about writing proficiency. it was wonderful
Thanks Rebecca
It was a informative lesson..!!
Thanks, Emma, it was an informative lecture!
Thank you so much Rebeca for ypur help :)
Thank you so much Rebeca for your help :)
I want to improve my speaking skill, if you are willing to assist me, please contact me @ my Instagram haridan.jhondum and DM me.
great lesson! thank you rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca.
What a wonderful lecture it was! Please forgive me since I couldn’t find the words expressing my gratitude for such sophisticated skilled sense of presentation you introduced.
Itwas a great point for teaching English. I wish I had a chance to teach to foreigners.
Thanks. This video is an informative video
Interesting topic and really usefull
thanks Rebecca it was interesting wonderful lesson many thanks again
Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
The best lesson, 100% !!!
Rebeca, your lessons are always very interesting and informative. You explain in a veryunderstandable way.
thank you Rebecca you are a magic , i am very interested to follow you guide .
this is my first time to start writing , thank you for this chance
Thank you Mss., it was an informative lecture.
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca today I have learn a lot. For a month I am taking yr classes and improving in a good way. God bless you ???
What an informative lecture
Hi Rebecca it was really interesting lesson keep up your awesome
thank you so much I did awesome test..
its useful.. I got knowledge from here.. thank you so much…
Thanks it was very useful lecture!
thank you
You are awesome. Thanks a lot, it was an useful lecture ???✌
Thank you
Thanx Teacher .. It Was Very Didactic Lecture ..I Really Enjoyed
It’s interesting lesson. Thanks Rebecca
You got 9 correct out of 10.thanks…
Thanks Rebecca it was a cognitive lesson (is it right?)
Thank you so much Rebecca,
This is a very practical tip!
Thank you teacher that was a informative lecture
thank you very much! I have been waiting a such lesson for a long time. Really, it was something unusual
your lectures are productive.thank you so much
Than you Rebecca. I enjoyed to answer the question. It was productive and informative lecture.
It is very informative Video. thanks for the lecture.
How can I be perfect writer of ielts eassy. I can not make it complex anymore .
Hello Rebecca,
Thanks for the tips, that was an informative tips.. well done.
By the way i scored 100% on the quiz.
thanks a lot.
the lesson very useful for me, thank you^^
Thank you so much , this is so useful ..
This is one area were I needs to improve in writing and speaking English. Thanks a lot for such an informative lesson.
Thank you for teaching effective English.
thanks Becky it was an informative lesson, I learnt a lot.
Rebecca, I love your classes!! where can I find the your list about words to use besides good and bad?
10/10, thanks a lot!
In the 8th questionI felt it was like a sarcastic answer. Isn´it?
It was an informative lecture ?
am thankful
Very beneficial lesson.
I want to ask a question to the teacher.
How can we have online practice across all the students around the World.
hi miss Rebecca could you please tell me where can I find the list of the energetic vocab you mentioned in the lecture.
9/10 yeahhhh
Yay! Not bad! ??
Hello Rebecca
My name is Nathalie
I live in france
I follow your videos regularly on YouTube, it is with great pleasure that I progress step by step in my learning in English. A huge thank you for you.
Useful! Ty :)
thank you rebecca it was an informative video
Very useful, tks Rebecca!
wow Amazing! thank you ma’am Rebecca!
Thank you for leading us in the wonderful way to learn an excellent english.
It is a such informative lesson thank u so much, Rebbeca.
I want to know if there is a pdf file for those new words or not
Hi Rebeca, Thanks for your great teaching.
could you please tell me how can I find the list of worlds that you mentioned in the video?
Of course as a manager you hire only humbles with qualification ,otherwise your position will be in risk . Your lessons like always very informative .
Thank you Rebeca
i would like to thank u Rebecca for courses that pushed to be one of user for learning English online
It is a great lesson, thankful for your valuable lesson.