Students use the words “I think” way too much when giving their opinions. In this IELTS & TOEFL lesson, I will teach you better words to use that can help you express your opinion. This video is a must-see for anyone writing the TOEFL or IELTS. It will help you to score higher on both tests in the writing and speaking sections. Even if you’re not taking an exam, you should watch this class to learn the vocabulary and expressions.
Hey Emma, great lesson and excellent clarification :) and this topic is really interesting for me because in our university our teacher always said to us “Don t use I think” and now i can use these expressions when im speaking thanks for such useful topic By the way i got 10 out of 10 as always :)))
I got 10 of 10,too;)
Angel Tseng
me too
i’m a mainland people,can i make friens with u?
sure,nice to meet you!
Angel Tseng
may i make friend with you?
Great! it would be very nice if I can make friend with u too :) wanna have so speaking eng with me on facebook or in social media ;)
can i have ur skype id plz…i am going to give my IELTS exam on 26 of this month…so i am seriously working on this viedos but i am relly worrined and tensd…can any one help me in oral plz …my skype id karthik.reddy235
me too I got 10 as always (:
El Shaka2006
XD I got 9/10 “…SO CLOSE!!!”
Hi Emma,
Thank you for your lesson. I would like to stress out about using the commas. When should we use commas in a sentence? Is their a ruling or a good way to know when a comma is needed and when it can be neglected?
If you can’t answer this here, or not in full extend,(is the comma here right?) then maybe it can be the topic of your next lesson?
Hello my friend,
As you know,the semi-colon indicates a stronger division than a comma, but a weaker one than a full stop.
General purpose of comma : Long sentence easily read by reader .
SENTENCES IN A SEQUENCE : example – Yesterday i woke up early,took a cup of tea,put on my shirt and went for a walk.
GENERALLY comma is used in sentences that contain special words like WHILE, AS,IF(condition),though,although,even though,as soon as e.t.c.
For these sentences,if special word is at the beginning with the main clause/phrase,you can insert comma before the starting of the second clause/phrase.
Example : As he was not there,i spoke to her brother.
IN CASES,where i want to give more details about something.
Example : Punjab university,which is now in Chandigarh,India,is established before the partition between India and Pakistan.
Besides this comma is used for geographic places,in direct speech e.t.c(formal uses).
Whatever i know about comma up to now, i have shared with you.
If you ask me,you can read thoroughly as i do for recognition of these things.And after sometime, you will know many new things(like about semi-colon).
Hopefully it can be easily grasp and will help you.
And from what i gather,your correct sentence is ”
If you can’t answer this here or not in full extend,then maybe it can be the topic of your next lesson.
Thanks kushu, it did help and you put it nicely. I usually fall victim to long sentences without putting commas. I will try my best to take your information into account when making new sentences.
Did you see what I just wrote? my sentences usually are long and without commas. I guess now, I should try to construct smaller clauses/phrases where I can put more commas in between them.
Dear friend,
Whatever you wrote,is impeccable.Congrats!:)
If you want to use comma,you can also it in this way.
“when making new sentences,I will try my best to take your information into account”
Explanation:(adverb phrase) comma (main clause)
“what I just wrote,did you see?”
Explanation: (noun clause==object) comma (subject+verb)
duong nhat thanh
Wow, what? To be honest, it is nothing to say “wow” :P
can i have your skype address please?
Hi dear Emma
This is fantastic class you have given us. Thank you so much for you simple and powerful way to teach.
These advices are very useful even for me who will not have exams but want to improve my English a lot.
First of all, I would like to thank you for this interesting lesson. However I have a question to ask you. I was reading an article and I saw the word “INSOFAR”. What is the difference between this word and as far as? Thank you!
If you ask me, this is a great lesson, and from what I gather most people agree with that.
This class truly is simple and nice ;D TKS
Renato Pach
I strongly agree with you.
Marcelo Calheira
Easy but very important.
Renatinho hahahahaha. I could not imagine that you would become a teacher, awesome!
Thanks Emma! =)
As far as i am concerned, your lessons are useful and funny. =) I watched all of them.
And, if you ask me, although some people may disagree with my opinion, i prefer to learn a British accent since it is the true english that spread across the world during the ages of colonization, but i am loving also the Canadian accent. Especially how the word “about” is pronounced, which i prefer over the British one. =)
Best wishes
Thank you! By the way, I read everything you wrote about you, Michele… And it was not a waste of time!
All the best!
wow thanks! it seems to me that i write only stupid things that no one cares about xD ahahah
so it is good to know for me =)
how did you get 100 correct on 10? lol xD
Many thanks Emma, your class is very useful for who are studying English.
very good lesson
Great class!!!
Hi there? can we practice english together?
Andrey Alferov
Got 7 out of 10.Not bad.
hi emma
Some people may disagree with me , in my opinion u r a excellent teacher.thanks for your lessons.And i got 10 out of 10 :D thanks again
thanks Emma. it is excellent lesson. really!
thank you so much
Thanks Emma, it was exellent as always. I am inclined to believe that these expressions will help me get high score on IELTS/
If you ask me, Emma is the sweetest EngVid teacher! :)
I strongly agree with you, that’s for sure.
Marcelo Machado
i definitely agree with your opinion =)
Sorry, wolverine…I’ve made a reply to this comment in the wrong place…:) It’s up there!
i have made the same mistake too on one of my comment xD ahah
I totally agree with all of you. :D
Marcelo Calheira
Yes, your correct Janilza, Specially her naughty laugh and her big long beautiful hands on the board makes the lesson that much interesting.
Having said that james,Ronnie,Alex,Jon,Adam and Rebecca all of them are also very sweet isn’t it.
Yes, your correct Janilza, Specially her naughty laugh and her big long beautiful hands on the board makes the lesson that much interesting.
Having said that James,Ronnie,Alex,Jon,Adam and Rebecca all of them are also very sweet isn’t it.
Well…To be honest, I didn’t notice her hands! :) I just pay atention to her way of teaching,which I think it’s very nice. But you are right, all the engvid teachers are sweet… I really like all of them! Bye, bye…
i truely agree@janilza
Strongly agree with you Janilza.
Hey, can anyone put a link to the grammar or explain how to use constructions like “YOU ARE LIKELY TO GET a better mark on the IELTS” in the very last sentence?
Likely to = probably
You probably get a better mark…
Active voice :
You are likely + simple infinitive( to + verb )
You are likely to get good mark in your IELTS.
You are likely to get good present from parents.May be a new car!
He is likely to beat Jack.
I am likely to propose Jennifer next week for marry.
NOTE: in all these sentences,there is high chances/all most certain/Probable(as Janilza wrote) that subject will get/does something.
Hopefully it’ll clear the idea.Personally speaking,for more detail,you should study INFINITIVE. :)
that’s pretty clear now!
thanks emma
I’m very glad to have this excellent lesson! Thank you for teaching wonderful lesson.
Very good lesson!
can i have your skupe id ?
Yazavinder Singh
nice to meet you. can i have your skype id to pratice speaking skill :)
although some people may disagree,from my perspective you are the best teacher :-)…thanks a lot for your effort
I absolutely convenient with your lesson!
thanks Emma
Although some people think that I suffer English mania, from my point of view a lot of passion and classes like this are needed to learn English successfully. Thanks Emma!!!
very good lesson
As far as I’m concerned, this lesson couldn’t be more useful! Thank you Emma.
If you are writting something, it’s obvious that what is on paper is your opinion. So, I would start with the argument, instead to write “I think, or In my opinion”.
To be honest, this lesson is very good.
Do you like this lesson. I am inclined to believe that you should listen it. I’m ablolutely it’s good for you.
i got it!
Tell u the truth,u r 1 of the best teachers in my mind.I can not thank u 4 all ur kindliness 2 respond my queries,dear Emma!
I got :)
Wish u Luck as Always;
Very good lesson
yes, a good lesson. from my point of view, the explanation between written and spoken department’s were good.
hopefully satisified with your lesson , in future may be iam lern much more from your engvid
thanqqq u
In my opinion, the way that you teach is the best. Thank you Emma.
thanks Emma.
i do not know why my comment appear as an answer to another, but probably it is my fault. I guess because i refreshed the page.
Thank you so much Miss Emma, you are a great teacher.
Greetings from Macchu Picchu -Peru
Dorian Garcia
Incredible lesson! Thanks for the advance Emma!
i like this lesson
Muhammadamin noorani
thanks emma
Muhammadamin noorani
As far as I’m concerned, it was helpful and useful lesson From a such fantastic teacher. Thank you Emma
I got 50% of correct answers and I’m really happy
I love this website so much
It’s very practical lesson’s
special thanks to my favorite teacher Alex you are the best keep it up…
hi mss amma, it seems to me your lessons are well prepared, thank u for your sencierly ecplanation,
In my opinion, I think you are the best english teacher ever!! I wish I had a teacher as great as you in my country!!
Hi Emma, thanks .
thank you so much
Absolutely important information! Thanks.
it’s important to learn formal expressions.
Emma you are AWESOME
Thank you!!
From my point of view, it’s a bit high level when the class is come to the IELTS & TOEFL
thanks Emma.What amazing lessons!
Vera feng
hey emma,
i got 5 out of 10 but enyway it’s good cuz i learned something new :)
thank you so much
donya fouad
Thank’s really help!
you didnt teach so well, you did many repetitiion in telling about comma, and you look a lil bit nervous, seems didnt enjoy ur own teaching. but i like the topic you gave. thnkyou
Hi Emma,
I am new here, but really shocked with the quality English you present for all the people around the world. I am so attached to this website that I have seen more than 100 lessons in one day.
Honestly, all of you are knowledgeable teachers and each one has his own flavor.
The second important thing is that you gave me an excellent idea about Canada; in brief you made me love this country and its people.
One last thing: how can I get your manual?
Maher (Dubai)
Maher M M
hi my friends now iam increasing my inventory of vocab but i want to know how to use it in a correct way ,any help please ?
mariam kamal
Thank you, It was good
Hello Emma. I have been watching your lessons since i had recognized this website . Your pronunciation and teaching way is serene to me.Thanks for a clean explanation!
As far as i’m concerned, it’s a great help. ;)
Hi Emma!
I feel blessed for having your lessons. I certainly, will take advantage of this website.
Thanks to all of you for providing such as wonderful source which is very beneficial to people like me that still are learning English.
May I join with you in practising English?….My Skype:Sultan.Smith2
I don´t understood the use of (to what extent do you agree or disagree?)
Hi Emma !!!
You so great teacher !!!
Thank you so much !!!
thank u so much for such a helpful lesson. God bless….
How to give your opinion and not “to think”? So easy with this lesson! Thanks.
Thank you, I understood to you. You teach very simple, I only have to practice.
Thanks you
Qeen Bee
dear Emma..
coming from a non-english speaking country like INDIA, your classes are indeed really helpful for me. thank you so much for these simple ways for presenting your classes. i would certainly refer this website to many of my friends.
i am preparing to do my IELTS exams in a couple of weeks.
GOD BLESS u and your team..
:-) i got 10/10 in quiz. thanks to you once more.
Since your sitting for the IELTS your dear God will have to bless you more then anybody else, my congratulation for the 100% you got in the quiz.
Fish you good luck on your IELTS.
thank you so much for your wishes.
i have less than ten days to give my exams.
I´d like to practice english with you
I have yet to search a lot of websites to make me good at english language skill. However, at last I got this one in which anyone bounds to learn proper english to do well in TOEFL/IELTS. By the way, I should practice speaking if anyone finds interest.SKYPE: wasimmathdu
Muy buen articulo para los que estamos interesados en rendir el examen
Ielts Argentina
that’s great ^^ thank Emma ^^
Thank you very much.
question numb 9 is confusing me…
Thank you so much for teaching. I’m excited to learn from you Emma. I learned from you so much.
Thank you Emma.
orange girl
thank you Emma for this video. Often it’s so hard to give an opinion for me and I canonot think out something to substitute something for “i think”. Now I know =)
9 out of 10. Good mark. But I hope to remember all when I have to use it.
Thanks Emma for the lesson
Very detailed presentation,thank you Emma:)
so much, glory of Canada…
so good :)
Very good job
Many Thanks
## I adoro this teacher and her classes. The class was marvelous. ##
Really fantastic!!
Sultan Rizk
You are a GREAT teacher!! Thank you very much for this amazing lesson.
Emma is awesome
Thank you Ma’am, I strongly agree that this lesson was pretty much useful, I have a question about “I Believe”, how many percent of certainty it gives?, is it more close to “I think” or “I guess”?
Cinderella MAN
thanks you help me a lot to improve my language
thanx alot
Eman Mahmoud
It Seem To Me That Emma Is Best Teacher.
10 out of 10 great teaching sistem !!!!
Nice class Emma.
I’m looking for a class talking about “Would”.
This modal verb, in my opinion is a little bit confused.
Thank teacher Emma
Khin Thida Aung
Thank you very much! :)
May I join with you in Practising English?…My Skype:Sultan.Smith.2.May I get yours,please?
From what I gathered, engVid is the right choice to improve english for free!
Esther Chen
I am really indebted to you Mam. This is very clear and easy to understand. Keep it up the good work. Thank you so very much.
Hello Emma,Thanks for the suggestions. I was wondering should our opinions match the opinions of the examiner in such questions if the grammar and writings are correct?
Thanks a lot! :-)
Very very good lesson,
ah ha…I have got pretty nice 90%. I appreciate that. Thanks for your test.
Thank you very much miss Emma, you have given us a very good class today ! Have a great day.
Best regards, from Argentina.
thank you very much,very good lesson
amira ahmed
thank very useful lesson! in my opinion.
it is more time to me that explain of my opinion who well speaking other.
thank you Emma~
thank you Emma
Em Tola
Very helpful lesson ..thanks
thank so much Emma i feel good day by day with more watching your video and more practice thanks my teacher
english ahmad
very excellent Emma!
Hi, Emma, I actually got 6 in IELTS and 440 in GMAT, and now I can’t go abroad for postgraduation, so I am so upset now, what kind of suggestions you can give to me:
I watched twice this time . I’d like to watch everyday.
G.H Baek
thanks emma
I completely agree with you . Thank you so much
thanks a lot Emma
Grat work team.
very interesting lesson. what I’ve deduce from your explanation that the intonation has a great role to differantiate between the written and spoken ways. because for me as a teacher or a learner of English as a second foreign lge there is no difference since I can be understood by my interlocutor.
thanks a lot
merci pour cette lesson . je vais voir les autres et j’espere qu’elle seront benifiques comme celle ci
hi mam i took ielts exam last saturday.can u please tell me how much score i can expect if in speaking in sec 2 i miss to cover one sub question becoz of less time.
hey emma i have a problem that i can understand you when you talk but my problem is how i can cater for
khalil chaabane
In my opinion It was really helpful
I m learning english for 4 months and that I m pre-intermediate level now. please help me until i can learn english and earn good score for studing abroad (PhD)and i need to get 6.5 iltes …PLEASE help me please
email adress:
In my point of view, this website is appropriate for all of English students.
I strongly prefer you to my friend for get good score IELTS. Thank uu
Sonu Thakur
Thanks Emma, it’s really helpful and worth watching this lesson.
Wow. I got 10! Thanks teacher Emma. I strongly believe I can pass the IELTS exam.
Hi Emma In my opinion,The lesson is very interesting.
got 100 :D
10 out of 10 :)
9 0ut of 10 not bad for this lesson… I enjoy her teaching style…
thank you!
Jasmine Jaz
I got 6 of 10
This lesson really helps me thank you Emma so much
Thanks for teaching.
i like your teaching. i can improve a lot.
thank you.
Great lesson, many thanks…
I’m strongly, confidently, totally understand.
thanks for the teaching! as far as i concerned, this lessen really help me a lot:D thanks Emma! you’re great! i will work on it!
Jamie Huang
Thanks Emma,i realy appreciate the lesson;
Hello, Enma! I really enjoyed your lesson. Thank you very much.
8 out of 10 :) thanks,Emma!
Thanks, Emma!
10 out of 10
Great lesson!
Hey Lisa, I am Nawid and seeking to learn more about TOFEL and able to pass the test, so please help me and share some useful TOFEL Data with me.
Waiting for your response!!!
Sorry i forgot to you give my email address, below is my email address:
and Skype name is:
Thank you Engvid team
“I think” is an opinion expression you should use as much as possible on the IELTS
please help me I cann’t understand this part >>
the expression “I think”
we must to use it in IELTS or not ??
if you note.. in the Beginning of lesson the teacher put “X” near “I think” and tell us that if we use “I think” it will be boring and we will take a low mark in IELTS and TOEFL exams
I hope my explain Profit you
Important matter, Emma!
Thank you
Marcio R Santos
Hello, Emma! Thanks!
I got 10 out of 10!to be honest,I strongly agree that this is a great useful lesson!I hope you’ll have more lesson!thanks anyway!
Hi, Emma! I have seen the video by the second time, then I thank you so much, again…
This one right here is gold. I am guilty of using “I think” too many times, especially in my emails. I am noting down all these different expressions so that I don’t forget.
I just remembered, in his keynote speech that he made in his big come back to Apple, Steve Jobs said something like “As far as I am concerned the war between Microsoft and Apple is over.” although don’t quote me on that.
I made this up just now, but is it correct –
I would argue that freedom is nothing more than a whimsical tale we tell ourselves to give us a false sense of security that everything is in control in a world where we can’t even control which side of the coin will face up when we toss it with our very own hands.
I got 100 :D
thanks emma
Thanks emma
thanks a lot
Mr.Jeha McCallister
Thank you for the tips teacher Emma. Indeed, you are a great teacher!
Dear Emma! I’m new here. But I liked your fantastic fruitful lesson Thanks million!
Emma, as fas as I’m concerned,You are a such great TEACHER!
thank u very much is really effective
Tks Emma very much, this is the the first time I’ve learnt English on Engvid. actually, Your lession are very useful and easy to understand. I hope that Engvid will have many lesson better..:)
Hi Emma!!!
I am just about to take the ielts exams next weekend.. so i am preparing for it with all your videos i came across, in fact because of you am in here at Engvid, you are truly awesome, i love the way you teach and your expressions, i wish i was a student of yours.:( May god bless you dearie..
Although you may disagree with me , as far i am concerned we should not use “i”in writting sections in TOEFL OR IELTS.
leonardo dorlux
Whoa! I got 10 of 10.
Credit goes to Emma.
I got 10 / 10.
In my opinion not enough examples.
But I absolutely agree that the lesson is really effective.
Interseting lesson for an old teacher to improve
and to renew his modest knowledge …Here.. I feel Iam learning
i am going to give my IELTS tommorro any tips in writing task i need to get 6.5 overall for my Marters studies
If you ask me, Emma is the best teacher ever :)
as far as I’m concerned , this lesson is very good
Many Thanks Emma really really useful :) :)
Hi everyone!
To be honest, this vdo’s very useful for me. You guide me to use others word or phrases when I want to give my opinions. Next time, I will use this guide and avoid “I think” (cuz I always said that). Thanks.
I got 100. Thanks for this lesson Emma. I agree with you about the overuse of the statement. “in my opinion.
i am inclined believe that you are good teacher.
Thank you for your good lesson. It is useful and interesting.
10/10, and Thank you Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Teacher Emma. I am Brazilian and I have been teaching English for over five year. I have use many sites to help me in my classes and your teaching are the best. The way I feel it, If someone be efforced, he can learn English just listening your video classes.I am doing this to prepare myself to the TOEFL.
Thanks a lot. Jurandir
Thank you very much.
i am really get benefit so mush from great EMMA and exam ……BIG Big biG thanks to teacher EMMA
Emma please I have simple question depened on u notes u said that we can not use the ‘t for the formal so why u write as far as I’m concered
It should be as far as I am concered right or not please
I didn’t watch the video, but I went to the quiz directly and I got 9 correct out of 10. :D
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Hi can any one help me to develop my english i need to speek english very well because my new job so is there any one can speek with me in skype my name in skype ali ali
i confident that Emma is an excelent english teacher.
ibrahim zeid
very awesome, great lesson and great teacher
I got 10/10. Thank u so much. Before I watch your lesson, I think this word ” I think.” Is very good to give my opinion. Thanks for a great information
Abdul Qayum
Thanks. This really helps.
Thank you ms. emma, i got perfect score
aha.great lesson Emma
Although nobody will read this comment, in my opinion it is better to write anything than nothing..and I am showing you that I am just one more beginner :)
I forgot to write that i got 9/10 :)
I’m reading it!
engVid Moderator
Thank you .
abdallah soukel
i am perplexed, how and where to use although and even though. examples plz
Thank you
9/ 10 good for me (Y)
10/10 Thanks Emma once again for wonderful class :)
I got 90% :(
It semms to me an excellent lesson! Thanks Emma!
If I say: in my point of view instead of from my point of view, is correct?
Can someone help me?
I’m familiar with “from my point of view”,
but “in my point of view” it doesn’t make much sense to me
Basant Mohammed
Hello everyone and thanks from your cooperation that you are helping us to learn English language as a second language and would you helping me to learn more?
Thanks too much.
I am interested studying in IELTS level.I mean advanced level. Please, show me the best way of access of good materials about IELTS, thanks.
Thank you very much.
I got 10 .
Thank you Emma!
Woo-kyu Park
My best regards to Emma.
As far as I’m concerned this session is extremely important get good score in IELTS and TOEFL. As Emma mentioned it will give the reader about the vocabulary strength which we have.
Thanks Emma.
Your lessons are always sink in. Thank you)
Thank u Emma, my dear teacher!
Haidar Omid
10/10 … good lesson … Thank you… :D
Nathan Cavalcanti
Hi Emma,
Thank you…
really awsome!!
thanks. emma. Hope you create more useful lesson about conquer IELTS. thanks again.
I thınk , this lesson very useful for frogein student .. thanks a loy emma ;)
I thınk , this lesson very useful for frogein student .. thanks a lot emma ;)
Hi Emma thank you very much for teaching this class. Please let me know about another ielts lesson. I need to get 7band score in ielts.please help me.
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
Great class, 8 out of 10 !
Thanks so much !
Hi Emma, Can I use these ways for writing?
Ruby Le
Thanks Emma :-D
I think…
In my opinion…
I would argue that Mrs. Emma is an exceptional Teacher. Yes.
Thank You.
thanks alot emma
amira ibrahim
i got 9 :) thank you Emma !!!!
Ardit Xhafkollari
Hi guys i wanna improve my speaking comprehension, is there anybody can help me by skype please
I got 10 out of 10…..thank you Emma !
Hi Emma.
I like so much, the manner that you teach.
Thanks a lot, Emma. Easy and great lesson.
As far as i am concerned, this class is good. Thanks for your effort
Nice lecture thank you
falah tawfeeq
Thank you, dear Emma – I have got 100%.
thanks a lot
Hello Emma,I appreciate your great work.I got 8 out of 10.
“i would argue that death penalty is the best way to deal with criminals.” —so,with this statement, do u actually agree or disagree? i still dont quite get it
I have just Signed up for this lessons. I like it.
kuba aka
It appears to me that Emma did a fantastic job on this lesson.
Dear Emma, if you would ask me about your lesson and having an overview on several I sow, as far I am concern it is one fo the most helpful to become a better writer or speaker, in addition to have a clear guide for IELTS & TOEFL test. You became one of a tree most favorites engvid teacher´s I used to follow.
Many thanks all of you for coaching and teaching!
hi Emma
without watching this video i got score 7 !
thanks a lot ;)
thanks Emma :)
thanks Emma, in my opinion, you are anti-bad techer!
niem ga
thanks Emma
accepted enough ofcourse:)
Hi Emma,
thanks a lot. Your video is very useful – as always :) take care
hello……emma, i like your lesson so much, because the way you speak is so clear. by the way, i got 10 out of 10.
Hi Emma ,Thank you for your lesson. I like it very much !
Emma, thank you very much!It was useful!
You’re one of the best teachers here =)
Thanks Emma, engVid excellent concept
Thank You emma :) it was really usefull.
piece of cake
I am inclined to believe that this is a very helpful lesson for IELTS.
Arawind Sunkara
forgot to mention ;.. “Thank you so much Emma” :)
Arawind Sunkara
Thank you Emma! It was very helpful lesson.
I’ll have review and use them when I write an essay.
Thanks Emma.. I got 90%…
Attractive and very useful teaching , much important lessons , thanks Emma.
it takes me up to 1.00 AM , i forget that i have to go to the bed.
Good night to all .
It’s Great that I got 100 out of 100.
Thanks a lot dear Emma, your sound is very clear, polite, and intriguing.
Thank you Emma.It was very helpful lesson..
Ahlam Alzawey
Thank you so much. Their classes are helping me a lot. I need to improve my conversation skill, but i dont have anyone to practice and get fluency. God Bless you and don´t give up to your dreams. Jesus love you.
Thanks Emma that was very usefull lesson.
Very good video and great explanations. Many of spanish student often use “I Think…” we should avoid to use that expression completely
Thanks Emma,It can help me ;)
Hey emma ! how are you i am your big fan can you help me i can’t speak english properly please help me ;) I will wait for your reply
meryem uzerli
Thanks Emma. This lesson is so useful for me :)))
Anne Huynh
Thanks you, Emma,
It can me to give the correct opinion.
in my opinion you are the perfect teacher who i see in my life
Sara Chafik Idrissi
Emma thanks for the tips!
and…..omg.. you have a charmer looking! s2
your tips are very useful for me because i always have low marks in
This video surely helped me a lot!! :) … And I got a perfect 10! :D
great lessan! thank you Emma
takwa wanderlust
THANKS EMMA. We have to learn by heart the expressions that can be used in formal context and the other expressions for the informal context.
Hy Emma.I ve kept your lesson up carefully and i noted that when you use the 4 expressions to give opinion you use i think too.For be honest, i think that….personally speaking, i my question is:Have I always to use think ?I wait for your reply so i don t have any doubt.Thanka a lot
I strongly agree that Emma is the best teacher and very nice girl)
i totally agree that your explanation and examples is one of the best i have watched…
thank you alot teacher emma
thanks Emma I learned a lot from you.
Thanks Emma its helped
Hi! thanks you for your video! I want to know how should I introduce an opinion into an essay in the correct way?
Thank you
Thanks! It was awesome !! I also took a 10!!
Thank you Emma. :)
The course is so helpful, thanks to you Emma
It’s wonderful lesson ,thank you Emma,I hope good luck for you.
hello,, i’m a new member in ,but this web site usefull for me ,to improve my skils about how to be able and fluently ,be confidence to using english language…i will continue following this lesson..
Myke Bridge Manurung
good lesson, I believe, many expressoins, i hope use theme
Hello Miss Emma! How are you? Ive been watching your videos in youtube and here in engVid. Im reviewing IELTS now in a near centre in my place and will be taking the exam next month. I saved a lot of informations that IELTS or TOFL examineers should always remember. Your videos are really very helpful for my incoming exam. Thank you so much!
Hi Emma
I got 4 out 10 . really i have got marks very low but i will try to get good marks and i will read more and more relevant lessons. teacher emma i need to support me so tell me how in your tips how to learn or to be narrative English language.
asha a.mohamed
Your videos extremely help me to improve my speaking, as far as Im concencerned :) There are a plenty of helpful things that I hopefully will remember. Thank you so much for making these videos Emma, I really do apreciate that! :)
I just get 7 from 10 questions
thanks a lot
Thank you emma
I got 8/10 :(
7/10 :)
Thank you very much.This lesson is very useful for me.Because I will have a toefl text next month.I want to get hign score.
Sad…i only got 7/10…need more practice..thanks emma..I find these lesson very helpful in preparation for my ielts test. Looking forward for more lesson. A key to my success..
Thank you very much for this lesson, it was very useful for me!!!
thanks emma, very useful
thank you for beautiful lesson.
Nikorn Buanui
I really love this website, anybody wanna chat with me? just for improving english.
Faris Budiman Annas
Thank you Emma
Emma is the sweetest teacher. Thanks so much for your thoughtful lesson. It’s very helpful.
Hello Friends.
Could you please tell what does the IELTS and TOEFL stand for?
i got 9 out of 10. i like that expression
I got 8 out of 10 so i need study harder… :)
You are the teacher
Hii, can u help me out in writing can u tel me where can I read good topics for writing in my toefl exam
thank you Emma! It’s really useful to me.
Uyen Thanh
Thanks Emma!
This class has been very useful for me!
Very good lesson! thanks Emma~
thank you Emma
osama osama
Thanks you very much…!!!
Hi Emma, i did ielts one time and got scores as follow: L-5,R-5.5, W-5.5 and S-6.5. (overall=5.5)
But it is not enough for target.
I feel very difficult in reading section as well as i am poor in wring section also.
I expect your kind advice…!!!
Thank you.
Indunil Nishantha
firstley thanks for your efforts ,Emma,
Iam confident that yr lessons incereased my level,and advance it by leaps and bounds ,
take care Emma
thank you very much ,Emma .
I’m trying to improve my speaking and writting section of TOEFL test ,and your lesson did benefits me alot.
Shawn Tu
Thank you, Emma. It’s really helpful lesson.
mariam algsiseb
Hello! I got 6 :s so I think I need to study more jaja. I would like to meet new people who studies English too.
We all know that English is the main language in the world, so if there´s someone who wants to practice by talking, writing, etc. I am available to do it.
Thank you! ;)
Hello,I want to join with you in speaking English.My Skype:Sultan.Smith2 & Fb:Sultan Mahmud Smith..Thanks for reading my text.
Thank you it’s very interesting helps me to change my ways when I give my opinion.
A very good lesson¡¡¡¡
Regards and thank you Emma.
Take care.
tnx……..great Emma
You are a great teacher!!
love your quizzes
my quiz emma:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Thank you a lot lovely teacher Emma May I ask you a question ? Can I use in my book instead of using in my opinion in writing ?
Thank as always
so good!
Thank you Emma
many thanks Emma, it’s help me a lot
Sarah Handayani
Thank you Madam Emma.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Madam Emma.
farina 123
I strongly recommend this video clip to the people want to extend their English expressions!
In my opnion, this is one of the best clips I’ve ever seen on :)
It really seems to me that this website is good for promoting my English skills.. Thanks all teachers! :)
How to take lessons?
It was very useful for me ^_^
Thanks a lot Emma. :)
10/10 thanks Emma for your hard efforts i strongly encourage your lessons
thanks you Emma!
I like this lesson. Thanks.
I got 10 out of 10.Thank u Ema it was such a great lesson!
From point of my view,its a amazing lesson
I always use ‘i think’ when i speak my opnion. Today, I learn to good speak my opinion. so i am very happy. Thank you Emma. It seem to me that your best teacher.!!!
if any one is interesting to practice english on skype this is my skype ID: reffis.salah
Thank you for your teaching.
As usual Emma taught a perfect lesson. Thank you!
got 100 :)thanks for the lesson
It seems to me that Emma looks more and more beautiful.
Your lesson is always helpful for me.
Thank you, Teacher!
nice lesson Emma,
intrested to lestin more from you :)
Saad Kittaneh
thanks Emma,
got 8 out of 10.I strongly believe that i can do better from this.
8 answer can correct out of 10
Thank you Emma! As far as i ‘m concerned, you are very helpful and cheerful teacher :)
Fariz Dwiky
Emma! great job
I got 7 of 10 :/
Thank you Emma..Its very nice..
Dear Emma, thank you for this kind of videos, they are really helpful. But, I have a couple of questions. In writing, is it better to write “The people´s lives” or the life of the people? And also, when you are writing an essay is good to ask a question within the body of the document. I teach english to kids, I could share doubts which, at the same time help me to understand many things. Thanks again :) my email is
When I am writing essays arouse many doubts, I would like to ask you :)
Dear Emma,
I speak spanish, I have several questions to ask you and many mistakes that I know we make I would like share them with you. My email is
Topic: Have you ever visited a place you had left a long time ago and found it had changed considerably? Write an essay comparing and contrasting” the way it was and “ the way it is now”. Have things changed for the better or the worse?
The allowed time: 45 minutes
Moderator note: This overly long comment has been replaced with a cat gif. In future, please don’t paste your essays into comments.
Dear Ms. Emma,
Please give me your email so that i can not contact you for convenience.I’m sorry to say that I can not ask your advice for essay here
Yours truly,
Got 10/10… Thanks for the useful video. :)
Emma, thank you!!!!
Jane Morar
i got 8/10…..
Mohammed Abu Bakar Siddique
Very useful expressions. Thank you Teacher.
thnxx dear…
Syed Ahmad Ali
Thanks dear teacher (y)
Sebastiao Capir
Hello Emma
You are amazing in this lesson
Imad Ali
As far as I am concerned, it is useful for me because You gave lots of important tips.
Namaste, amma,, it`s a great lesson.
I totally agree that this is very useful lesson.
I got 100 :) thanks Emma
i got 90. hemmm
i got 90.what’s your score?
From what I gather,I strongly agree that this is an excellent lesson because Emma gave us lots of awesome tips.
Im inclined to believe that watching videos in is really a good way to have your english improved, Really pragmatic tips
If someone didn’t watch these movies at, He wouldn’t know this is a better way to improve his english than others. Although few persons who watched in this website may disagree,As far as I’m concerned,Watching engvid’s movies and Writing comments is very useful for improving english. I prefer the accent of Emma and Adam to others,It seems to that I just have a low lever of hearing now. Maybe after I learned all of Emma and Adam’s lesson,My hearing lever will increase to a high lever, At that time I will have a nice comprehension for other teachers, Then I would learn more the lessons of others.
Great job!
Thank you,Emma!
thank you for the great lesson =)
The best way to improve our vocabulary is by changing the common words to some “harder” in the daily speaking. Thank you Emma for the new ways you just gave us to express in a better way our opinions.
can i have a review with you emma? i will be having my exam this 25th of june and i badly need to achieve band score of 7..
this lesson is important but how many trick writing, have?
if you have specific pattern for Writing,
please send me a reference.
thanks Emma , it was a valuable lesson
I often used “It seems like…”. Is it a correct way to express an opinion?
i am confident that i will get a high score on this! lol
excelent lesson a learn very much.I got 90
A very important lesson!
I’m completely agree than I’ll learn it soon.
got 80%
tariq-3963 100/100..
Thanks Emma. I often use like “I think, I believe,and In my point”, as you said, a little boring. It’s really helpful to write IELTS Writing Test.
i can now use what Emma teached for my journalism contest
I got 100
I got 7 out of 10, it’s not bad. Thank you Emma for ur lesson.
me too got 7 out of 10
thanks very much
I got 9 correct out of 10
Thanx Emma
Is it possible to use ((Well)) in the academic writing/speaking ??
Iget 8 0ut 0f 10
I can’t believe that I’ve found one theacher so competent, who teaches a light way!!!!
thank you Emma you are doing a great job
Your are amazing, Emma.
Thanks Emma I scored 10 out of 10 all credit goes to you
Thanks Emma :) you are amazing
Hi Emma!
thank you very much
Thanks Emma as always Scored 8 but will try 10 on 10 next time much appreciated
very nice and useful!!
Susan Yang
Hello Emma I am a student of undergraduate In the University of UAF.I want some useful English current topic of essays for and some useful tips if I am writing an essays of words range from 3500 to 5000 words and some English quotes..
Muhammad Imran Ahmad
Can you give information about and can you give your Email address please..
Hello Emma thank for all your great lessons I have some problems it is about how speak English correctly I’m living in Alaska
Sione issiaka
Thank You Emma . From my point of view you are the best teacher here in that i totally understand from .
Is anyone taking the TOEFL any time soon? I I need help with my speaking and writing. I’m just very concerned about taking the test and not having anyone to practice.
Hi Emma. First of all, thanks for the lessons to you and the EngVid team :).
I usually find it difficult to choose when I am given the options. Can we use those words from ‘To what extent part’ in versus part of Speaking?
Thanks Emma for being such a great teacher. by the way I got 9/10.
Thank you for your lesson; 9 correct out of 10
Bashrat Ahmad
Thanks, Emma. I got 100
~ It was an easy lesson to learn. Thanks a million!
thank you, Emma, for this great lesson, it was really far as I’m concerned, you are a great teacher.
samour fouad
Thank you, Emma.
Hi, there! I’d love to make friends here. I’m Brazilian, I want to train my English and I do not have anyone to do this.
Alan Araujo
Thx a lot for your great work
I love your classes!
Clodoaldo Osnir
thank you EMMA so much allah bless you
ahmed @saleh 84
Thank you Emma
Thank you Emma.
Thank you EMMa,very useful video for the intermediate learner like me , really appreciate your kindly teaching.
Great video Emma, thanks
I got 10 out of 10. Thanks Emma for your lessons!
Madina Asoeva
Thanks Emma for your lessons!I will try to use what you mentioned in my essay.BTW is there anyone who would like to make friends with me to practice Eng?I’ll be so glad to see you!
William Hao
Thank you for clearing this up. I do get tired of using “I think…” all the time. I like how you made the distinction between formal and informal phrases. It makes me become aware of the conversation’s setting. Thanks again!
Thanks Emma for great efforts and help .Have a great time .
Sincerely ,
Best class ever, Emma. Thank you very much. I got 10/10!
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you so much
Hi Emma, This is an amazing lesson. Thank you so much.
Hi Emma, I’ve got less than i imagine, but your classes are good as always. Thanks a lot !
Hi, Emma thanks for the great lesson I got 9 out of 10 !
Thank you very much for your effort dear Emma
Thank you so much for this wonderful topic. Godbless.
Great lesson. thanks a lot
great lesson… thank you… :)
as am concerned that emma wonderfull teacher
amrouche ahmed
Hi, at number 10 of the quiz I saw an unusual word, it’s “certenty”. Is it a mistake?
al willis
no such word like “certenty” in the dictionary.
Thanks Emma for this lesson.
S Chit Chit Win
Thanks so much Emma.
I got 80 its good to or not
My A Great Teacher Emma Thınks
Muhammed ozdogan
8 out of 10…not bad…thanks a lot.
I got 9/10
Samir Farag
Hi Emma,I got 7/10 only
I got 7/10 “…SO CLOSE!!!
furat sbb
As far as I’m concerned Emma is very professional at teaching advanced English class. I’ve got a good mark: 10/10.
Thank you.
Thank you for this video!
what the mean of engvid
Thank you, Emma!
Thanks you Emma!!!you´re great!!
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
with such a teacher is quite easier to learn english, from my perspective, each english teacher whos looking for effective methods to Online Teaching should be look at this video.
7/10. Today so tired, I didn’t have a good state. Later, I will take a good sleep. Let’s hope a good learning tomorrow.
Jerry Gu
10 out of 10.
A good lesson. Thank you so much.
Aye Kyawt
i got 9 correct out of 10
Andrey Alferov
Even though my score was 80,it seems to me that I am going for the best way.
thank you so much Emma
I watched the video twice on April 18, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
maryam azadi79
Anna Saif
very nice lesson thank you
I appreciate it
Fuad jibril
thank you Emma
Thank you Emma teacher
It is a great source of learning IELTS, great effort. Ms. Emma
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hey Emma, great lesson and excellent clarification :) and this topic is really interesting for me because in our university our teacher always said to us “Don t use I think” and now i can use these expressions when im speaking thanks for such useful topic By the way i got 10 out of 10 as always :)))
I got 10 of 10,too;)
me too
i’m a mainland people,can i make friens with u?
sure,nice to meet you!
may i make friend with you?
Great! it would be very nice if I can make friend with u too :) wanna have so speaking eng with me on facebook or in social media ;)
can i have ur skype id plz…i am going to give my IELTS exam on 26 of this month…so i am seriously working on this viedos but i am relly worrined and tensd…can any one help me in oral plz …my skype id karthik.reddy235
me too I got 10 as always (:
XD I got 9/10 “…SO CLOSE!!!”
Hi Emma,
Thank you for your lesson. I would like to stress out about using the commas. When should we use commas in a sentence? Is their a ruling or a good way to know when a comma is needed and when it can be neglected?
If you can’t answer this here, or not in full extend,(is the comma here right?) then maybe it can be the topic of your next lesson?
Hello my friend,
As you know,the semi-colon indicates a stronger division than a comma, but a weaker one than a full stop.
General purpose of comma : Long sentence easily read by reader .
SENTENCES IN A SEQUENCE : example – Yesterday i woke up early,took a cup of tea,put on my shirt and went for a walk.
GENERALLY comma is used in sentences that contain special words like WHILE, AS,IF(condition),though,although,even though,as soon as e.t.c.
For these sentences,if special word is at the beginning with the main clause/phrase,you can insert comma before the starting of the second clause/phrase.
Example : As he was not there,i spoke to her brother.
IN CASES,where i want to give more details about something.
Example : Punjab university,which is now in Chandigarh,India,is established before the partition between India and Pakistan.
Besides this comma is used for geographic places,in direct speech e.t.c(formal uses).
Whatever i know about comma up to now, i have shared with you.
If you ask me,you can read thoroughly as i do for recognition of these things.And after sometime, you will know many new things(like about semi-colon).
Hopefully it can be easily grasp and will help you.
And from what i gather,your correct sentence is ”
If you can’t answer this here or not in full extend,then maybe it can be the topic of your next lesson.
Thanks kushu, it did help and you put it nicely. I usually fall victim to long sentences without putting commas. I will try my best to take your information into account when making new sentences.
Did you see what I just wrote? my sentences usually are long and without commas. I guess now, I should try to construct smaller clauses/phrases where I can put more commas in between them.
Dear friend,
Whatever you wrote,is impeccable.Congrats!:)
If you want to use comma,you can also it in this way.
“when making new sentences,I will try my best to take your information into account”
Explanation:(adverb phrase) comma (main clause)
“what I just wrote,did you see?”
Explanation: (noun clause==object) comma (subject+verb)
Wow, what? To be honest, it is nothing to say “wow” :P
can i have your skype address please?
Hi dear Emma
This is fantastic class you have given us. Thank you so much for you simple and powerful way to teach.
These advices are very useful even for me who will not have exams but want to improve my English a lot.
First of all, I would like to thank you for this interesting lesson. However I have a question to ask you. I was reading an article and I saw the word “INSOFAR”. What is the difference between this word and as far as? Thank you!
If you ask me, this is a great lesson, and from what I gather most people agree with that.
This class truly is simple and nice ;D TKS
I strongly agree with you.
Easy but very important.
Renatinho hahahahaha. I could not imagine that you would become a teacher, awesome!
Thanks Emma! =)
As far as i am concerned, your lessons are useful and funny. =) I watched all of them.
And, if you ask me, although some people may disagree with my opinion, i prefer to learn a British accent since it is the true english that spread across the world during the ages of colonization, but i am loving also the Canadian accent. Especially how the word “about” is pronounced, which i prefer over the British one. =)
Best wishes
Thank you! By the way, I read everything you wrote about you, Michele… And it was not a waste of time!
All the best!
wow thanks! it seems to me that i write only stupid things that no one cares about xD ahahah
so it is good to know for me =)
how did you get 100 correct on 10? lol xD
Many thanks Emma, your class is very useful for who are studying English.
very good lesson
Great class!!!
Hi there? can we practice english together?
Got 7 out of 10.Not bad.
hi emma
Some people may disagree with me , in my opinion u r a excellent teacher.thanks for your lessons.And i got 10 out of 10 :D thanks again
thanks Emma. it is excellent lesson. really!
thank you so much
Thanks Emma, it was exellent as always. I am inclined to believe that these expressions will help me get high score on IELTS/
If you ask me, Emma is the sweetest EngVid teacher! :)
I strongly agree with you, that’s for sure.
i definitely agree with your opinion =)
Sorry, wolverine…I’ve made a reply to this comment in the wrong place…:) It’s up there!
i have made the same mistake too on one of my comment xD ahah
I totally agree with all of you. :D
Yes, your correct Janilza, Specially her naughty laugh and her big long beautiful hands on the board makes the lesson that much interesting.
Having said that james,Ronnie,Alex,Jon,Adam and Rebecca all of them are also very sweet isn’t it.
Yes, your correct Janilza, Specially her naughty laugh and her big long beautiful hands on the board makes the lesson that much interesting.
Having said that James,Ronnie,Alex,Jon,Adam and Rebecca all of them are also very sweet isn’t it.
Well…To be honest, I didn’t notice her hands! :) I just pay atention to her way of teaching,which I think it’s very nice. But you are right, all the engvid teachers are sweet… I really like all of them! Bye, bye…
i truely agree@janilza
Strongly agree with you Janilza.
Hey, can anyone put a link to the grammar or explain how to use constructions like “YOU ARE LIKELY TO GET a better mark on the IELTS” in the very last sentence?
Likely to = probably
You probably get a better mark…
Active voice :
You are likely + simple infinitive( to + verb )
You are likely to get good mark in your IELTS.
You are likely to get good present from parents.May be a new car!
He is likely to beat Jack.
I am likely to propose Jennifer next week for marry.
NOTE: in all these sentences,there is high chances/all most certain/Probable(as Janilza wrote) that subject will get/does something.
Hopefully it’ll clear the idea.Personally speaking,for more detail,you should study INFINITIVE. :)
that’s pretty clear now!
thanks emma
I’m very glad to have this excellent lesson! Thank you for teaching wonderful lesson.
Very good lesson!
can i have your skupe id ?
nice to meet you. can i have your skype id to pratice speaking skill :)
although some people may disagree,from my perspective you are the best teacher :-)…thanks a lot for your effort
I absolutely convenient with your lesson!
thanks Emma
Although some people think that I suffer English mania, from my point of view a lot of passion and classes like this are needed to learn English successfully. Thanks Emma!!!
very good lesson
As far as I’m concerned, this lesson couldn’t be more useful! Thank you Emma.
If you are writting something, it’s obvious that what is on paper is your opinion. So, I would start with the argument, instead to write “I think, or In my opinion”.
To be honest, this lesson is very good.
Do you like this lesson. I am inclined to believe that you should listen it. I’m ablolutely it’s good for you.
i got it!
Tell u the truth,u r 1 of the best teachers in my mind.I can not thank u 4 all ur kindliness 2 respond my queries,dear Emma!
I got :)
Wish u Luck as Always;
Very good lesson
yes, a good lesson. from my point of view, the explanation between written and spoken department’s were good.
hopefully satisified with your lesson , in future may be iam lern much more from your engvid
thanqqq u
In my opinion, the way that you teach is the best. Thank you Emma.
thanks Emma.
i do not know why my comment appear as an answer to another, but probably it is my fault. I guess because i refreshed the page.
Thank you so much Miss Emma, you are a great teacher.
Greetings from Macchu Picchu -Peru
Incredible lesson! Thanks for the advance Emma!
i like this lesson
thanks emma
As far as I’m concerned, it was helpful and useful lesson From a such fantastic teacher. Thank you Emma
I got 50% of correct answers and I’m really happy
I love this website so much
It’s very practical lesson’s
special thanks to my favorite teacher Alex you are the best keep it up…
hi mss amma, it seems to me your lessons are well prepared, thank u for your sencierly ecplanation,
In my opinion, I think you are the best english teacher ever!! I wish I had a teacher as great as you in my country!!
Hi Emma, thanks .
thank you so much
Absolutely important information! Thanks.
it’s important to learn formal expressions.
Emma you are AWESOME
Thank you!!
From my point of view, it’s a bit high level when the class is come to the IELTS & TOEFL
thanks Emma.What amazing lessons!
hey emma,
i got 5 out of 10 but enyway it’s good cuz i learned something new :)
thank you so much
Thank’s really help!
you didnt teach so well, you did many repetitiion in telling about comma, and you look a lil bit nervous, seems didnt enjoy ur own teaching. but i like the topic you gave. thnkyou
Hi Emma,
I am new here, but really shocked with the quality English you present for all the people around the world. I am so attached to this website that I have seen more than 100 lessons in one day.
Honestly, all of you are knowledgeable teachers and each one has his own flavor.
The second important thing is that you gave me an excellent idea about Canada; in brief you made me love this country and its people.
One last thing: how can I get your manual?
Maher (Dubai)
hi my friends now iam increasing my inventory of vocab but i want to know how to use it in a correct way ,any help please ?
Thank you, It was good
Hello Emma. I have been watching your lessons since i had recognized this website . Your pronunciation and teaching way is serene to me.Thanks for a clean explanation!
As far as i’m concerned, it’s a great help. ;)
Hi Emma!
I feel blessed for having your lessons. I certainly, will take advantage of this website.
Thanks to all of you for providing such as wonderful source which is very beneficial to people like me that still are learning English.
May I join with you in practising English?….My Skype:Sultan.Smith2
I don´t understood the use of (to what extent do you agree or disagree?)
Hi Emma !!!
You so great teacher !!!
Thank you so much !!!
thank u so much for such a helpful lesson. God bless….
How to give your opinion and not “to think”? So easy with this lesson! Thanks.
Thank you, I understood to you. You teach very simple, I only have to practice.
Thanks you
dear Emma..
coming from a non-english speaking country like INDIA, your classes are indeed really helpful for me. thank you so much for these simple ways for presenting your classes. i would certainly refer this website to many of my friends.
i am preparing to do my IELTS exams in a couple of weeks.
GOD BLESS u and your team..
:-) i got 10/10 in quiz. thanks to you once more.
Since your sitting for the IELTS your dear God will have to bless you more then anybody else, my congratulation for the 100% you got in the quiz.
Fish you good luck on your IELTS.
thank you so much for your wishes.
i have less than ten days to give my exams.
I´d like to practice english with you
I have yet to search a lot of websites to make me good at english language skill. However, at last I got this one in which anyone bounds to learn proper english to do well in TOEFL/IELTS. By the way, I should practice speaking if anyone finds interest.SKYPE: wasimmathdu
Muy buen articulo para los que estamos interesados en rendir el examen
Ielts Argentina
that’s great ^^ thank Emma ^^
Thank you very much.
question numb 9 is confusing me…
Thank you so much for teaching. I’m excited to learn from you Emma. I learned from you so much.
Thank you Emma.
thank you Emma for this video. Often it’s so hard to give an opinion for me and I canonot think out something to substitute something for “i think”. Now I know =)
9 out of 10. Good mark. But I hope to remember all when I have to use it.
Thanks Emma for the lesson
Very detailed presentation,thank you Emma:)
so much, glory of Canada…
so good :)
Very good job
Many Thanks
## I adoro this teacher and her classes. The class was marvelous. ##
Really fantastic!!
You are a GREAT teacher!! Thank you very much for this amazing lesson.
Emma is awesome
Thank you Ma’am, I strongly agree that this lesson was pretty much useful, I have a question about “I Believe”, how many percent of certainty it gives?, is it more close to “I think” or “I guess”?
thanks you help me a lot to improve my language
thanx alot
It Seem To Me That Emma Is Best Teacher.
10 out of 10 great teaching sistem !!!!
Nice class Emma.
I’m looking for a class talking about “Would”.
This modal verb, in my opinion is a little bit confused.
Thank teacher Emma
Thank you very much! :)
May I join with you in Practising English?…My Skype:Sultan.Smith.2.May I get yours,please?
From what I gathered, engVid is the right choice to improve english for free!
I am really indebted to you Mam. This is very clear and easy to understand. Keep it up the good work. Thank you so very much.
Hello Emma,Thanks for the suggestions. I was wondering should our opinions match the opinions of the examiner in such questions if the grammar and writings are correct?
Thanks a lot! :-)
Very very good lesson,
ah ha…I have got pretty nice 90%. I appreciate that. Thanks for your test.
Thank you very much miss Emma, you have given us a very good class today ! Have a great day.
Best regards, from Argentina.
thank you very much,very good lesson
thank very useful lesson! in my opinion.
it is more time to me that explain of my opinion who well speaking other.
thank you Emma~
thank you Emma
Very helpful lesson ..thanks
thank so much Emma i feel good day by day with more watching your video and more practice thanks my teacher
very excellent Emma!
Hi, Emma, I actually got 6 in IELTS and 440 in GMAT, and now I can’t go abroad for postgraduation, so I am so upset now, what kind of suggestions you can give to me:
I watched twice this time . I’d like to watch everyday.
thanks emma
I completely agree with you . Thank you so much
thanks a lot Emma
Grat work team.
very interesting lesson. what I’ve deduce from your explanation that the intonation has a great role to differantiate between the written and spoken ways. because for me as a teacher or a learner of English as a second foreign lge there is no difference since I can be understood by my interlocutor.
thanks a lot
merci pour cette lesson . je vais voir les autres et j’espere qu’elle seront benifiques comme celle ci
hi mam i took ielts exam last saturday.can u please tell me how much score i can expect if in speaking in sec 2 i miss to cover one sub question becoz of less time.
hey emma i have a problem that i can understand you when you talk but my problem is how i can cater for
In my opinion It was really helpful
I m learning english for 4 months and that I m pre-intermediate level now. please help me until i can learn english and earn good score for studing abroad (PhD)and i need to get 6.5 iltes …PLEASE help me please
email adress:
In my point of view, this website is appropriate for all of English students.
I strongly prefer you to my friend for get good score IELTS. Thank uu
Thanks Emma, it’s really helpful and worth watching this lesson.
Wow. I got 10! Thanks teacher Emma. I strongly believe I can pass the IELTS exam.
Hi Emma In my opinion,The lesson is very interesting.
got 100 :D
10 out of 10 :)
9 0ut of 10 not bad for this lesson… I enjoy her teaching style…
thank you!
I got 6 of 10
This lesson really helps me thank you Emma so much
Thanks for teaching.
i like your teaching. i can improve a lot.
thank you.
Great lesson, many thanks…
I’m strongly, confidently, totally understand.
thanks for the teaching! as far as i concerned, this lessen really help me a lot:D thanks Emma! you’re great! i will work on it!
Thanks Emma,i realy appreciate the lesson;
Hello, Enma! I really enjoyed your lesson. Thank you very much.
8 out of 10 :) thanks,Emma!
Thanks, Emma!
10 out of 10
Great lesson!
Hey Lisa, I am Nawid and seeking to learn more about TOFEL and able to pass the test, so please help me and share some useful TOFEL Data with me.
Waiting for your response!!!
Sorry i forgot to you give my email address, below is my email address:
and Skype name is:
Thank you Engvid team
“I think” is an opinion expression you should use as much as possible on the IELTS
please help me I cann’t understand this part >>
the expression “I think”
we must to use it in IELTS or not ??
if you note.. in the Beginning of lesson the teacher put “X” near “I think” and tell us that if we use “I think” it will be boring and we will take a low mark in IELTS and TOEFL exams
I hope my explain Profit you
Important matter, Emma!
Thank you
Hello, Emma! Thanks!
I got 10 out of 10!to be honest,I strongly agree that this is a great useful lesson!I hope you’ll have more lesson!thanks anyway!
Hi, Emma! I have seen the video by the second time, then I thank you so much, again…
This one right here is gold. I am guilty of using “I think” too many times, especially in my emails. I am noting down all these different expressions so that I don’t forget.
I just remembered, in his keynote speech that he made in his big come back to Apple, Steve Jobs said something like “As far as I am concerned the war between Microsoft and Apple is over.” although don’t quote me on that.
I made this up just now, but is it correct –
I would argue that freedom is nothing more than a whimsical tale we tell ourselves to give us a false sense of security that everything is in control in a world where we can’t even control which side of the coin will face up when we toss it with our very own hands.
I got 100 :D
thanks emma
Thanks emma
thanks a lot
Thank you for the tips teacher Emma. Indeed, you are a great teacher!
Dear Emma! I’m new here. But I liked your fantastic fruitful lesson Thanks million!
Emma, as fas as I’m concerned,You are a such great TEACHER!
thank u very much is really effective
Tks Emma very much, this is the the first time I’ve learnt English on Engvid. actually, Your lession are very useful and easy to understand. I hope that Engvid will have many lesson better..:)
Hi Emma!!!
I am just about to take the ielts exams next weekend.. so i am preparing for it with all your videos i came across, in fact because of you am in here at Engvid, you are truly awesome, i love the way you teach and your expressions, i wish i was a student of yours.:( May god bless you dearie..
Although you may disagree with me , as far i am concerned we should not use “i”in writting sections in TOEFL OR IELTS.
Whoa! I got 10 of 10.
Credit goes to Emma.
I got 10 / 10.
In my opinion not enough examples.
But I absolutely agree that the lesson is really effective.
Interseting lesson for an old teacher to improve
and to renew his modest knowledge …Here.. I feel Iam learning
i am going to give my IELTS tommorro any tips in writing task i need to get 6.5 overall for my Marters studies
If you ask me, Emma is the best teacher ever :)
as far as I’m concerned , this lesson is very good
Many Thanks Emma really really useful :) :)
Hi everyone!
To be honest, this vdo’s very useful for me. You guide me to use others word or phrases when I want to give my opinions. Next time, I will use this guide and avoid “I think” (cuz I always said that). Thanks.
I got 100. Thanks for this lesson Emma. I agree with you about the overuse of the statement. “in my opinion.
i am inclined believe that you are good teacher.
Thank you for your good lesson. It is useful and interesting.
10/10, and Thank you Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Teacher Emma. I am Brazilian and I have been teaching English for over five year. I have use many sites to help me in my classes and your teaching are the best. The way I feel it, If someone be efforced, he can learn English just listening your video classes.I am doing this to prepare myself to the TOEFL.
Thanks a lot. Jurandir
Thank you very much.
i am really get benefit so mush from great EMMA and exam ……BIG Big biG thanks to teacher EMMA
Emma please I have simple question depened on u notes u said that we can not use the ‘t for the formal so why u write as far as I’m concered
It should be as far as I am concered right or not please
I didn’t watch the video, but I went to the quiz directly and I got 9 correct out of 10. :D
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Hi can any one help me to develop my english i need to speek english very well because my new job so is there any one can speek with me in skype my name in skype ali ali
i confident that Emma is an excelent english teacher.
very awesome, great lesson and great teacher
I got 10/10. Thank u so much. Before I watch your lesson, I think this word ” I think.” Is very good to give my opinion. Thanks for a great information
Thanks. This really helps.
Thank you ms. emma, i got perfect score
aha.great lesson Emma
Although nobody will read this comment, in my opinion it is better to write anything than nothing..and I am showing you that I am just one more beginner :)
I forgot to write that i got 9/10 :)
I’m reading it!
Thank you .
i am perplexed, how and where to use although and even though. examples plz
Thank you
9/ 10 good for me (Y)
10/10 Thanks Emma once again for wonderful class :)
I got 90% :(
It semms to me an excellent lesson! Thanks Emma!
If I say: in my point of view instead of from my point of view, is correct?
Can someone help me?
I’m familiar with “from my point of view”,
but “in my point of view” it doesn’t make much sense to me
Hello everyone and thanks from your cooperation that you are helping us to learn English language as a second language and would you helping me to learn more?
Thanks too much.
I am interested studying in IELTS level.I mean advanced level. Please, show me the best way of access of good materials about IELTS, thanks.
Thank you very much.
I got 10 .
Thank you Emma!
My best regards to Emma.
As far as I’m concerned this session is extremely important get good score in IELTS and TOEFL. As Emma mentioned it will give the reader about the vocabulary strength which we have.
Thanks Emma.
Your lessons are always sink in. Thank you)
Thank u Emma, my dear teacher!
10/10 … good lesson … Thank you… :D
Hi Emma,
Thank you…
really awsome!!
thanks. emma. Hope you create more useful lesson about conquer IELTS. thanks again.
I thınk , this lesson very useful for frogein student .. thanks a loy emma ;)
I thınk , this lesson very useful for frogein student .. thanks a lot emma ;)
Hi Emma thank you very much for teaching this class. Please let me know about another ielts lesson. I need to get 7band score in ielts.please help me.
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
Great class, 8 out of 10 !
Thanks so much !
Hi Emma, Can I use these ways for writing?
Thanks Emma :-D
I think…
In my opinion…
I would argue that Mrs. Emma is an exceptional Teacher. Yes.
Thank You.
thanks alot emma
i got 9 :) thank you Emma !!!!
Hi guys i wanna improve my speaking comprehension, is there anybody can help me by skype please
I got 10 out of 10…..thank you Emma !
Hi Emma.
I like so much, the manner that you teach.
Thanks a lot, Emma. Easy and great lesson.
As far as i am concerned, this class is good. Thanks for your effort
Nice lecture thank you
Thank you, dear Emma – I have got 100%.
thanks a lot
Hello Emma,I appreciate your great work.I got 8 out of 10.
“i would argue that death penalty is the best way to deal with criminals.” —so,with this statement, do u actually agree or disagree? i still dont quite get it
I have just Signed up for this lessons. I like it.
It appears to me that Emma did a fantastic job on this lesson.
Thanks so much for your helpful lesson, Emma :)
thanks Emma. It´s a very usefull lesson.
Emma, your teaching is amizing! thanks a lot
add me on facebook.
Dear Emma, if you would ask me about your lesson and having an overview on several I sow, as far I am concern it is one fo the most helpful to become a better writer or speaker, in addition to have a clear guide for IELTS & TOEFL test. You became one of a tree most favorites engvid teacher´s I used to follow.
Many thanks all of you for coaching and teaching!
hi Emma
without watching this video i got score 7 !
thanks a lot ;)
thanks Emma :)
thanks Emma, in my opinion, you are anti-bad techer!
thanks Emma
accepted enough ofcourse:)
Hi Emma,
thanks a lot. Your video is very useful – as always :) take care
hello……emma, i like your lesson so much, because the way you speak is so clear. by the way, i got 10 out of 10.
Hi Emma ,Thank you for your lesson. I like it very much !
Emma, thank you very much!It was useful!
You’re one of the best teachers here =)
Thanks Emma, engVid excellent concept
Thank You emma :) it was really usefull.
piece of cake
I am inclined to believe that this is a very helpful lesson for IELTS.
forgot to mention ;.. “Thank you so much Emma” :)
Thank you Emma! It was very helpful lesson.
I’ll have review and use them when I write an essay.
Thanks Emma.. I got 90%…
Attractive and very useful teaching , much important lessons , thanks Emma.
it takes me up to 1.00 AM , i forget that i have to go to the bed.
Good night to all .
It’s Great that I got 100 out of 100.
Thanks a lot dear Emma, your sound is very clear, polite, and intriguing.
Thank you Emma.It was very helpful lesson..
Thank you so much. Their classes are helping me a lot. I need to improve my conversation skill, but i dont have anyone to practice and get fluency. God Bless you and don´t give up to your dreams. Jesus love you.
Thanks Emma that was very usefull lesson.
Very good video and great explanations. Many of spanish student often use “I Think…” we should avoid to use that expression completely
Thanks Emma,It can help me ;)
Hey emma ! how are you i am your big fan can you help me i can’t speak english properly please help me ;) I will wait for your reply
Thanks Emma. This lesson is so useful for me :)))
Thanks you, Emma,
It can me to give the correct opinion.
in my opinion you are the perfect teacher who i see in my life
Emma thanks for the tips!
and…..omg.. you have a charmer looking! s2
your tips are very useful for me because i always have low marks in
This video surely helped me a lot!! :) … And I got a perfect 10! :D
great lessan! thank you Emma
THANKS EMMA. We have to learn by heart the expressions that can be used in formal context and the other expressions for the informal context.
Hy Emma.I ve kept your lesson up carefully and i noted that when you use the 4 expressions to give opinion you use i think too.For be honest, i think that….personally speaking, i my question is:Have I always to use think ?I wait for your reply so i don t have any doubt.Thanka a lot
I strongly agree that Emma is the best teacher and very nice girl)
i totally agree that your explanation and examples is one of the best i have watched…
thank you alot teacher emma
thanks Emma I learned a lot from you.
Thanks Emma its helped
Hi! thanks you for your video! I want to know how should I introduce an opinion into an essay in the correct way?
Thank you
Thanks! It was awesome !! I also took a 10!!
Thank you Emma. :)
The course is so helpful, thanks to you Emma
It’s wonderful lesson ,thank you Emma,I hope good luck for you.
hello,, i’m a new member in ,but this web site usefull for me ,to improve my skils about how to be able and fluently ,be confidence to using english language…i will continue following this lesson..
good lesson, I believe, many expressoins, i hope use theme
Hello Miss Emma! How are you? Ive been watching your videos in youtube and here in engVid. Im reviewing IELTS now in a near centre in my place and will be taking the exam next month. I saved a lot of informations that IELTS or TOFL examineers should always remember. Your videos are really very helpful for my incoming exam. Thank you so much!
Hi Emma
I got 4 out 10 . really i have got marks very low but i will try to get good marks and i will read more and more relevant lessons. teacher emma i need to support me so tell me how in your tips how to learn or to be narrative English language.
Your videos extremely help me to improve my speaking, as far as Im concencerned :) There are a plenty of helpful things that I hopefully will remember. Thank you so much for making these videos Emma, I really do apreciate that! :)
I just get 7 from 10 questions
thanks a lot
Thank you emma
I got 8/10 :(
7/10 :)
Thank you very much.This lesson is very useful for me.Because I will have a toefl text next month.I want to get hign score.
Sad…i only got 7/10…need more practice..thanks emma..I find these lesson very helpful in preparation for my ielts test. Looking forward for more lesson. A key to my success..
Thank you very much for this lesson, it was very useful for me!!!
thanks emma, very useful
thank you for beautiful lesson.
I really love this website, anybody wanna chat with me? just for improving english.
Thank you Emma
Emma is the sweetest teacher. Thanks so much for your thoughtful lesson. It’s very helpful.
Hello Friends.
Could you please tell what does the IELTS and TOEFL stand for?
i got 9 out of 10. i like that expression
I got 8 out of 10 so i need study harder… :)
You are the teacher
Hii, can u help me out in writing can u tel me where can I read good topics for writing in my toefl exam
thank you Emma! It’s really useful to me.
Thanks Emma!
This class has been very useful for me!
Very good lesson! thanks Emma~
thank you Emma
Thanks you very much…!!!
Hi Emma, i did ielts one time and got scores as follow: L-5,R-5.5, W-5.5 and S-6.5. (overall=5.5)
But it is not enough for target.
I feel very difficult in reading section as well as i am poor in wring section also.
I expect your kind advice…!!!
Thank you.
firstley thanks for your efforts ,Emma,
Iam confident that yr lessons incereased my level,and advance it by leaps and bounds ,
take care Emma
thank you very much ,Emma .
I’m trying to improve my speaking and writting section of TOEFL test ,and your lesson did benefits me alot.
Thank you, Emma. It’s really helpful lesson.
Hello! I got 6 :s so I think I need to study more jaja. I would like to meet new people who studies English too.
We all know that English is the main language in the world, so if there´s someone who wants to practice by talking, writing, etc. I am available to do it.
Thank you! ;)
Hello,I want to join with you in speaking English.My Skype:Sultan.Smith2 & Fb:Sultan Mahmud Smith..Thanks for reading my text.
Thank you it’s very interesting helps me to change my ways when I give my opinion.
A very good lesson¡¡¡¡
Regards and thank you Emma.
Take care.
tnx……..great Emma
You are a great teacher!!
love your quizzes
my quiz emma:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you a lot lovely teacher Emma May I ask you a question ? Can I use in my book instead of using in my opinion in writing ?
Thank as always
so good!
Thank you Emma
many thanks Emma, it’s help me a lot
Thank you Madam Emma.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Madam Emma.
I strongly recommend this video clip to the people want to extend their English expressions!
In my opnion, this is one of the best clips I’ve ever seen on :)
It really seems to me that this website is good for promoting my English skills.. Thanks all teachers! :)
How to take lessons?
It was very useful for me ^_^
Thanks a lot Emma. :)
10/10 thanks Emma for your hard efforts i strongly encourage your lessons
thanks you Emma!
I like this lesson. Thanks.
I got 10 out of 10.Thank u Ema it was such a great lesson!
From point of my view,its a amazing lesson
I always use ‘i think’ when i speak my opnion. Today, I learn to good speak my opinion. so i am very happy. Thank you Emma. It seem to me that your best teacher.!!!
if any one is interesting to practice english on skype this is my skype ID: reffis.salah
Thank you for your teaching.
As usual Emma taught a perfect lesson. Thank you!
got 100 :)thanks for the lesson
It seems to me that Emma looks more and more beautiful.
Your lesson is always helpful for me.
Thank you, Teacher!
nice lesson Emma,
intrested to lestin more from you :)
thanks Emma,
got 8 out of 10.I strongly believe that i can do better from this.
8 answer can correct out of 10
Thank you Emma! As far as i ‘m concerned, you are very helpful and cheerful teacher :)
Emma! great job
I got 7 of 10 :/
Thank you Emma..Its very nice..
Dear Emma, thank you for this kind of videos, they are really helpful. But, I have a couple of questions. In writing, is it better to write “The people´s lives” or the life of the people? And also, when you are writing an essay is good to ask a question within the body of the document. I teach english to kids, I could share doubts which, at the same time help me to understand many things. Thanks again :) my email is
When I am writing essays arouse many doubts, I would like to ask you :)
Dear Emma,
I speak spanish, I have several questions to ask you and many mistakes that I know we make I would like share them with you. My email is
Topic: Have you ever visited a place you had left a long time ago and found it had changed considerably? Write an essay comparing and contrasting” the way it was and “ the way it is now”. Have things changed for the better or the worse?
The allowed time: 45 minutes
Moderator note: This overly long comment has been replaced with a cat gif. In future, please don’t paste your essays into comments.
Dear Ms. Emma,
Please give me your email so that i can not contact you for convenience.I’m sorry to say that I can not ask your advice for essay here
Yours truly,
Got 10/10… Thanks for the useful video. :)
Emma, thank you!!!!
i got 8/10…..
Very useful expressions. Thank you Teacher.
thnxx dear…
Thanks dear teacher (y)
Hello Emma
You are amazing in this lesson
As far as I am concerned, it is useful for me because You gave lots of important tips.
Namaste, amma,, it`s a great lesson.
I totally agree that this is very useful lesson.
I got 100 :) thanks Emma
i got 90. hemmm
i got 90.what’s your score?
From what I gather,I strongly agree that this is an excellent lesson because Emma gave us lots of awesome tips.
Im inclined to believe that watching videos in is really a good way to have your english improved, Really pragmatic tips
If someone didn’t watch these movies at, He wouldn’t know this is a better way to improve his english than others. Although few persons who watched in this website may disagree,As far as I’m concerned,Watching engvid’s movies and Writing comments is very useful for improving english. I prefer the accent of Emma and Adam to others,It seems to that I just have a low lever of hearing now. Maybe after I learned all of Emma and Adam’s lesson,My hearing lever will increase to a high lever, At that time I will have a nice comprehension for other teachers, Then I would learn more the lessons of others.
Great job!
Thank you,Emma!
thank you for the great lesson =)
The best way to improve our vocabulary is by changing the common words to some “harder” in the daily speaking. Thank you Emma for the new ways you just gave us to express in a better way our opinions.
can i have a review with you emma? i will be having my exam this 25th of june and i badly need to achieve band score of 7..
this lesson is important but how many trick writing, have?
if you have specific pattern for Writing,
please send me a reference.
thanks Emma , it was a valuable lesson
I often used “It seems like…”. Is it a correct way to express an opinion?
i am confident that i will get a high score on this! lol
excelent lesson a learn very much.I got 90
A very important lesson!
I’m completely agree than I’ll learn it soon.
got 80% 100/100..
Thanks Emma. I often use like “I think, I believe,and In my point”, as you said, a little boring. It’s really helpful to write IELTS Writing Test.
i can now use what Emma teached for my journalism contest
I got 100
I got 7 out of 10, it’s not bad. Thank you Emma for ur lesson.
me too got 7 out of 10
thanks very much
I got 9 correct out of 10
Thanx Emma
Is it possible to use ((Well)) in the academic writing/speaking ??
Iget 8 0ut 0f 10
I can’t believe that I’ve found one theacher so competent, who teaches a light way!!!!
thank you Emma you are doing a great job
Your are amazing, Emma.
Thanks Emma I scored 10 out of 10 all credit goes to you
Thanks Emma :) you are amazing
Hi Emma!
thank you very much
Thanks Emma as always Scored 8 but will try 10 on 10 next time much appreciated
very nice and useful!!
Hello Emma I am a student of undergraduate In the University of UAF.I want some useful English current topic of essays for and some useful tips if I am writing an essays of words range from 3500 to 5000 words and some English quotes..
Can you give information about and can you give your Email address please..
My Email is
Hello Emma thank for all your great lessons I have some problems it is about how speak English correctly I’m living in Alaska
Thank You Emma . From my point of view you are the best teacher here in that i totally understand from .
Is anyone taking the TOEFL any time soon? I I need help with my speaking and writing. I’m just very concerned about taking the test and not having anyone to practice.
Hi Emma. First of all, thanks for the lessons to you and the EngVid team :).
I usually find it difficult to choose when I am given the options. Can we use those words from ‘To what extent part’ in versus part of Speaking?
Thanks Emma for being such a great teacher. by the way I got 9/10.
Thank you for your lesson; 9 correct out of 10
Thanks, Emma. I got 100
~ It was an easy lesson to learn. Thanks a million!
thank you, Emma, for this great lesson, it was really far as I’m concerned, you are a great teacher.
Thank you, Emma.
Hi, there! I’d love to make friends here. I’m Brazilian, I want to train my English and I do not have anyone to do this.
Thx a lot for your great work
I love your classes!
thank you EMMA so much allah bless you
Thank you Emma
Thank you Emma.
Thank you EMMa,very useful video for the intermediate learner like me , really appreciate your kindly teaching.
Great video Emma, thanks
I got 10 out of 10. Thanks Emma for your lessons!
Thanks Emma for your lessons!I will try to use what you mentioned in my essay.BTW is there anyone who would like to make friends with me to practice Eng?I’ll be so glad to see you!
Thank you for clearing this up. I do get tired of using “I think…” all the time. I like how you made the distinction between formal and informal phrases. It makes me become aware of the conversation’s setting. Thanks again!
Thanks Emma for great efforts and help .Have a great time .
Sincerely ,
Best class ever, Emma. Thank you very much. I got 10/10!
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you so much
Hi Emma, This is an amazing lesson. Thank you so much.
Hi Emma, I’ve got less than i imagine, but your classes are good as always. Thanks a lot !
Hi, Emma thanks for the great lesson I got 9 out of 10 !
Thank you very much for your effort dear Emma
Thank you so much for this wonderful topic. Godbless.
Great lesson. thanks a lot
great lesson… thank you… :)
as am concerned that emma wonderfull teacher
Hi, at number 10 of the quiz I saw an unusual word, it’s “certenty”. Is it a mistake?
no such word like “certenty” in the dictionary.
Thanks Emma for this lesson.
Thanks so much Emma.
I got 80 its good to or not
My A Great Teacher Emma Thınks
8 out of 10…not bad…thanks a lot.
I got 9/10
Hi Emma,I got 7/10 only
I got 7/10 “…SO CLOSE!!!
As far as I’m concerned Emma is very professional at teaching advanced English class. I’ve got a good mark: 10/10.
Thank you.
Thank you for this video!
what the mean of engvid
Thank you, Emma!
Thanks you Emma!!!you´re great!!
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
with such a teacher is quite easier to learn english, from my perspective, each english teacher whos looking for effective methods to Online Teaching should be look at this video.
7/10. Today so tired, I didn’t have a good state. Later, I will take a good sleep. Let’s hope a good learning tomorrow.
10 out of 10.
A good lesson. Thank you so much.
i got 9 correct out of 10
Even though my score was 80,it seems to me that I am going for the best way.
thank you so much Emma
I watched the video twice on April 18, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
very nice lesson thank you
I appreciate it
thank you Emma
Thank you Emma teacher
It is a great source of learning IELTS, great effort. Ms. Emma