The IELTS and TOEFL essay’s success is determined by its introduction. In this writing lesson we will look at how to construct an introduction paragraph that will not only make reading easier for the grader, but will also keep you focused on what you need to say. It really is as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4.
Hi Adam!
Thank you for this lesson ,your accent is very clear and definite.I have weakness of writting I need more examples ,but from the beginning
(topic)to the end (conclusion).
can you give you tips?
Can you give me tips?
hi adam thank you for your lesson how to analyze if the topic consists 7 and above lines
Adam !! Thank you very much for this lesson, as you said the writing section as well as the speaking section of the TOEFL exam are the most difficult areas, but now I have a new strategy to improve my writing skills !! I look forward to seeing your next video.
Thumbs up!
Thanks Adam for the lesson we waiting the punctuation lesson
Hi Hesham,
I think it might take a little while, but it’s coming.
post task 1 and 2 both in details as soon as possible, please.
hi Adam, great to hear from you about IELTS, waiting for more!
Jimmy Jiang
Hi Adam how can i learn vocabulary without forgetting
nawal nawal
Hi Adam,
I really like the way how you explain the writing section. It is very hard to organize my thoughts and I do not know what to do. I am trying to write introductions for now to make myself understand what to write, still it is not easy. Do you have any suggestions? Most teachers say “Just practice, practice ” how to practice if I do not know what to write? ))) Also, what word I need to focus on in the following topic? I mean for introduction, ” People attend college or university for many different reasons”. So I need to start writing the essay about reasons or attendance? I am confused, please help!!! Thank you!!!
Hi, how are you?) I would like to give some questions..You mentioned that before writing an essay we should first of all make a plan, so what plan mainly and are there some important things in order to take them into consideration while writing that plan?
hi adam!can you please upload also a video about the writing task 2 after the introduction?should it be 2 paragraphs too just like what you taught in the writing task 1?thank you!your videos have been very helpful :) God bless you!
Thanks for your lesson.
Hi Adam, I have a question. You said “split this up”, could you tell me if I must take the translation for this, which according to Google is :To divide something, literally? Thanks!
Hello Moloko, hope thing’s been doing great!
To ski (something) up is a phrasal verb, and here are some of the possible meanings, some of which, you might know…
1. (tr) to separate out into parts; divide
2. (intr) to become separated or parted through disagreement they split up after years of marriage
3. to break down or be capable of being broken down into constituent parts I have split up the question into three parts
Hope that helps..
Hello Moloko, hope things have been doing great!
To split* (something) up is a phrasal verb, and here are some of the possible meanings, some of which, you might know…
1. (tr) to separate out into parts; divide
2. (intr) to become separated or parted through disagreement they split up after years of marriage
3. to break down or be capable of being broken down into constituent parts I have split up the question into three parts
Hope that helps..
P.S.: SORRY ABOUT THE “TYPO” automatic keyboard makes me get embarrassed sometimes!
Great, thanks a lot for this explanation! See you around! :D
You bet!
Hi Moloko,
Thalinho gave a good explanation. Mostly when we split something up, we break it down into smaller parts that are easier to work with or that might appear simpler.
Hope that helps as well.
Course it does, thanks Adam!
I won’t be able to take TOEFL and IELTS, but I’m interested in them. I was surprised! I have to write essay, haven’t I? Really hard for me. The quiz, too.
But It is good for me to study English. Thank you, Adam :D
Thank you very much
Very good point, Adam!
Thank you
Marcio R Santos
Awesome lesson!!!
I get 89 points, I mean I need more practice to make a essay. Thank you Adam for your videos. It helps, motivates and supports to me to be better in my process to be a good English teacher.
Elmer Merino
I feel like a native-speaker, Adam! Won’t you stop rocking? HAHA Good job, man. I have no idea why, but you make everything complex seem to be simple. Shame you are not in Brazil! =/
maybe one day :)
thank you adam
thanks for your lesson but i want to ask you question .before mothers help I put thanks for or thanks to.
Heba yaseen
Hi Heba,
If you are giving credit to someone for their help, then you say ‘thanks to…’. If you are actually expressing gratitude to someone, you would say ‘thanks for (whatever you are thankful for).
Does that help?
thanks sir
I feel like a native-speaker, Adam! Won’t you stop rocking? HAHA Good job, man. I have no idea why, but you make everything complex seem to be simple. Shame you are not in Brazil! =/
Thank you Adam..
These words always trying to pull the wool over my eyes, but after Adam’s class I won’t get fooled again!
oops, I’ve forgotten it: “words ARE always…”. Such a trick language :D
Thanks for the lesson Adam! I have a special request, could you please make a video class on the difference between where to use a noun as an adjective and where to use “of” like for instance “success of a project” or “project success”, I guess it can only be mastered with practice and experience but still it seems a bit confusing to me at times so I would be very grateful if you gave some basics on this topic, thank you very much!
Hi Ludmilaz,
I’m not sure I completely understand the question; ‘of’ the way you used it in the example is a preposition of possession. So you would want to use a possessive adjective. With a noun, that simply means adding ‘s to the noun to show possession, the “the project’s success depends on his contribution.” Project’s is now a possessive adjective just like ‘his’ (possessive pronoun).
Does that help at all?
Ok Adam thank you for this detailed explanation but what if there’s no “S” with an apostrophe on the end and the noun still goes like an attributive like for example “project success” or even “exclamation mark” where the word “exclamation is without “s” and plays the role of attribute? Thanks a lot!
Sorry to say I noticed an error:
the first sentence (which should be indented, by the way) of the paragraph in the first example should be “… one of life’s *MOST* difficult choices.”
Hi Mauro,
Actually, it’s not an error. I could say ‘most’ in this case, but saying ‘it’s one of life’s more difficult decisions’ means that it is very difficult. We make decisions every day, and some are more difficult than others. I understand what you’re saying, but this is a form of speech/writing that is acceptable.
As for the indent, that too is a choice. You can indent or you can skip lines between paragraphs. Just don’t do both. actually, in formal writing, many style guides want the first paragraph to be flush to the margin to indicate that a new section is starting).
Hope that helps.
Great job Adam, we like you all!
smoke 27
hello adam i really liked the video
but i have a question pleese
in the first example you have used due to the fact …..
cauld we use thank’s to the fact…..
Hi Wisdomboy,
I’m afraid you can’t. You can say thanks to (something, someone, some event), but only due to (the fact).
Hope that helps.
Thank you coach!
Excellent work Adam.
Jesús R.
Thanks Adam for the such usefull lesson!!! Look forward for the new classes from u!! Best regards from Belarus!!!)))
Thank you Adam for very helpful lesson and challenging quiz.
Dear Mr. Adam,
I would like to thank you very much regarding above lesson ,really you are a great teacher.
I have one question:
Are you handling writing correction services for IELTS essays?
If yes, let me know to figure out this matter.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Yahya,
I’m actually in the process of building my website for IELTS and TOEFL writing help. I will be offering this service through my site. I hope to be up and running next month. I’ll let you know.
I would like to have the link too!
Thanks in advance!
Thank you so much, teacher Adam! I’m a beginner, but I’m happy because I understood everything, even if you’ve talked a bit faster. :)
You’re a BEGINNER who understood EVERYTHING… Not bad o.o
Glad to hear. It’ll get easier and easier. :)
I would like to speak with the same ease with which I can listen.
I live in Rome and until now I haven’t had many opportunities to speak English, but as of this week I’ll have to teach swimming to a 6 year old child. He’s from Australia and he speaks only English. For the teaching of swimming, I need to short and simple sentences to explain quickly what I mean…
It’s not easy! But I’m glad to put into practice what you’ve taught me! :)
hi dory you are doing your best.Whatever it be you are initiating a step towards learning English whatever the circumstances be.
no way, you can’t be a beginner. I have never seen any beginners who can possibly speak English like you. Anyway, you’re not bad at all.
Thanks Adam: 3/10 Thumbs down for me
Keep trying dude
Hello Adam..Thank you for interesting lesson,which help me very much to improve my poor english.
Wow man!!!, you’ve done it again. The paragraph lesson was fantastic, with this one you’ve matched that top level, awesome!. Now a question, It happens to me often that I write an essay and I’m not satisfied with my writing when it’s finished. I mean I find it too simple, but at the same time I don’t feel enough confidence to try a more complex writing. What would you recommend? I know, practice, but would you risk when it’s exam time?.
Thanks for the lessons, I’m always expecting your masterpieces, specially your advanced lessons.
Hi Carlos,
If you’re writing an exam, then yes, risk it. Make sure you get the ideas across first, but keep in mind that part of the scoring is focused on sentence variety and vocab choice. If it’s too simple you won’t get the top scores.
Having said that, if your comment is a good sample of your writing ability then I don’t think you need to worry too much. :)
Hi Adam. Very important topic for me! Thank you.
Is understanding this makes me a good writer?I got 6 out of 9.I know writing is one of my weakness and i have to work on it.Thanks Adam for the great topic
Waligaa wax baro
Hi Waligaa,
Keep writing. Understanding this is only half the way to success. Keep it up. :)
thank you so much
Thank you very much for your sharing. please make more IELTS lessons.
I understood very well your lesson and I got 100 at the quiz, even though I am not going to prepare for IELTS or TOEFL. But… I was this summer in Rome, Italy, and I tried to speak in English. I am sorry to say it, but I barely recalled any simple word. Maybe I really have to write some essays to get into using vocabulary.
Thank you for your lesson!
writing is a language all its own, Arinamg. It can only help to use it.
Thank you Adam, really this lesson is great…
Adam, in my opinion you’re very professional. Thanks for the lesson. I got 8 correct out of 9.
Every single time that I’m doing this sort of tests (challenging ones), once I’m done, (even when getting high scores) there’s always an uncomfortable thought of “distrust” in myself. What could I do to stop feeling this way? It’s nerve-wracking.
Cheers from Venezuela.
Hi Snider,
One way is to have a native speaker give you feedback on your writing. But, if you’re getting high scores, that should be a confidence booster in itself. One last thing is after you write your piece (at home), don’t look at it for a couple of days. then check it again with fresh eyes. You might start trusting yourself then.
Good luck :)
Better than I was expecting, thanks! I’m working on it.
Could you do something about the following…?
In Venezuela, when someone has finished off high school, it’s a “Bachelor”. But it looks like the word Bachelor in American English, is used when someone has finished off University instead. So, when talking about these terms (Bachelor or Degrees in the diverse world of professionalism…) I dare to say that a lot of people get confused in Latin America, because we don’t know how you NORMALLY use them.
I’m still in college looking for a Degree in English, but how should I call myself properly in academic terms? (We don’t have native American teachers over here)
South America would apreciate if you make a class about it to clear all the doubts.
Thanks for all =)
Thank you for the lesson. A little difficult for the begining, but I try…And the quiz 78 points (7 correct out of 9), because or due on the fact that I haven’t a great vocabulary. :-) ! Cheers from Romania
Thank you for the lesson, Mr Adam !
Thanks lot
Thank you for the lesson
Renato Jacare
thanks alot adam for your lesson
Tnanks i gote many benefit for u
Thank you! I got 9/9, but I know I must improve.
Thank you very much
great teaching,Thanks a lot
8/9 thank you very very much . it contributes to my essey.
4 correct out of 9.
:( I wasn’t good in school, specially for essay analytic question…
Don’t worry BianLei! Do the same like me! I read the text more than one times for to understand the question. And I start to do the lesson only when I know the exactly means I need to do.
Other thing is that I watch the video more than one too. And I repeat out louder for to practice and improve my English.
I don’t if I’m very excelent in my English, but I have to practice and You have to practice day by day…
If you would like to talk with skype this is my account: cris.sp.brasil. Add me and we can study and practice together.
See you!!!
Cristiano Rodrigues
Thanks for your advice. :) I will download a Skype. :)
You’re welcome!!! I’m going to wait your invitation. I was surfing in your website and I really liked your photos. Title “Freedom love peace” Excellent sound and method of interactions with the photos. I’ve never ever seen it before! Great job and beautifull photos!
Cristiano Rodrigues
Hi Adam!!! I’ve got 8 out of 9 !!! Tks for your help! Excelent class!!!
Cristiano Rodrigues
Hi Adam
Thank you, it is very useful
Mohammed Atif
Thank you
8 correct out of 9.
Thank you Adam. Very interesting
Your teaching is very interesting and easy to understand.
Thanks a lot. :)
thnx for the lesson, can you put some light on PTE acad..writting and listening section please.
Jaspreet singh
Hi Jaspreet,
I’ve never taught the Pearson test, but I assume the strategies are pretty similar.
If I can get my hands on some samples I’ll be able to figure it out and get back to you.
Thank you Adam.i’m looking forward to your next episode.
leonardo dorlux
Adam, I have one question, at least for now. :)
I often see people who write something like this:
“In chromium and firefox i’ve faster scrolling when i use pure cpu power on a 9500GT vs E7500@2.93GHz.”
It’s about “I’ve” because it’s contracted, and this isn’t any of perfect times. I’ve seen many of those, even “I’m”, for example:
Are you doing it?
Yes, I’m.
Is that possible to use contractions in that way, or it has to be a full word?
Besides, thanks for the hint with “pizza”, you know the “t+s” sound. :)
Okay, so “I’ve” is short for “I have”, and it is perfectly okay to say “I have faster scrolling…”. However, shortening it to “I’ve” is a feature of British English specifically.
A North American English speaker might say “I have the next day off” or “I’ve got the next day off”. A British English speaker could also say, “I’ve the next day off.”
engVid Moderator
Hi Morfik,
What the moderator has written is true. I will add, though, that when it comes to online writing, especially forums, everybody takes shortcuts as long as they’re understood. Should you use it in everyday speech or writing? nope.
(btw (by the way), your last line should begin with ‘anyway’, not ‘besides’ :) )
Thanks everyone :)
I Just Wanted 2 Say Hi . :)
I was wondering if you can provide a lesson about how to write a case study
Mohammed Abdullah
Hi Adam, have you thought to finish your essay cycle with one conclusion lesson and when we will expect that lesson?
Thank you for all your effort.
thanks alot Mr.Adam for your lesson
Thanks Adam :)
thank you very much for your lessons,I find them helpful and interesting …
nabil 82
I got 7 correct out of 9.
I like your lesson :-D very useful. Thank you great teacher Adam :)
now where did this star coming from., ha ha, thanks mate you really helped me out, and especially with that he/she thing, i am used to it, i guess its high time since i stopped, with IELTS being round the corner, oh yeah tomorrow., btw no offence, glad that you are here and not into hollywood, seriously man you could make a good actor.. compliment. :) bless you.
I want to study in USA. I decided to take TOEFL course. But some people told me that I could take IELTS course. Because IELTS easier than TOEFL. Now I wonder if I take IELTS exam will I able to study any USA University? Please help me.
ask uni where you wanna study
Thanks Adam…Please keep going and make more videos regard to writing task.
Thanks a lot. Your lesssons are very helpful. I am looking forward to logging in on your own website soon.
Thanks Adam :)
Chhignim Kuoch
Hello Mr.Adam :)
Thanks for this video, I took 69 in its quiz :3
I am aiming to do a TOEFL test.
Hi Adam,
Very good video! Tks!
Could u help me in how to determine the topic in a question? Like giving another examples.
For example:
“Why do people attend college or university?”
What is the topic?
For me the topic is exactly the question…=/
Pedro Braz Colen
Dear Adam ,
Hope that video if i have send any official mail in to the client and office same grammar mistake so kindly advice
hey adam,
i m so impressed with your teaching skills.i mean you make thinks so simpler.Hats off to you man.:)
I got 10/10. This lesson is very useful for me. Thanks!
thumbs up :)
many thanks for you , this lesson very helpful
Yeap! very good instructor
Hi Adam
I thank you for writing video.
It is very attractive and comprehensive.
I hope you provide numerous of this useful video.
It conform to educational topic completely.
Thank you
This is a helpful lessen. Thank you so much. Now I clearly know that a introduction paragraph should include topic, question, opinion and reason within 3-5 sentences.
Thanks 44%
Abdul Qayum
Thank you. The lesson is very useful!
it was interesting thanks a lot :)
Hind kh
Thank you Adam for tips and tricks :)
When we are doing body paragraph and conclusion?
All the best
nice lesson
my point is 89! :) I hope that i’ll write better from now.
Father Karras
Hi Adam, first of all thank you very much for your contribution, It means a lot to me to have this priceless materials. I have a question: Could we use “one” in stead of “he” or “she” and in that case would it be better or worse? Thanks a lot!
Lakshmi Regnier
I think, in all languages we can use he or any male pronoun to refer to males including females.
Also, it was clear from the lesson that since your beginning-as a candidate- you are the one who can decide He or She, it is in your hands.
-From what I all gather I agree with you in using one which already refers to the narrator.
Haitham Mostafa
hi.. Everyone!! Do u know There’s actually a word for the day after
tomorrow — Overmorrow.
(see) thefreedictionary
Excellent lesson!. Thank you, for your knowledge.
Hi Adam,
thank you for this lesson. Please can you give me some details about the word therby
Excellent teacher :) thank you Adam
Could you please teach about the Body and Conclusion for IELTS Task 2. It helps a lot. You make everything amazing and simple. I like the way you are teaching.
Wishes you Warm Xmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you so much for this video, Adam. I’ve always found it difficult to write both the introduction and the conclusion. This is very good advice.
Thank you Adam for this useful lesson. It’s really interesting.
I am preparing for the TOEFL test and your video is of gret help. I am studying my BA in TEFL in colombia and the Ministry of Education requires all students to hold a C1 level certificate so that he can graduate.
Million thanks for yoour video. I’ll keep watching.
I have watched this lesson twice and I will do it for the third time. NICE job.
Haitham Mostafa
Hi Adam, thanks a lot for your excellent lessons. Just wondering if I can use “one” instead of she or he as you said
thank you for this lesson i think my week always in the reading i just take 5 out 9 depressed but it’s fine i will watch again video
fatmah almokhtar
Adam, has suggested some sample essays with the phrase “Both the advantages and disadvantages of this topic will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is reached” in the first paragraph. What is your opinion? Don’t you think that it is too vague and memorized? I like to write phrases like this but I am wondering if it could get lower mark.
Thank you Adam, you’re a great teacher. I am still not so clear about planning the introduction paragraph. Can u give us some tips?
Thanks. I wish I could be as wonderful as you. It takes time.
Hi Adam, very helpful tutorial. The method which you described about introduction paragraph is good. Now I got some suggestion to prepare nice paragraph for my IELTS exam. Thanks for it
thanks Adam
It was very beneficial lesson for me
and i feel happy to have 7 out of 9 correct answers in the quiz
thanks a lot!
your lessons always are very useful!
i’m preparing First CErtificate, but I think is quite similar.
hi adam i just watch your videos and it really helps me. Hi guys is someone out there want to be my speaking buddy? :)
Hi Adam,
nyc yh i got 7 correct out of 9 yh buh i was so confused in this test .
buh i did nyc thnx adam
engVid Moderator
Hi Adam,
I am confusing about the question4, i don’t know why the answer is ‘dicuss the positives and negatives of a gap year.” I disagree with “discuss the negatives of the gap year.” I think the introduction shows that the author are going to write the benifits of ” a gap year”, if there are something negatively about “the gap year’,then he cannot prove his point of view.
Thank you Adam,
I really enjoyed this lesson. you do your job very well
thanks sir adam ,i am facing such a problem to load their site ,cant able to search your all topics which are related to any teacher .
Hi Adam ,
Thank you very much for this video. Really helpful for me .
hello Alex,
its an understatement that you are all marvelous for my ilks of freshers in English learning.
About now, after my first attempt of Band & average, i feel i need to improve my writing and speaking more and will be very grateful if you and the Marvelous Crew can oversee my skills for me as my date gets closer.cheers
Hello Alex,
am deeply fascinated with your efforts and the rest of the crew over here,Engvid!!you are all masters!
will it be okay by you if i run some of my writing practices by you before my short resit date?
maybe i would have hit my goal if i had used this means of study then ,but alas am rearing to go and hit the bulls eye for the band 9,God willing and helping too.cheers
This is an interesting and valuable explanation. Thanks a lot Adam!. Could you check my essay and tell me how much it would obtain in IELTS?
Q: Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society? Give reasons for your answer.
Since the civilization of the mankind, freedom of speech, or the right to express one’s own ideas without influence, has been an arguing fact among citizens. The freedom of speech has been more substantial mater for the rulers for a free society. From my perspective, there should be a right for a person to express his ideas openly, but the freedom should have some limitations as well. Thus, people of the society are able to know the reality and the democracy is also established for them to live peacefully in a free society.
As it has been established in most of the countries, democracy should be protected by law and the opposition party of a democratic country should play a major role to protect the democracy itself. Pointing out the faults of the governing party is one of the main tasks of the opposition, which is able to perform with only the freedom of speech. Otherwise the government would ban criticizing them, if there is no privilege for the free speech.
On the other hand, the community would be able to know the truth through news, if the freedom of the reporters to report is protected. The reporters’ right is one of the considerable portions of the freedom of speech, which can be seen lost in some countries, by which reason the reporters are influenced, threatened and even assassinated.
However, there should be a limitation for the freedom of speech, since one should not be harassed or hesitated by another party’s speech. As a result, laws should be posed against the violent speech or reporting, by which all the human rights would be protected in a free society.
thanks Adam it really need more practice
Nadia wei
Thanks for giving wonderfully idea .could you give me following paragraphs.
Thanks Adam
Hi, Adam.
This lesson is really helpful for me to start writing essays. However, I’ve been being trained by my IELTS teacher who said that my writing is really poor. I was sad but it doesn’t mean I stop trying. That’s why, aside for his helping me, I am hoping that, you have any chance to assist me (checking) in the essays I have written and let me know, how is the progression I’ve made. I want to send them by email, but I can’t find your email.
So, how could I contact you and send them?
I thank you for all of your lessons. I really enjoyed and found no difficulty listening to you. And thank you before and after.
Feibe – Indonesia
Hi Adam! Thanks for Lesson, you explain very good!
Thank you Adam
it was a nice, informative and useful lesson.
falah tawfeeq
I will make all of my writings, this way. thanks
Very informative lesson,moreover it is funny to learn.THANKS A LOT
I could use “this person” needs…..instead of he
mili gomita
This is amazing Adam. Exactly what I need. Thank you very much.
I think you could post a video talking about Prepositional Verbs Adam. It would be essential. And I think it is a very common wrong between many people.
Alan Rodrigues
thanks so much.
Hi adam,
firstly thank you for this video and it really help me to improves my writing skills but still i have little bit confusion in difference between question and topic.
Hey, Adam! I need more of these to fully prepare me for TOEFL. I got 6 out of 9.
Thank you so much Adam!
wooow great…”opt for” is a new vocabulary for me…. D
Luis Dani
Thank you for your lesson! It’s useful for me because i’m studying ielts, your lesson is very exciting :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Hey Adam, Thank you this great video. I have passed my IELTS exam and my writing band score was the highest of all the categories. My band score for writing was 7.5 :-D
this is an awesome website with amazing methods
i’m wondering if you guys can do task 1 & 2 check and give feedback?
Thank you Very much sir :)
Hello Adam !
I like your lessons a lot !
I need to improve my Ielts score ,especially writing . Do you have this options?
How much it would cost to check my essays and task 1?
Please advice . Thank you .
Hi Adam.
I am new student to your website and i liked you really because your accent is very pure and most of teachers in this awesome website.
i indeed thank you. About this lesson it will help me but still i have a confusion, especially when it comes reason and how to connect with the body paragraph. So what is your suggest.
mohamud ali
Can i get my essays’ outlines checked by you?
Zeeshan Adil
Hello sir! Thank you very much for such clear explanation. I had troubles with introduction. Now I hope to manage my essay writing:)
Thanks Adam for your explanations. They were very clear. Still, I need to practice a lot.
I want to ask you about the thesis statement. As you said in the video in the giving opinion part, you advised us to give general opinion only (as you did in the video: economic benefit or social benefit). Hence, is that ok if I write my thesis like this?
In my opinion, I believe that we should maintain the level of academic ability as requirement to admission university because there are many benefits accompany it.
Thank you for your attention
Hello Adam,
After taking inputs from your youtube video, I have written introduction to a topic. Can you please mark me or correct me for this sample.
‘Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Topic: Career option for women
Question: Whether they should join the armed forces
Opinion : Partially agree
Reasons : No career should have gender biasing. Women can be used as soft targets.
When it comes to career, the women these days, are not limited to choosing from certain options only. All career options are open to them; and women have proved time and again, that competency at a skill is not linked to gender. However, whether or not women should join armed forces has always been debatable. I am personally of the opinion that women should be allowed to serve in the armed forces as well, though there could be some areas or situations where deployment of women forces might not be ideal.
Thank you Adam!
Do we have tips for the following paragraphs?
Hi Adam,
I like to use plural pronouns when referring to indefinite nouns, because they’re gender-neutral, and hence not sexist. E.g: When a person needs to make an important choice in life, THEY need to consider their loved ones in the process.
Question is: could this cause me any trouble on my IELTS exam?
thank you very much Adam :) :)
I wish I knew about your site earlier. Congratulatios!
Thank you for your lesson! It was useful! Could you give more lessons about IELTS’ writing?
thnanks for teachng me
Pardeep Kaur Birring
i got 9 out of 9 & thanks
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Hi Adam,
Thank you for this lesson it is pretty useful, can you give some advice about “comparison essays” also. How could we write a strong thesis for this kind?
Thanks in advance I will keep following your classes.
thank you Adam for your this valuable lesson.
my problem is the essay subject , when you see a topic that you don’t have any idea about it
please do you have and suggestion for that
What about Writing skills: Conclusion Video?
Have you done it?
Hi teacher I want to take IELTS FOR GOING TO.USTRALIA study . But now confusing with my English. Iam weakness with listening and writing. Can you give me suggestion how I can improve that?
Great class Adam!
so sad 6/9 :(
but it is a great lesson by the way
thx so much adam…I wonder if you said you were freelance editor,so you kind of check essay for students? ><
here is introduction for you
As a student who looks toward the future on studying abroad, among the first choice she has to make is who she can learn English with. Should she study with teacher Adam or Others? While all these options are worth considering, I would prefer to study with adam,not only in order to gain my english skill, but also because adam is one of the kind and greatest English teacher from engvid.
btw, wait for your new video to come out^^
pang pinky
Hello Adam! I enjoy your lessons and especially thanks for this one. Cause it’s very informative and useful for me right now since I take IELTS test in a month and, to be honest, haven’t even started to practice yet. And you inspired me somehow to finally start. However, I’ve got a question for you- In the first examples first sentence you said :”…life’s MORE difficult choices.” Why didn’t you use superlative adjective (MOST, I mean)? And I’m not certain in my understanding in using commas. Don’t you have a lesson on this topic? Thanks again.
Do u check essay for student?
Hi Adam! Got 9. :) I took the exam twice already. And I need to get all 7 in the academic module. I guess I cannot really please my reader on the writing part. How should I deal with it? Do you check essays too?
Thanks teacher Adam.
Thank you Adam. It helped me a lot.
Best online English website ever!
Thanks Adam, its a very useful video!
Hi Adam,
Even as speaker of English language (not from birth though), I have found this particular lesson very useful. I haven’t written an essay since my schooling days. I do write reports and business emails, but not essays. However, I might considering writing essays too. Thank you. Oh! I did score 9 out of 9 on the quiz :-)
Cheers mate.
thanks my dear
Ok 100 % this lesson with Adam, surprise… Thanks.
hello Mrs Adam i have a question, how many paragraphs should the body of the essay be?
Hello Adam;
I listened your lesson twice, also took the test and made 100 points. This means that your teaching strategy is very clear and straight to the point. I’m lucky to have you to assist me on basic ways on how to writ an introduction.
Thanks so much.
carmen henry
Adam, I think in the IELTS test we have to do different introductions for each kind of essay, is that right ? So how do I do with each kind of essay ?
Thank you for your lesson.
Hy!Adam I hird that IELTS test haves some sord of expiring period (2 years), and I do not know is this true or not?
hi mr adam
thanks for your teach very clear and easy to understand to me.i have a question mr adam
how i can send essays to be checked?is it possible?
good practice test.
Hi Adam
Thanks for your support. really you are huge cleaver teacher. i liked the way of teaching us . this videos was very interested lesson and i will track in your tips. i know somehow how write or prepare a paragraph . topic from beginning and end conclusion. so i will read more and more for this lesson and relevant.
so thanks please my teacher Adam
asha a.mohamed
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the video.
Can you please tell me that how to use connectors in both writing tasks and what type of connectors it should be,am always confused in this.
Thanks Adam
my essay skill must be awful ==”
i’m quite good at Literature in Vietnamese but I can’t help with the English :))
wow 7 / 9 not bad for 1st time ha ? :) thanks Adam
Thank you Adam. You are great! If anyone like to be a friend of me search me in fb. We can improve our English
Adam, thank you very much for your great lessons! Could you please help me with this: I’ve seen a lot the use of ‘they’, ‘their’, etc. to match singular nouns and pronouns, e.g. ‘If my mobile phone runs out of power, a friend lets me borrow theirs’. Another example: ‘When someone does not get a haircut, their hair grows long.’ Can this usage be considered ‘good English’? What is the best when we use non-identified gender nouns like friend, person, someone, etc.? Thanks and all the best!
It says I’ve got “8 out of 9”. I hope my IELTS will score the same, with one or few mistakes. If I wanted to practice my writing skills, I normally make several write-ups of anything under the sun. I am not so confident in my writing skills, so I wanted to learn a lot. Although the communication in my job requires me a Technical writing format, I still need to deliver my thoughts in good English. Technical writing style of writing has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing or business writing.
thanks alot
Thank you so much.It’s a useful lesson with me.
Cathy Ngo
thank you very much and I appreciate your efforts
best regards
haider j touma
thnx Adam , but i’m confused about few points , my teacher tell me that i should give my opinion in the body paragraphs specially in the paragraph in which i discuss points i agree with … what should i do ?
Hala Hmd
Hey, Adam! Thank you very much for your tips! I’m sure they’ll help me a lot on my IELTS test this month!
Your pronunciation is perfect, so easy to understand!
I’m a fan hahahahaha :D
Best wishes from Brazil :D
So many brazilian buddies arround here, this is niiiiiiiice! :D
Thank you Adam.
Thanks Adam! the lesson was great, but could please put a lesson on how to write a good essay ! especially on the structure of an essay.
many thanks to your nice explanantions
wael taher
wael taher
hi Adam,
thank you for your lesson..
i just got 7 out of 9….
i always watch your video about all IELTS prep. it’s firmly benefit for me…
again.. thank you
Thank you sir…
thanks adam! You are making the lessons very easy.
However, when using he or she, is it okay if I use “someone” instead?
Thanks Adam. Very good lesson again. Till date I am unaware of minimum (3) and maximum (5) number of sentences which gives good introduction for the essay. You clarified me clearly about each and every sentence importance in introduction paragraph. Thanks a ton.
hi, guys, if you want to practice with me my skipe is fred.martinez38 please add me.
thank you so much you better than my teacher
papa toure
thankyou it was verygood Quiz
Hi Adam, till I listen to this lesson I was not clear about the sentences which we write as part of the introduction. Now you filled my mind with clarity about the introduction paragraph which contains topic, question, and opinion.
Thanks for providing good lesson for writing Introduction.
I got 89. why? I have to get 100. it’s your fault…look at this..
Besides making a choice, what else might this task A:be asking you to do?
B:discuss the benefits of traveling
C:discuss the benefits of graduating from high school
D:compare and contrast studies and work
E:discuss the positives and negatives of a gap year
“I couldn’t find the negative point which was mentioned on it” so A ia true , but you said E why?
hai Adum,
i am thank full to you a lot because i am just starting my preparation on writing and i really don’t know how to start-up and then i watched your video now i get the idea. thank you once again.
why don’t you write a full task 2 ielts essay for a band 9 and explain it, why is a band 9, so everybody can decide if is possible for a non native speaker to make one or not ok….everybody everywhere this …do that…let me see..make a full explanation ..allot of BS websites everywhere…
Hello Adam,
Firstly, thanks a lot for your lessons they are very interesting and informative, but i would like you give me your advice.
We have state exams and we also need to write essay, i’ll give you an example of it and would like to know your recomendations.
It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if theydon’t see any need for them in the near future.
What is your opinion& do u agree with this statement?
write 200-250 words.
use the following plan:
make an introdaction(state the problem)
express your personalopinion and give 2-5 reasons for your opinion
express an oposing opinion and give1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
explain why you don’t agree with the oposing opinion
make a conclusion restarting your position
thanks for advance.
thanks for your lesson Adam
what the the meaning of ‘they will not bet met easily’
they = problems
Excellent job, Adam! I’m feeling much more confidente to face my toefl exam next saturday. Thanks for clarifying the use of “he” in the essay. It has been na issue for me, until now. :)
Great lesson, will you record one about the body paragraphs as well? Thanks
Thank you,
My exam tomorrow morning<stressssss
Thank you very much fro giving new ideas. I will take IELTS exam on 28 February.
I had only 4 correct. I can’t believe it…
Adam, thankss!! u r the cutest teacher !!
Thanks!! I got 8 of 9!!
I think it better than toeic test in reading part.
I want to be a good skill in English which have been good in the future.
Even though, I’m silly in English. I will try.
hii Adam, thanks for this interesting lesson. I am prepairing for my IELTS exam, i would like to get some links of your videos regarding writing stratergies for IELTS in academic.
thank you.
89 ^^. thank you adam
Hi Adam :)Thanks for the lesson. Could you please upload the video about IELTS writing task 2 body paragraphs structure??
์ืNext week I am going to test TOEFL in BKK of Thailand.
How to do???
very thanks
Thank you
Adrian Gonzalez
thanks teacher i got 67 %
good experience with this lesson!!
Thank You Sir
araz ahmed
Thank you a lot!
I enjoyed every videos of lessons here in particularly lessons discussed by Adam. Thank you for sharing your expertise:)
I think it is a very useful lesson to passing writing module in the IELTS.
Best lesson! That cause me to write my first comment, HUGE LIKE!
Where can I find the all essay lessons that you teach?
thank you, I couldn’t recognize topic before that. so I know what does it mean.
Dear Adam
I need your tip !! Because I have Only 3 months to start with TOEFL Exam Could you please gave me a table how Can I Study ?
Being taught by you I feel realy exciting in my English level and IELTS. I don’t know how to thank you!
Hi Adam,
I have ielts exam next Saturday, I hope you answer before that day :)
First, you are so successful, of course you do not need my appreciation.
The thing that I would like to learn how would be the ielts examiners’ approach to the essays standing on the grey area for ‘opinion on a trend’ or ‘agree & disagree’ questions. I mean I am not a creative person that can produce lots of pros and cons, opinions, causes for each subject, especially under stress. However if I put forward something a mixture, a combination of both sides, I may find more ideas to meet required number of words.
Thank you for your help,
best regards,
Hello Mr. Adam,
With all due respect, I would like to know how would one write the body structure and conclusion.
Should one self adapt the structure below or no?
1. Topic Sentence 2. Body with example 3. Conclusion sentence.
Can you please elaborate a little more. I will be very thankful.
Abdul Mashid Bessed
mashid bessed
What i didn’t understand is how to write personal pronouns. Is it use only “he” when we are writing about humans? On the example Adam used this sentence: A person reaches adulthood, he needs something. Is it right to use like this or better if we use he/she. Anybody knows?
:) Adam just answered my question at the end of the video. It is not right to write he/she..
Hello!!can you give advice which would probably enhance my writing skills??
Topic: Computers can bring us a lot of disadvantages as well as benefits
Introduction:One cannot deny that computers like everything else in the world have pros and cons.Undoubtedly,there is a plethora of questions,but the most significant one is that do they bring more disadvantages than benefits?As far as I am concerned, they are in possession of much more priveleges rather than damage.This is due to the fact that computers do provide us with much more specific and accurate information.
Another one:
Topic sentence:School education and parental influence are equally important for the development of a child
Body:School education and parental influence are equally important for the development of a child.Development of a child is a very difficult subject to elaborate on ,as it hinges upon different factors such as the attention that is paid to the child and the impact on psychology.In addition, school education is approximately the same as parental influence ,due to the fact that the time the child spends with both of them is probably similar.Since that we can be convinced that school and parents actually do play a decsive role in child’s development equally
Zarema Dyussembayeva
Adam, Thank you for the lessons.
This particular lesson really help me.
you teach us to have the right structure in introduction paragraph.
could you give a lesson about discussion type essay for IELTS Writing Task2?
Thank you for your helping Adam ! but i confused a litte bit i was thinking the start to introduction like this “The discussion that whether or not —–(the subject) is a debatable one. There are logics provided by supporters of both the views.In my opinion, there are more advantages to live in the city due to the fact that the city offer better economic and social benefits.”
I just put them all of your and my sentences together. Do you think is that okay to write this introduction and also is there any mistake in this sentences?
I will take IELTS next weekend on 29th of August. So please help me i need your feedback.
Hi Adam, first of all I would like to say thanks a lot for all your lessons. it’s really very helpful and I love to watch all your videos.
I have some confusion. I go through some online lessons about how to write introduction of IELTS task 2 and some of them say rephrase the given question and other says write the general idea about topic. So can you tell me which one works best?
TIA :)
ankita verma
thnks for this lesson Adam .U ARE ADAM LİKE İN TURKİSH ADAM:NİCE MAN
Great! Thank you Adam for your helpful lesson
This lesson has been another step in my learning.I need more like this, please!!!Thanks.
hi i’m really confused whether to pass toefl or not.i’m an advance student, however i struggle to use my phrases and that’s what really irritates me. Do you know what are the causes behind this.Thanks in advance
Hello Adam, I have been watching the IELTS videos for a couple of weeks now, and while doing practice tasks for the writing task 2 a doubt came up. Should we add a title to our essay? I am doing the general test. Thank you!
Hello Adam! First of all, thank you for great lessons! They are really helpful. Could you please tell if there is any chance you can asses my IELTS essay online? Thank you in advance
hi Adam, thank you very much. its very easy to understand and i am looking forward to vocabulary classes.
anjana vemula
thanks a lot for your instruction. it is clear and useful.
Hi Adam, thanks for your tips. I love your classes and they have been very helpful.
I have a question for you. This essay I have to write is about giving and supporting an opinion regarding “moving a capital” and then discussing potential problems and benefits. Can I in this case not been in favor and not been against it and support my reasons? My introduction would be as below:
“Some governments chose to move their capitals. There are several benefits and problems that it might cause unagree . In my opinion, a country should consider moving the capital if economically and also socially it will benefit the country.”
Thanks for your help.
Best Rgds, Tati
Hi Adam, though I am not sure about it but I think I have heard from you in writing section presentaion that you said you don’t need to have a conclusion!! is that possible?
AbdulRahman M.T. Abd
As a person reaches adulthood, he needs to decide….
Well, I thought that using “one needs to decide…”would be more correct,thanks for clarifying
Antonio Augusto
Adam,great lesson! Is it any lesson for the body and the conclusion of the essay? Thanks!
Hi Adam.
Thanks for the suggestions
when I take the Toefl exam, ¿should i SPEAK and WRITE in a formal manner or should i sound like a native speaker? . For example, which of the following is better for the writing and speaking sections exam:
She is the woman I work for
She is the woman for whom I work
And can i use contractions:
i’d like to go the city
i would like to go to the city
Thanks for the lesson Adam, they are always incredibly helpful. Now I understant the importance of knowing the four type of sentences, which you explained on another video. Do you know if there is any service on the internet where I could pay for someone to correct my essays? I do not have a teacher, but I need someone to show my mistakes.
Thank you Adam.You are one the awesome tutors I’ve ever meet. Your lessons are very clear and accurate. I would ask u about creating more IELTS lessons, which are very helpful. I will wait them. Thanks again.
thank you for your tips adams i will keep in mind, when i take the toefl ibt this february 20
THANKS A LOT~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks for the lesson Adam, but I have a question
Is it necessary to give our opinion in the introduction part??
I think this structure is similar to the conclusion part!!!
Hi dear Adam and thanks for your great lesson.It was a masterpiece again.
I would very grateful if you could teach us the body and conclusion part .
Thanks again :)?
Hi Adam
Thank you for your great lessons
I have a problem. can you guide me how to download these files?
nice video thank you
most of the tenses used are in the present form both in ielts writing task 1 and task 2? thanks!
Learnt great lessons here, you basically covers most of the doubts running through mind. Great job Adam!
Adam! Thank you! your tips and instructions are always very helpful!
Need Help!!Hi Adam if i post my essay written for IELTS writting task -2?W”ll u do a favor to check it?
Thanks for the lesson Adam. Your Ielts concept are very clear and easy to understand.
Hi Adam
I would like to write a simple introduction about anything and see if you can check it for me. My writing is so weak.
So useful…thanks Adam… it help a lot
Dear Mr. Adam, good day, trust you are doing great. I sincerely appreciate your teaching. Thank you. I would like to inquire how can i send you my essay for your assessment and correction. Would appreciate your kind assistance.
I really had difficulties starting an introduction, because it consumes a lot time thinking on how to start and to begin with. Thank you so much for this lessons!I hope you can also discuss the body of the essay further too… thank you so much
Adam, would you be able to check my IELTS writing task 2?
wow.i got 100% correct .9 out of 9. thanks eng vid
Fabulous nobody taught writing essays you taught me!!!! Thank you very much I am indebted.
Thanks Mr Adam for such great lessons.
I would like to ask you a question, the negatives of a gap year was not discussed in the introduction, all the sentences related to it were positive.
why did you chose 4 in question number 4?
Hi Adam.
I have a little bit question.
In your explain you wrote:
“what is your opinion?”
“what are your reasons?”
my question is?
why in the first question you used IS and in the second you use ARE?
Hi there,
In the fist he used IS because (your opinion) is ONE opinion,it is singular and in the second he used ARE because (your reasons) is plural, so more than one idea.
One opinion is…
Two reasons are…
Could you understand?
It was very hard for me that my first language is Portuguese!Thanks Teacher
I will definitely pray to the muses in task 1 of the IELTS writing part… I still don´t know how to describe neither a line, nor a bar graph.
oh gosh. Thank you for this. After watching this i was inspired to start practicing writing again and focus on that for my second try.
Good luck! We believe in you!
engVid Moderator
Thank your for the lesson. I have a clearer idea of how to write an introduction. :)
Hi Adam:
What about using “AS” instead of “DUE TO” or even “BECAUSE”.
Thanks & greets.
And in the second example, to avoid “sexism”, I’d write: “the need to decide on where to live comes into play” or “it is very important (you can add for that individual) to decide on where to live”.
Thanks & greets.
Thanks Adam
very good notes and comments
Ramiz Shubbar
are there any one to help me which kind of structures are used in sentence below:
“Animals , many people believe , merits more humane treatment.”
thanks in advance
Hello Adam,thank you for your useful lessons they have been helping me a lot. I want to know if is it possible to send you some of the essays I wrote because I’m preparing for TOEFL exam and I will be taking it soon and I would love to have some feed back from you
Dear Adam,
I am really thankful to you and Engvid for all the great lessons you prepared for us. I really enjoyed watching and learning your writing course on Task 2-Paragraph. I am also wondering it there is another video or explanation to understand the differences between “choosing” and “comparing or contrasting” types of writing?
Thank you again for your time and consideration
Adorable, Thanks Adam, we need guidelines about how to write the body of the Paragraph as well.
Hi Adam, Please point out the sentences in the paragraph as they are not clear. Thanks
Thank you very much for the lesson. I know He/She Him/Her is really annoying if I keep repeating ‘his or her’ or ‘he or she’ in the same piece of writing but I think it works perfectly in a single sentence. So, can I use He/she sometimes and perhaps use plural forms such as their, they, etc., despite the fact that they don’t grammatically agree with the singular noun or pronoun they refer back to like “How much can you tell about someone from their choice of Wellington boot?”
Thanks, Adam.
hi teacher
thanks for the precious info that you gave it to us
may I wirte my essay here in order to be checked?
Thanks! I hope i can make a good intoduction.
Thank you so much for such an amazing information for Writing Task 2 Intoduction part! I really appreciate your help and support!
Anar Zhunussova
Anar Zhunuss
i love this video. it gives me immense idea how to write introduction in the IELTS test. thanking you very much. i am looking forward to having full composition in future.
Rinzin Chophel
Hi Adam,
Thanks so much. This class helped me a lot. You speak very clear and for us it is perfect to understand.
So I have one question about the reasons. What is better, put two reasons ow three? For me is very hard writing three reasons. With two reasons I will have just two paragraph. So does it makes my essay poor?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Adam !
It does not defer that one is in the city or the country because the loud noise of diesel motorcycles are annoying in both of them (unfortunately).
Thanks Adam! it was a great class, I have a question, you always say how important is to check our essays, someone to review and help to improve, as I am a self-taught student, do you have any idea or resource I could use? Like a website or online service for that? Thank you so much!
Sir could you please correct my essay for writing task 2? I am appearing for IELTS on 26th August.
If possible, kindly provide me with the procedure for uploading my essay.
Thank you Adam
Great video Adam, thanks.
Hi Adam. Thank you so much for this video, and I so Love this website it is very much helpful for me as a beginner since I will be taking up my IELTS exam 3 months from now. However, the problem for me is that I am having a hard time composing a sentence considering the Grammar Rules if i should say it. I know that it would take a lot of practice but
As an expert for this, what can you suggest so I can be able to write at least a good essay?
Looking forward to your comment. Thank you very much.
Hello, I’d like to know if there are any videos about the ECPE’s writing task.
Such a nice video
Hi, Adam. Thank you for your beneficial lessons. Can we use “they” instead of he/she?
Hello, Adam. I don’t know how to contact with you. I am reading your site for writing and I am highly interested in it. Is it possible to train my own teaching skills in writing with you somehow? While working at writing with my students, I write essays myself but no one checks me, which I really desire.
Thank you very much.
thamar tharowat
Hi Adam. I just watched your video on youtube, and wrote a TOEFL essay, would you mind help me correct?
Hi Adam I hope you are very well,let me tell you that I am planning to move to Toronto with all my family but first I have to take my IELTS test, I am so nervous I need to get a high score if I want to enrroll to college, your videos are so helpful for me, even though I have been there many times I am scared of not being able to get it… I will keep watching your videos and I hope to meet you one day
Omar Lara
thanks Adam it is very nice to know some one like you, your videos are very helpful, I’m trying to get the TOEFL exam, and I’m in practicing writing task2 .
one of the practicing examples in TOEFL official test book is ‘Q\ some student prefer to study alone, other prefer to study with a group of student . which do you prefer? use specific reason and examples to support your answer’
at this time I do the answer bellow can you tell me if there any mistake in it
when the study life become more complex, determining the method of study becomes more important. studying alone or with group of friends doesn’t matter as long as the studier get the full benefit, but studying within a group have more advantage and more fun
one of the most important reason that make studying with a group of pupils is creating appropriate environment to study, prompting each other to study harder and harder
also that we can’t forget that studying with various student mean studying with a lot of ideas that make the student more capable to understand the material and get many solutions that make him more understandable to the problem
last thing but not least, studying with friends make it more fun and less stress and this is very important point that must take in mind, and make the student more creative and loving to the material that he study
last thing, studying with group push the student to give up shyness and make a good social comunication that helping him tomorrow
8/9 Thank you. It’s very helpful
Indah Fitriyany
Hi Adam
Thank you very much for your lesson :)
I’ve got one question about choosing between HE/SHE while writing. I’ve heard that we can use THEY instead of HE or SHE when we are to write about a person. Is it correct form?
Hi Adam
Thank you for the helpful tips.
I am just wonderering why I get correct answer when I am confused to chose but sometimes when I am sure about the answer, it hoes wrong.
Thanks again.
Sir Adam
thanks for the free practice test on writing task 2 introduction.
more free practice course…please
Thanks Adam very, very useful a lesson
I have 2 question
First : how should we know an idiom is formal or informal ?
And second : We must write at least 250 word in tast 2 ( ielts ) .
What is you suggestion we are supposed to write about 250 word or more ?
( i know this has been asked many times and you pointed out in one video but i didn’t find it . )
( I know this has been asked many times and i can remeber you pointed out in one video but i didnt find the answer )
Hi Adam,
I am new user can you give me a favor I write an introduction paragraph can you review and provide feed back on it.
the question is about increasing number of cars which resultant in traffic jams & government should do something about it
“in today’s world having a car is not a challenge any more for any one. this opportunity is creating chaos in traffic condition. In my opinion this condition should be handled. this could be controlled by government or any legal body should be created by government who impose certain rules on car purchase more over they had better provide a better substitute to people for traveling”
warm regards,
Sharjeel Khan
Hi Mr Adam
I have just registered because i have never seen such kind of good website to study English.But i have a problem with reading and writing.Can you give me some advises to improve my knowledge at this sphere of Ielts.
please can I use (I) in opinion essay?
Hello Mr. Adam, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Yesterday I did 3 introductions to practice, I spent 5 min for each one. I used to do differently in the past. Please, do you think it’s good? I’ve tried to follow your pattern.
Currently, people, such as famous entertainers and athletes, has an important visibility that can help everyone. Sometimes the youngers receive this benefit and in another time can be the older people to gain this. In my opinion, it is very important to younger achieve this benefit because they are inexperienced and have a lack of knowledge, something that they really believe in what the famous people are talking or doing.
Nowadays we need to understand that our decisions will impact our lives for a long time. Sometimes we are in moments that we need to calculate the risk and decide if we are going to be a risk taker or if we are going to be cautious. My personal opinion about this is we need to take care of our decisions that because the world, in general, is very unstable in actuality and doing this we can predict the future based in the schedule.
Today is normal companies working 24 hours per day because the demanding is very huge. Because of this sometimes the employee needs to decide which routine he will opt for, work more hours in a 3 days routine with more time to rest or work 5 days having fewer hours of work per day. In my opinion, work 3 days with long hours of work is more advantageous because the person will have more free time to do different things, for instance, spending time with family or working in a different job.
Thanks a lot Mr.Adam!
Adam, I just saw your video for writing Task 2 in TOEFL and i realize that this helps me a lot with the structure of my paragraphs. Thanks to you, now i can plan my essay with the main ideas you told us to do.
Thanks again.!
Adam following your directions, how can apply it to a independent writing, where im ask to state other reasons than a main one? give you an example
People work for money to live. What are other reasons that people work ?
Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples to support your answer.
Hello Mr Adam,
Can you show me the video, which you have guided how to do task 2 of IELTS ?
Please reply me soon :)
Hi Adam! I just want to ask you if you can give me some tips about how to start the introduction. The thing is i understood the whole vídeo but the problem comes when i have to start writing the intro. I dont have ideas ! Thanks
Thanks for the lesson
Thank you very much for this free site. I love all your lessons such a big help.
Hi , I am weak in writing,so can you suggest me how do I practice for it.
Hey Adam, really appreciate your attention with your students. Can you make more classes about the TOEFL reading? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Matheus Franca
I liked the 7th question!
hi Adam,i am from pakistan and i want to give ielts exam.
i have watched you vidz on GT essay and i went onto try one of the essays by myself….here i am posting the essay.plz guide me through this,,,,,sorry for the juggling of words.
the essay.
Choosing between science subjects and history as the core subject is the debate of modern time as there are two opposite views, some vote the history subject while others are against it vice versa. In my opinion, Science and Technology is the need of modern times.
”Science and Technology”, play a vital role in our daily life where scientific knowledge keeps us aware of all the nutrients on the other hand technology shapes our life, thus making our life more comfortable. To talk about modern Technologies, one name that comes to the mind is SteveJobs who has given, a modern man, the gift of Mobile phone, making the communication better than before. Moreover, there is a blessing of an e-mail. The knowledge of Science and Technology is the need of the 21st century because new studies are helping us to fight against the challenges, like the plague, cancer and the dangerous outbreak which has destroyed half of the population of the earth, affecting the economic structure is the virus which is known as Corona. One of the gifts of modern times is the Automobile industry in which modern cars have shortened the long journeys of days into hours.
The subject of history is also having its importance as it gives information about past historical events.
History is a resource through which modern man has made discoveries and making more progress while taking help from the past.
History, Science and technology are the essential subjects for a man and they must be taught, however. History leads to new studies and invention/discoveries.
Now, I can tell that I have more experience due to your lesson, have been practicing a lot after seeing this video !! Thank you
8/9! Good! I plan to write all things in English to improve my English writing. But only one thing I am confused about is how to check the grammar for these sentences.
Jerry Gu
You explained it well. Thanks
Gul Madiha
Adem, you are one of the finest teachers one could wish for. And I am lucky to run into engvid to improve my English. I will be taking my IELTS test next week. I have been a regular visitor of this awesome site and all the great teachers it has onboard.
Hello Adam,
Abhishek this side, I have a doubt, you mentioned in the lesson where to live, in a city or a country? I didn’t exactly understand what you mean by country? If I know correctly city comes inside the country. So, all the pros and cons for the city will fall under the country also. What is the difference between city and country here?
“Country” also means a rural area! When people talk about living in the country (as opposed to living in the city) that is what they mean.
For example: “What do you miss about living in the country?” “The fresh air. Also, people are friendlier.”
engVid Moderator
Hi, Adam. I really appreciate your hard work to make a difficult issue simpler. One thing that really annoys me is the comments of some people who are jealous of you, and therefore, comment something really disgusting. I hope you don’t mind those comments.
Naseer Ahmed Aryen
Amazingly interesting. The tips are useful guidelines towards improving one’s writing skills. Keep it up Adam and do not get deterred by some of the negative comments by some unsatiables.
What a good lesson is this one Adam, as you just sayed for improve and write correctly we should practice and practice a lot, greetings from Venezuela
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you 4 your leson.
Hi Adam!
Thank you for this lesson ,your accent is very clear and definite.I have weakness of writting I need more examples ,but from the beginning
(topic)to the end (conclusion).
can you give you tips?
Can you give me tips?
hi adam thank you for your lesson how to analyze if the topic consists 7 and above lines
Adam !! Thank you very much for this lesson, as you said the writing section as well as the speaking section of the TOEFL exam are the most difficult areas, but now I have a new strategy to improve my writing skills !! I look forward to seeing your next video.
Thumbs up!
Thanks Adam for the lesson we waiting the punctuation lesson
Hi Hesham,
I think it might take a little while, but it’s coming.
post task 1 and 2 both in details as soon as possible, please.
hi Adam, great to hear from you about IELTS, waiting for more!
Hi Adam how can i learn vocabulary without forgetting
Hi Adam,
I really like the way how you explain the writing section. It is very hard to organize my thoughts and I do not know what to do. I am trying to write introductions for now to make myself understand what to write, still it is not easy. Do you have any suggestions? Most teachers say “Just practice, practice ” how to practice if I do not know what to write? ))) Also, what word I need to focus on in the following topic? I mean for introduction, ” People attend college or university for many different reasons”. So I need to start writing the essay about reasons or attendance? I am confused, please help!!! Thank you!!!
Hi, how are you?) I would like to give some questions..You mentioned that before writing an essay we should first of all make a plan, so what plan mainly and are there some important things in order to take them into consideration while writing that plan?
hi adam!can you please upload also a video about the writing task 2 after the introduction?should it be 2 paragraphs too just like what you taught in the writing task 1?thank you!your videos have been very helpful :) God bless you!
Thanks for your lesson.
Hi Adam, I have a question. You said “split this up”, could you tell me if I must take the translation for this, which according to Google is :To divide something, literally? Thanks!
Hello Moloko, hope thing’s been doing great!
To ski (something) up is a phrasal verb, and here are some of the possible meanings, some of which, you might know…
1. (tr) to separate out into parts; divide
2. (intr) to become separated or parted through disagreement they split up after years of marriage
3. to break down or be capable of being broken down into constituent parts I have split up the question into three parts
Hope that helps..
Hello Moloko, hope things have been doing great!
To split* (something) up is a phrasal verb, and here are some of the possible meanings, some of which, you might know…
1. (tr) to separate out into parts; divide
2. (intr) to become separated or parted through disagreement they split up after years of marriage
3. to break down or be capable of being broken down into constituent parts I have split up the question into three parts
Hope that helps..
P.S.: SORRY ABOUT THE “TYPO” automatic keyboard makes me get embarrassed sometimes!
Great, thanks a lot for this explanation! See you around! :D
You bet!
Hi Moloko,
Thalinho gave a good explanation. Mostly when we split something up, we break it down into smaller parts that are easier to work with or that might appear simpler.
Hope that helps as well.
Course it does, thanks Adam!
I won’t be able to take TOEFL and IELTS, but I’m interested in them. I was surprised! I have to write essay, haven’t I? Really hard for me. The quiz, too.
But It is good for me to study English. Thank you, Adam :D
Thank you very much
Very good point, Adam!
Thank you
Awesome lesson!!!
I get 89 points, I mean I need more practice to make a essay. Thank you Adam for your videos. It helps, motivates and supports to me to be better in my process to be a good English teacher.
I feel like a native-speaker, Adam! Won’t you stop rocking? HAHA Good job, man. I have no idea why, but you make everything complex seem to be simple. Shame you are not in Brazil! =/
maybe one day :)
thank you adam
thanks for your lesson but i want to ask you question .before mothers help I put thanks for or thanks to.
Hi Heba,
If you are giving credit to someone for their help, then you say ‘thanks to…’. If you are actually expressing gratitude to someone, you would say ‘thanks for (whatever you are thankful for).
Does that help?
thanks sir
I feel like a native-speaker, Adam! Won’t you stop rocking? HAHA Good job, man. I have no idea why, but you make everything complex seem to be simple. Shame you are not in Brazil! =/
Thank you Adam..
These words always trying to pull the wool over my eyes, but after Adam’s class I won’t get fooled again!
oops, I’ve forgotten it: “words ARE always…”. Such a trick language :D
Thanks for the lesson Adam! I have a special request, could you please make a video class on the difference between where to use a noun as an adjective and where to use “of” like for instance “success of a project” or “project success”, I guess it can only be mastered with practice and experience but still it seems a bit confusing to me at times so I would be very grateful if you gave some basics on this topic, thank you very much!
Hi Ludmilaz,
I’m not sure I completely understand the question; ‘of’ the way you used it in the example is a preposition of possession. So you would want to use a possessive adjective. With a noun, that simply means adding ‘s to the noun to show possession, the “the project’s success depends on his contribution.” Project’s is now a possessive adjective just like ‘his’ (possessive pronoun).
Does that help at all?
Ok Adam thank you for this detailed explanation but what if there’s no “S” with an apostrophe on the end and the noun still goes like an attributive like for example “project success” or even “exclamation mark” where the word “exclamation is without “s” and plays the role of attribute? Thanks a lot!
Sorry to say I noticed an error:
the first sentence (which should be indented, by the way) of the paragraph in the first example should be “… one of life’s *MOST* difficult choices.”
Hi Mauro,
Actually, it’s not an error. I could say ‘most’ in this case, but saying ‘it’s one of life’s more difficult decisions’ means that it is very difficult. We make decisions every day, and some are more difficult than others. I understand what you’re saying, but this is a form of speech/writing that is acceptable.
As for the indent, that too is a choice. You can indent or you can skip lines between paragraphs. Just don’t do both. actually, in formal writing, many style guides want the first paragraph to be flush to the margin to indicate that a new section is starting).
Hope that helps.
Great job Adam, we like you all!
hello adam i really liked the video
but i have a question pleese
in the first example you have used due to the fact …..
cauld we use thank’s to the fact…..
Hi Wisdomboy,
I’m afraid you can’t. You can say thanks to (something, someone, some event), but only due to (the fact).
Hope that helps.
Thank you coach!
Excellent work Adam.
Thanks Adam for the such usefull lesson!!! Look forward for the new classes from u!! Best regards from Belarus!!!)))
Thank you Adam for very helpful lesson and challenging quiz.
Dear Mr. Adam,
I would like to thank you very much regarding above lesson ,really you are a great teacher.
I have one question:
Are you handling writing correction services for IELTS essays?
If yes, let me know to figure out this matter.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Yahya,
I’m actually in the process of building my website for IELTS and TOEFL writing help. I will be offering this service through my site. I hope to be up and running next month. I’ll let you know.
I would like to have the link too!
Thanks in advance!
Adam’s site is up now! He checks essays, too:
thanks for the exercise
thank you for helpful
Thank you very much, Adam!
Thank You Adam
Thank you so much, teacher Adam! I’m a beginner, but I’m happy because I understood everything, even if you’ve talked a bit faster. :)
You’re a BEGINNER who understood EVERYTHING… Not bad o.o
Glad to hear. It’ll get easier and easier. :)
I would like to speak with the same ease with which I can listen.
I live in Rome and until now I haven’t had many opportunities to speak English, but as of this week I’ll have to teach swimming to a 6 year old child. He’s from Australia and he speaks only English. For the teaching of swimming, I need to short and simple sentences to explain quickly what I mean…
It’s not easy! But I’m glad to put into practice what you’ve taught me! :)
hi dory you are doing your best.Whatever it be you are initiating a step towards learning English whatever the circumstances be.
no way, you can’t be a beginner. I have never seen any beginners who can possibly speak English like you. Anyway, you’re not bad at all.
Thanks Adam: 3/10 Thumbs down for me
Keep trying dude
Hello Adam..Thank you for interesting lesson,which help me very much to improve my poor english.
Wow man!!!, you’ve done it again. The paragraph lesson was fantastic, with this one you’ve matched that top level, awesome!. Now a question, It happens to me often that I write an essay and I’m not satisfied with my writing when it’s finished. I mean I find it too simple, but at the same time I don’t feel enough confidence to try a more complex writing. What would you recommend? I know, practice, but would you risk when it’s exam time?.
Thanks for the lessons, I’m always expecting your masterpieces, specially your advanced lessons.
Hi Carlos,
If you’re writing an exam, then yes, risk it. Make sure you get the ideas across first, but keep in mind that part of the scoring is focused on sentence variety and vocab choice. If it’s too simple you won’t get the top scores.
Having said that, if your comment is a good sample of your writing ability then I don’t think you need to worry too much. :)
Hi Adam. Very important topic for me! Thank you.
Is understanding this makes me a good writer?I got 6 out of 9.I know writing is one of my weakness and i have to work on it.Thanks Adam for the great topic
Hi Waligaa,
Keep writing. Understanding this is only half the way to success. Keep it up. :)
thank you so much
Thank you very much for your sharing. please make more IELTS lessons.
I understood very well your lesson and I got 100 at the quiz, even though I am not going to prepare for IELTS or TOEFL. But… I was this summer in Rome, Italy, and I tried to speak in English. I am sorry to say it, but I barely recalled any simple word. Maybe I really have to write some essays to get into using vocabulary.
Thank you for your lesson!
writing is a language all its own, Arinamg. It can only help to use it.
Thank you Adam, really this lesson is great…
Adam, in my opinion you’re very professional. Thanks for the lesson. I got 8 correct out of 9.
Every single time that I’m doing this sort of tests (challenging ones), once I’m done, (even when getting high scores) there’s always an uncomfortable thought of “distrust” in myself. What could I do to stop feeling this way? It’s nerve-wracking.
Cheers from Venezuela.
Hi Snider,
One way is to have a native speaker give you feedback on your writing. But, if you’re getting high scores, that should be a confidence booster in itself. One last thing is after you write your piece (at home), don’t look at it for a couple of days. then check it again with fresh eyes. You might start trusting yourself then.
Good luck :)
Better than I was expecting, thanks! I’m working on it.
Could you do something about the following…?
In Venezuela, when someone has finished off high school, it’s a “Bachelor”. But it looks like the word Bachelor in American English, is used when someone has finished off University instead. So, when talking about these terms (Bachelor or Degrees in the diverse world of professionalism…) I dare to say that a lot of people get confused in Latin America, because we don’t know how you NORMALLY use them.
I’m still in college looking for a Degree in English, but how should I call myself properly in academic terms? (We don’t have native American teachers over here)
South America would apreciate if you make a class about it to clear all the doubts.
Thanks for all =)
Thank you for the lesson. A little difficult for the begining, but I try…And the quiz 78 points (7 correct out of 9), because or due on the fact that I haven’t a great vocabulary. :-) ! Cheers from Romania
Thank you for the lesson, Mr Adam !
Thanks lot
Thank you for the lesson
thanks alot adam for your lesson
Tnanks i gote many benefit for u
Thank you! I got 9/9, but I know I must improve.
Thank you very much
great teaching,Thanks a lot
8/9 thank you very very much . it contributes to my essey.
4 correct out of 9.
:( I wasn’t good in school, specially for essay analytic question…
Don’t worry BianLei! Do the same like me! I read the text more than one times for to understand the question. And I start to do the lesson only when I know the exactly means I need to do.
Other thing is that I watch the video more than one too. And I repeat out louder for to practice and improve my English.
I don’t if I’m very excelent in my English, but I have to practice and You have to practice day by day…
If you would like to talk with skype this is my account: cris.sp.brasil. Add me and we can study and practice together.
See you!!!
Thanks for your advice. :) I will download a Skype. :)
You’re welcome!!! I’m going to wait your invitation. I was surfing in your website and I really liked your photos. Title “Freedom love peace” Excellent sound and method of interactions with the photos. I’ve never ever seen it before! Great job and beautifull photos!
Hi Adam!!! I’ve got 8 out of 9 !!! Tks for your help! Excelent class!!!
Hi Adam
Thank you, it is very useful
Thank you
8 correct out of 9.
Thank you Adam. Very interesting
Your teaching is very interesting and easy to understand.
Thanks a lot. :)
thnx for the lesson, can you put some light on PTE acad..writting and listening section please.
Hi Jaspreet,
I’ve never taught the Pearson test, but I assume the strategies are pretty similar.
If I can get my hands on some samples I’ll be able to figure it out and get back to you.
Thank you Adam.i’m looking forward to your next episode.
Adam, I have one question, at least for now. :)
I often see people who write something like this:
“In chromium and firefox i’ve faster scrolling when i use pure cpu power on a 9500GT vs E7500@2.93GHz.”
It’s about “I’ve” because it’s contracted, and this isn’t any of perfect times. I’ve seen many of those, even “I’m”, for example:
Are you doing it?
Yes, I’m.
Is that possible to use contractions in that way, or it has to be a full word?
Besides, thanks for the hint with “pizza”, you know the “t+s” sound. :)
Okay, so “I’ve” is short for “I have”, and it is perfectly okay to say “I have faster scrolling…”. However, shortening it to “I’ve” is a feature of British English specifically.
A North American English speaker might say “I have the next day off” or “I’ve got the next day off”. A British English speaker could also say, “I’ve the next day off.”
Hi Morfik,
What the moderator has written is true. I will add, though, that when it comes to online writing, especially forums, everybody takes shortcuts as long as they’re understood. Should you use it in everyday speech or writing? nope.
(btw (by the way), your last line should begin with ‘anyway’, not ‘besides’ :) )
Thanks everyone :)
I Just Wanted 2 Say Hi . :)
I was wondering if you can provide a lesson about how to write a case study
Hi Adam, have you thought to finish your essay cycle with one conclusion lesson and when we will expect that lesson?
Thank you for all your effort.
thanks alot Mr.Adam for your lesson
Thanks Adam :)
thank you very much for your lessons,I find them helpful and interesting …
I got 7 correct out of 9.
I like your lesson :-D very useful. Thank you great teacher Adam :)
now where did this star coming from., ha ha, thanks mate you really helped me out, and especially with that he/she thing, i am used to it, i guess its high time since i stopped, with IELTS being round the corner, oh yeah tomorrow., btw no offence, glad that you are here and not into hollywood, seriously man you could make a good actor.. compliment. :) bless you.
I want to study in USA. I decided to take TOEFL course. But some people told me that I could take IELTS course. Because IELTS easier than TOEFL. Now I wonder if I take IELTS exam will I able to study any USA University? Please help me.
ask uni where you wanna study
Thanks Adam…Please keep going and make more videos regard to writing task.
Thanks a lot. Your lesssons are very helpful. I am looking forward to logging in on your own website soon.
Thanks Adam :)
Hello Mr.Adam :)
Thanks for this video, I took 69 in its quiz :3
I am aiming to do a TOEFL test.
Hi Adam,
Very good video! Tks!
Could u help me in how to determine the topic in a question? Like giving another examples.
For example:
“Why do people attend college or university?”
What is the topic?
For me the topic is exactly the question…=/
Dear Adam ,
Hope that video if i have send any official mail in to the client and office same grammar mistake so kindly advice
hey adam,
i m so impressed with your teaching skills.i mean you make thinks so simpler.Hats off to you man.:)
I got 10/10. This lesson is very useful for me. Thanks!
thumbs up :)
many thanks for you , this lesson very helpful
Yeap! very good instructor
Hi Adam
I thank you for writing video.
It is very attractive and comprehensive.
I hope you provide numerous of this useful video.
It conform to educational topic completely.
Thank you
This is a helpful lessen. Thank you so much. Now I clearly know that a introduction paragraph should include topic, question, opinion and reason within 3-5 sentences.
Thanks 44%
Thank you. The lesson is very useful!
it was interesting thanks a lot :)
Thank you Adam for tips and tricks :)
When we are doing body paragraph and conclusion?
All the best
nice lesson
my point is 89! :) I hope that i’ll write better from now.
Hi Adam, first of all thank you very much for your contribution, It means a lot to me to have this priceless materials. I have a question: Could we use “one” in stead of “he” or “she” and in that case would it be better or worse? Thanks a lot!
I think, in all languages we can use he or any male pronoun to refer to males including females.
Also, it was clear from the lesson that since your beginning-as a candidate- you are the one who can decide He or She, it is in your hands.
-From what I all gather I agree with you in using one which already refers to the narrator.
hi.. Everyone!! Do u know There’s actually a word for the day after
tomorrow — Overmorrow.
(see) thefreedictionary
Excellent lesson!. Thank you, for your knowledge.
Hi Adam,
thank you for this lesson. Please can you give me some details about the word therby
Excellent teacher :) thank you Adam
Could you please teach about the Body and Conclusion for IELTS Task 2. It helps a lot. You make everything amazing and simple. I like the way you are teaching.
Wishes you Warm Xmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you so much for this video, Adam. I’ve always found it difficult to write both the introduction and the conclusion. This is very good advice.
Thank you Adam for this useful lesson. It’s really interesting.
I am preparing for the TOEFL test and your video is of gret help. I am studying my BA in TEFL in colombia and the Ministry of Education requires all students to hold a C1 level certificate so that he can graduate.
Million thanks for yoour video. I’ll keep watching.
I have watched this lesson twice and I will do it for the third time. NICE job.
Hi Adam, thanks a lot for your excellent lessons. Just wondering if I can use “one” instead of she or he as you said
thank you for this lesson i think my week always in the reading i just take 5 out 9 depressed but it’s fine i will watch again video
Adam, has suggested some sample essays with the phrase “Both the advantages and disadvantages of this topic will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is reached” in the first paragraph. What is your opinion? Don’t you think that it is too vague and memorized? I like to write phrases like this but I am wondering if it could get lower mark.
Thank you Adam, you’re a great teacher. I am still not so clear about planning the introduction paragraph. Can u give us some tips?
Thanks. I wish I could be as wonderful as you. It takes time.
Hi Adam, very helpful tutorial. The method which you described about introduction paragraph is good. Now I got some suggestion to prepare nice paragraph for my IELTS exam. Thanks for it
thanks Adam
It was very beneficial lesson for me
and i feel happy to have 7 out of 9 correct answers in the quiz
thanks a lot!
your lessons always are very useful!
i’m preparing First CErtificate, but I think is quite similar.
hi adam i just watch your videos and it really helps me. Hi guys is someone out there want to be my speaking buddy? :)
Hi Adam,
nyc yh i got 7 correct out of 9 yh buh i was so confused in this test .
buh i did nyc thnx adam
Hi Adam,
I am confusing about the question4, i don’t know why the answer is ‘dicuss the positives and negatives of a gap year.” I disagree with “discuss the negatives of the gap year.” I think the introduction shows that the author are going to write the benifits of ” a gap year”, if there are something negatively about “the gap year’,then he cannot prove his point of view.
Thank you Adam,
I really enjoyed this lesson. you do your job very well
thanks sir adam ,i am facing such a problem to load their site ,cant able to search your all topics which are related to any teacher .
Hi Adam ,
Thank you very much for this video. Really helpful for me .
hello Alex,
its an understatement that you are all marvelous for my ilks of freshers in English learning.
About now, after my first attempt of Band & average, i feel i need to improve my writing and speaking more and will be very grateful if you and the Marvelous Crew can oversee my skills for me as my date gets closer.cheers
Hello Alex,
am deeply fascinated with your efforts and the rest of the crew over here,Engvid!!you are all masters!
will it be okay by you if i run some of my writing practices by you before my short resit date?
maybe i would have hit my goal if i had used this means of study then ,but alas am rearing to go and hit the bulls eye for the band 9,God willing and helping too.cheers
This is an interesting and valuable explanation. Thanks a lot Adam!. Could you check my essay and tell me how much it would obtain in IELTS?
Q: Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society? Give reasons for your answer.
Since the civilization of the mankind, freedom of speech, or the right to express one’s own ideas without influence, has been an arguing fact among citizens. The freedom of speech has been more substantial mater for the rulers for a free society. From my perspective, there should be a right for a person to express his ideas openly, but the freedom should have some limitations as well. Thus, people of the society are able to know the reality and the democracy is also established for them to live peacefully in a free society.
As it has been established in most of the countries, democracy should be protected by law and the opposition party of a democratic country should play a major role to protect the democracy itself. Pointing out the faults of the governing party is one of the main tasks of the opposition, which is able to perform with only the freedom of speech. Otherwise the government would ban criticizing them, if there is no privilege for the free speech.
On the other hand, the community would be able to know the truth through news, if the freedom of the reporters to report is protected. The reporters’ right is one of the considerable portions of the freedom of speech, which can be seen lost in some countries, by which reason the reporters are influenced, threatened and even assassinated.
However, there should be a limitation for the freedom of speech, since one should not be harassed or hesitated by another party’s speech. As a result, laws should be posed against the violent speech or reporting, by which all the human rights would be protected in a free society.
thanks Adam it really need more practice
Thanks for giving wonderfully idea .could you give me following paragraphs.
Thanks Adam
Hi, Adam.
This lesson is really helpful for me to start writing essays. However, I’ve been being trained by my IELTS teacher who said that my writing is really poor. I was sad but it doesn’t mean I stop trying. That’s why, aside for his helping me, I am hoping that, you have any chance to assist me (checking) in the essays I have written and let me know, how is the progression I’ve made. I want to send them by email, but I can’t find your email.
So, how could I contact you and send them?
I thank you for all of your lessons. I really enjoyed and found no difficulty listening to you. And thank you before and after.
Feibe – Indonesia
Hi Adam! Thanks for Lesson, you explain very good!
Thank you Adam
it was a nice, informative and useful lesson.
I will make all of my writings, this way. thanks
Very informative lesson,moreover it is funny to learn.THANKS A LOT
I could use “this person” needs…..instead of he
This is amazing Adam. Exactly what I need. Thank you very much.
I think you could post a video talking about Prepositional Verbs Adam. It would be essential. And I think it is a very common wrong between many people.
thanks so much.
Hi adam,
firstly thank you for this video and it really help me to improves my writing skills but still i have little bit confusion in difference between question and topic.
Hey, Adam! I need more of these to fully prepare me for TOEFL. I got 6 out of 9.
Thank you so much Adam!
wooow great…”opt for” is a new vocabulary for me…. D
Thank you for your lesson! It’s useful for me because i’m studying ielts, your lesson is very exciting :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Hey Adam, Thank you this great video. I have passed my IELTS exam and my writing band score was the highest of all the categories. My band score for writing was 7.5 :-D
this is an awesome website with amazing methods
i’m wondering if you guys can do task 1 & 2 check and give feedback?
Thank you Very much sir :)
Hello Adam !
I like your lessons a lot !
I need to improve my Ielts score ,especially writing . Do you have this options?
How much it would cost to check my essays and task 1?
Please advice . Thank you .
Hi Adam.
I am new student to your website and i liked you really because your accent is very pure and most of teachers in this awesome website.
i indeed thank you. About this lesson it will help me but still i have a confusion, especially when it comes reason and how to connect with the body paragraph. So what is your suggest.
Can i get my essays’ outlines checked by you?
Hello sir! Thank you very much for such clear explanation. I had troubles with introduction. Now I hope to manage my essay writing:)
Thanks Adam for your explanations. They were very clear. Still, I need to practice a lot.
I want to ask you about the thesis statement. As you said in the video in the giving opinion part, you advised us to give general opinion only (as you did in the video: economic benefit or social benefit). Hence, is that ok if I write my thesis like this?
In my opinion, I believe that we should maintain the level of academic ability as requirement to admission university because there are many benefits accompany it.
Thank you for your attention
Hello Adam,
After taking inputs from your youtube video, I have written introduction to a topic. Can you please mark me or correct me for this sample.
‘Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Topic: Career option for women
Question: Whether they should join the armed forces
Opinion : Partially agree
Reasons : No career should have gender biasing. Women can be used as soft targets.
When it comes to career, the women these days, are not limited to choosing from certain options only. All career options are open to them; and women have proved time and again, that competency at a skill is not linked to gender. However, whether or not women should join armed forces has always been debatable. I am personally of the opinion that women should be allowed to serve in the armed forces as well, though there could be some areas or situations where deployment of women forces might not be ideal.
Thank you Adam!
Do we have tips for the following paragraphs?
Hi Adam,
I like to use plural pronouns when referring to indefinite nouns, because they’re gender-neutral, and hence not sexist. E.g: When a person needs to make an important choice in life, THEY need to consider their loved ones in the process.
Question is: could this cause me any trouble on my IELTS exam?
thank you very much Adam :) :)
I wish I knew about your site earlier. Congratulatios!
Thank you for your lesson! It was useful! Could you give more lessons about IELTS’ writing?
thnanks for teachng me
i got 9 out of 9 & thanks
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Hi Adam,
Thank you for this lesson it is pretty useful, can you give some advice about “comparison essays” also. How could we write a strong thesis for this kind?
Thanks in advance I will keep following your classes.
thank you Adam for your this valuable lesson.
my problem is the essay subject , when you see a topic that you don’t have any idea about it
please do you have and suggestion for that
What about Writing skills: Conclusion Video?
Have you done it?
Hi teacher I want to take IELTS FOR GOING TO.USTRALIA study . But now confusing with my English. Iam weakness with listening and writing. Can you give me suggestion how I can improve that?
Great class Adam!
so sad 6/9 :(
but it is a great lesson by the way
thx so much adam…I wonder if you said you were freelance editor,so you kind of check essay for students? ><
here is introduction for you
As a student who looks toward the future on studying abroad, among the first choice she has to make is who she can learn English with. Should she study with teacher Adam or Others? While all these options are worth considering, I would prefer to study with adam,not only in order to gain my english skill, but also because adam is one of the kind and greatest English teacher from engvid.
btw, wait for your new video to come out^^
Hello Adam! I enjoy your lessons and especially thanks for this one. Cause it’s very informative and useful for me right now since I take IELTS test in a month and, to be honest, haven’t even started to practice yet. And you inspired me somehow to finally start. However, I’ve got a question for you- In the first examples first sentence you said :”…life’s MORE difficult choices.” Why didn’t you use superlative adjective (MOST, I mean)? And I’m not certain in my understanding in using commas. Don’t you have a lesson on this topic? Thanks again.
Do u check essay for student?
Hi Adam! Got 9. :) I took the exam twice already. And I need to get all 7 in the academic module. I guess I cannot really please my reader on the writing part. How should I deal with it? Do you check essays too?
Thanks teacher Adam.
Thank you Adam. It helped me a lot.
Best online English website ever!
Thanks Adam, its a very useful video!
Hi Adam,
Even as speaker of English language (not from birth though), I have found this particular lesson very useful. I haven’t written an essay since my schooling days. I do write reports and business emails, but not essays. However, I might considering writing essays too. Thank you. Oh! I did score 9 out of 9 on the quiz :-)
Cheers mate.
thanks my dear
Ok 100 % this lesson with Adam, surprise… Thanks.
hello Mrs Adam i have a question, how many paragraphs should the body of the essay be?
Hello Adam;
I listened your lesson twice, also took the test and made 100 points. This means that your teaching strategy is very clear and straight to the point. I’m lucky to have you to assist me on basic ways on how to writ an introduction.
Thanks so much.
Adam, I think in the IELTS test we have to do different introductions for each kind of essay, is that right ? So how do I do with each kind of essay ?
Thank you for your lesson.
Hy!Adam I hird that IELTS test haves some sord of expiring period (2 years), and I do not know is this true or not?
hi mr adam
thanks for your teach very clear and easy to understand to me.i have a question mr adam
how i can send essays to be checked?is it possible?
good practice test.
Hi Adam
Thanks for your support. really you are huge cleaver teacher. i liked the way of teaching us . this videos was very interested lesson and i will track in your tips. i know somehow how write or prepare a paragraph . topic from beginning and end conclusion. so i will read more and more for this lesson and relevant.
so thanks please my teacher Adam
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the video.
Can you please tell me that how to use connectors in both writing tasks and what type of connectors it should be,am always confused in this.
Thanks Adam
my essay skill must be awful ==”
i’m quite good at Literature in Vietnamese but I can’t help with the English :))
wow 7 / 9 not bad for 1st time ha ? :) thanks Adam
Thank you Adam. You are great! If anyone like to be a friend of me search me in fb. We can improve our English
Adam, thank you very much for your great lessons! Could you please help me with this: I’ve seen a lot the use of ‘they’, ‘their’, etc. to match singular nouns and pronouns, e.g. ‘If my mobile phone runs out of power, a friend lets me borrow theirs’. Another example: ‘When someone does not get a haircut, their hair grows long.’ Can this usage be considered ‘good English’? What is the best when we use non-identified gender nouns like friend, person, someone, etc.? Thanks and all the best!
It says I’ve got “8 out of 9”. I hope my IELTS will score the same, with one or few mistakes. If I wanted to practice my writing skills, I normally make several write-ups of anything under the sun. I am not so confident in my writing skills, so I wanted to learn a lot. Although the communication in my job requires me a Technical writing format, I still need to deliver my thoughts in good English. Technical writing style of writing has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing, academic writing or business writing.
thanks alot
Thank you so much.It’s a useful lesson with me.
thank you very much and I appreciate your efforts
best regards
thnx Adam , but i’m confused about few points , my teacher tell me that i should give my opinion in the body paragraphs specially in the paragraph in which i discuss points i agree with … what should i do ?
Hey, Adam! Thank you very much for your tips! I’m sure they’ll help me a lot on my IELTS test this month!
Your pronunciation is perfect, so easy to understand!
I’m a fan hahahahaha :D
Best wishes from Brazil :D
So many brazilian buddies arround here, this is niiiiiiiice! :D
Thank you Adam.
Thanks Adam! the lesson was great, but could please put a lesson on how to write a good essay ! especially on the structure of an essay.
many thanks to your nice explanantions
hi Adam,
thank you for your lesson..
i just got 7 out of 9….
i always watch your video about all IELTS prep. it’s firmly benefit for me…
again.. thank you
Thank you sir…
thanks adam! You are making the lessons very easy.
However, when using he or she, is it okay if I use “someone” instead?
Thanks Adam. Very good lesson again. Till date I am unaware of minimum (3) and maximum (5) number of sentences which gives good introduction for the essay. You clarified me clearly about each and every sentence importance in introduction paragraph. Thanks a ton.
hi, guys, if you want to practice with me my skipe is fred.martinez38 please add me.
thank you so much you better than my teacher
thankyou it was verygood Quiz
Hi Adam, till I listen to this lesson I was not clear about the sentences which we write as part of the introduction. Now you filled my mind with clarity about the introduction paragraph which contains topic, question, and opinion.
Thanks for providing good lesson for writing Introduction.
I got 89. why? I have to get 100. it’s your fault…look at this..
Besides making a choice, what else might this task A:be asking you to do?
B:discuss the benefits of traveling
C:discuss the benefits of graduating from high school
D:compare and contrast studies and work
E:discuss the positives and negatives of a gap year
“I couldn’t find the negative point which was mentioned on it” so A ia true , but you said E why?
hai Adum,
i am thank full to you a lot because i am just starting my preparation on writing and i really don’t know how to start-up and then i watched your video now i get the idea. thank you once again.
why don’t you write a full task 2 ielts essay for a band 9 and explain it, why is a band 9, so everybody can decide if is possible for a non native speaker to make one or not ok….everybody everywhere this …do that…let me see..make a full explanation ..allot of BS websites everywhere…
Hello Adam,
Firstly, thanks a lot for your lessons they are very interesting and informative, but i would like you give me your advice.
We have state exams and we also need to write essay, i’ll give you an example of it and would like to know your recomendations.
It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if theydon’t see any need for them in the near future.
What is your opinion& do u agree with this statement?
write 200-250 words.
use the following plan:
make an introdaction(state the problem)
express your personalopinion and give 2-5 reasons for your opinion
express an oposing opinion and give1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
explain why you don’t agree with the oposing opinion
make a conclusion restarting your position
thanks for advance.
thanks for your lesson Adam
what the the meaning of ‘they will not bet met easily’
they = problems
Excellent job, Adam! I’m feeling much more confidente to face my toefl exam next saturday. Thanks for clarifying the use of “he” in the essay. It has been na issue for me, until now. :)
Great lesson, will you record one about the body paragraphs as well? Thanks
Thank you,
My exam tomorrow morning<stressssss
Thank you very much fro giving new ideas. I will take IELTS exam on 28 February.
I had only 4 correct. I can’t believe it…
Adam, thankss!! u r the cutest teacher !!
Thanks!! I got 8 of 9!!
I think it better than toeic test in reading part.
I want to be a good skill in English which have been good in the future.
Even though, I’m silly in English. I will try.
hii Adam, thanks for this interesting lesson. I am prepairing for my IELTS exam, i would like to get some links of your videos regarding writing stratergies for IELTS in academic.
thank you.
89 ^^. thank you adam
Hi Adam :)Thanks for the lesson. Could you please upload the video about IELTS writing task 2 body paragraphs structure??
์ืNext week I am going to test TOEFL in BKK of Thailand.
How to do???
very thanks
Thank you
thanks teacher i got 67 %
good experience with this lesson!!
Thank You Sir
Thank you a lot!
I enjoyed every videos of lessons here in particularly lessons discussed by Adam. Thank you for sharing your expertise:)
I think it is a very useful lesson to passing writing module in the IELTS.
Best lesson! That cause me to write my first comment, HUGE LIKE!
Where can I find the all essay lessons that you teach?
thank you, I couldn’t recognize topic before that. so I know what does it mean.
Dear Adam
I need your tip !! Because I have Only 3 months to start with TOEFL Exam Could you please gave me a table how Can I Study ?
Being taught by you I feel realy exciting in my English level and IELTS. I don’t know how to thank you!
Hi Adam,
I have ielts exam next Saturday, I hope you answer before that day :)
First, you are so successful, of course you do not need my appreciation.
The thing that I would like to learn how would be the ielts examiners’ approach to the essays standing on the grey area for ‘opinion on a trend’ or ‘agree & disagree’ questions. I mean I am not a creative person that can produce lots of pros and cons, opinions, causes for each subject, especially under stress. However if I put forward something a mixture, a combination of both sides, I may find more ideas to meet required number of words.
Thank you for your help,
best regards,
Hello Mr. Adam,
With all due respect, I would like to know how would one write the body structure and conclusion.
Should one self adapt the structure below or no?
1. Topic Sentence 2. Body with example 3. Conclusion sentence.
Can you please elaborate a little more. I will be very thankful.
Abdul Mashid Bessed
What i didn’t understand is how to write personal pronouns. Is it use only “he” when we are writing about humans? On the example Adam used this sentence: A person reaches adulthood, he needs something. Is it right to use like this or better if we use he/she. Anybody knows?
:) Adam just answered my question at the end of the video. It is not right to write he/she..
Hello!!can you give advice which would probably enhance my writing skills??
Topic: Computers can bring us a lot of disadvantages as well as benefits
Introduction:One cannot deny that computers like everything else in the world have pros and cons.Undoubtedly,there is a plethora of questions,but the most significant one is that do they bring more disadvantages than benefits?As far as I am concerned, they are in possession of much more priveleges rather than damage.This is due to the fact that computers do provide us with much more specific and accurate information.
Another one:
Topic sentence:School education and parental influence are equally important for the development of a child
Body:School education and parental influence are equally important for the development of a child.Development of a child is a very difficult subject to elaborate on ,as it hinges upon different factors such as the attention that is paid to the child and the impact on psychology.In addition, school education is approximately the same as parental influence ,due to the fact that the time the child spends with both of them is probably similar.Since that we can be convinced that school and parents actually do play a decsive role in child’s development equally
Adam, Thank you for the lessons.
This particular lesson really help me.
you teach us to have the right structure in introduction paragraph.
could you give a lesson about discussion type essay for IELTS Writing Task2?
Thank you for your helping Adam ! but i confused a litte bit i was thinking the start to introduction like this “The discussion that whether or not —–(the subject) is a debatable one. There are logics provided by supporters of both the views.In my opinion, there are more advantages to live in the city due to the fact that the city offer better economic and social benefits.”
I just put them all of your and my sentences together. Do you think is that okay to write this introduction and also is there any mistake in this sentences?
I will take IELTS next weekend on 29th of August. So please help me i need your feedback.
Hi Adam, first of all I would like to say thanks a lot for all your lessons. it’s really very helpful and I love to watch all your videos.
I have some confusion. I go through some online lessons about how to write introduction of IELTS task 2 and some of them say rephrase the given question and other says write the general idea about topic. So can you tell me which one works best?
TIA :)
thnks for this lesson Adam .U ARE ADAM LİKE İN TURKİSH ADAM:NİCE MAN
Great! Thank you Adam for your helpful lesson
This lesson has been another step in my learning.I need more like this, please!!!Thanks.
hi i’m really confused whether to pass toefl or not.i’m an advance student, however i struggle to use my phrases and that’s what really irritates me. Do you know what are the causes behind this.Thanks in advance
Hello Adam, I have been watching the IELTS videos for a couple of weeks now, and while doing practice tasks for the writing task 2 a doubt came up. Should we add a title to our essay? I am doing the general test. Thank you!
Hello Adam! First of all, thank you for great lessons! They are really helpful. Could you please tell if there is any chance you can asses my IELTS essay online? Thank you in advance
hi Adam, thank you very much. its very easy to understand and i am looking forward to vocabulary classes.
thanks a lot for your instruction. it is clear and useful.
Hi Adam, thanks for your tips. I love your classes and they have been very helpful.
I have a question for you. This essay I have to write is about giving and supporting an opinion regarding “moving a capital” and then discussing potential problems and benefits. Can I in this case not been in favor and not been against it and support my reasons? My introduction would be as below:
“Some governments chose to move their capitals. There are several benefits and problems that it might cause unagree . In my opinion, a country should consider moving the capital if economically and also socially it will benefit the country.”
Thanks for your help.
Best Rgds, Tati
Hi Adam, though I am not sure about it but I think I have heard from you in writing section presentaion that you said you don’t need to have a conclusion!! is that possible?
As a person reaches adulthood, he needs to decide….
Well, I thought that using “one needs to decide…”would be more correct,thanks for clarifying
Adam,great lesson! Is it any lesson for the body and the conclusion of the essay? Thanks!
Hi Adam.
Thanks for the suggestions
when I take the Toefl exam, ¿should i SPEAK and WRITE in a formal manner or should i sound like a native speaker? . For example, which of the following is better for the writing and speaking sections exam:
She is the woman I work for
She is the woman for whom I work
And can i use contractions:
i’d like to go the city
i would like to go to the city
Thanks for the lesson Adam, they are always incredibly helpful. Now I understant the importance of knowing the four type of sentences, which you explained on another video. Do you know if there is any service on the internet where I could pay for someone to correct my essays? I do not have a teacher, but I need someone to show my mistakes.
Thank you Adam.You are one the awesome tutors I’ve ever meet. Your lessons are very clear and accurate. I would ask u about creating more IELTS lessons, which are very helpful. I will wait them. Thanks again.
thank you for your tips adams i will keep in mind, when i take the toefl ibt this february 20
THANKS A LOT~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks for the lesson Adam, but I have a question
Is it necessary to give our opinion in the introduction part??
I think this structure is similar to the conclusion part!!!
Hi dear Adam and thanks for your great lesson.It was a masterpiece again.
I would very grateful if you could teach us the body and conclusion part .
Thanks again :)?
Hi Adam
Thank you for your great lessons
I have a problem. can you guide me how to download these files?
nice video thank you
most of the tenses used are in the present form both in ielts writing task 1 and task 2? thanks!
Learnt great lessons here, you basically covers most of the doubts running through mind. Great job Adam!
Adam! Thank you! your tips and instructions are always very helpful!
Need Help!!Hi Adam if i post my essay written for IELTS writting task -2?W”ll u do a favor to check it?
Thanks for the lesson Adam. Your Ielts concept are very clear and easy to understand.
Hi Adam
I would like to write a simple introduction about anything and see if you can check it for me. My writing is so weak.
So useful…thanks Adam… it help a lot
Dear Mr. Adam, good day, trust you are doing great. I sincerely appreciate your teaching. Thank you. I would like to inquire how can i send you my essay for your assessment and correction. Would appreciate your kind assistance.
I really had difficulties starting an introduction, because it consumes a lot time thinking on how to start and to begin with. Thank you so much for this lessons!I hope you can also discuss the body of the essay further too… thank you so much
Adam, would you be able to check my IELTS writing task 2?
wow.i got 100% correct .9 out of 9. thanks eng vid
Fabulous nobody taught writing essays you taught me!!!! Thank you very much I am indebted.
Thanks Mr Adam for such great lessons.
I would like to ask you a question, the negatives of a gap year was not discussed in the introduction, all the sentences related to it were positive.
why did you chose 4 in question number 4?
Hi Adam.
I have a little bit question.
In your explain you wrote:
“what is your opinion?”
“what are your reasons?”
my question is?
why in the first question you used IS and in the second you use ARE?
Hi there,
In the fist he used IS because (your opinion) is ONE opinion,it is singular and in the second he used ARE because (your reasons) is plural, so more than one idea.
One opinion is…
Two reasons are…
Could you understand?
It was very hard for me that my first language is Portuguese!Thanks Teacher
I will definitely pray to the muses in task 1 of the IELTS writing part… I still don´t know how to describe neither a line, nor a bar graph.
oh gosh. Thank you for this. After watching this i was inspired to start practicing writing again and focus on that for my second try.
Good luck! We believe in you!
Thank your for the lesson. I have a clearer idea of how to write an introduction. :)
Hi Adam:
What about using “AS” instead of “DUE TO” or even “BECAUSE”.
Thanks & greets.
And in the second example, to avoid “sexism”, I’d write: “the need to decide on where to live comes into play” or “it is very important (you can add for that individual) to decide on where to live”.
Thanks & greets.
Thanks Adam
very good notes and comments
are there any one to help me which kind of structures are used in sentence below:
“Animals , many people believe , merits more humane treatment.”
thanks in advance
Hello Adam,thank you for your useful lessons they have been helping me a lot. I want to know if is it possible to send you some of the essays I wrote because I’m preparing for TOEFL exam and I will be taking it soon and I would love to have some feed back from you
Dear Adam,
I am really thankful to you and Engvid for all the great lessons you prepared for us. I really enjoyed watching and learning your writing course on Task 2-Paragraph. I am also wondering it there is another video or explanation to understand the differences between “choosing” and “comparing or contrasting” types of writing?
Thank you again for your time and consideration
Adorable, Thanks Adam, we need guidelines about how to write the body of the Paragraph as well.
Hi Adam, Please point out the sentences in the paragraph as they are not clear. Thanks
Thank you very much for the lesson. I know He/She Him/Her is really annoying if I keep repeating ‘his or her’ or ‘he or she’ in the same piece of writing but I think it works perfectly in a single sentence. So, can I use He/she sometimes and perhaps use plural forms such as their, they, etc., despite the fact that they don’t grammatically agree with the singular noun or pronoun they refer back to like “How much can you tell about someone from their choice of Wellington boot?”
Thanks, Adam.
hi teacher
thanks for the precious info that you gave it to us
may I wirte my essay here in order to be checked?
Thanks! I hope i can make a good intoduction.
Thank you so much for such an amazing information for Writing Task 2 Intoduction part! I really appreciate your help and support!
Anar Zhunussova
i love this video. it gives me immense idea how to write introduction in the IELTS test. thanking you very much. i am looking forward to having full composition in future.
Hi Adam,
Thanks so much. This class helped me a lot. You speak very clear and for us it is perfect to understand.
So I have one question about the reasons. What is better, put two reasons ow three? For me is very hard writing three reasons. With two reasons I will have just two paragraph. So does it makes my essay poor?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Adam !
It does not defer that one is in the city or the country because the loud noise of diesel motorcycles are annoying in both of them (unfortunately).
Thanks Adam! it was a great class, I have a question, you always say how important is to check our essays, someone to review and help to improve, as I am a self-taught student, do you have any idea or resource I could use? Like a website or online service for that? Thank you so much!
Sir could you please correct my essay for writing task 2? I am appearing for IELTS on 26th August.
If possible, kindly provide me with the procedure for uploading my essay.
Thank you Adam
Great video Adam, thanks.
Hi Adam. Thank you so much for this video, and I so Love this website it is very much helpful for me as a beginner since I will be taking up my IELTS exam 3 months from now. However, the problem for me is that I am having a hard time composing a sentence considering the Grammar Rules if i should say it. I know that it would take a lot of practice but
As an expert for this, what can you suggest so I can be able to write at least a good essay?
Looking forward to your comment. Thank you very much.
Hello, I’d like to know if there are any videos about the ECPE’s writing task.
Such a nice video
Hi, Adam. Thank you for your beneficial lessons. Can we use “they” instead of he/she?
Hello, Adam. I don’t know how to contact with you. I am reading your site for writing and I am highly interested in it. Is it possible to train my own teaching skills in writing with you somehow? While working at writing with my students, I write essays myself but no one checks me, which I really desire.
Thank you very much.
Hi Adam. I just watched your video on youtube, and wrote a TOEFL essay, would you mind help me correct?
Hi Adam I hope you are very well,let me tell you that I am planning to move to Toronto with all my family but first I have to take my IELTS test, I am so nervous I need to get a high score if I want to enrroll to college, your videos are so helpful for me, even though I have been there many times I am scared of not being able to get it… I will keep watching your videos and I hope to meet you one day
thanks Adam it is very nice to know some one like you, your videos are very helpful, I’m trying to get the TOEFL exam, and I’m in practicing writing task2 .
one of the practicing examples in TOEFL official test book is ‘Q\ some student prefer to study alone, other prefer to study with a group of student . which do you prefer? use specific reason and examples to support your answer’
at this time I do the answer bellow can you tell me if there any mistake in it
when the study life become more complex, determining the method of study becomes more important. studying alone or with group of friends doesn’t matter as long as the studier get the full benefit, but studying within a group have more advantage and more fun
one of the most important reason that make studying with a group of pupils is creating appropriate environment to study, prompting each other to study harder and harder
also that we can’t forget that studying with various student mean studying with a lot of ideas that make the student more capable to understand the material and get many solutions that make him more understandable to the problem
last thing but not least, studying with friends make it more fun and less stress and this is very important point that must take in mind, and make the student more creative and loving to the material that he study
last thing, studying with group push the student to give up shyness and make a good social comunication that helping him tomorrow
8/9 Thank you. It’s very helpful
Hi Adam
Thank you very much for your lesson :)
I’ve got one question about choosing between HE/SHE while writing. I’ve heard that we can use THEY instead of HE or SHE when we are to write about a person. Is it correct form?
Hi Adam
Thank you for the helpful tips.
I am just wonderering why I get correct answer when I am confused to chose but sometimes when I am sure about the answer, it hoes wrong.
Thanks again.
Sir Adam
thanks for the free practice test on writing task 2 introduction.
more free practice course…please
Thanks Adam very, very useful a lesson
I have 2 question
First : how should we know an idiom is formal or informal ?
And second : We must write at least 250 word in tast 2 ( ielts ) .
What is you suggestion we are supposed to write about 250 word or more ?
( i know this has been asked many times and you pointed out in one video but i didn’t find it . )
( I know this has been asked many times and i can remeber you pointed out in one video but i didnt find the answer )
Hi Adam,
I am new user can you give me a favor I write an introduction paragraph can you review and provide feed back on it.
the question is about increasing number of cars which resultant in traffic jams & government should do something about it
“in today’s world having a car is not a challenge any more for any one. this opportunity is creating chaos in traffic condition. In my opinion this condition should be handled. this could be controlled by government or any legal body should be created by government who impose certain rules on car purchase more over they had better provide a better substitute to people for traveling”
warm regards,
Hi Mr Adam
I have just registered because i have never seen such kind of good website to study English.But i have a problem with reading and writing.Can you give me some advises to improve my knowledge at this sphere of Ielts.
please can I use (I) in opinion essay?
Hello Mr. Adam, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Yesterday I did 3 introductions to practice, I spent 5 min for each one. I used to do differently in the past. Please, do you think it’s good? I’ve tried to follow your pattern.
Currently, people, such as famous entertainers and athletes, has an important visibility that can help everyone. Sometimes the youngers receive this benefit and in another time can be the older people to gain this. In my opinion, it is very important to younger achieve this benefit because they are inexperienced and have a lack of knowledge, something that they really believe in what the famous people are talking or doing.
Nowadays we need to understand that our decisions will impact our lives for a long time. Sometimes we are in moments that we need to calculate the risk and decide if we are going to be a risk taker or if we are going to be cautious. My personal opinion about this is we need to take care of our decisions that because the world, in general, is very unstable in actuality and doing this we can predict the future based in the schedule.
Today is normal companies working 24 hours per day because the demanding is very huge. Because of this sometimes the employee needs to decide which routine he will opt for, work more hours in a 3 days routine with more time to rest or work 5 days having fewer hours of work per day. In my opinion, work 3 days with long hours of work is more advantageous because the person will have more free time to do different things, for instance, spending time with family or working in a different job.
Thanks a lot Mr.Adam!
Adam, I just saw your video for writing Task 2 in TOEFL and i realize that this helps me a lot with the structure of my paragraphs. Thanks to you, now i can plan my essay with the main ideas you told us to do.
Thanks again.!
Adam following your directions, how can apply it to a independent writing, where im ask to state other reasons than a main one? give you an example
People work for money to live. What are other reasons that people work ?
Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples to support your answer.
Hello Mr Adam,
Can you show me the video, which you have guided how to do task 2 of IELTS ?
Please reply me soon :)
Hi Adam! I just want to ask you if you can give me some tips about how to start the introduction. The thing is i understood the whole vídeo but the problem comes when i have to start writing the intro. I dont have ideas ! Thanks
Thanks for the lesson
Thank you very much for this free site. I love all your lessons such a big help.
Hi , I am weak in writing,so can you suggest me how do I practice for it.
Hey Adam, really appreciate your attention with your students. Can you make more classes about the TOEFL reading? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
I liked the 7th question!
hi Adam,i am from pakistan and i want to give ielts exam.
i have watched you vidz on GT essay and i went onto try one of the essays by myself….here i am posting the essay.plz guide me through this,,,,,sorry for the juggling of words.
the essay.
Choosing between science subjects and history as the core subject is the debate of modern time as there are two opposite views, some vote the history subject while others are against it vice versa. In my opinion, Science and Technology is the need of modern times.
”Science and Technology”, play a vital role in our daily life where scientific knowledge keeps us aware of all the nutrients on the other hand technology shapes our life, thus making our life more comfortable. To talk about modern Technologies, one name that comes to the mind is SteveJobs who has given, a modern man, the gift of Mobile phone, making the communication better than before. Moreover, there is a blessing of an e-mail. The knowledge of Science and Technology is the need of the 21st century because new studies are helping us to fight against the challenges, like the plague, cancer and the dangerous outbreak which has destroyed half of the population of the earth, affecting the economic structure is the virus which is known as Corona. One of the gifts of modern times is the Automobile industry in which modern cars have shortened the long journeys of days into hours.
The subject of history is also having its importance as it gives information about past historical events.
History is a resource through which modern man has made discoveries and making more progress while taking help from the past.
History, Science and technology are the essential subjects for a man and they must be taught, however. History leads to new studies and invention/discoveries.
Now, I can tell that I have more experience due to your lesson, have been practicing a lot after seeing this video !! Thank you
8/9! Good! I plan to write all things in English to improve my English writing. But only one thing I am confused about is how to check the grammar for these sentences.
You explained it well. Thanks
Adem, you are one of the finest teachers one could wish for. And I am lucky to run into engvid to improve my English. I will be taking my IELTS test next week. I have been a regular visitor of this awesome site and all the great teachers it has onboard.
Hello Adam,
Abhishek this side, I have a doubt, you mentioned in the lesson where to live, in a city or a country? I didn’t exactly understand what you mean by country? If I know correctly city comes inside the country. So, all the pros and cons for the city will fall under the country also. What is the difference between city and country here?
“Country” also means a rural area! When people talk about living in the country (as opposed to living in the city) that is what they mean.
For example: “What do you miss about living in the country?” “The fresh air. Also, people are friendlier.”
Hi, Adam. I really appreciate your hard work to make a difficult issue simpler. One thing that really annoys me is the comments of some people who are jealous of you, and therefore, comment something really disgusting. I hope you don’t mind those comments.
Amazingly interesting. The tips are useful guidelines towards improving one’s writing skills. Keep it up Adam and do not get deterred by some of the negative comments by some unsatiables.
What a good lesson is this one Adam, as you just sayed for improve and write correctly we should practice and practice a lot, greetings from Venezuela