Are your IELTS Task 1 scores fluctuating in your practice samples? In other words, are they sometimes high and sometimes low? If they are low, it might be because you are using some of the necessary words incorrectly. In this lesson, we will look at nine essential words for this section of the test and how to use them correctly so as to reach your peak band score. Do you know the difference between percent and percentage, former and latter, 20-year-old man and a man who is 20 years old? You will understand all this and more after watching this lesson.
Hello, can we practise our English together through Skype ?
really good answer dear Thanks dear sir…
Bushra hg
Thanks Adam :)
Thanks Adam. Your lesson is great, as always.
Yeah I understood thank you ADAM and all the staff of Engvid
Thanx Mr.Adam for useful lesson :)
I doubt about a miss of “S” in the answer of question No.7
i think the answer will be -year-olds myabe I’m wrong
Yes, me too :)
I made the same mistake.
It happens sometimes, no problem.
Dear i’m also want learn English Very well your not just one who’s want Learn English..
Hi Basem,
You would be right if there weren’t the noun ‘group’ following the blank. Because this is a compound adjective, there is no need for the ‘s’.
The 34-49-year-olds (this wasn’t an option)
The 34-49-year-old group is correct
My apologies:
I just watched the video again and realized I didn’t mention the compound adjective use in the video.
If this use isn’t clear, please ask me for more samples.
thank Adam.that was the great lesson.could u please explain more about compound adjective?you said 18-25year-olds is a noun. then why it was not correct in my quiz??
Hi Adam
I am having difficulty in asking questions.Could you please guide me how to do so in order to get immediate reply if you could help?
Ghayoor Abbas
Hi Adam
so, “21-year-old” is an adjective, and “21-year-olds” is a noun. Am I right?
Thank you for your great lesson, Adam. The quiz was also interesting :)
I have a question. Could you tell me that?
Well…about “respectively”…
I understood that…
latter – 2nd of 2 things mentions
former – 1st of 2 things mentions
Well, how about 3rd, 4th, 5th…of many things mentions?
in your lesson… about Katy?
Hi Happy,
Former and latter are used with only two things. In a list of more than two, you can still use latter to refer to the last item in the list.
Respectively means that a second list follows the same sequence as a first list.
The teacher awarded grades of 80, 85, 87, and 89 to Bob, Lisa, Wendy, and Tim, respectively–
Bob- 80; Lisa-85; Wendy-87; Tim-89.
Does this help?
I got it! Helpful! Thank you very much, Adam :D
Great lesson Adam.
What about the expression “not only…but also…?”
How to use it properly?
Hi Wilson,
The main thing to remember about not only is to follow it with an inverted clause (Not only verb then Subject)…
The second part adds something to the first. We use this expression to highlight or emphasize something.
Not only did he pass the test, but he also got the highest mark in the class.
Does this help?
Yes, it does.
Thank you very much for your explanation. I am a big fan of your job. Since I started watching your videos, I have been learning a lot.
Great job.
Hello if there is somebody who wants to practice English, this is my Skype: zemeireyes
Thank you very much, that was healpful.
Bilal Alshareef
Thank you Adam, what a useful and difficult lesson today!! I´ll watch the video once and again to remember all this vocabulary ;)
I think I got the number 9 correct but it says it is not…
Hi Maury,
In this case, latter = males. Their raise was negligible (almost nothing), so females got more.
thank you ADAM for the lesson and a great lesson.
So,I Come back again and try again.
Teacher ADAM,Do you wanna tell me what happened?
Muad Abdiaziz
Hi Muad,
What happened when?
As for improving your English, build up your vocab and review some basic grammar rules.
Aslo I wanna to improve my english language very well tell me Adam what before first I try
Muad Abdiaziz
Hi Adam, thank you very much. Your lessons that are always informative are really helpful for an ESL.
thank you very much
ayman zakaria
Thanks Adam for this advanced lesson
It was very useful to clarify some of my doubts about how to express data analysis in English.
Fabio Cicerre
Good lesson for the IELTS test! Thanks Adam!
Thanks a lot
this lesson is very helpful .. thanks Adam :)
Majd Hasweh
Improving even more!!! thank you Adam!!!
thanks for your lesson , I confused with latter and former these words really make me confuse.
Hi Asmaa,
Remember that former means first, and latter means second when you have two things and then refer to them again.
5/10 too dificult to me ):
carlos 2138
For me too hey, I got 6 out of 10.
Thanks for you lesson i have scored 7 out of 10.
Just started following you guys not many days ago, signed today and took my first quiz …10/10 not bad I guess. Keep them coming, awesome website. I will be taking General training test on September 12 . Anxiety just peak !
Welcome Af.
The most important thing to remember is to relax :)
haha yup I know, 5 days to go. Just focusing at the moment in writing (Complex sentences, all kinds), prolly able to target 7 band overall this time. Thanks for the lessons adam.
Adam, can you recommend me some beautiful romantic American poetry? Please…
HI Katrin,
I’m afraid I’m not an expert in this area, but I think you can find a lot of beautiful lyrics/poetry in the music of the 60s and 70s.
I’ll look around though and see what I can find for you ;)
Thank you Adam. I’m looking forward.
What does the verb TO DOG actually mean?
I think is follow someone, closely, insistently. Like the paparazzi do…
Thank you Bergvolk. I believe it is one of the meanings of this verb.
Bergvolk is right. It also means to be chased, usually by something emotional or mental (dogged by his fears of rejection), not so much physical.
Thanks Adam for teaching, i thanks it was just high level for me, but anyway it was useful to prepare at the futur
u are right flower2015
xoxo nash
thanks a lot Adam u made me fail
xoxo nash
Hi xoxo,
If at first you don’t succeed, try try again :)
thank you so much.
Abdul Koita
10 correct out of 10… Not bad but not enought.
Adam, next time you’ll talk about makeup :-D
In Italy, plateau is a term to indicate female wedge shoes (with high heels) ;-)
It’s a French word, maybe you know that because you live in Canada.
Stop doing the teacher and kiss my tiptoe plateau! Ha ha ha :-D
Actually, Ronnie has already done a lesson about makeup.
i want to learn english this site but its filter in mycountry
can you help me
Hi Goodgirl,
You can try a VPN.
If you go to your profile, you should be able to change your avatar (pic).
Let me know if this works.
i dont like my pic tht you put for me
please change it
Hello Adam ,
Altough I understood the whole lesson ( thanks to the pace of your speech) , I went through the quizz too quickly and having been mistaken on two questions I was obviously mistaken on their answers .
Speeding is not the same as rushing . Advice for those who will take the IELTS shortly.
Good advice Tsamp ;)
very useful lesson and explanation for IELTS exam.With every new lesson i improve my English.Thanks for the video :-)
I was forgetting to mention you are a great teacher, Adam. Your explanations are very accurate and helpful not only for those taking the IELTS, but everyone loving English.
say : I forgot to mention …..
Thank you It is useful.
I got 90 percent, thank you for the lesson was very helpful
Thanks a lot, Adam!
Thanks, Adam
Hi Adam,
Are we allowed to use contracted form in the writing task ? Friend of mine told me that I’m not allowed to use that form. Could you please give us some info about that form in IELTS.
Hi Pergil,
Your friend was right. You should avoid it, but don’t worry too much about it. It won’t cost you too much, especially if that’s one of the “big” mistakes you make. The reason to avoid it is that it’s too informal for academic writing. It is better to write formally.
thanks ADAM]
tabassum choya
Useful lesson! I will be a trader-market one day :))
So I will use many chart
bye bye to everybody
Hello, Adam. Ive been following most of your lessons on youtube. There is something I would like to ask you, when should I capitalize the first letter of the word and when not? I always encounter this problem everytime I take the listening practice test for IELTS. My answers were correct but the problem is either I capitalized the first letter of the word or I didnt.
I would appreciate if you could help me with this. I’m planning to take the IELTS in October.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Veil,
Always capitalize the first word of a sentence, or a proper noun (name, month, place, etc.).
In the listening section, pay attention to the other parts of the test, the non-blank parts–they will give you a hint of whether to capitalize or not.
Be careful when direction words are used (Washington State is in the northwestern USA vs. Washington State is part the American Northwest).
I hope this helps a little :)
Good luck
its good , its help me a lot.
Adam one question more.
1 If the attacker is STOOD behind the defender then…. .
2 If the attacker is STANDING behind the defender then…. .(STOOD or STANDING)?
Thank you.
1 If the attacker STOOD behind the defender, then…. .
2 If the attacker is STANDING behind the defender, then…
Depends what the rest of the sentence is. Both can be correct as above, but the meanings will be very different. in 1, you are giving a hypothetical analysis of something. In 2, you are maybe giving instructions of how to play.
It is actually about recognising ‘offside’ in a football match. But if you please give me examples.
Thank you Adam.
Maybe there is some grammar I must read.
If you are explaining the rules of a game, use the present simple as the rules don’t change. For facts, we use present simple.
thanks Adam I interested the lesson as well as the quiz
Thank you, teacher Adam for this useful and quite difficult lesson. :)
hello adam what is the use of words like as ,a , the
pese clarify
mani chandu
Hi Mani,
As can be a conjunction or a preposition. a and the are articles. These would take a whole lesson to explain, but you can do a search in the box at the top of the page and find a few lessons on these topics.
Hi Adam!) Why in the 7 question of quiz right answer is -year-old? In your video you said that right to say -year-olds.
Hi Vladimir,
You would be right if there weren’t the noun ‘group’ following the blank. Because this is a compound adjective, there is no need for the ‘s’.
The 34-49-year-olds (this wasn’t an option)
The 34-49-year-old group is correct
That being said, i apologize as I have just watched the video again and realized that I didn’t mention the compound adjective use. I hope this is clear here. Let me know if it is not.
thanks Adam this is the perfect example to understand the ielts exams.
thank you very much
m sajid
thanks perfect
Adam, is it OK saying ‘I’m not a LOVER of movies’? Are people talking in this way? Thank you.
Adam, I’m curious why the comment above needs to be approved. Is there something wrong?
The sentence is ok, and sometimes used. Not very commonly, but used (I don’t love movies is more common.)
Not sure why it needed approval. Maybe lover is on the “check” list ;)
I thought so. Thank you.
Adam, one confusing thing: some people translate PRESENT SIMPLE as PAST on russian, others as PRESENT. For instance: ‘she says’ translate like ‘she said’ or ‘she saying’.
My opinion is – that must be PRESENT. The action take place in that very moment. So close SHE IS SAYING.
sorry CLOSER
sorry – she is saying
Not sure I got the question actually, but present simple is “she says”. It doesn’t have to be right now. It can be a general truth.
Can you clarify if this is what you meant?
I’ll try again.
I am so interested in your videos, I am really happy to learn from you .God protects you dear
heydar Ali
Thanks, Adam.
But I have a question.
“A typhoon passes a place.”
“A typhoon passes over a place.”
“A typhoon comes near a place.”
“A typhoon approaches a place”
Are these sentences correct?
pass and pass over what is the difference?
After near and approach we can’t use ‘to’, right?
If you could help, I’ll appreciate. Thanks in advance. :)
Sorry, one more question:
“Here are the test dates and syllabi for the first semester.”
The preposition ‘for’ is it used correctly in this sentence? or I should use ‘in’ or’ for’?
Sorry, type it wrong.
or I should use ‘in’ or ‘of’?
Hi Sophie,
All correct:
“A typhoon passes a place.”– doesn’t hit
“A typhoon passes over a place.”–hits
“A typhoon comes near a place.” no to
“A typhoon approaches a place” no to
For the 1st semester is correct.
Great lesson as always, please tell me the different use of “Odd, Bizarre, and weird”
Saiful Anwar
Hi Saiful,
These are synonyms, but the nuances are different.
Odd suggests not normal (odd behaviour)
Bizarre is very strange
and weird is strange but in a negative way.
Does this help a little?
That’s great to learn more…
I like watching your lessons. It does really help!
Very helpful lesson.
Prince sireng
It was a little bit difficult to me but nice lesson somewhat I could understand.. .
Adam, hi again. Can i ask?
There is a phone talking:
– Hello. It’s ….. . We can’t … today. We’re busy.
– Hello. I understand. May be I need TO CHANGE YOU on to the other day?
Is it OK? Especially ‘TO CHANGE YOU'(insted of TO CHANGE YOUR DAY(PLAYS)etc).
Thank you very much.
Hello. It’s Bill. We can’t meet today. I’m busy.
– I understand. Maybe I can CHANGE YOUR appointment to another day?
If someone gives lessons for instance(for kids). And her mother says: ‘We can’t today!’
Hi Adam…I hope you are well !!.
I am a little confused with some words I found in a personality test applied by a multinational Company to non-native English speakers.
I need to know if the words in each group below are actually synonyms. I have checked the dictionary several times (in the context of course!) but I still have doubts because the translations into spanish are very similar (maybe some words are in the wrong group or out of them).
I would be very grateful if you can help me with this. It would be nice if you can upload a video for talking about personal attributes including these and other related words.
1) Comfortable
2) At Ease
3) Unhurried
4) Easygoing
5) Laid Back
6) Relaxed
1) Thorough
2) Meticulous
3) Accurate
4) Perfectionist
5) Flawless
6) Precise
7) Careful
8) Particular
9) Painstaking
Yes, the words in each group are synonyms! Obviously there are small differences, and the words are not always interchangeable, but in general they mean the same kind of thing.
engVid Moderator
Hi Narriagada,
Are they asking if these are direct synonyms? Because not all are, but in context they can be interchangeable. It depends, of course, on the context.
For example, a person can be meticulous to the point of obsession, which is hardly flawless but is a flaw in and of itself (if we’re discussing personalities)
Was there more to the instructions?
Adam, you are the best.
Adam if I put in the phrase:
– “Follows the agenda for you visit in Brazil.”
In this case I use “for” or “to”, because word “follow” indicates motion?
Please disregard my last question, I put in a wrong lesson. Sorry!
No worries Limud :)
Adam, can ‘GREED’ be a person or there is an other word for that kind of person(I couldn’t find it in the net)? I just found that it is the name of one of weaknesses of people.Thank you.
You can say a person is greedy.
… or are there some other words for…?
Plural OK.
So I can’t say you’re a greed…
Thank you Adam.
Could I use SOME before ‘other word for that kind of person’?
Thanks adam for the good lesson
Easy to catch ur lesson
Thanks everyone :)
Hi, Adam
Thank you very much for the explanation. I guess I should check what proper nouns are. I still have a few confusions :(
thanks a lots
Good lecture!
perfect, thanks
karla venegas
i need more practice. and familiarization
Adam, you’re one of the best narrators/teachers here. The length of the lesson is about 17 minutes but I watched it on the one breath. Thanks
Thank you for this informative lecture, it clarified a lot.
It was blow my mind , so many information cames along with video and I understood mostly from it .
That’s a very interesting class! IELTS is a very useful test which evaluates our proficiency in the English language, and with these tips given by Adam I’m sure many of us will nail this test.
Thank a lot. ^_^
80 out of 100 ,guess it’s not bad ,thanks dear Adam :)
Hello Adam .
The lesson is really so fascinating but I still unable to distinguish between years old and year old and stuff like this.
could you give us more explanation.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Adam…..I just started watching your videos and really enjoying it.
Hello Adam! I don’t know if I am writing in the right box for my question, so please, forgive me if do wrong. first of all,I would like to say thanks you at engVid, because I am learning a lot. I start my pathway to have IELTS academic test on January to reach at least 7 band score for future Ph.D.i am starting studying alone from 3 week, trying to have equally reading, listening and writing.Never touched speaking ( but i’ m used talking with some friend, and I have some test which mark was like 7.5-8). The question point is how I can really reach that mark,7.5,’cause in this very moment my listening and reading are just around 4,5- max 5; and I don’t know which method is the most valuable to have; for example if is better to concentrate one task at time, and which whom. I am rather confused about steps to follow.Do you think is better starting with reading or listening, or writing? p.s., i am such an anxious person that drop in chaos under pressure. Thank you in advice,i hope in your advice. Alexia.
It is a perfect lesson I got 8 . thx a lot
HI Adam . Plz what is the difference between general and academic IELTS?
hi adam, can i send some email about my writing ielts task1 and can you check for me? i’m not good but practice make better :D
Hey, I’ve got 7 out of 10. It’s not too bad, isn’t!
Thanks Adam
Hi Adam, thanks for the lesson but I think you should specify that this tips are for IELTS Academic ;)
Very nice lessons. Thank very much!
Luiza Sousa
thank you for the great teaching
Hi Adam Thank you so much
this test was interesting. i got 10/10. thanks Adam.
is there anyone who wants to help me in speaking? my skype ID is : sajad shahsavari. thank you all.
Hello,My mark vary poor .
Sorry to hear that! Here’s a cat gif to keep you motivated to study more.
engVid Moderator
thank you so much
in question number seven, the correct answer must be the second variant, because in the first variant there is not ending “s” after …-old
Hi Adam…Thank you very much for your productive explaination :)
Thanks a lot
I can’t watch the video???.It is blocked
Parvaneh sh
Thank you .
Hi sir Adam! Regarding the 10th question, why is the 21-year-olds an incorrect answer? How can this age order be right in other sentences? Thank you!
Thank you Adam! :)
thanks !!! :):)
Well done Teacher. Thank you so much.
10 on 10. Thanx for your lesson adam :)
Hello, Adam! I’m curious about the use of the word “respectively”. Would it be wrong (or just plain weird) to bring it to the middle of the sentence, as in: “I have three kids: Tommy, Jake and Katy. They are, respectively, 5, 10 and 7 years old.”?
Hello, Adam.Thanks for the great job you do. I have found a lot of necessary information for myself. Could you advise me what kind of exam to take: General or Academic.I’m a faculty member and a researcher?
Hi ADAM .. thanks for the lesson:)
I’ve been answered the quiz but I dropped something about plateau
you did not tell us that the plateau period not necessary to be flat ( so I didn’t get the correct answer
cordial regards MR ADAM :)
so much informative, thanks for the leason.
So much informative, thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Adam. and then?
Hello Adam, just a simple question, I couldn’t get access to the website that you mention (writetotop), Do you know if it is still available?
Thank you it helps me :D
hi Adam, please ,is there a noticeable difference between ((levelled off and platuea ))
best regards
haider j touma
I thought that my English is ok, but it looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do.
Thank you Adam, I enjoy your lessons a lot.
thanks a lot Adam. you and your friends are doing a great job
useful video,thank you
Hi Adam , I confused with where did you use year/years like 25-year-old or 25 years olds ??????
do not stop
Thank you Adam :)
The 9th question was tricky =D
…but your lessons helpful as always :)
Hi Adam, thank you for an interesting lesson.
I would like to know latter and former are used only for two things or two people or two places
Because in the video you said:
I have three kids Tomy and Jake…
As I understood it was just a speech mistake. Or we can use these two phrases with the thing more than two?
Thanks in advance.
Mr Adam
I have question ,
I’m trying to improve my English speaking skills because I need to do IELTS AC.
is it a problem if I speak every day with a friend from USA or I have to learn only British accent?
thanks in advanced
it was lovely to test my knowledge about this lesson. i got 7 corrects out of 10. thanks Mr. Adam for this misused words in t IELTS test.
Taqveem Ul Haq
It is very important to know synonym words ,and use it constantly .
thanks ADMS
Alaa Hanafi
Hi Mr Adam , ” overall ” in the quiz was it an adverb or an adjective ? & would you give us examples on how to use it as an adjective and how to use it as an adverb ?
Aya Ayo
Hi Adam,
For question 7, If I want to put the sentence in other way, can I write it as : … ,those aged 34-39 years showed the most adaptability.
Is it correct ?
Thanks Adam!
Good lesson!
realy good sir..
Thank you so much!! I got 9/10 .
I have just known how to use the words related to AGE thanks to your useful movie after such a long time of being at sea with these. Thank you so much !
Hao Anh
Thanks, it was a great lesson.
thanks man
80 percent! :D
all teachers are very good, but for explaining exam preparation topics and advanced level, u are the best adam.
thank you so much. God bless ya :)
Dear Adam
Thanks for your excellent lesson.
Ramiz Shubbar
I got 10/10….You make me rock Adam. Thanks a lot.
You are good teacher! I will study with your video everyday! I want to get IELTS score 6.0 overall for my abroad study!
Thank you Adam for the valuable tips. Some of them can’t be easily found in a grammar book.
Got only 7. I’ve realized a “hyphened” noun may become a compound adjective (question 7,).
Very good lesson! Thanks. I am studying for IELTS and looking for excellent materials like this. Thank you again.
thank to mr . adam the way your teach is easy to understand espesially for beginner and not too fast as well , you,re really a good tutor..
I would like to send you an essay,written by me, for assessment. How can I reach you? Thanks in advance
Teacher Adam, can I send you my essay? Can you help me to correct?
Great & very Important lesson.
Thank you Mr. Adam
Thank you Mr. Adam
Hello Adam
Thank you for the great explanation on that lesson it helped a lot :)
Hello Adam
Thank you for the great explanation , it helped a lot.
Hi Adam , It was a very useful video for me , Thank you Adam
Hi Adam,Thank you for your valuable lessons.
The way you teach makes us understand the lessons very easily.So I would like to suggest if you could teach us some parts of literature such as short poems,figurative speech,metaphors,etc.That would be great if you do so.
Mahesha Abeysundara
Great. Lesson!! Thank you. Adam
hallo Adam !! Its a first time I join. I’m new in study english but I’m eager to learn it. Could you recommend me. what shall I do for my first learning then?
thank you very much for this lesson and quiz
Hi Adam,thank you so much for the great lesson ,I got 100 hehehehe,happy to learn
thanks for exam
thanks for help Adam
Thanks a lot for help Adam.
Mubo farah
Hi Adam, I got 10 scores out of 10!
Thank you a zillion!
Difficult for me
Cool tips, Adam! Thanks a lot!
good lesson. thanks a lot.
thank you very much
Thanks for the lesson , it’s very useful for me
Priceless! Thanks a lot, Adam
Dear sir, thnx for this amazing video.
There’s a problem with question number3. I can’t catch why the first item is not the right one.
thank for this lesson, i’m love it!
Dear Adam,my previous Ielts exam was 6.5 but I need at least 7. WOULD you please introduce me some grammar and vocabulary books which I can use as a self study? Many thanks
9/10! Nice! I understand this whole lesson. It’s amazing! Adam’s lessons were always hard for me.
Jerry Gu
It was helpful lesson
Thanx Adam
Sunpreet kaur
Thanx Adam
Sunpreet kaur
Thanks.. you are perfect
Maryam Azadi
Thank you Adam! Your lessons are easy to understand and help me lots!
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good luck..
Hello, can we practise our English together through Skype ?
really good answer dear Thanks dear sir…
Thanks Adam :)
Thanks Adam. Your lesson is great, as always.
Yeah I understood thank you ADAM and all the staff of Engvid
Thanx Mr.Adam for useful lesson :)
I doubt about a miss of “S” in the answer of question No.7
i think the answer will be -year-olds myabe I’m wrong
Yes, me too :)
I made the same mistake.
It happens sometimes, no problem.
Dear i’m also want learn English Very well your not just one who’s want Learn English..
Hi Basem,
You would be right if there weren’t the noun ‘group’ following the blank. Because this is a compound adjective, there is no need for the ‘s’.
The 34-49-year-olds (this wasn’t an option)
The 34-49-year-old group is correct
My apologies:
I just watched the video again and realized I didn’t mention the compound adjective use in the video.
If this use isn’t clear, please ask me for more samples.
thank Adam.that was the great lesson.could u please explain more about compound adjective?you said 18-25year-olds is a noun. then why it was not correct in my quiz??
Hi Adam
I am having difficulty in asking questions.Could you please guide me how to do so in order to get immediate reply if you could help?
Hi Adam
so, “21-year-old” is an adjective, and “21-year-olds” is a noun. Am I right?
Thank you for your great lesson, Adam. The quiz was also interesting :)
I have a question. Could you tell me that?
Well…about “respectively”…
I understood that…
latter – 2nd of 2 things mentions
former – 1st of 2 things mentions
Well, how about 3rd, 4th, 5th…of many things mentions?
in your lesson… about Katy?
Hi Happy,
Former and latter are used with only two things. In a list of more than two, you can still use latter to refer to the last item in the list.
Respectively means that a second list follows the same sequence as a first list.
The teacher awarded grades of 80, 85, 87, and 89 to Bob, Lisa, Wendy, and Tim, respectively–
Bob- 80; Lisa-85; Wendy-87; Tim-89.
Does this help?
I got it! Helpful! Thank you very much, Adam :D
Great lesson Adam.
What about the expression “not only…but also…?”
How to use it properly?
Hi Wilson,
The main thing to remember about not only is to follow it with an inverted clause (Not only verb then Subject)…
The second part adds something to the first. We use this expression to highlight or emphasize something.
Not only did he pass the test, but he also got the highest mark in the class.
Does this help?
Yes, it does.
Thank you very much for your explanation. I am a big fan of your job. Since I started watching your videos, I have been learning a lot.
Great job.
Hello if there is somebody who wants to practice English, this is my Skype: zemeireyes
Thank you very much, that was healpful.
Thank you Adam, what a useful and difficult lesson today!! I´ll watch the video once and again to remember all this vocabulary ;)
I think I got the number 9 correct but it says it is not…
Hi Maury,
In this case, latter = males. Their raise was negligible (almost nothing), so females got more.
thank you ADAM for the lesson and a great lesson.
So,I Come back again and try again.
Teacher ADAM,Do you wanna tell me what happened?
Hi Muad,
What happened when?
As for improving your English, build up your vocab and review some basic grammar rules.
Aslo I wanna to improve my english language very well tell me Adam what before first I try
Hi Adam, thank you very much. Your lessons that are always informative are really helpful for an ESL.
thank you very much
Thanks Adam for this advanced lesson
It was very useful to clarify some of my doubts about how to express data analysis in English.
Good lesson for the IELTS test! Thanks Adam!
Thanks a lot
this lesson is very helpful .. thanks Adam :)
Improving even more!!! thank you Adam!!!
thanks for your lesson , I confused with latter and former these words really make me confuse.
Hi Asmaa,
Remember that former means first, and latter means second when you have two things and then refer to them again.
5/10 too dificult to me ):
For me too hey, I got 6 out of 10.
Thanks for you lesson i have scored 7 out of 10.
Just started following you guys not many days ago, signed today and took my first quiz …10/10 not bad I guess. Keep them coming, awesome website. I will be taking General training test on September 12 . Anxiety just peak !
Welcome Af.
The most important thing to remember is to relax :)
haha yup I know, 5 days to go. Just focusing at the moment in writing (Complex sentences, all kinds), prolly able to target 7 band overall this time. Thanks for the lessons adam.
Adam, can you recommend me some beautiful romantic American poetry? Please…
HI Katrin,
I’m afraid I’m not an expert in this area, but I think you can find a lot of beautiful lyrics/poetry in the music of the 60s and 70s.
I’ll look around though and see what I can find for you ;)
Thank you Adam. I’m looking forward.
What does the verb TO DOG actually mean?
I think is follow someone, closely, insistently. Like the paparazzi do…
Thank you Bergvolk. I believe it is one of the meanings of this verb.
Bergvolk is right. It also means to be chased, usually by something emotional or mental (dogged by his fears of rejection), not so much physical.
Thanks Adam for teaching, i thanks it was just high level for me, but anyway it was useful to prepare at the futur
u are right flower2015
thanks a lot Adam u made me fail
Hi xoxo,
If at first you don’t succeed, try try again :)
thank you so much.
10 correct out of 10… Not bad but not enought.
Adam, next time you’ll talk about makeup :-D
In Italy, plateau is a term to indicate female wedge shoes (with high heels) ;-)
It’s a French word, maybe you know that because you live in Canada.
Stop doing the teacher and kiss my tiptoe plateau! Ha ha ha :-D
Actually, Ronnie has already done a lesson about makeup.
i want to learn english this site but its filter in mycountry
can you help me
Hi Goodgirl,
You can try a VPN.
If you go to your profile, you should be able to change your avatar (pic).
Let me know if this works.
i dont like my pic tht you put for me
please change it
Hello Adam ,
Altough I understood the whole lesson ( thanks to the pace of your speech) , I went through the quizz too quickly and having been mistaken on two questions I was obviously mistaken on their answers .
Speeding is not the same as rushing . Advice for those who will take the IELTS shortly.
Good advice Tsamp ;)
very useful lesson and explanation for IELTS exam.With every new lesson i improve my English.Thanks for the video :-)
I was forgetting to mention you are a great teacher, Adam. Your explanations are very accurate and helpful not only for those taking the IELTS, but everyone loving English.
say : I forgot to mention …..
Thank you It is useful.
I got 90 percent, thank you for the lesson was very helpful
Thanks a lot, Adam!
Thanks, Adam
Hi Adam,
Are we allowed to use contracted form in the writing task ? Friend of mine told me that I’m not allowed to use that form. Could you please give us some info about that form in IELTS.
Hi Pergil,
Your friend was right. You should avoid it, but don’t worry too much about it. It won’t cost you too much, especially if that’s one of the “big” mistakes you make. The reason to avoid it is that it’s too informal for academic writing. It is better to write formally.
thanks ADAM]
Useful lesson! I will be a trader-market one day :))
So I will use many chart
bye bye to everybody
Hello, Adam. Ive been following most of your lessons on youtube. There is something I would like to ask you, when should I capitalize the first letter of the word and when not? I always encounter this problem everytime I take the listening practice test for IELTS. My answers were correct but the problem is either I capitalized the first letter of the word or I didnt.
I would appreciate if you could help me with this. I’m planning to take the IELTS in October.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Veil,
Always capitalize the first word of a sentence, or a proper noun (name, month, place, etc.).
In the listening section, pay attention to the other parts of the test, the non-blank parts–they will give you a hint of whether to capitalize or not.
Be careful when direction words are used (Washington State is in the northwestern USA vs. Washington State is part the American Northwest).
I hope this helps a little :)
Good luck
its good , its help me a lot.
Adam one question more.
1 If the attacker is STOOD behind the defender then…. .
2 If the attacker is STANDING behind the defender then…. .(STOOD or STANDING)?
Thank you.
1 If the attacker STOOD behind the defender, then…. .
2 If the attacker is STANDING behind the defender, then…
Depends what the rest of the sentence is. Both can be correct as above, but the meanings will be very different. in 1, you are giving a hypothetical analysis of something. In 2, you are maybe giving instructions of how to play.
It is actually about recognising ‘offside’ in a football match. But if you please give me examples.
Thank you Adam.
Maybe there is some grammar I must read.
If you are explaining the rules of a game, use the present simple as the rules don’t change. For facts, we use present simple.
thanks Adam I interested the lesson as well as the quiz
Thank you, teacher Adam for this useful and quite difficult lesson. :)
hello adam what is the use of words like as ,a , the
pese clarify
Hi Mani,
As can be a conjunction or a preposition. a and the are articles. These would take a whole lesson to explain, but you can do a search in the box at the top of the page and find a few lessons on these topics.
Hi Adam!) Why in the 7 question of quiz right answer is -year-old? In your video you said that right to say -year-olds.
Hi Vladimir,
You would be right if there weren’t the noun ‘group’ following the blank. Because this is a compound adjective, there is no need for the ‘s’.
The 34-49-year-olds (this wasn’t an option)
The 34-49-year-old group is correct
That being said, i apologize as I have just watched the video again and realized that I didn’t mention the compound adjective use. I hope this is clear here. Let me know if it is not.
thanks Adam this is the perfect example to understand the ielts exams.
thank you very much
thanks perfect
Adam, is it OK saying ‘I’m not a LOVER of movies’? Are people talking in this way? Thank you.
Adam, I’m curious why the comment above needs to be approved. Is there something wrong?
The sentence is ok, and sometimes used. Not very commonly, but used (I don’t love movies is more common.)
Not sure why it needed approval. Maybe lover is on the “check” list ;)
I thought so. Thank you.
Adam, one confusing thing: some people translate PRESENT SIMPLE as PAST on russian, others as PRESENT. For instance: ‘she says’ translate like ‘she said’ or ‘she saying’.
My opinion is – that must be PRESENT. The action take place in that very moment. So close SHE IS SAYING.
sorry CLOSER
sorry – she is saying
Not sure I got the question actually, but present simple is “she says”. It doesn’t have to be right now. It can be a general truth.
Can you clarify if this is what you meant?
I’ll try again.
I am so interested in your videos, I am really happy to learn from you .God protects you dear
Thanks, Adam.
But I have a question.
“A typhoon passes a place.”
“A typhoon passes over a place.”
“A typhoon comes near a place.”
“A typhoon approaches a place”
Are these sentences correct?
pass and pass over what is the difference?
After near and approach we can’t use ‘to’, right?
If you could help, I’ll appreciate. Thanks in advance. :)
Sorry, one more question:
“Here are the test dates and syllabi for the first semester.”
The preposition ‘for’ is it used correctly in this sentence? or I should use ‘in’ or’ for’?
Sorry, type it wrong.
or I should use ‘in’ or ‘of’?
Hi Sophie,
All correct:
“A typhoon passes a place.”– doesn’t hit
“A typhoon passes over a place.”–hits
“A typhoon comes near a place.” no to
“A typhoon approaches a place” no to
For the 1st semester is correct.
Great lesson as always, please tell me the different use of “Odd, Bizarre, and weird”
Hi Saiful,
These are synonyms, but the nuances are different.
Odd suggests not normal (odd behaviour)
Bizarre is very strange
and weird is strange but in a negative way.
Does this help a little?
That’s great to learn more…
I like watching your lessons. It does really help!
Very helpful lesson.
It was a little bit difficult to me but nice lesson somewhat I could understand.. .
Adam, hi again. Can i ask?
There is a phone talking:
– Hello. It’s ….. . We can’t … today. We’re busy.
– Hello. I understand. May be I need TO CHANGE YOU on to the other day?
Is it OK? Especially ‘TO CHANGE YOU'(insted of TO CHANGE YOUR DAY(PLAYS)etc).
Thank you very much.
Hello. It’s Bill. We can’t meet today. I’m busy.
– I understand. Maybe I can CHANGE YOUR appointment to another day?
If someone gives lessons for instance(for kids). And her mother says: ‘We can’t today!’
Hi Adam…I hope you are well !!.
I am a little confused with some words I found in a personality test applied by a multinational Company to non-native English speakers.
I need to know if the words in each group below are actually synonyms. I have checked the dictionary several times (in the context of course!) but I still have doubts because the translations into spanish are very similar (maybe some words are in the wrong group or out of them).
I would be very grateful if you can help me with this. It would be nice if you can upload a video for talking about personal attributes including these and other related words.
1) Comfortable
2) At Ease
3) Unhurried
4) Easygoing
5) Laid Back
6) Relaxed
1) Peaceful
2) Even-Tempered
3) Patient
4) Unruffled
5) Accepting
6) Tranquil
7) Placid
8) Calm
1) Demanding
2) Rigorous
3) Exacting
4) Fastidious
5) Stringent
6) Strict
1) Thorough
2) Meticulous
3) Accurate
4) Perfectionist
5) Flawless
6) Precise
7) Careful
8) Particular
9) Painstaking
Yes, the words in each group are synonyms! Obviously there are small differences, and the words are not always interchangeable, but in general they mean the same kind of thing.
Hi Narriagada,
Are they asking if these are direct synonyms? Because not all are, but in context they can be interchangeable. It depends, of course, on the context.
For example, a person can be meticulous to the point of obsession, which is hardly flawless but is a flaw in and of itself (if we’re discussing personalities)
Was there more to the instructions?
Adam, you are the best.
Adam if I put in the phrase:
– “Follows the agenda for you visit in Brazil.”
In this case I use “for” or “to”, because word “follow” indicates motion?
Please disregard my last question, I put in a wrong lesson. Sorry!
No worries Limud :)
Adam, can ‘GREED’ be a person or there is an other word for that kind of person(I couldn’t find it in the net)? I just found that it is the name of one of weaknesses of people.Thank you.
You can say a person is greedy.
… or are there some other words for…?
Plural OK.
So I can’t say you’re a greed…
Thank you Adam.
Could I use SOME before ‘other word for that kind of person’?
Thanks adam for the good lesson
Easy to catch ur lesson
Thanks everyone :)
Hi, Adam
Thank you very much for the explanation. I guess I should check what proper nouns are. I still have a few confusions :(
thanks a lots
Good lecture!
perfect, thanks
i need more practice. and familiarization
Adam, you’re one of the best narrators/teachers here. The length of the lesson is about 17 minutes but I watched it on the one breath. Thanks
Thank you for this informative lecture, it clarified a lot.
It was blow my mind , so many information cames along with video and I understood mostly from it .
That’s a very interesting class! IELTS is a very useful test which evaluates our proficiency in the English language, and with these tips given by Adam I’m sure many of us will nail this test.
Thank a lot. ^_^
80 out of 100 ,guess it’s not bad ,thanks dear Adam :)
Hello Adam .
The lesson is really so fascinating but I still unable to distinguish between years old and year old and stuff like this.
could you give us more explanation.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Adam…..I just started watching your videos and really enjoying it.
Hello Adam! I don’t know if I am writing in the right box for my question, so please, forgive me if do wrong. first of all,I would like to say thanks you at engVid, because I am learning a lot. I start my pathway to have IELTS academic test on January to reach at least 7 band score for future Ph.D.i am starting studying alone from 3 week, trying to have equally reading, listening and writing.Never touched speaking ( but i’ m used talking with some friend, and I have some test which mark was like 7.5-8). The question point is how I can really reach that mark,7.5,’cause in this very moment my listening and reading are just around 4,5- max 5; and I don’t know which method is the most valuable to have; for example if is better to concentrate one task at time, and which whom. I am rather confused about steps to follow.Do you think is better starting with reading or listening, or writing? p.s., i am such an anxious person that drop in chaos under pressure. Thank you in advice,i hope in your advice. Alexia.
It is a perfect lesson I got 8 . thx a lot
HI Adam . Plz what is the difference between general and academic IELTS?
hi adam, can i send some email about my writing ielts task1 and can you check for me? i’m not good but practice make better :D
Hey, I’ve got 7 out of 10. It’s not too bad, isn’t!
Thanks Adam
Hi Adam, thanks for the lesson but I think you should specify that this tips are for IELTS Academic ;)
Very nice lessons. Thank very much!
thank you for the great teaching
Hi Adam Thank you so much
this test was interesting. i got 10/10. thanks Adam.
is there anyone who wants to help me in speaking? my skype ID is : sajad shahsavari. thank you all.
Hello,My mark vary poor .
Sorry to hear that! Here’s a cat gif to keep you motivated to study more.
thank you so much
in question number seven, the correct answer must be the second variant, because in the first variant there is not ending “s” after …-old
Hi Adam…Thank you very much for your productive explaination :)
Thanks a lot
I can’t watch the video???.It is blocked
Thank you .
Hi sir Adam! Regarding the 10th question, why is the 21-year-olds an incorrect answer? How can this age order be right in other sentences? Thank you!
Thank you Adam! :)
thanks !!! :):)
Well done Teacher. Thank you so much.
10 on 10. Thanx for your lesson adam :)
Hello, Adam! I’m curious about the use of the word “respectively”. Would it be wrong (or just plain weird) to bring it to the middle of the sentence, as in: “I have three kids: Tommy, Jake and Katy. They are, respectively, 5, 10 and 7 years old.”?
Hello, Adam.Thanks for the great job you do. I have found a lot of necessary information for myself. Could you advise me what kind of exam to take: General or Academic.I’m a faculty member and a researcher?
Hi ADAM .. thanks for the lesson:)
I’ve been answered the quiz but I dropped something about plateau
you did not tell us that the plateau period not necessary to be flat ( so I didn’t get the correct answer
cordial regards MR ADAM :)
so much informative, thanks for the leason.
So much informative, thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Adam. and then?
Hello Adam, just a simple question, I couldn’t get access to the website that you mention (writetotop), Do you know if it is still available?
Thank you it helps me :D
hi Adam, please ,is there a noticeable difference between ((levelled off and platuea ))
best regards
I thought that my English is ok, but it looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do.
Thank you Adam, I enjoy your lessons a lot.
thanks a lot Adam. you and your friends are doing a great job
useful video,thank you
Hi Adam , I confused with where did you use year/years like 25-year-old or 25 years olds ??????
do not stop
Thank you Adam :)
The 9th question was tricky =D
…but your lessons helpful as always :)
Hi Adam, thank you for an interesting lesson.
I would like to know latter and former are used only for two things or two people or two places
Because in the video you said:
I have three kids Tomy and Jake…
As I understood it was just a speech mistake. Or we can use these two phrases with the thing more than two?
Thanks in advance.
Mr Adam
I have question ,
I’m trying to improve my English speaking skills because I need to do IELTS AC.
is it a problem if I speak every day with a friend from USA or I have to learn only British accent?
thanks in advanced
it was lovely to test my knowledge about this lesson. i got 7 corrects out of 10. thanks Mr. Adam for this misused words in t IELTS test.
It is very important to know synonym words ,and use it constantly .
thanks ADMS
Hi Mr Adam , ” overall ” in the quiz was it an adverb or an adjective ? & would you give us examples on how to use it as an adjective and how to use it as an adverb ?
Hi Adam,
For question 7, If I want to put the sentence in other way, can I write it as : … ,those aged 34-39 years showed the most adaptability.
Is it correct ?
Thanks Adam!
Good lesson!
realy good sir..
Thank you so much!! I got 9/10 .
I have just known how to use the words related to AGE thanks to your useful movie after such a long time of being at sea with these. Thank you so much !
Thanks, it was a great lesson.
thanks man
80 percent! :D
all teachers are very good, but for explaining exam preparation topics and advanced level, u are the best adam.
thank you so much. God bless ya :)
Dear Adam
Thanks for your excellent lesson.
I got 10/10….You make me rock Adam. Thanks a lot.
You are good teacher! I will study with your video everyday! I want to get IELTS score 6.0 overall for my abroad study!
Thank you Adam for the valuable tips. Some of them can’t be easily found in a grammar book.
Got only 7. I’ve realized a “hyphened” noun may become a compound adjective (question 7,).
Very good lesson! Thanks. I am studying for IELTS and looking for excellent materials like this. Thank you again.
thank to mr . adam the way your teach is easy to understand espesially for beginner and not too fast as well , you,re really a good tutor..
I would like to send you an essay,written by me, for assessment. How can I reach you? Thanks in advance
Teacher Adam, can I send you my essay? Can you help me to correct?
Great & very Important lesson.
Thank you Mr. Adam
Thank you Mr. Adam
Hello Adam
Thank you for the great explanation on that lesson it helped a lot :)
Hello Adam
Thank you for the great explanation , it helped a lot.
Hi Adam , It was a very useful video for me , Thank you Adam
Hi Adam,Thank you for your valuable lessons.
The way you teach makes us understand the lessons very easily.So I would like to suggest if you could teach us some parts of literature such as short poems,figurative speech,metaphors,etc.That would be great if you do so.
Great. Lesson!! Thank you. Adam
hallo Adam !! Its a first time I join. I’m new in study english but I’m eager to learn it. Could you recommend me. what shall I do for my first learning then?
thank you very much for this lesson and quiz
Hi Adam,thank you so much for the great lesson ,I got 100 hehehehe,happy to learn
thanks for exam
thanks for help Adam
Thanks a lot for help Adam.
Hi Adam, I got 10 scores out of 10!
Thank you a zillion!
Difficult for me
Cool tips, Adam! Thanks a lot!
good lesson. thanks a lot.
thank you very much
Thanks for the lesson , it’s very useful for me
Priceless! Thanks a lot, Adam
Dear sir, thnx for this amazing video.
There’s a problem with question number3. I can’t catch why the first item is not the right one.
thank for this lesson, i’m love it!
Dear Adam,my previous Ielts exam was 6.5 but I need at least 7. WOULD you please introduce me some grammar and vocabulary books which I can use as a self study? Many thanks
9/10! Nice! I understand this whole lesson. It’s amazing! Adam’s lessons were always hard for me.
It was helpful lesson
Thanx Adam
Thanx Adam
Thanks.. you are perfect
Thank you Adam! Your lessons are easy to understand and help me lots!