When writing essays, it is very important to stay on topic. In the IELTS and CAE writing exams, you will lose valuable marks if you don’t answer the question. So it’s really important to make sure your writing stays on track. In this lesson, you will learn a structure for writing paragraphs that will help you with the content and flow of your essay. You will also learn about the dos and don’ts of these exams. After watching the video, take the quiz and see if you are ready for your test!
Thank you. In my opinión your explications are usefull and funny.
Adrian Gonzalez
Please guys I need help I have Interview next month I hope there is some one professional or upper-mediate in Speaking English add me on Skype to speak together I will be very appreciate for Him/Her
This is my skype
lol… she failed to do that funny things in a funny way. :p
Hello (Your guys) Jade, (I will ask you,please?)
We need more clases to write well in English.
”I hope to study an other degree, however,it is difficult to release it now, due of economic barriers.
Now please tel me: can I say in English (ORAL OR WRITTEN), your GUY?? IS IT A SLANG? THANK YOU AND ALL THE STAFF EN ENGVID.
Thanks alot. Yet I have a question: Is it OK if I use
my personal opininos when talking about general topics such as pollution or the importance of friendship?
ayman me
thankyou for lesson
Thank you for the lesson. :)
Your lesson is very helpful for me!
I really appreciate that:D.
Changsun Lee
dear Jade
thanks for the useful tips of writting the essay.
never say never , keep going. that is best heavy sentence.
it is not a same meaning? (however and but)
However and but both mean contrast as a lot of other words in English. As writing an formal writen text like an essey one should show concernment as choosing words. In other that, it is smart avoid word repetition and common words (like but), whether there are other options.
You got it?
”However” also express confusion and it insist on the importance of the contrast which come after it
I think this is the difference between it and “but”.
Salma Gharbi
Hi Salma. you can use “on the other hand” instead of “however” to start a paragraph …I think “BUT” it is better to be used in the middle of a sentence.
Thank you)
I really liked this lesson. I’ve never found a website like this. thank u so much.
I liked this lesson
carlos 2138
tank you .. :)
thank you ms. Jade
i want to ask you question how to practice writing in the prefect way ?
Thank you Jade
Thanks Jade :)
Thanks :)
Ahmed Aouididi
Very clear, detailed and useful. Cheers!
I got 7correct out of 10 :)
Me tooo
Ahmed elge
Gud lesson/ Thx Jade
its very helpful, Tks!
However could you speak more slowly?
Thanks, for your teaching. I learned a lot :)
Thanks for your teaching! I can improve my knowledge a lot in your lesson.
Tin Tran
Thank you
Thanks for such a wonderful writing lesson,Jade
Thanks Jade :D
Can anybody help me….. i can see any video to play its just a blue screen and no video to play…. help me please
thanks. so usefull
Many thanks
Eslam Anwar
7/10 listen talking Jade is above all a lesson “per si” anyway today’s lesson was very important. The idea of the plan, summarize the pros and cons, make an introduction and the end conclusion, establishing the relations between the plus and minus points of views, in between of the introduction and the conclusion it’s how one have to make an essay. On the other hand, remember for IELTS, one never must forget to write at least 300 words. Thank’s Jade.
Jorge Pedroso
my first quize:}I`ve got 10 out of 10. It was useful. Thank you!
Sweety L
Helpful tips and tricks, easy to recall. Thank you.
I like your all videos which were very helpful for my sentence formation
What is your email ID ?
The diction of this teacher is too bad. I understood only few words when she was teaching??
Do not criticize her. Maybe you don’t understand her because she is British, and British English, at least for me, is more difficult to understand. If you are not understanding her, it means you must study British English more.
Valderí Andrade
That’s right Valderi. She is British with English accent that for me it is the best one! Do not forget that is English is born in England and not somewhere else!
Accept my thanks. very helpful . Just what the doctor ordered ;)
It was my first lesson, thank you for the great experience.
The main disadvantage of study abroad is to get a lower grade compared to the nation students due to the language barrier. When one studies in a foreign country, it is obviously required to speak and write not in the mother tongue but in the new language for the course work. However, getting a lower grade at the beginning cannot be a problem because as long as one stays in the foriegn eviornment, his/her second language will be improved enough to complete the study successfully. In my experience, the college time in the US was the best opportunity to improve my English. Therefore, achieving a foriegn language can pay off getting a lower grade when one studies in abroad.
Is there anyone correcting my writing above?
Very useful lesson. Thanks!
i want to start my IELTS preparation ki please do help me
Syed Rizwan Ali
i want to start my IELTS preparation ki please do help me
Syed Rizwan Ali
Hi Ms. Jade, Your lesson always useful for me because you always use British accent when teaching.
I will face Cambridge IGCSE ESL test several months later. Can you give me some tips for it? how to write an article properly? how to start a summary? and I want to know more about what I must say in the speaking section.
Thank’s before, cheer Ms. Jade :)
thank you
Abu Ruwaida
I am not able to open this video….. Whyyyyyy
thank you so much :)
God bless you!
I´m studing English because i have a selective process in this week however i know that speak more than i write.
in my idea if you don´t pratice a text form you forget.
thanks and sorry my text, but im trying
great lesson, thank you Jade, and I like the moment you’re thinking what to say :D :D
Samantha Rose
Maryam Zaky
It’s really good experience and I have learnt too much of this vedio. thanks
You said:
One of the reasons “to study” abroad…
The main advantage “of studying” abroad…
Are “to study” and “of studying” interchangeable? Can I say “One of the reasons of studying abroad…”?
I don’t know if I’m talking nonsense, but I thought, for the Academic Ielts, you’re not supposed to give your opinion, only to stick to the facts. Am I wrong?
Wanna study English together with me?
Fadhlan alif
Thanks for your useful lesson and some new ideas about this topic.
Weinong Liu
i learned some new ideas to write essays
Thank you for the lesson jade :)
i got 90
Hi! Jade
Thank you very much.
Are there got daily / every English lesson video?
Thank for your helping.
Hi there! Lessons are usually posted every other day.
engVid Moderator
Thank you!
Jean Danis
Thank you for you lessons. It’s very usefull for me.
It was realy helpful
This lesson have the best explanation!
I hope you give to us more lessons like that.
Thanks a million…
Thank you.
Very helpful explanation…
Ambily Joji
how I improve my English? what should I do?
qaisar shah
Thank you for your lesson today. My mistakes and your corrections taught me to use a repetitive and smooth structure when writing an essay.
Jon Thomas
Thank you for your lesson
Phuong Phung
Very useful information, Thanks you much!
Great lesson, but I’ve heard most of this in other videos too. I guess it means that I’m on the right track with your website.
Hi there :) I took the IELTS exam yesterday and your tips helped me a lot. However I did a mistake. I looked through my essay before I write the conclusion and I realized that I didn’t develop one of my paragraphs as I wanted to, then I used the symbol * to connect the unfinished paragraph with some other words. Do you think that this is going to affect my mark?
I like the last one. ^^ so crunchy miss. hhi
Hi there.
I just can not see the videos. Is there any special software I should use?
Can anybody help me?
Just try to use Youtub channel if you do not have any issue with internet speed in Iran.
Thank you. Of course we have lots of issue when we want to use Youtub. I have to use Proxy anti filter to see Youtub and it cause low internet speed so that I can not watch online easily. But I will try. Thank you anyway.
thanks Jade .
Thank you so much
Thank you for this isteresting video, it is not only funny ( I think so), but helps me broaden my knokledge as well. In the next videos, I hope you can make something to help me speak better. I can listen very well, however i can not express my ideas in speaking.
Thank you so much for this lesson.Its very effective for students like me who are preparing for Ielts :)
Neil Singh
Wow thank you for the quiz I could get 90/100 and wish you best of luck dear Jade.
Good site for learning English. Thanks.
Hi everybody! Thanks for your lesson Jade. Ive got 80% in a guiz, what does it mean for me( what English level I have?) thank you
Thanks Jade.Congratulations
Useful tips and examples made it lesson easy to understand the structure to write an essay.
thanks a lot. you are an excellent teacher.
well, then how to reach 150 to 250 word in this essay.
I think there should be more steps to follow to write a good essay.
thankyou for lesson Jade
Thank you!
A very interesting and useful lesson.thanks Jade.
Hi every body whats up? how it is going? this is very useful tips I’m new here and need some helps because I really problem in writing of spelling of the words,would you please to help me?thanks
Hi every body whats up? how it is going? this is very useful tips I’m new here and need some helps because I really have a problem in writing of spelling of the words,would you please to help me?thanks
hi Jade
I would like to comment on your perfect video about writing an essay.
Although you presented a perfect
sorry Jade my comment was submitted accidentally before I finish.
anyway what I want to say is:
although you presented a perfect lesson, you missed to show that we use “HOWEVER” to compare and contrast between advantages and disadvantages of something.
my respect to you.
Super great, thanks!
Thank you very much. i have learned a lot of writing essay from your video.
thank you for the class, in may opinion the British english is to hard er understand
it is so useful for my end year exam!hope more videos about it!
Hello , thanks for the instructions…..
karla venegas
I tried to test my knowledge without watching the teacher tech
Please ,gave more lecture about writing of ielts
Great lesson!
This lesson for me was quite interesting.. .
And, Here I could get some important points through Jade and Jade really Good teaching that you did with this lesson more Perfection…
Thank you Jade anyway!!!… .. .
thaks jade your lesson is very helpful;i like it
i want to talk with others…plz help me
Dear Jade
Am enjoying your IELTS tips
my teacher so beautiful :D
Thanks Jade for your lessons, they are definitely and easy for follow-up
thank you very much for these useful ideas!!
Thank you very much. At the first time I used this wonderful English learning site.
thank you JADE
mohammed ghanim
Great ! logical and underestandable.
Thank you so much
Tell me please, where can I found IELTS example tests?
Its a really very good site for learning english
Sanghu Amrit
thank you so much i really appreciate your effort .
sultanh ibrahim
thanks jade..lovely teacher.
Thank you
I got 90/100
hello jade i hope i can do better in IELTS Exam which is tomorrow,
I have got 100% ??
Jade, you`re the best english teacher ever ???
Thanks Jade!
Thank you!
I’d like to watch more videos about language exames.
I’ve got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you very much. It’s so helpful.
Thank you, I like this lesson :)
Sunny Lovemoon
Thanks a lot!
Dilara Kham
thanks dear teacher.
Thanks Jade! I like your lessons and you are very nice! Have a good day!
Hi, I want to speak with someone for improving my language skills. If anyone want , please ask me for my skype. Looking forward from you
Great , Thank you =)
In any ambiguous situation – do some tug of war)
Denis Anatol
Not very satisfied with this English lesson, as the teacher swallowed some words, making it difficult to understand. Overall, that was a good lesson as I have added something to my store of English lessons. Thanks very kindly.
9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for the lesson. :)
Hi, I am John from Colombia and I speak Spanish. This lesson was very interesting, because to write essay is necessary to maintain the structure. So thank for this lesson.
Thank you Jade !
Thank you Jade. I saw your teaching videos on YouTube. I love the way you teaching and I like British accent very much.
Thank you Jade!
I really enjoy your classes and your British accent.
Enio Marques
I’d like to ask you about paragraph
I have problem with it
Could you explain to me what kind in paragraph and give me the example
Thanks a lot !
According to your question, I really don’t think that I have to give my opinion in answer. It is only asked about advantages and disadvantages, not about the opinion. Please, correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
Yes, if they said then give your opinion else give a short summary of a corresponding paragraph.
Thanks Jade for a good lesson.
Wow, I had 60%. Oh well, I will try again to improve.
Hi Jade, instead of however we can show other side by “in constrast” and “but”; because if we are writing 3 pharagraph it seem like however word is repetated everytime.
i got 9/10 before watching the video
arian arian
In my opinion your lesson is useful for us
Thank you jade
Abdulrashed Hasan
That was good. I think this will help me in my writing part. In my opinion, the hardest part of writing something is the structure of the sentence and the formal words because sometimes it is a little bit hard to recognize the formal words. By the way thanks for the lesson.
thank you for the lesson Jade, it has been very nice
Keneth Jasim
Hi. I enjoyed this lesson very mush. Thank you
very basic,cannot work in all cases, I think
al willis
Hi Jade, I need a repetitive examples. Thanks a lot.
a helpful lesson, thank you dear
I loved the simple kind to organize ideas, great job Jade!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you. In my opinión your explications are usefull and funny.
Please guys I need help I have Interview next month I hope there is some one professional or upper-mediate in Speaking English add me on Skype to speak together I will be very appreciate for Him/Her
This is my skype
lol… she failed to do that funny things in a funny way. :p
Hello (Your guys) Jade, (I will ask you,please?)
We need more clases to write well in English.
”I hope to study an other degree, however,it is difficult to release it now, due of economic barriers.
Now please tel me: can I say in English (ORAL OR WRITTEN), your GUY?? IS IT A SLANG? THANK YOU AND ALL THE STAFF EN ENGVID.
Thanks alot. Yet I have a question: Is it OK if I use
my personal opininos when talking about general topics such as pollution or the importance of friendship?
thankyou for lesson
Thank you for the lesson. :)
Your lesson is very helpful for me!
I really appreciate that:D.
dear Jade
thanks for the useful tips of writting the essay.
never say never , keep going. that is best heavy sentence.
it is not a same meaning? (however and but)
However and but both mean contrast as a lot of other words in English. As writing an formal writen text like an essey one should show concernment as choosing words. In other that, it is smart avoid word repetition and common words (like but), whether there are other options.
You got it?
”However” also express confusion and it insist on the importance of the contrast which come after it
I think this is the difference between it and “but”.
Hi Salma. you can use “on the other hand” instead of “however” to start a paragraph …I think “BUT” it is better to be used in the middle of a sentence.
Thank you)
I really liked this lesson. I’ve never found a website like this. thank u so much.
I liked this lesson
tank you .. :)
thank you ms. Jade
i want to ask you question how to practice writing in the prefect way ?
Thank you Jade
Thanks Jade :)
Thanks :)
Very clear, detailed and useful. Cheers!
I got 7correct out of 10 :)
Me tooo
Gud lesson/ Thx Jade
its very helpful, Tks!
However could you speak more slowly?
Thanks, for your teaching. I learned a lot :)
Thanks for your teaching! I can improve my knowledge a lot in your lesson.
Thank you
Thanks for such a wonderful writing lesson,Jade
Thanks Jade :D
Can anybody help me….. i can see any video to play its just a blue screen and no video to play…. help me please
thanks. so usefull
Many thanks
7/10 listen talking Jade is above all a lesson “per si” anyway today’s lesson was very important. The idea of the plan, summarize the pros and cons, make an introduction and the end conclusion, establishing the relations between the plus and minus points of views, in between of the introduction and the conclusion it’s how one have to make an essay. On the other hand, remember for IELTS, one never must forget to write at least 300 words. Thank’s Jade.
my first quize:}I`ve got 10 out of 10. It was useful. Thank you!
Helpful tips and tricks, easy to recall. Thank you.
I like your all videos which were very helpful for my sentence formation
What is your email ID ?
The diction of this teacher is too bad. I understood only few words when she was teaching??
Do not criticize her. Maybe you don’t understand her because she is British, and British English, at least for me, is more difficult to understand. If you are not understanding her, it means you must study British English more.
That’s right Valderi. She is British with English accent that for me it is the best one! Do not forget that is English is born in England and not somewhere else!
Accept my thanks. very helpful . Just what the doctor ordered ;)
It was my first lesson, thank you for the great experience.
The main disadvantage of study abroad is to get a lower grade compared to the nation students due to the language barrier. When one studies in a foreign country, it is obviously required to speak and write not in the mother tongue but in the new language for the course work. However, getting a lower grade at the beginning cannot be a problem because as long as one stays in the foriegn eviornment, his/her second language will be improved enough to complete the study successfully. In my experience, the college time in the US was the best opportunity to improve my English. Therefore, achieving a foriegn language can pay off getting a lower grade when one studies in abroad.
Is there anyone correcting my writing above?
Very useful lesson. Thanks!
i want to start my IELTS preparation ki please do help me
i want to start my IELTS preparation ki please do help me
Hi Ms. Jade, Your lesson always useful for me because you always use British accent when teaching.
I will face Cambridge IGCSE ESL test several months later. Can you give me some tips for it? how to write an article properly? how to start a summary? and I want to know more about what I must say in the speaking section.
Thank’s before, cheer Ms. Jade :)
thank you
I am not able to open this video….. Whyyyyyy
thank you so much :)
God bless you!
I´m studing English because i have a selective process in this week however i know that speak more than i write.
in my idea if you don´t pratice a text form you forget.
thanks and sorry my text, but im trying
great lesson, thank you Jade, and I like the moment you’re thinking what to say :D :D
It’s really good experience and I have learnt too much of this vedio. thanks
You said:
One of the reasons “to study” abroad…
The main advantage “of studying” abroad…
Are “to study” and “of studying” interchangeable? Can I say “One of the reasons of studying abroad…”?
I don’t know if I’m talking nonsense, but I thought, for the Academic Ielts, you’re not supposed to give your opinion, only to stick to the facts. Am I wrong?
Wanna study English together with me?
Thanks for your useful lesson and some new ideas about this topic.
i learned some new ideas to write essays
Thank you for the lesson jade :)
i got 90
Hi! Jade
Thank you very much.
Are there got daily / every English lesson video?
Thank for your helping.
Hi there! Lessons are usually posted every other day.
Thank you!
Thank you for you lessons. It’s very usefull for me.
It was realy helpful
This lesson have the best explanation!
I hope you give to us more lessons like that.
Thanks a million…
Thank you.
Very helpful explanation…
how I improve my English? what should I do?
Thank you for your lesson today. My mistakes and your corrections taught me to use a repetitive and smooth structure when writing an essay.
Thank you for your lesson
Very useful information, Thanks you much!
Great lesson, but I’ve heard most of this in other videos too. I guess it means that I’m on the right track with your website.
Hi there :) I took the IELTS exam yesterday and your tips helped me a lot. However I did a mistake. I looked through my essay before I write the conclusion and I realized that I didn’t develop one of my paragraphs as I wanted to, then I used the symbol * to connect the unfinished paragraph with some other words. Do you think that this is going to affect my mark?
I like the last one. ^^ so crunchy miss. hhi
Hi there.
I just can not see the videos. Is there any special software I should use?
Can anybody help me?
Just try to use Youtub channel if you do not have any issue with internet speed in Iran.
Thank you. Of course we have lots of issue when we want to use Youtub. I have to use Proxy anti filter to see Youtub and it cause low internet speed so that I can not watch online easily. But I will try. Thank you anyway.
thanks Jade .
Thank you so much
Thank you for this isteresting video, it is not only funny ( I think so), but helps me broaden my knokledge as well. In the next videos, I hope you can make something to help me speak better. I can listen very well, however i can not express my ideas in speaking.
Thank you so much for this lesson.Its very effective for students like me who are preparing for Ielts :)
Wow thank you for the quiz I could get 90/100 and wish you best of luck dear Jade.
Good site for learning English. Thanks.
Hi everybody! Thanks for your lesson Jade. Ive got 80% in a guiz, what does it mean for me( what English level I have?) thank you
Thanks Jade.Congratulations
Useful tips and examples made it lesson easy to understand the structure to write an essay.
thanks a lot. you are an excellent teacher.
well, then how to reach 150 to 250 word in this essay.
I think there should be more steps to follow to write a good essay.
thankyou for lesson Jade
Thank you!
A very interesting and useful lesson.thanks Jade.
Hi every body whats up? how it is going? this is very useful tips I’m new here and need some helps because I really problem in writing of spelling of the words,would you please to help me?thanks
Hi every body whats up? how it is going? this is very useful tips I’m new here and need some helps because I really have a problem in writing of spelling of the words,would you please to help me?thanks
hi Jade
I would like to comment on your perfect video about writing an essay.
Although you presented a perfect
sorry Jade my comment was submitted accidentally before I finish.
anyway what I want to say is:
although you presented a perfect lesson, you missed to show that we use “HOWEVER” to compare and contrast between advantages and disadvantages of something.
my respect to you.
Super great, thanks!
Thank you very much. i have learned a lot of writing essay from your video.
thank you for the class, in may opinion the British english is to hard er understand
it is so useful for my end year exam!hope more videos about it!
Hello , thanks for the instructions…..
I tried to test my knowledge without watching the teacher tech
Please ,gave more lecture about writing of ielts
Great lesson!
This lesson for me was quite interesting.. .
And, Here I could get some important points through Jade and Jade really Good teaching that you did with this lesson more Perfection…
Thank you Jade anyway!!!… .. .
thaks jade your lesson is very helpful;i like it
i want to talk with others…plz help me
Dear Jade
Am enjoying your IELTS tips
my teacher so beautiful :D
Thanks Jade for your lessons, they are definitely and easy for follow-up
thank you very much for these useful ideas!!
Thank you very much. At the first time I used this wonderful English learning site.
thank you JADE
Great ! logical and underestandable.
Thank you so much
Tell me please, where can I found IELTS example tests?
Its a really very good site for learning english
thank you so much i really appreciate your effort .
thanks jade..lovely teacher.
Thank you
I got 90/100
hello jade i hope i can do better in IELTS Exam which is tomorrow,
I have got 100% ??
Jade, you`re the best english teacher ever ???
Thanks Jade!
Thank you!
I’d like to watch more videos about language exames.
I’ve got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you very much. It’s so helpful.
Thank you, I like this lesson :)
Thanks a lot!
thanks dear teacher.
Thanks Jade! I like your lessons and you are very nice! Have a good day!
Hi, I want to speak with someone for improving my language skills. If anyone want , please ask me for my skype. Looking forward from you
Great , Thank you =)
In any ambiguous situation – do some tug of war)
Not very satisfied with this English lesson, as the teacher swallowed some words, making it difficult to understand. Overall, that was a good lesson as I have added something to my store of English lessons. Thanks very kindly.
9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for the lesson. :)
Hi, I am John from Colombia and I speak Spanish. This lesson was very interesting, because to write essay is necessary to maintain the structure. So thank for this lesson.
Thank you Jade !
Thank you Jade. I saw your teaching videos on YouTube. I love the way you teaching and I like British accent very much.
Thank you Jade!
I really enjoy your classes and your British accent.
I’d like to ask you about paragraph
I have problem with it
Could you explain to me what kind in paragraph and give me the example
Thanks a lot !
According to your question, I really don’t think that I have to give my opinion in answer. It is only asked about advantages and disadvantages, not about the opinion. Please, correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
Yes, if they said then give your opinion else give a short summary of a corresponding paragraph.
Thanks Jade for a good lesson.
Wow, I had 60%. Oh well, I will try again to improve.
Hi Jade, instead of however we can show other side by “in constrast” and “but”; because if we are writing 3 pharagraph it seem like however word is repetated everytime.
i got 9/10 before watching the video
In my opinion your lesson is useful for us
Thank you jade
That was good. I think this will help me in my writing part. In my opinion, the hardest part of writing something is the structure of the sentence and the formal words because sometimes it is a little bit hard to recognize the formal words. By the way thanks for the lesson.
thank you for the lesson Jade, it has been very nice
Hi. I enjoyed this lesson very mush. Thank you
very basic,cannot work in all cases, I think
Hi Jade, I need a repetitive examples. Thanks a lot.
a helpful lesson, thank you dear
I loved the simple kind to organize ideas, great job Jade!
Thanks a lot
Great effort.