DO NOT trust people on the Internet… no matter how old, rich, beautiful, or kind they are! In this important video, I will tell you how to be careful on the Internet. Be very careful if you are going to meet someone to buy or sell something. NEVER give people your personal information address. Be safe on the web and in real life!
It’s very intresting lesson. Thank so much, Ronnie.
The risks on cyberspace are always permanent. You will never know for sure who is the guy that is on the other side, but above all their real intentions.
So, taking your chances is not a good piece of advice for those that surf the net constantly.
Thanks Ronnie for these useful safety tips for surfing on the Internet.
As usual, your excellent sense of humour makes a great difference in your video-lessons.
. . . for instance . . . anonymous is a permanent menace on the Interner since he always remains anonymous.
. . . for instance . . . anonymous is a permanent menace on the Interner since he always remains anonymous.
I agree. Thanks a lot, Ronnie for these useful safety internet tips given us by you.
really nice lesson…!! effective..
that true kate very interesting lesson.
you know Kate, you should be real careful, because you so beautiful)
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
tjena Kate
kan du halpa mig att lara svenska.
M kartal
great ,keep on and let me know if You need more practice
hello dear friend
i like english and may be we can help each the other
i’m waiting for your reply at my mail
100% :D ;) thanks a lot ronnie :)
5 correct out of 6
You are talking like my father i like it thank you ronnie
very useful as usual.
Would you please tell me when we use “will”
and when we use “be going to”. THANKS.
I bet you lied about your phone number ;)
Thanks teacher Ronnie! I enjoyed a lot the subject.
Useful information! In the last couple of years, I bought my cellphone from a Chinese guy on Kijiji. We met up at Tim Horton’s, nothing happened seriously!!!
I say, I was lucky because he was a nice guy!!! right?
Good morning. Many thanks. I would like to explain sniffing and smell.
Thank you for your interesting lesson, Ronnie :)
god bless all of you
Thanks Ronnie.
Hi kate nice to meet you, I would like to practice my english with you, are you available to talk?
El Shaka2006
hi my russian friend
6 correct out of 6. Very useful thanks :D
Mohamed Zyada
The Internet is nowadays a useful tool to do practically almost everything such as learning languages, making friends, buying things,listening to music,watching videos, and the like.
However, the risk on cyberspace is always permanent. You will never know for sure who is the guy that is on the other side, but above all their real intentions.
In short, taking your chances is not a good piece of advice for those that surf the net constantly.
Thanks Ronnie for these useful safety tips for surfing on the Internet.
As usual, your excellent sense of humour makes a great difference in your video-lessons.
You speak very efficient English, like those people who actually study the language.
Interesting lesson, hope this can help innocent people.
It is useful lesson , thanks a million Ronnie you are have nice character .
Is it necessary to scare people? Tell them to lock themselves inside their house, never walk down the street alone… This is not about Internet, it’s about life. We have to be responsable but confident at the same time.
agree with your comment
We must believe to people, but also we must and train to protect yourself.
Thank you Ronnie ، a lot of things I haven’t been known them until I watched this clip …. Please correct my grammar mistakes in this sentence .
Hi Salma , 1- “a lot of things” is correct but it is not formal, so we should write “many things”.
2-we use a comma after phrases of more than three words that begin a sentence, so the comma after “many things” is optional.
3-We should use the past perfect tense in this sentence “I hadn’t known”.
4-The word “them” is double; it is not necessary.
5-When we talk about the past we use “that” not “this”.
6-I prefer “saw” rather than “watched”.
I suggest to write “Many things, I hadn’t known until I saw that clip.” OR simply say
“Many things, I didn’t know until I saw that clip” Good luck with your English.
Well done man .
6-You cannot use “watched” with some words like movie, film, video, clip, etc. You should
use “saw”. You can see Ms. Ronnie’s video clip
about look, see, and watch on this website
( engvid ).
7-You can say ” grammar book” “grammar exam.”
grammar teacher” but with “mistakes” you should use an adjective which is “grammatical”.
8-You used ellipsis marks (…) for no reason; you didn’t omit any thing in order to use it.
Altogether you correction was so good، Atef
6/6 Ronnie sei fantastica :) :)
Emily 2014
Useful lesson,because all the things u said on video are absolutely true.
Thank you teacher Ronnie!
No matter how wonderful it may be human inventiveness, there will always be evil people ready to use such inventions for evil …
Great lesson
super! thanks Ronnie MacEnglish!
Helena Zu
Realy thank you Ronnie
Very important advice. Thanks teacher. By the way I’ve sent you a request on Facebook. kkkk
Eugenio Manowar
Great lesson, you speek well and articulates! Thankyou
Great class! And I’ve added you to my friend list on Facebook =D
Internet is so dangerous that i know someone that knows somebody that met himself and proposed a sex party of one, in his own bedroom…gees! dirty people
your lesson is very helpful but I need more, I mean I need deeper explanation of them(your lessons) thanks a lot anyway
this lesson is great, thanks a lot
İ am from AZERBAİJAN.These lessons are very interesting.İ like all teachers
happy 1403
Very will thanks
Wed harbi
Thanks Ronnie! Good lesson
Ronnie you are saying this idiom {you are in your head} what does it mean, please!
this is just great i really had no idea that the world is sooo scary like that!!! thanks a lot dear ronnie bless you
and i can’t believe you’ve just left your phone number over there hhhhhhh i love u ronnie so i added u on facebook
niveen samuoel
ronnie you are fantastic
happy 1403
Very important!!! Thanks Ronnie.
Dear ronny,
You are right. Thanks
Great lesson Ronnie, i’ve added fb. Thanks
Excellent lesson, I´m gonna always be safe on web ´cause I’m a suspicious person that’s why I have no friends
Excellent Ronnie, but i wondered to know if there’s a place or web site to talk with somebody in order to improbe my english?
Ronnie what means NAIVE? (I don´t know how writing it)but I´m referring the word you speak at 9:41.
1s search on google :
“Generally speaking, to be naive means you do not think enough. People who are “naive” tend to believe in whatever they are told, without questioning whether it is right or wrong. As for age, it can be anywhere from 1-100. Anyone who has not lived through and seen enough of this world is generally referred to as naive. “
Mehran Sky
I appreciated your help
Hey Grazisl13.
Naive = ingenue. Is the person who can be easily convinced.
Eugenio Manowar
Thank you so much
5/6.You are cute as usual Ronnie MacEnglish :D thank you for your warnings.
Interesting lesson.
Thanks Ronnie . It is perfect
That’s it Ronnie, I agree 100% with you. And about EngVid besides teaching English, EngVid transmits culture, habits and social relationship.
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you Teacher!
thanks ronnie you great woman >
can you gave me your last name ahahahahahah
Hi Ronnie and thank you for all your efforts for all nice and fantastic video. I’d like to save all test and do them for future when I watch all videos from you and your collegues, how can I save and use the tests as offline mode?
thank you
Very important advices, Ronnie! We must really be careful on the internet…Thank you for the tips!
Hello Jenilza You are right one has to be careful on the internet while interacting with the stranger.
Great lesson. I like making friends on the internet, it is the only way I can practice my English, but always have someone with bad intentions.
Sally S
Hi Ronnie, i would like to thank you for those wonderful advices.
umm, is this an English lesson or … ? :-?
Mehran Sky
What a delightful subject.I got 100.Thank teacher Ronnie.
Ronnie, You’re iconic. It’s a really challenge to use a safe internet.
Thank you for your care about using internet.
Thank you for your warning dear ronnie:)
Like your teaching a lot
You are a very good teacher Ronnie
HI Ms. Ronie thank you very much for providing vital information about using internet. As everything has two sides good or bad one has to be cautious while dealing with a strnager
thanks for the lesson
rashu 88
Thanks for these useful Lessons, it cheers me up the internet could be dangrous for our private life
Every things have tow sides and this viedo shows the Dark side of modern Tech
Wow, we’re naive.
Unfortunately, that could be true.
Thank you Ronnie for interesting lessons as always!
Thank you! I like your teaching.
Hi Ronnie
thanks for this very interesting lesson, I want to tell you: Kjiji means village in Swahili.
thanks again.
Hi Ronnie. thank you very much for your incredible lessons.I suppose it will help us in our life
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for useful lesson.
Hi Ronnie, I am new in this site. Would like to ask “When to use “IS” and/or “WAS” in the sentence. I’m a bit confused, even though I knew that “IS” is simple present and “WAS” is simple past. Looking forward to your answer. Thank you
Hi Roonie.
Can you tell me what does “taking up my mind” mean? I heard it in a song,thank you. :)
A One Direction fan, eh? :D
“Taking up my mind” isn’t really an expression, it’s just worded that way to fit the song. But there are a lot of similar English expressions — “occupying my thoughts”, “running through my head”, etc., that mean the same thing: you can’t stop thinking about something. In this case, a person’s lies.
engVid Moderator
Yeah,i’m a directioner :D
OK,thank you so much:)
yeah! 6 correct out of 6, this lesson is very useful, thank you so much. :)
Thanks got 67%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Ronnie.
I have some questions:
1) Which country did that crime the man killed the owner of the truck take place ?
2) Does EngVid have mobile app?
3) Do you teach in private classes ?
See you !
I liked when you spoke in Japanese. That was funny. xD
Thanks for the lesson. :D
Thank you so much Ronnir, I’m new user here!
Hi Ronnie I like your class you are very funny. My english is very poor however, only I’m studying basic level, but with you I go learning very well. Thank you very much Ronnie congratulations.
Don’t be too hard on your English skills — I understood your comment just fine, and your spelling is perfect! Thanks for watching, and keep it up :)
engVid Moderator
thank you Ronnie…it is very useful.
Jailson Toledo
thank you for teaching us!..:)
jhoy gonzales
Thank you so much. The way you talk so fun and it makes me easy to understand.
Once again a very interesting and useful lesson …. English is so fun with you, Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie .
Hi Ronnie,
I am new here and I want to improve my english and especially my speaking.Can you help me please.
Hi Ronnie,
This information is very helpful and your explanation is good.
thank you
Simply great
Thank you Ronnie! I like this lesson)) But you said your false number too fast, I didn’t get it))
Very Interesting lesson indeed got 100% tks for the useful lesson.
thanks .
I realize so far that giving personal info even my last name could be dangerous. But I wonder it is also not save to sign up some website with my real name?
you’re BEST
thanks ma’am
I would like to say about you no words are enough to praise you and you are rule of the roots. Ronnie is a good fun..
this lesson is unforgettable………………
Hi Ronnie
I live in Minsk, Belarus. Once I met a guy from Korea on the Internet. He said he’d come to Minsk to study Russian. So when he was in Minsk, we met in real life. We spoke English because his Russian was poor, and I do not speak Korean. I went to meet him alone. He was a nice guy. We went to bar, I bought pizza. We also went shopping, and I translated him when he wanted to talk to shop-assistant.
You see, I was lucky. Yet I agree with you, it is better to be careful and to take your friends with you when you meet someone.
Do you mean we can not trust in people??? I´m with yankhonskiy… There are some nice people in the world. I know we can not be naive and stupid but I still believe we can make friends on internet!
I think the internet it is like the weapon . Pepole can used in useful way , but if it was with bad people they will used for hurt the other or on many bad ways .
So always we have to be carful when we contact anyone by any way on the internet .
Thank you miss Ronnie for talk in this topic . I enjoy with this lesson so much :)
That’s very apt!
engVid Moderator
Thank you Ronnie for your advice. It’s very helpful.
It’s a very useful real lesson
thank you
thank you Ronnie
I love the last question! ahaha
Which question, hey little girl?
thank you Ronnie
We must really be careful on the internet
thank u ronnie for great lesson
thanks ronnie
muhammed megahed
Interesting lesson thanks
happy to hear that you are on fb ronnie macenglish, i thought u might use twitter also but its enough for me
and thanks for another good and very important lesson
from you ronnie
very useful! thanks ronnie
Hola Ronnie!!Muy bien esta lección,ahora mismo voy a comprar un teléfono por internet,¡es broma!
Hi, everyone! Please, what’s the difference between safety and security?
Ronnie, I watched most of your lessons. Everything was great. Keep going. Especially lessons about slang.
This is a very important message.
thank you so much Ronnie . that was great
100% ;)
6/6 Great test. Rome can not make one day, But make long time. Very very thank Ronnie.
This is question very important, i have two boys that surfing the internet with his friends and warning them about this situarion.
hi Ronnie,
Thank for your lesson.It’s really cool :)
I got 10. Thanks, Ronnie. It’s so kind of you to remind us these truth.
Thanks Miss Ronnie, great lesson :).
Good Job , big thanks
hhhhhh, that was funny scary useful lesson..Thanx Ronnie
I didn’t know your name on Facebook was'”Ronnie MacEnglish”I exclaimed to Ronnie.
doris ayorinde
Ronnie thank you for this amazing lesson you are english queen
berah oussama
More one class fantastic. Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie
Celso Rialli
Wow! It’ interesting lesson, I’m enjoyable. The quiz is funny such as Ronnie Mcdonald. Thanks
I love your lessons, Ronnie. You’re the teacher I’ve never had in Brazil. Eng.vid is making such a difference in my studies (and in my life!).
I agree with teacher Ronnie the view point about internet safe.
thanks teacher Ronnie,I haven’t know that before Thanks a lot.
Ronnie the best ! I’d like like your lessons. Useful interesting and funny.
Thank you very much
Ronnie, I’ve found this site 2 days before but I’m already your fan :))
100% ^_^ thank you teacher Ronnie
This lesson so important for lady thank you a lot!! And I already follow you in Facebook hahaha
Thanks Ronnie
I like yours lessons
it was an usful lesson and I obtain a lot of ideas about internet security
But I want to tell you about your lessone which’s about “SEX” it was an awful lesson because that thing is not allowed in our religion so please respect my concept…and by the way there’s no need to explain something like that
you had taught us those words…and how to nail and fuck and masturbate I cross my heart It was really awful and I hated it .
Ronnie was so fantastic
6 out of 6 :) Thank you Ronnie!!
very important lesson because their are a lot of dangerous might happen from people we know him from the internet
thanks ronnie i got the full mark
amroo 046
Ronnie was soooooooo fantastic, cool.
Great video thank you
Ok. I miss the last one.
Nice to see you in here. on internet teacher Ronnie. :)
Noi namviset
Very true Ronnie, There are a lot of people that cheat others by internet, I’ve heard a few story about Men who try to make women to fall in love for the purpose of get something from her, for example money. Internet is a good place to meet people but it’s very dangerous, everybody should have their precautions. Rewards Ronnie, Nice class. Regards, Thank you.
im from albania and i watched you every day. you are an excellent teacher. thanks Ronnie :-)
thnx ronnimacenglish….. :P
Masud Rahman
hey ronnie you are good teacher and i like you more more every day and every time i show you lesson in internet thank you
Oh, Ronnie, I’m new here but I just adore your lessons ;) You’re so funny and I have so much fun from watching your videos! Every single time! :)
thank you Ronnie
i like it..every time i watch the video, i kept laughing cause its funny…and its also very interesting…. thanks Ronnie i learned a lot….
Thank you, RONNIE! :)
It’ interesting lesson.Thank you, Ronnie !
Thank you, RONNIE
hozan heini
Ronnie, I am concerned about the girls who are from Japan. Enjoying Canadian life, but they are extremely naïve and careless in Canada.
100%. Thanks teacher.
Thank you Ronnie ..
You ARe a good teacher
i think you are a little bit over protected . for me i am expatriate and i keep shifting , plus there is no directory where i live
Note: if you find me on Facebook i will give u 100 $ if u know how to spell my last name :)
Thank you Ronnie. The lesson was interesting and also useful! :)
Thank you Ronnie. It’s be funny, intresting and very cognitive.
you are an interesting teacher ive ever known. learning english is so easy with you
Not only be careful in the virtual… But still, I think internet is a way to meet new people, and it’s cool.
Thank you Ronnie!
You’re the best!
thank you very much mam..yours session always great..
girls this ad for you! please stop to g… yourself . that is better to call me! my number 1220748494303
let´s go, very good classe, ronnie is verry nices
very helpfull tips Ronnie
ann ann
How Health
Your words are true but not all people are bad Yes, there are people taking advantage of good people, but life has taught us that we know a bad person and good person. That during my follow up to your programs sent a request to learn the language of English versus Teaching Arabic to be a common interest and found that there are bad people trying to lure to come to his country and take advantage of the conditions experienced by my country and found people who are good neighbors, such as an officer retired US gave me the addresses of sites to learn the English language, including your site beautiful. I am thankful to him
Intersting tips
Thank u so much
I didn’t know about these rules two years ago. I broke all of them in speaking to a stranger on skype…and I’m happily married now
rooni please make a video on clause and kinds of sentences
Ronie speaks as information technological spesialist.
Tips like this really open my mind about how dangerous the internet could be.
Thanks so much Ronnie!
Ronnie is very cheerful
thank you very much ronnie.
hi guys, 3 days ago i find this site on the internet and today i sing up. i want speack english good. i hope i can
Hi Ms Ronnie,
How are you ? I hope you are allright
Many thanks for you for this tips It’s realy important and I hope all of us make it
thanks alot
THANK u Ronnie for advice but she life .
ronnie you make me laugh,your lessons re fan.
Ronnie, my name is Jacques and I’m from Santa Catarina, a state that is in southern Brazil. I’ve been in Canada, in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, beautiful places! You are fantastic in your video lessons and explanations, I loved your way and I’m studying every day. Congratulations.
Hi Ronnie
How about if I want to rent a place?
Is it ok in culture of Canada having a boy roommate?
My purpose is decrease the cost of leaving with share a place !
Sahra HP
I love the way you teach Ronnie.
Nice!! Thank you, Ronnie!
Dani Mereles
Hi Ronnie
Very good teaching!!
Hi! Ronnie, somebody recommended “Engvid”, and let me tell You I love your videos, are very useful and are a great tool for us.
sorry :( I nkow I have many mistakes but its dificult to me, to learn english.
thanks ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie i’ve 100%, it was useful ;) you’re the best.. Hhhh come in Morocco to meet’re welcome.
Thank you, this is a very important information, I love your social sensitive Ronnie. You are the best.
Marta Lopez
Hello everyone.
Following the example of being killed and the rapists, I think that the example of meeting someone gay … (maybe, probably I’m wrong) but I think it can ‘easily’ be misinterpreted. It seems quite homophobic from my point of view.
On the other hand, thank you for all your efforts, all lessons are reaaallly useful!!!
Ivan David
Thank you Ronnie, I’ve just sent you my facebook friendship request as Eric M. KAMBA. I really hope to exchange more about English lessons. Have a nice day !
thank you Ronnie, love you teacher, do you want to meet me?
in Vietnam. just kidding. love y so much. great teacher.
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
nice information ronnie MAM
hai ronnie :D
Hi Ronnie
I love your lessons! Make more!?
Nice lesson! thanks roonie……………
It’s better to avoid friendship on internet which is not 100% safe
HELLO! Ronnie I like your teaching very much I’m not good at English,but I understand when I study with you.this is the first comment on my.THANK YOU.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
M kartal
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
Your the best ronnie
6/6! Great! These tips are so useful for everyone! Thanks, Ronnie! Internet is not safety!
Jerry Gu
6/6! Great! These tips are so useful for everyone! Thanks, Ronnie! Internet is not safety!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Very interesting lesson.
It’s very intresting lesson. Thank so much, Ronnie.
The risks on cyberspace are always permanent. You will never know for sure who is the guy that is on the other side, but above all their real intentions.
So, taking your chances is not a good piece of advice for those that surf the net constantly.
Thanks Ronnie for these useful safety tips for surfing on the Internet.
As usual, your excellent sense of humour makes a great difference in your video-lessons.
. . . for instance . . . anonymous is a permanent menace on the Interner since he always remains anonymous.
. . . for instance . . . anonymous is a permanent menace on the Interner since he always remains anonymous.
I agree. Thanks a lot, Ronnie for these useful safety internet tips given us by you.
really nice lesson…!! effective..
that true kate very interesting lesson.
you know Kate, you should be real careful, because you so beautiful)
tjena Kate
kan du halpa mig att lara svenska.
great ,keep on and let me know if You need more practice
hello dear friend
i like english and may be we can help each the other
i’m waiting for your reply at my mail
100% :D ;) thanks a lot ronnie :)
5 correct out of 6
You are talking like my father i like it thank you ronnie
very useful as usual.
Would you please tell me when we use “will”
and when we use “be going to”. THANKS.
I bet you lied about your phone number ;)
Thanks teacher Ronnie! I enjoyed a lot the subject.
Useful information! In the last couple of years, I bought my cellphone from a Chinese guy on Kijiji. We met up at Tim Horton’s, nothing happened seriously!!!
I say, I was lucky because he was a nice guy!!! right?
Good morning. Many thanks. I would like to explain sniffing and smell.
Thank you for your interesting lesson, Ronnie :)
god bless all of you
Thanks Ronnie.
Hi kate nice to meet you, I would like to practice my english with you, are you available to talk?
hi my russian friend
6 correct out of 6. Very useful thanks :D
The Internet is nowadays a useful tool to do practically almost everything such as learning languages, making friends, buying things,listening to music,watching videos, and the like.
However, the risk on cyberspace is always permanent. You will never know for sure who is the guy that is on the other side, but above all their real intentions.
In short, taking your chances is not a good piece of advice for those that surf the net constantly.
Thanks Ronnie for these useful safety tips for surfing on the Internet.
As usual, your excellent sense of humour makes a great difference in your video-lessons.
You speak very efficient English, like those people who actually study the language.
Interesting lesson, hope this can help innocent people.
It is useful lesson , thanks a million Ronnie you are have nice character .
Is it necessary to scare people? Tell them to lock themselves inside their house, never walk down the street alone… This is not about Internet, it’s about life. We have to be responsable but confident at the same time.
agree with your comment
We must believe to people, but also we must and train to protect yourself.
Thank you Ronnie ، a lot of things I haven’t been known them until I watched this clip …. Please correct my grammar mistakes in this sentence .
Hi Salma , 1- “a lot of things” is correct but it is not formal, so we should write “many things”.
2-we use a comma after phrases of more than three words that begin a sentence, so the comma after “many things” is optional.
3-We should use the past perfect tense in this sentence “I hadn’t known”.
4-The word “them” is double; it is not necessary.
5-When we talk about the past we use “that” not “this”.
6-I prefer “saw” rather than “watched”.
I suggest to write “Many things, I hadn’t known until I saw that clip.” OR simply say
“Many things, I didn’t know until I saw that clip” Good luck with your English.
Well done man .
6-You cannot use “watched” with some words like movie, film, video, clip, etc. You should
use “saw”. You can see Ms. Ronnie’s video clip
about look, see, and watch on this website
( engvid ).
7-You can say ” grammar book” “grammar exam.”
grammar teacher” but with “mistakes” you should use an adjective which is “grammatical”.
8-You used ellipsis marks (…) for no reason; you didn’t omit any thing in order to use it.
Altogether you correction was so good، Atef
6/6 Ronnie sei fantastica :) :)
Useful lesson,because all the things u said on video are absolutely true.
Thank you teacher Ronnie!
No matter how wonderful it may be human inventiveness, there will always be evil people ready to use such inventions for evil …
Great lesson
super! thanks Ronnie MacEnglish!
Realy thank you Ronnie
Very important advice. Thanks teacher. By the way I’ve sent you a request on Facebook. kkkk
Great lesson, you speek well and articulates! Thankyou
Great class! And I’ve added you to my friend list on Facebook =D
Internet is so dangerous that i know someone that knows somebody that met himself and proposed a sex party of one, in his own bedroom…gees! dirty people
your lesson is very helpful but I need more, I mean I need deeper explanation of them(your lessons) thanks a lot anyway
this lesson is great, thanks a lot
İ am from AZERBAİJAN.These lessons are very interesting.İ like all teachers
Very will thanks
Thanks Ronnie! Good lesson
Ronnie you are saying this idiom {you are in your head} what does it mean, please!
this is just great i really had no idea that the world is sooo scary like that!!! thanks a lot dear ronnie bless you
and i can’t believe you’ve just left your phone number over there hhhhhhh i love u ronnie so i added u on facebook
ronnie you are fantastic
Very important!!! Thanks Ronnie.
Dear ronny,
You are right. Thanks
Great lesson Ronnie, i’ve added fb. Thanks
Excellent lesson, I´m gonna always be safe on web ´cause I’m a suspicious person that’s why I have no friends
Excellent Ronnie, but i wondered to know if there’s a place or web site to talk with somebody in order to improbe my english?
Ronnie what means NAIVE? (I don´t know how writing it)but I´m referring the word you speak at 9:41.
1s search on google :
“Generally speaking, to be naive means you do not think enough. People who are “naive” tend to believe in whatever they are told, without questioning whether it is right or wrong. As for age, it can be anywhere from 1-100. Anyone who has not lived through and seen enough of this world is generally referred to as naive. “
I appreciated your help
Hey Grazisl13.
Naive = ingenue. Is the person who can be easily convinced.
Thank you so much
5/6.You are cute as usual Ronnie MacEnglish :D thank you for your warnings.
Interesting lesson.
Thanks Ronnie . It is perfect
That’s it Ronnie, I agree 100% with you. And about EngVid besides teaching English, EngVid transmits culture, habits and social relationship.
Thank you Teacher!
thanks ronnie you great woman >
can you gave me your last name ahahahahahah
Hi Ronnie and thank you for all your efforts for all nice and fantastic video. I’d like to save all test and do them for future when I watch all videos from you and your collegues, how can I save and use the tests as offline mode?
thank you
Very important advices, Ronnie! We must really be careful on the internet…Thank you for the tips!
Hello Jenilza You are right one has to be careful on the internet while interacting with the stranger.
Great lesson. I like making friends on the internet, it is the only way I can practice my English, but always have someone with bad intentions.
Hi Ronnie, i would like to thank you for those wonderful advices.
umm, is this an English lesson or … ? :-?
What a delightful subject.I got 100.Thank teacher Ronnie.
Ronnie, You’re iconic. It’s a really challenge to use a safe internet.
Thank you for your care about using internet.
Thank you for your warning dear ronnie:)
Like your teaching a lot
You are a very good teacher Ronnie
HI Ms. Ronie thank you very much for providing vital information about using internet. As everything has two sides good or bad one has to be cautious while dealing with a strnager
thanks for the lesson
Thanks for these useful Lessons, it cheers me up the internet could be dangrous for our private life
Every things have tow sides and this viedo shows the Dark side of modern Tech
Wow, we’re naive.
Unfortunately, that could be true.
Thank you Ronnie for interesting lessons as always!
Thank you! I like your teaching.
Hi Ronnie
thanks for this very interesting lesson, I want to tell you: Kjiji means village in Swahili.
thanks again.
Hi Ronnie. thank you very much for your incredible lessons.I suppose it will help us in our life
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for useful lesson.
Hi Ronnie, I am new in this site. Would like to ask “When to use “IS” and/or “WAS” in the sentence. I’m a bit confused, even though I knew that “IS” is simple present and “WAS” is simple past. Looking forward to your answer. Thank you
Hi Roonie.
Can you tell me what does “taking up my mind” mean? I heard it in a song,thank you. :)
A One Direction fan, eh? :D
“Taking up my mind” isn’t really an expression, it’s just worded that way to fit the song. But there are a lot of similar English expressions — “occupying my thoughts”, “running through my head”, etc., that mean the same thing: you can’t stop thinking about something. In this case, a person’s lies.
Yeah,i’m a directioner :D
OK,thank you so much:)
yeah! 6 correct out of 6, this lesson is very useful, thank you so much. :)
Thanks got 67%.
Hi Ronnie.
I have some questions:
1) Which country did that crime the man killed the owner of the truck take place ?
2) Does EngVid have mobile app?
3) Do you teach in private classes ?
See you !
I liked when you spoke in Japanese. That was funny. xD
Thanks for the lesson. :D
Thank you so much Ronnir, I’m new user here!
Hi Ronnie I like your class you are very funny. My english is very poor however, only I’m studying basic level, but with you I go learning very well. Thank you very much Ronnie congratulations.
Don’t be too hard on your English skills — I understood your comment just fine, and your spelling is perfect! Thanks for watching, and keep it up :)
thank you Ronnie…it is very useful.
thank you for teaching us!..:)
Thank you so much. The way you talk so fun and it makes me easy to understand.
Once again a very interesting and useful lesson …. English is so fun with you, Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie .
Hi Ronnie,
I am new here and I want to improve my english and especially my speaking.Can you help me please.
Hi Ronnie,
This information is very helpful and your explanation is good.
thank you
Simply great
Thank you Ronnie! I like this lesson)) But you said your false number too fast, I didn’t get it))
Very Interesting lesson indeed got 100% tks for the useful lesson.
thanks .
I realize so far that giving personal info even my last name could be dangerous. But I wonder it is also not save to sign up some website with my real name?
you’re BEST
thanks ma’am
I would like to say about you no words are enough to praise you and you are rule of the roots. Ronnie is a good fun..
this lesson is unforgettable………………
Hi Ronnie
I live in Minsk, Belarus. Once I met a guy from Korea on the Internet. He said he’d come to Minsk to study Russian. So when he was in Minsk, we met in real life. We spoke English because his Russian was poor, and I do not speak Korean. I went to meet him alone. He was a nice guy. We went to bar, I bought pizza. We also went shopping, and I translated him when he wanted to talk to shop-assistant.
You see, I was lucky. Yet I agree with you, it is better to be careful and to take your friends with you when you meet someone.
Do you mean we can not trust in people??? I´m with yankhonskiy… There are some nice people in the world. I know we can not be naive and stupid but I still believe we can make friends on internet!
I think the internet it is like the weapon . Pepole can used in useful way , but if it was with bad people they will used for hurt the other or on many bad ways .
So always we have to be carful when we contact anyone by any way on the internet .
Thank you miss Ronnie for talk in this topic . I enjoy with this lesson so much :)
That’s very apt!
Thank you Ronnie for your advice. It’s very helpful.
It’s a very useful real lesson
thank you
thank you Ronnie
I love the last question! ahaha
Which question, hey little girl?
thank you Ronnie
We must really be careful on the internet
thank u ronnie for great lesson
thanks ronnie
Interesting lesson thanks
happy to hear that you are on fb ronnie macenglish, i thought u might use twitter also but its enough for me
and thanks for another good and very important lesson
from you ronnie
very useful! thanks ronnie
Hola Ronnie!!Muy bien esta lección,ahora mismo voy a comprar un teléfono por internet,¡es broma!
Hi, everyone! Please, what’s the difference between safety and security?
Ronnie, I watched most of your lessons. Everything was great. Keep going. Especially lessons about slang.
This is a very important message.
thank you so much Ronnie . that was great
100% ;)
6/6 Great test. Rome can not make one day, But make long time. Very very thank Ronnie.
This is question very important, i have two boys that surfing the internet with his friends and warning them about this situarion.
hi Ronnie,
Thank for your lesson.It’s really cool :)
I got 10. Thanks, Ronnie. It’s so kind of you to remind us these truth.
Thanks Miss Ronnie, great lesson :).
Good Job , big thanks
hhhhhh, that was funny scary useful lesson..Thanx Ronnie
I didn’t know your name on Facebook was'”Ronnie MacEnglish”I exclaimed to Ronnie.
Ronnie thank you for this amazing lesson you are english queen
More one class fantastic. Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie
Wow! It’ interesting lesson, I’m enjoyable. The quiz is funny such as Ronnie Mcdonald. Thanks
I love your lessons, Ronnie. You’re the teacher I’ve never had in Brazil. Eng.vid is making such a difference in my studies (and in my life!).
I agree with teacher Ronnie the view point about internet safe.
thanks teacher Ronnie,I haven’t know that before Thanks a lot.
Nice tips teacher.
Thank you
this is so interestng
This is a safe website to learn English and you can meet your teacher and talk to her or him.
Ronnie the best ! I’d like like your lessons. Useful interesting and funny.
Thank you very much
Ronnie, I’ve found this site 2 days before but I’m already your fan :))
100% ^_^ thank you teacher Ronnie
This lesson so important for lady thank you a lot!! And I already follow you in Facebook hahaha
Thanks Ronnie
I like yours lessons
it was an usful lesson and I obtain a lot of ideas about internet security
But I want to tell you about your lessone which’s about “SEX” it was an awful lesson because that thing is not allowed in our religion so please respect my concept…and by the way there’s no need to explain something like that
you had taught us those words…and how to nail and fuck and masturbate I cross my heart It was really awful and I hated it .
Ronnie was so fantastic
6 out of 6 :) Thank you Ronnie!!
very important lesson because their are a lot of dangerous might happen from people we know him from the internet
thanks ronnie i got the full mark
Ronnie was soooooooo fantastic, cool.
Great video thank you
Ok. I miss the last one.
Nice to see you in here. on internet teacher Ronnie. :)
Very true Ronnie, There are a lot of people that cheat others by internet, I’ve heard a few story about Men who try to make women to fall in love for the purpose of get something from her, for example money. Internet is a good place to meet people but it’s very dangerous, everybody should have their precautions. Rewards Ronnie, Nice class. Regards, Thank you.
im from albania and i watched you every day. you are an excellent teacher. thanks Ronnie :-)
thnx ronnimacenglish….. :P
hey ronnie you are good teacher and i like you more more every day and every time i show you lesson in internet thank you
Oh, Ronnie, I’m new here but I just adore your lessons ;) You’re so funny and I have so much fun from watching your videos! Every single time! :)
thank you Ronnie
i like it..every time i watch the video, i kept laughing cause its funny…and its also very interesting…. thanks Ronnie i learned a lot….
Thank you, RONNIE! :)
It’ interesting lesson.Thank you, Ronnie !
Thank you, RONNIE
Ronnie, I am concerned about the girls who are from Japan. Enjoying Canadian life, but they are extremely naïve and careless in Canada.
100%. Thanks teacher.
Thank you Ronnie ..
You ARe a good teacher
i think you are a little bit over protected . for me i am expatriate and i keep shifting , plus there is no directory where i live
Note: if you find me on Facebook i will give u 100 $ if u know how to spell my last name :)
Thank you Ronnie. The lesson was interesting and also useful! :)
Thank you Ronnie. It’s be funny, intresting and very cognitive.
you are an interesting teacher ive ever known. learning english is so easy with you
Not only be careful in the virtual… But still, I think internet is a way to meet new people, and it’s cool.
Thank you Ronnie!
You’re the best!
thank you very much mam..yours session always great..
girls this ad for you! please stop to g… yourself . that is better to call me! my number 1220748494303
let´s go, very good classe, ronnie is verry nices
very helpfull tips Ronnie
How Health
Your words are true but not all people are bad Yes, there are people taking advantage of good people, but life has taught us that we know a bad person and good person. That during my follow up to your programs sent a request to learn the language of English versus Teaching Arabic to be a common interest and found that there are bad people trying to lure to come to his country and take advantage of the conditions experienced by my country and found people who are good neighbors, such as an officer retired US gave me the addresses of sites to learn the English language, including your site beautiful. I am thankful to him
Intersting tips
Thank u so much
I didn’t know about these rules two years ago. I broke all of them in speaking to a stranger on skype…and I’m happily married now
rooni please make a video on clause and kinds of sentences
Ronie speaks as information technological spesialist.
Tips like this really open my mind about how dangerous the internet could be.
Thanks so much Ronnie!
Ronnie is very cheerful
thank you very much ronnie.
hi guys, 3 days ago i find this site on the internet and today i sing up. i want speack english good. i hope i can
Hi Ms Ronnie,
How are you ? I hope you are allright
Many thanks for you for this tips It’s realy important and I hope all of us make it
thanks alot
THANK u Ronnie for advice but she life .
ronnie you make me laugh,your lessons re fan.
Ronnie, my name is Jacques and I’m from Santa Catarina, a state that is in southern Brazil. I’ve been in Canada, in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, beautiful places! You are fantastic in your video lessons and explanations, I loved your way and I’m studying every day. Congratulations.
Hi Ronnie
How about if I want to rent a place?
Is it ok in culture of Canada having a boy roommate?
My purpose is decrease the cost of leaving with share a place !
I love the way you teach Ronnie.
Nice!! Thank you, Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie
Very good teaching!!
Hi! Ronnie, somebody recommended “Engvid”, and let me tell You I love your videos, are very useful and are a great tool for us.
sorry :( I nkow I have many mistakes but its dificult to me, to learn english.
thanks ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie i’ve 100%, it was useful ;) you’re the best.. Hhhh come in Morocco to meet’re welcome.
Thank you, this is a very important information, I love your social sensitive Ronnie. You are the best.
Hello everyone.
Following the example of being killed and the rapists, I think that the example of meeting someone gay … (maybe, probably I’m wrong) but I think it can ‘easily’ be misinterpreted. It seems quite homophobic from my point of view.
On the other hand, thank you for all your efforts, all lessons are reaaallly useful!!!
Thank you Ronnie, I’ve just sent you my facebook friendship request as Eric M. KAMBA. I really hope to exchange more about English lessons. Have a nice day !
thank you Ronnie, love you teacher, do you want to meet me?
in Vietnam. just kidding. love y so much. great teacher.
Thank you, Ronnie!!!
nice information ronnie MAM
hai ronnie :D
Hi Ronnie
I love your lessons! Make more!?
Nice lesson! thanks roonie……………
It’s better to avoid friendship on internet which is not 100% safe
HELLO! Ronnie I like your teaching very much I’m not good at English,but I understand when I study with you.this is the first comment on my.THANK YOU.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
Your the best ronnie
6/6! Great! These tips are so useful for everyone! Thanks, Ronnie! Internet is not safety!
6/6! Great! These tips are so useful for everyone! Thanks, Ronnie! Internet is not safety!